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  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 2nd week collection

    1. s41467-024-52272-y Imaging magnetic transition of magnetite to megabar pressures using quantum sensors in diamond anvil cell (Nature Communications)

    2. s41567-024-02699-3 Publisher Correction: Propagation of insulator-to-metal transition driven by photoinduced strain waves in a Mott material (Nature Physics)

    3. s41567-024-02664-0 Emergent universal quench dynamics in randomly interacting spin models (Nature Physics)

    4. s41567-024-02668-w Origin of the chiral charge density wave in transition-metal dichalcogenide (Nature Physics)

    5. s42005-024-01834-z Quantum bit with telecom wave-length emission from a simple defect in Si (Communications Physics)

    6. s42005-024-01829-w Harnessing synergy of spin and orbital currents in heavy metal/ferromagnet multilayers (Communications Physics)

    7. s41467-024-53051-5 Snapshotting quantum dynamics at multiple time points (Nature Communications)

    8. s42005-024-01832-1 Physics informed data-driven near-wall modelling for lattice Boltzmann simulation of high Reynolds number turbulent flows (Communications Physics)

    9. PhysRevLett.133.163401 Three-Dimensional Moire Crystal in Ultracold Atomic Gases (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.133.166701 General Stacking Theory for Altermagnetism in Bilayer Systems (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.133.166703 Long-Lived Magnetization in an Atomic Spin Chain Tuned to a Diabolic Point (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.168001 Rift Gaps in Chemical-Wave Network Systems (PRL)

    13. PhysRevX.14.041012 Observing Quantum Measurement Collapse as a Learnability Phase Transition (PRX)

    14. PhysRevX.14.041013 Coherent Coupling of a Diamond Tin-Vacancy Center to a Tunable Open Microcavity (PRX)

    15. PhysRevResearch.6.043034 Noise-adapted recovery circuits for quantum error correction (PRR)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.043037 Ultrafast spectroscopy of coherent phonons across the pressure driven insulator to metal phase transition in V2O3 (PRR)

    17. PhysRevResearch.6.L042013 Asymmetrical temporal dynamics of edge modes in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattice with Kerr nonlinearity (PRR)

    18. PhysRevResearch.6.L042014 Accurate optimal quantum error correction thresholds from coherent information (PRR)

    19. PhysRevResearch.6.L042015 Two-dimensional electronic conductivity in insulating ferroelectrics: Peculiar properties of domain walls (PRR)

    20. 2410.10949v1 Fractionalized Altermagnets: from neighboring and altermagnetic spin-liquids to fractionalized spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    21. 2410.10957v1 Coherent control of photoconductivity in graphene nanoribbons (arXiv)

    22. 2410.10959v1 Topological anomalous Floquet photon pump (arXiv)

    23. 2410.10961v1 High spatial resolution charge sensing of quantum Hall states (arXiv)

    24. 2410.11083v1 Review of honeycomb-based Kitaev materials with zigzag magnetic ordering (arXiv)

    25. 2410.11257v1 Pole and zero edge state invariant for 1D non-Hermitian sublattice symmetry (arXiv)

    26. 2410.11258v1 Doping-induced evolution of the intrinsic hump and dip energies dependent on the sample fabrication conditions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+\delta (arXiv)

    27. 2410.11280v1 Magnon-Driven Magnetothermal Transport in Magnetic Multilayers (arXiv)

    28. 2410.11326v1 Evolution and Instability of Bogoliubov Fermi Surfaces under Zeeman Field (arXiv)

    29. 2410.11427v1 Colloquium: Quantum Properties and Functionalities of Magnetic Skyrmions (arXiv)

    30. 2410.11556v1 Study of delamination in REBCO coated conductor by transmission electron microscopy (arXiv)

    31. 2410.11595v1 Remarks on the Study of Electronic Properties and Photoionization Process in Rotating 2D Quantum Rings (arXiv)

    32. 2410.11609v1 Wigner-Yanase skew information, quantum entanglement and spin nematic quantum phase transitions in biquadratic spin-1 and spin-2 XY chains with single-ion anisotropies (arXiv)

    33. 2410.11626v1 Quantum Band Structure and Topology in One Dimensional Modulated Plasmonic Crystal (arXiv)

    34. 2410.11636v1 Tunable topological transitions in the frustrated magnet HoAgGe (arXiv)

    35. 2410.11645v1 The charge gap is greater than the neutral gap in fractional quantum Hall systems (arXiv)

    36. 2410.11653v1 Valley-spin polarization at zero magnetic field induced by strong hole-hole interactions in monolayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    37. 2410.11721v1 Supercurrent Multiplexing with Solid-State Integrated Hybrid Superconducting Electronics (arXiv)

    38. 2410.11734v1 Anomalously Enhanced Diffusivity of Moire Excitons via Manipulating the Interplay with Correlated Electrons (arXiv)

    39. 2410.09353v1 Observable Measurement-Induced Transitions (arXiv)

    40. 2410.10971v1 Universal Characterization of Quantum Many-Body States through Local Information (arXiv)

    41. 2410.11034v1 Lattice Chern-Simons-Maxwell Theory and its Chirality (arXiv)

    42. 2410.11158v1 Bosonic Entanglement and Quantum Sensing from Energy Transfer in two-tone Floquet Systems (arXiv)

    43. 2410.11314v1 Genuine multipartite entanglement from many-electron systems (arXiv)

    44. 2410.11413v1 Truncation-Free Quantum Simulation of Pure-Gauge Compact QED Using Josephson Arrays (arXiv)

    45. 2410.11487v1 Quantum Corrections to Holographic Strange Metal at Low Temperature (arXiv)

    46. 2410.11602v1 Preparing topological states with finite depth simultaneous commuting gates (arXiv)

    47. 2410.11822v1 Entanglement Oscillations from Many-Body Quantum Scars (arXiv)

    48. PhysRevA.110.043312 Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body scar states (PRA)

    49. 2410.09145v1 The Ultra-critical Floquet Non-Fermi Liquid (arXiv)

    50. 2410.09148v1 Unconventional superconductivity mediated by exciton density wave fluctuations (arXiv)

    51. 2410.09167v1 Compass-model physics on the hyperhoneycomb lattice in the extreme spin-orbit regime (arXiv)

    52. 2410.09171v1 Selective synthesis and crystal chemistry of candidate rare earth Kitaev materials: honeycomb and hyperhoneycomb Na2PrO3 (arXiv)

    53. 2410.09197v1 Expression with self-consistent magnetic units for calculation of critical current density using the Bean’s Model (arXiv)

    54. 2410.09354v1 Topological magnonic properties of an antiferromagnetic chain (arXiv)

    55. 2410.09498v1 Self-consistent pressure-dependent on-site Coulomb correction for zero-temperature equations of state of f-electron metals (arXiv)

    56. 2410.09581v1 Optical Orientation of Mn2+ Spins in Bulk (Zn, Mn)Se Induced by Magnetic Field (arXiv)

    57. 2410.09677v1 Phonon-Mediated Nonlinear Optical Responses and Quantum Geometry (arXiv)

    58. 2410.09793v1 Energy Bands of Incommensurate Systems (arXiv)

    59. 2410.09849v1 Non-linear Hall resistivity in overdoped Pr1.82Ce0.18CuO4 + \delta electron-doped cuprate (arXiv)

    60. 2410.09851v1 Tunable Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion Dynamics in Co/Pt Nanocontacts for Spintronic Applications (arXiv)

    61. 2410.09889v1 Topological phases in twisted Rashba superconductors (arXiv)

    62. 2410.09903v1 Charge density wave solutions of the Hubbard model in the composite operator formalism (arXiv)

    63. 2410.10019v1 Towards an ab initio theory of high-temperature superconductors: a study of multilayer cuprates (arXiv)

    64. 2410.10038v1 Quantum-criticality and superconductivity in twisted transition metal di-chalcogenides (arXiv)

    65. 2410.10090v1 Sudden change in entanglement Hamiltonian: Phase diagram of an Ising entanglement Hamiltonian (arXiv)

    66. 2410.10173v1 Temperature-Stable Tunneling Current in Serial Double Quantum Dots: Insights from Nonequilibrium Green Functions and Pauli Spin Blockade (arXiv)

    67. 2410.10176v1 Asymmetry-induced radiative heat transfer in Floquet systems (arXiv)

    68. 2410.10201v1 Experimental progress in Eu(Al,Ga)4 topological antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    69. 2410.10275v1 Probing the Meissner effect in pressurized bilayer nickelate superconductors using diamond quantum sensors (arXiv)

    70. 2410.10317v1 Gate-tunable nonlocal Josephson effect through magnetic van der Waals bilayers (arXiv)

    71. 2410.10355v1 Magnon Nonlinear Hall Effect in 2D Antiferromagnetic Insulators (arXiv)

    72. 2410.10385v1 Field-induced spin liquid in the decorated square-kagome antiferromagnet nabokoite KCu7TeO4(SO4)5Cl (arXiv)

    73. 2410.10443v1 Interstitial anionic electrons involved superconductivity and T-linear resistivity behavior in electride La3In (arXiv)

    74. 2410.10477v1 Emergent topological phases in an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, higher order hopping and domain wall (arXiv)

    75. 2410.10484v1 Design and characterization of all two-dimensional fragile topological bands (arXiv)

    76. 2410.10640v1 Extreme electron-hole drag and negative mobility in the Dirac plasma of graphene (arXiv)

    77. 2410.10666v1 Non-bulk Superconductivity in Pr4Ni3O10 Single Crystals Under Pressure (arXiv)

    78. 2410.10764v1 Probing topological phases in a perturbed Kane-Mele model via RKKY interaction: Application to monolayer jacutingaite Pt2HgSe3 (arXiv)

    79. 2410.10793v1 Kinetic uncertainty relations for quantum transport (arXiv)

    80. 2410.10795v1 New Limits for Existence of Transverse Zero Sound in Fermi Liquid 3He (arXiv)

    81. 2310.04291v3 Exploring the topological sector optimization on quantum computers (arXiv)

    82. 2410.09238v1 Coupling of Electronic Transitions to Ferroelectric Order in a 2D Semiconductor (arXiv)

    83. 2410.09308v1 Goos-Hanchen effect singularities in transdimensional plasmonic films (arXiv)

    84. 2410.09327v1 Diagnosing Strong-to-Weak Symmetry Breaking via Wightman Correlators (arXiv)

    85. 2410.09603v1 Exploring the Electronic and Mechanical Properties of the Recently Synthesized Nitrogen-Doped Monolayer Amorphous Carbon (arXiv)

    86. 2410.09957v1 Large Chiral Orbital Texture and Orbital Edelstein Effect in Co/Al Heterostructure (arXiv)

    87. 2410.10031v1 Weak topological phases in the presence of interactions (arXiv)

    88. 2410.10232v1 Transparent boundary conditions for the stationary Schroedinger equation via Weyl-Titchmarsh theory (arXiv)

    89. 2410.10305v1 Negative piezoelectricity in quasi-two/one-dimensional ferroelectrics (arXiv)

    90. 2410.10325v1 Statistics of systemwide correlations in the random-field XXZ chain: Importance of rare events in the many-body localized phase (arXiv)

    91. 2410.10362v1 Theory of the Spin Seebeck effect induced by crystal-field excitations in Tb3Fe5O12 (arXiv)

    92. 2410.10558v1 Dispersion effects in thermal emission from temporal metamaterials: High-frequency cut-offs (arXiv)

    93. 2410.10622v1 High-dimensional counterdiabatic quantum computing (arXiv)

    94. 2410.10705v1 High sensitivity pressure and temperature quantum sensing in organic crystals (arXiv)

    95. 2410.10730v1 Quantum emitter interacting with a dispersive dielectric object: a model based on the modified Langevin noise formalism (arXiv)

    96. 2410.10806v1 Synthetic Mutual Gauge Field in Microwave-Shielded Polar Molecular Gases (arXiv)

    97. acsami.4c12665 Abnormal Relaxation Behavior of Excited Electrons in the Flat Band of Kagome Compound Nb3Cl8 (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)

    98. PhysRevLett.133.156704 Chiral Damping of Magnons (PRL)

    99. 2410.07878 Flat-band (de)localization emulated with a superconducting qubit array (arXiv)

    100. 2410.07894 Site-selective correlations in interacting “flat-band” quasicrystals (arXiv)

    101. 2410.06147 Persistent flat band splitting and strong selective band renormalization in a kagome magnet thin film (arXiv)

    102. 2410.07000 Classification of Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Topological Bands (arXiv)

    103. 2410.05765 Magnon confinement in a nanomagnonic waveguide by a magnetic Moire superlattice (arXiv)

    104. 2410.05418 Macroscopic degeneracy of ground state in the frustrated Heisenberg diamond chain (arXiv)

    105. 2410.05957 Unified model for non-Abelian braiding of Majorana and Dirac fermion zero modes (arXiv)

    106. symmetry 2073-8994/16/10/1336 Spin Wave Chiral Scattering by Skyrmion Lattice in Ferromagnetic Nanotubes (Symmetry)

    107. abstract=1744 Current-induced dynamics of magnetic hedgehog lattices (ICM2024)

    108. 2410.05485 Slow Equilibrium Relaxation in a Chiral Magnet Mediated by Topological Defects (arXiv)

    109. 3315967 Observation of Néel-type magnetic skyrmion in a layered non-centrosymmetric itinerant ferromagnet CrTe1.38 (APL)

    110. PhysRevB.110.144505 Coherence length and quantum geometry in a dilute flat-band superconductor (PRB)

    111. 2410.04515 Topological flat bands and higher-order topology in square-octagon lattice (arXiv)

    112. 2410.01142 Isolated zero-energy flat-bands and intrinsic magnetism in carbon monolayers (arXiv)

    113. 3314953 Skyrmion dynamics in attractive and repulsive local magnetic fields (JAP)

    114. 2410.00820 Topological orbital Hall effect caused by skyrmions and antiferromagnetic skyrmions (Mertig, arXiv)

    115. 2409.19879 Magnetoelectric imprint of skyrmions in van der Waals bilayers (arXiv)

    116. 2409.19086 Majorana edge and end states in planar Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    117. advs.202407982 Engineering Topological Spin Hall Effect in 2D Multiferroic Material (Advanced Science)

    118. 2410.08284v1 Multi wavefunction overlap and multi entropy for topological ground states in (2+1) dimensions (arXiv)

    119. 2410.08312v1 Adjoint computation of Berry phase gradients (arXiv)

    120. 2410.08383v1 Dirac-point spectroscopy of flat-band systems with the quantum twisting microscope (arXiv)

    121. 2410.08398v1 Casimir effect in Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    122. 2410.08472v1 Modeling and Simulation of 2D Transducers Based on Suspended Graphene-Based Heterostructures in Nanoelectromechanical Pressure Sensors (arXiv)

    123. 2410.08487v1 Higher-Order Band Topology in Twisted Bilayer Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    124. 2410.08489v1 Universality Class Transition Across the Helimagnetic Ordering in Te-doped Cu2OSeO3 (arXiv)

    125. 2410.08501v1 High-Throughput Discovery of Kagome Materials in Transition Metal Oxide Monolayers (arXiv)

    126. 2410.08505v1 Extensions to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model: Linear chains and their topological properties (arXiv)

    127. 2410.08515v1 Ab initio study on heavy-fermion behavior in LiV2O4: Role of Hund’s coupling and stability (arXiv)

    128. 2410.08704v1 The spin lifetime of an individual atomic nucleus investigated via local-probe single-shot readout (arXiv)

    129. 2410.08730v1 Superconducting memory and trapped magnetic flux in ternary lanthanum polyhydrides (arXiv)

    130. 2410.08761v1 Density of states in the heterostructure ferromagnetic insulator-superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator (arXiv)

    131. 2410.08836v1 Intrinsic electronic phase separation and competition between G-type, C-type and CE-type charge and orbital ordering modes in Hg1-xNaxMn3Mn4O12 (arXiv)

    132. 2410.08865v1 Simulation and measurement of stray fields for the manipulation of spin-qubits in one- and two-dimensional arrays (arXiv)

    133. 2410.08878v1 Low-Temperature Heat Transport under Phonon Confinement in Nanostructures (arXiv)

    134. 2410.08932v1 High frequency breakdown in quantum dots (arXiv)

    135. 2410.08975v1 Quantum Kinetic Theory of the Linear Response for Weakly Disordered Multiband Systems (arXiv)

    136. 2410.08264v1 Towards absolutely stable ergodicity breaking in two and three dimensions (arXiv)

    137. 2410.08268v1 Disorder-Free Localization for Benchmarking Quantum Computers (arXiv)

    138. 2410.08322v1 Extendibility of fermionic states and rigorous ground state approximations of interacting fermionic systems (arXiv)

    139. 2410.08358v1 Tailoring the electronic properties of TiO2 monolayers for solar driven catalysis through transition metal doping (arXiv)

    140. 2410.08586v1 Optical modeling, solver, and design of wafer-scale single-enantiomer carbon nanotube film and reconfigurable chiral photonic device (arXiv)

    141. 2410.08606v1 Anharmonic and Quantum Effects on the Vibrational and Superconducting Properties of Fm-3m and I43d NbH3 Under High Pressure (arXiv)

    142. 2410.08882v1 A unified quantum framework for electrons and ions: The self-consistent harmonic approximation on a neural network curved manifold (arXiv)

    143. 2410.08891v1 Superradiance of strongly interacting dipolar excitons in moire quantum materials (arXiv)

    144. 2410.09028v1 Anomalously extended Floquet prethermal lifetimes and applications to long-time quantum sensing (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 1st week collection

    1. PhysRevLett.133.156505 Flexomagnetoelectric Effect in Sr2IrO4 Thin Films (PRL)

    2. science.ads4149 Graphene, beyond lab benches (Science)

    3. surprise-ai-pioneers-win-physics-nobel In a surprise, AI pioneers win physics Nobel (Science)

    4. science.adp7099 Polar and quasicrystal vortex observed in twisted-bilayer molybdenum disulfide (Science)

    5. s41467-024-52813-5 Quantum tunneling high-speed nano-excitonic modulator (Nature Communications)

    6. s41567-024-02689-5 Author Correction: Intervalley coherence and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (Nature Physics)

    7. s42005-024-01814-3 Hydride units filled boron-carbon clathrate: a pathway for high-temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure (Communications Physics)

    8. s41563-024-02018-4 Tunable spin-orbit physics in van der Waals heterostructures (Nature Materials)

    9. s41586-024-08005-8 Universal quantum operations and ancilla-based read-out for tweezer clocks (Nature)

    10. d41586-024-03288-3 Google uncovers how quantum computers can beat today’s best supercomputers (Nature)

    11. d41586-024-03254-z Insight into the magnetic properties of atoms from precision spectroscopy on beryllium (Nature)

    12. s41567-024-02653-3 Strain tuning of vestigial three-state Potts nematicity in a correlated antiferromagnet (Nature Physics)

    13. s42005-024-01823-2 Polar domain walls induced by sequential symmetry breaking in frustrated mechanical metamaterials (Communications Physics)

    14. s41467-024-53140-5 Creating and controlling global Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement on quantum processors (Nature Communications)

    15. s41567-024-02663-1 Quantum matter in multifractal patterns (Nature Physics)

    16. PhysRevLett.133.150403 Exciting the Higgs Mode in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas by Interaction Modulation (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.133.150603 Optimization of Decoder Priors for Accurate Quantum Error Correction (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.133.156301 Ballistic Electron Source with Magnetically Controlled Valley Polarization in Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    19. PhysRevX.14.041011 Planar Thermal Hall Effect from Phonons in Cuprates (PRX)

    20. PhysRevResearch.6.043029 Long-distance photon-mediated and short-distance entangling gates in three-qubit quantum dot spin systems (PRR)

    21. PhysRevResearch.6.043031 Quantum algorithm for dynamic mode decomposition integrated with a quantum differential equation solver (PRR)

    22. PhysRevResearch.6.043032 Tunneling time in coupled-channel systems (PRR)

    23. PhysRevLett.133.151001 Inflationary Butterfly Effect: Nonperturbative Dynamics from Small-Scale Features (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.133.156506 Lifting of Gap Nodes by Disorder in Tetragonal FeSe1-xSx Superconductors (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.133.156703 Breaking Surface-Plasmon Excitation Constraint via Surface Spin Waves (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.133.157101 Exact Propagators of One-Dimensional Self-Interacting Random Walks (PRL)

    27. PhysRevResearch.6.043028 Enforcing exact permutation and rotational symmetries in the application of quantum neural networks on point cloud datasets (PRR)

    28. PhysRevResearch.6.L042011 Central charge in quantum optics (PRR)

    29. 2410.07308v1 Gate-tunable Bose-Fermi mixture in a strongly correlated moire bilayer electron system (arXiv)

    30. 2410.07319v1 Single-particle spectral function of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states (arXiv)

    31. 2410.07337v1 Gate-tunable sign reversal of dissipationless spin-diode effect reaching 100% (arXiv)

    32. 2410.07344v1 Absence of “fractional ac Josephson effect” in superconducting junctions (arXiv)

    33. 2410.07347v1 RIXS spectra of spinon, doublon, and quarton excitations of a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg trimer chain (arXiv)

    34. 2410.07360v1 Deciphering the origin of spin current in spintronic terahertz emitters and its imprint on their electromagnetic radiation via time-dependent density functional theory (arXiv)

    35. 2410.07373v1 Effect of impurities and disorder on the braiding dynamics of Majorana zero modes (arXiv)

    36. 2410.07445v1 The two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas with symmetric dual-gate screening: exchange-correlation functional and other ground-state properties (arXiv)

    37. 2410.07480v1 Thermal Nanoquakes: Terahertz Frequency Surface Rayleigh Waves in Diamond Nanocrystals (arXiv)

    38. 2410.07653v1 Floquet engineering of effective pairing interactions in a doped band insulator (arXiv)

    39. 2410.07660v1 Thermodynamic relations for the Cooper pair’s momentum in helical superconductors (arXiv)

    40. 2410.07767v1 Two-color laser control of photocurrent and high harmonics in graphene (arXiv)

    41. 2410.07777v1 Structural Manipulation of Spin Excitations in a Molecular Junction (arXiv)

    42. 2410.07784v1 Orbital Hall Effect Accompanying Quantum Hall Effect: Landau Levels Cause Orbital Polarized Edge Currents (arXiv)

    43. 2410.07835v1 Numerical analysis of Josephson junction arrays for multi-order quantum voltage steps (arXiv)

    44. 2410.07853v1 Meissner effect in non-Hermitian superconductors (arXiv)

    45. 2410.07861v1 Signature of Superconductivity in Pressurized Trilayer-nickelate Pr4Ni3O10-delta (arXiv)

    46. 2410.07878v1 Flat-band (de)localization emulated with a superconducting qubit array (arXiv)

    47. 2410.07885v1 Induced quantum magnetism on a triangular lattice of non-Kramers ions in PrMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

    48. 2410.07894v1 Site-selective correlations in interacting “flat-band” quasicrystals (arXiv)

    49. 2410.07902v1 Fidelity of the acoustic control of single photon scattering with semiconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

    50. 2410.07943v1 Current density distribution in the quantum Hall effect (arXiv)

    51. 2410.08013v1 Probing nonlinear spin dynamics in canted easy-plane antiferromagnets using spin-rectification effects (arXiv)

    52. 2410.07310v1 Field-induced antiferromagnetic correlations in a nanopatterned van der Waals ferromagnet: a potential artificial spin ice (arXiv)

    53. 2410.07317v1 Field theory of monitored, interacting fermion dynamics with charge conservation (arXiv)

    54. 2410.07326v1 Emergent Fracton Hydrodynamics in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime of Ultracold Atoms (arXiv)

    55. 2410.07334v1 Measurement-induced transitions for interacting fermions (arXiv)

    56. 2410.07469v1 Understanding and predicting adsorption energetics on monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    57. 2410.07641v1 Certifying the quantumness of a single nuclear spin qudit through its uniform precession (arXiv)

    58. 2410.07665v1 Quantum Hall liquids in high-density QCD (arXiv)

    59. 2410.07712v1 Quantum applications of hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    60. 2410.07726v1 Curved graphene nanoribbons derived from tetrahydropyrene-based polyphenylenes via one-pot K-region oxidation and Scholl cyclization (arXiv)

    61. 2410.07789v1 Simulating the Fermi-Hubbard model with long-range hopping on a quantum computer (arXiv)

    62. 2410.08093v1 Considerations for Electromagnetic Simulations for a Quantitative Correlation of Optical Spectroscopy and Electron Tomography of Plasmonic Nanoparticles (arXiv)

    63. 2410.08205v1 Holographic View of Mixed-State Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in Open Quantum Systems (arXiv)

    64. PhysRevLett.133.156503 Enhanced Pair-Density-Wave Vertices in a Bilayer Hubbard Model at Half Filling (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.133.156504 Quantum Geometry and Stabilization of Fractional Chern Insulators far from the Ideal Limit (PRL)

    66. PhysRevResearch.6.043025 Quantum superpositions of current states in Rydberg-atom networks (PRR)

    67. PhysRevResearch.6.043026 Ab initio study of highly tunable charge transfer in β−RuCl3/graphene heterostructures (PRR)

    68. PhysRevResearch.6.L042010 Thouless pumping and trapping of two-component gap solitons (PRR)

    69. 2410.05365v1 Strange metals and planckian transport in a gapless phase from spatially random interactions (arXiv)

    70. 2410.05378v1 Scattering Theory of Chiral Edge Modes in Topological Magnon Insulators (arXiv)

    71. 2410.05381v1 Self-consistent surface superconductivity in time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    72. 2410.05384v1 Chiral superconductivity from parent Chern band and its non-Abelian generalization (arXiv)

    73. 2410.05387v1 Valley polarization, magnetization, and superconductivity in bilayer graphene near the van Hove singularity (arXiv)

    74. 2410.05418v1 Macroscopic degeneracy of ground state in the frustrated Heisenberg diamond chain (arXiv)

    75. 2410.05427v1 Topological characterization of a non-Hermitian ladder via Floquet non-Bloch theory (arXiv)

    76. 2410.05461v1 Exchange-Only Spin-Orbit Qubits in Silicon and Germanium (arXiv)

    77. 2410.05485v1 Slow Equilibrium Relaxation in a Chiral Magnet Mediated by Topological Defects (arXiv)

    78. 2410.05636v1 Gapped Dirac materials and quantum valley currents in dual-gated hBN/bilayer-graphene heterostructures (arXiv)

    79. 2410.05649v1 Bilayer Graphene on hexagonal Boron Nitride and the Family of quantum MetaMaterial (arXiv)

    80. 2410.05718v1 Tunable high Chern-number quantum anomalous Hall effect through interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in two-dimensional ferromagnet NiSbO3 (arXiv)

    81. 2410.05765v1 Magnon confinement in a nanomagnonic waveguide by a magnetic Moire superlattice (arXiv)

    82. 2410.05818v1 Hot electron lifetime exceeds 300 nanoseconds in quantum dots with high quantum efficiency (arXiv)

    83. 2410.05879v1 Room- and low-temperature magnetic parameters of Y3AlFe4O12 garnets (arXiv)

    84. 2410.05908v1 Interplay of Zeeman field, Rashba spin-orbit interaction, and superconductivity: Transition temperature and quasiparticle excitation (arXiv)

    85. 2410.05950v1 Interplay between superconducting fluctuations and weak localization in disordered TiN thin films (arXiv)

    86. 2410.05957v1 Unified model for non-Abelian braiding of Majorana and Dirac fermion zero modes (arXiv)

    87. 2410.06110v1 Transport properties and Kohler’s rule in RxLu1-xB12 solid solutions with x <= 0.03: do charge stripes really exist in metallic dodecaborides? (arXiv)

    88. 2410.06147v1 Persistent flat band splitting and strong selective band renormalization in a kagome magnet thin film (arXiv)

    89. 2410.06159v1 Praseodymium doping effect on the superconducting properties of FeSe0.5Te0.5 bulks under ambient and high-pressure growth conditions (arXiv)

    90. 2410.06312v1 Persistent versus dissipative Peltier effect in a topological quantum thermocouple (arXiv)

    91. 2410.06344v1 Electric field driven spin textures in heavy fermion van der Waals magnets (arXiv)

    92. 2410.06432v1 Gating graphene with a semiconductor (arXiv)

    93. 2410.06548v1 Investigation of superconducting gap of high-entropy telluride AgInSnPbBiTe5 (arXiv)

    94. 2410.06602v1 Revealing nanoscale structural phase separation in La3Ni2O7-delta single crystal via scanning near-field optical microscopy (arXiv)

    95. 2410.06661v1 Strain-induced two-dimensional topological crystalline insulator (arXiv)

    96. 2410.06679v1 Effect of dynamical electron correlations on the tunnelling magnetoresistance of Fe/MgO/Fe(001) junctions (arXiv)

    97. 2410.06690v1 Spin Quenching and Transport by Hidden Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (arXiv)

    98. 2410.06810v1 Ultrafast momentum-resolved visualization of the interplay between phonon-mediated scattering and plasmons in graphite (arXiv)

    99. 2410.06831v1 Quantum dynamics in symmetry-breaking ordered phases of correlated fermions (arXiv)

    100. 2410.06838v1 phi0-junction and Josephson diode effect in high-temperature superconductor (arXiv)

    101. 2410.06891v1 On the oxygen p states in superconducting nickelates (arXiv)

    102. 2410.06901v1 Interaction-induced phase transitions at topological quantum criticality of an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    103. 2410.06955v1 Quantum dynamics in a spin-1/2 square lattice J1-J2-delta altermagnet (arXiv)

    104. 2410.07000v1 Classification of Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Topological Bands (arXiv)

    105. 2410.07152v1 Creation of two-dimensional circular motion of charge qubit (arXiv)

    106. 2410.05400v1 Separable ellipsoids around multipartite states (arXiv)

    107. 2410.05906v1 Creation, annihilation and transport of nonmagnetic antiskyrmions within Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire model (arXiv)

    108. 2410.05976v1 Observation of Rydberg excitons in monolayer MoS2 at room temperature by Imbert-Fedorov shift spectroscopy (arXiv)

    109. 2410.06085v1 Epitaxial aluminum layer on antimonide heterostructures for exploring Josephson junction effects (arXiv)

    110. 2410.06099v1 Phase field crystal modelling of deformation assisted precipitation in binary alloys (arXiv)

    111. 2410.06167v1 Broken intrinsic symmetry induced magnon-magnon coupling in synthetic ferrimagnets (arXiv)

    112. 2410.06184v1 Vortex bound states in dimerized pi-flux optical lattices: characterization, state preparation and current measurement (arXiv)

    113. 2410.06218v1 Linear and nonlinear optical response based on many-body GW-Bethe-Salpeter and Kadanoff-Baym approaches for two-dimensional layered semiconductors (arXiv)

    114. 2410.06523v1 Phase Diagram from Nonlinear Interaction between Superconducting Order and Density: Toward Data-Based Holographic Superconductor (arXiv)

    115. 2410.06557v1 Observation of disorder-free localization and efficient disorder averaging on a quantum processor (arXiv)

    116. 2410.06655v1 Ring-exchange physics in a chain of three-level ions (arXiv)

    117. 2410.06669v1 Mpemba Meets Quantum Chaos: Anomalous Relaxation and Mpemba Crossings in Dissipative Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models (arXiv)

    118. 2410.06727v1 Kramers-Wannier self-duality and non-invertible translation symmetry in quantum chains: a wave-function perspective (arXiv)

    119. 2410.06803v1 Universal scaling of quantum caustics in the dynamics of interacting particles (arXiv)

    120. 2410.06830v1 Magnetic coupling through flux branching of adjacent type-I and -II superconductors in a neutron star (arXiv)

    121. 2410.06980v1 Electric Field Driven Domain Wall Dynamics in BaTiO3 Nanoparticles (arXiv)

    122. PhysRevLett.133.150401 Applicability of Mean-Field Theory for Time-Dependent Open Quantum Systems with Infinite-Range Interactions (PRL)

    123. PhysRevLett.133.150602 Quantum Fourier Transform Using Dynamic Circuits (PRL)

    124. PhysRevLett.133.150801 Hyperfine-Enhanced Gyroscope Based on Solid-State Spins (PRL)

    125. PhysRevLett.133.156502 Dualities of Paired Quantum Hall Bilayer States at νT=1/2+1/2 (PRL)

    126. PhysRevLett.133.156702 Chiral Split Magnon in Altermagnetic MnTe (PRL)

    127. PhysRevResearch.6.043023 Braids and higher-order exceptional points from the interplay between lossy defects and topological boundary states (PRR)

    128. PhysRevResearch.6.043024 Fermi surface and Lifshitz transitions of a ferromagnetic superconductor under external magnetic fields (PRR)

    129. PhysRevResearch.6.L042008 Strange-metal behavior without fine tuning in PrV2Al20 (PRR)

    130. PhysRevLett.133.150601 Quantum Cellular Automata for Quantum Error Correction and Density Classification (PRL)

    131. PhysRevLett.133.156501 Quantum Melting of Generalized Wigner Crystals in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moiré Systems (PRL)

    132. PhysRevLett.133.156701 All-Optical Control of Bubble and Skyrmion Breathing (PRL)

    133. PhysRevLett.133.156901 Phonon-Coupled High-Harmonic Generation for Exploring Nonadiabatic Electron-Phonon Interactions (PRL)

    134. PhysRevResearch.6.043021 More quantum chemistry with fewer qubits (PRR)

    135. PhysRevResearch.6.L042006 From orbital to paramagnetic pair breaking in layered superconductor 2H−NbS2 (PRR)

    136. PhysRevResearch.6.L042007 Phase transitions in quantum many-body scars (PRR)

    137. 2410.03821v1 Electric polarization and discrete shift from boundary and corner charge in crystalline Chern insulators (arXiv)

    138. 2410.03840v1 Density functional theory based investigation of heavy fermion band candidates in triplet superconductor UTe2 (arXiv)

    139. 2410.03888v1 Designing (higher) Hall crystals (arXiv)

    140. 2410.03896v1 Half-quantized Hall Plateaus in the Confined Geometry of Graphene (arXiv)

    141. 2410.03944v1 Thickness dependence of the mechanical properties of piezoelectric high-Qm nanomechanical resonators made from aluminium nitride (arXiv)

    142. 2410.03956v1 Charge Density Fluctuations with Enhanced Superconductivity at the Proposed Nematic Quantum Critical Point (arXiv)

    143. 2410.04021v1 Unconventional topological phase transition of the Hopf insulator (arXiv)

    144. 2410.04042v1 Magnetic structure of the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7 through irreducible representation and magnetic space group analyses (arXiv)

    145. 2410.04044v1 Topological magnon zero-modes in dislocations (arXiv)

    146. 2410.04102v1 Three-Dimensional Topological Semimetal/Insulator States in \alpha-Type Organic Conductors with Interlayer Spin-Orbit Interaction (arXiv)

    147. 2410.04104v1 Gapped magnetic ground state in the spin-liquid candidate kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Ag2(CN)3 suggested by magnetic spectroscopy (arXiv)

    148. 2410.04230v1 Distinguishing Electronic Band Structure of Single-layer and Bilayer Ruddlesden-Popper Nickelates Probed by in-situ High Pressure X-ray Absorption Near-edge Spectroscopy (arXiv)

    149. 2410.04321v1 Cascade of phase transitions and large magnetic anisotropy in a triangle-kagome-triangle trilayer antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    150. 2410.04355v1 Anomalous length dependent conductance of quasi-one-dimensional molecular wires assembled from metal superatoms (arXiv)

    151. 2410.04382v1 Inclusion of pairing fluctuations in a semiclassical approach: The case of study of the Josephson effect (arXiv)

    152. 2410.04515v1 Topological flat bands and higher-order topology in square-octagon lattice (arXiv)

    153. 2410.04516v1 In-Situ Manipulation of Superconducting Properties via Ultrasonic Excitation (arXiv)

    154. 2410.04600v1 Thickness-Driven Transitions Between Novel Magnetic States in Ferromagnetic Films (arXiv)

    155. 2410.04610v1 A non-magnetic mechanism of backscattering in helical edge states (arXiv)

    156. 2410.04781v1 Nodeless multigap superconductivity in organic-ion-intercalated (tetrabutyl~ammonium)0.3FeSe (arXiv)

    157. 2410.04877v1 Two dimensional covalent moire superlattice from fluorinating twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    158. 2410.04934v1 Impact of the impurity symmetry on orbital momentum relaxation and orbital Hall effect studied by the quantum Boltzmann equation (arXiv)

    159. 2410.04938v1 Transition between cooperative emission regimes in giant perovskite nanocrystals (arXiv)

    160. 2410.04954v1 Observation of the spiral spin liquid in a triangular-lattice material (arXiv)

    161. 2410.04995v1 Nonlinear transport theory at the order of quantum metric (arXiv)

    162. 2410.05028v1 Anisotropic conductivity for the type-I and type-II phases of Weyl/multi-Weyl semimetals in planar Hall set-ups (arXiv)

    163. 2410.05059v1 Manipulating topology of quantum phase transitions by symmetry enhancement (arXiv)

    164. 2410.05137v1 Field-angle evolution of the superconducting and magnetic phases of UTe2 around the b axis (arXiv)

    165. 2410.05138v1 Magnetocaloric effect for the topological semimetal Co3Sn2S2 due to the antiferromagnetic coupling of the bulk and surface spin-polarized phases (arXiv)

    166. 2410.05158v1 Floquet engineering of topological semimetals with bicircularly polarized light (arXiv)

    167. 2410.05170v1 Anomalous Hall currents from optical excitation of Landau transitions in bulk GaAs (arXiv)

    168. 2410.05179v1 Sarma-Bogomol’nyi equations in superconductivity (arXiv)

    169. 2410.05197v1 Topological Insulator in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterotrilayers (arXiv)

    170. 2410.05216v1 Thermodynamic Theory of Disordered 2D Superconductors (arXiv)

    171. 2410.05268v1 Anomalous continuous symmetries and quantum topology of Goldstone modes (arXiv)

    172. 2410.04040v1 Flatbands from Bound States in the Continuum for Orbital Angular Momentum Localization (arXiv)

    173. 2410.04262v1 Thermal Bootstrap of Matrix Quantum Mechanics (arXiv)

    174. 2410.04396v1 Recipe for observing immediate entanglement death-birth transition through Bell states with environmental Heisenberg exchange (arXiv)

    175. 2410.04569v1 3D printed mesoporous superconductors with periodic order on three length scales and enhanced properties via block copolymer directed self-assembly (arXiv)

    176. 2410.04720v1 Spotting structural defects in crystals from the topology of vibrational modes (arXiv)

    177. 2410.04812v1 Two-dimensional non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (arXiv)

    178. 2410.04831v1 Observation of converse flexoelectric effect in topological semimetals (arXiv)

    179. ad6421 Polarity-controllable magnetic skyrmion filter (Chinese Physics B)

    180. rs-4652186/v1 Direct observation of layer skyrmions in twisted WSe2 bilayers (researchsquare)

    181. sym16081066 Stable Majorana Zero-Energy Modes in Two-Dimensional Josephson Junctions (Symmetry)

    182. 257-261 Switching of skyrmion states by uniaxial deformations and stability of skyrmions in elastic ferromagnetic film (Letters on Materials)

    183. s41467-024-52616-8 An atomically controlled insulator-to-metal transition in iridate/manganite heterostructures (Nature Communications)

    184. PhysRevB.110.094442 Fractional topological charges in two-dimensional magnets (PRB)

    185. PhysRevB.110.094440 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and nontrivial spin textures in the Janus semiconductor monolayers V X Y (X=Cl, Br , I ; Y=S, Se, Te) (PRB)

    186. 2409.17813 Spin-Dependent Signatures of Majorana Vortex Fusion within Planar Josephson (arXiv)

    187. PhysRevB.110.115156 Effects of Peierls phases in open linear chains (PRB)

    188. 2409.17461 Inertia in skyrmions confined to one-dimensional geometries (arXiv)

    189. PhysRevB.110.115154 Role of the Fermi ring in determining the magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    190. 2409.16523 Competition between d-wave and d+is-wave superconductivity in the Hubbard model on a checkerboard lattice (arXiv)

    191. pnas.2404009121 Optical conductivity of the Majorana mode at the s- and d-wave topological superconductor edge (PNAS)

    192. 3314197 Skyrmionium creation and annihilation: Experimental and micromagnetic simulation demonstration (APL)

    193. 2409.16649 Exploring the Magnetotransport Signature of antiskyrmions in Mn1.4PtSn (arXiv)

    194. 2409.17761 Excited States Band Mapping and Ultrafast Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Topological Dirac Semimetal 1T-ZrTe2 (arXiv)

    195. PhysRevApplied.22.034055 Spatial modulation strategy for construction of artificial polar skyrmion arrays in ferroelectrics (PRApplied)

    196. PhysRevB.110.115146 Self-consistent theory of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in rhombohedral graphene (PRB)

    197. 124303/3313769 Inhomogeneous stripe phase and tunable Majorana zero modes in Rashba s-wave superconducting systems in the presence of in-plane Zeeman field (JAP)

    198. 2409.13027 Nonreciprocal Equilibrium 4π-Periodic Josephson Effect from Poor Man’s Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

    199. 2409.13078 Catalogue of Phonon Instabilities in Symmetry Group 191 Kagome MT6Z6 Materials (arXiv)

    200. 123902/3313783 Magnetostriction related to skyrmion-lattice formation in chiral magnet FeGe (JAP)

    201. 2409.14843 Creation of independently controllable and long lifetime polar skyrmion textures in ferroelectricmetallic heterostructures (arXiv)

    202. PhysRevB.110.094430 Stability and dynamics of synthetic antiferromagnetic skyrmions in asymmetric multilayers (PRB)

    203. 2409.19332 Classification of Chern Numbers Based on High-Symmetry Points (arXiv)

    204. 2410.02877v1 Diffuse Scattering from Correlated Electron Systems (arXiv)

    205. 2410.02900v1 End superconductivity and three critical temperatures in Fibonacci quasicrystals (arXiv)

    206. 2410.02934v1 Novel electronic state of honeycomb iridate Cu2IrO3 at high pressure (arXiv)

    207. 2410.02947v1 Hanle effect in current induced spin orientation (arXiv)

    208. 2410.02985v1 Global and Local Topological Crystalline Markers for Rotation-Symmetric Insulators (arXiv)

    209. 2410.02993v1 Resolving and routing the magnetic polymorphs in 2D layered antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    210. 2410.03088v1 Exchange striction induced thermal Hall effect in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPS3 (arXiv)

    211. 2410.03128v1 Spontaneously formed phonon frequency combs in van der Waals solid CrXTe3 (X=Ge,Si) (arXiv)

    212. 2410.03142v1 Correlation Effects on Coupled Electronic and Structural Properties of Doped Rare-Earth Trihydrides (arXiv)

    213. 2410.03186v1 Quantifying inhomogeneous magnetic fields at the micron scale using Graphene Hall-Effect sensors (arXiv)

    214. 2410.03196v1 Spacetime symmetry indicators for two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators (arXiv)

    215. 2410.03199v1 High-fidelity spin readout via the double latching mechanism (arXiv)

    216. 2410.03256v1 Reducing disorder in Ge quantum wells by using thick SiGe barriers (arXiv)

    217. 2410.03343v1 Single excitation migration in molecular chain with an attached molecular structure: non-adiabatic polaron model (arXiv)

    218. 2410.03377v1 Theory of a two-dimensional anharmonic piezoelectric crystal resonator (arXiv)

    219. 2410.03433v1 Tunable diode effect in a superconducting tunnel junction with biharmonic drive (arXiv)

    220. 2410.03443v1 Forster valley-orbit coupling and topological lattice of hybrid moire excitons (arXiv)

    221. 2410.03493v1 Characterizing the chemical potential disorder in the topological insulator (Bi$_{1-x}$Sb$_x$)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films (arXiv)

    222. 2410.03508v1 Experimental detection of vortices in magic-angle graphene (arXiv)

    223. 2410.03526v1 The phases of three-dimensional d-wave superconductors with two attractive interactions (arXiv)

    224. 2410.02885v1 Beyond CCSD(T) accuracy at lower scaling with auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo (arXiv)

    225. 2410.02908v1 Magnon spectroscopy in the electron microscope (arXiv)

    226. 2410.02922v1 Subwavelength topological interface modes in a multilayered vibroacoustic metamaterial (arXiv)

    227. 2410.02990v1 Driving the Berry phase anomalous Hall effect in a noncollinear antiferromagnet by domain manipulation (arXiv)

    228. 2410.03121v1 Ordering of Interstitial Iron Atoms and Local Structural Distortion Induced by Iron Polycomplex in Fe1+yTe1-xSex as Seen via Transmission Electron Microscopy (arXiv)

    229. 2410.03220v1 Noncollinear ferrielectricity and hydrogen-induced ferromagnetic polar half-metallicity in MnO3Cl (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 5 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 5th week collection

    1. PhysRevLett.133.146603 Nature of Topological Phase Transition of Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids (PRL)

    2. s41567-024-02655-1 Controllable orbital angular momentum monopoles in chiral topological semimetals (Nature Physics)

    3. s42005-024-01807-2 Photonic counterdiabatic quantum optimization algorithm (Communications Physics)

    4. s42005-024-01802-7 Spontaneous reversal of spin chirality and competing phases in the topological magnet EuAl4 (Communications Physics)

    5. s41563-024-01996-9 Pentagonal two-dimensional lattices (Nature Materials)

    6. s41563-024-02017-5 Phase landscapes in low-dimensional structures (Nature Materials)

    7. s41467-024-52847-9 Hund’s coupling mediated multi-channel quantum phase transition of a single magnetic impurity in Fe(Se, Te) (Nature Communications)

    8. s41586-024-07996-8 Bulk high-temperature superconductivity in pressurized tetragonal La2PrNi2O7 (Nature)

    9. s41598-024-74160-7 Device response principles and the impact on energy resolution of epitaxial quantum dot scintillators with monolithic photodetector integration (Scientific Reports)

    10. s42005-024-01800-9 Topological protection revealed by real-time longitudinal and transverse transport measurements (Communications Physics)

    11. s42005-024-01809-0 Kitaev honeycomb antiferromagnet in a field: quantum phase diagram for general spin (Communications Physics)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.140404 Thermodynamics of the Quantum Mpemba Effect (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.140405 Symmetry Restoration and Quantum Mpemba Effect in Symmetric Random Circuits (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.142501 Distilling the Essential Elements of Nuclear Binding via Neural-Network Quantum States (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.133.143404 Three-Dimensional Magneto-Optical Trapping of Barium Monofluoride (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.133.143405 Pseudogap Effects in the Strongly Correlated Regime of the Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.133.146002 Unconventional Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Superconductor La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.133.146605 Ferroelectric Semimetals with α−BiSnSe van der Waals Heterostructures and Their Topological Currents (PRL)

    19. PhysRevX.14.041003 Decomposing Thermodynamic Dissipation of Linear Langevin Systems via Oscillatory Modes and Its Application to Neural Dynamics (PRX)

    20. PhysRevX.14.041004 “Quantum Geometric Nesting” and Solvable Model Flat-Band Systems (PRX)

    21. PhysRevResearch.6.043010 Ultracold charged atom-dimer collisions: State-selective charge exchange and three-body recombination (PRR)

    22. PhysRevResearch.6.043011 Magnetic interactions in the cooperative paramagnet Tb2Ti2O7 (PRR)

    23. PhysRevResearch.6.043012 Energy landscape and flow dynamics measurements of driven-dissipative systems (PRR)

    24. PhysRevResearch.6.043013 Optical induction of monopoles, knots, and skyrmions in quantum gases (PRR)

    25. PhysRevResearch.6.043014 Randomized SearchRank: A semiclassical approach to a quantum search engine (PRR)

    26. PhysRevResearch.6.043015 Interplay between short and long time scales in adapting, periodically driven elastic flow networks (PRR)

    27. PhysRevResearch.6.043016 Nonequilibrium dynamics and atom-pair coherence in strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures (PRR)

    28. PhysRevResearch.6.043017 J-coupling NMR spectroscopy with nitrogen vacancy centers at high fields (PRR)

    29. PhysRevResearch.6.043018 Anomaly inflow, dualities, and quantum simulation of Abelian lattice gauge theories induced by measurements (PRR)

    30. PhysRevResearch.6.043019 Controlling 4f antiferromagnetic dynamics via itinerant electronic susceptibility (PRR)

    31. PhysRevResearch.6.043020 Leveraging analog quantum computing with neutral atoms for solvent configuration prediction in drug discovery (PRR)

    32. PhysRevResearch.6.L042004 Universal clusters in quasi-two-dimensional ultracold Fermi mixtures (PRR)

    33. PhysRevLett.133.146602 Quasi-One-Dimensional Spin Transport in Altermagnetic Z3 Nodal Net Metals (PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.133.147101 Soluble Model of a Nonequilibrium Steady State: The Van Kampen Objection and Other Lessons (PRL)

    35. PhysRevResearch.6.043005 Real-space perspective on dephasing in solid-state high harmonic generation (PRR)

    36. 2410.02238 Orbital torque switching of perpendicular magnetization in light metal/ferrimagnet bilayers (arXiv)

    37. 2410.01845v1 Green’s function perspective on the nonlinear density response of quantum many-body systems (arXiv)

    38. 2410.01931v1 Gapless dispersive continuum in a breathing kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    39. 2410.01936v1 Electric and Magnetic Field-dependent Tunneling between Coupled Nanowires (arXiv)

    40. 2410.01937v1 Magnetically Tuned Metal-Insulator Transition in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowire Arrays (arXiv)

    41. 2410.01940v1 Direct Imaging of Transition-Edge Sensors with Scanning SQUID Microscopy (arXiv)

    42. 2410.01947v1 Atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 in High Magnetic Fields: Quantum Criticality and Dimensional Reduction of a Sawtooth-Chain Compound (arXiv)

    43. 2410.01994v1 Pomeranchuk Instability Induced by an Emergent Higher-Order van Hove Singularity on the Distorted Kagome Surface of Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv)

    44. 2410.02007v1 Superconductivity in the parent infinite-layer nickelate NdNiO2 (arXiv)

    45. 2410.02018v1 Charge-density-wave control by adatom manipulation and its effect on magnetic nanostructures (arXiv)

    46. 2410.02104v1 First-Principles Calculation of Superconducting Tc in Superhard B-C-N Metals (arXiv)

    47. 2410.02125v1 Fermionic Mean-Field Theory as a Tool for Studying Spin Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    48. 2410.02171v1 Topological superconductivity in a spin-orbit coupled Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    49. 2410.02180v1 Contrasting dynamical properties of single-Q and triple-Q magnetic orderings in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    50. 2410.02245v1 Fast response and highly sensitive flexible humidity sensor based on nanocomposite film of MoS2 and graphene oxide (arXiv)

    51. 2410.02255v1 Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Humidity Sensors with the Focus of Structural Design: A Review (arXiv)

    52. 2410.02256v1 Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Pressure Sensors: A Review (arXiv)

    53. 2410.02300v1 Entanglement and confinement: A new pairing mechanism in high-TC cuprates (arXiv)

    54. 2410.02325v1 Combining multiplexed gate-based readout and isolated CMOS quantum dot arrays (arXiv)

    55. 2410.02353v1 Dissipationless transport signature of topological nodal lines (arXiv)

    56. 2410.02374v1 Importance of the indirect exchange interaction $via$ $s$-states in altermagnetic HgMnO3 (arXiv)

    57. 2410.02455v1 The magnetic ground state of a non-symmorphic square-net lattice, TbAgSb2 (arXiv)

    58. 2410.02459v1 Spin polarization of Quantum Hall states for filling factors 1 < v < 2 measured with microcavity polaritons (arXiv)

    59. 2410.02508v1 Amplifying the antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect through topological magnons (arXiv)

    60. 2410.02522v1 Near room-temperature ferromagnetism from double-exchange in van der Waals material CrGeTe3: evidence from optical conductivity under pressure (arXiv)

    61. 2410.02542v1 Dirac-Rashba fermions and quantum valley Hall insulators in graphene-based 2D heterostructures (arXiv)

    62. 2410.02562v1 Hidden anisotropy controls spin-photon entanglement in a charged quantum dot (arXiv)

    63. 2410.02633v1 Quantum many-body solver using artificial neural networks and its applications to strongly correlated electron systems (arXiv)

    64. 2410.02689v1 Quantum Restored Symmetry Protected Topological Phases (arXiv)

    65. 2409.20462v1 Nonreciprocal Local-Resonance Induced Complex Band Hybridization (arXiv)

    66. 2410.02009v1 Thermal properties of SnSe nanoflakes by AFM-based Scanning Thermal Microscopy measurements (arXiv)

    67. 2410.02047v1 Strongly Enhanced Electronic Bandstructure Renormalization by Light in Nanoscale Strained Regions of Monolayer MoS2/Au(111) Heterostructures (arXiv)

    68. 2410.02059v1 An index for invertible phases of two-dimensional quantum spin systems (arXiv)

    69. 2410.02213v1 Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computation by gauging logical operators (arXiv)

    70. 2410.02518v1 Spin waves with source-free time-dependent spin density functional theory (arXiv)

    71. 2410.02716v1 Duality between string and computational order in symmetry-enriched topological phases (arXiv)

    72. 2410.00955v1 Itinerant magnetism in Hubbard models with long-range interactions (arXiv)

    73. 2410.00962v1 Multi-orbital two-particle self-consistent approach – strengths and limitations (arXiv)

    74. 2410.00969v1 A Closed Band-Projected Density Algebra Must be Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman (arXiv)

    75. 2410.01006v1 A review on Aharonov-Bohm quantum machines: Thermoelectric heat engines and diodes (arXiv)

    76. 2410.01013v1 Infinite magneto-resistance and bipolar effect in spin valves driven by spin batteries (arXiv)

    77. 2410.01040v1 Angularly Selective Enhanced Vortex Screening in Extremely Layered Superconductors with Tilted Columnar Defects (arXiv)

    78. 2410.01077v1 Millikelvin Si-MOSFETs for Quantum Electronics (arXiv)

    79. 2410.01094v1 Topological orders with classical Lie group symmetries from coupling electron wires (arXiv)

    80. 2410.01142v1 Isolated zero-energy flat-bands and intrinsic magnetism in carbon monolayers (arXiv)

    81. 2410.01236v1 Gapless superconductivity and its real-space topology in quasicrystals (arXiv)

    82. 2410.01247v1 Enhancement of superconductivity coexisting with charge density wave in lattice expanded NbTe2 (arXiv)

    83. 2410.01412v1 Non-Fermi-liquid transport phenomena in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    84. 2410.01424v1 Terahertz harmonic generation across the Mott insulator-metal transition (arXiv)

    85. 2410.01433v1 Impact of the angular alignment on the crystal field and intrinsic doping of bilayer graphene/BN heterostructures (arXiv)

    86. 2410.01439v1 Graphene MEMS and NEMS (arXiv)

    87. 2410.01462v1 Four ribbons of double-layer graphene suspending masses for NEMS applications (arXiv)

    88. 2410.01484v1 Humidity Sensing Properties of Different Atomic Layers of Graphene on SiO2/Si Substrate (arXiv)

    89. 2410.01503v1 Nonreciprocal Weyl semimetal waveguide (arXiv)

    90. 2410.01509v1 Magneto-optical properties of electron gas in a chain of planar quantum rings: Effect of screening on the signature of quantum phase interference (arXiv)

    91. 2410.01652v1 Interaction-Induced Symmetry Breaking in Circular Quantum Dots (arXiv)

    92. 2410.01683v1 Corrections to Conformal Charge at BKT Transitions (arXiv)

    93. 2410.01705v1 Spin-fermion coupling enhances pairing in the pseudogap regime of the hole-doped Hubbard model (arXiv)

    94. 2410.01717v1 Revealing non-Markovian Kondo transport with waiting time distributions (arXiv)

    95. 2410.01730v1 Korteweg de-Vries Dynamics at the Edge of Laughlin State (arXiv)

    96. 2410.01759v1 Topological ground state degeneracy of the two-channel Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    97. 2410.00975v1 Flux-pump induced degradation of T1 for dissipative cat qubits (arXiv)

    98. 2410.01181v1 Programmable lattices for non-Abelian topological photonics and braiding (arXiv)

    99. 2410.01200v1 First-principles computational methods for quantum defects in two-dimensional materials: A perspective (arXiv)

    100. 2410.01311v1 Phonon coherence and minimum thermal conductivity in disordered superlattice (arXiv)

    101. 2410.01461v1 Comparison of various schemes to determine the Young’s modulus of disordered carbon nanomembranes compared to crystalline graphene (arXiv)

    102. 2410.01542v1 Bulk-Boundary Correspondence and Exceptional Points for a Dimerized Hatano-Nelson Model with Staggered Potentials (arXiv)

    103. 2410.01561v1 Topological one-way Weyl fiber (arXiv)

    104. 2410.01641v1 A method for the automatic generation of a minimal basis set of structural templates for material phase-space exploration (arXiv)

    105. 2410.01689v1 Neel vector dependent orbital Hall effect in altermagnetic RuO2 (arXiv)

    106. PhysRevLett.133.140401 Quantum Fluctuation Theorem for Arbitrary Measurement and Feedback Schemes (PRL)

    107. PhysRevLett.133.140402 High-Order Topological Pumping on a Superconducting Quantum Processor (PRL)

    108. PhysRevLett.133.140602 Self-Consistent Determination of Single-Impurity Anderson Model Using Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approach on a Spin Quantum Simulator (PRL)

    109. PhysRevLett.133.143402 Sensing Aharonov-Bohm Phase Using a Multiply-Orbiting-Ion Interferometer (PRL)

    110. PhysRevLett.133.143403 Magnetically Tunable Electric Dipolar Interactions of Ultracold Polar Molecules in the Quantum Ergodic Regime (PRL)

    111. PhysRevLett.133.146301 Orbital Hall Effect Accompanying Quantum Hall Effect: Landau Levels Cause Orbital Polarized Edge Currents (PRL)

    112. PhysRevLett.133.146503 Spinon Pairing Induced by Chiral In-Plane Exchange and the Stabilization of Odd-Spin Chern Number Spin Liquid in Twisted MoTe2 (PRL)

    113. PhysRevLett.133.146701 Excitation of the Gyrotropic Mode in a Magnetic Vortex by Time-Varying Strain (PRL)

    114. Physics.17.s117 Magnetic Gyrations Are Excited by Strain (Physics)

    115. 2409.20456 Altermagnetism Classification (arXiv)

    116. 2410.00089v1 Anyonic phase transitions in the 1D extended Hubbard model with fractional statistics (arXiv)

    117. 2410.00092v1 Bionic fractionalization in the trimer model of twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    118. 2410.00144v1 High-temperature Superconducting Oxide without Copper at Ambient Pressure (arXiv)

    119. 2410.00165v1 Static structure factor and the dispersion of the Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman density-mode for fractional quantum Hall fluids on the Haldane sphere (arXiv)

    120. 2410.00176v1 Control of spin-orbit torque-driven domain nucleation through geometry in chirally coupled magnetic tracks (arXiv)

    121. 2410.00372v1 Direct writing of high temperature superconducting Josephson junctions using a thermal scanning probe (arXiv)

    122. 2410.00430v1 Radiofrequency receiver based on isotropic solid-state spins (arXiv)

    123. 2410.00466v1 Dynamic Jahn-Teller Phenomena in Heavy Transition Metal Compounds (arXiv)

    124. 2410.00497v1 An algorithm for computing perturbation series of dynamical mean field theory (arXiv)

    125. 2410.00512v1 Pairing type symmetry in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    126. 2410.00563v1 Theory of Nonlinear Hall Effect Induced by Electric Field and Temperature Gradient in 3D Chiral Magnetic Textures (arXiv)

    127. 2410.00600v1 Orbital selective Mott transition and magnetic moment in charge density wave heterostructures NbSe2/TaX2 (arXiv)

    128. 2410.00658v1 Edge and bulk states in a three-site Kitaev chain (arXiv)

    129. 2410.00674v1 Photo-induced phase transition on black samarium monosulfide (arXiv)

    130. 2410.00682v1 Relaxation dynamics of integrable field theories after a global quantum quench (arXiv)

    131. 2410.00734v1 Self-organized magnon condensation in quasi-one-dimensional edge-shared cuprates (arXiv)

    132. 2410.00768v1 High Mobility SiGe/Ge 2DHG Heterostructure Quantum Wells for Semiconductor Hole Spin Qubits (arXiv)

    133. 2410.00782v1 Antiferromagnetic weak topological state in Bismuth square-net based nonsymmorphic lattice (arXiv)

    134. 2410.00783v1 Rydberg excitons and polaritons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in a magnetic field (arXiv)

    135. 2410.00810v1 Invariant Hamiltonian Bootstrap for Quantum Many-body Ground States (arXiv)

    136. 2410.00820v1 Topological orbital Hall effect caused by skyrmions and antiferromagnetic skyrmions (arXiv)

    137. 2410.00851v1 Layer-dependent magnetic property in a superconducting quintuple-layer nickelate La6Ni5O12 (arXiv)

    138. 2410.00909v1 Altermagnetism from interaction-driven itinerant magnetism (arXiv)

    139. 2410.00160v1 Cooling and Squeezing a Microwave Cavity State with Magnons Using a Beam Splitter Interaction (arXiv)

    140. 2410.00172v1 Study of the symmetry of electronic system of the Weyl semimetal GdBiPt using rotational anisotropy of second harmonic generation (arXiv)

    141. 2410.00515v1 Exploring entanglement in finite-size quantum systems with degenerate ground state (arXiv)

    142. 2410.00744v1 Topology of black hole phase transition in JT gravity (arXiv)

    143. 2410.00842v1 Optically-Controlled Nano-Transducers Based on Cleaved Superlattices for Monitoring Gigahertz Surface Acoustic Vibrations (arXiv)

    144. 2410.00877v1 The implications of collisions on the spatial profile of electric potential and the space-charge limited current (arXiv)

    145. 2410.00904v1 Kinetic magnetism and stripe order in the doped AFM bosonic t-J model (arXiv)

    146. 2409.19052v1 Buried Dirac points in Quantum Spin Hall Insulators: Implications for edge transport and Majorana Kramer Pairs (arXiv)

    147. 2409.19059v1 Designing exciton-condensate Josephson junction in quantum Hall heterostructures (arXiv)

    148. 2409.19086v1 Majorana edge and end states in planar Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    149. 2409.19137v1 Quantum Enhanced Josephson Junction Field-Effect Transistors for Logic Applications (arXiv)

    150. 2409.19167v1 Experimental measurement of the reappearance of Rabi rotations in semiconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

    151. 2409.19199v1 Anisotropic multi-orbital Hubbard model simulated with impurity approximation (arXiv)

    152. 2409.19265v1 Coexistence of ferroelectricity and superconductivity in a two-dimensional monolayer (arXiv)

    153. 2409.19317v1 Symmetry requirements for current-induced spin magnetization specific to chiral crystals: Multipole analysis and the hidden spin glide symmetry (arXiv)

    154. 2409.19328v1 Universal theory of tunable second-order topological corner states induced by interlayer coupling in twist bilayer Chern insulators (arXiv)

    155. 2409.19332v1 Classification of Chern Numbers Based on High-Symmetry Points (arXiv)

    156. 2409.19343v1 Magnons on a dice lattice: topological features and transport properties (arXiv)

    157. 2409.19444v1 Spin-polarized transport in quadruple quantum dots attached to ferromagnetic leads (arXiv)

    158. 2409.19468v1 Imaging the diffusive-to-ballistic crossover of magnetotransport in graphene (arXiv)

    159. 2409.19475v1 Higgs-like stiffness and fractons on the verge of phase transitions (arXiv)

    160. 2409.19512v1 Magnetic Anisotropy Effect on Stabilizing Magnetization Plateaus of Kagome Strip Chain Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    161. 2409.19551v1 Pseudo-Riemannian metric: a new perspective on the quantum realm (arXiv)

    162. 2409.19562v1 Instability of metals with respect to strong electron-phonon interaction (arXiv)

    163. 2409.19662v1 Effective Hamiltonian for Twisted TMDs which Exhibit Pressure Dependent Topological Phase Transitions (arXiv)

    164. 2409.19683v1 True decoherence-free-subspace derived from a semiconductor double quantum dot Heisenberg spin-trimer (arXiv)

    165. 2409.19736v1 Spectroscopic Visualization of Hard Quasi-1D Superconductivity Induced in Nanowires Deposited on a Quasi-2D Indium film (arXiv)

    166. 2409.19832v1 d-wave Superconductivity in the Hubbard model on the isotropic triangular lattice and a possibility of the chiral d+id pairing as a quasi-stable state (arXiv)

    167. 2409.19887v1 Doping Dependence of Upper Critical Field of High-Tc Cuprate Bi2+xSr2-xCaCu2O8+d Estimated from Irreversibility Field at Zero Temperature (arXiv)

    168. 2409.19955v1 Transient selection of competing order in frustrated spin Peierls systems after a quench (arXiv)

    169. 2409.20006v1 Anomalous quantum oscillations from boson-mediated interband scattering (arXiv)

    170. 2409.20062v1 Tuning the proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in bilayer graphene/WSe2 heterostructures with pressure (arXiv)

    171. 2409.20103v1 Low-energy spin excitations in field-induced phases of the spin-ladder antiferromagnet BiCu2PO6 (arXiv)

    172. 2409.20186v1 Violet to near-infrared optical addressing of spin pairs in hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    173. 2409.20221v1 Linear Magnetoresistance and Type-I Superconductivity in beta-IrSn4 (arXiv)

    174. 2409.20228v1 High-field ultrasound study of elastic constants and possible magnetic symmetry transformations in UO2 (arXiv)

    175. 2409.20285v1 Poor-man’s Majorana edge mode enabled by specular Andreev reflection (arXiv)

    176. 2409.20320v1 Experimental Online Quantum Dots Charge Autotuning Using Neural Network (arXiv)

    177. 2409.20336v1 Orbital-FFLO State and Josephson Vortex Lattice Melting in Layered Ising Superconductors (arXiv)

    178. 2409.20497v1 Doping dependence of linear-in-temperature scattering rate in three-orbital Emery model (arXiv)

    179. 2409.20532v1 Dynamic-RKKY induced time-reversal symmetry breaking and chiral spin liquids (arXiv)

    180. 2409.20567v1 Doping a fractional quantum anomalous Hall insulator (arXiv)

    181. 2409.19063v1 Equilibrium non-linear phononics by electric field fluctuations of terahertz cavities (arXiv)

    182. 2409.19082v1 A combined Quantum Monte Carlo and DFT study of the strain response and magnetic properties of two-dimensional (2D) 1T-VSe2 with charge density wave (arXiv)

    183. 2409.19515v1 Nonlinearity-induced Thouless pumping of solitons (arXiv)

    184. 2409.19529v1 Magnetization Plateaus by the Field-Induced Partitioning of Spin Lattices (arXiv)

    185. 2409.19628v1 Band alignment effect in the topological photonic alloy (arXiv)

    186. 2409.19921v1 Perspective: imaging atomic step geometry to determine surface terminations of kagome materials and beyond (arXiv)

    187. 2409.19932v1 A Quantum-Resistant Photonic Hash Function (arXiv)

    188. 2409.19968v1 Criticality-Enhanced Quantum Sensing with a Parametric Superconducting Resonator (arXiv)

    189. 2409.20009v1 High-efficiency quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for extracting entanglement entropy in interacting fermion systems (arXiv)

    190. 2409.20312v1 Spin Excitations of High Spin Iron(II) in Metal-Organic Chains on Metal and Superconductor (arXiv)

    191. 2409.20526v1 Orbital Hall effect in transition metals from first-principles scattering calculations (arXiv)

    192. 2409.20538v1 Quantum Annealing with chaotic driver Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    193. PhysRevLett.133.140601 Polarization and Orbital Angular Momentum Encoded Quantum Toffoli Gate Enabled by Diffractive Neural Networks (PRL)

    194. PhysRevLett.133.143401 Thermal Melting of a Vortex Lattice in a Quasi Two-Dimensional Bose Gas (PRL)

    195. PhysRevLett.133.146001 Molecular Pairing in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Superconductivity (PRL)

    196. PhysRevLett.133.146502 Singlet Polaron Theory of Low-Energy Optical Excitations in NiPS3 (PRL)

    197. PhysRevLett.133.146601 Hyperbolic Lattices and Two-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory (PRL)

    198. PhysRevX.14.031055 Quantum Entanglement between Optical and Microwave Photonic Qubits (PRX)

    199. 2409.18176v1 Tuning transport in solid-state Bose-Fermi mixtures by Feshbach resonances (arXiv)

    200. 2409.18210v1 Scanning Thermal Microscopy method for self-heating in non-linear devices and application to current filaments in resistive RAM (arXiv)

    201. 2409.18258v1 Capping effects on spin and charge excitations in parent and superconducting Nd1-xSrxNiO2 (arXiv)

    202. 2409.18357v1 Giant enhancement of exciton diffusion near an electronic Mott insulator (arXiv)

    203. 2409.18373v1 Excitons in Atomically Thin TMD in Electric and Magnetic Fields (arXiv)

    204. 2409.18441v1 Machine-learning Guided Search for Phonon-mediated Superconductivity in Boron and Carbon Compounds (arXiv)

    205. 2409.18456v1 Spin Seebeck Effect in Graphene (arXiv)

    206. 2409.18484v1 Dependence of the charge transport in tilted chains on the choice of two-body interaction (arXiv)

    207. 2409.18515v1 Correlation between unconventional superconductivity and strange metallicity revealed by operando superfluid density measurements (arXiv)

    208. 2409.18554v1 Spin-Orbit Torque Driven Chiral Domain Wall Motion in Mn3Sn (arXiv)

    209. 2409.18600v1 Nematic correlations and nematic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in spin-1 kagome lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    210. 2409.18700v1 Inverted Hanle spin precession induced magnetoresistance in chiral/semiconductor systems (arXiv)

    211. 2409.18780v1 Effects of Peierls phases in open linear chains (arXiv)

    212. 2409.18810v1 Classification of mass terms in kagome semimetals (arXiv)

    213. 2409.18833v1 Stripes, pair density wave, and holon Wigner crystal in single-band Hubbard model on diagonal square lattice (arXiv)

    214. 2409.18880v1 Electronic anisotropy and rotational symmetry breaking at a Weyl semimetal/spin ice interface (arXiv)

    215. 2409.18898v1 Correlated states in super-moire materials with a kernel polynomial quantics tensor cross algorithm (arXiv)

    216. 2409.18933v1 Shaping terahertz waves using anisotropic shear modes in a van der Waals mineral (arXiv)

    217. 2409.18934v1 Two-dimensional Stoner transitions beyond mean-field (arXiv)

    218. 2409.18284v1 Inverse Design of Unitary Transmission Matrices in Silicon Photonic Coupled Waveguide Arrays using a Neural Adjoint Model (arXiv)

    219. 2409.18287v1 Understanding the chemical and structural variability in the efficiency of band edge optical transitions of 2D monolayer materials (arXiv)

    220. 2409.18294v1 Achieving Different Stoichiometries and Morphologies in Vapor Phase Deposition of Inorganic Halide Perovskites: Single or Dual Precursor Sources? (arXiv)

    221. 2409.18322v1 Kekule distortions in graphene on cadmium sulfide (arXiv)

    222. 2409.18323v1 The dual Ginzburg-Landau theory for a holographic superconductor: Finite coupling corrections (arXiv)

    223. 2409.18366v1 Record-large magnetically driven polarization in room temperature ferromagnets Os$X_2$ monolayers (arXiv)

    224. 2409.18400v1 Strain-tunable Dirac semimetal phase transition and emergent superconductivity in a borophane (arXiv)

    225. 2409.18437v1 Giant Magneto-Exciton Coupling in 2D van der Waals CrSBr (arXiv)

    226. 2409.18460v1 Semiclassical Truncated-Wigner-Approximation Theory of Molecular Exciton-Polariton Dynamics in Optical Cavities (arXiv)

    227. 2409.18501v1 Magnon-mediated exciton-exciton interaction in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    228. 2409.18518v1 Atomically Flat Dielectric Patterns for Band Gap Engineering and Lateral Junction Formation in MoSe$_2$ Monolayers (arXiv)

    229. 2409.18571v1 Effective chiral response of anisotropic multilayered metamaterials (arXiv)

    230. 2409.18822v1 Automated quantum system modeling with machine learning (arXiv)

    231. 2409.18840v1 Quantum nuclear motion in silicene: Assessing structural and vibrational properties through path-integral simulations (arXiv)

    232. 2409.18863v1 Thermalization Dynamics in Closed Quantum Many Body Systems: a Precision Large Scale Exact Diagonalization Study (arXiv)

    233. 2409.18926v1 Enabling P-type Conduction in Bilayer WS2 with NbP Topological Semimetal Contacts (arXiv)

    234. 2409.18944v1 Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and Information Geometry in Open Quantum Systems (arXiv)

    235. 2409.18965v1 Multiscale Simulation and Machine Learning Facilitated Design of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials-Based Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors: A Review (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 4th week collection

    1. PhysRevLett.133.136703 Emergent Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and Kugel-Khomskii Physics in the Triangular Lattice Bilayer Colbaltate (PRL)

    2. s41567-024-02637-3 Phase transition in magic with random quantum circuits (Nature Physics)

    3. s41567-024-02629-3 Electronic response of a Mott insulator at a current-induced insulator-to-metal transition (Nature Physics)

    4. s41467-024-52774-9 Enhancing the efficiency of high-order harmonics with two-color non-collinear wave mixing in silica (Nature Communications)

    5. s41567-024-02648-0 Control of dynamic orbital response in ferromagnets via crystal symmetry (Nature Physics)

    6. PhysRevLett.133.133802 Realization of Time-Reversal Invariant Photonic Topological Anderson Insulators (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.133.136203 Narrowing of the Flexural Phonon Spectral Line in Stressed Crystalline Two-Dimensional Materials (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.133.136302 Mpemba Effects in Open Nonequilibrium Quantum Systems (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.133.136504 Topological Green’s Function Zeros in an Exactly Solved Model and Beyond (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.133.136705 Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem for 1D Quantum Magnets with Antiunitary Translation and Inversion Symmetries (PRL)

    11. PhysRevApplied.22.034055 Spatial modulation strategy for construction of artificial polar skyrmion arrays in ferroelectrics (PRApplied)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.130801 Heisenberg-Limited Quantum Lidar for Joint Range and Velocity Estimation (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.133202 Cooperative Spin Amplifier for Enhanced Quantum Sensing (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.133801 Formation and Controlling of Optical Hopfions in High Harmonic Generation (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.133.134001 Divergence of Critical Fluctuations on Approaching Catastrophic Phase Inversion in Turbulent Emulsions (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.133.136202 Continuous Space-Time Crystal State Driven by Nonreciprocal Optical Forces (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.133.136403 Long-Lived Topological Flatband Excitons in Semiconductor Moiré Heterostructures: A Bosonic Kane-Mele Model Platform (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.133.136502 General Criterion for Non-Hermitian Skin Effects and Application: Fock Space Skin Effects in Many-Body Systems (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.133.136503 Many-Body Non-Hermitian Skin Effect for Multipoles (PRL)

    20. PhysRevX.14.031053 Theory of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Fibers for Highly Multimode Excitations (PRX)

    21. PhysRevResearch.6.033338 Quantum jump photodetector for narrowband photon counting with a single atom (PRR)

    22. PhysRevResearch.6.033339 Order-by-disorder in the antiferromagnetic J1-J2−J3 transverse-field Ising model on the ruby lattice (PRR)

    23. PhysRevResearch.6.033340 Alternative fast quantum logic gates using nonadiabatic Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana transitions (PRR)

    24. PhysRevResearch.6.L032072 Symmetry breaking and non-ergodicity in a driven-dissipative ensemble of multilevel atoms in a cavity (PRR)

    25. PhysRevResearch.6.L032073 Demonstration of Maxwell demon-assisted Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering via superconducting quantum processor (PRR)

    26. 2409.17202v1 Topological zero modes and correlation pumping in an engineered Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    27. 2409.17219v1 Fermionic parton theory of Rydberg Z2 quantum spin liquids (arXiv)

    28. 2409.17230v1 Detecting axion dynamics on the surface of magnetic topological insulators (arXiv)

    29. 2409.17240v1 Optical conductivity of the Majorana mode at the s- and d-wave topological superconductor edge (arXiv)

    30. 2409.17245v1 Einstein-de Haas effect: a bridge linking mechanics, magnetism, and topology (arXiv)

    31. 2409.17321v1 Machine learning analysis of structural data to predict electronic properties in near-surface InAs quantum wells (arXiv)

    32. 2409.17350v1 Electronic structure, spin-orbit interaction and electron-phonon coupling of triangular adatom lattices on semiconductor substrates (arXiv)

    33. 2409.17463v1 Polarizability and plasmons in pseudospin-1 gapped materials with a flat band (arXiv)

    34. 2409.17478v1 Giant Hall effect in a highly conductive frustrated magnet GdCu2 (arXiv)

    35. 2409.17586v1 Gate-controlled superconducting switch in GaSe/NbSe2 van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    36. 2409.17611v1 Coupled Spin and Valley Hall Effect Driven by Coherent Tunneling (arXiv)

    37. 2409.17653v1 Longitudinal DC Conductivity in Dirac Nodal Line Semimetals: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contributions (arXiv)

    38. 2409.17690v1 Pulsed magnetic field gradient on a tip for nanoscale imaging of spins (arXiv)

    39. 2409.17712v1 Evolution of dissipative regimes in atomically thin Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductor (arXiv)

    40. 2409.17718v1 Optical control of spin-splitting in an altermagnet (arXiv)

    41. 2409.17733v1 Characterization of Nuclear Magnetism at Ultralow and Zero Field using SQUIDs (arXiv)

    42. 2409.17752v1 Observation of Transient Trion Induced by Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructure (arXiv)

    43. 2409.17811v1 Anomalous Order in R3Ni30B10 (R = La, Ce) (arXiv)

    44. 2409.17813v1 Spin-Dependent Signatures of Majorana Vortex Fusion within Planar Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    45. 2409.17820v1 Electric Control of Polarity in Spin-Orbit Josephson Diode (arXiv)

    46. 2409.17835v1 Loop Algorithm for Quantum Transverse Ising Model in a Longitudinal Field (arXiv)

    47. 2409.17861v1 Theory of Pressure Dependence of Superconductivity in Bilayer Nickelate La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    48. 2409.18050v1 Superconductivity and charge-density-wave in the Holstein model on the Penrose Lattice (arXiv)

    49. 2409.18067v1 Topological chiral superconductivity (arXiv)

    50. 2409.18107v1 All-optical magnetometric characterization of the antiferromagnetic exchange-spring system Mn2Au Py by terahertz spin-torques (arXiv)
    51. 2409.18131v1 Two-dopant origin of competing stripe and pair formation in Hubbard and t-J models (arXiv)

    52. 2409.17142v1 Visualizing Dynamics of Charges and Strings in (2+1)D Lattice Gauge Theories (arXiv)

    53. 2409.17238v1 Spectral gaps of local quantum channels in the weak-dissipation limit (arXiv)

    54. 2409.17251v1 Thermalization rates and quantum Ruelle-Pollicott resonances: insights from operator hydrodynamics (arXiv)

    55. 2409.17297v1 Multi-band superconductors have enhanced critical temperatures (arXiv)

    56. 2409.17365v1 Revealing the phonon bottleneck limit in negatively charged CdS quantum dots (arXiv)

    57. 2409.17530v1 Strong-to-weak spontaneous breaking of 1-form symmetry and intrinsically mixed topological order (arXiv)

    58. 2409.17570v1 Wavelength-dependent anisotropic light-matter interaction in 2D ferroelectric In2Se3 (arXiv)

    59. 2409.17619v1 Core-hole induced misalignment between Van-Hove singularities and K-edge fine structure in carbon nanotubes (arXiv)

    60. 2409.17722v1 Three-dimensional nanoscale control of magnetism in crystalline Yttrium Iron Garnet (arXiv)

    61. 2409.17793v1 Entropic selection of magnetization in a frustrated 2D magnetic model (arXiv)

    62. 2409.17857v1 Material-realistic modelling of quantum many-body effects in a monolayer TMDC nanolaser device (arXiv)

    63. PhysRevLett.133.130802 Quantum Spin Probe of Single Charge Dynamics (PRL)

    64. PhysRevLett.133.136602 Percolation-Induced PT Symmetry Breaking (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.133.136704 Origins of Electromagnetic Radiation from Spintronic Terahertz Emitters: A Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory plus Jefimenko Equations Approach (PRL)

    66. PhysRevX.14.031052 Theoretical Description of Pump-Probe Experiments in Charge-Density-Wave Materials out to Long Times (PRX)

    67. PhysRevResearch.6.033336 Feedback-based quantum algorithms for ground state preparation (PRR)

    68. 2409.16344v1 Gapped and gapless quantum spin liquids on the ruby lattice (arXiv)

    69. 2409.16352v1 Topological order in spin nematics from the quantum melting of a disclination lattice (arXiv)

    70. 2409.16358v1 The multi-state geometry of shift current and polarization (arXiv)

    71. 2409.16398v1 Shot noise in a phenomenological model of a marginal Fermi liquid (arXiv)

    72. 2409.16468v1 Band structure and charge ordering of Dirac semimetal EuAl4 at low temperatures (arXiv)

    73. 2409.16523v1 Competition between d-wave and d+is-wave superconductivity in the Hubbard model on a checkerboard lattice (arXiv)

    74. 2409.16602v1 Squeezing Quantum States in Three-Dimensional Twisted Crystals (arXiv)

    75. 2409.16638v1 Deformation of a one dimensional ferromagnetic domain wall due to double exchange interaction with a free electron system (arXiv)

    76. 2409.16642v1 Charge modulation in the background of depleted superconductivity inside vortices (arXiv)

    77. 2409.16715v1 Collapsing Behavior of the Ferrimagnetic Ground State of the S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on the Lieb Lattice due to Frustration (arXiv)

    78. 2409.16744v1 Non-invertible duality defects in one, two, and three dimensions via gauging spatially modulated symmetry (arXiv)

    79. 2409.16752v1 Interface engineering of van der Waals heterostructures towards energy-efficient quantum devices operating at room temperature (arXiv)

    80. 2409.16758v1 Fundamental nature of the self-field critical current in superconductors (arXiv)

    81. 2409.16762v1 Post-GW theory and its application to pseudogap in strongly correlated system (arXiv)

    82. 2409.16804v1 Tunneling spectra of unconventional quasi-two-dimensional superconductors (arXiv)

    83. 2409.16839v1 Transport properties in a two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in Quantum Hall Regime (arXiv)

    84. 2409.16881v1 The cumulant Green’s functions method for the single impurity Anderson model (arXiv)

    85. 2409.16930v1 Nonlinear diode effect and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in purely two-dimensional noncentrosymmetric superconductors (arXiv)

    86. 2409.17064v1 Analytic approach to thermoelectric transport in double quantum dots (arXiv)

    87. 2409.16346v1 Scalable quantum dynamics compilation via quantum machine learning (arXiv)

    88. 2409.16616v1 Broadband measurement of Feibelman’s quantum surface response functions (arXiv)

    89. 2409.16895v1 Non-stabilizerness Entanglement Entropy: a measure of hardness in the classical simulation of quantum many-body systems (arXiv)

    90. 2409.16975v1 Computational electron-phonon superconductivity: from theoretical physics to material science (arXiv)

    91. 2409.16994v1 Size-dependent multiexciton dynamics governs scintillation from perovskite quantum dots (arXiv)

    92. 2409.17000v1 Ensemble density functional theory of ground and excited energy levels (arXiv)

    93. PhysRevLett.133.130401 Symmetry Shapes Thermodynamics of Macroscopic Quantum Systems (PRL)

    94. PhysRevLett.133.136001 Prediction of s±-Wave Superconductivity Enhanced by Electronic Doping in Trilayer Nickelates La4Ni3O10 under Pressure (PRL)

    95. PhysRevLett.133.137101 Eigenstate Localization in a Many-Body Quantum System (PRL)

    96. PhysRevResearch.6.033325 Simulating the quantum Fourier transform, Grover’s algorithm, and the quantum counting algorithm with limited entanglement using tensor networks (PRR)

    97. PhysRevB.110.115432 Identifying Klein tunneling signatures in bearded Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices from bent flat bands (PRB)

    98. PhysRevB.110.L121117 Weak-coupling theory of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    99. PhysRevB.110.115430 Quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in topological nodal-line semimetal SnTaS2 nanoflakes (PRB)

    100. PhysRevB.110.104422 Role of competing magnetic anisotropies in deriving topologically nontrivial spin textures in oxide heterostructures (PRB)

    101. PhysRevB.110.115138 Designer topological flat bands in one-dimensional armchair graphene antidot lattices (PRB)

    102. acs.nanolett.4c03336 Rolling Motion of Rigid Skyrmion Crystallites Induced by Chiral Lattice Torque (Nano letters)

    103. sciadv.adl1103 Accessing bands with extended quantum metric in kagome Cs2Ni3S4 through soft chemical processing (SCIENCE ADVANCES)

    104. ad5d64 Skyrmion motion induced by spin-waves on magnetic nanotubes (Chinese Physics B)

    105. ad7919 Stability and evolution of skyrmionium and skyrmions in a spherical shell (Physica Scripta)

    106. PhysRevLett.133.130602 Variational Quantum Circuit Decoupling (PRL)

    107. PhysRevLett.133.133201 Persistent Ground-State Planar Alignment of Iodine Molecule through Resonant Excitation (PRL)

    108. PhysRevLett.133.135101 Early-Time Harmonic Generation from a Single-Mode Perturbation Driven by X-Ray Ablation (PRL)

    109. PhysRevLett.133.136002 Nematic Superconductivity and Its Critical Vestigial Phases in the Quasicrystal (PRL)

    110. PhysRevLett.133.136003 Anomalous Frequency and Temperature Dependent Scattering in the Dilute Metallic Phase in Lightly Doped SrTiO3 (PRL)

    111. PhysRevLett.133.136201 Nonmonotonic Velocity Dependence of Atomic Friction Induced by Multiple Slips (PRL)

    112. PhysRevLett.133.136501 Superconductivity and Mott Physics in Organic Charge Transfer Materials (PRL)

    113. PhysRevLett.133.136701 Bath-Induced Spin Inertia (PRL)

    114. PhysRevLett.133.136702 Exotic Spin Excitations in a Polar Magnet VOSe2O5 (PRL)

    115. PhysRevResearch.6.033330 Mpemba effects in nonequilibrium open quantum systems (PRR)

    116. PhysRevResearch.6.033331 Floquet engineering of binding in doped and photo-doped Mott insulators (PRR)

    117. PhysRevResearch.6.033332 High-fidelity macroscopic superposition states via shortcut to adiabaticity (PRR)

    118. 2409.15424v1 Quantum-interference-induced pairing in antiferromagnetic bosonic t-J model (arXiv)

    119. 2409.15502v1 The Viscosity of Liquids in the Dual Model (arXiv)

    120. 2409.15533v1 Switching of magnetic domains in a noncollinear antiferromagnet at the nanoscale (arXiv)

    121. 2409.15583v1 Quantum entanglement and quantum geometry measured with inelastic X-ray scattering (arXiv)

    122. 2409.15619v1 Cluster dynamical mean field study of intra-unit-cell charge nematicity in hole-doped cuprates (arXiv)

    123. 2409.15648v1 Detection of terahertz radiation using topological graphene micro- nanoribbon structures with transverse plasmonic resonant cavities (arXiv)

    124. 2409.15655v1 1/2 Z Topological Invariants and the Half Quantized Hall Effect (arXiv)

    125. 2409.15738v1 Enhanced Coupling of Superconductivity and Evolution of Gap Structure in CsV3Sb5 through Ta Doping (arXiv)

    126. 2409.15819v1 Simultaneously enhancing brightness and purity of WSe2 single photon emitter using high-aspect-ratio nanopillar array on metal (arXiv)

    127. 2409.15877v1 Photoinduced surface plasmon control of ultrafast melting modes in Au nanorods (arXiv)

    128. 2409.15928v1 Equivalence of pseudogap and pairing energy in a cuprate high-temperature superconductor (arXiv)

    129. 2409.15964v1 Intrinsic Spin Nernst Effect and Chiral Edge Modes in van der Waals Ferromagnetic Insulators: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vs. Kitaev Interactions (arXiv)

    130. 2409.16043v1 Disorder effects in a model of competing superconducting and charge-density wave orders in YBa2Cu3O6+x (arXiv)

    131. 2409.16050v1 Cascade switching current detectors based on arrays of Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    132. 2409.16070v1 A recipe for an effective selection of promising candidates for high-temperature superconductors among binary hydrides (arXiv)

    133. 2409.16100v1 Theory of Polar Skyrmions in Layered Structure of Ferroelectric Perovskites (arXiv)

    134. 2409.16114v1 Kohn-Luttinger Mechanism of Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer WSe2: Gate-Tunable Unconventional Pairing Symmetry (arXiv)

    135. 2409.16130v1 Manipulating Photogalvanic Effects in Two-Dimensional Multiferroic Breathing Kagome Materials (arXiv)

    136. 2409.15638v1 Vortex wall phase in fractonic XY-plaquette model on square lattice (arXiv)

    137. 2409.15943v1 Aspects of Hilbert space fragmentation in the quantum East model: fragmentation, subspace-restricted quantum scars, and effects of density-density interactions (arXiv)

    138. 2409.16035v1 Fluctuation-induced Bistability of Fermionic Atoms Coupled to a Dissipative Cavity (arXiv)

    139. 2409.16097v1 Effect of Etching Methods on Dielectric Losses in Transmons (arXiv)

    140. 2409.16138v1 Enhanced magnetoelectric coupling in two-dimensional hybrid multiferroic heterostructures (arXiv)

    141. 2409.16170v1 Raman Spectra and Excitonic Effects of the novel Ta2Ni3Te5 Monolayer (arXiv)

    142. 2409.13814v1 Origin and stability of generalized Wigner crystallinity in triangular moire systems (arXiv)

    143. 2409.13829v1 Chiral and topological superconductivity in isospin polarized multilayer graphene (arXiv)

    144. 2409.13836v1 Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Properties of Quasi-2D Organic Charge-Transfer Salts (arXiv)

    145. 2409.13891v1 Role of magnetic doping in topological HgTe and application of the Gram-Schmidt method for computing impurity states in quantum wells (arXiv)

    146. 2409.14077v1 Pressure-dependent magnetism of the Kitaev candidate Li2RhO3 (arXiv)

    147. 2409.14132v1 Effects of phonon dispersion on the bond-bipolaron superconductivity (arXiv)

    148. 2409.14267v1 Theory of spin pumping and inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect in a two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)

    149. 2409.14318v1 Identification by Inelastic X-Ray scattering of bulk alteration of solid dynamics due to Liquid Wetting (arXiv)

    150. 2409.14333v1 Five-dimensional Floquet topological semimetals with emergent Yang monopoles and linked Weyl surfaces (arXiv)

    151. 2409.14354v1 The magnetic Z2 topological insulator on the AA-stacked bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    152. 2409.14373v1 Topological Spin Textures Enabling Quantum Transmission (arXiv)

    153. 2409.14390v1 Preserving Coulomb blockade in transport spectroscopy of quantum dots, by dynamical tunnel-barrier compensation (arXiv)

    154. 2409.14415v1 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Based on Weyl Orbits (arXiv)

    155. 2409.14423v1 Harnessing magnetic octupole Hall effect to induce torque in altermagnets (arXiv)

    156. 2409.14539v1 Quantum kinetic theory of quadratic responses (arXiv)

    157. 2409.14601v1 Linear response of a Chern insulator to finite-frequency electric fields (arXiv)

    158. 2409.14658v1 Beyond-mean-field studies of Wigner crystal transitions in various interacting two-dimensional systems (arXiv)

    159. 2409.14921v1 Pair size and quantum geometry in a multiband Hubbard model (arXiv)

    160. 2409.14941v1 Magnetoconductivity of Dirac semimetals and chiral magnetic effect from Keldysh technique (arXiv)

    161. 2409.14942v1 Electric imaging and dynamics of photo-charged graphene edge (arXiv)

    162. 2409.14964v1 On demand single photon generation and coherent control of excitons from resonantly driven nanowire quantum dots (arXiv)

    163. 2409.15082v1 Quantum phase diagrams of Dicke-Ising models by a wormhole algorithm (arXiv)

    164. 2409.15111v1 Charge Density Waves and the Effects of Uniaxial Strain on the Electronic Structure of 2H-NbSe2 (arXiv)

    165. 2409.15181v1 Fast Virtual Gate Extraction For Silicon Quantum Dot Devices (arXiv)

    166. 2409.15266v1 Making s-wave superconductors topological with magnetic field (arXiv)

    167. 2409.15270v1 Tuning competition between charge order and superconductivity in the square-lattice t-t’-J model (arXiv)

    168. 2409.13981v1 Robust Single-Photon Generation for Quantum Information Enabled by Stimulated Adiabatic Rapid Passage (arXiv)

    169. 2409.14533v1 Oscillating Magnetic Effect in BiFeO3 (arXiv)

    170. 2409.14544v1 Simulating Schwinger model dynamics with quasi-one-dimensional qubit arrays (arXiv)

    171. 2409.14735v1 Phonon Dephasing, Entanglement and Exchange-Only Toffoli Gate Sequence in Quantum Dot Spin Chains (arXiv)

    172. 2409.14856v1 Coherent population trapping and spin relaxation of a silicon vacancy center in diamond at mK temperatures (arXiv)

    173. 2409.14927v1 Structural, micro-structural/morphological and magnetic properties of RECrO3 (RE = La, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd) Orthocromites (arXiv)

    174. 2409.15276v1 Interaction dependence of the Hall response for the Bose-Hubbard triangular ladder (arXiv)

    175. 2409.11493 Moving skyrmions in Antiferromagnets by Sublattice Displacements (arXiv)

    176. 2409.11791 Multifold Majorana corner modes arising from multiple pairs of helical edge states (arXiv)

    177. 2409.13504 Absence of altermagnetic spin splitting character in rutile oxide RuO2 (arXiv)

    178. 2409.13027v1 Nonreciprocal Equilibrium 4$\pi$-Periodic Josephson Effect from Poor Man’s Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

    179. 2409.13211v1 Incommensurate magnetic order in an axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2 investigated by NMR measurement (arXiv)

    180. 2409.13215v1 Gauge invariant quantum transport theory for non-Hermitian systems (arXiv)

    181. 2409.13384v1 Probing enhanced superconductivity in van der Waals polytypes of VxTaS2 (arXiv)

    182. 2409.13408v1 Quantum geometry in condensed matter (arXiv)

    183. 2409.13446v1 Structural transition, spontaneous formation of strong singlet dimers and metamagnetism in S=3/2 magnetoelastic spin chains (arXiv)

    184. 2409.13480v1 Kinetic Energy Driven Ferromagnetic Insulator (arXiv)

    185. 2409.13539v1 Investigation of magnetic and transport properties of GdSbSe (arXiv)

    186. 2409.13623v1 Ultra spectral sensitivity and non-local bi-impurity bound states from quasi-long-range non-hermitian skin modes (arXiv)

    187. 2409.13658v1 Frequency comb in a macroscopic mechano-magnetic artificial spin ice (arXiv)

    188. 2409.13659v1 Influence of Aharonov-Bohm flux and dual gaps on electron scattering in graphene quantum dots (arXiv)

    189. 2409.13009v1 Entanglement Negativity and Replica Symmetry Breaking in General Holographic States (arXiv)

    190. 2409.13012v1 Transfer Matrix and Lattice Dilatation Operator for High-Quality Fixed Points in Tensor Network Renormalization Group (arXiv)

    191. 2409.13078v1 Catalogue of Phonon Instabilities in Symmetry Group 191 Kagome MT6Z6 Materials (arXiv)

    192. 2409.13157v1 Dynamical non-linear optical response in time-periodic quantum systems (arXiv)

    193. 2409.13260v1 Fractional Stark Ladders and Novel Quantum Dynamics of Space-time SSH Lattices (arXiv)

    194. 2409.13632v1 Universal symmetry-protected persistent spin textures in nonmagnetic solids (arXiv)

    195. 2409.13647v1 Local Exchange-Correlation Potentials by Density Inversion in Solids (arXiv)

    196. 2409.13653v1 Reduced Order Hysteretic Magnetization Model for Composite Superconductors (arXiv)
  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 3rd week collection

    1. 2409.12608v1 Thermal Generation of Spin Current in a Quantum Dot Coupled to Magnetic Insulators (arXiv)

    2. science.ade9194 Origin and fate of the pseudogap in the doped Hubbard model (Science)

    3. s41467-024-52529-6 Observation of the topological aberrations of twisted light (Nature Communications)

    4. s41567-024-02628-4 Propagation of insulator-to-metal transition driven by photoinduced strain waves in a Mott material (Nature Physics)

    5. s42005-024-01797-1 Monoclinic distortion and magnetic transitions in FeO under pressure and temperature (Communications Physics)

    6. s41467-024-52327-0 On the Author Correction to “Magnetic field screening in hydride superconductors” (Nature Communications)

    7. s41467-024-52552-7 Ultrathin near-infrared transmitting films enabled by deprotonation-induced intramolecular charge transfer of a dopant (Nature Communications)

    8. s41567-024-02622-w A general theory of quantum codes connecting quantum computation, complexity and physics (Nature Physics)

    9. s41567-024-02634-6 Intertwined vestigial orders in stacked magnetic flatlands (Nature Physics)

    10. s42005-024-01796-2 Purification scheduling control for throughput maximization in quantum networks (Communications Physics)

    11. s41586-024-07949-1 Opto-twistronic Hall effect in a three-dimensional spiral lattice (Nature)

    12. d41586-024-02801-y Quarks show that quantum entanglement holds at high energies (Nature)

    13. d41586-024-02944-y Magnetic whirlpools creep and flow in response to emergent electrodynamics (Nature)

    14. d41586-024-02973-7 Quantum feat: physicists observe entangled quarks for first time (Nature)

    15. s42005-024-01801-8 Designer spin-orbit superlattices: symmetry-protected Dirac cones and spin Berry curvature in two-dimensional van der Waals metamaterials (Communications Physics)

    16. s41563-024-02002-y Two-dimensional crystalline platinum oxide (Nature Materials)

    17. s41598-024-71566-1 Skyrmion engineering with origami (Scientific reports)

    18. s41467-024-52657-z Author Correction: Electrical switching of spin-polarized light-emitting diodes based on a 2D CrI3/hBN/WSe2 heterostructure (Nature Communications)

    19. s41467-024-52588-9 Noncommuting charges can remove non-stationary quantum many-body dynamics (Nature Communications)

    20. s41567-024-02645-3 Non-Abelian chiral dynamics in a lattice under synthetic SU(2) gauge fields (Nature Physics)

    21. s41567-024-02644-4 Chiral dynamics of ultracold atoms under a tunable SU(2) synthetic gauge field (Nature Physics)

    22. PhysRevLett.133.126202 Contributions of Edge and Internal Atoms to the Friction of Two-Dimensional Heterojunctions (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.133.126505 Probing Majorana Wave Functions in Kitaev Honeycomb Spin Liquids with Second-Order Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.133.126506 Pressure-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2 (PRL)

    25. PhysRevX.14.031049 Dynamics of Active Defects on the Anisotropic Surface of an Ellipsoidal Droplet (PRX)

    26. PhysRevResearch.6.033322 Finite-temperature Rydberg arrays: Quantum phases and entanglement characterization (PRR)

    27. PhysRevResearch.6.033323 Subsymmetry protected topology in topological insulators and superconductors (PRR)

    28. PhysRevLett.133.123401 Mott Transition for a Lieb-Liniger Gas in a Shallow Quasiperiodic Potential: Delocalization Induced by Disorder (PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.133.126402 Observation of Circular Dichroism Induced by Electronic Chirality (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.133.126503 Vacancy-Induced Tunable Kondo Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.133.126504 Edge Zeros and Boundary Spinons in Topological Mott Insulators (PRL)

    32. PhysRevResearch.6.033318 Iterative site percolation on triangular lattice (PRR)

    33. 2409.10842 Soliton penetration from edges in a monoaxial chiral magnet (arXiv)

    34. 2409.11222 Proximity-Induced Topological Hall Effect in Fe-doped Monolayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    35. 2409.10891 Quantum Geometric Effects on the Higgs Mode in Flat-band Superconductors (arXiv)

    36. 2409.11336 Flatbands in tight-binding lattices with anisotropic potentials (arXiv)

    37. 2409.09325 Nonlocal conductance of a Majorana wire near the topological transition (arXiv)

    38. S0375960124005978 Majorana zero modes in a G-quadruplex DNA with an s-wave superconductor (Physics Letters A)

    39. s42452-024-06191-8 Antiferro skyrmion crystals consisting of skyrmions and anti-skyrmions on a bilayer square lattice (Hayami)

    40. 2208.02051 Chiral Stoner magnetism in Dirac bands (arXiv)

    41. ad7ac0 Experimental progress in Eu(Al,Ga)4 topological antiferromagnets (Journal of Physics)

    42. ad7ac6 Response functions for electric field induced two-dimensional nonlinear spectroscopy in a Kitaev magnet (Journal of Physics)

    43. s41524-024-01382-8 Hidden magnetism and split off flat bands in the insulator metal transition in VO2 (npj Computational Materials)

    44. 2409.08154 Gate-defined flat-band charge carrier confinement in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    45. 2409.07987 Evolution of flat bands in MoSe2/WSe2 moiré lattices: A study combining machine learning and band unfolding methods (arXiv)

    46. 2409.06933 Cascade of strongly correlated quantum states in a partially filled kagome flat band (arXiv)

    47. 2409.06806 Moir´e Kramers-Weyl Fermions from Structural Chirality with Ideal Radial Spin Texture (arXiv)

    48. 2409.12201v1 Exciton-Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer Films of Aluminum (arXiv)

    49. 2409.12211v1 Analysis of “Revaluation of the lower critical field in superconducting H3S and LaH10 (Nature Comm. 13, 3194, 2022)” by V. S. Minkov et al (arXiv)

    50. 2409.12254v1 Quantum geometric superfluid weight in multiband superconductors: A microscopic interpretation (arXiv)

    51. 2409.12351v1 Flux-trapping experiments on ultra-high pressure hydrides as evidence of superconductivity (arXiv)

    52. 2409.12494v1 A unified theoretical framework for Kondo superconductors: Periodic Anderson impurities with attractive pairing and Rashba spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    53. 2409.12510v1 Nonreciprocal electrical transport in linear systems with balanced gain and loss in the bulk (arXiv)

    54. 2409.12530v1 Frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a Kagome-strip chain: Dimerization and mapping to a spin-orbital Kugel-Khomskii model (arXiv)

    55. 2409.12534v1 Theory of magnetism for rare-earth magnets on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice with non-Kramers ions (arXiv)

    56. 2409.12570v1 Extremely high-density (>10^14 cm^-2) with very low sheet resistance 2D electron gases in N-polar AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with GaN/AlN superlattice back barriers grown on sapphire substrates (arXiv)

    57. 2409.12671v1 Antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition as a transition to partial ordered spins. Application to La1-xCaxMnO3 in the doping range x >= 0.50 (arXiv)

    58. 2409.12698v1 Reflectors Tune Near-Field Thermal Transport (arXiv)

    59. 2409.12731v1 Industrial 300mm wafer processed spin qubits in natural silicon/silicon-germanium (arXiv)

    60. 2409.12847v1 Structural analysis and transport properties of [010]-tilt grain boundaries in Fe(Se,Te) (arXiv)

    61. 2409.12901v1 Chiral superfluidity of helium-3 in the quasi-two-dimensional limit (arXiv)

    62. 2409.12948v1 Decoherence and wavefunction deformation of D4 non-Abelian topological order (arXiv)

    63. 2409.12220v1 Quantized axial charge of staggered fermions and the chiral anomaly (arXiv)

    64. 2409.12230v1 Stability and Loop Models from Decohering Non-Abelian Topological Order (arXiv)

    65. 2409.12237v1 Ground states of strongly-correlated materials on quantum computers using ab initio downfolding (arXiv)

    66. 2409.12270v1 Electronic and magnetic properties of (NdNiO3)/(La2/3Sr1/3MnO3) superlattices: a DFT+U perspective (arXiv)

    67. 2409.12292v1 Topological argument for robustness of coherent states in quantum optics (arXiv)

    68. 2409.12423v1 Topological Surface State Evolution in Bi2Se3 via Surface Etching (arXiv)

    69. 2409.12434v1 Precise structure and polarization determination of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 with electron ptychography (arXiv)

    70. 2409.12451v1 Vacuum and Vortices in Inhomogeneous Abelian Higgs Model (arXiv)

    71. 2409.12485v1 Liquid Metal Oxide-assisted Integration of High-k Dielectrics and Metal Contacts for Two-Dimensional Electronics (arXiv)

    72. 2409.12525v1 Lyapunov Controlled Counterdiabatic Quantum Optimization (arXiv)

    73. 2409.12582v1 Ultracompact programmable silicon photonics using layers of low-loss phase-change material Sb2Se3 of increasing thickness (arXiv)

    74. 2409.12639v1 Any Quantum Many-Body State under Local Dissipation will be Disentangled in Finite Time (arXiv)

    75. 2409.12807v1 Chiral phononic and electronic edge modes of EuPtSi (arXiv)

    76. 2409.12829v1 Altermagnetic Weyl node-network semimetals protected by spin symmetry (arXiv)

    77. 2409.12871v1 Imprinted atomic displacements drive spin-orbital order in a vanadate perovskite (arXiv)

    78. PhysRevLett.133.120602 Blind Quantum Machine Learning with Quantum Bipartite Correlator (PRL)

    79. PhysRevLett.133.120603 Simulating Noisy Variational Quantum Algorithms: A Polynomial Approach (PRL)

    80. PhysRevLett.133.120604 Quantum Walks and Correlated Dynamics in an Interacting Synthetic Rydberg Lattice (PRL)

    81. PhysRevLett.133.126201 Large Orbital Moment and Dynamical Jahn-Teller Effect of AlCl-Phthalocyanine on Cu(100) (PRL)

    82. PhysRevLett.133.126602 Hinge Modes of Surface Arcs in a Synthetic Weyl Phononic Crystal (PRL)

    83. PhysRevResearch.6.033311 Strong dipole-dipole interactions via enhanced light-matter coupling in composite nanofiber waveguides (PRR)

    84. 2409.11514v1 Perturbation theory for dispersion relations of spacetime-periodic materials (arXiv)

    85. 2409.11544v1 Interplay of Electron Trapping by Defect Midgap State and Quantum Confinement to Optimize Hot Carrier Effect in a Nanowire Structure (arXiv)

    86. 2409.11571v1 Monte Carlo Methods in the Manifold of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Wave Functions (arXiv)

    87. 2409.11647v1 Spatially-resolved dynamics of the amplitude Schmid-Higgs mode in disordered superconductors (arXiv)

    88. 2409.11714v1 Three-dimensional valley-contrasting sound (arXiv)

    89. 2409.11791v1 Multifold Majorana corner modes arising from multiple pairs of helical edge states (arXiv)

    90. 2409.11834v1 Unconventional gate-induced superconductivity in transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    91. 2409.11886v1 Reversal of charge transfer doping on the negative electronic compressibility surface of MoS2 (arXiv)

    92. 2409.11894v1 Origin of the non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    93. 2409.11932v1 On the difference between thermalization in open and isolated quantum systems: a case study (arXiv)

    94. 2409.12050v1 Numerical renormalization group calculations for magnetic impurity systems with spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field effects (arXiv)

    95. 2409.12052v1 Exploring functionalized Zr2N and Sc2N MXenes as superconducting candidates with ab initio calculations (arXiv)

    96. 2409.12120v1 Computing the Z2 Invariant in Two-Dimensional Strongly-Correlated Systems (arXiv)

    97. 2409.12142v1 Light-induced Nonlinear Resonant Spin Magnetization (arXiv)

    98. 2409.12157v1 Identifying inflated Fermi surfaces via thermoelectric response in $d$-wave superconductor heterostructure (arXiv)

    99. 2409.11628v1 Representation theory of Gaussian unitary transformations for bosonic and fermionic systems (arXiv)

    100. 2409.11662v1 Anomalous Hall effect from nonlinear magnetoelectric coupling (arXiv)

    101. 2409.11893v1 High stability 2D electron gases formed in Si3N4/Al//KTaO3 heterostructures: synthesis and in-depth interfacial characterization (arXiv)

    102. 2409.11959v1 Phase-cycling and double-quantum two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy using a common-path birefringent interferometer (arXiv)

    103. 2409.12073v1 Influence of dislocations in multilayer graphene stacks: A phase field crystal study (arXiv)

    104. 2409.12149v1 Mechanical Wannier-Stark Ladder of Diamond Spin-Mechanical Lamb Wave Resonators (arXiv)

    105. PhysRevResearch.6.033313 Quantum routing with teleportation (PRR)

    106. PhysRevResearch.6.033314 Nontrivial fusion of Majorana zero modes in interacting quantum-dot arrays (PRR)

    107. PhysRevResearch.6.033315 Comparison of estimation limits for quantum two-parameter estimation (PRR)

    108. PhysRevResearch.6.L032068 Signatures of the attractive interaction in spin spectra of one-dimensional cuprate chains (PRR)

    109. PhysRevLett.133.120601 Modular Many-Body Quantum Sensors (PRL)

    110. PhysRevLett.133.125101 Power-Law Scaling Relating the Average Charge State and Kinetic Energy in Expanding Laser-Driven Plasmas (PRL)

    111. PhysRevLett.133.126401 Two-Gap Superconductivity and the Decisive Role of Rare-Earth d Electrons in Infinite-Layer Nickelates (PRL)

    112. PhysRevLett.133.126501 Strong Pairing Originated from an Emergent Z2 Berry Phase La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

    113. PhysRevLett.133.126502 Ultraslow Growth of Number Entropy in an l-Bit Model of Many-Body Localization (PRL)

    114. PhysRevLett.133.126601 Spin-Dependent Localization of Helical Edge States in a Non-Hermitian Phononic Crystal (PRL)

    115. PhysRevLett.133.126701 Antiferromagnetism and Phase Stability of CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy (PRL)

    116. PhysRevLett.133.126801 Ultrafast Switching of Sliding Polarization and Dynamical Magnetic Field in van der Waals Bilayers Induced by Light (PRL)

    117. PhysRevLett.133.128301 New Universality Class Describes Vicsek’s Flocking Phase in Physical Dimensions (PRL)

    118. PhysRevResearch.6.L032067 Liouvillian skin effects and fragmented condensates in an integrable dissipative Bose-Hubbard model (PRR)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 2nd week collection

    1. 2409.07959v1 Evidence for field induced quantum spin liquid behavior in a spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet (arXiv)

    2. s41467-024-52066-2 Robust poor man’s Majorana zero modes using Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states (Nature Communications)

    3. s41467-024-52270-0 Coherent spin dynamics between electron and nucleus within a single atom (Nature Communications)

    4. s41586-024-07883-2 Two-axis twisting using Floquet-engineered XYZ spin models with polar molecules (Nature)

    5. s41586-024-07875-2 Observing the two-dimensional Bose glass in an optical quasicrystal (Nature)

    6. s41467-024-52314-5 Intrinsic dipole Hall effect in twisted MoTe2: magnetoelectricity and contact-free signatures of topological transitions (Nature Communications)

    7. s41563-024-02000-0 Spin Hall-induced bilinear magnetoelectric resistance (Nature Materials)

    8. PhysRevLett.133.113402 Probing the Local Rapidity Distribution of a One-Dimensional Bose Gas (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.133.113805 Probing Topological Thermal Flux in Equilibrium Using Electron Beams (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.133.116403 Dominant Charge Density Order in TaTe4 (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.133.116502 Interaction-Driven Instabilities in the Random-Field XXZ Chain (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.116602 Arbitrarily Configurable Nonlinear Topological Modes (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.118301 Noise-Induced Phase Separation and Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Active Field Theories Driven by Persistent Noise (PRL)

    14. Physics.17.s113 Quantum Chip Cuts Unintended Signals (Physics)

    15. PhysRevResearch.6.033286 Quantum chaos on edge (PRR)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.033288 Universality classes in out-of-equilibrium systems: An encompassing theorem for a one-dimensional fusing particles model (PRR)

    17. PhysRevResearch.6.033289 Magnetic control of Weyl nodes and wave packets in three-dimensional warped semimetals (PRR)

    18. PhysRevResearch.6.033290 Power-law-exponential interaction induced quantum spiral phases (PRR)

    19. PhysRevResearch.6.033291 Protocols for trainable and differentiable quantum generative modeling (PRR)

    20. PhysRevResearch.6.033292 Squeezing-induced quantum-enhanced multiphase estimation (PRR)

    21. PhysRevResearch.6.L032063 Quantum-metric-induced quantum Hall conductance inversion and reentrant transition in fractional Chern insulators (PRR)

    22. PhysRevB.110.085416 One-dimensional Z4 topological superconductor (PRB)

    1.2311.11715 Orbital Hall effect and topology on a two-dimensional triangular lattice: from bulk to edge (arXiv)

    1. s41467-024-50935-4 Achiral hard bananas assemble double-twist skyrmions and blue phases (Nature Communications)

    2. s41699-024-00490-9 Emergence of polar skyrmions in 2D Janus CrInX3 (X=Se, Te) magnets (npj 2D Materials and Applications)

    3. 2408.01568 First-principles investigation of the emergence of multiferroicity and skyrmions in CrI2 (arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.110.054418 Topological transitions in the Yao-Lee spin-orbital model and effects of site disorder (PRB)

    5. 2408.06866 Stable magic angle in twisted Kane-Mele materials (arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.110.064423 Giant phonon-skyrmion coupling in ferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructures (PRB)

    7. 2408.11217 Beyond skyrmion spin texture from quantum Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (arXiv)

    8. adma.202405615 Realization of a 2D Lieb Lattice in a Metal–Inorganic Framework with Partial Flat Bands and Topological Edge States (Advanced materials)

    9. 3309703 High-topological-number skyrmions with tunable diameters in two-dimensional frustrated J1-J2 magnets (APL)

    10. s41586-024-07857-4 Signatures of hybridization of multiple Majorana zero modes in a vortex (Nature)

    11. 2408.16615 Topological flat bands in hyperbolic lattices (arXiv)

    12. 2408.16600 Electric field control of moir´e skyrmion phases in twisted multiferroic NiI2 bilayers (arXiv)

    13. acsnano.4c05398 Atomically Thin Two-Dimensional Kagome Flat Band on the Silicon Surface (ACS Nano)

    14. PhysRevB.110.115104 Anomalous photoinduced band renormalization in correlated materials: The case of Ta2⁢NiSe5 (PRB)

    15. s41467-024-52072-4 Confined antiskyrmion motion driven by electric current excitations (Nature communications)

    16. 2673-8724 Skyrmion Crystal Induced by Four-Spin Interactions in Itinerant Triangular Magnets (Magnetism)

    17. PhysRevB.110.115115 Spin-orbital coupling induced isolated flat band in bismuthene with k-dependent spin texture (PRB)

    18. 2409.04610 Quantum percolation on Lieb Lattices (arXiv)

    19. 2409.07512v1 Variational wavefunction for Mott insulator at finite U using ancilla qubits (arXiv)

    20. 2409.07522v1 Charge Susceptibility and Kubo Response in Hatsugai-Kohmoto-related Models (arXiv)

    21. 2409.07532v1 Multiple Majorana bound states and their resilience against disorder in planar Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    22. 2409.07557v1 Incipient quantum spin Hall insulator under strong correlations (arXiv)

    23. 2409.07660v1 Hidden Bose-Einstein Singularities in Correlated Electron Systems (arXiv)

    24. 2409.07668v1 Magnetic edge fields in UTe2 near zero background fields (arXiv)

    25. 2409.07687v1 Tuning Charged Localized Excitons in Monolayer WSe2 via Coupling to a Relaxor Ferroelectric (arXiv)

    26. 2409.07705v1 Orbital inversion and emergent lattice dynamics in infinite layer CaCoO2 (arXiv)

    27. 2409.07711v1 Chirality Detection through Vortex Bound States in (d+id’)-Wave Superconductor (arXiv)

    28. 2409.07721v1 A deep learning approach to search for superconductors from electronic bands (arXiv)

    29. 2409.07764v1 Spin-hydrodynamics of electrons in graphene and thermovortical magnetization (arXiv)

    30. 2409.07807v1 Braided Ising spin-tube physics in a purported kagome magnet (arXiv)

    31. 2409.07816v1 Unveiling the 5f electron hybridization process in UPd2Al3 via ARPES and Time-resolved PES (arXiv)

    32. 2409.07835v1 Unconventional two-dimensional quantum oscillations in three-dimensional thick SrRuO3 films (arXiv)

    33. 2409.07935v1 Capturing magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene from information theory markers (arXiv)

    34. 2409.07943v1 Skyrmion crystal phase on a magnetic domain wall in chiral magnets (arXiv)

    35. 2409.07949v1 Edge States with Hidden Topology in Spinner Lattices (arXiv)

    36. 2409.07993v1 Hierarchy of the third-order anomalous Hall effect: from clean to disorder regime (arXiv)

    37. 2409.08009v1 Distinguishing between topological Majorana and trivial zero modes via transport and shot noise study in an altermagnet heterostructure (arXiv)

    38. 2409.08040v1 Nonlinear charge and thermal transport properties induced by orbital magnetic moment in chiral crystal cobalt monosilicide (arXiv)

    39. 2409.08065v1 AI-accelerated discovery of high critical temperature superconductors (arXiv)

    40. 2409.08095v1 Persistent quantum vibronic dynamics in a 5d1 double perovskite oxide (arXiv)

    41. 2409.08125v1 Unexpected changes in the band structure within AFM1 state of CeBi (arXiv)

    42. 2409.08139v1 Inter-Layer Correlation of Loop Current Charge Density Wave on the Bilayer Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    43. 2409.08152v1 Surface photoelectric effect by twisted photons as a source of twisted electrons (arXiv)

    44. 2409.08154v1 Gate-defined flat-band charge carrier confinement in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    45. 2409.08168v1 Frequency-selective amplification of nonlinear response in strongly correlated bosons (arXiv)

    46. 2409.08225v1 Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide: A two-particle system with classical chaos (arXiv)

    47. 2409.08246v1 Spin pumping into quantum spin nematic states (arXiv)

    48. 2409.07461v1 Comment on Room-temperature spontaneous superradiance from single diamond nanocrystals [Nat. Commun. 8, 1205 (2017)] (arXiv)

    49. 2409.07600v1 Long distance spin shuttling enabled by few-parameter velocity optimization (arXiv)

    50. 2409.07612v1 In-situ tunable interaction with an invertible sign between a fluxonium and a post cavity (arXiv)

    51. 2409.07698v1 Interlayer Engineering of Lattice Dynamics and Elastic Constants of 2D Layered Nanomaterials under Pressure (arXiv)

    52. 2409.07921v1 Controlled Growth of large area bilayer MoS2 films on SiO2 substrates by chemical vapour deposition technique (arXiv)

    53. 2409.08088v1 Large inverse Faraday effect for Rydberg states of free atoms and isolated donors in semiconductors (arXiv)

    54. 2409.08137v1 Spatiotemporal Photon Blockade for Nonreciprocal Quantum Absorption (arXiv)

    55. PhysRevLett.133.110202 Causal Classification of Spatiotemporal Quantum Correlations (PRL)

    56. PhysRevLett.133.116303 Coupled Thermal and Power Transport of Optical Waveguide Arrays: Photonic Wiedemann-Franz Law and Rectification Effect (PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.133.116304 Compact Topological Edge States in Flux-Dressed Graphenelike Photonic Lattices (PRL)

    58. PhysRevX.14.031045 Dynamical Correlations and Order in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRX)

    59. PhysRevResearch.6.033280 Efficient learning of continuous-variable quantum states (PRR)

    60. PhysRevResearch.6.033281 From nonreciprocal to charge-4e supercurrent in Ge-based Josephson devices with tunable harmonic content (PRR)

    61. PhysRevResearch.6.033282 Optimal control transport of neutral atoms in optical tweezers at finite temperature (PRR)

    62. PhysRevResearch.6.033283 Strong coupling electron-photon dynamics: A real-time investigation of energy redistribution in molecular polaritons (PRR)

    63. PhysRevResearch.6.L032062 Deterministic and multiuser quantum teleportation network of continuous-variable polarization states (PRR)

    64. 2409.06775v1 Wavefunction approach to the fractional anomalous Hall crystal (arXiv)

    65. 2409.06779v1 Theory of Topological Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetic Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    66. 2409.06806v1 Moire Kramers-Weyl Fermions from Structural Chirality with Ideal Radial Spin Texture (arXiv)

    67. 2409.06891v1 Four-terminal voltage fluctuations in disordered graphene nanoribbons: Anderson and anomalous localization effects (arXiv)

    68. 2409.06933v1 Cascade of strongly correlated quantum states in a partially filled kagome flat band (arXiv)

    69. 2409.06935v1 Theoretical study on the crystal structure of a bilayer nickel-oxychloride Sr3Ni2O5Cl2 and analysis on the occurrence of possible unconventional superconductivity (arXiv)

    70. 2409.07061v1 Static quantum dot on a potential hilltop for generating and analyzing hot electrons in the quantum Hall regime (arXiv)

    71. 2409.07106v1 Topological Spin-Orbit Torque in Ferrimagnetic Weyl Semimetal (arXiv)

    72. 2409.07117v1 Inner non-Hermitian skin effect on Bethe lattice (arXiv)

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    74. 2409.07199v1 Nernst Plateau in the Quantum Limit of Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    75. 2409.07282v1 Low-Temperature Electron Transport in [110] and [100] Silicon Nanowires: A DFT - Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

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    77. 2409.07357v1 Development of large scale CVD grown two dimensional materials for field-effect transistors, thermally-driven neuromorphic memory, and spintronics applications (arXiv)

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    79. 2409.07418v1 Enhancement of topological regime in elongated Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    80. 2409.06736v1 Unveiling Mysteries of GdRu2Si2: The Impact of Interlayer Coupling on The Magnetic Response (arXiv)

    81. 2409.06813v1 Multiscale Embedding for Quantum Computing (arXiv)

    82. 2409.06964v1 General Stacking Theory for Altermagnetism in Bilayer Systems (arXiv)

    83. 2409.06999v1 Moire exciton polaron engineering via twisted hBN (arXiv)

    84. 2409.07108v1 Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a SO(3) non-Abelian lattice gauge theory in $2+1$D with quantum algorithms (arXiv)

    85. 2409.07205v1 Existence of higher degree minimizers in the magnetic skyrmion problem (arXiv)

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    87. 2409.07405v1 Uncovering Quantum Many-body Scars with Quantum Machine Learning (arXiv)

    88. 2409.07413v1 An effective and reliable approach to the phase problem in single-shot single-particle Coherent Diffraction Imaging (arXiv)

    89. PhysRevLett.133.110201 Quantum Delocalization on Correlation Landscape: The Key to Exponentially Fast Multipartite Entanglement Generation (PRL)

    90. PhysRevLett.133.116401 Giant Photocaloric Effects across a Vast Temperature Range in Ferroelectric Perovskites (PRL)

    91. PhysRevLett.133.116402 Plasmon-Phonon Hybridization in Doped Semiconductors from First Principles (PRL)

    92. PhysRevLett.133.116601 Cluster State as a Noninvertible Symmetry-Protected Topological Phase (PRL)

    93. PhysRevLett.133.117101 Heat-Induced Liquid Hovering in Liquid-Gas Coexistence under Gravity (PRL)

    94. PhysRevX.14.031044 Mixed-State Quantum Phases: Renormalization and Quantum Error Correction (PRX)

    95. PhysRevResearch.6.033274 Ground state magnetic structure and magnetic field effects in the layered honeycomb antiferromagnet YbOCl (PRR)

    96. PhysRevResearch.6.033275 Prerelaxation in quantum, classical, and quantum-classical two-impurity models (PRR)

    97. PhysRevResearch.6.033278 Role of electrostatic doping on the resistance of metal and two-dimensional materials edge contacts (PRR)

    98. PhysRevResearch.6.L032058 Interaction-enhanced nesting in spin-fermion and Fermi-Hubbard models (PRR)

    99. 2409.06113v1 Effect of noise on quantum circuit realization of non-Hermitian time crystals (arXiv)

    100. 2409.06155v1 Exciton crystal melting and destruction by disorder in bilayer quantum hall system with total filling factor one (arXiv)

    101. 2409.06167v1 Helicity controlled spin Hall angle in the 2D Rashba altermagnets (arXiv)

    102. 2409.06250v1 Giant anisotropic anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic topological metal NdGaSi (arXiv)

    103. 2409.06269v1 Berry curvature and shift vector effects at high-order wave mixing in biased bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    104. 2409.06314v1 Measuring the ultrafast screening of U in photo-excited charge-transfer insulators with time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy (arXiv)

    105. 2409.06335v1 Planar Bragg microcavities with monolayer WS2 for strong exciton-photon coupling (arXiv)

    106. 2409.06358v1 Pressure-induced superconductivity in monoclinic RhBi2 (arXiv)

    107. 2409.06380v1 Internal tensorial variables and a heat transport equation with inertial, thermal viscosity and vorticity terms (arXiv)

    108. 2409.06436v1 Magnetic Phase Diagram of ErB4 as Explored by Neutron Scattering (arXiv)

    109. 2409.06460v1 Insulator to Metal Transition under High Pressure in FeNb3Se10 (arXiv)

    110. 2409.06467v1 Enhanced Brewster Angle Shift in Doped Graphene via the Fizeau Drag Effect (arXiv)

    111. 2409.06511v1 Synthetic fractional flux quanta in a ring of superconducting qubits (arXiv)

    112. 2409.06547v1 Imaginary-time Mpemba effect in quantum many-body systems (arXiv)

    113. 2409.06591v1 Periodic source of energy-entangled electrons in helical states coupled to a BCS superconductor (arXiv)

    114. 2409.06647v1 Duality via Sequential Quantum Circuit in the Topological Holography Formalism (arXiv)

    115. 2409.06674v1 Suppression of the Mott insulating phase in the particle-hole asymmetric Hubbard model (arXiv)

    116. 2409.06686v1 Stabilization of a two-dimensional quantum electron solid in perpendicular magnetic fields (arXiv)

    117. 2409.06695v1 Ternary nickel hydrides: a new platform for unconventional superconductivity and quantum magnetism (arXiv)

    118. 2409.06701v1 Intravalley spin-polarized superconductivity in rhombohedral tetralayer graphene (arXiv)

    119. 2409.05959v1 Simulating real-time molecular electron dynamics efficiently using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (arXiv)

    120. 2409.06181v1 Ferroelectric tuning of the valley polarized metal-semiconductor transition in Mn2P2S3Se3/Sc2CO2 van der Waals heterostructures and application to nonlinear Hall effect devices (arXiv)

    121. 2409.06415v1 Simulating continuous-space systems with quantum-classical wave functions (arXiv)

    122. 2409.06447v1 Fingerprints of ordered self-assembled structures in the liquid phase of a hard-core, square-shoulder system (arXiv)

    123. 2409.06678v1 Structure, magnetic properties, and cycloidal spin ordering in Nd-doped BiFeO3 synthesized by sol-gel method (arXiv)

    124. PhysRevLett.133.116501 Helical Luttinger Liquid on a Space-Time Lattice (PRL)

    125. PhysRevLett.133.116902 Bloch-Wave Phase Matching of High Harmonic Generation in Solids (PRL)

    126. PhysRevX.14.031043 Continuous Coherent Quantum Feedback with Time Delays: Tensor Network Solution (PRX)

    127. PhysRevResearch.6.033266 Model orthogonalization and Bayesian forecast mixing via principal component analysis (PRR)

    128. PhysRevResearch.6.033267 Flexible quantum data bus for quantum networks (PRR)

    129. PhysRevResearch.6.033268 Topological boundary states in engineered quantum-dot molecules on the InAs(111)A surface: Odd numbers of quantum dots (PRR)

    130. PhysRevResearch.6.033271 Entanglement membrane in exactly solvable lattice models (PRR)

    131. 2409.04520v1 Charge ordering and spontaneous topological Hall effect in bilayer skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

    132. 2409.04531v1 Nonperturbative Nonlinear Transport in a Floquet-Weyl Semimetal (arXiv)

    133. 2409.04594v1 Anomalous Superconductivity in Twisted MoTe2 Nanojunctions (arXiv)

    134. 2409.04604v1 Negative dynamic conductivity of the photoinduced \eta pairing state (arXiv)

    135. 2409.04627v1 Large-N SU(4) Schwinger boson theory for coupled-dimer antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    136. 2409.04638v1 Microscopic Theory of Nonlinear Hall Effect in Three-dimesional Mangetic Systems (arXiv)

    137. 2409.04815v1 Carbon nanotube as quantum point contact valley-filter and valley-splitter (arXiv)

    138. 2409.04848v1 Planar Hall supercurrent and \delta \phi-shift in the topological Josephson junction (arXiv)

    139. 2409.04858v1 Bipolar Fabry-Perot charge interferometer in periodically electron-irradiated graphene (arXiv)

    140. 2409.04892v1 Floquet dynamical chiral spin liquid at finite frequency (arXiv)

    141. 2409.04893v1 Dielectric and optical markers originated from quantum geometry (arXiv)

    142. 2409.04917v1 Nodal Nematic Superconductivity in Multiple-Flat-Band Land (arXiv)

    143. 2409.04943v1 Signatures of enhanced spin-triplet superconductivity induced by interfacial properties (arXiv)

    144. 2409.05031v1 Room-temperature superconductivity in 1D (arXiv)

    145. 2409.05043v1 Edge-driven transition between extended quantum anomalous Hall crystal and fractional Chern insulator in rhombohedral graphene multilayers (arXiv)

    146. 2409.05056v1 Multicomponent magneto-orbital order and magneto-orbitons in monolayer VCl3 (arXiv)

    147. 2409.05057v1 Quantum intrinsic T-odd spin Hall effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

    148. 2409.05126v1 Quasicrystalline 30^\circ twisted bilayer graphene: Fractal patterns and electronic localization properties (arXiv)

    149. 2409.05147v1 Testing the tomographic Fermi liquid hypothesis with high-order cyclotron resonance (arXiv)

    150. 2409.05150v1 Physical properties of the ferromagnetic quantum critical system YbNi4(P1-xAsx)2 (arXiv)

    151. 2409.05178v1 Twisted bilayer graphene for enantiomeric sensing of chiral molecules (arXiv)

    152. 2409.05233v1 Enhanced Quasiparticle Relaxation in a Superconductor via the Proximity Effect (arXiv)

    153. 2409.05266v1 Spontaneous magnetic field and disorder effects in BaPtAs_1-x_Sb_x_ with honeycomb network (arXiv)

    154. 2409.05285v1 Scalable tensor network algorithm for thermal quantum many-body systems in two dimension (arXiv)

    155. 2409.05437v1 Breakdown of boundary criticality and exotic topological semimetals in PT-invariant systems (arXiv)

    156. 2409.05485v1 Thermal with Electronic Excitation for the Unidirectional Rotation of a Molecule on Surface (arXiv)

    157. 2409.05555v1 Dynamics in the nonequilibrium energy landscape of a frustrated Mott insulator (arXiv)

    158. 2409.05571v1 Influence of Coulomb interaction on interband photogalvanic effect in semiconductors (arXiv)

    159. 2409.05594v1 Super-Poissonian noise from quasiparticle poisoning in electron transport through a pair of Majorana bound states (arXiv)

    160. 2409.05600v1 Thermodynamic evidence of fermionic behavior in the vicinity of one-ninth plateau in a kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    161. 2409.05621v1 Large Oscillatory Thermal Hall Effect in Kagome Metals (arXiv)

    162. 2409.05634v1 Quantum Oscillations Evidence for Topological Bands in Kagome Metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    163. 2409.05640v1 Charge correlation, doublon-holon binding and screening in the doped Hubbard model (arXiv)

    164. 2409.05649v1 Superconductivity in ternary pyrite-type compound IrBi1-xTe1+x x \approx 0.2 at ambient and high pressure (arXiv)

    165. 2409.05661v1 Signatures of a Quantum Critical Endpoint in the Kitaev Candidate Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

    166. 2409.05707v1 Quantized current steps due to the synchronization of microwaves with Bloch oscillations in small Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    167. 2409.05758v1 Superconductivity of alpha-gallium probed on the atomic scale by normal and Josephson tunneling (arXiv)

    168. 2409.05839v1 Recognizing molecular chirality via twisted 2D materials (arXiv)

    169. 2409.05842v1 Finite-size topological phases from semimetals (arXiv)

    170. 2409.05852v1 Nonabelian Anyon Condenstion in 2+1d topological orders: A String-Net Model Realization (arXiv)

    171. 2408.16848v1 Anomalous multi-gap topological phases in periodically driven quantum rotors (arXiv)

    172. 2409.04477v1 Bias-Field Digitized Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithm for Higher-Order Binary Optimization (arXiv)

    173. 2409.04503v1 Lattice thermal conductivity and phonon properties of polycrystalline graphene (arXiv)

    174. 2409.04505v1 Cavity-mediated superthermal phonon correlations in the ultrastrong coupling regime (arXiv)

    175. 2409.04550v1 Solving Free Fermion Problems on a Quantum Computer (arXiv)

    176. 2409.04567v1 Unexpected Tuning of the Anomalous Hall Effect in Altermagnetic MnTe Thin Films (arXiv)

    177. 2409.04632v1 High-Throughput Search and Prediction of Layered 4f-Materials (arXiv)

    178. 2409.04771v1 Magnetic dichroism in darkfield UV photoemission electron microscopy (arXiv)

    179. 2409.04800v1 FePd2Te2: An Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet with One-Dimensional Fe Chains (arXiv)

    180. 2409.05008v1 Strain in 2D TMDCs induced by metal-assisted exfoliation from the polyvinilalcohol-covered substrate (arXiv)

    181. 2409.05766v1 Unusual Phonon Thermal Transport Mechanisms in Monolayer Beryllene (arXiv)

    182. 2409.03809v1 Competition between the modification of intrinsic superconducting properties and the pinning landscape under external pressure in CaKFe4As4 single crystals (arXiv)

    183. 2409.03819v1 Quantum loops in the 1T-transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    184. 2409.03825v1 Higher-Rank Spin Liquids and Spin Nematics from Competing Orders in Pyrochlore Magnets (arXiv)

    185. 2409.03958v1 Weyl Fermion with various chiralities in a f-electron ferromagnetic system: PrB4 (arXiv)

    186. 2409.03971v1 Theory of Field-Angle-Resolved Magnetoacoustic Resonance in Spin-Triplet Systems for Application to Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond (arXiv)

    187. 2409.03988v1 Theory of Spin-Acoustic Resonance for Spin-3/2 Si Vacancy with C3v Site Symmetry in Silicon Carbide (arXiv)

    188. 2409.03993v1 CMOS compatibility of semiconductor spin qubits (arXiv)

    189. 2409.04036v1 O-bridged electron pairing: the microscopic mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates and nickelates (arXiv)

    190. 2409.04061v1 Classical Z2 spin liquid on the generalized four-color Kitaev model (arXiv)

    191. 2409.04062v1 Correlated Ligand Electrons in the Transition-Metal Oxide SrRuO3 (arXiv)

    192. 2409.04064v1 Large spontaneous Hall effect with flexible domain control in an antiferromagnetic material TaMnP (arXiv)

    193. 2409.04071v1 Large Anomalous Hall Conductivity Derived from an f-Electron Collinear Antiferromagnetic Structure (arXiv)

    194. 2409.04093v1 Observation of superconducting diode effect in antiferromagnetic Mott insulator alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    195. 2409.04096v1 Superconductivity, topological crystalline insulator and the absence of valence-skipping in AgSnSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    196. 2409.04112v1 An Explicit Wavefunction of the Interacting Non-Hermitian Spin-1/2 1D System (arXiv)

    197. 2409.04121v1 Resolving the Electronic Ground State of La3Ni2O7-{\delta} Films (arXiv)

    198. 2409.04139v1 Evidence for spin droplets (ferrons) formation in the heavy fermion metal CeB$_6$ with dynamic charge stripes (arXiv)

    199. 2409.04149v1 Spin freezing induced giant exchange bias in a doped Hund’s metal (arXiv)

    200. 2409.04166v1 Long wavelength interdomain phonons and instability of dislocations in small-angle twisted bilayers (arXiv)

    201. 2409.04203v1 Local Limit Disorder Characteristics of Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities (arXiv)

    202. 2409.04211v1 Topological Quantum Materials with Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    203. 2409.04213v1 Magnetic properties of LiCu3O3 – quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet on depleted square lattice (arXiv)

    204. 2409.04216v1 High harmonic spectroscopy reveals anisotropy of the Mott to Charge-Density-Wave phase transition in TiSe2 (arXiv)

    205. 2409.04227v1 Magnetic proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet van der Waals heterostructures: dependence on the number of superconducting monolayers (arXiv)

    206. 2409.04239v1 Hidden chiral symmetry for kagome lattice and its analogs (arXiv)

    207. 2409.04252v1 Planar scanning probe microscopy enables vector magnetic field imaging at the nanoscale (arXiv)

    208. 2409.04273v1 High-field magnetic phase diagrams of the RMn6Sn6 kagome metals (arXiv)

    209. 2409.04279v1 Quantum Critical Behavior in Ce-Au-Al Quasicrystal Approximants (arXiv)

    210. 2409.04284v1 Electromagnetic field assisted exciton diffusion in moire superlattices (arXiv)

    211. 2409.04294v1 Bulk and surface electron scattering in disordered Bi2Te3 probed by quasiparticle interference (arXiv)

    212. 2409.04308v1 Magnetic quantum criticality: dynamical mean-field perspective (arXiv)

    213. 2409.04317v1 Strong local variational approach for superconductivity theory, and the principles of coherent interaction and action-counteraction (arXiv)

    214. 2409.04325v1 Pressure induced quasi-long-range sqrt(3) x sqrt(3) charge density wave and competing orders in the kagome metal FeGe (arXiv)

    215. 2409.04349v1 Impurity-induced thermal crossover in fractional Chern insulators (arXiv)

    216. 2409.04371v1 Topological excitons in moire MoTe2/WSe2 heterobilayers (arXiv)

    217. 2409.04376v1 Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects with Phase-Space Berry Curvatures: Electric, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Transport in Magnets (arXiv)

    218. 2409.04389v1 Pairing tendencies in the doped Kitaev-Heisenberg model (arXiv)

    219. 2409.04437v1 Optical response of alternating twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    220. 2409.03857v1 Factors influencing quantum evaporation of helium from polar semiconductors from first principles (arXiv)

    221. 2409.04000v1 Multiple types of spin textures and robust valley physics in MP2X6 (arXiv)

    222. 2409.04145v1 Connectivity matters: Impact of bath modes ordering and geometry in Open Quantum System simulation with Matrix Product States (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Sep 1st week collection

    1. PhysRevLett.133.106601 Altermagnetic Routes to Majorana Modes in Zero Net Magnetization (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.133.106701 Quantum Geometry Induced Nonlinear Transport in Altermagnets (PRL)

    3. s41567-024-02617-7 Observation of chiral edge transport in a rapidly rotating quantum gas (Nature Physics)

    4. s41567-024-02641-7 Dimensional crossover in a quantum gas of light (Nature Physics)

    5. s42005-024-01792-6 Transport of topological defects in a biphasic mixture of active and passive nematic fluids (Communications Physics)

    6. s42005-024-01790-8 Readout error mitigated quantum state tomography tested on superconducting qubits (Communications Physics)

    7. PhysRevLett.133.106504 Anomalous Hall Effect and Quantum Criticality in Geometrically Frustrated Heavy Fermion Metals (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.133.106902 Spin Dynamics across Metallic Layers on the Few-Femtosecond Timescale (PRL)

    9. Physics.17.131 Ultrafast Lasers Induce Spin Currents Directly (Physics)

    10. PhysRevResearch.6.033256 Coherent population trapping for reservoir engineering and spin squeezing (PRR)

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    12. PhysRevResearch.6.033259 Automatic structural search of tensor network states including entanglement renormalization (PRR)

    13. PhysRevResearch.6.033262 Local order metrics for many-particle systems across length scales (PRR)

    14. PhysRevResearch.6.033263 First-principles study of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties at the $(0001)-Cr2O3−(111)Pt interface (PRR)

    15. PhysRevResearch.6.033264 Linking network- and neuron-level correlations by renormalized field theory (PRR)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.L032057 Telling different unravelings apart via nonlinear quantum-trajectory averages (PRR)

    17. PhysRevLett.133.101802 Studies of the Energy Dependence of Diboson Polarization Fractions and the Radiation-Amplitude-Zero Effect in WZ Production with the ATLAS Detector (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.133.105301 Noncapillary Wave Dynamics due to Interfacial Coupling with Plasma Patterns at a Liquid Surface (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.133.106001 Direct Measurement of a sin(2φ) Current Phase Relation in a Graphene Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.133.106503 Detecting Quantum Anomalies in Open Systems (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.133.106801 Interplay between Point and Extended Defects and Their Effects on Jerky Domain-Wall Motion in Ferroelectric Thin Films (PRL)

    22. PhysRevResearch.6.L032054 Phase and contrast moire signatures in two-dimensional cone beam interferometry (PRR)

    23. 2409.02985v1 Nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in three-dimensional chiral fermions (arXiv)

    24. 2409.02992v1 Ephemeral Superconductivity Atop the False Vacuum (arXiv)

    25. 2409.02997v1 Entropy-Enhanced Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect (arXiv)

    26. 2409.02999v1 The landscape of symmetry enhancement in tight-binding models (arXiv)

    27. 2409.03056v1 Skyrmion soliton motion on periodic substrates by atomistic and particle based simulations (arXiv)

    28. 2409.03058v1 Dirac excited state quenching in graphene (arXiv)

    29. 2409.03063v1 Interplay of Charge Density Wave and Magnetism on the Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    30. 2409.03088v1 Origin of the laser-induced picosecond spin current across magnetization compensation in ferrimagnetic GdCo (arXiv)

    31. 2409.03102v1 Nonequilibrium steady-state thermoelectrics of Kondo-correlated quantum dots (arXiv)

    32. 2409.03145v1 Exceptional topology in Non-Hermitian Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    33. 2409.03156v1 Fermi Liquid Theory for Spin Current of a Ferromagnet (arXiv)

    34. 2409.03210v1 Anisotropic Spin Stripe Domains in Bilayer La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    35. 2409.03275v1 Inverse Design of Winding Tuple for Non-Hermitian Topological Edge Modes (arXiv)

    36. 2409.03304v1 Inhomogeneous hysteresis in local STM tunnel conductance with gate-voltage in single-layer MoS2 on SiO2 (arXiv)

    37. 2409.03356v1 Magnetic field tunable spectral response of kinetic inductance detectors (arXiv)

    38. 2409.03392v1 Anisotropic Resonant Scattering from uranium systems at the U M4 edge (arXiv)

    39. 2409.03409v1 Emergence of Superconductivity at 20 K in Th3P4-type In3-xS4 Synthesized by Diamond Anvil Cell with Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes (arXiv)

    40. 2409.03471v1 Role of anisotropic confining potential and elliptical driving in dynamics of a Ge hole qubit (arXiv)

    41. 2409.03592v1 Stabilization of Ambient Pressure Rocksalt Crystal Structure and High Critical Field Superconductivity in ReC via Mo and W Substitution (arXiv)

    42. 2409.03673v1 Crystal-field magnetostriction of the spin ice under ultrahigh magnetic fields (arXiv)

    43. 2409.03688v1 Infrared spectroscopy study of kagome material CsTi3Bi5 (arXiv)

    44. 2409.02984v1 Quantum circuits based on topological pumping in optical lattices (arXiv)

    45. 2409.02990v1 Progress in Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation (arXiv)

    46. 2409.03084v1 Quantum geometric protocols for fast high-fidelity adiabatic state transfer (arXiv)

    47. 2409.03144v1 Geometrical Nonlinear Hall Effect Induced by Lorentz Force (arXiv)

    48. 2409.03214v1 Two-dimensional Kagome Materials: Theoretical Insights, Experimental Realizations, and Electronic Structures (arXiv)

    49. 2409.03289v1 Recent advances in understanding and manipulating magnetic and electronic properties of EuM2X2 (M = Zn, Cd; X = P, As) (arXiv)

    50. 2409.03387v1 Efficient light upconversion via resonant exciton-exciton annihilation of dark excitons in few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    51. 2409.03390v1 Doping the spin-polarized Graphene minicone on Ni(111) (arXiv)

    52. 2409.03565v1 Surface Magnetism in Fe3GeTe2 Crystals (arXiv)

    53. 2409.03652v1 Benchmarking the integration of hexagonal boron nitride crystals and thin films into graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    54. 2409.03656v1 Quantum complexity and localization in random quantum circuits (arXiv)

    55. 2409.03665v1 Quantum reservoir computing on random regular graphs (arXiv)

    56. 2409.03719v1 Multidimensional Terahertz Probes of Quantum Materials (arXiv)

    57. 2409.03747v1 Hybrid Oscillator-Qubit Quantum Processors: Simulating Fermions, Bosons, and Gauge Fields (arXiv)

    58. PhysRevLett.133.100402 Diagnosing Quantum Phase Transition Order and Deconfined Criticality via Entanglement Entropy (PRL)

    59. PhysRevLett.133.103601 Subtraction and Addition of Propagating Photons by Two-Level Emitters (PRL)

    60. PhysRevLett.133.106201 Quantitative Understanding of Liquid Dynamics at Interfaces from a Free-Energy Landscape Perspective (PRL)

    61. PhysRevLett.133.106301 Large Anomalous Hall Conductivity Derived from an f-Electron Collinear Antiferromagnetic Structure (PRL)

    62. PhysRevLett.133.106502 Vortex Spin Liquid with Fractional Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Moiré Chern Bands (PRL)

    63. PhysRevLett.133.108001 Transverse Spin Selectivity in Helical Nanofibers Prepared without any Chiral Molecule (PRL)

    64. Physics.17.s110 Preparing Entangled States Efficiently (Physics)

    65. PhysRevResearch.6.033246 Hamiltonian simulation for hyperbolic partial differential equations by scalable quantum circuits (PRR)

    66. PhysRevResearch.6.033247 Tunable multiphoton bundles emission in a Kerr-type two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model (PRR)

    67. PhysRevResearch.6.033248 Enhancing quantum state tomography via resource-efficient attention-based neural networks (PRR)

    68. PhysRevResearch.6.033249 Phase modulation of directed transport, energy diffusion, and quantum scrambling in a Floquet non-Hermitian system (PRR)

    69. PhysRevResearch.6.033251 Anticipating critical transitions in multidimensional systems driven by time- and state-dependent noise (PRR)

    70. PhysRevResearch.6.033252 Examining the quantum signatures of optimal excitation energy transfer (PRR)

    71. PhysRevResearch.6.033253 Physical properties and electronic structure of the two-gap superconductor V2Ga5 (PRR)

    72. 2409.02121v1 Bounds on Tc in the Eliashberg theory of Superconductivity. III: Einstein phonons (arXiv)

    73. 2409.02177v1 Efficiently preparing chiral states via fermionic cooling on bosonic quantum hardware (arXiv)

    74. 2409.02183v1 Thermodynamic properties of the macroscopically degenerate tetramer-dimer phase of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the diamond-decorated square lattice (arXiv)

    75. 2409.02190v1 Z2 flux binding to higher-spin impurities in the Kitaev spin liquid: mechanisms and implications (arXiv)

    76. 2409.02236v1 First-order transition into a charge-density wave phase (arXiv)

    77. 2409.02250v1 Elastic screening of pseudo gauge fields in graphene (arXiv)

    78. 2409.02301v1 Theory of charge stability diagrams in coupled quantum dot qubits (arXiv)

    79. 2409.02319v1 Topological characterization of modified Kane-Mele-Rashba models via local spin Chern marker (arXiv)

    80. 2409.02373v1 Multifractaility, topology and anomalous Hall conductivity on a 30 degrees twisted bilayer honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    81. 2409.02380v1 Nodeless superconductivity and topological nodal states in molybdenum carbide (arXiv)

    82. 2409.02412v1 Anomalous Hall effects in magnetic weak topological insulator films (arXiv)

    83. 2409.02583v1 Self-induced Floquet magnons in magnetic vortices (arXiv)

    84. 2409.02590v1 Magnon spin transport in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS4 for non-collinear and collinear magnetization (arXiv)

    85. 2409.02619v1 Single photon detection up to 2 um in pair of parallel microstrips based on NbRe ultrathin films (arXiv)

    86. 2409.02621v1 Gate control of magnon spin transport in unconventional magnon transistors based on the van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS4 (arXiv)

    87. 2409.02794v1 Josephson diode effect in one-dimensional quantum wires connected to superconductors with mixed singlet-triplet pairing (arXiv)

    88. 2409.02799v1 Electronic correlations and spin frustration in the molecular conductors kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X probed by magnetic quantum oscillations (arXiv)

    89. 2409.02880v1 Frustrated S = 1/2 Chains in One-Dimensional Correlated Metal Ti4MnBi2 (arXiv)

    90. 2409.02898v1 Classification of spin-1/2 fermionic quantum spin liquids on the trillium lattice (arXiv)

    91. 2409.02900v1 The single ion of Vanadium in an individual Quantum Dot (arXiv)

    92. 2409.02159v1 Generalized Tube Algebras, Symmetry-Resolved Partition Functions, and Twisted Boundary States (arXiv)

    93. 2409.02162v1 Generalized Symmetry Resolution of Entanglement in CFT for Twisted and Anyonic sectors (arXiv)

    94. 2409.02186v1 State Dependent Spread Complexity Dynamics in Many-Body Localization Transition (arXiv)

    95. 2409.02293v1 Types of Size-Dependent Melting in Fe Nanoclusters: a Molecular Dynamics Study (arXiv)

    96. 2409.02315v1 Revisiting the symmetry-resolved entanglement for non-invertible symmetries in 1+1d conformal field theories (arXiv)

    97. 2409.02325v1 Defect Landscape Engineering to Tune Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion Systems in FeGe (arXiv)

    98. 2409.02407v1 Multiferroicity, Magnetoelectricity, and Piezoelectricity in Two-Dimensional Janus VSBrI Monolayers (arXiv)

    99. 2409.02559v1 Thermal density functional theory approach to quantum thermodynamics (arXiv)

    100. 2409.02577v1 Interlayer coupling rotatable magnetic easy-axis in MnSe2 mono- and bi-layers (arXiv)

    101. 2409.02710v1 Electrical control of topological 3Q state in an intercalated van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    102. 2409.02726v1 Molecular spin-probe sensing of H-mediated changes in Co nanomagnets (arXiv)

    103. 2409.02749v1 Doping-Induced Enhancement of Hydrogen Evolution at MoS2 Electrodes (arXiv)

    104. 2409.02774v1 Perspective: Floquet engineering topological states from effective models towards realistic materials (arXiv)

    105. 2409.02806v1 A Non-Invertible Symmetry-Resolved Affleck-Ludwig-Cardy Formula and Entanglement Entropy from the Boundary Tube Algebra (arXiv)

    106. 2409.00212v1 Theory of Lee-Naughton-Lebed’s Oscillations in Moderately Strong Electric Fields in Layered Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors (arXiv)

    107. 2409.00225v1 Capturing spin fluctuations in CaCuO2: Ab initio QMC calculations with multi-determinant wave functions (arXiv)

    108. 2409.00234v1 Massive Dirac particles based on gapped graphene with Rosen-Morse potential in a uniform magnetic field (arXiv)

    109. 2409.00259v1 Quantum Theory of Lee-Naughton-Lebed’s Angular Effect in Strong Electric Fields (arXiv)

    110. 2409.00274v1 Spin-orbit control of Dirac points and end states in inverted gap nanowires (arXiv)

    111. 2409.00285v2 Radiation-induced dynamical formation of Floquet-Bloch bands in Dirac Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    112. 2409.00318v1 Quantum Fluctuations in the van der Walls material NiPS3 (arXiv)

    113. 2409.00332v1 Potential of Raman scattering in probing magnetic excitations and their coupling to lattice dynamics (arXiv)

    114. 2409.00373v1 Spectroscopic evidence for a first-order transition to the orbital Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state (arXiv)

    115. 2409.00660v1 Directly visualizing nematic superconductivity driven by the pair density wave in NbSe2 (arXiv)

    116. 2409.00669v1 Extended dissipaton-equation-of-motion approach to study the electronic migration in adatom-graphene composite (arXiv)

    117. 2409.00760v1 Synthetic-lattice Bloch wave dynamics in a single-mode microwave resonator (arXiv)

    118. 2409.00840v1 Longitudinal magnetoresistance in graphene with random Rashba spin-orbit interaction (arXiv)

    119. 2409.00850v1 Phonon-Assisted Photoluminescence and Exciton Recombination in Monolayer Aluminum Nitride (arXiv)

    120. 2409.00874v1 Microscopic Theory of Rashba-Edelstein Magnetoresistance (arXiv)

    121. 2409.00929v1 Unified Investigation of Rapid Hall Coefficient Changes in Cuprates: Pseudogap and Fermi Surface Influences (arXiv)

    122. 2409.01008v1 Impurity States in Altermagnetic Superconductors (arXiv)

    123. 2409.01019v1 Non-Landau quantum phase transition in modulated SU(N) Heisenberg spin chains (arXiv)

    124. 2409.01065v1 Hole spin precession and dephasing induced by nuclear hyperfine fields in CsPbBr3 and CsPb(Cl,Br)3 nanocrystals in a glass matrix (arXiv)

    125. 2409.01105v1 Armchair carbon nanotube on Pt and hBN/Pt: from strong metallic contact to coherent spin transport regime (arXiv)

    126. 2409.01123v1 Variation of Electron-electron interaction in pyrochlore structures (arXiv)

    127. 2409.01257v1 Quantum Holonomies in Graphene Wormholes (arXiv)

    128. 2409.01278v1 Redshit as a stretching factor in rotating graphene wormholes (arXiv)

    129. 2409.01365v1 Striped magnetization plateau and chirality-reversible anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic kagome metal (arXiv)

    130. 2409.01376v1 Universal degradation of high-temperature superconductors due to impurity scattering: predicting the performance loss in fusion magnets (arXiv)

    131. 2409.01436v1 Dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime (arXiv)

    132. 2409.01456v1 Fano-Rashba effect in the presence of Majorana bound states (arXiv)

    133. 2409.01503v1 Lee-Yang formalism for phase transitions of interacting fermions using tensor networks (arXiv)

    134. 2409.01509v1 Robust analytic continuation using sparse modeling approach imposed by semi-positive definiteness for multi-orbital systems (arXiv)

    135. 2409.01516v1 Higher-order Skin Effect through a Hermitian-non-Hermitian Correspondence and Its Observation in an Acoustic Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    136. 2409.01528v1 Meron-mediated phase transitions in quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets with easy-plane anisotropy: successive transformation of the hexagonal skyrmion lattice into the square lattice and into the tilted FM state (arXiv)

    137. 2409.01569v1 Analysis of Thermal Grooving Effects on Vortex Penetration in Vapor-Diffused Nb3Sn (arXiv)

    138. 2409.01682v1 Deep Band Crossings Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Effects (arXiv)

    139. 2409.01718v1 Proximity to an orbital order with charge disorder state in optimally-doped RE5/8Ca3/8MnO3 perovskites (arXiv)

    140. 2409.01741v1 Consecutive Flat Chern Bands and Correlated States in Monolayer Re(AgX3)2 (arXiv)

    141. 2409.01870v1 Quasi-Dirac points in electron-energy spectra of crystals (arXiv)

    142. 2409.01904v1 Magnetic properties of single-, multilayer, and bulk CrTe2 (arXiv)

    143. 2409.01982v1 Chemical tuning of quantum spin-electric coupling in molecular nanomagnets (arXiv)

    144. 2409.02028v1 A Superfluid Helium Micromechanical Quantum Device as an Artificial Atom (arXiv)

    145. 2409.00195v1 Spin filtering with insulating altermagnets (arXiv)

    146. 2409.00258v1 Periodic classical trajectories and quantum scars in many-spin systems (arXiv)

    147. 2409.00455v1 Bonding Interactions Can Drive Topological Phase Transitions in a Zintl Antiferromagnetic Insulator (arXiv)

    148. 2409.00532v1 Bounds on Tc in the Eliashberg theory of Superconductivity. II: Dispersive phonons (arXiv)

    149. 2409.00533v1 Bounds on Tc in the Eliashberg theory of Superconductivity. I: The gamma-model (arXiv)

    150. 2409.00803v1 Broadband light extraction from near-surface NV centers using crystalline-silicon antennas (arXiv)

    151. 2409.00911v1 Driving noncollinear interlayer exchange coupling intrinsically in magnetic trilayers (arXiv)

    152. 2409.00963v1 Topological thermal transport (arXiv)

    153. 2409.01233v1 Localization at irrational fillings in the Aubry-Andre model (arXiv)

    154. 2409.01320v1 Generating Approximate Ground States of Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems Through Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution (arXiv)

    155. 2409.01375v1 Characterizing Noise of Driven Controlled Field Using the Central Spin Model (arXiv)

    156. 2409.01439v1 Computing virtual dark-field X-ray microscopy images of complex discrete dislocation structures from large-scale molecular dynamics simulations (arXiv)

    157. 2409.01601v1 Single nuclear spin detection and control in a van der Waals material (arXiv)

    158. 2409.01643v1 Probing the mesoscopics of competing interactions with the thermodynamic curvature: the case of a two-parameter ANNNI chain (arXiv)

    159. 2409.01665v1 Spontaneous curvature in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    160. 2409.01715v1 Field-free superconducting diode effect in layered superconductor FeSe (arXiv)

    161. 2409.01738v1 Long-distance strong coupling of magnon and photon: Effect of multi-mode waveguide (arXiv)

    162. 2409.01839v1 Accurate Description of Charge-Orbital-Spin in Complex Functional Materials (arXiv)

    163. 2409.01873v1 Quantum transport on Bethe lattices with non-Hermitian sources and a drain (arXiv)

    164. 2409.02073v1 Revealing subterahertz atomic vibrations in quantum paraelectrics by surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (arXiv)

    165. 2409.02083v1 Interplay of structure, magnetism, and magneto-thermal effects in Gadolinium-based intermetallic compound (arXiv)

    166. 2408.16808v1 Ultrafast unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance driven by terahertz light field (arXiv)

    167. 2408.16854v1 A Spintronic Nano-Antenna Activated by Spin Injection from a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator (arXiv)

    168. 2408.16869v1 Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers with Plasma oscillation phase-matching (arXiv)

    169. 2408.16873v1 Collapse of susceptibility and non-trivial spin dynamics in the hyper-honeycomb magnet \beta-Li2IrO3 under high pressure (arXiv)

    170. 2408.16983v1 Dirac bilinears in condensed matter physics: Relativistic correction for observables and conjugate electromagnetic fields (arXiv)

    171. 2408.17033v1 Structural Evolution from Hyper-Honeycomb to Honeycomb Networks and Superconductivity in LaPtxSi2-x (arXiv)

    172. 2408.17152v1 Multi higher-order Dirac and Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    173. 2408.17226v1 Size dependence of biexciton binding energy in strained ZnTe/(Zn,Mg)Te nanowire quantum dots (arXiv)

    174. 2408.17256v1 Optimization of Superconducting Niobium Nitride Thin Films via High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (arXiv)

    175. 2408.17260v1 Non-Hermitian multiterminal phase-biased Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    176. 2408.17262v1 Manipulation by magnetic frustration in ferrotoroidal spin chains via curvature and torsion (arXiv)

    177. 2408.17264v1 Residual quantum coherent electron transport in doped graphene leads (arXiv)

    178. 2408.17281v1 A Large-N Approach to Magnetic Impurities in Superconductors (arXiv)

    179. 2408.17416v1 Superconductivity in pressurized Re0.10Mo0.90B2 (arXiv)

    180. 2408.17447v1 Signatures of topology in generic transport measurements for Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    181. 2408.17450v1 Signatures of polarized chiral spin disproportionation in rare earth nickelates (arXiv)

    182. 2408.16876v1 Scaling of the bulk polarization in extended and localized phases of a quasiperiodic model (arXiv)

    183. 2408.16915v1 SOLAX: A Python solver for fermionic quantum systems with neural network support (arXiv)

    184. 2408.16974v1 Universal Stochastic Equations of Monitored Quantum Dynamics (arXiv)

    185. 2408.16998v1 Significantly Enhanced Interfacial Thermal Transport between Single-layer Graphene and Water Through Basal-plane Oxidation (arXiv)

    186. 2408.17004v1 Exact scattering cross section for lattice-defect scattering of phonons (arXiv)

    187. 2408.17365v1 Nonlinear dynamical Casimir effect and Unruh entanglement in waveguide QED with parametrically modulated coupling (arXiv)

    188. 2408.17405v1 Increasing superconducting Tc by layering in the attractive Hubbard model (arXiv)

    189. 2408.17417v1 Magnetic and crystal electric field studies in the rare-earth-based square lattice antiferromagnet NdKNaNbO5 (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 4th week collection

    1. PhysRevX.14.031037 Spin Space Groups: Full Classification and Applications (PRX)

    2. PhysRevX.14.031038 Enumeration and Representation Theory of Spin Space Groups (PRX)

    3. PhysRevX.14.031039 Enumeration of Spin-Space Groups: Toward a Complete Description of Symmetries of Magnetic Orders (PRX)

    4. s41467-024-50115-4 Observation of nonlinear thermoelectric effect in MoGe/Y3Fe5O12 (Nature Communications)

    5. s41567-024-02618-6 Dimensionality crossover to a two-dimensional vestigial nematic state from a three-dimensional antiferromagnet in a honeycomb van der Waals magnet (Nature Physics)

    6. s41598-024-71021-1 Temperature tunability of topological phase transitions and edge states in two-dimensional acoustic topological insulators (Scientific Reports)

    7. s41563-024-01985-y Twist-angle-tunable spin texture in WSe2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures (Nature Materials)

    8. s41467-024-51436-0 Publisher Correction: Kagomerization of transition metal monolayers induced by two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (Nature Communications)

    9. s41563-024-01995-w Evidence for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity (Nature Materials)

    10. s41586-024-07880-5 Long-lived isospin excitations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Nature)

    11. s41586-024-07761-x Superconductivity under pressure in a chromium-based kagome metal (Nature)

    12. s41586-024-07872-5 Photoredox phase engineering of transition metal dichalcogenides (Nature)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.090802 Fast Photon-Mediated Entanglement of Continuously Cooled Trapped Ions for Quantum Networking (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.091604 Universal Bound on Effective Central Charge and Its Saturation (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.133.093405 Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.133.093602 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons in a Four-Site Quantum Ring (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.133.096002 Quenched Pair Breaking by Interlayer Correlations as a Key to Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.133.096501 Variational Monte Carlo Study of the $1/9$-Magnetization Plateau in Kagome Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.133.096803 Layer Hall Detection of the Neel Vector in Centrosymmetric Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.133.093404 Interferometry of Non-Abelian Band Singularities and Euler Class Topology (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.133.096702 Sliding Dynamics of Current-Driven Skyrmion Crystal and Helix in Chiral Magnets (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.133.096703 Quantum Spin Dynamics Due to Strong Kitaev Interactions in the Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsCeSe2 (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.133.096802 General Theory for Longitudinal Nonreciprocal Charge Transport (PRL)

    24. PhysRevResearch.6.033227 Weyl nodes in Ce3Bi4Pd3 revealed by dynamical mean-field theory (PRR)

    25. 2408.16057v1 Corner Charge Fluctuations and Many-Body Quantum Geometry (arXiv)

    26. 2408.16075v1 Topological superconductivity from repulsive interactions in twisted WSe2 (arXiv)

    27. 2408.16082v1 Influence of Nonequilibrium Vibrational Dynamics on Spin Selectivity in Chiral Molecular Junctions (arXiv)

    28. 2408.16103v1 Orbital magnetoelectric coupling of three dimensional Chern insulators (arXiv)

    29. 2408.16146v1 Signatures of a Spin-Active Interface and Locally Enhanced Zeeman field in a Superconductor-Chiral Material Heterostructure (arXiv)

    30. 2408.16192v1 Molecular-Scale Insights into the Heterogeneous Interactions Between an m-Terphenyl Isocyanide Ligand and Noble Metal Nanoparticles (arXiv)

    31. 2408.16217v1 Anomalous Induced Density of Supercritical Coulomb Impurities in Graphene Under Strong Magnetic Fields (arXiv)

    32. 2408.16222v1 Modeling magnetization reversal in multilayers with interlayer exchange coupling (arXiv)

    33. 2408.16275v1 Non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall states at filling factor 3/4 (arXiv)

    34. 2408.16294v1 Exchange kernel f^h_x(q, omega) of electron liquid from the variational principle of McLachlan (arXiv)

    35. 2408.16301v1 Influence of anti-ferromagnetic ordering and electron correlation on the electronic structure of MnTiO3 (arXiv)

    36. 2408.16359v1 Topologically Driven Spin-Orbit Torque in Dirac Matter (arXiv)

    37. 2408.16362v1 Oscillatory dependence of tunneling magnetoresistance on barrier thickness in magnetic tunnel junctions (arXiv)

    38. 2408.16453v1 Phase diagram of the J1-J2 Heisenberg second-order topological quantum magnet (arXiv)

    39. 2408.16490v1 Chiral-Split Magnon in Altermagnetic MnTe (arXiv)

    40. 2408.16499v1 Predicting topological invariants and unconventional superconducting pairing from density of states and machine learning (arXiv)

    41. 2408.16510v1 Anomalous amplitude mode dynamics below the expected charge-density-wave transition in 1$T$-VSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    42. 2408.16519v1 Nanorobotic actuator based on interlayer sliding ferroelectricity and field-tunable friction (arXiv)

    43. 2408.16526v1 Evolution of two-magnon bound states in a higher-spin ferromagnetic chain with single-ion anisotropy: A complete solution (arXiv)

    44. 2408.16598v1 Signatures of Amorphous Shiba State in FeTe0.55Se0.45 (arXiv)

    45. 2408.16600v1 Electric field control of moire skyrmion phases in twisted multiferroic NiI2 bilayers (arXiv)

    46. 2408.16611v1 Reconciling Kubo and Keldysh Approaches to Fermi-Sea-Dependent Nonequilibrium Observables: Application to Spin Hall Current and Spin-Orbit Torque in Spintronics (arXiv)

    47. 2408.16615v1 Topological flat bands in hyperbolic lattices (arXiv)

    48. 2408.16628v1 Sliding Wigner crystals in bilayer graphene at zero and finite magnetic fields (arXiv)

    49. 2408.16658v1 Symmetry constraints on topological invariants and irreducible band representations (arXiv)

    50. 2408.16665v1 Canonical strong coupling spin wave expansion of Kondo lattice magnets. I. Effective Hamiltonian via canonical transformation (arXiv)

    51. 2408.16752v1 Kondo-Heisenberg toy models: Comparison of exact results and spin wave expansion (arXiv)

    52. 2408.16761v1 Nonlocal Moments in the Chern Bands of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    53. 2408.06011v2 Universal bound states and resonances with Coulomb plus short-range potentials (arXiv)

    54. 2408.14990v1 Beltrami fields, dispersive electromagnetic waves and gravitational spheromaks from chiral anomaly (arXiv)

    55. 2408.16306v1 High-temperature observation of intralayer, interlayer, and Rydberg excitons in bulk van der Waals alloy single crystals (arXiv)

    56. 2408.16369v1 Two-dimensional metalorganic ferromagnets (arXiv)

    57. 2408.16449v1 A Non-Isothermal Phase-Field Crystal Model with Lattice Expansion: Analysis and Benchmarks (arXiv)

    58. 2408.16466v1 Topological zero modes and bounded modes at smooth domain walls: exact solutions and dualities (arXiv)

    59. 2408.16644v1 Thermoelectric Properties of Type-I and Type-II Nodal Line Semimetals: A Comparative Study (arXiv)

    60. 2408.16660v1 In-situ scanning gate imaging of individual two-level material defects in live superconducting quantum circuits (arXiv)

    61. 2408.16676v1 Pseudogap regime of the unitary Fermi gas with lattice auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in the continuum limit (arXiv)

    62. PhysRevLett.133.096601 Probing the Shape of the Weyl Fermi Surface of NbP Using Transverse Electron Focusing (PRL)

    63. PhysRevResearch.6.L032045 Interacting local topological markers: A one-particle density matrix approach for characterizing the topology of interacting and disordered states (PRR)

    64. 2408.15319v1 Models of interacting bosons with exact ground states: a unified approach (arXiv)

    65. 2408.15341v1 Fermi-liquid corrections to the intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity of topological metals (arXiv)

    66. 2408.15351v1 Charge pumps, boundary modes, and the necessity of unnecessary criticality (arXiv)

    67. 2408.15380v1 Single-shot latched readout of a quantum dot qubit using barrier gate pulsing (arXiv)

    68. 2408.15463v1 Evidence of controlling vortex matter via a superconducting Nanobridge (arXiv)

    69. 2408.15464v1 Ultrafast symmetry control in photoexcited quantum dots (arXiv)

    70. 2408.15477v1 Tuning the superconducting dome in granular aluminum thin films (arXiv)

    71. 2408.15500v1 Electronic states in superconducting type-II Dirac semimetal: 1T-PdSeTe (arXiv)

    72. 2408.15540v1 Identifying the phases of Kane-Mele Hubbard Hamiltonian in momentum space: A many-body configuration interaction study (arXiv)

    73. 2408.15564v1 Nonreciprocal heat transport in the Kitaev chiral spin liquid (arXiv)

    74. 2408.15594v1 Theory of tensorial magnetic inertia in terahertz spin dynamics (arXiv)

    75. 2408.15661v1 Theoretical study of superconducting diode effect in planar Td-MoTe2 Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    76. 2408.15672v1 Understanding Field-Free Single-Shot Laser-Induced Reversal of Exchange Bias (arXiv)

    77. 2408.15733v1 Correlation functions of the Kitaev model with a spatially modulated phase in the superconducting order parameter (arXiv)

    78. 2408.15748v1 Manifestation of incoherent-coherent crossover and non-Stoner magnetism in the electronic structure of Fe3GeTe2 (arXiv)

    79. 2408.15754v1 Emergent scalar-chirality & colossal transverse-magnetoresponse in strongly correlated nodal-line half-metal (arXiv)

    80. 2408.15764v1 Electronic band evolution between Lieb and kagome nanoribbons (arXiv)

    81. 2408.15794v1 Adiabatic and diabatic responses in a Duffing resonator driven by two detuned tones (arXiv)

    82. 2408.15820v1 Possibilities for enhanced electron-phonon interactions and high-Tc superconductivity in engineered bimetallic nano-structured superlattices (arXiv)

    83. 2408.15826v1 Topological inverse Anderson insulator (arXiv)

    84. 2408.15840v1 Electric field induced second-order anomalous Hall transport in unconventional Rashba system (arXiv)

    85. 2408.15884v1 Magnetism in the Dilute Electron Gas of Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    86. 2408.15933v1 A microscopic approach to the problem of enhancement and suppression of superconductivity on twinning planes (arXiv)

    87. 2408.15957v1 Spin Excitation Continuum in the Exactly Solvable Triangular-Lattice Spin Liquid CeMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

    88. 2408.15960v1 1+1d SPT phases with fusion category symmetry: interface modes and non-abelian Thouless pump (arXiv)

    89. 2408.15323v1 Review: Quantum Metrology and Sensing with Many-Body Systems (arXiv)

    90. 2408.15328v1 Artificially intelligent Maxwell’s demon for optimal control of open quantum systems (arXiv)

    91. 2408.15469v1 Biaxial strain tuning of excitons in monolayer MoSe2 by high-temperature physical vapor deposition (arXiv)

    92. 2408.15529v1 Quasi-Lindblad pseudomode theory for open quantum systems (arXiv)

    93. 2408.15684v1 A quasi-ohmic back contact achieved by inserting single-crystal graphene in flexible Kesterite solar cells (arXiv)

    94. 2408.15850v1 Classifying topological floppy modes in the continuum (arXiv)

    95. 2408.15959v1 Mid-infrared characterization of NbTiN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors on silicon-on-insulator (arXiv)

    96. 2408.15974v1 Stability and localization of nanoscale skyrmions and bimerons in an all-magnetic van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    97. PhysRevLett.133.090801 Enhanced Quantum Metrology with Non-Phase-Covariant Noise (PRL)

    98. PhysRevLett.133.093001 Self-Heterodyne Diffractive Imaging of Ultrafast Electron Dynamics Monitored by Single-Electron Pulses (PRL)

    99. PhysRevLett.133.094201 Statistics of Stochastic Entropy for Recorded Transitions between ENSO States (PRL)

    100. PhysRevLett.133.096101 Unexpected Observation of Disorder and Multiple Phase-Transition Pathways in Shock-Compressed Zr (PRL)

    101. PhysRevLett.133.096301 Pseudospin Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism Probed by Electron Spin Resonance (PRL)

    102. PhysRevLett.133.096401 Reformulation of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Nonperturbative Dynamics: The Rabi Oscillation Problem Resolved (PRL)

    103. PhysRevLett.133.096701 Avoided Quantum Tricritical Point and Emergence of a Canted Magnetic Phase in LaCr1−xFexSb3 (PRL)

    104. PhysRevX.14.031036 Microwave Control of the Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit in Diamond with a Superconducting Waveguide (PRX)

    105. PhysRevResearch.6.033222 Unconventional charge density wave in a kagome lattice antiferromagnet FeGe (PRR)

    106. PhysRevResearch.6.033223 Low depth virtual distillation of quantum circuits by deterministic circuit decomposition (PRR)

    107. PhysRevResearch.6.033224 Analytic evolution for complex coupled tight-binding models: Applications to quantum light manipulation (PRR)

    108. 2408.14533v1 Obstruction to Broken Symmetries in Topological Flat Bands (arXiv)

    109. 2408.14540v1 Semiclassical scattering by edge imperfections in topological insulators under magnetic field (arXiv)

    110. 2408.14549v1 Engineering a Josephson junction chain for the simulation of the clock model (arXiv)

    111. 2408.14619v1 Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2 (arXiv)

    112. 2408.14655v1 Superconducting flip-chip devices using indium microspheres on Au-passivated Nb or NbN as under-bump metallization layer (arXiv)

    113. 2408.14793v1 Floating Edge Bands in the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model with Altermagnetism (arXiv)

    114. 2408.14798v1 Nonlinear thermoplasmonics in graphene nanostructures (arXiv)

    115. 2408.14818v1 Irrelevance of 1H composition to the superconductivity in the infinite-layer nickelates: judging from the MeV energy scale (arXiv)

    116. 2408.14822v1 Phonon effects, impact ionization and power conversion in Mott photovoltaic systems (arXiv)

    117. 2408.14824v1 Nonvolatile magneto-thermal switching driven by vortex trapping in commercial In-Sn solder (arXiv)

    118. 2408.14844v1 Impact of biased cooling on the operation of undoped silicon quantum well field-effect devices for quantum circuit applications (arXiv)

    119. 2408.14857v1 Single-mode spin-wave laser driven by spin-orbit torque (arXiv)

    120. 2408.14858v1 Non-Fermi liquid over extended range at zero temperature without quantum criticality (arXiv)

    121. 2408.14966v1 High fidelity TiN processing modes for multi-gate Ge-based quantum devices (arXiv)

    122. 2408.14985v1 Fragile-to-strong glass transition in two-dimensional vortex liquids (arXiv)

    123. 2408.15007v1 Exact Polaron-Polaron interactions in a Quantum Hall Fluid (arXiv)

    124. 2408.15080v1 Squeezed state protection of fine structure in “Poor Man’s Majorana” via quantum spin coupling (arXiv)

    125. 2408.15092v1 A Field Guide to non-Onsager Quantum Oscillations in Metals (arXiv)

    126. 2408.15160v1 Flavor Nernst effects in quantum paramagnets (arXiv)

    127. 2408.15195v1 Bounds and anomalies of inhomogeneous anomalous Hall effects (arXiv)

    128. 2408.15216v1 Theoretical investigation of quantum oscillations of specific heat in Kondo insulators (arXiv)

    129. 2408.15233v1 Signatures of Chiral Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

    130. 2408.14543v1 A recipe for local simulation of strongly-correlated fermionic matter on quantum computers: the 2D Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    131. 2408.14571v1 Universal MJ Spintronic Model: Navigating a Serendipitous Expedition in the Quantum World (arXiv)

    132. 2408.14663v1 Optically Resolved Exchange Splittings in the Doped Van der Waals Ferromagnet CrBr3:Yb3+ (arXiv)

    133. 2408.14839v1 Electronic Structure and Topology in Gulf-edged Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons (arXiv)

    134. 2408.14848v1 Practical quantum advantage on partially fault-tolerant quantum computer (arXiv)

    135. 2408.14912v1 Numerical modelling of a vortex-based superconducting memory cell: dynamics and geometrical optimization of a fluxonic quantum dot (arXiv)

    136. 2408.14929v1 Compilation of Trotter-Based Time Evolution for Partially Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Architecture (arXiv)

    137. 2408.15105v1 Resolving the pressure induced ‘self-insertion’ in skutterudite CoSb3 (arXiv)

    138. 2408.15169v1 Theory of High-Temperature Superfluorescence in Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films (arXiv)

    139. PhysRevLett.133.091602 Sparsity-Independent Lyapunov Exponent in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (PRL)

    140. PhysRevLett.133.093801 Geometric Phase-Driven Scattering Evolutions (PRL)

    141. PhysRevLett.133.096302 Conformity Experiment on Inelastic Scattering Exponent of Electrons in Two Dimensions (PRL)

    142. PhysRevLett.133.096901 Ex Situ Production and Storage of Exciton-Polariton Vortices in Higher-Order Topological Corner Modes (PRL)

    143. PhysRevX.14.031034 Decomposing Imaginary-Time Feynman Diagrams Using Separable Basis Functions: Anderson Impurity Model Strong-Coupling Expansion (PRX)

    144. PhysRevResearch.6.033217 Tensor network noise characterization for near-term quantum computers (PRR)

    145. PhysRevResearch.6.033218 Investigating the superconducting state of 2H−NbS2 as seen by the vortex lattice (PRR)

    146. PhysRevResearch.6.033219 Phases and dynamics of few fermionic impurities immersed in two-dimensional boson droplets (PRR)

    147. PhysRevResearch.6.033220 Measurement-induced phase transitions by matrix product states scaling (PRR)

    148. PhysRevResearch.6.033221 Maximal Anderson localization and suppression of surface plasmons in two-dimensional random Au networks (PRR)

    149. 2408.13368v1 Phonon-assisted Casimir interactions between piezoelectric materials (arXiv)

    150. 2408.13371v1 Collective bistability of pyridine-furan nanosprings coupled by a graphene plate (arXiv)

    151. 2408.13551v1 Superconductor to metal quantum phase transition with magnetic field in Josephson coupled lead islands on Graphene (arXiv)

    152. 2408.13563v1 I-centered vs F-centered orthorhombic symmetry and negative thermal expansion of the charge density wave of EuAl2Ga2 (arXiv)

    153. 2408.13576v1 The Streda Formula for Floquet Systems: Topological Invariants and Quantized Anomalies from Ces`aro Summation (arXiv)

    154. 2408.13584v1 Stability limits in two-band superconductor rings (arXiv)

    155. 2408.13604v1 Thermoelectric signature of quantum criticality in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeRhIn5 (arXiv)

    156. 2408.13616v1 Unusual energy spectra of matrix product states (arXiv)

    157. 2408.13663v1 A toy model for 2-dimensional spin-fluctuation-induced unconventional superconductivity (arXiv)

    158. 2408.13665v1 Relationship between spinons and magnetic fields in a fractionalized state (arXiv)

    159. 2408.13671v1 Ultrafast Charge Transfer Dynamics at the MoS2/Au Interface Observed via Optical Spectroscopy under Ambient Conditions (arXiv)

    160. 2408.13703v1 Revisiting the Analytical Solution of Spin-Orbit Torque Switched Nanoscale Perpendicular Ferromagnet (arXiv)

    161. 2408.13707v1 The origins of noise in the Zeeman splitting of spin qubits in natural-silicon devices (arXiv)

    162. 2408.13715v1 Near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene-covered Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    163. 2408.13725v1 Magnetization oscillations in a periodically driven transverse field Ising chain (arXiv)

    164. 2408.13857v1 Pressure weakens coupling strength in In and Sn elemental superconductors (arXiv)

    165. 2408.13882v1 Phonon-induced modification of polaritonic Rabi oscillations in the presence of the dark excitonic condensate (arXiv)

    166. 2408.13883v1 Grain boundary grooving in thin film under the influence of an external magnetic field: A phase-field study (arXiv)

    167. 2408.13886v1 Spin-triplet pair density wave superconductors (arXiv)

    168. 2408.13937v1 Electronic correlations and long-range magnetic ordering in NiO tuned by pressure (arXiv)

    169. 2408.14162v1 Visualizing Standing Light Waves in Continuous-Beam Transmission Electron Microscopy (arXiv)

    170. 2408.14288v1 Dirac points and topological phases in correlated altermagnets (arXiv)

    171. 2408.14294v1 Possible Fano effect and suppression of Andreev reflection in La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    172. 2408.14295v1 Dynamic Structure Factors in Two Dimensional Z2 Lattice Gauge Theory (arXiv)

    173. 2408.14334v2 Unconventional superconductivity emerging along with the strange-metal behavior in UAs2 under pressure (arXiv)

    174. 2408.14367v1 Holstein polaron in a pseudospin-1 quantum spin Hall system: first and second order topological phase transitions (arXiv)

    175. 2408.14409v1 Interplay between topology and interactions in superconducting chains (arXiv)

    176. 2408.14422v1 Using a high-fidelity numerical model to infer the shape of a few-hole Ge quantum dot (arXiv)

    177. 2408.14474v1 Phases and phase transitions in a dimerized spin-1/2 XXZ chain (arXiv)

    178. 2408.13405v1 Ultracoherent GHz Diamond Spin-Mechanical Lamb Wave Resonators (arXiv)

    179. 2408.13419v1 Diffusion Driven Transient Hydrogenation in Metal Superhydrides at Extreme Conditions (arXiv)

    180. 2408.13570v1 Quantized Embedding Approaches for Collective Strong Coupling – Connecting ab initio and macroscopic QED to Simple Models in Polaritonics (arXiv)

    181. 2408.14006v1 Ultra-thin Carbon Biphenylene Network as an Anisotropic Thermoelectric Material with High Temperature Stability Under Mechanical Strain (arXiv)

    182. 2408.14172v1 Ptychographic Imaging of Magnetic Domain Wall Dynamics (arXiv)

    183. 2408.14285v1 Kagome bands and magnetism in MoTe2-x kagome monolayers (arXiv)

    184. 2408.14360v1 Element-selective probing of ultrafast ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic order dynamics in Fe/CoO bilayers (arXiv)

    185. 2408.14372v1 Exact Diagonalization Study on Avalanches in Many-Body Localized Constrained Spin Chains (arXiv)

    186. 2408.14399v1 Transport in open quantum systems in presence of lossy channels (arXiv)

    187. 2408.14451v1 Multiscale Design of Au-Based Alloys for Improved Plasmon Delivery and Nanoheating in Near-Field Transducers (arXiv)

    188. 2408.12626v1 Fingerprints of supersymmetric spin and charge dynamics observed by inelastic neutron scattering (arXiv)

    189. 2408.12650v1 The Kondo impurity in the large spin limit (arXiv)

    190. 2408.12652v1 Layer skyrmions for ideal Chern bands and twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    191. 2408.12656v1 Bond disorder in extended Heisenberg-Kitaev models: Spin textures and in-gap states in the high-field regime (arXiv)

    192. 2408.12675v1 Revaluation of the lower critical field in superconducting H3S and LaH10 (Nature Comm. 13, 3194, 2022) (arXiv)

    193. 2408.12701v1 Magnetism of the Bilayer Wigner Crystal (arXiv)

    194. 2408.12707v1 Investigating the role of anion polarizability in Fe-based superconductors via light-matter interaction (arXiv)

    195. 2408.12749v1 Progress in superconductor-semiconductor topological Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    196. 2408.12903v1 Time-resolved sensing of electromagnetic fields with single-electron interferometry (arXiv)

    197. 2408.12911v1 Ground state of the S = 1/2 Heisenberg spin chain with random ferro- and antiferromagnetic couplings (arXiv)

    198. 2408.12912v1 Real-time control of non-Abelian anyons in Kitaev spin liquid under energy dissipation (arXiv)

    199. 2408.12985v1 Closing in on possible scenarios for infinite-layer nickelates: comparison of dynamical mean-field theory with angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (arXiv)

    200. 2408.13051v1 Eliminating Surface Oxides of Superconducting Circuits with Noble Metal Encapsulation (arXiv)

    201. 2408.13081v1 Magnetic correlations and Griffith-like phase in Co2TiSi0.5Al0.5 Heusler alloy (arXiv)

    202. 2408.13095v1 Energy-efficient field-free unconventional spin-orbit torque magnetization switching dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    203. 2408.13099v1 Theory of ac magnetoelectric transport in normal-metal - magnetic-insulator heterostructures (arXiv)

    204. 2408.13145v1 Quantum-critical and dynamical properties of the XXZ bilayer with long-range interactions (arXiv)

    205. 2408.12704v1 A General Framework for Gradient-Based Optimization of Superconducting Quantum Circuits using Qubit Discovery as a Case Study (arXiv)

    206. 2408.12758v1 Month-long-lifetime microwave spectral holes in an erbium-doped scheelite crystal at millikelvin temperature (arXiv)

    207. 2408.12776v1 Surface plasmon-mediated photoluminescence boost in graphene-covered CsPbBr3 quantum dots (arXiv)

    208. 2408.12868v1 Effective field theories of dissipative fluids with one-form symmetries (arXiv)

    209. 2408.12896v1 Identifying band structure changes of FePS3 across the antiferromagnetic phase transition (arXiv)

    210. 2408.12993v1 Assessing the nature of nanoscale ferroelectric domain walls in lead titanate multilayers (arXiv)

    211. 2408.13033v1 Emergence of global receptive fields capturing multipartite quantum correlations (arXiv)

    212. 2408.13042v1 Anisotropic sub-band splitting mechanisms in strained HgTe: a first principles study (arXiv)

    213. 2408.13090v1 Direct observation of structural phase transformations during continuous phosphorus deposition on Cu(111) (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 3rd week collection

    1. 2408.12043v1 Competing quantum effects in spin crossover chains: spin-orbit coupling, magnetic exchange, and elastic interactions (arXiv)

    2. science.adn0137 Accurate computation of quantum excited states with neural networks (Science)

    3. s41467-024-51367-w Spin-Peierls instability of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid (Nature Communications)

    4. s41567-024-02619-5 Quantum-enhanced metrology with large Fock states (Nature Physics)

    5. s41598-024-70301-0 Polarized Raman mapping and phase-transition by CW excitation for fast purely optical characterization of VO2 thin films (Scientific Reports)

    6. s42005-024-01758-8 Control-enhanced non-Markovian quantum metrology (Communications Physics)

    7. s41586-024-07798-y Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs (Nature)

    8. s41586-024-07826-x On-chip multi-degree-of-freedom control of two-dimensional materials (Nature)

    9. s41467-024-51440-4 Terahertz oscillation driven by optical spin-orbit torque (Nature Communications)

    10. s42005-024-01764-w Engineering ideal helical topological networks in stanene via Zn decoration (Communications Physics)

    11. s41467-024-51485-5 Dynamical decoding of the competition between charge density waves in a kagome superconductor (Nature Communications)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.080202 Exact Ansatz of Fermion-Boson Systems for a Quantum Device (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.086301 Non-Hermitian Fermi-Dirac Distribution in Persistent Current Transport (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.086503 Altermagnetic Anomalous Hall Effect Emerging from Electronic Correlations (PRL)

    15. PhysRevResearch.6.039003 Erratum: Braiding Majorana corner modes in a second-order topological superconductor [Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032068(R) (2020)] (PRR)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.L032040 Quantum soliton-trains of strongly correlated impurities in Bose-Einstein condensates (PRR)

    17. 2408.11883v1 Neel proximity effect in superconductor/antiferromagnet heterostructures (arXiv)

    18. 2408.11888v1 Doped moire magnets: renormalized flat bands and excitonic phases (arXiv)

    19. 2408.11899v1 Magnetization Plateaus in the Two-dimensional S = 1/2 Heisenberg Model with a 3x3 Checkerboard Structure (arXiv)

    20. 2408.12024v1 Microwave-Induced Cooling in Double Quantum Dots: Achieving Millikelvin Temperatures to Reduce Thermal Noise around Spin Qubits (arXiv)

    21. 2408.12042v1 Correlation Effects in a Simplified Bilayer Two-Orbital Hubbard Model at Half Filling (arXiv)

    22. 2408.12046v1 Flat surface state with octupole moment in an eg orbital system on a simple cubic lattice (arXiv)

    23. 2408.12166v1 Unusual strong ferromagnetism in site-ordered cubic Laves phase compound LuInCo4 with Co-pyrochlore lattice (arXiv)

    24. 2408.12182v1 Perpendicular-anisotropy artificial spin ice with spontaneous ordering: a platform for neuromorphic computing with flexible timescales (arXiv)

    25. 2408.12216v1 Kondo spectral functions at low-temperatures: A dynamical-exchange-correlation-field perspective (arXiv)

    26. 2408.12242v1 New-record-Tc and three-gap 2D superconductors with electronic and phononic topology: KB2C2 (arXiv)

    27. 2408.12284v1 Quantum Phase Transitions in 2D–dimensional paramagnetic half–filled Hubbard model (arXiv)

    28. 2408.12383v1 Exploring van der Waals cuprate superconductors using a hybrid microwave circuit (arXiv)

    29. 2408.12501v1 Tunneling photo-thermoelectric effect in monolayer graphene/bilayer hexagonal boron nitride/bilayer graphene asymmetric van der Waals tunnel junctions (arXiv)

    30. 2408.12504v1 All-Electrical Layer-Spintronics in Altermagnetic Bilayer (arXiv)

    31. 2408.12509v1 Commensurate and Incommensurate Chern Insulators in Magic-angle Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    32. 2408.12542v1 Enormous enhancement of resistivity in nanostructured electron-phonon systems (arXiv)

    33. 2408.12555v1 Ideal topological flat bands in chiral symmetric moire systems from non-holomorphic functions (arXiv)

    34. 2408.12580v1 Strain-driven domain wall network with chiral junctions in an antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    35. 2408.12584v1 Electric field control of superconductivity and quantized anomalous Hall effects in rhombohedral tetralayer graphene (arXiv)

    36. 2408.11900v1 Quantum highway: Observation of minimal and maximal speed limits for few and many-body states (arXiv)

    37. 2408.12028v1 Two-dimensional non-volatile valley spin valve (arXiv)

    38. 2408.12054v1 Spin relaxation in graphite due to spin-orbital-phonon interaction from first-principles density-matrix approach (arXiv)

    39. 2408.12117v1 Sr4Os3O12- A Layered Osmate (V,VI) that is Magnetic close to Room Temperature (arXiv)

    40. 2408.12160v1 Mapping Hydrogen Evolution Activity Trends of V-based A15 Superconducting Alloys (arXiv)

    41. 2408.12181v1 Machine learning-based determination of magnetic parameters from magnetic images with different imaging scales (arXiv)

    42. 2408.12207v1 Electron States Emerging at Magnetic Domain Wall of magnetic semiconductors with strong Rashba effect (arXiv)

    43. 2408.12533v1 Tripartite entanglement dynamics following a quantum quench (arXiv)

    44. PhysRevLett.133.083602 Realization of a Coherent and Efficient One-Dimensional Atom (PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.133.086501 Moiré Exchange Effect in Twisted WSe2/WS2 Heterobilayer (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.133.086902 Probing Dark Excitons in Monolayer MoS2 by Nonlinear Two-Photon Spectroscopy (PRL)

    47. PhysRevResearch.6.033192 Bulk-entanglement spectrum correspondence in PT- and PC-symmetric topological insulators and superconductors (PRR)

    48. PhysRevResearch.6.033194 Experimental observation of topological quantum criticality (PRR)

    49. PhysRevResearch.6.033197 Time-reversal in a dipolar quantum many-body spin system (PRR)

    50. PhysRevResearch.6.033199 Fluctuation-dominated quantum oscillations in excitonic insulators (PRR)

    51. PhysRevResearch.6.033200 Two atoms in a harmonic trap with spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupling (PRR)

    52. PhysRevResearch.6.033201 Learning energy-based representations of quantum many-body states (PRR)

    53. 2408.11134v1 Topological Defects in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes as Triplet Exciton Traps and Single-Photon Emitters (arXiv)

    54. 2408.11163v1 Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid and quantum criticality in spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain C14H18CuN4O10 via Wilson ratio (arXiv)

    55. 2408.11206v1 Stabilization mechanisms of magnetic skyrmion crystal and multiple-Q states based on momentum-resolved spin interactions (arXiv)

    56. 2408.11220v1 Displacement field-controlled fractional Chern insulators and charge density waves in a graphene/hBN moir'e superlattice (arXiv)

    57. 2408.11265v1 Nonmonotonic Hall effect of Weyl semimetals under magnetic field (arXiv)

    58. 2408.11270v1 Disordered Parity Anomalous Semimetal (arXiv)

    59. 2408.11285v1 Impact of Valley Degeneracy on Thermoelectric Properties of Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons with Staggered Sublattice Potentials and Transverse Electric Fields (arXiv)

    60. 2408.11335v1 Direct electrical access to the spin manifolds of individual monovalent lanthanide atoms (arXiv)

    61. 2408.11337v1 Three-dimensional bond-order formation in kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Cs, Rb, K) analyzed by the density-wave equation method (arXiv)

    62. 2408.11343v1 Spin-wave assisted synchronization in 2D arrays of spin torque oscillators (arXiv)

    63. 2408.11387v1 Structural and Superconducting Properties in the Te-doped Spinel CuRh2Se4 (arXiv)

    64. 2408.11394v1 Competition between dimerization and vector chirality in the spin-3/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg chain with uniaxial single-ion anisotropy (arXiv)

    65. 2408.11420v1 On-chip quantum confinement refrigeration overcoming electron-phonon heat leaks (arXiv)

    66. 2408.11468v1 Electric-field-tunable topological phases in valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall systems with inequivalent exchange fields (arXiv)

    67. 2408.11704v1 Diluted Yu-Shiba-Rusinov arrays on the beta-Bi2Pd anisotropic superconductor (arXiv)

    68. 2408.11731v1 Phase diagram of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder with a chirality-chirality interaction (arXiv)

    69. 2408.11789v1 Fractional Quantum Hall phases of graphene beyond ultra-short range intervalley-anisotropic interaction (arXiv)

    70. 2408.11807v1 Low-noise parametric microwave amplifier based on self-heated nonlinear impedance with sub-nanosecond thermal response (arXiv)

    71. 2408.11818v1 Extended quantum anomalous Hall effect in moire structures: phase transitions and transport (arXiv)

    72. 2408.11102v1 Surface Tension of a Topological Phase (arXiv)

    73. 2408.11110v1 Towards a theory of phase transitions in quantum control landscapes (arXiv)

    74. 2408.11113v1 Parallel-Field Hall effect in ZrTe5 (arXiv)

    75. 2408.11123v1 Notes on solvable models of many-body quantum chaos (arXiv)

    76. 2408.11127v1 Role of the Adsorption of Alkali Cations on Ultrathin n-Layers of Two-dimensional Perovskites (arXiv)

    77. 2408.11169v1 Electron-Electron Interactions, Magnetism, and Superconductivity: Lecture Notes for Introduction to Solid State Physics (arXiv)

    78. 2408.11652v1 Quantum Entanglement and non-Hermiticity in free fermion systems (arXiv)

    79. 2408.11658v1 Spin-orbit-splitting-driven nonlinear Hall effect in NbIrTe4 (arXiv)

    80. 2408.11666v1 Massively multiplexed nanoscale magnetometry with diamond quantum sensors (arXiv)

    81. 2408.11668v1 Surface reconstruction limited magnetism of the nodal loop semimetal Ca3P2 (arXiv)

    82. PhysRevLett.133.086601 Gapped Boundaries of Fermionic Topological Orders and Higher Central Charges (PRL)

    83. PhysRevResearch.6.033193 Dynamics of spin-momentum entanglement from superradiant phase transitions (PRR)

    84. PhysRevResearch.6.033195 Topology of SmB6 revisited by means of topological quantum chemistry (PRR)

    85. 2408.10300v1 Shift and Polarization of Excitons from Quantum Geometry (arXiv)

    86. 2408.10302v1 Dephasing of planar Ge hole spin qubits due to 1/f charge noise (arXiv)

    87. 2408.10304v1 Quantum Zeno Effect in Noisy Integrable Quantum Circuits for Impurity Models (arXiv)

    88. 2408.10309v1 Incommensurate inter-valley coherent states in ABC graphene: collective modes and superconductivity (arXiv)

    89. 2408.10311v1 Pfaffian quantum Monte Carlo: solution to Majorana sign ambiguity and applications (arXiv)

    90. 2408.10314v1 Entanglement entropy in lattice models with quantum metric (arXiv)

    91. 2408.10319v1 Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model at quarter filling: effects of magnetic field and non-local interactions (arXiv)

    92. 2408.10335v1 Twist-Programmable Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    93. 2408.10348v1 A single spin in hexagonal boron nitride for vectorial quantum magnetometry (arXiv)

    94. 2408.10355v1 Quantum Transport Straintronics and Mechanical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Quasi-metallic SWCNTs (arXiv)

    95. 2408.10375v1 Dipole representation of composite fermions in graphene’s quantum Hall systems (arXiv)

    96. 2408.10402v1 Stacking-Dependent Van Hove Singularity Shifts in Three-Dimensional Charge Density Waves of Kagome Metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) (arXiv)

    97. 2408.10413v1 Transverse Spin current at the normal/p-wave altermagnet junctions (arXiv)

    98. 2408.10415v1 Chiral edge mode for single-cone Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    99. 2408.10421v1 Itinerant A-type Antiferromagnetic Order in Co0.25TaSe2 (arXiv)

    100. 2408.10465v1 Theoretical study of spin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity in two-dimensional Hubbard models with an incipient flat band (arXiv)

    101. 2408.10476v1 Spin-1/2 kagome-lattice antiferromagnets Cs2Cu3SnF12 and Rb2Cu3SnF12 (arXiv)

    102. 2408.10515v1 Ground State Magnetic Structure and Magnetic Field Effects in the Layered Honeycomb Antiferromagnet YbOCl (arXiv)

    103. 2408.10526v1 Kagome materials AV3Sb5 (A=K,Rb,Cs): pairing symmetry and pressure-tuning studies (arXiv)

    104. 2408.10586v1 Magneto tunnel conductance across twisted Weyl semimetal junctions (arXiv)

    105. 2408.10625v1 The quantum and anharmonic effects on the vibrational and superconducting properties of H3Se in Im-3m phase under high pressure (arXiv)

    106. 2408.10638v1 Spin excitations in bilayer La3Ni2O7 superconductors with the interlayer pairing (arXiv)

    107. 2408.10655v1 Nonlinear frequency-asymmetric optical response in chiral systems (arXiv)

    108. 2408.10719v1 Development of a Nb-based semiconductor-superconductor hybrid platform (arXiv)

    109. 2408.10931v1 Thermal crossover from a Chern insulator to a fractional Chern insulator in pentalayer graphene (arXiv)

    110. 2408.10953v1 Orbital moire and quadrupolar triple-q physics in a triangular lattice (arXiv)

    111. 2408.10954v1 Insulator-Metal Transition and Magnetic Crossover in Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    112. 2408.10964v1 Derivation of Low-Energy Hamiltonians for Heavy-Fermion Materials (arXiv)

    113. 2408.10973v1 Emergent cavity junction around metal-on-graphene contacts (arXiv)

    114. 2408.11024v1 Multifractal statistics of non-Hermitian skin effect on the Cayley tree (arXiv)

    115. 2408.10301v1 Quantum scars in many-body systems (arXiv)

    116. 2408.10412v1 Hall Transport in Organic Semiconductors (arXiv)

    117. 2408.10440v1 Evolution of the Coulomb interactions in correlated transition-metal perovskite oxides from the constrained random phase approximation (arXiv)

    118. 2408.10475v1 Observation of the Symmetry-Protected Signature of 3-body Interactions (arXiv)

    119. 2408.10667v1 Room-temperature cavity exciton-polariton condensation in perovskite quantum dots (arXiv)

    120. 2408.10698v1 A note on the canonical approach to hydrodynamics and linear response theory (arXiv)

    121. 2408.10832v1 Boundary symmetries of (2+1)D topological orders (arXiv)

    122. PhysRevLett.133.080801 Quantum Sensing with Erasure Qubits (PRL)

    123. PhysRevLett.133.083401 Quantum Droplets in Two-Dimensional Bose Mixtures at Finite Temperature (PRL)

    124. PhysRevLett.133.083402 Distinguishing Quantum Phases through Cusps in Full Counting Statistics (PRL)

    125. PhysRevLett.133.083403 Theory of the Spectral Function of Fermi Polarons at Finite Temperature (PRL)

    126. PhysRevLett.133.083601 Scalable Spin Squeezing in Two-Dimensional Arrays of Dipolar Large-S Spins (PRL)

    127. PhysRevLett.133.084001 Passive Viscous Flow Selection via Fluid-Induced Buckling (PRL)

    128. PhysRevLett.133.086001 Decoding the Drive-Bath Interplay: A Guideline to Enhance Superconductivity (PRL)

    129. PhysRevResearch.6.033180 Limit cycles as stationary states of an extended harmonic balance ansatz (PRR)

    130. PhysRevResearch.6.033181 Lee-Yang theory of the superradiant phase transition in the open Dicke model (PRR)

    131. PhysRevResearch.6.033183 Reconstructing the spatial structure of quantum correlations in materials (PRR)

    132. PhysRevResearch.6.033184 Quantum and classical spin dynamics across temperature scales in the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (PRR)

    133. PhysRevResearch.6.033185 Self-organized time crystal in driven-dissipative quantum system (PRR)

    134. PhysRevResearch.6.033186 Rotating dipole and quadrupole quantum droplets in binary Bose-Einstein condensates (PRR)

    135. PhysRevResearch.6.033189 Crossover from anomalous to normal diffusion: Ising model with stochastic resetting (PRR)

    136. 2408.08966v1 Detailed Analysis of the Superconducting Gap with Pair-Breaking Scattering: Dynes Superconductor Approach (arXiv)

    137. 2408.08997v1 Ultrafast creation of a light induced semimetallic state in strongly excited 1T-TiSe2 (arXiv)

    138. 2408.09023v1 Mapping the topological proximity-induced gap of multiterminal Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    139. 2408.09073v1 On the “Author Correction: Magnetic field screening in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors”, Nat Commun 14, 5322 (2023) (arXiv)

    140. 2408.09090v1 Normal-state resistivity and the depairing current density of BaFe2(As,P)2 nanobridges along the c axis (arXiv)

    141. 2408.09148v1 Perspective on Atomic-Resolution Vibrational Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (arXiv)

    142. 2408.09338v1 Surface spectroscopy and surface-bulk hybridization of Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    143. 2408.09417v1 Discovery of terahertz-frequency orbitally-coupled magnons in a kagome ferromagnet (arXiv)

    144. 2408.09421v1 Chemical versus physical pressure effects on the structure transition of bilayer nickelates (arXiv)

    145. 2408.09492v1 Zeeman field induced corner states in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    146. 2408.09541v1 Nodal higher-order topological superconductivity from C6-symmetric Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    147. 2408.09542v1 Correlation of Magnetic State Configurations in Nanotubes with FMR spectrum (arXiv)

    148. 2408.09543v1 Nonlinear planar magnetotransport as a probe of the quantum geometry of topological surface states (arXiv)

    149. 2408.09610v1 Fusion Rules of Majorana-Kramer-Pairs in Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    150. 2408.09623v1 Reorientation transition between square and hexagonal skyrmion lattices near the saturation into the homogeneous state in quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets (arXiv)

    151. 2408.09670v1 Finite Temperature Magnetism in the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet KErTe2 (arXiv)

    152. 2408.09721v1 Exact spectral function and nonequilibrium dynamics of the strongly interacting Hubbard model (arXiv)

    153. 2408.09741v1 Observation of electrical high-harmonic generation (arXiv)

    154. 2408.09774v1 Two-component superconductivity and strange metallicity in La3Ni2O7: A Schwinger boson study of the t-V-J model (arXiv)

    155. 2408.09812v1 Magnetic exchange interaction in spin-valve with chiral spin-triplet superconductor (arXiv)

    156. 2408.09814v1 Rapid infrared imaging for rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

    157. 2408.09828v1 Induced charge generated by a Coulomb impurity in transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    158. 2408.09843v1 Arrays of one-dimensional conducting channels in minimally twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    159. 2408.09892v1 Magnetophotogalvanic Effects Driven by Terahertz Radiation in CdHgTe Crystals with Kane Fermions (arXiv)

    160. 2408.09901v1 Electrostatic Control of Magneto-Optic Excitonic Resonances in the van der Waals Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ (arXiv)

    161. 2408.09906v1 Diverse Impacts of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

    162. 2408.09925v1 Magnetically modulated superconductor-graphene-superconductor (SGS) Josephson junctions and their tunability (arXiv)

    163. 2408.09956v1 Evidence of a Kondo lattice quantum critical point and of non-Fermi liquid behavior in the intercalated layered system V5S8 (arXiv)

    164. 2408.09961v1 Goos-Hanchen shift of inelastically scattered spin-wave beams and cascade nonlinear excitation of spin-wave leaky modes (arXiv)

    165. 2408.10030v1 The fate of poor man’s Majoranas in the long Kitaev chain limit (arXiv)

    166. 2408.10035v1 Fractional quantum Hall coexistence phases in higher Landau levels of graphene (arXiv)

    167. 2408.10050v1 Imaging ultrafast electronic domain fluctuations with X-ray speckle visibility (arXiv)

    168. 2408.10062v1 Helical edge modes in a triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    169. 2408.10081v1 Current-Induced Circular Dichroism on Metallic Surfaces: A First-Principles Study (arXiv)

    170. 2408.10133v1 Interplay of electronic crystals with integer and fractional Chern insulators in moire pentalayer graphene (arXiv)

    171. 2408.10138v1 Angstrom-scale ion-beam engineering of ultrathin buried oxides for quantum and neuro-inspired computing (arXiv)

    172. 2408.10158v1 Anisotropic excitonic magnetism from discrete C4 symmetry in CeRhIn5 (arXiv)

    173. 2408.10185v1 Superconductivity in twisted WSe2 from topology-induced quantum fluctuations (arXiv)

    174. 2408.10190v1 Superconductivity and spin canting in spin-orbit proximitized rhombohedral trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    175. 2408.10203v1 Extended Quantum Anomalous Hall States in Graphene/hBN Moire Superlattices (arXiv)

    176. 2408.08876v1 Covariant Jacobi-Legendre expansion for total energy calculations within the projector-augmented-wave formalism (arXiv)

    177. 2408.08999v1 Altermagnetism in Two Dimensional Ca-Ru-O Perovskite (arXiv)

    178. 2408.09323v1 Squeezed Light via Exciton-Phonon Cavity QED (arXiv)

    179. 2408.09383v1 Interplay of phonon directionality and emission polarization in two-dimensional layered metal halide perovskites (arXiv)

    180. 2408.10032v1 Tunable interfacial Rashba spin-orbit coupling in asymmetric AlxIn1-xSb/InSb/CdTe quantum well heterostructures (arXiv)

    181. 2408.10045v1 Gapless spin excitations in nanographene-based antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains (arXiv)

    182. 2408.10079v1 Floquet prethermalization of Z2 lattice gauge theory on superconducting qubits (arXiv)

    183. 2408.10097v1 Excitonic-trion population in two-dimensional halide perovskites (arXiv)

    184. 2408.08354v1 Phase diagram of compressible and paired states in the quarter-filled Landau level (arXiv)

    185. 2408.08368v1 Spin Hall Nano-Antenna (arXiv)

    186. 2408.08391v1 Flat-plane based double-counting free and parameter free many-body DFT+U (arXiv)

    187. 2408.08394v1 A topological Hund nodal line antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    188. 2408.08416v1 Spin Relaxation and Diffusion in Monolayer 1T’-WTe2 from First-Principles (arXiv)

    189. 2408.08487v1 Microwave Andreev bound state spectroscopy in a semiconductor-based Planar Josephson junction (arXiv)

    190. 2408.08548v1 Local and energy-resolved topological invariants for Floquet systems (arXiv)

    191. 2408.08596v1 Observation of strong phonon-phonon coupling in one-dimensional van der Waals crystals (arXiv)

    192. 2408.08641v1 Initialization-Free Multistate Memristor: Synergy of Spin-Orbit Torque and Magnetic Fields (arXiv)

    193. 2408.08644v1 Nonlinear electrical transport unveils Fermi surface malleability in a moire heterostructure (arXiv)

    194. 2408.08680v1 Growth of Ba2CoWO6 Single Crystals and their Magnetic, Thermodynamic and Electronic Properties (arXiv)

    195. 2408.08787v1 Electron beam splitting effect with crossed zigzag graphene nanoribbons in high-spin metallic states (arXiv)

    196. 2408.08801v1 Fabrication of Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chains via Combined On-surface Synthesis and Reduction for Spinon Detection (arXiv)

    197. 2408.08804v1 Exceptional magic angles in non-Hermitian twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    198. 2408.08835v1 Altermagnetism in the layered intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide CoNb4Se8 (arXiv)

    199. 2408.08330v1 Optimizing Gas Sensor Performance Using Bilayer Surface Plasmon System (arXiv)

    200. 2408.08384v1 Lifshitz formulas for finite-density Casimir effect (arXiv)

    201. 2408.08423v1 Formation of a lateral p-n junction light-emitting diode on an n-type high-mobility GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As heterostructure (arXiv)

    202. 2408.08612v1 Atomic-Scale Imaging of Fractional Spinon Quasiparticles in Open-Shell Triangulene Spin-1/2 Chains (arXiv)

    203. 2408.08639v1 Solving The Quantum Many-Body Hamiltonian Learning Problem with Neural Differential Equations (arXiv)

    204. 2408.08710v1 Magnetophotonic waveguide nanostructure for selective ultrafast optical excitation of high-K spin dynamics (arXiv)

    205. 2408.08791v1 Dissipative split-charge formalism: Ohm’s law, Nyquist noise, and non-contact friction (arXiv)

    206. 2408.08828v1 Sine-Gordon model at finite temperature: the method of random surfaces (arXiv)

    207. 2408.08842v1 Phase-Separated Charge Order and Twinning Across Length Scales in CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 2nd week collection

    1. 2408.05139v1 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral multilayer graphene with a strong displacement field (arXiv)

    2. 2408.05327v1 Realization and Stability of Non-Abelian Chiral Quantum Spin Liquids via Dimensional Reduction (arXiv)

    3. s41567-024-02613-x Circuit quantum electrodynamics detection of induced two-fold anisotropic pairing in a hybrid superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer (Nature Physics)

    4. s41567-024-02611-z Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems (Nature Physics)

    5. d41586-024-02623-y Quantum hacking looms - but ultra-secure encryption is ready to deploy (Nature)

    6. s42005-024-01763-x On the sample complexity of quantum Boltzmann machine learning (Communications Physics)

    7. s42005-024-01708-4 Correlated normal state fermiology and topological superconductivity in UTe2 (Communications Physics)

    8. s42005-024-01767-7 Topological properties of C4zT-symmetric semimetals (Communications Physics)

    9. PhysRevLett.133.076503 Unusual Quasiparticles and Tunneling Conductance in Quantum Point Contacts in nu=2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Systems (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.133.076504 Reclaiming the Lost Conformality in a Non-Hermitian Quantum 5-State Potts Model (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.133.076601 Topological Thermal Hall Conductance of Even-Denominator Fractional States (PRL)

    12. PhysRevX.14.031029 Eigenstate Correlations, the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, and Quantum Information Dynamics in Chaotic Many-Body Quantum Systems (PRX)

    13. PhysRevResearch.6.033177 Exploring interlayer coupling in the twisted bilayer PtTe2 (PRR)

    14. PhysRevResearch.6.033178 Controllable suppression of the unconventional superconductivity in bulk and thin-film Sr2RuO4 via high-energy electron irradiation (PRR)

    15. PhysRevLett.133.073803 Observation of Topological Transition in Floquet Non-Hermitian Skin Effects in Silicon Photonics (PRL)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.033175 Decoherence induced by a sparse bath of two-level fluctuators: Peculiar features of 1/f noise in high-quality qubits (PRR)

    17. 2408.07747v1 Perfect superconducting diode effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

    18. 2408.07778v1 Dots and Boxes Algorithm for Peierls Substitution: Application to Multidomain Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    19. 2408.07781v1 Tunable Second-Order Structural Transition in As-Deficient MnAs (arXiv)

    20. 2408.07804v1 High-Temperature Quantum Valley Hall Effect with Quantized Resistance and a Topological Switch (arXiv)

    21. 2408.07882v1 Anomalous thermodiffusion, absolute negative mobility and reverse heat transport in a single quantum dot (arXiv)

    22. 2408.07901v1 Coupling between electrons and charge density wave fluctuation and its possible role in superconductivity (arXiv)

    23. 2408.07968v1 Left-left-right-right magnetic order in spin-1/2 Kitaev-Heisenberg chain (arXiv)

    24. 2408.08017v1 Computation of Biological Conductance with Liouville Quantum Master Equation (arXiv)

    25. 2408.08077v1 Magnetostructural Coupling at the Neel point in YNiO3 Single Crystals (arXiv)

    26. 2408.08117v1 Two-dimensional superconductivity in a thick exfoliated kagome film (arXiv)

    27. 2408.08120v1 Study of non-diffusive thermal behaviors in nanoscale transistors under different heating strategies (arXiv)

    28. 2408.08151v1 Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in spin-orbit coupled noncentrosymmetric superconductor (arXiv)

    29. 2408.07750v1 Quantum Mpemba effects in many-body localization systems (arXiv)

    30. 2408.07920v1 Free Standing Epitaxial Oxides Through Remote Epitaxy: The Role of the Evolving Graphene Microstructure (arXiv)

    31. 2408.07929v1 Efficient algorithms for surface density of states in topological photonic and acoustic systems (arXiv)

    32. 2408.08110v1 Semiclassical analysis of spin dynamics in the non-Hermitian Hubbard model (arXiv)

    33. 2408.08155v1 Integrals of Products of Bessel Functions: An Insight from the Physics of Bloch Electrons (arXiv)

    34. 2408.08194v1 Doublons Bloch oscillations in the mass-imbalanced extended Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    35. 2408.08275v1 Photon Frequency Conversion in High-Q Superconducting Resonators: Axion Electrodynamics, QED & Nonlinear Meissner Radiation (arXiv)

    36. PhysRevLett.133.073802 Topological Structures of Energy Flow: Poynting Vector Skyrmions (PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.133.076502 Non-Hermitian Mott Skin Effect (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.133.078201 Discontinuous Transition in Electrolyte Flow through Charge-Patterned Nanochannels (PRL)

    39. PhysRevResearch.6.033170 First-principles investigation of near-field energy transfer between localized quantum emitters in solids (PRR)

    40. PhysRevResearch.6.033171 Cooper quartets in interacting hybrid superconducting systems (PRR)

    41. PhysRevResearch.6.033172 Geometric and electronic structures of Cs2BB′X6 double perovskites: The importance of exact exchange (PRR)

    42. 2408.07111v1 Vestigial Gapless Boson Density Wave Emerging between \nu = 1/2 Fractional Chern Insulator and Finite-Momentum Supersolid (arXiv)

    43. 2408.07125v1 Emergent Gauge Fields and the “Choi-Spin Liquids” in Steady States (arXiv)

    44. 2408.07158v1 Dynamical kinetic energy quenching in the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metals (arXiv)

    45. 2408.07216v1 Extreme Enhancement-Mode Operation Accumulation Channel Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond FETs with V_th < -6V and High On-Current (arXiv)

    46. 2408.07289v1 Efficient driving of a spin-qubit using single-atom magnets (arXiv)

    47. 2408.07308v1 Interlayer excitons in double-layer transition metal dichalcogenides quantum dots (arXiv)

    48. 2408.07338v1 Symmetric n-and p-Type Sub-5-nm 1D Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors for Homogeneous CMOS Applications (arXiv)

    49. 2408.07339v1 Bilayer TeO2: The First Oxide Semiconductor with Symmetric Sub-5-nm NMOS and PMOS (arXiv)

    50. 2408.07342v1 Evidence of P-wave Pairing in K2Cr3As3 Superconductors from Phase-sensitive Measurement (arXiv)

    51. 2408.07351v1 Visualizing p-orbital texture in the charge-density-wave state of CeSbTe (arXiv)

    52. 2408.07355v1 Non-Hermitian Quantum Fractals (arXiv)

    53. 2408.07406v1 Skin effect in Non-Hermitian systems with spin (arXiv)

    54. 2408.07412v1 Lateral Mn5Ge3 spin-valve in contact with a high-mobility Ge two-dimensional hole gas (arXiv)

    55. 2408.07477v1 Ternary superhydrides under pressure of Anderson’s theorem: Near-record superconductivity in (La,Sc)H12 (arXiv)

    56. 2408.07635v1 Unveiling Stripe-shaped Charge Modulations in Doped Mott Insulators (arXiv)

    57. 2408.07657v1 Imaging strain-controlled magnetic reversal in thin CrSBr (arXiv)

    58. 2408.07659v1 Enabling two-dimensional electron gas with high room-temperature electron mobility exceeding 100 cm^2/Vs at a perovskite oxide interface (arXiv)

    59. 2408.07690v1 Magnetic Correlations and Pairing Tendencies of the Hybrid Stacking Nickelate Superlattice La7Ni5O17 (La3Ni2O7/La4Ni3O10) under Pressure (arXiv)

    60. 2408.07122v1 Slow approach to adiabaticity in many-body non-Hermitian systems: the Hatano-Nelson Model (arXiv)

    61. 2408.07189v1 The effect of mixed termination composition in Sc, Ti, and V-based MXenes (arXiv)

    62. 2408.07451v1 First-principles exploration of the pressure dependent physical properties of Sn4Au: a superconducting topological semimetal (arXiv)

    63. 2408.07554v1 Cyclic and helical symmetry-informed machine learned force fields: Application to lattice vibrations in carbon nanotubes (arXiv)

    64. 2408.07557v1 Band-selective simulation of photoelectron intensity and converging Berry phase in trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    65. 2408.07649v1 Creating two-qudit maximally entangled quantum link through bulk (arXiv)

    66. PhysRevLett.133.070402 Persistent Ballistic Entanglement Spreading with Optimal Control in Quantum Spin Chains (PRL)

    67. PhysRevLett.133.070404 Work Sum Rule for Open Quantum Systems (PRL)

    68. PhysRevLett.133.070801 Observation of Non-Hermitian Edge Burst in Quantum Dynamics (PRL)

    69. PhysRevLett.133.077301 Data-Driven Learning of the Generalized Langevin Equation with State-Dependent Memory (PRL)

    70. PhysRevX.14.031024 Spin-Degeneracy Breaking and Parity Transitions in Three-Terminal Josephson Junctions (PRX)

    71. PhysRevResearch.6.033158 Three-dimensional theory of superradiant free-electron lasers (PRR)

    72. PhysRevResearch.6.033167 Non-Bloch theory for spatiotemporal photonic crystals assisted by continuum effective medium (PRR)

    73. PhysRevResearch.6.033168 Spin-S Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice: A high-order treatment via the many-body coupled cluster method (PRR)

    74. 2408.06409v1 Coadjoint-orbit effective field theory of a Fermi surface in a weak magnetic field (arXiv)

    75. 2408.06420v1 Cooper-pair splitters as circuit elements for realizing topological superconductors (arXiv)

    76. 2408.06424v1 Multigap superconductivity with non-trivial topology in a Dirac semimetal PdTe (arXiv)

    77. 2408.06462v1 Josephson tunnel junction arrays and Andreev weak links: linked by a single energy-phase relation (arXiv)

    78. 2408.06514v1 Photo-induced charge, spin, and orbital order in the two-orbital extended Hubbard model (arXiv)

    79. 2408.06572v1 Using k-means to sort spectra: electronic order mapping from scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements (arXiv)

    80. 2408.06706v1 Trions Stimulate Electronic Coupling in Colloidal Quantum Dot Molecules (arXiv)

    81. 2408.06749v1 Multiscale Excitations in the Diluted Two-dimensional S = 1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    82. 2408.06754v1 DMRG Analysis of Magnetic Order in the Zigzag Edges of Hexagonal CrN Nanoribbons (arXiv)

    83. 2408.06774v1 Interplay between electronic and lattice superstructures in La2-xCaxCuO4 (arXiv)

    84. 2408.06813v1 Superconductivity in ternary Mg4Pd7As6 (arXiv)

    85. 2408.06866v1 Stable magic angle in twisted Kane-Mele materials (arXiv)

    86. 2408.06953v1 Nonequilibrium control of kagome metals (arXiv)

    87. 2408.06976v1 Optical Control of Ultrafast Photocurrent in Graphene (arXiv)

    88. 2408.07035v1 Impact of evanescent scattering modes and finite dispersion in superconducting junctions (arXiv)

    89. 2408.06386v1 Transport measurements of majorization order for wave coherence (arXiv)

    90. 2408.06590v1 Adaptive variational quantum dynamics simulations with compressed circuits and fewer measurements (arXiv)

    91. 2408.06775v1 Vibrational Squeezing via Spin Inversion Pulses (arXiv)

    92. 2408.06898v1 Topological dynamics of continuum lattice structures (arXiv)

    93. 2408.06936v1 Quantum State Transfer in a Magnetic Atoms Chain Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (arXiv)

    94. 2408.06951v1 Acoustic and Optical Phonon Frequencies and Acoustic Phonon Velocities in Silicon-Doped Aluminum Nitride Thin Films (arXiv)

    95. 2408.07014v1 Exploring the Coexistence of Spin States in [Fe-(tpy-ph)2]^2+ Complexes on Au(111) using DFT (arXiv)

    96. PhysRevLett.133.070401 Power-Law Entanglement and Hilbert Space Fragmentation in Nonreciprocal Quantum Circuits (PRL)

    97. PhysRevLett.133.076401 Neural-network Density Functional Theory Based on Variational Energy Minimization (PRL)

    98. PhysRevLett.133.076501 Many-Body Quantum Interference Route to the Two-Channel Kondo Effect: Inverse Design for Molecular Junctions and Quantum Dot Devices (PRL)

    99. PhysRevResearch.6.033157 Electronic structure of noncentrosymmetric B20 compound HfSn and tuning of multifold band-crossing points (PRR)

    100. PhysRevResearch.6.L032034 Topological order in higher composites (PRR)

    101. 2408.05271v1 Electronic Structure and Kohn-Luttinger Superconductivity of Heavily-Doped Single-Layer Graphene (arXiv)

    102. 2408.05277v1 Non-Fermi liquid to charge-transfer Mott insulator in flat bands of copper-doped lead apatite (arXiv)

    103. 2408.05294v1 Quantum correction to the orbital Hall effect (arXiv)

    104. 2408.05324v1 Moire-mediated phases in synthetic Kondo superlattices (arXiv)

    105. 2408.05335v1 Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions induced via non-linear phononics in bilayer van der Waals materials (arXiv)

    106. 2408.05407v1 Impact of Majorana fermions on the Kondo state in the carbon nanotube quantum dot (arXiv)

    107. 2408.05570v1 Role of additional microwave voltage on phase locking in voltage-controlled parametric oscillator (arXiv)

    108. 2408.05578v1 Order by projection in single-band Hubbard model: a DMRG study (arXiv)

    109. 2408.05583v1 Spin dynamics in itinerant antiferromagnet SrCr2As2 (arXiv)

    110. 2408.05616v1 Emergence of Meron Kekule lattices in twisted Neel antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    111. 2408.05621v1 CMOS-Compatible Ultrathin Superconducting NbN Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Ion Sputtering on 300 mm Si Wafer (arXiv)

    112. 2408.05689v1 Magnetic phase diagram of a two-orbital model for bilayer nickelates varying doping (arXiv)

    113. 2408.05708v1 Tunable atomically enhanced moire Berry curvatures in twisted triple bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    114. 2408.05714v1 Quasiperiodic pairing in graphene quasicrystals (arXiv)

    115. 2408.05726v1 Superconductivity Discovered in Niobium Polyhydride at High Pressures (arXiv)

    116. 2408.05735v1 Interaction- and phonon-induced topological phase transitions in double helical liquids (arXiv)

    117. 2408.05759v1 A seamless graphene spin valve based on proximity to van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 (arXiv)

    118. 2408.05770v1 Terahertz-induced tunnel ionization drives coherent Raman-active phonon in Bismuth (arXiv)

    119. 2408.05801v1 String condensation and topological holography for 2+1D gapless SPT (arXiv)

    120. 2408.05878v1 Drone based superconducting single photon detection system with detection efficiency more than 90% (arXiv)

    121. 2408.05902v1 Observation of single-quantum vortex splitting in the Ba1-xKxFe2As2 superconductor (arXiv)

    122. 2408.05913v1 Doping Dependence of Spin-Momentum Locking in Bismuth-Based High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    123. 2408.05925v1 Lifetime of edge modes at rough surfaces of chiral superconductors (arXiv)

    124. 2408.05971v1 Ferromagnetism Mechanism in a Geometrically Frustrated Triangular Lattice (arXiv)

    125. 2408.06116v1 Anomalous Lifetime of Quasiparticles in Fermi Liquids as a Precursor of the Density-Wave Instability (arXiv)

    126. 2408.06119v1 Period-doubling in the phase dynamics of a shunted HgTe quantum well Josephson junction (arXiv)

    127. 2408.06128v1 Effect of low-temperature compression on superconductivity and crystal structure in strontium metal (arXiv)

    128. 2408.06174v1 Emergent superconductivity and pair density wave at antiphase boundaries of charge density wave order in kagome metals (arXiv)

    129. 2408.06178v1 Time-reversal symmetry-breaking phenomena in transport study of kagome superconductivity (arXiv)

    130. 2408.06298v1 Fermi Surface Topology and Magneto-transport Properties of Superconducting Pd3Bi2Se2 (arXiv)

    131. 2408.06319v1 Possible Superconducting Phase in Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenide TiSeS (arXiv)

    132. 2408.06320v1 Dynamics of ballistic photocurrents driven by Coulomb scattering (arXiv)

    133. 2408.05270v1 Topological transitions in quantum jump dynamics: Hidden exceptional points (arXiv)

    134. 2408.05359v1 Many-body Physics of Ultracold Alkaline-Earth atoms with SU(N)-symmetric interactions (arXiv)

    135. 2408.05525v1 Quantum geometry and geometric entanglement entropy of one-dimensional Floquet topological matter (arXiv)

    136. 2408.05594v1 Emission Spectrum of Doped Graphene Quantum Dots: A high-throughput TDDFT Analysis (arXiv)

    137. 2408.05718v1 Coherence, broken symmetry and nondissipative motion of a quantum oscillator (arXiv)

    138. 2408.05790v1 Ringdown in the SYK model (arXiv)

    139. 2408.05946v1 Exciton diffusion in two-dimensional chiral perovskites (arXiv)

    140. 2408.06074v1 Symmetry topological field theory and non-abelian Kramers-Wannier dualities of generalised Ising models (arXiv)

    141. 2408.06160v1 Contextual Subspace Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo: Improved bias with reduced quantum resources (arXiv)

    142. 2408.06334v1 Entanglement and the density matrix renormalisation group in the generalised Landau paradigm (arXiv)

    143. 2408.04669v1 Short wavelength limit of the dynamic Matsubara local field correction (arXiv)

    144. 2408.04731v1 Raman tensor for two-dimensional massive Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    145. 2408.04807v1 A new class of higher-order topological insulators that localize energy at arbitrary multiple sites (arXiv)

    146. 2408.04876v1 Entanglement Witness for Indistinguishable Electrons using Solid-State Spectroscopy (arXiv)

    147. 2408.04956v1 Enhanced superconductivity of hydrogenated \beta_12 borophene (arXiv)

    148. 2408.04970v1 Phase diagram of pressure-induced high temperature superconductor La3Ni2O7+\delta (arXiv)

    149. 2408.04987v1 Instability of the engineered dark state in two-band fermions under number-conserving dissipative dynamics (arXiv)

    150. 2408.05034v1 Easy-axis Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice: from supersolid to gapped solid (arXiv)

    151. 2408.05063v1 Ergotropy, bound energy and entanglement in 1D long range Kitaev model (arXiv)

    152. 2408.05115v1 Nanoscale Control of Quantum States in Radical Molecules on Superconducting Pb(111) (arXiv)

    153. 2408.05153v1 Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Steps for Coherent Control (arXiv)

    154. 2408.05188v1 Current-induced spin polarisation in Rashba-Dresselhaus systems under different point groups (arXiv)

    155. 2408.05202v1 Twisted nanoporous graphene/graphene bilayers: electronic decoupling and chiral currents (arXiv)

    156. 2408.05132v1 Hidden curved spaces in Bosonic Kitaev model (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 1st week collection

    1. 2408.02093v1 Floquet engineering of topological phase transitions in quantum spin Hall \alpha-T3 system (arXiv)

    2. s42005-024-01746-y Manifestation of the quantum metric in chiral lattice systems (Communications Physics)

    3. s42005-024-01759-7 Non-equilibrium excited-state fractionally quantized Hall effects observed via current bias spectroscopy (Communications Physics)

    4. s42005-024-01757-9 Deep neural networks as variational solutions for correlated open quantum systems (Communications Physics)

    5. s41467-024-51287-9 Electrical switching of spin-polarized light-emitting diodes based on a 2D CrI3/hBN/WSe2 heterostructure (Nature Communications)

    6. PhysRevLett.133.066401 Emergence of Competing Stripe Phases in Undoped Infinite-Layer Nickelates (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.133.066503 Origin of a Topotactic Reduction Effect for Superconductivity in Infinite-Layer Nickelates (PRL)

    8. 2309.14421 Tunable topological magnetism in superlattices of nonmagnetic B20 systems (arXiv)

    9. 2408.03974v1 Bipolar nanochannels: The effects of an electro-osmotic instability. Part I: Steady-state response (arXiv)

    10. 2408.03984v1 Fractionalization as an alternate to charge ordering in electronic insulators (arXiv)

    11. 2408.03991v1 Berry Phases in the Bosonization of Nonlinear Edge Modes (arXiv)

    12. 2408.03999v1 Constraints on superconducting pairing in altermagnets (arXiv)

    13. 2408.04002v1 Quantum spin liquid from electron-phonon coupling (arXiv)

    14. 2408.04006v1 Generalizations of Kitaev’s honeycomb model from braided fusion categories (arXiv)

    15. 2408.04008v1 Generalized Josephson effect with arbitrary periodicity in quantum magnets (arXiv)

    16. 2408.04017v1 Shift photocurrent vortices from topological polarization textures (arXiv)

    17. 2408.04022v1 Strong effects of thermally induced low-spin-to-high-spin crossover on transport properties of correlated metals (arXiv)

    18. 2408.04055v1 Machine Learning-Based Reward-Driven Tuning of Scanning Probe Microscopy: Towards Fully Automated Microscopy (arXiv)

    19. 2408.04109v1 Probing electron trapping by current collapse in GaN/AlGaN FETs utilizing quantum transport characteristics (arXiv)

    20. 2408.04136v1 Berry curvature contribution towards 1s-2p/pm interlayer exciton ultrafast transition within a R-WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayer (arXiv)

    21. 2408.04139v1 Nanocomposites of ferrocenyl-modified gold clusters and semiconducting polymers that integrate field-effect transistor and flash memory in a single neuromorphic device (arXiv)

    22. 2408.04151v1 Fermi-Liquid Theory of Non-S-Wave Superconductivity (arXiv)

    23. 2408.04233v1 Quantum-metric-induced giant and reversible nonreciprocal transport phenomena in chiral loop-current phases of kagome metals (arXiv)

    24. 2408.04292v1 Electronic structure of UTe2 under pressure (arXiv)

    25. 2408.04328v1 Two-dimentional Weyl nodal-line semimetal and antihelical edge states in a modified Kane-Mele model (arXiv)

    26. 2408.04353v1 Exotic Kondo effect in two one dimensional spin 1/2 chains coupled to two localized spin 1/2 magnets (arXiv)

    27. 2408.04416v1 Curvature-induced parity loss and hybridization of magnons: Exploring the connection of flat and tubular magnetic shells (arXiv)

    28. 2408.04436v1 Thermoelectric Transport Driven by Quantum Distance (arXiv)

    29. 2408.04438v1 Unconventional Hall effects in a quasi-kagome Kondo Weyl semimetal candidate Ce3TiSb5 (arXiv)

    30. 2408.04450v1 Chirality-dependent spin polarization in diffusive metals: linear and quadratic responses (arXiv)

    31. 2408.04451v1 Edge modes of topologically ordered systems as emergent integrable flows: Robustness of algebraic structures in nonlinear quantum fluid dynamics (arXiv)

    32. 2408.04452v1 Frustrated charge density wave and quasi-long-range bond-orientational order in the magnetic kagome FeGe (arXiv)

    33. 2408.04492v1 Extrinsic Orbital Hall Effect: Interplay Between Diffusive and Intrinsic Transport (arXiv)

    34. 2408.04516v1 Characteristic times for gap relaxation and heat escape in nanothin NbTi superconducting filaments: thickness dependence and effect of substrate (arXiv)

    35. 2408.04525v1 Role of scaling dimensions in generalized noises in fractional quantum Hall tunneling due to a temperature bias (arXiv)

    36. 2408.04533v1 Dynamical scaling behavior of the two-dimensional random singlet state in the random $Q$ model (arXiv)

    37. 2408.04601v1 Projective spin adaptation for the exact diagonalization of isotropic spin clusters (arXiv)

    38. 2408.04051v1 Strain-driven stabilization of a room-temperature chiral ferroelectric (arXiv)

    39. 2408.04095v1 A Metastable Pentagonal 2D Material Synthesized by Symmetry-Driven Epitaxy (arXiv)

    40. 2408.04184v1 Exotic thermoelectric properties of coronene-cyclobutadienoid graphene nanoribbons (arXiv)

    41. 2408.04592v1 A physical proof of the topological entanglement entropy inequality (arXiv)

    42. PhysRevLett.133.066601 Quantum Anomalous Hall Crystal at Fractional Filling of Moire Superlattices (PRL)

    43. PhysRevResearch.6.033146 Emergence of vortex state in the S=1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy (PRR)

    44. 2408.03352v1 Chiral pair density waves with residual Fermi arcs in RbV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    45. 2408.03372v1 Spin-charge separation and resonant valence bond spin liquid in a frustrated doped Mott insulator (arXiv)

    46. 2408.03411v1 Effect of Proton Irradiation in Thin-Film YBa2Cu3O7-\delta Superconductor (arXiv)

    47. 2408.03510v1 A Gallery of Soft Modes: Theory and Experiment at a Ferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transition (arXiv)

    48. 2408.03730v1 Dynamic sweet spot of driven flopping-mode spin qubits in planar quantum dots (arXiv)

    49. 2408.03750v1 Chirality in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    50. 2408.03763v1 Doping evolution of the normal state magnetic excitations in pressurized La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    51. 2408.03782v1 Magnetic Field Controlled Surface Localization of Spin-Wave Ferromagnetic Resonance Modes in 3D Nanostructures (arXiv)

    52. 2408.03783v1 Hidden elastic softness of low-symmetry frustrated ATi2O5 (A = Co, Fe) (arXiv)

    53. 2408.03857v1 Reply to “Comment on `Towards exact solutions of superconducting Tc induced by electron-phonon interaction’ “ (arXiv)

    54. 2408.03927v1 Enhanced Cooper Pairing via Random Matrix Phonons in Superconducting Grains (arXiv)

    55. 2408.03401v1 Specific heat studies of the phase transitions in multiferroic Sr1-xBaxMn1-yTi_yO3 system (0 < x < 0.65, 0 < y < 0.1) (arXiv)

    56. 2408.03471v1 Activated Spin Resonance with THz Attempt Frequency in SmMn2Ge2 (arXiv)

    57. 2408.03698v1 Unconventional Thermophotonic Charge Density Wave (arXiv)

    58. 2408.03908v1 Disorder-induced delocalization and reentrance in a Chern-Hopf insulator (arXiv)

    59. PhysRevLett.133.066302 Dispersion-Selective Band Engineering in an Artificial Kagome Superlattice (PRL)

    60. PhysRevX.14.031020 Corrections to Diffusion in Interacting Quantum Systems (PRX)

    61. Physics.17.s92 Electronic Bands Get a New Tuning Knob (Physics)

    62. PhysRevResearch.6.033140 Muonium state exchange dynamics in n-type GaAs (PRR)

    63. PhysRevResearch.6.033141 Sedimentation dynamics of triply twisted Möbius bands: Geometry versus topology (PRR)

    64. PhysRevResearch.6.033142 Quantum dynamical Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (PRR)

    65. PhysRevResearch.6.033143 Self-heating effects and switching dynamics in graphene multiterminal Josephson junctions (PRR)

    66. 2408.02724v1 Chiral Edge States Emerging on Anyon-Net (arXiv)

    67. 2408.02742v1 Phonon-Induced Exchange Gate Infidelities in Semiconducting Si-SiGe Spin Qubits (arXiv)

    68. 2408.02789v1 Quantum Criticality in the infinite-range Transverse Field Ising Model (arXiv)

    69. 2408.02823v1 Charge transport in a junction with a precessing anisotropic molecular spin – negative shot noise at zero-bias voltage (arXiv)

    70. 2408.02827v1 Linear Magnetoelectric Electro-Optic Effect (arXiv)

    71. 2408.02847v1 Intertwined Superconductivity and Magnetism from Repulsive Interactions in Kondo Bilayers (arXiv)

    72. 2408.02887v1 Theory of Magnetoresistance due to Edge Orbital Moment Accumulation (arXiv)

    73. 2408.02890v1 Superconducting gap modulations: are they from pair density waves or pair-breaking scattering? (arXiv)

    74. 2408.02892v1 Local excitation of kagome spin ice magnetism in HoAgGe seen by scanning tunneling microscopy (arXiv)

    75. 2408.02896v1 Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs in KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    76. 2408.02898v1 Evidence chain for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity (arXiv)

    77. 2408.02951v1 Analytic approach to quantum metric and optical conductivity in Dirac models with parabolic mass in arbitrary dimensions (arXiv)

    78. 2408.02974v1 Coupling of magnetism and transport properties to the lattice degrees of freedom in NdBaCo2O5+delta (delta ~ 0.65) (arXiv)

    79. 2408.02984v1 Direct measurement of topological invariants through temporal adiabatic evolution of bulk states in the synthetic Brillouin zone (arXiv)

    80. 2408.02996v1 Mott size effect (arXiv)

    81. 2408.03056v1 Self-consistent theory of 2x2 pair density waves in kagome superconductors (arXiv)

    82. 2408.03080v1 Correlation between Tc and the Pseudogap Observed in the Optical Spectra of High Tc Superconducting Cuprates (arXiv)

    83. 2408.03105v1 Revealing the Berry phase under the tunneling barrier (arXiv)

    84. 2408.03110v1 Charge state estimation in quantum dots using a Bayesian approach (arXiv)

    85. 2408.03112v1 Competition between Kondo Effect and RKKY Coupling (arXiv)

    86. 2408.03266v1 Superconductivity of bipolarons from quadratic electron-phonon interaction (arXiv)

    87. 2408.03288v1 Strong enhancement of superconductivity via engineered dielectric environment (arXiv)

    88. 2408.03305v1 Fractional Chern insulators in moire flat bands with high Chern numbers (arXiv)

    89. 2408.03315v1 Robustness of electron charge shuttling: Architectures, pulses, charge defects and noise thresholds (arXiv)

    90. 2408.02736v1 Non-Hermitian entanglement dip from scaling-induced exceptional criticality (arXiv)

    91. 2408.02886v1 Strain-modulated Intercalated Phases of Pb Monolayer with Dual Periodicity in SiC(0001)-Graphene Interface (arXiv)

    92. 2408.03031v1 Stretch-induced tunability of electrical transport properties of three-dimensional graphene-based foam structures (arXiv)

    93. 2408.03239v1 A New Framework for Quantum Phases in Open Systems: Steady State of Imaginary-Time Lindbladian Evolution (arXiv)

    94. 2408.03248v1 Optimizing Density Functional Theory for Strain-Dependent Magnetic Properties of MnBi2Te4 with Diffusion Monte Carlo (arXiv)

    95. 2408.03250v1 Nonlinear Switch and Spatial Lattice Solitons of Photonic s-p Orbitals (arXiv)

    96. PhysRevLett.133.066301 Interaction-Driven Quasi-Insulating Ground States of Gapped Electron-Doped Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    97. PhysRevResearch.6.033127 Bridging the small and large in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayers: A tight binding model capturing orbital interference and topology across a wide range of twist angles (PRR)

    98. PhysRevResearch.6.033128 Classical chaos in quantum computers (PRR)

    99. PhysRevResearch.6.033130 Non-Fermi-liquid behavior consistent with a preasymptotic disorder-tuned ferromagnetic quantum critical point in the heavy fermion system CeTi1−xVxGe3 (PRR)

    100. 2408.01492v1 Polaronic correlations from optimized ancilla wave functions for the Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    101. 2408.01493v1 Strong pairing and symmetric pseudogap metal in double Kondo lattice model: from nickelate superconductor to tetralayer optical lattice (arXiv)

    102. 2408.01494v1 Impurity-induced Friedel oscillations in altermagnets and p-wave magnets (arXiv)

    103. 2408.01498v1 Instanton analysis for the spin quantum Hall symmetry class: Non-perturbative corrections to physical observables and generalized multifractal spectrum (arXiv)

    104. 2408.01512v1 Frustrated hopping from orbital decoration of a primitive two-dimensional lattice (arXiv)

    105. 2408.01567v1 Terahertz high-harmonic generation in gapped antiferromagnetic chains (arXiv)

    106. 2408.01599v1 Strongly interacting Hofstadter states in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    107. 2408.01671v1 Phonon thermal Hall effect in Mott insulators via skew-scattering by the scalar spin chirality (arXiv)

    108. 2408.01685v1 Contrasting electron-phonon interaction between electron- and hole-doped cuprates (arXiv)

    109. 2408.01901v1 Field-free Josephson diode effect in altermagnet/normal metal/altermagnet junctions (arXiv)

    110. 2408.01957v1 Emergent quantum disordered phase in Na2Co2TeO6 under intermediate magnetic field along c axis (arXiv)

    111. 2408.02008v1 Helical f-Wave Superconductivity in Cubic Rashba Superconductors (arXiv)

    112. 2408.02030v1 Switchable anomalous Hall effect by selective mirror symmetry breaking in a kagome magnet GdMn6Ge6 (arXiv)

    113. 2408.02031v1 Parameters dependent superconducting transition temperature in high temperature superconductors (arXiv)

    114. 2408.02046v1 Chiral spin liquid in a generalized Kitaev honeycomb model with Z4 1-form symmetry (arXiv)

    115. 2408.02094v1 Superconducting thin films of (Cu,C)Ba2Ca2Cu3O9+\delta with zero resistance transition temperature close to 100 K (arXiv)

    116. 2408.02105v1 Topological p-wave Superconductors with Disorder and Interactions (arXiv)

    117. 2408.02120v1 Fractional vortices and Ising superconductivity in multiband superconductors (arXiv)

    118. 2408.02186v1 Spectroscopic Feature of Quantum Many-Body Scar States (arXiv)

    119. 2408.02190v1 Emergent polaronic correlations in doped spin liquids (arXiv)

    120. 2408.02436v1 Magnetic Order and Magneto-Elasticity in the Electronic Excitations of Gd-i-MAX (arXiv)

    121. 2408.02504v1 Exploring magnetic and topological complexity in MgMn6Sn6: from frustrated ground states to nontrivial Hall conductivity (arXiv)

    122. 2408.02511v1 Superconductivity of Co-Doped CaKFe4As4 Investigated via Point-Contact Spectroscopy and London Penetration Depth Measurements (arXiv)

    123. 2408.02516v1 Anomalous Hall effect in metallic collinear antiferromagnets with charge-density wave order (arXiv)

    124. 2408.02566v1 Magnetocaloric Effect of Topological Excitations in Kitaev Magnets (arXiv)

    125. 2408.02589v1 Lattice and magnetic structure in the van der Waals antiferromagnet VBr3 (arXiv)

    126. 2408.02610v1 Superradiant emission stimulated by vortex-antivortex pair production in layered superconductors (arXiv)

    127. 2408.02653v1 Importance of electron-phonon coupling near the electron-liquid to Wigner-crystal transition in two-dimensional atomically thin materials (arXiv)

    128. 2408.02664v1 Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization (arXiv)

    129. 2408.01550v1 Interplay between Exchange Interaction and Magnetic Shape Anisotropy of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a non-magnetic matrix for rare-earth-free permanent magnets (arXiv)

    130. 2408.01602v1 Double-leaf Riemann surface topological converse magnetoelectricity (arXiv)

    131. 2408.01735v1 Something from Nothing: A Theoretical Framework for Enhancing or Enabling Cooling of a Mechanical Resonator via the anti-Stokes or Stokes Interaction and Zero-Photon Detection (arXiv)

    132. 2408.01982v1 Two-dimensional Topological Ferroelectric Metal with Giant Ghift Current (arXiv)

    133. 2408.02016v1 Dynamics of many-body localized systems: logarithmic lightcones and log , t-law of \alpha-Renyi entropies (arXiv)

    134. 2408.02182v1 In-depth Understanding of the Band Alignment and Interface States Scenario in Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3 Ultrathin Heterojunction (arXiv)

    135. 2408.02188v1 The Role of Superlattice Phonons in Charge Localization Across Quantum Dot Arrays (arXiv)

    136. 2408.02431v1 Moire exciton polaritons in twisted photonic lattices at room temperature (arXiv)

    137. 2408.02569v1 Two-dimensional Keldysh theory for non-resonant strong-field ionization of monolayer 2D materials (arXiv)

    138. 2408.02590v1 Many-body localization crossover is sharper in quasiperiodic spin chains (arXiv)

    139. 2408.02655v1 Local ergotropy and its fluctuations across a dissipative quantum phase transition (arXiv)

    140. 2408.00825v1 Topological Phases of Many-Body Localized Systems: Beyond Eigenstate Order (arXiv)

    141. 2408.00834v1 Variational wave-functions for correlated metals (arXiv)

    142. 2408.00841v1 Altermagnetism on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice (arXiv)

    143. 2408.00858v1 Constructive Fermionic Matrix Product States for Projected Fermi Sea (arXiv)

    144. 2408.00862v1 Analog Unruh effect of inhomogeneous one-dimensional Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    145. 2408.00868v1 Strongly correlated Hofstadter subbands in minimally twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    146. 2408.00873v1 Scaling behavior and giant field-enhancement of the thermal conductivity in the honeycomb antiferromagnet BaCo2(AsO4)2 (arXiv)

    147. 2408.00890v1 Optimization of submicron Ni/Au/Ge contacts to an AlGaAs/GaAs two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)

    148. 2408.00919v1 Proposal for unambiguous measurement of braid statistics in fractional quantum Hall effect (arXiv)

    149. 2408.01028v1 Harnessing Ferro-Valleytricity in Penta-Layer Rhombohedral Graphene for Memory and Compute (arXiv)

    150. 2408.01070v1 Single photon emitters in monolayer semiconductors coupled to transition metal dichalcogenide nanoantennas on silica and gold substrates (arXiv)

    151. 2408.01113v1 p-wave superconductivity induced by nearest-neighbor attraction in the square-lattice extended Hubbard model (arXiv)

    152. 2408.01155v1 Efficient conversion from fermionic Gaussian states to matrix product states (arXiv)

    153. 2408.01169v1 Spin parallel transport and holonomy on a spherical two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)

    154. 2408.01236v1 Artificially built Kondo chains with organic radicals on metallic surfaces: new model system of heavy fermion quantum criticality (arXiv)

    155. 2408.01240v1 Tunable magnonic crystal in a hybrid superconductor–ferrimagnet nanostructure (arXiv)

    156. 2408.01278v1 Pressure-tuned magnetism and conductivity in pyrochlore iridates Lu2Ir2O7 and Er2Ir2O7 (arXiv)

    157. 2408.01329v1 Transverse magnetic field effects on metastable states of magnetic island chains (arXiv)

    158. 2408.01376v1 Deep sub-wavelength scale focusing of heat flux radiated by magneto-optical nanoemitters in the presence of an external magnetic-field (arXiv)

    159. 2408.01377v1 Polaron formation in insulators and the key role of hole scattering processes: Band insulators, charge density waves and Mott transition (arXiv)

    160. 2408.01421v1 Topological phases of the interacting SSH model: an analytical study (arXiv)

    161. 2408.01422v1 Linear response in planar Hall and thermal Hall setups for Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    162. 2408.00915v1 Electronic Landscape of Group-5 Transition Metal Ditellurides MTe2 (M = V, Nb, Ta): Multiple Crystal Phases with Local Bonds and Flat Bands (arXiv)

    163. 2408.00976v1 Controllable and Fast Growth of High-Quality Atomically Thin and Atomically Flat Bi2O2Se Films (arXiv)

    164. 2408.01029v1 Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Doping Modulation of Topological Semimetal NiTe2 (arXiv)

    165. 2408.01265v1 Impurity-induced counter skin-effect and linear modes in non-Hermitian systems (arXiv)

    166. 2408.01274v1 Emergent spin and orbital angular momentum of light in twisted photonic bilayer (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 5 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 5th week collection

    1. 2407.20533v1 Spinon quantum spin Hall state in the kagome antiferromagnet with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv)

    2. s41567-024-02562-5 Scalable spin squeezing from finite-temperature easy-plane magnetism (Nature Physics)

    3. s41567-024-02586-x Dark states of electrons in a quantum system with two pairs of sublattices (Nature Physics)

    4. s41467-024-50653-x Confinement of excited states in two-dimensional, in-plane, quantum heterostructures (Nature Communications)

    5. acsnano.3c11480 Topological Magneto-optical Effect from Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets (ACS Nano)

    6. adfm.202409528 OAM Driven Nucleation of Sub-50 nm Compact Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions (ADFM)

    7. s41467-024-50829-5 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bands in a self-assembled kagome lattice of magnetic molecules (Nature Communications)

    8. s41598-024-66702-w Explainable machine-learning-based prediction of equivalent circulating density using surface-based drilling data (Scientific Reports)

    9. science.adn2777 PhAI: A deep-learning approach to solve the crystallographic phase problem (Science)

    10. s41535-024-00665-z Multiferroic quantum material Ba2Cu1−xMnxGe2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as a potential candidate for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet (npj QMs)

    11. s41567-024-02564-3 Carrier density crossover and quasiparticle mass enhancement in a doped 5d Mott insulator (Nature Physics)

    12. s42005-024-01747-x Anomalous quantum transport in fractal lattices (Communications Physics)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.053804 Strongly Anisotropic Vortices in Dipolar Quantum Droplets (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.056602 Prevalence of Two-Dimensional Photonic Topology (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.133.056401 Predictable Gate-Field Control of Spin in Altermagnets with Spin-Layer Coupling (PRL)

    16. PhysRevX.14.031018 Anomalous Landau Level Gaps Near Magnetic Transitions in Monolayer WSe2 (PRX)

    17. 2408.00058v1 Information Scrambling at Quantum Hall Interfaces and Their Analog to Black Hole Event Horizon (arXiv)

    18. 2408.00097v1 Phonon-Assisted Auger Decay of Excitons in Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers (arXiv)

    19. 2408.00115v1 Numerical Study of Quantum Oscillations of the Quasiparticle Lifetime: Impurity Spectroscopy, Novel Electric Field and Strain Effects (arXiv)

    20. 2408.00182v1 Observation of current whirlpools in graphene at room temperature (arXiv)

    21. 2408.00185v1 Anharmonic quantum muon effects in the kagome antiferromagnet Zn-Barlowite (arXiv)

    22. 2408.00202v1 Topological superconductivity in superconducting chiral topological semimetals with parallel spin-momentum locking (arXiv)

    23. 2408.00216v1 Signature of point nodal superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe (arXiv)

    24. 2408.00334v1 Significant Contributions of the Higgs Mode and Self-Energy Corrections to Low-Frequency Complex Conductivity in DC-Biased Superconducting Devices (arXiv)

    25. 2408.00366v1 Singlet-Triplet Kondo Effect in Blatter Radical Molecular Junctions: Zero-bias Anomalies and Magnetoresistance (arXiv)

    26. 2408.00401v1 Persistence of small polarons into the superconducting phase of Ba1-xKxBiO3 (arXiv)

    27. 2408.00460v1 Discovery of Dynamical Heterogeneity in a Supercooled Magnetic Monopole Fluid (arXiv)

    28. 2408.00469v1 Evidence of electron interaction with an unidentified bosonic mode in superconductor CsCa2Fe4As4F2 (arXiv)

    29. 2408.00548v1 Flat-band Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State from Quantum Geometry Discrepancy (arXiv)

    30. 2408.00576v1 Bound states in doped charge transfer insulators (arXiv)

    31. 2408.00622v1 Quantum Order by Disorder: A Key to Understanding the Magnetic Phases of BaCo2(AsO4)2 (arXiv)

    32. 2408.00689v1 BCS Stripe Phase in Coupled Bilayer Superconductors (arXiv)

    33. 2408.00763v1 Quantized electrical, thermal, and spin transports of non-Hermitian clean and dirty two-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

    34. 2408.00066v1 Persistent Topological Negativity in a High-Temperature Mixed-State (arXiv)

    35. 2408.00111v1 Femtosecond switching of strong light-matter interactions in microcavities with two-dimensional semiconductors (arXiv)

    36. 2408.00145v1 Energy-lowering symmetry breaking creates a flat-band insulator in paramagnetic Nb3Cl8 (arXiv)

    37. 2408.00189v1 Ultrastrong Terahertz Coupling in a van der Waals Heterostructure (arXiv)

    38. 2408.00276v1 Provably Efficient Adiabatic Learning for Quantum-Classical Dynamics (arXiv)

    39. 2408.00320v1 Discovery of a metallic room-temperature d-wave altermagnet KV2Se2O (arXiv)

    40. 2408.00410v1 Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and DFT study of non-centrosymmetric EuRhGe3 under high pressure (arXiv)

    41. 2408.00445v1 Sliding Flexoelectricity in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Systems (arXiv)

    42. 2408.00528v1 Only-phase Popov action: thermodynamic derivation and superconducting electrodynamics (arXiv)

    43. 2408.00691v1 Subspace-projected multireference covariant density functional theory (arXiv)

    44. PhysRevLett.133.050203 Detecting Entanglement from Macroscopic Measurements of the Electric Field and its Fluctuations (PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.133.050204 Evidence-Based Certification of Quantum Dimensions (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.133.050603 Generalization of Quantum Machine Learning Models Using Quantum Fisher Information Metric (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.133.051901 Probing the Quark Orbital Angular Momentum at Electron-Ion Colliders Using Exclusive π0 Production (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.133.056903 Strain-Amplified Exciton Chirality in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials (PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.133.057102 Beyond Linear Response: Equivalence between Thermodynamic Geometry and Optimal Transport (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.133.058201 Effect of Particle Shape on the Flow of an Hourglass (PRL)

    51. PhysRevResearch.6.033119 Exciton interacting with a moire lattice: Polarons, strings, and optical probing of spin correlations (PRR)

    52. PhysRevResearch.6.033120 Superfluid rings as quantum pendulums (PRR)

    53. PhysRevResearch.6.033123 How caged motion in the contact layer enhances thermal tunneling across a liquid/solid interface (PRR)

    54. 2407.21098v1 Topological transition as a percolation of the Berry curvature (arXiv)

    55. 2407.21140v1 Projected Entangled Pair States with flexible geometry (arXiv)

    56. 2407.21302v1 The possible coexistence of superconductivity and topological electronic states in 1T-RhSeTe (arXiv)

    57. 2407.21379v1 Realization of topological phase in a chiral honeycomb lattice model (arXiv)

    58. 2407.21406v1 Structurally triggered orbital and charge orderings in TlMnO$_3$ and related compounds (arXiv)

    59. 2407.21427v1 Pressure induced nonmonotonic evolution of superconductivity in 6R-TaS2 with a natural bulk van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    60. 2407.21461v1 Theoretical study on the possibility of high Tc s\pm-wave superconductivity in the heavily hole-doped infinite layer nickelates (arXiv)

    61. 2407.21477v1 Spin-wave Goos-Hanchen effect induced by 360 degree domain walls in magnetic heterostructures (arXiv)

    62. 2407.21484v1 All-electrical operation of a spin qubit coupled to a high-Q resonator (arXiv)

    63. 2407.21557v1 Andreev Reflection in the Quantum Hall Regime at an Al/InAs Junction on a Cleaved Edge (arXiv)

    64. 2407.21597v1 Persistent nodal magnon-photon polariton in ferromagnetic heterostructures (arXiv)

    65. 2407.21610v1 Temperature dependence of the electron and hole Lande g-factors in CsPbI3 nanocrystals in a glass matrix (arXiv)

    66. 2407.21254v1 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction torques and domain wall dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    67. 2407.21502v1 Interpretable correlator Transformer for image-like quantum matter data (arXiv)

    68. 2407.21504v1 Room-temperature efficient single-photon generation from CdSe/ZnS nanoplateletes (arXiv)

    69. 2407.21668v1 Slow decay rate of correlations induced by long-range extended Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (arXiv)

    70. 2407.21715v1 Dephasing-assisted transport in a tight-binding chain with a linear potential (arXiv)

    71. 2407.21749v1 Ge-based Clinopyroxene series: first principles and experimental local probe study (arXiv)

    72. 2407.21761v1 Minimal Quantum Circuits for Simulating Fibonacci Anyons (arXiv)

    73. PhysRevB.110.035429 Origin and properties of the flat band in monolayer NbOCl2 (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.110.045442 Diagrammatic perturbation approach to moire bands in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    75. 3304606 Observation of acoustic meron textures (APL)

    76. PhysRevLett.133.050202 Maximally Entangled Mixed States for a Fixed Spectrum Do Not Always Exist (PRL)

    77. PhysRevLett.133.050401 Generalized Quantum Fluctuation Theorem for Energy Exchange (PRL)

    78. PhysRevLett.133.050402 Measurement and Feed Forward Induced Entanglement Negativity Transition (PRL)

    79. PhysRevLett.133.050601 Catalytic Transformation from Computationally Universal to Strictly Universal Measurement-Based Quantum Computation (PRL)

    80. PhysRevLett.133.050602 Robust and Deterministic Preparation of Bosonic Logical States in a Trapped Ion (PRL)

    81. PhysRevLett.133.056601 Anomalous h/2e Periodicity and Majorana Zero Modes in Chiral Josephson Junctions (PRL)

    82. PhysRevLett.133.056701 Separation of Inverse Altermagnetic Spin-Splitting Effect from Inverse Spin Hall Effect in RuO2 (PRL)

    83. PhysRevLett.133.056702 Electrical Detection of Acoustic Antiferromagnetic Resonance in Compensated Synthetic Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    84. PhysRevLett.133.056703 Transforming from Kitaev to Disguised Ising Chain: Application to CoNb2O6 (PRL)

    85. PhysRevLett.133.056902 Realizing Topological Superconductivity in Tunable Bose-Fermi Mixtures with Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures (PRL)

    86. Physics.17.109 “Catalyzing” Quantum Information (Physics)

    87. Physics.17.s83 Long-Standing Quantum Problem Finally Solved (Physics)

    88. 2407.20296v1 Hall transport in the topological non-Hermitian checkerboard lattice (arXiv)

    89. 2407.20334v1 Spin Bott Indices For Time-Reversal-Invariant Higher-Order Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    90. 2407.20393v1 Validating Mean Field Theory in a New Complex, Disordered High-Entropy Spinel Oxide (arXiv)

    91. 2407.20480v1 Direct Observation and Analysis of Low-Energy Magnons with Raman Spectroscopy in Atomically Thin NiPS3 (arXiv)

    92. 2407.20489v1 Strain-tunable magnetic and magnonic states in Ni-dihalide monolayers (arXiv)

    93. 2407.20493v1 Magnetic ordering of the Mo3O8-type cluster Mott insulator Na3Sc2(MoO4)2Mo3O8 with spin-1/2 triangular lattice prepared via optimal synthesis (arXiv)

    94. 2407.20501v1 Magnon Spectra of Cuprates beyond Spin Wave Theory (arXiv)

    95. 2407.20504v1 Superconducting Order Parameters in Spin Space Groups: Methodology and Application (arXiv)

    96. 2407.20546v1 Fermi Machine – Quantum Many-Body Solver Derived from Correspondence between Noninteracting and Strongly Correlated Fermions (arXiv)

    97. 2407.20550v1 Detecting winding and Chern numbers in topological matter using spectral function (arXiv)

    98. 2407.20552v1 Manifestation of Luttinger liquid effects in a hybrid metal-semiconductor double-quantum dot device (arXiv)

    99. 2407.20577v1 Magnetic field dependence of the atomic and electronic structure of monovalent metallic nanocontacts unveiled in transport experiments (arXiv)

    100. 2407.20606v1 Evidence for Two-dimensional Weyl Fermions in Air-Stable Monolayer PtTe1.75 (arXiv)

    101. 2407.20626v1 Electronic structure and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in Ta2NiSe5 (arXiv)

    102. 2407.20629v1 Variational Monte Carlo Study of the 1/9 Magnetization Plateau in Kagome Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    103. 2407.20632v1 Electric dipole spin resonance with linear and cubic spin-orbit interaction (arXiv)

    104. 2407.20740v1 Hyperspectral electromechanical imaging at the nanoscale: Dynamical backaction, dissipation and quantum fluctuations (arXiv)

    105. 2407.20752v1 Intrinsic Second Order Spin Current (arXiv)

    106. 2407.20780v1 Enhancement of the vortex ratchet effect in superconductor open nanotubes and nanopetals (arXiv)

    107. 2407.20783v1 Dynamics and Fusion of Majorana Zero Modes in Quantum-dot based Interacting Kitaev Chains (arXiv)

    108. 2407.20797v1 Witnessing Disorder in Quantum Magnets (arXiv)

    109. 2407.20905v1 Confined Trions and Mott-Wigner States in a Purely Electrostatic Moire Potential (arXiv)

    110. 2407.20925v1 Strained topological insulator spin-orbit torque random access memory (STI-SOTRAM) bit cell for energy-efficient Processing in Memory (arXiv)

    111. 2407.20940v1 Local analysis of a single impurity on a graphene Josephson Junction (arXiv)

    112. 2407.20965v1 Thermal Effects on Damping Determination of Perpendicular MRAM Devices by Spin-Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance (arXiv)

    113. 2407.19213v1 First-principles study on spin density wave in La3Ni2$O7-\delta (arXiv)

    114. 2407.20317v1 Lecture Notes: many-body quantum dynamics with MCTDH-X (arXiv)

    115. 2407.20440v1 Giant strain-induced spin splitting effect in MnTe, a g-wave altermagnetic semiconductor (arXiv)

    116. 2407.20500v1 An analog of topological entanglement entropy for mixed states (arXiv)

    117. 2407.20511v1 Building spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains with diaza-nanographenes (arXiv)

    118. 2407.20764v1 Emergent symmetries in prethermal phases of periodically driven quantum systems (arXiv)

    119. 2407.20807v1 Enhanced Radiation Hardness of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers for Space Communication (arXiv)

    120. 2407.20938v1 Design and Predict Tetragonal van der Waals Layered Quantum Materials of MPd5I2 (M=Ga, In and 3d Transition Metals) (arXiv)

    121. 2407.21019v1 Emergent dipole field theory in atomic ladders (arXiv)

    122. PhysRevLett.133.056001 Pressure Induced Nonmonotonic Evolution of Superconductivity in 6R−TaS2 with a Natural Bulk Van der Waals Heterostructure (PRL)

    123. PhysRevLett.133.056501 Eliashberg Theory for Dynamical Screening in Bilayer Exciton Condensation (PRL)

    124. PhysRevLett.133.056901 Persistence of Spin Coherence in a Crystalline Environment (PRL)

    125. PhysRevX.14.031015 Absence of E2g Nematic Instability and Dominant A1g Response in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (PRX)

    126. Physics.17.118 Reducing Uncertainty in an Optical Lattice Clock (Physics)

    127. PhysRevResearch.6.039001 Erratum: Helical spin dynamics in commensurate magnets: A study on brochantite, Cu4SO4OH6 [Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033111 (2023)] (PRR)

    128. 2407.19011v1 Field-induced magnon decays in dipolar quantum magnets (arXiv)

    129. 2407.19013v1 Quantum Hall Edges Beyond the Plasma Analogy (arXiv)

    130. 2407.19068v1 Kondo versus Fano in superconducting artificial high-Tc heterostructures (arXiv)

    131. 2407.19069v1 High-Tc superconducting dome in artificial heterostructures made of nanoscale quantum building blocks (arXiv)

    132. 2407.19143v1 Effect of lattice relaxation on electronic spectra of helically twisted trilayer graphene: Large-scale atomistic simulation approach (arXiv)

    133. 2407.19232v1 Orbital antiferromagnetic currents in a frustrated fermionic ladder (arXiv)

    134. 2407.19369v1 Magnon Confinement on the Two-Dimensional Penrose Lattice: Perpendicular-Space Analysis of the Dynamic Structure Factor (arXiv)

    135. 2407.19395v1 Quantum Critical Scaling in Quasi-One-Dimensional YbFe5P3 (arXiv)

    136. 2407.19413v1 Field-Enhanced Critical Current and Tunable Skewness in Altermagnetic Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    137. 2407.19489v1 Anomalous diffusion in quantum system driven by heavy-tailed stochastic processes (arXiv)

    138. 2407.19545v1 Ambipolar doping of a charge-transfer insulator in the Emery model (arXiv)

    139. 2407.19555v1 Crystal-symmetry-paired spin-valley locking in a layered room-temperature antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    140. 2407.19685v1 Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance in few-layer alpha-RuCl3 tunnel junctions (arXiv)

    141. 2407.19799v1 Reduced decay in Josephson coupling across ferromagnetic junctions with spin-orbit coupling layers (arXiv)

    142. 2407.19854v1 Strain engineering in Ge/GeSi spin qubits heterostructures (arXiv)

    143. 2407.19973v1 Spontaneous spin superconductor state in ABCA-stacked tetralayer graphene (arXiv)

    144. 2407.19993v1 Domain-Wall Ferroelectric Polarons in a two-dimensional Rotor Lattice Model (arXiv)

    145. 2407.20043v1 Double-quantum-dot Andreev molecules: Phase diagrams and critical evaluation of effective models (arXiv)

    146. 2407.20061v1 Autonomous Bootstrapping of Quantum Dot Devices (arXiv)

    147. 2407.20065v1 Learning eigenstates of quantum many-body Hamiltonians within the symmetric subspaces using neural network quantum states (arXiv)

    148. 2407.20075v1 Haldane model on the Sierpinski gasket (arXiv)

    149. 2407.20081v1 Gapped quantum spin liquid in a triangular-lattice Ising-type antiferromagnet PrMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

    150. 2407.20126v1 Extreme time extrapolation capabilities and thermodynamic consistency of physics-inspired Neural Networks for the 3D microstructure evolution of materials (arXiv)

    151. 2407.20132v1 Microscopic properties of fractional vortices and domain walls in three-band s+is superconductors (arXiv)

    152. 2407.20148v1 Nanowrinkle Waveguide in Graphene for Enabling Secure Dirac Fermion Transport (arXiv)

    153. 2407.20182v1 Topological Kondo semimetals emulated in hetero-bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    154. 2407.20188v1 Skyrmion Molecular Crystals and Superlattices on Triangular Substrates (arXiv)

    155. 2407.20231v1 Fermi-surface diagnosis for s-wave-like topological superconductivity (arXiv)

    156. 2407.19093v1 Chiral polaron formation on the edge of topological quantum matter (arXiv)

    157. 2407.19228v1 Protecting Quantum Information via Many-Body Dynamical Localization (arXiv)

    158. 2407.19319v1 On The Effect Of Size On The Kinetics Of Reactions In Solutions (arXiv)

    159. 2407.19334v1 Modified Martin-Puplett interferometer for magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements at sub-THz frequencies (arXiv)

    160. 2407.19375v1 Topological Phase Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Bismuth Iodide Bi4I4 (arXiv)

    161. 2407.19457v1 Molecular Orbital Electronic Instability in the van der Waals Kagome Semiconductor Nb3Cl8: Exploring Future Directions (arXiv)

    162. 2407.19478v1 General theory of cavity-mediated interactions between low-energy matter excitations (arXiv)

    163. 2407.19576v1 Multiplexed scanning microscopy with dual-qubit spin sensors (arXiv)

    164. 2407.19691v1 Detection of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Two Electron Spins Using a Single NV Center in Diamond (arXiv)

    165. 2407.19754v1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with a Levitating Micro-Particle (arXiv)

    166. 2407.19766v1 Anomalous symmetry protected blockade of skin effect in one-dimensional non-Hermitian lattice systems (arXiv)

    167. 2407.19780v1 Kibble-Zurek behavior in a topological phase transition with a quadratic band crossing (arXiv)

    168. 2407.16415 Designing single and degenerate flat bands in the Kagome lattice with long-range hopping (arXiv)

    169. 2407.16750 Rabi and Ramsey oscillations of a Majorana qubit in a quantum dot-superconductor array (arXiv)

    170. 2407.18254v1 Comment on “Coexistence of superconductivity and topological aspects in beryllenes”, Materials Today Physics 38, 101257 (2023) (arXiv)

    171. 2407.18273v1 K-theory classification of Wannier localizability and detachable topological boundary states (arXiv)

    172. 2407.18379v1 Topological magnons in a collinear altermagnet (arXiv)

    173. 2407.18473v1 Emergent spin-charge-orbital order in superconductor La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    174. 2407.18565v1 Diverging shift current responses in the gapless limit of two-dimensional systems (arXiv)

    175. 2407.18610v1 Direct observation of quantum vortex fractionalization in multiband superconductors (arXiv)

    176. 2407.18623v1 Comment on “Ballistic Majorana Nanowire Devices” by Gul et al. Nature Nanotechnology 2018 (arXiv)

    177. 2407.18651v1 Casimir-Lifshitz force with graphene: theory versus experiment, role of spatial non-locality and of losses (arXiv)

    178. 2407.18701v1 Designing Phase Sensitive Probes of Monopole Superconducting Order (arXiv)

    179. 2407.18256v1 Kibble-Zurek Behavior in the Boundary-obstructed Phase Transitions (arXiv)

    180. 2407.18261v1 Study of Topological Phenomena Through Berry Phase in Classical Nonlinear Elastic Granules (arXiv)

    181. 2407.18299v1 Observation of Rashba Magnetism in Ultrathin Ferromagnet-Heavy Metal Bilayers (arXiv)

    182. 2407.18302v1 Conduction band resonant states absorption for quantum dot infrared detectors operating at room temperature (arXiv)

    183. 2407.18458v1 Phase engineering of giant second harmonic generation in Bi2O2Se (arXiv)

    184. 2407.18460v1 Large Nernst Effect in a layered metallic antiferromagnet EuAl2Si2 (arXiv)

    185. 2407.18485v1 Non-chiral non-Bloch invariants and topological phase diagram in non-unitary quantum dynamics without chiral symmetry (arXiv)

    186. 2407.18592v1 Diffusion in driven periodic systems: from weak to strong damping regimes (arXiv)

    187. 2407.18873v1 Absence of gapless Majorana edge modes in few-leg bosonic flux ladders (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 4th week collection

    1. PhysRevResearch.6.033110 Quantum phase transition between spin liquid and spin nematics in spin-1 Kitaev honeycomb model (PRR)

    2. aelm.202400080 Acceleration and Deceleration Behavior of Skyrmion Controlled by Curvature Gradient in Elliptical-Ring Track (AEM)

    3. PhysRevB.110.014309 Real-space topological invariant for time-quasiperiodic Majorana modes (PRB)

    4. s42005-024-01729-z Enhancing shift current response via virtual multiband transitions (Communications physics)

    5. s41467-024-50589-2 Tunable even- and odd-denominator fractional quantum Hall states in trilayer graphene (Nature Communications)

    6. s41598-024-67429-4 A chatbot based question and answer system for the auxiliary diagnosis of chronic diseases based on large language model (Scientific Reports)

    7. science.ado5915 Operating semiconductor quantum processors with hopping spins (Science)

    8. s42005-024-01749-9 Correlation-driven topological Kondo superconductors (Communications Physics)

    9. PhysRevLett.133.043401 Microscopic Study on Superexchange Dynamics of Composite Spin-1 Bosons (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.133.046503 Local Excitation of Kagome Spin Ice Magnetism Seen by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.133.046802 Giant Piezoelectric Effects of Topological Structures in Stretched Ferroelectric Membranes (PRL)

    12. PhysRevResearch.6.033111 Error-tolerant quantum convolutional neural networks for symmetry-protected topological phases (PRR)

    13. PhysRevResearch.6.L032018 Symmetry constraints and spectral crossing in a Mott insulator with Green’s function zeros (PRR)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.046502 Spin-Charge-Lattice Coupling across the Charge Density Wave Transition in a Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    15. PhysRevResearch.6.033105 Markov-chain Monte Carlo method enhanced by a quantum alternating operator ansatz (PRR)

    16. PhysRevResearch.6.033106 Understanding multiple timescales in quantum dissipative dynamics: Insights from quantum trajectories (PRR)

    17. PhysRevResearch.6.033107 Enhancing quantum utility: Simulating large-scale quantum spin chains on superconducting quantum computers (PRR)

    18. PhysRevResearch.6.033108 Growing Schrodinger’s cat states by local unitary time evolution of product states (PRR)

    19. PhysRevResearch.6.L032019 Electronic correlations influence on the anomalous constitutive law between the structure and spectra of hydrogen bonds (PRR)

    20. 2407.15142 A Feasible Way to Find Above-Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Spintronic Materials: from Flat Band Engineering (arXiv)

    21. 2407.17559v1 Pulling order back from the brink of disorder: Observation of a nodal line spin liquid and fluctuation stabilized order in K2IrCl6 (arXiv)

    22. 2407.17603v1 A Bound on Topological Gap from Newton’s Laws (arXiv)

    23. 2407.17746v1 Phonon dispersion of nanoscale honeycomb phononic crystal: gigahertz and terahertz spectroscopy comparison (arXiv)

    24. 2407.17759v1 Observation of excitonic Floquet states in a one-dimensional organic Mott insulator using mid-infrared pump near-infrared probe reflection spectroscopy (arXiv)

    25. 2407.17830v1 Magnetic properties of AlB2-type holmium silicides and germanides (arXiv)

    26. 2407.17867v1 Intrinsic Nonlinear Spin Hall Effect and Manipulation of Perpendicular Magnetization (arXiv)

    27. 2407.17871v1 Two-strand ladder network variants: localization, multifractality, and quantum dynamics under an Aubry-Andre-Harper kind of quasiperiodicity (arXiv)

    28. 2407.17894v1 Magnetic properties of a staggered S=1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction (arXiv)

    29. 2407.17968v1 Spectrally resolved far-field emission pattern of single photon emitters in MoS2 (arXiv)

    30. 2407.17988v1 Braiding Induced by Finite-Size Effect in One-Dimensional Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    31. 2407.18094v1 Nonlinear magneto-optical response across van Hove singularity in a non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

    32. 2407.18117v1 The temperature influence on the brightening of neutral and charged dark excitons in WSe2 monolayer (arXiv)

    33. 2407.18224v1 Excitons in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (arXiv)

    34. 2407.18250v1 Yukawa-Lorentz symmetry of interacting non-Hermitian birefringent Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    35. 2407.17098v1 Diagrammatic ab initio methods for infinite nuclear matter with modern chiral interactions (arXiv)

    36. 2407.17554v1 Supersolidity and Simplex Phases in Spin-1 Rydberg Atom Arrays (arXiv)

    37. 2407.17655v1 Engineering two-dimensional materials from single-layer NbS2 (arXiv)

    38. 2407.17708v1 The index of lattice Dirac operators and K-theory (arXiv)

    39. 2407.17732v1 Photon-resolved Floquet theory I: Full-Counting statistics of the driving field in Floquet systems (arXiv)

    40. 2407.17917v1 Lightwave-driven electrons in a Floquet topological insulator (arXiv)

    41. 2407.18055v1 Collective quantum enhancement in critical quantum sensing (arXiv)

    42. PhysRevResearch.6.033101 Quantum computation with logical gates between hot systems (PRR)

    43. 2407.16705v1 Magnetic-field-tunable anisotropic black-body radiation in dynamical axion insulators (arXiv)

    44. 2407.16750v1 Rabi and Ramsey oscillations of a Majorana qubit in a quantum dot-superconductor array (arXiv)

    45. 2407.16783v1 Interplay of electronic correlations and chemical bonding in FeN2 under pressure (arXiv)

    46. 2407.16810v1 Light-induced quantum tunnelling current in graphene (arXiv)

    47. 2407.16848v1 Studying Critical Parameters of Superconductor via Diamond Quantum Sensors (arXiv)

    48. 2407.16858v1 Colossal Magnon Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Magnets (arXiv)

    49. 2407.17010v1 Selective and Quasi-continuous Switching of Ferroelectric Chern Insulator Device for Neuromorphic Computing (arXiv)

    50. 2407.17056v1 Current-driven mechanical motion of double stranded DNA results in structural instabilities and chiral-induced-spin-selectivity of electron transport (arXiv)

    51. 2407.17091v1 Mesoscale Field Theory for Quasicrystals (arXiv)

    52. 2407.17102v1 Theoretical analysis on the origin of the double-well band dispersion in the CuO double chains of Pr2Ba4Cu7O{15-\delta} and its impact on superconductivity (arXiv)

    53. 2407.17124v1 Twist-tunable spin control in twisted bilayer bismuthene (arXiv)

    54. 2407.17173v1 Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy on Magnetic Van der Waals Compounds (arXiv)

    55. 2407.17218v1 Quantum description of Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals in a magnetic field (arXiv)

    56. 2407.17231v1 Influence of surface relaxations on atomic-resolution imaging of a charge density wave material (arXiv)

    57. 2407.17266v1 The Devil is in the Details: Complexity Powered Machine Intelligent Classification of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics (arXiv)

    58. 2407.17337v1 Raman Spectroscopic Study on Bi2Rh3Se2: Two-dimensional-Ising Charge Density Wave and Quantum Fluctuations (arXiv)

    59. 2407.17375v1 Superconducting phase interference effect in momentum space (arXiv)

    60. 2407.17433v1 Spin chirality and fermion stirring in topological bands (arXiv)

    61. 2407.16763v1 Entanglement dynamics from universal low-lying modes (arXiv)

    62. 2407.17015v1 Unveiling van Hove singularity modulation and fluctuated charge order in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 via time-resolved ARPES (arXiv)

    63. 2407.17118v1 Coherent Phonons and Quasiparticle Renormalization in Semimetals from First Principles (arXiv)

    64. 2407.17309v1 Photonic “hourglass” design beyond the standard bulk model of phonon decoherence (arXiv)

    65. 2407.17368v1 Magnetoelectric phase control at domain-wall-like epitaxial oxide multilayers (arXiv)

    66. PhysRevLett.133.046401 How Accurate are Simulations and Experiments for the Lattice Energies of Molecular Crystals? (PRL)

    67. PhysRevLett.133.046701 Inverse Spin Hall Effect Dominated Spin-Charge Conversion in (101) and (110)-Oriented RuO2 Films (PRL)

    68. PhysRevLett.133.046902 Collective Charge Excitations between Moiré Minibands in Twisted WSe2 Bilayers Probed with Resonant Inelastic Light Scattering (PRL)

    69. PhysRevLett.133.048301 Motility-Induced Clustering of Active Particles under Soft Confinement (PRL)

    70. Physics.17.s90 How to Clean Up a Skyrmion Lattice (Physics)

    71. PhysRevResearch.6.033092 Prolonging a discrete time crystal by quantum-classical feedback (PRR)

    72. PhysRevResearch.6.033096 Effects of strain-tunable valleys on charge transport in bismuth (PRR)

    73. PhysRevLett.133.037001 Valley-Free Silicon Fins Caused by Shear Strain (PRL)

    74. PhysRevB.110.035151 Majorana corner modes in unconventional monolayers of the 1⁢𝑇−PtSe2 family (PRB)

    75. 2407.15916v1 New boundary criticality in topological phases (arXiv)

    76. 2407.15919v1 Lectures on the quantum phase transitions of metals (arXiv)

    77. 2407.15962v1 Spontaneous and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering from two-magnon modes in a cubic antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    78. 2407.15993v1 Signatures of fractionalization in the optical phonons of hyperhoneycomb Kitaev magnet \beta-Li2IrO3 (arXiv)

    79. 2407.16002v1 Stress Engineering of Thermal Fluctuation of Magnetization and Noise Spectra in Low Barrier Nanomagnets Used as Analog and Binary Stochastic Neurons (arXiv)

    80. 2407.16004v1 Theory of electric polarization induced by magnon transport in two-dimensional honeycomb antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    81. 2407.16023v1 Magnetochiral anisotropy on a quantum spin Hall edge (arXiv)

    82. 2407.16042v1 Towards an effective two-orbital description of Nickelate physics (arXiv)

    83. 2407.16044v1 Unconventional superconductivity in magic-strain graphene superlattices (arXiv)

    84. 2407.16056v1 Stability-superconductivity map for compressed Na-intercalated graphite (arXiv)

    85. 2407.16111v1 Origin of interlayer exciton-phonon coupling in 2D heterostructures (arXiv)

    86. 2407.16208v1 Gapless spin excitations in a quantum spin liquid state of S=1/2 perfect kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    87. 2407.16225v1 Engineering high Chern number insulators (arXiv)

    88. 2407.16257v1 Computational quantum transport (arXiv)

    89. 2407.16325v1 Ground-State Properties of the t-J Model for the CuO Double-Chain Structure (arXiv)

    90. 2407.16350v1 Optical Pumping of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Superconductors (arXiv)

    91. 2407.16421v1 Topological properties of the [110] SnTe nanowires (arXiv)

    92. 2407.16495v1 Unconventional Pressure Dependent Interorbital and Interlayer Doping in Superconducting Nickelates (arXiv)

    93. 2407.16520v1 Higher-order topology and bulk-boundary correspondence in a two-dimensional SSH model (arXiv)

    94. 2407.16535v1 Microwave Signatures of Topological Superconductivity in Planar Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    95. 2407.16579v1 Nonlinear screening in periodically doped Graphene (arXiv)

    96. 2407.16662v1 Transverse resistance due to electronic inhomogeneities in superconductors (arXiv)

    97. 2407.15939v1 Magic transition in measurement-only circuits (arXiv)

    98. 2407.16253v1 Unique magnetic structure of the vdW antiferromagnet VBr3 (arXiv)

    99. 2407.16569v1 Regulated magnetic anisotropy and charge density wave in uniformly fabricated Janus CrTeSe monolayer (arXiv)

    100. PhysRevLett.133.046501 Quasimolecular J_tet=3/2 Moments in the Cluster Mott Insulator GaTa4Se8 (PRL)

    101. PhysRevX.14.031013 Multimodal Approach Reveals the Symmetry-Breaking Pathway to the Broken Helix in EuIn2As2 (PRX)

    102. PhysRevResearch.6.033090 Speeding up squeezing with a periodically driven Dicke model (PRR)

    103. PhysRevResearch.6.L032016 Intertwined charge and spin density waves in a topological kagome material (PRR)

    104. PhysRevB.110.014424 Skyrmion crystal formation and temperature-magnetic-field phase diagram of the frustrated triangular lattice Heisenberg magnet with easy-axis magnetic anisotropy (PRB)

    105. 2407.14580v1 Universal scaling relations in electron-phonon superconductors (arXiv)

    106. 2407.14583v1 Correlated Topological Mixed-Valence Insulators in Moire Hetero-Bilayers (arXiv)

    107. 2407.14661v1 Charge Density Waves in the 2.5-Dimensional Quantum Heterostructure (arXiv)

    108. 2407.14663v1 NMR Evidence of Kitaev Fractional Excitations and the perspective of Quantum Glassiness in Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

    109. 2407.14667v1 Probing the spin polarization of an Anderson impurity (arXiv)

    110. 2407.14682v1 Electronically Amplified Electron-Phonon Interaction and Metal-Insulator Transition in Perovskite Nickelates (arXiv)

    111. 2407.14706v1 First Order Preemptive Ising-nematic Transition in K5Fe4Ag6Te10 (arXiv)

    112. 2407.14787v1 Terahertz antiferromagnetic dynamics induced by ultrafast spin currents (arXiv)

    113. 2407.14802v1 Non-local quench spectroscopy of fermionic excitations in 1D quantum spin chains (arXiv)

    114. 2407.14852v1 Competitive helical bands and highly efficient diode effect in F/S/TI/S/F hybrid structures (arXiv)

    115. 2407.14855v1 Non-Abelian Gauge Theory for Magnons in Topologically Textured Frustrated Magnets (arXiv)

    116. 2407.14919v1 Superfluid Weight Crossover and Critical Temperature Enhancement in Singular Flat Bands (arXiv)

    117. 2407.15039v1 Electron energy-loss spectrum and exciton band structure of WSe2 monolayer studied by ab initio Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations (arXiv)

    118. 2407.15074v1 Magneto-thermoelectricty of anisotropic two-dimensional materials (arXiv)

    119. 2407.15157v1 Exotic Nd 4f electron magnetism in Nd2RhSi3 (arXiv)

    120. 2407.15242v1 Low-energy inter-band Kondo bound states in orbital-selective Mott phases (arXiv)

    121. 2407.15319v1 Towards high spatial resolution magnetic imaging with a compact practical quantum diamond microscope (arXiv)

    122. 2407.15331v1 Entanglement in quenched extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with anomalous dynamical quantum phase transitions (arXiv)

    123. 2407.15333v1 Beyond Boundaries: efficient Projected Entangled Pair States methods for periodic quantum systems (arXiv)

    124. 2407.15534v1 One-dimensional quantum dot array integrated with charge sensors in an InAs nanowire (arXiv)

    125. 2402.11721 Double-Q and quadruple-Q instabilities at low-symmetric ordering wave vectors under tetragonal symmetry (hedgehog, arXiv)

    126. 2302.05145v2 Sn0.06Cr3Te4: A Skyrmion Superconductor (arXiv)

    127. 2407.14004v1 Disorder-dependent dominant superconducting pairing symmetry in doped graphene (arXiv)

    128. 2407.14018v1 Energy efficient coherent quantum control of nitrogen vacancy (NV) spin with nanoscale magnets (arXiv)

    129. 2407.14071v1 Giant gate-controlled room temperature odd-parity magnetoresistance in magnetized bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    130. 2407.14125v1 Tuning magnetic exchange interactions in 2D magnets: the case of CrGeX3 (X = Se, Te) and Janus Cr2Ge2(Se,Te)3 monolayers (arXiv)

    131. 2407.14167v1 Scattering theory of thermal and bipolar thermoelectric diodes (arXiv)

    132. 2407.14187v1 Metal-insulator transition of spinless fermions coupled to dispersive optical bosons (arXiv)

    133. 2407.14189v1 Temporal Evolution of Defects and Related Electric Properties in He-Irradiated YBa2Cu3O7-\delta Thin Films (arXiv)

    134. 2407.14221v1 Tunneling current and current correlations for anyonic quasiparticles of nu = 1/2 chiral Luttinger liquid in multi-edge geometries (arXiv)

    135. 2407.14241v1 Floquet interferometry of a dressed semiconductor quantum dot (arXiv)

    136. 2407.14310v1 Temperature-Dependent Optical Constants of Nanometer-thin Flakes of Fe(Te,Se) Superconductor in the Visible and Near-Infrared Regime (arXiv)

    137. 2407.14383v1 Anisotropy of the magnetic-field-induced phase pocket in the non-Kramers doublet system PrIr2Zn20 (arXiv)

    138. 2407.14391v1 Search for orbital magnetism in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 using neutron diffraction (arXiv)

    139. 2407.14405v1 Impurity flat band states in the diamond chain (arXiv)

    140. 2407.14409v1 Assessing the formation of spin and charge stripes in La3Ni2O7 from first-principles (arXiv)

    141. 2407.14465v1 Experimental Determination of Wannier Centers in 1D topological chains (arXiv)

    142. 2407.14481v1 Observation of paramagnetic spin-degeneracy lifting in EuZn2Sb2 (arXiv)

    143. 2407.13956v1 What is the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory for holographic superconductors? (arXiv)

    144. 2407.14070v1 Electrical pumping of h-BN single-photon sources in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    145. 2407.14134v1 On the Edge Roughness of Two-Dimensional Materials (arXiv)

    146. 2407.14171v1 Current-Crowding-Free Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 3rd week collection

    1. 2407.10076v1 Evidence of quantum spin liquid state in a Cu2+-based S = 1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    2. s41467-024-50211-5 Large-scale 2D heterostructures from hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks and graphene with distinct Dirac and flat bands (Nature Communications)

    3. s41567-024-02552-7 Terahertz spectroscopy of collective charge density wave dynamics at the atomic scale (Nature Physics)

    4. s41563-024-01914-z Van Hove annihilation and nematic instability on a kagome lattice (Nature Materials)

    5. s42005-024-01722-6 Abundant electric-field tunable symmetry-broken states in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (Communications Physics)

    6. adfm.202400195 Engineering Collinear Magnetization in Hexagonal LuFeO3 and Magnetoelectric Control of Skyrmions in Hexagonal 2D Epilayers (adfm)

    7. s41467-024-50452-4 Reversible modulation of superconductivity in thin-film NbSe2 via plasmon coupling (Nature Communications)

    8. s41586-024-07553-3 Superconductivity in pressurized trilayer La4Ni3O10−δ single crystals (Nature)

    9. s41563-024-01952-7 Quadrupling the depairing current density in the iron-based superconductor SmFeAsO1–xHx (Nature Materials)

    10. science.adq0967 Two-dimensional chiral perovskites with large spin Hall angle and collinear spin Hall conductivity (Science)

    11. PhysRevLett.133.036004 Picosecond Trajectory of Two-Dimensional Vortex Motion in FeSe0.5Te0.5 Visualized by Terahertz Second Harmonic Generation (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.133.036204 Geometric Amplitude Accompanying Local Responses: Spinor Phase Information from the Amplitudes of Spin-Polarized STM Measurements (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.133.036501 Spin-Orbit-Lattice Entangled State in A2MgReO6 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba) Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.133.037101 Disorder-Induced Anomalous Mobility Enhancement in Confined Geometries (PRL)

    15. Physics.17.117 Viewing Fast Vortex Motion in a Superconductor (Physics)

    16. Physics.17.s91 Twisted Graphene Could Host an Acoustic Plasmon (Physics)

    17. PhysRevResearch.6.033088 Weyl superconductivity and quasiperiodic Majorana arcs in quasicrystals (PRR)

    18. PhysRevResearch.6.L032015 Spin density waves and ground state helices in EuGa2.4Al1.6 (PRR)

    19. PhysRevLett.133.036202 Stabilizing the Ferroelectric Phase of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films by Charge Transfer (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.133.036701 Thermal and Coherent Spin Pumping by Noncollinear Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    21. PhysRevResearch.6.033085 Spin-dependent interactions in orbital-density-dependent functionals: Noncollinear Koopmans spectral functionals (PRR)

    22. S0375960124003992 Edge-dependent Majorana corner modes in an s-wave superconductor (Physics Letters A)

    23. 2407.09071 Origin and properties of the flat band in NbOCl2 monolayer (arXiv)

    24. 2407.09001 Coupling multi-space topologies in 2D ferromagnetic lattice (arXiv)

    25. 2407.12912v1 Topological Kondo semimetal and insulator in AB-stacked heterobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    26. 2407.12918v1 Landau levels and optical conductivity in the mixed state of a generic Weyl superconductor (arXiv)

    27. 2407.12922v1 Fundamental limits on the electron-phonon coupling and superconducting Tc (arXiv)

    28. 2407.12925v1 Quantum-vacuum-induced topological edge polaritons (arXiv)

    29. 2407.12935v1 Unraveling the magnetic ground-state in alkali-metal lanthanide oxide Na2PrO3 (arXiv)

    30. 2407.12958v1 Majorana braiding in superconductors with fixed total number of particles (arXiv)

    31. 2407.12990v1 Inhomogeneous magnetic ordered state and evolution of magnetic fluctuations in Sr(Co1-xNix)2P2 revealed by 31P NMR (arXiv)

    32. 2407.13028v1 Anomalous Nernst effect based near field imaging of magnetic nanostructures (arXiv)

    33. 2407.13084v1 One-Dimensional Magnetic Excitonic Insulators (arXiv)

    34. 2407.13121v1 Nematic Ising superconductivity with hidden magnetism in few-layer 6R-TaS2 (arXiv)

    35. 2407.13136v1 The single-particle spectral function of the extended Peierls-Hubbard model at half-filling and quarter-filling (arXiv)

    36. 2407.13148v1 A universal mechanism for optically addressable solid-state spin pairs (arXiv)

    37. 2407.13172v1 Chemical Potential Shift in Doped Mott-insulators for Energy Storage Applications (arXiv)

    38. 2407.13230v1 Probing spin textures in atomically thin CrSBr through tunneling magnetoresistance (arXiv)

    39. 2407.13256v1 Minimum tracking linear response Hubbard and Hund corrected Density Functional Theory in CP2K (arXiv)

    40. 2407.13269v1 Valley polarization of Landau levels driven by residual strain in the ZrSiS surface band (arXiv)

    41. 2407.13404v1 Measuring Phonon Dispersion and Electron-Phason Coupling in Twisted Bilayer Graphene with a Cryogenic Quantum Twisting Microscope (arXiv)

    42. 2407.13674v1 Observation of Ferromagnetic Phase in the Second Moire Band of Twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

    43. 2407.13724v1 Electrically Controlled Interfacial Charge Transfer Induced Excitons in MoSe2-WSe2 Lateral Heterostructure (arXiv)

    44. 2407.13737v1 Non-Fermi liquid and antiferromagnetic correlations with hole doping in the bilayer two-orbital Hubbard model of La3Ni2O7 at zero temperature (arXiv)

    45. 2407.13758v1 Inducing topological flat bands in bilayer graphene with electric and magnetic superlattices (arXiv)

    46. 2407.13763v1 Isospin Pomeranchuk effect and finite temperature resistivity minimum in rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

    47. 2407.13767v1 Topological insulators on fractal lattices: A general principle of construction (arXiv)

    48. 2407.13770v1 Moire Fractional Chern Insulators IV: Fluctuation-Driven Collapse of FCIs in Multi-Band Exact Diagonalization Calculations on Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

    49. 2407.13345v1 Topological Hall effect enhanced at magnetic transition fields in a frustrated magnet EuCd2 (arXiv)

    50. PhysRevLett.133.030602 Quantum Codes from Twisted Unitary t-Groups (PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.133.034003 Stability Transition in Gap Expansion-Driven Interfacial Flow (PRL)

    52. PhysRevLett.133.036002 Tunneling Spectroscopy at Megabar Pressures: Determination of the Superconducting Gap in Sulfur (PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.133.036003 Isotropic Quantum Griffiths Singularity in Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 Infinite-Layer Superconducting Thin Films (PRL)

    54. PhysRevLett.133.036601 Non-Abelian Anyons in Periodically Driven Abelian Spin Liquids (PRL)

    55. Physics.17.s84 Revamp for High-Pressure-Superconductivity Measurements (Physics)

    56. PhysRevResearch.6.033077 Eight-color chiral spin liquid in the $S=1$ bilinear-biquadratic model with Kitaev interactions (PRR)

    57. PhysRevResearch.6.033080 Inverse Hamiltonian design of highly entangled quantum systems (PRR)

    58. PhysRevResearch.6.033081 Pushing magnetic spirals beyond room temperature by reducing the uniaxial pyramidal elongation in layered Cu/Fe perovskites (PRR)

    59. 2407.12088v1 High-quality poor man’s Majorana bound states from cavity embedding (arXiv)

    60. 2407.12092v1 Theory of phonon spectroscopy with the quantum twisting microscope (arXiv)

    61. 2407.12093v1 Relevance of Anisotropy in the Kondo Effect – Lessons From the Symplectic Case (arXiv)

    62. 2407.12096v1 Skew-scattering Pockels effect and metallic electro-optics in gapped bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    63. 2407.12099v1 Frustrated Ising charge correlations in the kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    64. 2407.12109v1 Gapless deconfined phase in a Z_N symmetric Hamiltonian created in a cold-atom setup (arXiv)

    65. 2407.12133v1 Spin-orbital-lattice entanglement in the ideal j=1/2 compound K2IrCl6 (arXiv)

    66. 2407.12198v1 Doping-induced Quantum Anomalous Hall Crystals and Topological Domain Walls (arXiv)

    67. 2407.12204v1 Acoustic modulation of individual nanowire quantum dots integrated into a hybrid thin-film lithium niobate photonic platform (arXiv)

    68. 2407.12411v1 Engineering Fractional Chern Insulators through Periodic Strain in Monolayer Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    69. 2407.12429v1 Quantum beats of a macroscopic polariton condensate in real space (arXiv)

    70. 2407.12455v1 Optimizing one dimensional superconducting diodes: Interplay of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and magnetic fields (arXiv)

    71. 2407.12469v1 Inverse participation ratio and entanglement of edge states in HgTe quantum wells in a finite strip geometry (arXiv)

    72. 2407.12559v1 Fractional Wannier Orbitals and Tight-Binding Gauge Fields for Kitaev Honeycomb Superlattices with Flat Majorana Bands (arXiv)

    73. 2407.12562v1 A primary quantum current standard based on the Josephson and the quantum Hall effects (arXiv)

    74. 2407.12584v1 Edge Optical Effect as Probe of Chiral Topological Superconductor (arXiv)

    75. 2407.12615v1 Unveiling the quasiparticle behaviour in the pressure-induced high-Tc phase of an iron-chalcogenide superconductor (arXiv)

    76. 2407.12651v1 kdotpy: k.p theory on a lattice for simulating semiconductor band structures (arXiv)

    77. 2407.12698v1 Paramagnetic limit of spin-triplet superconductors (arXiv)

    78. 2407.12744v1 Negligible Normal Fluid in Superconducting State of Heavily Overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta) Detected by Ultra-Low Temperature Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (arXiv)

    79. 2407.12767v1 Helical Spin Dynamics in Commensurate Magnets: a Study on Brochantite, Cu4SO4(OH)6 (arXiv)

    80. 2407.12770v1 Deconfined quantum criticality of frustrated hard-core dipolar bosons (arXiv)

    81. 2407.12235v1 Quasi-one-dimensional sliding ferroelectricity in NbI4 (arXiv)

    82. 2407.12285v1 Phonon linewidths with two screened electron-phonon couplings are not overscreened (arXiv)

    83. 2407.12494v1 Diffusion of fast and slow excitons with an exchange in quasi-two-dimensional systems (arXiv)

    84. 2407.12507v1 Room temperature Mott transistor based on resistive switching in disordered V2O3 films grown on Si (arXiv)

    85. 2407.12750v1 Hidden time-reversal in driven XXZ spin chains: exact solutions and new dissipative phase transitions (arXiv)

    86. PhysRevLett.133.030601 Candidate for a Passively Protected Quantum Memory in Two Dimensions (PRL)

    87. PhysRevLett.133.036201 Spin-Orbit-Locking Chiral Bound States in the Continuum (PRL)

    88. 2407.11116v1 Electron phonon coupling in the topological heavy fermion model of twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    89. 2407.11119v1 Enhanced entanglement scaling and area-law charge fluctuations in a non-Fermi liquid of composite fermions (arXiv)

    90. 2407.11126v1 Spontaneous orbital selective Mott phase in the two band Hubbard model (arXiv)

    91. 2407.11140v1 Strain induced tunable band gap and optical properties of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    92. 2407.11165v1 Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Modeling Complex Physical Systems: A Case Study in Artificial Spin Ice (arXiv)

    93. 2407.11167v1 Ising-type quantum spin liquid state in PrMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

    94. 2407.11227v1 Magnetic skin effect in Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 (arXiv)

    95. 2407.11332v1 In-situ local imaging of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in RbEuFe4As4 (arXiv)

    96. 2407.11369v1 High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Intermediate Impurity States near a Quantum Phase Transition (arXiv)

    97. 2407.11491v1 Coherent electron splitting in interacting chiral edge channels (arXiv)

    98. 2407.11509v1 Exact eigenstates with off-diagonal long-range order for interacting bosonic systems (arXiv)

    99. 2407.11559v1 Interlayer charge transfer in graphene 2D polyimide heterostructures (arXiv)

    100. 2407.11586v1 Interface suppressed nematicity and enhanced superconductivity of FeSe/NdFeO3 in the low doping regime (arXiv)

    101. 2407.11603v1 Effect of spin-dependent tunneling in a MoSe2/Cr2Ge2Te6 van der Waals heterostructure on exciton and trion emission (arXiv)

    102. 2407.11621v1 Kohn-Luttinger-like mechanism for unconventional charge density waves (arXiv)

    103. 2407.11803v1 Antiferromagnetic pseudogap in the two-dimensional Hubbard model deep in the renormalized classical regime (arXiv)

    104. 2407.11028v1 Laser-initiated electron and heat transport in gold-skutterudite CoSb3 bilayers resolved by pulsed x-ray scattering (arXiv)

    105. 2407.11148v1 Fermi-liquid behavior of non-altermagnetic RuO2 (arXiv)

    106. 2407.11295v1 Dynamical Quantum Phase Transition and Thermal Equilibrium in the Lattice Thirring Model (arXiv)

    107. PhysRevLett.133.036001 Anomalous Superfluid Density in a Disordered Charge-Density-Wave Material: Pd-Intercalated ErTe3 (PRL)

    108. PhysRevLett.133.036401 Topologically Localized Vibronic Excitations in Second-Layer Graphene Nanoribbons (PRL)

    109. PhysRevLett.133.038101 Dielectric Properties of a Ferroelectric Nematic Material: Quantitative Test of the Polarization-Capacitance Goldstone Mode (PRL)

    110. PhysRevResearch.6.033060 Lifshitz transitions and Weyl semimetals from a topological superconductor with supercurrent flow (PRR)

    111. PhysRevB.110.024418 Observation of resonant spin excitation with in-plane spin wave propagation in hybrid antiskyrmion strings (PRB)

    112. 2407.08353 One-dimensional flat bands in phosphorene nanoribbons with pentagonal nature (arXiv)

    113. 2407.08527v1 Domain-stored skyrmion structures for a reading error-detectable racetrack memory (arXiv)

    114. 2407.09601v1 Hyperbolic Spin Liquids (arXiv)

    115. 2407.09612v1 Symmetry-broken metallic orders in spin-orbit-coupled Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    116. 2407.09713v1 The algebraic spin liquid in the SU(6) Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice (arXiv)

    117. 2407.09746v1 Novel low-energy peak in the one-particle spectral function of the electron gas: Breakdown of the Landau’s hypothesis as to the Fermi liquids in simple metals (arXiv)

    118. 2407.09804v1 Strain-induced frequency pulling in CoFeB/Cu/Py double-vortex oscillators (arXiv)

    119. 2407.09814v1 Unexpected Lack of Ferromagnetic Fluctuations Despite Ferromagnetic Substrate, with Commensurate Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations (arXiv)

    120. 2407.09858v1 Magnetism and field-induced effects in the S = 5/2 honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet FeP3SiO11 (arXiv)

    121. 2407.09880v1 Inferior interfacial superconductivity in 1 UC FeSe/SrVO3/SrTiO3 with screened interfacial electron-phonon coupling (arXiv)

    122. 2407.09908v1 Abnormal planar Hall effect in quasi-1D Kondo chain CeCo2Ga8 and its implications for hybridization dynamics (arXiv)

    123. 2407.09923v1 Probing Topological Superconductivity of oxide nanojunctions using fractional Shapiro steps (arXiv)

    124. 2407.09971v1 Distinct effect of Kondo physics on crystal field splitting in electron and spin spectroscopies (arXiv)

    125. 2407.10069v1 Exact bulk-boundary correspondence of spectral winding topology under mixed boundary conditions (arXiv)

    126. 2407.10191v1 Topological Edge State Nucleation in Frequency Space and its Realization with Floquet Electrical Circuits (arXiv)

    127. 2407.10192v1 Going beyond Landauer scattering theory to describe spatially-resolved non-local heating and cooling in quantum thermoelectrics (arXiv)

    128. 2407.10257v1 Drag conductance induced by neutral-mode localization in fractional quantum Hall junctions (arXiv)

    129. 2407.10268v1 Weakly Coupled Type-II Superconductivity in a Laves compound ZrRe2 (arXiv)

    130. 2407.10269v1 Theory of an infinitely anisotropic phase of a two-dimensional superconductor (arXiv)

    131. 2407.10352v1 Signature of Orbital Driven Finite Momentum Pairing in a 3D Ising Superconductor (arXiv)

    132. 2407.10435v1 Nontrivial impact of interlayer coupling on thermal conductivity: opposing trends in in-plane and out-of-plane phonons (arXiv)

    133. 2407.10438v1 Giant Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Monolayers CrPX3 (X = S, Se, Te) due to symmetry breaking between the in-plane and out-of-plane crystallographic axes (arXiv)

    134. 2407.10444v1 Superfluid transition temperature of bond bipolarons with Coulomb interaction (arXiv)

    135. 2407.10464v1 Tutorial: From Topology to Hall Effects – Implications of Berry Phase Physics (arXiv)

    136. 2407.10498v1 Distinguishing nodal and nonunitary superconductivity in quasiparticle interference of an Ising superconductor with Rashba spin-orbit coupling: an example of NbSe2 (arXiv)

    137. 2407.10637v1 Quantum Skyrmion Liquid (arXiv)

    138. 2407.10675v1 Imaging Coulomb interactions and migrating Dirac cones in twisted graphene by local quantum oscillations (arXiv)

    139. 2407.10713v1 Interlayer and moire excitons in atomically thin double layers: from individual quantum emitters to degenerate ensembles (arXiv)

    140. 2407.10767v1 Magnetic and nematic order of Bose-Fermi mixtures in moire superlattices of 2D semiconductors (arXiv)

    141. 2407.10889v1 Why Mg2IrH6 is predicted to be a high temperature superconductor, but Ca2IrH6 is not (arXiv)

    142. 2407.10022v1 AtomAgents: Alloy design and discovery through physics-aware multi-modal multi-agent artificial intelligence (arXiv)

    143. 2407.10067v1 Toward a first-principles theory of rare-earth ions in crystals (arXiv)

    144. 2407.10395v1 R-matrix for the XX spin chain at the special imaginary value of staggered magnetic field (arXiv)

    145. 2407.10677v1 From bordisms of three-manifolds to domain walls between topological orders (arXiv)

    146. PhysRevB.110.035130 Adiabatic approximation and Aharonov-Casher bands in twisted homobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    147. PhysRevB.110.035414 Strain-induced scrolling of Janus WSSe (PRB)

    148. ad5d64 Skyrmion motion induced by spin-waves in magnetic nanotubes (Chinese Physics B)

    149. 2407.08794v1 Exciton condensation driven by bound states of Green’s functions zeros (arXiv)

    150. 2407.08920v1 Chern Bands’ Optimally Localized Wannier Functions and Fractional Chern Insulators (arXiv)

    151. 2407.08998v1 Chiral orbital texture in nonlinear electrical conduction (arXiv)

    152. 2407.09179v1 Magnetic properties and field-induced phenomena in the Jeff = 1/2 distorted kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    153. 2407.09204v1 Electron bubbles in highly excited states of the lowest Landau level (arXiv)

    154. 2407.09211v1 Quantum-dot-based Kitaev chains: Majorana quality measures and scaling with increasing chain length (arXiv)

    155. 2407.09345v1 Reconfigurable Spin-Wave Properties in Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystals Formed of Diamond and Triangular Shaped Nanomagnets (arXiv)

    156. 2407.09347v1 First-principles design of ambient-pressure MgxB2C2 and NaxBC superconductors (arXiv)

    157. 2407.09366v1 Kekule valence bond order in the honeycomb lattice optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model and its relevance to Graphene (arXiv)

    158. 2407.09401v1 Taming spin susceptibilities in frustrated quantum magnets: Mean-field form and approximate nature of the quantum-to-classical correspondence (arXiv)

    159. 2407.09092v1 Diagnosing quantum transport from wave function snapshots (arXiv)

    160. 2407.09317v1 Bonding states underpinning structural transitions in IrTe2 observed with micro-ARPES (arXiv)

    161. 2407.09376v1 Ground-state properties of the double trillium lattice antiferromagnet KBaCr2(PO4)3 (arXiv)

    162. 2407.09456v1 Strain coupling of a single exciton to a nano-optomechanical resonator (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 2nd week collection

    1. s41586-024-07647-y The quantum transition of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass (Nature)

    2. s41467-024-49942-2 Observation of stacking engineered magnetic phase transitions within moiré supercells of twisted van der Waals magnets (Nature Communications)

    3. s41586-024-07764-8 Two-dimensional Perovskitoids Enhance Stability in Perovskite Solar Cells (Nature)

    4. s41567-024-02567-0 Efficient optimization of deep neural quantum states (Nature Physics)

    5. d41586-024-02263-2 Chiral perovskites deliver spin control to a conventional semiconductor (Nature)

    6. s41567-024-02574-1 Induced superconducting correlations in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator (Nature Physics)

    7. s41567-024-02542-9 Dissipative time crystal in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas (Nature Physics)

    8. s42005-024-01699-2 Engineering phase competition between stripe order and superconductivity in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 (Communications Physics)

    9. s41586-024-07689-2 Antiferromagnetic phase transition in a 3D fermionic Hubbard model (Nature)

    10. s41586-024-07635-2 Magnetic field expulsion in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48 (Nature)

    11. s42005-024-01701-x Strain-tuned incompatible magnetic exchange-interaction in La2NiO4 (Communications Physics)

    12. PhysRevB.110.024413 Flat-band ferromagnetism in the quasi-one-dimensional electride Y2Cl3 induced by hole doping (PRB)

    13. advs.202401370 Acoustic Skyrmionic Mode Coupling and Transferring in a Chain of Subwavelength Metastructures (Advanced Science)

    14. advs.202403852 Tailoring Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Spin-Hall Topological Hall Effect in Insulating Magnetic Oxides by Interface Engineering (Advanced Science)

    15. PhysRevX.14.031007 Nature of Excitons and Their Ligand-Mediated Delocalization in Nickel Dihalide Charge-Transfer Insulators (PRX)

    16. 2407.03959 Skyrmion Hall effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.110.024504 Tuning the flat band with in-plane biaxial strain and the emergence of superconductivity in Ni3Sn (PRB)

    18. 2407.01924 Majorana multipole response with magnetic point group symmetry (arXiv)

    19. 2407.01689 Localization beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions (arXiv)

    20. 2407.01978 Mean field theory and holographic Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    21. rs-4650266 Imaging semiconductor-to-metal transition and topological flat bands of twisted bilayer MoTe2 (ResearchSquare)

    22. 2407.00628 Chirality-Induced Majorana Polarization (arXiv)

    23. 2407.00539 The role of magnetic dipolar interactions in skyrmion lattices (arXiv)

    24. acsnano.4c04496 Chiral Honeycomb Lattices of Nonplanar pi-Conjugated Supramolecules with Protected Dirac and Flat Bands (Acsnano)

    25. thir24_public Machine Learning for Unconventional Superconductivity (Lado’s student Thesis)

    26. s42254-024-00729-w Topological magnetic and ferroelectric systems for reservoir computing (Nature reviews physics)

    27. s41467-024-49674-3 Emergence of flat bands and ferromagnetic fluctuations via orbital-selective electron correlations in Mn-based kagome metal (Nature communications)

    28. s41467-024-49321-x Twist piezoelectricity: giant electromechanical coupling in magic-angle twisted bilayer LiNbO3 (Nature communications)

    29. rs-4547588 Curved Nanomagnets: An Experimental Archetype for Skyrmion Stabilization (ResearchSquare)

    30. 2406.06104 Correlated electrons of the flat band in charge density wave state of 4Hb-TaSexS2-x (arXiv)

    31. acsnano.4c02154 Rashba-like Spin Textures in Graphene Promoted by Ferromagnet-Mediated Electronic Hybridization with a Heavy Metal (Acs Nano)

    32. ad557f Anomalous Hall effect sensitive to magnetic monopoles and skyrmion helicity in spin-orbit coupled systems (NJP)

    33. PhysRevB.109.245408 Flat bands and extreme pseudomagnetic fields in monolayer graphene by topography strain engineering (PRB)

    34. s41467-024-49288-9 Bending skyrmion strings under two-dimensional thermal gradients (Nature communications)

    35. PhysRevB.109.L220402 Evidence for giant surface Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the chiral magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.109.224502 Realizing tunable higher-order topological superconductors with altermagnets (PRB)

    37. s44306-024-00024-5 High-temperature Neel skyrmions in Fe3GaTe2 stabilized by Fe intercalation into the van der Waals gap (npj Spintronics)

    38. PhysRevLett.133.026002 Enhanced Quantum Metric due to Vacancies in Graphene (PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.133.026503 Algebraic Hastatic Order in One-Dimensional Two-Channel Kondo Lattice (PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.133.026801 Multiferroicity and Topology in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    41. PhysRevX.14.031006 Certifying Ground-State Properties of Many-Body Systems (PRX)

    42. PhysRevResearch.6.L032010 Sharp quantum phase transition in the frustrated spin-1/2 Ising chain antiferromagnet CaCoV2O7 (PRR)

    43. 2407.07938v1 Successive electron-vortex binding in quantum Hall bilayers at nu=1/4+3/4 (arXiv)

    44. 2407.07941v1 Analytic framework for self-dual criticality in Zk gauge theory with matter (arXiv)

    45. 2407.07957v1 Topology of ultra-localized insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

    46. 2407.07990v1 Phonon Dynamics in the Chiral Kitaev Spin Liquid (arXiv)

    47. 2407.08110v1 General Electronic Structure Calculation Method for Twisted Systems (arXiv)

    48. 2407.08115v1 Dirac Electrons in AC-Magnetic Fields: \pi-Landau Levels and Chiral Anomaly-Induced Homodyne Effect (arXiv)

    49. 2407.08118v1 Renormalization of the valley Hall conductivity due to interparticle interaction (arXiv)

    50. 2407.08168v1 Berry phases in Coulomb drag of double-layer graphene system (arXiv)

    51. 2407.08170v1 Peculiarities of measured dependencies of strength of spin-orbit interaction and anisotropy field on current density in FeCoB nanomagnet (arXiv)

    52. 2407.08288v1 Spatially-extended nonlinear generation of short-wavelength spin waves in YIG nanowaveguides (arXiv)

    53. 2407.08310v1 Robust quantum engineering of current flow in carbon nanostructures at room temperature (arXiv)

    54. 2407.08357v1 Mirror-induced effects in cavity polaritonics: influence on edge states (arXiv)

    55. 2407.08426v1 Raman study of the structural transition in LiVO2 (arXiv)

    56. 2407.08449v1 Coherence length in a dilute flat-band superconductor (arXiv)

    57. 2407.08467v1 Exotic edge states of C3 high-fold fermions in honeycomb lattices (arXiv)

    58. 2407.08469v1 A Comprehensive Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Design using Magnetic Skyrmion and Domain Wall (arXiv)

    59. 2407.08499v1 Spin-valley-locked Electroluminescence for High-Performance Circularly-Polarized Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (arXiv)

    60. 2407.08547v1 Necklace-like pattern of vortex bound states (arXiv)

    61. 2407.08568v1 Three-component fractional quantum Hall effect in topological flat bands (arXiv)

    62. 2407.08600v1 Influence of flat bands on RKKY interaction: perspective of Fano defects (arXiv)

    63. 2407.08601v1 DFT+DMFT study of correlated electronic structure in the monolayer-trilayer phase of La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    64. 2407.08603v1 Magnetic, thermodynamic and dynamical properties of the three-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model: a comprehensive Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    65. 2407.08606v1 Magnetic properties of RE2O2CO3 (RE = Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb) with a rare earth-bilayer of triangular lattice (arXiv)

    66. 2407.08613v1 Breaking of Lorentz invariance caused by the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and transverse phonon modes in quantum wires (arXiv)

    67. 2407.08661v1 Self-consistent theory for the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral pentalayer graphene (arXiv)

    68. 2407.08677v1 Inherently dissipative normal currents during thermodynamic changes of state in superconductors: Joule heating vs. magnetocaloric cooling (arXiv)

    69. 2407.08736v1 Superconductivity in three-dimensional interacting doped topological insulators (arXiv)

    70. PhysRevResearch.6.L032008 Direct evidence from high-field magnetotransport for a dramatic change of quasiparticle character in van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3-xGeTe2 (PRR)

    71. 2407.07112v1 Doping dependence and multichannel mediators of superconductivity: Calculations for a cuprate model (arXiv)

    72. 2407.07136v1 Non-Hermitian Z4 skin effect protected by glide symmetry (arXiv)

    73. 2407.07144v1 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin-spin interaction from mixed-parity superconductivity (arXiv)

    74. 2407.07145v1 Bathing in a sea of candidate quantum spin liquids: From the gapless ruby to the gapped maple-leaf lattice (arXiv)

    75. 2407.07178v1 Uniaxial plasmon polaritons via charge transfer at the graphene/CrSBr interface (arXiv)

    76. 2407.07188v1 Efficient Electron Spin Relaxation by Chiral Phonons in WSe2 Monolayers (arXiv)

    77. 2407.07208v1 A Toy Model for the 2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall edge channel (arXiv)

    78. 2407.07209v1 Electrical switching of spin-polarized light-emitting diodes based on a 2D CrI3/hBN/WSe2 heterostructure (arXiv)

    79. 2407.07255v1 Real-space d-wave superconductivity from weak attraction (arXiv)

    80. 2407.07303v1 Bimerons create bimerons: proliferation and aggregation induced by currents and magnetic fields (arXiv)

    81. 2407.07305v1 Quantum circuit refrigerator based on normal-superconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

    82. 2407.07334v1 First-order Neel-VBS transition in S=3/2 antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    83. 2407.07470v1 Observation of Klein bottle quadrupole topological insulators in electric circuits (arXiv)

    84. 2407.07501v1 Electronic Correlation and Pseudogap-like Behavior of High-Temperature Superconductor La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    85. 2407.07569v1 Decomposition of multilayer superconductivity with interlayer pairing (arXiv)

    86. 2407.07578v1 Universal nonlinear responses of quantum Hall systems with Galilean invariance (arXiv)

    87. 2407.07602v1 Ferromagnetic CrBr3-Induced Graphene Spintronics (arXiv)

    88. 2407.07640v1 Single Crystal Diffuse Neutron Scattering Study of the Dipole-Octupole Quantum Spin Ice Candidate Ce2Zr2O7: No Apparent Octupolar Correlations Above T = 0.05 K (arXiv)

    89. 2407.07696v1 Layer Resolved Magnetotransport Properties in Antiferromagnetic/Paramagnetic Superlattices (arXiv)

    90. 2407.07894v1 Quantum metric induced quantum Hall conductance inversion and reentrant transition in fractional Chern insulators (SZLin, arXiv)

    91. 2407.07157v1 Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation (arXiv)

    92. 2407.07731v1 Large spin-orbit torque in a-plane alpha-Fe2O3/Pt bilayers (arXiv)

    93. 2407.07838v1 In-plane staging in lithium-ion intercalation of bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    94. 2407.06308v1 Spin-3/2 nuclear magnetic resonance: Exact solutions for aligned systems and implications for probing Fe-based superconductors (arXiv)

    95. 2407.06330v1 Absence of Majorana oscillations in finite-length full-shell hybrid nanowires (arXiv)

    96. 2407.06402v1 Quantum interference assisted to entanglement in a system of three micropillars within artificial magnetic field (arXiv)

    97. 2407.06457v1 Packing fraction related transport in disordered quantum dot arrays (arXiv)

    98. 2407.06574v1 Dependence of strength of spin-orbit interaction on polarity of interface (arXiv)

    99. 2407.06659v1 The quantum metric of electrons with spin-momentum locking (arXiv)

    100. 2407.06713v1 Luttinger liquid tensor network: sine versus tangent dispersion of massless Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    101. 2407.06925v1 Emerging Majorana bound states in superconducting Haldane nanoribbons (arXiv)

    102. 2407.06959v1 Manipulation and trapping of magnetic skyrmions with domain walls in chiral magnetic thin films (arXiv)

    103. 2407.06993v1 Superconducting states in metals with toroidal ordering (arXiv)

    104. 2407.07022v1 Treatment of the strongly correlated topological superconductors through the su(2/1) path-integral technique (arXiv)

    105. 2407.07027v1 Coulomb drag by motion of a monolayer polar crystal through graphene nano-constriction (arXiv)

    106. 2407.07049v1 Quasiperiodicity protects quantized transport in disordered systems without gaps (arXiv)

    107. 2407.07050v1 Interplay between Majorana and Shiba states in a minimal Kitaev chain coupled to a superconductor (arXiv)

    108. 2407.03928v1 Quantum dynamics of frustrated Josephson junction arrays embedded in a transmission line: an effective XX spin chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

    109. 2407.05457v1 Superluminal Propagation of Composite Collective Modes in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Heterostructures (arXiv)

    110. 2407.06208v1 Josephson oscillations of two weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (arXiv)

    111. 2407.06487v1 Unconventional Spin-Orbit Torques from Sputtered MoTe2 Films (arXiv)

    112. 2407.06634v1 Finite size analysis for interacting bosons at the 2D-1D Dimensional Crossover (arXiv)

    113. 2407.06832v1 Perturbative approach to time-dependent quantum systems and applications to one-crossing multistate Landau-Zener models (arXiv)

    114. 2407.06850v1 Lattice-tunable substituted iron garnets for low-temperature magnonics (arXiv)

    115. PhysRevResearch.6.033027 SrCuOH3Cl, an isolated equilateral triangle spin S=1/2 model system (PRR)

    116. PhysRevResearch.6.033031 Quantum spin supersolid as a precursory Dirac spin liquid in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet (PRR)

    117. PhysRevResearch.6.033032 Magnetotransport of fluxoids in intermediate-phase type-II superconducting NbN thin films around ${T}_{c}$ (PRR)

    118. PhysRevResearch.6.033034 Efficient factored gradient descent algorithm for quantum state tomography (PRR)

    119. PhysRevResearch.6.033035 Exponentially improved efficient machine learning for quantum many-body states with provable guarantees (PRR)

    120. 2407.04957v1 Mechanism of magnetic phase transition in correlated magnetic metal: insight into itinerant ferromagnet Fe(3-delta)GeTe2 (arXiv)

    121. 2407.05018v1 Wrinkle formation during uniaxial compression of a graphene sheet lying on a soft (polymer) substrate (arXiv)

    122. 2407.05026v1 Quantitative measurement of viscosity in two-dimensional electron fluids (arXiv)

    123. 2407.05091v1 Theory of Rashba splitting in quantum-well states (arXiv)

    124. 2407.05195v1 Subgap-state-mediated transport in superconductor–semiconductor hybrid islands: Weak and strong coupling regimes (arXiv)

    125. 2407.05243v1 Precise correspondence between the p-wave chiral superfluid and the spinless bosonic superfluid on the lowest Landau level (arXiv)

    126. 2407.05245v1 Electrical magnetochiral anisotropy and quantum metric in chiral conductors (arXiv)

    127. 2407.05350v1 Multiple boundary states in bilayer and decorated Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like models (arXiv)

    128. 2407.05439v1 Stabilizing an individual charge fluctuator in a Si/SiGe quantum dot (arXiv)

    129. 2407.05455v1 Quantum Supercriticality in the Ising Model and Rydberg Atom Array (arXiv)

    130. 2407.05481v1 Quantum criticality in coupled hybrid metal-semiconductor islands (arXiv)

    131. 2407.05493v1 Conventional s-wave superconductivity and hidden peak effect in single crystals of Mo8Ga41 superconductor (arXiv)

    132. 2407.05535v1 Emergence of a Fermi-surface in the current-driven Hidden state of 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    133. 2407.05548v1 Ferromagnetic inter-layer coupling in FeSe1-xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering (arXiv)

    134. 2407.05565v1 Exploring the role of nonlocal Coulomb interactions in perovskite transition metal oxides (arXiv)

    135. 2407.05670v1 Influence of capacitance and thermal fluctuations on the Josephson diode effect in asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUIDs (arXiv)

    136. 2407.05681v1 Bulk high-temperature superconductivity in the high-pressure tetragonal phase of bilayer La2PrNi2O7 (arXiv)

    137. 2407.05711v1 Light-Induced Mirror Symmetry Breaking and Charge Transport (arXiv)

    138. 2407.05731v1 Topological Hall effect of Skyrmions from First Principles (arXiv)

    139. 2407.05798v1 Visualization of Unconventional Rashba Band and Vortex Zero Mode in Topopogical Superconductor Candidate AuSn4 (arXiv)

    140. 2407.05867v1 Spin liquid state in an emergent honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    141. 2407.05877v1 Effect of nonmagnetic Ti substitution on the structural, magnetic and transport properties in pyrochlore iridate Eu2(Ir1-xTix)2O7 (arXiv)

    142. 2407.05888v1 Unconventional edge states in a two-leg ladder (arXiv)

    143. 2407.05903v1 Quantized heat flow in graphene quantum Hall phases: Probing the topological order (arXiv)

    144. 2407.05907v1 Five-stage ordering to a topological-defect-mediated ground state in a buckyball artificial spin ice (arXiv)

    145. 2407.05917v1 Unveiling nonmagnetic phase and many-body entanglement in two-dimensional random quantum magnets Sr2CuTe1-xWxO6 (arXiv)

    146. 2407.06061v1 Superconductivity up to 14.2 K in MnB4 under pressure (arXiv)

    147. 2407.06185v1 Magnetoresistance and Anisotropic Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor Eu5Sn2As6 (arXiv)

    148. 2407.04779v1 Interaction-induced topological phase transition at finite temperature (arXiv)

    149. 2407.04984v1 Prolonged Phase Segregation of Mixed-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in the Dark (arXiv)

    150. 2407.05044v1 Imaging magnetic spiral phases, skyrmion clusters, and skyrmion displacements at the surface of bulk Cu2OSeO3 (arXiv)

    151. 2407.05556v1 Ground-state phase diagram of the SU(4) Heisenberg model on a plaquette lattice (arXiv)

    152. 2407.05908v1 Realization of Z2 topological photonic insulators made from multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    153. 2407.05958v1 Leveraging collective effects for thermometry in waveguide quantum electrodynamics (arXiv)

    154. 2407.06105v1 Colloquium: Synthetic quantum matter in non-standard geometries (arXiv)

    155. 2407.03364v1 Comment on “Charge pumping with strong spin-orbit coupling: Fermi surface breathing, Berry curvature, and higher harmonic generation” (arXiv)

    156. 2407.03390v1 Observation of Co-propagating Chiral Zero Modes in Magnetic Photonic Crystals (arXiv)

    157. 2407.03396v1 Network model for magnetic higher-order topological phases (arXiv)

    158. 2407.03401v1 Cheshire qudits from fractional quantum spin Hall states in twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

    159. 2407.03404v1 Nonlinear optical responses and quantum geometry in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    160. 2407.03407v1 Geometry fluctuations in chiral superfluids (arXiv)

    161. 2407.03415v1 Theory of quasiparticle interference in Kitaev quantum spin liquids (arXiv)

    162. 2407.03455v1 Stability of correlated insulating states in molecular conductors from first-principles calculation (arXiv)

    163. 2407.03556v1 High-temperature Superconductivity in Perovskite Hydride below 10 GPa (arXiv)

    164. 2407.03581v1 Topologically nontrivial 1/3-magnetization plateau state in a spin-1/2 trimer chain (arXiv)

    165. 2407.03587v1 Single-gap Isotropic s-wave Superconductivity in Single Crystals AuSn4 (arXiv)

    166. 2407.03602v1 Upper limit for superconducting transition temperature in Eliashberg-McMillan theory (arXiv)

    167. 2407.03691v1 Triplons, triplon pairs and dynamical symmetries in laser-driven Shastry-Sutherland magnets (arXiv)

    168. 2407.03947v1 Landau levels for massive disclinated graphene-based topological insulator (arXiv)

    169. 2407.04007v1 Domain Wall Networks as Skyrmion Crystals in Chiral Magnets (arXiv)

    170. 2407.04073v1 Deconfined quantum critical points in fermionic systems with spin-charge separation (arXiv)

    171. 2407.04299v1 Oscillatory Bias Dependence of Visible Height of Monatomic Pb(111) Steps: Consequence of Quantum-Size Effect for Thin Metallic Films (arXiv)

    172. 2407.04450v1 Massive Dirac-Pauli physics in lead-halide perovskites (arXiv)

    173. 2407.04468v1 Unifying principle for Hall coefficient in systems near magnetic instability (arXiv)

    174. 2407.04469v1 Muon spectroscopy investigation of anomalous dynamic magnetism in NiI2 (arXiv)

    175. 2407.04508v1 Layer-Dependent Charge State Lifetime of Single Se Vacancies in WSe2 (arXiv)

    176. 2407.04527v1 Superballistic conduction in hydrodynamic antidot graphene superlattices (arXiv)

    177. 2407.04532v1 Quantum effects and temperature dependence of the free energy barrier and shear frequency in bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    178. 2407.04630v1 Protocol for scaling up a sign-ordered Kitaev chain without magnetic flux control (arXiv)

    179. 2407.04668v1 Edge-state transport in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    180. 2407.04695v1 Gapped Low Energy Excitations Across an Entanglement Percolation Transition in the Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate NaYbSe2 (arXiv)

    181. 2406.18779v1 Flat and tunable moire phonons in twisted transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    182. 2407.03459v1 Quantum decoherence by magnetic fluctuations in a candidate axion insulator (arXiv)

    183. 2407.03928v1 Quantum dynamics of frustrated Josephson junction arrays embedded in a transmission line: an effective XX spin chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

    184. 2407.04114v1 Quantum Convolutional Neural Network for Phase Recognition in Two Dimensions (arXiv)

    185. 2407.04132v1 The integer quantum Hall transition: an S-matrix approach to random networks (arXiv)

    186. 2407.04205v1 Quantum subspace expansion approach for simulating dynamical response functions of Kitaev spin liquids (arXiv)

    187. 2407.04639v1 Quantized circular dichroism on the edge of quantum Hall systems: The many-body Chern number as seen from the edge (arXiv)

    188. 2407.04673v1 Discovering Local Hidden-Variable Models for Arbitrary Multipartite Entangled States and Arbitrary Measurements (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 1st week collection

    1. 2407.03120v1 Theory of spin and orbital charge conversion at the surface states of Bi_{1-x}Sb_x topological insulator (arXiv)

    2. s41586-024-07727-z Observation of the scaling dimension of fractional quantum Hall anyons (Nature)

    3. s41586-024-07673-w Electron holography observation of individual ferrimagnetic lattice planes (Nature)

    4. s41567-024-02546-5 Dominant 1/3-filling correlated insulator states and orbital geometric frustration in twisted bilayer graphene (Nature Physics)

    5. s41567-024-02560-7 Intervalley coherence and intrinsic spin–orbit coupling in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (Nature Physics)

    6. s41567-024-02551-8 Topological edge and corner states in bismuth fractal nanostructures (Nature Physics)

    7. admt.202400172 Indexing Topological Numbers on Images by Transferring Chiral Magnetic Textures (Advanced Materials Technologies)

    8. s41467-024-49940-4 Magnetic excitations in strained infinite-layer nickelate PrNiO2 films (Nature Communications)

    9. s41467-024-49945-z Author Correction: Engineering the formation of spin-defects from first principles (Nature Communications)

    10. s41467-024-49783-z Light-driven C–H activation mediated by 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (Nature Communications)

    11. s41467-024-49791-z Strain-graded quantum dots with spectrally pure, stable and polarized emission (Nature Communications)

    12. s41563-024-01932-x Programming topological photonics (Nature Materials)

    13. adma.202312935 Topological Spin Textures: Basic Physics and Devices (Advanced Materials)

    14. s42005-024-01709-3 Emergence of quantum Griffiths singularity in disordered TiN thin films (Communications Physics)

    15. s41598-024-66594-w Lattice excitations in NdFeO3 through polarized optical spectroscopies (Scientific Reports)

    16. science.adk1348 Wigner molecular crystals from multielectron moire artificial atoms (Science)

    17. science.ado6038 Interfacial epitaxy of multilayer rhombohedral transition-metal dichalcogenide single crystals (Science)

    18. 2407.02527v1 Crystal-field effects in the formation of Wigner-molecule supercrystals in moire TMD superlattices (arXiv)

    19. 2407.02560v1 When Could Abelian Fractional Topological Insulators Exist in Twisted MoTe2 and Other Systems (arXiv)

    20. 2407.02576v1 Supercell Wannier functions and faithful low-energy model for Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    21. 2407.02630v1 Antiferromagnetic topological insulators in heavy-fermion systems (arXiv)

    22. 2407.02654v1 Pairing interaction from Demons in Sr2RuO4 (arXiv)

    23. 2407.02761v1 Inducing superconductivity in quantum anomalous Hall regime (arXiv)

    24. 2407.02799v1 Effect of nonlinear magnon interactions on the stochastic magnetization switching (arXiv)

    25. 2407.02823v1 Thermal transport of flexural phonons in a rectangular wire (arXiv)

    26. 2407.02865v1 Spin-Triplet Superconductivity Induced by All-In-All-Out Spin Fluctuation in Pyrochlore Electronic System (arXiv)

    27. 2407.02941v1 Topological phase in the extended Haldane-Hubbard model with sublattice-dependent repulsion (arXiv)

    28. 2407.02983v1 Current-induced motion of nanoscale magnetic torons over the wide range of the Hall angle (arXiv)

    29. 2407.03012v1 GW effects on the topology of type-II Dirac cones in NiTe2, PtSe2 and PtTe2 (arXiv)

    30. 2407.03013v1 Disentangling heterogeneity and disorder during ultrafast surface melting of orbital order (arXiv)

    31. 2407.03023v1 Coulomb Hall drag induced by electron-electron skew scattering (arXiv)

    32. 2407.03046v1 Insulating and metallic phases in the one-dimensional Hubbard-Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: Insights from a backflow-inspired variational wave function (arXiv)

    33. 2407.03079v1 Strong Charge-Photon Coupling in Planar Germanium Enabled by Granular Aluminium Superinductors (arXiv)

    34. 2407.03147v1 Evolution of Band Structure in a Kagome Superconductor Cs(V1-xCrx)3Sb5: Toward Universal Understanding of CDW and Superconducting Phase Diagrams (arXiv)

    35. 2407.03161v1 Simulating electron-vibron energy transfer with quantum dots and resonators (arXiv)

    36. 2407.03189v1 Origin of anomalous magnetotransport in kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 (A=K,Rb,Cs) (arXiv)

    37. 2407.03220v1 Impact of planar defects on the reversal time of single magnetic domain nanoparticles (arXiv)

    38. 2407.03293v1 Microscopic theory for electron-phonon coupling in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    39. 2407.03317v1 Quantum Geometry Probed by Chiral Excitonic Optical Response of Chern Insulators (arXiv)

    40. 2407.03319v1 `Interaction annealing’ to determine effective quantized valence and orbital structure: an illustration with ferro-orbital order in WTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    41. 2407.02715v1 Revealing the Electronic Structure of NiPS3 through Synchrotron-Based ARPES and Alkali Metal Dosing (arXiv)

    42. 2407.02890v1 Interaction-induced dissipative quantum phase transition in a head-to-tail atomic Josephson junction (arXiv)

    43. 2407.02999v1 Fermi Surface Nesting Driving the RKKY Interaction in the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Magnet Gd2PdSi3 (arXiv)

    44. 2407.03058v1 Tensor Networks for Lattice Gauge Theories beyond one dimension: a Roadmap (arXiv)

    45. 2407.03201v1 Wideband Coherent Microwave Conversion via Magnon Nonlinearity in Hybrid Quantum System (arXiv)

    46. 2407.03231v1 Dimensionality Engineering of Magnetic Anisotropy from Anomalous Hall Effect in Synthetic SrRuO3 Crystals (arXiv)

    47. PhysRevLett.133.016401 Fermi Surface Nesting Driving the RKKY Interaction in the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Magnet Gd2PdSi3 (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.133.016501 Exact Numerical Solution of the Fully Connected Classical and Quantum Heisenberg Spin Glass (PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.133.017001 Three-Carrier Spin Blockade and Coupling in Bilayer Graphene Double Quantum Dots (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.133.010601 Nonstabilizerness via Matrix Product States in the Pauli Basis (PRL)

    51. 2407.00156v1 Electrical Transport in the Hatsugai-Kohmoto Model (arXiv)

    52. 2407.00158v1 Crystalline-Symmetry-Protected Majorana Modes in Coupled Quantum Dots (arXiv)

    53. 2407.00159v1 Probing Random-Bond Disorder Effects on Ferromagnetic Skyrmion Arrays (arXiv)

    54. 2407.00202v1 Ferromagnetic resonance in 3D-tilted square artificial spin ices (arXiv)

    55. 2407.00214v1 Application of the Landauer-Buttiker method to the calculation of interlayer exchange coupling in closed ballistic multi-layers (arXiv)

    56. 2407.00281v1 Distinguishing Surface and Bulk Electromagnetism via Their Dynamics in an Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator (arXiv)

    57. 2407.00325v1 Flat band excitons and quantum metric (arXiv)

    58. 2407.00327v1 Electronic Correlations and Hund’s Rule Coupling in Trilayer Nickelate La4Ni3O10 (arXiv)

    59. 2407.00333v1 Multinode quantum spin liquids in extended Kitaev honeycomb models: the view from variational Monte Carlo (arXiv)

    60. 2407.00405v1 Novel Skyrmion and spin wave solutions in superconducting ferromagnets (arXiv)

    61. 2407.00423v1 Thermal Hall Effect of Magnons from Many-Body Skew Scattering (arXiv)

    62. 2407.00472v1 Exchange enhanced switching by alternating fields in quantum antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    63. 2407.00498v1 Quantum oscillation study of the large magnetoresistance in Mo substituted WTe2 single crystals (arXiv)

    64. 2407.00516v1 Orbital Edelstein effect from the gradient of a scalar potential (arXiv)

    65. 2407.00536v1 Unified picture of superconductivity and magnetism in CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    66. 2407.00628v1 Chirality-Induced Majorana Polarization (arXiv)

    67. 2407.00645v1 A review on magnetic field induced spin crossover in LaCoO3 up to 600 T (arXiv)

    68. 2407.00647v1 Critical fluctuation and noise spectra in two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2 magnets (arXiv)

    69. 2407.00659v1 Spin-Phonon Coupling in Transition Metal Insulators: General Computational Approach and Application to MnPSe3 (arXiv)

    70. 2407.00660v1 Spin-Phonon Coupling in Transition Metal Insulators II: Spin-Orbital Moments, Chiral Phonons and Application to alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    71. 2407.00715v1 A novel reentrant susceptibility due to vortex and magnetic dipole interaction in a La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 and Gd2O3 composite system (arXiv)

    72. 2407.00728v1 Magnetic Excitations in Ferromagnetically Coupled Spin-1 Nanographenes (arXiv)

    73. 2407.00771v1 Steady-state properties of multi-orbital systems using quantum Monte Carlo (arXiv)

    74. 2407.00795v1 Generalized Topology in Lattice Models without Chiral Symmetry (arXiv)

    75. 2407.00825v1 Heteroatomic Andreev molecule in a superconducting island-double quantum dot hybrid (arXiv)

    76. 2407.00844v1 Quantum coherence of a long-lifetime exciton-polariton condensate (arXiv)

    77. 2407.00895v1 Large-Amplitude, Easy-Plane Spin-Orbit Torque Oscillators Driven by Out-of-Plane Spin Current: A Micromagnetic Study (arXiv)

    78. 2407.00963v1 Contrasting magnetothermal conductivity in sibling Co-based honeycomb-lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    79. 2407.00974v1 Strong Field Optical Hall Effect in 2D Weyl Semimetal (arXiv)

    80. 2407.00975v1 Data-driven approximations of topological insulator systems (arXiv)

    81. 2407.01076v1 Orbital origin of magnetic moment enhancement induced by charge density wave in kagome FeGe (arXiv)

    82. 2407.01107v1 Quantitative evaluation method for magnetoelastic coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves using electrical and optical measurements (arXiv)

    83. 2407.01135v1 Transport signatures of single and multiple Floquet Majorana modes in one-dimensional Rashba nanowire and Shiba chain (arXiv)

    84. 2407.01159v1 Exploring topological spin order by inverse Hamiltonian design: A new stabilization mechanism for square skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

    85. 2407.01187v1 Efficient spin accumulation carried by slow relaxons in chiral tellurium (arXiv)

    86. 2407.01218v1 Universal properties of residual moments in heavy-fermion metals (arXiv)

    87. 2407.01223v1 Topological Classification of One-Dimensional Chiral Symmetric Interfaces (arXiv)

    88. 2407.01252v1 Pairing by disorder of dopants in a magnetic spin ladder (arXiv)

    89. 2407.01261v1 From domain walls and the stripe phase to full suppression of charge density wave in the superconducting 1T-Ti1-xTaxSe2 (arXiv)

    90. 2407.01277v1 Current distribution and chirality in the regime of the quantized Hall effect (arXiv)

    91. 2407.01319v1 Spin supercurrent in superconductor/ferromagnet van-der-Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    92. 2407.01342v1 Structural and Magnetic properties of Ge0.5Mn0.5Co2O4 using neutron diffraction (arXiv)

    93. 2407.01454v1 Spin relaxation of localized electrons in monolayer MoSe2: importance of random effective magnetic fields (arXiv)

    94. 2407.01457v1 Quantum Nonlinear Acoustic Hall Effect and Inverse Acoustic Faraday Effect in Dirac Insulators (arXiv)

    95. 2407.01513v1 Pair Density Waves and Supercurrent Diode Effect in Altermagnets (arXiv)

    96. 2407.00443v1 Electronic Correlations in Multiferroic van der Waals CuCrP2S6: Insights From X-Ray Spectroscopy and DFT (arXiv)

    97. 2407.00690v1 MnRhBi3: A Cleavable Antiferromagnetic Metal (arXiv)

    98. 2407.00707v1 Deep learning quantum Monte Carlo for solids (arXiv)

    99. 2407.00758v1 Quantum noise induced nonreciprocity for single photon transport in parity-time symmetric systems (arXiv)

    100. 2407.00796v1 Linear Criterion for an Upper Bound on the BCS Critical Temperature (arXiv)

    101. 2407.01313v1 Adaptive variational quantum computing approaches for Green’s functions and nonlinear susceptibilities (arXiv)

    102. 2407.01451v1 Representing Arbitrary Ground States of Toric Code by Restricted Boltzmann Machine (arXiv)

    103. 2406.19449v1 Interplay between local and non-local frustration in the 1D ANNNI chain I – The even case (arXiv)

    104. 2406.19454v1 Spin Injection Route to Magnon Berry Curvature Dipole (arXiv)

    105. 2406.19469v1 Effects of Strain Compensation on Electron Mobilities in InAs Quantum Wells Grown on InP(001) (arXiv)

    106. 2406.19548v1 Effects of ballistic transport on the thermal resistance and temperature profile in nanowires (arXiv)

    107. 2406.19553v1 Superconducting properties of eutectic high-entropy alloy superconductor NbScTiZr (arXiv)

    108. 2406.19682v1 Chiral Current Inversion Induced by Flat-Band Andreev Bound States (arXiv)

    109. 2406.19699v1 Tunable corner-like modes in generalized quadrupole topological insulator (arXiv)

    110. 2406.19793v1 Novel electronic structures from anomalous stackings in NbS2 and MoS2 (arXiv)

    111. 2406.19797v1 Evidence of random spin-singlet state in a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid candidate Sr3CuNb2O9 (arXiv)

    112. 2406.19842v1 Unconventional p-wave magnets as sources of nonlinear photocurrents (arXiv)

    113. 2406.19915v1 Correlated insulators in twisted mono-mono-bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    114. 2406.20036v1 Direct observation of layer skyrmions in twisted WSe2 bilayers (arXiv)

    115. 2406.20040v1 Twist angle driven electronic structure evolution of twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    116. 2406.20059v1 Determination of the current-phase relation of an InAs 2DEG Josephson junction with a microwave resonator (arXiv)

    117. 2406.20082v1 The hybrid Josephson rhombus: A superconducting element with tailored current-phase relation (arXiv)

    118. 2406.20093v1 Z4 transitions in quantum loop models on a zig-zag ladder (arXiv)

    119. 2406.19457v1 Magic phase transition and non-local complexity in generalized W State (arXiv)

    120. 2406.19462v1 Strong atomic reconstruction in twisted bilayers of highly flexible InSe: Machine-Learned Interatomic Potential and continuum model approaches (arXiv)

    121. 2406.19629v1 Saturation Dynamics in Non-Hermitian Topological Sensing Systems (arXiv)

    122. 2406.19688v1 Ultrafast carrier dynamics in epitaxial graphene nanoribbons studied by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy (arXiv)

    123. 2406.19700v1 Delocalization of Quasiparticle Moire States in Twisted Bilayer hBN (arXiv)

    124. 2406.19728v1 Topological ferroelectric chirality (arXiv)

    125. 2406.20091v1 Anomalous current fluctuations from Euler hydrodynamics (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 4th week collection

    1. 2406.15348v1 Chiral Spin Liquid and Quantum Phase Transition in the Triangular Lattice Hofstadter-Hubbard Model (arXiv)

    2. s41467-024-49714-y Magnon interactions in a moderately correlated Mott insulator (Nature Communications)

    3. s41467-024-49723-x Plasmons in the Kagome metal CsV3Sb5 (Nature Communications)

    4. s42005-024-01680-z Hidden orders and phase transitions for the fully packed quantum loop model on the triangular lattice (Communications Physics)

    5. s41586-024-07625-4 Unconventional superconductivity in chiral molecule–TaS2 hybrid superlattices (Nature)

    6. science.adq9360 Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform (Science)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.266401 Spin-Dependent pi pi^* Gap in Graphene on a Magnetic Substrate (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.266505 Intriguing Low-Temperature Phase in the Antiferromagnetic Kagome Metal FeGe (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.266506 Mott-Insulator State of FeSe as a Van der Waals 2D Material Is Unveiled (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.266802 Spontaneous Inversion Symmetry Breaking and Emergence of Berry Curvature and Orbital Magnetization in Topological ZrTe5 Films (PRL)

    11. PhysRevResearch.6.023328 Thermal Hall effect and neutral spinons in a doped Mott insulator (Physical Review Research)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.266602 Topological Network Modes in a Twisted Moiré Phononic Crystal (PRL)

    13. 2406.18644v1 Topological phases, van Hove singularities, and spin texture in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene in the presence of proximity-induced spin-orbit couplings (arXiv)

    14. 2406.18645v1 Flat band physics in the charge-density wave state of 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    15. 2406.18649v1 Dynamically localized but deconfined excitations in strained classical spin ice (arXiv)

    16. 2406.18650v1 Magnetic Field Response of Dipolar-Octupolar Quantum Spin Ice (arXiv)

    17. 2406.18654v1 Topological bound on structure factor (arXiv)

    18. 2406.18668v1 Orbital currents in lattice multiorbital systems: Continuity equation, torques, and RKKY interaction (arXiv)

    19. 2406.18704v1 Superconducting phase diagram in BixNi1-x thin films : the effects of Bi stoichiometry on superconductivity (arXiv)

    20. 2406.18729v1 Orbital magnetic field driven metal-insulator transition in strongly correlated electron systems (arXiv)

    21. 2406.18779v1 Flat and tunable moire phonons in twisted transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    22. 2406.18816v1 Angle-dependent planar thermal Hall effect by quasi-ballistic phonons in black phosphorus (arXiv)

    23. 2406.18896v1 Anisotropy in Electronic and Magneto-transport of 2D superconductor NbSe2 (arXiv)

    24. 2406.18903v1 Tunneling valley Hall effect induced by coherent geometric phase (arXiv)

    25. 2406.18965v1 Exotic 4f Correlated Electronic States of Ferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Compounds ReRh6Ge4 (Re=Ce, Ho, Er, Tm) (arXiv)

    26. 2406.18971v1 Optical conductivity of the metallic pyrochlore iridate Pr2Ir2O7: Influence of spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlations on the electronic structure (arXiv)

    27. 2406.18981v1 Exact Fisher zeros and thermofield dynamics across a quantum critical point (arXiv)

    28. 2406.19024v1 Switching current distributions in superconducting nanostrips (arXiv)

    29. 2406.19056v1 Manipulation and creation of domain-wall skyrmions in chiral magnets (arXiv)

    30. 2406.19140v1 Phonon dynamics in the site-disordered Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    31. 2406.19200v1 Competition between metal bonding and strain in tetragonal V1-xMxO2 (M = Nb, Mo) (arXiv)

    32. 2406.19310v1 Imaging semiconductor-to-metal transition and topological flat bands of twisted bilayer MoTe2 (arXiv)

    33. 2406.19348v1 Theory of superconductivity in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayers (arXiv)

    34. 2406.19357v1 A fully analytical equation of motion approach for the double quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime (arXiv)

    35. 2406.19372v1 A Novel Phase Diagram for a Spin-1 System Exhibiting a Haldane Phase (arXiv)

    36. 2406.18662v1 Quantum Sensing with Nanoelectronics: Fisher Information for an Adiabatic Perturbation (arXiv)

    37. 2406.18686v1 Signatures of ballistic and diffusive transport in the time-dependent Kerr-response of magnetic materials (arXiv)

    38. 2406.18737v1 Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg distorted diamond chain with antiferromagnetic Ising and ferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions (arXiv)

    39. 2406.18768v1 Constant search time algorithm via topological quantum walks (arXiv)

    40. 2406.18824v1 Topological winding guaranteed coherent orthogonal scattering (arXiv)

    41. 2406.18956v1 Topotaxial Mutual-Exchange Growth of Magnetic Zintl Eu3In2As4 Nanowires with Axion Insulator Classification (arXiv)

    42. 2406.19052v1 Scalable approach to monitored quantum dynamics and entanglement phase transitions (arXiv)

    43. 2406.19085v1 Antiferromagnetic nanoscale bit arrays of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 thin films (arXiv)

    44. 2406.19206v1 Quantum Thermodynamics (arXiv)

    45. PhysRevLett.132.263402 Realizing Altermagnetism in Fermi-Hubbard Models with Ultracold Atoms (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.132.266503 Quantum Interference between Quasi-2D Fermi Surface Sheets in UTe2 (PRL)

    47. 2406.17817v1 Interband and intraband transitions, as well as charge mobility in driven two-band model with electron phonon coupling (arXiv)

    48. 2406.17843v1 Efficient prediction of superlattice and anomalous miniband topology from quantum geometry (arXiv)

    49. 2406.17845v1 Quantum Metric in Step Response (arXiv)

    50. 2406.17846v1 Dynamical Spectral Weight Transfer in the Orbital HK Model (arXiv)

    51. 2406.17854v1 Understanding the microscopic origin of the magnetic interactions in CoNb2O6 (arXiv)

    52. 2406.17914v1 Topological edge states of massless fermion with non-quantized and zero Berry phases (arXiv)

    53. 2406.17919v1 Majorana representation for topological edge states of massless Dirac fermion with non-quantized Berry phase (arXiv)

    54. 2406.17920v1 Comment on “Fully gapped superconductivity and topological aspects of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor TaReSi” (arXiv)

    55. 2406.18003v1 Spin-orbit entangled moments and magnetic exchange interactions in cobalt-based honeycomb magnets BaCo2(XO4)2 (X = P, As, Sb) (arXiv)

    56. 2406.18080v1 Capacitance-based Fermion parity read-out and predicted Rabi oscillations in a Majorana nanowire (arXiv)

    57. 2406.18090v1 Probing the superconducting gap structure of ScRuSi via $\mu$SR and first-principles calculations (arXiv)

    58. 2406.18093v1 Exploring Superconductivity in Ba3Ir4Ge16: Experimental and Theoretical Insights (arXiv)

    59. 2406.18153v1 Strengthening of the superconductivity by real space decimation of the flat band states (arXiv)

    60. 2406.18165v1 Prediction of superconductivity in Bilayer Kagome borophene (arXiv)

    61. 2406.18252v1 Large magnetoresistance and first-order phase transition in antiferromagnetic single-crystalline EuAg4Sb2 (arXiv)

    62. 2406.18291v1 Specific heat analyses on optical-phonon-derived uniaxial negative thermal expansion system TrZr2 (Tr = Fe and Co1-xNix) (arXiv)

    63. 2406.18513v1 Superconductivity from domain wall fluctuations in sliding ferroelectrics (arXiv)

    64. 2406.18272v1 Charge and Spin Dynamics and Destabilization of Shallow Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers under UV and Blue Excitation (arXiv)

    65. 2406.18444v1 Structure-Driven Prediction of Magnetic Order in Uranium Compounds (arXiv)

    66. PhysRevLett.132.266301 Emerging Spin-Orbit Torques in Low-Dimensional Dirac Materials (PRL)

    67. 2406.17023v1 Quantum Geometry and Entanglement in Two-dimensional Insulators: A View from the Corner Charge Fluctuation (arXiv)

    68. 2406.17029v1 Unconventional superconductivity from electronic dipole fluctuations (arXiv)

    69. 2406.17034v1 A solvable embedding mechanism for one-dimensional spinless and Majorana fermions in higher-dimensional spin-1/2 magnets (arXiv)

    70. 2406.17036v1 Superconductivity from spin-canting fluctuations in rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

    71. 2406.17042v1 Critical properties of metallic and deconfined quantum critical points in Dirac systems (arXiv)

    72. 2406.17046v1 Superconducting diode effect in diffusive superconductors and Josephson junctions with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    73. 2406.17129v1 Gapless dynamic magnetic ground state in the charge-gapped trimer iridate Ba4NbIr3O12 (arXiv)

    74. 2406.17165v1 Thermal decay of two-spinon bound states in quasi-2D triangular antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    75. 2406.17187v1 Quantum-geometry-facilitated pair density wave order: Density matrix renormalization group study (arXiv)

    76. 2406.17239v1 One-step synthesis of Cu-doped Pb10(PO4)6Cl2 apatite: A wide-gap semiconductor (arXiv)

    77. 2406.17417v1 Is the Valence Bond Solid state in J1-J2 Square Lattice Heisenberg Model Plaquette or Columnar? (arXiv)

    78. 2406.17421v1 Phonon Heat Transport and Anisotropic Tuning of Quantum Fluctuations in a Frustrated Honeycomb Magnet (arXiv)

    79. 2406.17480v1 Free-electron coupling to surface polaritons mediated by small scatterers (arXiv)

    80. 2406.17508v1 Emergent pair symmetries in systems with poor man’s Majorana modes (arXiv)

    81. 2406.17522v1 Spin torque driven electron paramagnetic resonance of a single spin in a pentacene molecule (arXiv)

    82. 2406.17546v1 Spin waves and three-dimensionality in the high-pressure antiferromagnetic phase of SrCu2(BO3)2 (arXiv)

    83. 2406.17558v1 Electronic spin susceptibility in metallic strontium titanate (arXiv)

    84. 2406.17568v1 Perspective on Majorana bound-states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires (arXiv)

    85. 2406.17645v1 Simulating moire quantum matter with neural network (arXiv)

    86. 2406.17703v1 trARPES and optical transport properties of irradiated twisted bilayer graphene in steady-state (arXiv)

    87. 2406.17766v1 Generalized anomalous Hall crystals in twisted bilayer-trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    88. 2406.17769v1 Flat bands and distinct density wave orders in correlated Kagome superconductor CsCr3Sb5 (arXiv)

    89. 2406.17773v1 Spectrum and low-energy gap in triangular quantum spin liquid NaYbSe2 (arXiv)

    90. 2406.17369v1 Charge transfer in T/H heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    91. PhysRevLett.132.266201 Helical Topological Superconducting Pairing at Finite Excitation Energies (PRL)

    92. PhysRevLett.132.266501 Nematic Metal in a Multivalley Electron Gas: Variational Monte Carlo Analysis and Application to AlAs (PRL)

    93. PhysRevLett.132.266701 Bath-Engineering Magnetic Order in Quantum Spin Chains: An Analytic Mapping Approach (PRL)

    94. PhysRevLett.132.266801 Robust Nuclear Spin Polarization via Ground-State Level Anticrossing of Boron Vacancy Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)

    95. 2406.15597v1 Computational Demonstrations of Density Wave of Cooper Pairs and Paired-Electron Liquid in the Quarter-Filled Band – a Brief Review (arXiv)

    96. 2406.15629v1 Embedded multi-boson exchange: A step beyond quantum cluster theories (arXiv)

    97. 2406.15663v1 Depinning, Melting and Sliding of Generalized Wigner Crystals in Moire Systems (arXiv)

    98. 2406.15717v1 Theory of excitonic complexes in gated WSe2 quantum dots (arXiv)

    99. 2406.15799v1 Surface phonons and possible structural phase transition in a topological semimetal PbTaSe2 (arXiv)

    100. 2406.15908v1 In-plane angular dependence of superconducting gaps in FeSe probed by high resolution specific heat measurements (arXiv)

    101. 2406.15984v1 Tuning electronic pairing by uniaxial strain in kagome lattices (arXiv)

    102. 2406.16014v1 Inverse spin galvanic effect in proximitized superconductor/paramagnet systems (arXiv)

    103. 2406.16067v1 Heat conduction in low-dimensional electron gases without and with a magnetic field (arXiv)

    104. 2406.16194v1 Electrically tunable giant Nernst effect in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    105. 2406.16197v1 Free Electron Theory for Thin Metal Films (arXiv)

    106. 2406.16251v1 Probing critical spin fluctuations with a composite magnetoelectric method: A case study on a Kitaev spin liquid candidate Na3Co2SbO6 (arXiv)

    107. 2406.16277v1 Spinon pairing induced by chiral in-plane exchange and the stabilization of odd-spin Chern number spin liquid in twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

    108. 2406.16283v1 Programmable Kondo Effect Formed by Landau Levels (arXiv)

    109. 2406.16363v1 Engineering nanowire quantum dots with iontronics (arXiv)

    110. 2406.16398v1 Constraints on the orbital flux phase in AV3Sb5 from polar Kerr effect (arXiv)

    111. 2406.16425v1 Spin order and dynamics in the topological rare-earth germanide semimetals (arXiv)

    112. 2406.16492v1 Emergence of quantum Griffiths singularity in disordered TiN thin films (arXiv)

    113. 2406.16532v1 Terahertz photocurrent probe of quantum geometry and interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    114. 2406.16534v1 Topological Phases for Extended Objects: Semiclassical Phase-Space Approach with Tensorial Coordinates (arXiv)

    115. 2406.16575v1 Coexistence of local magnetism and superconductivity in the heavy-fermion CeRh2As2 revealed by muSR studies (arXiv)

    116. 2406.16584v1 Vortex lattices and critical fields in anisotropic superconductors (arXiv)

    117. 2406.16591v1 Topological classification of driven-dissipative nonlinear systems (arXiv)

    118. 2406.16700v1 Anomalies in mirror symmetry enriched topological orders (arXiv)

    119. 2406.16717v1 Probing Yu-Shiba Rushinov state via quantum noise and Delta_T noise (arXiv)

    120. 2406.16753v1 High-temperature quantum coherence of spinons in a rare-earth spin chain (arXiv)

    121. 2406.16771v1 An antiferromagnetic diode effect in even-layered MnBi2Te4 (arXiv)

    122. 2406.16854v1 Spectroscopy of Hubbard-Mott excitons and their ro-vibrational excitations (arXiv)

    123. 2406.16865v1 Variational Monte Carlo Study of the Doped $t$-$J$ Model on Honeycomb Lattice (arXiv)

    124. 2406.15737v1 Correlation Functions From Tensor Network Influence Functionals: The Case of the Spin-Boson Model (arXiv)

    125. 2406.15807v1 Low-Voltage Electron Emission by Graphene-hBN-graphene Heterostructure (arXiv)

    126. 2406.15870v1 Quantum Electronics on Quantum Liquids and Solids (arXiv)

    127. 2406.16123v1 Quantum origin of Ohm’s reciprocity relation and its violation: conductivity as inverse resistivity (arXiv)

    128. 2406.16344v1 Effective Elastic Properties of Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    129. 2406.14586v1 Minimal Model for Chirally Induced Spin Selectivity: Chirality, Spin-orbit coupling, Decoherence and Tunneling (arXiv)

    130. 2406.15135v1 Many-Body Models for Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity in Electron Transfer (arXiv)

    131. 2406.14612v1 Superconducting Diode Effect in Multiphase Superconductors (arXiv)

    132. 2406.14617v1 Non-Abelian spin Hall insulator (arXiv)

    133. 2406.14645v1 Tunable Topological Phases in Quantum Kirigamis (arXiv)

    134. 2406.14648v1 Nanoscale defects as probes of time reversal symmetry breaking (arXiv)

    135. 2406.14688v1 Absence of a bulk charge density wave signature in x-ray measurements of UTe2 (arXiv)

    136. 2406.14690v1 Absence of bulk charge density wave order in the normal state of UTe2 (arXiv)

    137. 2406.14714v1 Absence of a Bulk Thermodynamic Phase Transition to a Density Wave Phase in UTe2 (arXiv)

    138. 2406.14858v1 A mechanism for quantum-critical Planckian metal phase in high-temperature cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    139. 2406.14881v1 Controllable photocurrent generation in Dirac systems with two frequency drives (arXiv)

    140. 2406.14946v1 Probing topological phase transitions in Aubry-Andre-Harper model via high-harmonic generation (arXiv)

    141. 2406.15040v1 Extremely weak sub-kelvin electron-phonon coupling in InAs On Insulator (arXiv)

    142. 2406.15062v1 Decoupled static and dynamical charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4 (arXiv)

    143. 2406.15067v1 Time-Domain Signatures of Distinct Correlated Insulators in a Moire Superlattice (arXiv)

    144. 2406.15143v1 Luttinger surface dominance and Fermi liquid behaviour of topological Kondo insulators SmB6 and YbB12 (arXiv)

    145. 2406.15145v1 Quantum geometrical properties of topological materials (arXiv)

    146. 2406.15151v1 Magnetoresistance oscillations induced by geometry in a two-dimensional quantum ring (arXiv)

    147. 2406.15221v1 Theory of coherent phonons coupled to excitons (arXiv)

    148. 2406.15239v1 Sublattice Dichotomy in Monolayer FeSe Superconductor (arXiv)

    149. 2406.15273v1 Impact of Charge Density Waves on Superconductivity and Topological Properties in AV3Sb5 Kagome Superconductors (arXiv)

    150. 2406.15314v1 A Candidate for the Quantum Spin Liquid Ground-State in the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice Material Yb2Be2GeO7 (arXiv)

    151. 2406.15342v1 Chern-Textured Exciton Insulators with Valley Spiral Order in Moire Materials (arXiv)

    152. 2406.15350v1 Nature of Andreev bound states in Josephson junctions of triple-point semimetals (arXiv)

    153. 2406.14564v1 Phase distribution in 1D localization and phase transitions in single-mode waveguides (arXiv)

    154. 2406.14948v1 Identifying impurities in a silicon substrate by using a superconducting flux qubit (arXiv)

    155. 2406.14967v1 Magnon-mediated quantum gates for superconducting qubits (arXiv)

    156. 2406.15065v1 Phase transitions, Dirac and WSM states in Mn1-xGexBi2Te4 (arXiv)

    157. 2406.15092v1 Giant caloric effects in spin chain materials (arXiv)

    158. 2406.15246v1 Edge states in all-dielectric square-lattice arrays of bianisotropic microwave resonators (arXiv)

    159. 2406.15290v1 Symmetry-controlled SrRuO3/SrTiO3/SrRuO3 magnetic tunnel junctions:Spin polarization and its relevance to tunneling magnetoresistance (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 3rd week collection

    1. 2406.10460v1 Topological Hall effect in a non-magnetic metal interfaced to a canted antiferromagnetic insulator in perovskite oxide heterostructures (arXiv)

    2. s41563-024-01921-0 Moire superlattices in twisted two-dimensional halide perovskites (Nature Materials)

    3. science.adq4986 Approaching the quantum limit of contact resistance in van der Waals layered semiconductors (Science)

    4. science.adj0998 GPTs are GPTs: Labor market impact potential of LLMs (Science)

    5. science.ado8192 Topological Hong-Ou-Mandel interference (Science)

    6. science.ado0053 Observation of topological frequency combs (Science)

    7. s41467-024-48432-9 High-temperature concomitant metal-insulator and spin-reorientation transitions in a compressed nodal-line ferrimagnet Mn3Si2Te6 (Nature Communications)

    8. s41467-024-49306-w Emergent flat band and topological Kondo semimetal driven by orbital-selective correlations (Nature Communications)

    9. s41586-024-07435-8 Control of proton transport and hydrogenation in double-gated graphene (Nature)

    10. s41586-024-07560-4 Room-temperature spin injection across a chiral perovskite/III–V interface (Nature)

    11. s41586-024-07584-w Tunable superconductivity in electron- and hole-doped Bernal bilayer graphene (Nature)

    12. s42005-024-01690-x Nonlinear wave propagation in a bistable optical chain with nonreciprocal coupling (Communications Physics)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.256503 Evidence of Spin Density Waves in La3Ni2O7−δ (nickelate, PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.256903 Revealing Novel Aspects of Light-Matter Coupling by Terahertz Two-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy: The Case of the Amplitude Mode in Superconductors (PRL)

    15. 2406.12964v1 Vortex structure in a d-wave superconductor obtained by a confinement transition from the pseudogap metal (arXiv)

    16. 2406.12965v1 Spin mechanism of drag resistance in strongly-correlated electron liquids (arXiv)

    17. 2406.12966v1 Origin of the hidden energy scale and the f-ratio in geometrically frustrated magnets (arXiv)

    18. 2406.12971v1 Superconductor-Insulator Transition in the TMD moire systems and the Deconfined Quantum Critical Point (arXiv)

    19. 2406.12972v1 A fractal geometry immersed in a hierarchical magnetic flux distribution (arXiv)

    20. 2406.13076v1 The interplay between a pseudogap and superconductivity in a two-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)

    21. 2406.13102v1 On the trapped magnetic moment in type-II superconductors (arXiv)

    22. 2406.13164v1 Magnetoresistance hysteresis in the superconduting state of Kagome CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    23. 2406.13178v1 Efficient Modelling of Anharmonicity and Quantum Effects in PdCuH2 with Machine Learning Potentials (arXiv)

    24. 2406.13203v1 Dynamical phase-field model of cavity electromagnonic systems (arXiv)

    25. 2406.13289v1 Hubbard model on a triangular lattice at finite temperatures (arXiv)

    26. 2406.13324v1 Quantum Metric-induced Oscillations in Flat Bands (arXiv)

    27. 2406.13535v1 Quasiperiodic potential induced corner states in a quadrupolar insulator (arXiv)

    28. 2406.13541v1 Pairing amplification induced by nonadiabatic effects on the electron-phonon interaction throughout the BCS-BEC crossover (arXiv)

    29. 2406.13615v1 Landau Level Single-Electron Pumping (arXiv)

    30. 2406.13634v1 Intertwined superconductivity and orbital selectivity in a three-orbital Hubbard model for the iron pnictides (arXiv)

    31. 2406.13639v1 Universal Role of Combined Symmetry for the Protection of the Dirac Cone in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    32. 2406.13648v1 Why Matthiessen’s rule is violated in the high-Tc cuprate superconductors? (arXiv)

    33. 2406.13702v1 Van-Hove annihilation and nematic instability on a Kagome lattice (arXiv)

    34. 2406.13740v1 Kinetic Inductance, Quantum Geometry, and Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    35. 2406.13742v1 Superfluid stiffness of twisted multilayer graphene superconductors (arXiv)

    36. 2406.13799v1 Observation of Electronic Viscous Dissipation in Graphene Magneto-thermal Transport (arXiv)

    37. 2406.13819v1 Magnetochiral vortex ratchet effect in two-dimensional arrays of phi0-Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    38. 2406.13859v1 Room-temperature Ferroelectric Control of 2D Layered Magnetism (arXiv)

    39. 2406.13878v1 Role of Bath-Induced Many-Body Interactions in the Dissipative Phases of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (arXiv)

    40. 2406.13900v1 Anomalous Fermi pockets on Hund’s metal surface of Sr2RuO4 induced by the correlation-enhanced spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    41. 2406.13932v1 Microscopic theory of magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic materials (arXiv)

    42. 2406.13953v1 Peculiar corner states in magnetic fractals (arXiv)

    43. 2406.13978v1 Topological Solitons in Square-root Graphene Nanoribbons Controlled by Electric Fields (arXiv)

    44. 2406.14029v1 Dirac-like fermions anomalous magneto-transport in a spin-polarized oxide two-dimensional electron system (arXiv)

    45. 2406.14070v1 Electron-electron attraction via Coulomb correlations and possible superconductivity in a 1D electron liquid on a rigid neutralizing background (arXiv)

    46. 2406.14209v1 2024 roadmap on 2D topological insulators (arXiv)

    47. 2406.14215v1 Excitons in nonlinear optical responses: shift current in MoS2 and GeS monolayers (arXiv)

    48. 2406.14289v1 Electrical switching of chirality in rhombohedral graphene Chern insulators (arXiv)

    49. 2406.14323v1 Anisotropy of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in NbSe2 (arXiv)

    50. 2406.14354v1 Quantum anomalous, quantum spin, and quantum valley Hall effects in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

    51. 2406.14400v1 Magnetic anisotropy of 4f atoms on a WSe2 monolayer: a DFT+U study (arXiv)

    52. 2406.14417v1 Electrical switching of Ising-superconducting nonreciprocity for quantum neuronal transistor (arXiv)

    53. 2406.14465v1 AC conductivity and magnetic dichroism of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    54. 2406.14524v1 High-Tc superconductor candidates proposed by machine learning (arXiv)

    55. 2406.12939v1 Measurement of Many-Body Quantum Correlations in Superconducting Circuits (arXiv)

    56. 2406.12963v1 Weak Superfluidity in Twisted Optical Potentials (arXiv)

    57. 2406.12981v1 Quantum geometry of bosonic Bogoliubov quasiparticles (arXiv)

    58. 2406.13206v1 Two dimensional magnets: Forgotten history and recent progress towards spintronic applications (arXiv)

    59. 2406.13326v1 Chiral \pi Domain Walls Composed of Twin Half-Integer Surface Disclinations in Ferroelectric Nematic Liquid Crystals (arXiv)

    60. 2406.13830v1 Quantum spin systems: toroidal classification and geometric duality (arXiv)

    61. 2406.13921v1 Quantum Enhanced Sensitivity through Many-Body Bloch Oscillations (arXiv)

    62. 2406.14016v1 Contribution of Andreev reflection to the mobility of surface state electrons on superfluid 3He-B (arXiv)

    63. 2406.14320v1 Anyon condensation in mixed-state topological order (arXiv)

    64. PhysRevLett.132.256701 Electrically Induced Angular Momentum Flow between Separated Ferromagnets (PRL)

    65. s67 A New Way to Transport Spin Currents (Physics)

    66. 2406.11951v1 Excitonic topology and quantum geometry in organic semiconductors (arXiv)

    67. 2406.11952v1 Solitons with irrational charge in a one-dimensional quantum ferroelectric (arXiv)

    68. 2406.11955v1 Edge Spin fractionalization in one-dimensional spin-S quantum antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    69. 2406.11967v1 Elf autoencoder: unsupervised exploration of flat-band materials using electronic band structure fingerprints (arXiv)

    70. 2406.11976v1 Inevitable First Order Phase Transitions in 3D Quantum Hall Systems (arXiv)

    71. 2406.11982v1 Nonlinear photocurrent in quantum materials for broadband photodetection (arXiv)

    72. 2406.11991v1 Identifying trivial and Majorana zero-energy modes using the Majorana polarization (arXiv)

    73. 2406.12012v1 Highly Efficient Superconducting Diodes and Rectifiers for Quantum Circuitry (arXiv)

    74. 2406.12039v1 Long-range magnetic order induced surface state in GdBi and DyBi (arXiv)

    75. 2406.12068v1 Hierarchy construction for non-abelian fractional quantum Hall states via anyon condensation (arXiv)

    76. 2406.12089v1 Many-Body Quantum Geometric Dipole (arXiv)

    77. 2406.12133v1 Mott physics and universal Planckian relaxation in the high-Tc cuprates (arXiv)

    78. 2406.12134v1 Observation of Temperature Independent Anomalous Hall Effect in Thin Bismuth from Near Absolute Zero to 300 K Temperature (arXiv)

    79. 2406.12136v1 Integrating 2D Magnets for Quantum Devices: from Materials and Characterization to Future Technology (arXiv)

    80. 2406.12207v1 The Green’s function Monte Carlo combined with projected entangled pair state approach to the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model (arXiv)

    81. 2406.12231v1 Moire flat bands and antiferroelectric domains in lattice relaxed twisted bilayer hexagonal boron nitride under perpendicular electric fields (arXiv)

    82. 2406.12250v1 Observation of stacking engineered magnetic phase transitions within moire supercells of twisted van der Waals magnets (arXiv)

    83. 2406.12310v1 Emergence and evolution of electronic modes with temperature in spin-gapped Mott and Kondo insulators (arXiv)

    84. 2406.12312v1 Regulating spin dynamics of dipolar and spinor atoms (arXiv)

    85. 2406.12357v1 Cluster-projected matrix product state: framework for engineering exact quantum many-body ground states in one and two dimensions (arXiv)

    86. 2406.12453v1 Realization of a classical Ruddlesden Popper type bilayer nickelate in Sr3Ni2-xAlxO7-delta with unusual Ni^4+ (arXiv)

    87. 2406.12528v1 Composite Topological Weyl Nodal lines (arXiv)

    88. 2406.12543v1 Phase-controlled heat modulation with Aharonov-Bohm interferometers (arXiv)

    89. 2406.12579v1 Plasmons in two-dimensional electron systems with infinite and semi-infinite metal gratings (arXiv)

    90. 2406.12590v1 Fluctuating field series: towards calculations of correlated systems with high accuracy (arXiv)

    91. 2406.12591v1 Spectral analysis of the magnetooptical response in valley polarized Pb1-xSnxSe (arXiv)

    92. 2406.12690v1 Dielectric relaxation in the quantum multiferroics Rb2Cu2Mo3O12 and Cs2Cu2Mo3O12 (arXiv)

    93. 2406.12705v1 Coherence Length of Electronic Nematicity in Iron-Based Superconductors (arXiv)

    94. 2406.12729v1 Spin-Peierls instability of deconfined quantum critical points (arXiv)

    95. 2406.12778v1 Mechanism to transfer linear momentum from a Surface Acoustic Wave to a Magnetic Domain Wall (arXiv)

    96. 2406.12825v1 Theory of Coulomb driven nematicity in a multi-valley two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)

    97. 2406.11953v1 Intrinsic high-fidelity spin polarization of charged vacancies in hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    98. 2406.12377v1 Entanglement swapping in critical quantum spin chains (arXiv)

    99. 2406.12396v1 Lindblad quantum dynamics from correlation functions of classical spin chains (arXiv)

    100. 2406.12677v1 Scaling of the Quantum Geometry Metrics in Disordered Topological Phases (arXiv)

    101. 2406.12850v1 Machine learning guided discovery of stable, spin-resolved topological insulators (arXiv)

    102. PhysRevLett.132.256501 Annealing-Tunable Charge Density Wave in the Magnetic Kagome Material FeGe (PRL)

    103. PhysRevLett.132.256601 Fingerprints of Anti-Pfaffian Topological Order in Quantum Point Contact Transport (PRL)

    104. PhysRevLett.132.256902 Enhanced Frequency Conversion in Parity-Time Symmetry Line (PRL)

    105. 2406.10243v1 RKKY interaction in helical higher-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    106. 2406.10334v1 A spin chain with non-Hermitian PT-symmetric boundary couplings: exact solution, dissipative Kondo effect, and phase transitions on the edge (arXiv)

    107. 2406.10340v1 Spin waves in Dirac semimetal Ca$0.6Sr0.4MnSb2 investigated with neutrons by the diffraction method (arXiv)

    108. 2406.10397v1 Optical sensing of charge and spin current fluctuations in centrosymmetric semiconductors (arXiv)

    109. 2406.10493v1 Feedback-voltage driven chaos in three-terminal spin-torque oscillator (arXiv)

    110. 2406.10503v1 Quantum criticality and optical conductivity in a two-valley system (arXiv)

    111. 2406.10509v1 Ultrafast nano generation of acoustic waves in water via a single carbon nanotube (arXiv)

    112. 2406.10550v1 Ultrafast carrier dynamics throughout the three-dimensional Brillouin zone of the Weyl semimetal PtBi2 (arXiv)

    113. 2406.10551v1 Electron dynamics in a three-dimensional Brillouin zone analysed by machine learning (arXiv)

    114. 2406.10613v1 Landau-Lifshitz damping from Lindbladian dissipation in quantum magnets (arXiv)

    115. 2406.10637v1 Photonic realization of chiral hinge states in a Chern-insulator stack (arXiv)

    116. 2406.10642v1 Interlayer Fermi polarons of excited exciton states in quantizing magnetic fields (arXiv)

    117. 2406.10669v1 A Class of Exactly Solvable Hamiltonians for S=1/2 Quantum Magnets with Spinless Fermionic Excitations in Higher Dimensions (arXiv)

    118. 2406.10689v1 Weakly first-order melting of the 1/3 plateau in the Shastry-Sutherland model (arXiv)

    119. 2406.10709v1 Intraband collective excitations in fractional Chern insulators are dark (arXiv)

    120. 2406.10754v1 Electronic and magnetic properties of graphene-fluorographene nanoribbons: controllable semiconductor-metal transition (arXiv)

    121. 2406.10812v1 Majorana qubit readout by a point-contact detector under finite bias voltages (arXiv)

    122. 2406.11072v1 Topological phases of commensurate or incommensurate non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices (arXiv)

    123. 2406.11080v1 Electron-electron interactions in partially mixed helical states (arXiv)

    124. 2406.11127v1 Field-free Josephson diode effect in a d-wave superconductor heterostructure (arXiv)

    125. 2406.11165v1 Tunable Fano and Dicke resonant tunneling of double quantum dots sandwiched between topological insulators (arXiv)

    126. 2406.11195v1 Geometric Excitations of Fractional Quantum Hall States (arXiv)

    127. 2406.11203v1 Large reversible magnetocaloric effect of the EuAl3Si single crystal (arXiv)

    128. 2406.11212v1 Low-Energy Electronic Structure in the Unconventional Charge-Ordered State of ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    129. 2406.11273v1 Planar Hall Plateau in Magnetic Weyl Semimetals (arXiv)

    130. 2406.11344v1 Progress, problems and prospects of room-temperature superconductivity (arXiv)

    131. 2406.11352v1 Disentangling electric field effect on spin waves in ferromagnetic insulators (arXiv)

    132. 2406.11374v1 Pseudogap with Fermi arcs and Fermi pockets in half-filled twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    133. 2406.11383v1 Coherence of an Electronic Two-Level System under Continuous Charge Sensing by a Quantum Dot Detector (arXiv)

    134. 2406.11442v1 Layer-dependent electromechanical response in twisted graphene moire superlattices (arXiv)

    135. 2406.11444v1 Bloch sphere representation for Rabi oscillation driven by Rashba field in the two-dimensional harmonic confinement (arXiv)

    136. 2406.11447v1 Theory of charge-6e condensed phase in Kagome lattice superconductors (arXiv)

    137. 2406.11527v1 Sliding-dependent electronic structures of alternating-twist tetralayer graphene (arXiv)

    138. 2406.11591v1 Capacitive detection of the topological magnetoelectric effect (arXiv)

    139. 2406.11615v1 Non-equillibrium ultrafast optical excitation as a stimulus for ultra-small field-free magnetic skyrmions in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo (arXiv)

    140. 2406.11755v1 Photo-induced pattern formations and melting of charge-density-wave order (arXiv)

    141. 2406.11134v1 Emergent Wigner phases in moire superlattice from deep learning (arXiv)

    142. 2406.11658v1 Dissecting van der Waals interactions with Density Functional Theory – Wannier-basis approach (arXiv)

    143. 2406.09460v1 Origin of Distinct Insulating Domains in the Layered Charge Density Wave Material 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    144. 2406.09505v1 A Novel Perspective on Ideal Chern Bands with Strong Short-Range Repulsion: Applications to Correlated Metals, Superconductivity, and Topological Order (arXiv)

    145. 2406.09538v1 Synthesis of Mg2IrH5: A potential pathway to high-Tc hydride superconductivity at ambient pressure (arXiv)

    146. 2406.09591v1 Ferromagnetism and Topology of the Higher Flat Band in a Fractional Chern Insulator (arXiv)

    147. 2406.09607v1 Gate voltage modulation of the superconducting state in a degenerate semiconductor (arXiv)

    148. 2406.09674v1 Nontrivial twisted bilayer chiral excitonic systems: Forster coupling and related Hall effect (arXiv)

    149. 2406.09687v1 Interplay between topology and correlations in the second moire band of twisted bilayer MoTe2 (arXiv)

    150. 2406.09797v1 Loop unitary and phase band topological invariant in generic multi-band Chern insulators (arXiv)

    151. 2406.09809v1 Quadrupolar and dipolar excitons in symmetric trilayer heterostructures: Insights from first principles theory (arXiv)

    152. 2406.09878v1 Theory of Josephson scanning microscopy with s-wave tip on unconventional superconducting surface: application to Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (arXiv)

    153. 2406.09888v1 Magneto-optical transport in tilted type-I double-Weyl semimetals in the presence of orbital magnetic moment (arXiv)

    154. 2406.09910v1 Theories for charge-driven nematicity in kagome metals (arXiv)

    155. 2406.09944v1 Universal scaling behavior of resistivity under two-dimensional superconducting phase fluctuations (arXiv)

    156. 2406.09987v1 Photogalvanic phenomena in superconductors supporting intrinsic diode effect (arXiv)

    157. 2406.10063v1 Universal quasi-Fermi liquid physics of one-dimensional interacting fermions (arXiv)

    158. 2406.10193v1 Three-dimensional quantum Griffiths singularity in bulk iron-pnictide superconductors (arXiv)

    159. 2406.09566v1 The graphene squeeze-film microphone (arXiv)

    160. 2406.09705v1 Collective excitations in magnetic topological insulators and axion dark matter search (arXiv)

    161. 2406.09874v1 Vertically Graded FeNi Alloys with Low Damping and a Sizeable Spin-Orbit Torque (arXiv)

    162. 2406.09937v1 Engineering the Magnetic Transition Temperatures and the Rare Earth Exchange Interaction in Oxide Heterostructures (arXiv)

    163. 2406.10178v1 Finite temperature detection of quantum critical points: a comparative study (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 2nd week collection

    1. 2406.04931v1 Quantifying the quantum nature of high spin YSR excitations in transverse magnetic field (arXiv)

    2. s41467-024-48440-9 Current-driven fast magnetic octupole domain-wall motion in noncollinear antiferromagnets (Nature Communications)

    3. s41567-024-02530-z Experimental quantum computational chemistry with optimized unitary coupled cluster ansatz (Nature Physics)

    4. s41567-024-02506-z Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms (Nature Physics)

    5. s42005-024-01631-8 Dual nature of magnetism driven by momentum dependent f-d Kondo hybridization (Communications Physics)

    6. s41563-024-01918-9 Stretchable ionic–electronic bilayer hydrogel electronics enable in situ detection of solid-state epidermal biomarkers (Nature Materials)

    7. s41586-024-07519-5 Optical manipulation of the charge-density-wave state in RbV3Sb5 (Nature)

    8. s41586-024-07434-9 A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas (Nature)

    9. s41467-024-49372-0 Topological regression as an interpretable and efficient tool for quantitative structure-activity relationship modeling (Nature Communications)

    10. s41567-024-02569-y Underground quantum criticality is hot right now (Nature Physics)

    11. s42005-024-01687-6 Quantum double lock-in amplifier (Communications Physics)

    12. s41563-024-01927-8 Resolving length-scale-dependent transient disorder through an ultrafast phase transition (Nature Materials)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.243802 Dynamically Encircling Exceptional Points in Different Riemann Sheets for Orbital Angular Momentum Topological Charge Conversion (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.246402 Directional Localization from a Magnetic Field in Moiré Systems (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.132.246503 Phases of 2+1D SO(5) Nonlinear Sigma Model with a Topological Term on a Sphere: Multicritical Point and Disorder Phase (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.132.246504 Local Noise Spectroscopy of Wigner Crystals in Two-Dimensional Materials (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.132.246505 Symmetry-Broken Perturbation Theory to Large Orders in Antiferromagnetic Phases (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.246702 Signatures of Kitaev Interactions in the van der Waals Ferromagnet VI3 (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.132.246902 Exciton-Enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion in Two-Dimensional Crystals (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.240602 Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Stabilizer Entropies (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.240804 Quantum State Tomography via Nonconvex Riemannian Gradient Descent (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.243002 Dynamics of the Molecular Geometric Phase (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.246401 Double and Quadruple Flat Bands Tuned by Alternative Magnetic Fluxes in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.246701 Spin Inertia and Auto-Oscillations in Ferromagnets (PRL)

    25. 2406.08532v1 Floquet topological phases with time-reversal and space inversion symmetries and dynamical detection of topological charges (arXiv)

    26. 2406.08548v1 Meandering conduction channels and the tunable nature of quantized charge transport (arXiv)

    27. 2406.08576v1 Laser induced PT-symmetry breaking in the fluctuations of electronic fluids (arXiv)

    28. 2406.08655v1 Interacting holes in a gated WSe2 quantum channel: valley correlations and zigzag Wigner crystal (arXiv)

    29. 2406.08669v1 Superconducting Diode Effect in Quantum Spin Hall Insulator-based Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    30. 2406.08706v1 Linear spectroscopy of collective modes and the gap structure in two-dimensional superconductors (arXiv)

    31. 2406.08717v1 Comparison of superconducting pairing in doped cuprates and nickelates within an extended Hubbard model (arXiv)

    32. 2406.08734v1 Link between cascade transitions and correlated Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    33. 2406.08768v1 Electric field controlled valley-polarized photocurrent switch based on the circular bulk photovoltaic effect (arXiv)

    34. 2406.08780v1 Mean Field Study of Superconductivity in the Square Lattice t-J Model with Three-Site Hopping (arXiv)

    35. 2406.08789v1 Growth and characterization of the La3Ni2O7-delta thin films: dominant contribution of the d_x2-y2 orbital at ambient pressure (arXiv)

    36. 2406.08826v1 Topological Corner States in Bilayer and Trilayer Systems with Vertically Stacked Topologically Distinct Layers (arXiv)

    37. 2406.08873v1 Electronic and magnetic ground state of 4$d^3$ double perovskite ruthenates A2LaRuO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) (arXiv)

    38. 2406.08901v1 Fractional Chern insulator candidate in twisted bilayer checkboard lattice (arXiv)

    39. 2406.08910v1 Impact of potential and temperature fluctuations on charge and heat transport in quantum Hall edges in the heat Coulomb blockade regime (arXiv)

    40. 2406.08977v1 Signature of non-trivial band topology in Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations (arXiv)

    41. 2406.09050v1 Topological pairing of composite fermions via criticality (arXiv)

    42. 2406.09054v1 Electronic structure of a nodal line semimetal candidate TbSbTe (arXiv)

    43. 2406.09268v1 Cascade of multi-exciton states generated by singlet fission (arXiv)

    44. 2406.09271v1 Spin excitations in Nd1-xSrxNiO2 and YBa2Cu3O7-delta: the influence of Hubbard U (arXiv)

    45. 2406.09274v1 Doubled Shapiro steps in a dynamic axion insulator Josephson junction (arXiv)

    46. 2406.09287v1 Optimal magnetization switching via spin-orbit torque on the surface of a topological insulator (arXiv)

    47. 2406.09298v1 Magnon spin transport through atomic ferrimagnetic domain walls (arXiv)

    48. 2406.09336v1 Perfectly hidden order and Z2 confinement transition in a fully packed monopole liquid (arXiv)

    49. 2406.09382v1 Electronic Excitations in the Bulk of Fractional Quantum Hall States (arXiv)

    50. 2406.08551v1 Realization of topological Thouless pumping in a synthetic Rydberg dimension (arXiv)

    51. 2406.08563v1 Field-sensitive dislocation bound states in two-dimensional d-wave altermagnets (arXiv)

    52. 2406.08573v1 Refined cyclic renormalization group in Russian Doll model (arXiv)

    53. 2406.08681v1 Quantitative determination of twist angle and strain in Van der Waals moire superlattices (arXiv)

    54. 2406.09316v1 Bose-Hubbard model with a single qubit (arXiv)

    55. PhysRevLett.132.241601 Topological Defect Formation in a Phase Transition with Tunable Order (PRL)

    56. s61 Extending the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism (Physics)

    57. PhysRevLett.132.246502 Magneto-Thermoelectric Transport in Graphene Quantum Dot with Strong Correlations (PRL)

    58. 2406.07603v1 Interface-induced magnetization in altermagnets and antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    59. 2406.07608v1 Strange metal and superconductor in the two-dimensional Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (arXiv)

    60. 2406.07623v1 Ab initio study of highly tunable charge transfer in beta-RuCl3/graphene heterostructures (arXiv)

    61. 2406.07625v1 Emergent Universal Quench Dynamics in Randomly Interacting Spin Models (arXiv)

    62. 2406.07626v1 Tailoring Bound State Geometry in High-Dimensional Non-Hermitian Systems (arXiv)

    63. 2406.07720v1 Materials for Quantum Technologies: a Roadmap for Spin and Topology (arXiv)

    64. 2406.07827v1 Hinge non-Hermitian skin effect in the single-particle properties of a strongly correlated f-electron system (arXiv)

    65. 2406.07864v1 Weak anti-localization and spin-momentum locking in topological insulator Ta2Ni3Te5 (arXiv)

    66. 2406.07872v1 How to accurately measure the mobility and viscosity of two-dimensional carriers? (arXiv)

    67. 2406.07939v1 Representation-protected topology of spin-singlet s-wave superconductors (arXiv)

    68. 2406.07960v1 Charge ordered phases in the hole-doped triangular Mott insulator 4Hb-TaS2 (arXiv)

    69. 2406.07987v1 A general solution for the response of materials under radiation and tilted magnetic field: semi-classical regime (arXiv)

    70. 2406.08025v1 Holstein polarons, Rashba-like spin splitting and Ising superconductivity in electron-doped MoSe2 (arXiv)

    71. 2406.08044v1 Hofstadter spectrum in a semiconductor moire lattice (arXiv)

    72. 2406.08066v1 Two-tone spectroscopy of high-frequency quantum circuits with a Josephson emitter (arXiv)

    73. 2406.08114v1 Massive 1D Dirac Line, Solitons and Reversible Manipulation on the Surface of a Prototype Obstructed Atomic Insulator, Silicon (arXiv)

    74. 2406.08129v1 Upper bounds on the highest phonon frequency and superconducting temperature from fundamental physical constants (arXiv)

    75. 2406.08130v1 Anomalous Nernst Effect in Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal (arXiv)

    76. 2406.08131v1 dx2-y2-wave Bose Metal induced by the next-nearest-neighbor hopping t’ (arXiv)

    77. 2406.08157v1 Superconducting diode effect under time reversal symmetry (arXiv)

    78. 2406.08219v1 Impact of environmental interaction on bias induced circular current in a ring nanojunction (arXiv)

    79. 2406.08230v1 Skyrmion blinking from the conical phase (arXiv)

    80. 2406.08258v1 Chiral edge transport along domain walls in magnetic topological insulator nanoribbons (arXiv)

    81. 2406.08263v1 Electrically Tunable and Enhanced Nonlinearity of Moire Exciton-Polaritons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Bilayers (arXiv)

    82. 2406.08264v1 Emergent spinon-holon Feshbach resonance in a doped Majumdar-Ghosh model (arXiv)

    83. 2406.08265v1 Protected gap closing and reopening in topological-insulator Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    84. 2406.08296v1 Cooling of nuclear spin systems in semiconductor structures due to dynamic polarization by strongly localized electrons (arXiv)

    85. 2406.08355v1 Z2 gauge field and topological chirality from Umklapp scattering in twisted graphite (arXiv)

    86. 2406.08365v1 High order momentum topological insulator in 2D semi-Dirac materials (arXiv)

    87. 2406.08388v1 Topological linear response of hyperbolic Chern insulators (arXiv)

    88. 2406.07628v1 Investigating the Interplay Between Aging and Rejuvenation in Spin Glasses (arXiv)

    89. 2406.07750v1 Low-power threshold optical bistability enabled by hydrodynamic Kerr nonlinearity of free-carriers in heavily doped semiconductors (arXiv)

    90. 2406.08040v1 Emergence of non-uniform strain induced exciton species in homo- and heterobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    91. 2406.08314v1 GPU-accelerated Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo with multi-Slater determinant trial states (arXiv)

    92. 2406.06669v1 Composite helical edges from Abelian fractional topological insulators (arXiv)

    93. 2406.06676v1 Critical Filaments and Superconductivity in Quasiperiodic Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    94. 2406.06680v1 Hofstadter spectrum of Chern bands in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    95. 2406.06682v1 Algebraic non-Hermitian skin effect and unified non-Bloch band theory in arbitrary dimensions (arXiv)

    96. 2406.06783v1 Quantum weight (arXiv)

    97. 2406.06867v1 Electrically Tunable Magnetoconductance of Close-Packed CVD Bilayer Graphene Layer Stacking Walls (arXiv)

    98. 2406.06913v1 Frustrated phonon with charge density wave in vanadium Kagome metal (arXiv)

    99. 2406.07009v1 Topological phase transition in fluctuating imaginary gauge fields (arXiv)

    100. 2406.07027v1 Inverse melting and re-entrant transformations of the vortex lattice in amorphous Re6Zr thin film (arXiv)

    101. 2406.07110v1 The renormalized classical spin liquid on the ruby lattice (arXiv)

    102. 2406.07205v1 Sensing food quality by silicene nanosheets : a Density Functional Theory study (arXiv)

    103. 2406.07238v1 Structures and Superconductivity of Hydrogen and Hydrides under Extreme Pressure (arXiv)

    104. 2406.07260v1 Evidence of surface p-wave superconductivity and higher-order topology in MoTe2 (arXiv)

    105. 2406.07281v1 Orbital paramagnetism without density of states enhancement in nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS (arXiv)

    106. 2406.07355v1 Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Anomalously Slow Hot Carrier Cooling in a Photo-doped Mott Insulator (arXiv)

    107. 2406.07384v1 Strong Repulsive Lifshitz-van der Waals Forces on Suspended Graphene (arXiv)

    108. 2406.07386v1 Spin-orbit coupling induced orbital entanglement in a three-band Hubbard model (arXiv)

    109. 2406.07405v1 Persistent currents in mesoscopic spin-orbit coupled rings due to an applied Zeeman field (arXiv)

    110. 2406.06800v1 Electric and magnetic toroidal dipole excitations in core-shell spheres (arXiv)

    111. 2406.07052v1 MPSDynamics.jl: Tensor network simulations for finite-temperature (non-Markovian) open quantum system dynamics (arXiv)

    112. PhysRevLett.132.246301 Dyakonov-Perel-like Orbital and Spin Relaxations in Centrosymmetric Systems (PRL)

    113. PhysRevLett.132.246501 Correlated Charge Density Wave Insulators in Chirally Twisted Triple Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    114. 2406.05168v1 Topological photonic alloy (arXiv)

    115. 2406.05230v1 Fermi-Liquid Theory for Unconventional Superconductors (arXiv)

    116. 2406.05284v1 Anisotropy of the Hydrostatic Stress for Hall Droplets with in-plane Magnetic Field (arXiv)

    117. 2406.05293v1 Ubiquitous Flat Bands in a Cr-based Kagome Superconductor (arXiv)

    118. 2406.05319v1 Spin and lattice dynamics of a van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPSe3 (arXiv)

    119. 2406.05324v1 Probably the simplest and cheapest quantum Monte Carlo method so far for extracting high-precision entanglement entropy and its derivative (arXiv)

    120. 2406.05454v1 Generating Lattice Non-invertible Symmetries (arXiv)

    121. 2406.05554v1 Superconductivity in metallic hydrogen (arXiv)

    122. 2406.05608v1 Janus graphene nanoribbons with a single ferromagnetic zigzag edge (arXiv)

    123. 2406.05626v1 Engineering 2D square lattice Hubbard models in 90^\circ twisted Ge/SnX (X=S, Se) moire supperlattices (arXiv)

    124. 2406.05643v1 Predicting edge-localized monovacancy defects in zigzag graphene nanoribbons from Floquet quasienergy spectrum (arXiv)

    125. 2406.05693v1 Visualizing uniform lattice-scale pair density wave in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 films (arXiv)

    126. 2406.05789v1 Majorana Zero Modes in Lieb-Kitaev Model with Tunable Quantum Metric (arXiv)

    127. 2406.05829v1 Beyond the standard model of topological Josephson junctions: From crystalline anisotropy to finite-size and diode effects (arXiv)

    128. 2406.05921v1 Near-field radiative heat transfer between a nanoparticle and a graphene grating (arXiv)

    129. 2406.05935v1 Control of spin-wave polarity and velocity using a ferrimagnetic domain wall (arXiv)

    130. 2406.05939v1 Revisiting the magnetic responses of bilayer graphene from the perspective of the quantum distance (arXiv)

    131. 2406.06212v1 Sub-Landau levels in two-dimensional electron system in magnetic field (arXiv)

    132. 2406.06243v1 Exploring nonlinear dynamics in periodically driven time crystal: from synchronized to chaotic motion (arXiv)

    133. 2406.06270v1 Recursive algorithm for generating high-temperature expansions for spin systems and the chiral non-linear susceptibility (arXiv)

    134. 2406.06330v1 Theory of phonon sidebands in the absorption spectra of moire exciton-polaritons (arXiv)

    135. 2406.06410v1 Spatial dependence of local density of states in semiconductor-superconductor hybrids (arXiv)

    136. 2406.06416v1 Discovering classical spin liquids by topological search of high symmetry nets (arXiv)

    137. 2406.05214v1 Topologically tunable polaritons based on two-dimensional crystals in a photonic lattice (arXiv)

    138. 2406.05229v1 Phonon-induced renormalization of exchange interactions in metallic 2D magnets (arXiv)

    139. 2406.05351v1 Effects of rotation and anisotropy on the properties of type-II holographic superconductors (arXiv)

    140. 2406.05385v1 Topological Classification of Insulators: II. Quasi-Two-Dimensional Locality (arXiv)

    141. 2406.05676v1 Chern insulator phase realized in dual-gate-tuned MnBi2Te4 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (arXiv)

    142. 2406.05819v1 Carrier-induced transition from antiferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal in the layered phosphide EuZn2P2 (arXiv)

    143. 2406.05823v1 Manipulating magnetism and transport properties of EuCd2P2 with a low carrier concentration (arXiv)

    144. 2406.06387v1 Time-tronics: from temporal printed circuit board to quantum computer (arXiv)

    145. 2406.06456v1 Evidence of 3d-4f antiferromagnetic coupling in strain-tuned PrCo0.5Ni0.5O3-\delta epitaxial films (arXiv)

    146. 2406.06511v1 Quantifying fault tolerant simulation of strongly correlated systems using the Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    147. 2406.04416v1 Unconventional discontinuous transitions in a 2D system with spin and valley degrees of freedom (arXiv)

    148. 2406.04440v1 Long-distance decay-less spin transport in indirect excitons in a van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    149. 2406.04445v1 Explainable Machine Learning Identification of Superconductivity from Single-Particle Spectral Functions (arXiv)

    150. 2406.04447v1 Candidate platform for studying flatband-induced spin-triplet superconductivity (arXiv)

    151. 2406.04454v1 Ultrafast Optical Control of Rashba Interactions in a TMDC Heterostructure (arXiv)

    152. 2406.04514v1 Magnetic response and antiferromagnetic correlations in strained kagome ribbons (arXiv)

    153. 2406.04522v1 Selective temperature sensing in nanodiamonds using dressed states (arXiv)

    154. 2406.04524v1 Spin Dynamics of the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Material GdRu2Si2 (arXiv)

    155. 2406.04636v1 Charge self-consistent density functional theory plus ghost rotationally-invariant slave-boson theory for correlated materials (arXiv)

    156. 2406.04665v1 Vortex entropy and superconducting fluctuations in ultrathin underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductor (arXiv)

    157. 2406.04717v1 Tc and the elastocaloric effect of Sr2RuO4 under <110> uniaxial stress: no indications of transition splitting (arXiv)

    158. 2406.04726v1 Theory of magnetotrion-polaritons in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (arXiv)

    159. 2406.04732v1 Built-in Bernal gap in large-angle-twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    160. 2406.04763v1 Observation of higher-order time-dislocation topological modes (arXiv)

    161. 2406.04819v1 Magnetism of NaYbS2: From finite temperatures to ground state (arXiv)

    162. 2406.04837v1 Normal and superconducting properties of La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    163. 2406.04865v1 Entangled magnon-pair generation in a driven synthetic antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    164. 2406.04919v1 Anomaly inflow for dipole symmetry and higher form foliated field theories (arXiv)

    165. 2406.05009v1 Nonlinear effects on charge fractionalization in critical chains (arXiv)

    166. 2406.05029v1 Kondo Screening and Indirect Magnetic Exchange through a Conventional Superconductor Studied by the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group (arXiv)

    167. 2406.05032v1 Dynamical Schwinger Effect in Lead-Halide Perovskites (arXiv)

    168. 2406.05103v1 Curvature induced magnetization of altermagnetic films (arXiv)

    169. 2405.20382v2 Dipole-dipole interactions mediated by a photonic flat band (arXiv)

    170. 2406.04536v1 Emergence of topological states in relaxation dynamics of interacting bosons (arXiv)

    171. 2406.04775v1 Defects induce phase transition from dynamic to static rippling in graphene (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jun 1st week collection

    1. 2406.01974v1 Gifts from long-range interaction: Emergent gapless topological behaviors in quantum spin chain (arXiv)

    2. science.adp8824 A new twist in ferroelectric liquids (Science)

    3. science.adn6812 Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in polar fluid“heliconical ferroelectric nematic phase (Science)

    4. science.adn9476 WS2 ribbon arrays with defined chirality and coherent polarity (Science)

    5. science.ado0534 Localized thermal emission from topological interfaces (Science)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.238303 Model of Active Solids: Rigid Body Motion and Shape-Changing Mechanisms (PRL)

    7. 94 Theory Predicts Collective States of Mobile Particles (Physics)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.233403 Observation of Momentum Space Josephson Effects in Weakly Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.236505 Map of Crystal-Field Effects in Correlated Layered t2g^n Perovskites (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.236601 Sublattice Structure and Topology in Spontaneously Crystallized Electronic States (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.236101 First-Order Rhombohedral-to-Cubic Phase Transition in Photoexcited GeTe (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.236201 Chirality-Induced Phonon-Spin Conversion at an Interface (PRL)

    13. 2406.03525v1 Theory of Correlated Insulator(s) and Superconductor at nu=1 in Twisted WSe2 (arXiv)

    14. 2406.03529v1 Ring states in topological materials (arXiv)

    15. 2406.03530v1 Fractional Chern Insulators in Twisted Bilayer MoTe$_2$: A Composite Fermion Perspective (arXiv)

    16. 2406.03538v1 Electronic structure of topological defects in the pair-density-wave superconductor (arXiv)

    17. 2406.03566v1 Quasi-two-dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in the Spin-triplet Superconductor Candidate CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    18. 2406.03598v1 Time reversal symmetry breaking and zero magnetic field Josephson diode effect in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2-mediated asymmetric SQUIDs (arXiv)

    19. 2406.03615v1 Phase dynamics of tunnel Al-based ferromagnetic Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    20. 2406.03624v1 Entanglement harvesting in buckled honeycomb lattices by vacuum fluctuations in a microcavity (arXiv)

    21. 2406.03700v1 Ferroelectricity-tuned band topology and superconductivity in two-dimensional materials and related heterostructures (arXiv)

    22. 2406.03705v1 Coherent control of a triangular exchange-only spin qubit (arXiv)

    23. 2406.03740v1 Correlated Electronic Structure and Incipient Flat Bands of the Kagome Superconductor CsCr3Sb5 (arXiv)

    24. 2406.03758v1 Phonon heat conduction across slippery interfaces in twisted graphite (arXiv)

    25. 2406.03811v1 Effects of Kitaev Interaction on Magnetic Orders and Anisotropy (arXiv)

    26. 2406.03904v1 Pressurized phase transition cascade in BaMn2P2 and BaMn2As2 (arXiv)

    27. 2406.03927v1 Engineering open-shell extended edge states in chiral graphene nanoribbons on MgO (arXiv)

    28. 2406.03941v1 Magnetic Skyrmions: from lumps to supercompactons (arXiv)

    29. 2406.03996v1 Skyrmion crystal formation and temperature – magnetic field phase diagram of the frustrated tirangular-lattice Heisenberg magnet with easy-axis masugnetic anisotropy (arXiv)

    30. 2406.04007v1 Modeling the spatial resolution of magnetic solitons in Magnetic Force Microscopy and the effect on their sizes (arXiv)

    31. 2406.04030v1 Topological Phases in Half-Integer Higher Spin J1-J2 Heisenberg Chains (arXiv)

    32. 2406.04053v1 Floquet Theory in an Irradiated Nodal Surface Semimetal (arXiv)

    33. 2406.04065v1 Low-temperature spin dynamics and absence of magnetic order in layered alpha-RuI3 (arXiv)

    34. 2406.04073v1 Diagnosing Altermagnetic Phases through Quantum Oscillations (arXiv)

    35. 2406.04091v1 Computing Floquet quasienergies in finite and extended systems: Role of electromagnetic and quantum-geometric gauges (arXiv)

    36. 2406.04110v1 Giant and anisotropic enhancement of spin-charge conversion in double Rashba interface graphene-based quantum system (arXiv)

    37. 2406.04120v1 Transverse Field gamma-Matrix Spin Chains (arXiv)

    38. 2406.04168v1 Majorana zero modes under electron correlation (arXiv)

    39. 2406.03876v1 Time-resolved optical assessment of exciton formation in mixed two-dimensional perovskite films (arXiv)

    40. 2406.03925v1 Topological phases in discrete stochastic systems (arXiv)

    41. 2406.04114v1 Harmonic generation with topological edge states and electron-electron interaction (arXiv)

    42. PhysRevLett.132.236504 Local and Nonlocal Electronic Correlations at the Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.132.236502 Thermodynamic Response and Neutral Excitations in Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States Emerging from Correlated Flat Bands (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.132.236503 Microscopic Model for Fractional Quantum Hall Nematics (PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.132.236702 Orbital Torque in Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Ferrimagnets (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.132.236002 Normal Fermi Surface in the Nodal Superconductor CeCoIn5 Revealed via Thermal Conductivity (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.132.236302 Acoustomagnonic Spin Hall Effect in Honeycomb Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    48. s63 A Simple Electronic Circuit Manifests a Complex Physical Effect (Physics)

    49. 2406.02656v1 Pairing susceptibility in the multi-layer Hubbard model (arXiv)

    50. 2406.02677v1 Quantum Transport Theory of Strongly Correlated Matter (arXiv)

    51. 2406.02685v1 Unconventional Scalings of Quantum Entropies in Long-Range Heisenberg Chains (arXiv)

    52. 2406.02703v1 The persistence of spin coherence in a crystalline environment (arXiv)

    53. 2406.02708v1 Nature of long-lived moir'e interlayer excitons in electrically tunable MoS2/MoSe2 heterobilayers (arXiv)

    54. 2406.02730v1 Splitting of Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman density wave and the nature of chiral gravitons in fractional quantum Hall effect (arXiv)

    55. 2406.02738v1 Electrical control of intrinsic nonlinear Hall effect in antiferromagnetic topological insulator sandwiches (arXiv)

    56. 2406.02819v1 Versatile polymer method to dry-flip two-dimensional moire hetero structures for nanoscale surface characterization (arXiv)

    57. 2406.02907v1 Room-temperature tunable tunneling magnetoresistance in Fe3GaTe2/WSe2/Fe3GaTe2 van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    58. 2406.02926v1 SO(N) singlet-projection model on the pyrochlore lattice (arXiv)

    59. 2406.02932v1 Microscopic theory of spin Nernst effect (arXiv)

    60. 2406.02942v1 Light-induced large and tunable valley-selective Hall effect in a centrosymmetric system (arXiv)

    61. 2406.02947v1 Shaping the topology of twisted bilayer graphene via time-reversal symmetry breaking (arXiv)

    62. 2406.02998v1 Direct observation of the vanishing EELS cross section in graphene (arXiv)

    63. 2406.03005v1 Nonlinearity in spin dynamics of frustrated Kagome lattice system under harmonic perturbation (arXiv)

    64. 2406.03013v1 Enhancing Critical Current Density in Thin Superconductor Layers by Moire Pinning Centers (arXiv)

    65. 2406.03112v1 Magnetization without spin: effective Lagrangian of itinerant electrons (arXiv)

    66. 2406.03132v1 Skew scattering and ratchet effect in photonic graphene (arXiv)

    67. 2406.03315v1 Correlated states controlled by tunable van Hove singularity in moire WSe2 (arXiv)

    68. 2406.03338v1 Strength of Kitaev Interaction in Na3Co2SbO6 and Na3Ni2BiO6 (arXiv)

    69. 2406.03416v1 Hubbard and Heisenberg models on hyperbolic lattices – Metal-insulator transitions, global antiferromagnetism and enhanced boundary fluctuations (arXiv)

    70. 2406.03418v1 Superconductivity in twisted bilayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    71. 2406.03448v1 Even Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Materials with Hidden Spin Texture (arXiv)

    72. 2406.02853v1 Raman Spectroscopic Fingerprint of Exfoliated S=1 Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 (arXiv)

    73. 2406.03029v1 Electric-field-induced magnetic toroidal moment in a time-reversal-odd antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    74. PhysRevLett.132.236001 Geometric Stiffness in Interlayer Exciton Condensates (PRL)

    75. PhysRevLett.132.236401 Non-Abelian Braiding of Topological Edge Bands (PRL)

    76. PhysRevLett.132.233801 Near-Field Spin Chern Number Quantized by Real-Space Topology of Optical Structures (PRL)

    77. PhysRevLett.132.236701 Spontaneous Formation of Altermagnetism from Orbital Ordering (PRL)

    78. 2406.01667v1 Geometry, anomaly, topology, and transport in Weyl fermions (arXiv)

    79. 2406.01715v1 Ferromagnetic semimetal and charge-density wave phases of interacting electrons in a honeycomb moire potential (arXiv)

    80. 2406.01732v1 Observation of chiral solitary waves in a nonlinear Aharonov-Bohm ring (arXiv)

    81. 2406.01760v1 Phase diagram and topology of the XXZ chain with alternating bonds and staggered magnetic field (arXiv)

    82. 2406.01877v1 Fermion-fermion interaction driven phase transitions in the rhombohedral trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    83. 2406.01980v1 Quantum colored strings in the hole-doped t-Jz model (arXiv)

    84. 2406.02022v1 Density functional Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory for superconductors implemented in the SIESTA code (arXiv)

    85. 2406.02095v1 Brightened emission of dark trions in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers (arXiv)

    86. 2406.02112v1 Symmetry-Governed Dynamics of Magnetic Skyrmions Under Field Pulses (arXiv)

    87. 2406.02260v1 Near-Room-Temperature Field-Controllable Exchange Bias in 2D van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2 (arXiv)

    88. 2406.02364v1 Probing the zero energy shell wave functions of triangular graphene quantum dots with broken sublattice symmetry using a localized impurity (arXiv)

    89. 2406.02388v1 Spin-Orbit Locked Coupling of Localized Microwaves to Magnons (arXiv)

    90. 2406.02393v1 Valley-dependent transport through graphene quantum dots due to proximity-induced, staggered spin-orbit couplings (arXiv)

    91. 2406.02408v1 Anomalous 4f fine structure in TmSe1-xTex across the metal-insulator transition (arXiv)

    92. 2406.02448v1 Tunable t-t’-U Hubbard models in twisted square homobilayers (arXiv)

    93. 2406.02521v1 Superconducting magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene hosts competing magnetic order and moire inhomogeneities (arXiv)

    94. 2406.01787v1 Bosonization of 2+1 dimensional fermions on the surface of topological insulators (arXiv)

    95. 2406.01925v1 High-temperature magnetic anomaly via suppression of antisite disorder through synthesis route modification in a Kitaev candidate Cu2IrO3 (arXiv)

    96. 2406.02104v1 Pseudo-transition between antiferromagnetic and charge orders in a minimal spin-pseudospin model of one-dimensional cuprates (arXiv)

    97. 2406.02220v1 Stochastic Thermodynamics of Micromagnetics with Spin Torque (arXiv)

    98. 2406.02499v1 Electronic properties of magnetic semiconductor CuMnO2 : a first principles study (arXiv)

    99. 2406.02551v1 Local control and mixed dimensions: Exploring high-temperature superconductivity in optical lattices (arXiv)

    100. 2406.00042v1 Rise and Fall of Anderson Localization By Lattice Vibrations: A Time-Dependent Machine Learning Approach (arXiv)

    101. 2406.00051v1 Zero Energy Bound States on Nano Atomic Line Defect in Iron-based High Temperature Superconductors (arXiv)

    102. 2406.00098v1 Dirac spin liquid in quantum dipole arrays (arXiv)

    103. 2406.00151v1 Neural-network-supported basis optimizer for the configuration interaction problem in quantum many-body clusters: Feasibility study and numerical proof (arXiv)

    104. 2406.00358v1 Three-gap superconductivity with Tc above 80 K in hydrogenated 2D monolayer LiBC (arXiv)

    105. 2406.00464v1 Sub-wavelength optical lattice in 2D materials (arXiv)

    106. 2406.00557v1 Anisotropic Paramagnetic Peak Effect in Reversible Magnetization of Crystalline Miassite Superconductor Rh17S15 (arXiv)

    107. 2406.00694v1 Uncommon magnetic ordering in the quantum magnet Yb3Ga5O12 (arXiv)

    108. 2406.00731v1 Impact of rotational symmetry breaking on d-wave superconductivity in Hubbard models for cuprate and nickelate superconductors (arXiv)

    109. 2406.00785v1 Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Skyrmion Chirality in a Centrosymmetric 2D van der Waals Magnet (arXiv)

    110. 2406.00817v1 Peculiarities of niobium-based superconducting alloys in the light of crystal chemistry: A brief survey (arXiv)

    111. 2406.00825v1 Melting and Freezing of a Skyrmion Lattice (arXiv)

    112. 2406.00850v1 Thermal properties of the superconductor-quantum Hall interfaces (arXiv)

    113. 2406.00900v1 Gapless superconductivity in the low-frequency electrodynamic response of two-dimensional granular In/InOx composites (arXiv)

    114. 2406.00979v1 Prediction of dual quantum spin Hall insulator in NbIrTe4 monolayer (arXiv)

    115. 2406.01005v1 Transfer Matrix Approach for Topological Edge States (arXiv)

    116. 2406.01017v1 Neural Quantum States in Variational Monte Carlo Method: A Brief Summary (arXiv)

    117. 2406.01037v1 Engineering second-order topological insulators via coupling two first-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    118. 2406.01064v1 Antiferromagnetic order in a layered magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Se4 probed by resonant soft x-ray scattering (arXiv)

    119. 2406.01089v1 Sub-symmetry Protected Topology in Topological Insulators and Superconductors (arXiv)

    120. 2406.01110v1 Photoinduced phase switching from Mott insulator to metallic state in the quarter-filled Peierls-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    121. 2406.01155v1 Optical heterodyne microscopy of operating spin Hall nano-oscillator arrays (arXiv)

    122. 2406.01185v1 Driving a Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier into chaos: effects of a non-sinusoidal current-phase relation (arXiv)

    123. 2406.01207v1 Voltage-driven dynamics of phi0-S/F/S Josephson junctions chains (arXiv)

    124. 2406.01221v1 Ultrafast Laser-Induced Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Electron Spill-Out in Nanoplasmonic Bilayers (arXiv)

    125. 2406.01261v1 Utilizing and extending superconducting circuit toolbox to simulate analog quantum gravity (arXiv)

    126. 2406.01263v1 Pb Substitution Effects on Lattice and Electronic System of the BiS2-based Superconductors La(OF)BiS2 (arXiv)

    127. 2406.01271v1 Long-range ballistic propagation of 80%-excitonic-fraction polaritons in a perovskite metasurface at room temperature (arXiv)

    128. 2406.01298v1 Floquet engineering nearly flat bands through quantum-geometric light-matter coupling with surface polaritons (arXiv)

    129. 2406.01344v1 Unusual low-temperature behavior in the half-filled band of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model in atomic limit (arXiv)

    130. 2406.01376v1 Locally Phase-Engineered MoTe2 for Near-Infrared Photodetectors (arXiv)

    131. 2406.01383v1 Decoherence in electron transport: back-scattering, effect on interference and rectification (arXiv)

    132. 2406.01408v1 Enhanced quantum metric due to vacancies in graphene (arXiv)

    133. 2406.01472v1 Signatures of spinon dynamics and phase structure of dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ices in two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy (arXiv)

    134. 2406.00091v1 Transformer neural networks and quantum simulators: a hybrid approach for simulating strongly correlated systems (arXiv)

    135. 2406.00100v1 Fermion Mass Generation without Symmetry Breaking (arXiv)

    136. 2406.00156v1 Holographic description of an anisotropic Dirac semimetal (arXiv)

    137. 2406.00193v1 Learning topological states from randomized measurements using variational tensor network tomography (arXiv)

    138. 2406.00225v1 Kinematic Model of Magnetic Domain Wall Motion for Fast, High-Accuracy Simulations (arXiv)

    139. 2406.00268v1 Magnetization in a non-equilibrium quantum spin system (arXiv)

    140. 2406.00289v1 Dynamic Generation of Superflow in a Fermionic Ring through Phase Imprinting (arXiv)

    141. 2406.00666v1 Thermodynamics, magnetic properties, and global U(1) symmetry breaking of the S-type Gubser-Rocha model (arXiv)

    142. 2406.00768v1 Anomalous transport in long-ranged open quantum systems (arXiv)

    143. 2406.01144v1 Optical properties of excitons in CdSe nanoplatelets and disks: real density matrix approach (arXiv)

    144. 2406.01156v1 Local structural distortions drive magnetic molecular field in a compositionally complex spinel oxide (arXiv)

    145. 2406.01216v1 Intriguing properties of transport at the microscales: Langevin equation approach (arXiv)

    146. 2406.01340v1 Quantum machines based on Cu3-like compounds using the Heisenberg antiferromagnetic model in a triangular ring (arXiv)

    147. 2406.01440v1 Prethermalization in the PXP Model under Continuous Quasiperiodic Driving (arXiv)

    148. 2406.01550v1 Effective Field Theory of Conformal Boundaries (arXiv)

    149. 2405.20393v1 Coulomb drag in graphene/hBN/graphene moire heterostructures (arXiv)

    150. 2405.20401v1 Fractionalization of Coset Non-Invertible Symmetry and Exotic Hall Conductance (arXiv)

    151. 2405.20491v1 Oblique spin injection to graphene via geometry controlled magnetic nanowires (arXiv)

    152. 2405.20517v1 Solid-State Reactions at Niobium-Germanium Interfaces in Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Devices (arXiv)

    153. 2405.20598v1 Mott insulating phase and coherent-incoherent crossover across magnetic phase transition in 2D antiferromagnetic CrSBr (arXiv)

    154. 2405.20636v1 Photoluminescence enhancement at the vertical van der Waals semiconductor-metal heterostructures (arXiv)

    155. 2405.20665v1 Voltage-insensitive stochastic magnetic tunnel junctions with double free layers (arXiv)

    156. 2405.20767v1 Topological analysis of entropy measure using regression model for terpyridine complex nanosheet (arXiv)

    157. 2405.20798v1 Quantum and classical magnetic Bloch points (arXiv)

    158. 2405.20872v1 Ultrafast optical switching to a heterochiral charge-density wave state (arXiv)

    159. 2405.20886v1 One-dimensional magnetic conduction channels across zigzag graphene nanoribbon/hexagonal boron nitride heterojunctions (arXiv)

    160. 2405.20897v1 Quantum Magnetic Skyrmions on the Kondo Lattice (arXiv)

    161. 2405.20911v1 Josephson junctions, superconducting circuits, and qubit for quantum technologies (arXiv)

    162. 2405.20922v1 Demonstration of 0-pi transition in Josephson junctions containing unbalanced synthetic antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    163. 2405.20946v1 Fast characterization of multiplexed single-electron pumps with machine learning (arXiv)

    164. 2405.20950v1 Quantum computation with hybrid parafermion-spin qubits (arXiv)

    165. 2405.20996v1 KeldyshQFT: A C++ codebase for real-frequency multiloop functional renormalization group and parquet computations of the single-impurity Anderson model (arXiv)

    166. 2405.21006v1 Magnetotransport Properties of Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Superlattices: Probing the role of induced magnetization in antiferromagnetic layer (arXiv)

    167. 2405.20353v1 Teaching ideal quantum measurement, from dynamics to interpretation (arXiv)

    168. 2405.20379v1 Fate of many-body localization in an Abelian lattice gauge theory (arXiv)

    169. 2405.20384v1 Recurrent neural network wave functions for Rydberg atom arrays on kagome lattice (arXiv)

    170. 2405.20544v1 Metal Assisted Chemical Etching patterns at a Ge/Cr/Au interface modulated by the Euler instability (arXiv)

    171. 2405.20597v1 Double-sided van der Waals epitaxy of topological insulators across an atomically thin membrane (arXiv)

    172. 2405.20714v1 Large low-field magnetocaloric response in a ferromagnetic gadolinium orthophosphate (arXiv)

    173. 2405.20813v1 Unusual Diffusivity in Strongly Disordered Quantum Lattices: Random Dimer Model (arXiv)

    174. 2405.20828v1 Pattern-based quantum functional testing (arXiv)

    175. 2405.20921v1 Atomistic spin dynamics simulations of magnonic spin Seebeck and spin Nernst effects in altermagnets (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 May 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 May 4th week collection

    1. 2405.15210 Spin chirality engineering induced giant topological Hall effect in a kagome magnet (arXiv)

    2. RevModPhys.96.021003 Colloquium: Spin-orbit effects in superconducting hybrid structures (Reviews of Modern Physics)

    3. s41567-024-02514-z Metamorphosis of topological spin structures (Nature Physics)

    4. s43246-024-00521-4 Anomalous properties in normal and superconducting states of Sc2Ir4-xSix due to flat band effect driven by spin-orbit coupling (Communications Materials)

    5. s41467-024-48799-9 Above-room-temperature chiral skyrmion lattice and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3-xGaTe2 (Nature Communications)

    6. 2405.19987 Stabilization of Biskyrmions by chiral interaction in centrosymmetric magnets (arXiv)

    7. ad51fa Phase- and temperature-driven chiral topological superfluids on a honeycomb lattice (Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)

    8. PhysRevB.109.L180509 Interaction-driven first-order and higher-order topological superconductivity (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.109.205155 Realization of rhombohedral-stacked trilayer graphene by moire engineering (PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.226003 High-Temperature Anomalous Metal States in Iron-Based Interface Superconductors (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.226704 Efficient Magnon Injection and Detection via the Orbital Rashba-Edelstein Effect (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.226001 Quantum Bipolaron Superconductivity from Quadratic Electron-Phonon Coupling (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.226002 Inverse Spin-Hall Effect and Spin Swapping in Spin-Split Superconductors (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.226705 Theory of Collective Excitations in the Quadruple-Q Magnetic Hedgehog Lattices (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.132.226301 Controllable Andreev Bound States in Bilayer Graphene Josephson Junctions from Short to Long Junction Limits (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.132.223802 Topological Photonic Alloy (PRL)

    17. s60 Recipe for a One-Way Waveguide (Physics)

    18. 2405.18088 Antiferromagnetic order of topological orbital moments in atomic-scale skyrmion lattices (arXiv)

    19. 2302.01549 Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity at KTaO3 heterointerfaces (arXiv)

    20. 2405.20226v1 High-order Van Hove singularities and their connection to flat bands (arXiv)

    21. 2405.19987 Stabilization of Biskyrmions by chiral interaction in centrosymmetric magnets (arXiv)

    22. 2405.20255v1 Beyond spin-charge separation: Helical modes and topological quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional Fermi gases with spin-orbit and Rabi couplings (arXiv)

    23. 2405.19394 Interaction-induced crystalline topology of excitons (arXiv)

    24. 2405.09776 Magnetic structure and magnetoelectric coupling in antiferromagnet Co5(TeO3)4Cl2 (arXiv)

    25. 2405.19993 On equivalence of two formulas of orbital magnetic susceptibility for tight-binding models (arXiv)

    26. 2405.19983 Propagation, dissipation and breakdown in quantum anomalous Hall edge states probed by microwave edge plasmons (arXiv)

    27. 2405.19980v1 High topological charge lasing in quasicrystals (arXiv)

    28. 2405.20119v1 Strain-Induced Changes of Electronic and Optical Properties of Zr-based MXenes (arXiv)

    29. 2405.19962v1 Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic quantum impurities in two-dimensional magnets (arXiv)

    30. PhysRevLett.132.226503 Transition between Heavy-Fermion-Strange-Metal and Quantum Spin Liquid in a 4d-Electron Trimer Lattice (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.132.226504 Magnetic Effects of Nonmagnetic Impurities in Gapped Short-Range Resonating Valence Bond Spin Liquids (PRL)

    32. s66 Thin Films of Topological Magnets for Thermoelectric Applications (Physics)

    33. PhysRevMaterials.8.054206 Large spontaneous magneto-thermoelectric effect in epitaxial thin films of the topological kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn (Physical Review Materials)

    34. 2405.19110v1 Benchmarking topological insulator-based photodetector: Photo-induced excess noise and role of barrier height inhomogeneity (arXiv)

    35. 2405.18973v1 Codimension-Two Spiral Spin-Liquid in the Effective Honeycomb-Lattice Compound Cs3Fe2Cl9 (arXiv)

    36. 2405.18967v1 Probing Short-Range Correlations in the van der Waals Magnet CrSBr by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (arXiv)

    37. 2405.18709v1 Towards an exact electronic quantum many-body treatment of Kondo correlation in magnetic impurities (arXiv)

    38. 2405.18704v1 Shot noise in a metal close to Mott transition (arXiv)

    39. 2405.18484v1 Spectroscopy and complex-time correlations using minimally entangled typical thermal states (arXiv)

    40. 2405.19030v1 Exploring Frustration Effects of Strongly Interacting Bosons via the Hall Response (arXiv)

    41. 2405.18513v1 Strong Chirality Suppression in 1-D correlated Weyl Semimetal (TaSe4)2I (arXiv)

    42. 2405.19308v1 Visualizing the microscopic origins of topology in twisted molybdenum ditelluride (arXiv)

    43. 2405.19289v1 Genuine topological Anderson insulator from impurity induced chirality reversal (arXiv)

    44. 2405.19267v1 Photonic bilayer Chern insulator with corner states (arXiv)

    45. 2405.18683v1 DFT+U+V Study of Magnetic Ordering in Single-Layer Pentahexoctite: Implications for Magnetic Device Platforms (arXiv)

    46. 2405.18675v1 Light-induced topological phase transition with tunable layer Hall effect in axion antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    47. 2405.18644v1 Chiral magnon-polaron edge states in Heisenberg-Kitaev magnets (arXiv)

    48. 2405.18617v1 Unraveling the Spin-to-Charge Current Conversion Mechanism and Charge Transfer Dynamics at Interface of Graphene/WS2 Heterostructures at Room Temperature (arXiv)

    49. 2405.18588v1 Deterministic fabrication of graphene hexagonal boron nitride moire superlattices (arXiv)

    50. 2405.18944v1 Predicting Many Properties of Crystals by a Single Deep Learning Model (arXiv)

    51. PhysRevX.14.021033 Surface Magnetization in Antiferromagnets: Classification, Example Materials, and Relation to Magnetoelectric Responses (PRX)

    52. PhysRevLett.132.226401 Emergent Quantum Phenomena of a Noncentrosymmetric Charge Density Wave in 1T-Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.132.226501 Can Orbital-Selective N\‘eel Transitions Survive Strong Nonlocal Electronic Correlations? (PRL)

    54. PhysRevLett.132.226701 Emergent Spin-Gapped Magnetization Plateaus in a Spin-1/2 Perfect Kagome Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    55. PhysRevLett.132.226702 Surface-Symmetry-Driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Canted Ferrimagnetism in Collinear Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnet Cr2O3 (PRL)

    56. 88?utm_campaign=weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_source=emailalert Classifying the Surface Magnetization of Antiferromagnets (Physics)

    57. 2405.17683 The Phase Diagram of High-Tc Cuprates (arXiv)

    58. 2405.18150 Momentum-resolved electronic structures and strong electronic correlations in graphene-like nitride superconductors (arXiv)

    59. 2405.17561 Engineering flux-controlled flat bands and topological states in a Stagome lattice (arXiv)

    60. 2405.18325 Metamagnetic multiband Hall effect in Ising antiferromagnet ErGa2 (arXiv)

    61. 2405.17808 Correlation effects in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: An auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    62. 2405.17539 Emergent Gauge Fields in Band Insulators (arXiv)

    63. 2405.18046 Exchange Splitting Mechanism of Negative Magnetoresistance in Layered Antiferromagnetic Semimetals (arXiv)

    64. 2405.18340 RealTimeTransport: An open-source C++ library for quantum transport simulations in the strong coupling regime (arXiv)

    65. 2405.17758 Charge transport through the multiple end zigzag edge states of armchair graphene nanoribbons and heterojunctions (arXiv)

    66. 2405.18026 SP-STM study of the multi-Q phases in GdRu2Si2 (arXiv)

    67. 2405.17269 Engineered Josephson diode effect in kinked Rashba nanochannels (arXiv)

    68. 2405.16778 Unusual switch from low-temperature T-quadratic resistivity in the underdoped pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors to low-temperature T-linear resistivity in the overdoped strange-metal phase (arXiv)

    69. 2405.16523 Charge transfer and Spin-Valley locking in 4Hb-TaS2 (arXiv)

    70. 2405.16135 Quantized bound states around a vortex in anisotropic superconductors (arXiv)

    71. 2405.17316 Stoner instabilities and Ising excitonic states in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    72. 2405.16831 Giant anomalous Hall effect and band folding in a Kagome metal with mixed dimensionality (arXiv)

    73. 2405.16781 Emergent topological magnetism in Hund’s excitonic insulator (arXiv)

    74. 2405.16709 Spin-orbit coupling controlled two-dimensional magnetism in chromium trihalides (arXiv)

    75. 2405.15958 Theoretical model for multi-orbital Kondo screening in strongly correlated molecules with several unpaired electrons (arXiv)

    76. 2405.17148 Direct view of gate-tunable miniband dispersion in graphene superlattices near the magic twist angle (arXiv)

    77. 2405.17134 Moire flat bands in alternating twisted MoTe2 multilayer (arXiv)

    78. 2405.16844 Heavy-hole–light-hole mixing at the zone center (arXiv)

    79. 2405.16722 Observation of in-plane anomalous Hall effect associated with orbital magnetization (arXiv)

    80. 2405.16024 Quantum entanglement of multiple excitons in strained graphene (arXiv)

    81. 2405.15869 Dual topological insulator with mirror-symmetry-protected helical edge states (arXiv)

    82. 2405.15823 Minimal models and transport properties of unconventional p-wave magnets (arXiv)

    83. 2405.13880 Heavy Fermions as an Efficient Representation of Atomistic Strain and Relaxation in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    84. 2405.15770 Self-consistent evaluation of proximity and inverse proximity effects with pair-breaking in diffusive SN junctions (arXiv)

    85. 2405.15654 Interfacially enhanced superconductivity in Fe(Te,Se)/Bi4Te3 heterostructures (arXiv)

    86. 2405.15623 Pseudo-easy-axis anisotropy in antiferromagnetic S=1 diamond-lattice systems (arXiv)

    87. 2405.15479 Quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnetism in the triangular magnet EuAl12O19 (arXiv)

    88. 2405.15528 Ligand Field Exciton Annihilation in Bulk CrCl3 (arXiv)

    89. 2405.15131 Computational toolkit for predicting thickness of 2D materials using machine learning and autogenerated dataset by large language model (arXiv)

    90. 2405.14926 The magic angle of Sr2RuO4: optimizing correlation-driven superconductivity (arXiv)

    91. 2405.15689 Probing Berry curvature in magnetic topological insulators through resonant infrared magnetic circular dichroism (arXiv)

    92. 2405.15126 Imaging topological polar structures in marginally twisted 2D semiconductors (arXiv)

    93. 2405.15490 Leveraging Large Language Models and Social Media for Automation in Scanning Probe Microscopy (arXiv)

    94. 2405.14967 Magnetic single wall CrI3 nanotubes encapsulated within multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 May 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 May 3rd week collection

    1. 2405.13935 Out-of-plane magnetic phase diagram of Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

    2. s43246-024-00512-5 3D skyrmion strings and their melting dynamics revealed via scalar-field electron tomography (Communications Materials)

    3. adfm.202405296 Designing and Constructing a Skyrmion Diode Device via Antiferromagnetic Exchange Bias Engineering (Advanced Functional Materials)

    4. 5.0197833 Control of half-skyrmion movement for possible applications in memory, logic, and neuromorphic computing prototype devices (Applied Physics Reviews)

    5. PhysRevB.109.184518 Majorana modes and their Floquet engineering in a trapped-ion system (PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.216702 Observation of Cluster Magnetic Octupole Domains in the Antiferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal Mn3Sn Nanowire (PRL)

    7. 86 Ultrablack Coating Could Reduce Stray Light in Telescopes (Physics)

    8. PhysRevResearch.6.023203 Designing moire patterns by strain (Physical Review Research)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.216903 Electrical Control and Transport of Tightly Bound Interlayer Excitons in a MoSe2/hBN/MoSe2 Heterostructure (PRL)

    10. 87 Time-Symmetric Motion Maximizes Energy Efficiency in Fluid (Physics)

    11. 2405.14673 The Non-collinear Path to Topological Superconductivity (arXiv)

    12. 2405.14662v1 Twisted Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the superconducting NbSe2 monolayer on graphene (arXiv)

    13. 2405.14661 Tuning monolayer superconductivity in twisted NbSe2 graphene heterostructures (arXiv)

    14. 2405.14350v1 Linear and nonlinear paraconductivity in bilayer multiphase superconductors (arXiv)

    15. 2405.14218 Collective modes in Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductors: The role of long-range Coulomb interaction and signatures in density response (arXiv)

    16. 2405.14165v1 Spatial topological insulator (arXiv)

    17. 2405.13507v1 Superconducting meron phase in locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors (arXiv)

    18. 2405.13405v1 Exotic d-wave Bose Metal in two dimensions (arXiv)

    19. 2405.13106v1 Why Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Sr2RuO4 sometimes doesn’t see the superconducting gap (arXiv)

    20. 2405.14784v1 Unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    21. 2405.13164 Fluctuating charge-density-wave correlations in the three-band Hubbard model (arXiv)

    22. 2405.14776 Kinetics of orbital ordering in cooperative Jahn-Teller models: Machine-learning enabled large-scale simulations (arXiv)

    23. 2405.14541 Concurrence of directional Kondo transport and incommensurate magnetic order in the layered material AgCrSe2 (arXiv)

    24. 2405.13908 Spin-Peierls transition in the frustrated spinels ZnCr2O4 and MgCr2O4 (arXiv)

    25. 2405.13720 Spin-orbital excitations encoding the magnetic phase transition in the van der Waals antiferromagnet FePS3 (arXiv)

    26. 2405.13628 Spinons in a new Shastry-Sutherland lattice magnet Pr2Ga2BeO7 (arXiv)

    27. 2405.14844 Electric, thermal, and thermoelectric magnetoconductivity for Weyl/multi-Weyl semimetals in planar Hall set-ups induced by the combined effects of topology and strain (arXiv)

    28. 2405.14777 Topological Weyl Altermagnetism in CrSb (arXiv)

    29. 2405.14160 Embedded Majorana Islands (arXiv)

    30. 2405.13215 Role of stacking defects on the magnetic behavior of CrCl3 (arXiv)

    31. 2405.14801 Pseudospin density wave intability in 2D electron bilayers (arXiv)

    32. 2405.14641 Suppression of the skyrmion Hall effect in synthetic ferrimagnets with gradient magnetization (arXiv)

    33. 2405.14479 Theory of Generalized Landau Levels and Implication for non-Abelian States (arXiv)

    34. 2405.13145 Engineering Miniband Topology via Band-Folding in Moire Superlattice Materials (arXiv)

    35. 2405.13277 Topology Obstructing Anderson Localization of Light (arXiv)

    36. PhysRevX.14.021030 Neural Wave Functions for Superfluids (PRX)

    37. PhysRevLett.132.216501 Unambiguous Fluctuation Decomposition of the Self-Energy: Pseudogap Physics beyond Spin Fluctuations (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.132.216502 Spin Echo, Fidelity, and the Quantum Critical Fan in TmVO4 (PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.132.213801 Higher-Order Topological Insulators via Momentum-Space Nonsymmorphic Symmetries (PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.132.210402 Nonreciprocal Quantum Batteries (PRL)

    41. s58 A Better Way to Charge a Quantum Battery (Physics)

    42. PhysRevX.14.020001 Editorial: Coauthor! Coauthor! (PRX)

    43. PhysRevLett.132.216001 Universal Spin Superconducting Diode Effect from Spin-Orbit Coupling (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.132.216201 Emerging Two-Dimensional Conductivity at the Interface between Mott and Band Insulators (PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.132.216601 Finite Width of Anyons Changes Their Braiding Signature (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.132.219601 Comment on ``Topological Phase Transitions of Dirac Magnons in Honeycomb Ferromagnets’’ (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.132.219602 Lu et al. Reply: (PRL)

    48. 85 Cloud Computing under the Cover of Quantum (Physics)

    49. 2405.12548 The transition-metal-dichalcogenide family as a superconductor tuned by charge density wave strength (arXiv)

    50. 2405.12298 Magnetic superconductivity (arXiv)

    51. 2405.12592 Spin-polarized p-wave superconductivity in the kagome material RbV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    52. 2405.12905 A single crystal study of Kagome metals U2Mn3Ge and U2Fe3Ge (arXiv)

    53. 2405.12889 Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a spin-cholesteric phase in Sr3Fe2O7 (arXiv)

    54. 2405.12854 Ubiquity of the spin-orbit induced magnon nonreciprocity in ultrathin ferromagnets (arXiv)

    55. 2405.12745 Phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic J1-J2 spin-1 pyrochlore Heisenberg model (arXiv)

    56. 2405.12471 Tunable Giant Anomalous Hall in a Kondo Lattice Ferromagnet UBiTe (arXiv)

    57. 2405.12373 Identification of soft modes across the commensurate-to-incommensurate charge density wave transition in 1T-TaSe2 (arXiv)

    58. 2405.12294 Stabilizing fractional Chern insulators via exchange interaction in moire systems (arXiv)

    59. 2405.12278 Emergent Majorana metal from a chiral spin liquid (arXiv)

    60. 2405.12254 Three fold Spin valley intertwined Dirac cone in nonmagnetic Weyl Semimetal Pt3Sn2S2 with the Kagome lattice A theoretical DFT perspective (arXiv)

    61. 2405.12575 Three-dimensional mapping and electronic origin of large altermagnetic splitting near Fermi level in CrSb (arXiv)

    62. 2405.12896 Giant spatial anisotropy of magnon lifetime in altermagnets (arXiv)

    63. 2405.12698 Correlated magnetism of moire exciton-polaritons on a triangular electron-spin lattice (arXiv)

    64. PhysRevLett.132.210401 Robust Spectral \pi Pairing in the Random-Field Floquet Quantum Ising Model (PRL)

    65. 82 Informing Potential Remedies for Quasiparticle Poisoning (Physics)

    66. 2405.11854 Unveiling the Impact of Sulfur Doping on Copper-Substituted Lead Apatite: A Theoretical Study (arXiv)

    67. 2405.11260 Geometric Superfluid Weight of Composite Bands (arXiv)

    68. 2405.11187 Evaluation of Doppler shifts in d-wave superconductor tunneling junctions (arXiv)

    69. 2405.12178 Topological superconductivity in Fibonacci quasicrystals (arXiv)

    70. 2405.12141 Giant Impurity Effects on Charge Loop Current Order States in Kagome Metals (arXiv)

    71. 2405.11445 The Influence of Extended Interactions on Spin Dynamics in One-dimensional Cuprates (arXiv)

    72. 2405.12196 YASTN: Yet another symmetric tensor networks; A Python library for abelian symmetric tensor network calculations (arXiv)

    73. 2405.11833 Determination of the Neel vector in rutile altermagnets through x-ray magnetic circular dichroism: the case of MnF2 (arXiv)

    74. 2405.11420 Generic Approach to Intrinsic Magnetic Second-order Topological Insulators via Inverted p-d Orbitals (arXiv)

    75. 2405.11378 Complex magnetic landscape in kagome metal TbTi3Bi4 and competition with family of Ln2-xTi6+xBi9 (Ln: Tb-Lu) shurikagome metals (arXiv)

    76. 2405.11979 Non-equilibrium orbital edge magnetization (arXiv)

    77. 2405.11892 Emergence of giant orbital Hall and tunable spin Hall effects in centrosymmetric TMDs (arXiv)

    78. 2405.11249 Interlayer Coupling Induced Topological Phase Transition to Higher Order (arXiv)

    79. 2405.10656 \phi Josephson junction induced by altermagnetism (arXiv)

    80. 2405.10583 Large Fermi surface in pristine kagome metal CsV3Sb5 and enhanced quasiparticle effective masses (arXiv)

    81. 2405.10794 Inverse magnetocaloric effect and phase separation induced by giant van Hove singularity in itinerant ferromagnetic metal (arXiv)

    82. 2405.10731 Chiral bosonic quantum spin liquid in the integer-spin Heisenberg-Kitaev model (arXiv)

    83. 2405.10899 Witnessing Entanglement and Quantum Correlations in Condensed Matter: A Review (arXiv)

    84. 2405.10807 Anomalous Seebeck effect and counter-propagating ballistic currents in graphene (arXiv)

    85. 2405.10326 Giant Linear Dichroism Controlled by Magnetic Field in FePS3 (arXiv)

    86. 2405.10819 Skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnet nanorings for electrical signal generation (arXiv)

    87. 2405.10816 Strain-induced activation of chiral-phonon emission in monolayer WS2 (arXiv)

    88. 2405.10753 Topological spin-torque diode effect in skyrmion-based magnetic tunnel junctions (arXiv)

    89. 2405.10571 Stability and dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in FM/AFM heterostructures (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 May 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 May 2nd week collection

    1. 2405.08686 Antiferromagnetic Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Modulated by Spin Flips and Flops (arXiv)

    2. science.adq3799 Energy transition needs new materials (Science)

    3. 2405.08847 Double symmetry and phase-controlled continuous transformation between skyrmion and meron topology (arXiv)

    4. acs.nanolett.4c00948 Engineering the Band Topology in a Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene Moire Superlattice (Nano Letters)

    5. PhysRevB.109.184431 Engineering magnetic domain wall energies in BiFeO3 via epitaxial strain: A route to assess skyrmionic stabilities in multiferroics from first principles (PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.206502 Measuring the Boundary Gapless State and Criticality via Disorder Operator (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.207401 Biased Ising Model Using Two Coupled Kerr Parametric Oscillators with External Force (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.206602 Machine Learning the Disorder Landscape of Majorana Nanowires (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.206903 Engineering the Impact of Phonon Dephasing on the Coherence of a WSe2 Single-Photon Source via Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (PRL)

    10. 2405.10200 Interplay between Domain Walls in Type-II Superconductors and Gradients of Temperature/Spin Density (arXiv)

    11. 2405.09840 Impurity bands, line-nodes, and anomalous thermal Hall effect in Weyl superconductors (arXiv)

    12. 2405.09988 Blueprint for all-to-all connected superconducting spin qubits (arXiv)

    13. 2405.09616 Theory of possible sliding regimes in twisted bilayer WTe2 (arXiv)

    14. 2405.09665 Sign-Alternating Thermoelectric Quantum Oscillations and Insulating Landau Levels in Monolayer WTe2 (arXiv)

    15. 2405.09627 Quantum Geometry and Stabilization of Fractional Chern Insulators Far from the Ideal Limit (arXiv)

    16. 2405.09617 Three-dimensional quantum Hall states as a chiral electromagnetic filter (arXiv)

    17. 2405.10269 Direct magnetic imaging of fractional Chern insulators in twisted MoTe2 with a superconducting sensor (arXiv)

    18. 2405.10079 Emergence of moire superlattice potential in graphene by twisted-hBN layers (arXiv)

    19. 2405.10066 Levy flight for electrons in graphene in the presence of regions with enhanced spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    20. 2405.10034 An extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with time-reversal symmetry protection (arXiv)

    21. 2405.09725 Optical Properties of Gated Bilayer Graphene Quantum Dots with Trigonal Warping (arXiv)

    22. 2405.09632 Room temperature magnetic skyrmions in gradient-composition engineered CoPt single layers (arXiv)

    23. 2405.10318 Gauge theory of giant phonon magnetic moment in doped Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.206401 Coexistence of Interacting Charge Density Waves in a Layered Semiconductor (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.206501 Gate-Controlled Anyon Generation and Detection in Kitaev Spin Liquids (PRL)

    26. s41467-024-48499-4 Ultra-narrowband and rainbow-free mid-infrared thermal emitters enabled by a flat band design in distorted photonic lattices (Nature Communications)

    27. 2405.06132 Moire polar vortex, flat bands and Lieb lattice in twisted bilayer BaTiO3 (arXiv)

    28. 2405.09015 Phase diagram of strongly-coupled Rashba systems (arXiv)

    29. 2405.08823 Reply to “Comment on `Nonstandard superconductivity or no superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure’ “ (arXiv)

    30. 2405.09451 Exotic charge density waves and superconductivity on the Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    31. 2405.09515 Interplay between the charge density wave phase and a pseudogap under antiferromagnetic correlations (arXiv)

    32. 2405.09280 1/3 and other magnetization plateaus in a quasi-one-dimensional Ising magnet TbTi3Bi4 with zigzag spin chain (arXiv)

    33. 2405.08897 Quantum and classical spin dynamics across temperature scales in the S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    34. 2405.08887 Non-Abelian Fractional Chern Insulators and Competing States in Flat Moire Bands (arXiv)

    35. 2405.09407 Strain effects on the electronic properties of a graphene wormhole (arXiv)

    36. 2405.09253 Efficient motion of 90^\circ domain walls in Mn2Au via pure optical torques (arXiv)

    37. 2405.09246 Unconventional magnetism mediated by spin-phonon-photon coupling (arXiv)

    38. 2405.09202 Strain-Induced Intrinsic Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Janus Magnets (arXiv)

    39. 2405.09121 Dirac Fermions and Topological Phases in Magnetic Topological Insulator Films (arXiv)

    40. 2405.08959 Tunable moire materials for probing Berry physics and topology (arXiv)

    41. 2405.09376 Maxwell’s demon across the quantum-to-classical transition (arXiv)

    42. adma.202313297 Giant Tunability of Rashba Splitting at Cation-Exchanged Polar Oxide Interfaces by Selective Orbital Hybridization (Advanced Materials)

    43. PhysRevLett.132.206601 Hyperbolic Non-Abelian Semimetal (PRL)

    44. 2405.08571 Mean-field theory of first-order quantum superconductor-insulator transition (arXiv)

    45. 2405.08551 Large diversity of magnetic phases in two-dimensional magnets with spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity (arXiv)

    46. 2405.08274 Crossover between Anomalous Peak Effects Induced by Splayed and Tilted Columnar Defects in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 (arXiv)

    47. 2405.08817 Quantum oscillations in the hole-doped cuprates and the confinement of spinons (arXiv)

    48. 2405.08438 Magnetic fluctuation and dominant superconducting pairing symmetry near the tunable Van Hove singularity (arXiv)

    49. 2405.08688 Quantitative description of long-range order in the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice (arXiv)

    50. 2405.08074 Optical Imaging of Flavor Order in Flat Band Graphene (arXiv)

    51. 2405.08642 Cavity-enhanced superconductivity via band engineering (arXiv)

    52. 2405.08554 Spin-spin interaction mediated by chiral phonons (arXiv)

    53. 2405.08181 Topological quantum phase transitions driven by displacement fields in the twisted MoTe2 bilayers (arXiv)

    54. 2405.08677 Towards the Quantized Anomalous Hall effect in AlOx-capped MnBi2Te4 (arXiv)

    55. PhysRevX.14.021025 Charge-4e and Charge-6e Flux Quantization and Higher Charge Superconductivity in Kagome Superconductor Ring Devices (PRX)

    56. 2405.07927 Topological Interlayer Superconductivity in a van der Waals Heterostructure (arXiv)

    57. 2405.07593 Anisotropic paramagnetic response of topological Majorana surface states in the superconductor UTe2 (arXiv)

    58. 2405.06858 Topological Superconductivity in Monolayer Td-MoTe2 (arXiv)

    59. 2405.06793 Quasiparticle and superfluid dynamics in Magic-Angle Graphene (arXiv)

    60. 2405.07970 How much entanglement is needed for emergent anyons and fermions? (arXiv)

    61. 2405.07607 Pressure-induced phase transition in pyrochlore iridates (Sm1-xBix)2Ir2O7 (x = 0, 0.02, and 0.10): Raman and X-ray diffraction studies (arXiv)

    62. 2405.07569 Observation of oriented Landau levels in Berry dipole semimetals (arXiv)

    63. 2405.07529 Intrinsic Orbital Origin for the Chirality-Dependent Nonlinear Planar Hall Effect of Topological Nodal Fermions in Chiral Crystals (arXiv)

    64. 2405.07064 Theory for electron and hole fine structure and Lande g-factors in lead chalcogenide nanowires (arXiv)

    65. 2405.06879 Intrinsic Second-Order magnon Thermal Hall Effect (arXiv)

    66. 2405.06791 Tunable Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity in Magnetic Skyrmion Manipulation Chambers (arXiv)

    67. 2405.06736 RKKY interaction in Rashba altermagnets (arXiv)

    68. 2405.07632 Screening the organic materials database for superconducting metal-organic frameworks (arXiv)

    69. 2405.06988 Enforced symmetry breaking for valley polarization in two-dimensional hexagonal lattices (arXiv)

    70. 2405.06619 Interfacial spin-orbit coupling driven enhancement of superconductivity by parallel magnetic field (arXiv)

    71. 2405.06215 Correlation functions and characteristic lengthscales in flat band superconductors (arXiv)

    72. 2405.06111 Collective modes in an unconventional superconductor with j=3/2 fermions (arXiv)

    73. 2405.06538 Optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Fe2Mo3O8 (arXiv)

    74. 2405.06077 Towards accurate spin-orbit splittings from relativistic multireference electronic structure theory (arXiv)

    75. 2405.06287 Topological phase diagram of the Haldane model on a Bishamon-kikko–honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    76. 2405.06267 Characterization of a graphene-hBN superlattice field effect transistor (arXiv)

    77. 2405.06250 Robust field-free switching using large unconventional spin-orbit torque in an all-van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    78. 2405.06174 Observation of a p-orbital higher-order topological insulator phase in puckered lattice acoustic metamaterials (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 May 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 May 1st week collection

    1. 2405.03566 Spin wave vortex as topological probe of magnetic texture (arXiv)

    2. PhysRevLett.132.196601 Topological Quantum Synchronization of Fractionalized Spins (PRL)

    3. australia-bets-big-on-dark-horse-quantum-computing-technology Australia bets big on dark horse quantum computing technology (Science)

    4. science.adp3736 Topological phononics is cataloged (Science)

    5. science.adf8458 Catalog of topological phonon materials (Science)

    6. science.adh7691 Coexistence of superconductivity with partially filled stripes in the Hubbard model (Science)

    7. science.adk9749 Large quantum anomalous Hall effect in spin-orbit proximitized rhombohedral graphene (Science)

    8. 2405.05731 Robustness of the Hedgehog Skyrmion (arXiv)

    9. v1 Emergence and Transformation of Polar Skyrmion Lattices via Flexoelectricity (researchsquare)

    10. 2405.05361 Impact of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and anisotropy on topological Hall effect (arXiv)

    11. 2405.05913 Topological flat bands in a family of multilayer graphene moire lattices (arXiv)

    12. 2405.04863 Three-dimensional higher-order saddle points induced flat bands in Co-based kagome metals (arXiv)

    13. s41467-024-48216-1 Polar Bloch points in strained ferroelectric films (Nature Communications)

    14. PhysRevB.109.L180504 Orbital-designed flat-band model and realization of superconductivity in three-dimensional materials (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.109.174420 Reconfigurable all-in-one chaotic computing with skyrmions: Leveraging periodic modulations of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PRB)

    16. s41467-024-48082-x Revealing the three-dimensional arrangement of polar topology in nanoparticles (Nature Communications)

    17. s42005-024-01628-3 Spacetime magnetic hopfions from internal excitations and braiding of skyrmions (Communications Physics)

    18. s41524-024-01291-w Coexistence of superconductivity and topological phase in kagome metals ANb3Bi5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) (npj Computational Materials)

    19. s41467-024-47715-5 Spin disorder control of topological spin texture (Nature Communications)

    20. PhysRevResearch.6.023133 Spin-orbit coupled Hubbard skyrmions (Physical Review Research)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.196301 High-Temperature Atomic Diffusion and Specific Heat in Quasicrystals (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.196402 Chirality-Driven Orbital Angular Momentum and Circular Dichroism in CoSi (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.196602 Fermi Surface Spin Texture and Topological Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Free Noncollinear Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.196801 Quantum-Geometric Origin of Out-of-Plane Stacking Ferroelectricity (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.197202 Demonstration of Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Stiefel-Whitney Semimetal (PRL)

    26. s53 A Chiral Crystal’s Orbital Texture (Physics)

    27. 2405.05660 Josephson effect in a Fibonacci quasicrystal (arXiv)

    28. 2405.05306 Nonreciprocity of supercurrent along applied magnetic field (arXiv)

    29. 2405.05935 Interfacial proximity and interplay between Kondo and short-range magnetic correlations in heterostructures (arXiv)

    30. 2405.05442 Switching between superconductivity and current density waves in Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    31. 2405.05327 Higher Berry Connection for Matrix Product States (arXiv)

    32. 2405.05325 Higher Berry Phase from Projected Entangled Pair States in (2+1) dimensions (arXiv)

    33. 2405.05323 Higher Berry Curvature from the Wave function II: Locally Parameterized States Beyond One Dimension (arXiv)

    34. 2405.05316 Higher Berry Curvature from the Wave Function I: Schmidt Decomposition and Matrix Product States (arXiv)

    35. 2405.05913 Topological flat bands in a family of multilayer graphene moire lattices (arXiv)

    36. 2405.05505 Unveiling Higher-Order Topology via Polarized Topological Charges (arXiv)

    37. 5.0205296 Quantum oscillations and electronic features in VSb2 single crystals (Applied Physics Letters)

    38. PhysRevLett.132.196902 Distance Dependence of the Energy Transfer Mechanism in WS2-Graphene Heterostructures (PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.132.196501 Strong Terahertz Third-Harmonic Generation by Kinetic Heavy Quasiparticles in CaRuO3 (PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.132.196202 Strong-Coupling Phases of Trions and Excitons in Electron-Hole Bilayers at Commensurate Densities (PRL)

    41. s49 Electron Hole System Harbors Rich Phases (Physics)

    42. s42005-024-01641-6 Chiral limit and origin of topological flat bands in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayers (Communications Physics)

    43. PhysRevB.109.205119 Nonendpoint Majorana bound states in an extended Kitaev chain (PRB)

    44. 2405.05034 Spin pumping into quantum spin chains (arXiv)

    45. 2405.04739 Pressure induced metallization and loss of surface magnetism in FeSi (arXiv)

    46. 2405.05108 Spin-lattice-coupled helical magnetic order in breathing pyrochlore magnets, CuAlCr4S8 and CuGaCr4S8 (arXiv)

    47. 2405.04863 Three-dimensional higher-order saddle points induced flat bands in Co-based kagome metals (arXiv)

    48. 2405.05090 Spontaneous Crystal Thermal Hall Effect in Insulating Altermagnets (arXiv)

    49. 2405.01829 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in a semimetal (arXiv)

    50. 2405.01966 All optical control of bubble and skyrmion breathing (arXiv)

    51. PhysRevLett.132.196201 Structure of Graphene Grown on Cu(111): X-Ray Standing Wave Measurement and Density Functional Theory Prediction (PRL)

    52. PhysRevLett.132.196901 Crossover from Linear to Quadratic Electro-optic Behavior in BaTiO3 and (Ba,Sr)TiO3 Solid Solution (PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.132.194001 Simple Mechanism for the Observed Breakdown of the Nernst-Einstein Relation for Ions in Carbon Nanotubes (PRL)

    54. PhysRevLett.132.190201 Bell Nonlocality in Classical Systems Coexisting with Other System Types (PRL)

    55. PhysRevLett.132.193401 Universal Composite Boson Formation in Strongly Interacting One-Dimensional Fermionic Systems (PRL)

    56. PhysRevLett.132.193601 Magnon-Skyrmion Hybrid Quantum Systems: Tailoring Interactions via Magnons (PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.132.196401 Bias-Free Access to Orbital Angular Momentum in Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials (PRL)

    58. PhysRevLett.132.190001 Essay: Quantum Sensing with Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Platforms for Fundamental Physics (PRL)

    59. 76 Alleviating the Stress of Finding a PhD Advisor (Physics)

    60. 2405.04479 Tunable superconductivity in electron- and hole-doped Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    61. 2405.03748 Topologically trivial gap-filling in superconducting Fe(Se,Te) by one dimensional defects (arXiv)

    62. 2405.03928 MSene: A new large family of two-dimensional transition metal sulfide with MXene structure (arXiv)

    63. 2405.03757 Chern number landscape of spin-orbit coupled chiral superconductors (arXiv)

    64. 2405.04369 Calculation of the biquadratic spin interactions based on the spin cluster expansion for ab initio tight-binding models (arXiv)

    65. 2405.04362 Single helicity of the triple-q triangular skyrmion lattice state in cubic chiral helimagnet EuPtSi (arXiv)

    66. 2405.04293 Observation of Mermin-Wagner behavior in LaFeO3/SrTiO3 superlattices (arXiv)

    67. 2405.04277 Antiferromagnetic and spin spiral correlations in the doped two-dimensional Hubbard model: gauge symmetry, Ward identities, and dynamical mean-field theory analysis (arXiv)

    68. 2405.04085 Solution of the mean-field Hubbard model of graphene rectangulenes (arXiv)

    69. 2405.04059 Three-dimensional hidden phase probed by in-plane magnetotransport in kagome metal CsV3Sb5 thin flakes (arXiv)

    70. 2405.04018 Odd-parity multipole order in the spin-orbit coupled metallic pyrochlore Pb2Re2O7-\delta (arXiv)

    71. 2405.03968 Dynamical and Static Structure Factors in Hedgehog-Antihedgehog Order in Icosahedral 1/1 Approximant Crystal (arXiv)

    72. 2405.03780 Identifying the topological order of quantized half-filled Landau levels through their daughter states (arXiv)

    73. 2405.03779 Light-induced Hall currents in altermagnets (arXiv)

    74. 2405.03761 Band structure engineering using a moire polar substrate (arXiv)

    75. 2405.04524 Neural network based deep learning analysis of semiconductor quantum dot qubits for automated control (arXiv)

    76. 2405.02519 Computationally efficient method for calculating electron-phonon coupling for high-throughput superconductivity search (arXiv)

    77. 2405.03647 Entanglement in selected Binary Tree States: Dicke/Total spin states, particle number projected BCS states (arXiv)

    78. 2405.03212 Using magnetic dynamics to measure the spin gap in a candidate Kitaev material (arXiv)

    79. 2405.03002 Anomalous electronic energy relaxation and soft phonons in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 (arXiv)

    80. 2405.03557 The description of two-dimensional altermagnetism (arXiv)

    81. 2405.02831 Nonvolatile optical control of interlayer stacking order in 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    82. 2405.02704 Higher-order topology protected by latent crystalline symmetries (arXiv)

    83. 2405.03571 Josephson junction of minimally twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    84. 2405.03380 Anisotropic transport properties in prismatic topological insulator nanowires (arXiv)

    85. PhysRevB.109.195114 Charting the free energy landscape of metastable topological magnetic objects (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.109.195408 Quarter-quantized thermal Hall effect with parity anomaly (PRB)

    87. s41565-023-01489-x Electrical detection of the flat-band dispersion in van der Waals field-effect structures (Nature Nanotechnology)

    88. S0169433224009036 Ghost states and surface structures of the charge density wave kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (Applied Surface Science)

    89. 2405.02276 Local insulator-to-superconductor transition in amorphous InOx films modulated by e-beam irradiation (arXiv)

    90. 2405.02036 Spontaneous Conducting Boundary Channels in 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    91. 2405.01893 Fluctuation induced piezomagnetism in local moment altermagnets (arXiv)

    92. 2405.02149 Piezoresistivity as an Order Parameter for Ferroaxial Transitions (arXiv)

    93. 2405.02167 Symmetry-enforced metal-insulator transition and topological adiabatic charge pump in sliding bilayers of threefold symmetric materials (arXiv)

    94. 2405.02057 Probing fragile topology with a screw dislocation (arXiv)

    95. 2405.01862 Many-Body Configurational Spectral Splitting between Trion and Charged Exciton in a Monolayer Semiconductor (arXiv)

    96. 2405.01829 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in a semimetal (arXiv)

    97. 2405.01846 Imaging thermally fluctuating Neel vectors in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 (arXiv)

    98. 2405.00192 A momentum-space theory for topological magnons in 2D ferromagnetic skyrmion lattices (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 5 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 5th week collection

    1. 2404.18073 Charge and spin density wave orders in field-biased Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    2. PhysRevLett.132.183803 Time Crystal in a Single-Mode Nonlinear Cavity (PRL)

    3. science.ado3912 Realization of fractional quantum Hall state with interacting photons (Science)

    4. PhysRevB.109.195105 Kinetic theory of ultrasubsonic fermion systems and applications to flat-band magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene transport (PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.186902 Lasing in Non-Hermitian Flat Bands: Quantum Geometry, Coherence, and the Fate of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Physics (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.186303 Quantum-Acoustical Drude Peak Shift (PRL)

    7. 2405.01455 Anomalous phonon Gruneisen parameters in semiconductor Ta2NiS5 (arXiv)

    8. 2405.01445 Depth-resolved profile of the interfacial ferromagnetism in CaMnO3/CaRuO3 superlattices (arXiv)

    9. 2405.01351 High harmonic generation from electrons moving on topological spin textures (arXiv)

    10. 2405.01005 Hundness and band renormalization in the kagome antiferromagnets Mn3X (arXiv)

    11. 2405.01334 Nutation: separating the spin from its magnetic moment (arXiv)

    12. 2405.01240 Machine-learned tuning of artificial Kitaev chains from tunneling-spectroscopy measurements (arXiv)

    13. 2405.00862 Effects of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions and dipole-dipole interactions on spin waves in finite-length ferromagnetic chains (arXiv)

    14. 2405.00811 Localized and extended phases in square moire patterns (arXiv)

    15. 2405.00759 Topological Corner Modes by Composite Wannier States in Glide-Symmetric Photonic Crystal (arXiv)

    16. 2405.00783 Microscopic origin of twist-dependent electron transfer rate in bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    17. 2404.18430 Realization of a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice in a Metal-Inorganic Framework with Flat Bands and Topological Edge States (arXiv)

    18. 2404.18646 Flatband makes the wave go round (arXiv)

    19. 2404.18597 Orbital selective commensurate modulations of the local density of states in ScV6Sn6 probed by nuclear spins (arXiv)

    20. 2404.18578 Scheme for braiding Majorana zero modes in vortices using an STT-matrix (arXiv)

    21. PhysRevX.14.021023 Data-Driven Compression of Electron-Phonon Interactions (PRX)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.186401 Emergent Correlated Phases in Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene Induced by Proximity Spin-Orbit and Exchange Coupling (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.186901 Ultrafast Electron-Electron Scattering in Metallic Phase of 2H-NbSe2 Probed by High Harmonic Generation (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.186902 Lasing in Non-Hermitian Flat Bands: Quantum Geometry, Coherence, and the Fate of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Physics (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.183802 Wave-Function Tomography of Topological Dimer Chains with Long-Range Couplings (PRL)

    26. 65 Quantum Gravity Gets a New Test (Physics)

    27. s46 A Photonic Emulator of Topological Matter (Physics)

    28. 2404.17578 A tale of two localizations: coexistence of flat bands and Anderson localization in a photonics-inspired amorphous system (arXiv)

    29. 2404.17505 Detailed dynamics of a moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi observed using a small-angle neutron scattering under an alternating electric current flow (arXiv)

    30. 2405.00409 Unconventional pairing in Ising superconductors: Application to monolayer NbSe2 (arXiv)

    31. 2405.00091 Dipole-Obstructed Cooper Pairing: Theory and Application to j=3/2 Superconductors (arXiv)

    32. 2405.00092 Type II t-J model in charge transfer regime in bilayer La3Ni2O7 and trilayer La4Ni3O10 (arXiv)

    33. 2405.00628 Metamagnetism and anomalous magnetotransport properties in rare-earth-based polar semimetals RAuGe (R = Dy, Ho, and Gd) (arXiv)

    34. 2405.00439 Fractional domain wall statistics in spin chains with anomalous symmetries (arXiv)

    35. 2405.00292 Phase shifts, band geometry and responses in triple-Q charge and spin density waves (arXiv)

    36. 2405.00534 Non-Abelian line graph: A generalized approach to flat bands (arXiv)

    37. 2405.00406 Low-temperature thermal transport in moire superlattices (arXiv)

    38. 2405.00192 A momentum-space theory for topological magnons in 2D ferromagnetic skyrmion lattices (arXiv)

    39. PhysRevLett.132.186202 Nonbosonic Moire Excitons (PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.132.186302 Dominance of Extrinsic Scattering Mechanisms in the Orbital Hall Effect: Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, and Topological Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.132.186601 Discovery of Higher-Order Nodal Surface Semimetals (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.132.186501 Engineering the Kitaev Spin Liquid in a Quantum Dot System (PRL)

    43. 2404.19606 Electronic structure of the surface superconducting Weyl semimetal PtBi2 (arXiv)

    44. 2404.19365 Nonlocal electrodynamics and the penetration depth of superconducting Sr2RuO4 (arXiv)

    45. 2404.19278 Observation of two-level critical-state in a van-der-Waals superconductor Pt(Bi1-x$Sex)2 (arXiv)

    46. 2404.19269 Electromagnetic response of spinful Majorana fermions (arXiv)

    47. 2404.19237 Origin of Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene: Quasiparticle Pairing within the Inter-Valley Coherent Phase (arXiv)

    48. 2404.19410 Composite antiferromagnetic and orbital order with altermagnetic properties at a cuprate/manganite interface (arXiv)

    49. 2404.19588 Boundary effect and quantum phases in spin chains (arXiv)

    50. 2404.19343 Quantum Modelling of Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Materials: Evaluating Constrained DFT and LDA+U+J for Y114 (arXiv)

    51. 2404.19757 Exact Universal Characterization of Chiral-Symmetric Higher-Order Topological Phases (arXiv)

    52. 2404.19576 Topology in a Su–Schrieffer–Heeger plasmonic crystal (arXiv)

    53. 2404.19219 Chiral magnon in ferromagnetic chiral crystals (arXiv)

    54. 2404.19106 Bilayer graphene in periodic and quasiperiodic magnetic superlattices (arXiv)

    55. 2404.19074 Chaos-Assisted Dynamical Tunneling in Flat Band Superwires (arXiv)

    56. 2404.19153 Room temperature realization of artificial chiral magnets with reprogrammable magnon nonreciprocity at zero field (arXiv)

    57. 2404.18578 Scheme for braiding Majorana zero modes in vortices using an STT-matrix (arXiv)

    58. 2404.18472 Direct observation of anisotropic Cooper pairing in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    59. 2404.18366 Anomalous Phonon in Charge-Density-Wave Phase of Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    60. 2404.17920 Fractional ac Josephson effect as evidence of topological hinge states in a Dirac semimetal NiTe2 (arXiv)

    61. 2404.18819 Photo-induced insulator-metal transition in paramagnetic (V_1-xCrx)2O3 (arXiv)

    62. 2404.18727 Tuning the BCS-BEC crossover of electron-hole pairing with pressure (arXiv)

    63. 2404.18646 Flatband makes the wave go round (arXiv)

    64. 2404.18179 Magnetic phase diagram of EuPdSn2 (arXiv)

    65. 2404.17638 A self-consistent Hartree theory for lattice-relaxed magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    66. 2404.17635 Charge density-waves with non-trivial orbital textures in rare earth tritellurides (arXiv)

    67. 2404.17633 Phonon-driven multipolar dynamics in spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (arXiv)

    68. 2404.18878 Spin coupling is all you need: Encoding strong electron correlation on quantum computers (arXiv)

    69. 2404.18917 Fate of surface gaps in magnetic topological insulators (arXiv)

    70. 2404.18858 Correlated Electron Effects in Chromium Trihalide Hetostructures with Graphene: A Tight-Binding Model Perspective (arXiv)

    71. 2404.18712 Anomalous Spin and Orbital Hall Phenomena in Antiferromagnetic Systems (arXiv)

    72. 2404.18306 Tunable Ultrafast Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Vortices in Nanoscale Dots (arXiv)

    73. 2404.18059 Ferroelectricity in twisted double bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    74. 2404.17998 Small-angle neutron scattering signatures of magnetic hopfions (arXiv)

    75. 2404.17902 Semiclassical perspective on Landau levels and Hall conductivity in an anisotropic Cubic Dirac Semi-Metal and the peculiar case of star-shaped classical orbits (arXiv)

    76. 2404.17887 Spin-dependent \pi\pi* gap in graphene on a magnetic substrate (arXiv)

    77. 2404.17146 Twisted Magnetic Van der Waals Bilayers: An Ideal Platform for Altermagnetism (arXiv)

    78. s41578-024-00671-4 Tunable moiré materials for probing Berry physics and topology (Nature Reviews Materials)

    79. s41467-024-47766-8 Local gate control of Mott metal-insulator transition in a 2D metal-organic framework (Nature Communications)

    80. PhysRevB.109.165147 Three-dimensional flat band evolution between pyrochlore and perovskite lattices with enhanced anomalous Hall effect (PRB)

    81. S0167577X2400689X Observation of skyrmion-induced topological Hall effects in Mn3.5Au0.5N films (Materials Letters)

    82. s41566-024-01412-3 Observation of Landau levels and chiral edge states in photonic crystals through pseudomagnetic fields induced by synthetic strain (Nature Photonics)

    83. s41467-024-47728-0 Dualistic insulator states in 1T-TaS2 crystals (Nature Communications)

    84. 2404.13017 Fast current-induced skyrmion motion in synthetic antiferromagnets (Science)

    85. 2404.15452 Helical trilayer graphene in magnetic field: Chern mosaic and higher Chern number ideal flat bands (arXiv)

    86. 2404.16520 Topological properties of finite-size heterostructures of magnetic topological insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

    87. PhysRevB.109.144417 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from unquenched orbital angular momentum (PRB)

    88. 2404.17363v1 Superconductivity with high upper critical field in an equiatomic high entropy alloy Sc-V-Ti-Hf-Nb (arXiv)

    89. 2404.17239v1 Broken time reversal symmetry vestigial state for a two-component superconductor in two spatial dimensions (arXiv)

    90. 2404.17072 Supercurrent Diode Effect in Helical Superconductors (arXiv)

    91. 2404.17501 Relations between normal state nonreciprocal transport and the superconducting diode effect in the trivial and topological phases (arXiv)

    92. 2404.17505 Detailed dynamics of a moving magnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSi observed using a small-angle neutron scattering under an alternating electric current flow (arXiv)

    93. 2404.17425 Weyl nodes in Ce3Bi4Pd3 revealed by dynamical mean-field theory (arXiv)

    94. 2404.17207 Six magnetization plateau phases in a kagome antiferromagnet with Y3Cu9OH19Cl8-type distortion (arXiv)

    95. 2404.17058 Exchange Interactions in Rare-earth Magnets A2PrO3 (A= alkali metals): Revisited (arXiv)

    96. 2404.16935 Disentangling spin excitation continua in classical and quantum magnets using 2D nonlinear spectroscopy (arXiv)

    97. 2404.17558 Dynamics of spin helices in the diluted one-dimensional XX model (arXiv)

    98. 2404.17373 Walking behavior induced by PT symmetry breaking in a non-Hermitian XY model with clock anisotropy (arXiv)

    99. 2404.17182 Excitonic response in TMD heterostructures from first-principles: impact of stacking, twisting, and interlayer distance (arXiv)

    100. 2404.17086 On the equivalence of the semiclassical theory and the response theory (arXiv)

    101. 2404.17539 Multifold topological semimetals (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 4th week collection

    1. 2404.12637 Topological magnon in exchange frustration driven incommensurate spin spiral of a kagome lattice YMn6Sn6 (arXiv)

    2. advs.202401048 Alloying Driven Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions on NiPS3 Monolayer: A First-Principles Calculation (Advanced Science)

    3. science.adj8272 Observation of a Chern insulator in crystalline ABCA-tetralayer graphene with spin-orbit coupling (Science)

    4. science.adj2167 Observation of current whirlpools in graphene at room temperature (Science)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.176001 Superlattice Quantum Solid of Dipolar Excitons (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.176401 Electric Polarization from a Many-Body Neural Network Ansatz (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.176703 Picosecond Spin Current Generation from Vicinal Metal-Antiferromagnetic Insulator Interfaces (PRL)

    8. 73 Sodium as a Green Substitute for Lithium in Batteries (Physics)

    9. 2404.16683 Observation of intra-unit-cell superconductivity modulation (arXiv)

    10. 2404.16469 From weak to strong-coupling superconductivity tuned by substrate in TiN films (arXiv)

    11. 2404.16276 Laguerre-Gaussian light induction of orbital currents and Kapitza stabilization in superconducting circuits (arXiv)

    12. 2404.16264 Realisation of de Gennes’ Absolute Superconducting Switch with a Heavy Metal Interface (arXiv)

    13. 2404.16738 Superconducting Klein and anti-Klein tunneling in Weyl junctions (arXiv)

    14. 2404.16330 Identifying the ground state phases by spin-patterns in the Shastry-Sutherland model (arXiv)

    15. 2404.16770 Pseudogap phase as fluctuating pair density wave (arXiv)

    16. 2404.16682 The magnetization process of classical Heisenberg magnets with non-coplanar cuboc ground states (arXiv)

    17. 2404.16402 Anomalous magnetic transition in a disordered quasicrystal approximant with heavy-fermion nature (arXiv)

    18. 2404.16368 Does carrier localization affect the anomalous Hall effect? (arXiv)

    19. 2404.16344 Imaging Tunable Luttinger Liquid Systems in van der Waals Heterostructures (arXiv)

    20. 2404.16214 Dirac Impurity in a Luttinger liquid (arXiv)

    21. 2404.16099 Manipulating Majorana zero modes in the spin-1/2 Kitaev ladder (arXiv)

    22. 2404.16088 A Generalised Haldane Map from the Matrix Product State Path Integral to the Critical Theory of the J1-J2 Chain (arXiv)

    23. 2404.16759 Revealing the regularities of electron correlation energies associated with valence electrons in atoms in the first three rows of the periodic table (arXiv)

    24. 2404.16095 Long-range multipartite entanglement near measurement-induced transitions (arXiv)

    25. 2404.16595 Enhancement of spin current to charge current conversion in Ferromagnet/Graphene interface (arXiv)

    26. 2404.16520 Topological properties of finite-size heterostructures of magnetic topological insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

    27. 2404.16383 Euler band topology in spin-orbit coupled magnetic systems (arXiv)

    28. PhysRevX.14.021017 Unified Treatment of Light Emission by Inelastic Tunneling: Interaction of Electrons and Photons beyond the Gap (PRX)

    29. PhysRevX.14.021016 Kapitza Stabilization of Quantum Critical Order (PRX)

    30. PhysRevLett.132.176303 Tunable Superdiffusion in Integrable Spin Chains Using Correlated Initial States (PRL)

    31. PhysRevB.109.L161404 Even-odd effect on robustness of Majorana edge states in short Kitaev chains (PRB)

    32. PhysRevLett.132.178101 Dynamics and Topology of Symmetry Breaking with Skyrmions (PRL)

    33. 2404.13455 Adiabatic Approximation and Aharonov-Casher Bands in Twisted Homobilayer TMDs (arXiv)

    34. 2404.14404 Multipolar Skyrmion Crystals in Non-Kramers Doublet Systems (arXiv)

    35. 2404.15924 Emergent Topological Semimetal (arXiv)

    36. 2404.15902 Some understanding of recent inelastic neutron scattering on Ce-pyrochlores: Signatures of electric monopoles (arXiv)

    37. 2404.15547 Fractional quantum Hall effect of partons and the nature of the 8/17 state in the zeroth Landau level of bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    38. 2404.16002 Optical signatures of type-II Weyl fermions in the noncentrosymmetric semimetals RAlSi (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) (arXiv)

    39. 2404.15759 Flat bands in chiral multilayer graphene (arXiv)

    40. 2404.15452 Helical trilayer graphene in magnetic field: Chern mosaic and higher Chern number ideal flat bands (arXiv)

    41. PhysRevLett.132.176302 Higher-Order Topological In-Bulk Corner State in Pure Diffusion Systems (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.132.176701 X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnetic alpha-MnTe (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.132.176702 Landau Theory of Altermagnetism (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.132.177001 Mirror Symmetry Broken of Sound Vortex Transmission in a Single Passive Metasurface via Phase Coupling (PRL)

    45. 2404.14899 Initialization of Majorana qubits by parity-to-magnetism conversion (arXiv)

    46. 2404.14790 Pressure-dependent electronic superlattice in the Kagome-superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    47. 2404.14566 Superconducting Diode Effect in Two-dimensional Topological Insulator Edges and Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    48. 2404.14900 Entanglement measures of Majorana bound states (arXiv)

    49. 2404.14905 Tensor network analysis of the maple-leaf antiferromagnet spangolite (arXiv)

    50. 2404.14711 Monte Carlo Studies on Geometrically Confined Skyrmions in Nanodots: Stability and Morphology under Radial Stresses (arXiv)

    51. 2404.14515 Shot noise in coupled electron-boson systems (arXiv)

    52. 2404.14473 Optimally scrambling chiral spin-chain with effective black hole geometry (arXiv)

    53. 2404.14788 Digital Quantum Simulation for Spectroscopy of Schwinger Model (arXiv)

    54. 2404.15130 Spin-mechanical coupling in 2D antiferromagnet CrSBr (arXiv)

    55. 2404.14932 Reconstructed Electronic Structure in 2D vdW 1T-TaS2 for Quantum Sensing and Information Science (arXiv)

    56. 2404.14645 Creation and Manipulation of Higher-Order Topological States by Altermagnets (arXiv)

    57. 2404.14630 Probing the Spin-Momentum Locking in Rashba Surfaces via Spin Current (arXiv)

    58. 2404.14612 Shapiro Steps and Stability of Skyrmions Interacting with Alternating Anisotropy Under the Influence of ac and dc Drives (arXiv)

    59. PhysRevLett.132.178101 Dynamics and Topology of Symmetry Breaking with Skyrmions (PRL)

    60. 69 Witnessing the Birth of Skyrmions (Physics)

    61. 2404.14182 Record high superconducting transition temperature in Ti_1-xMn_x alloy with rich magnetic element Mn (arXiv)

    62. 2404.13976 Josephson effect in a junction coupled to an electron reservoir (arXiv)

    63. 2404.14411 High Harmonic Tracking of Ultrafast Electron Dynamics across the Mott to Charge Density Wave Phase Transition (arXiv)

    64. 2404.14404 Multipolar Skyrmion Crystals in Non-Kramers Doublet Systems (arXiv)

    65. 2404.13810 Quasicrystalline chiral soliton lattices in a Fibonacci helimagnet (arXiv)

    66. 2404.13606 Evolution of ferrimagnetism against Griffiths singularity in Calcium Ruthenate (arXiv)

    67. 2404.13593 Structural modulation driven Curie temperature enhancement in Cr-doped SrRuO3 (arXiv)

    68. 2404.13969 Importance of the semimetallic state for the quantum Hall effect in HfTe5 (arXiv)

    69. 2404.13856 Band-asymmetry-driven nonreciprocal electronic transport in a helimagnetic semimetal alpha-EuP3 (arXiv)

    70. 2404.14392 Direct observation of Floquet-Bloch states in monolayer graphene (arXiv)

    71. 2404.14314 Multipole magnons in topological skyrmion lattices resolved by cryogenic Brillouin light scattering microscopy (arXiv)

    72. 2404.14272 Electrical spin manipulation in double SrTiO3/LaAlO3 quantum dots (arXiv)

    73. 2404.14186 Magnon Landau-Zener tunnelling and spin current generation by electric field (arXiv)

    74. 2404.13959 Low-energy modeling of three-dimensional topological insulator nanostructures (arXiv)

    75. 2404.13930 Chiral edge plasmons in quantum anomalous Hall insulators (arXiv)

    76. 2404.13590 Designer Spin-Orbit Superlattices: Symmetry-Protected Dirac Cones and Hot Spots of Spin Berry Curvature in 2D van der Waals Metamaterials (arXiv)

    77. 2404.13455 Adiabatic Approximation and Aharonov-Casher Bands in Twisted Homobilayer TMDs (arXiv)

    78. 2404.13412 Topological spin-torque in non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic 3Q state (arXiv)

    79. 2404.13405 Field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization by cooperation of planar Hall and orbital Hall effects (arXiv)

    80. 2404.13338 Valley focusing effect in a rippled graphene superlattice (arXiv)

    81. 2404.13323 Spin waves in antiferromagnetically coupled bilayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides with Dzialoshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv)

    82. 2404.13305 Chern Number Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Compensated Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    83. 2404.13275 Effect of disorder on Berry curvature and quantum metric in two-band gapped graphene (arXiv)

    84. ad3f99 Nonlinear Seebeck and Peltier effects in a Majorana nanowire coupled to leads (Chinese Physics B)

    85. PhysRevB.109.144413 Elastic and anelastic behavior associated with magnetic ordering in the skyrmion host Cu2OSeO3 (PRB)

    86. s41467-024-47579-9 Distinct skyrmion phases at room temperature in two-dimensional ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2 (Nature Communications)

    87. 2404.12993 Flat-band ratio and quantum metric in the superconductivity of modified Lieb lattices (arXiv)

    88. 2404.12931 Collective entanglement in quantum materials with competing orders (arXiv)

    89. 2404.12449 Singlet polaron theory of low-energy optical excitations in NiPS3 (arXiv)

    90. 2404.12898 Hall mass and transverse Noether spin currents in noncollinear antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    91. 2404.12645 First-principles study on tunnel magnetoresistance effect with Cr-doped RuO2 electrode (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 3rd week collection

    1. 2404.11654 Dirac spin liquid as an “unnecessary” quantum critical point on square lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    2. should-researchers-use-ai-write-papers-group-aims-community-driven-standards Should researchers use AI to write papers? Group aims for community-driven standards (Science)

    3. science.add5751 Fast current-induced skyrmion motion in synthetic antiferromagnets (Science)

    4. science.adg3848 Reversal of quantized Hall drifts at noninteracting and interacting topological boundaries (Science)

    5. science.adi4728 Mapping twist-tuned multiband topology in bilayer WSe2 (Science)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.160403 Denoising and Extension of Response Functions in the Time Domain (PRL)

    7. PhysRevX.14.021013 Chiral Pseudospin Liquids in Moire Heterostructures (PRX)

    8. ad4019 Experimental observation of a Fermi-level flat band in a novel kagome Metal CeNi5 (Chinese Physics B)

    9. PhysRevResearch.6.023067 Skyrmion-mechanical hybrid quantum systems: Manipulation of skyrmion qubits via phonons (Physical Review Research)

    10. PhysRevB.109.155146 Double Dirac nodal lines enforced by multiple nonsymmorphic symmetries (PRB)

    11. s43246-024-00501-8 Isolated flat band in artificially designed Lieb lattice based on macrocycle supramolecular crystal (Communications Materials)

    12. rs-4233126 Moire superlattices of antimonene on a Bi(111) substrate with van Hove singularity and Rashba-type spin polarization (researchsquare)

    13. 2404.11657 Phase sensitive information from a planar Josephson junction (arXiv)

    14. 2404.12207 Spin-1 Haldane chains of superconductor-semiconductor hybrids (arXiv)

    15. 2404.11950 Pair density waves in the strong-coupling two-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model: a variational Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    16. 2404.12374 Tunable Kondo physics in a van der Waals kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    17. 2404.11650 Interacting Crystalline Topological Insulators in 2D with Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    18. 2404.11623 Eight-color chiral spin liquid in the S=1 bilinear-biquadratic model with Kitaev interactions (arXiv)

    19. 2404.12119v1 Controlling 4f antiferromagnetic dynamics via itinerant electronic susceptibility (arXiv)

    20. 2404.11934v1 Quantum simulation of honeycomb lattice model by high-order moire pattern (arXiv)

    21. 2404.11911v1 Tunable magnetism in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    22. 2404.12345 High spin axion insulator (arXiv)

    23. 2404.12250 Effects of Reduced Interlayer Interactions on the K-point Excitons of MoS2 Nanoscrolls (arXiv)

    24. 2404.12072 Transport of orbital currents in systems with strong intervalley coupling: the case of Kekule distorted graphene (arXiv)

    25. 2404.11955 Electrical control of a Kondo spin screening cloud (arXiv)

    26. 2404.11780 Dyakonov-Perel-like Orbital and Spin Relaxations in Centrosymmetric Systems (arXiv)

    27. 2404.11758 Coherent optical control of quantum Hall edge states (arXiv)

    28. 2404.11756 Microwave dependent quantum transport characteristics in GaN/AlGaN FETs (arXiv)

    29. PhysRevX.14.021012 Nernst Effect of High-Mobility Weyl Electrons in NdAlSi Enhanced by a Fermi Surface Nesting Instability (PRX)

    30. PhysRevLett.132.166702 Nonmagnetic Ground State in RuO2 Revealed by Muon Spin Rotation (altermagnet, PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.132.161604 Entanglement in Interacting Majorana Chains and Transitions of von Neumann Algebras (PRL)

    32. 64 Enhanced Interactions Using Quantum Squeezing (Physics)

    33. s45 Link Verified between Turbulence and Entropy (Physics)

    34. rs-3898676 Incipient nematicity from electron flat bands in a kagome metal (researchsquare)

    35. 2404.11001 Modulation of the Octahedral Structure and Potential Superconductivity of La3Ni2O7 at Ambient Pressure by Compressive Strain (arXiv)

    36. 2404.11300 Negatively enhanced thermopower near a Van Hove singularity in electron-doped Sr2RuO4 (arXiv)

    37. 2404.11026 Non-Hermitian zero-energy pinning of Andreev and Majorana bound states in superconductor-semiconductor systems (arXiv)

    38. 2404.11612 Sublinear transport in Kagome metals: Interplay of Dirac cones and Van Hove singularities (arXiv)

    39. 2404.11412 Spin and charge dynamics of doped one-dimensional Mott insulators (arXiv)

    40. 2404.10943 Unsupervised machine learning for the detection of exotic phases in skyrmion phase diagrams (arXiv)

    41. 2404.10827 Magnetically propagating Hund’s exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 (arXiv)

    42. 2404.10814 Higher Hall conductivity from a single wave function: Obstructions to symmetry-preserving gapped edge of (2+1)D topological order (arXiv)

    43. 2404.11414 Anisotropic Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance Observed in HoMn6Ge6: A Kagome Dirac Semimetal (arXiv)

    44. 2404.10909 Strain-dependent Insulating State and Kondo Effect in Epitaxial SrIrO3 Films (arXiv)

    45. 2404.11353 Transition between scattering regimes of 2D electron transport (arXiv)

    46. PhysRevX.14.021011 Amoeba Formulation of Non-Bloch Band Theory in Arbitrary Dimensions (PRX)

    47. PhysRevLett.132.160802 Experimental Property Reconstruction in a Photonic Quantum Extreme Learning Machine (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.132.166002 Record-High Tc and Dome-Shaped Superconductivity in a Medium-Entropy Alloy TaNbHfZr under Pressure up to 160 GPa (PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.132.166601 Valley-Polarized Quantum Hall Phase in a Strain-Controlled Dirac System (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.132.166701 Exact Matrix Product States at the Quantum Lifshitz Tricritical Point in a Spin-1/2 Zigzag-Chain Antiferromagnet with Anisotropic Gamma Term (PRL)

    51. s41 Quantum Machine Learning Goes Photonic (Physics)

    52. 2404.10402 Spontaneous splitting of d-wave surface states: Circulating currents or edge magnetization? (arXiv)

    53. 2404.10046 Observation of Cooper-pair density modulation state (arXiv)

    54. 2404.10038 Thermoelectric Effect in Altermagnet-Superconductor Junctions (arXiv)

    55. 2404.10621 Modulating Hamiltonian Approach to Quantum Many-Body Systems and Crystalline Topological Phases Protected by Generalized Magnetic Translations (arXiv)

    56. 2404.10615 Phase diagram of the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Gamma model on a frustrated zigzag chain (arXiv)

    57. 2404.10576 Quantum phase transition and critical behavior between the gapless topological phases (arXiv)

    58. 2404.10510 Anisotropic magnetic and quadrupolar H-T phase diagram of CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    59. 2404.10385 Optical signatures of strain-induced ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 thin film (arXiv)

    60. 2404.10192 Realization of nodal ring semimetal in pressurized black phosphorus (arXiv)

    61. 2404.10412 Classification of the Mott gap (arXiv)

    62. 2404.10333 Electronic states and quantum transport in bilayer graphene Sierpinski-carpet fractals (arXiv)

    63. 2404.10189 Communicating skyrmions as the main mechanism underlying skyrmionium (meta)stability in quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets (arXiv)

    64. 2404.10069 Superpolarized Electron-Hole Liquid and Multiferroicity in Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    65. 2404.10049 Berry-dipole Semimetals (arXiv)

    66. 2404.10557 Strain-dependent one-dimensional confinement channels in twisted bilayer 1T’-WTe2 (arXiv)

    67. PhysRevX.14.021010 Quantum Electrodynamics in 2+1 Dimensions as the Organizing Principle of a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet (PRX)

    68. 63 Viewing a Quantum Spin Liquid through QED (Physics)

    69. PhysRevLett.132.166001 Feasible Route to High-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Hydride Superconductivity (PRL)

    70. PhysRevLett.132.167301 Generating Minimal Training Sets for Machine Learned Potentials (PRL)

    71. 2404.09517 Odd-frequency superconducting pairing and multiple Majorana edge modes in driven topological superconductors (arXiv)

    72. 2404.09211 Flat Band Josephson Junctions with Quantum Metric (arXiv)

    73. 2404.09909 Double-dome Unconventional Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    74. 2404.09262 Quantized polarization in a generalized Rice-Mele model at arbitrary filling (arXiv)

    75. 2404.09202 Anomalous magnetoentropic response of skrymion crystals (arXiv)

    76. 2404.09185 Robust spin order and fragile charge order in Na0.5CoO2 as revealed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy (arXiv)

    77. 2404.09182 Coexistence of interacting charge density waves in a layered semiconductor (arXiv)

    78. 2404.09910 Tuning confined states and valley g-factors by quantum dot design in bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    79. 2404.09904 Electrical control of valley polarized charged biexcitons in monolayer WS2 (arXiv)

    80. 2404.09855 First-order quantum breakdown of superconductivity in amorphous superconductors (arXiv)

    81. 2404.09407 Intravalley Andreev reflection in the multi-terminal device with Y-shaped Kekule graphene superlattices (arXiv)

    82. 2404.09083 Interplay between electronic dephasing and localization in finite-sized Chern insulator (arXiv)

    83. 2404.09689 Strain-polarization coupling in the low-dimensional Van der Waals Ferrielectrics (arXiv)

    84. 2404.09569 Surprising pressure-induced magnetic transformations from Helimagnetic order to Antiferromagnetic state in NiI2 (arXiv)

    85. 2404.09390 Skyrmion-mechanical hybrid quantum systems: Manipulation of skyrmion qubits via phonons (arXiv)

    86. 2404.09388 Magnon-Skyrmion Hybrid Quantum Systems: Tailoring Interactions via Magnons (arXiv)

    87. 2404.08924v1 Stable phases of freestanding monolayer TiO2: The emergence of out-of-plane ferroelectricity (arXiv)

    88. 2404.08405 Unconventional superconducting diode effects via antisymmetry and antisymmetry breaking (arXiv)

    89. 2404.08122 Cavity engineered phonon-mediated superconductivity in MgB2 from first principles quantum electrodynamics (arXiv)

    90. 2404.08527 Spin-resolved nonlocal transport in proximitized Rashba nanowires (arXiv)

    91. 2404.08635 Transport properties in non-Fermi liquid phases of nodal-point semimetals (arXiv)

    92. 2404.08222 Quantum geometric tensor and the topological characterization of the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    93. 2404.08099 Comparing quantum fluctuations in the spin-1/2 and spin-1 XXZ Heisenberg models on square and honeycomb lattices (arXiv)

    94. 2404.08067 High thermoelectric power factor through topological flat bands (arXiv)

    95. 2404.08153 Magnonic Thermal Machines (arXiv)

    96. 2404.08044 A Microscopic Perspective on Moire Materials (arXiv)

    97. 2404.08595 On the average spin Chern number (arXiv)

    98. 2404.08521 The magnetism measurements of the two-dimensional van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS4 using dynamic cantilever magnetometry (arXiv)

    99. 2404.08467 Electron-phonon coupling induced topological phase transition in an alpha$-T3 Haldane-Holstein model (arXiv)

    100. 2404.08300 Topological insulators based on p-wave altermagnets, electrical control and detection of the altermagnetic domain wall (arXiv)

    101. 2404.08177 Magnetic properties of low-angle twisted bilayer graphene at three-quarters filling (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 2nd week collection

    1. 2404.05685v1 Global phase diagram of doped quantum spin liquid on the Kagome lattice (arXiv)

    2. s41563-024-01870-8 Experimental observation of current-driven antiskyrmion sliding in stripe domains (Nature Materials)

    3. science.adf8459 Realization of an atomic quantum Hall system in four dimensions (Science)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.156301 Non-Hermitian Moire Valley Filter (PRL)

    5. SciPostPhysCore.7.2.018 Hidden symmetry of Bogoliubov de Gennes quasi-particle eigenstates and universal relations in flat band superconducting bipartite lattices (SciPost Physics Core)

    6. acs.nanolett.3c05095 On-Chip Photonic Localization in Aharonov-Bohm Cages Composed of Microring Lattices (Nano Letters)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.156602 Multiple Brillouin Zone Winding of Topological Chiral Edge States for Slow Light Applications (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.156702 Jeff=1/2 Hyperoctagon Lattice in Cobalt Oxalate Metal-Organic Framework (PRL)

    9. 2404.07423 Fermi sea and sky in the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation (arXiv)

    10. 2404.07633 One-dimensional Z4 topological superconductor (arXiv)

    11. 2404.04777 Variational Improvement of the Hartree-Fock Approach to the 2D Hubbard Model (arXiv)

    12. 2404.07490v1 Low-energy spin dynamics in a Kitaev material Na3Ni2BiO6 investigated by NMR (arXiv)

    13. 2404.07253 Topological Heavy Fermion Principle For Flat (Narrow) Bands With Concentrated Quantum Geometry (arXiv)

    14. 2404.07489 Generalized Pitaevskii relation between rectifying and linear responses: its application to reciprocal magnetization induction (arXiv)

    15. 2404.07369v1 Origin of pinning disorder in magnetic-field-induced Wigner solids (arXiv)

    16. 2404.07105 Matrix product states and first quantization (arXiv)

    17. 2404.07964 Magnetostatic bounds on stability of hopfions in bulk helimagnets (arXiv)

    18. 2404.07858 Orbital and spin bilinear magnetotransport effect in Weyl/Dirac semimetal (arXiv)

    19. 2404.07637 Preservation of scalar spin chirality across a metallic spacer in synthetic antiferromagnets with chiral interlayer interactions (arXiv)

    20. 2404.07628 Higher order spin interactions mediated by the substrate (arXiv)

    21. 2404.07352 Nonlinear Hall effect in isotropic k-cubed Rashba model: Berry-curvature-dipole engineering by in-plane magnetic field (arXiv)

    22. 2404.07693 The photoinduced hidden metallic phase of monoclinic VO2 driven by local nucleation via a self-amplification process (arXiv)

    23. 2404.07371 Gate-tunable phase transition in a bosonic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain (arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.153001 Exact Diagonalization of SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Models (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.156502 Compensated Ferrimagnets with Colossal Spin Splitting in Organic Compounds (PRL)

    26. s44 How to Speed up a Quantum Network (Physics)

    27. s37 Evidence of a New Subatomic Particle (Physics)

    28. 2404.07165 Pressure-tuned many-body phases through Gamma-K valleytronics in moire bilayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    29. 2404.07157 Local probe of bulk and edge states in a fractional Chern insulator (arXiv)

    30. 2404.06875 Field-induced Peierls phase in S=1 Heisenberg spins coupled to quantum phonons (arXiv)

    31. 2404.06783 Geometric frustration and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in a quantum star lattice hybrid copper sulfate (arXiv)

    32. 2404.06767 Quantum spin state stabilized by coupling with classical spins (arXiv)

    33. 2404.06745 Direct transition from a fractional quantum anomalous Hall state to a smectic state with the same Hall conductance (arXiv)

    34. 2404.06541 Robustness of topological magnons in disordered arrays of skyrmions (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevLett.132.156701 Exotic Magnetism in Perovskite KOsO3 (PRL)

    36. 2404.06147 Probing the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless vortex unbinding transition in two-dimensional superconductors using local noise magnetometry (arXiv)

    37. 2404.05798 Electrical control of superconducting spin valves using ferromagnetic helices (arXiv)

    38. 2404.06032 Inverse melting and intertwined orders in PrCuSb2 (arXiv)

    39. 2404.05806 Quantum Spin Liquids in Weak Mott Insulators with a Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    40. 2404.05787 Kagome Hubbard model away from the strong coupling limit: Flat band localization and non Fermi liquid signatures (arXiv)

    41. 2404.06284 Facilities and practices for linear response Hubbard parameters U and J in Abinit (arXiv)

    42. 2404.06048 Quantum computing topological invariants of two-dimensional quantum matter (arXiv)

    43. 2404.06355 Magnon transmission across nu=1/-1/1 mono-layer graphene junction as a probe of electronic structure (arXiv)

    44. 2404.06176 Higher order topological defects in a moire lattice (arXiv)

    45. 2404.06042 Tailoring the energy landscape of a Bloch point singularity with curvature (arXiv)

    46. 2404.05914 Seebeck Effect of Dirac Electrons in Organic Conductors under Hydrostatic Pressure Using a Tight-Binding Model Derived from First Principles (arXiv)

    47. 2404.06005 Nonlinear Hall effect and scaling law in Sb-doped topological insulator MnBi4Te7 (arXiv)

    48. 2404.04329v1 Optical absorption signatures of superconductors driven by Van Hove singularities (arXiv)

    49. 2404.05711v1 Effective Luttinger parameter and Kane-Fisher effect in quasiperiodic systems (arXiv)

    50. 2404.05697v1 Higher Landau-Level Analogues and Signatures of Non-Abelian States in Twisted Bilayer MoTe2 (arXiv)

    51. 2404.05617v1 Candidate quantum spin liquids on the maple-leaf lattice (arXiv)

    52. 2404.05385v1 Multiple Floquet Chern insulator phases in the spin-charge coupled triangular-lattice ferrimagnet: Crucial roles of higher-order terms in the high-frequency expansion (arXiv)

    53. 2404.05204v1 Effect of collective spin excitation on electronic transport in topological spin texture (arXiv)

    54. 2404.04715 Information propagation in one-dimensional XY-Gamma chains (arXiv)

    55. 2404.04459v1 Spin-charge-lattice coupling across the charge density wave transition in a Kagome lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    56. 2404.04390v1 Field-dependent Magnons in a Honeycomb Antiferromagnet CoTiO3 (arXiv)

    57. 2404.04789v1 Nonreciprocal Nonlinear Responses in the Nonequilibrium States: Moving Charge Density Waves (arXiv)

    58. 2404.04672 Hidden order in dielectrics: string condensation, solitons, and the charge-vortex duality (arXiv)

    59. 2404.04324 Critical behavior of dirty parafermionic chains (arXiv)

    60. PhysRevResearch.6.L022005 Chiral excitations and the intermediate-field regime in the Kitaev magnet alpha-RuCl3 (Physical Review Research)

    61. PhysRevB.109.144406 Multiple unconventional Hall effects induced by noncoplanar spin textures in SmMn2Ge2 (PRB)

    62. v1 Quantum Geometry in Hexagonal Circuit QED Lattice with Triple-leg Stripline Resonators (researchsquare)

    63. s41567-024-02465-5 Topological Kerr effects in two-dimensional magnets with broken inversion symmetry (Nature Physics)

    64. 2404.04207 Emergent photons and fractionalized excitations in a quantum spin liquid (arXiv)

    65. 2404.03829 Spin dynamics and possible topological magnons in non-stoichiometric pyrochlore iridate Tb2Ir2O7 studied by RIXS (arXiv)

    66. 2404.03889 Nagaoka Ferromagnetism in 3 x 3 Arrays and Beyond (arXiv)

    67. 2404.03762 Nernst effect of high-mobility Weyl electrons in NdAlSi enhanced by a Fermi surface nesting instability (arXiv)

    68. 2404.03949 Topological moire polaritons (arXiv)

    69. 2404.03728 Pymablock: an algorithm and a package for quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Apr 1st week collection

    1. 2404.00818 Nonreciprocal superfluidlike topological spin transport (arXiv)

    2. s41567-024-02445-9 Multistep topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet (Nature Physics)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.146002 Interlayer-Coupling-Driven High-Temperature Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under Pressure (PRL)

    4. 2404.01912 Electrically tunable High-Chern-number quasiflat bands in twisted antiferromagnetic topological insulators (arXiv)

    5. PhysRevApplied.21.044005 Visualization of orbital twig edge states in phononic graphene lattices (Physical Review Applied)

    6. 5.0204185 Room-temperature skyrmions in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2 (Applied Physics Letters)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.146801 Macroscopic Polarization from Nonlinear Gradient Couplings (PRL)

    8. 2404.03260 Interaction-induced nonlinear magnon transport in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnets (arXiv)

    9. 2404.03488 Electronic transport, metal-insulator transition, and Wigner crystallization in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (arXiv)

    10. 2404.02952 Chirality-Driven Orbital Angular Momentum and Circular Dichroism in CoSi (arXiv)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.140402 Fundamental Limits on Anomalous Energy Flows in Correlated Quantum Systems (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.146401 Gate-Tunable Antiferromagnetic Chern Insulator in Twisted Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.146402 Floquet Fermi Liquid (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.146301 Enhanced Nonlinear Response by Manipulating the Dirac Point at the (111) LaTiO3/SrTiO3 Interface (PRL)

    15. s43 A Counterintuitive Set of Tunneling Effects Observed at Last (Physics)

    16. PhysRevB.109.165401 Tunable topological defect states and single-quanta skyrmionic configurations in mesoscopic superconducting rectangular systems with spin-orbit interaction (PRB)

    17. 7 Chiral Modulations in Non-Heisenberg Models of Non-Centrosymmetric Magnets Near the Ordering Temperatures (Magnetism)

    18. pt.jvsd.yhyd Twisted bilayer graphene’s gallery of phases (Bernevig, Physics Today)

    19. 2404.02863 Discovery of universal phonon thermal Hall effect in crystals (arXiv)

    20. 2404.02428 Ab initio exploration of short-pitch skyrmion materials: Role of orbital frustration (arXiv)

    21. 2404.02328 Local spin structure in the layered van der Waals materials MnPSxSe3-x (arXiv)

    22. 2404.02231v1 Tunability of charge density wave in a magnetic kagome metal (arXiv)

    23. 2404.02196 Ground state properties of the Heisenberg-compass model on the square lattice (arXiv)

    24. 2404.02387 An inversion problem for optical spectrum data via physics-guided machine learning (arXiv)

    25. 2404.02192 Integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects in pentalayer graphene (arXiv)

    26. 2404.02735 Floquet topological transitions in 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: interplay between time reversal symmetry breaking and dimerization (arXiv)

    27. 2404.02712 QDsim: An user-friendly toolbox for simulating large-scale quantum dot device (arXiv)

    28. 2404.02504 Nonlinear Corner States in Topologically Nontrivial Kagome Lattice (arXiv)

    29. 2404.02485 Dirac fermions collimation in heterostructures based on tilted Dirac cone materials (arXiv)

    30. 2404.02430 Observation of Kosterlitz-Thouless Metal-to-Insulator Transition in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevLett.132.146601 Exchange-Driven Chern States in High-Mobility Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulators (PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.132.146501 Intertwined Van Hove Singularities as a Mechanism for Loop Current Order in Kagome Metals (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.132.141603 Chiral Gauge Theory at the Boundary between Topological Phases (PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.132.141604 Weyl Fermions on a Finite Lattice (PRL)

    35. 54 Making Sense of Handedness on a Lattice (Physics)

    36. PhysRevLett.132.146302 Direct Evidence of Klein and Anti-Klein Tunneling of Graphitic Electrons in a Corbino Geometry (PRL)

    37. 2404.01917 Frustration-induced quantum criticality in Ni-doped CePdAl as revealed by the $\mu$SR technique (arXiv)

    38. 2404.01807 Stacking of charge-density waves in 2H-NbSe2 bilayers (arXiv)

    39. 2404.01603 Understanding spin currents from magnon dispersion and polarization: Spin-Seebeck effect and neutron scattering study on Tb3Fe5O12 (arXiv)

    40. 2404.01912 Electrically tunable High-Chern-number quasiflat bands in twisted antiferromagnetic topological insulators (arXiv)

    41. 2404.01739 Real-space Calculation of Orbital Hall Responses in Disordered Materials (arXiv)

    42. 2404.01401 Giant and negative magnetoresistances in conical magnets (arXiv)

    43. 2404.02091 Field-induced spin polarization in lightly Cr-substituted layered antiferromagnet NiPS3 (arXiv)

    44. 50 The Neuron vs the Synapse: Which One Is in the Driving Seat? (Physics)

    45. 2404.01117 Variational approach for the two-body problem in a multiband extended-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    46. 2404.00963 Inversion and Tunability of Van Hove Singularities in AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, and Cs) kagome metals (arXiv)

    47. 2404.00996 Charge density wave without long-range structural modulation in canted antiferromagnetic kagome FeGe (arXiv)

    48. 2404.00823 Octupolar edge state in an eg orbital system on a square lattice (arXiv)

    49. 2404.00706 Chiral spin textures driven by emergent spin-orbit interaction: a numerical study (arXiv)

    50. 2404.00575 Long-Range Nanoelectromechanical Coupling at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface (arXiv)

    51. 2404.00214 Ferromagnetic state with large magnetic moments realized in epitaxially strained Sr3Ru2O7 films (arXiv)

    52. 2404.00100 Magnetic properties of the spiral spin liquid and surrounding phases in the square lattice XY model (arXiv)

    53. 2404.00692 Spontaneous charge-ordered state in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    54. 2404.01146 Dielectric Screening Inside Carbon Nanotubes (arXiv)

    55. 2404.01097 Topological phases and edge modes of an uneven ladder (arXiv)

    56. 2404.01061 Wiedemann-Franz law violation domain for graphene and nonrelativistic systems (arXiv)

    57. 2404.00695v1 Hidden-Rashba-driven Absence of Odd-integer Quantized States in an Oxide Quantum Hall System (arXiv)

    58. 2404.01002 Study of Curved Domain-wall Fermions on a Lattice (arXiv)

    59. 2403.20189 Field tuning Kitaev systems for spin fractionalization and topological order (arXiv)

    60. 2403.20036 Local magnetic moment formation and Kondo screening in the presence of Hund exchange: the two-band Hubbard model analysis (arXiv)

    61. 2403.19791 Spinon Kondo lattice in quantum spin liquids (arXiv)

    62. 2403.20110 Theory of the inverse Faraday effect in dissipative Rashba electron systems: Floquet engineering perspective (arXiv)

    63. 2403.19890 On the Hartree-Fock Ground State Manifold in Magic Angle Twisted Graphene Systems (arXiv)

    64. 2403.19767 Visualizing orbital angular momentum induced single wavefront dislocation in graphene (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 4th week collection

    1. 2403.18485 Rashba spin splitting-induced topological Hall effect in a Dirac semimetal-ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructure (arXiv)

    2. PhysRevLett.132.136503 Vacancy Spectroscopy of Non-Abelian Kitaev Spin Liquids (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.136402 Broken Screw Rotational Symmetry in the Near-Surface Electronic Structure of AB-Stacked Crystals (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.136504 Orbital-Selective Mott Transition Effects and Nontrivial Topology of Iron Chalcogenide (PRL)

    5. 51 A New Source for Quantum Light (Physics)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.136401 Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Point-Gap Topological Phases (PRL)

    7. 2403.19617 Orbital-Selective Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Infinite-Layer Lanthanum Nickelates (arXiv)

    8. 2403.19445 Long-range Phase Coherence and Tunable Second Order \phi_0-Josephson Effect in a Dirac Semimetal 1T-PtTe2 (arXiv)

    9. 2403.19422 Normal Fermi Surface in the Nodal Superconductor CeCoIn5 Revealed via Thermal Conductivity (arXiv)

    10. 2403.18897 Strong-coupling approach to temperature dependence of competing orders of superconductivity: Possible time-reversal symmetry breaking and nontrivial topology (arXiv)

    11. 2403.19370 Origin of multiple Lifshitz transitions in the Weyl semi-metal RhSi (arXiv)

    12. 2403.19210 Challenges in extracting nonlinear current-induced phenomena in Ca2RuO4 (arXiv)

    13. 2403.18904 Theory of moire magnetism and multi-domain spin textures in twisted Mott insulator - semimetal heterobilayers (arXiv)

    14. 2403.18983 Anyon braiding and telegraph noise in a graphene interferometer (arXiv)

    15. 2403.19656 Topologically protected flatness in chiral moire heterostructures (arXiv)

    16. 2403.19498 Giant High-order Nonlinear and Nonreciprocal Electrical Transports Induced by Valley Flipping in Bernal Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    17. 2403.19429 Transport properties through alternating borophene and graphene superlattices (arXiv)

    18. 2403.18964 Chirality-Induced Magnet-Free Spin Generation in a Semiconductor (arXiv)

    19. 2403.19189 Rydberg exciton states and near-infrared light-emitting diode in monolayer MoTe2 devices (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevX.14.011057 Fragility of Surface States in Non-Wigner-Dyson Topological Insulators (PRX)

    21. PhysRevX.14.011058 Charge Conservation beyond Uniformity: Spatially Inhomogeneous Electromagnetic Response in Periodic Solids (PRX)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.136502 Full Classification of Transport on an Equilibrated 5/2 Edge via Shot Noise (PRL)

    23. 2403.18817 Signatures of electronic ordering in transport in graphene flat bands (arXiv)

    24. 2403.18408 Jeff states in a quasi one dimensional antiferromagnetic spin chain hexagonal Iridates Sr3MIrO6 (M=Mg, Zn, Cd): an ab-initio comparative perspective (arXiv)

    25. 2403.18194 Floquet Product Mode (arXiv)

    26. 2403.18169 Observation of nodal-arcs, effect of axial strain on the nodal-lines & Weyl nodes and low-temperature finite value of Seebeck coefficient in TaAs class of Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    27. 2403.18083 Collective modes and Raman response in Ta2NiSe5 (arXiv)

    28. 2403.18046 Strain-induced enhancement of the charge-density-wave in the kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    29. 2403.18470 Generalized bulk-boundary correspondence in periodically driven non-Hermitian systems (arXiv)

    30. 2403.18372v1 Bulk-entanglement-spectrum correspondence in PT- and PC-symmetric topological insulators (arXiv)

    31. 2403.18189v1 Interfacial magnetic spin Hall effect in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/MoTe2 heterostructure (arXiv)

    32. PhysRevLett.132.136001 Quantum-Geometry-Induced Anomalous Hall Effect in Nonunitary Superconductors and Application to Sr2RuO4 (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.132.136601 Floquet Insulators and Lattice Fermions (PRL)

    34. 2403.17894 Anomalous supercurrent and diode effect in locally perturbed topological Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    35. 2403.17671 Revealing the Microscopic Mechanism of Elementary Vortex Pinning in Superconductors (arXiv)

    36. 2403.17482 Theory of tunneling spectroscopy in p-wave altermagnet-superconductor hybrid structures (arXiv)

    37. 2403.17737 Dirac Dispersions and Fermi Surface Nesting in LaAgSb2 (arXiv)

    38. 2403.17050 Altermagnetism and superconductivity in a multiorbital t-J model (arXiv)

    39. 2403.17824 Band Structure and Fermi Surface Nesting in LaSb2 (arXiv)

    40. 2403.17586 Critical Behavior of Non-Hermitian Kondo effect in Pseudogap System (arXiv)

    41. 2403.17058 Origin of competing charge density waves in kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    42. 2403.17408 Non-coplanar spin structure in a metallic thin film of triangular lattice antiferromagnet CrSe (arXiv)

    43. 2403.17137 Superlattice induced electron percolation within a single Landau level (arXiv)

    44. 2403.17118 Floquet Prethermal Order by Disorder (arXiv)

    45. 2403.17635 A direct demonstration of bulk-boundary correspondence in higher-order topological superconductors with chiral symmetry (arXiv)

    46. 2403.17120 Spin-orbit proximity in MoS2/bilayer graphene heterostructures (arXiv)

    47. 2403.17566 Equality of magnetization and edge current for interacting lattice fermions at positive temperature (arXiv)

    48. 2403.17189 Nonlinear Edelstein Effect in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (arXiv)

    49. PhysRevLett.132.136701 Lossless Spin-Orbit Torque in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.132.136801 Brownian Electric Bubble Quasiparticles (PRL)

    51. 2403.16496 Evidence for a finite-momentum Cooper pair in tricolor d-wave superconducting superlattices (arXiv)

    52. 2403.16119 Pressure-tuning topological phase transitions in Kagome superconductor CsTi3Bi5 (arXiv)

    53. 2403.16969 Signatures of canted antiferromagnetism in infinite-layer nickelates studied by x-ray magnetic dichroism (arXiv)

    54. 2403.17003 Multiple Chern bands in twisted MoTe2 and possible non-Abelian states (arXiv)

    55. 2403.16586 Intrinsic Dipole Hall effect in tMoTe2 moire: magnetoelectricity and contact-free signature of topological transitions (arXiv)

    56. 2403.15820 The fractional quantum Hall nematics on the first Landau level in a tilted field (arXiv)

    57. 2403.15546 Bridging the small and large in twisted transition metal dicalcogenide homobilayers: a tight binding model capturing orbital interference and topology across a wide range of twist angles (arXiv)

    58. 2403.16931 Embedded skyrmion bags in thin films of chiral magnets (arXiv)

    59. 2403.15912 Observation of the dual quantum spin Hall insulator by density-tuned correlations in a van der Waals monolayer (arXiv)

    60. 2403.16725 Skyrmionic device for three dimensional magnetic field sensing enabled by spin-orbit torques (arXiv)

    61. 2403.16531 Giant Hall effect in two-dimensional CoSi2 granular arrays (arXiv)

    62. 2403.16195 Ideal spin-polarized Weyl-half-semimetal with a single pair of Weyl points in half-Heusler compounds XCrTe (X=K, Rb) (arXiv)

    63. 2403.15558 Tunable ultrastrong magnon magnon coupling and spin Hall magnetoresistance in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    64. 2403.15748 Efficient semiclassical approximation for bound states in graphene in magnetic field with a small trigonal warping correction (arXiv)

    65. 2403.14851 Edge currents as probe of topology in twisted cuprate bilayers (arXiv)

    66. 2403.14756 Magnonic Superconductivity (arXiv)

    67. 2403.15386 Magnetic, charge, and bond order in the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Holstein model (arXiv)

    68. 2403.14768 Universality of mean-field antiferromagnetic order in an anisotropic 3D Hubbard model at half-filling (arXiv)

    69. 2403.15348 Crossover from relativistic to non-relativistic net magnetization for MnTe altermagnet candidate (arXiv)

    70. 2403.15050 Quantum Valley Hall effect without Berry curvature (arXiv)

    71. 2403.14747 Compressible quantum matter with vanishing Drude weight (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 3rd week collection

    1. 2403.10347 Quantum Magnetic Skyrmion Operator (arXiv)

    2. s41586-024-07131-7 All-electrical skyrmionic magnetic tunnel junction (Nature)

    3. rs-3984423 Majorana corner modes in unconventional monolayers of 1T-PtSe2 family (researchsquare)

    4. science.ado7069 Debates on the nature of artificial general intelligence (Science)

    5. science.ado8045 Johannes Zaanen (1957-2024) (Science)

    6. science.adh9932 Stable quantum-correlated many-body states through engineered dissipation (Science)

    7. PhysRevX.14.011052 Fundamental Bound on Topological Gap (PRX)

    8. PhysRevX.14.011053 Spontaneous Chirality Flipping in an Orthogonal Spin-Charge Ordered Topological Magnet (PRX)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.126702 Giant Spin-Orbit Induced Magnon Nonreciprocity in Ultrathin Ferromagnets (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.126402 Efficient Full-Frequency GW Calculations Using a Lanczos Method (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.126504 Variational Tensor Wave Functions for the Interacting Quantum Spin Hall Phase (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.126602 Manipulation of Weyl Points in Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Mechanical Lattices (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.121801 Dark Matter Induced Power in Quantum Devices (PRL)

    14. 2403.14400 Absence of phonon-mediated superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under pressure (arXiv)

    15. 2403.14057 Exploring Fermi Surface Nesting and the Nature of Heavy Quasiparticles in the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Candidate CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    16. 2403.14620 From Local to Emergent Altermagnetism: Footprints of Free Fermions Band Topology (arXiv)

    17. 2403.14284 Gauge Field Dynamics in a Multilayer Kitaev Spin Liquid (arXiv)

    18. 2403.14560 Moire-modulated band gap and van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer germanene (arXiv)

    19. 2403.14145 Realizing topological quantum magnets with atomic spins on surfaces (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.126501 Two-Dimensional Moire Polaronic Electron Crystals (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.126502 Electron Glass Phase with Resilient Zhang-Rice Singlets in LiCu3O3 (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.126503 Pressure Driven Fractionalization of Ionic Spins Results in Cupratelike High-Tc Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

    23. s35 Erasure Qubits for Abridged Error Correction (Physics)

    24. 2403.13661 Mean Field Decoupling of Single Impurity Anderson Model through Auxiliary Majorana Fermions (arXiv)

    25. 2403.13306 Thermal Hall effect driven by phonon-magnon hybridization in a honeycomb antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    26. 2403.13239 Exotic magnetism in perovskite KOsO3 (arXiv)

    27. 2403.13154 Vison condensation and spinon confinement in a kagome lattice Z2 spin liquid: A numerical study of a quantum dimer model (arXiv)

    28. 2403.13054 Signatures of metal to insulator crossover in the repulsive Fermi Hubbard model through static correlations (arXiv)

    29. 2403.13516 Quantum Chaos on Edge (arXiv)

    30. 2403.13774 Corner and Edge States in Topological Sierpinski Carpet Systems (arXiv)

    31. 2403.13277 Quantum valley Hall states in low-buckled counterparts of graphene bilayer (arXiv)

    32. 2403.13758 Scale Invariance at the Edge (arXiv)

    33. PhysRevLett.132.126601 Bulk-Edge Correspondence for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems (PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.132.126401 Topological Flat Bands in Graphene Super-Moire Lattices (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.132.126701 Current-Induced Creation of Topological Vortex Rings in a Magnetic Nanocylinder (PRL)

    36. s29 Magnetic Vortex Rings on Demand (Physics)

    37. 2403.12889 P-wave pairing near a spin-split Josephson junction (arXiv)

    38. 2403.12656 ac Hall Effect and Photon Drag of Superconducting Condensate (arXiv)

    39. 2403.12831 Electronic instability, layer selectivity and Fermi arcs in La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

    40. 2403.12597 Effects of forward disorder on quasi-1D superconductors (arXiv)

    41. 2403.12779 Quantum Fischer information in a strange metal (arXiv)

    42. 2403.12612v1 Large Rashba spin-orbit coupling in metallic SrTaO3 thin films (arXiv)

    43. 2403.12141 Fractionalization Signatures in the Dynamics of Quantum Spin Liquids (arXiv)

    44. 2403.12126 Non-Abelian and Abelian descendants of vortex spin liquid: fractional quantum spin Hall effect in twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

    45. 2403.12185v1 Halperin States of Particles and Holes in Ideal Time Reversal Invariant Pairs of Chern Bands and The Fractional Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Moire MoTe2 (arXiv)

    46. 2403.12921 Probing the Fermi surface with Quantum Oscillation Measurements in the Dirac semimetal TaNiTe5 (arXiv)

    47. 2403.12701 Unraveling the dynamics of magnetization in topological insulator-ferromagnet heterostructures via spin-orbit torque (arXiv)

    48. 2403.12929 Observation of the anomalous Nernst effect in altermagnetic candidate Mn5Si3 (arXiv)

    49. 2403.12642 Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in synthetic ferrimagnets (arXiv)

    50. 2403.12287 Interfacing Quantum Spin Hall and Quantum Anomalous Hall insulators: Bi bilayer on MnBi2Te4-family materials (arXiv)

    51. PhysRevX.14.011050 Revealing Higher-Order Interactions in High-Dimensional Complex Systems: A Data-Driven Approach (PRX)

    52. PhysRevLett.132.126201 Origin of Interfacial Orbital Reconstruction in Perovskite Superlattices (PRL)

    53. PhysRevB.109.104110 Bulk photovoltaic effect of a hybrid ferroelectric semiconductor (PRB)

    54. PhysRevX.14.011004 Valley-Coherent Quantum Anomalous Hall State in AB-Stacked MoTe2/WSe2 Bilayers (PRX)

    55. 45 Another Twist in the Understanding of Moire Materials (Physics)

    56. PhysRevB.109.094421 Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the star lattice: From chiral Majorana fermions to chiral triplons (PRB)

    57. 2403.11685 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless to BCS-like superconducting transition crossover driven by weak magnetic fields in ultra-thin NbN films (arXiv)

    58. 2403.11126 Observation of diamagnetic strange-metal phase in sulfur-copper codoped lead apatite (arXiv)

    59. 2403.11224 An exact formula for the optical conductivity of the two dimensional Hubbard model and its application to the cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    60. 2403.11218 Non-Fermi liquid behavior of scattering rate in three-orbital Emery model (arXiv)

    61. 2403.11980 Comparative Raman Scattering Study of Crystal Field Excitations in Co-based Quantum Magnets (arXiv)

    62. 2403.11880 Topological edge modes and phase transition in the critical fermionic chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

    63. 2403.11705 Coarsening of chiral domains in itinerant electron magnets: A machine learning force field approach (arXiv)

    64. 2403.11655 SU(3) gauge field of magnons in antiferromagnetic skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

    65. 2403.11588 Numerical observation of SU(N) Nagaoka ferromagnetism (arXiv)

    66. 2403.11478 Moore-Read state in Half-filled Moire Chern band from three-body Pseudo-potential (arXiv)

    67. 2403.11382 Exclusive interplay between topological quasiparticles and strongly correlated fermions (arXiv)

    68. 2403.11232 Observation of unconventional charge order during the transition from Mott-insulator to charge-transfer-insulator in \alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    69. 2403.11195 Merons and magnetoelectric switching in centrosymmetric spiral magnets (arXiv)

    70. 2403.10867 Giant exchange splitting in the electronic structure of A-type 2D antiferromagnet CrSBr (arXiv)

    71. 2403.10601 A Classical Chiral Spin-Liquid from Chiral Interactions on the Pyrochlore Lattice (arXiv)

    72. 2403.11912 A C*-algebraic view on the interaction of real- and reciprocal space topology in skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

    73. 2403.11660 Tailoring topological band properties of twisted double bilayer graphene: effects due to spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    74. 2403.11119 Electrical reversal of the sign for magnon thermal Hall coefficient in van der Waals bilayer antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    75. 2403.11063 Emergent Haldane Model and Photon-Valley Locking in Chiral Cavities (arXiv)

    76. 2403.10818 Orbital magnetic susceptibility of circular graphene nanoribbons studied using tight-binding model (arXiv)

    77. 2403.10769 Machine Learning Exchange Fields for Ab-initio Spin Dynamics (arXiv)

    78. 2403.09765 Perturbative description of high-Tc superconductivity in the Hubbard model via unitary transformation and classical spins (arXiv)

    79. 2403.10509 Tuneable band topology and optical conductivity in altermagnets (arXiv)

    80. 2403.10148 Disordered non-Fermi liquid fixed point for two-dimensional metals at Ising-nematic quantum critical points (arXiv)

    81. 2403.10028 Nonmagnetic Ground State in RuO2 Revealed by Muon Spin Rotation (arXiv)

    82. 2403.09950 Polarized Charge Dynamics of a Novel Charge Density Wave in Kagome FeGe (arXiv)

    83. 2403.09862 Spiral to stripe transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)

    84. 2403.09835 Fermi Liquid near a q=0 Charge Quantum Critical Point (arXiv)

    85. 2403.09831 Kitaev physics in the two-dimensional magnet NiPSe3 (arXiv)

    86. 2403.09924 Berry curvature derived negative magnetoconductivity observed in type-II magnetic Weyl semimetal films (arXiv)

    87. 2403.10382 One-dimensional Lieb superlattices: from the discrete to the continuum limit (arXiv)

    88. 2403.10235 Spin and Orbital Magnetism by Light in Rutile Altermagnets (arXiv)

    89. 2403.10218 Structure, control, and dynamics of altermagnetic textures (arXiv)

    90. 2403.10181 Effects of spin-orbit coupling in a valley chiral kagome network (arXiv)

    91. 2403.09890 Role of many phonon modes on the high-temperature linear-in-T electronic resistivity (arXiv)

    92. 2403.09908 Electron screening and strength of long-range Coulomb interactions in phosphorene: From bulk to nanoribbon (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 2nd week collection
    1. science.ado4113 Accelerating 2D materials discovery (Science)

    2. science.adk9589 Grid-plainification enables medium-temperature PbSe thermoelectrics to cool better than Bi2Te3 (Science)

    3. science.adj6556 Two-dimensional materials by large-scale computations and chemical exfoliation of layered solids (Science)

    4. how-i-lost-and-found-my-scientific-creativity How I lost and found my scientific creativity (Science)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.116602 Polarization and Weak Topology in Chern Insulators (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.116504 Electrical Control of Spin and Valley in Spin-Orbit Coupled Graphene Multilayers (PRL)

    7. s41427-024-00534-y Spontaneous Small Biskyrmions in a Centrosymmetric Rare-Earth Kagome Ferrimagnet (NPG Asia Materials)

    8. PhysRevB.109.115417 Topological flat bands in functionalized arsenene monolayers (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.109.L121403 Second-order topological states in a sixfold symmetric quasicrystal (PRB)

    10. s44306-023-00006-z Anomalous hall and skyrmion topological hall resistivity in magnetic heterostructures for the neuromorphic computing applications (npj Spintronics)

    11. 2403.06085v1 van Hove Singularity-Driven Emergence of Multiple Flat Bands in Kagome Superconductors (arXiv)

    12. 2403.07397 Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels (arXiv)

    13. PhysRevX.14.011048 Exciton Transport in a Germanium Quantum Dot Ladder (PRX)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.116502 Spin-Orbit Excitons in a Correlated Metal: Raman Scattering Study of Sr2RhO4 (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.132.116501 Emergent Inductance from Spin Fluctuations in Strongly Correlated Magnets (PRL)

    16. 2403.09395 Discovery of a distinct collective mode in kagome superconductors (arXiv)

    17. 2403.09241 Electronic diffusion in a normal state of high-Tc cuprate YBa2Cu3O6+x (arXiv)

    18. 2403.08889 Weyl superconductivity and quasiperiodic Majorana arcs in quasicrystals (arXiv)

    19. 2403.09602 Parafermions with symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics (arXiv)

    20. 2403.09287 Duality and hidden symmetry breaking in the q-deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model (arXiv)

    21. 2403.09147 Stoner ferromagnetism, correlated metal and thermoelectricity in partially flat-band materials (arXiv)

    22. 2403.09112 Spin-Orbit Coupled Insulators and Metals on the Verge of Kitaev Spin Liquids in Ilmenite Heterostructures (arXiv)

    23. 2403.09019 Unified description of electronic orderings and cross correlations by complete multipole representation (arXiv)

    24. 2403.08908 Electrically Tunable Spin Exchange Splitting in Graphene Hybrid Heterostructure (arXiv)

    25. 2403.09535 Chiral gauge field in fully-spin polarized Weyl semimetal with magnetic domain walls (arXiv)

    26. 2403.09520 Topological responses from gapped Weyl points in 2D altermagnets (arXiv)

    27. 2403.09319 Anomalous quantum scattering and transport of electrons with Mexican-hat dispersion induced by electrical potential (arXiv)

    28. 2403.09269 Direct observation of nanometer-scale orbital angular momentum accumulation (arXiv)

    29. 2403.09150 Detecting the Neel vector of altermagnet by attaching a topological insulator and crystalline valley-edge insulator (arXiv)

    30. 2403.09078 Monte Carlo Spin Simulations of Magnetic Noise – The Search for Pivoting (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.14.011047 Spontaneous Gap Opening and Potential Excitonic States in an Ideal Dirac Semimetal Ta2Pd3Te5 (PRX)

    32. s41467-024-46514-2 Tuning of the flat band and its impact on superconductivity in Mo5Si3-xPx (Nature Communications)

    33. PhysRevB.109.L100504 Minimal model for the flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite: Strong diamagnetism from multiorbital physics (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.109.094418 Chemical potential of magnetic skyrmion quasiparticles in heavy-metal/iron bilayers (PRB)

    35. 2403.08347 1/f frequency fluctuations due to kinetic inductance in CoSi2 microwave cavities (arXiv)

    36. 2403.07999 Nodal d-wave pairing from spin fluctuations in a thermally disordered anti-ferromagnet (arXiv)

    37. 2403.08713 Phase diagram of the J1-J2 quantum Heisenberg model for arbitrary spin (arXiv)

    38. 2403.08478 Thermal Hall effect incorporating magnon damping in localized spin systems (arXiv)

    39. 2403.08456 Layered Kagome Compound Na2Ni3S4 with Topological Flat Band (arXiv)

    40. 2403.08172 RKKY Interactions and Multipole Order in Ab initio Wannier Model of CeCoSi (arXiv)

    41. 2403.08180 Thermal Hall effect in a van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3 (arXiv)

    42. 2403.08686 Evidence of enhanced thermopower from emergent local moments in flatbands of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    43. 2403.08468 Kondo Effect in Micron Size Device Fabricated From Flakes of Mn Doped Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator (arXiv)

    44. 2403.08184 Quantum skyrmion dynamics studied by neural network quantum states (arXiv)

    45. PhysRevLett.132.116601 Photoinduced Electronic and Spin Topological Phase Transitions in Monolayer Bismuth (PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.132.113802 Localization of Chiral Edge States by the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.132.111601 Bootstrapping Deconfined Quantum Tricriticality (PRL)

    48. s30 Testing a New Solar Sandwich (Physics)

    49. 2403.07525 Universal Chemical Formula Dependence of Ab Initio Low-Energy Effective Hamiltonian in Single-Layer Carrier Doped Cuprate Superconductors – Study by Hierarchical Dependence Extraction Algorithm (arXiv)

    50. 2403.07504 Two-dimensional phase diagram of the charge density wave in doped CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    51. 2403.07448 Cuprate-like Electronic Structures in Infinite-Layer Nickelates with 3D dispersion (arXiv)

    52. 2403.07117 Spin-polarized Specular Andreev Reflections in Altermagnets (arXiv)

    53. 2403.07580 Electronic and dynamical properties of cobalt monogermanide CoGe phases under pressure (arXiv)

    54. 2403.07873 Stability of Anomalous Hall Crystals in multilayer rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

    55. 2403.07812 Probing quantum criticality in ferromagnetic CeRh6Ge4 (arXiv)

    56. 2403.07620 Strong Local Bosonic Fluctuation: The Key to Understanding Strongly Correlated Metals (arXiv)

    57. 2403.07443 Magnetic Phase Diagram and Skyrmions of the Hubbard Model on the Beta-Mn Type Lattice (arXiv)

    58. 2403.07054 Minimal Fractional Topological Insulator in half-filled conjugate moire Chern bands (arXiv)

    59. 2403.07551 Isolated nearly flat higher Chern band in monolayer transition metal trihalides (arXiv)

    60. 2403.07397 Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels (arXiv)

    61. 2403.07254 Negative orbital Hall effect in Germanium (arXiv)

    62. 2403.07055 Orbital angular momentum of Bloch electrons: equilibrium formulation, magneto-electric phenomena, and the orbital Hall effect (arXiv)

    63. 2403.07846 Antiferromagnetic magnons on a Mobius strip: topology-induced symmetry breaking (arXiv)

    64. PhysRevX.14.011044 Frank-Read Mechanism in Nematic Liquid Crystals (PRX)

    65. PhysRevX.14.011045 Defect-Induced Low-Energy Majorana Excitations in the Kitaev Magnet alpha-RuCl3 (PRX)

    66. 39 Precise Measurement of Hydrogen Energy Levels (Physics)

    67. 2403.06380 First-principles study of two-dimensional transition metal carbide M n+1 C n O 2(M=Nb,Ta) (arXiv)

    68. 2403.06232 Emergence of Surface Superconductivity through Interference in Superconducting-proximity Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    69. 2403.06231 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the s-wave superconducting kagome Hubbard model: Self-consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes calculations (arXiv)

    70. 2403.06215 Observation of in-gap states in a two-dimensional CrI2/NbSe2 heterostructure (arXiv)

    71. 2403.06157 Superconductivity in the Fibonacci Chain (arXiv)

    72. 2403.06046 Conventional Superconductivity in the Doped Kagome Superconductor Cs(V0.86Ta0.14)3Sb5 from Vortex Lattice Studies (arXiv)

    73. 2403.06778 Topological solitons stabilized by a background gauge field and soliton-anti-soliton asymmetry (arXiv)

    74. 2403.06085 van Hove Singularity-Driven Emergence of Multiple Flat Bands in Kagome Superconductors (arXiv)

    75. 2403.06170 Chiral Spin-Liquid-Like State in Pyrochlore Iridate Thin Films (arXiv)

    76. 2403.06123 Periodically driven three-dimensional Kitaev model (arXiv)

    77. 2403.06118 Dynamical generation of skyrmion and bimeron crystals by a circularly polarized electric field in frustrated magnets (arXiv)

    78. 2403.05633 Multipolar magnetism in 5d2 vacancy-ordered halide double perovskites (arXiv)

    79. 2403.06934 Impact of spin torques and spin pumping phenomena on magnon-plasmon polaritons in antiferromagnetic insulator-semiconductor heterostructures (arXiv)

    80. 2403.06472 What is a proper definition of spin current? – Lessons from the Kane-Mele Model (arXiv)

    81. 2403.06022 Intrinsic magnetism in KTaO3 heterostructures (arXiv)

    82. 2403.06549 Handedness manipulation of propagating antiferromagnetic magnons (arXiv)

    83. 2403.06304 Hybrid-order topology with tunable chiral hinge modes and unpinned Dirac surface states in the altermagnetic insulator Eu3In2As4 (arXiv)

    84. 2403.05769 High-rectification near-field radiative thermal diode using Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    85. acs.nanolett.3c05112 Spontaneous Atomic-Scale Polar Skyrmions and Merons on a SrTiO3 (001) Surface: Defect Engineering for Emerging Topological Orders (Nano Letters)

    86. 2403.05227 Superconductivity in kagome metal ThRu3Si2 (arXiv)

    87. 2403.05051 Superconductivity in Two-Dimentional Systems with Unconventional Rashba Bands (arXiv)

    88. 2403.04851 Quasiclassical theory of superconducting spin-splitter effects and spin-filtering via altermagnets (arXiv)

    89. 2403.04802 A first-principles study and mesoscopic modeling of two-dimensional spin and orbital fluctuations in FeSe (arXiv)

    90. 2403.05522 Anomalous Hall Crystals in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene II: General Mechanism and a Minimal Model (arXiv)

    91. 2403.05238 Spin-1/2 string correlations and singlet-triplet gaps of frustrated ladders with ferromagnetic (F) legs and alternate F and AF rungs (arXiv)

    92. 2403.05084 Trapping Hard-Core Bosons in Flatband Lattices (arXiv)

    93. 2403.05082 Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet (arXiv)

    94. 2403.05058 Intrinsic anomalous Hall effect arising from antiferromagnetic structure revealed by high-quality NbMnP (arXiv)

    95. 2403.05487 Nonlinear Hall effect from long-lived valley-polarizing relaxons (arXiv)

    96. 2403.05405 Experimental set-up for thermal measurements at the nanoscale using an SThM probe with niobium nitride thermometer (arXiv)

    97. 2403.05291 A discrete formulation for three-dimensional winding number (arXiv)

    98. 2403.05052 The role of Rashba spin-orbit induced spin textures in the anomalous Josephson effect (arXiv)

    99. 2403.04773 C.V. Raman as a Science Communicator: A Historical Perspective (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 1st week collection
    1. s41586-024-07085-w Anomalous electrons in a metallic kagome ferromagnet (Nature)

    2. s41586-024-07026-7 Imaging the Meissner effect in hydride superconductors using quantum sensors (Nature)

    3. d41586-024-00423-y Quantum sensor settles debate about superconductivity in hydrides (Nature)

    4. final-u-s-spending-bills-offer-gloomy-outlook-science Final U.S. spending bills offer gloomy outlook for science (fund, Science)

    5. french-scientists-alarmed-disastrous-cut-research-budget French scientists alarmed by disastrous cut to research budget (fund, Science)

    6. s41534-024-00820-1 Non-symmetric Pauli spin blockade in a silicon double quantum dot (npj Quantum Information)

    7. PhysRevX.14.011043 Symmetry Breaking and Ascending in the Magnetic Kagome Metal FeGe (PRX)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.106402 Nonlinear Hall Effect from Long-Lived Valley-Polarizing Relaxons (PRL)

    9. 40 How to Compare Proteins (Physics)

    10. PhysRevX.14.011040 Pressure-Induced Superconductivity In Polycrystalline La3Ni2O7-\delta (PRX)

    11. PhysRevX.14.011041 Adiabatic Dynamics of Coupled Spins and Phonons in Magnetic Insulators (PRX)

    12. PhysRevX.14.011039 Ultracoherent Nanomechanical Resonators Based on Density Phononic Crystal Engineering (PRX)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.106401 Unexpected Competition between Ferroelectricity and Rashba Effects in Epitaxially Strained SrTiO3 (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.106602 Monolayer V2MX4 : A New Family of Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators (PRL)

    15. s32 Zero-Resistance State for a Potential High-Temperature Superconducting Nickelate (Physics)

    16. 2403.04421 Design of supercurrent diode by vortex phase texture (arXiv)

    17. 2403.04391 \pi Phase Interlayer Shift and Stacking Fault in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    18. 2403.04270 Cooper pairing, flat-band superconductivity and quantum geometry in the pyrochlore-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    19. 2403.04097v1 Flat-band hybridization between $f$ and $d$ states near the Fermi energy of SmCoIn5 (Michel, arXiv)

    20. 2403.04550v1 Electrical transport signatures of metallic surface state formation in the strongly-correlated insulator FeSb2 (arXiv)

    21. 2403.04176v1 Re-investigation of Moment Direction in a Kitaev Material \alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    22. 2403.04691v1 Exciton Condensation in Landau Levels of Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (arXiv)

    23. 2403.04522v1 Absence of local conserved quantity in the Heisenberg model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction (arXiv)

    24. 2403.04208v1 Controllable Skyrmion Islands in a Moire Magnet (arXiv)

    25. 2403.04196v1 Parent Berry curvature and the ideal anomalous Hall crystal (arXiv)

    26. 2403.04192v1 Orbital Magneto-Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Kagome Magnet Fe3Sn2 (arXiv)

    27. 2403.03980v1 Collective modes in terahertz field response of superconductors with paramagnetic impurities (arXiv)

    28. 2403.04515v1 Light-induced giant enhancement of nonreciprocal transport at KTaO3-based interfaces (arXiv)

    29. 2403.04155v1 A generic model with unconventional Rashba bands and giant spin galvanic effect (arXiv)

    30. 2403.04465v1 Classifying bulk-edge anomalies in the Dirac Hamiltonian (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.14.011038 Modeling and Predicting Second-Harmonic Generation from Protein Molecular Structure (PRX)

    32. PhysRevLett.132.106501 Fractional Quantum Hall States of the A Phase in the Second Landau Level (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.132.106601 Orbital Magneto-Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Kagome Magnet Fe3Sn2 (PRL)

    34. 38 A New Hall Effect from Quantum Geometry (Physics)

    35. 2403.03324 Observation of Chiral Surface State in Superconducting NbGe2 (arXiv)

    36. 2403.03911 Electron correlations in the kagome flat band metal CsCr3Sb5 (arXiv)

    37. 2403.03805 Ultrafast Band Structure Dynamics in Bulk 1T-VSe2 (arXiv)

    38. 2403.03757 Non-Abelian anyon statistics through AC conductance of a Majorana interferometer (arXiv)

    39. 2403.03716 Quantum phase transition between topologically distinct quantum critical points (arXiv)

    40. 2403.03626 Weyl points and anomalous transport effects tuned by the Fe doping in Mn3Ge Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

    41. 2403.03957 Decoupling the electronic gap from the spin Chern number in disordered higher-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    42. 2403.03793 Pseudospin Polarization of Composite Fermions under Uniaxial Strain (arXiv)

    43. 2403.03523 High-harmonic generation in graphene under the application of a DC electric current: From perturbative to non-perturbative regimes (arXiv)

    44. 2403.03358 Magnon kinetic theory of the antiferromagnetic Hanle effect (arXiv)

    45. 2403.03340 Relating the Hall conductivity to the many-body Chern number using Fermi’s Golden rule and Kramers-Kronig relations (arXiv)

    46. 2403.03402 Two-dimensional Kagome-in-Honeycomb materials (MN$_4$)3C32 (M=Pt or Mn) (arXiv)

    47. PhysRevX.14.010001 Editorial: PRX Embraces the Vibrant Field of 2D Materials (PRX)

    48. PhysRevLett.132.100602 Generative Quantum Machine Learning via Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (PRL)

    49. 2403.03169 Dynamical decoding of the competition between charge density waves in a kagome superconductor (arXiv)

    50. 2403.02036 Spin Signature of Majorana Fermions in Topological Nodal-Point Superconductors (arXiv)

    51. 2403.01080 Quantum Geometric Origin of Superconducting Diode effect (arXiv)

    52. 2403.03210 Anomalous continuum scattering and higher-order van Hove singularity in the strongly anisotropic S = 1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    53. 2403.03201 Site Symmetry and Multiorbital Flat Bands on Kagome and Pyrochlore Lattices (arXiv)

    54. 2403.03022 Incommensurate broken-helix and broken-fanlike states in axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2 (arXiv)

    55. 2403.02734 Strain tunable electronic ground states in two-dimensional iridate thin films (arXiv)

    56. 2403.02577 The de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscillations in the kagome metal RbTi3Bi5 (arXiv)

    57. 2403.02391 Order-by-disorder without quantum zero-point fluctuations in the pyrochlore Heisenberg ferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (arXiv)

    58. 2403.02295 Magnetic Weyl-Kondo semimetals induced by quantum fluctuation (arXiv)

    59. 2403.02201 Highly unusual, doubly-strongly-correlated, altermagnetic, 3D analogue of parent compounds of high-Tc cuprates (arXiv)

    60. 2403.02073 Variational Monte Carlo study of stripes as a function of doping in the t-t’ Hubbard model (arXiv)

    61. 2403.01765 Theory of collective excitations in the quadruple-$Q$ magnetic hedgehog lattices (arXiv)

    62. 2403.01714 Molecular intercalation in the van der Waals antiferromagnets FePS3 and NiPS3 (arXiv)

    63. 2403.01625 Magnonic \varphi Josephson Junctions and Synchronized Precession (arXiv)

    64. 2403.01113 Gapped nodal planes drive a large topological Nernst effect in a chiral lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    65. 2403.00856 Higher vortexability: zero field realization of higher Landau levels (arXiv)

    66. 2403.03155 Four-band effective square lattice model for Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    67. 2403.03116 Suppressed localization effects in topological insulator – antiferromagnetic insulator thin film bilayers of (BiSb)2Te3-MnF2 (arXiv)

    68. 2403.03038 Transition from topological to chaos in the nonlinear Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    69. 2403.02223 All-optical control of skyrmion configuration in CrI3 monolayer (arXiv)

    70. 2403.02023 Realization of the Non-endpoint Majorana Bound States in an Extended Kitaev Chain (arXiv)

    71. 2403.02017 The General Principle behind Magnetization-induced Second-Order Topological Corner States in the Kane-Mele Model (arXiv)

    72. 2403.01576 Gapless Edge-Modes and Topology in the Qi-Wu-Zhang Model: A Real-Space Analysis (arXiv)

    73. 2403.01073 Strongly enhanced nonlinear acoustic valley Hall effect in tilted Dirac materials (arXiv)

    74. 2403.01057 Signatures of magnon hydrodynamics in an atomically-thin ferromagnet (arXiv)

    75. 2403.01029 Unveiling the physics of the spin-orbit coupling at the surface of a model topological insulator: from theory to experiments (arXiv)

    76. PhysRevX.14.011036 Light-Induced Melting of Competing Stripe Orders without Introducing Superconductivity in La2-xBaxCuO4 (PRX)

    77. PhysRevLett.132.106002 Possible High ${T}_{c}$ Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under High Pressure through Manifestation of a Nearly Half-Filled Bilayer Hubbard Model (PRL)

    78. PhysRevLett.132.106301 Nonconservation of the Valley Density and its Implications for the Observation of the Valley Hall Effect (PRL)

    79. 2403.00630 Harnessing the superconducting diode effect through inhomogeneous magnetic fields (arXiv)

    80. 2403.00615 Superconductivity Mediated by Nematic Fluctuations in Tetragonal FeSe1-xSx (arXiv)

    81. 2403.00494 Nonlinear optical responses in superconductors under magnetic fields: quantum geometry and topological superconductivity (arXiv)

    82. 2403.00419 Majorana zero-modes in a dissipative Rashba nanowire (arXiv)

    83. 2403.00316 Surface Chern-Simons theory for third-order topological insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

    84. 2403.00728 Emergence of interfacial magnetism in strongly-correlated nickelate-titanate superlattices (arXiv)

    85. 2403.00597 Chiral Spin Liquid on a Shastry-Sutherland Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    86. 2403.00421 Monte Carlo based techniques for quantum magnets with long-range interactions (arXiv)

    87. 2403.00062 Strong non-linear response of strange metals (arXiv)

    88. 2403.00007 Marginal Fermi liquid behavior at the onset of 2kF density wave order in two-dimensional metals with flat hot spots (arXiv)

    89. 2403.00477 Robustness of the pyrochlore structure in rare-earth A2Ir2O7 iridates and pressure-induced structural transformation in IrO2 (arXiv)

    90. 2403.00297 Lattice dynamics study of electron-correlation-induced charge density wave in antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeGe (arXiv)

    91. 2403.00714 Entropy Driven Inductive Response of Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    92. 2403.00530 Extended Hubbard corrected tight-binding model for rhombohedral few-layer graphene (arXiv)

    93. 2403.00191 Ab initio modelling of quantum dot qubits: Coupling, gate dynamics and robustness versus charge noise (arXiv)

    94. 2403.00052 Long-lived Topological Flatband Excitons in Semiconductor Moire Heterostructures: a Bosonic Kane-Mele Model Platform (arXiv)

    95. 2403.00538 Asymmetrical temporal dynamics of topological edge modes in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattice with Kerr nonlinearity (arXiv)

    96. 2403.00167 Current-induced sliding motion in a helimagnet MnAu2 (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.132.096502 Signatures of Correlated Defects in an Ultraclean Wigner Crystal in the Extreme Quantum Limit (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.132.096602 Magic Angles and Fractional Chern Insulators in Twisted Homobilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.096703 Spin-Frame Field Theory of a Three-Sublattice Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    4. ad2e4f Skyrmion Based Universal Logic Gates and Computation Operation (skyrmion logic gate, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics)

    5. PhysRevX.14.011033 Correlation Spectroscopy with Multiqubit-Enhanced Phase Estimation (PRX)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.096101 Atomistic Origin of Diverse Charge Density Wave States in CsV3b5 (PRL)

    7. 2402.19478 Topological flat bands, valley polarization, and interband superconductivity in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene with proximitized spin-orbit couplings (arXiv)

    8. 2402.19454 Controllable suppression of the unconventional superconductivity in bulk and thin-film Sr2RuO4 via high-energy electron irradiation (arXiv)

    9. 2402.19382 Signatures of Majorana protection in a three-site Kitaev chain (arXiv)

    10. 2402.18735 Symmetry-breaking normal state response and surface superconductivity in topological semimetal YPtBi (arXiv)

    11. 2402.18627 Topologically protected emergent Fermi surface in an Abrikosov vortex lattice (arXiv)

    12. 2402.18626 Strange metal in the doped Hubbard model via percolation (arXiv)

    13. 2402.18588 Emergence of Weyl Points due to Spin Orbit Coupling in LK-99 (arXiv)

    14. 2402.19433 Magnon spectrum of altermagnets: Time-dependent matrix product states vs. linearized Holstein-Primakoff calculations unravelling spontaneous magnon decay (arXiv)

    15. 2402.18820 Surface Luttinger surfaces and Luttinger-Lifshitz transitions in topological band structures (arXiv)

    16. 2402.18783 J=1/2 Pseudospins and d-p Hybridization in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidates RuX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) (arXiv)

    17. 2402.18629 SU(3) altermagnetism: Lattice models, chiral magnons, and flavor-split bands (arXiv)

    18. 2402.19246 Chiral-induced unidirectional spin-to-charge conversion (arXiv)

    19. 2402.19039 Triplet fermions in MXenes: The Applications for spintronic-based devices (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.096002 Dissipationless Counterflow Currents above Tc in Bilayer Superconductors (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.096302 Nonlinear Valley Hall Effect (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.096401 Deep-Learning Density Functional Perturbation Theory (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.096702 Light-Driven Spontaneous Phonon Chirality and Magnetization in Paramagnets (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.096601 Quantum Liquid States of Spin Solitons in a Ferroelectric Spin-Peierls State (PRL)

    25. 2402.18082 Study of superconductivity of very thin FeSe1-xTex films investigated by microwave complex conductivity measurements (arXiv)

    26. 2402.18552 Amplified entanglement witnessed in a quantum critical metal (arXiv)

    27. 2402.18466 Unraveling the complexity of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in layered magnets: Towards its full magnitude and chirality control (arXiv)

    28. 2402.18379 Embracing Disorder in Quantum Materials Design (arXiv)

    29. 2402.18364 Extracting the Luttinger parameter from a single wave function (arXiv)

    30. 2402.18359 Unveiling unconventional magnetism at the surface of Sr2RuO4 (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    31. 2402.18176 Anisotropic Dynamical Planckian Scaling of the Quasi-Kagome Kondo Lattice CeRhSn with Strong Valence Fluctuation (arXiv)

    32. 2402.17832 Quantum anomalous Hall crystal at fractional filling of moire superlattices (arXiv)

    33. 2402.18369 Topological charge and spin Hall effects due to skyrmions in canted antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    34. 2402.18539 Peak Effect and Dynamics of Stripe and Pattern Forming Systems on a Periodic One Dimensional Substrate (Peak effect, arXiv)

    35. 2402.17867 Sublattice structure and topology in spontaneously crystallized electronic states (JCano, arXiv)

    36. PhysRevX.14.011030 Anisotropic Quantum Hall Droplets (PRX)

    37. PhysRevLett.132.099601 Comment on ``Trivial Andreev Band Mimicking Topological Bulk Gap Reopening in the Nonlocal Conductance of Long Rashba Nanowires’’ (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.132.099602 Hess et al. Reply: (PRL)

    39. 2402.17657 Classification of electronic nematicity in three-dimensional crystals and quasicrystals (arXiv)

    40. 2402.17041v1 Distinct Optical Excitation Mechanisms of a Coherent Magnon in a van der Waals Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    41. 2402.16983 Thermal evolution of spin excitations in honeycomb Ising antiferromagnetic FePSe3 (arXiv)

    42. 2402.16952 Orbital selective order and Z3 Potts nematicity from a non-Fermi liquid (arXiv)

    43. 2402.17451 Altermagnetism in NiSi with non-collinear spins (arXiv)

    44. 2402.17435 Nuclear spin relaxation mediated by donor-bound and free electrons in wide CdTe quantum wells (arXiv)

    45. 2402.16859 Negative magnetoresistance induced by longitudinal photons in Dirac/Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    46. PhysRevX.14.011029 Nonreciprocal Frustration: Time Crystalline Order-by-Disorder Phenomenon and a Spin-Glass-like State (PRX)

    47. 32 Nonreciprocal Frustration Meets Geometrical Frustration (physics)

    48. PhysRevLett.132.090001 Essay: Exploring the Physics of Basic Medical Research (PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.132.096701 Spin-Reorientation-Driven Linear Magnetoelectric Effect in Topological Antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6 (PRL)

    50. 2402.16258 Reinforcement of superconductivity by quantum critical fluctuations of metamagnetism in UTe2 (arXiv)

    51. 2402.16219 Charge orders with distinct magnetic response in a prototypical kagome superconductor LaRu3Si2 (arXiv)

    52. 2402.16099 Inversion-symmetric Electron Gases as New Platforms for Topological Planar Josephson Junctions (arXiv)

    53. 2402.16022 Superconducting stripes induced by ferromagnetic proximity in an oxide heterostructure (arXiv)

    54. 2402.16089 Giant Strain Response of Charge Modulation and Singularity in a Kagome Superconductor (arXiv)

    55. 2402.16644 Unveiling the inter-layer interaction in a 1H/1T TaS2 van de Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    56. 2402.16630 Nonlinear spectroscopy of semiconductor moire materials (arXiv)

    57. 2402.16518 Rearrangement of orbitals in KAgF3 due to Kugel-Khomskii mechanism: a Neutron diffraction and Density Functional Theory study (arXiv)

    58. 2402.16273 Topological transitions by magnetization rotation in kagome monolayers of ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co-based shandite (arXiv)

    59. 2402.15999 Revelation of new magnetic domain wall category in the itinerant antiferromagnet Chromium (arXiv)

    60. 2402.15802 Inverse Hamiltonian design of highly-entangled quantum systems (arXiv)

    61. 2402.15616 Minimal Models for Altermagnetism (arXiv)

    62. 2402.16772 Chern Bands with Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities on Topological Moire Surface States (arXiv)

    63. 2402.16233 Onsager Relations between Spin Currents and Charge Currents (arXiv)

    64. 2402.16088 Origin of giant magnetoresistance in layered nodal-line semimetal TaNiTe5 nanoflakes (arXiv)

    65. 2402.15596 An experimental scheme for determining the Berry phase in two-dimensional quantum materials with a flat band (arXiv)

    66. acs.nanolett.3c04409 Quantification of Hybrid Topological Spin Textures and Their Nanoscale Fluctuations in Ferrimagnets (Nano Letters)

    67. 2402.15459 Magnetoelectric effect in superconductors with d-wave magnetization (arXiv)

    68. 2402.15251 Magnons and fundamental magnetic interactions in a ferromagnetic monolayer: The case of Ni monolayer (arXiv)

    69. 2402.15209 (Almost) Everything is a Dicke model – Mapping correlated light-matter systems to the exactly solvable Dicke model (arXiv)

    70. 2402.14870 Phonon hydrodynamics in bulk insulators and semi-metals (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 3rd week collection
    1. s41586-023-07010-7 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in multilayer graphene (Nature)

    2. science.adn9364 Explaining quantum field theory (Science)

    3. science.adf9621 Non-Abelian physics in light and sound (Science)

    4. s41467-024-45841-8 Chiral and flat-band magnetic quasiparticles in ferromagnetic and metallic kagome layers (Nature Communications)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.086802 Spin-Chirality-Driven Multiferroicity in van der Waals Monolayers (PRL)

    6. PhysRevB.109.054422 Hybrid skyrmion and antiskyrmion phases in polar C4v systems (PRB)

    7. 2402.14071 Altermagnetic superconducting diode effect (arXiv)

    8. 2402.14061 Many-body effects on superconductivity mediated by double-magnon processes in altermagnets (arXiv)

    9. 2402.14451 Robust 1D proximity superconductivity along graphene domain walls in the quantum Hall regime (arXiv)

    10. 2402.14774 Dominant 1/3-filling Correlated Insulator States and Orbital Geometric Frustration in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    11. 2402.14057 The Thermoelectric Effect and Its Natural Heavy Fermion Explanation in Twisted Bilayer and Trilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    12. 2402.14477 Pressure tunable magnetic skyrmion phase in Co8Zn8Mn4 single crystals (arXiv)

    13. 2402.14572 Impact of Magnon Interactions on Transport in Honeycomb Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    14. 2402.14248 Spin-dependent edge states in two-dimensional Dirac materials with a flat band (arXiv)

    15. 2402.14063 Absence of localization in Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    16. 2402.14618 On the origin of the above-room-temperature magnetism in the 2D van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2 (arXiv)

    17. 2402.14243 Irregular Bloch Zener oscillations in two-dimensional flat-band Dirac materials (arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.083801 Edge State, Band Topology, and Time Boundary Effect in the Fine-Grained Categorization of Chern Insulators (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.132.086302 Observation of Free-Boundary-Induced Chiral Anomaly Bulk States in Elastic Twisted Kagome Metamaterials (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.086402 Physical Properties of an Aperiodic Monotile with Graphene-like Features, Chirality, and Zero Modes (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.086501 Stoner Ferromagnetism in a Momentum-Confined Interacting 2D Electron Gas (PRL)

    22. PhysRevX.14.011025 Realization of an Extremely Anisotropic Heisenberg Magnet in Rydberg Atom Arrays (PRX)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.086701 Incommensurate Spin Density Wave in Antiferromagnetic RuO2 Evinced by Abnormal Spin Splitting Torque (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.083401 Equation of State and Thermometry of the 2D SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Model (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.086801 Mechanical Rippling for Diverse Ferroelectric Topologies in Otherwise Nonferroelectric SrTiO3 Nanofilms (PRL)

    26. 2402.13886 Multigap superconductivity in lithium intercalated bilayer Mo2C (arXiv)

    27. 2402.13862 Repulsive Casimir force from a Majorana zero-mode (arXiv)

    28. 2402.14006v1 Interplay between 2D ferromagnetism and transport at the surface of FeSi (arXiv)

    29. 2402.13504 Field-induced electric polarization and elastic softening caused by parity-mixed d-p hybridized states with electric multipoles in Ba2CuGe2O7 (arXiv)

    30. 2402.13424v1 Magnetotransport Signatures of the Radial Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in Proximitized Graphene (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.14.011022 Nonlinear and Nonreciprocal Transport Effects in Untwinned Thin Films of Ferromagnetic Weyl Metal SrRuO3 (PRX)

    32. PhysRevLett.132.086401 Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Approach for Many-Body Perturbation Theory Calculations (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.132.087401 Higher-Order Components Dictate Higher-Order Contagion Dynamics in Hypergraphs (PRL)

    34. 27 Harness Strain to Harvest Solar Energy (Physics)

    35. 2402.13074 Josephson Signatures of the Superconducting Higgs/Amplitude Mode (arXiv)

    36. 2402.12918 Antiferromagnetic Chern insulator with large charge gap in heavy transition-metal compounds (arXiv)

    37. 2402.12897 Density matrix renormalization group study of the interacting Kitaev chain with quasi-periodic disorder (arXiv)

    38. 2402.12436 Excitonic quantum criticality: from bilayer graphene to narrow Chern bands (arXiv)

    39. 2402.12661 Dynamics of Symmetry-Protected Topological Matter on a Quantum Computer (arXiv)

    40. 2402.13245 Quantized shift response in multi-gap topological phases (arXiv)

    41. 2402.13203 Quantum Sensing of Antiferromagnetic Magnon Two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum (arXiv)

    42. 2402.12700 Chemical Rules for Stacked Kagome and Honeycomb Topological Semimetals (arXiv)

    43. 2402.12693 Topological nano-switches in higher-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    44. 2402.09525 Electron Interference as a Probe of Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

    45. 2402.09665 Simple realization of a fragile topological lattice with quasi flat-bands in a microcavity array (arXiv)

    46. adma.202309538 Electron-Assisted Generation and Straight Movement of Skyrmion Bubble in Kagome TbMn6Sn6 (Advanced Materials)

    47. 2402.12117 Still mystery after all these years – Unconventional superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 – (arXiv)

    48. 2402.11204 Predicting Superconducting Transition Temperature through Advanced Machine Learning and Innovative Feature Engineering (arXiv)

    49. 2402.11130 Depth-dependent study of time-reversal symmetry-breaking in the kagome superconductor AV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    50. 2402.12115 Intrinsic anomalous and crystal Hall effects in altermagnets (altermagnet, arXiv)

    51. 2402.11721 Double-Q and quadruple-Q instabilities at low-symmetric ordering wave vectors under tetragonal symmetry (arXiv)

    52. 2402.11434 Deep learning methods for Hamiltonian parameter estimation and magnetic domain image generation in twisted van der Waals magnets (arXiv)

    53. 2402.11030 Electronic structure and magnetism in P4/nmm KCoO2 (arXiv)

    54. 2402.11749 Evidence of heavy fermion physics in the thermoelectric transport of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    55. 2402.11128 Strain activation of localized states in WSe2 (arXiv)

    56. 2402.12353 Emergence of radial Rashba spin-orbit fields in twisted van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    57. 2402.11982 Non-magnetic layers with a single Dirac cone at high-symmetry point of the Brillouin zone (arXiv)

    58. 2402.11969 Construction of optimized tight-binding models using ab initio Hamiltonian: Application to monolayer 2H-transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    59. 2402.11824 Moire optical phonons dancing with heavy electrons in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    60. 2402.10878 A model of non-Fermi liquid with power law resistivity: strange metal with a not-so-strange origin (arXiv)

    61. 2402.10458 Charge bond order and s-wave superconductivity in the kagome lattice with electron-phonon coupling and electron-electron interaction (arXiv)

    62. 2402.10849 Fractional Spin Quantum Hall Effect in Weakly Coupled Spin Chain Arrays (arXiv)

    63. 2402.10455 Electronic orders on the kagome lattice at the lower Van Hove filling (arXiv)

    64. 2402.10514 Flat-band engineering of quasi-one-dimensional systems via supersymmetric transformations (arXiv)

    65. 2402.10440 Orbital Competition in Bilayer Graphene’s Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (arXiv)

    66. 2402.10872 Fast counter-diabatic Thouless pumping in the Rice-Mele mode (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 2nd week collection
    1. s41586-024-07033-8 Signatures of a surface spin-orbital chiral metal (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06934-4 Non-Abelian topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06907-7 Altermagnetic lifting of Kramers spin degeneracy (MnTe, Nature)

    4. s41586-024-07023-w Observation of plaid-like spin splitting in a noncoplanar antiferromagnet (MnTe2, Nature)

    5. s41586-023-06978-6 A 2D ferroelectric vortex pattern in twisted BaTiO3 freestanding layers (Nature)

    6. s41586-023-07001-8 Single-photon superradiance in individual caesium lead halide quantum dots (Nature)

    7. PhysRevX.14.011020 Observation of Superradiant Bursts in a Cascaded Quantum System (PRX)

    8. PhysRevX.14.011019 Ferroically Ordered Magnetic Octupoles in d-Wave Altermagnets (altermagnet, PRX)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.070402 Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem in Open Quantum Systems (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.073202 Engineering Artificial Atomic Systems of Giant Electric Dipole Moment (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.073803 Local Markers for Crystalline Topology (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.076202 Spin Light Emitting Diode Based on Exciton Fine Structure Tuning in Quantum Dots (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.076302 Fast Fourier-Chebyshev Approach to Real-Space Simulations of the Kubo Formula (Kubo, PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.076701 Voltage-Controlled Magnon Transistor via Tuning Interfacial Exchange Coupling (magnon, PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.132.076902 Field-Induced Hybridization of Moir\‘e Excitons in MoSe2/WS2 Heterobilayers (PRL)

    16. 29 Voltage Control over Magnons (magnon, Physics)

    17. PhysRevX.14.011018 Nonlocal Electrodynamics in Ultrapure PdCoO2 (PRX)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.071603 Large N Fractons (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.132.073801 Topologically Protected Strong-Interaction of Photonics with Free Electrons (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.076001 Why Shot Noise Does Not Generally Detect Pairing in Mesoscopic Superconducting Tunnel Junctions (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.132.076504 Discovery of Magnetic Phase Transitions in Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeRh2As2 (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.132.076901 Orbital Rashba Effect as a Platform for Robust Orbital Photocurrents (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.076503 Metal-Insulator Transition in a Semiconductor Heterobilayer Model (PRL)

    24. s22 New Signs of Stability in Proton-Rich Nuclei (Physics)

    25. 2402.09517 Inverse Faraday effect in superconductors with potential impurities (arXiv)

    26. 2402.10096 Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance and Fermi Liquid Behavior in Kagome Metal Ni3In2S2 (arXiv)

    27. 2402.09525 Electron Interference as a Probe of Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

    28. 2402.09506 Intertwined Magnetism and Superconductivity in Isolated Correlated Flat Bands (arXiv)

    29. 2402.09502 Deconfined quantum criticality of nodal d-wave superconductivity, Neel order and charge order on the square lattice at half-filling (arXiv)

    30. 2402.10031 Tomography of orbital vortex lines in a topological semimetal (arXiv)

    31. 2402.09521 Dynamic magnetic phase transition induced by parametric magnon pumping (arXiv)

    32. 2402.10201 Mirror Chern Bands and Weyl Nodal Loops in Altermagnets (arXiv)

    33. 2402.09665 Simple realization of a fragile topological lattice with quasi flat-bands in a microcavity array (arXiv)

    34. 2402.10155 Understanding and tuning magnetism in layered Ising-type antiferromagnet FePSe3 for potential 2D magnet (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevLett.132.070401 Stable Measurement-Induced Floquet Enriched Topological Order (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.132.076502 Universal Features of Entanglement Entropy in the Honeycomb Hubbard Model (PRL)

    37. 25 Failed Barrier Crossings Tell a Story (Physics)

    38. 2402.09208 Coexistence of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in Topological Magnet MnBi2Te4 Films (arXiv)

    39. 2402.08895 High-resolution spectroscopy of proximity superconductivity in finite-size quantized surface states (arXiv)

    40. 2402.09349 Monoclinic LaSb2 Superconducting Thin Films (arXiv)

    41. 2402.09400 Noncoplanar orders and quantum disordered states in maple-leaf antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    42. 2402.09153 Manipulation of magnetic anisotropy of 2D magnetized graphene by ferroelectric In2Se3 (arXiv)

    43. 2402.09049 Quantum Theory of Phonon Induced Anomalous Hall Effect in 2D Massive Dirac metals (arXiv)

    44. 2402.09045 Giant asymmetric proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in twisted graphene/SnTe heterostructure (arXiv)

    45. 2402.08735 Magneto-optical Hall response in generic Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    46. 26 Probing Chiral Molecules with Their Own Electrons (Physics)

    47. s21 A Sunny Path to Green Hydrogen (Physics)

    48. 2402.08603 Electron cooling in graphene thermal transistors (arXiv)

    49. 2402.08263 Crossed Andreev Reflection in altermagnets (arXiv)

    50. 2402.08580 Tracking topological defect motion and incommensurate charge order melting in a perovskite manganite (arXiv)

    51. 2402.08083 Continuum of magnetic excitations in the Kitaev honeycomb iridate D3LiIr2O6 (arXiv)

    52. 2402.07971 Quasicrystalline Spin Liquid (arXiv)

    53. 2402.08146 Hamiltonian engineering with time-ordered evolution for unitary control of electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

    54. PhysRevB.109.075118 Topological states and flat bands on the maple leaf lattice (PRB)

    55. PhysRevX.14.011015 Laser-Induced Electron Diffraction in Chiral Molecules (PRX)

    56. PhysRevLett.132.076301 Anomalous Aharonov-Bohm Interference in the Presence of Edge Reconstruction (PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.132.076501 Probing Quantum Phases in Ultra-High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Using Surface Acoustic Waves (PRL)

    58. 24 Constraining Many-Body Localization (Physics)

    59. 2402.07449 Magnetism and superconductivity in the t-J model of La3Ni2O7 under multiband Gutzwiller approximation (arXiv)

    60. 2402.07122 Quasiparticle scattering interference in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    61. 2402.07886 Phonon and defect mediated quantum anomalous Hall insulator to metal transition in magnetically doped topological insulators (arXiv)

    62. 2402.07731 Photoinduced Topological Phase Transitions in a Kitaev kagome magnet (arXiv)

    63. 2402.07171 Quantum geometric bound for saturated ferromagnetism (arXiv)

    64. 2402.06788 Magnetic field-temperature phase diagram of spin-1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet KYbSe2 (arXiv)

    65. 2402.07239 Weakly interacting one-dimensional topological insulators: a bosonization approach (arXiv)

    66. d3cp04872a Observation of the out-of-plane orbital antidamping-like torque (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)

    67. 2402.06454 Emergent Fano-Feshbach resonance in two-band superconductors with an incipient quasi-flat band: Enhanced critical temperature evading particle-hole fluctuations (arXiv)

    68. 2402.06450 Superconductivity in La4Ni3O10 Under Pressure (arXiv)

    69. 2402.06248 Distinct pressure evolution of superconductivity and charge-density-wave in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 thin flakes (arXiv)

    70. 2402.06484 Anomalous thermal relaxation and pump-probe spectroscopy of 2D topologically ordered systems (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Feb 1st week collection
    1. s41586-023-06964-y Observation and quantification of the pseudogap in unitary Fermi gases (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06977-7 Evidence of superconducting Fermi arcs (Nature)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.066004 Collective Nature of Orbital Excitations in Layered Cuprates in the Absence of Apical Oxygens (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.066502 Spectroscopic Signatures of Fractionalization in Octupolar Quantum Spin Ice (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.066604 Electrically Controlled Anomalous Hall Effect and Orbital Magnetization in Topological Magnet MnBi2Te4 (PRL)

    6. 2402.05931 Topological Kondo effect with spinful Majorana fermions (arXiv)

    7. 2402.05845 Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in d-Electron Kagome Systems: Chern Insulating States from Transverse Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    8. 2402.05759 The non-collinear phase of the antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain (arXiv)

    9. 2402.05516 Magnetic field effects on the Kitaev model coupled to environment (arXiv)

    10. 2402.05180 Altermagnetism from coincident Van Hove singularities: application to kappa-Cl (arXiv)

    11. 2402.05241 Controlling the orbital Hall effect in gapped bilayer graphene in the terahertz regime (arXiv)

    12. 2402.05430 Modulation of magnetization in BiFeO$_3$ using circularly polarized light (arXiv)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.066501 pi Phase Interlayer Shift and Stacking Fault in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.066002 Emergent Superconductivity and Competing Charge Orders in Hole-Doped Square-Lattice t-J Model (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.132.066601 Observation of Higher-Order Nodal-Line Semimetal in Phononic Crystals (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.132.066602 Realization of Gapped and Ungapped Photonic Topological Anderson Insulators (PRL)

    17. s16 Material Hums a New Topological Tune (Physics)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.066301 Tomasch Oscillations as Above-Gap Signature of Topological Superconductivity (PRL)

    19. 2402.05104 Millimeter-scale freestanding superconducting infinite-layer nickelate membranes (arXiv)

    20. 2402.05112 Vortex spin liquid with neutral Fermi surface and fractional quantum spin Hall effect at odd integer filling of moire Chern band (arXiv)

    21. 2402.04816 YBa_1-xSr_xCuFeO5 layered perovskites: exploring the magnetic order beyond the paramagnetic-collinear-spiral triple point (arXiv)

    22. 2402.04745 Emergent Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and Kugel-Khomskii physics in the triangular lattice bilayer colbaltate (arXiv)

    23. PhysRevLett.132.066702 Signatures of Fractional Statistics in Nonlinear Pump-Probe Spectroscopy (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.132.065101 Chiral Anomaly and Dynamos from Inhomogeneous Chemical Potential Fluctuations (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.132.066001 Disentangling Photodoping, Photoconductivity, and Photosuperconductivity in the Cuprates (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.132.066701 Field-Induced Non-BEC Transitions in Frustrated Magnets (PRL)

    27. s18 Cooper-Pair Splitting on Demand (Physics)

    28. PhysRevB.109.L060402 Electrically controllable topological magnetism in multiferroic antiferromagnetic PbVO3 (PRB)

    29. 2310.05113 Nonlinear Orbital and Spin Edelstein Effect in Centrosymmetric Metals (arXiv)

    30. 2402.04024v1 Epitaxial Indium on PbTe Nanowires for Quantum Devices (arXiv)

    31. 2402.03537 A Theoretical Study of Doping Evolution of Phonons in High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    32. 2402.04218 First-principles phase diagram of an interacting ionic chain (arXiv)

    33. 2402.04125 A Mean-Field Study of Quantum Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Kondo Insulators (arXiv)

    34. 2402.03852 Stabilization of U 5f^2 configuration in UTe2 through U 6d dimers in the presence of Te2 chains (arXiv)

    35. 2402.03442 Nematic heavy fermions and coexisting magnetic order in CeSiI (arXiv)

    36. 2402.04072 Coupling between magnetic and thermodynamic properties in RRh2Si2 (R = Dy, Ho) (arXiv)

    37. 2402.03768 DC current generation by dielectric loss in ferroelectrics (arXiv)

    38. 2402.03623 Collapse of Landau level in semi-Dirac materials (arXiv)

    39. s41467-024-45316-w Acoustic-driven magnetic skyrmion motion (Nature Communications)

    40. PhysRevLett.132.063401 Transition from Flat-Band Localization to Anderson Localization in a One-Dimensional Tasaki Lattice (PRL)

    41. 21 Measuring the Information Delivered by Music (Physics)

    42. 2402.03005 Topological metal and high-order Dirac point in cubic Rashba model (arXiv)

    43. 2402.02810 Orientation-dependent Josephson effect in spin-singlet superconductor/altermagnet/spin-triplet superconductor junctions (arXiv)

    44. 2402.02785 A tale of two pairs: on the origin of the pseudogap end point in the high-Tc cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    45. 2402.03085 Designing topology and fractionalization in narrow gap semiconductor films via electrostatic engineering (arXiv)

    46. 2402.02794 Convolutional restricted Boltzmann machine (CRBM) correlated variational wave function for the Hubbard model on a square lattice: Mott metal-insulator transition (arXiv)

    47. 2402.02341v1 Untangle charge-order dependent bulk states from surface effects in a topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    48. 2402.02931 Femtosecond trimer quench cycled at megahertz rates in the unconventional charge-density wave material 1T’-TaTe2 (arXiv)

    49. 2402.02251 Contrasting twisted bilayer graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides for fractional Chern insulators: an emergent gauge picture (arXiv)

    50. 2402.03023 Circular motion of non-collinear spin textures in Corbino disks: Dynamics of Neel- versus Bloch-type skyrmions and skyrmioniums (arXiv)

    51. 2402.02685 Intrinsic nonlinear Hall effect in two-dimensional honeycomb topological antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    52. 2402.02652 Second-order charge and spin transport in LAO/STO system in the presence of cubic Rashba spin orbit couplings (arXiv)

    53. 2402.02132 Reducing disorder in PbTe nanowires for Majorana research (arXiv)

    54. 2402.02310 Topological effect on the Anderson transition in chiral symmetry classes (arXiv)

    55. 2402.01347 Quantum Griffiths singularity in three-dimensional MoTiN superconducting films (arXiv)

    56. 2402.01280 In-gap states induced by magnetic impurities on wide-band s-wave superconductors: self-consistent calculations (arXiv)

    57. 2402.01531 Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetic Dimers in Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    58. 2402.01266 Decoupled few-femtosecond phase transitions in vanadium dioxide (arXiv)

    59. 2402.01247 Light-induced phase transitions in vanadium dioxide: a tensor network study (arXiv)

    60. 2402.01236 Topological Solitons in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Chain with periodic hopping modulation, domain walls and disorder (arXiv)

    61. 2402.01273 Nonconventional screening of Coulomb interaction in two-dimensional semiconductors and metals: A comprehensive cRPA study of MX2 (M=Mo, W, Nb, Ta; X=S, Se, Te) (arXiv)

    62. 2402.01470 Intrinsic orbital fourfold anisotropic magnetoresistance in Dirac materials (arXiv)

    63. 2402.01193 Symmetry breaking and spin-orbit coupling for individual vacancy-induced in-gap states in MoS2 monolayers (arXiv)

    64. 2402.00885 TopologicalNumbers.jl: A Julia package for topological number computation (arXiv)

    65. 2402.01328 Emerging topological states in EuMn2Bi2: A first principles prediction (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 5 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 5th week collection
    1. s41586-023-06828-5 Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06927-3 Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays (Nature)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.056601 Magic Momenta and Three-Dimensional Landau Levels from a Three-Dimensional Graphite Moire Superlattice (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.056602 Crossed Andreev Reflection and Elastic Cotunneling in Three Quantum Dots Coupled by Superconductors (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.057001 Interplay of Andreev Reflection and Coulomb Blockade in Hybrid Superconducting Single-Electron Transistors (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.057202 Domain Wall Dynamics in Classical Spin Chains: Free Propagation, Subdiffusive Spreading, and Soliton Emission (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.056002 Evolution of the Magnetic Excitations in Electron-Doped La2-xCexCuO4 (PRL)

    8. 18 Explaining Mars Patchy Aurora (Physics)

    9. 2402.00869 Molecular Pairing in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Superconductivity (arXiv)

    10. 2402.00643 Theory of Majorana zero modes in unconventional superconductors (arXiv)

    11. 2402.00556 Mixed higher-order topology and nodal and nodeless flat band topological phases in a superconducting multiorbital model (arXiv)

    12. 2402.00387 Superconductivity in a-MoGe thin films: effect of phase fluctuations with decreasing thickness and study of vortex dynamics in presence of low-frequency ac excitation (arXiv)

    13. 2402.00317 Chiral superconducting diode effect by Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (arXiv)

    14. 2402.00577 The Smoke of Zaanen (Jan Zaanen, arXiv)

    15. 2402.00747 Mott resistive switching initiated by topological defects (arXiv)

    16. 2402.00693 In-plane anisotropic magnetoresistance in detwinned BaFe2-xNixAs2 (x = 0, 0.6) (arXiv)

    17. 2402.00630 Tensile and compressive strain tuning of a Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    18. 2402.00391 Quantum liquid states of spin solitons in a ferroelectric spin-Peierls state (arXiv)

    19. 2402.00272 Quantum phase transitions and composite excitations of antiferromagnetic quantum spin trimer chains in a magnetic field (arXiv)

    20. 2303.07440 Unusual magnetotransport and anomalous Hall effect in quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2 (arXiv)

    21. 2402.00866 Energetic comparison of exciton gas versus electron-hole plasma in a bilayer two-dimensional electron-hole system (arXiv)

    22. 2402.00558 Neutron-scattering signature of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in nanoparticles (arXiv)

    23. 2402.00532 Quantum Metric Nonlinear Spin-Orbit Torque Enhanced by Topological Bands (arXiv)

    24. 2402.00461 Electric field tunable edge transport in Bernal stacked trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    25. 2402.00228 Strain-induced speed-up of Mn^2+ spin-lattice relaxation in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells: a time-resolved ODMR study (arXiv)

    26. PhysRevLett.132.054003 Water-Wave Vortices and Skyrmions (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.132.056703 Theory of Defect-Induced Crystal Field Perturbations in Rare-Earth Magnets (PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.132.056204 Transport Anisotropy in One-Dimensional Graphene Superlattice in the High Kronig-Penney Potential Limit (PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.132.056502 Resilient Infinite Randomness Criticality for a Disordered Chain of Interacting Majorana Fermions (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.132.056702 Giant Magnon-Polaron Anomalies in Spin Seebeck Effect in Double Umbrella-Structured Tb3Fe5O12 Films (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.132.056704 Strongly Coupled Spin Waves and Surface Acoustic Waves at Room Temperature (PRL)

    32. 16 Water Can Host Topological Waves (Physics)

    33. 2401.17601v1 Electronic conduction and superconducting properties of CoSi2 films on silicon–an unconventional superconductor with technological potential (arXiv)

    34. 2401.17670v1 Topological superconductivity in a magnetic-texture coupled Josephson junction (arXiv)

    35. 2401.17989v1 A mesoscopic device for a realization of the Topological Kondo effect (arXiv)

    36. 2401.17813v1 Phase diagram of the interacting Haldane model with spin-dependent sublattice potentials (arXiv)

    37. 2401.17624v1 Giant Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects in a Heavy Fermion Ferromagnet (arXiv)

    38. 2401.17607v1 Engineering two-dimensional nodal semimetals in functionalized biphenylene by fluorine adatoms (arXiv)

    39. 2401.17437v1 Ultrafast measurements under anisotropic strain reveal near equivalence of competing charge orders in TbTe3 (arXiv)

    40. 2401.17407v1 Magneto-synthesis effect on magnetic order, phonons, and magnons in single-crystal Sr2IrO4 (arXiv)

    41. 2401.17353v1 Theory of a Strange Metal in a Quantum Superconductor to Metal Transition (arXiv)

    42. 2401.17449v1 Topological Hall effect induced by chiral fluctuations in a kagome lattice (arXiv)

    43. 2401.18038 Light-enhanced nonlinear Hall effect (arXiv)

    44. 2401.17864 Chirality-induced Phonon-Spin Conversion at an Interface (arXiv)

    45. 2401.17713 Higher-order topology in honeycomb lattice with Y-Kekule distortions (arXiv)

    46. 2401.17652 Keldysh Theory of Thermal Transport in Multiband Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    47. 2401.17620 Role of Disorder in the Intrinsic Orbital Hall Effect (arXiv)

    48. 2401.18000 Prediction of stable nanoscale skyrmions in monolayer Fe5GeTe2 (arXiv)

    49. 2401.17352 Microscopic Model for Fractional Quantum Hall Nematics (arXiv)

    50. PhysRevLett.132.050401 Fractal States of the Schwinger Model (PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.132.056202 Experimental Characterization of Defect-Induced Phonon Lifetime Shortening (PRL)

    52. PhysRevLett.132.056302 Chirality-Induced Selectivity of Phonon Angular Momenta in Chiral Quartz Crystals (PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.132.050202 Linear Program for Testing Nonclassicality and an Open-Source Implementation (PRL)

    54. PhysRevLett.132.056303 Transport Study of Charge-Carrier Scattering in Monolayer WSe2 (PRL)

    55. s12 Surface Defects Affect Heat Transport (Physics)

    56. 2401.17079 Unprecedentedly large superconducting gap in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+delta with the highest Tc at ambient pressure (arXiv)

    57. 2401.16724 Evidence of electron correlation and unusual spectral evolution in an exotic superconductor, PdTe (arXiv)

    58. 2401.17266 Exploring Two-dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy with Exact Diagonalization: Spinons and Confinement in 1D Quantum Magnets (arXiv)

    59. 2401.17141 Incipient nematicity from electron flat bands in a kagome metal (arXiv)

    60. 2401.16988 Anomalous photo-induced band renormalization in correlated materials: Case study of Ta2NiSe5 (arXiv)

    61. 2401.16770 Heavy-fermions in frustrated Hund’s metal with portions of incipient flat-bands (arXiv)

    62. 2401.16931 Influence of magnetism on vertical hopping transport in CrSBr (arXiv)

    63. PhysRevLett.132.053801 Observation of Period-Doubling Bloch Oscillations (PRL)

    64. PhysRevLett.132.056201 Ferroelastic Twin Angles at the Surface of CaTiO3 Quantified by Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.132.056301 Orbital Origin of the Intrinsic Planar Hall Effect (PRL)

    66. PhysRevLett.132.056401 Visualization of Alternating Triangular Domains of Charge Density Waves in 2H-NbSe2 by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (PRL)

    67. PhysRevLett.132.056701 Crystal Thermal Transport in Altermagnetic RuO2 (crystal thermal Hall, PRL)

    68. 2401.16151 Theory of magnetic excitations in multilayer nickelate superconductor La${3}$Ni${2}$O$_{7}$ (arXiv)

    69. 2401.15918 Tunable vortex bound states in multiband CsV3Sb5-derived kagome superconductors (arXiv)

    70. 2401.15097 Electronic structure and superconductivity in bilayer La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    71. 2401.15464 Electronic structure and physical properties of candidate topological material GdAgGe (arXiv)

    72. 2401.15155 Polaron spectra and edge singularities for correlated flat bands (arXiv)

    73. 2401.15602 In-plane Antiferromagnetism in Ferromagnetic Kagome Semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv)

    74. 2401.15087 Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of the Ising model with nonmagnetic impurities (arXiv)

    75. 2401.16273 Phase Coexistence and Transitions between Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic States in a Synthetic Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    76. 2401.16021 Fluctuation-mediated spin-orbit torque enhancement in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3Ni0.35Cu0.65N (arXiv)

    77. 2401.14896 Higher-order topology in Fibonacci quasicrystals (arXiv)

    78. 2401.14501 Topological signatures of a p-wave superconducting wire through light (arXiv)

    79. 2401.14734 Anomalous electron-phonon coupling in kagome ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv)

    80. 2401.14699 Quantum Oscillations Measurement of the Heavy Electron Mass near the van Hove Singularity in a Kagome Metal (arXiv)

    81. 2401.14547 Discovery of a Topological Charge Density Wave (arXiv)

    82. 2401.14731 Topological Edge and Corner States in Biphenylene Network (arXiv)

  • Most-downloaded PRB papers in 2023

    1. PhysRevB.107.245423 InAs-Al hybrid devices passing the topological gap protocol (PRB) 2207.02472

    2. PhysRevB.107.L100418 Altermagnetism in MnTe: Origin, predicted manifestations, and routes to detwinning (PRB) 2301.08573

    3. PhysRevB.107.L060408 Magnetotransport induced by anomalous Hall effect (PRB) 2211.10222

    4. PhysRevB.107.224304 Ab initio Green-Kubo simulations of heat transport in solids: Method and implementation (PRB) 2209.01139

    5. PhysRevB.107.054103 Universality of grain boundary phases in fcc metals: Case study on high-angle [111] symmetric tilt grain boundaries (PRB) 2211.14170

    6. PhysRevB.107.125151 Berry-dipole photovoltaic demon and the thermodynamics of photocurrent generation within the optical gap of metals (PRB) 2207.03496

    7. PhysRevB.107.L241101 Evidence for three-dimensional Dirac conical bands in TlBiSSe by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy (PRB) 2301.06389

    8. PhysRevB.107.115142 Higher-order nonlinear anomalous Hall effects induced by Berry curvature multipoles (PRB) 2012.15628

    9. PhysRevB.107.024401 Orbital and magnetic ordering in single-layer FePS3: A DFT+U study (PRB) 2207.11283

    10. PhysRevB.107.085102 Sign change of anomalous Hall effect and anomalous Nernst effect in the Weyl semimetal CeAlSi (PRB) 2210.09764

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 4th week collection
    1. s41567-023-02358-z Dipolar skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature (skyrmion, Nature Physics)

    2. PhysRevLett.132.046603 Energy Gap of the Even-Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall State in Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.046501 Spin Polarons and Ferromagnetism in Doped Dilute Moire-Mott Insulators (LBalents, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.046201 Tailoring Magnetism of Graphene Nanoflakes via Tip-Controlled Dehydrogenation (PRL)

    5. 5.0185859 Strain-tunable ferromagnetism and skyrmions in two-dimensional Janus Cr2XYTe6 (X, Y = Si, Ge, Sn) monolayers (Journal of Applied Physics)

    6. 2401.14365 Stoichiometric control of electron mobility and 2D superconductivity at LaAlO$_3$-SrTiO$_3$ interfaces (arXiv)

    7. 2401.14165 Pseudogap in Sr2-xLaxIrO4: Gor’kov-Teitel’baum thermal activation model (arXiv)

    8. 2401.14358 Universal collective Larmor-Silin mode emerging in magnetized correlated Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    9. 2401.14101 Few-magnon excitations in a frustrated spin-S ferromagnetic chain (arXiv)

    10. 2401.13847 Quantum weight (arXiv)

    11. 2401.13767 The Emergence of Antiferromagnetic Correlations and Kondo-like Features in a Two-Band Model for Infinite-Layer Nickelates (arXiv)

    12. 2401.14369 Anomalous localization in spin-chain with tilted interactions (arXiv)

    13. 2401.14262 Room temperature nonlocal detection of charge-spin interconversion in a topological insulator (arXiv)

    14. 2401.13855 Effect of trivial bands on chiral anomaly-induced longitudinal magnetoconductivity in Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    15. 2401.13984 Magnon dispersion and spin transport in CrCl3 bilayers under different strain-induced magnetic states (arXiv)

    16. PhysRevX.14.011007 High-Sensitivity ac-Charge Detection with a MHz-Frequency Fluxonium Qubit (PRX)

    17. PhysRevLett.132.046303 Odd Nonlinear Conductivity under Spatial Inversion in Chiral Tellurium (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.046701 Magnetostriction-Driven Muon Localization in an Antiferromagnetic Oxide (PRL)

    19. 11 Protein Folding Can Be Surprisingly Slow (Physics)

    20. s13 Superconducting Qubit Breaks Low-Frequency Record (Physics)

    21. 2401.13485 Ti4Ir2O a time-reversal-invariant fully gapped unconventional superconductor (arXiv)

    22. 2401.13291 Investigation of the hyperfine coupling constant of locally noncentrosymmetric heavy-fermion superconductor CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

    23. 2401.13628 Quantum Oscillations in kagome metals CsTi3Bi5 and RbTi3Bi5 (arXiv)

    24. 2401.13607 Multi-Dirac and Weyl physics in heavy-fermion systems (arXiv)

    25. 2401.13550 Cobalt-Based Pyroxenes: A New Playground for Kitaev Physics and Ising Model Realization (arXiv)

    26. 2401.13474 Intriguing low-temperature phase in the antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeGe (arXiv)

    27. 2401.13449 In-plane magnetization orientation driven topological phase transition in OsCl$_3$ monolayer (arXiv)

    28. 2401.13445 Magnetism and spin dynamics of an S=3/2 frustrated trillium lattice antiferromagnet K2CrTi(PO4)3 (arXiv)

    29. 2401.13318 Magnetic structure and Ising-like antiferromagnetism in the bilayer triangular lattice compound NdZnPO (arXiv)

    30. 2401.13297 Tunable electron scattering mechanism in plasmonic SrMoO$_3$ thin films (arXiv)

    31. 2401.13175 Spin Seebeck Effect as a Probe for Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Spin Liquids (arXiv)

    32. 2401.13069 Altermagnetism with Non-collinear Spins (arXiv)

    33. 2401.13042 Twisted Lattice Gauge Theory: Membrane Operators, Three-loop Braiding and Topological Charge (arXiv)

    34. 2401.13542 Interfaces of nodal-line semimetals: drum states, transport and refraction (arXiv)

    35. 2401.13278 Dynamical Chiral Nernst Effect in Twisted Van der Waals Few Layers (arXiv)

    36. 2401.13413 Layer-Dependent Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

    37. PhysRevLett.132.043803 Photonic Flatband Resonances in Multiple Light Scattering (PRL)

    38. 13 A Moving Target for Quantum Advantage (Physics)

    39. s7 Long-Range Resonances Slow Light in a Photonic Material (Physics)

    40. 2401.12705 Curvature effect induce topological phase transitions in two dimensional topological superconductor (arXiv)

    41. 2401.12682 Probing superconducting gap in CeH$_9$ under pressure (arXiv)

    42. 2401.12657 Electronic and magnetic excitations in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    43. 2401.12628 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in rhenium nitride films (arXiv)

    44. 2401.12320 Finite-momentum and field-induced pairings in orbital-singlet spin-triplet superconductors (arXiv)

    45. 2401.12910 Ruddlesden-Popper and perovskite phases as a material platform for altermagnetism (arXiv)

    46. 2401.12750 Microscopic theory of field tuned topological transitions in the Kitaev honeycomb model (arXiv)

    47. 2401.12313 Eliashberg theory for bilayer exciton condensation (arXiv)

    48. 2401.12838 Diagnosing $SO(5)$ Symmetry and First-Order Transition in the $J-Q_3$ Model via Entanglement Entropy (arXiv)

    49. 2401.12505 Topological magnons in a non-coplanar magnetic order on the triangular lattice (arXiv)

    50. 2401.12448 Field-induced phase transitions and quantum criticality in a honeycomb antiferromagnet Na3Co2SbO6 (arXiv)

    51. 2401.12544 Correlation between magnetic domain structures and quantum anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial MnBi2Te4 thin films (arXiv)

    52. 2401.12432 Electronic Noise Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors (arXiv)

    53. PhysRevLett.132.046001 Constrained Motions and Slow Dynamics in One-Dimensional Bosons with Double-Well Dispersion (PRL)

    54. PhysRevLett.132.041601 Asymptotic Freedom at the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition without Fine-Tuning using a Qubit Regularization (PRL)

    55. PhysRevLett.132.046002 Nonreciprocal Josephson Linear Response (PRL)

    56. PhysRevLett.132.046401 Spectroscopic Evidence of Kondo-Induced Quasiquartet in CeRh2As2 (PRL)

    57. 10 Composite Fermions Are Better Together (Physics)

    58. 2307.15769v1 Magnetic Antiskyrmions in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Magnets Engineered by Layer Stacking (arXiv)

    59. 2401.11689 Probing the pairing symmetry in kagome superconductors based on the single-particle spectrum (arXiv)

    60. 2401.12156 Dirac zeros in an orbital selective Mott phase: Green’s function Berry curvature and flux quantization (arXiv)

    61. 2401.12098 SrCu(OH)$_3$Cl, an ideal isolated equilateral triangle spin $S$ = 1/2 model system (arXiv)

    62. 2401.11770 Evidence for Unfolded Fermi Surfaces in the Charge-Density-Wave State of Kagome Metal FeGe Revealed by de Haas-van Alphen Effect (arXiv)

    63. 2401.11386 Exploring Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulators: The Case of EuIn$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    64. 2401.11222 Electric-field-enhanced second-harmonic domain contrast and nonreciprocity in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    65. 2401.12003 Interplay of Landau quantization and interminivalley scatterings in a weakly coupled moir\‘e superlattice (arXiv)

    66. 2401.11497 Fractal Surface States in Three-Dimensional Topological Quasicrystals (arXiv)

    67. 2401.11450 Reentrant quantum anomalous Hall effect in molecular beam epitaxy-grown MnBi2Te4 thin films (arXiv)

    68. 2401.11157 Quasiparticle scattering in three-dimensional topological insulators near the thickness limit (arXiv)

    69. 2401.10769 Resurgence of superconductivity and the role of $d_{xy}$ hole band in FeSe$_{1-x}$Te$_x$ (arXiv)

    70. 2401.10707 Non-Fermi-Liquid/Marginal-Fermi-Liquid Signatures Induced by Van Hove Singularity (arXiv)

    71. 2401.10888 Non-Analytic Magnetic Response and Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Clusters in a Dirac Spin Liquid Candidate (arXiv)

    72. 2401.10855 Nature of the unconventional heavy fermion Kondo state in monolayer CeSiI (arXiv)

    73. 2401.10828 Helical Luttinger liquid on a space-time lattice (arXiv)

    74. 2401.10718 Excess heat capacity in magnetically ordered Ce heavy fermion metals (arXiv)

    75. 2401.10687 Experimental determination of the spin Hamiltonian of the cubic chiral magnet MnSi (arXiv)

    76. 2401.10452 Raman scattering signatures of spinons and triplons in frustrated antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    77. 2401.10424 Nanoscale Conducting and Insulating Domains on YbB$_6$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 3rd week collection
    1. s41586-023-06924-6 Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06868-x Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI (CeSiI, Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06858-z Heat conductance of the quantum Hall bulk (Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06904-w Tuning commensurability in twisted van der Waals bilayers (Nature)

    5. PhysRevB.109.014415 Three-sublattice antiferro-type and ferri-type skyrmion crystals in magnets without the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.036502 Bilayer t-J-J_\perp Model and Magnetically Mediated Pairing in the Pressurized Nickelate La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.036001 Spin-Triplet Superconductivity from Quantum-Geometry-Induced Ferromagnetic Fluctuation (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.036702 Broken Kramers Degeneracy in Altermagnetic MnTe (altermagnet, PRL)

    9. s10 Experimental Evidence for a New Type of Magnetism (altermagnet, Physics)

    10. 2401.09683v1 Higher bracket structure of density operators in Weyl fermion systems and topological insulators (arXiv)

    11. 2401.09551v1 Finite Temperature Dynamics in 0-Flux and \pi-Flux Quantum Spin Ice: Self-Consistent Exclusive Boson Approach (arXiv)

    12. 2401.09548v1 Universal contributions to charge fluctuations in spin chains at finite temperature (arXiv)

    13. 2401.09539v1 Pressure Tuning of Berry Curvature in CrGeTe3 (arXiv)

    14. 2401.09884v1 Magic distances for flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    15. 2401.09689v1 Probing quantum geometry through optical conductivity and magnetic circular dichroism (quantum geometry, arXiv)

    16. 2401.09485v1 Quantum Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Perturbed Flatbands (flatband, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevLett.132.036501 Fractional Chern Insulator in Twisted Bilayer MoTe2 (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.132.036603 Dynamical Detection of Topological Spectral Density (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.132.036902 Excitonic Polarons and Self-Trapped Excitons from First-Principles Exciton-Phonon Couplings (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.132.036901 Nonvolatile Switching of Large Nonreciprocal Optical Absorption at Shortwave Infrared Wavelengths (Optical-Diode Effect, PRL)

    21. s6 A Large Optical-Diode Effect at Telecom Frequencies (Optical-Diode Effect, Physics)

    22. 2401.09349v1 Doping induced singlet to triplet superconducting transition in Ba${2}$CuO${3+\delta}$ (arXiv)

    23. 2401.08753v1 Deconfined Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid transition and superconducting instability (arXiv)

    24. 2401.08746v1 New Approach to Strong Correlation: Twisting Hubbard into the Orbital Hatsugai-Kohmoto Model (arXiv)

    25. 2401.09422v1 Where is the spin liquid in maple-leaf quantum magnet? (arXiv)

    26. 2401.09409v1 Interaction robustness of the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals and Luttinger liquids from a mixed anomaly approach (arXiv)

    27. 2401.09100 Controlling Orbital Magnetism of Band Electron Systems via Bath Engineering (arXiv)

    28. 2401.08980 Luttinger Liquid phase in the Aubry-Andre Hubbard chain (arXiv)

    29. 2401.08934 Topological charge pumping in dimerized Kitaev chains (arXiv)

    30. 2401.08966 Spin Orbit Torque on a Curved Surface (arXiv)

    31. 2401.08813 Ultrafast chiral precession of spin and orbital angular momentum induced by circularly polarized laser pulse (arXiv)

    32. 2401.09010 Robust flat bands in twisted trilayer graphene quasicrystals (arXiv)

    33. PhysRevX.14.011005 Dipolar Spin Ice Regime Proximate to an All-In-All-Out N\‘eel Ground State in the Dipolar-Octupolar Pyrochlore Ce2Sn2O7 (PRX)

    34. PhysRevLett.132.033401 Strongly Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures: Mediated Interaction, Phase Diagram, and Sound Propagation (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.132.036601 Chiral Topological Superconductivity in Superconductor-Obstructed Atomic Insulator-Ferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructures (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.132.036602 Majorana Zero Modes Induced by the Meissner Effect at Small Magnetic Field (PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.132.036701 Dissipative Spin-Wave Diode and Nonreciprocal Magnonic Amplifier (DLoss, PRL)

    38. 2401.08279 Unusually weak irradiation effects in anisotropic iron-based superconductor RbCa2Fe4As4F2 (arXiv)

    39. 2401.08005 Multiple Frequency Steps in Synthetic Antiferromagnet Based Double Spin Josephson Junctions Using CoFeB and Fe3Sn (arXiv)

    40. 2401.07350 Electronic structure and magnetic correlations in trilayer nickelate superconductor La$4$Ni$_3$O${10}$ under pressure (arXiv)

    41. 2401.08543 Unambiguous fluctuation decomposition of the self-energy: pseudogap physics beyond spin fluctuations (arXiv)

    42. 2401.08296 Doped Mott phase and charge correlations in monolayer 1T-NbSe2 (arXiv)

    43. 2401.08160 Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in a ferromagnetic heavy fermion system CeTi1-xVxGe3 (arXiv)

    44. 2401.08157 Exact staggered dimer ground state and its stability in a two-dimensional magnet (arXiv)

    45. 2401.07461 Chiral spin liquid and quantum phase diagram of spin-1/2 J_1-J_2-J_\chi model on the square lattice (arXiv)

    46. 2401.06965 Parton Route to Adiabatic Continuity between Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Effects (arXiv)

    47. 2401.08050 Magneto-Thermoelectric Transport in Graphene Quantum Dot with Strong Correlations (arXiv)

    48. 2401.07708v1 Emergent Gauge Theory in Rydberg Atom Arrays (arXiv)

    49. 2401.07508 Phase diagram of a square lattice model of XY Spins with direction-dependent interactions (arXiv)

    50. 2401.07171 Field theory of collinear and noncollinear magnetic order (arXiv)

    51. 2401.06985 Electrodynamics of the quantum anomalous Hall state in a magnetically doped topological insulator (arXiv)

    52. 2401.08454 Classical ‘spin’ filtering with two degrees of freedom and dissipation (arXiv)

    53. 2401.08265 Disorder-Induced Delocalization in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    54. 2401.08155 Nonlinear thermoelectric response induced by Berry curvature quadrupole in systems with broken time-reversal symmetry (arXiv)

    55. 2401.07946 Manifestation of the Berry connection in chiral lattice systems (arXiv)

    56. 2401.07137 Ultra-robust topologically protected edge states in quasi-1D systems (arXiv)

    57. 2401.07442 Interferometric Geometric Phases of PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics (arXiv)

    58. 2401.06355 Self-consistent study of topological superconductivity in two-dimensional quasicrystals (arXiv)

    59. 2401.06219 Inducing Z2 Topology in Twisted Nodal Superconductors (arXiv)

    60. 2401.06551 Exact matrix product states at the quantum Lifshitz tricritical point in a spin-1/2 zigzag-chain antiferromagnet with anisotropic Gamma-term (arXiv)

    61. 2401.06333 Direction dependent switching of carrier-type enabled by Fermi surface geometry (arXiv)

    62. 2401.06282 Magnetic control of Weyl nodes and wave packets in three-dimensional warped semimetals (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 2nd week collection
    1. science.adn1876 Electrons catch light pulses on the fly (Science)

    2. science.adk5947 Twisted epitaxy of gold nanodisks grown between twisted substrate layers of molybdenum disulfide (Science)

    3. s41586-023-06829-4 Quantum spin nematic phase in a square-lattice iridate (BJKim, Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06846-3 Encoding a magic state with beyond break-even fidelity (Nature)

    5. s41586-023-06885-w Giant magnetocaloric effect in spin supersolid candidate Na2BaCo(PO4)2 (Nature)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.023602 Engineering Arbitrary Hamiltonians in Phase Space (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.132.026002 Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Flat-Band Superconductors with Quantum Metric (KTLaw, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.132.026003 Nernst Sign Reversal in the Hexatic Vortex Phase of Weakly Disordered a-MoGe Thin Films (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.026902 Dynamical Control of Topology in Polar Skyrmions via Twisted Light (PRL)

    10. 2401.05954 Structure and scaling of Kitaev chain across a quantum critical point in real space (arXiv)

    11. 2401.05847 Ferroelectric topological superconductor (arXiv)

    12. 2401.05488 Topological superconductivity induced by a Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    13. 2401.05486 Migdal-Eliashberg superconductivity in a Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    14. 2401.05685 Josephson Junction of Nodal Superconductors with Rashba and Ising Spin-Orbit coupling (arXiv)

    15. 2401.06065 Suppressed Kondo screening in two-dimensional altermagnets (arXiv)

    16. 2401.05880 Optical and acoustic plasmons in the layered material Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    17. 2401.05557 Transverse and longitudinal magnons in strongly anisotropic antiferromagnet FePSe3 (arXiv)

    18. 2401.05546 Static and fluctuating zigzag order, and possible signatures of Kitaev physics, in torque measurements of ${\alpha}$-RuCl${_3}$ (arXiv)

    19. 2401.06078 Twisted TMDs in the small-angle limit: exponentially flat and trivial bands (arXiv)

    20. 2401.05719 Skyrmions with a high topological number and phase transition in two-dimensional frustrated J1-J2 magnets (arXiv)

    21. 2401.05636 A lattice regularization of Weyl fermions in a gravitational background (arXiv)

    22. 2401.05485 On the zero-field quantization of the anomalous quantum Hall effect in moir\‘e 2D layers (arXiv)

    23. 2401.06012v1 Orbital hall effect: from intrinsic mechanism to experimental evidence (arXiv)

    24. 2401.05691 Atomic Scale Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Monolayer Graphene/$\rm MnBi_{2}Te_{4}$ Heterostructure (arXiv)

    25. 2401.05804 A Microscopic study of Magnetic monopoles in Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    26. PhysRevX.14.011004 Valley-Coherent Quantum Anomalous Hall State in AB-Stacked MoTe2/WSe2 Bilayers (PRX)

    27. 2401.05213v1 The role of the pseudogap in cuprate superconductors revealed by the Hall effect (arXiv)

    28. 2401.05092v1 Nematic quantum disordered state in FeSe (arXiv)

    29. 2401.04793v1 2024 Roadmap on Magnetic Microscopy Techniques and Their Applications in Materials Science (arXiv)

    30. 2401.05283v1 Quantum magnetism in the frustrated square lattice oxyhalides YbBi2IO4 and YbBi2ClO4 (arXiv)

    31. 2401.05147v1 Strictly one dimensional behavior emerging from dispersive two dimensional system: implications on metallic nanowires on semiconducting substrates (arXiv)

    32. 2401.04845v1 Discovery of a hybrid topological quantum state in an elemental solid (arXiv)

    33. 2401.04967v1 Electrical Non-Hermitian Control of Topological Magnon Spin Transport (arXiv)

    34. PhysRevLett.132.026701 Evidence of Strong Orbital-Selective Spin-Orbital-Phonon Coupling in CrVO4 (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.132.026501 Long-Lived Higgs Modes in Strongly Correlated Condensates (PRL)

    36. 2401.04163v1 Quantum Geometric Nesting and Solvable Model Flat-Band Systems (Bernevig, arXiv)

    37. 2401.04593v1 Variational Monte-Carlo Approach for Hubbard Model Applied to Twisted Bilayer WSe$_2$ at Half-Filling (arXiv)

    38. 2401.04541v1 Flexomagnetoelectric effect in Sr2IrO4 thin films (iridates, arXiv)

    39. 2401.04540v1 Kondo breakdown in multi-orbital Anderson lattices induced by destructive hybridization interference (arXiv)

    40. 2401.04245v1 Hybrid skyrmion and anti-skyrmion phases in polar C4v systems (Hayami, arXiv)

    41. 2401.04207v1 The Kondo effect in the quantum $XX$ spin chain (arXiv)

    42. 2401.04582v1 Topological transverse spin transport in a canted antiferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructure (arXiv)

    43. 2401.04180v1 Universal relation between energy gap and dielectric constant (arXiv)

    44. 2401.04569v1 Modelling the elliptical instability of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    45. 2401.04502v1 Observation of Higher Order Nodal Line Semimetal in Phononic Crystals (arXiv)

    46. 2401.04413v1 Spin current leakage and Onsager reciprocity in interfacial spin-charge interconversion (arXiv)

    47. 2401.04162v1 Many-body Non-Hermitian Skin Effect for Multipoles (arXiv)

    48. PhysRevX.14.011003 Measuring Nonlocal Brane Order with Error-Corrected Quantum Gas Microscopes (PRX)

    49. PhysRevLett.132.026301 Unification of Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect and Nonreciprocal Magnetoresistance in Metals by the Quantum Geometry (PRL)

    50. 2401.03064v1 Phonon thermal Hall effect in charge-compensated topological insulators (arXiv)

    51. 2401.03847v1 Exploring the Electronic Potential of Effective Tight$-$Binding Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    52. 2401.03884v1 Quantum revivals in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells and topological phase transitions (arXiv)

    53. 2401.03773v1 Skyrmion Qubits: Challenges For Future Quantum Computing Applications (arXiv)

    54. 2401.03699v1 Probing Chiral-Symmetric Higher-Order Topological Insulators with Multipole Winding Number (arXiv)

    55. 2401.03541v1 Coexistence of 1D and 2D topology and genesis of Dirac cones in the chiral Aubry-Andr\‘e model (arXiv)

    56. 2401.03164v1 Cavity magnonics with domain walls in insulating ferromagnetic wires (arXiv)

    57. 2401.03044v1 Machine learning inspired models for Hall effects in non-collinear magnets (arXiv)

    58. 2401.02973v1 Periodically driven four-dimensional topological insulator with tunable second Chern number (arXiv)

    59. 2401.02966v1 Stable nodal line semimetals in the chiral classes in three dimensions (arXiv)

    60. 2401.03611v1 Engineering topological chiral transport in a flat-band lattice of ultracold atoms (arXiv)

    61. 2401.03526v1 Strain-induced Ferroelectricity and Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in One-dimensional Antiferromagnetic WOI3 (arXiv)

    62. 2401.03028v1 Phase transitions and scale invariance in topological Anderson insulators (arXiv)

    63. ad1a6b Control of stripe, skyrmion and skyrmionium formation in the 2D magnet Fe3-xGeTe2 by varying composition (2D Materials)

    64. 2401.02512v1 Andreev bound states at nonmagnetic impurities in superconductor/antiferromagnet heterostructures (arXiv)

    65. 2401.02866v1 Spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Machine learning discovery of the spinon pair density wave ground state (arXiv)

    66. 2401.02532v1 Emergent transverse-field Ising model in d4 spin-orbit Mott insulators (arXiv)

    67. 2401.02933v1 Solutions to the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in the frequency space: Discretization schemes for the dynamic-matrix approach (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2024)

  • A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2024 Jan 1st week collection
    1. s41586-023-06811-0 Ultrahigh-mobility semiconducting epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide (Nature)

    2. d41586-023-03991-7 Tailoring graphene for electronics beyond silicon (Nature)

    3. PhysRevLett.132.010602 Randomness-Enhanced Expressivity of Quantum Neural Networks (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.132.016604 Fracton Self-Statistics (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.132.017002 $d$-Mon: A Transmon with Strong Anharmonicity Based on Planar $c$-Axis Tunneling Junction between $d$-Wave and $s$-Wave Superconductors (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.132.017003 Superconducting Qubit Based on Twisted Cuprate Van der Waals Heterostructures (PRL)

    7. 2 Water Reduces Ground Coffee’s Charge (Physics)

    8. PhysRevX.14.011001 Bridging the Reality Gap in Quantum Devices with Physics-Aware Machine Learning (PRX)

    9. PhysRevLett.132.016202 Nonlinear and Negative Effective Diffusivity of Interlayer Excitons in Moir\‘e-Free Heterobilayers (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.132.016301 Observation of Terahertz Spin Hall Conductivity Spectrum in GaAs with Optical Spin Injection (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.132.016501 Nematic Spin Correlations Pervading the Phase Diagram of ${\mathrm{FeSe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{S}}{x}$ (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.132.016602 Extracting Higher Central Charge from a Single Wave Function (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.132.016701 Unidirectional Subsystem Symmetry in a Hole-Doped Honeycomb-Lattice Ising Magnet (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.132.018301 Vortex Lattices in Active Nematics with Periodic Obstacle Arrays (PRL)

    15. 2401.02408v1 Proposal for Majorana Modes without a Magnetic Field in a semiconductor-superconductor sandwich structures (arXiv)

    16. 2401.02237v1 Multiband Quantum Materials (arXiv)

    17. 2401.02140v1 Exploring the Unconventional Electron Distribution Patterns in Iron-based Superconductors (arXiv)

    18. 2401.02131v1 Synergistic interplays between the selective electron-phonon coupling, antiferromagnetic fluctuations and charge density wave in the YBa2Cu3Ox cuprate superconductor (arXiv)

    19. 2401.01946v1 Generation of gauge magnetic fields in a kagome spin liqud candidate using the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv)

    20. 2401.02355v1 Matrix product state ansatz for the variational quantum solution of the Heisenberg model on Kagome geometries (arXiv)

    21. 2401.02295v1 Tunning the number of chiral edge channels in a fixed quantum anomalous Hall system (arXiv)

    22. 2401.02282v1 Non-linear Hall Effects: Mechanisms and Materials (arXiv)

    23. 2401.02275v1 Anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in the altermagnet candidate Mn$_5$Si$_3$ films (arXiv)

    24. 2401.02159v1 Valley-Polarized quantum Hall phase in a strain-controlled Dirac system (arXiv)

    25. 2401.01994v1 Minimal Model for Chirally Induced Spin Selectivity: Spin-orbit coupling, tunneling and decoherence (arXiv)

    26. PhysRevLett.132.016603 Light-Induced Ideal Weyl Semimetal in HgTe via Nonlinear Phononics (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.132.013601 Geometric Similarities and Topological Phases in Surface Magnon Polaritons (PRL)

    28. 2401.01602 Exotic Topological Phenomena in Chiral Superconducting States on Doped Quantum Spin Hall Insulators with Honeycomb Lattices (arXiv)

    29. 2401.01844 A critical nematic phase with pseudogap-like behavior in twisted bilayers (arXiv)

    30. 2401.01678 Exotic magnetization curves in classical square-kagome spin lattices (arXiv)

    31. 2401.01669 Microscopic Origin of Chiral Charge Density Wave in TiSe2 (arXiv)

    32. 2401.01605 Quantum Oscillation in Excitonic Insulating Electron-Hole Bilayer (arXiv)

    33. 2401.01407 Generic magnetic field dependence of thermal conductivity in effective spin-1/2 magnetic insulators via hybridization of acoustic phonons and spin-flip excitations (arXiv)

    34. 2401.01402 Topological Phase Transition without Single-Particle-Gap Closing in Strongly Correlated Systems (arXiv)

    35. 2401.01486 Anomalous Landau level gaps near magnetic transitions in monolayer WSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    36. 2401.00999 Possible Meissner effect near room temperature in copper-substituted lead apatite (arXiv)

    37. 2401.01051 Braiding and fusion of Majorana fermions in minimal Kitaev spin liquid on a single hexagon with $5$ qubits (arXiv)

    38. 2401.01300 Engineering the strain and interlayer excitons of 2D materials via lithographically engraved hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    39. 2401.01111 RKKY signals characterizing the topological phase transitions in Floquet Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    40. 2401.01090 Efficient Magnon Injection and Detection via the Orbital Rashba Edelstein Effect (arXiv)

    41. 2401.01203 Origin of zigzag antiferromagnetic orders in XPS3 (X= Fe, Ni) monolayers (arXiv)

    42. 2401.00410v1 Electrical and thermal transport properties of kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=K, Rb, Cs) (arXiv)

    43. 2401.00118v1 The optical conductivity of the 2D $t-J$ model and the origin of electron incoherence in the high-T$_{c}$ cuprate superconductors: a variational study (arXiv)

    44. 2401.00483v1 Magnetic properties at various fillings of the quasiflat band in a fermionic two-leg ladder model (arXiv)

    45. 2401.00432v1 Magnetic order and strongly-correlated effects in the one-dimensional Ising-Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    46. 2401.00363v1 From Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Smectics to Polar Smectic Metals: Nontrivial Interplay Between Electronic Liquid Crystal Order and Topological Order in Correlated Topological Flat Bands (arXiv)

    47. 2401.00573v1 Proximal quantum control of spin and spin ensemble with highly localized control field from skyrmions (arXiv)

    48. 2401.00348v1 Direct observation of split-mode exciton-polaritons in a single MoS$_2$ nanotube (arXiv)

    49. 2401.00723v1 half-electron (e/2) – free electron fractional charge induced by twisted light (fractional charge, arXiv)

    50. 2401.00138v1 Absence of Weyl nodes in EuCd$_2$As$_2$ revealed by the carrier density dependence of the anomalous Hall effect (arXiv)

    51. 2401.00050v1 Many-body higher-order topological invariant for $C_n$-symmetric insulators (arXiv)

    52. 2312.17702 Anisotropy-driven topological quantum phase transition in magnetic impurities (arXiv)

    53. 2312.17690 Chiral anomaly induced monopole current and nonlinear circular dichroism (arXiv)

    54. 2312.17433 Understanding the magnetic interactions of the zig-zag honeycomb lattice: Application to \alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    55. 2312.17359 Topological transitions in the site-diluted Yao-Lee spin-orbital model (arXiv)

    56. 2312.17323 Skyrmion and incommensurate spin dynamics in centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3 (arXiv)

    57. 2312.17746 Fermion-Monopole Scattering in the Standard Model (arXiv)

    58. 2312.17439 Electrochemical transport in Dirac nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)

    59. 2312.17318 Spectral sum rules reflect topological and quantum-geometric invariants (arXiv)

  • 2023 wordcloud

  • A WordCloud of 2022 collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 collection
  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.131.268101 Critical Percolation in the Ordering Kinetics of Twisted Nematic Phases (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.263801 Photonic Spin Hopfions and Monopole Loops (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.131.263401 Exact Large-Scale Fluctuations of the Phase Field in the Sine-Gordon Model (Sine-Gordon Model, PRL)

    4. 2312.17213v1 Possible Unconventional Surface Superconductivity in the Half-Heusler YPtBi (arXiv)

    5. 2312.17064v1 Superconductivity in nickelate and cuprate superconductors with strong bilayer coupling (arXiv)

    6. 2312.16632v1 Optical conductivity of overdoped cuprates from ab-initio out-of-plane impurity potentials (arXiv)

    7. 2312.16484v1 Emergence of superconductivity near 11 K by suppressing the 3-fold helical-chain structure in noncentrosymmetric HgS (arXiv)

    8. 2312.17208v1 Microscopic Mechanism of Pair-Density-Wave Superconductivity (arXiv)

    9. 2312.16444v1 Universal orbital and magnetic structures in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    10. 2312.17176v1 SymTFT out of equilibrium: from time crystals to braided drives and Floquet codes (arXiv)

    11. 2312.17069v1 A new double-layered kagome antiferromagnet ScFe$_6$Ge$_4$ (arXiv)

    12. 2312.17028v1 Quantum Weyl-Heisenberg antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    13. 2312.16748v1 Correlated Quantum Phenomena of Spin-Orbit Coupled Perovskite Oxide Heterostructures: Cases of SrRuO3 and SrIrO3-Based Artificial Superlattices (arXiv)

    14. 2312.16689v1 Topological Phase Transitions in the Disordered Haldane Model (arXiv)

    15. 2312.16640v1 Thermal transport measurements of the charge density wave transition in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    16. 2312.16290v1 Altermagnetic anomalous Hall effect emerging from electronic correlations (arXiv)

    17. 2312.16732v1 CdTe and HgTe doped with V, Cr, and Mn – prospects for the quantum anomalous Hall effect (arXiv)

    18. 2312.16178v1 Purity-dependent Lorenz number, electron hydrodynamics and electron-phonon coupling in WTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    19. 2312.17083v1 Magneto-Crystalline Composite Topological Defects and Half-Hopfions (arXiv)

    20. 2312.16949v1 Solitons in binary compounds with stacked two-dimensional honeycomb lattices (arXiv)

    21. 2312.16782v1 Collective spin oscillations in a magnetized graphene sheet (arXiv)

    22. 2312.16625v1 Topological phase transitions induced by the variation of exchange couplings in graphene (arXiv)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.260401 Experimental Analysis of Energy Transfers between a Quantum Emitter and Light Fields (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.263001 Higher-Order Topological Peierls Insulator in a Two-Dimensional Atom-Cavity System (2DPeierls, PRL)

    25. PhysRevX.13.041058 Bogoliubov Excitations Driven by Thermal Lattice Phonons in a Quantum Fluid of Light (PRX)

    26. PhysRevLett.131.266501 Twistronics of Kekule Graphene: Honeycomb and Kagome Flat Bands (PRL)

    27. 2312.15688 Planar Hall effect from superconducting fluctuations (arXiv)

    28. 2312.16042 Robust $T$-Linear Resistivity due to SU(4) Valley + Spin Fluctuation Mechanism in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    29. 2312.15961 Observation of Magnon Damping Minimum Induced by Kondo Coupling in a van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe${3-x}$GeTe${2}$ (arXiv)

    30. 2312.15932 Observation of a 1/3 Magnetisation Plateau Phase as Evidence for the Kitaev Interaction in a Honeycomb-Lattice Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    31. 2312.16096 The nature of low-temperature spin-freezing in frustrated Kitaev magnets (arXiv)

    32. 2312.15943 Direct observation of topological magnon polarons in a multiferroic material (arXiv)

    33. 2312.15891 Scalar spin chirality induced by a circularly polarized electric field in a classical kagome magnet (arXiv)

    34. 2312.15862 Discovery of a topological exciton insulator with tunable momentum order (arXiv)

    35. 2312.15776 Spin correlations in the bilayer Hubbard model with perpendicular electric field (arXiv)

    36. 2312.15609 Emergent Quadrupolar Order in the Spin-$1/2$ Kitaev-Heisenberg Model (arXiv)

    37. 2312.15587 Field-induced transformation between triangular and square skyrmion crystals in a tetragonal polar magnet (arXiv)

    38. 2312.15410 Quantum-criticality in twisted bi-layer graphene (arXiv)

    39. 2312.16135 Large composite fermion effective mass at filling factor 5/2 (arXiv)

    40. 2312.16122 Magnetic vortex control with current-induced axial magnetization in centrosymmetric Weyl materials (arXiv)

    41. 2312.16013 Four-dimensional Floquet topological insulator with an emergent second Chern number (arXiv)

    42. 2312.15512 Domain-wall Magnetic-texture dependent Creep Motion driven by Spin-transfer Torques (arXiv)

    43. 2312.15371 Observation of a new three-dimensional Dirac-like dispersion in the type-II Dirac semimetals PtTe2 and PdTe2 (arXiv)

    44. 2312.15331 Energy conversion in thermoelectric materials of SnSSe and SnS$_2$: a Monte-Carlo simulation of Boltzmann transport equation (arXiv)

    45. 2312.15165 Flat bands without twists: periodic holey graphene (arXiv)

    46. 2312.14729v1 Effective models for dense vortex lattices in the Kitaev honeycomb model (arXiv)

    47. 2312.14624v1 Kinetic inductance in superconducting CoSi2 coplanar microwave transmission lines (CoSi2, arXiv)

    48. 2312.14251 Pressure-dependent Insulator-Metal-Insulator Behavior in Sr-doped La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    49. 2312.14283 40 Years of SCES at Los Alamos (arXiv)

    50. 2312.14236 Edge-sharing quasi-one-dimensional cuprate fragments in optimally substituted Cu/Pb apatite (arXiv)

    51. 2312.14926 Topological Green’s function zeros in an exactly solved model and beyond (arXiv)

    52. 2312.14553 Quasi-localization and Wannier Obstruction in Partially Flat Bands (JHPark JWRhim, arXiv)

    53. 2312.14415 Electronic structure, magnetic and transport properties of antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal GdAlSi (arXiv)

    54. 2312.14864 The Impact of Local Strain Fields in Non-Collinear Antiferromagnetic Films (AFM, arXiv)

    55. 2312.14456 Spontaneous gap opening and potential excitonic states in an ideal Dirac semimetal Ta$_2$Pd$_3$Te$_5$ (exciton, arXiv)

    56. 2312.14455 Evidence for an Excitonic Insulator State in Ta2Pd3Te5 (exciton, arXiv)

    57. 2312.14627 Thermoelectric and magneto-transport characteristics of interconnected networks of ferromagnetic nanowires and nanotubes (arXiv)

    58. 2312.14244 Absence of quantization in the circular photogalvanic effect in disordered chiral Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    59. 2312.14181 Reversal of Orbital Hall Conductivity and Emergence of Tunable Topological Quantum States in Orbital Hall Insulator (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 3rd week collection
    1. Majorana quantum computing A ghostly quasiparticle rooted in a century-old Italian mystery could unlock quantum computing potential (Science)

    2. science.abl8371 Time-reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity between twisted cuprate superconductors (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06768-0 Exploring large-scale entanglement in quantum simulation (Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06764-4 Evidence for chiral supercurrent in quantum Hall Josephson junctions (Nature)

    5. s41586-023-06785-z Three-dimensional atomic structure and local chemical order of medium- and high-entropy nanoalloys (Nature)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.256505 Divergent Nonlinear Response from Quasiparticle Interactions (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.258201 Rationalizing Euclidean Assemblies of Hard Polyhedra from Tessellations in Curved Space (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.256001 Josephson Junction $\ensuremath{\pi}\text{\ensuremath{-}}0$ Transition Induced by Orbital Hybridization in a Double Quantum Dot (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.256504 Origin of the Magnetic Exciton in the van der Waals Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{NiPS}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.256901 Berry-Curvature Engineering for Nonreciprocal Directional Dichroism in Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.131.256503 Coherent Phonon Assisted Ultrafast Order-Parameter Reversal and Hidden Metallic State in ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}{5}$ (PRL)

    12. 2312.13857 Superconducting diodes from magnetization gradients (arXiv)

    13. 2312.13367 Topological Superconductivity in Twisted Flakes of Nodal Superconductors (arXiv)

    14. 2312.13348 Charge-4$e$ Superconductivity in a Hubbard model (arXiv)

    15. 2312.14002 Tensor Network Finite-Size Scaling for Two-Dimensional 3-state Clock Model (arXiv)

    16. 2312.13962 The rich phase diagram of the prototypical iridate Ba$_2$IrO$_4$: Effective low-energy models and metal-insulator transition (arXiv)

    17. 2312.13894 Direct evidence from high-field magnetotransport for a dramatic change of quasiparticle character in van der Waals ferromagnet Fe$_{3-x}$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    18. 2312.13502 Energy Relaxation and dynamics in the correlated metal Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ via THz two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy (arXiv)

    19. 2312.13226 Edge zeros and boundary spinons in topological Mott insulators (spinon, arXiv)

    20. 2312.13181 From Resistance Minimum to Kondo Physics (arXiv)

    21. 2312.12920 Fermi arcs, Landau levels and magnetic response of the nematic Weyl liquid (nematic Weyl, arXiv)

    22. 2312.12889 Singular Hall response from a correlated ferromagnetic flat nodal-line semimetal (nodal line, arXiv)

    23. 2312.12531 Topology, magnetism and charge order in twisted MoTe2 at higher integer hole fillings (arXiv)

    24. 2312.13051 BerryEasy: A GPU enabled python package for diagnosis of $n$-th-order and spin-resolved topology in the presence of fields and effects (arXiv)

    25. 2312.12607 Graph Theorem for Chiral Exact Flat Bands at Charge Neutrality (arXiv)

    26. 2312.14054 Theory of interlayer exciton dynamics in 2D TMDCs Heterolayers under the influence of strain reconstruction and disorder (arXiv)

    27. 2312.14034 Hidden mechanical oscillatory state in a carbon nanotube revealed by noise (arXiv)

    28. 2312.13956 Quantum Transport and Spectroscopy of Two-dimensional Perovskite/Graphene Interfaces (arXiv)

    29. 2312.13907 Topological Phase Transitions with Zero Indirect Band Gap (arXiv)

    30. PhysRevX.13.041054 Epidemic Spreading in Group-Structured Populations (PRX)

    31. PhysRevLett.131.256002 Iron Vacancy Tunable Superconductor-Insulator Transition in $\mathrm{FeSe}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ Monolayer (vacancy FeSe, PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.131.256703 Chiral Magnons in Altermagnetic ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ (magnon, PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.131.250401 Complete Hilbert-Space Ergodicity in Quantum Dynamics of Generalized Fibonacci Drives (PRL)

    34. 212 Atmospheric Neutrinos Revisited (Physics)

    35. PhysRevLett.131.256702 Extreme Domain Wall Speeds under Ultrafast Optical Excitation (PRL)

    36. s176 Domain Walls Break the Sound Barrier (Physics)

    37. 213 Highlights of the Year (Physics)

    38. 2312.12187 Electron-phonon coupling in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite (Balatsky LK99, arXiv)

    39. 2312.11628 Incommensurate magnetic order: a fingerprint for electronic correlations in hole-doped cuprates (incommensurate, arXiv)

    40. 2312.12240 The pseudochiral Fermi surface of $\alpha$-RuI$_3$ (arXiv)

    41. 2312.11980 GdAlSi: An antiferromagnetic topological Weyl semimetal with non-relativistic spin splitting (GdAlSi, arXiv)

    42. 2312.11961 Observation of giant circular dichroism induced by electronic chirality (arXiv)

    43. 2312.11732 Two-Step Electronic Response to Magnetic Ordering in a van der Waals Ferromagnet (arXiv)

    44. 2312.11693 Dynamical Mean Field Theory for Low Density and Dirac Materials (arXiv)

    45. 2312.11617 Moir\‘e Fractional Chern Insulators III: Hartree-Fock Phase Diagram, Magic Angle Regime for Chern Insulator States, the Role of the Moir\‘e Potential and Goldstone Gaps in Rhombohedral Graphene Superlattices (Bernevig, arXiv)

    46. 2312.12316 Electrical Activity of Topological Chiral Edge Magnons (arXiv)

    47. 2312.12201 Microscopic theory of current-induced skyrmion transport and its application in disordered spin textures (skyrmion, arXiv)

    48. 2312.11632 Direct observation of a magnetic field-induced Wigner crystal (WC, arXiv)

    49. 2312.12374v1 Thermal rectification with topological edge states (topological edge, arXiv)

    50. 2312.12060 Spin-dependent localization of helical edge states in a non-Hermitian phononic crystal (arXiv)

    51. 2312.11698 Gate-defined superconducting channel in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    52. 2312.11857 Anderson transition and mobility edges on hyperbolic lattices (hyperbolic lattice, arXiv)

    53. PhysRevX.13.041052 A Race-Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor (PRX)

    54. 209 Scaling Up a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer (Physics)

    55. PhysRevLett.131.256501 Controlled Frustration Release on the Kagome Lattice by Uniaxial-Strain Tuning (PRL)

    56. PhysRevLett.131.256201 Giant Correlated Gap and Possible Room-Temperature Correlated States in Twisted Bilayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.131.256601 Edge-Selective Extremal Damping from Topological Heritage of Dissipative Chern Insulators (TMeng, PRL)

    58. PhysRevLett.131.256701 Spinon Heat Transport in the Three-Dimensional Quantum Magnet PbCuTe2O6 (PbCuTe2O6, PRL)

    59. PhysRevB.108.224108 Revealing the origin of the topological Hall effect in the centrosymmetric shape memory Heusler alloy Mn2NiGa : A combined experimental and theoretical investigation (PRB)

    60. 2312.11464 Symmetry Enforced Fermi Surface Degeneracies Observed in Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking Superconductor LaNiGa$_2$ (arXiv)

    61. 2312.11155 Possible manifestation of topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states in the microwave response of thin FeSe1-xTex film (arXiv)

    62. 2312.11002 Suppression of superconductivity by Sb-substitution into CeOBiS2 single crystals (arXiv)

    63. 2312.10805 Nernst Sign-Reversal in the Hexatic Vortex Phase of Weakly Disordered a-MoGe Thin Films (arXiv)

    64. 2312.10723 Atomic-site dependent pairing gap in monolayer FeSe/SrTiO$_3$(001)- ($\sqrt{13} \times \sqrt{13}$) (arXiv)

    65. 2312.10391 Strange memory effect of low-field microwave absorption in copper-substituted lead apatite (arXiv)

    66. 2312.10354 Superconductivity in a ferroelectric-like topological semimetal SrAuBi (arXiv)

    67. 2312.11162 Unconventional superconductivity in the Kondo-lattice system CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ – a personal perspective (Hassinger, arXiv)

    68. 2312.11457 Low-energy perspective on two-orbital Hund metals and the case of LaNiO2 (arXiv)

    69. 2312.10839 Spontaneous Formation of Altermagnetism from Orbital Ordering (arXiv)

    70. 2312.10838 Interaction and coherence in 2D bilayers (arXiv)

    71. 2312.10659 Flat bands, strange metals, and the Kondo effect (flatband, arXiv)

    72. 2312.10473 Topological phase transitions and thermal Hall effect in a noncollinear spin texture (arXiv)

    73. 2312.10192 Fragile magnetic order in metallic quasicrystals (arXiv)

    74. 2312.11435 Fractional Topological Charges in 2D Magnets (ARoach, arXiv)

    75. 2312.10151 Realizing Altermagnetism in Fermi-Hubbard Models with Ultracold Atoms (arXiv)

    76. 2312.11259 Weak localization as a probe of intervalley coherence in graphene multilayers (arXiv)

    77. 2312.11216 The effect of vacancy induced localized states on thermoelectric properties of armchair bilayer phosphorene nanoribbons (arXiv)

    78. 2312.11100 Analytical and numerical calculation of the effect of edge states of the Kane-Mele model on the RKKY interaction (edge states, arXiv)

    79. 2312.10954 Opto-twistronic Hall effect in a three-dimensional spiral lattice (EMele, arXiv)

    80. 2312.10832 Theory of zero-bias photocurrent in topological insulators (arXiv)

    81. 2312.10791 Symmetry breaking in zero field 2D electron bilayers (bilayer, arXiv)

    82. 2312.10782 Continuum of Metastable Helical States in Monoaxial Chiral Magnets: Effect of the Boundary Conditions (arXiv)

    83. 2312.10621 Identifying Klein tunneling signatures in bearded SSH lattices from bent flat bands (flatband, arXiv)

    84. 2312.10337 Predicted Multiple Walker Breakdowns for Current-Driven Domain-Wall Motion in Antiferromagnets (Mochizuki, arXiv)

    85. 2312.10227 Twist-angle tunable spin texture in WSe$_2$/graphene van der Waals heterostructures (spin texture bilayer, arXiv)

    86. 2312.10790 Surface quantum critical phenomena in disordered Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    87. s41467-023-43853-4 Tetrahedral triple-Q magnetic ordering and large spontaneous Hall conductivity in the metallic triangular antiferromagnet Co1/3TaS2 (JGPark, Nature Communications)

    88. PhysRevB.108.235145 Electronic structure of the surface states of the ${\mathrm{Zr}}{3}{\mathrm{SnC}}{2}$ MAX phase (PRB)

    89. ad1252 Existence of complex magnetic ground state and topological Hall effect in centrosymmetric silicide DyScSi (New Journal of Physics)

    90. 2312.09729 Exposing the odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ with hydrostatic pressure (Ce, arXiv)

    91. 2312.09637 Topological Band Inversion and Chiral Majorana Mode in Hcp Thallium (arXiv)

    92. 2312.09728 Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the locally non-centrosymmetric superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    93. 2312.09421 Competition of disorder and electron-phonon coupling in 2H-TaSe$_{2-x}$S$_x$ ($0\le x\le 2$) as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy (arXiv)

    94. 2312.09668 Two-particle correlation effects on nonlinear optical responses in the 1d interacting Rice-Mele model (arXiv)

    95. 2312.09484 A coherent phonon-induced hidden quadrupolar ordered state in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    96. 2312.09286 Vacancy-induced tunable Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    97. 2312.09258 Comparative study of Kondo effect in Vanadium dichalcogenides VX$_2$ (X=Se & Te) (arXiv)

    98. 2312.09856 Nonlinear enhancement of coherent magnetization dynamics (arXiv)

    99. 2312.09694 Spin Injection into and Spin Pumping by Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    100. 2312.09487 Transport response of topological hinge modes in $\alpha$-Bi$_4$Br$_4$ (arXiv)

    101. 2312.09476 Emergence of 6-particle hexciton states in WS$_2$ and MoSe$_2$ monolayers (hexciton, arXiv)

    102. 2312.09349 Position operators and interband matrix elements of scalar and vector potentials in the 8-band Kane model (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 2nd week collection
    1. s41586-023-06763-5 Imaging quantum oscillations and millitesla pseudomagnetic fields in graphene (Nature)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.246302 Onsager Reciprocal Relation between Anomalous Transverse Coefficients of an Anisotropic Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.131.242503 Floating Block Method for Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.131.246301 Tunneling Valley Hall Effect Driven by Tilted Dirac Fermions (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.131.246501 Artificial Atoms, Wigner Molecules, and an Emergent Kagome Lattice in Semiconductor Moir\‘e Superlattices (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.246601 Phonon Topology and Winding of Spectral Weight in Graphite (PRL)

    7. 2312.09124 Efficient momentum space approach to superconductivity in quasiperiodic systems (arXiv)

    8. 2312.09017 High-$T_c$ Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D superconducting systems with coupled deep and quasi-flat electronic bands with van Hove singularities (arXiv)

    9. 2312.08638 Nonlinear optical responses in multi-orbital topological superconductors (arXiv)

    10. 2312.08986 Melting of unidirectional charge density waves across twin domain boundaries in GdTe$_{3}$ (arXiv)

    11. 2312.08626 Access Single Mode Approximation via Quantum Monte Carlo (arXiv)

    12. 2312.09240 Fractional corner charges induced by fragile topology in threefold symmetric two-dimensional materials (arXiv)

    13. 2312.09169 Giant chirality-induced spin polarization in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    14. 2312.08574 Transport through a monolayer-tube junction: sheet-to-tube spin current in silicene (arXiv)

    15. PhysRevX.13.041049 Discovery of a Single-Band Mott Insulator in a van der Waals Flat-Band Compound (PRX)

    16. 2312.08260v1 Spin fluctuations sufficient to mediate superconductivity in nickelates (nickelate mechanism, arXiv)

    17. 2312.08099v1 Spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking by disorder in superconductors (SC, arXiv)

    18. 2312.07653 Van-Hove tuning of Fermi surface instabilities through compensated metallicity (arXiv)

    19. 2312.08306 Two $T$-linear scattering rate regimes in the triangular lattice Hubbard model (Tremblay, arXiv)

    20. 2312.07735 Analysis of photo-induced chirality and magnetic toroidal moment based on Floquet formalism (Hayami, arXiv)

    21. 2312.07717 Understanding disorder in Silicon quantum computing platforms: Scattering mechanisms in Si/SiGe quantum wells (DasSarma, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.246701 Emergent Mechanics of Magnetic Skyrmions Deformed by Defects (skyrmion, PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.243201 Following the Nonthermal Phase Transition in Niobium Dioxide by Time-Resolved Harmonic Spectroscopy (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.243601 Magnonic Frequency Comb in the Magnomechanical Resonator (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.240001 Essay: Where Can Quantum Geometry Lead Us? (Torma, PRL)

    26. 208 US Particle Physicists Make Their Wish List (Physics)

    27. 193 Inconsistency Turns Up Again for Cosmological Observations (Physics)

    28. 2312.06277 Edge-State-Mediated RKKY Coupling in Graphene Nanoflakes (RKKY, arXiv)

    29. 2312.05918 Van Hove singularity-induced negative magnetoresistance in Dirac semimetals (negative MR, arXiv)

    30. 2312.05812 Topological conditions for impurity effects in graphene nanosystems (arXiv)

    31. 2312.05535 Chemical potential of magnetic skyrmion quasiparticles in heavy metal/iron bilayers (skyrmion, arXiv)

    32. 2312.07354 Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors: a review on recent experimental progress (SIT, arXiv)

    33. 2312.07053 Field-induced superconductivity mediated by odd-parity multipole fluctuation (multipole, arXiv)

    34. 2312.06774 Non-constant geometric curvature for tailored spin-orbit coupling and chirality in superconductor-magnet heterostructures (geometric curvature, arXiv)

    35. 2312.07256 Spontaneous charge current in time-reversal-symmetry breaking phase in kagome metals (kagome, arXiv)

    36. 2312.07081 Giant X-ray circular dichroism in a time-reversal invariant antiferromagnet (SWCheong, arXiv)

    37. 2312.06931 Kondo coherence versus superradiance in THz radiation-driven heavy-fermion systems (Kondo, arXiv)

    38. 2312.07449 Origin of correlated diffuse scattering in the hexagonal manganites (YMnO3, arXiv)

    39. 2312.07341 Unconventional crystal structure of the high-pressure superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (nickelate, arXiv)

    40. 2312.07515 Quantum Anomalous Hall and Spin Hall Effects in Magnetic Graphene (arXiv)

    41. 2312.07493 Polarization-induced Weyl phonons in nonsymmorphic crystals (Weyl phonon, arXiv)

    42. 2312.07116 Sliding Dynamics of Current-Driven Skyrmion Crystal and Helix in Chiral Magnets (nagaosa, arXiv)

    43. 2312.07013 Photonic spin Hall effect in Haldane materials (arXiv)

    44. 2312.06407v1 Nanoscale strain manipulation of smectic susceptibility in kagome superconductors (kagome, arXiv)

    45. 2312.06011v1 Superconductivity in correlated carbon nanotubes under pressure: A Bogoliubov-de Gennes study (carbon nanotube, arXiv)

    46. 2312.05378v1 Kink in cuprates: the role of the low-energy density of states (kink, arXiv)

    47. 2312.06511v1 Paradigm for finding d-electron heavy fermions: the case of Cr-doped CsFe$_2$As$_2$ (d heavy fermion, arXiv)

    48. 2312.06300v2 New approach to extract important degrees of freedom in quantum dynamics using singular value decomposition: Application to linear optical spectrum in two-dimensional Mott insulators (arXiv)

    49. 2312.06284v1 Static magnetic order with strong quantum fluctuations in spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

    50. 2312.05343v2 Active Learning approach to simulations of Strongly Correlated Matter with the Ghost Gutzwiller Approximation (arXiv)

    51. 2312.06291 Towards a phase diagram of the topologically frustrated XY chain (arXiv)

    52. 2312.05656 Plasmonic skyrmion quantum thermodynamics (skyrmion, arXiv)

    53. rs-3639312 Stable skyrmion bundles at room temperature and zero magnetic field in a chiral magnet (skyrmion bundle, researchsquare)

    54. 2312.05129v1 Evidence for vertical line nodes in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ from nonlocal electrodynamics (ruthenate, arXiv)

    55. 2312.05196 Magnetic Order and Magnetic Excitations in FeTe: How Good is a Short-Range Heisenberg Model? (FeTe, arXiv)

    56. 2312.05035 Proximity-induced nonlinear magnetoresistances on topological insulators (nonlinear, arXiv)

    57. 2312.04600 Haldane Bundles: A Dataset for Learning to Predict the Chern Number of Line Bundles on the Torus (arXiv)

    58. PhysRevX.13.041046 Theory of Free Fermions under Random Projective Measurements (PRX)

    59. PhysRevResearch.5.L042036 Exploring new states of matter with a photonic emulator (iridate citing paper, Physical Review Research)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Dec 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.131.236203 In-Plane Flexoelectricity in Two-Dimensional D3d Crystals (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.236904 Excitonic Interactions and Mechanism for Ultrafast Interlayer Photoexcited Response in van der Waals Heterostructures (PRL)

    3. 2312.04401 Competing d${xy}$ and s${\pm }$ Pairing Symmetries in Superconducting La${3}$Ni${2}$O$_{7}$ emerge from LDA+FLEX Calculations (arXiv)

    4. 2312.03825 Competing Higher Order Topological Superconducting Phases in Triangular Lattice Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems (arXiv)

    5. 2312.04406 Resolving the Orbital Character of Low-energy Excitations in Mott Insulator with Intermediate Spin-orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    6. 2312.03879 Field-driven transition from quantum spin liquid to magnetic order in triangular-lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    7. 2312.04445 Colossal orbital Zeeman effect driven by tunable spin-Berry curvature in a kagome metal (arXiv)

    8. s41467-023-43814-x Transition between distinct hybrid skyrmion textures through their hexagonal-to-square crystal transformation in a polar magnet (Nature Communications)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.236903 Optical Transitions of a Single Nodal Ring in ${\mathrm{SrAs}}_{3}$: Radially and Axially Resolved Characterization (PRL)

    10. s173 Carbon Monoxide Leaves Cosmic Ice with a Kick (Physics)

    11. 2312.03456v1 Mobile Topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Soliton in a Josephson Metamaterial (SSH, arXiv)

    12. 2312.03650 Engineering Phase Competition Between Stripe Order and Superconductivity in La${1.88}$Sr${0.12}$CuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    13. 2312.03605 Superconductivity in the Bilayer Two-orbital Hubbard Model (arXiv)

    14. 2312.03684 Spontaneous Chirality Flipping in an Orthogonal Spin-Charge Ordered Topological Magnet (arXiv)

    15. 2312.03551 MXene Fe2C as a promising candidate for the 2D XY ferromagnet (2D XY, arXiv)

    16. 2312.03123 Local and nonlocal electronic correlations at the metal-insulator transition in the Hubbard model in two dimensions (arXiv)

    17. 2312.03108 Absence of backscattering in Fermi-arc-mediated conductivity of topological Dirac semimetal Cd${3}$As${2}$ (arXiv)

    18. 2312.03364 Tuning spinaron and Kondo resonances via quantum confinement (Lado, arXiv)

    19. 2312.03150 Strongly coupled edge states in a graphene quantum Hall interferometer (arXiv)

    20. 2312.03598 A Machine-Learning-Accelerated Quantum Transport Study on the Effects of Superlattice Disorder and Strain in a Mid-wave Infrared Curved Sensor (arXiv)

    21. 2312.03405 Nonlinear magnetotransport in MoTe${}_2$ (arXiv)

    22. 2312.03159 Robust quantisation of circular photogalvanic effect in multiplicative topological semimetals (arXiv)

    23. 2312.03054 Braids and Higher-order Exceptional Points from the Interplay Between Lossy Defects and Topological Boundary States (arXiv)

    24. admi.202300188 Designing Layered 2D Skyrmion Lattices in Moiré Magnetic Heterostructures (Advanced Materials Interfaces)

    25. v1 Deterministic switching of antiferromagnetic spin textures by chaotic magnons (researchsquare)

    26. PhysRevX.13.041042 Measurement-Altered Ising Quantum Criticality (PRX)

    27. PhysRevLett.131.236701 Nonlocal Spin Correlation as a Signature of Ising Anyons Trapped in Vacancies of the Kitaev Spin Liquid (PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.131.236002 s-Wave Pairing and the Destructive Role of Apical-Oxygen Deficiencies in La3Ni2O7 under Pressure (PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.131.236003 Unequivocal Identification of Spin-Triplet and Spin-Singlet Superconductors with Upper Critical Field and Flux Quantization (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.131.236501 Moving Crystal Phases of a Quantum Wigner Solid in an Ultra-High-Quality 2D Electron System (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.131.236702 Detecting Magnetoelectric Effect in a Metallic Antiferromagnet via Nonreciprocal Rotation of Reflected Light (PRL)

    32. s172 Electron Crystal Reveals Its Dynamics (Physics)

    33. 2312.02655v1 Topological superconductivity in quantum wires mediated by helical magnons (arXiv)

    34. 2312.02410v1 Classification of Multi-Orbital Superconducting State based on Augmented Multipoles (arXiv)

    35. 2312.02978v1 Scattering theory of mesons in doped antiferromagnetic Mott insulators: Multichannel perspective and Feshbach resonance (arXiv)

    36. 2312.02887v1 Electrical tuning of the magnetic properties of 2D magnets: the case of ${\rm Cr}_2{\rm Ge}_2{\rm Te}_6$ (arXiv)

    37. 2312.02629v1 X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in RuO$_2$ (arXiv)

    38. 2312.02444v1 Magnetic instability under ferroaxial moment (arXiv)

    39. 2312.02979v1 Floquet Chiral Quantum Walk in Quantum Computer (arXiv)

    40. 2312.02796v1 Materials Expert-Artificial Intelligence for Materials Discovery (arXiv)

    41. 2312.02523v1 Weak Anti-Localization Effect in Topological Ni$_3$In$_2$S$_2$ Single Crystal (arXiv)

    42. 2312.02961v1 Surface induced odd-frequency spin-triplet superconductivity as a veritable signature of Majorana bound states (arXiv)

    43. 2312.02640v1 Controllable Andreev Bound States in Bilayer Graphene Josephson Junction from Short to Long Junction Limits (arXiv)

    44. 2312.02316v1 Engineering a High Spin Chern-Number Insulator in Epitaxial Sb Monolayer (arXiv)

    45. PhysRevX.13.041040 A Postquantum Theory of Classical Gravity? (PRX)

    46. 203 Might There Be No Quantum Gravity After All? (Physics)

    47. PhysRevLett.131.236301 Phonon Hall Viscosity of Ionic Crystals (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.131.236601 Connecting the Many-Body Chern Number to Luttinger’s Theorem through Steda’s Formula (PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.131.230401 Large Deviations beyond the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism (PRL)

    50. 2312.01439 Absence of Fermi surface reconstruction in pressure-driven overdoped YBCO (arXiv)

    51. 2312.01108 Identifying Majorana Zero Modes in Vortex Lattices Using Fano Factor Tomography (JHu, arXiv)

    52. 2312.01967 Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the star lattice – from chiral Majoranas to chiral triplons (arXiv)

    53. 2312.01542 Anisotropic skyrmion crystal on a centrosymmetric square lattice under an in-plane magnetic field (Hayami, arXiv)

    54. 2312.01491 Flat band projections: Sign problem mapping for frustrated spin systems (arXiv)

    55. 2312.01461 Spin-fluctuation heat capacity at magnetic phase transition in the Co,Fe doped MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    56. 2312.00877 Effective field theory of Berry Landau Fermi liquid from the coadjoint orbit method (arXiv)

    57. 2312.00868 Modular extension of topological orders from congruence representations (arXiv)

    58. 2312.01913 Tunable exciton polaritons in band-gap engineered hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

    59. 2312.01820 Electrically tunable flat bands with layer-resolved charge distribution in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    60. 2312.01553 Emergent electric field induced by current-driven domain wall motion in a room-temperature antiferromagnet FeSn2 (arXiv)

    61. 2312.01041 Topological spin textures in electronic non-Hermitian systems (nagaosa, arXiv)

    62. 2312.00866 Sub-MeV Dark Matter Detection with Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    63. 2312.00652 Perspective on the Vortex Mass Determination in Superconductors using Circular Dichroism (arXiv)

    64. 2312.00187 Proximity effect of s-wave superconductor on inversion broken Weyl Semi-Metal (arXiv)

    65. 2312.00515 Carrier density crossover and quasiparticle mass enhancement in a doped 5$d$ Mott insulator (arXiv)

    66. 2312.00642 Interplay between Haldane and modified Haldane models in $\alpha$-$T_{3}$ lattice: Band structures, phase diagrams and edge states (arXiv)

    67. 2312.00636 Hyperdeterminants and Composite fermion States in Fractional Chern Insulators (arXiv)

    68. 2312.00222 Anomalous Hall effect with plateaus observed in a magnetic Weyl semimetal NdAlGe at low temperatures (arXiv)

    69. 2312.00147 Vacancies in generic Kitaev spin liquids (arXiv)

    70. 2312.00511 Weak Electronic Correlations Observed in Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Mn$_3$Ge (arXiv)

    71. 2312.00543 Longitudinal optical conductivity of graphene in van der Waals heterostructures composed of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    72. 2312.00378 Magneto-transport in the monolayer MoS2 material system for high-performance field-effect transistor applications (arXiv)

    73. 2312.00440 Charge doping into spin minority states mediates doubling of $T_\mathrm{C}$ in ferromagnetic CrGeTe$_3$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 4th week collection
    1. webzine.kps.16907 물리학을 공부할 타이밍 (정세영, KPS)

    2. s41586-023-06735-9 Scaling deep learning for materials discovery (Nature)

    3. materials-predicting-ai-deepmind-could-revolutionize-electronics-batteries-and-solar Materials-predicting AI from DeepMind could revolutionize electronics, batteries, and solar cells (Science)

    4. millions-of-new-materials-discovered-with-deep-learning Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning (Google DeepMind)

    5. PhysRevX.13.041038 Multiscale Data-Driven Energy Estimation and Generation (PRX)

    6. science.ade3232 The Wiedemann-Franz law in doped Mott insulators without quasiparticles (JixunDing, Science)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.226401 Non-Abelian Hyperbolic Band Theory from Supercells (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.220405 Stochastic Thermodynamics of a Quantum Dot Coupled to a Finite-Size Reservoir (PRL)

    9. 2311.18019 Superconductivity due to fluctuating loop currents (arXiv)

    10. 2311.18507 Ce2Ir3Ga5 : a new locally non-centrosymmetric heavy fermion system (arXiv)

    11. 2311.18416 Induced quantum magnetism in CEF singlet ground state models: Thermodynamics and excitations (arXiv)

    12. 2311.18726 HofstadterTools: A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model (python, arXiv)

    13. 2311.18667 Topological nodal line semimetals with chiral symmetry (nodal line, arXiv)

    14. 2311.18660 Nanoscale confinement and control of excitonic complexes in a monolayer WSe2 (arXiv)

    15. 2311.18320v1 BN-embedded monolayer graphene with tunable electronic and topological properties (graphene, arXiv)

    16. 2311.18203v1 A Novel Interface Database of Graphene Nanoribbon from Density Functional Theory (arXiv)

    17. s41586-023-06663-8 Imaging inter-valley coherent order in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (Nature)

    18. s41586-023-06767-1 Remote collaboration fuses fewer breakthrough ideas (Nature)

    19. PhysRevLett.131.223802 Revealing the Interplay between Strong Field Selection Rules and Crystal Symmetries (HHG, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.131.226502 Extracting the Speed of Light from Matrix Product States (speed of light MPS, PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.131.226601 Topological Bogoliubov Quasiparticles from Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Flat Band System (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.220402 Spectral Response of Disorder-Free Localized Lattice Gauge Theories (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.226504 Absence of Spontaneous Magnetic Fields due to Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Bulk Superconducting UTe2 (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.226503 Longitudinal Spin Fluctuations Driving Field-Reinforced Superconductivity in UTe2 (PRL)

    25. acs.nanolett.3c02268 Converting the Bulk Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Crystal into Stacked Monolayers via Ethylenediamine Intercalation (Intercalation YKKim, Nano Letters)

    26. 2311.17694 Intrinsic Electronic Structure and Nodeless Superconducting Gap of $\mathrm{YBa_{2} Cu_{3} O_{7-\delta} }$ Observed by Spatially-Resolved Laser-Based Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (cuprate d+is, arXiv)

    27. 2311.17903 The new heavy fermion compound Ce$_3$Bi$_4$Ni$_3$ (Ce, arXiv)

    28. 2311.17139 Avoided metallicity in a hole-doped Mott insulator on a triangular lattice (PKing, arXiv)

    29. 2311.17859 Z2=0 is topological too (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    30. 2311.17310 Interactions between atomic-scale skyrmions in 2D chiral magnets (skrymion, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.13.041036 Superconductivity Studied by Solving Ab Initio Low-Energy Effective Hamiltonians for Carrier Doped CaCuO2, Bi2Sr2CuO6, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8, and HgBa2CuO4 (Imada, PRX)

    32. PhysRevLett.131.226801 Model for Nonrelativistic Topological Multiferroic Matter (Multiferroic, PRL)

    33. s170 Model Correctly Predicts High-Temperature Superconducting Properties (Physics)

    34. 2311.16553v1 Quantum Fluctuations in a Weakly Correlated Mott Insulator (Quantum Fluctuations, arXiv)

    35. 2311.16761v1 Transport properties of a half-filled Chern band at the electron and composite fermion phases (LFu, arXiv)

    36. 2311.16669v1 Deriving quantum spin model for a zigzag-chain ytterbium magnet with anisotropic exchange interactions (arXiv)

    37. 2311.16393 Classification of multipoles induced by external fields and currents under electronic nematic ordering with quadrupole moments (Hayami, arXiv)

    38. 2311.16767v1 Local distortions of the crystal structure and their influence on the electronic structure and superconductivity of (TaNb)0.67(HfZrTi)0.33 high-entropy alloy (arXiv)

    39. 2311.16967v1 Hofstadter quasicrystal problem and irrational quantum oscillations (arXiv)

    40. 2311.16412v1 Non-linear Landau fan diagram for graphene electrons exposed to a moir\‘e potential (PMoon, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.221601 Holographic Dissipative Spacetime Supersolids (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.131.226001 Evidence for Quantum Stripe Ordering in a Triangular Optical Lattice (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.131.226501 Cascade of Multielectron Bubble Phases in Monolayer Graphene at High Landau Level Filling (PRL)

    44. 2311.16033 Paramagnetic contribution in superconductors with different-mass Cooper pairs (JPHu, arXiv)

    45. 2311.15835 Surface skyrmions and dual topological Hall effect in antiferromagnetic topological insulator EuCd$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    46. 2311.15092 D-Wave and Pair-Density-Wave Superconductivity in the Square-Lattice t-J Model (d-wave, arXiv)

    47. 2311.14914 A Replica-BCS theory for dirty superconductors (arXiv)

    48. 2311.15911 What are the emergent fermions and gauge fields in magnetized kagome spin liquid? (arXiv)

    49. 2311.15079 Unexpected results for the non-trivial fusion of Majorana zero modes in interacting quantum-dot arrays (arXiv)

    50. 2311.15246 Thermodynamic Response and Neutral Excitations in Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States Emerging from Correlated Flat Bands (flatband, arXiv)

    51. 2311.15239 Quantum oscillations in kagome metals (Ti, Zr, Hf)V6Sn6 at van Hove filling (arXiv)

    52. 2311.16092 Three-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}$ topological insulators without reflection symmetry (arXiv)

    53. 2311.15753 Topological skyrmion semimetals (skyrmion, arXiv)

    54. 2311.15694 Type-II topological phase transitions of topological skyrmion phases (arXiv)

    55. 2311.16011 Wannier charge center, spin resolved bulk polarization and corner modes in a strained quantum spin Hall insulator (arXiv)

    56. 2311.15970 High-fidelity spin qubit shuttling via large spin-orbit interaction (arXiv)

    57. 2311.15787 Topological Thermal Hall Conductance of Even Denominator Fractional States (arXiv)

    58. 2311.14774 Light–absorbed orbital angular momentum in the linear response regime (arXiv)

    59. 2311.15555 One-dimensional moire chains with partially-filled flat bands in two-dimensional twisted bilayer WSe2 (flatband, arXiv)

    60. 2311.14368 Theory of fractional Chern insulator states in pentalayer graphene moir\‘e superlattice (arXiv)

    61. 2311.14161 Emergence of vortex state in the $S=1$ Kitaev-Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy (arXiv)

    62. 2311.13641 Emergent chiral metal near a Kondo breakdown quantum phase transition (kondo, arXiv)

    63. 2311.14396 Commensurate-incommensurate transition in frustrated Wigner crystals (arXiv)

    64. 2311.13645 The layered RuBr$_3$-RuI$_3$ honeycomb system (arXiv)

    65. 2311.14384 Electrically tunable correlated domain wall network in twisted bilayer graphene (CHHsu, arXiv)

    66. 2311.14069 Massive topological edge channels in three-dimensional topological materials induced by extreme surface anisotropy (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 3rd week collection
    1. 2311.13405 Triple-sinusoid hedgehog lattice in a centrosymmetric Kondo metal (JHPark SHShin, arXiv)

    2. LLM 거대언어모델(LLM)의 현주소 (brunch)

    3. 2303.18223 A Survey of Large Language Models (arXiv)

    4. scientists-face-flood-papers-ai-developers-aim-help As scientists face a flood of papers, AI developers aim to help (Science) pdf version

    5. science.abq6100 Shot noise in a strange metal (Science)

    6. s41586-023-06658-5 Hopfion rings in a cubic chiral magnet (hopfion, Nature)

    7. d41586-023-03502-8 Magnetic hopfion rings in new era for topology (hopfion, Nature)

    8. 2303.02117v2 Room-Temperature Magnetic Skyrmions in Pt/Co/Cu Multilayers (Room-temperature skyrmion, arXiv)

    9. 2311.13393 Thermodynamics of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the star lattice (arXiv)

    10. 2311.13217 Controllable orbital angular momentum monopoles in chiral topological semimetals (arXiv)

    11. 2311.13191 Effects of magnetic fields and orbital angular momentum on excitonic condensation in two-orbital Hubbard model (arXiv)

    12. 2311.13146 Quantum spin dynamics due to strong Kitaev interactions in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsCeSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    13. 2311.13143 Stripe magnetic order and field-induced quantum criticality in the perfect triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsCeSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    14. 2311.13089 Quantum-spin-liquid state in kagome YCu$3$(OH)$_6$[(Cl$_x$Br${1-x}$)${3-y}$(OH)${y}$]: The role of alternate-bond hexagons and beyond (arXiv)

    15. 2311.12922 Controlled expansion for transport in a class of non-Fermi liquids (arXiv)

    16. 2311.13181 Fractional quantum Hall interface induced by geometric singularity (arXiv)

    17. 2311.13130 Inducing a Tunable Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion System through Ion Beam Modification of FeGe Films (arXiv)

    18. 2311.13346 Rashba-splitting-induced topological flat band detected by anomalous resistance oscillations beyond the quantum limit in ZrTe$_5$ (arXiv)

    19. 2311.12920 Moir\‘e Fractional Chern Insulators II: First-principles Calculations and Continuum Models of Rhombohedral Graphene Superlattices (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.131.213801 Classifying Topology in Photonic Heterostructures with Gapless Environments (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.131.216001 Yang-Lee Zeros, Semicircle Theorem, and Nonunitary Criticality in Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Superconductivity (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.216501 Ferroic Order for Anisotropic Magnetic Dipole Term in Collinear Antiferromagnets of $({t}_{2g}{)}^{4}$ System (PRL)

    23. 197 Midcircuit Operations in Atomic Arrays (Physics)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.213001 Spin Dynamics Dominated by Resonant Tunneling into Molecular States (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.216401 Multichannel Dyson Equation: Coupling Many-Body Green’s Functions (PRL)

    26. 198 Electrons Lead Their Lattice by the Nose (Sr2RuO4, Physics)

    27. 2311.12797 Tilted Dirac superconductor at quantum criticality: Restoration of Lorentz symmetry (arXiv)

    28. 2311.12222 Electron irradiation reveals robust fully gapped superconductivity in LaNiGa$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    29. 2311.12116 Interface probe for antiferromagnets using geometric curvature (arXiv)

    30. 2311.12769 Roles of Hund’s Rule and Hybridization in the Two-orbital Model for High-$T_c$ Superconductivity in the Bilayer Nickelate (arXiv)

    31. 2311.12740 Atomistic theory of moir\‘e Hofstadter’s butterfly in magic-angle graphene (arXiv)

    32. 2311.12563 Thermal Hall conductivity of a valence bond solid phase in the square lattice $J_1$-$J_2$ antiferromagnet Heisenberg model with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Thermal Hall, arXiv)

    33. 2311.12339 Emergence of 2000-times higher-mobility carriers through photocarrier screening in correlated kagome magnet Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    34. 2311.12221 Spinon heat transport in the three-dimensional quantum magnet PbCuTe$_2$O$_6$ (arXiv)

    35. 2311.12103 A tensor network view of multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree methods (arXiv)

    36. 2311.12094 Monte Carlo solver and renormalization of Migdal-Eliashberg spin chain (arXiv)

    37. 2311.12729 Adiabatic observables and Berry curvatures in insulators and metals (Resta, arXiv)

    38. 2311.12508 Kondo effect in electrostatically defined ZnO quantum dots (Tomo, arXiv)

    39. 2311.12505 Laser-induced Demagnetization in van der Waals $XY$- and Ising-like Antiferromagnets NiPS3 and FePS3 (NiPS3, arXiv)

    40. 2311.12463 Proximity-enabled control of spin-orbit coupling in phosphorene symmetrically and asymmetrically encapsulated by WSe$_2$ monolayers (arXiv)

    41. 2311.12441 Layer-Locked Anomalous Valley Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional A-Type Tetragonal Antiferromagnetic Insulator (arXiv)

    42. 2311.12377 Spin-valley Hall effects and pseudospin-1 system in transition-metal dichalcogenides: three band model approach (arXiv)

    43. 2311.12776 Polarization-driven band topology evolution in twisted MoTe$_2$ and WSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    44. 2311.12212 Bulk photovoltaic effect in antiferromagnet: Role of collective spin dynamics (arXiv)

    45. 2311.12201 Revealing the three-state nematicity in atomically-thin antiferromagnetic NiPS3 via magneto-optical effect (NiPS3, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevX.13.041033 Learning Interacting Theories from Data (PRX)

    47. PhysRevLett.131.218401 AlphaFold2 Can Predict Single-Mutation Effects (PRL)

    48. 195 Seeking a Quantum Hall Effect for Light (QHE light, Physics)

    49. PhysRevB.108.205142 Shaking photons out of a topological material (QHE light, PRB)

    50. 2311.11615 Pinning of Vortices by impurities in Unconventional superconductors (arXiv)

    51. 2311.11684 Emergence of new topological gapless phases in the modified square-lattice Kitaev model (arXiv)

    52. 2311.11561 Ground state of the $S$=1/2 pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet: A quantum spin liquid emergent from dimensional reduction (arXiv)

    53. 2311.12031 Topological Diagnosis of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (arXiv)

    54. 2311.11984v1 The impact of Rashba spin-orbit coupling in charge-ordered systems (arXiv)

    55. 2311.11619 One-ninth magnetization plateau stabilized by spin entanglement in a kagome antiferromagnet (KYChoi, arXiv)

    56. 2311.11617 Kondo screening in a Majorana metal (KYChoi, arXiv)

    57. 2311.11527 Thermal Hall effects due to topological spin fluctuations in YMnO$_3$ (**Nagaosa JGPark **, arXiv)

    58. 2311.11419 Spin-orbit coupling in a half-filled $t_{2g}$ shell: the case of $5d^3$ K$_2$ReCl$_6$ (arXiv)

    59. 2311.11405 The fate of high winding number topological phases in the disordered extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    60. 2311.11389 Analytic continuation of multipoint correlation functions (arXiv)

    61. 2311.11620 Antiferromagnetic topological insulator with selectively gapped Dirac cones (arXiv)

    62. 2311.10819 Eigenstate entanglement entropy in the integrable spin-\texorpdfstring{$\frac{1}{2}$}{1/2} XYZ model (arXiv)

    63. 2311.10816 Probing the tunable multi-cone bandstructure in Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    64. 2311.11933 Spin Hall conductivity in Bi$_{1-x}$Sb$_x$ as an experimental test of bulk-boundary correspondence (arXiv)

    65. 2311.11715 Orbital Hall effect and topology on a two-dimensional triangular lattice: from bulk to edge (triangular lattice, arXiv)

    66. 2311.11710 Interlayer electric multipoles induced by in-plane field from quantum geometric origins (in-plane field, arXiv)

    67. 2311.11577 Quantum geometric bound and ideal condition for Euler band topology (BJYang, arXiv)

    68. 2311.11084 Design of spin-orbital-textures in ferromagnetic/topological insulator interfaces (arXiv)

    69. 2311.11488 Observation of multiple van Hove singularities and correlated electronic states in a new topological ferromagnetic kagome metal NdTi3Bi4 (arXiv)

    70. 2311.10569 Kondo effect in the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain (kondo, arXiv)

    71. 2311.10146 Itinerant Magnetism in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model at Half-doping: Application to Twisted Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    72. 2311.10674 Phononic dynamical axion in magnetic Dirac insulators (arXiv)

    73. 2311.10622 Magnon topological transition in skyrmion crystal (skyrmion, arXiv)

    74. 2311.10606 Revealing the Charge Density Wave Proximity Effect in Graphene on 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv)

    75. 2311.10106 Quantum Hall Effect on Dirac electrons in modulated graphene (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 2nd week collection
    1. science.adj6491 An all-metal fullerene: [K@Au12Sb20]5- (Science)

    2. science.abp8948 Emergent symmetry in a low-dimensional superconductor on the edge of Mottness (Science)

    3. s41586-023-06633-0 Kinetic magnetism in triangular moire materials (Nature)

    4. 2310.01891 Microscopic Analysis of Lattice Distortion Effects in Rashba Systems (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan)

    5. PhysRevLett.131.206301 Superfluidity Meets the Solid State: Frictionless Mass Transport through a (5,5) Carbon Nanotube (PRL)

    6. 2311.10030 Calculated Spin Fluctuational Pairing Interaction in HgBa2CuO4 using LDA+FLEX Method (arXiv)

    7. 2311.09368v1 Possible Topological Superconductivity in a Topological Crystalline Insulator (Pb${1-x}$Sn$_x$)${1-y}$In$_y$Te (arXiv)

    8. 2311.09347v1 Proximity-induced gapless superconductivity in two-dimensional Rashba semiconductor in magnetic field (arXiv)

    9. 2311.09310 Amplitude Higgs mode in superconductors with magnetic impurities (arXiv)

    10. 2311.09009 Josephson Diode Effect in Topological Superconductor (arXiv)

    11. 2311.08928 Evidence for charge delocalization crossover in the quantum critical superconductor CeRhIn$_5$ (arXiv)

    12. 2311.08771 Topological Domain-Wall States Hosting Quantized Polarization and Majorana Zero Modes Without Bulk Boundary Correspondence (arXiv)

    13. 2311.10024v1 Topological Gap Opening without Symmetry Breaking from Dynamical Quantum Correlations (arXiv)

    14. 2311.09983 Charge Density Wave Ordering in NdNiO$_2$: Effects of Multiorbital Nonlocal Correlations (arXiv)

    15. 2311.09823 Spin-phonon interactions on the kagome lattice: Dirac spin liquid versus valence-bond solids (arXiv)

    16. 2311.09609 Control of trigonal crystal field in honeycomb cobaltate antiferromagnet towards Kitaev quantum spin liquid (arXiv)

    17. 2311.09492 Flat Bands at the Fermi Level in Unconventional Superconductor YFe2Ge2 (arXiv)

    18. 2311.09322 Exotic magnetic anisotropy near digitized dimensional Mott boundary (arXiv)

    19. 2311.09290 Kagome Materials II: SG 191: FeGe as a LEGO Building Block for the Entire 1:6:6 series: hidden d-orbital decoupling of flat band sectors, effective models and interaction Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    20. 2311.09493 Revealing inverted chirality of hidden domain wall states in multiband systems without topological transition (arXiv)

    21. 2311.08974 Transport properties of strongly correlated Fermi systems (arXiv)

    22. 2311.08730 Strongly pinned skyrmionic bubbles and higher-order nonlinear Hall resistances at the interface of Pt/FeSi bilayer (arXiv)

    23. 2311.09087 Orbital degree of freedom in high entropy oxides (arXiv)

    24. 2311.08468 From chiral spin liquids to skyrmion fluids and crystals, and their interplay with itinerant electrons (arXiv)

    25. 2311.09931 Rashba spin splitting and Dirac fermions in monolayer PtSe$_2$ nanoribbons (arXiv)

    26. 2311.09638 Converting Non-Equilibrium Charge Density into Spin Current (arXiv)

    27. 2311.09323 Dimensional reduction from magnetic field in moir\‘e superlattices (arXiv)

    28. 2311.09304 First-order effect of electron-electron interactions on the anomalous Hall conductivity of massive Dirac fermions (arXiv)

    29. 2311.09959 Non-Hermitian topology and criticality in photonic arrays with engineered losses (arXiv)

    30. 2311.09098 Broad-Wavevector Spin Pumping of Flat-Band Magnons (arXiv)

    31. 2311.09055 Electronic structure in a transition metal dipnictide TaAs2 (arXiv)

    32. 2311.08733 Realization of corner and helical edge states in topologically trivial band gap by twig edge (arXiv)

    33. 2311.08529 Visualizing thickness-dependent magnetic textures in few-layer $\text{Cr}_2\text{Ge}_2\text{Te}_6$ (arXiv)

    34. PhysRevLett.131.206501 Correlated Electronic Structure of ${\mathrm{La}}{3}{\text{Ni}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ under Pressure (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.131.207101 Extraordinary-log Universality of Critical Phenomena in Plane Defects (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.131.207201 Experimental Realization of Geometry-Dependent Skin Effect in a Reciprocal Two-Dimensional Lattice (PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.131.203003 Quantum Phases from Competing Van der Waals and Dipole-Dipole Interactions of Rydberg Atoms (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.131.200201 Nishimori’s Cat: Stable Long-Range Entanglement from Finite-Depth Unitaries and Weak Measurements (PRL)

    39. 2311.07059 Application of deep learning methods to the study of magnetic phenomena (arXiv)

    40. 2311.07882v1 Nonreciprocal transport in U(1) gauge theory of high-Tc cuprates (TOh, arXiv)

    41. 2311.07667v1 divERGe implements various Exact Renormalization Group examples (arXiv)

    42. 2311.08064 Charged vacancy in graphene: interplay between Landau levels and atomic collapse resonances (arXiv)

    43. 2311.07405 Superconductivity and spin density wave in AA stacked bilayer graphene (RPA, arXiv)

    44. 2311.07136 Superconducting pairing symmetry in MoTe$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    45. 2311.06710 Quantum Griffiths singularity in three-dimensional superconductor to Anderson critical insulator transition (Quantum Griffiths, arXiv)

    46. 2311.07359 A simple electronic ladder model harboring $\mathbb{Z}_4$ parafermions (parafermion, arXiv)

    47. 2311.07428 Quantum Phase Transition in $\rm CeCoIn_5$: Experimental Facts and Theory (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    48. 2311.07379 Impact of correlations on topology in Kane-Mele model decorated with impurities (kane mele, arXiv)

    49. 2311.07253 Machine learning the Kondo entanglement cloud from local measurements (Lado, arXiv)

    50. 2311.07123 Translational symmetry broken magnetization plateau of the S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with competing anisotropies (arXiv)

    51. 2311.07256 Origin of Incommensurate Magnetic Order in Rare-Earth Magnetic Weyl Semimetals (SBlugel, arXiv)

    52. 2311.06447 Orbital Hall Conductivity in Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    53. 2311.05946v1 AV$_3$Sb$_5$ Kagome Superconductors: Progress and Future Directions (kagome, arXiv)

    54. 2311.05814v1 Majorana corner modes and tunable patterns in an altermagnet heterostructure (arXiv)

    55. 2311.06245v1 Topological and magnetic phase transitions in the bilayer Kitaev-Ising model (arXiv)

    56. 2311.05987v1 Downfolding from Ab Initio to Interacting Model Hamiltonians: Comprehensive Analysis and Benchmarking (arXiv)

    57. 2311.05865v1 A study for the energy structure of the Mott system with a low-energy excitation, in terms of the pseudo-gap in HTSC (arXiv)

    58. 2311.05959v1 Observation by SANS and PNR of pure N\‘eel-type domain wall profiles and skyrmion suppression below room temperature in magnetic [Pt/CoFeB/Ru]$_{10}$ multilayers (skrymion in Neel DW, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Nov 1st week collection
    1. s41586-023-06640-1 Three-dimensional flat bands in pyrochlore metal CaNi2 (Nature)

    2. d41586-023-03286-x Flat bands find another dimension for exotic physical phases (Nature)

    3. science.adi9601 Large effective magnetic fields from chiral phonons in rare-earth halides (Science)

    4. s41598-023-46677-w Handwritten digit recognition by spin waves in a Skyrmion reservoir (Scientific Reports)

    5. PhysRevB.108.184407 Bidirectional magnon-driven bimeron motion in ferromagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    6. PhysRevX.13.041028 Majorana Loop Models for Measurement-Only Quantum Circuits (PRX)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.196303 Universal Scaling near Band-Tuned Metal-Insulator Phase Transitions (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.196301 Phase Asymmetry of Andreev Spectra from Cooper-Pair Momentum (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.196603 Berry Curvature Spectroscopy from Bloch Oscillations (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.196702 Magnetism in $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{Cs}$, Rb, and K): Origin and Consequences for the Strongly Correlated Phases (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.131.197103 Maxwell’s Demon Walks into Wall Street: Stochastic Thermodynamics Meets Expected Utility Theory (PRL)

    12. 2311.05578 Deformation of a N\‘eel-type Skyrmion in a Weak Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field: Magnetization Ansatz and Interaction with a Pearl Vortex (arXiv)

    13. 2311.05568 Anomalous Hall Crystals in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene I: Interaction-Driven Chern Bands and Fractional Quantum Hall States at Zero Magnetic Field (arXiv)

    14. 2311.05278 Evidence of electron correlation induced kink in Dirac bands in a non-symmorphic Kondo lattice system, CeAgSb2 (arXiv)

    15. 2311.05156 The Ground State Lattice Distortion of CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ Revealed by de Haas-van Alphen Oscillations (arXiv)

    16. 2311.04970 Theory of topological exciton insulators and condensates in flat Chern bands (arXiv)

    17. 2311.05275 Magnon-phonon coupling of synthetic antiferromagnets in a surface acoustic wave cavity resonator (arXiv)

    18. 2311.05174 Domain-wall skyrmion chain and domain-wall bimerons in chiral magnets (arXiv)

    19. 2307.11113 Chiral Magnets from String Theory (arXiv)

    20. s41467-023-42846-7 Heat current-driven topological spin texture transformations and helical q-vector switching (Nature Communications)

    21. PhysRevX.13.041027 Emergence of Classical Magnetic Order from Anderson Towers: Quantum Darwinism in Action (skyrmion antiskyrmion, PRX)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.197401 Inferring Microscopic Financial Information from the Long Memory in Market-Order Flow: A Quantitative Test of the Lillo-Mike-Farmer Model (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.196701 Acoustically Driven Magnon-Phonon Coupling in a Layered Antiferromagnet (Otani, PRL)

    24. s152 Probing an Antiferromagnet with Sound (Physics)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.196401 Unraveling Hidden Charge Density Wave Phases in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    26. 192 Decoding the Dynamics of Supply and Demand (Physics)

    27. 2311.04605 Non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre-Harper model with short- and long-range p-wave pairing (arXiv)

    28. 2311.04469 Kekule valence bond order in the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with possible lattice distortions for graphene (arXiv)

    29. 2311.04565 Photon absorption in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    30. 2311.04890 d-Wave Hall effect and linear magnetoconductivity in metallic collinear antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.13.041026 Interaction-Driven Topological Phase Diagram of Twisted Bilayer ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRX)

    32. PhysRevLett.131.190401 Asymptotic Quantum Many-Body Scars (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.131.197001 Phase-Driving Hole Spin Qubits (PRL)

    34. 2208.00058 Magnetic skyrmions under confinement (skyrmion, arXiv)

    35. 2311.04188v1 Multi-band description of the upper critical field of bulk FeSe (arXiv)

    36. 2311.03558v1 Replication and study of anomalies in LK-99–the alleged ambient-pressure, room-temperature superconductor (arXiv)

    37. 2311.03640v1 Impact of the Ce $4f$ states in the electronic structure of the intermediate-valence superconductor CeIr$_3$ (arXiv)

    38. 2311.04094 Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (Cs, Rb, K): Origin and Consequences for the Strongly Correlated Phases (kagome, arXiv)

    39. 2311.04051 Optical drive of amplitude and phase modes of the condensate in excitonic insulators (arXiv)

    40. 2311.04000v1 Structural Transition and Magnetic Anisotropy in $\alpha$-RuCl$_{3}$ (arXiv)

    41. 2311.03915v1 Topological entanglement entropy to identify topological order in quantum skyrmions (arXiv)

    42. 2311.03445 Theory of fractional quantum anomalous Hall phases in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene moir\‘e structures (arXiv)

    43. 2311.04099 Magnetism in AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, Rb, K): Complex Landscape of the Dynamical Magnetic Textures (kagome, arXiv)

    44. 2311.03435 Signatures of hidden octupolar order from nonlinear Hall effects (arXiv)

    45. 2311.03727v1 Floquet second-order topological Anderson insulator hosting corner localized modes (Floquet, arXiv)

    46. 179 Comedy as a Tool to Demystify Science (Physics)

    47. 2311.03302 Exposing nontrivial flat bands and superconducting pairing in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    48. 2311.02494 Phonon-mediated unconventional $s$- and $f$-wave pairing superconductivity in rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene (arXiv)

    49. 2311.03208 Engineering Majorana bound states in coupled quantum dots in a two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)

    50. 2311.03193 Robust poor man’s Majorana zero modes using Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states (arXiv)

    51. 2311.02824 Strain induced flat-band superconductivity and symmetry breaking (arXiv)

    52. 2311.03334 Emergent magnetic order in the antiferromagnetic Kitaev model with a [111] field (arXiv)

    53. 2311.02619 Bulk-boundary-transport correspondence of the second-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    54. 2311.02155 PT-symmetric Non-Hermitian Hopf Metal (arXiv)

    55. 2311.02164 Exchange energy of the ferromagnetic electronic ground-state in a monolayer semiconductor (arXiv)

    56. 2311.02005v1 Local condensation of charge-$4e$ superconductivity at a nematic domain wall (nematic, arXiv)

    57. 2311.01858v1 Magnetic properties and spin dynamics in a spin-orbit driven Jeff= 1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet (effective Jhalf, arXiv)

    58. 2311.01735v1 Robust room temperature ferromagnetism in an itinerant van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 5 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 5th week collection
    1. s41586-023-06572-w Orbital multiferroicity in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene (Nature)

    2. science.adf9728 Universal chiral Luttinger liquid behavior in a graphene fractional quantum Hall point contact (Science)

    3. science.adg6591 Design of a trigonal halide superionic conductor by regulating cation order-disorder (Science)

    4. 188 Learning Governing Equations and Control Parameters from Data (Physics)

    5. PhysRevResearch.5.L042017 Data-driven discovery and extrapolation of parameterized pattern-forming dynamics (Physical Review Research)

    6. PhysRevX.13.041024 Loss Compensation and Superresolution in Metamaterials with Excitations at Complex Frequencies (PRX)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.186303 Critical Phase Dualities in 1D Exactly Solvable Quasiperiodic Models (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.186704 ${\mathrm{EuCd}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$: A Magnetic Semiconductor (PRL)

    9. 190 Nonsteady Illumination Improves Imaging Resolution (Physics)

    10. 2311.01037 Electronic properties and surface states of CeRh${2}$As${2}$ (arXiv)

    11. 2311.01019 Superconducting Properties of Topological Semimetal 1$T$-RhSeTe (arXiv)

    12. 2311.01339 Engineering Photon-mediated Long-Range Spin Interactions in Mott Insulators (arXiv)

    13. 2311.01269 Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a correlated flatband pyrochlore lattice (arXiv)

    14. 2311.00916 Floquet engineering in the presence of optically excited carriers (arXiv)

    15. 2311.00918 Topological edge spectrum along curved interfaces (arXiv)

    16. 2311.00824 Phonon-induced geometric chirality (arXiv)

    17. PhysRevLett.131.186302 Gate-Tunable Berry Curvature Dipole Polarizability in Dirac Semimetal ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.131.186601 Anyon Statistics through Conductance Measurements of Time-Domain Interferometry (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.131.186002 Sharpness of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Disordered NbN Films (PRL)

    20. 2311.00698 Crystalline topological defects within response theory (arXiv)

    21. 2311.00683 Giant anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial Mn$_{3.2}$Ge films with a cubic kagome structure (arXiv)

    22. 2311.00362 Theory of Orbital Pumping (arXiv)

    23. 2311.00331 Engineering of Chern number of topological bands in bilayer graphene by in-plane magnetic field and electrical bias (arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.186202 Probing a Defect-Site-Specific Electronic Orbital in Graphene with Single-Atom Sensitivity (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.186702 Spurious Symmetry Enhancement in Linear Spin Wave Theory and Interaction-Induced Topology in Magnons (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.131.183801 High-Purity Generation and Switching of Twisted Single Photons (PRL)

    27. 2310.20576 Proximity effect induced intriguing superconductivity in van der Waals heterostructure of magnetic topological insulator and conventional superconductor (arXiv)

    28. 2310.20084 Electron Interactions in Rashba Materials (arXiv)

    29. 2310.20640 Electronic Raman response of a superconductor across a time reversal symmetry breaking phase transition (arXiv)

    30. 2310.20676 Kondo effect and its destruction in hetero-bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (QSi, arXiv)

    31. 2310.20659 Strange Metal to Insulator Transitions in the Lowest Landau Level (LLL, arXiv)

    32. 2310.20648 Leading-logarithmic approximation by one-loop renormalization group within Matsubara formalism (arXiv)

    33. 2310.20693 Intertwined Dirac cones induced by anisotropic coupling in antiferromagnetic topological insulator (arXiv)

    34. 2310.20543 Berry Curvature Dipole and its Strain Engineering in Layered Phosphorene (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevX.13.041020 Tackling Sampling Noise in Physical Systems for Machine Learning Applications: Fundamental Limits and Eigentasks (PRX)

    36. PhysRevLett.131.186701 Discovery of Charge Order in the Transition Metal Dichalcogenide ${\mathrm{Fe}}{x}{\mathrm{NbS}}{2}$ (PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.131.186901 Bright and Dark Quadrupolar Excitons in the ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{MoSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ Heterotrilayer (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.131.188101 Minimal Model of Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals (PRL)

    39. 2310.19082 Valence band electronic structure of Nb2Pd1.2Se5 and Nb2Pd0.95S5 superconductors (arXiv)

    40. 2310.19003 Multiband superconductivity and a deep gap minimum evidenced by specific heat in KCa$2$(Fe${1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_4$As$_4$F$_2$ (arXiv)

    41. 2310.18675 Interplay between Chiral Charge Density Wave and Superconductivity in Kagome Superconductors: A Self-consistent Theoretical Analysis (arXiv)

    42. 2310.19682 Planar parallel phonon Hall effect and local symmetry breaking (arXiv)

    43. 2310.19577 Quantum spin liquids (QSL, arXiv)

    44. 2310.19348 Rapid suppression of quantum many-body magnetic exciton in doped van der Waals antiferromagnet (Ni,Cd)PS3 (arXiv)

    45. 2310.19186 Strain control of band topology and surface states in antiferromagnetic EuCd$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    46. 2310.18982 Perturbation Theory of Single Particle Spectrum of Antiferromagnetic Mott Insulating States in the Hubbard Models (AFM Mott, arXiv)

    47. 2310.18559 Quantum Interactions in Topological R166 Kagome Magnet (kagome, arXiv)

    48. 2310.18393 Engineering the Kitaev spin liquid in a quantum dot system (arXiv)

    49. 2310.19771 Visualizing structure of correlated ground states using collective charge modes (arXiv)

    50. 2310.19720 Quantum Oscillation Signatures of Fermi Arcs in Tunnel Magnetoconductance (arXiv)

    51. 2310.19010 Higher-order topological corner and bond-localized modes in magnonic insulators (arXiv)

    52. 2310.19735 Magnetic Stability, Fermi Surface Topology, and Spin-Correlated Dielectric Response in Monolayer 1T-CrTe2 (arXiv)

    53. 2310.18325 Photonic lattices of coaxial cables: flat bands and artificial magnetic fields (flatband, arXiv)

    54. 2310.18302 Searching for the signature of a pair density wave in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6.67}$ using high energy X-ray diffraction (arXiv)

    55. 2310.18245 Superconducting Nb$_3$Sn and related A15 compounds are Z$_2$ topological metals with three coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (arXiv)

    56. 2310.18175 Effect of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in spin dynamics of an Antiferromagnet coupled Ferromagnetic double-barrier Magnetic Tunnel Junction (arXiv)

    57. 2310.18083 Robustness of Majorana edge states of short-length Kitaev chains coupled with environment (arXiv)

    58. 2310.17992 Theory of $d + id$ Second-Order Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    59. 2310.17691 Pair-density-wave and $s \pm i d$ superconductivity in a strongly coupled, lightly doped Kondo insulator (arXiv)

    60. 2310.18195 Nature of the photo-induced metallic state in monoclinic VO$_2$ (arXiv)

    61. 2310.17907 Twist- and gate-tunable proximity spin-orbit coupling, spin relaxation anisotropy, and charge-to-spin conversion in heterostructures of graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 4th week collection
    1. science.adj7576 Observation and control of hybrid spin-wave- Meissner-current transport modes (Science)

    2. science.abq6753 Universal scaling of the dynamic BKT transition in quenched 2D Bose gases (Science)

    3. science.adf3348 Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4 (Science)

    4. PhysRevX.13.041018 Bootstrapped Dimensional Crossover of a Spin Density Wave (PRX)

    5. PhysRevX.13.041019 Fate of Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRX)

    6. s155 Strong Light-Matter Coupling in the Simplest Geometry (Physics)

    7. PhysRevB.108.165426 Strong coupling of monolayer WS2 excitons and surface plasmon polaritons in a planar Ag/WS2 hybrid structure (PRB)

    8. PhysRevX.13.041016 Observation of a Prethermal $U(1)$ Discrete Time Crystal (PRX)

    9. PhysRevX.13.041017 Path Weight Sampling: Exact Monte Carlo Computation of the Mutual Information between Stochastic Trajectories (PRX)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.176101 Drawing Dispersion Curves: Band Structure Customization via Nonlocal Phononic Crystals (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.131.170802 Toward the Device-Independent Certification of a Quantum Memory (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.131.173403 Emergence of a Spin Microemulsion in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates (PRL)

    13. s157 Quantum Emulsion Predicted in BEC (Physics)

    14. 2310.17244 Inter-band optical transitions of helical Majorana edge modes in topological superconductors (arXiv)

    15. 2310.17148 Higgs and Nambu-Goldstone modes in condensed matter physics (arXiv)

    16. 2310.17088 Disorder induced topological phase transition in a driven Majorana chain (arXiv)

    17. 2310.17614 Topological and magnetic properties of the interacting Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model (arXiv)

    18. 2310.16881 Spontaneous breaking of U(1) symmetry at zero temperature in one dimension (arXiv)

    19. 2310.16977 Understanding the large shift photocurrent of WS$_{2}$ nanotubes: A comparative analysis with monolayers (arXiv)

    20. 2310.17272 Strain effects in twisted spiral antimonene (arXiv)

    21. PhysRevX.13.041015 Hotter is Easier: Unexpected Temperature Dependence of Spin Qubit Frequencies (PRX)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.176401 Exact New Mobility Edges between Critical and Localized States (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.178201 Strain-Controlled Critical Slowing Down in the Rheology of Disordered Networks (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.176402 Making Topologically Trivial Non-Hermitian Systems Nontrivial via Gauge Fields (PRL)

    25. 2310.16623 Polar Kerr Effect in Multiband Spin-Orbit Coupled Superconductors (arXiv)

    26. 2310.16543 Controllable magnetic states in chains of coupled phi-0 Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic weak links (arXiv)

    27. 2310.16272 Stripe order and diode effect in two-dimensional Rashba superconductors (arXiv)

    28. 2310.16775 From Heisenberg to Hubbard: An initial state for the shallow quantum simulation of correlated electrons (arXiv)

    29. 2310.16689 Critical-point anomalies in doped CeRhIn5 (arXiv)

    30. 2310.16311 Magnetic-field-induced electronic instability of Weyl-like fermions in compressed black phosphorus (arXiv)

    31. 2310.16094 Kekul\‘e spirals and charge transfer cascades in twisted symmetric trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    32. 2310.16080 Disorder effects in spiral spin liquids: Long-range spin textures, Friedel-like oscillations, and spiral spin glasses (arXiv)

    33. 2310.16720 Non-reciprocity permits edge states and strong localization in stochastic topological systems (arXiv)

    34. PhysRevLett.131.171902 Quantum and Classical Spin-Network Algorithms for $q$-Deformed Kogut-Susskind Gauge Theories (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.131.176501 Complete Crystalline Topological Invariants from Partial Rotations in $(2+1)\mathrm{D}$ Invertible Fermionic States and Hofstadter’s Butterfly (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.131.176701 Valley-Selective Phonon-Magnon Scattering in Magnetoelastic Superlattices (PRL)

    37. 2310.16051 Sketched Nanoscale KTaO3-Based Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (arXiv)

    38. 2310.15558 Quantum geometry encoded to pair potentials (arXiv)

    39. 2310.15381 La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_4$ as a superconducting Rosetta Stone (arXiv)

    40. 2310.15892 Thermal Hall conductivity of electron-doped cuprates: Electrons and phonons (arXiv)

    41. 2310.15331 Engineering higher order Van Hove singularities in two dimensions: the example of the surface layer of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    42. 2310.15260 Mott transition and abnormal instability of electronic structure in FeSe (arXiv)

    43. 2310.15666 Rotational Response Induced by Electric Toroidal Dipole (arXiv)

    44. 2310.15292 Microscopic theory of spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    45. 2310.15228 Anomalous long-distance RKKY interaction in quasicrystals (arXiv)

    46. 2310.15982 Theory of correlated Chern insulators in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    47. 2310.15811 Monte Carlo study on low-temperature phase diagrams of the $J_1$-$J_2$ classical $XY$ kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    48. 2310.15220 Spin pumping in an altermagnet/normal metal bilayer (arXiv)

    49. 2310.14800 Complete zero-energy flat bands of surface states in fully gapped chiral noncentrosymmetric superconductors (arXiv)

    50. 2310.15071 Experimental signatures of quantum and topological states in frustrated magnetism (arXiv)

    51. 2310.14835 Multiple exciton generation in VO2 (arXiv)

    52. 2310.14569 Quantum gapped state in a spin-1/2 distorted honeycomb-based lattice with frustration (arXiv)

    53. 2310.14202 Controlling spin-orbit coupling to tailor type-II Dirac bands (arXiv)

    54. 2310.14097 Bound states and local topological phase diagram of classical impurity spins coupled to a Chern insulator (arXiv)

    55. 2310.15167 Quantum phase transitions and cat states in cavity-coupled quantum dots (arXiv)

    56. 2310.13743 Designing Moir\‘e Patterns by Bending (arXiv)

    57. 183 Fractional Jumps in Quantum Hall Interferometer (Physics)

    58. 2310.13475 Magnetization of Flat Superconducting Films on Ferromagnetic Substrates (arXiv)

    59. 2310.13363 Visualization of skyrmion-superconducting vortex pairs in a chiral magnet-superconductor heterostructure (arXiv)

    60. 2310.13214 Evolution of the magnetic excitations in electron-doped $\mathrm{La}{2-x} \mathrm{Ce}_x \mathrm{CuO}{4}$ (arXiv)

    61. 2310.13438 Surface-symmetry-driven Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and canted ferrimagnetism in collinear magnetoelectric antiferromagnet Cr$_2$O$_3$ (arXiv)

    62. 2310.13170 Orbital-selective metal skin induced by alkali-metal-dosing Mott-insulating Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    63. 2310.13158 All product eigenstates in Heisenberg models from a graphical construction (product states, arXiv)

    64. 2310.13646 Skyrmion vs. antiskyrmion Hall angles (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 3rd week collection
    1. s153 Efficient Control of Trapped Ions (Physics)

    2. science.adl0823 Is it possible to create magnetic semiconductors that function at room temperature? (YHLee, Science)

    3. science.adk6862 Tracking light-induced charge transport (Science)

    4. s41586-023-06596-2 Cavity-mediated thermal control of metal-to-insulator transition in 1T-TaS2 (TaS2, Nature)

    5. d41586-023-03148-6 Searching for phase transitions in the dark (TaS2, Nature)

    6. 2310.12850 Pressure-induced Superconductivity and Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in the Topological Semimetal ZrTe2 (arXiv)

    7. 2310.12211 Theory of moir\‘e magnetism in twisted bilayer $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (arXiv)

    8. 2310.12308 Twisted bilayer graphene revisited: minimal two-band model for low-energy bands (arXiv)

    9. 2310.12223 Superfluid Stiffness and Josephson Quantum Capacitance: Adiabatic Approach and Topological Effects (arXiv)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.166402 Strain-Induced Quasi-1D Channels in Twisted Moir\‘e Lattices (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.131.166702 Hopfion-Driven Magnonic Hall Effect and Magnonic Focusing (PRL)

    12. s134 Cold Atoms Form a BEC, a Superfluid, and a Supersolid (Physics)

    13. 2310.11949 Fingerprints of Mott-Hubbard physics in optical spectra of antiferromagnetic LaTiO3 (arXiv)

    14. 2310.11774 On the Magnetization of the $120^\circ$ order of the Spin-1/2 Triangular Lattice Heisenberg Model: a DMRG revisit (arXiv)

    15. 2310.11646 Dirac quantum spin liquid emerging in a kagome-lattice antiferromagnet (Dirac spin liquid, arXiv)

    16. 2310.11632 Intertwined fractional quantum anomalous Hall states and charge density waves (arXiv)

    17. 2310.11489 Quantum geometry induced nonlinear transport in altermagnets (JCano, arXiv)

    18. 2310.12129 Chiral spin textures creation and dynamics in a rectangular nanostructure (arXiv)

    19. 2310.11810 Quadratic nodal point in a two-dimensional noncollinear antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    20. 2310.11596 Skyrmion Transport and Annihilation in Funnel Geometries (arXiv)

    21. PhysRevX.13.041009 Phonon Self-Energy Corrections: To Screen, or Not to Screen (PRX)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.166501 Symmetric Kondo Lattice States in Doped Strained Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.166703 Room-Temperature Magnetic Phase Transition in an Electrically Tuned van der Waals Ferromagnet (PRL)

    24. 180 How a Piece of Roman Glass Became a Photonic Crystal (Physics)

    25. 2310.11051 Electromagnetic properties of copper doped lead apatite Pb9Cu(PO4)6O (LK99, arXiv)

    26. 2310.11263 Magnetic correlations of a doped and frustrated Hubbard model: benchmarking the two-particle self-consistent theory against a quantum simulator (arXiv)

    27. 2310.11253 Spin-orbit coupling, the reactive Hall and Edelstein effects (arXiv)

    28. 2310.10916 Low energy electrodynamics and a hidden Fermi liquid in the heavy-fermion CeCoIn$_5$ (arXiv)

    29. 2310.10847 Non-local features of the spin-orbit exciton in Kitaev materials (arXiv)

    30. 2310.10834 Three-sublattice antiferro-type and ferri-type skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric magnets (arXiv)

    31. 2310.11378 Extremely large anomalous Hall conductivity and unusual axial diamagnetism in a quasi-1D Dirac material La$_3$MgBi$_5$ (arXiv)

    32. 2310.11317 k-dependent proximity-induced modulation of spin-orbit interaction in MoSe2 interfaced with amorphous Pb (arXiv)

    33. 2310.10906 Magnetic field driven Lifshitz transition and one-dimensional Weyl nodes in three-dimensional pentatellurides (arXiv)

    34. 2310.11148 Topological gap solitons in Rabi Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevLett.131.166704 Nonlinear Topological Magnon Spin Hall Effect (magnon, PRL)

    36. 2310.10337 Flux-pinning mediated superconducting diode effect in the NbSe$_2$/CrGeTe$_3$ heterostructure (arXiv)

    37. 2310.10201 A proposal for realizing Majorana fermions without magnetic field in strongly correlated nanowires (arXiv)

    38. 2310.09305 The interplay between exciton- and phonon-induced superconductivity might explain the phenomena observed in LK-99 (LK99, arXiv)

    39. 2310.10466 Hall response of locally-correlated two-dimensional electrons at low density (arXiv)

    40. 2310.10230 Majorana Fermion Mean-Field Theories of Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids (arXiv)

    41. 2310.10069 Emergent spin-gapped magnetization plateaus in a spin-1/2 perfect kagome antiferromagnet (YMatsuda, arXiv)

    42. 2310.09326 Accurate Kondo temperature determination of spin-1/2 magnetic impurities (Kondo, arXiv)

    43. 2310.09364 Anomalous Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal SmAlSi (arXiv)

    44. 2310.09310 Weyl points and spin-orbit coupling in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    45. 2310.09300 Floquet-engineering the exceptional points in parity-time-symmetric magnonics (magnon, arXiv)

    46. 2310.10473 Spin Splitting and Disorder in HgTe-Based Massless Dirac Fermion Landau Levels (LL, arXiv)

    47. 2310.10403 A mono-atomic orbital-based 1D topological crystalline insulator (arXiv)

    48. 2310.08642 New mechanisms to engineer magnetic skyrmions and topological superconductors (arXiv)

    49. 2310.09258 Chiral Majorana hinge modes on a curved surface with magnetic impurities (arXiv)

    50. 2310.09174 An explicit evolution from N\‘eel to striped antiferromagnetic states in the spin-1/2 $J_{1}$-$J_{2}$ Heisenberg model on the square lattice (arXiv)

    51. 2310.08594 Investigation into the nature behind the interesting half levitation behavior of claimed superconductor LK-99 (LK99, arXiv)

    52. 2310.08970 Mutual information and correlations across topological phase transitions in topologically ordered graphene zigzag nanoribbons (arXiv)

    53. 2310.09059 Emerging interfacial magnetization in isovalent manganite heterostructures driven by octahedral coupling (arXiv)

    54. 2310.08628 From electronic structure to magnetism and skyrmions (Topical review) (arXiv)

    55. 2310.09281 Holographic imaging of antiferromagnetic domains with in-situ magnetic field (arXiv)

    56. 2310.09106 Enhancing the excitation gap of a quantum-dot-based Kitaev chain (arXiv)

    57. 2310.08807 Unified framework of the microscopic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and its application to Skyrmion dynamics (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.131.153803 Superoscillations Deliver Superspectroscopy (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.156902 Nonthermal Bonding Origin of a Novel Photoexcited Lattice Instability in SnSe (PRL)

    3. 5.0165997 Tunable dynamic microwave properties of a magnetic skyrmion manipulated by strains (skyrmion, AIP Advances)

    4. 5.0167360 Chirality-dependent spin transport and spin Seebeck effect in the spiral spin chains (CJia, Applied Physics Letters)

    5. 2310.06154 Field-controlled dynamics of skyrmions and monopoles (hedgehog, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.156501 Quantum Metric Unveils Defect Freezing in Non-Hermitian Systems (PRL)

    7. 177 How Rotation Drives Magnetic Levitation (Physics)

    8. 2310.08578 Neural network approach to quasiparticle dispersions in doped antiferromagnets (NN AFM, arXiv)

    9. 2310.08547 Kondo Screening Cloud Scaling: Impurity Entanglement and Magnetization (kondo, arXiv)

    10. 2310.08228 Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of the Jeff = 1/2 Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 from the density-functional theory (iridates, arXiv)

    11. 2310.07989 Unconventional Magnetic Oscillations in Kagome Mott Insulators (PALee, arXiv)

    12. 2310.07948 3D Heisenberg universality in the Van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$ (arXiv)

    13. 2310.07768 Tunable non-Fermi liquid phase from coupling to two-level systems (arXiv)

    14. 2310.07751 Wigner crystallization in Bernal bilayer graphene (wigner crystal, arXiv)

    15. 2310.08556 $T$-linear conductance in electron hydrodynamics (Levitov, arXiv)

    16. 2310.08440 Theory of weak localization in graphene with spin-orbit interaction (arXiv)

    17. 2310.07920 The emergence of the de Haas van Alphen Effect on the deformed Graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    18. 2310.07992 Spin and Valley Polarized Multiple Fermi Surfaces of {\alpha}-RuCl$_3$/Bilayer Graphene Heterostructure (arXiv)

    19. PhysRevX.13.041007 Multiscale Lattice Relaxation in General Twisted Trilayer Graphenes (PRX)

    20. PhysRevLett.131.156303 Transport and Entanglement across Integrable Impurities from Generalized Hydrodynamics (PRL)

    21. s136 Far-Field Flow Forces Attraction (Physics)

    22. PhysRevLett.131.156901 Quantum Optics Measurement Scheme for Quantum Geometry and Topological Invariants (PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.156702 Magneto-Optical Detection of the Orbital Hall Effect in Chromium (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.156703 Orbital Hanle Magnetoresistance in a $3d$ Transition Metal (PRL)

    25. 172 Matching a Measurement to a Quantum State (Physics)

    26. s143 Detection of the Orbital Hall Effect (OHE, Physics)

    27. 2310.06869 Flux trapping in hydrides not yet confirmed (arXiv)

    28. 2310.07696 Planar thermal Hall effect in cuprates: electrons and phonons (arXiv)

    29. 2310.07274 Anomalously large spin-dependent electron correlation in nearly half-metallic ferromagnet CoS$_2$ (CoS2, arXiv)

    30. 2310.07094 Many-body Chern insulator in the Kondo lattice model on a triangular lattice (kondo lattice model, arXiv)

    31. 2310.07647 Fountains of Flat Bands through Moir\‘e Engineering (arXiv)

    32. 2310.07619 Latent Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models (arXiv)

    33. 2310.06924 In-plane magnetic field-driven conductance modulations in topological insulator kinks (arXiv)

    34. 2310.06589v1 Universal relations in flat band superconducting bipartite lattices (flatband, arXiv)

    35. 2310.06220v1 Does the slope of $H_{c2}$ close to $T_c$ measure the size of the Cooper pairs? (arXiv)

    36. 2310.06102v1 Colossal c-axis response and lack of rotational symmetry breaking within the kagome plane of the CsV3Sb5 superconductor (arXiv)

    37. 2310.06030v1 Interaction-driven quantum phase transition of a single magnetic impurity in Fe(Se,Te) (arXiv)

    38. 2310.06024v1 Pair-breaking scattering interference as a mechanism for superconducting gap modulation (DHLee, arXiv)

    39. 2310.06748v1 Monopoles in Dirac spin liquids and their symmetries from instanton calculus (arXiv)

    40. 2310.06649v1 Goldstone mode of Skyrmion Crystal (arXiv)

    41. 2310.06521v1 Skyrmions and magnetic bubbles in spin-orbit coupled metallic magnets (arXiv)

    42. 2310.06044v1 Emergence of ferromagnetism at the onset of moir\‘e Kondo breakdown (Kondo, arXiv)

    43. 2310.06094v1 Predicting New Heavy Fermion Materials within Carbon-Boron Clathrate Structures (arXiv)

    44. 2310.06535v1 Moir\‘e plane wave expansion model for scanning tunneling microscopy simulations of incommensurate two-dimensional materials (arXiv)

    45. 2310.06497v1 Video recognition by physical reservoir computing in magnetic materials (YMotome, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevLett.131.156701 Stimulated Amplification of Propagating Spin Waves (spin wave, PRL)

    47. 2310.05716v1 Visualizing delocalized quasiparticles in the vortex state of NbSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    48. 2310.05603v1 Unique $d_{xy}$ Superconducting State in the Cuprate Member Ba${2}$CuO${3.25}$ (arXiv)

    49. 2310.05376v1 The interplay of phase fluctuations and nodal quasiparticles: ubiquitous Fermi arcs in two-dimensional d-wave superconductors (arXiv)

    50. 2310.05138v1 Time-reversal symmetry breaking from lattice dislocations in superconductors (arXiv)

    51. 2310.05758v1 Stability of fractional Chern insulators with a non-Landau level continuum limit (arXiv)

    52. 2310.05555v1 Spin susceptibility in interacting two-dimensional semiconductors and bilayer systems at first order: Kohn anomalies and spin density wave ordering (DLoss, arXiv)

    53. 2310.05006v1 Real-space decomposition of $p$-wave Kitaev chain (arXiv)

    54. 2310.04823v1 Anomalous charge transport upon quantum melting of chiral spin order (arXiv)

    55. 2310.04636v1 An exact method for bosonizing the Fermi surface in arbitrary dimensions (arXiv)

    56. 2310.05913v1 Protected Fermionic Zero Modes in Periodic Gauge Fields (EMele, arXiv)

    57. 2310.04495v1 Observable signatures of Hall viscosity in lowest Landau level superfluids (arXiv)

    58. 2310.05667v1 Interplay of valley, layer and band topology towards interacting quantum phases in bilayer graphene moire superlattice (arXiv)

    59. 2310.05455v1 Band structures of strained Kagome lattices (arXiv)

    60. 2310.04834v1 Non-Hermitian Topology and Flat Bands via an Exact Real Space Decimation Scheme (arXiv)

    61. 2310.04763v1 Orbital diffusion, polarization and swapping in centrosymmetric metals (AManchon, arXiv)

    62. 2310.04810v1 Manipulation of magnetic topological textures via perpendicular strain and polarization in van der Waals magnetoelectric heterostructure (arXiv)

    63. 2310.04379 Tuning topological superconductivity within the $t$-$J$-$U$ model of twisted bilayer cuprates (arXiv)

    64. 2310.04375 Epitaxial Y1Ba2Cu3O7 thin films on CeO2 buffer layers on sapphire substrates (arXiv)

    65. 2310.04325 Constrain relations for superfluid weight and pairings in a chiral flat band superconductor (arXiv)

    66. 2310.04040 Superconductivity induced by doping holes in the nodal-line semimetal NaAlGe (arXiv)

    67. 2310.04394v1 Direct Photon Scattering by Plasmons in BiTeI (arXiv)

    68. 2310.04339v1 Kagome KMn$_3$Sb$_5$ metal: Magnetism, lattice dynamics, and anomalous Hall conductivity (arXiv)

    69. 2310.04316v1 Pairing and Pair Breaking by Gauge Fluctuations in Bilayer Composite Fermion Metals (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Oct 1st week collection
    1. science.adf2040 A quantum ruler for orbital magnetism in moire quantum matter (Science)

    2. s41586-023-06289-w Signatures of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in twisted MoTe2 (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06452-3 Thermodynamic evidence of fractional Chern insulator in moire MoTe2 (Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06536-0 Observation of fractionally quantized anomalous Hall effect (Nature)

    5. 174 Chemistry Nobel Prize: Quantum Rules Provide Controllable Colors (Physics)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.146602 Nonlinear Transport due to Magnetic-Field-Induced Flat Bands in the Nodal-Line Semimetal ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ (PRL)

    7. 2310.03609 Unconventional superconductivity in Sc$2$Ir${4-x}$Si$_x$ by spin-orbit coupling driven flat band (arXiv)

    8. 2310.03082 Exceeding the Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit in flat-band superconductors: A multiband strong-coupling approach (arXiv)

    9. 2310.03576 Anomalous Hall effect by chiral spin textures in two-dimensional Luttinger model (arXiv)

    10. 2310.03209 Planar Hall effect in Weyl semimetals induced by pseudoelectromagnetic fields (arXiv)

    11. 2310.03737 Topological Density Correlations in a Fermi Gas (arXiv)

    12. PhysRevX.13.041004 Effective Dynamics of Generative Adversarial Networks (PRX)

    13. PhysRevLett.131.146702 Triple-q Order in ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ from Proximity to Hidden-SU(2)-Symmetric Point (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.131.146601 Gate-Defined Topological Josephson Junctions in Bernal Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.131.141801 Dark Matter Constraints from Isomeric $^{178m}\mathrm{Hf}$ (PRL)

    16. s144 Crazy Ants Behave like Active Swimmers (Physics)

    17. 2310.02910 Implementing Landauer-Buttiker approach in hybrid quantum Hall-superconducting devices (arXiv)

    18. 2310.02589 Evidence for highly damped Higgs mode in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    19. 2310.02586 Low-energy electrodynamics of infinite-layer nickelates: evidence for d-wave superconductivity in the dirty limit (arXiv)

    20. 2310.02539 Unidirectional Superconductivity and Diode Effect Induced by Dissipation (arXiv)

    21. 2310.03009 Electronic structure evolution of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ with hole and electron doping (arXiv)

    22. 2310.02803 Partial magnetic order in kagome spin ice (Partial magnetic order, arXiv)

    23. 2310.02645 Candidate quantum disordered intermediate phase in the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the maple-leaf lattice (arXiv)

    24. 2310.02965 Structure transition and zigzag magnetic order in Ir/Rh-substituted honeycomb lattice RuCl3 (arXiv)

    25. 2310.02709 Nanotube spin defects for omnidirectional magnetic field sensing (Nanotube, arXiv)

    26. 2310.02937 Electronic localization in high-angle twisted boron nitride bilayer (arXiv)

    27. 2310.02831 Signature of topology via heat transfer analysis in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model (SSH, arXiv)

    28. 2310.02830 Current-driven magnetic resistance in van der Waals spin-filter antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions with MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

    29. s147 Narrower-Energy Electron Pulses without Electron Loss (Physics)

    30. PhysRevLett.131.146701 Continuous Spin Excitations in the Three-Dimensional Frustrated Magnet ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{Ni}}{2}({\mathrm{SO}}{4}{)}{3}$ (PRL)

    31. 171 Nobel Prize: Flashes of Light Catch Electrons in the Act (Physics)

    32. 168 Golden Ticket to Stockholm (Physics)

    33. 2310.01952 Pair correlations in the two-orbital Hubbard ladder: Implications on superconductivity in the bilayer nickelate (arXiv)

    34. 2310.02119 Microscopic model realization of d-wave pseudospin current order in Sr2IrO4 (iridates, arXiv)

    35. 2310.02052 Berry’s phase and quantum mechanical formulation of anomalous Hall effect (arXiv)

    36. 2310.02001 Triplet superconductivity in the Rashba$^4$ model (rashba4, arXiv)

    37. 2310.02218 Symmetry-based classification of exact flat bands in single and bilayer moire systems (flatband, arXiv)

    38. 2310.02217 Electrically tuned topology and magnetism in twisted bilayer MoTe$_2$ at $\nu_h=1$ (arXiv)

    39. 2310.01891 Microscopic Analysis of Lattice Distortion Effects in Rashba Systems (rashba, arXiv)

    40. 166 How AI and ML Will Affect Physics (DasSarma, Physics)

    41. 2310.00499 Microscopic Insights into London Penetration Depth: Application to CeCoIn$^{}_{5}$ (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    42. 2310.00838 Spin-orbit enabled unconventional Stoner magnetism (arXiv)

    43. 2310.01384 Exact Ground States and Phase Diagram of the Quantum Compass Model under an in-plane Field (arXiv)

    44. 2310.01114 The Co$^{2+}$-Ir$^{5+}$ orbital hybridization in LaCaCoIrO$_6$ double perovskite (arXiv)

    45. 2310.01075 Possible Realization of Kitaev Spin Liquids in van der Waals Heterostructures of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ and Cr$X_3$ ($X$=Cl and I) (arXiv)

    46. 2310.00886 Quantum spin nematic phase in a square-lattice iridate (iridate BJKim, arXiv)

    47. 2310.01185 Skyrmion stripes in twisted double bilayer graphene (skyrmion,arXiv)

    48. 2310.00147 Beyond-DFT $\textit{ab initio}$ Calculations for Accurate Prediction of Sub-GeV Dark Matter Experimental Reach (JXZhu, arXiv)

    49. 2309.16917 Atomic-scale mechanism of enhanced electron-phonon coupling at the interface of MgB$_2$ thin film (arXiv)

    50. 2309.16985 Evidence for an odd-parity nematic phase above the charge density wave transition in kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    51. 2309.17231 Planar thermal Hall effect from phonons in a Kitaev candidate material (arXiv)

    52. 2309.17436 Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in a Graphene Moire Superlattice (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 5 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 5th week collection
    1. science.adi7196 Valley-addressable monolayer lasing through spin-controlled Berry phase photonic cavities (Science)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.139901 Erratum: Quantum Criticality of Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity with Relativity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 117202 (2022)] (PRL)

    3. 2309.15894 Multiband strong-coupling superconductors with spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry (arXiv)

    4. 2309.16502 FeGe1-xSbx:a series of novel kagome metals with noncollinear antiferromagnetism (arXiv)

    5. 2309.16469 Functional Renormalization Group for fermions on a one dimensional lattice at arbitrary filling (arXiv)

    6. 2309.16260 A gate-tunable quantum phase transition in a topological excitonic insulator (arXiv)

    7. 2309.15916 Emergent Quantum Phenomena of Noncentrosymmetric Charge-Density Wave in 1T-Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    8. 2309.16548 Band mixing in the quantum anomalous Hall regime of twisted semiconductor bilayers (arXiv)

    9. 2309.16526 Spin-resolved imaging of atomic-scale helimagnetism in monolayer NiI2 (arXiv)

    10. 2309.16325 Valley-polarization and stable triplet exciton formation in 2D lateral heterostrcuture of hBN-kagome and graphene (arXiv)

    11. 2309.15987 Quantifying orbital Rashba effect via harmonic Hall torque measurements in transition-metal/Cu/Oxide structures (arXiv)

    12. PhysRevX.13.031038 Bulk-Boundary Correspondence for Interacting Floquet Systems in Two Dimensions (PRX)

    13. 167 Antimatter Feels Gravity Just like Matter (Physics)

    14. 2309.15567 Enhancing the Josephson diode effect with Majorana bound states (Jorge Nagaosa, arXiv)

    15. 2309.15594 Rich Magnetic Phase Diagram of Putative Helimagnet Sr$_3$Fe$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    16. 2309.15392 Clean realization of the Hund physics near the Mott transition: $\mathrm{NiS_2}$ under pressure (arXiv)

    17. 2309.15299 Spin-orbit excitons in a correlated metal: Raman scattering study of Sr2RhO4 (Rh, arXiv)

    18. 2309.15371 From Stoner to Local Moment Magnetism in Atomically Thin Cr2Te3 (arXiv)

    19. 2309.15679 Classification of skyrmionic textures and extraction of Hamiltonian parameters via machine learning (arXiv)

    20. 2309.15513 Investigation of magnetic properties of $4f$-adatoms on graphene (4f graphene, arXiv)

    21. 2309.15457 Engineering the in-plane anomalous hall effect in Cd$_3$As$_2$ thin films (in-plane field, arXiv)

    22. 2309.15403 180$^\circ$-twisted bilayer ReSe$_2$ as an artificial noncentrosymmetric semiconductor (arXiv)

    23. PhysRevX.13.031037 Observation of Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Twisted Bilayer ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRX)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.133002 Deep-Learning Approach for the Atomic Configuration Interaction Problem on Large Basis Sets (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.136501 Zero-Field Composite Fermi Liquid in Twisted Semiconductor Bilayers (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.131.136502 Composite Fermi Liquid at Zero Magnetic Field in Twisted ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    27. 163 In a Twist, Composite Fermions Form and Flow without a Magnetic Field (Physics)

    28. s139 A Fine Probe of Layer Stacking (Physics)

    29. PhysRevX.13.031036 Bose Polaron Interactions in a Cavity-Coupled Monolayer Semiconductor (PRX)

    30. s132 Quasiparticles Repel, Then Attract (Physics)

    31. PhysRevLett.131.139701 Comment on ``Super-Universality in Anderson Localization’’ (PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.131.139702 Horvath and Markofmmode Reply: (PRL)

    33. 165 Breakthrough Prize for Quantum Field Theorists (Physics)

    34. 2309.14952 On the interpretation of flux trapping experiments in hydrides (arXiv)

    35. 2309.14812 Frustrated Altermagnetism and Charge Density Wave in Kagome Superconductor CsCr3Sb5 (arXiv)

    36. 2309.14574 Absence of nematic instability in the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    37. 2309.14448 Quantum-geometry-induced anomalous Hall effect in non-unitary superconductors and application to Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    38. 2309.14427 Zero-field finite-momentum and field-induced superconductivity in altermagnets (arXiv)

    39. 2309.15095 Strong pairing from doping-induced Feshbach resonance and second Fermi liquid through doping a bilayer spin-one Mott insulator: application to La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    40. 2309.14411 Signatures of Parafermion Zero Modes in Fractional Quantum Hall-Superconductor Heterostructures (arXiv)

    41. 2309.15113 Stable Bosonic Topological Edge Modes in the Presence of Many-Body Interactions (arXiv)

    42. 2309.14817 Orbital Pumping by Magnetization Dynamics in Ferromagnets (arXiv)

    43. PhysRevLett.131.133601 Berry Curvature and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence from Transport Measurement for Photonic Chern Bands (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.131.131401 Static Black Binaries in de Sitter Space (PRL)

    45. 164 Two Black Holes Masquerading as One (Physics)

    46. s41524-023-01129-x Realizing unipolar and bipolar intrinsic skyrmions in MXenes from high-fidelity first-principles calculations (skyrmion, npj Computational Materials)

    47. 2309.14262 Chiral Meissner effect in time-reversal invariant Weyl superconductors (arXiv)

    48. 2309.14077 Second-order optical response of superconductors induced by supercurrent injection (arXiv)

    49. 2309.13514 Superconductivity emerged from density-wave order in a kagome bad metal (arXiv)

    50. 2309.14340 Electronic properties, correlated topology and Green’s function zeros (arXiv)

    51. 2309.14314 Symmetry breaking and ascending in the magnetic kagome metal FeGe (arXiv)

    52. 2309.13630 Absence of Spin Liquid Phase in the $J_1-J_2$ Heisenberg model on the Square Lattice (arXiv)

    53. 2309.13564 Upper branch thermal Hall effect in quantum paramagnets (thermal Hall, arXiv)

    54. 2309.13121 Dynamical defects in a two-dimensional Wigner crystal: self-doping and kinetic magnetism (Kivelson, arXiv)

    55. 2309.14119 Hopf Semimetals (arXiv)

    56. 2309.13996 First-principles calculation of orbital Hall effect by Wannier interpolation: Role of orbital dependence of the anomalous position (DWGo HWLee,arXiv)

    57. 2309.12840 Nature of the magnetic coupling in infinite-layer nickelates versus cuprates (arXiv)

    58. 2309.12836 Using superconductivity to control magnetism: a facet of superconducting spintronics (arXiv)

    59. 2309.12648 Fingerprints for anisotropic Kondo lattice behavior in the quasiparticle dynamics of the kagome metal Ni$_3$In (Kondo, arXiv)

    60. 2309.12511 MatsubaraFunctions.jl: An equilibrium Green’s function library in the Julia programming language (python, arXiv)

    61. 2309.12497 Ferromagnetic quantum critical point in a locally noncentrosymmetric and nonsymmorphic Kondo metal (SHShin, arXiv)

    62. 2309.12812 Electric field induced thermal Hall effect of triplons in the quantum dimer magnets $X$CuCl$_{3}$ ($X =$ Tl, K) (arXiv)

    63. 2309.12776 Electric control of optically-induced magnetization dynamics in a van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 4th week collection
    1. south Korea science spending cutbacks South Korea, a science spending champion, proposes cutbacks : “Everyone was wondering: ‘Am I part of a cartel?’” (Science)

    2. s41586-023-06363-3 Quantum-metric-induced nonlinear transport in a topological antiferromagnet (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06408-7 Signatures of superconductivity near 80 K in a nickelate under high pressure (Nature)

    4. d41586-023-02857-2 Nickelates join the club of high-temperature superconductors (Nature)

    5. s41586-023-06404-x Stack growth of wafer-scale van der Waals superconductor heterostructures (Nature)

    6. PhysRevB.108.L121409 General scattering and electronic states in a quantum-wire network of moir\‘e systems (CHHsu JKlinovaja DLoss, PRB)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.126302 Magnetic Stress-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Correlated Antiferromagnetic CrN (PRL)

    8. 162 Crystal Defects Interact to Form Intricate Structures (Physics)

    9. 2303.05700 Phonon-mediated spin dynamics in a two-electron double quantum dot under a phonon temperature gradient (QD, arXiv)

    10. 2309.11541 On the dynamical stability of copper-doped lead apatite (arXiv)

    11. 2309.11786 Pair density wave and superconductivity in a kinetically frustrated doped Emery model on a square lattice (arXiv)

    12. 2309.11607 Superconducting triangular islands as a platform for manipulating Majorana zero modes (arXiv)

    13. 2309.12262 Competition between Neel, Haldane nematic, plaquette valence bond solid, and $(\pi,\pi)$ valence bond solid phases in SU(N) analogs of $S=1$ square-lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    14. 2309.11685 Topological Floquet Flat Bands in Irradiated Alternating Twist Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    15. PhysRevLett.131.126901 Isotopic Control of the Boron-Vacancy Spin Defect in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.131.121401 Two Spinning Black Holes Balanced by Their Synchronized Scalar Hair (PRL)

    17. PhysRevB.108.115307 Majorana fermions on the domain wall of marginally twisted bilayer of transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    18. adfm.202304044 Current-Controlled Skyrmion Number in Confined Ferromagnetic Nanostripes (Advanced Functional Materials)

    19. 2309.11501 Intrinsic superconducting diode effects in tilted Weyl and Dirac semimetals (PHosur, arXiv)

    20. 2309.11440 Flat band superconductivity in a system with a tunable quantum metric : the stub lattice (flatband, arXiv)

    21. 2309.11098v1 Gauge Theories of Josephson Junction Arrays: Why Disorder Is Irrelevant for the Electric Response of Disordered Superconducting Films (arXiv)

    22. 2309.10923v1 Semi-automatic staging area for high-quality structured data extraction from scientific literature (arXiv)

    23. 2309.11339v1 Floquet engineering of black phosphorus upon below-gap pumping (floquet, arXiv)

    24. 2309.11216 Origin of the gap in the surface states of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator (AFM TI, arXiv)

    25. 2309.10985 Giant interfacial spin-Hall angle from Rashba-Edelstein effect revealed by the spin-Hall Hanle processes (arXiv)

    26. 2309.10964 Revealing the conduction band and pseudovector potential in 2D moir\‘e semiconductors (arXiv)

    27. 2309.10840 Anomalous crystalline-electromagnetic responses in semimetals (arXiv)

    28. 2309.11217 Atomic-scale visualization of multiferroicity in monolayer NiI$_2$ (NiI2, arXiv)

    29. PhysRevX.13.031033 Matrix Models for Eigenstate Thermalization (PRX)

    30. PhysRevLett.131.126001 Bilayer Two-Orbital Model of $\mathrm{L}{\mathrm{a}}{3}\mathrm{N}{\mathrm{i}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ under Pressure (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.131.126301 Nonequilibrium Fractional Josephson Effect (PRL)

    32. 2309.10637 Revival of superconductivity in a one-dimensional dimerized diamond lattice (1d-SC, arXiv)

    33. 2309.10446 Vortex-core spectroscopy of $d$-wave cuprate high-temperature superconductors (arXiv)

    34. 2309.10208 Anomalous normal state gap in an electron-doped cuprate (DHLee, arXiv)

    35. 2309.10540 A Simple Solvable Model for Heavy Fermion Superconductivity from the Two-Fluid Normal State (YFYang, arXiv)

    36. 2309.10670 Symmetry considerations in exact diagonalization: spin-1/2 pyrochlore magnets (arXiv)

    37. 2309.10763 Thermoelectric response in two-dimensional nodal-point semimetals (arXiv)

    38. 2309.10751 Chirality-inverted Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (skyrmion, arXiv)

    39. 2309.10338 Chiral Skyrmions Interacting with Chiral Flowers (arXiv)

    40. 2309.10246 Impact of strain on the SOT-driven dynamics of thin film Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    41. s41598-023-42697-8 The ground state of the Kondo insulator (Scientific Reports)

    42. 2309.07260 Self-duality properties and localization centers of the electronic wave functions at high magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    43. 2309.09260 Visualizing the Zhang-Rice singlet, molecular orbitals and pair formation in cuprate (arXiv)

    44. 2309.09255 Charge order above room-temperature in a prototypical kagome superconductor La(Ru${1-x}$Fe${x}$)${3}$Si${2}$ (kagome, arXiv)

    45. 2309.08758 Physics of the Majorana-superconducting qubit hybrids (arXiv)

    46. 2309.09965 Exact Diagonalization of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Fermi-Hubbard Models (arXiv)

    47. 2309.09685 Quantum Computed Green’s Functions using a Cumulant Expansion of the Lanczos Method (arXiv)

    48. 2309.08938 Emergent phases in graphene flat bands (graphene flat, arXiv)

    49. 2309.09860 Topological edge and corner states in Bi fractals on InSb (arXiv)

    50. 2309.08763 Topological spin Hall effect in antiferromagnets (AFM skyrmion, arXiv)

    51. 2309.08671 Designing Moir\‘e Patterns by Strain (graphene strain, arXiv)

    52. 2309.09561 Altermagnetic Tunnel Junctions of RuO$_2$/TiO$_2$/CrO$_2$ (arXiv)

    53. 2309.09091 Anisotropy of Antiferromagnetic Domains in a Spin-orbit Mott Insulator (iridate, PRB)

    54. 2309.08983 Structural origin of the Jeff=1/2 antiferromagnetic phase in Ga-doped Sr2IrO4 (iridate, Physical Review Materials)

    55. 2309.08981 Strain tuned magnetotransport of Jeff=1/2 antiferromagnetic Sr2IrO4 thin films (iridate, Materials Today Physics)

    56. 2309.08308 Topological surface states host superconductivity induced by the bulk condensate in YRuB$_2$ (arXiv)

    57. 2309.08292 Electrically controlled quantum transition to an anomalous metal in 2D (arXiv)

    58. 2309.08246 Superconductivity and vortex structure on Bi${2}$Te${3}$/FeTe${0.55}$Se${0.45}$ heterostructures with different thickness of Bi${2}$Te${3}$ films (arXiv)

    59. 2309.07928 Deciphering the Enigma of Cu-Doped Lead Apatite (LK-99): Structural Insights, Electronic Properties, and Implications for Ambient-Pressure Superconductivity (LK99, arXiv)

    60. 2309.08329 Chern-Simons-Modified-RPA-Eliashberg Theory of the nu=1/2+1/2 Quantum Hall Bilayer (arXiv)

    61. 2309.07997 AFM insulating state and normal state of cuprates from first principle (arXiv)

    62. 2309.08525 Exact solution of one-dimensional Kondo and Anderson lattice models (Kondo, arXiv)

    63. 2309.08176 Emergence of partially disordered antiferromagnetism and isothermal magnetization plateau due to geometrical frustration in a metallic compound, Er2RhSi3 (arXiv)

    64. 2309.08597 Charge pumping with strong spin-orbit coupling: Fermi surface breathing and higher harmonic generation (AManchon, arXiv)

    65. 2309.08392 Ferromagnetic response of thin NiI$_2$ flakes up to room temperatures (NiI2, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevX.13.031030 Small Fermi Pockets Intertwined with Charge Stripes and Pair Density Wave Order in a Kagome Superconductor (PRX)

    2. s135 Experiments Support Theory for Exotic Kagome States (Physics)

    3. PhysRevX.13.031031 Tunable Crossed Andreev Reflection and Elastic Cotunneling in Hybrid Nanowires (PRX)

    4. s124 Striking a Balance for Quantum Bits (Physics)

    5. PhysRevLett.131.116501 Probing Hidden Mott Gap and Incommensurate Charge Modulation on the Polar Surfaces of ${\mathrm{PdCrO}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.116801 Tuning the Multiferroic Properties of ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ under Uniaxial Strain (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.116002 Prevailing Charge Order in Overdoped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ beyond the Superconducting Dome (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.116603 Topological Circular Dichroism in Chiral Multifold Semimetals (JAhn, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.110401 Embedding Semiclassical Periodic Orbits into Chaotic Many-Body Hamiltonians (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.116602 Direct Observation of Topological Phonons in Graphene (topological phonon, PRL)

    11. s126 Graphene Has Topological Phonons (topological phonon, Physics)

    12. PhysRevLett.131.116702 Plaquette Singlet Transition, Magnetic Barocaloric Effect, and Spin Supersolidity in the Shastry-Sutherland Model (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.131.116902 Optically Active Spin Defects in Few-Layer Thick Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)

    14. 2309.06815 Handwritten Digit Recognition by Spin Waves in a Skyrmion Reservoir (Mochizuki skyrmion, arXiv)

    15. s42005-023-01363-1 Spiral spin cluster in the hyperkagome antiferromagnet Mn3RhSi (skyrmion, Communications Physics)

    16. 2309.05895 Coexistence of near-EF flat band and van Hove singularity in a two-phase superconductor (arXiv)

    17. 2309.07827 Microscopic study of the impurity effect in the kagome superconductor La(Ru${1-x}$Fe${x}$)${3}$Si${2}$ (arXiv)

    18. 2309.07211 Topological superconductivity mediated by magnons of helical magnetic states (Sudbo, arXiv)

    19. 2309.07894 Collective non-Hermitian skin effect: Point-gap topology and the doublon-holon excitations in non-reciprocal many-body systems (arXiv)

    20. 2309.07916 Quantum Electrodynamics of Non-Hermitian Dirac Fermions (arXiv)

    21. 2309.07876 Particle-hole asymmetric ferromagnetism and spin textures in the triangular Hubbard-Hofstadter model (BHKim MJPark, arXiv)

    22. 2309.07737 Eleven Competing Phases in the Heisenberg-Gamma (J$\Gamma$) Ladder (arXiv)

    23. 2309.07706 Enhanced Non-linear Response by Manipulating the Dirac Point in the (111) LaTiO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Interface (arXiv)

    24. 2309.07451 Phase control of magnons in the van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$ (magnon, arXiv)

    25. 2309.07222 Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Moir\‘e Flatband: A Platform for the Fractional Quantum Spin Hall Effect (flatband Moire, arXiv)

    26. 2309.07784 Klein-bottle quadrupole insulators and Dirac semimetals (qaudrupole insulator, arXiv)

    27. 2309.07260 Self-duality properties and localization centers of the electronic wave functions at high magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    28. s41586-023-06330-y Quantum oscillations of the quasiparticle lifetime in a metal (Nature)

    29. 2309.06984 Ab initio transport calculations: from normal to superconducting current (arXiv)

    30. 2309.07119 Metastable Kitaev Spin Liquids in Isotropic Quantum Heisenberg Magnets (Baskaran, arXiv)

    31. 2309.07111 Anomalous excitonic phase diagram in band-gap-tuned Ta2Ni(Se,S)5 (arXiv)

    32. 2309.07071 Non-collinear magnetism engendered by a hidden another order (spin, arXiv)

    33. 2309.06632 Hidden non-collinear spin-order induced topological surface states (spin, arXiv)

    34. 2309.07019 Polaron spectroscopy of interacting Fermi systems: insights from exact diagonalization (arXiv)

    35. 2309.06766 Harmonically trapped fermions in one dimension: A finite temperature lattice Monte Carlo study (QMC, arXiv)

    36. 2309.06583 Uncovering the spin ordering in magic-angle graphene via edge state equilibration (arXiv)

    37. 2309.06815 Handwritten Digit Recognition by Spin Waves in a Skyrmion Reservoir (skyrmion, arXiv)

    38. 2309.06596 Flat band localization in twisted bilayer graphene nanoribbons (arXiv)

    39. PhysRevLett.131.116401 Floquet Engineering of Black Phosphorus upon Below-Gap Pumping (BP, PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.131.116601 Enhancement of Second-Order Non-Hermitian Skin Effect by Magnetic Fields (PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.116701 Experimental Observation of Critical Scaling in Magnetic Dynamic Phase Transitions (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.131.113001 Effects of Quantum Fluctuations on the Low-Energy Collective Modes of Two-Dimensional Superfluid Fermi Gases from the BCS to the Bose Limit (PRL)

    43. PhysRevX.13.031027 Criticality in the Crossed Andreev Reflection of a Quantum Hall Edge (PRX)

    44. PhysRevLett.131.116201 Paramagnetic Singularities of the Orbital Magnetism in Graphene with a Moir\‘e Potential (graphene magnetism, PRL)

    45. 2309.06303 Transfer learning from Hermitian to non-Hermitian quantum many-body physics (Lado, arXiv)

    46. 2309.06069 Time-dependent Gutzwiller simulation of Floquet topological superconductivity (arXiv)

    47. 2309.05984 Temperature-driven change in band structure reflecting spin-charge separation of Mott and Kondo insulators (Mott Kondo, arXiv)

    48. 2309.05983 Characteristics of the Mott transition and electronic states of high-temperature cuprate superconductors from the perspective of the Hubbard model (arXiv)

    49. 2309.05726 Strong Pairing Originated from an Emergent $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Berry Phase in $\mathbf{La}_3 \mathbf{Ni}_2 \mathbf{O}_7$ (arXiv)

    50. 2309.05711 Thermal Hall Effect and Neutral Spinons in a Doped Mott Insulator (spinon, arXiv)

    51. 2309.06405 4$f$ electron temperature driven ultrafast electron localization (4f, arXiv)

    52. 2309.06399 Orbital-selective effect of spin reorientation on the Dirac fermions in a three-dimensional kagome ferromagnet Fe$_3$Ge (arXiv)

    53. 2309.05741 Conductance and thermopower fluctuations in interacting quantum dots (PKim Sachdev, arXiv)

    54. 2309.06416 Kubo formula for dc conductivity in the presence of spin-orbit coupling: a revision (arXiv)

    55. 2309.06412 Quantum transport in a multi-path graphene Aharonov-Bohm inteferometer (arXiv)

    56. 2309.05982 Anisotropy-assisted magnon condensation in ferromagnetic thin films (arXiv)

    57. 2309.05723 Spin-Hall effect due to the bulk states of topological insulators: Extrinsic contribution to the conserved spin current (arXiv)

    58. 2309.05907 High-chirality Weyl nodes in hexagonal ReO$_3$ (Weyl, arXiv)

    59. 2309.05664 Superconductivity-induced improper orders (arXiv)

    60. 2309.05243 Interplay of disorder and interaction in the bilayer band-insulator : A Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    61. 2309.05556 Itinerant ferromagnetism in transition metal dichalcogenides moir\‘e superlattices (arXiv)

    62. 2309.05286 Melting of excitonic insulator phase by an intense terahertz pulse in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ (arXiv)

    63. 2309.05285 Highly strain-tunable charge valley transport in bismuth (arXiv)

    64. 2309.04865 Observation of flat and weakly dispersing bands in a van der Waals semiconductor Nb3Br8 with breathing kagome lattice (arXiv)

    65. 2309.05615 Skyrmions in nanorings: a versatile platform for Skyrmionics (skyrmion, sarXiv)

    66. 2309.05656 Atomistic Control in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 (arXiv)

    67. 2309.05461 Topological nonsymmorphic insulator versus Dirac semimetal in KZnBi (arXiv)

    68. PhysRevX.13.031026 In and Out-of-Equilibrium Ab Initio Theory of Electrons and Phonons (PRX)

    69. 151 Toward a Complete Theory of Crystal Vibrations (Physics)

    70. 2309.04308 Re-entrance of resistivity due to the interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in $\ce{Eu_{0.73}Ca_{0.27}(Fe_{0.87}Co_{0.13})2As2}$ (arXiv)

    71. 2309.04155 Driven Majorana Modes: A Route to Synthetic $p_x+ip_y$ Superconductivity (SZLin, arXiv)

    72. 2309.03935 Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Studies of Quantum Materials (arXiv)

    73. 2309.04363 Strong relevance of Zinc impurity in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Kagome quantum antiferromagnets: a variational study (arXiv)

    74. 2309.04282 Templates for magnetic symmetry and altermagnetism in hexagonal MnTe (altermagnet, arXiv)

    75. 2309.04201 Two-dimensional Discommensurations: an extension to McMillan’s Ginzburg-Landau Theory (arXiv)

    76. 2309.03995 First-principle Study of Multiple Metastable Charge Ordering States in La${1/3}$Sr${2/3}$FeO$_{3}$ (arXiv)

    77. 2309.04064 Chiral magneto-phonons with tunable topology in anisotropic quantum magnets (arXiv)

    78. 2309.04051 Observation of Hybrid-Order Topological Pump in a Kekule-Textured Graphene Lattice (arXiv)

    79. 2309.03951 3D Topological Semimetal Phases of Strained $\alpha$-Sn on Insulating Substrate (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.131.100202 Speeding Up Entanglement Generation by Proximity to Higher-Order Exceptional Points (Entanglement, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.106801 Fractionalization in Fractional Correlated Insulating States at n \pm 1/3 Filled Twisted Bilayer Graphene (EAKim, PRL)

    3. s41586-023-06312-0 Proximity superconductivity in atom-by-atom crafted quantum dots (Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06318-8 Pines’ demon observed as a 3D acoustic plasmon in Sr2RuO4 (Nature)

    5. s41467-023-41203-y Topological magneto-optical effect from skyrmion lattice (optical skyrmionm, Nature Communications)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.106501 Universality of Critical Dynamics with Finite Entanglement (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.106701 Transport of Spin Magnetic Multipole Moments Carried by Bloch Quasiparticles (PRL)

    8. PhysRevB.108.104403 Transport signatures of magnetic texture evolution in a microfabricated thin plate of antiskyrmion-hosting ${(\mathrm{Fe},\mathrm{Ni},\mathrm{Pd})}_{3}\mathrm{P}$ (PRB)

    9. PhysRevX.13.031024 Coherent-Incoherent Crossover of Charge and Neutral Mode Transport as Evidence for the Disorder-Dominated Fractional Edge Phase (PRX)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.106601 Failure of Topological Invariants in Strongly Correlated Matter (Phillips, PRL)

    11. 154 The History of the Printing Press under an X-Ray Microscope (Physics)

    12. PhysRevB.108.094415 Checkerboard bubble lattice formed by octuple-period quadruple-$Q$ spin density waves (Hayami, PRB)

    13. 2309.01755 Flat-band and multi-dimensional fermions in Pb10(PO4)6O4 (arXiv)

    14. 2309.01163 Generalized Majorana edge modes in a number-conserving periodically driven $p$-wave superconductor (arXiv)

    15. 2304.09504 Ground State Properties of Quantum Skyrmions described by Neural Network Quantum States (arXiv)

    16. 2309.03760 Superconductivity in twisted bismuth bilayers (arXiv)

    17. 2309.03288 Intertwined van-Hove Singularities as a Mechanism for Loop Current Order in Kagome Metals (Kim Kee, arXiv)

    18. 2309.03278 Universal spin wavepacket transport in van der Waals antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    19. 2309.03444 Quantized Hall conductance in graphene by nonperturbative magnetic-field-containing relativistic tight-binding approximation method (arXiv)

    20. 2309.03836 Floquet analysis of a driven Kitaev chain in presence of a quasiperiodic potential (arXiv)

    21. 2309.03826 G\ae{}nice: a general model for magnon band structure of artificial spin ices (magnon, arXiv)

    22. 2309.03697 Statics and Dynamics of Skyrmions in Balanced and Unbalanced Synthetic Antiferromagnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    23. 2309.03400 Automated Characterization of a Double Quantum Dot using the Hubbard Model (arXiv)

    24. 2309.03828 Proposal for all-electrical skyrmion detection in van der Waals tunnel junctions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    25. 2309.03666 Detecting Hidden Order in Fractional Chern Insulators (arXiv)

    26. 2309.00217 Topological chiral kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv)

    27. 2309.03170 The vortex-Nernst effect in a superconducting infinite-layer nickelate (Ong, arXiv)

    28. 2309.02714 Atomic-scale observation of localized phonons at FeSe/SrTiO3 interface (STO, arXiv)

    29. 2309.02695 Correlated BCS wavefunction approach to unconventional superconductors (JPHu, arXiv)

    30. 2309.02683 On magnetic field screening and trapping in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors: unpulling the wool over readers’ eyes (arXiv)

    31. 2309.02537 Emergence of Exotic Spin Texture in Supramolecular Metal Complexes on a 2D Superconductor (Lado, arXiv)

    32. 2309.03010 Topological Quantum Computation on a Chiral Kondo Chain (Tsvelik, arXiv)

    33. 2309.02559 Localized f-electron magnetism in the semimetal Ce3Bi4Au3 (arXiv)

    34. 2309.02483 Connecting the many-body Chern number to Luttinger’s theorem through St\v{r}eda’s formula (arXiv)

    35. 2309.03127 Majorana fermions and quantum information with fractional topology and disorder (arXiv)

    36. 2309.03089 Tuning the flat bands by the interlayer interaction, spin-orbital coupling and electric field in twisted homotrilayer MoS$_2$ (flat, arXiv)

    37. PhysRevX.13.031023 XY* Transition and Extraordinary Boundary Criticality from Fractional Exciton Condensation in Quantum Hall Bilayer (PRX)

    38. PhysRevLett.131.101001 Probing the Connection between Entangled Particles and Wormholes in General Relativity (PRL)

    39. 2309.01410 Classification of Lifshitz invariant in multiband superconductors: an application to Leggett modes in the linear response regime in Kagome lattice models (arXiv)

    40. 2309.00679 Spin-fluctuation glue disfavors high-critical temperature of superconductivity? (AFM fluctuation, arXiv)

    41. 2309.02178 Superconductivity from spin fluctuations and long-range interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    42. 2309.02331 Ultrafast optical polarimetry in magnetic phases of Kondo semi metal CeSb (arXiv)

    43. 2309.01648 Kinkless electronic junction along one dimensional electronic channel (arXiv)

    44. 2309.01579 Direct observation of topological surface states in the layered kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry (kagome, arXiv)

    45. 2309.02355 Induced Monolayer Altermagnetism in MnP(S,Se)$_3$ and FeSe (altermagnet, arXiv)

    46. 2309.02199 Space charge and screening of a supercritical impurity cluster in monolayer graphene (arXiv)

    47. 2309.01927 Cavity-induced topological edge and corner states (arXiv)

    48. 2309.01607 Exchange spin-orbit coupling and unconventional p-wave magnetism (p-wave magnetism, arXiv)

    49. 2309.01584 Delusive chirality and periodic strain pattern in moir\‘{e} systems (strain, arXiv)

    50. 2309.01499 Engineering rich two-dimensional higher-order topological phases by flux and periodic driving (HOTI, arXiv)

    51. 2309.01467 One-dimensional topological channels in heterostrained bilayer graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    52. 2309.01176 Observation of multiple flat bands and topological Dirac states in a new titanium based slightly distorted kagome metal YbTi3Bi4 (arXiv)

    53. 2309.00984v1 Out-of-plane spin-to-charge conversion at low temperatures in graphene/MoTe$_2$ heterostructures (arXiv)

    54. 2309.00825v1 Magic momenta and three dimensional Landau levels from a three dimensional graphite moire superlattice (arXiv)

    55. 2309.00728 Quantum-Geometric Origin of Stacking Ferroelectricity (MFranz, arXiv)

    56. 2309.00495 Nonreciprocal superconducting transport and the spin Hall effect in gyrotropic structures (SC, arXiv)

    57. 2309.00469 Impact of Se concentration and distribution on topological transition in FeTe1-xSex crystals (arXiv)

    58. 2309.00346 Coexistence of nematic superconductivity and spin density wave in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    59. 2309.00264 Evidence for chiral superconductivity in Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv)

    60. 2309.00457 Magnetism, non-Fermi-liquid behavior and deconfinement in Kondo lattices (Kondo, arXiv)

    61. 2309.00042 Noise probing of topological band gaps in dispersionless quantum states (SRyu, arXiv)

    62. 2309.00037 Electric field control of a quantum spin liquid in weak Mott insulators (YBKim, arXiv)

    63. 2309.00568 Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2 (altermagnet, arXiv)

    64. 2309.00447 Fermionic quantum computation with Cooper pair splitters (arXiv)

    65. 2309.00212 Pseudo-magnetic fields in square lattices (square lattice, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 1st week collection
    1. s41586-023-06280-5 Frustration- and doping-induced magnetism in a Fermi-Hubbard simulator (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06279-y Spin-mediated shear oscillators in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (Nature)

    3. why-do-cats-love-tuna Why do cats love tuna so much? Scientists may finally know (Science)

    4. science.adk0121 The raw material of evolution (Science)

    5. PhysRevB.108.054440 Electrical switchable room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in multiferroic MXene (MXene 맥신, PRB)

    6. 2308.15115 Topological flat band with higher winding number in a superradiance lattice (arXiv)

    7. 5.0160193 Chiral coupling of two orthogonal magnetizations in a single ferrimagnetic GdCo layer (APL Materials)

    8. PhysRevLett.131.096302 Electron Pairing of Interfering Interface-Based Edge Modes (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.096902 Hyperbolic Polaritons in Topological Nodal Ring Semimetals (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.097002 Hole-Spin Driving by Strain-Induced Spin-Orbit Interactions (strained SOI, PRL)

    11. 149 Sorting Out Quantum Chaos (Physics)

    12. PhysRevLett.131.096401 Untwisting Moire Physics: Almost Ideal Bands and Fractional Chern Insulators in Periodically Strained Monolayer Graphene (PRL)

    13. 148 The Mystery of a Strange Metals Explained (Physics)

    14. s117 New Physics Magnified in Spinning Black Holes (Physics)

    15. 2308.16908 Quantized thermal and spin transports of dirty planar topological superconductors (arXiv)

    16. 2308.16806 Tunable magnetic domains in ferrimagnetic MnSb$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

    17. 2308.16563 Schwinger boson symmetric spin liquids of Shastry-Sutherland model (arXiv)

    18. 2308.16440 Localizing Transitions via Interaction-Induced Flat Bands (arXiv)

    19. 2308.16407 General Formula for the Green’s Function Approach to the Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model (arXiv)

    20. 2308.16243 Local noise spectroscopy of Wigner crystals in two-dimensional materials (arXiv)

    21. 2308.16662 Supercell Altermagnets (arXiv)

    22. 2308.16101 Stripe charge order driven manipulation of Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 topological superconductor (arXiv)

    23. 2308.15722 Checkerboard order state in superconducting FeSe/SrTiO3(001) monolayer (arXiv)

    24. 2308.15523 RKKY interaction in triplet superconductors: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type interaction mediated by spin-polarized Cooper pairs (arXiv)

    25. 2308.15963 Polariton-Induced Unconventional Superconductivity and Emergent SU(2) Symmetry in Moire flat bands (flatband, arXiv)

    26. 2308.15541 Nematic and stripe orders within the charge density wave state of doped TiSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    27. 2308.15533 Probing quantum spin liquids with a quantum twisting microscope (PALee, arXiv)

    28. 2308.16138 Evolution of highly anisotropic magnetism in the titanium-based kagome metals LnTi$_3$Bi$_4$ (Ln: La…Gd$^{3+}$, Eu$^{2+}$, Yb$^{2+}$) (arXiv)

    29. 2308.15685 Microscopic Green’s function approach for generalized Dirac Hamiltonians (arXiv)

    30. PhysRevLett.131.096702 Abundance of Hard-Hexagon Crystals in the Quantum Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet (RMoisnner, PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.131.096301 Photocurrent Induced by a Bicircular Light Drive in Centrosymmetric Systems (Morimoto, PRL)

    32. s116 Photovoltaic Effect Goes Symmetric (Physics)

    33. oe-31-19-30020 Dynamic manipulation of graphene plasmonic skyrmions (skyrmion, Optics Express)

    34. 2308.15258 Enhanced chiral edge currents and orbital magnetic moment in chiral $d$-wave superconductors from mesoscopic finite-size effects (arXiv)

    35. 2308.15228v1 Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB$_2$ sensors at 20 K (MgB2, arXiv)

    36. 2308.14890v1 QCMATH: Mathematica modules for electronic structure calculations (mathematica DFT, arXiv)

    37. 2308.14826v1 Large anomalous Hall effect in single crystals of the kagome Weyl ferromagnet Fe$_3$Sn (kagome, arXiv)

    38. 2308.14755v1 On the Renormalisation group, protein folding, and naturalness (RG, arXiv)

    39. 2308.15396v1 Layer-dependent magnetism and spin fluctuations in atomically thin van der Waals magnet CrPS4 (Cr, arXiv)

    40. 2308.15358v1 Spin-orbit insulating phase in SnTe cubic nanowires: consequences on the topological surface states (arXiv)

    41. 2308.15023v1 Intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator and axion state in V2WS4 (AFM TI, arXiv)

    42. 2308.14997v1 Symmetry-protected flatband condition for Hamiltonians with local symmetry (arXiv)

    43. 2308.14878v1 Dominance of extrinsic scattering mechanisms in the orbital Hall effect: graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides and topological antiferromagnets (**extrinsic Hall effect graphene **, arXiv)

    44. 2308.14788v1 Floquet Topology Stabilized with Non-Hermitian Driving (arXiv)

    45. PhysRevLett.131.096001 Tunable Josephson Diode Effect on the Surface of Topological Insulators (Nagaosa, PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.131.096901 Disentangling the Competing Mechanisms of Light-Induced Anomalous Hall Conductivity in Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal (PRL)

    47. s125 A Toy Model to Probe Career Mobility (Physics)

    48. 2308.14294 Implications of the electron-phonon coupling in CuPb$_9$(PO$_4$)$_6$O for high-temperature superconductivity: an \textit{ab initio} study (LK99, arXiv)

    49. 2308.13885 Exploring Room-Temperature Superconductivity in Narrow Energy Gap Semiconductors through Thermally Excited Electrons (arXiv)

    50. 2308.13831 Topological superconductivity from first-principles II: Effects from manipulation of spin spirals $-$ Topological fragmentation, braiding, and Quasi-Majorana Bound States (arXiv)

    51. 2308.13824 Topological superconductivity from first-principles I: Shiba band structure and topological edge states of artificial spin chains (arXiv)

    52. 2308.13938 Ab initio Investigations on the Electronic Properties and Stability of Cu-Substituted Lead Apatite (LK-99) family with different doping concentrations (x=0, 1, 2) (arXiv)

    53. 2308.13601 Nematic order in topological SYK models (arXiv)

    54. 2308.14534 Topological marker approach to an interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    55. 2308.14219 Discovery of a Bloch point quadrupole constituting hybrid topological strings (YTokura, arXiv)

    56. 2308.13557 Magnetic fluctuations in Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    57. 2308.14342 Spin-polarized transport properties in magnetic moire superlattices (arXiv)

    58. s42005-023-01354-2 High-harmonic generation in CdTe with ultra-low pump intensity and high photon flux (Communications Physics)

    59. PhysRevB.108.L060405 Spontaneous square versus hexagonal nanoscale skyrmion lattices in Fe/Ir(111) (PRB)

    60. d3cp02470a Electronic properties, skyrmions and bimerons in Janus CrXY (X, Y = S, Se, Te, Cl, Br, I, and X != Y) monolayers (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)

    61. PhysRevB.108.064430 Large anomalous Nernst effect and topological Nernst effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{NdMn}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ (PRB)

    62. PhysRevLett.131.090201 Complete Characterization of Quantum Correlations by Randomized Measurements (PRL)

    63. 143 Model of Chromosome Replication Gets Upgraded (Physics)

    64. 2308.13400 Geometric and conventional contributions to superfluid weight in the minimal models for superconducting copper-doped lead apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    65. 2308.13275 Effective tight-binding Hamiltonian for the low-energy electronic structure of the Cu-doped lead apatite and the parent compound (LK99, arXiv)

    66. 2308.13199 Robust Luttinger liquid state of 1D Dirac fermions in a van der Waals system Nb9Si4Te18 (HWYeom, arXiv)

    67. 2308.13181 Emergent $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry near a CDW multicritical point (arXiv)

    68. 2308.13109 Magneto-optical anisotropies of 2D antiferromagnetic MPX$_3$ from first principles (arXiv)

    69. 2308.13448 Valley-free silicon fins by shear strain (DLoss, arXiv)

    70. 2308.13440 Disorder-induced phase transitions in double HgTe quantum wells (HgTe, arXiv)

    71. 2308.13408 Coexistence of non-trivial van der Waals magnetic orders enable field-free spin-orbit torque switching at room temperature (arXiv)

    72. 2308.13337 Evidence of the Coulomb gap in the density of states of MoS$_2$ (arXiv)

    73. 2308.13230 Giant atomic swirl in graphene bilayers with biaxial heterostrain (arXiv)

    74. 2308.12986 Comment on “Direct observation of anyonic braiding statistics”, by Nakamura et al, Nature Physics, volume 16, page 931 (2020) (DasSharma, arXiv)

    75. 2308.13465 Ptychographic nanoscale imaging of the magnetoelectric coupling in freestanding BiFeO$_3$ (BFO, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 4th week collection
    1. s41586-023-06290-3 Mixed-dimensional moire systems of twisted graphitic thin films (Nature)

    2. s41586-023-06264-5 Mixing of moire-surface and bulk states in graphite (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06247-6 Proton transport through nanoscale corrugations in two-dimensional crystals (Nature)

    4. s41586-023-06294-z Superconductivity and strong interactions in a tunable moire quasicrystal (Nature)

    5. 2308.11361 Skyrmion motion in magnetic anisotropy gradients: Acceleration caused by deformation (magnetic gradient, arXiv)

    6. 2308.11014 Stability of a quantum skyrmion: projective measurements and the quantum Zeno effect (arXiv)

    7. 2308.11303 Theory of defect-induced crystal field perturbations in rare earth magnets (arXiv)

    8. 2308.12055 Symmetry indicator-free unconventionality, obstructed edge states and Majorana engineering in 1T-PtSe2 family (Bernevig, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.108.075426 Origin of strain tunability in flat valence band and ultrahigh shear piezoelectricity in superflexible non–van der Waals graphitic $\mathrm{Sc}X$ monolayers ($X=\mathrm{P}$, As, Sb) (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.108.075153 Experimental demonstration of the band compression effect in engineered kagome-honeycomb lattices (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.108.L060506 Topological superconductivity enhanced by exceptional points (PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.131.086601 Chiral-Flux-Phase-Based Topological Superconductivity in Kagome Systems with Mixed Edge Chiralities (kagome, PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.131.081401 Probing the Pulsar Explanation of the Galactic-Center GeV Excess Using Continuous Gravitational-Wave Searches (PRL)

    14. 2308.12750 Theoretical designing of multiband Nickelate and Palladate superconductors with $d^{8+\delta}$ configuration (arXiv)

    15. 2308.12703 Second-order topological superconductor via noncollinear magnetic texture (noncollinear magnetic texture SC, arXiv)

    16. 2308.12942 Excitons in twisted AA’ hexagonal boron nitride bilayers (arXiv)

    17. 2308.12569 Dynamics of quantum spin-nematics: comparisons with canted antiferromagnets (nematic spin, arXiv)

    18. 2308.12358 variPEPS – a versatile tensor network library for variational ground state simulations in two spatial dimensions (arXiv)

    19. 2308.12410 Magnetic analogue of liquid-gas phase transition of water: case study of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on a diamond-decorated square lattice (spin, arXiv)

    20. 2308.12931 Fragility of spectral flow for topological phases in non-Wigner-Dyson classes (Luka, arXiv)

    21. 2308.12922 Electron trapping in graphene quantum dots with magnetic flux (graphene QD, arXiv)

    22. 2308.12335 Spin pumping from a ferromagnetic insulator into an altermagnet (altermagnet, arXiv)

    23. 2308.12500 Strain Dependent Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in the Multiferroic Antiferromagnet BiFeO$_3$ (strain, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.083801 Observation of a Topological Edge State Stabilized by Dissipation (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.081601 Variational Neural-Network Ansatz for Continuum Quantum Field Theory (PRL)

    26. 2308.11811 Magnetic Skyrmion: From Fundamental Physics to Pioneering Applications (arXiv)

    27. 2308.11739 Coulomb drag in metallic twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    28. 2308.11101 Discovery of smectic charge and pair-density-wave orders in topological monolayer 1T$^\prime$-MoTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    29. 2308.10939 Superconductor-altermagnet memory functionality without stray fields (arXiv)

    30. 2308.10938 Coulomb-driven band unflattening suppresses $K$-phonon pairing in moir\‘e graphene (arXiv)

    31. 2308.10935v1 Superconductivity in a Topological Lattice Model with Strong Repulsion (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    32. 2308.11553 Oder-by-disorder charge density wave condensation at $\mathbf{\textit{q} =(\frac{1}{3},\frac{1}{3},\frac{1}{3})}$ in kagome metal ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    33. 2308.11454 Altermagnetic Orbital Chern Insulator in Twisted MoTe$_{2}$ (latermagnet, arXiv)

    34. 2308.11172 Magnetic ordering in the $J_{\rm eff}$ = 0 Nickelate NiRh$_2$O$_4$ prepared via a solid-state metathesis (arXiv)

    35. 2308.11077 Photoinduced topological phase transitions in Kitaev-Heisenberg honeycomb ferromagnets with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, arXiv)

    36. 2308.11183v1 Tuning of Electrical, Magnetic, and Topological Properties of Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Mn$_{3+x}$Ge by Fe doping (arXiv)

    37. 2308.11180v1 Broken Kramers’ degeneracy in altermagnetic MnTe (CKim, arXiv)

    38. 2308.11177 Effect of Electron-Phonon Scattering on the Anomalous Hall Conductivity of Fe$_3$Sn: A Kagome Ferromagnetic Metal (arXiv)

    39. 2308.11400 Hamiltonian learning with real-space impurity tomography in topological moire superconductors (arXiv)

    40. 2308.11219 Controlling the 2D magnetism of CrBr$_3$ by van der Waals stacking engineering (Cr, arXiv)

    41. 2308.11014 Stability of a quantum skyrmion: projective measurements and the quantum Zeno effect (arXiv)

    42. PhysRevLett.131.086701 Real-Space Imaging of Triplon Excitations in Engineered Quantum Magnets (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.131.086502 Density of States and Spectral Function of a Superconductor out of a Quantum-Critical Metal (PRL)

    44. 2308.10780 Superfluid weight in the isolated band limit within the generalized random phase approximation (Superfluid weight, arXiv)

    45. 2308.10129 Pressure-induced double-dome superconductivity in kagome metal CsTi3Bi5 (kagome metal , arXiv)

    46. 2308.09925 Fermi Surface Spin Texture and Topological Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Free Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets (BJYang, arXiv)

    47. 2308.09900 Multiple Slater determinants and strong spin-fluctuations as key ingredients of the electronic structure of electron- and hole-doped Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO4)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    48. 2308.10669 Reply to Antipov et al., Microsoft Quantum: "Comme (DLoss, arXiv)

    49. 2308.10663 Spectroscopic evidence of Kondo-induced quasi-quartet in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Ce, arXiv)

    50. 2308.10903 Phase transitions out of quantum Hall states in moir\‘e TMD bilayers (arXiv)

    51. 2308.10535 Two-orbital spin-fermion model study of ferromagnetism in honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    52. 2308.10190 Two-fluid theory of composite bosons and fermions and the quantum Hall proximity effect (arXiv)

    53. 2308.10406 Toward a global phase diagram of the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (LiangFu, arXiv)

    54. 2308.10117 Observation of Giant Band Splitting in Altermagnetic MnTe (altermagnet, arXiv)

    55. 2308.10799 Valley-polarized Exitonic Mott Insulator in WS2/WSe2 Moir\‘e Superlattice (arXiv)

    56. 2308.10774 Magnon-Phonon coupling in Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    57. 2308.10324 Room temperature magnetic phase transition in an electrically-tuned van der Waals ferromagnet (arXiv)

    58. PhysRevB.108.085121 Staggered magnetic flux induced higher-order topological insulators and topological flat bands on the ruby lattice (flatband, PRB)

    59. PhysRevResearch.5.L032022 Pressure-enhanced fractional Chern insulators along a magic line in moire transition metal dichalcogenides (JCano, Physical Review Research)

    60. acsphotonics.3c00558 Topological Charge Constrained Photonic Skyrmion Defects in Split Plasmonic Vortices (skyrmion, ACS Photonics)

    61. apxr.202300054 Topological Phases in Magnonics (topological magnon, Advanced Physics Research)

    62. PhysRevLett.131.089701 Comment on ``Magnetization Compensation Temperature and Frustration-Induced Topological Defects in Ferrimagnetic Antiperovskite ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{4}\mathrm{N}$’’ (PRL)

    63. PhysRevLett.131.089702 Bayaraa, Xu, and Bellaiche Reply: (PRL)

    64. PhysRevLett.131.080401 Quantum Simulation of Topological Zero Modes on a 41-Qubit Superconducting Processor (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.131.086501 Observation of Electronic Strong Correlation in VTe2 sqrt{3} x sqrt{3} Monolayer (PRL)

    66. 2304.13698 Direct observation of N\‘eel-type skyrmions and domain walls in a ferrimagnetic DyCo$_3$ thin film (communications physics, arXiv)

    67. 2308.08418 Lasing, quantum geometry and coherence in non-Hermitian flat bands (arXiv)

    68. acf03c Tunable Dispersion Relations Manipulated by Strain in Skyrmion-based Magnonic Crystals (Chinese Physics B)

    69. JPSJ.92.084704 Theory of Magnetic Vortex Crystals Induced by Electric Dipole Interactions (Mochizuki, JPSJ)

    70. 2308.09707 Majorana zero modes in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides homobilayers (arXiv)

    71. 2308.09698 Correlation Effects and Concomitant Two-Orbital $s_\pm$-Wave Superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under High Pressure (arXiv)

    72. 2308.09335 The geometric theory of low dimensional superconductivity (quantum geometry SC, arXiv)

    73. 2308.09044 High-$T_c$ superconductivity by mobilizing local spin singlets and possible route to higher $T_c$ in pressurized La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    74. 2308.08609 Pair density wave superconductivity: a microscopic model in two dimensions (HongYao, arXiv)

    75. 2308.08606 Two-dimensional altermagnets: A minimal microscopic model (altermagnet, arXiv)

    76. 2308.09528 Simple predictors of $T_c$ in superconducting cuprates reveal role of interactions between effective Wannier orbitals in the $d-p$ 3-band model (arXiv)

    77. 2308.09695 Anomalous Hall effect induced by Berry curvature in topological nodal-line van der Waals ferromagnet Fe$_4$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    78. 2308.09589 Observation of termination-dependent topological connectivity in a magnetic Weyl kagome-lattice (arXiv)

    79. 2308.08771 Surface Instability and Surface Charge Orders in the Kagome Metal TbV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    80. 2308.08734 Strain Tuning Three-state Potts Nematicity in a Correlated Antiferromagnet (Strain, arXiv)

    81. 2308.09702 Non-Abelian quantum Hall states in multi-layer rhombohedral stacked graphene (XGWen, arXiv)

    82. 2308.09636 Critical enhancement of the spin Hall effect by spin fluctuations (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    83. 2308.08976 Visualizing the Localized Electrons of a Kagome Flat Band (arXiv)

    84. 2308.09700 Optical conductivity of tilted higher pseudospin Dirac-Weyl cones (arXiv)

    85. 2308.09282 Reconciling magnetoelectric response and time-reversal symmetry in non-magnetic $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological insulators (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    86. 2308.08837 Orbital Multiferroicity in Pentalayer Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

    87. 2308.08684 Even-Odd-Layer-Dependent Symmetry Breaking in Synthetic Antiferromagnets (Synthetic AFM, arXiv)

    88. 2308.09163 $U(1)$ Defects on Domain Lines (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 3rd week collection
    1. s41567-023-02175-4 Three-dimensional neutron far-field tomography of a bulk skyrmion lattice (skyrmion, Nature Physics)

    2. s41586-023-06275-2 Magneto-optics in a van der Waals magnet tuned by self-hybridized polaritons (Nature)

    3. s41586-023-06226-x Quantum textures of the many-body wavefunctions in magic-angle graphene (Nature)

    4. science.abq6011 Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions (Sachdev, Science)

    5. PhysRevLett.131.076003 dc Josephson Effect in Altermagnets (altermagnet, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.076601 Anomalous Skew-Scattering Nonlinear Hall Effect and Chiral Photocurrents in $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetric Antiferromagnets (AHE, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.076702 Isotropic Spin Hall Effect in an Epitaxial Ferromagnet (PRL)

    8. 2308.08458 Comment on “Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite” (LK99, arXiv)

    9. 2308.08454 Different phase leads to different transport behavior in Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O compounds (LK99, arXiv)

    10. 2308.08248 Quantum geometry in superfluidity and superconductivity (Torma, arXiv)

    11. 2308.08526 Ab-initio Insights on the Fermiology of $d^1$ Transition metals in Honeycomb lattice : Hierarchy of hopping pathways and spin-orbit coupling (honeycomb, arXiv)

    12. 2308.08336 Photoemission Evidence of a Novel Charge Order in Kagome Metal FeGe (FeGe, arXiv)

    13. 2308.08246 Orbital-selective charge-density wave in TaTe$_4$ (arXiv)

    14. 2308.08149 Correlated flat bands in the paramagnetic phase of triangular antiferromagnets Na$_2$BaX(PO$_4$)$_2$ (X = Mn, Co, Ni) (flatband, arXiv)

    15. 2308.08116 Dimensional reduction of Kitaev spin liquid at quantum criticality (arXiv)

    16. 2308.08486 Nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm effect and alternating dispersion of magnons in cone-state ferromagnetic rings (magnon, arXiv)

    17. 2308.08447 Accelerating micromagnetic and atomistic simulations using multiple GPUs (arXiv)

    18. 2308.08207 Promoting $p$-based Hall effects by $p$-$d$-$f$ hybridization in Gd-based dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    19. 2308.08091 Deterministic Spin-Orbit Torque Switching of Mn3Sn with the Interplay between Spin Polarization and Kagome Plane (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    20. 2308.08542 All-optical switching at the two-photon limit with interference-localized states (arXiv)

    21. 2308.08355 Multiple antiferromagnetic phases and magnetic anisotropy in exfoliated CrBr$_3$ multilayers (arXiv)

    22. acs.nanolett.3c02513 Topological Flat Bands in Strained Graphene: Substrate Engineering and Optical Control (flatband, Nano Letters)

    23. PhysRevLett.131.076301 Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations of Helical Edge States (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.131.076801 Why Dissolving Salt in Water Decreases Its Dielectric Permittivity (PRL)

    25. 2308.07408v1 Cu-substituted lead phosphate apatite as an inversion-asymmetric Weyl semimetal (LK99 MFranz, arXiv)

    26. 2308.07888v1 Valley-polarized Josephson Junctions as gate-tunable $0$-$\pi$ qubit platforms (KTLaw, arXiv)

    27. 2308.07482v1 Anharmonic Strong-Coupling Effects at the Origin of the Charge Density Wave in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    28. 2308.07386v1 Trends of electronic structures and $s_{\pm}$-wave pairing for the rare-earth series in bilayer nickelate superconductor $R_ 3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    29. 2308.07383v1 Density-functional description of materials for topological qubits and superconducting spintronics (arXiv)

    30. 2308.07345v1 Metallic states in Pb$_{10}$(PO$_4$)$_6$O induced by the Cu/O-insertions and carrier doping (LK99, arXiv)

    31. 2308.07800v1 Phases and magnetism at microscale in compounds containing nominal Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    32. 2308.07900v1 Thermoelectric response across the semiconductor-semimetal transition in black phosphorus (BP, arXiv)

    33. 2308.07549v1 Topological Phases, Local Magnetic Moments, and Spin Polarization Triggered by C558-Line Defects in Graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    34. 2308.07488v1 Gate-tunable antiferromagnetic Chern insulator in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevLett.131.076701 Disorder-Enriched Magnetic Excitations in a Heisenberg-Kitaev Quantum Magnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.131.076001 Superconducting Proximity Effect and Long-Ranged Triplets in Dirty Metallic Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    37. 2308.07261 No superconductivity in Pb$_9$Cu$_1$(PO$_4$)$_6$O found in orbital and spin fluctuation exchange calculations (LK99, arXiv)

    38. 2308.06875 Doping-dependent superconducting physical quantities of K-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ obtained through infrared spectroscopy (JSHwang, arXiv)

    39. 2308.06684 Entertaining the Possibility of RT Superconductivity in LK-99 (LK99, arXiv)

    40. 2308.06030 Role of higher-order spin interactions in the emergence of chiral magnetic configurations in lithium-decorated monolayer CrTe$_{2}$ (Cr spin model, arXiv)

    41. 2308.06589 On the Experimental Evidence for Possible Superconductivity in LK99 (LK99, arXiv)

    42. 2308.06349 Statistical Material Law Support for Room Temperature Superconductivity in the Lead Apatite System (LK99, arXiv)

    43. 2308.06881 Temperature-dependent $f$-electron evolution in CeCoIn$_5$ via a comparative infrared study with LaCoIn$_5$ (JSHwang, arXiv)

    44. 2308.07295 Cu-doped Pb$_{10}$(PO$_4$)$_6$O, and V doped SrTiO$_3$ – a tutorial on electron-crystal lattice coupling in insulating materials with transition metal dopants (LK99, arXiv)

    45. 2308.06761 Anisotropic Rashba splitting dominated by out-of-plane spin polarization in two-dimensional Janus $XA_{2}Y$ ($A$= Si, Sn, Ge; $X,Y$= Sb, Bi) with surface imperfection (arXiv)

    46. 2308.06716 Novel magnetic topological insulator FeBi$_2$Te$_4$ with controllable topological quantum phase (magnetic TI, arXiv)

    47. 2308.06415 A first-principles study of bilayer 1T’-WTe2/CrI3: A candidate topological spin filter (arXiv)

    48. 2308.06256 Single crystal synthesis, structure, and magnetism of Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    49. 2308.05919 Piezostrain-induced in-plane anisotropy of superconducting transition temperature for FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films (arXiv)

    50. 2308.05791 Transport anomalies in multiband superconductors near quantum critical point (arXiv)

    51. 2308.05786 Ferromagnetism and insulating behavior with a logarithmic temperature dependence of resistivity in $Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\left( PO_4 \right) _6O$ (LK99 HHWen, arXiv)

    52. 2308.05778 Current percolation model for the special resistivity behavior observed in Cu-doped Apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    53. 2308.06222 High-temperature superconductivity induced by the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger electron-phonon coupling (HYao, arXiv)

    54. 2308.06073 Emergent inductance from spin fluctuations in strongly correlated magnets (TOh Nagaosa, arXiv)

    55. 2308.05803 Nature of the current-induced insulator-to-metal transition in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ as revealed by transport-ARPES (arXiv)

    56. 2308.05773 Comment on “Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave State in $1T$-TaS$_2$” (arXiv)

    57. 2308.06068 Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules in 2D magnet: A chemical trend in MCl2 with M=V, Mn, and Ni (arXiv)

    58. 2308.05796 Crystalline-electromagnetic responses of higher order topological semimetals (Hughes, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 2nd week collection
    1. short-spectacular-life-viral-room-temperature-superconductivity-claim The short, spectacular life of that viral room-temperature superconductivity claim (LK99, Science)

    2. science.ade9995 Programming twist angle and strain profiles in 2D materials (Science)

    3. acsnano.3c01038 Gate-Tunable Renormalization of Spin-Correlated Flat-Band States and Bandgap in a 2D Magnetic Insulator (ACS Nano)

    4. PhysRevApplied.20.024025 Montage Operation of Plaquette States in Acoustic Orbital Lattices with Type-III Dirac Points (Physical Review Applied)

    5. PhysRevX.13.031017 Observation of Magnon Bound States in the Long-Range, Anisotropic Heisenberg Model (magnon, PRX)

    6. PhysRevLett.131.060405 Shortest Route to Non-Abelian Topological Order on a Quantum Processor (Vishwanath, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.131.066301 Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Effect and Gate-Switchable Berry Curvature Sliding in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    8. 2308.05686 Anomalous Coherence Length in Superconductors with Quantum Metric (arXiv)

    9. 2308.05528 Wannier functions, minimal model and charge transfer in Pb9CuP6O25 (LK99, arXiv)

    10. 2308.05325 Bosonic spectrum of a correlated multiband system, BaFe1.80Co0.20As2, obtained via infrared spectroscopy (arXiv)

    11. 2308.05290 Planckian behavior of cuprates at the pseudogap critical point simulated via flat electron-boson spectral density (arXiv)

    12. 2308.05285 Fermi liquid-like behaviour of cuprates in the pseudogap phase simulated via T-dependent electron-boson spectral density (arXiv)

    13. 2308.05143 Pb$_9$Cu(PO4)$_6$(OH)$_2$: Phonon bands, Localized Flat Band Magnetism, Models, and Chemical Analysis (LK99 Bernevig, arXiv)

    14. 2308.05134 Ferromagnetic ground state and Spin-orbit coupling induced bandgap open in LK99 (LK99, arXiv)

    15. 2308.05124 Berry curvature and quantum metric in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    16. 2308.05283 Ferromagnetic monolayer with interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: magnon spectrum and effect of quenched disorder (arXiv)

    17. 2308.05155 Universal conductivity at a 2d superconductor-insulator transition: the effects of quenched disorder and Coulomb interaction (arXiv)

    18. 2308.05455 Protocols to measure the non-Abelian Berry phase by pumping a spin qubit through a quantum-dot loop (arXiv)

    19. 2308.05354 Extrinsic higher-order topological corner states in AB-stacked transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    20. s119 AI Learns to Play with a Slinky (Physics)

    21. 2308.05001 Observation of abnormal resistance-temperature behavior along with diamagnetic transition in Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O-based composite (LK99, arXiv)

    22. 2308.04817 Josephson transistor from the superconducting diode effect in domain wall and skyrmion magnetic racetracks (DLoss, arXiv)

    23. 2308.04547 Spin-polarized superconducting phase in semiconducting system with next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    24. 2308.04480 Effective model for Pb9Cu(PO4)6O (LK99 PALee, arXiv)

    25. 2308.04976 Correlated electronic structure of Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO4)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    26. 2308.04815 Competing itinerant and local spin interactions in kagome metal FeGe (arXiv)

    27. 2308.04484 Landau Theory of Altermagnetism (altermagnet, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevLett.131.066702 Instability of Magnetic Skyrmion Strings Induced by Longitudinal Spin Currents (skyrmion, PRL)

    29. s118 Zap with Microwaves to Reverse Spin (Physics)

    30. 2308.04427 Pb_(10-x)Cu_x(PO_4)_6O: a Mott or charge transfer insulator in need of further doping for (super)conductivity (LK99, arXiv)

    31. 2308.04344 Structural, electronic, magnetic properties of Cu-doped lead-apatite Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    32. 2308.04301 Electronic correlations in promising room-temperature superconductor Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O: a DFT+DMFT study (LK99, arXiv)

    33. 2308.03948 High Temperature Superconductivity with Strong Correlations and Disorder: Possible Relevance to Cu-doped Apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    34. 2308.03836 Edge states of 2D time-reversal-invariant topological superconductors with strong interactions and disorder: A view from the lattice (arXiv)

    35. 2308.03835 Emergence of nodal Bogoliubov quasiparticles across the transition from the pseudogap metal to the d-wave superconductor (arXiv)

    36. 2308.04128 Optical Manipulation of the Charge Density Wave state in RbV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    37. 2308.03895 Chirality manipulation of ultrafast phase switchings in a correlated CDW-Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

    38. 2308.03899 Charge Polarization around Impurities in Strained Graphene (Strained Graphene, arXiv)

    39. 2308.03993 Perpendicular electronic transport and moire-induced resonance in twisted interfaces of 3D graphite (arXiv)

    40. PhysRevLett.131.061601 All-Order Coulomb Corrections to Delbruck Scattering above the Pair-Production Threshold (PRL)

    41. 2308.03544 Absence of superconductivity in LK-99 at ambient conditions (LK99, arXiv)

    42. 2308.03454 Metallization and Spin Fluctuations in Cu-doped Lead Apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    43. 2308.03218 The Cu induced ultraflat band in the room-temperature superconductor Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O$_4$ ($x=0,0.5$) (LK99 CJia,arXiv)

    44. 2308.03110 Ferromagnetic half levitation of LK-99-like synthetic samples (LK99 half levitation, arXiv)

    45. 2308.02547 $d$-mon: transmon with strong anharmonicity (arXiv)

    46. 2308.03691 Possible ferroic properties of copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite (LK99 symmetry, arXiv)

    47. 2308.03751 Tight-binding models for SG 143 (P3) and application to recent DFT results on copper-doped lead apatite (LK99 TB, arXiv)

    48. 2308.03681 Analytic density of states of two-dimensional Chern insulator (arXiv)

    49. 2308.03309 Exciton-spin interactions in antiferromagnetic charge-transfer insulators (arXiv)

    50. 2308.03168 Breakdown of Chiral Edge Modes in Topological Magnon Insulators (arXiv)

    51. 2308.03143 Magic Angles and Fractional Chern Insulators in Twisted Homobilayer TMDs (arXiv)

    52. 2308.03074 Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior of the $t$-$J$ Model in the Strange Metal Phase: $U(1)$ Gauge Theory with Local Constraints (arXiv)

    53. 2308.02657 Observation of Fractionally Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect (arXiv)

    54. 2308.03551 Quasicrystalline Nanocrystal Superlattice with Partial Matching Rules (arXiv)

    55. 2308.03054 Spatially correlated classical and quantum noise in driven qubits: The good, the bad, and the ugly (DLoss, arXiv)

    56. PhysRevX.13.031015 Observation of First-Order Quantum Phase Transitions and Ferromagnetism in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene (PRX)

    57. PhysRevLett.131.066401 Coherent-Phonon-Driven Intervalley Scattering and Rabi Oscillation in Multivalley 2D Materials (PRL)

    58. 2308.02475 Lifshitz transition enabling superconducting dome around the quantum critical point in TiSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    59. 2308.02469 S-wave pairing in a two-orbital t-J model on triangular lattice: possible application to Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (Hanbit YHZhang LK99 model, arXiv)

    60. 2308.01932 Investigation on Machine Learning Based Approaches for Estimating the Critical Temperature of Superconductors (arXiv)

    61. 2308.01943 Beyond Kitaev physics in strong spin-orbit coupled magnets (arXiv)

    62. 2308.01997 The correlated insulators of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene at zero and one quantum of magnetic flux: a tight-binding study (arXiv)

    63. 2308.02406 Coherent spin qubit shuttling through germanium quantum dots (arXiv)

    64. 2308.02336 Anisotropy of the spin Hall effect in a Dirac ferromagnet (arXiv)

    65. 2308.02130 Spin-valley locking in Kekul\‘e-distorted graphene with Dirac-Rashba interactions (arXiv)

    66. 2308.02372 Strongly Anisotropic Spin and Orbital Rashba Effect at a Tellurium - Noble Metal Interface (orbital Rashba, arXiv)

    67. 2308.02189 Spin pumping effect in non-Fermi liquid metals (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 1st week collection
    1. s41467-023-40335-5 Topological solitonic macromolecules (Nature Communications)

    2. PhysRevLett.131.056001 Topological Superconductivity in Doped Magnetic Moir\‘e Semiconductors (JCano, PRL)

    3. adfm.202303133 Identifying and Exploring Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions (Advanced Functional Materials)

    4. PhysRevB.108.064202 Strange metal phase of disordered magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene at low temperatures: From flat bands to weakly coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev bundles (PRB)

    5. 2308.01494 Polarity of the fermionic condensation in the $p$-wave Kitaev model on a square lattice (arXiv)

    6. 2308.01711 Flavor-wave theory with quasiparticle damping at finite temperatures: Application to chiral edge modes in the Kitaev model (arXiv)

    7. 2308.01484 Revival of antibiskyrmionic magnetic phases in bilayer NiI$_2$ (antibiskyrmion, arXiv)

    8. 2308.01349 Topological magnon-photon interaction for cavity magnonics (arXiv)

    9. PhysRevLett.131.059601 Comment on ``Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave State in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$’’ (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.059602 Shin et al. Reply: (PRL)

    11. 2308.01315 Minimal model for the flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    12. 2308.01307 Broad Band Mott Localization is all you need for Hot Superconductivity: Atom Mott Insulator Theory for Cu-Pb Apatite (LK99, arXiv)

    13. 2308.01229 Electron-hole asymmetry in the phase diagram of carrier-tuned CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    14. 2308.01176 Minimal effective model and possible high-$T_{c}$ mechanism for superconductivity of La${3}$Ni${2}$O$_{7}$ under high pressure (arXiv)

    15. 2308.01081 Magnetization control of the nematicity direction and nodal points in a superconducting doped topological insulator (arXiv)

    16. 2308.00930 Searching for Majorana quasiparticles at vortex cores in iron-based superconductors (arXiv)

    17. 2308.01079 Crossover of $h/e$ and $h/2e$ oscillations in chiral edge-channel Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    18. 2308.01021 Quantized Thermal Hall Conductance and the Topological Phase Diagram of a Superconducting Bismuth Bilayer (arXiv)

    19. 2308.00748 Quadratic Dirac fermions and the competition of ordered states in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    20. 2308.01291 Annealing tunable charge density wave order in a magnetic kagome material FeGe (arXiv)

    21. 2308.00827 Interaction-driven (quasi-) insulating ground states of gapped electron-doped bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    22. 2308.00825 Strong-coupling phases of trions and excitons in electron-hole bilayers at commensurate densities (arXiv)

    23. 2308.00760 Manipulating Topological Quantum Phase Transitions of Kitaev’s Quantum Spin Liquids with Electric Fields (EGMoon, arXiv)

    24. 2308.01183 Universal conductance fluctuations in a MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ thin film (arXiv)

    25. 2308.00933 Light Driven Spontaneous Phonon Chirality and Magnetization in Paramagnets (arXiv)

    26. 2308.00676 Electronic structure of the putative room-temperature superconductor Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

    27. 2308.00248 Gapless superconducting state and mirage gap in altermagnets (arXiv)

    28. 2308.00324 H-wave – A Python package for the Hartree-Fock approximation and the random phase approximation (arXiv)

    29. 2308.00045 Large circular photocurrent in non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi (arXiv)

    30. 2308.00234 Multipiezo effect in altermagnetic V2SeTeO monolayer (arXiv)

    31. 2307.14542 Symmetry of the emergent inductance tensor exhibited by magnetic textures (arXiv)

    32. 2307.16697 Electron correlations and superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under pressure tuning (arXiv)

    33. 2307.15784 Superconducting-Spin Reorientation in Spin-Triplet Multiple Superconducting Phases of UTe2 (arXiv)

    34. 2307.16853 Spin-frame field theory of a three-sublattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    35. 2307.16038 Ancilla wavefunctions of Mott insulator and pseudogap metal through quantum teleportation (arXiv)

    36. 2307.15828 Epitaxial Kagome Thin Films as a Platform for Topological Flat Bands (arXiv)

    37. 2307.16827 Nonlinearity-induced topological phase transition characterized by the nonlinear Chern number (arXiv)

    38. 2307.15923 Charge-Spin Conversion in Two-Subband Quantum Wells with Conventional and Unconventional Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    39. 2307.16025 Swapping exchange and spin-orbit induced correlated phases in ex-so-tic van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    40. 2307.15769 Magnetic Antiskyrmions in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Magnets Engineered by Layer Stacking (arXiv)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.056401 Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Detection of the N\‘eel Vector for Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spintronics (PRL)

    42. 2307.15162 Majorana bound states in d-wave superconductor planar Josephson junction (majorana, arXiv)

    43. 2307.15706 Type II t-J model and shared antiferromagnetic spin coupling from Hund’s rule in superconducting La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (Hanbit YHZhang, arXiv)

    44. 2307.15654 Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits (arXiv)

    45. 2307.15680 Crossover from Non-Fermi-Liquid to Pseudogap Behavior in the Spectral of Local Impurity in Power-Law Diverging Multichannel Kondo Model (kondo, arXiv)

    46. 2307.15652 Spin Hall conductivity in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model at finite temperature (Tremblay, arXiv)

    47. 2307.15392 Electronic structure and lattice dynamics of 1T-VSe$_2$: origin of the 3D-CDW (VSe2, arXiv)

    48. 2307.15119 Nematic metal in a multi-valley electron gas: Variational Monte Carlo analysis and application to AlAs (nematic metal, arXiv)

    49. 2307.15603 Nonlinear optical diode effect in a magnetic Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

    50. 2307.15319 Compact Localized States in Electric Circuit Flatband Lattices (flatband CLS, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 5 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 5th week collection
    1. science.add1969 Observation of universal Hall response in strongly interacting Fermions (Science)

    2. RT-AP-SC A spectacular superconductor claim is making news. Heres why experts are doubtful (Room Temperautre Ambient Pressure SC, Science)

    3. s41535-023-00569-4 Giant Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, strong XXZ-type biquadratic coupling, and bimeronic excitations in the two-dimensional CrMnI6 magnet (npj Quantum Materials)

    4. PhysRevX.13.031011 Are There Universal Signatures of Topological Phases in High-Harmonic Generation? Probably Not. (PRX)

    5. PhysRevLett.131.046402 Nematic Excitonic Insulator in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moir\‘e Heterobilayers (DasSarma excitonic insulator, PRL)

    6. advs.202303443 Controllable Skyrmionic Phase Transition between Neel Skyrmions and Bloch Skyrmionic Bubbles in van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3-GeTe2 (Advanced Science)

    7. PhysRevB.108.014509 Higher-order topological superconductivity in monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ from repulsive interactions (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.108.045138 Origin of the magic angle in twisted bilayer graphene from hybridization of valence and conduction bands (PRB)

    9. 2307.14965 Interlayer coupling driven high-temperature superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under pressure (CongjunWu, arXiv)

    10. 2307.14819 High-temperature superconductivity with zero-resistance and strange metal behavior in La${3}$Ni${2}$O$_{7}$ (nickelate, arXiv)

    11. 2307.14838 Topological superconductivity with large Chern numbers in a ferromagnetic metal-superconductor heterostructure (arXiv)

    12. 2307.14533 Electromagnon excitations in high temperature superconducting states (arXiv)

    13. 2307.14835 Frustration-Induced Superconductivity in the $t$-$t’$ Hubbard Model (arXiv)

    14. 2307.14627 Preparation of Entangled Many-Body States with Machine Learning (EGMoon, arXiv)

    15. 2307.14974 Higher-order Topological Insulators and Semimetals in Three Dimensions without Crystalline Counterparts (YongXu, arXiv)

    16. 2307.14960 Spectroscopy and topological properties of a Haldane light system (arXiv)

    17. 2307.14771 Emerging topological bound states in Haldane model zigzag nanoribbons (arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.131.046601 Zeeman Field-Induced Two-Dimensional Weyl Semimetal Phase in Cadmium Arsenide (PRL)

    19. JPSJ.92.081008 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Multiferroics and Noncentrosymmetric Skyrmion Hosts (DMI, JPSJ)

    20. 2307.13993 Normal state quantum geometry and superconducting domes in (111) oxide interfaces (quantum geometry STO, arXiv)

    21. 2307.13990 Inter-orbital Cooper pairing at finite energies in Rashba surface states (SBlugel, arXiv)

    22. 2307.14258 Floquet engineering of the Lifshitz phase transition in the Hubbard model (arXiv)

    23. 2307.14196 Topological Insulators (YAndo, arXiv)

    24. 2307.14254 Deconfined pseudocriticality in a model spin-1 quantum antiferromagnet (spin-1 QCP, arXiv)

    25. 2307.14248 Criteria and analytical results for the Pseudogap at the Van Hove point in two dimensions (VHS, arXiv)

    26. 2307.13725 Unconventional spin transport in strongly correlated kagome systems (kagome, arXiv)

    27. s104 From Crystal to Nanowire (Physics)

    28. PhysRevMaterials.7.076002 Stability and magnetic behavior of exfoliable nanowire one-dimensional materials (Physical Review Materials)

    29. 2307.13312 Higher-order topological superconductor phases in a multilayer system (arXiv)

    30. 2307.13030 Superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene: possible pairing symmetries, impurity-induced states and Chern number (arXiv)

    31. 2307.13534 Charge fluctuations in the intermediate-valence ground state of SmCoIn$_5$ (arXiv)

    32. 2307.13688 Correlated insulator in two Coulomb-coupled quantum wires (arXiv)

    33. 2307.13562 How massless are Weyl fermions in Weyl semimetals? (arXiv)

    34. 2307.13031 Supersymmetry on the honeycomb lattice: resonating charge stripes, superfrustration, and domain walls (graphene, arXiv)

    35. 2307.13388 Unusual band evolution and persistence of topological surface states in high-T_C magnetic topological insulator (arXiv)

    36. 2307.13651 Pseudo-spin model of argentophilicity in honeycomb bilayered materials (arXiv)

    37. 2307.13414 Spin waves in bilayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    38. 2307.13400 Tuning the magnetic properties in MPS3 (M = Mn, Fe, and Ni) by proximity-induced Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interactions (arXiv)

    39. 2307.13378 Weyl phonons in chiral crystals (SMurakami, arXiv)

    40. PhysRevX.13.031010 No Nematicity at the Onset Temperature of the Pseudogap Phase in the Cuprate Superconductor ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{y}$ (Taillefer, PRX)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.047101 Two-Dimensional Crystals far from Equilibrium (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.131.049701 Comment on ``Anisotropic Scattering Caused by Apical Oxygen Vacancies in Thin Films of Overdoped High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors’’ (cuprate, PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.131.049702 Wang et al. Reply: (cuprate, PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.131.046401 Flat $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ Moir\‘e Bands in Twisted Bilayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (flatband, PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.131.046801 Lamellar Fluctuations Melt Ferroelectricity (STO QCP, PRL)

    46. 124 Two-Dimensional Crystal Found in a Nonequilibrium System (Physics)

    47. 2307.12861 Unconventional superconductivity protected from disorder on the kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv)

    48. 2307.12610 Lattice dynamics in the intermetallic LaFeSi and the derived superconducting compounds LaFeSiH and LaFeSiO (arXiv)

    49. 2307.12961 Doping Dependence of the in-Plane Transition in Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (arXiv)

    50. 2307.12733 Evidence of Charge-Phonon coupling in Van der Waals materials Ni1-xZnxPS3 (arXiv)

    51. 2307.12295 Spin-Peierls instability of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid (Dirac spin liquid, arXiv)

    52. 2307.12269 The electronic structure of intertwined kagome, honeycomb, and triangular sublattices of the intermetallics MCo$_2$Al$_9$ (arXiv)

    53. 2307.12205 Observation of spin polarons in a frustrated moire Hubbard system (Moire spin, arXiv)

    54. 2307.11979 Magnetism and superconductivity in doped triangular-lattice Mott insulators (arXiv)

    55. 2307.11843 Frustrated charge order and cooperative distortions in ScV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    56. 2307.11810 Complex magnetic and spatial symmetry breaking from correlations in kagome flat bands (kagome, arXiv)

    57. 2307.12380 Topological transition from nodal to nodeless Zeeman splitting in altermagnets (arXiv)

    58. 2307.12880 Harmonic to anharmonic tuning of moir\‘e potential leading to unconventional Stark effect and giant dipolar repulsion in WS$_2$/WSe$_2$ heterobilayer (arXiv)

    59. 2307.12528 Quantum Geometry and Landau Levels of Quadratic Band Crossing Points (BJYang, arXiv)

    60. 2307.12366 Spin Space Group Theory and Unconventional Magnons in Collinear Magnets (arXiv)

    61. 128 Error Rate Reduced for Scalable Quantum Technology (Physics)

    62. 2307.11338 Pairing Symmetries of Unconventional High Temperature Superconductivity in a Zinc-Blende Structure (arXiv)

    63. 2307.11560 Symmetry Analysis with Spin Crystallographic Groups: Disentangling Spin-Orbit-Free Effects in Emergent Electromagnetism (HWatanabe, arXiv)

    64. 2307.11370 Plasmon excitations across the charge-density-wave transition in single layer TiSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    65. 2307.11190 Filling-induced Mott transition and pseudogap physics in the triangular lattice Hubbard model (Tremblay, arXiv)

    66. 2307.11737 Signature of nodal topology in nonlinear quantum transport across junctions in Weyl and multi-Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    67. 2307.11697 Electronic and Spin-Orbit Properties of hBN Encapsulated Bilayer Graphene (Fabian, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 4th week collection
    1. s41567-023-02120-5 Asymmetric slow dynamics of the skyrmion lattice in MnSi (Nature Physics)

    2. PhysRevX.13.031008 Non-Abelian Floquet Spin Liquids in a Digital Rydberg Simulator (PRX)

    3. PhysRevLett.131.036504 Multiorbital Nature of Doped ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (doped-iridates, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.131.036505 Detecting Emergent Continuous Symmetries at Quantum Criticality (PRL)

    5. 2307.09431 Metallic quantum criticality enabled by flat bands in a kagome lattice (kagome QCP JCano Qimiao, arXiv)

    6. 2307.09993 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bands in a self-assembled kagome lattice of magnetic molecules (kagome Shiba lattice, arXiv)

    7. 2307.09791 Superconductivity with Wannier-Stark Flat Bands (flat, arXiv)

    8. 2307.09500 Exact hole-induced $SU(N)$ flavor-singlets in certain $U=\infty$ $SU(N)$ Hubbard models (katsura, arXiv)

    9. 2307.09957 Mean field approach plus the Bethe ansatz solution of one dimensional models of Kondo insulator (kondo, arXiv)

    10. 2307.10809 A comparative study of the superconductivity in the Holstein and optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models (SSH Holstein model, arXiv)

    11. 2307.10723 Superconductivity Induced Ferromagnetism In The Presence of Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    12. 2307.10377 Spontaneous orbital polarization in the nematic phase of FeSe (nmat, arXiv)

    13. 2307.10613 Double exchange, itinerant ferromagnetism and topological Hall effect in moir\‘{e} heterobilayer (arXiv)

    14. 2307.10444 Checkerboard bubble lattice formed by octuple-period quadruple-$Q$ spin density waves (Hayami, arXiv)

    15. 2307.10565 Triple-Well Charge Density Wave Transition Driven by Partially Occupied Ge Electronic States in Kagome FeGe (FeGe kagome, arXiv)

    16. 2307.11068 Machine learning Majorana nanowire disorder landscape (DasSarma, arXiv)

    17. 2307.10364 Spin Space Groups: Full Classification and Applications (arXiv)

    18. 2307.10686 Layer thickness crossover of type-II multiferroic magnetism in NiI2 (NiI2, arXiv)

    19. 2307.10359 Pseudo-fermion functional renormalization group for spin models (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.131.036701 Realistic Spin Model for Multiferroic ${\mathrm{NiI}}_{2}$ (NiI2, PRL)

    21. 2307.09686 Uniform and Staggered electric axial moment in zigzag chain (arXiv)

    22. 2307.09506 Flat-band spin density wave in twisted bilayer materials (arXiv)

    23. 2307.10150 Direct observation of chiral edge current at zero magnetic field in odd-layer MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

    24. 2307.10024 Observation of Kekul\‘e vortices induced in graphene by hydrogen adatoms (graphene, arXiv)

    25. 2307.09960 Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene under orthogonal and in-plane magnetic fields (arXiv)

    26. 2307.09937 Electrical detection of the flat band dispersion in van der Waals field-effect structures (flat, arXiv)

    27. 2307.09808 Observation of large intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in polycrystalline Mn3Sn films (arXiv)

    28. 2307.09690 Fast Fourier-Chebyshev approach to real-space simulations of the Kubo formula (arXiv)

    29. 2307.09528 Controllable Creation of Skyrmion Bags in a Ferromagnetic Nanodisk (arXiv)

    30. 2307.10012 Drude weight and the many-body quantum metric in one-dimensional Bose systems (Torma, arXiv)

    31. s101 Exciton Ensembles Manifest Coherence (Physics)

    32. 2307.09335 Electron spin resonance study on the 4f honeycomb quantum magnet YbCl3 (arXiv)

    33. 2307.08731 Twice Hidden String Order and Competing Phases in the Spin-1/2 Kitaev-Gamma Ladder (arXiv)

    34. 2307.09300 Giant anisotropic band flattening from moir\‘e engineering in $\Gamma$ valley semiconductors (arXiv)

    35. 2307.09215 Lecture Notes on Generalized Symmetries and Applications (arXiv)

    36. 2307.09299 Analog of cosmological particle production in moir\‘e Dirac materials (arXiv)

    37. 2307.09280 Vibrational dichroism of chiral valley phonons (arXiv)

    38. 2307.08754 Topological properties of a non-Hermitian quasi-one-dimensional chain with a flat band (arXiv)

    39. PhysRevLett.131.036503 Engineering SYK Interactions in Disordered Graphene Flakes under Realistic Experimental Conditions (PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.131.036301 Probing Momentum-Dependent Scattering in Uniaxially Stressed ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ through the Hall Effect (PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.036901 In-Plane Electric-Field-Induced Orbital Hybridization of Excitonic States in Monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    42. 2307.07990 Long-ranged charge order conspired by magnetism and lattice in an antiferromagnetic Kagome metal (arXiv)

    43. 2307.08676 Magnetotransport in Weyl semimetal WTe2 single crystal (arXiv)

    44. 2307.08017 Emergent electric field from magnetic resonances in a one-dimensional chiral magnet (arXiv)

    45. 2307.08000 Magnetic-domain-dependent pseudogap induced by Fermi surface nesting in a centrosymmetric skyrmion magnet (arXiv)

    46. 2307.07795 Planar Hall effect and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Thin Films of Chiral Antiferromagnet Mn3Sn (arXiv)

    47. 2307.08659 Strain-induced Aharonov-Bohm effect at nanoscale and ground state of a carbon nanotube with zigzag edges (arXiv)

    48. 2307.08645 Nonlinear planar magnetotransport due to tilted Dirac cones in topological materials (arXiv)

    49. 2307.08419 Slonczewski-spin-current driven dynamics of 180$^{\circ}$ domain walls in spin valves with interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv)

    50. 2307.07835 Role of isotropic and anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on skyrmions, merons and antiskyrmions in the $C_{nv}$ symmetric system (arXiv)

    51. 2307.07202v1 Linear and non-linear current response in disordered d-wave superconductors (arXiv)

    52. 2307.07159 Excitonic topological order in imbalanced electron-hole bilayers (arXiv)

    53. 2307.07253 Frustration-induced magnetic bimerons in transition metal halide CoX2 (X = Cl, Br) monolayers (bimeron, arXiv)

    54. 2307.06997 Dynamic twisting and imaging of moire crystals (arXiv)

    55. 2307.07447 Dynamical simulation of the injection of vortices into a Majorana edge mode (majorana, arXiv)

    56. 2307.07408 Hydrodynamic Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional systems with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (Rashba, arXiv)

    57. 2307.06001 Spin-polarized correlated insulator in monolayer MoTe2-x (flat, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 3rd week collection
    1. s41567-023-02121-4 Observation of the orbital inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect (OAM, Nature Physics)

    2. science.abn3445 The central role of density functional theory in the AI age (Science)

    3. science.adf1506 Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnetic heterostructure (Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect, Science)

    4. science.adh5315 Quantum vortices of strongly interacting photons (Science)

    5. s41586-023-06095-4 Quantum-enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo (Nature)

    6. d41586-023-02176-6 A fast quantum route to random numbers (Nature)

    7. s41586-023-06129-x Linear-in-temperature resistivity for optimally superconducting (Nd,Sr)NiO2 (Nature)

    8. s41586-023-06097-2 Single-electron spin resonance detection by microwave photon counting (Nature)

    9. 2307.06365 Building crystalline topological superconductors from Shiba lattices (Nature Physics)

    10. PhysRevX.13.031005 Quantized Charge Polarization as a Many-Body Invariant in $(2+1)\mathrm{D}$ Crystalline Topological States and Hofstadter Butterflies (PRX)

    11. PhysRevLett.131.026902 Two-Dimensional Terahertz Spectroscopy of Nonlinear Phononics in the Topological Insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRL)

    12. 201aa4435925 quantum computer with phonon (medium)

    13. 2307.06806 Flat bands promoted by Hund’s rule coupling in the candidate double-layer high-temperature superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    14. 2307.06444 Dynamics of electronic states in the Intermediate phase of 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv)

    15. 2307.06371 Haldane phases and phase diagrams of the S = 3/2, 1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on the orthogonal dimer chain (arXiv)

    16. 2307.06366 Two-dimension to three-dimension transition of chiral spin liquid and fractional quantum Hall phases (arXiv)

    17. PhysRevLett.131.026901 Optical Control of Slow Topological Electrons in Moire Systems (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.131.027001 Ubiquitous Superconducting Diode Effect in Superconductor Thin Films (PRL)

    19. 122 A More Efficient Superconducting Diode (Physics)

    20. 2307.06045 Microwave conductivity due to impurity scattering in cuprate superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

    21. 2307.05904 Twofold Symmetry Observed in Bi2Te3/FeTe Interfacial Superconductor (arXiv)

    22. 2307.05671 Hourglass-Like Spin Excitation in a Doped Mott Insulator (arXiv)

    23. 2307.06316 Anisotropic in-plane heat transport of Kitaev magnet Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ (heat transport, arXiv)

    24. 2307.06264 Realizing a tunable honeycomb lattice in ABBA-stacked twisted double bilayer WSe$_2$ (EAKim, arXiv)

    25. 2307.05676 Mott insulators in moire transition metal dichalcogenides at fractional fillings: Slave-rotor mean-field theory (LBalents, arXiv)

    26. 2307.05733 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, Neel skyrmions and V$_4$ magnetic clusters in multiferroic lacunar spinel GaV$_4$S$_8$ (DMI, arXiv)

    27. 2307.06273 Spintronics in 2D graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    28. 2307.06201 Chirality-controlled spin scattering through quantum interference (arXiv)

    29. 2307.05678 A fermion-parity qubit in a proximitized double quantum dot (arXiv)

    30. 2307.06230 Tuning the Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect by Charge Density Wave Order in Topological Kagome Metals (arXiv)

    31. 2307.05990 Emergent zero-field anomalous Hall effect in a reconstructedrutileantiferromagnetic metal (altermagnet, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevLett.131.026701 Tunable van Hove Singularity without Structural Instability in Kagome Metal ${\mathrm{CsTi}}{3}{\mathrm{Bi}}{5}$ (kagome, PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.131.023202 Topological Microlaser with a Non-Hermitian Topological Bulk (Bulk-Boundary, PRL)

    34. 2307.05024 Physical origin of color changes in lutetium hydride under pressure (arXiv)

    35. 2307.05009 Enhancement of Superconductivity in the Fibonacci Chain (arXiv)

    36. 2307.05477 Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene in the presence of a weak magnetic field (DasSarma, arXiv)

    37. 2307.05336 Microwave hinge states in a simple-cubic-lattice photonic crystal insulator (arXiv)

    38. PhysRevLett.131.026501 Kondo Lattice Model in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (graphene, PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.131.026502 Kondo Lattice Model of Magic-Angle Twisted-Bilayer Graphene: Hund’s Rule, Local-Moment Fluctuations, and Low-Energy Effective Theory (graphene, PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.131.026601 Emergence of the Chern Supermetal and Pair-Density Wave through Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in the Haldane-Hubbard Model (PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.131.026001 Superconductivity beyond the Conventional Pauli Limit in High-Pressure ${\mathrm{CeSb}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    42. PhysRevB.108.014408 Unconventional skyrmions in an interfacial frustrated triangular lattice (skyrmion, PRB)

    43. 2307.03954 Magnon influence on the superconducting DOS in FI/S bilayers (arXiv)

    44. 2307.03931 Robust anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic metal under high pressure (arXiv)

    45. 2307.03861 Spectroscopic evidence for topological band structure in FeTe${0.55}$Se${0.45}$ (arXiv)

    46. 2307.03773 The topological Kondo model out of equilibrium (arXiv)

    47. 2307.04750 Quantum oscillations with topological phases in a kagome metal CsTi$_3$Bi$_5$ (BinghaiYan, arXiv)

    48. 2307.04352 Phase Diagram and Crossover Phases of Topologically Ordered Graphene Zigzag Nanoribbons: Role of Localization Effects (arXiv)

    49. 2307.04307 Weyl semimetallic state in the Rashba-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    50. 2307.03793 Weak-Coupling Theory of Neutron Scattering as a Probe of Altermagnetism (Altermagnetism, arXiv)

    51. 2307.03776 Double-$Q$ spin chirality stripes in the anomalous Hall antiferromagnet CoNb$_3$S$_6$ (double-Q, arXiv)

    52. 2307.04176 Electron-phonon driven charge density wave in CuTe (arXiv)

    53. 2307.04174 Strongly interacting 2D electron systems: Evidence for enhanced 1D edge-channel coupling (arXiv)

    54. 2307.04605 Moire-enabled artificial topological superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Lado, arXiv)

    55. 2307.04334 Quasicrystalline second-order topological semimetals (Quasicrystalline, arXiv)

    56. 2307.04170 Correlation-induced symmetry-broken states in large-angle twisted bilayer graphene on MoS2 (graphene, arXiv)

    57. 2307.03876 Revealing intrinsic domains and fluctuations of moire magnetism by a wide-field quantum microscope (moire magnetism, arXiv)

    58. 2307.03866 Ultrathin films of black phosphorus as suitable platforms for unambiguous observation of the orbital Hall effect (phosphorus, arXiv)

    59. 2307.03772 Effects of anisotropy on the high field magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    60. 2307.03314 Photoinduced Anomalous Supercurrent Hall Effect (Supercurrent Hall Effect, arXiv)

    61. 2307.03731 Verification of Onsager reciprocal relation between anomalous transverse coefficients of an anisotropic antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    62. 2307.03658 The PointGroupNRG code for numerical renormalization group calculations with discrete point-group symmetries (python, arXiv)

    63. 2307.03545 Quantum spin liquid in the easy-axis Heisenberg model on frustrated lattices (arXiv)

    64. 2307.03361 Interacting topological magnons in a checkerboard ferromagnet (topological magnons, arXiv)

    65. 2307.03490 Orbitronics: Light-induced Orbit Currents in Terahertz Emission Experiments (arXiv)

    66. 2307.03392 Microscopic analysis of relaxation behavior in nonlinear optical conductivity of graphene (arXiv)

    67. 2307.03367 Valley-Selective Phonon-Magnon Scattering in Magnetoelastic Superlattices (arXiv)

    68. 2307.03541 Observation of the anomalous Hall effect in a layered polar semiconductor (arXiv)

    69. 2307.03414 Magnetically and electrically controllable valley splittings in MXene monolayers (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 2nd week collection
    1. annurev-matsci-080921-110002 Design Principles for Noncentrosymmetric Materials (annurev)

    2. s41586-023-05967-z Orbital Fulde Ferrell Larkin Ovchinnikov state in an Ising superconductor (Nature)

    3. PhysRevLett.131.016001 Orbital Fulde-Ferrell Pairing State in Moir\‘e Ising Superconductors (orbital FFLO KTLaw, PRL)

    4. s41586-023-06101-9 Observation of the orbital Hall effect in a light metal Ti (HWLee, Nature)

    5. s41467-023-39103-2 Spin current driven by ultrafast magnetization of FeRh (HWLee, Nature Communications)

    6. d41586-023-02072-z First light on orbitronics as a viable alternative to electronics (Nature)

    7. s41586-023-06065-w Excitonic topological order in imbalanced electron hole bilayers (Nature)

    8. s41586-023-06082-9 Liquid metal for high-entropy alloy nanoparticles synthesis (Nature)

    9. 2303.11688 Helitronics for classical and unconventional computing (Helitronics, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevLett.131.013804 Photonic Realization of a Generic Type of Graphene Edge States Exhibiting Topological Flat Band (graphene, PRL)

    11. s100 Giving Graphene a New Edge (Physics)

    12. 2307.01851 Boundary Flat Bands with Topological Spin Textures Protected by Sub-chiral Symmetry (flatband, arXiv)

    13. 5.0153349 Spin textures in synthetic antiferromagnets: Challenges, opportunities, and future directions (APL Materials)

    14. PhysRevLett.131.016901 High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Studies of CsV3Sb5: Tests for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking below the Charge-Order Transition (kagome, PRL)

    15. 2307.03031 Mirror-protected Majorana zero modes in $f$-wave multilayer graphene superconductors (arXiv)

    16. 2307.02989 Pressure-induced superconductivity in the van der Waals semiconductor violet phosphorus (arXiv)

    17. 2307.02685 The Kibble-Zurek Scenario and Coarsening Across Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Driven Vortices and Skyrmions (arXiv)

    18. 2307.02942 Tunable magnetism and electron correlation in Titanium-based Kagome metals RETi3Bi4 (RE = Yb, Pr, and Nd) by rare-earth engineering (arXiv)

    19. 2307.02528 Phenomenology of bond and flux orders in kagome metals (arXiv)

    20. 2307.03178 Engineering non-Hermitian Second Order Topological Insulator in Quasicrystals (arXiv)

    21. 2307.02940 Electrostatically-induced strain of graphene on GaN nanorods (arXiv)

    22. 2307.02872 Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in a bilayer system with Rashba interaction (arXiv)

    23. 2307.02668 Monopole-like orbital-momentum locking and the induced orbital transport in topological chiral semimetals (arXiv)

    24. PhysRevX.13.031001 Creation of Optical Cat and GKP States Using Shaped Free Electrons (PRX)

    25. PhysRevLett.131.013801 General Bound States in the Continuum in Momentum Space (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.131.016002 Pair Density Waves from Local Band Geometry (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.131.016301 $T$-Square Dependence of the Electronic Thermal Resistivity of Metallic Strontium Titanate (PRL)

    28. 2307.01976 Fragile superconductivity in a Dirac metal (LaCuSb2, arXiv)

    29. 2307.01261 Josephson diode effects in twisted nodal superconductors (MFranz, arXiv)

    30. 2307.02360 Emergent nearest-neighbor attraction in the fully renormalized interactions of the single-band repulsive Hubbard model at weak coupling (arXiv)

    31. 2307.01855 Dynamic paramagnon-polarons in altermagnets (altermagnets, arXiv)

    32. 2307.01364 Quadrupole moments and their interactions in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet FeI$_2$ (GChen, arXiv)

    33. 2307.02058 Glass-like thermal conductivity and narrow insulating gap of EuTiO$_3$ (Behnia, arXiv)

    34. 2307.01913 From Edge State Physics to Entanglement Spectrum: Studying Interactions and Impurities in Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators (Entanglement Spectrum, arXiv)

    35. 2307.01851 Boundary Flat Bands with Topological Spin Textures Protected by Sub-chiral Symmetry (flat, arXiv)

    36. 2307.01757 A magnetically-induced Coulomb gap in graphene due to electron-electron interactions (graphene, arXiv)

    37. 2307.01752 Controlling electric and magnetic Purcell effects in phosphorene via strain engineering (phosphorene, arXiv)

    38. 2307.01213 Polar coherent states in bilayer graphene under a constant uniform magnetic field (graphene, arXiv)

    39. PhysRevLett.131.016201 Tunable Interband Transitions in Twisted $h\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{BN}/\text{Graphene}$ Heterostructures (hBN graphene, PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.131.016202 Oscillation of Electronic-Band-Gap Size Induced by Crystalline Symmetry Change in Ultrathin PbTe Films (PRL)

    41. 2307.01042 A unique van Hove singularity in kagome superconductor CsV$_{3-x}$Ta$_x$Sb$_5$ with enhanced superconductivity (kagome, arXiv)

    42. 2307.00448 Extended superconducting fluctuation region and 6e and 4e flux-quantization in a Kagome compound with a normal state of 3Q-order (CMVarma, arXiv)

    43. 2307.00201 The near room-temperature upsurge of electrical resistivity in Lu-H-N is not superconductivity, but a metal-to-poor-conductor transition (arXiv)

    44. 2307.01149 Piercing the Dirac spin liquid: from a single monopole to chiral states (arXiv)

    45. 2307.01133 Spin model for the Honeycomb $\rm NiPS_3$ (honeycomb, arXiv)

    46. 2307.00890 Exact results of one-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model (arXiv)

    47. 2307.00441 Spectral Evidence for Local-Moment Ferromagnetism in van der Waals Metals Fe$_3$GaTe$_2$ and Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    48. 2307.00208 Coupling of acoustic phonon to a spin-orbit entangled psuedospin (SKYip, arXiv)

    49. 2307.00486 Quadrupole Insulator without Corner States in the Energy Spectrum (YXu, arXiv)

    50. 2307.00100 Majorana excitons in a Kitaev chain of semiconductor quantum dots in a nanowire (QD, arXiv)

    51. 2306.15660 Flat-band induced local Hilbert space fragmentation (arXiv)

    52. 2306.15996 Flat bands and magnetism in $\mathrm{Fe_4 Ge Te_2}$ and $\mathrm{Fe_5GeTe_2}$ due to bipartite crystal lattices (arXiv)

    53. 2306.17785 Dynamical Hall responses of disordered superconductors (arXiv)

    54. 2306.17739 Orbital-selective correlations for topology in FeSe${x}$Te${1-x}$ (arXiv)

    55. 2306.17835 Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr${2}$RuO${4}$ (arXiv)

    56. 2306.17503 Correlation-driven non-trivial phases in single bi-layer Kagome intermetallics (bi-layer Kagome, arXiv)

    57. 2306.17497 Orbital-selective altermagnetism and correlation-enhanced spin-splitting in transition metal oxides (arXiv)

    58. 2306.17491 Anisotropic Coulomb exchange as source of Kitaev and off-diagonal symmetric anisotropic couplings (arXiv)

    59. 2306.17420 Symmetric Mass Generation of Kahler-Dirac Fermions from the Perspective of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases (Dirac, arXiv)

    60. 2306.17295 Orbital Hall effect and orbital edge states caused by s electrons (kagome, arXiv)

    61. 2306.17845 Majorana-mediated thermoelectric transport in multiterminal junctions (arXiv)

    62. 2306.17761 Boundary-induced topological transition in an open SSH model (arXiv)

    63. 2306.17678 Spin Wave Driven Skyrmions in a Bipartite Antiferromagnetic Lattice (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jul 1st week collection
    1. d3mh00572k Ferroelectrically tunable magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional multiferroics (Materials Horizons)

    2. PhysRevMaterials.7.064804 Physically explainable statistical learning of flat bands in stoichiometric materials from the periodic table (flatband, Physical Review Materials)

    3. s41563-023-01587-0 Scalar topological photonic nested meta-crystals and skyrmion surface states in the light cone continuum (skyrmion, Nature Materials)

    4. s41467-023-39442-0 Ordering of room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in a polar van der Waals magnet (skyrmion, Nature Communications)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.266002 Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations and Unconventional Superconductivity in Topological Superconductor Candidate YPtBi Revealed by $^{195}\mathrm{Pt}$-NMR (YPtBi, PRL)

    6. s93 Unconventional Spin States in YPtBi (Physics)

    7. 2306.14659 Dynamic manipulation of graphene plasmonic skyrmions (graphene skyrmion, arXiv)

    8. 2306.16689 Spin fluctuations from Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces in the superconducting state of S-substituted FeSe (arXiv)

    9. 2306.16466 Chiral spin liquid phase in an optical lattice at mean-field level (arXiv)

    10. PhysRevLett.130.266703 Transverse Magnetization in Spin-Orbit Coupled Antiferromagnets (TOh, PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.130.266801 Tunable Artificial Relaxor Behavior in ${[{\mathrm{BaTiO}}{3}]}{m}/{[{\mathrm{BaZrO}}{3}]}{n}$ Superlattices (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.130.266003 Josephson Diode Effect Induced by Valley Polarization in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.130.266402 Abundant Lattice Instability in Kagome Metal ${\mathrm{ScV}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRL)

    14. s41586-023-06072-x Pair density wave state in a monolayer high-Tc iron-based superconductor (PDW, Nature)

    15. s41586-023-06016-5 Chiral phonons in quartz probed by X-rays (chiral phonon, Nature)

    16. s41586-023-06103-7 Smectic pair-density-wave order in EuRbFe4As4 (PDW, Nature)

    17. s41586-023-06005-8 Magnetic-field-sensitive charge density waves in the superconductor UTe2 (Nature)

    18. s41586-023-05919-7 Detection of a pair density wave state in UTe2 (PDW, Nature)

    19. 2306.16343 Electronic Landscape of Kagome Superconductors $\textit{A}$V${3}$Sb${5}$ ($\textit{A}$ = K, Rb, Cs): A Perspective from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (kagome, arXiv)

    20. 2306.15892 Preliminary Tc calculations for iron-based superconductivity in NaFeAs, LiFeAs, FeSe and nanostructured FeSe/SrTiO3 Superconductors (arXiv)

    21. 2306.16289 Roadmap towards Majorana qubits and nonabelian physics in quantum dot-based minimal Kitaev chains (artificial kitaev, arXiv)

    22. 2306.16288 Emergent criticality in fully frustrated quantum magnets (frustrated, arXiv)

    23. 2306.16242 The dynamical structure factor of the SU(4) algebraic spin liquid on the honeycomb lattice (honeycomb AKLT, arXiv)

    24. 2306.16192 Phase diagram of the chiral SU(3) antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv)

    25. 2306.15854 Chern insulating state with double-$Q$ ordering wave vectors at the Brillouin zone boundary (Hayami, arXiv)

    26. 2306.15712 Charge-Density-Waves Tuned by Crystal Symmetry (arXiv)

    27. 2306.15985 Collective Wigner crystal tunneling in carbon nanotubes (arXiv)

    28. 2306.16382 Time-dependent Schwinger boson mean-field theory of supermagnonic propagation in 2D antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    29. 2306.16310 Suppression of the spin waves nonreciprocity due to interfacial Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction by lateral confinement in magnetic nanostructures (arXiv)

    30. 2306.16211 Exchange interaction between two quantum dots coupled through a superconducting island (arXiv)

    31. 2306.15916 Dissipative Spin-wave Diode and Nonreciprocal Magnonic Amplifier (DLoss, arXiv)

    32. 2306.15780 Pressure dependence of intra- and interlayer excitons in 2H-MoS$_2$ bilayers (arXiv)

    33. 2306.15996 Flat bands and magnetism in $\mathrm{Fe_4 Ge Te_2}$ and $\mathrm{Fe_5GeTe_2}$ due to bipartite crystal lattices (arXiv)

    34. 2306.15086 Comment on newly found Charge Density Waves in infinite layer Nickelates (arXiv)

    35. 2306.15613 Incommensurate Magnetic Order in the Z2 Kagome Metal GdV$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv)

    36. 2306.14955 Bosonization of Non-Fermi Liquids (YBKim, arXiv)

    37. 2306.15404 Three-dimensional spin-wave dynamics, localization and interference in a synthetic antiferromagnet (syAFM, arXiv)

    38. 2306.15139 Non-invasive digital etching of van der Waals semiconductors (arXiv)

    39. 2306.15068 Origin of Charge Density Wave in Topological Semimetals SrAl4 and EuAl4 (CDW TS, arXiv)

    40. PhysRevX.13.021040 Geometry of Nonequilibrium Reaction Networks (PRX)

    41. PhysRevLett.130.266001 Stoichiometric Ternary Superhydride ${\mathrm{LaBeH}}_{8}$ as a New Template for High-Temperature Superconductivity at 110 K under 80 GPa (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.130.266302 Anomalous High-Temperature Magnetoresistance in a Dilute 2D Hole System (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.266601 Quantum Geometric Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Flat-Band Solids (Mele, PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.130.266701 Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scattering of Antiferromagnetic Superstructures in ${\mathrm{EuPtSi}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    45. PhysRevLett.130.266702 Pseudo-Goldstone Modes and Dynamical Gap Generation from Order by Thermal Disorder (PRL)

    46. s98 Binary Superconductors, Meet Your Ternary Cousin (Physics)

    47. 2306.13981 Superconductivity at ambient pressure in hole-doped LuH$_3$ (Lu, arXiv)

    48. 2306.14767 Distorted triangular skyrmion lattice in a noncentrosymmetric tetragonal magnet (skyrmion, arXiv)

    49. 2306.14642 Exciton-magnon splitting in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPS$_3$ unveiled by second-harmonic generation (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    50. 2306.14417 Spin-flop quasi metamagnetic, anisotropic magnetic, and electrical transport behavior of Ho substituted kagome magnet ErMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv)

    51. 2306.14124 Dark Fermions in Mixed Valence Insulators (CMVarmar, arXiv)

    52. 2306.14423 Controllable magnetic domains in twisted trilayer magnets (MJPark, arXiv)

    53. 2306.14204 Time-reversal invariant topological skyrmion phases (skyrmion, ssarXiv)

    54. 2306.13927 Observation of first-order quantum phase transitions and ferromagnetism in twisted double bilayer graphene (graphene FM, arXiv)

    55. 2306.14845 An open-source robust machine learning platform for real-time detection and classification of 2D material flakes (python, arXiv)

    56. 2306.14181 GiftBTE: An efficient deterministic solver for non-gray phonon Boltzmann transport equation (arXiv)

    57. 2306.14029 Magnon confinement in an all-on-chip YIG cavity resonator using hybrid YIG/Py magnon barriers (arXiv)

    58. 2306.14501 Atomic-Scale Tailoring of Chemisorbed Atomic Oxygen on Epitaxial Graphene for Graphene-Based Electronic Devices (HWYeom, arXiv)

    59. 2306.14155 Discovering two-dimensional magnetic topological insulators by machine learning (ML, arXiv)

    60. PhysRevX.13.021039 Resonance Fluorescence of a Chiral Artificial Atom (AA, PRX)

    61. PhysRevLett.130.263801 Two-Dimensional Reconfigurable Non-Hermitian Gauged Laser Array (PRL)

    62. 103 Artificial Atoms Go Chiral (Physics)

    63. 2306.13632 Light-induced switching between singlet and triplet superconducting states (arXiv)

    64. 2306.13297 Vortex phase diagram of kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    65. 2306.13291 Multi-locational Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

    66. 2306.13235 Planckian dissipation and $c$-axis superfluid density in cuprate superconductors (Sudip, arXiv)

    67. 2306.13565 De Haas-van Alphen effect and a giant temperature peak in heavy fermion SmB$_6$ compound (arXiv)

    68. 2306.13206 New insight into tuning magnetic phases of RMn6Sn6 kagome metals (kagome, arXiv)

    69. 2306.13542 Spin-valley locking for in-gap quantum dots in a MoS2 transistor (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 4th week collection
    1. s41467-023-39232-8 CP2 skyrmions and skyrmion crystals in realistic quantum magnets (CP2skyrmion, Nature Communications)

    2. science.abp9979 Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum (Science)

    3. 2306.11866 Nonlinear dynamics of skyrmion strings (arXiv)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.256601 General Theory of Momentum-Space Nonsymmorphic Symmetry (PRL)

    5. 2306.12493 Self-doped flat band and spin-triplet superconductivity in monolayer 1T-TaSe_{2-x}Te_{x} (Lado, arXiv)

    6. 2306.12492 Strain-Switchable Field-Induced Superconductivity (strain, arXiv)

    7. 2306.12473 Hunting for Majoranas (arXiv)

    8. 2306.12669 Helicity Selection of the Cycloidal Order in Noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe$_3$ (arXiv)

    9. 2306.12648 Discovery of antiferromagnetic chiral helical ordered state in trigonal GdNi$_3$Ga$_9$ (helical, arXiv)

    10. 2306.12638 Deconfined quantum critical points: a review (arXiv)

    11. 2306.12614 Planar Hall effect and magnetoresistance induced by ferroaxial ordering (Hayami, arXiv)

    12. 2306.12538 Electronic excitations in $5d^4$ J=0 Os$^{4+}$ halides studied by RIXS and optical spectroscopy (Os, arXiv)

    13. 2306.13035 Strain-induced frustrated helimagnetism and topological spin textures in LiCrTe$_{2}$ (strain, helical, arXiv)

    14. 2306.12732 Fermi surface reconstruction due to the orthorhombic distortion in Dirac semimetal YbMnSb$_2$ (arXiv)

    15. 2306.12595 Shear-strain-induced two-dimensional slip avalanches in rhombohedral MoS2 (strain, arXiv)

    16. 2306.12557 Spin-orbit torques due to warped topological insulator surface states with an in-plane magnetization (TI, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevX.13.021038 Emergence of Geometric Turing Patterns in Complex Networks (PRX)

    18. PhysRevLett.130.256702 Confinement of Fractional Excitations in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.130.251001 Dynamical Inflaton Coupled to Strongly Interacting Matter (PRL)

    20. 2306.12335 Tuning the ground state of cuprate high-critical-temperature superconducting thin films by nanofaceted substrates (cuprate, arXiv)

    21. 2306.12207 Modulation vector of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in CeCoIn5 revealed by high-resolution magnetostriction measurements (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    22. 2306.12180 Optical study of three-dimensional Weyl semimetal Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    23. 2306.12130 A magnetic structure of ruthenium dioxide (RuO2) and altermagnetism (altermagnet, arXiv)

    24. 2306.12032 Quantum spin liquids on the diamond lattice (arXiv)

    25. PhysRevX.13.021037 Ferromagnetism in an Extended Coherently Coupled Atomic Superfluid (PRX)

    26. PhysRevLett.130.256001 Hyperbolic Fringe Signal for Twin Impurity Quasiparticle Interference (QPI, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.130.256901 Probing Enhanced Electron-Phonon Coupling in Graphene by Infrared Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (graphene el-ph coupling, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.256301 Current Noise of Hydrodynamic Electrons (PRL)

    29. s90 Design for a Molecule-Based Quantum Processor (Physics)

    30. PhysRevApplied.19.064060 Blueprint for a Molecular-Spin Quantum Processor (Physical Review Applied)

    31. 2306.11218 Kramers’ degenerate magnetism and superconductivity (arXiv)

    32. 2306.11200 Nematic Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces from magnetic toroidal order in FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_x$ (arXiv)

    33. 2306.11145 Superconducting Diode sensor (SSParkin, arXiv)

    34. 2306.11063 Superconductivity from polar fluctuations in multi-orbital systems (IMartin, arXiv)

    35. 2306.11005 Superconductivity near spin and valley orders in graphene multilayers: a systematic study (Chubukov, arXiv)

    36. 2306.10894 Half-filled stripe to N$\acute e$el antiferromagnetism transition in the $t’$-Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    37. 2306.11542 Metallic ruthenium ilmenites: first-principles study of MgRuO$_3$ and CdRuO$_3$ (arXiv)

    38. 2306.11284 In-plane anisotropy of the single-$q$ and multiple-$q$ ordered phases in the antiferromagnetic metal CeRh$_2$Si$_2$ unveiled by the bulk measurements under uniaxial stress and neutron scattering (Ce multi-k, arXiv)

    39. 2306.11096 Hubbard Model on Triangular Lattice: Role of Charge Fluctuations (arXiv)

    40. 2306.10583 Hierarchical entanglement shells of multichannel Kondo clouds (arXiv)

    41. 2306.10230 Pseudogap behavior in charge density wave kagome material ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ revealed by magnetotransport measurements (kagome, arXiv)

    42. 2306.10186 Parametrization of the Coulomb interaction matrix with point-group symmetry (arXiv)

    43. 2306.10105 A no-go result for implementing chiral symmetries by locality-preserving unitaries in a 3 dimensional Hamiltonian lattice model of fermions (arXiv)

    44. 2306.11720 Signatures of pressure-enhanced helimagnetic order in van der Waals multiferroic NiI$_2$ (NiI2, arXiv)

    45. 2306.11054 Machine Learning Renormalization Group for Statistical Physics (ML RG, arXiv)

    46. 2306.11042 Interaction-driven spontaneous broken-symmetry insulator and metals in ABCA tetralayer graphene (arXiv)

    47. 2306.10978 Formation of spin-orbital entangled 2D electron gas in layer delta-doped bilayer iridate La$_{\delta}$Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (iridates, arXiv)

    48. 2306.10116 Topological Flat Bands in Graphene Super-moire Lattices (flatband, arXiv)

    49. 2306.11630 Giant effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons from orbit-lattice coupling (chiralphonon, arXiv)

    50. 2306.10544 Magnetic scattering with spin-momentum locking: Single scatterers and diffraction grating (arXiv)

    51. 2306.10325 Pressure tunable quantum anomalous Hall states in a topological antiferromagnet (MnBiTe, arXiv)

    52. 2306.10314 Bloch dynamics in inversion symmetry broken monolayer phosphorene (phosphorene, arXiv)

    53. PhysRevResearch.5.023166 Many-body ground states from decomposition of ideal higher Chern bands: Applications to chirally twisted graphene multilayers (Physical Review Research)

    54. s41467-023-39110-3 Local spectroscopy of a gate-switchable moire quantum anomalous Hall insulator (Nature Communications)

    55. 2306.05591 Proposal for realizing quantum spin models with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms (katsura, arXiv)

    56. 2306.09868v1 Anatomy of the band structure of the newest apparent near-ambient superconductor LuH$_{3-x}$N$_x$ (Lu, arXiv)

    57. 2306.09810v1 New evidence for Hall anomaly by vacancies in a pinned lattice of vortices (PingAo, arXiv)

    58. 2306.09669v1 Exploring charge and spin fluctuations in infinite-layer cuprate SrCuO$_{2}$ from a phonon perspective (arXiv)

    59. 2306.09500v1 Resistivity tensor of vortex-lattice states in Josephson junction arrays (arXiv)

    60. 2306.09413 Altermagnetic Routes to Majorana Modes in Zero Net Magnetization (JCano, arXiv)

    61. 2306.09867 Magnetic ground state and perturbations of the distorted kagome Ising metal TmAgGe (arXiv)

    62. 2306.09823 Towards skyrmion crystal stabilization in the antiferromagnetic triangular lattice at ambient conditions (arXiv)

    63. 2306.09625 Role of topological charges in the nonlinear-optical response from Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    64. 2306.09563 Nature of the 1/9-magnetization plateau in the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv)

    65. 2306.09402 Numerical signatures of ultra-local criticality in a one dimensional Kondo lattice model (arXiv)

    66. 2306.09575 Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnet (Science, arXiv)

    67. 2306.09993 Magnetochiral anisotropy-induced nonlinear Hall effect in spin-orbit coupled Rashba conductors (arXiv)

    68. 2306.09888 Magneto-ionic modulation of the interlayer exchange interaction in synthetic antiferromagnets (SyAFM, arXiv)

    69. 2306.09622 Nonlinear current response of two-dimensional systems under in-plane magnetic field (in-plane, arXiv)

    70. 2306.09565 Spin Textures in Synthetic Antiferromagnets: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future (SyAFM, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 3rd week collection
    1. science.adc9487 Proximate deconfined quantum critical point in SrCu2(BO3)2 (QCP, Science)

    2. 2306.05149 Engineering flat bands in twisted-bilayer graphene away from the magic angle with chiral optical cavities (arXiv)

    3. s41467-023-39169-y Absence of critical thickness for polar skyrmions with breaking the Kittel’s law (Nature Communications)

    4. s41467-023-39109-w Single-electron charge transfer into putative Majorana and trivial modes in individual vortices (Nature Communications)

    5. qute.202300081 High Orbital-Moment Cooper Pairs by Crystalline Symmetry Breaking (Advanced Quantum Technologies)

    6. PhysRevLett.130.240204 Is There a Finite Complete Set of Monotones in Any Quantum Resource Theory? (PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.130.246701 Long-Range Orbital Torque by Momentum-Space Hotspots (PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.130.243601 Non-Hermitian Anharmonicity Induces Single-Photon Emission (PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.130.246601 Bulk-Boundary Correspondence and Singularity-Filling in Long-Range Free-Fermion Chains (PRL)

    10. acddd4 Topological phase transitions and Majorana zero modes induced by the periodic potential in an antiferromagnetic chain (Communications in Theoretical Physics)

    11. s85 Squeezing Superconductors (cuprate, Physics)

    12. PhysRevMaterials.7.064803 Structure and equation of state of Bi2Sr2Ca(n-1)Cu(n)O(2n+4+delta) from x-ray diffraction to megabar pressures (cuprate, Physical Review Materials)

    13. PhysRevLett.130.241602 Unitarity of Symplectic Fermions in $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ Vacua with Negative Central Charge (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.130.243801 Gauge Field Induced Chiral Zero Mode in Five-Dimensional Yang Monopole Metamaterials (monopole, PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.130.246401 Dynamic Response of Wigner Crystals (PRL)

    16. s82 Accretion Explored through Gravitational Waves (Physics)

    17. 2306.09113 Universal spin superconducting diode effect from spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    18. 2306.09092 Effect of anisotropic impurity scattering in d-wave superconductors (arXiv)

    19. 2306.08112 Oxygen isotope effect on the superfluid density within the $d-$wave and $s-$wave pairing channels of YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    20. 2306.08820 Ultrasonic investigation of valence fluctuations in the Kondo semimetal CeBi (Ce, arXiv)

    21. 2306.08919 Orthorhombic distortion drives orbital ordering in an antiferromagnetic 3$d^1$ Mott insulator (arXiv)

    22. 2306.08595 TensorKrowch: Smooth integration of tensor networks in machine learning (Tensor, arXiv)

    23. 2306.09285 Quantum metric induced nonlinear anomalous Hall effect and nonreciprocal longitudinal response in a topological antiferromagnet (quantum metric, arXiv)

    24. 2306.08976 Efficient Spin Seebeck and Spin Nernst Effects of Magnons in Altermagnets (arXiv)

    25. 2306.08923 Nonsymmorphic-Symmetry-Enforced Non-Hermitian Skin Effects (arXiv)

    26. 2306.08790 Stable $2R$ van der Waals heterostructures of NbS$_2$ and $M$Se$_2$ for $M$=Mo and W (arXiv)

    27. 2306.08705 Thermopower in hBN/graphene/hBN superlattices (graphene, arXiv)

    28. 2306.08554 DFT2kp: effective kp models from ab-initio data (kp-theory, arXiv)

    29. 2306.08552 Transversal transport and topological properties of binary heterostructures of topological insulators (arXiv)

    30. 2306.08384 Cornertronics in Two-Dimensional Second-Order Topological Insulators (SOTI, arXiv)

    31. 2306.08371 Chirality Enables Thermal Magnon Transistors (GBauer, arXiv)

    32. 2306.08035 The quantum geometric origin of capacitance in insulators (quantum geometric, arXiv)

    33. 2306.05151 Stochastic homogenization of micromagnetic energies and emergence of magnetic skyrmions (arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.107.214508 Flat-band superconductivity in a system with a tunable quantum metric: The stub lattice (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.L241102 Quantum transport anomalies in dispersionless quantum states (PRB)

    36. 2306.07041 Quantum simulation of generic spin exchange models in Floquet-engineered Rydberg atom arrays (arXiv)

    37. 2306.07366 Quantum geometry of singlet superconductors (arXiv)

    38. 2306.07313 Strongly-Correlated Electron-Photon Systems (arXiv)

    39. 2306.07931 Correlated electronic structure of La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under pressure (arXiv)

    40. 2306.07868 Tiny Sc allows the chains to rattle: Impact of Lu and Y doping on the charge density wave in ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    41. 2306.07822 Non-coplanar Long Wavelength Magnetism and Charge Order in the Kagome-based Weyl Semimetal Mn$_{3}$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    42. 2306.07434 Frustrated multipoles in an icosahedral quasicrystal (SBLee, arXiv)

    43. 2306.07882 Weyl Nodes of Opposite Chirality in Ferromagnetic WSM (Weyl, arXiv)

    44. 2306.07660 Magnon gap excitations and spin-entangled optical transition in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 (NiPS3, arXiv)

    45. 2306.07773 Optical properties of two-dimensional tin nanosheets epitaxially grown on graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevLett.130.246802 New High-Performance Piezoelectric: Ferroelectric Carbon-Boron Clathrate (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.130.246201 Quantum Oscillations in Graphene Using Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators (SAW, PRL)

    48. 99 Phonons on the Splitting Block (Physics)

    49. 2306.07468 High-temperature Majorana corner modes in a $d+id’$ superconductor heterostructure: Application to twisted bilayer cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.054408 Topological spin textures in $1T$-phase Janus magnets: Interplay between Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, magnetic frustration, and isotropic higher-order interactions (1T-phase Janus, PRB)

    51. 2306.07275 Effective model and pairing tendency in bilayer Ni-based superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (JHu, arXiv)

    52. 2306.06301 Evidence for Near Ambient Superconductivity in the Lu-N-H System (LuH, arXiv)

    53. 2306.06242 Chiral pair density wave as the precursor of pseudogap in kagom\‘e superconductors (arXiv)

    54. 2306.06915 Significant improvement of the lower critical field in Y doped Nb: potential replacement of basic material for the radio-frequency superconducting cavity (arXiv)

    55. 2306.06907 Bogoliubov Corner Excitations in Conventional $s$-Wave Superfluids (Bogoliubov Corner Excitations, arXiv)

    56. 2306.06612 Jahn-Teller magnets (arXiv)

    57. 2306.07175 Easy-plane multi-$\mathbf{q}$ magnetic ground state of Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$ (arXiv)

    58. 2306.07120 Chiral magnetism and ordering of oxygen vacancies in SrTiO$_{2.5}$ (STO, arXiv)

    59. 2306.07029 Dynamical mean-field approach to disordered interacting systems and applications to quantum transport problem (arXiv)

    60. 2306.07020 Theoretical model for the extreme positive magnetoresistance (MR, arXiv)

    61. 2306.06984 Two-dimensional heavy fermion in a monoatomic-layer Kondo lattice YbCu$_2$ (kondo, arXiv)

    62. 2306.06975 A language-inspired machine learning approach for solving strongly correlated problems with dynamical mean-field theory (arXiv)

    63. 2306.06882 Antiferro skyrmion crystal phases in a synthetic bilayer antiferromagnet under an in-plane magnetic field (Hayami, arXiv)

    64. 2306.06697 Strong ferromagnetic fluctuations in a doped checkerboard lattice (arXiv)

    65. 2306.06183 Quantum Hall Effect in a Weyl-Hubbard Model: Interplay between Topology and Correlation (arXiv)

    66. 2306.06977 Magnetically tunable exciton valley coherence in monolayer WS$_2$ mediated by the electron-hole exchange and exciton-phonon interactions (WS2, arXiv)

    67. 2306.06944 Microscopic analysis of proximity-induced superconductivity and metallization effects in superconductor-germanium hole nanowires (DLoss, arXiv)

    68. 2306.06690 Strain and spin orbit coupling effects on electronic and optical properties of 2D CX/graphene (X = S, Se, Te) vdW heterostructure for solar energy harvesting (wdW-graphene, arXiv)

    69. 2306.07246 Reliable machine learning potentials based on artificial neural network for graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    70. 2306.06039v1 Possible high $T_c$ superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under high pressure through manifestation of a nearly-half-filled bilayer Hubbard model (nickelate, arXiv)

    71. 2306.05927v1 Emergent normal fluid in the superconducting ground state of overdoped cuprates (DHLee, arXiv)

    72. 2306.05512v1 "Universal" $\Delta_{max}/T_c$ in Fe Based Superconductors (arXiv)

    73. 2306.05485v1 Doping dependence of chiral superconductivity in near $45^\circ$ twisted bilayer cuprates (arXiv)

    74. 2306.05828v1 Strain-Tuned Magnetic Frustration in a Square Lattice $J_1$-$J_2$ Material (arXiv)

    75. 2306.05798v1 Dynamic strain modulation of a nanowire quantum dot compatible with a thin-film lithium niobate photonic platform (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 2nd week collection
    1. s41586-023-05954-4 Non-Abelian braiding of graph vertices in a superconducting processor (Nature)

    2. science.adh7670 Atomic-scale polarization switching in wurtzite ferroelectrics (Science)

    3. pnas.2212730119 Correlation-driven electronic nematicity in the Dirac semimetal BaNiS2 (RIKEN, PNAS)

    4. s41467-023-39207-9 Experimental demonstration of a skyrmion-enhanced strain-mediated physical reservoir computing system (skyrmion, Nature Communications)

    5. PhysRevB.107.235116 Flat bands with high Chern numbers and multiple flat bands in multifold staggered-flux models (PRB)

    6. s41524-023-01056-x Deep learning approach to genome of two-dimensional materials with flat electronic bands (npj Computational Materials)

    7. 2306.04081 Majorana zero modes in Y-shape interacting Kitaev wires (arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.130.236402 Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Phase with a Tunable Lifshitz Transition in ${\mathrm{Au}}_{2}\mathrm{Pb}$ (3D-Dirac, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.130.238202 Predicting Dynamic Heterogeneity in Glass-Forming Liquids by Physics-Inspired Machine Learning (PRL)

    10. 2306.03610 Ultrafast Hidden Spin Polarization Dynamics of Bright and Dark Excitons in 2H-WSe$_2$ (arxiv)

    11. 2306.05034 Topological Superconducting States and Quasiparticle Transport on Kagome Lattice (kagome, arXiv)

    12. 2306.05121 Electronic correlations and superconducting instability in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under high pressure (nickelate, arXiv)

    13. 2306.04851 The Performance of VQE across a phase transition point in the $J_1$-$J_2$ model on kagome lattice (arXiv)

    14. 2306.04854 Non-coplanar helimagnetism in the layered van-der-Waals metal DyTe$_3$ (helimagnetism, arXiv)

    15. 2306.04729 Effects of Pressure on the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Bulk NiI$_{2}$ (NiI2, arXiv)

    16. 2306.05351 Electroluminescence of the graphene 2D semi-metal (graphene, arXiv)

    17. 2306.05237 Solitons induced by an in-plane magnetic field in rhombohedral multilayer graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    18. 2306.05104 Tunable magnon topology in monolayer CrI$_\mathbf{3}$ under external stimuli (magnon, arXiv)

    19. 2306.05163 Straintronics in Phosphorene: Tensile vs Shear Strains and Their Combinations for Manipulating the Band Gap (Straintronics, arXiv)

    20. 2306.04683 Anderson Critical Metal Phase in Trivial States Protected by $C_{2z}T$ Symmetry on Average (C2zT symmetry, arXiv)

    21. 2306.01413 Theory of magnetic field-stabilized compact skyrmions in thin film ferromagnets (arXiv)

    22. 2306.01370 Insight into the electronic structure of the centrosymmetric skyrmion magnet GdRu$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv)

    23. 5.0149692 Phase-resolved frequency-domain analysis of the photoemission spectra for photoexcited 1T-TaS2 in the Mott insulating charge density wave state (Applied Physics Letters)

    24. 2306.04312v1 Flat band-engineered spin-density wave and the emergent multi-$k$ magnetic state in the topological kagome metal Mn$_{3}$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    25. 2306.04017v1 Time-reversal switching responses in antiferromagnets (Hayami, arXiv)

    26. 2306.04552v1 High temperature, gate-free quantum anomalous Hall effect with an active capping layer (arXiv)

    27. PhysRevX.13.021033 Electronic and Structural Fingerprints of Charge-Density-Wave Excitations in Extreme Ultraviolet Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (PRX)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.237001 Observation of Magnetic State Dependent Thermoelectricity in Superconducting Spin Valves (PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.237002 Quantized Spin Pumping in Topological Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Nanowires (PRL)

    30. s83 Pinpointing Problems in Transmission Power Grids (Physics)

    31. 2306.03814 Reply to Comment on Nontrivial Quantum Geometry and the Strength of Electron-Phonon Coupling (Bernevig, arxiv)

    32. 2306.03706 Possible $S_\pm$-wave superconductivity in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (QHWang, arxiv)

    33. 2306.03370 Vanadium-Based Superconductivity in a Breathing Kagome Compound Ta2V3.1Si0.9 (Kagome, arxiv)

    34. 2306.03231 Electronic structure, orbital-selective behavior, and magnetic tendencies in the bilayer nickelate superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ under pressure (nickelate, arxiv)

    35. 2306.03688 Direct observation of the exchange anisotropy in the helimagnetic insulator Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ (helimagnet, arxiv)

    36. 2306.03677 Stability of the 1/3 magnetization plateau of the $J_1-J_2$ kagome Heisenberg model (arxiv)

    37. 2306.03510 Evolution of magnetic correlation in an inhomogeneous square lattice (arxiv)

    38. 2306.03478 Interplay between multi-spin and chiral spin interactions on triangular lattice (arxiv)

    39. 2306.03451 Monoaxial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction-induced topological Hall effect in a new chiral-lattice magnet GdPt$_2$B (DMI, arxiv)

    40. 2306.03143 Machine learning feature discovery of spinon Fermi surface (EAKim, arxiv)

    41. 2306.03690 Rigorous analysis of the topologically protected edge states in the quantum spin Hall phase of the armchair ribbon geometry (arxiv)

    42. 2306.03468 Two-dimensional metal halide perovskites and their heterostructures: from synthesis to applications (arxiv)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.236601 Hofstadter Topology with Real Space Invariants and Reentrant Projective Symmetries (PRL)

    44. 96 X-Ray Spectroscopy of a Lone Atom (Physics)

    45. acs.nanolett.3c00731 Manipulation of Skyrmion by Magnetic Field Gradients: A Stern-Gerlach-Like Experiment (Nano Lett)

    46. acs.nanolett.3c01117 Evolution of Emergent Monopoles into Magnetic Skyrmion Strings (Nano Lett)

    47. rs-2842071/v1 Softening of a flat phonon mode in the kagome ScV6Sn6 (kagome, researchsquare)

    48. s41535-023-00565-8 Realization of practical eightfold fermions and fourfold van Hove singularity in TaCo2Te2 (npj Quantum Materials)

    49. 2306.03017 Controllable odd-frequency Cooper pairs in multi-superconductor Josephson junctions (Jorge, arXiv)

    50. 2306.02621 Spontaneous breaking of mirror symmetry beyond critical doping in Pb-Bi2212 (CKim, arXiv)

    51. 2306.02375 Comment on “Nontrivial Quantum Geometry and the Strength of Electron-Phonon Coupling” (Pickett, arXiv)

    52. 2306.03056 Magnetic field-induced partially polarized chiral spin liquid in a transition-metal dichalcogenide Moire system (arXiv)

    53. 2306.02501 Topological magnets and magnons in twisted bilayer MoTe$_2$ and WSe$_2$ (LiangFu, arXiv)

    54. 2306.02909 Degenerate flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene (flat, arXiv)

    55. 2306.02513 Zero-field composite Fermi liquid in twisted semiconductor bilayers (arXiv)

    56. 2306.02998 Berry-Curvature Engineering for Nonreciprocal Directional Dichroism in Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    57. 2306.02655 Quantum Valley and Sub-valley Hall Effect in the Large Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (BJYang, arXiv)

    58. 2306.02046 Two types of zero Hall phenomena in few-layer MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

    59. PhysRevLett.130.236401 Transformer Variational Wave Functions for Frustrated Quantum Spin Systems (PRL)

    60. PhysRevLett.130.237401 Shockwavelike Behavior across Social Media (PRL)

    61. 89 A New Science for Describing Unhealthy Online Environments (Physics)

    62. 2306.01686v1 Electronic Stripe Patterns Near the Fermi Level of Tetragonal Fe(Se,S) (arxiv)

    63. 2306.01239v1 Superconductivity at 12 K in La$_2$IOs$_2$: a 5d metal with osmium honeycomb layer (honeycomb 5d, arxiv)

    64. 2306.01719v1 Composite Fermi Liquid at Zero Magnetic Field in Twisted MoTe$_2$ (arxiv)

    65. 2306.01572v1 Detection and modeling of hole capture by single point defects under variable electric fields (arxiv)

    66. 2306.01437v1 Straintronics using the monolayer-Xene platform – a comparative study (arxiv)

    67. 2306.01402v1 Machine learning wave functions to identify fractal phases (arxiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 1st week collection
    1. v1 Deterministic switching of antiferromagnetic spin textures by chaotic magnons (arXiv)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.220603 Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (PRL)

    3. s77 Another Way for Black Holes to Evaporate (Physics)

    4. acsnano.3c02481 Ultrasmall Polar Skyrmions and Merons in SrTiO3 Heterostructures by Polaron Engineering (ACS Nano)

    5. PhysRevB.107.174430 Exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Rh/Co/Fe/Ir multilayers: Towards skyrmions in exchange-frustrated multilayers (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.105.214415 Non-Hermitian adiabatic perturbation theory of topological quantization of the average velocity of a magnetic skyrmion under thermal fluctuations (PRB)

    7. 2306.00803 Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in $\alpha$-MoB$_2$ as a function of pressure (MoB2, arXiv.org)

    8. 2306.00556 High transport spin polarization in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe$_4$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    9. 2306.00072 On the detection of collective modes in unconventional superconductors using tunneling spectroscopy (arXiv.org)

    10. 2306.00593 Distinct switching of chiral transport in the kagome metals KV$_3$Sb$_5$ and CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    11. 2306.00081 Pressure evolution of electronic structure and magnetism in the layered van der Waals ferromagnet CrGeTe$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    12. 2306.00078 Quantum geometry, optical absorption and topological gap bound (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

    13. 2306.00123 Optical creation and annihilation of skyrmion patches in a bulk chiral magnet (arXiv.org)

    14. 2306.00955 Remembrances of Michael E. Fisher (arXiv.org)

    15. 2306.00448 CrTe$_2$ as a two-dimensional material for topological magnetism in complex heterobilayers (arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.223403 Floquet Gauge Anomaly Inflow and Arbitrary Fractional Charge in Periodically Driven Topological-Normal Insulator Heterostructures (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.130.226302 Gate-Tunable Phonon Magnetic Moment in Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    18. s81 A Textbook Dirac Semimetal (Physics)

    19. PhysRevB.107.L241101 Evidence for three-dimensional Dirac conical bands in TlBiSSe by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy (PRB)

    20. 2305.19967 Dark Matter Detection with Strongly Correlated Topological Materials: Flatband Effect (JXZhu flat, arXiv.org)

    21. 2305.19927 Twistronics of Kekul\‘e Graphene: Honeycomb and Kagome Flat Bands (flat, arXiv.org)

    22. 2305.19970 Zero-bias conductance peaks at zero applied magnetic field due to stray fields from integrated micromagnets in hybrid nanowire quantum dots (arXiv.org)

    23. 2305.19805 Axion Topology in Photonic Crystal Domain Walls (arXiv.org)

    24. 2305.19456 Photonic Flatband Resonances in Multiple Light Scattering (flat, arXiv.org)

    25. PhysRevX.13.021032 Why Are There Six Degrees of Separation in a Social Network? (PRX)

    26. PhysRevLett.130.226001 Superconductivity, Charge Density Wave, and Supersolidity in Flat Bands with a Tunable Quantum Metric (flat, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.130.226401 Carrier-Density Control of the Quantum-Confined $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ Charge Density Wave (TiSe2, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.226501 Ultrafast Switching from the Charge Density Wave Phase to a Metastable Metallic State in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (TiSe2, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.226801 Hexagonal Close-Packed Polar-Skyrmion Lattice in Ultrathin Ferroelectric ${\mathrm{PbTiO}}_{3}$ Films (skyrmion, PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.220001 Essay: Overcoming the Obstacles to a Magnetic Fusion Power Plant (PRL)

    31. 2305.17880 Ultra-small topological spin textures with size of 1.3nm at above room temperature in Fe78Si9B13 amorphous alloy (arXiv)

    32. PhysRevX.13.021031 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment with Two Bose-Einstein Condensates (PRX) 92 Realizing the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox for Atomic Clouds (Physics)

    33. PhysRevLett.130.220401 Construction of Non-Hermitian Parent Hamiltonian from Matrix Product States (PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.130.226002 Magnetic Response of Nematic Superconductors: Skyrmion Stripes and Their Signatures in Muon Spin Relaxation Experiments (PRL) s73 Superconductor Vortices Visible as Stripes (Physics)

    35. 91 Squeezable Metal Offers a Greener Approach to Refrigeration (Physics)

    36. 2305.19189v1 Classification of Classical Spin Liquids: Detailed Formalism and Suite of Examples (arXiv)

    37. 2305.18643v1 Pyqcm: An open-source Python library for quantum cluster methods (arXiv)

    38. 2305.18626v1 Quantum skyrmion Hall effect (skyrmion, arXiv)

    39. 2305.18759v1 Non-perturbative dynamics of correlated disordered flat-band system (arXiv)

    40. 2305.19009v1 Perpendicular in-plane negative magnetoresistance in ZrTe5 (MR, arXiv)

    41. 2305.18369v1 Influence of higher order electron-phonon interaction terms on the thermal properties of 2D Dirac crystals (arXiv)

    42. 2305.18560v1 Point Defects in Two-Dimensional RuCl3 (arXiv)

    43. 2305.16230v1 Topological gap protocol based machine learning optimization of Majorana hybrid wires (arXiv.org)

    44. 2305.17991v1 Intertwined charge and pair density orders in a monolayer high-Tc iron-based superconductor (arXiv.org)

    45. 2305.17669v1 Emergence of flat bands and their impact on superconductivity of Mo$5$Si${3-x}$P$_x$ (flat, arXiv.org)

    46. 2305.18196v1 Novel Electronic Structure of Nitrogen-Doped Lutetium Hydrides (LuH HWPark, arXiv.org)

    47. 2305.18087v1 Low temperature phase transitions under CDW state in kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Cs,Rb,K): Significance of mix-type Fermi surface electron correlations (arXiv.org)

    48. 2305.18080v1 Extended magic phase in twisted graphene multilayers (arXiv.org)

    49. 2305.17450v1 Anomalous conductivity of $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Fermi liquids (arXiv.org)

    50. 2305.17329 Ultrafast Control of Crystal Structure in a Topological Charge-Density-Wave Material (arXiv)

    51. 2305.17189 Ubiquitous nematic Dirac semimetal emerging from interacting quadratic band touching system (arXiv)

    52. 2305.18103 50 years of quantum spin liquids (Kivelson, arXiv)

    53. 2305.18127 Intrinsic nonlinear thermal Hall transport of magnons: A Quantum kinetic theory approach (arXiv)

    54. 2305.17606 Nonhermitian adiabatic perturbation theory of topological quantization of the average velocity of a magnetic skyrmion under thermal fluctuations (arXiv)

    55. 2305.18257 Transversality-Enforced Tight-Binding Model for 3D Photonic Crystals aided by Topological Quantum Chemistry (arXiv)

    56. 2305.17736 Short review of interaction effects in graphene (arXiv)

    57. PhysRevB.107.184439 Quantized movement of magnetic skyrmions in moir\‘e multiferroic heterostructures (Quantized movement skyrmion, PRB)

    58. LMAG.2023.3280120 Analysis of Skyrmion Shuffling Chamber Stochasticity for Neuromorphic Computing Applications (IEEE Magnetics Letters)

    59. find-career-satisfaction-i-learned-i-didn-t-have-choose-just-one-job To find career satisfaction, I learned I didn’t have to choose just one job (science)

    60. acs.nanolett.3c00428 Correlation of Interface Interdiffusion and Skyrmionic Phases (nanolett)

    61. 2305.17035 Shift photoconductivity in the Haldane model (arXiv)

    62. 2305.16813 Strong magnetic proximity effect in Van der Waals heterostructures driven by direct hybridization (arXiv)

    63. 2305.16419 Type-II Dirac points and Dirac nodal loops on the magnons of square-hexagon-octagon lattice (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 May 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 May 4th week collection
    1. 2305.16062 A Simple Model of Pair Density Wave (PDW Tsvelik,arXiv.org)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.210404 Signatures of Dissipation Driven Quantum Phase Transition in Rabi Model (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.130.216901 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Hyperbolic van der Waals Materials (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.216402 Exchange-Driven Intermixing of Bulk and Topological Surface States by Chiral Excitons in ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (Chiral Excitons, PRL)

    5. 2305.15763 Proximity effect and Anomalous metal state in a model of mixed metal-superconductor grains (arXiv.org)

    6. 2305.15564 Bilayer two-orbital model of La3Ni2O7 under pressure (arXiv.org)

    7. 2305.16198 Kondo screening and coherence in kagome local-moment metals: Energy scales of heavy fermions in the presence of flat bands (Vojta, arXiv.org)

    8. 2305.16182 Crystallization dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in a frustrated itinerant magnet (arXiv.org)

    9. 2305.16123 Energetic perspective on emergent inductance exhibited by magnetic textures in the pinned regime (arXiv.org)

    10. 2305.15824 Schwinger boson study of the $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_3$ kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI, arXiv.org)

    11. 2305.15803 Direct observation of oxygen polarization in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ by O $K$-edge x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (iridate, arXiv.org)

    12. 2305.15469 Kagome Materials I: SG 191, ScV$_6$Sn$_6$. Flat Phonon Soft Modes and Unconventional CDW Formation: Microscopic and Effective Theory (Bernevig, arXiv.org)

    13. 2305.15666 Reply to Comment on Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 176601 (2021) by Lee and Yang (RG, arXiv.org)

    14. 2305.15432 Existence of nodal-arc and its evolution into Weyl-nodes in the presence of spin-orbit coupling in TaAs & TaP (arXiv.org)

    15. 2305.16313 Hybrid symmetry class topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    16. 2305.16305 Excitonic phases in a spatially separated electron-hole ladder model (exciton, arXiv.org)

    17. 2305.16083 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in strongly spin-orbit-coupled systems: General formula and application to topological and Rashba materials (DMI, arXiv.org)

    18. 2305.16006 Precise transport of skyrmions by surface acoustic waves (arXiv.org)

    19. 2305.15506 Programmable Nanowrinkle-Induced Room-Temperature Exciton Localization in Monolayer WSe2 (WSe2, arXiv.org)

    20. 2305.15502 Unraveling spin dynamics from charge fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    21. 2305.15827 Signatures of dynamically dressed states (arXiv.org)

    22. 2305.15418 Two-dimensional layered materials meet perovskite oxides: A combination for high-performance electronic devices (arXiv.org)

    23. PhysRevX.13.021029 Perturbations of Spinning Black Holes beyond General Relativity: Modified Teukolsky Equation (PRX)

    24. PhysRevLett.130.216801 Translational Boundaries as Incipient Ferrielectric Domains in Antiferroelectric ${\mathrm{PbZrO}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.130.213603 Polarization-Orthogonal Nondegenerate Plasmonic Higher-Order Topological States (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.130.216002 Andreev Reflection in Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Unconventional Superconductors (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.130.216401 Topological Exact Flat Bands in Two-Dimensional Materials under Periodic Strain (SZLin, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.216003 Suppression of Nonequilibrium Quasiparticle Transport in Flat-Band Superconductors (Torma, PRL) s76 Static Electrons in Flat-Band Nonequilibrium Superconductors (Physics)

    29. 90 Survey Finds Cheating Is Common in Graduate School (Physics)

    30. 2305.13018 Lifetime of coexisting sub-10 nm zero-field skyrmions and antiskyrmions (skyrmion antiskyrmion, arXiv)

    31. 2305.15373 Half unit cell shift defect induced helical states in Fe-based chalcogenide superconductors (arXiv.org)

    32. 2305.15190 Wafer-scale magnesium diboride thin films and devices with tunable high kinetic inductance (arXiv.org)

    33. 2305.14619 Field-direction-dependent skyrmion crystals in noncentrosymmetric cubic magnets: A comparison between point groups $(O,T)$ and $T_{\rm d}$ (arXiv.org)

    34. 2305.14786 Piezomagnetic Properties in Altermagnetic MnTe (arXiv.org)

    35. 2305.14423 Chiral model of twisted bilayer graphene realized in a monolayer (arXiv.org)

    36. 2305.15144 Effective model analysis of intrinsic spin Hall effect with magnetism in stacked-kagome Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv.org)

    37. 2305.15052 Manipulation of magnetic solitons under the influence of DMI gradients (arXiv.org)

    38. 2305.14861 Topological Phases in Magnonics: A Review (arXiv.org)

    39. 2305.14532 Berry Curvature Spectroscopy from Bloch Oscillations (arXiv.org)

    40. 2305.14472 Terahertz Circular Dichroism in Commensurate Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    41. 2305.15214 Dirac half-semimetallicity and antiferromagnetism in graphene nanoribbon/hexagonal boron nitride heterojunctions (arXiv.org)

    42. PhysRevLett.130.213602 Polariton Localization and Dispersion Properties of Disordered Quantum Emitters in Multimode Microcavities (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.219701 Comment on Coulomb Instabilities of a Three-Dimensional Higher-Order Topological Insulator (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.130.219702 Zhao et al. Reply: (PRL)

    45. 2302.14398 A spin model for intrinsic antiferromagnetic skyrmions on a triangular lattice (skyrmion, arXiv)

    46. 2305.13564 Current-driven motion of magnetic topological defects in ferromagnetic superconductors (arXiv)

    47. 2305.13357 Enhancement of Superconductivity in a Dirty Marginal Fermi Liquid (arXiv)

    48. 2305.13815 Evidence of Kitaev interaction in the monolayer 1T-CrTe$_2$ (Kitaev, arXiv)

    49. 2305.13559 Metamagnetic transition in the two $f$ orbitals Kondo lattice model (f-orbital, arXiv)

    50. 2305.13557 Spin loop-current textures in the Hubbard models (loopcurrent, arXiv)

    51. 2305.14348 A generalized model of the noise spectrum of a two-level fluctuator in the presence of an electron subbath (arXiv)

    52. 2305.14313 Majorana zero modes in gate-defined germanium hole nanowires (arXiv)

    53. 2305.14284 Transport properties of hybrid single-bilayer graphene interfaces in magnetic field (arXiv)

    54. 2305.14064 A vertical gate-defined double quantum dot in a strained germanium double quantum well (QDs, arXiv)

    55. 2305.13953 Theory of inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect induced by spin pumping into a two-dimensional electron gas (Rashba, arXiv)

    56. 2305.13590 Laminar and Quasi-Turbulent Dynamics of a Magnetic Skyrmion Pipe Flow (Mochizuki, arXiv)

    57. 2305.13515 Interaction and collision of skyrmions in chiral antiferromagnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    58. 2305.13375 Acousto-magnonic Hall effect in honeycomb antiferromagnets (magnon, arXiv)

    59. 2305.13549 First-principles design of ferromagnetic monolayer MnO$_2$ at the complex interface (arXiv)

    60. 2305.13149 The chiral magnetic effect in a cylindrical domain (arXiv)

    61. 2305.13017 Structural Phase Transition and Superconductivity in 2H-BaGaGe with Buckled Honeycomb Layers (arXiv.org)

    62. 2305.12762 Promoted Electronic Coupling of Acoustic Phonon Modes in Doped Semimetallic MoTe2 (arXiv.org)

    63. 2305.12721 Enhancement of density of states and suppression of superconductivity in site-disordered topological metal LaPtSi (arXiv.org)

    64. 2305.12065 Determining the upper critical magnetic field for N-doped lutetium hydride directly from the source data files in Dasenbrock-Gammon et al., Nature $\underline{615}$, 244 (2023) (arXiv.org)

    65. 2305.12214 Ba9RE2(SiO4)6 (RE=Ho-Yb): A New Family of Rare-earth based Honeycomb Lattice Magnets (arXiv.org)

    66. 2305.12116 Probing the Magnetic State of a Kitaev Material with Graphene (arXiv.org)

    67. 2305.11939 Fate of multipolar physics in $5d^2$ double perovskites (Kee, arXiv.org)

    68. 2305.13268 Spin-phonon scattering-induced low thermal conductivity in a van der Waals layered ferromagnet Cr$_2$Si$_2$Te$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    69. 2305.13003 Skyrmions and antiskyrmions in monoaxial chiral magnets (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    70. 2305.12508 Collective excitations in chiral Stoner magnets (arXiv.org)

    71. 2305.12609 Helical boundary modes from synthetic spin in a plasmonic lattice (arXiv.org)

    72. 2305.11963 Floquet-Driven Indirect Exchange Interaction Mediated by Topological Insulator Surface States (arXiv.org)

    73. 2305.13244 Pseudospin-orbit coupling and non-Hermitian effects in the Quantum Geometric Tensor of a plasmonic lattice (Torma, arXiv.org)

    74. 2305.13174 Observation of Quantum metric and non-Hermitian Berry curvature in a plasmonic lattice (Torma, arXiv.org)

    75. PhysRevLett.130.216701 Efficient Spin-to-Charge Conversion via Altermagnetic Spin Splitting Effect in Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ (Altermagnet, PRL)

    76. PhysRevLett.130.216702 Neel Spin Currents in Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    77. 2305.11688 Raman Response of the Charge Density Wave in Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    78. 2305.11210 Compass-like manipulation of electronic nematicity in Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    79. 2305.11713 Topological Enhancement of Nonlinear Transports in Unconventional Point-Node Semimetals (arXiv)

    80. 2305.11631 Electrical conductivity and screening effect of spin-1 chiral fermions scattered by charged impurities (arXiv)

    81. 2305.11343 Nanoscale magnetic domains in polycrystalline Mn3Sn films imaged by a scanning single-spin magnetometer (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 May 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 May 3rd week collection
    1. adma.202211634 Topological Spin Textures in a Non-Collinear Antiferromagnet System (Mn3Sn skyrmion, Advanced Materials)

    2. s41567-023-02053-z Flat band separation and robust spin Berry curvature in bilayer kagome metals (kagome, Nature Physics)

    3. s41586-023-05907-x Nodeless electron pairing in CsV3Sb5-derived kagome superconductors (kagome, Nature)

    4. s41586-023-05900-4 Anomalous intense coherent secondary photoemission from a perovskite oxide (Nature)

    5. PhysRevB.107.205130 Realization of flat bands by lattice intercalation in kagome metals (kagome, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.107.174425 Observation of hybrid magnetic skyrmion bubbles in ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ nanodisks (PRB)

    7. PhysRevLett.130.206702 Identifying and Constructing Complex Magnon Band Topology (PRL)

    8. 2305.11156 In-plane magnetic penetration depth in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: muon-spin rotation/relaxation study (arXiv.org)

    9. 2305.10479 Topological Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Altermagnetic Metals (Altermagnetic, arXiv.org)

    10. 2305.11174 Magnetic catalysis in weakly interacting hyperbolic Dirac materials (arXiv.org)

    11. 2305.11085 The effect of vacancies on magnetic correlations and conductance in graphene nanoflakes with realistic Coulomb interaction (arXiv.org)

    12. 2305.10619 Majorana-fermion origin of the planar thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev magnet $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (planar thermal Hall effect, arXiv.org)

    13. 2305.10592 Measuring Non-local Brane Order with Error-corrected Parity Snapshots (arXiv.org)

    14. 2305.10477 The chiral limits of moire semiconductors: origin of flat bands and topology in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides homobilayers (arXiv.org)

    15. 2208.02967 Realization of Practical Eightfold Fermions and Fourfold van Hove Singularity in TaCo$_2$Te$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevX.13.021026 Measurements Conspire Nonlocally to Restructure Critical Quantum States (PRX)

    17. PhysRevLett.130.207103 Eigenvalue Crossing as a Phase Transition in Relaxation Dynamics (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.130.206501 Emergent Glassy Behavior in a Kagome Rydberg Atom Array (kagome, PRL)

    19. s72 Record Precision for Hydrogen Spectroscopy Measurements (hyperfine, Physics)

    20. 2305.08357 Field-driven spatiotemporal manipulation of Majorana zero modes in Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    21. 2305.07589 Spacetime magnetic hopfions: from internal excitations and braiding of skyrmions (arXiv)

    22. 2305.08494 Topological two-body bands in a multiband Hubbard model (arXiv)

    23. 2305.10303v1 Tuning critical field, critical current, and diode effect of narrow thin-film superconductors through engineering inhomogeneous Pearl length (arXiv.org)

    24. 2305.10325 Potential-tuned magnetic switches and half-metallicity transition in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (arXiv.org)

    25. 2305.10111 Material Parameters for Faster Ballistic Switching of an In-plane Magnetized Nanomagnet (arXiv.org)

    26. 2305.10035 Exploring room temperature spin transport under band gap opening in bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    27. 2305.09950 Skyrmion-mediated Nonvolatile Ternary Memory (arXiv.org)

    28. 2305.09728 Unveiling Topological Modes on Curved Surfaces (arXiv.org)

    29. PhysRevX.13.021025 Periodic Atomic Displacements and Visualization of the Electron-Lattice Interaction in the Cuprate (PRX)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.207002 Gate-Controlled Quantum Interference Effects in a Clean Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube $p\ensuremath{-}n$ Junction (CN, PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.130.203401 Machine Learning the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas (PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.206701 Collective Excitations in Chiral Stoner Magnets (PRL)

    33. 2305.09586 Superconductivity near 80 Kelvin in single crystals of La3Ni2O7 under pressure (arXiv)

    34. 2305.09531 Photoinduced dynamics of flat bands in the kagome metal CoSn (flat, arXiv)

    35. 2305.09409 Sublattice Pairing in Pyrochlore Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    36. 2305.09347 A simplified method characterizing magnetic ordering modulated photo-thermoelectric response in noncentrosymmetric semimetal Ca3Ru2O7 (arXiv)

    37. 2305.09077 Magnon Hall effect in antiferromagnetic lattices (magnon, arXiv)

    38. 2305.09012 A Quantitative Solution to the Kondo Lattice Problem (arXiv)

    39. 2305.08897 Analog gravity and the continuum effective theory of the graphene tight binding lattice model (arXiv)

    40. 2305.09197 Mixed-State Quantum Spin Liquid in Kitaev Lindbladian: Dynamical Anyon Condensation (arXiv)

    41. 2305.09616 Non-trivial Flat Bands in Three Dimensions (3DFlat, arXiv)

    42. 2305.09577 Towards tunable graphene phononic crystals (arXiv)

    43. 2305.09532 Plasmons in phosphorene nanoribbons (BP, arXiv)

    44. 2305.09202 Breakdown of helical edge state topologically protected conductance in time-reversal-breaking excitonic insulators (JEMoore, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevLett.130.207001 Trivial Andreev Band Mimicking Topological Bulk Gap Reopening in the Nonlocal Conductance of Long Rashba Nanowires (Jelena, PRL)

    46. PhysRevB.107.L180402 Double-$Q$ ground state with topological charge stripes in the centrosymmetric skyrmion candidate ${\mathrm{GdRu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (PRB)

    47. s41567-023-02060-0 Dirac revivals drive a resonance response in twisted bilayer graphene (Nature Physics)

    48. 2305.08406v1 Superconducting-insulating quantum phase transition associated with valence change in compressed perovskite bismuth-oxides (arXiv)

    49. 2305.08058 Superconducting phase above room temperature in lutetium-beryllium hydrides at high pressures (Lu, arXiv)

    50. 2305.08038 First Principles and Machine Learning Identify Key Pairing Strength Factors of Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    51. 2305.08646 Magnetic order and electronic transport properties in the Mn$_3$Al compound: the role of the structural state (arXiv)

    52. 2305.08357 Field-driven spatiotemporal manipulation of Majorana zero modes in Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    53. 2305.08333 Magnetic bubble crystal in tetragonal magnets (Hayami, arXiv)

    54. 2305.08171 Topological heavy fermions in magnetic field (arXiv)

    55. 2305.08141 Electronic instability in pressured black phosphorus under strong magnetic field (BP, arXiv)

    56. 2305.08109 Higher Berry curvature from matrix product states (arXiv)

    57. 2305.08584 Topological Phase Transitions of Generalized Brillouin Zone (arXiv)

    58. 2305.08149 Non-divergent Chiral Charge Pumping in Weyl Semimetal (HWLee, arXiv)

    59. 2305.08728 Order parameter dynamics in Mn$_3$Sn driven by DC and pulsed spin-orbit torques (Mn3Sn, arXiv.org)

    60. 2305.07619 Light-induced insulator-metal transition in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ reveals the nature of the insulating ground state (iridates, arXiv)

    61. 2305.07589 Spacetime magnetic hopfions: from internal excitations and braiding of skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    62. 2305.07327 Observation and formation mechanism of 360{\deg} domain wall rings in Synthetic Anti-Ferromagnets with interlayer chiral interactions (DW, arXiv)

    63. 2305.07191 Observation of 1D Fermi arc states in Weyl semimetal TaAs (arXiv)

    64. 2305.07174 Chess-board Acoustic Crystals with Momentum-space Nonsymmorphic Symmetries (arXiv)

    65. 2305.07112 Detecting Fractionalization in Critical Spin Liquids using Color Centers (arXiv)

    66. 2305.07063 Gaining insights on anyon condensation and 1-form symmetry breaking across a topological phase transition in a deformed toric code model (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 May 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 May 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.196401 Quantum Spin Hall States and Topological Phase Transition in Germanene (PRL) s66 Quantum Spin Hall Effect Seen in Graphene Analog (Physics)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.196901 Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films (PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.107.195413 Theoretical proposal to obtain strong Majorana evidence from scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a vortex with a dissipative environment (PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.196201 Topological and Stacked Flat Bands in Bilayer Graphene with a Superlattice Potential (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.196602 Fermi-Arc Metals (PRL)

    6. 2304.10181 Heliknoton in a film of cubic chiral magnet (arXiv)

    7. s41586-023-06162-w Absence of near-ambient superconductivity in LuH2±xNy (HHWen, Nature)

    8. 2305.06751 Ab initio study of the structural, vibrational and optical properties of potential parent structures of nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride (LuH2, arXiv.org)

    9. 2305.06694 Carrier-Density Control of the Quantum-Confined 1$T$-TiSe$_2$ Charge-Density-Wave (TiSe2, arXiv.org)

    10. 2305.06596 Engineering of anomalous Josephson effect in coherently coupled Josephson junctions (arXiv.org)

    11. 2305.06949 Twisted bilayer graphene at charge neutrality: competing orders of SU(4) Dirac fermions (arXiv.org)

    12. 2305.06496 Topological Nernst and topological thermal Hall effect in rare-earth kagome ScMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    13. 2305.06399 Quantization of the higher Berry curvature and the higher Thouless pump (arXiv.org)

    14. 2305.07007 Spectral properties, topological patches, and effective phase diagrams of finite disordered Majorana nanowires (arXiv.org)

    15. 2305.06837 Density of states, transport, and topology in disordered Majorana nanowires (arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.198401 Wrinkling Instability in Unsupported Epithelial Sheets (Wrinkling, PRL)

    17. s71 Proof That a Complex Quantum Network Is Truly Quantum (Physics)

    18. PhysRevB.107.174409 Current-induced dynamics of isolated antiferromagnetic antiskyrmion and antiskyrmionium (PRB)

    19. s41586-023-05885-0 Loophole-free Bell inequality violation with superconducting circuits (Nature)

    20. d41586-023-01488-x Superconducting qubits cover new distances (Nature)

    21. s41586-023-05883-2 Partitioning of diluted anyons reveals their braiding statistics (HSSim, Nature)

    22. s41586-023-05879-y Tunable electron-flexural phonon interaction in graphene heterostructures (Nature)

    23. 2305.06103 Pressure-induced color change arising from transformation between intra- and inter-band transitions in LuH${2\pm x}$N${y}$ (HHWen LuH2, arXiv.org)

    24. 2305.05683 Nagaoka ferromagnetism in doped Hubbard models in optical lattices (arXiv.org)

    25. 2305.06248 Eigenmodes of magnetic skyrmion lattices (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    26. 2305.06241 Dynamical bulk boundary correspondence and dynamical quantum phase transitions in higher order topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    27. 2305.06020 Giant spin Nernst effect in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet due to magnetoelastic coupling-induced gaps and interband transitions between magnon-like bands (arXiv.org)

    28. 2305.06011 Correlations of spin splitting and orbital fluctuations due to 1/f charge noise in the Si/SiGe Quantum Dot (arXiv.org)

    29. 2305.05830 Inverse orbital Hall effect and orbitronic terahertz emission observed in the materials with weak spin-orbit coupling (arXiv.org)

    30. 2305.05906 Realization of all-band-flat photonic lattices (arXiv.org)

    31. adfm.202301817 d0 Magnetic Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Lattice (d0 skyrmion, Advanced Functional Materials)

    32. 79 It’s Time to Take Quantum Biology Research Seriously (Physics)

    33. 2305.05498 Anomalous suppression of photo-induced in-gap weight in the optical conductivity of a two-leg Hubbard ladder (Yunoki, arXiv)

    34. 2305.05497 Magnon dispersion in ferromagnetic SrRuO$_3$ (SRO, arXiv)

    35. 2305.05254 Axial and polar magnetism in hexagonal YMnO3 (YMO, arXiv)

    36. 2305.05178 Origin of the exotic electronic states in antiferromagnetic NdSb (arXiv)

    37. 2305.05615 A discrete formulation of the Kane-Mele $\mathbb{Z}_2$ invariant (Shiozaki, arXiv)

    38. 2305.05582 Thermoelectric phenomena in an antiferromagnetic helix: Role of electric field (arXiv)

    39. 2305.05273 Microscopic Theory of Nonlinear Hall Effect Induced by Electric Field and Temperature Gradient (arXiv)

    40. 2305.04945 Non-Abelian hyperbolic band theory from supercells (Bzdusek, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevX.13.021021 Quantum Simulations of Interacting Systems with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry (PRX)

    42. PhysRevLett.130.196001 Stabilizing Fluctuating Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Graphene via Induced Spin-Orbit Coupling (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.198301 Long-Range Order and Directional Defect Propagation in the Nonreciprocal $\mathit{XY}$ Model with Vision Cone Interactions (PRL)

    44. 2305.04262 Magnetic field-induced weak-to-strong-link crossover in patterned superconducting films (arXiv.org)

    45. 2305.03856 Andreev reflection at altermagnet/superconductor interface (altermagnet, arXiv.org)

    46. 2305.04830 Thermal Hall effects in quantum magnets (GChen, arXiv.org)

    47. 2305.04280 Effect of random antiferromagnetic exchange on the spin waves in a three-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    48. 2305.03800 Incommensurability enabled quasi-fractal order in 1D narrow-band moir\‘e systems (arXiv.org)

    49. 2305.04888 Phase diagram of the $\nu = 2$ quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    50. 2305.04385 Lectures on spintronics and magnonincs (arXiv.org)

    51. PhysRevLett.130.193001 Quantum Criticality of Liquid-Gas Transition in a Binary Bose Mixture (PRL)

    52. acd327 In-plane spin excitation of skyrmion bags (Chinese Physics B)

    53. 74 Quantum Fluids of Light Come into Sharper View (Physics)

    54. 2305.03705 K. Alex Muller: Science between ferroelectricity and superconductivity (arXiv)

    55. 2305.03528 Ultrafast all-optical manipulation of the charge-density-wave in VTe$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    56. 2305.03400 Chiral excitations and the intermediate-field spin-liquid regime in the Kitaev magnet $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (arXiv)

    57. 2305.03673 Magnetism in the two-dimensional dipolar XY model (arXiv)

    58. 2305.03588 X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnetic $\alpha$-MnTe (arXiv)

    59. 2305.03437 Direct visualization of hybrid excitons in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 May 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 May 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.174403 Ab initio statistical mechanics of the N\‘eel transition in hexagonal ${\mathrm{YMnO}}_{3}$: Antiferromagnetic domain walls, vortices, and local magnetoelectric coupling (PRB)

    2. 2305.03035 Iron-based superconductors: teenage, complex, challenging (arXiv)

    3. 2305.02900 Superconducting Arcs (arXiv)

    4. 2305.02340 Nontrivial Quantum Geometry and the Strength of Electron-Phonon Coupling (Bernevig, arXiv)

    5. 2305.03031 Magic-angle helical trilayer graphene (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    6. 2305.02975 High Chern numbers in a perovskite-derived dice lattice (La$X$O$_3$)$_3$/(LaAlO$_3$)$_3$(111) with $X=$ Ti, Mn and Co (arXiv)

    7. 2305.02833 Emergence of curved momentum-spacetime and its effect on the cyclotron motion in the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal (arXiv)

    8. 2305.02751 Pressure evolution of electron dynamics in the superconducting kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    9. 2305.02454 Correlation Induced Magnetic Topological Phases in Mixed-Valence Compound SmB6 (arXiv)

    10. 2305.02393 Universal sublinear resistivity in vanadium kagome materials hosting charge density waves (arXiv)

    11. 2305.02341 Failure of Topological Invariants in Strongly Correlated Matter (arXiv)

    12. 2305.02336 Theory of shot noise in strange metals (arXiv)

    13. 2305.02409 An overview of the spin dynamics of antiferromagnetic Mn$_5$Si$_3$ (SBlugel, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.130.186001 Current- and Field-Induced Topology in Twisted Nodal Superconductors (PRL)

    15. s41586-023-05853-8 Photo-induced high-temperature ferromagnetism in YTiO3 (Nature)

    16. 52 Light Boosts Magnetism in a Crystal (Physics)

    17. 2305.01926 Superconducting Stiffness and Coherence Length of FeSe${0.5}$Te${0.5}$ Measured in Zero-Applied Field (arXiv)

    18. 2305.01682 Frustration induced Itinerant Ferromagnetism of Fermions in Optical Lattice (arXiv)

    19. 2305.00990 BCS-like disorder-driven instabilities and ultraviolet effects in nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)

    20. 2305.01702 Exciton and light induced ferromagnetism from doping a moir\‘e Mott insulator (arXiv)

    21. 2305.01172 Direct observations of spin fluctuations in spin-hedgehog-anti-hedgehog lattice states in MnSi$_{1-x}$Ge$_x$ ($x=0.6$ and $0.8$) at zero magnetic field (hedgehog, arXiv)

    22. 2305.01086 Origin and stability of the charge density wave in ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    23. 2305.01033 Heavy-fermion strange metal and quantum spin liquid in a 4d-electron trimer lattice (arXiv)

    24. 2305.01001 Quantum statistical mechanics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and strange metals (arXiv)

    25. 2305.02181 Impacts of the half-skyrmion spin topology, spin-orbit torque, and dynamic symmetry breaking on the growth of magnetic stripe domains (arXiv)

    26. 2305.02025 Topological phase detection through high-harmonic spectroscopy in extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (arXiv)

    27. 2305.01404 Theory of polarization textures in crystal supercells (arXiv)

    28. 2305.01640 Orbital Hall effect in mesoscopic devices (arXiv)

    29. 2305.01318 Curvature-enhanced localised emission from dark states in wrinkled monolayer WSe2 at room temperature (arXiv)

    30. 2305.01105 Creating a three dimensional intrinsic electric dipole on rotated CrI$_3$ bilayers (arXiv)

    31. 2305.01006 Interaction-driven topological phase diagram of twisted bilayer MoTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.186404 Resonating Valence Bond States in an Electron-Phonon System (SKivelson, PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.130.186204 High-Order Fractal Quantum Oscillations in Graphene/BN Superlattices in the Extreme Doping Limit (PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.130.186302 Composite Fermion Pairing Induced by Landau Level Mixing (PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.130.186801 Sublattice-Dependent Antiferromagnetic Transitions in Rare Earth Nickelates (PRL)

    36. PhysRevLett.130.186702 Amorphous and Polycrystalline Routes toward a Chiral Spin Liquid (CSL, PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.130.187101 Universal Subdiffusive Behavior at Band Edges from Transfer Matrix Exceptional Points (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.130.186403 Spontaneous Formation of Exceptional Points at the Onset of Magnetism (PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.130.186202 Punctured-Chern Topological Invariants for Semimetallic Band structures (PRL)

    40. PhysRevX.13.021017 Consistent Quantization of Nearly Singular Superconducting Circuits (PRX)

    41. PhysRevLett.130.186201 Controlling the Zero Hall Plateau in a Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator by In-Plane Magnetic Field (PRL)

    42. PhysRevLett.130.186401 Excitonic Condensate in Flat Valence and Conduction Bands of Opposite Chirality (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.186701 SU(2)-Symmetric Spin-Boson Model: Quantum Criticality, Fixed-Point Annihilation, and Duality (PRL)

    44. 2305.00958v1 Josephson coupling driven magnetoresistance in superconducting NiBi3 nanowires (arXiv)

    45. 2305.00589v1 The fate of time-reversal symmetry breaking in UTe2 (arXiv)

    46. 2305.00444v1 Superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds with sodium (arXiv)

    47. 2305.00802v1 Theoretical analysis of multi-magnon excitations in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of two-dimensional antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    48. 2305.00751v1 Theory of magnetic vortex crystals induced by electric dipole interactions (arXiv)

    49. 2305.00448v1 General construction scheme for geometrically nontrivial flat band models (arXiv)

    50. 2305.00376v1 Itinerant to relocalized transition of f electrons in the Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6 (arXiv)

    51. 2305.00295v1 Weyl metallic state induced by helical magnetic order (arXiv)

    52. 2305.00215v1 Observation of linear magnetoelectric effect in a Dirac magnon antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6 (arXiv)

    53. 2305.00155v1 Classification of Classical Spin Liquids: Typology and Resulting Landscape (arXiv)

    54. 2305.00973v1 Integer and fractional Chern insulators in twisted bilayer MoTe2 (arXiv)

    55. 2305.00870v1 Microscopic superexchange model for moir\‘e bilayer in chromium trihalides (arXiv)

    56. 2305.00824v1 Atomically-precise engineering of spin-orbit polarons in a kagome magnetic Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

    57. 2305.00775v1 Ultrafast electron-phonon scattering in antiferromagnetic Dirac-semimetals (arXiv)

    58. 2305.00826v1 Discovery and construction of surface kagome electronic states induced by p-d electronic hybridization (arXiv)

    59. 2304.14822 Superconductivity from Orbital-Selective Electron-Phonon Coupling in $A\mathrm{V}_3\mathrm{Sb}_5$ (arXiv)

    60. 2304.14453 Evidence for Unconventional Superconductivity and Nontrivial Topology in PdTe (arXiv)

    61. 2304.14991 A numerical study of bounds in the correlations of fractional quantum Hall states (arXiv)

    62. 2304.14896 The Double-$Q$ Ground State with Topological Charge Stripes in the Skyrmion Candidate $\text{GdRu}{\text{2}}\text{Si}{\text{2}}$ (arXiv)

    63. 2304.14683 Two-dimensional extended Hubbard model: doping, next-nearest neighbor hopping and phase diagrams (arXiv)

    64. 2304.14640 Partial molecular orbitals in face-sharing 3$d$ manganese trimer: Comparative studies on Ba${4}$TaMn${3}$O${12}$ and Ba${4}$NbMn${3}$O${12}$ (arXiv)

    65. 2304.15009 Emergent metallicity at the grain boundaries of higher-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    66. 2304.14978 Interplay of electron-magnon scattering and spin-orbit induced electronic spin-flip fcattering in a two-band Stoner model (arXiv)

    67. 2304.14718 Investigation and field effect tuning of thermoelectric properties of SnSe2 flakes (arXiv)

    68. 2304.14435 Classical Chaos in Quantum Computers (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 5 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.134435 Creating long-range entangled Majorana pairs: From spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ twisted Kitaev to generalized $XY$ chains (HYKee, PRB)

    2. PhysRevX.13.021016 Observation of Spin-Wave Moire Edge and Cavity Modes in Twisted Magnetic Lattices (PRX)

    3. PhysRevLett.130.176101 Acoustic Amplifying Diode Using Nonreciprocal Willis Coupling (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.176303 Phonon-Assisted Intertube Electronic Transport in an Armchair Carbon Nanotube Film (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.176501 Signatures of Supersymmetry in the 5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (PRL)

    6. acs.nanolett.3c00718 Topological Equivalence of Stripy States and Skyrmion Crystals (Nano Letters)

    7. 2304.13805 Temperature Evolution of Domains and Intradomain Chirality in 1T-TaS$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    8. 2304.13744 Quantum statistical mechanics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and charged black holes (Sachdev, arXiv)

    9. 2304.14314 Meron configurations in easy-plane chiral magnets (arXiv)

    10. 2304.14000 Conversion of phonon angular momentum into magnons in ferromagnets (SMurakami, arXiv)

    11. 2304.13741 Constrained $s$-wave weak-coupling superconductivity in multiband superconductors (arXiv)

    12. 2304.14277 Chiral helimagnetism and stability of magnetic textures in MnNb$_3$S$_6$ (arXiv)

    13. 2304.14064 Evolution from quantum anomalous Hall insulator to heavy-fermion semimetal in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    14. 2303.16472 Coarse-graining collective skyrmion dynamics in confined geometries (arXiv.org)

    15. PhysRevLett.130.176201 Tuning a Two-Impurity Kondo System by a Moir\‘e Superstructure (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.176901 Monolayer-to-Mesoscale Modulation of the Optical Properties in 2D ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ Mapped by Hyperspectral Microscopy (PRL)

    17. 2304.13083 Quantum Monte Carlo study of a bilayer $U(2)\times U(2)$ symmetric Hubbard model (QMC, arXiv.org)

    18. 2304.13716 Fermionic skyrmions and bosonization for a Gross-Neveu transition (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    19. 2304.13624 Quantum many-body scars in spin models with multi-body interactions (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    20. 2304.13563 Signatures of Hund Metal and Fermi Liquid Behavior in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ Revealed by Electronic Raman Scattering (arXiv.org)

    21. 2304.13395 Density-matrix renormalization group: a pedagogical introduction (arXiv.org)

    22. 2304.13378 Quantum liquids of the S=3/2 Kitaev honeycomb and related Kugel-Khomskii models (kitaev, arXiv.org)

    23. 2304.13362 Signatures of a gapless quantum spin liquid in the Kitaev material Na$3$Co${2-x}$Zn$_x$SbO$_6$ (kitaev, arXiv.org)

    24. 2304.13236 Bond-dependent anisotropy and magnon breakdown in cobalt Kitaev triangular antiferromagnet (JGPark, arXiv.org)

    25. 2304.13184 Tensor network variational optimizations for real-time dynamics: application to the time-evolution of spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    26. 2304.13049 Riemann meets Goldstone: magnon scattering off quantum Hall skyrmion crystals probes interplay of symmetry breaking and topology (Moessner, arXiv.org)

    27. 2304.13631 One-dimensional flat bands and Dirac cones in narrow zigzag dice lattice ribbons (arXiv.org)

    28. 2304.13400 Observation of Fluctuation Spin Hall Effect in Antiferromagnet (Nagaosa, arXiv.org)

    29. 2304.13073 Regularized lattice theory for spatially dispersive nonlinear optical conductivities (arXiv.org)

    30. 2304.13068 Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators (arXiv.org)

    31. 2304.13697 Proximity-induced superconductivity in a 2D Kondo lattice of an f-electron-based surface alloy (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    32. 68 Turbulence in Collisionless Cosmic Plasmas (Physics)

    33. 70 Heat Carried by Electron Waves (Physics)

    34. 2304.12485 Interplay between atomic fluctuations and charge density waves in La${2-x}$Sr${x}$CuO$_{4}$ (arXiv)

    35. 2304.12619 Planar Hall effect and quasi-2D anisotropic superconductivity in topological candidate 1$T$-NbSeTe (arXiv)

    36. 2304.12689 Majorana Bound States in Germanium Josephson Junctions via Phase Control (arXiv)

    37. 2304.12612 Bose-Einstein condensations of magnons in quantum magnets with spin-orbit coupling in a Zeeman field (arXiv)

    38. 2304.12476 Magnetism and metal-insulator transitions in the anisotropic kagome lattice (arXiv)

    39. 2304.12874 Topological flat bands in rhombohedral tetralayer and multilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride moire superlattices (arXiv)

    40. 2304.12742 Polarization Jumps across Topological Phase Transitions in Two-dimensional Systems (arXiv)

    41. 2304.12735 Demonstration of acoustic high-order Stiefel-Whitney semimetal in bilayer graphene sonic crystals (arXiv)

    42. 2304.12712 Magnetism-induced band-edge shift as mechanism for magnetoconductance in CrPS$_4$ transistors (arXiv)

    43. 2304.12694 The higher-order magnetic skyrmions in non-uniform magnetic fields (arXiv)

    44. 2304.12641 Observation of Multiple Topological Corner States in Thermal Diffusion (arXiv)

    45. 2304.12456 Quantum dot Josephson junctions in the strong-coupling limit (arXiv)

    46. 2304.12802 Chiral photonic topological states in Penrose quasicrystals (arXiv)

    47. PhysRevX.13.021013 Emergent $s$-Wave Interactions between Identical Fermions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Geometries (PRX)

    48. PhysRevLett.130.176301 Nonreciprocal Phonon Propagation in a Metallic Chiral Magnet (Seki, PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.130.176801 Sliding Phase Transition in Ferroelectric van der Waals Bilayers (GBauer, PRL)

    50. adfm.202302984 Observation of Colossal Topological Hall Effect in Noncoplanar Ferromagnet Cr5Te6 Thin Films (Advanced Functional Materials)

    51. 2304.11933 Analytic Solution of $n$-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (arXiv.org)

    52. 2304.11536 Spin-triplet superconductivity from quantum-geometry-induced ferromagnetic fluctuation (arXiv.org)

    53. 2304.11311 Lattice effect on the superexchange interaction in antiferromagnetic Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_8$ (arXiv.org)

    54. 2304.11944 Tensor network approach to the fully frustrated XY kagome antiferromagnets with a fractional vortex-antivortex pairing transition (arXiv.org)

    55. 2304.11807 Gate-defined topological Josephson junctions in Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    56. 2304.11864 Fractional Chern Insulator in Twisted Bilayer MoTe$_2$ (YRan, arXiv.org)

    57. 2304.11820 Nature of charge density wave in kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (arXiv.org)

    58. 2304.11716 Quantum Spin Supersolid as a precursory Dirac Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet (GChen, arXiv.org)

    59. 2304.11502 Magnetism and Fermiology of Kagome Magnet YMn6Sn4Ge2 (arXiv.org)

    60. 2304.12279 Evolution of Flat Band and Van Hove Singularities with Interlayer Coupling in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (flatband, arXiv.org)

    61. 2304.12261 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in twisted bilayer MoTe$_2$ and WSe$_2$ (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

    62. 2304.11364 Cavity-induced charge transfer in periodic systems: length-gauge formalism (arXiv.org)

    63. 2304.11890 Gate-tunable ferromagnetism in a van der Waals magnetic semimetal (arXiv.org)

    64. 2304.11650 Diversity of Radial Spin Textures in Chiral Materials (arXiv.org)

    65. PhysRevX.13.021012 Symmetries as the Guiding Principle for Flattening Bands of Dirac Fermions (PRX)

    66. RevModPhys.95.025001 Topological phases in polar oxide nanostructures (Ramesh, Reviews of Modern Physics)

    67. 2304.10583 A mechanism for $\pi$ phase shifts in Little-Parks experiments: application to 2H-TaS$_2$ intercalated with chiral molecules and to 4Hb-TaS$_2$ (PALee, arXiv)

    68. 2304.11154 Transition to the Haldane phase driven by electron-electron correlations (arXiv)

    69. 2304.10890 Magnetism and field-induced effect in a spin-orbit entangled Jeff = 1/2 honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    70. 2304.10746 Emergence of Rashba-spin-valley state in two-dimensional strained bismuth oxychalcogenides Bi${2}$O${2}$Se (arXiv)

    71. 2304.10586 Imaging inter-valley coherent order in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv)

    72. 2304.10872 Generalized Wiedemann-Franz law in a two-site charge Kondo circuit: "magic" Lorenz ratio as a benchmark for the orthogonality catastrophe (arXiv)

    73. 2304.10852 Adversarial Hamiltonian learning of quantum dots in a minimal Kitaev chain (arXiv)

    74. 2304.10747 Revealing the higher-order spin nature of the Hall effect in non-collinear antiferromagnet $\mathrm{Mn_3Ni_{0.35}Cu_{0.65}N}$ (arXiv)

    75. 2304.10699 Confined states and topological phases in two-dimensional quasicrystalline $\pi$-flux model (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.166201 Breaking Down the Magnonic Wiedemann-Franz Law in the Hydrodynamic Regime (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.166302 Time-Reversal-Even Nonlinear Current Induced Spin Polarization (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.130.166703 Experimental Evidence for the Spiral Spin Liquid in ${\mathrm{LiYbO}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.168102 Nematronics: Reciprocal Coupling between Ionic Currents and Nematic Dynamics (PRL)

    5. 67 A Rare Glimpse into a Bygone Era (Physics)

    6. s44 Daya Bay’s Final Measurement (Physics)

    7. 2304.10390 Critical properties of the Majorana chain with competing interactions (arXiv.org)

    8. 2304.10222 Pressure-induced transition from a Mott insulator to a ferromagnetic Weyl metal in La2O3Fe2Se2 (arXiv.org)

    9. 2304.10133 Canting angle behavior of magnetic moments in Y- substituted Tb2BaNiO5 and its relevance for magnetoelectric coupling (arXiv.org)

    10. 2304.10122 Magnetic behavior of cubic Dy4RhAl with respect to isostructural Dy4PtAl, revealing a novel 4f d-band interaction (arXiv.org)

    11. 2304.10090 Contrasting electronic states of RuI3 and RuCl3 (arXiv.org)

    12. 2304.10463 Quantized Hall current in topological nodal-line semimetal (arXiv.org)

    13. 2304.10363 Conductance oscillations of antiferromagnetic layer tunnel junctions (arXiv.org)

    14. 2304.10181 Heliknoton in a film of cubic chiral magnet (arXiv.org)

    15. 2304.09907 $\mathbb Z_2$-Nontrivial Moir\‘e Minibands and Interaction-Driven Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators in Topological Insulator Based Moir\‘e Heterostructures (arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.166002 Optimizing Superconductivity: From Cuprates via Nickelates to Palladates (PRL)

    17. s54 Palladium Oxides Might Be Superb Superconductors (Physics)

    18. 2304.09812 Signatures of Cooper pair dynamics and quantum-critical superconductivity in tunable carrier bands (arXiv.org)

    19. 2304.09637 Magnon-magnon interaction in monolayer MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    20. 2304.09808 Mapping twist-tuned multi-band topology in bilayer WSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    21. 2304.09503 Thermoelectric effect of skyrmion crystal confined in a magnetic disk (arXiv.org)

    22. 2304.09359 Jahn-Teller distortion driven ferromagnetism in a perovskite fluoride monolayer (arXiv.org)

    23. 2304.09768 Planar Hall effect in topological Weyl and nodal line semimetals (arXiv.org)

    24. PhysRevLett.130.166001 Parity Transition of Spin-Singlet Superconductivity Using Sublattice Degrees of Freedom (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.130.166702 In-Plane Anomalous Hall Effect in $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetric Antiferromagnetic Materials (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.130.166701 Anisotropic Melting of Frustrated Ising Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    27. 2304.08992 Leading components and pressure-induced color changes in lutetium-nitrogen-hydrogen system (arXiv.org)

    28. 2304.09066 Three-Dimensional Flat Bands and Dirac Cones in a Pyrochlore Superconductor (arXiv.org)

    29. 2304.09173 Softening of a flat phonon mode in the kagome ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    30. 2304.08948 Halperin $(m’,m,n)$ fractional quantum Hall effect in topological flat bands (arXiv.org)

    31. 2304.08815 Linear scaling relationship of N\‘{e}el temperature and dominant magnons in pyrochlore ruthenates (arXiv.org)

    32. 2304.08635 Electromagnetic signatures of chiral quantum spin liquid (arXiv.org)

    33. 2304.08623 Location and thermal evolution of the pseudogap due to spin fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    34. 2304.08871 Machine-learning detection of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and the second-order phase transition in the XXZ models (arXiv.org)

    35. 2304.08544 Kondo Temperature Evaluated from Linear Conductance in Magnetic Fields (arXiv.org)

    36. 2304.09040 Edge-selective extremal damping from topological heritage of dissipative Chern insulators (arXiv.org)

    37. 2304.08905 Defects in Graphene : A Topological Description (arXiv.org)

    38. PhysRevX.13.021009 Uncovering Conformal Symmetry in the 3D Ising Transition: State-Operator Correspondence from a Quantum Fuzzy Sphere Regularization (PRX)

    39. 64 A New Card up Graphene’s Sleeve (Physics)

    40. s41586-023-05807-0 Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene (Nature)

    41. 2304.07490 Linear dependence of $T_{c}$ on inter-site attraction in two-dimensional extended Hubbard model (arXiv)

    42. 2304.07326 Microscopic theory of colour in lutetium hydride (arXiv)

    43. 2304.07432v1 Electromagnetic response of superconductors in mean-field approximation (arXiv)

    44. 2304.07318 Upper bounds on superconducting and excitonic phase-stiffness for interacting isolated narrow bands (arXiv)

    45. 2304.08428 Scaling law of the Hall coefficient in cuprates (arXiv)

    46. 2304.08214 Spin Fluctuations in Sr${1.8}$La${0.2}$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    47. 2304.08142 One-dimensional topological superconductivity in a van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

    48. 2304.07966 Transformation of hexagonal Lu to cubic LuH$_{2+x}$ single-crystalline films (arXiv)

    49. 2304.08200 Sine-square deformed mean-field theory (arXiv)

    50. 2304.08199 Spin-orbit coupled Hubbard skyrmions (arXiv)

    51. 2304.08197 Competing charge-density wave instabilities in the kagome metal ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    52. 2304.08029 Emergent SU(3) magnons and thermal Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice (arXiv)

    53. 2304.08006 The quantum skyrmion Hall effect in f electron systems (arXiv)

    54. 2304.07903 Competing charge and magnetic order in the candidate centrosymmetric skyrmion host EuGa$_2$Al$_2$ (arXiv)

    55. 2304.07350 Magnetic properties of a spin-orbit entangled Jeff=1/2 three-dimensional frustrated rare-earth hyperkagome (arXiv)

    56. 2304.08470 Signatures of Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States in Twisted MoTe2 Bilayer (arXiv)

    57. 2304.07746 Flux-induced midgap states between strain-engineered flat bands (arXiv)

    58. 2304.08227 Dynamical properties of quasiparticles in a tunable Kekul\‘{e} graphene superlattice (arXiv)

    59. 2304.07467 Chirality and correlations in the spontaneous spin-valley polarization of rhombohedral multilayer graphene (arXiv)

    60. PhysRevX.13.021008 Superconducting Fluctuations Observed Far above ${T}{c}$ in the Isotropic Superconductor ${\mathrm{K}}{3}{\mathrm{C}}_{60}$ (PRX)

    61. 2304.07100 van Hove, Rashba, and Hubbard meet to form first-order and higher-order topological superconductors (arXiv)

    62. 2304.06726 Electron-phonon interactions in LuH$_2$, LuH$_3$, and LuN (arXiv)

    63. 2304.07233 The ground state of the Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    64. 2304.07223 Emergent SU(8) Dirac semimetal and novel proximate phases of spin-orbit coupled fermions on a honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    65. 2304.07212 Multi-$Q$ magnetic phases from frustration and chiral interactions (arXiv)

    66. 2304.07043 Three-dimensional Van Hove singularity with divergent density of states in a topological magnet (arXiv)

    67. 2304.07286 Realizing Majorana zero modes in magnetic field-free InAs-Al nanowires with fewer growth constraints (arXiv)

    68. 2304.06982 Hall effect of ferro/antiferromagnetic wallpaper fermions (arXiv)

    69. 2304.06974 Bulk-edge correspondence of Stiefel-Whitney and Euler insulators through the entanglement spectrum and cutting procedure (arXiv)

    70. 2304.06854 On the corner states of two-dimensional second-order topological insulators (arXiv)

    71. 2304.06849 Mapping of Huckel Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes onto independent Polyene chains: application to periodic Nanotubes (arXiv)

    72. 2304.06954 Electrical transport properties driven by unique bonding configuration in gamma-GeSe (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.144415 Eigenmodes of magnetic skyrmion lattices (PRB)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.156402 Superconductor Vortex Spectrum Including Fermi Arc States in Time-Reversal Symmetric Weyl Semimetals (Hosur, PRL)

    3. 59 Educators Needed for a Quantum Future (Physics)

    4. 63 Machine Learning Delivers Sharper Black Hole Image (Physics)

    5. 2301.07034 All-optical magneto-thermo-elastic skyrmion motion (arXiv.org)

    6. 2304.06685 Temperature and quantum anharmonic lattice effects in lutetium trihydride: stability and superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    7. 2304.06431 Phonon promoted charge density wave in topological kagome metal ScV${6}$Sn${6}$ (arXiv.org)

    8. 2304.06669 Pressure–enhanced fractional Chern insulators in moir\‘e transition metal dichalcogenides along a magic line (arXiv.org)

    9. 2304.06436 Hidden magnetism uncovered in charge ordered bilayer kagome material ScV_6Sn_6 (arXiv.org)

    10. 2304.06338 Magnon squeezing in conical spin spirals (arXiv.org)

    11. 2304.06304 Stiefel-Whitney topological charges in a three-dimensional acoustic nodal-line crystal (arXiv.org)

    12. 2304.06228 Magnetism in twisted triangular bilayer graphene quantum dots (arXiv.org)

    13. 2304.06086 The emergence of interface states in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructure with lateral interface (arXiv.org)

    14. s41567-023-02026-2 An optical double-slit experiment in time (Nature Physics)

    15. scientists-create-time-slits-and.html Scientists Create "Ti (guardianmag)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.156002 Topological Superconductivity Mediated by Skyrmionic Magnons (PRL)

    17. s53 Topological Superconductivity without Superconductors (Physics)

    18. PhysRevB.107.134505 Enhancement of the Kondo effect in a quantum dot formed in a full-shell nanowire (PRB)

    19. s41586-023-05807-0 Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene (Nature)

    20. 2304.05488 Non-integrable Floquet Ising model with duality twisted boundary conditions (arXiv)

    21. 2304.05757 Exploring the Interfacial Coupling between Graphene and Antiferromagnetic Insulator MnPSe$_3$ (graphene, arXiv)

    22. 2304.05424 Solitons and real-space screening of bulk topology of quantum materials (Goswami, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevX.13.021007 Entanglement Phase Transition Induced by the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect (SRyu, PRX)

    24. PhysRevLett.130.156401 Exploring the Charge Density Wave Phase of $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaSe}}_{2}$: Mott or Charge-Transfer Gap? (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.130.156201 Andreev Reflection and Klein Tunneling in High-Temperature Superconductor-Graphene Junctions (Lado, PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.130.150201 Fermionic One-Body Entanglement as a Thermodynamic Resource (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.130.156101 Dynamics of Self-Dual Kagome Metamaterials and the Emergence of Fragile Topology (PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.156702 Spin-Liquid Insulators can be Landau’s Fermi Liquids (PRL)

    29. 2304.05854 Charge order driven by multiple-Q spin fluctuations in heavily electron-doped iron selenide superconductors (DLFeng, Nature Communications)

    30. 2304.05851 Transport properties of very overdoped nonsuperconducting Bi2Sr2CuO6+d thin films (PRB)

    31. 2304.05443 Coupled Ferroelectricity and Superconductivity in Bilayer $T_d$-MoTe$_2$ (Nature)

    32. PhysRevLett.125.216404 Revealing Hidden Orbital Pseudospin Texture with Time-Reversal Dichroism in Photoelectron Angular Distributions (PRL)

    33. adma.202301441 Inducing Single Spin-polarized Flat Bands in Monolayer Graphene (Advanced Materials)

    34. PhysRevB.107.134107 Classical Majorana-like zero modes in an acoustic Kitaev chain (PRB)

    35. 2304.05356 Higher structures in matrix product states (SRyu, arXiv.org)

    36. 2304.05086 High-fidelity two-qubit gates of hybrid superconducting-semiconducting singlet-triplet qubits (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    37. 2304.04841 T-square electronic thermal resistivity in metallic strontium titanate (Behnia, arXiv.org)

    38. 2304.04928 Emergence of flat bands via orbital-selective electron correlations in Mn-based kagome metal (JSHwang KYChoi HSKim, arXiv.org)

    39. 2304.04922 Sizable suppression of magnon Hall effect by magnon damping in Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ (JGPark, arXiv.org)

    40. 2304.05256 Anomalous spin textures in a 2D topological superconductor induced by point impurities (arXiv.org)

    41. 2304.05018 Quadrature skyrmions in two-dimensionally arrayed parametric resonators (arXiv.org)

    42. PhysRevLett.130.156701 ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ Spin Liquids in the Higher Spin-$S$ Kitaev Honeycomb Model: An Exact Deconfined ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ Gauge Structure in a Nonintegrable Model (PRL)

    43. 2304.04533 Impurity effect on Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces: Analysis based on iron-based superconductors (arXiv.org)

    44. 2304.04447 Search for ambient superconductivity in the Lu-N-H system (LuH3, arXiv.org)

    45. 2304.04310 Trigonal to cubic structural transition in possibly N-doped LuH3 measured by Raman and X-ray diffraction (LuH3, arXiv.org)

    46. 2304.04426 Nesting-driven antiferromagnetic order in Kondo lattice CePd5Al2 (Ce, arXiv.org)

    47. 2304.03963 Emergent Superconductivity and Competing Charge Orders in Hole-Doped Square-Lattice $t$-$J$ Model (arXiv.org)

    48. 2304.03971 Possible high-temperature magnetically topological material Mn${3}$Bi${2}$Te$_{6}$ (arXiv.org)

    49. 2304.03921 Layer-resolved electronic behavior in a Kondo lattice system, CeAgAs2 (arXiv.org)

    50. 2304.03918 Complexity in the hybridization physics revealed by depth-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of single crystalline novel Kondo lattice systems, CeCuX$_2$ (X = As/Sb) (arXiv.org)

    51. 2304.03874 Renormalized Classical Theory of Quantum Magnets (CDBatista, arXiv.org)

    52. PhysRevX.13.021005 Demon in the Machine: Learning to Extract Work and Absorb Entropy from Fluctuating Nanosystems (PRX)

    53. 2304.03759 Ising superconductivity: a first-principles perspective (arXiv)

    54. 2304.03409 Two superconducting states with broken time-reversal symmetry in FeSe1-xSx (arXiv)

    55. 2304.03620 Electron confinement in chain-doped TMDs: A platform for spin-orbit coupled 1D physics (arXiv)

    56. 2304.03521 Nonlinear response of the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model in a weak magnetic field (arXiv)

    57. 2304.03596 Fermi polaron fine structure in strained van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

    58. 2304.03301 Spin-momentum Locking and Topological Vector Charge Response with Conserved Spin (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.134407 Magnetic skyrmion Walker breakdown in cylindrical nanotubes (PRB)

    2. s41467-023-37337-8 Polar meron-antimeron networks in strained and twisted bilayers (Nature Communications)

    3. RevModPhys.95.021001 Colloquium: Room temperature superconductivity: The roles of theory and materials design (Reviews of Modern Physics)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.143801 Moire Lattice in One-Dimensional Synthetic Frequency Dimension (PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.147001 Generating Coherent Phonon Waves in Narrow-Band Materials: A Twisted Bilayer Graphene Phaser (PRL)

    6. 56 High-Power, Room-Temperature, Coherent Microwave Source (Physics)

    7. science.adi0333 Strengthening the scientific record (Science)

    8. 2304.03100 No evidence of superconductivity in the compressed sample prepared from the lutetium foil and H2/N2 gas mixture (arXiv.org)

    9. 2304.03062 Higher-order Topological and Nodal Superconductors MS (M = Nb and Ta) Transition-metal Sulfides (arXiv.org)

    10. 2304.03111 Electrically-excited Motion of Topological Defects in Multiferroic Materials (arXiv.org)

    11. 2304.02910 Effect of electronic correlation on topological end-states in finite-size graphene nanoribbons (arXiv.org)

    12. 2304.03273 Symmetry and topology of hyperbolic Haldane models (arXiv.org)

    13. 2304.02880 Band engineered bilayer Haldane model: Evidence of multiple topological phase transitions (arXiv.org)

    14. 2304.02850 Topological spin Hall effect in antiferromagnets driven by vector N\‘eel chirality (arXiv.org)

    15. 2304.02751 Observation of charge-to-spin conversion with giant efficiency at Ni${0.8}$Fe${0.2}$/Bi${2}$WO${6}$ interface (arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevLett.130.143002 Robust Nuclear Spin Entanglement via Dipolar Interactions in Polar Molecules (PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.130.146201 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{3}$ Parafermion in the Double Charge Kondo Model (PRL)

    18. s41586-023-05800-7 Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice (Nature)

    19. 2304.02635 Intrinsic surface superconducting instability in Type-I Weyl Semimetals (arXiv.org)

    20. 2304.02586 Electronic nematic order in the normal state of strontium ruthenate (arXiv.org)

    21. 2304.02115 Collective nature of orbital excitations in layered cuprates in the absence of apical oxygens (arXiv.org)

    22. 2304.02546 High-energy spin waves in the spin-1 square-lattice antiferromagnet La$_2$NiO$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    23. 2304.02428 Effective model for superconductivity in magic-angle graphene (arXiv.org)

    24. 2304.02382 Density of states of tight-binding models in the hyperbolic plane (arXiv.org)

    25. 2304.02201 Estimating Patterns of Classical and Quantum Skyrmion States (arXiv.org)

    26. 2304.02243 Realizing a Superconducting Square-Lattice Bismuth Monolayer (arXiv.org)

    27. 2304.02071 Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    28. 2304.02120 Chiral charge as hidden order parameter in URu$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    29. 2304.02071 Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.146401 Geometry-Induced Spin Filtering in Photoemission Maps from ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ Surface States (PRL)

    31. s48 Putting a Spin on Photoemission (Physics)

    32. adma.202210646 Realization and Current-Driven Dynamics of Fractional Hopfions and Their Ensembles in a Helimagnet FeGe (Advanced Materials)

    33. 2304.01740 Evolution of charge density waves from three-dimensional to quasi-two-dimensional in Kagome superconductors Cs(V${1-x}M{x}$)$_3$Sb$_5$ ($M$ = Nb, Ta) (arXiv.org)

    34. 2304.01631 Topological superconductivity in doped magnetic moir\‘e semiconductors (arXiv.org)

    35. 2304.01444 Superconductivity in Ternary Scandium Tellurides with 3d, 4d, and 5d Transition Metals (arXiv.org)

    36. 2304.01427 Interrelationships between nematicity, antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and superconductivity: Role of hotspots in FeSe${1-x}$S${x}$ revealed by high pressure $^{77}$Se NMR study (arXiv.org)

    37. 2304.01827 Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for topological insulators and superconductors: $E_2$ pages for 1651 magnetic space groups (arXiv.org)

    38. 2304.01934 The effect of off-diagonal density matrix in DFT+DMFT for Li$_2$MnO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    39. 2304.01892 Distinguishing thermodynamics and spectroscopy for octupolar U(1) spin liquid of Ce-pyrochlores (arXiv.org)

    40. 2304.01604 Enhanced Spin-polarization via Partial Ge1-dimerization as the Driving Force of the 2$\times$2$\times$2 CDW in FeGe (arXiv.org)

    41. 2304.01983 Obstructions in trivial metals as topological insulator zero-modes (arXiv.org)

    42. 2304.01720 Higher-order Bragg gaps in the electronic band structure of bilayer graphene renormalized by recursive supermoir\‘e potential (arXiv.org)

    43. 2304.01251 Ideal Chern bands are Landau levels in curved space (arXiv.org)

    44. 2304.01931 ARPES signatures of few-layer twistronic graphenes (arXiv.org)

    45. 2304.01930 Full quantum theory for magnon transport in two-sublattice magnetic insulators and magnon junctions (arXiv.org)

    46. 2304.01683 Unidirectional Seebeck effect from Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the subsurface of Ge(111) (arXiv.org)

    47. PhysRevLett.130.146801 General Theory for Bilayer Stacking Ferroelectricity (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.130.147201 Controlling Displacement Fields in Polar Willis Solids via Gauge Transformations (PRL)

    49. s39 Predicting Ferroelectricity with Group Theory (Physics)

    50. 2304.01122 Charge-density wave fluctuation driven composite order in the layered Kagome Metals (arXiv)

    51. 2304.00972 Correlated order at the tipping point in the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    52. 2304.00681 Multiple-$q$ dipole-quadrupole instability in spin-1 triangular-lattice systems (arXiv)

    53. 2304.00528 Inter-edge spin resonance in the Kitaev quantum spin liquid (arXiv)

    54. 2304.00425 Charge order in a nonsymmorphic topological crystal TaTe$_4$ (arXiv)

    55. 2304.01001 Observation of spin-wave moir\‘e edge and cavity modes in twisted magnetic lattices (arXiv)

    56. 2304.00904 Flat bands and topological phase transition in entangled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (arXiv)

    57. 2304.00331 All-optical magnetization control in CrI$_3$ monolayers: a microscopic theory (arXiv)

    58. 2304.00030 Current-Induced Spin Accumulation and Magnetoresistance in Chiral Semimetals (arXiv)

    59. 2304.00785 Symmetry-based requirement for the measurement of electrical and thermal Hall conductivity under an in-plane magnetic field (arXiv)

    60. 2304.01127 Possible superconductivity in $d^{n} (n\neq 9)$ platforms ? (arXiv)

    61. 2304.01084 Similarities and Differences in the Fermiology of Kagome Metals AV${3}$Sb${5}$ (A=K, Rb, Cs) Revealed by Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillations (arXiv)

    62. 2304.00558 Percolation-induced resistivity drop in cold-pressed LuH2 (arXiv)

    63. 2304.00190 Enormous variation in homogeneity of room temperature superconductor samples: a Comment on Nature 615, 244 (2023) (arXiv)

    64. 2303.18235 Kondo $s$-$d$ exchange interaction in the CuO$_2$ plane as the long sought mechanism of high temperature superconductivity in cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    65. 2303.17953 Superconducting topological Dirac semimetals: $P6/m$-Si$_6$ and $P6/m$-NaSi$_6$ (arXiv)

    66. 2303.17656 Incommensurability-Induced Enhancement of Superconductivity in One Dimensional Critical Systems (arXiv)

    67. 2303.17975 Topological paramagnetic excitons of localized f electrons on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    68. 2303.17850 Singular flat bands in the modified Haldane-Dice model (arXiv)

    69. 2303.17687 Observation of Wigner cusps in a metallic carbon nanotube (CN, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 1st week collection
    1. adma.202211164 Discovery of Topological Magnetic Textures near Room Temperature in Quantum Magnet TbMn6Sn6 (Advanced Materials)

    2. S0370157323000108 Chirality as generalized spin-orbit interaction in spintronics (Physics Reports)

    3. PhysRevLett.130.136201 Realistic Protocol to Measure Entanglement at Finite Temperatures (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.136701 Kagome Lattice Promotes Chiral Spin Fluctuations (PRL)

    5. science.adg0014 Moiré photonics and optoelectronics (Science)

    6. 2303.17286 Charge fluctuations, phonons and superconductivity in multilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    7. 2303.16916 Stability of superconducting gap symmetries arising from antiferromagnetic magnons (arXiv.org)

    8. 2303.17453 Pressure induced color change and evolution of metallic behavior in nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride (arXiv.org)

    9. 2303.17529 Nodal band-off-diagonal superconductivity in twisted graphene superlattices (arXiv.org)

    10. 2303.17587 Observation of non-superconducting phase changes in LuH$_{2\pm\text{x}}$N$_y$ (arXiv.org)

    11. 2303.16993 Broken symmetries and excitation spectra of interacting electrons in partially filled Landau levels (arXiv.org)

    12. 2303.16918 Flat bands and multi-state memory devices from chiral domain wall superlattices in magnetic Weyl semimetals (arXiv.org)

    13. PhysRevLett.130.136301 Giant Magnetochiral Anisotropy in Weyl Semimetal ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ Induced by Diverging Berry Curvature (PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.130.136003 Quantum Phase Diagram and Spontaneously Emergent Topological Chiral Superconductivity in Doped Triangular-Lattice Mott Insulators (PRL)

    15. PhysRevB.107.104421 Quantum oscillations in the centrosymmetric skyrmion-hosting magnet ${\mathrm{GdRu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (PRB)

    16. 2303.16883 Induced superconductivity in the two-dimensional topological insulator phase of cadmium arsenide (arXiv)

    17. 2303.16745 Pressure tuning of optical reflectivity in LuH2 (arXiv)

    18. 2303.16238 Anomalous superconducting diode effect in a polar superconductor (arXiv)

    19. 2303.16732 Dimensional reduction of the Luttinger-Ward functional for spin-degenerate $D$-dimensional electron gases (arXiv)

    20. 2303.16222 Topological phase diagrams of in-plane field polarized Kitaev magnets (arXiv)

    21. 2303.16627 Robust high-temperature topological excitonic insulator of transition-metal carbides (MXenes) (arXiv)

    22. 2303.16436 Weak Localization and Antilocalization in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    23. 2303.16313 Tutorial: Nonlinear magnonics (arXiv)

    24. 2303.16261 Antisymmetric Breaking of Voltage Gauge Invariance due to Majorana States in Magnetic Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    25. 2303.16029 Twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures with controlled Josephson coupling (arXiv.org)

    26. 2303.15912 Angle-dependent Magnetoresistance of an Ordered Bose Glass of Vortices in YBa${2}$Cu${3}$O$_{7-\delta}$ Thin Films with a Periodic Pinning~Lattice (arXiv.org)

    27. 2303.15622 Structure, Stability and Superconductivity of N-doped Lutetium Hydrides at kbar Pressures (arXiv.org)

    28. 2303.15551 Electron-K-Phonon Interaction In Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    29. 2303.15504 Towards a Ginzburg-Landau theory of the quantum geometric effect in superconductors (arXiv.org)

    30. 2303.15820 Flat-band ferromagnetism in the SU($N$) Hubbard and Kondo lattice models (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    31. 2303.15751 A baby-Skyrme model with the anisotropic DM interaction: the compact skyrmions revisited (arXiv.org)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.136002 Triplet Pairing Mechanisms from Hund’s-Kondo Models: Applications to ${\mathrm{UTe}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    33. 2303.14673 Type III superconductivity (arXiv)

    34. 2303.14236 Andreev reflection in altermagnets (arXiv)

    35. 2303.15432 Visualizing the atomic-scale origin of metallic behavior in Kondo insulators (arXiv)

    36. 2303.15398 Switching the Magnetization in Quantum Antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    37. 2303.15358 Comprehensive mean-field analysis of magnetic and charge orders in the two-dimensional Hubbard mode (arXiv)

    38. 2303.14973 Optical transitions of a single nodal ring in SrAs$_3$: radially and axially resolved characterization (nodal ring, arXiv)

    39. 2303.14627 Symmetry analysis of light-induced magnetic interactions via Floquet engineering (Hayami, arXiv)

    40. 2303.14903 Strong Inter-valley Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    41. 2303.15283 Controlling magnetic skyrmion nucleation with Ga+ ion irradiation (arXiv)

    42. 2303.14853 Homochiral antiferromagnetic merons, antimerons and bimerons realized in synthetic antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    43. 2303.14843 Compact localised states in magnonic Lieb lattices (arXiv)

    44. 2303.14794 Anomalous open orbits in Hofstadter spectrum of Chern insulator (arXiv)

    45. 2303.14635 Kerr, Faraday, and Magnetoelectric Effects in MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ Thin Films (MacDonald, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevX.13.011046 Direct Observation of Quantum Anomalous Vortex in Fe(Se,Te) (PRX)

    47. 47 Superconducting Vortices Made Without Magnetic Fields (Physics)

    48. 2303.13704 Two-fold symmetric superconductivity in the kagome superconductor RbV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv)

    49. 2303.13910 Effects of orbital selective dynamical correlation on the spin susceptibility and superconducting symmetries in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    50. 2303.14034 Effect of nitrogen doping and pressure on the stability of cubic LuH$_3$ (LuH3, arXiv)

    51. 2303.13578 Magnetism and Metallicity in Moir\‘e Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (arXiv)

    52. 2303.13602 Electron-phonon coupling and competing Kekul\‘e orders in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    53. 2303.13708 Enhancement of Charge Density Wave Correlations in a Holstein Model with an Anharmonic Phonon Potential (Anharmonic Phonon, arXiv)

    54. 2303.13999 Near coincidence of metal-insulator transition and quantum critical fluctuations: Electronic ground state and magnetic order in Fe${1-x}$Co${x}$Si (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.126702 Distinct Magnetic Gaps between Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Orders Driven by Surface Defects in the Topological Magnet ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (Binghai, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.126701 Imprinting Spatial Helicity Structure of Vector Vortex Beam on Spin Texture in Semiconductors (PRL)

    3. 50 Beaming in a Spin Texture (Physics)

    4. science.abq5375 Visualizing the atomic-scale origin of metallic behavior in Kondo insulators (Science)

    5. 2303.12833 Emergence of Chern Supermetal and Pair-Density Wave through Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in the Haldane-Hubbard Model (arXiv.org)

    6. 2303.12977 Anharmonic theory of superconductivity and its applications to emerging quantum materials (arXiv.org)

    7. 2303.12825 Single-parameter variational wavefunctions for quantum Hall bilayers (arXiv.org)

    8. 2303.12956 Thermodynamic evidence for electron correlation-driven flattening of the quasiparticle bands in the high-Tc cuprates (arXiv.org)

    9. 2303.13144 Topological classification of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with frequency dependence (arXiv.org)

    10. PhysRevLett.130.126303 Intrinsic Nonlinear Planar Hall Effect (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.130.126001 Pair-Density-Wave and Chiral Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    12. 2303.12142 Transient dynamics and quantum phase diagram for the square lattice Rashba-Hubbard model at arbitrary hole doping (arXiv)

    13. 2303.12144 The topological Hall effect in CeAlGe (arXiv)

    14. 2303.12252 Geometric aspects of nonlinear and nonequilibrium phenomena (arXiv)

    15. 2303.12273 Electronic Correlation Effects on Stabilizing a Perfect Kagome Lattice and Ferromagnetic Fluctuation in LaRu$_3$Si$_2$ (arXiv)

    16. 2303.12661 Crystal field excitation in the chiral helimagnet YbNi$_3$Al$_9$ (arXiv)

    17. 2303.12575 First-principles study on the superconductivity of N-doped fcc-LuH3 (LuH2, arXiv)

    18. 2303.11345 Superconductivity in Monolayer WTe$_2$ from repulsive interactions (arXiv.org)

    19. 2303.11500 Magnetic and singlet phases in the three-dimensional periodic Anderson Model (arXiv.org)

    20. 2303.11604 Unique Itinerant Ferromagnetism in 4d-electron System Ca2RuO4 (arXiv.org)

    21. 2303.11688 Helitronics for classical and unconventional computing (arXiv.org)

    22. 2303.11794 Robust intralayer antiferromagnetism and tricriticality in a van der Waals compound: VBr3 case (arXiv.org)

    23. 2303.11878 Direct confirmation of long-range magnetic order and evidence for multipoles in Ce${2}$O${3}$ (arXiv.org)

    24. 2303.12039 Observation of a Kondo impurity state and universal screening using a charge pseudospin (arXiv.org)

    25. 2303.11601 Significant enhancement of critical current density in H+-intercalated FeSe single crystal (arXiv.org)

    26. 2303.11683 Lu-H-N phase diagram from first-principles calculations (LuH2, arXiv.org)

    27. 2303.11729 Hybrid Topological Superconductivity and Hinge Majorana Flat Band in Type-II Dirac Semimetals (arXiv.org)

    28. 2303.11975 Phenomenological Theory of the Supercurrent Diode Effect: The Lifshitz Invariant (arXiv.org)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.126302 Ultrafast Dynamics of Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in the Topological Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.126201 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect with Unconventional Pairing in Monolayer Graphene (PRL)

    31. 2303.11335 Modulation of skyrmionic magnetic textures in two-dimensional vdW materials and their heterostructures (iScience)

    32. 2303.10265 Unconventional Optical Rotation in the Charge Ordered State of Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    33. 2303.10379 Charge Density Wave Surface Reconstruction in van der Waals Layered Materials (arXiv)

    34. 2303.10468 Spin waves in a superconductor (arXiv)

    35. 2303.10731 Anderson Impurities In Edge States with Nonlinear Dispersion (arXiv)

    36. 2303.11010 The Classical Heisenberg Model on the Centred Pyrochlore Lattice (arXiv)

    37. 2303.11063 Electronic and magnetic properties of Lu and LuH$_2$ (arXiv)

    38. 2303.11072 Violation of Emergent Rotational Symmetry in the Hexagonal Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    39. 2303.09747 Gate-tunable giant superconducting nonreciprocal transport in few-layer $T_{\rm d}$-MoTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    40. 2303.09918 Exotic heavy fermion superconductivity in atomically thin CeCoIn$_5$ films (arXiv)

    41. 2303.10080 Phonon-Mediated ${\bf S}$-Wave Superconductivity in the Kagome Metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ under Pressure (arXiv)

    42. 2303.09724 Steering skyrmions with microwave and THz electric pulses (arXiv)

    43. 2303.09844 Observation of Rydberg moir\‘e excitons (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.116204 Connecting Higher-Order Topology with the Orbital Hall Effect in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    2. 2303.09156 Ground-State Phase Diagram of the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model on a Three-dimensional Hyperhoneycomb Lattice (arXiv.org)

    3. 2303.09288 Fractionalized Excitations Probed by Ultrasound (arXiv.org)

    4. 2303.09507 Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for Ruddlesden-Popper and reduced Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates (arXiv.org)

    5. 2303.09052 Superconducting Diode Effect and Large Magnetochiral Anisotropy in T$_d$-MoTe$_2$ Thin Film (arXiv.org)

    6. 2303.09108 Manipulating the nematic director by magnetic fields in the spin-triplet superconducting state of CuxBi2Se3 (arXiv.org)

    7. s41586-023-05731-3 Topological spin texture in the pseudogap phase of a high-Tc superconductor (Nature)

    8. 2303.08247 High-$T_c$ superconductors as a New Playground for High-order Van Hove singularities and Flat-band Physics (arXiv.org)

    9. 2303.08759 Absence of near-ambient superconductivity in LuH$_{2\pm\text{x}}$N$_y$ (LuH2, arXiv.org)

    10. 2303.08148 Rotational Symmetry Protected Edge and Corner States in Abelian topological phases (arXiv.org)

    11. 2303.08162 Artificial intelligence for artificial materials: moir\‘e atom (arXiv.org)

    12. 2303.08199 The rise and fall of Mott insulating gaps in YNiO$_3$ paramagnets as a reflection of symmetry breaking and remaking (arXiv.org)

    13. 2303.08258 Optical conductivity of bilayer dice lattices (arXiv.org)

    14. 2303.08532 Instability of magnetic skyrmion strings induced by longitudinal spin currents (arXiv.org)

    15. 2303.08598 Condensation of preformed charge density waves in kagome metals (arXiv.org)

    16. 2303.08705 Intrinsic optical absorption in Dirac metals (arXiv.org)

    17. 2303.08715 Tuning the anomalous Nernst and Hall effects with shifting the chemical potential in Fe-dope and Ni-doped Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    18. PhysRevX.13.011039 Solving 2D and 3D Lattice Models of Correlated Fermions—Combining Matrix Product States with Mean-Field Theory (PRX)

    19. PhysRevLett.130.116203 Control of Andreev Bound States Using Superconducting Phase Texture (PRL)

    20. s33 A Better Production Line for Atom Arrays (Physics)

    21. 2303.07698 Nontrivial boundary topology characterized by fermion-parity switches (arXiv)

    22. 2303.07701 Superconducting diode effect in inversion symmetry breaking MoTe2 Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    23. 2303.07962 Large impact of phonon lineshapes on the superconductivity of solid hydrogen (arXiv)

    24. 2303.06220 Screening Induced Crossover between Phonon- and Plasmon-Mediated Pairing in Layered Superconductors (arXiv)

    25. 2303.06520 Evolution of high-order Van Hove singularities away from cuprate-like band dispersions and its implications for cuprate superconductivity (arXiv)

    26. 2303.06540 Unconventional Superconducting Quantum Criticality in Monolayer WTe2 (arXiv)

    27. 2303.06672 Superconductivity studied by solving ab initio low-energy effective Hamiltonians for carrier doped CaCuO$_2$, Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CuO$_6$, Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_8$, and HgBa$_2$CuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    28. 2303.06718 Pressure-induced color change in the lutetium dihydride LuH2 (arXiv)

    29. 2303.06915 Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V${1-x}$Nb${x}$)${3}$Sb${5}$ (arXiv)

    30. 2303.07254 Small Fermi pockets intertwined with charge stripes and pair density wave order in a kagome superconductor (arXiv)

    31. 2303.05716 Oxygen on-site Coulomb energy in Pr${1.3-x}$La${0.7}$Ce$x$CuO${4}$ and Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+\delta}$ and its relation with Heisenberg exchange (arXiv)

    32. 2303.05926 Quasiparticle approach to the transport in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    33. 2303.05959 Magnus effect on a Majorana zero-mode (arXiv)

    34. 2303.06054 Comment on paper: Evidence for Dirac flat band superconductivity enabled by quantum geometry, Nature 614, 440 (2023) (arXiv)

    35. 2303.06188 Exploring the Charge Density Wave phase of 1$T$-TaSe$_2$: Mott or Charge-transfer Gap? (arXiv)

    36. 2303.06707 Reply to: Low-frequency quantum oscillations in LaRhIn$_5$: Dirac point or nodal line? (arXiv)

    37. 2303.06722 STM observation of the hinge-states of bismuth nanocrystals (arXiv)

    38. 2303.06977 Topological dynamical quantum phase transition in a quantum skyrmion phase (arXiv)

    39. 2303.07261 Ab initio electron-lattice downfolding: potential energy landscapes, anharmonicity, and molecular dynamics in charge density wave materials (arXiv)

    40. 2303.07267 CrysFieldExplorer: a software for rapid optimization of crystal field Hamiltonian (arXiv)

    41. 2303.07341 Fractionalization induced structural domain patterns in U(1) quantum spin liquids (arXiv)

    42. 2303.05801 Introducing the Random Phase Approximation Theory (arXiv)

    43. 2303.05963 Coherent detection of hidden spin-lattice coupling in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    44. 2303.05984 A similarity renormalization group approach to Green’s function methods (arXiv)

    45. 2303.06077 Return of the phonons: Planckian scattering emerges from vibronic dynamics (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.106703 Skyrmion Fluid and Bimeron Glass Protected by a Chiral Spin Liquid on a Kagome Lattice (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.107.094408 Unraveling the sign reversal of the anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnet/heavy-metal ultrathin films (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.107.125124 Effects of niobium doping on the charge density wave and electronic correlations in the kagome metal $\text{Cs}{({\text{V}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{Nb}}{x})}{3}{\text{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.107.L100301 Minimal one-dimensional model of bad metal behavior from fast particle-hole scattering (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.107.115124 High-field quantum spin liquid transitions and angle-field phase diagram of the Kitaev magnet $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    6. science.abq6948 Topologically localized excitons in single graphene nanoribbons (Science)

    7. s41586-022-05681-2 Geometric frustration of Jahn-Teller order in the infinite-layer lattice (Nature)

    8. s41586-023-05742-0 Evidence of near-ambient superconductivity in a N-doped lutetium hydride (Nature)

    9. 2303.05117 Superconductivity above 70 K experimentally discovered in lutetium polyhydride (arXiv.org)

    10. 2303.05301 Atomic scale imaging of sign-changing order parameter in superconducting FeSe with Tunneling Andreev Reflection (arXiv.org)

    11. 2303.04924 Emergent topological quantum orbits in the charge density wave phase of kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    12. PhysRevX.13.011035 Large Topological Hall Effect and Spiral Magnetic Order in the Weyl Semimetal SmAlSi (PRX)

    13. PhysRevB.107.115119 Emergence of bond-dependent highly anisotropic magnetic interactions in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{4}{\mathrm{RhO}}{6}$: A theoretical study (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.107.115120 Systematic study for two-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological phase transitions at high-symmetry points in all layer groups (PRB)

    15. 2303.04499 Non-Conventional Critical Behavior and Q-dependent Electron-Phonon Coupling Induced Phonon Softening in the CDW Superconductor LaPt2Si2 (arXiv.org)

    16. 2303.04169 Impact of gapped spin-orbit excitons on low energy pseudospin exchange interactions (arXiv.org)

    17. 2303.04214 The Reverse Quantum Limit: Implications for Unconventional Quantum Oscillations in YbB$_{12}$ (arXiv.org)

    18. PhysRevLett.130.106203 Emergent Edge Modes in Shifted Quasi-One-Dimensional Charge Density Waves (PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.107.094405 Quantifying symmetric exchange in ultrathin ferromagnetic films with chirality (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.107.125118 Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in higher-order topological insulators (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.107.115116 Topological states and competing magnetic fluctuations in iron germanides (PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.107.125115 Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the square-lattice Hubbard model: A truncated-unity functional renormalization group study (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.107.125116 Quantum metric on the Brillouin zone in correlated electron systems and its relation to topology for Chern insulators (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.107.125302 Higher-order topological insulators in hyperbolic lattices (PRB)

    25. 2303.03874 Electrical and thermal transport properties of kagome metals $A$Ti$_3$Bi$_5$ ($A$ = Rb, Cs) (arXiv.org)

    26. 2303.03429 TBG as Topological Heavy Fermion: II. Analytical approximations of the model parameters (arXiv.org)

    27. 2303.03760 Tetrahedral triple-Q ordering in the metallic triangular lattice antiferromagnet Co1/3TaS2 (JGPark, arXiv.org)

    28. 2303.04010 Intersite Coulomb repulsion driven quadrupole instability and magnetic ordering in the orbital frustrated Ba$_2$MgReO$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.100401 Topological Spin Excitations in Non-Hermitian Spin Chains with a Generalized Kernel Polynomial Algorithm (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.106701 Universal Quantum Computation Based on Nanoscale Skyrmion Helicity Qubits in Frustrated Magnets (PRL)

    31. PhysRevB.107.094404 Steering skyrmions with microwave and terahertz electric pulses (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.107.115114 Subgap modes in two-dimensional magnetic Josephson junctions (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.107.125405 Flat band induced topological photonic Tamm states in stubbed structures: Theory and experiment (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.107.L100403 Enhancement of spin-orbit torque in ${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}\text{/}\mathrm{Co}\text{/}\mathrm{Pt}$ trilayers via spin-orbit proximity effect (PRB)

    35. 2303.02670 Topological Mixed Valence Model for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    36. 2303.02865 Symmetry of Charge Order in Infinite-layer Nickelates (arXiv.org)

    37. 2303.02180 Quantum geometry beyond projective single bands (arXiv.org)

    38. 2303.02250 Visualizing near-coexistence of massless Dirac electrons and ultra-massive saddle point electrons (arXiv.org)

    39. 2303.02276 An intuitive understanding of the spin excitations of a 1D antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    40. 2303.02305 Kanamori-Moir\‘e-Hubbard model for transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayers (arXiv.org)

    41. 2303.02492 Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    42. 2303.02587 Coupling of magnetism and Dirac fermions in YbMnSb2 (arXiv.org)

    43. 2303.02653 Scaling behaviour of the helical and skyrmion phases of Cu2OSeO3 determined by single crystal small angle neutron scattering (arXiv.org)

    44. 2303.02824 Theory for charge density wave and orbital-flux state in antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeGe (arXiv.org)

    45. 2303.03356 Dynamic Mass Generation and Topological Order in Overscreened Kondo Lattices (arXiv.org)

    46. PhysRevB.107.094503 Demonstration of $\mathbb{C}{P}^{2}$ skyrmions in three-band superconductors by self-consistent solutions of a Bogoliubov–de Gennes model (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.107.104404 Stability of hopfions in bulk magnets with competing exchange interactions (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.107.104405 Lifetime, collapse, and escape paths for hopfions in bulk magnets with competing exchange interactions (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.107.115110 Polarization and orbital magnetization in Chern insulators: A microscopic perspective (PRB)

    50. 2303.01699 Light Induced Magnetization in Superconductors via Inverse Faraday Effect (arXiv.org)

    51. 2303.01811 Absence of localized $5d^1$ electrons in KTaO$_3$ interface superconductors (arXiv.org)

    52. 2303.01901 Unconventional fully-gapped superconductivity in the heavy-fermion metal CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    53. 2303.01613 Orbital character of the spin-reorientation transition in TbMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    54. PhysRevB.107.115104 Prediction of topological phases in metastable ferromagnetic $M\mathrm{P}{X}_{3}$ monolayers (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.107.125109 Hourglass-type bulk Ni $3d$ band and Ce $4f$ Kondo resonance states in the potential topological Kondo semimetal CeNiSn via angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.107.125401 Effect of local Coulomb interaction on Majorana corner modes: Weak and strong correlation limits (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.107.L121401 Detecting Majorana modes by readout of poisoning-induced parity flips (PRB)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Mar 1st week collection
    1. 2303.00875 Nodeless electron pairing in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$-derived kagome superconductors (arXiv)

    2. 2303.00926 Friedel oscillation in non-Fermi liquid: Lesson from exactly solvable Hatsugai-Kohmoto model (arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.107.115102 Towards a theory of surface orbital magnetization (PRB)

    4. s41586-022-05657-2 Critical role of hydrogen for superconductivity in nickelates (Nature)

    5. 2303.00623 Drastic magnetic-field-induced chiral current order and emergent current-bond-field interplay in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A=Cs,Rb,K) (arXiv)

    6. 2303.00653 Cascade of vestigial orders in two-component superconductors: nematic, ferromagnetic, s-wave charge-4e, and d-wave charge-4e states (arXiv)

    7. 2303.00685 Strain-tuned quantum criticality in electronic Potts-nematic systems (arXiv)

    8. 2303.00717 Rashba spin-orbit coupling in infinite-layer nickelate films on SrTiO3(001) and KTaO3(001) (arXiv)

    9. 2303.00742 Ising Superconductivity and Nematicity in Bernal Bilayer Graphene with Strong Spin Orbit Coupling (arXiv)

    10. 2303.00024 Quantum textures of the many-body wavefunctions in magic-angle graphene (arXiv)

    11. 2303.00082 Combinatorial exploration of quantum spin liquid candidates in the herbertsmithite material family (arXiv)

    12. 2303.00093 Analytic calculation of the vison gap in the Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    13. 2303.00103 Flat Bands and High Chern Numbers in Twisted Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    14. 2303.00347 Tailed skyrmions – an obscure branch of magnetic solitons (arXiv)

    15. 2303.00390 Hierarchy of Lifshitz transitions in the surface electronic structure of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ under uniaxial compression (arXiv)

    16. 2303.00627 Anisotropic magnetism and electronic properties of the kagome metal SmV6Sn6 (arXiv)

    17. 2303.00743 Dirac points for twisted bilayer graphene with in-plane magnetic field (arXiv)

    18. PhysRevX.13.011028 Interference Measurements of Non-Abelian $e/4$ & Abelian $e/2$ Quasiparticle Braiding (PRX)

    19. PhysRevLett.130.090202 One-Photon Measurement of Two-Photon Entanglement (PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.130.091403 Vanishing of Black Hole Tidal Love Numbers from Scattering Amplitudes (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.130.096301 Probing Fermi Sea Topology by Andreev State Transport (CKane, PRL)

    22. PhysRevB.107.125102 Engineering axion insulator and other topological phases in superlattices without inversion symmetry (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.107.094201 Molecular-orbital representation with random U(1) variables (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.107.115301 Moir\‘e phonons in graphene/hexagonal boron nitride moir\‘e superlattice (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.107.125101 Anomalous chiral magnetic effect in time reversal symmetry breaking Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    26. 2302.14612 Multiple-q current states in a multicomponent superconducting channel (arXiv.org)

    27. 2302.14855 Discovery of Orbital Ordering in Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+x}$ (arXiv.org)

    28. 2302.14073 Phonon Thermal Hall Effect in a non-Kramers Paramagnet (Phonon Thermal Hall Effect, arXiv.org)

    29. 2302.14328 Emergent glassiness in disorder-free Kitaev model (arXiv.org)

    30. PhysRevX.13.011027 Transverse Peierls Transition (XDai, PRX)

    31. PhysRevLett.130.090201 Proofs of Network Quantum Nonlocality in Continuous Families of Distributions (PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.096903 Chiral Light Amplifier with Pumped Weyl Semimetals (PRL)

    33. PhysRevB.107.054439 Noncollinear twisted RKKY interaction on the optically driven SnTe(001) surface (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.107.054442 Linear response based theories for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.064429 Magnons, magnon bound pairs, and their hybrid spin-multipolar topology (DLoss, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.107.075443 Electronic, spintronic, and piezoelectric properties of new Janus $\mathrm{Zn}AXY$ ($A=\mathrm{Si},\mathrm{Ge},\mathrm{Sn}$, and $X,Y=\mathrm{S},\mathrm{Se},\mathrm{Te}$) monolayers (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.085151 Floquet engineering of magnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ films (floquet, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.085152 Inhomogeneous magnetic fields interacting with spinful states in a double quantum dot: Evidence for a staggered spin-orbit interaction (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.L081405 Shear-strain controlled high-harmonic generation in graphene (strain graphene, PRB)

    40. s24 New Amplifier Works in High Magnetic Fields (Physics)

    41. 2302.12988 The Isotope Effect and Critical Magnetic Fields of Superconducting YH$_{6}$: A Migdal-Eliashberg Theory Approach (arXiv)

    42. 2302.13134 Correlation between phase stiffness and condensation energy across the non-Fermi to Fermi-liquid crossover in the Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model on a lattice (arXiv)

    43. 2302.13138 BCS to incoherent superconductivity crossovers in the Yukawa-SYK model on a lattice (arXiv)

    44. 2302.13169 Quantitative assessment of the universal thermopower in the Hubbard model (arXiv)

    45. 2302.13185 Finite-momentum Cooper pairing in proximitized altermagnets (arXiv)

    46. 2302.13476 Boundary obstructed topological superconductor in buckled honeycomb lattice under perpendicular electric field (arXiv)

    47. 2302.13561 Topological phase diagrams of exactly solvable non-Hermitian interacting Kitaev chains (arXiv)

    48. 2302.13712 Vortex supersolid in the XY model with tunable vortex fugacity (arXiv)

    49. 2302.13734 Gate-control of superconducting current: relevant parameters and perspectives (arXiv)

    50. 2302.13864 Robust Spin Polarization of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States in Superconductor/Ferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructures (arXiv)

    51. 2302.14050 Topological Andreev Rectification (arXiv)

    52. 2302.12928 Proximity-induced charge density wave in a metallic system (arXiv)

    53. 2302.13126 Goldstone modes and the golden spiral in the ferromagnetic spin-1 biquadratic model (arXiv)

    54. 2302.13248 Quantum theory of the Intrinsic Orbital Magnetoelectric Effect in itinerant electron systems at finite temperatures (arXiv)

    55. 2302.13313 ARPES signature of the competition between magnetic order and Kondo effect in CeCoGe3 (arXiv)

    56. 2302.13329 Classification of magnetic order from electronic structure by using machine learning (arXiv)

    57. 2302.13622 Evolution of topological states in magnetic materials by symmetry-breaking (arXiv)

    58. 2302.14041 Emergence of a new band and the Lifshitz transition in kagome metal ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ with charge density wave (arXiv)

    59. PhysRevB.107.054206 Electronic states of a disordered two-dimensional quasiperiodic tiling: From critical states to Anderson localization (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.107.054438 Spin wave spectra of single crystal ${\mathrm{CoPS}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.107.075438 Elementary excitations of a system of one-dimensional chiral fermions with short-range interactions (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.107.064428 Spin excitation in the coupled honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{Ni}}{2}{\mathrm{InSbO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.107.064511 Nuclear spin relaxation rate of nonunitary Dirac and Weyl superconductors (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.107.075153 Topological invariants based on generalized position operators and application to the interacting Rice-Mele model (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.107.075156 Phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene at filling factor $\ensuremath{\nu}=\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}3$ (PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.107.054109 Kitaev formula for periodic, quasicrystal, and fractal Floquet topological insulators (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.107.075152 Revealing the band structure of ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ using multicarrier transport (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.107.075436 Monolayer and bilayer ${\mathrm{PtCl}}_{3}$: Energetics, magnetism, and band topology (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.107.075437 Realization of a three-dimensional quantum Hall effect in a Zeeman-induced second-order topological insulator on a torus (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.107.L081114 Nematic spectral signatures of the Hund’s metal (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.107.054437 Programmable skyrmion-based logic gates in a single nanotrack (PRB)

    72. 2302.12377 Impact of the orbital current order on the superconducting properties of the kagome superconductors (arXiv)

    73. 2302.12033 Emerged charge-density wave featuring quasi-one-dimensional chains in Ta-intercalated bilayer TaS$_{2}$ with coexisting superconductivity (arXiv)

    74. 2302.12274 Machine Learning Microscopic Form of Nematic Order in twisted double-bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    75. 2302.12284 Flavor symmetry breaking in spin-orbit coupled bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    76. 2302.12354 YbV$_3$Sb$_4$ and EuV$_3$Sb$_4$, vanadium-based kagome metals with Yb$^{2+}$ and Eu$^{2+}$ zig-zag chains (arXiv)

    77. 2302.12451 Antiferromagnetism of CeCd${0.67}$As${2}$ existing deep inside the narrow gap semiconducting state (Mun, arXiv)

    78. 2302.12672 Dielectric tunability of magnetic properties in orthorhombic ferromagnetic monolayer CrSBr (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.054436 Topological Hall effect in three-dimensional centrosymmetric magnetic skyrmion crystals (PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.107.064423 Temperature dependence of current-driven and Brownian skyrmion dynamics in ferrimagnets with compensation point (PRB)

    3. s41586-023-05731-3 Topological spin texture in the pseudogap phase of a high-Tc superconductor (skyrmion cuprate, Nature)

    4. 2302.11664 Solitonic self-sustained charge and energy transport on the superconducting cylinder (arXiv)

    5. 2302.11724 Stealth Majorana Zero Mode in a Trilayer Heterostructure MnTe/Bi2Te3/Fe(Te,Se) (arXiv)

    6. 2302.11762 Quantum dephasing of kagome superconductivity (kagome, arXiv)

    7. 2302.11879 Multiple intercalation stages and universal Tc enhancement through polar organic species in electron-doped 1T-SnSe2 (arXiv)

    8. 2302.11582 Cavity Moir\‘e Materials: Controlling Magnetic Frustration with Quantum Light-Matter Interaction (arXiv)

    9. 2302.11599 Series expansion studies of the $J_1$-$J_2$-Heisenberg bilayer (Heisenberg bilayer, arXiv)

    10. 2302.11602 Effective action approach to the filling anomaly in crystalline topological matter (edge, arXiv)

    11. 2302.11714 The influence of crystalline electric field on the magnetic properties of CeCd3X3 (X = P and As) (Mun, arXiv)

    12. 2302.11721 A doping threshold for polar metals (arXiv)

    13. 2302.11727 Non-linear optical response of the excited Laughlin liquid (arXiv)

    14. 2302.12113 Observation of Kondo lattice and Kondo-enhanced anomalous Hall effect in an itinerant ferromagnet (Kondo, arXiv)

    15. 2302.12137 Optical conductivity and vibrational spectra of a narrow gap semiconductor FeGa$_3$ (arXiv)

    16. 2302.12208 Two-dimensional fluctuations and competing phases in the stripe-like antiferromagnet BaCoS$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    17. 2302.12227 Nanoscale visualization and spectral fingerprints of the charge order in ScV6Sn6 distinct from other kagome metals (kagome, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.130.086704 Field-Tunable Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Correlations in a Heisenberg Magnet (PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.107.054434 Heat conduction in herbertsmithite: Field dependence at the onset of the quantum spin liquid regime (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.107.075433 Entropy and Seebeck signals meet on the edges (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.107.085140 Anomalous magnetothermoelectric behavior in massive Dirac materials (PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.107.085141 Controllable Floquet edge modes in a multifrequency driving system (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.107.064510 Competing chiral $d$-wave superconductivity and magnetic phases in the strong-coupling Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.107.075149 Microscopic analysis of the valence transition in tetragonal ${\mathrm{EuPd}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.107.085425 Emergence of flat bands in twisted bilayer ${\mathrm{C}}_{3}\mathrm{N}$ induced by simple localization and destructive interference (flatband, PRB)

    26. d41586-023-00474-7 A twist in the bid to probe electrons in solids (Nature)

    27. s41586-022-05685-y The quantum twisting microscope (Nature)

    28. 2302.10677 Rectification and Nonlinear Hall effect by Fluctuating Finite-momentum Cooper Pairs (arXiv.org)

    29. 2302.10699 Dynamics and Resilience of the Charge Density Wave in a bilayer kagome metal (kagome, arXiv.org)

    30. PhysRevX.13.011021 Electronic Character of Charge Order in Square-Planar Low-Valence Nickelates (PRX)

    31. PhysRevLett.130.086201 Confinement-Induced Chiral Edge Channel Interaction in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators (PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.086202 Effects of Charge Dopants in Quantum Spin Hall Materials (PRL)

    33. PhysRevB.107.054203 Elastic-stripe formation at electronic transitions (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.107.054423 Magnetic excitations in the square-lattice iridate ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.054425 Frustrated magnetic cycloidal structure and emergent Potts nematicity in ${\mathrm{CaMn}}{2}{\text{P}}{2}$ (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.107.054427 Magnetic ground state dependent magnetostriction effects on the chiral magnet ${\mathrm{CrNb}}{3}{\mathrm{S}}{6}$ (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.054430 Electronic structure, magnetic properties, spin orientation, and doping effect in ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.064205 Localization challenges quantum chaos in the finite two-dimensional Anderson model (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.064421 Absence of magnetic order and emergence of unconventional fluctuations in the ${J}{\mathrm{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$ triangular-lattice antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{YbBO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.107.064422 Antiferromagnetic topological magnetism in synthetic van der Waals antiferromagnets (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.107.064508 Ab initio investigation of charge density wave and superconductivity in two-dimensional Janus $2H/1T$-MoSH monolayers (PRB)

    42. PhysRevX.13.011022 Field-Induced Tuning of the Pairing State in a Superconductor (PRX)

    43. PhysRevLett.130.086702 Conductivity Enhancement in a Diffusive Fermi Liquid due to Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons (PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.130.086701 Frequency Splitting of Chiral Phonons from Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry in ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    45. PhysRevB.107.075148 Resolving Hall and dissipative viscosity ambiguities via boundary effects (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.107.085139 Morse theory study on the evolution of nodal lines in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric nodal-line semimetals (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.107.075432 Curvature-induced pseudogauge fields from time-dependent geometries in graphene (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.107.L081112 Magnetic tuning of band topology evidenced by exotic quantum oscillations in the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{EuMnSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.107.L081113 Field direction dependent quantum-limit magnetoresistance of correlated Dirac electrons in perovskite ${\mathrm{CaIrO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.054431 Hybrid symmetry breaking in classical spin models with subsystem symmetries (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.107.054432 Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of Majorana zero modes in a Kitaev spin liquid (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.107.054506 High-frequency diode effect in superconducting ${\mathrm{Nb}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ microbridges (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.107.054507 Thermodynamics and the pairon model for cuprates (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.075147 Transformer quantum state: A multipurpose model for quantum many-body problems (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.107.085138 Absence of edge states in the valley Chern insulator in moire graphene (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.107.L060409 Structure-property relationship of reversible magnetic chirality tuning (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.107.075303 Layer-dependent zero-line modes in antiferromagnetic topological insulators (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.107.075141 Drude weights in one-dimensional systems with a single defect (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.107.075142 One-dimensional Holstein model revisited (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.107.075426 Strong field driven extreme nonlinear photoemission from individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.107.075430 Strain-tuned spin polarization and optical conductivity in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}/\mathrm{EuS}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.107.085132 Efficient calculation of $\mathrm{k}$-integrated electron energy loss spectra: Application to monolayers of ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}, \mathrm{hBN},$ and graphene (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.107.085422 Origin of contrasting trends of intrinsic electron mobility with tensile strain in hexagonal ${\mathrm{MoS}}{2}$ and triangular ${\mathrm{PdSe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.107.085423 Tailoring the phase transition from topological superconductor to trivial superconductor induced by magnetic textures of a spin chain on a $p$-wave superconductor (PRB)

    65. 2302.10422 Fe${1+y}$Te${x}$Se$_{1-x}$: a delicate and tunable Majorana material (Chinese Physics Letters)

    66. 2302.09088 Magnetic fragmentation and fractionalized Goldstone modes in a bilayer quantum spin liquid (arXiv)

    67. 2302.09416 Two-dimensional short-range spin-spin correlations in the layered spin-3/2 maple leaf lattice antiferromagnet Na2Mn3O7 with crystal stacking disorder (arXiv)

    68. 2302.09588 The origin of strain-induced stabilisation of superconductivity in the lanthanum cuprates (arXiv)

    69. 2302.09776 Gate Defined Josephson Junctions in Monolayer $\mathrm{WTe_2}$ (arXiv)

    70. 2302.09996 Extraordinary Bulk Insulating Behavior in the Strongly Correlated Materials FeSi and FeSb$_2$ (arXiv)

    71. 2302.10169 Emergent QED$_3$ from half-filled flat Chern bands (flatband, arXiv)

    72. 2302.10178v1 Origin of $\pi$-shifted three-dimensional charge density waves in kagome metal AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (YBKim, arxiv)

    73. 2302.09337 Revealing intrinsic vortex-core states in Fe-based superconductors through machine-learning-driven discovery (arXiv)

    74. 2302.09627 Thickness dependence of superconductivity in FeSe films (arXiv)

    75. 2302.09858 Possible Realization of Topological Crystalline Superconductivity in UTe2 (arXiv)

    76. 2302.08517 Pair Density Wave Instability in the Kagome Hubbard Model (arXiv.org)

    77. 2302.08968 High-TC surface superconductivity in topological Weyl semimetal t-PtBi2 (arXiv.org)

    78. 2302.08528 Cavity-renormalized quantum criticality in a honeycomb bilayer antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    79. 2302.08564 First-principles calculations of magnetic states in pyrochlores using a source-corrected exchange and correlation functional (arXiv.org)

    80. 2302.08677 Inverse-current quantum electro-oscillations in a charge-density wave insulator (arXiv.org)

    81. 2302.08963 Order-by-disorder and emergent Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in triangular Rydberg array (arXiv.org)

    82. 2302.09003 Orbital polarization, charge transfer, and fluorescence in reduced valence nickelates (arXiv.org)

    83. PhysRevB.107.075424 Berry curvature, spin Hall effect, and nonlinear optical response in moir\‘e transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers (PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.107.L060504 Pair breaking in superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.92.174419 Quantum tricriticality in antiferromagnetic Ising model with transverse field: A quantum Monte Carlo study (PRB)

    86. 28 Researchers Spot a Ferron (Physics)

    87. sciadv.add7194 Electric field-dependent phonon spectrum and heat conduction in ferroelectrics (Science Advances)

  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.076205 Half-Integer Conductance Plateau at the $\ensuremath{\nu}=2/3$ Fractional Quantum Hall State in a Quantum Point Contact (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.130.076401 Giant Density of States Enhancement Driven by a Zero-Mode Landau Level in Semimetallic Black Phosphorus under Pressure (Black Phosphorus, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.130.076702 Controlling Magnetism with Light in a Zero Orbital Angular Momentum Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.078101 Topological Defect Guided Order Evolution across the Nematic-Smectic Phase Transition (PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.107.054421 Influence of substrate on interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in epitaxial ${\mathrm{Tm}}{3}{\mathrm{Fe}}{5}{\mathrm{O}}_{12}$ films (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.107.064420 Rashba spin-orbit coupling induced modulation of magnetic anisotropy in canted antiferromagnetic heterostructures (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.107.075422 One-dimensional noninteracting topological insulators with chiral symmetry (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.107.075423 Field-induced spin reorientation in the N\‘eel-type antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.107.L060408 Magnetotransport induced by anomalous Hall effect (PRB)

    10. 2302.07885 A model of $d$-wave superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and charge order on the square lattice (arXiv)

    11. 2302.07883 Complex fixed points of the non-Hermitian Kondo model in a Luttinger liquid (arXiv)

    12. 2302.07910 Dimensionality dependent electronic structure of the exfoliated van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$ (NiPS3, arXiv)

    13. 2302.08460 The absence of mixed valency for Pr in pristine and hole-doped PrNiO$_2$ (arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.130.076301 Hybridization-Controlled Pseudogap State in the Quantum Critical Superconductor ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (HRJang, PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.130.076901 Engineering Transistorlike Optical Gain in Two-Dimensional Materials with Berry Curvature Dipoles (PRL)

    16. PhysRevB.107.054420 Non-Kitaev versus Kitaev honeycomb cobaltates (HYKee, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.107.064304 Conductivity of an electron coupled to anharmonic phonons: Quantum-classical simulations and comparison of approximations (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.107.085127 Twisted bilayer ${\text{BC}}_{3}$: Valley interlocked anisotropic flat bands (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.107.L060101 Electrical topological defects induced by terahertz laser pulses (PRB)

    20. 2302.07451 Crystal-symmetry-protected gapless vortex-line phases in superconducting Dirac semimetals (arXiv)

    21. 2302.07286 Helicity-dependent Ultrafast Photocurrents in Weyl Magnet Mn$_3$Sn (arXiv)

    22. 2302.07420 TC++: First-principles calculation code for solids using the transcorrelated method (arXiv)

    23. 2302.07448 Chern dartboard insulator: sub-Brillouin zone topology and skyrmion multipoles (arXiv)

    24. 2302.07543 Electrical Breakdown of Excitonic Insulator (arXiv)

    25. 2302.07750 Approximate SU(4) spin models on triangular and honeycomb lattices in twisted AB-Stacked WSe$_2$ homo-bilayer (arXiv)

    26. 2302.07763 Probing momentum-dependent scattering in uniaxially stressed Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ through the Hall effect (arXiv)

    27. PhysRevB.107.054414 Possible electronic state quasi-half-valley metal in a ${\mathrm{VGe}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{4}$ monolayer (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.107.075202 Spontaneous spin momentum locking and anomalous Hall effect in ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ (spin-momentusm-locking, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.107.085125 Connecting the one-band and three-band Hubbard models of cuprates via spectroscopy and scattering experiments (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.107.085126 Fluctuating intertwined stripes in the strange metal regime of the Hubbard model (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.107.085415 Electron diffusion induced valley Hall effect and nonlinear galvanodiffusive transport in hexagonal two-dimensional Dirac monolayer materials (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.107.085416 Doping- and strain-tuned high Curie temperature half-metallicity and quantum anomalous Hall effect in monolayer ${\mathrm{NiAl}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{4}$ with non-Dirac and Dirac states (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.107.L060304 Out-of-equilibrium Majorana zero modes in interacting Kitaev chains (PRB)

    34. 24 Evidence Found for a Majorana Cousin (Physics)

    35. 2302.06645 Atomistic modeling of a superconductor-transition-metal dichalcogenide-superconductor Josephson junction (arXiv.org)

    36. 2302.06765 Singlet, Triplet and Pair Density Wave Superconductivity in the Doped Triangular-Lattice Moire System (arXiv.org)

    37. 2302.06823 Proximity-induced quasi-one-dimensional superconducting quantum anomalous Hall state: a promising scalable top-down approach towards localized Majorana modes (arXiv.org)

    38. 2302.07094 Andreev reflection in Euler materials (Euler materials, arXiv.org)

    39. 2302.07113 Pressure-tunable magnetic topological phases in magnetic topological insulator MnSb4Te7 (arXiv.org)

    40. 2302.06633 Fluctuation-dominated quantum oscillations in excitonic insulators (arXiv.org)

    41. 2302.06635 Hybrid Dyons, inverted Lorentz force and magnetic Nernst effect in quantum spin ice (arXiv.org)

    42. 2302.06642 Raman scattering study of multimagnon (bi- and tri-magnon) excitations and rotonlike points in the distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    43. 2302.06964 Laser-induced topological spin switching in a 2D van der Waals magnet (arXiv.org)

    44. 2302.07007 Magnetic excitations in the topological semimetal $\mathrm{YbMnSb}_2$ (arXiv.org)

    45. 2302.07242 Spin wave Hamiltonian and anomalous scattering in NiPS$_3$ (NiPS3, arXiv.org)

    46. PhysRevLett.130.076203 Bottom-Up Growth of Monolayer Honeycomb SiC (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.130.076701 Dynamical Axions in $U(1)$ Quantum Spin Liquids (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.130.076801 Multiple Local Symmetries Result in a Common Average Polar Axis in High-Strain ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$-Based Ceramics (PRL)

    49. PhysRevB.107.054104 Two-dimensional crystal phases of graphene monoxide (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.054105 Exploring interacting topological insulator in the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.107.054106 Comparative structural evolution under pressure of powder and single crystals of the layered antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ (FePS3, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.107.064418 Dimensionality-driven in-plane antiferromagnetism in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ (SRO, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.107.075134 Magnetic barrier and electric field effects on exciton-polaron relaxation and transport properties in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.075419 Charge quenching at defect states in transition metal dichalcogenide–graphene van der Waals heterobilayers (PRB)

    55. s17 How To Grow Silicon Carbide (Physics)

    56. 2302.05616 Evidence for three-dimensional Dirac semimetal state in strongly correlated organic quasi-two-dimensional material (arXiv.org)

    57. 2302.05625 Room Temperature d$^0$ Ferromagnetism in Carbon Doped LaH$_3$: Insights From Density Functional Theory Simulations (arXiv.org)

    58. 2302.05958 Ginzburg-Landau approximation for the Hubbard model in the external magnetic field (arXiv.org)

    59. 2302.06047 Orbital Gravito-Magnetoelectric response and Orbital magnetic quadrupole moment correction (arXiv.org)

    60. 2302.06222 Electric control of two-dimensional Van Hove singularity in oxide ultra-thin films (arXiv.org)

    61. 2302.06250 Signatures of many-body localization of quasiparticles in a flat band superconductor (arXiv.org)

    62. 2302.06324 Magnetic and electronic properties of Eu$_5$In$_2$Sb$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    63. 2302.06384 Mott-Insulator Ca2RuO4 under a static external electric field (arXiv.org)

    64. 2302.06211 Fermi surface nesting and surface topological superconductivity in $A$V${3}$Sb${5}$ (arXiv.org)

    65. 2302.06329 Guided vortex motion in a ferromagnet-superconductor bilayer (arXiv.org)

    66. 2302.06575 Superconducting diode effect in topological hybrid structures (arXiv.org)

    67. PhysRevB.107.064506 Impact of the orbital current order on the superconducting properties of the kagome superconductors (kagome, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.107.075130 Fluctuation-induced first-order phase transitions in the Kitaev-like ${d}^{4}$ honeycomb magnet (kitaev, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.107.075131 Spatial symmetry modulation of planar Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (planar, PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.107.075132 Shared universality of charged black holes and the complex large-$q$ Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.107.075417 Anderson localization at the boundary of a two-dimensional topological superconductor (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.107.085119 Effective medium model for graphene superlattices with electrostatic and magnetic vector potentials (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.107.L081107 Quantum oscillations as a robust fingerprint of chiral anomaly in nonlinear response in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    74. 2302.05078 Signatures of Chiral Superconductivity in Chiral Molecule Intercalated Tantalum Disulfide (TaS2, arXiv)

    75. 2302.05115 Unidirectional electron-phonon coupling as a fingerprint of the nematic state in a kagome superconductor (nematic, arXiv)

    76. 2302.05145 Discovery of Superconductivity in Van der Waals Ferromagnetic Sn$_{0.06}$Cr$_3$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

    77. 2302.05227 Charge Density Wave Order in Superconducting Topological Insulator Nbx-Bi2Se3 (arXiv)

    78. 2302.04877 Single monkey-saddle singularity at a two-dimensional Fermi surface and its instabilities (arXiv)

    79. 2302.05060 Chiral Fibonacci spin liquid in a $\mathbb{Z}_3$ Kitaev model (arXiv)

    80. 2302.05194 Non-Fermi liquid behavior of doped Kondo insulator: The unique properties of CeRhSb$_{1-x}$Te$_x$ (Ce, arXiv)

    81. 2302.05296 From linear to circular polarized light – Floquet engineering in Kitaev-Heisenberg materials with Lissajous figures (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.064411 Strong higher-order angular dependence of spin-orbit torque in W/CoFeB bilayer (PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.107.085408 Probing topological signatures in an optically driven $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{T}_{3}$ lattice (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.107.085411 Intrinsic layer-polarized anomalous Hall effect in bilayer $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.107.L060502 Change of superconducting character in ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ induced by magnetic field (PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.066001 Tunable Superconductivity and Mobius Fermi Surfaces in an Inversion-Symmetric Twisted van der Waals Heterostructure (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.130.066302 Multichannel Topological Kondo Effect (topological Kondo, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.130.066701 Magnon Interference Tunneling Spectroscopy as a Probe of 2D Magnetism (PRL)

    8. 2302.04489 Robust topological superconductivity in spin-orbit coupled systems at higher-order van Hove filling (arXiv.org)

    9. 2302.04550 Preparation and STM study of clean Nb(111) surfaces (arXiv.org)

    10. 2302.04758 Quasi-2D Fermi surface in the anomalous superconductor UTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    11. 2302.03812 pyTDGL: Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau in Python (arXiv.org)

    12. 2302.03381 Influence of $f$ Electrons on the Electronic Band Structure of Rare-Earth Nickelates (arXiv.org)

    13. 2302.04490 Charge density wave with strong quantum phase fluctuations in Kagome magnet FeGe (arXiv.org)

    14. 2302.04602 Coexistence of Merons with Skyrmions in the Centrosymmetric van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2 (arXiv.org)

    15. 2302.04620 A slave fermion interpretation of the pseudogap in doped Mott insulator (arXiv.org)

    16. 2302.04660 Doniach phase diagram for Kondo lattice model on the square and triangular lattices (arXiv.org)

    17. 2302.04804 Revisiting the electronic properties of dislocated graphene sheets (arXiv.org)

    18. 2302.04846 Chiral and flat-band magnetic cluster excitations in a ferromagnetic kagome metal (arXiv.org)

    19. 2302.04864 Dynamic mass generation on two-dimensional electronic hyperbolic lattices (arXiv.org)

    20. 2302.03703 XY* transition and extraordinary boundary criticality from fractional exciton condensation in quantum Hall bilayer (arXiv.org)

    21. 2302.03796 Impurity-induced phonon thermal Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic phase of Sr2IrO4 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    22. 2302.03925 Chiral phonons probed by X rays (arXiv.org)

    23. 2302.03993 Tunable correlation effects of magnetic impurities by the cubic Rashba spin-orbit couplings (arXiv.org)

    24. 2302.04234 Dielectric relaxation by quantum critical magnons (arXiv.org)

    25. 2302.03212 A statistical approach to topological entanglement: Boltzmann machine representation of higher-order irreducible correlation (arXiv.org)

    26. 2302.03301 Observation of Weak Kondo Effect and Angle Dependent Magnetoresistance in Layered Antiferromagnetic V$_5$S$_8$ Single Crystal (arXiv.org)

    27. 2302.03622 Novel three-dimensional Fermi surface and electron-correlation-induced charge density wave in FeGe (arXiv.org)

    28. PhysRevB.107.064201 Gap labeling theorem for multilayer thin film heterostructures (PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.066301 Continuous Mott Transition in Moir\‘e Semiconductors: Role of Long-Wavelength Inhomogeneities (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.066402 Visualizing Higher-Fold Topology in Chiral Crystals (PRL)

    31. PhysRevB.107.075410 Increased localization of Majorana modes in antiferromagnetic chains on superconductors (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.107.075126 Stably protected gapless edge states without Wannier obstruction (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.107.085118 Two types of superconducting pairs in stripe-ordered ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ba}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ $(x=1/8)$: Evidence from resistivity measurements (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.107.054408 Topological spin textures in $1T$-phase Janus magnets: Interplay between Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, magnetic frustration, and isotropic higher-order interactions (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.064408 Oscillations in the magnetothermal conductivity of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$: Evidence of transition anomalies (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.107.064409 Long-range order in the XY model on the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.075124 Node-line Dirac semimetal manipulated via Kondo mechanism in nonsymmorphic ${\mathrm{CePt}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.085406 Observation of highly anisotropic bulk dispersion and spin-polarized topological surface states in ${\mathrm{CoTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.085407 Sublattice-enriched tunability of bound states in second-order topological insulators and superconductors (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.107.L081104 One-dimensional projection of two-dimensional systems using spiral boundary conditions (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.107.L081403 Strain disorder and gapless intervalley coherent phase in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.107.075120 Fermi surface mapping of the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{RbV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ using de Haas-van Alphen oscillations (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.107.054504 Spin-dependent coupling of supercurrent and nonequilibrium quasiparticles in high-field superconductors (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.107.064407 Impact of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and anisotropic exchange interactions on the cubic kagome antiferromagnets ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}X$ and ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}AB$ (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.107.075407 Theory of circular dichroism in angle-resolved resonant photoemission from magnetic surfaces (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.107.085111 Localization as a consequence of quasiperiodic bulk-bulk correspondence (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.107.085112 Continuous transition from a Landau quasiparticle to a neutral spinon (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.107.085113 Stability of the N\‘eel quantum critical point in the presence of Dirac fermions (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.107.085203 Magnetoresistance signature of two-dimensional electronic states in ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.L081402 Exact first-principles calculation reveals universal moir\‘e potential in twisted two-dimensional materials (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.107.L060405 Observation of the skyrmion side-face state in a chiral magnet (PRB)

    52. 2302.02610 Drastic enhancement of the superconducting temperature in type-II Weyl semimetal candidate MoTe$_2$ via biaxial strain (enhancement Tc MoTe2, arXiv.org)

    53. 2302.02906 Enhanced nematicity emerging from higher-order van Hove singularities (kagome, arXiv.org)

    54. 2302.02424 Epitaxially strained ultrathin LaNiO$_3$/LaAlO$_3$ and LaNiO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ superlattices: a density functional theory + $U$ study (HSKim, arXiv.org)

    55. 2302.02448 On semiconductor–metal transition in FeSi induced by ultrahigh magnetic field (arXiv.org)

    56. 2302.02618 Band topology and non-trivial surface States in type-II Dirac semi-metal (Ni, Pd)Te2 (arXiv.org)

    57. 2302.02645 The out-of-plane magnetoresistance in a Van der Waals thin film of WTe2 (arXiv.org)

    58. 2302.02771 Interaction-induced Metal to Topological Insulator Transition (arXiv.org)

    59. 2302.02958 One-dimensionality signature in optical conductivity of heavy-fermion CeIr${3}$B${2}$ (arXiv.org)

    60. PhysRevB.107.085103 Role of electronic correlations in the kagome-lattice superconductor ${\mathrm{LaRh}}{3}{\mathrm{B}}{2}$ (kagome, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.107.L060404 Thermal Hall effect in a van der Waals triangular magnet ${\mathrm{FeCl}}_{2}$ (FeCl2, PRB)

    62. 2302.01549 Evidence for ferromagnetism in KTaO$_3$ heterointerface superconductors (KTO, arXiv)

    63. 2302.01347 Islands of Chiral Solitons in Integer Spin Kitaev Chains (arXiv)

    64. 2302.01457 Spin waves in a ferromagnetic topological metal (FM topological metal, arXiv)

    65. 2302.01615 Theory of nematic charge orders in kagome metals (nematic, arXiv)

    66. 2302.01803 Defect-induced magnetism in TiO$_2$: An example of quasi 2D magnetic order with perpendicular anisotropy (arXiv)

    67. 2302.01870 Universality of the {\bf q}=1/2 Orbital Magnetism in the Pseudogap Phase of the High-$T_c$ superconductor $\rm YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+x}$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Feb 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.167202 Orbital Angular Momentum of Magnons in Collinear Magnets (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.107.054401 Construction of entangled many-body states via the Higgs mechanism (EGMoon, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.107.075108 Isospin- and momentum-polarized orders in bilayer graphene (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.107.085101 Real-space entanglement spectra of lowest Landau level projected fractional quantum Hall states using Monte Carlo methods (QHE MC, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.107.085201 Topological contribution to magnetism in the Kane-Mele model: An explicit wave-function approach (Kane-Mele, PRB)

    6. s41586-022-05610-3 Pseudospin-selective Floquet band engineering in black phosphorus (Floquet, Nature)

    7. 2302.00682 Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    8. 2302.01023 Intermixing-driven surface and bulk ferromagnetism in the quantum anomalous Hall candidate MnBi$6$Te${10}$ (arXiv.org)

    9. PhysRevLett.130.056701 Voltage-Controlled Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Torque Switching of Perpendicular Magnetization (DMI, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.130.056901 Topological Properties of Floquet Winding Bands in a Photonic Lattice (PRL)

    11. PhysRevB.107.085401 Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene (DasSarma, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.107.075103 Honeycomb oxide heterostructure as a candidate host for a Kitaev quantum spin liquid (PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.107.085403 Superfluid transport in quantum spin chains (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.107.L081101 Excitonic Chern insulator and kinetic ferromagnetism in a ${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ moir\‘e bilayer (PRB)

    15. 2302.00314 Suppression of the antiferromagnetic order by Zn doping in a possible Kitaev material Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ (arXiv)

    16. 2302.00540 Sweet spot in the RuCl$3$ magnetic system: nearly ideal $j{\mathrm{eff}}\!=\!1/2$ moments and maximized $K/J$ ratio under pressure (arXiv)

    17. 2301.13234 Field Theoretic Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics: An Overview (Fradkin, arXiv)

    18. 2301.13520 Theoretical study of phonon-mediated superconductivity beyond Migdal-Eliashberg approximation and Coulomb pseudopotential (arXiv)

    19. 2301.13726 Nodal line resonance generating the giant anomalous Hall effect of Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (nodal line, arXiv)

    20. 2301.13870 Symmetry constraints and spectral crossing in a Mott insulator with Green’s function zeros (arXiv)

    21. 2301.13707 Topological features in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi: Role of domain walls (Ce-Weyl, arXiv)

    22. 2301.13488 Orientation-dependent electron-phonon coupling in interfacial superconductors LaAlO3/KTaO3 (el-ph coupling, arXiv)

    23. 2301.13740 Parity protected superconducting diode effect in topological Josephson junctions (DLoss, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.107.014207 Localization and subdiffusive transport in quantum spin chains with dilute disorder (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.107.024513 Nonlinear optical responses in noncentrosymmetric superconductors (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.107.035154 Accidental persistent spin textures in the proustite mineral family (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.107.035155 Strain engineering a persistent spin helix with infinite spin lifetime (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.107.035158 Signature of weakly coupled $f$ electrons and conduction electrons in magnetic Weyl semimetal candidates PrAlSi and SmAlSi (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.107.035440 Majorana nanowires, Kitaev chains, and spin models (DasSarma, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.107.045431 Interplay of charge ordering and superconductivity in two-dimensional $2H$ group V transition-metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    31. 2301.11949 Magnetic Amplification at Yb3+ Designer Defects” in the van der Waals Ferromagnet, CrI3 (CrI3, arXiv)

    32. 2301.11951 Topological structures in unconventional scenario for 2D cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    33. 2301.11979 DFT, L(S)DA, LDA+U, LDA+DMFT…, whether we do approach to a proper description of optical response for strongly correlated systems? (arXiv)

    34. 2301.12034 Surface-termination-dependent electronic states in kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) studied by micro-ARPES (kagome, arXiv)

    35. 2301.12157 Simple Realistic Model of Spin Reorientation in 4f-3d Compounds (arXiv)

    36. 2301.12330 Nonlocal Kondo effect and two-fluid picture revealed in an exactly solvable model (arXiv)

    37. 2301.12629 Anisotropic spin model and multiple-$Q$ states in cubic systems (multiple-Q, arXiv)

    38. 2301.13102 Charge density wave-templated spin cycloid in topological semimetal $NdSb_{x}Te_{2-x-\delta}$ (arXiv)

    39. 2301.13153 $H_{3}S$ is a high-$\kappa$ superconductor with columnar pinning defects (arXiv)

    40. 2301.12049 Photoinduced pseudospin-wave emission from charge-density-wave domain wall with superconductivity (arXiv)

    41. 2301.12368 Observation of superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum (arXiv)

    42. 2301.12442 Enhancement of the Kondo effect in a quantum dot formed in a full-shell nanowire (DLoss, arXiv)

    43. PhysRevX.13.011010 Bipolaronic High-Temperature Superconductivity (strong el-ph, PRX)

    44. PhysRevB.107.014310 Monte Carlo simulation of the nuclear spin decoherence process in ${\mathrm{Eu}}^{3+}$:${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{SiO}}{5}$ crystals (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.107.014424 Coexistence of random singlets and disordered Kitaev spin liquid in ${\mathrm{H}}{3}{\mathrm{LiIr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.107.014512 Detrimental effects of disorder in two-dimensional time-reversal invariant topological superconductors (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.107.024424 Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.107.035151 Gross-Neveu-Heisenberg criticality from $2+\ensuremath{\epsilon}$ expansion (TMeng, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.107.035438 Dimension-dependent magnetic anisotropy for tunable anomalous Hall effect in transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.045142 Observation of spin-polarized surface states in the nodal-line semimetal ${\mathrm{SnTaS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.107.045145 Tetragonal SnOFeSe: A possible parent compound of the FeSe-based superconductor (FeSe, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.107.045146 Delocalization of topological surface states by diagonal disorder in nodal loop semimetals (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.107.045430 Effect of uniaxial strain on the excitonic properties of monolayer ${\mathrm{C}}_{3}\mathrm{N}$: A symmetry-based analysis (strain, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.L041113 Phonon softening and slowing-down of charge density wave fluctuations in ${\mathrm{BaNi}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    55. 2301.11348 Topological Nodal Point Superconductivity in Checkerboard Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems (arXiv)

    56. 2301.11425 Anomalously high supercurrent density in a two-dimensional topological material (arXiv)

    57. 2301.11458 Superconductivity of anomalous pseudospin (arXiv)

    58. 2301.11523 Externally-triggerable optical pump-probe scanning tunneling microscopy with a time resolution of tens-picosecond (arXiv)

    59. 2301.11652 Two-dimensional superconductors with intrinsic p-wave pairing or nontrivial band topology (TSC, arXiv)

    60. 2301.11708 Classical Monte Carlo algorithm for simulation of a pseudospin model for cuprates (MC, arXiv)

    61. 2301.11840 Features of the Domain Boundaries of a Highly Anisotropic (S = 1) Antiferromagnet near the Transition to the Quantum Paramagnet Phase (arXiv)

    62. 2301.11853 Competition between the Spin and Pseudospin Subsystems in a Model Cuprate (arXiv)

    63. 2301.11876 Influence of Local Correlations on the "Homogeneo (arXiv)

    64. 2301.11337 New critical states induced by measurement (arXiv)

    65. 2301.11392 Noise and Thermal Depinning of Wigner Crystals (arXiv)

    66. 2301.11395 Cubic Double Perovskites Host Noncoplanar Spin Textures (arXiv)

    67. 2301.11404 A Quantum Monte Carlo study of the structural, energetic, and magnetic properties of two-dimensional (2D) H and T phase VSe$_2$ (arXiv)

    68. 2301.11506 Ginzburg-Landau action and polarization current in an excitonic insulator model of electronic ferroelectricity (arXiv)

    69. 2301.11537 Behavior under magnetic field of resonance at the edge of the upper Hubbard band in 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    70. 2301.11917 Everything is a quantum Ising model (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.046704 Interfacial Tuning of Anisotropic Gilbert Damping (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.107.014423 Mechanism of paramagnetic spin Seebeck effect (Seebeck, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.107.035435 Planar Josephson junctions in germanium: Effect of cubic spin-orbit interaction (DLoss, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.107.045141 Pressure suppression of the excitonic insulator state in ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}{5}$ observed by optical conductivity (EI, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.107.045428 Ferrotronics for the creation of band gaps in graphene (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.107.L020201 Metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional system of chiral unitary class (PRB)

    7. s13 The Unimportance of Accurate Financial Knowledge (Physics)

    8. 2301.11027 Anisotropic spin-current spectroscopy of ferromagnetic superconducting gap symmetries (arXiv)

    9. 2301.10775 Collisionless dynamics of general non-Fermi liquids from hydrodynamics of emergent conserved quantities (arXiv)

    10. 2301.10776 $T-$linear resistivity from magneto-elastic scattering: application to PdCrO$_2$ (arXiv)

    11. 2301.10777 Creating long-range Majorana pairs: from spin-1/2 Kitaev to generalized XY chains (Kee, arXiv)

    12. 2301.11243 Probing Majorana wavefunctions in Kitaev honeycomb spin liquids with second-order two-dimensional spectroscopy (arXiv)

    13. science.adg7879 ChatGPT is fun, but not an author (Science)

    14. PhysRevB.107.014422 Magnetic phases of the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-trimer system ${\mathrm{Gd}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{4}{\mathrm{Al}}_{12}$ with a distorted kagome lattice structure (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.107.024509 Critical magnetic fields and electron pairing in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.107.035147 Cavity-mediated superconductor–ferromagnetic-insulator coupling (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.107.045138 Unprotected edge modes in quantum spin Hall insulator candidate materials (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.107.L041111 Superconductivity induced by the intervalley Coulomb scattering in a few layers of graphene (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.107.014419 Polyhexatic and polycrystalline states of skyrmion lattices (skyrmion, PRB)

    20. s14 Quantum Circuit Tackles Diabolicala Photochemical Process (Physics)

    21. 2301.10524 Stability of Bogoliubov Fermi Surfaces within BCS Theory (CTimm, arXiv.org)

    22. 2301.10755 Coexistence of $s$-wave superconductivity and phase separation in the half-filled extended Hubbard model with attractive interactions (arXiv.org)

    23. 2301.10291 Parameter free treatment of a layered correlated van der Waals magnet: CrPS$_{4}$ (Cr, arXiv.org)

    24. 2301.10299 Direct Observation of Collective Modes of the Charge Density Wave in the Kagome Metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    25. 2301.10379 Suppression of Heating by Multi-color Driving Protocols in Floquet Engineered Strongly Correlated Systems (arXiv.org)

    26. 2301.10432 Ab initio prediction of anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic CaCrO$_3$ (Cr, arXiv.org)

    27. 2301.10631 Investigation of Planckian behavior in a high-conductivity oxide: PdCrO$_2$ (Cr, arXiv.org)

    28. 2301.10726 Slave-spin mean field for broken-symmetry states: N\‘eel antiferromagnetism and its phase separation in multi-orbital Hubbard models (arXiv.org)

    29. PhysRevLett.130.040401 Operational Definition of the Temperature of a Quantum State (PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.130.046402 Coexistence of Bulk-Nodal and Surface-Nodeless Cooper Pairings in a Superconducting Dirac Semimetal (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.130.046702 Revealing the Origin of Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Fe-Chalcogenide Superconductor ${\mathrm{FeTe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Se}}{x}$ (PRL)

    32. PhysRevB.107.014421 Canted ferromagnetic order in nonsuperconducting $\mathrm{Eu}{({\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{x})}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.107.024421 Low-field magnetic anomalies in single crystals of the A-type square-lattice antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{EuGa}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.107.024422 Domain-wall skyrmions in chiral magnets (DW-skyrmion, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.035144 Reversal of the chiral anomaly bulk states with periodically staggered potential (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.107.035433 First-principles calculations of plasmon excitations in graphene, silicene, and germanene (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.045426 Phonon-limited resistivity of multilayer graphene systems (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.L020410 Rhombic skyrmion lattice coupled with orthorhombic structural distortion in ${\mathrm{EuAl}}_{4}$ (Seki, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.L020411 Chiral broken symmetry descendants of the kagome lattice chiral spin liquid (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.107.L041202 Temperature dependence of the energy band gap in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$: Implications for the topological phase (PRB)

    41. 2301.10116 Topological phase transition in MoTe$_2$: A Review (arXiv.org)

    42. 2301.09658 Apparent Kondo effect in Moir\‘e TMD bilayers: Heavy fermions or disorder? (DasSarma, arXiv.org)

    43. 2301.09824 Material-based analysis of spin-orbital Mott insulators (arXiv.org)

    44. 2301.09838 Quantum spin Hall insulator on the honeycomb lattice induced by ferromagnetic exchange interaction (NKoreagroup, arXiv.org)

    45. 2301.09923 Lee-Yang theory of quantum phase transitions with neural network quantum states (Lado, arXiv.org)

    46. 2301.09963 Real-space imaging of dispersive triplon excitations in engineered quantum magnets (Lado, arXiv.org)

    47. 2301.10200 Carbon Kagome Nanotubes – quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures with flat bands (kagome nanotube, arXiv.org)

    48. PhysRevX.13.011007 Temperature Dependence of Spin and Charge Orders in the Doped Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (PRX)

    49. PhysRevLett.130.043801 Polaritonic Chern Insulators in Monolayer Semiconductors (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.130.046201 Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator State in Cadmium Arsenide Thin Films (PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.130.046701 Nonlocal Detection of Interlayer Three-Magnon Coupling (PRL)

    52. PhysRevB.107.014418 Tuning the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and trigonal crystal-field effect in the Ising-like spin system ${\mathrm{Ca}}{3}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.107.035427 Topological characterization and stability of Floquet Majorana modes in Rashba nanowires (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.035429 Valley Hall effect in graphene-like $\mathrm{Sn}X$ ($X=\mathrm{Si}$, Ge) buckled monolayers with high charge carrier mobility and low lattice thermal conductivity (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.107.035430 Hinge states of second-order topological insulators as a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.107.035431 Evolution of the edge states and corner states in a multilayer honeycomb valley-Hall topological metamaterial (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.107.045135 Bismuth antiphase domain wall: A three-dimensional manifestation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Vandebilt, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.107.045203 First-principles analysis of intravalley and intervalley electron-phonon scattering in thermoelectric materials (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.107.L041408 Electric-field-tunable band gap in commensurate twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    60. 2301.09151 Superconductivity versus quadrupole density wave in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Khim, arXiv)

    61. 2301.09377 Notes on Quantum oscillation for Hatsugai-Kohmoto model (NFL, arXiv)

    62. 2301.08853 Resolving the discrepancy between MOKE measurements at 1550-nm wavelength on Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv)

    63. 2301.08927 Discovery of a magnetic Dirac system with large intrinsic non-linear Hall effect (arXiv)

    64. 2301.09047 Observation of Kondo condensation in a degenerately doped silicon metal (Im, arXiv)

    65. 2301.09224 Improved Hilbert space exploration algorithms for finite temperature calculations (arXiv)

    66. 2301.09446 Partially disordered Heisenberg antiferromagnet with short-range stripe correlations (arXiv)

    67. 2301.09509 Spin-lattice-coupled superstructure induced by ultrahigh magnetic fields in a breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    68. PhysRevB.107.014417 Ferrochiral, antiferrochiral, and ferrichiral skyrmion crystals in an itinerant honeycomb magnet (Hayami, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.107.035137 Rigorous formalism for unconventional symmetry breaking in Fermi liquid theory and its application to nematicity in FeSe (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.107.035139 Orbital contribution to the regulation of the spin-valley coupling in antiferromagnetic monolayer ${\mathrm{MnPTe}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.107.035140 Exceptional heavy-fermion semimetals in three dimensions (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.107.045132 Competing spin-valley entangled and broken symmetry states in the $N=1$ Landau level of graphene (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.107.L020408 Field-induced Kitaev multipolar liquid in spin-orbit coupled ${d}^{2}$ honeycomb Mott insulators (Kee, PRB)

    74. 2301.08550 Superconducting fluctuations and charge-4$e$ plaquette state at strong coupling (4e, arXiv)

    75. 2301.08631 Superconductivity in type II layered Weyl semi-metals (MoTe2, arXiv)

    76. 2301.08264 Maple Leaf Antiferromagnet in a Magnetic Field (maple, arXiv)

    77. 2301.08617 Low-temperature antiferromagnetic order in orthorhombic CePdAl$_{3}$ (Ce, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.130.036702 Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect Arising from an Unconventional Compensated Magnetic Phase in a Semiconductor (AHE, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.107.024506 Pressure-induced superconductivity in the weak topological insulator BiSe (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.107.035133 Rotating spacetime modulation: Topological phases and spacetime Haldane model (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.107.035134 Thermodynamic, magnetic, and transport properties of the repulsive Hubbard model on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.107.035421 Topological features of the Haldane model on a dice lattice: Flat-band effect on transport properties (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.107.045129 Metrology of band topology via resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (SSH, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.107.045130 Realization of the topological Hopf term in two-dimensional lattice models (Hopf, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.107.045419 Wave functions and edge states in rectangular honeycomb lattices revisited: Nanoflakes, armchair and zigzag nanoribbons, and nanotubes (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.107.L041404 Imaging Friedel oscillations in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (PRB)

    10. s41586-022-05437-y Magnetically mediated hole pairing in fermionic ladders of ultracold atoms (Nature)

    11. d41586-023-00027-y Broken mirror symmetry boosts current conversion in a superconductor (Nature)

    12. s41586-022-05463-w Octupole-driven magnetoresistance in an antiferromagnetic tunnel junction (Mn3Sn, Nature)

    13. 2301.07909 Interfacial Magnon-Mediated Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    14. 2301.08033 Silvanite AuAgTe$_4$: a rare case of gold superconducting material (arXiv.org)

    15. 2301.07906 Machine-learning the spectral function of a hole in a quantum antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    16. 2301.07938 Stacking-dependent nonreciprocal transport in magnetic skyrmions (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    17. 2301.08159 Low-energy physics for an iron phthalocyanine molecule on Au(111) (arXiv.org)

    18. PhysRevLett.130.036701 Electrically Active Domain Wall Magnons in Layered van der Waals Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.107.014106 First-principles thermal equation of state of fcc iridium (Ir, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.107.024418 Unidirectional magnetic coupling induced by chiral interaction and nonlocal damping (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.107.035418 Spin-orbit enhancement in Si/SiGe heterostructures with oscillating Ge concentration (Si Ge QD, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.107.035419 Time evolution of Majorana corner modes in a Floquet second-order topological superconductor (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.107.035420 Anisotropic Rashba effect in two-dimensional non-Janus transition-metal dichalcogenide, $M\mathrm{SSe} (M=\mathrm{Mo},\mathrm{W})$ alloys (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.107.L041107 Exchange bias in the van der Waals heterostructure $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}/{\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    25. 2301.07374 Nodeless superconductivity in kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ with and without time reversal symmetry breaking (kagome, arXiv)

    26. 2301.07637 Stripe Symmetry of Short-range Charge Density Waves in Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    27. 2301.07648 Probing electron-electron interaction along with superconducting fluctuations in disordered TiN thin films (arXiv)

    28. 2301.07127 Emergent glassy behavior in a kagome Rydberg atom array (arXiv)

    29. 2301.07401 Magnons, Phonons, and Thermal Hall Effect in Candidate Kitaev Magnet $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (THE, arXiv)

    30. 2301.07559 Experimental Evidence for the Spiral Spin Liquid in LiYbO$_2$ (spiral, arXiv)

    31. 2301.06161 Light-Driven Transitions in Quantum Paraelectrics (STO, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevLett.130.036601 Unsupervised Data-Driven Classification of Topological Gapped Systems with Symmetries (PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.130.036801 Spin-Lattice and Magnetoelectric Couplings Enhanced by Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Polar Multiferroic Semiconductors (PRL)

    34. PhysRevB.107.014414 Rich topological spin textures in single-phase and core-shell magnetic nanodisks (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.107.024304 Topological phonons in Cs-Te binary systems (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.107.035416 Valley physics and anomalous valley Hall effect in single-layer $h\text{\ensuremath{-}}M\mathrm{N}X$ ($M=\mathrm{Ti}$, Zr, Hf; $X=\mathrm{Cl}$, Br) (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.045125 Ferroelectric higher-order topological insulator in two dimensions (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.045126 Critical role of magnetic moments in the lattice dynamics of ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.045127 Loop-current charge density wave driven by long-range Coulomb repulsion on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.107.L020406 Electron magnetic moment of transient chiral phonons in ${\mathrm{KTaO}}_{3}$ (KTO, PRB)

    41. 2301.05721 Topological Quantum Dimers Emerging from Kitaev Spin Liquid Bilayer: Anyon Condensation Transition (KSHwang, arXiv.org)

    42. 2301.05885 Emergent Electronic Kagome Lattice in Correlated Charge-Density-Wave State of 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    43. 2301.06171 Evidence for excitonic insulator ground state in triangulene Kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    44. 2301.06275 Role of disorder and strong 5$d$ electron correlation in the electronic structure of Sr2TiIrO6 (arXiv.org)

    45. 2301.06401 Magnetostriction, piezomagnetism and domain nucleation in Mn$_3$Sn (KBehnia, arXiv.org)

    46. 2301.06523 Giant Nernst effect in the crossover between Fermi liquid and strange metal (nphys, arXiv.org)

    47. 2301.06185 Inhomogeneous superconductivity onset in FeSe studied by transport properties (arXiv.org)

    48. 2301.06357 Charge 4e superconductivity and chiral metal in the $45^\circ$-twisted bilayer cuprates and similar materials (arXiv.org)

    49. PhysRevB.107.014204 Critical-to-insulator transitions and fractality edges in perturbed flat bands (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.107.014411 Determining Kitaev interaction in spin-$S$ honeycomb Mott insulators (Kee, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.107.014412 Linear magnetoelectric memory and training effect in the honeycomb antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Co}}{4}{\mathrm{Nb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$ (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.107.024417 Monte Carlo studies of noncollinear magnetic phases in multiferroic ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.107.035122 Polarization jumps by breaking symmetries of two-dimensional Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.035126 Mottness in two-dimensional van der Waals Nb3X8 monolayers (X=Cl, Br, and I)$ (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.107.035127 Multiband character revealed from weak antilocalization in platinum thin films (Pt antilocalization, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.107.035128 Engineering second-order nodal-line semimetals by breaking $\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry and periodic driving (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.107.045120 Nanoscale phase-slip domain walls in the charge density wave state of the Weyl semimetal candidate ${\mathrm{NbTe}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.107.045123 Phase diagram of the square-lattice Hubbard model with Rashba-type antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (CHotta, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.107.L041105 Charge order with unusual star-of-David lattice in monolayer ${\mathrm{NbTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    60. 2301.05330 Strain-induced Landau levels of Majorana fermions in an anisotropically interacting Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice (kitaev, arXiv)

    61. 2301.05324 Surface acoustic wave generation and detection in quantum paraelectric regime of SrTiO$_3$-based heterostructure (arXiv)

    62. 2301.05359 Collective excitations of the Chern-insulator states in commensurate double moire superlattices of twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (Chern-insulator states, arXiv)

    63. 2301.05254 Oscillations in the magnetothermal conductivity of $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$-RuCl$_3$: Evidence of transition anomalies (arXiv)

    64. 2301.05449 Doping control of magnetism and emergent electromagnetic induction in high-temperature helimagnets (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    65. 2301.05282 Non-centrosymmetric Sr${2}$IrO${4}$ obtained under High Pressure (iridates, arXiv)

    66. 2301.05240 Spectroscopic signatures of fractionalization in octupolar quantum spin ice (YBKim, arXiv)

    67. 2301.05463 Evolution of the spectral lineshape at the magnetic transition in Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7 (iridates, arXiv)

    68. 2301.05486 Significant Unconventional Anomalous Hall Effect in Heavy Metal/Antiferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructures (arXiv)

    69. 2301.05670 High-temperature polaronic lattice distortions and charge ordering through the charge-density wave and quantum spin liquid phase transitions in 1T-TaS$_{2}$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 2nd week collection
    1. 2301.04801 Anisotropic Enhancement of Lower Critical Field in Ultraclean Crystals of Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2 (arXiv.org)

    2. 2301.04734 Construction of Wannier functions from the spectral moments of correlated electron systems (arXiv.org)

    3. 2301.04893 Stripe Helical Magnetism and Two Regimes of Anomalous Hall Effect in NdAlGe (NdAlGe, arXiv.org)

    4. PhysRevLett.130.026001 Pair Density Wave Order from Electron Repulsion (SRaghu, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.130.026701 Direct Optical Probe of Magnon Topology in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets (PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.130.026702 Suppressed Fluctuations as the Origin of the Static Magnetic Order in Strained ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRL)

    7. PhysRevB.107.014105 Magnetic corner states in a two-dimensional gyromagnetic photonic crystal (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.107.014202 Critical and topological phases of dimerized Kitaev chain in presence of quasiperiodic potential (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.107.014410 Unconventional thermoelectric transport in tilted Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.107.035305 Influence of Dirac cone warping and tilting on the Friedel oscillations in a topological insulator (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.107.035411 Electrical tuning of valley polarization in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.107.035412 Remote control of spin polarization of topological corner states (PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.107.045118 Higher-order topological phases emerging from Su-Schrieffer-Heeger stacking (PRB)

    14. PhysRevLett.130.026401 Unveiling and Manipulating Hidden Symmetries in Graphene Nanoribbons (PRL)

    15. PhysRevB.107.024410 Topological magnetic structures in MnGe: Neutron diffraction and symmetry analysis (YTokura, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.107.035202 Anomalous Hall effect in conical helimagnetic crystals (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.107.035408 Fractional Josephson effect versus fractional charge in superconducting–normal metal hybrid circuits (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.107.045117 Stacking-induced Chern insulator (chern, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.107.045304 Spin polarization and spin-dependent scattering of holes observed in transverse magnetic focusing (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.107.045411 Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak interference of one-dimensional helical edge states in ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (MoTe2, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.107.L020404 Magnon corner states in twisted bilayer honeycomb magnets (magnon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.107.L041104 Electric-field-induced metal-semiconductor transitions in twisted bilayers of ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    23. physics 7 Quasicrystal with Flashy Origin (Quasicrystal, Physics)

    24. s41586-022-05405-6 Unitary p-wave interactions between fermions in an optical lattice (Nature)

    25. s41586-022-05446-x Enhanced superconductivity in spin-orbit proximitized bilayer graphene (Nature)

    26. 2301.04175 The magnetic field driven superconductor-metal transition in disordered hole-overdoped cuprates (arXiv)

    27. 2301.04184 Electronic character of charge order in square planar low valence nickelates (arXiv)

    28. 2301.04329 Coexistence of zigzag antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity in compressed NiPSe3 (Ni-van-der-Waals, arXiv)

    29. 2301.04557 **Mathematical and Physical Properties of Three-Band s+- Eliashberg Theory for Iron Pnictides (pnictide, arXiv)

    30. 2301.04580 Superconductivity in Ce-based cage compounds (Ce, arXiv)

    31. 2301.04239 Magnetic anisotropy and low-energy spin dynamics in magnetic van der Waals compounds Mn${2}$P${2}$S${6}$ and MnNiP${2}$S$_{6}$ (arXiv)

    32. 2301.04310 Thermodynamic Properties of the Mott Insulator-Metal Transition in a Triangular Lattice System Without Magnetic Order (arXiv)

    33. 2301.04490 Correlated topological insulator in organic antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    34. 2301.04495 Evolution of the spin dynamics during freezing in the spin-glass Fe${x}$Cr${1-x}$ (FM-AFM-spin-glass, arXiv)

    35. 2301.04556 Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a simple model of Fermi arcs and pseudogap (arXiv)

    36. 2301.04565 The anatomy of topological Anderson transitions (arXiv)

    37. PhysRevLett.130.026201 Quantum Phase Transition in the One-Dimensional Water Chain (PRL) physics 5 Quantum Phase Transition Predicted for Gaseous Water (Physics)

    38. PhysRevLett.130.026801 Exactly Solvable Model for a Deconfined Quantum Critical Point in 1D (MLevin, PRL)

    39. PhysRevLett.130.026901 Twist-Dependent Intra- and Interlayer Excitons in Moir\‘e ${\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ Homobilayers (PRL)

    40. PhysRevB.107.014506 Reconciling the $\ensuremath{\pi}$ phase shift in Josephson junction experiments with even-parity superconductivity in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Kee, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.107.024504 Ab initio study of metastable occupation of tetrahedral sites in palladium hydrides and its impact on superconductivity (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.107.035115 Scaling analysis of anomalous Hall resistivity and magnetoresistance in the quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.107.035117 Reentrant quantum spin Hall effect in the presence of an exchange field (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.107.035118 Thermodynamic and electron transport properties of ${\mathrm{Ca}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ from first-principles phonon calculations and Boltzmann transport theory (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.107.045115 Flat optical conductivity in the topological kagome magnet ${\mathrm{TbMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.107.045409 Fractional second-order topological insulator from a three-dimensional coupled-wires construction (Jelena, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.107.L041103 Emergent superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid transport in a doped valence bond solid insulator (DHLee, PRB)

    48. 2301.03603 Josephson effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

    49. 2301.03838 Persistent Josephson tunneling between Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+x}$ flakes twisted by 45$^\circ$ across the superconducting dome (arXiv)

    50. 2301.03937 Majorana Spin Current Generation by Dynamic Strain (majorana, arXiv)

    51. 2301.03628 Topological order in interacting semimetals (arXiv)

    52. 2301.03642 Topological surface states in the Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$ revealed via planar tunneling spectroscopy (arXiv)

    53. PhysRevB.107.045114 Nature of visons in the perturbed ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Kitaev honeycomb models (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.107.045112 Dimensional crossover of charge order in ${\mathrm{IrTe}}_{2}$ with strong interlayer coupling (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.107.045111 Universal topological marker (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.107.035114 Nonlinear optical responses in nodal line semimetals (YBKim, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.107.035113 Lindblad master equation approach to the topological phase transition in the disordered Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.107.014505 Degeneracy between even- and odd-parity superconductivity in the quasi-one-dimensional Hubbard model and implications for ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.107.014408 Experimental observation of interfacial Rashba-Edelstein magnetoresistance in Cr/YIG heterostructures (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.107.014407 Generation of modulated magnetic structures based on cluster multipole expansion: Application to $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-Mn and $\mathrm{Co}{M}{3}{\mathrm{S}}{6}$ (PRB)

    61. PhysRevX.13.011003 Floquet Simulators for Topological Surface States in Isolation (KWKim, PRX)

    62. 2301.02892 Disorder-induced finite center-of-mass momentum Cooper pairing and its consequences to the critical temperature and superconducting gap of overdoped cuprates (arXiv.org)

    63. 2301.02929 Leggett’s plasma resonances and two-gap structures in the CVCs of MgB$_2$ break junctions $-$ a direct evidence for a two-gap superconductivity in MgB$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    64. 2301.03240 Superconductivity in an Orbital-reoriented SnAs Square Lattice: a Case Study of Li0.6Sn2As2 and NaSnAs (arXiv.org)

    65. 2301.03357 $d$-wave superconductivity as a model for diborides apart MgB$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    66. 2301.03473 Correlated carrier dynamics in a superconducting van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv.org)

    67. 2301.02677 Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in topological semimetal FeSi (arXiv.org)

    68. 2301.02696 Band unfolding with a general transformation matrix: from code implementation to interpretation of photoemission spectra (arXiv.org)

    69. 2301.03223 Mean-field approximation of the Hubbard model expressed in a many-body basis (arXiv.org)

    70. 2301.03526 Thermal Hall conductivity of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Kee, arXiv.org)

    71. PhysRevB.107.014303 Driven one-dimensional noisy Kitaev chain (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.107.014406 Texture-induced spin-orbit coupling and skyrmion-electron bound states in a N\‘eel antiferromagnet (skyrmion, PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.107.024408 Topological magnons on the triangular kagome lattice (magnon, PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.107.035112 Strong manipulation of the valley splitting upon twisting and gating in ${\mathrm{MoSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{CrI}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{CrI}}{3}$ van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.107.045408 Targeted Dy intercalation under graphene/SiC for tuning its electronic band structure (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.107.L041401 Optical classification of excitonic phases in molecular functionalized atomically-thin semiconductors (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.107.L041402 Broken symmetry and competing orders in Weyl semimetal interfaces (PRB)

    78. 2301.02248 Optical Control of Slow Topological Electrons in Moire Systems (arXiv)

    79. 2301.02274 Spin-charge separation and unconventional superconductivity in t-J model on honeycomb lattice (hoenycomb, arXiv)

    80. 2301.02460 Half-metal and other fractional metal phases in doped AB bilayer graphene (Nori, arXiv)

    81. PhysRevB.107.024406 Doping control of magnetism and emergent electromagnetic induction in high-temperature helimagnets (YMn6Sn6, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2023)

  • A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2023 Jan 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.107.024405 Polarized neutron scattering study of the centrosymmetric skyrmion host material ${\mathrm{Gd}}{2}{\mathrm{PdSi}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    2. s41586-022-05521-3 Coupled ferroelectricity and superconductivity in bilayer Td-MoTe2 (TMDC, Nature)

    3. d41586-022-04491-w Electric switch found for a superconductor (Nature)

    4. s41586-022-05387-5 Photonic flatband resonances for free-electron radiation (flatband, Nature)

    5. 2301.01873 Free energy and specific heat near a quantum critical point of a metal (arXiv.org)

    6. 2301.01881 Phase Asymmetry of Andreev Spectra From Cooper-Pair Momentum (arXiv.org)

    7. 2301.02037 In-situ electrical and thermal transport properties of FeySe1-xTex films with ionic liquid gating (arXiv.org)

    8. 2301.01860 Dynamical mean-field theory for the Hubbard-Holstein model on a quantum device (arXiv.org)

    9. 2301.01912 Observation of room temperature anomalous Hall effect in graphene-WSe2 heterostructures (arXiv.org)

    10. 2301.02096 Control of magnetic response in curved stripes by tailoring cross-section (arXiv.org)

    11. PhysRevX.13.011001 Ultrafast Melting of Superconductivity in an Iron-Based Superconductor (PRX)

    12. PhysRevB.107.024404 First-principles calculation of anomalous Hall and Nernst conductivity by local Berry phase (PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.107.035402 Periodically driven model with quasiperiodic potential and staggered hopping amplitudes: Engineering of mobility gaps and multifractal states (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.107.045107 Nature of quasiparticle interference in three dimensions (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.107.045403 Nonlocal transport of heat in equilibrium drift-diffusion systems (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.107.045405 Network model for periodically strained graphene (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.107.L041101 Exotic heavy-fermion superconductivity in atomically thin ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ films (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    18. 2301.01402 Coexistence of bulk-nodal and surface-nodeless Cooper pairings in a superconducting Dirac semimetal (arXiv.org)

    19. 2301.01467 Nodeless superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric LaRhSn (arXiv.org)

    20. 2301.01633 Physical properties, electronic structure, and strain-tuned monolayer of the weak topological insulator RbTi3Bi5 with Kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    21. 2301.01669 Ultra-thin Epitaxial MgB2 on SiC: Substrate Surface Polarity Dependent Properties (arXiv.org)

    22. 2301.01301 Strong correlation effects observed by an ANN-MFT encoder trained on $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ high magnetic field data (arXiv.org)

    23. 2301.01363 Gaussian-state Ansatz for the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum spin lattices (arXiv.org)

    24. 2301.01403 Atomic-scale Modulation of Synthetic Magnetic Order in Oxide Superlattices (arXiv.org)

    25. 2301.01444 Magnetic properties of the layered heavy fermion antiferromagnet CePdGa$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    26. 2301.01509 Magnetization dynamics with time-dependent spin-density functional theory: significance of exchange-correlation torques (arXiv.org)

    27. 2301.01517 Tuning a two-impurity Kondo system by a moir\‘e superstructure (arXiv.org)

    28. PhysRevLett.130.016301 Control over Berry Curvature Dipole with Electric Field in ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    29. PhysRevB.107.014501 High-angular-momentum topological superconductivities in twisted bilayer quasicrystal systems (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.107.024501 Superconductivity of graphenelike hydrogen in ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}\mathrm{He}$ at high pressure (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.107.035105 Particle zoo in a doped spin chain: Correlated states of mesons and magnons (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.107.045105 Anomalous periodicity and parafermion hybridization in superconducting qubits (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.107.045301 Electric-dipole spin resonance and spin orbit coupling effects in odd-integer quantum Hall edge channels (PRB)

    34. 2212.13319 Impact of Sb degrees of freedom on the charge density wave phase diagram of the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    35. 2301.00824 A Generic Topological Criterion for Flat Bands in Two Dimensions (arXiv)

    36. PhysRevB.107.024401 Orbital and magnetic ordering in single-layer ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$: A $\mathrm{DFT}+U$ study (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.107.024402 Generation of magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional magnets via interfacial proximity (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.107.035301 Electric field modulated valley- and spin-dependent electron retroreflection and Klein tunneling in a tilted $n\text{\ensuremath{-}}p\text{\ensuremath{-}}n$ junction of monolayer $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.107.045101 Octahedral rotations and defect-driven metallicity at the (001) surface of ${\mathrm{CaTiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.107.045401 Proximity-induced zero-energy states indistinguishable from topological edge states (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.107.045402 Interplay between exchange-split Dirac and Rashba-type surface states at the ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}/\mathrm{BiTeI}$ interface (PRB)

    42. 2023-physics-1 Spin-Interaction Studies Take on a New Dimension (Physics) 2103.12742v3 Probing many-body dynamics in a two dimensional dipolar spin ensemble (NYao, arXiv)

    43. 2301.00472 Bosonization of the interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

    44. 2301.00538 Topological Kondo Superconductors (arXiv)

    45. 2301.00603 The phonon thermal Hall angle in black phosphorus (KBehnia, arXiv)

    46. 2301.00799 Moir\‘e alchemy: artificial atoms, Wigner molecules, and emergent Kagome lattice (arXiv)

    47. 2301.00086 Phase-Slip Lines and Anomalous Josephson Effects in a Tungsten Clusters-Topological Insulator Microbridge (arXiv)

    48. 2212.14053 Frustrated Ferromagnetism of Honeycomb Cobaltates: Incommensurate Spirals, Quantum Disordered Phases, and Out-of-Plane Ising Order (arXiv)

    49. 2212.14176 Magnetic oxides (arXiv)

    50. 2212.14223 Global quantum phase diagram and non-Abelian chiral spin liquid in a spin-3/2 square lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    51. 2212.14280 Inelastic Neutron Scattering in Weakly Coupled Triangular Spin Tubes CsCrF$_4$ (arXiv)

    52. 2212.14331 Non-volatile Electric Control of Magnetic and Topological Properties of MnBi2Te4 Thin Films (arXiv)

    53. 2212.14352 Correlated Mott insulators in a strong electric field: The effects of phonon renormalization (arXiv)

    54. 2212.14184 Superconductivity of MgB$_3$C$_3$: A root from critical reduction Mg atoms in MgB$_2$ (arXiv)

    55. 2212.14711 A microscopic study of boundary superconducting states on a honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

    56. 2212.14869 High critical field superconductivity at ambient pressure in MoB$_2$ stabilized in the P6/mmm structure via Nb substitution (arXiv)

    57. 2212.14880 Pseudogap effects in the strongly correlated regime of the two-dimensional Fermi gas (arXiv)

  • 2022 wordcloud

  • A WordCloud of 2022 collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 collection
  • weekly picks (Dec 5 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.106.214529 Strong-coupling superconductivity and weak vortex pinning in Ta-doped ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ single crystals (kagome, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.106.214530 Revisiting superconductivity in the extended one-band Hubbard model: Pairing via spin and charge fluctuations (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.224521 Advanced approach of superconducting gap function extraction from tunneling experiments (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.L241114 Universality of charge doping driven metal-insulator transition in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RhO}}{4}$ and role of spin-orbit coupling (CKim, PRB)

    5. 2212.13458 Interaction between spin and Abrikosov vortices in doped topological insulators (arXiv)

    6. 2212.13526 Decoding flat bands from compact localized states (JHu, arXiv)

    7. 2212.13580 Advanced approach of superconducting gap function extraction from tunneling experiments (arXiv)

    8. 2212.13603 Tuning quantum paramagnetism and d-wave superconductivity in single-layer iron chalcogenides by chemical pressure (arXiv)

    9. 2212.13692 Fluctuation-driven excess noise near superconducting phase transition (arXiv)

    10. 2212.13722 Linear optical response from the odd parity Bardasis-Schrieffer mode in locally non-centrosymmetric superconductors (SBChung, arXiv)

    11. 2212.13865 Frustrated magnetic interactions and quenched spin fluctuations in CrAs (arXiv)

    12. 2212.14038 Grain-boundary topological superconductor (arXiv)

    13. 2212.13271 Proximate Dirac spin liquid in the J1-J3 XXZ model for honeycomb cobaltates (Paramekanti arXiv)

    14. 2212.13376 Scanning tunneling microscopy study of hidden phases in atomically thin 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv)

    15. 2212.13393 Mirror symmetry decomposition in double-twisted multilayer graphene systems (arXiv)

    16. 2212.13678 HubbardNet: Efficient Predictions of the Bose-Hubbard Model Spectrum with Deep Neural Networks (arXiv)

    17. 2212.13734 Solving local constraint conditions in slave particle theory (arXiv)

    18. 2212.13891 Intrinsic Orbital and Spin Hall Effect in Bismuth Semimetal (arXiv)

    19. 2212.13963 First-principles study of spin orbit coupling contribution to anisotropic magnetic interaction (arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.276601 Role of Hidden Spin Polarization in Nonreciprocal Transport of Antiferromagnets (hiden spin, PRL)

    21. PhysRevB.106.214317 Dirac phonons in two-dimensional materials (Dirac phonon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.214527 Superconductivity and topological properties in the kagome metals $\mathrm{Cs}{M}{3}{\mathrm{Te}}{5}$ ($M$=Ti, Zr, Hf): A first-principles investigation (kagome, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.224311 Semiclassical dynamics of electrons in a space-time crystal: Magnetization, polarization, and current response (QNiu, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.235155 Oxygen vacancies at the origin of pinned moments in oxide interfaces: The example of tetragonal $\mathrm{CuO}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.235156 Designing orbital and charge ordering multiferroics by superlattice strategy and strain engineering (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.245145 Optical study of the topological materials $Ln\mathrm{SbTe}$ $(Ln=\mathrm{La}, \mathrm{Ce}, \mathrm{Sm}, \mathrm{Gd})$ (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.245146 Spatiotemporal dynamics of voltage-induced resistance transition in the double-exchange model (double-exchange model, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.L241113 Crystalline responses for rotation-invariant higher-order topological insulators (Hughes, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.224519 Effects of spin-orbit interaction and electron correlations in strontium titanate (STO, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.235154 Langevin dynamics of generalized spins as SU($N$) coherent states (CDBatista, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.235429 Engineering Majorana corner modes from two-dimensional hexagonal crystals (majorana, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.245427 Identifying Majorana bound states at quantum spin Hall edges using a metallic probe (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L220505 Large kagome family candidates with topological superconductivity and charge density waves (kagome, PRB)

    34. 2212.12548 Emergent Spacetime in Quantum Lattice Models (arXiv)

    35. 2212.12549 Multilayer graphene with a superlattice potential (JCano, arXiv)

    36. 2212.12726 Imaging real-space flat band localization in kagome magnet FeSn (FeSn, arXiv)

    37. 2212.12920 Quadrupole partial orders and triple-$q$ states on the face-centered cubic lattice (arXiv)

    38. 2212.13102 Piezoelectric effect and diode effect in anapole and monopole superconductors (arXiv)

    39. PhysRevB.106.214208 Quantum criticality in the disordered Aubry-Andr\‘e model (disordered AAH, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.214314 Theory for all-optical responses in topological materials: The velocity gauge picture (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.214432 Multitude of exceptional points in van der Waals magnets (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.214433 Interwoven atypical quantum states in ${\mathrm{CeLiBi}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.214434 Enhanced skyrmion metastability under applied strain in FeGe (FeGe, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.214435 Influence of the surface states on the nonlinear Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.214436 Spin excitations in the kagome-lattice metallic antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{0.89}{\mathrm{Co}}{0.11}\mathrm{Sn}$ (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.214526 Supercurrent-induced resonant optical response (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.224428 Skyrmion and meron ordering in quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets (Leonov, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.224518 Majorana zero modes in a magnetic and superconducting hybrid vortex (MFranz, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.235151 Effect of chromium doping on superconductivity and charge density wave order in the kagome metal $\mathrm{Cs}{({\mathrm{V}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Cr}}{x})}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.235152 Nested antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in electron-doped ${\mathrm{CeCo}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{x}{\mathrm{In}}_{5}$ (CeCo115, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.235153 Magnetization-induced phase transition from a semimetal to a Chern insulator in monolayer ${\mathrm{VGa}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.235428 Two-dimensional non-Abelian topological insulators and the corresponding edge/corner states from an eigenvector frame rotation perspective (PRB)

    53. npr time Researchers say time is an illusion. So why are we all obsessed with it? (npr)

    54. 2212.12118 Dimensional crossover of charge order in IrTe$_2$ with strong interlayer coupling (arXiv)

    55. 2212.12128 Thickness dependent charge density wave networks on thin 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv)

    56. 2212.12098 Electron Pairing and Nematicity in LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Nanostructures (arXiv)

    57. 2212.12280 Quantum oscillations in a centrosymmetric skyrmion-hosting magnet GdRu2Si2 (arXiv)

    58. 2212.12367 Highly anisotropic transient optical response of charge density wave order in ZrTe$_3$ (arXiv)

    59. 2212.12430 Spin-lattice interaction parameters from first principles: theory and implementation (arXiv)

    60. 2212.12452 Unreliability of two-band model analysis of magnetoresistivities in unveiling temperature-driven Lifshitz transition (arXiv)

    61. 2212.12529 Hybridization driving distortions and multiferroicity in rare-earth nickelates (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.263604 Observation of Non-Abelian Charged Nodes Linking Nonadjacent Gaps (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.267401 Disorder-Induced Topological State Transition in the Optical Skyrmion Family (skyrmion, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.129.266401 Nonstoichiometric Salt Intercalation as a Means to Stabilize Alkali Doping of 2D Materials (PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.106.214207 Localization transitions and winding numbers for non-Hermitian Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper models with off-diagonal modulations (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.214524 Theory of giant diode effect in $d$-wave superconductor junctions on the surface of a topological insulator (nagaosa, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.224425 Magnetic correlations in the magnetic topological insulator ${(\mathrm{Cr},\mathrm{Sb})}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.245425 Quantum anomalous layer Hall effect in the topological magnet ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.L220409 Anisotropic linear and nonlinear charge-spin conversion in topological semimetal ${\mathrm{SrIrO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.224423 (${\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{x}{)}{5}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$: An antiferromagnetic triangular Ising lattice with itinerant magnetism (PRB)

    10. 2212.11757 Fractional transconductance via non-adiabatic topological Cooper pair pumping (arXiv)

    11. 2212.11855 Closed-loop machine learning for discovery of novel superconductors (arXiv)

    12. 2212.11964 Structure of Charge Density Waves in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 (arXiv)

    13. 2212.11283 Marginal Fermi liquid at magnetic quantum criticality from dimensional confinement (arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.129.266601 Superconductor-Insulator Transition in a Non-Fermi Liquid (PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.129.267201 Emergent Magnetomultipoles and Nonlinear Responses of a Magnetic Hopfion (Nagaosa, PRL)

    16. PhysRevB.106.214427 Magnetic field tuning of parallel spin stripe order and fluctuations near the pseudogap quantum critical point in ${\mathrm{La}}{1.36}{\mathrm{Nd}}{0.4}{\mathrm{Sr}}{0.24}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.106.214429 Variational quantum eigensolver for the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.214522 Low-energy spin fluctuations in ${\mathrm{FeSe}}{0.95}{\mathrm{S}}{0.05}$ (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.214523 Pairing of fermions under spin-orbit coupling in two dimensions (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.224309 Floquet band engineering with Bloch oscillations (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.235148 Metal to Wigner-Mott insulator transition in two-leg ladders (PRB)

    22. researchers push preprint reviews Researchers push preprint reviews to improve scientific communications (Science)

    23. s41586-022-05367-9 Topological lattices realized in superconducting circuit optomechanics (Nature)

    24. 2212.10972 Umklapp scattering in the one-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)

    25. 2212.11161 Josephson effect in excitonic chiral double layers (arXiv)

    26. 2212.11226 Spin susceptibility of nonunitary spin-triplet superconductors (arXiv)

    27. 2212.10668 Noncollinear twisted RKKY interaction on the optically driven SnTe(001) surface (arXiv)

    28. 2212.10685 Lattice Model For The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Moire Graphene (arXiv)

    29. 2212.10835 Higher-order topological insulator in a modified Haldane-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    30. 2212.10838 Magnetism of the $s=1/2$ $J_1$-$J_2$ square-kagome lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    31. PhysRevX.12.041031 Phonon Thermal Hall Conductivity from Scattering with Collective Fluctuations (LBalents, PRX) PhysRevB.106.245139 Thermal conductivity and theory of inelastic scattering of phonons by collective fluctuations (PRB) 198 Resolving the Achillesâ Heel of Thermal Hall Conductivity Measurements (Physics)

    32. PhysRevB.106.214425 Topological Nernst effect emerging from real-space gauge field and thermal fluctuations in a magnetic skyrmion lattice (skyrmion, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.214520 Surface state of the interorbital pairing state in the ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ superconductor (surface states, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.224515 Strongly overdoped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$: Evidence for Josephson-coupled grains of strongly correlated superconductor (cuprate, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.235143 Holes and magnetic polarons in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet (triangular, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.235423 Spin Berry curvature of the Haldane model (Haldane, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.235424 Third-order optical nonlinearity of one-dimensional Dirac fermions (Dirac, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.245138 String-like theory of quantum Hall interfaces (droplet, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.245423 Electric field induced tunable half-metallicity in an $A$-type antiferromagnetic bilayer ${\mathrm{LaBr}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.L220407 Invisible flat bands on a topological chiral edge (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.235144 Flat bands arising from spin-orbit assisted orbital frustration (PRB)

    42. 2212.09786 Chiral surface superconductivity in half-Heusler semimetals (arXiv)

    43. 2212.10175 Spin-resolved spectroscopy using a quantum dot defined in InAs 2DEG (arXiv)

    44. 2212.09796 Machine learning assisted derivation of effective low energy models for metallic magnets (CDBatista, arXiv)

    45. 2212.10040 Spin Nematics Meet Spin Liquids: Exotic Quantum Phases in the Spin-$1$ Bilinear-Biquadratic Model with Kitaev Interactions (YMotome, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevX.12.041030 Imaging the Ultrafast Coherent Control of a Skyrmion Crystal (skyrmion, PRX) s177 A New Way to Manipulate a Skyrmion Crystal (Physics)

    47. PhysRevLett.129.267701 Tunable Superconducting Coupling of Quantum Dots via Andreev Bound States in Semiconductor-Superconductor Nanowires (PRL)

    48. PhysRevB.106.L241405 One-dimensional topological superconductivity based entirely on phase control (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.L220504 Current-enabled optical conductivity of superconductors (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.214308 Triple hourglass Weyl phonons (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.214309 Hourglass charge-three Weyl phonons (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.224514 Excitation spectra of strongly interacting bosons in the flat-band Lieb lattice (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.245131 Electronic and magnetic properties of the topological semimetal ${\mathrm{SmMg}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}$ (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.245305 Effect of external fields in high Chern number quantum anomalous Hall insulators (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.245419 Effects of leakage on the realization of a discrete time crystal in a chain of singlet-triplet qubits (DasSarma, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.L220406 Heat transport of the kagome Heisenberg quantum spin liquid candidate ${\mathrm{YCu}}{3}{(\mathrm{OH})}{6.5}{\mathrm{Br}}_{2.5}$: Localized magnetic excitations and a putative spin gap (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.L241108 Effect of magnetism and phonons on localized carriers in the ferrimagnetic kagome metals ${\text{GdMn}}{6}{\text{Sn}}{6}$ and ${\text{TbMn}}{6}{\text{Sn}}{6}$ (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.214424 Exchange-mediated magnon-phonon scattering in monolayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.235141 Correlated insulating states in carbon nanotubes controlled by magnetic field (Rashba CN, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.235142 Doping effects in high-harmonic generation from correlated systems (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.235313 Coherent spin dynamics of excitons in strained monolayer semiconductors (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.245133 Giant anomalous thermal Hall effect in tilted type-I magnetic Weyl semimetal ${\text{Co}}{3}{\text{Sn}}{2}{\text{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.245422 Anisotropic electron transport Rashba effects in valleytronics (PRB)

    64. 2212.08767 Electronic Density of States of a $U\left(1\right)$ Quantum Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface. I. Orbital Magnetic Field Effects (PALee, arXiv)

    65. 2212.08768 Electronic Density of States of a $U\left(1\right)$ Quantum Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface. II. Zeeman Magnetic Field Effects (PALee, arXiv)

    66. 2212.08778 Zero-field miniature skyrmion crystal and chiral domain state in breathing-kagome antiferromagnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    67. 2212.08711 Drude weights in one-dimensional systems with a single defect (Watanabe, arXiv)

    68. 2212.08794 Ring-like shaped charge modulations in the t-J model with long-range Coulomb interaction (arXiv)

    69. 2212.08886 Low temperature magnetism of KAgF3 (arXiv)

    70. 2212.09026 One, two, three, $\ldots$ infinity: topological properties of thin films of $\rm Co$-based shandite (YMotome, arXiv)

    71. 2212.09480 Nernst response, viscosity and mobile entropy in vortex liquids (KBehnia, arXiv)

    72. 2212.09566 Phonons of electronic crystals in two-dimensional semiconductor moir\‘e patterns (arXiv)

    73. 2212.09583 Photo-induced charge dynamics in 1$T$-TaS$_2$ (1T-TaS2, arXiv)

    74. 2212.09207 Bound states around impurities in a superconducting bilayer (arXiv)

    75. 2212.09211 Intrinsic superconducting diode effect in disordered systems (arXiv)

    76. 2212.09217 Anomalous Coherence Length of Majorana Zero Modes at Vortices in Superconducting Topological Insulators (arXiv)

    77. 2212.09333 Interpretation of experimental Critical Current Density and Levitation of Superconductors (arXiv)

    78. PhysRevB.106.214420 Acoustic spin transport by superconducting quasiparticles (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.214421 Perfect kagome-lattice antiferromagnets with ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$: The ${\mathrm{Co}}^{2+}$ analogs of the copper minerals volborthite and vesignieite (kagome, PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.224105 Forces on dislocations due to strain gradients: Theories and two-dimensional simulations (PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.224108 Cation ordering induced two-dimensional vertical ferroelectricity in tungsten and molybdenum trioxides (PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.235312 Probing details of spin-orbit coupling through Pauli spin blockade (PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.245129 Heavy-fermion representation for twisted bilayer graphene systems (XiDai, PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.245130 Non-Abelian bosonization of topological insulators and superconductors (DHLee, PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.245132 Fermi arcs from dynamical variational Monte Carlo (AMTremblay, PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.L241107 Interplay of ferromagnetism and spin-orbit coupling in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{4}{\mathrm{Ru}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{10}$ (PRB)

    87. 2212.08125 Superconductivity by alloying the topological insulator SnBi2Te4 (arXiv)

    88. 2212.08156 Coreless vortices as direct signature of chiral $d$-wave superconductivity (chiral d-wave SC, arXiv)

    89. 2212.08351 Chirality inversion and radius blow-up of a N\‘eel-type skyrmion by a Pearl vortex (skyrmion, arXiv)

    90. 2212.08590 Spin excitations in the Kagome-lattice metallic antiferromagnet Fe${0.89}$Co${0.11}$Sn (kagome, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.041029 Unifying Kitaev Magnets, Kagome Dimer Models, and Ruby Rydberg Spin Liquids (Vishwanath, PRX)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.254301 Observation of $\ensuremath{\pi}/2$ Modes in an Acoustic Floquet System (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.129.257001 Transport Theory for Topological Josephson Junctions with a Majorana Qubit (PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.106.224415 Spin-density-wave order controlled by uniaxial stress in ${\mathrm{CeAuSb}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.235135 Superconductivity in the twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$: A quantum cluster study (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.235414 Structural defects in a Janus MoSSe monolayer: A density functional theory study (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.214204 Unconventional delocalization in a family of three-dimensional Lieb lattices (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.245128 Type-II corner modes in topolectrical circuits (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.214205 Mean-field approach for Anderson-type off-diagonal disorder (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.106.214417 Spin-singlet ground state of the coupled ${J}{\text{eff}}$ = $\frac{1}{2}$ alternating chain system ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Co}({\mathrm{SeO}}{3}{)}{3}$ (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.106.214419 Local magnetic moments due to loop currents in metals (CVarma, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.106.214515 Flipping of antiferromagnetic to superconducting states in pressurized quasi-one-dimensional manganese-based compounds (JHu, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.106.224413 Nonreciprocal spin waves in ferrimagnetic domain-wall channels (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.106.245127 Theoretical analysis of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (BJKim, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.106.L241106 Coexistence of trihexagonal and star-of-David pattern in the charge density wave of the kagome superconductor $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    16. science.ade2301 Understanding the call of the monopole (Science)

    17. science.add1644 Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal (monopole, Science)

    18. 2212.07511 Competing magnetic fluctuations and orders in a multiorbital model of doped SrCo$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    19. 2212.07578 Electronic transport mechanisms in a thin crystal of the Kitaev candidate $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ probed through guarded high impedance measurements (arXiv.org)

    20. 2212.07586 Vanishing RKKY interactions in Ce-based cage compounds (Ce, arXiv.org)

    21. 2212.07596 Strain-induced superconductivity in Sr2IrO4 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    22. 2212.07878 Observation of a new light-induced skyrmion phase in the Mott insulator Cu2OSeO3 (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    23. 2212.07893 Hamiltonian inference from dynamical excitations in spin quantum dots (Lado, arXiv.org)

    24. 2212.07958 Non-trivial band topology and orbital-selective electronic nematicity in a new titanium-based kagome superconductor (JHu kagome, arXiv.org)

    25. 2212.08017 Emergent flat band and topological Kondo semimetal driven by orbital-selective correlations (JCano, arXiv.org)

    26. 2212.07445 Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene: III Impurity-induced subgap states and quasi-particle interference patterns (arXiv.org)

    27. PhysRevLett.129.253001 Topological Flat Bands in Self-Complementary Plasmonic Metasurfaces (PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.129.256401 Topologically Localized Insulators (Luka, PRL)

    29. PhysRevB.106.224205 Many-body localization of ${\mathbb{Z}}_{3}$ Fock parafermions (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.235129 Topological superconductivity from doping a triplet quantum spin liquid in a flat-band system (flatband, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.235132 Disorder effects in the ${\mathbb{Z}}_{3}$ Fock parafermion chain (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.L220404 Bulk generalized Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric antiferromagnets (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L220405 Electrical measurement of the spin Hall effect isotropy in ferromagnets with strong spin-orbit interactions (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.214415 Strain-driven antiferromagnetic exchange interaction in ${\mathrm{SrMnO}}_{3}$ probed by phase-shifted spin Hall magnetoresistance (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.214512 Role of the Berry curvature on BCS-type superconductivity in two-dimensional materials (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.235130 Fracton critical point at a higher-order topological phase transition (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.235413 Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport: A magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.245122 Steady helix states in a resonant XXZ Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.245417 Designer meron lattice on the surface of a topological insulator (JCano, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.245418 Sublattice-sensitive Majorana modes (PRB)

    41. s41586-022-05352-2 Singlet and triplet Cooper pair splitting in hybrid superconducting nanowires (Kouwenhoven, Nature)

    42. s41586-022-05382-w Majorana-like Coulomb spectroscopy in the absence of zero-bias peaks (Nature)

    43. 2212.06953v1 Robust Interlayer-Coherent Quantum Hall States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arxiv)

    44. 2212.07150v1 Quantum Monte Carlo study of the attractive kagome-lattice Hubbard model (arxiv)

    45. 2212.07221v1 High-angular momentum excitations in collinear antiferromagnet FePS$_3$ (arxiv)

    46. 2212.07251v1 Spin singlet topological superconductivity in the attractive Rashba Hubbard model (arxiv)

    47. 2212.07322v1 Evidence for gapless quantum spin liquid in a honeycomb lattice (arxiv)

    48. 2212.07404v1 Dipolar Weyl semimetals (arxiv)

    49. 2212.06930v1 Tuning the parity of superconductivity in CeRh2As2 via pressure (Ce, arxiv)

    50. PhysRevLett.129.250501 Observation of Spin-Tensor Induced Topological Phase Transitions of Triply Degenerate Points with a Trapped Ion (PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.129.257201 Magnonic Einstein–de Haas Effect: Ultrafast Rotation of Magnonic Microspheres (PRL)

    52. PhysRevB.106.224511 Anisotropic superconductivity of niobium based on its response to nonmagnetic disorder (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.214107 Modeling polar order in compressively strained ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (STO, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.214307 Generating extreme quantum scattering in graphene with machine learning (graphene, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.235121 Quantum phase transitions in the matrix product states of the one-dimensional boson Hubbard model (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.235127 Kondo breakdown transitions and phase-separation tendencies in valence-fluctuating heavy-fermion metals (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.L220305 Controllable topological edge mode in an optically excited exciton-polariton lattice (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.L241105 Possible quantization and half-quantization in the anomalous Hall effect caused by in-plane magnetic field (XiDai, PRB)

    59. 2212.06171v1 Chip-Integrated Vortex Manipulation (arxiv)

    60. 2212.06196v1 Unconventional localization of electrons inside of a nematic electronic phase (arxiv)

    61. 2212.06197v1 Topological superconductivity in three-dimensional centrosymmetric MoTe$_2$ (majorana, arxiv)

    62. 2212.06237v1 Analysis of electrical resistance data from Snider et al., Nature $\underline{586}$, 373 (2020) (arxiv)

    63. 2212.06703v1 Direct observation of topological surface state in the topological superconductor 2M-WS2 (arxiv)

    64. 2212.06190 IrF4: From Tetrahedral Compass Model to Topological Semimetal (Ir, arXiv)

    65. 2212.06722 Atomic-scale description of the paramagnetic susceptibility of non-magnetic Ba$_2$YMoO$_6$ (arXiv)

    66. PhysRevB.106.214306 Complex symmetry of phases and magnetic properties of ${\mathrm{EuTiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.224306 Floquet topological phase transitions in a periodically quenched dimer (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.224411 Mixed valence nature of the Ce $4f$ state in ${\mathrm{CeCo}}_{5}$ based on spin-polarized $\mathrm{DFT}+\mathrm{DMFT}$ calculations (Ce, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.235120 Excitonic ordering in strongly correlated spin crossover systems: Induced magnetism and excitonic excitation spectrum (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.235204 Quantum transport of a spin-1 chiral fermion (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.235410 Probing the antiferromagnetic structure of bilayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ by second harmonic generation: A first-principles study (CrI3, PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.245117 Charge excitations across a superconductor-insulator transition (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.245119 Chiral spin liquids on the kagome lattice with projected entangled simplex states (PRB)

    74. 2212.05278 Ring-Exchange Interaction Effects on Magnons in Dirac Magnet CoTiO$_3$ (Nandini, arXiv)

    75. 2212.05284 Topological Hall Effect Driven by Short-Range Magnetic Orders in EuZn$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    76. 2212.05413 Spin Excitation in Coupled Honeycomb Lattice Ni$_2$InSbO$_6$ (arXiv)

    77. 2212.05434 Fluctuation-induced first order phase transitions in Kitaev-like $d^4$ honeycomb magnet (arXiv)

    78. 2212.05550 Effects of spin orbit coupling on proximity induced superconductivity (arXiv)

    79. 2212.05714 Charge order in the kagome lattice Holstein model: A Hybrid Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    80. 2212.05737 Phase Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Superconductors and Pseudogap Phenomenon (arXiv)

    81. 2212.05350 Microwave response of type-II superconductors at weak pinning (arXiv)

    82. 2212.05550 Effects of spin orbit coupling on proximity induced superconductivity (arXiv)

    83. 2212.06061 Mitigating disorder-induced zero-energy states in weakly-coupled semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems (Jorge, arXiv)

    84. PhysRevB.106.214510 Nodal higher-order topological superconductivity from a ${\mathcal{C}}_{4}$-symmetric Dirac semimetal (C4 Dirac, PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.224409 Spin-flop transition in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ detected via thermally generated magnon transport (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.224508 Evidence of triplet superconductivity in Bi/Ni bilayers: Theoretical analysis of point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy results (PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.224509 Hybrid helical state and superconducting diode effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/topological insulator heterostructures (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.235115 Detecting topological order from modular transformations of ground states on the torus (PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.106.235116 Topological antiferromagnetic semimetal for spintronics: A case study of a layered square-net system ${\text{EuZnSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    90. PhysRevB.106.235117 Theory of spin-polarized high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy from nonmagnetic surfaces with a large spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.106.235118 Phonon-induced breakdown of Thouless pumping in the Rice-Mele-Holstein model (PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.235409 Long-distance coupling of spin qubits via topological magnons (DLoss, PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.245114 Spin-orbital liquids and insulator-metal transitions on the pyrochlore lattice (PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.245115 Spin-orbit coupling and Kondo resonance in the Co adatom on the Cu(100) surface: DFT plus exact diagonalization study (PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.106.245116 Emergent antiferromagnetism in Y-shaped Kekule graphene (kekule, PRB)

    96. 2212.04571 Kondo Effect in Defect-bound Quantum Dots Coupled to NbSe$_2$ (QD NbSe2, arXiv)

    97. 2212.04591 Theory of the Little-Parks effect in spin-triplet superconductors (arXiv)

    98. 2212.04505 Directional detection of dark matter with anisotropic response functions (arXiv)

    99. 2212.04519 Detecting topological phases in the square-octagon lattice with statistical methods (arXiv)

    100. 2212.04801 A primer on Twistronics: Massless Dirac Fermion’s journey to Moire patterns and Flat bands in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    101. 2212.04992 On the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer interaction in quantum graphs (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.240601 Phase-Separation Kinetics in the Two-Dimensional Long-Range Ising Model (Ising, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.246404 Assessing Nontrivial Topology in Weyl Semimetals by Dichroic Photoemission (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.129.247602 Soft-Phonon and Charge-Density-Wave Formation in Nematic ${\mathrm{BaNi}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.106.235112 Local Kekul\‘e distortion turns twisted bilayer graphene into topological Mott insulators and superconductors (kekule, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.245111 Superexchange and spin-orbit coupling in monolayer and bilayer chromium trihalides (CrI3, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.214411 Easy-plane anisotropic-exchange magnets on a honeycomb lattice: Quantum effects and dealing with them (honeycomb, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.214412 Low-energy magnon excitations and emerging anisotropic nature of short-range order in ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.245113 Transition from band insulator to Mott insulator and formation of local moment in the half-filled ionic $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Hubbard model (PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.245410 Anomalous surface conductivity of Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    10. s169 Dark Matter Goes Down to the Wire (Physics)

    11. 2212.04447 Observation of Flat Band, Dirac Nodal Lines and Topological Surface States in Kagome Superconductor CsTi$_3$Bi$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    12. 2212.04299 Topology of chalcogen chains (arXiv)

    13. 2212.04460 Tunable van Hove singularity without structural instability in Kagome metal CsTi$_3$Bi$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    14. science.abq1158 Competition-level code generation with AlphaCode (Science)

    15. science.add8258 AlphaCode and “data-driven” programming (Science)

    16. s41586-022-05384-8 Chiral assemblies of pinwheel superlattices on substrates (Nature)

    17. PhysRevX.12.040002 Editorial: Altermagnetism—A New Punch Line of Fundamental Magnetism (Altermagnetism, PRX)

    18. PhysRevX.12.040501 Emerging Research Landscape of Altermagnetism (Altermagnetism, PRX)

    19. PhysRevLett.129.246402 Hyperbolic Topological Band Insulators (Bzdušek, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.247201 Fragmented Spin Ice and Multi-$k$ Ordering in Rare-Earth Antiperovskites (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.129.247701 Charge-Noise-Induced Dephasing in Silicon Hole-Spin Qubits (DLoss, PRL)

    22. PhysRevB.106.214305 Light-induced translation symmetry breaking via nonlinear phononics (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.214409 Persistent corner spin mode at the quantum critical point of a plaquette Heisenberg model (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.224504 Interlayer coherence in superconductor bilayers (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.224505 Quasidisorder-induced topology (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.224506 Effective quasiclassical models for odd-frequency superconductivity: Energy-inversion symmetry, preserved spectral weight, and Meissner response (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.235111 Magnetotransport in overdoped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$: Effect of anisotropic scattering (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.235408 Enhanced orbital magnetic field effects in Ge hole nanowires (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.245109 Electronic and topological properties of extended two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models and realization of flat edge bands (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.245409 Analytical solutions of topological surface states in a series of lattice models (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.L220402 Atomistic simulations of distortion-limited high-speed dynamics of antiferromagnetic skyrmions (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.L241101 Optical signature for distinguishing between Mott-Hubbard, intermediate, and charge-transfer insulators (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L241102 Dominant superconducting correlations in a Luttinger liquid induced by spin fluctuations (PRB)

    34. 191 Meet the Unimon, the New Qubit on the Block (Physics)

    35. 2212.01653 Fusion protocol for Majorana modes in coupled quantum dots (JDSau, arXiv) 2206.08045 Realization of a minimal Kitaev chain in coupled quantum dots (Kouwenhoven, arXiv)

    36. 2212.03337 Transient gap generation in BaFe$_2$As$_2$ driven by coherent lattice vibrations (lattice, arXiv)

    37. 2212.03472 Nodal s$_\pm$ Pairing Symmetry in an Iron-Based Superconductor with only Hole Pockets (arXiv)

    38. 2212.03584 Vortex-driven periodic and aperiodic magnetoresistance oscillations in cuprates (arXiv)

    39. 2212.03261 Spin wavepacket propagation in quasi-2D antiferromagnets (AFM spin-wave, arXiv)

    40. 2212.03318 Determination of superexchange interactions for the CuO$_2$ chains in LiCu$_2$O$_2$ (arXiv)

    41. 2212.03358 Multipolar interactions and magnetic excitation gap in d$^3$ spin-orbit Mott insulators (arXiv)

    42. 2212.03380 Visualizing and manipulating chiral edge states in a moir\‘e quantum anomalous Hall insulator (arXiv)

    43. 2212.03486 Perfect kagome-lattice antiferromagnets with J$_{eff}$ = 1/2: The Co$^{2+}$-analogs of copper minerals volborthite and vesignieite (arXiv)

    44. 2212.03756 Magnetic octupoles as the order parameter for unconventional antiferromagnetism (arXiv)

    45. 2212.03846 Hedgehog orbital texture in p-type tellurium and the antisymmetric nonreciprocal Hall response (hedgehog, arXiv)

    46. 2212.03849 Electronic and magnetic phase diagrams of Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ (arXiv)

    47. PhysRevLett.129.247001 Quasiparticle Interference as a Direct Experimental Probe of Bulk Odd-Frequency Superconducting Pairing (PRL) s165 Uncovering an Odd Form of Superconductivity (Physics)

    48. PhysRevB.106.214103 Unexplored signatures of magnetoelastic and isosymmetric metal-insulator phase transition in a rare-earth nickelate via mode crystallography (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.214408 Ab initio study of magnetic structure transitions of ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ under high pressure (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.224102 Large-scale atomistic simulation of quantum effects in ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ from first principles (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.224407 Spin and thermal transport and critical phenomena in three-dimensional antiferromagnets (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.235109 Magnetic interactions of $4f$ electrons in the topological insulator chalcogenide ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.235110 Effects of relaxation on the photovoltaic effect and possibility for photocurrent within the transparent region (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.245108 Electron correlations rule the phonon-driven instability in single-layer ${\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.L241401 Large bilinear magnetoresistance from Rashba spin-splitting on the surface of a topological insulator (PRB)

    56. 2212.02615 The study of contact properties in edge-contacted graphene-aluminum Josephson junctions (arXiv)

    57. 2212.02756 The absence of Ginzburg-Landau mechanism for vestigial order in the normal phase above a two-component superconductor (SKYip, arXiv)

    58. 2212.02844 Effect of local Coulomb interaction on Majorana corner modes: weak and strong correlation limits (arXiv)

    59. 2212.02899 Role of electronic correlations in the Kagome lattice superconductor LaRh$_3$B$_2$ (kagome, arXiv)

    60. 2212.02516 Spin excitation continuum to topological magnon crossover and thermal Hall conductivity in Kitaev magnets (YBKim, arXiv)

    61. 2212.02772 Giant gate-tunable renormalization of spin-correlated flat-band states and bandgap in a 2D magnetic insulator (arXiv)

    62. 2212.02808 Linear Response Based Theories for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (DMI, arXiv)

    63. 2212.02812 Topological Hall effect induced by classical large-spin background: $su(2)$ path-integral approach (arXiv)

    64. 2212.03076 Noise as a probe of Majorana fermion surface states (arXiv)

    65. 2212.03210 Isolated flat bands in 2D lattices based on a novel path-exchange symmetry (arXiv)

    66. 2212.03223 Financial Risk Management on a Neutral Atom Quantum Processor (arXiv)

    67. PhysRevB.106.214502 Anomalous Josephson Hall effect in doped topological insulators with nematic superconductivity (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.224403 Formation of the skyrmionic polaron by Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling (Rashba skyrmion, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.224406 Spontaneous antiferromagnetic skyrmion/antiskyrmion lattice and spiral spin-liquid states in the frustrated triangular lattice (skyrmion, PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.235108 Magnetic domain structure and domain-wall bound states of the topological semimetal ${\mathrm{EuB}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.245107 Continuous transition between Ising magnetic order and a chiral spin liquid (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.224202 Impurity effects on Dirac modes in graphene armchair nanoribbons (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.235305 Spin and valley Hall effects induced by asymmetric interparticle scattering (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.235306 Spin-orbital effect on the polariton state in traps (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.235307 Ballistic-electron coherent spin precession in a Rashba two-dimensional electron system (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.245202 Theory of resonant Raman scattering due to spin flips of resident charge carriers and excitons in perovskite semiconductors (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.245302 Spin Hall conductivity of interacting two-dimensional electron systems (PRB)

    78. 2212.02183 The supercurrent diode effect and nonreciprocal paraconductivity due to the chiral structure of nanotubes (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    79. 2212.01634 Tuning Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave Order in 2H-TaSe2 by Modulating the Van Hove Singularity (TaSe2, arXiv.org)

    80. 2212.01996 Node-line Dirac semimetal manipulated by Kondo mechanism in nonsymmorphic CePt$_2$Si$_2$ (Ce, arXiv.org)

    81. 2212.02074 High temperature spin-triplet topological superconductivity in K2Cr3As3 (majorana, arXiv.org)

    82. 2212.02095 Tuning topological phases in N-stacked Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains by systematic breaking of symmetries (SSH, arXiv.org)

    83. 2212.02389 Current- and field-induced topology in twisted nodal superconductors (arXiv.org)

    84. 2212.02394 Topological superconductivity driven by correlations and linear defects in multiband superconductors (arXiv.org)

    85. 2212.02399 Flat bands, non-trivial band topology and electronic nematicity in layered kagome-lattice RbTi$_3$Bi$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    86. 2212.02438 Proposal to detect emergent gauge field and its Meissner effect in spin liquids using NV Centers (PatrickLee, arXiv.org)

    87. 2212.02498 Spin wavepackets in the Kagome ferromagnet Fe$_3$Sn$_2$: propagation and precursors (JMoore, arXiv.org)

    88. PhysRevLett.129.246801 Modulated Rashba-Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling for Topology Control and Analog Simulations (Rashba, PRL)

    89. PhysRevLett.129.247401 Signature of Cascade Transitions between Interlayer Excitons in a Moir\‘e Superlattice (PRL)

    90. PhysRevLett.129.247601 Structural Chirality of Polar Skyrmions Probed by Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scattering (SYPark, PRL)

    91. PhysRevB.106.210001 Editorial: Collection in honor of E. I. Rashba and his fundamental contributions to solid-state physics (Rashba, PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.214404 Three-dimensional structure of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.214501 Superconductivity arising from pressure-induced emergence of a Fermi surface in the kagome-lattice chalcogenide ${\mathrm{Rb}}{2}{\mathrm{Pd}}{3}{\mathrm{Se}}_{4}$ (kagome HHWen, PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.224101 Microscopic origin of the electric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.106.224304 Chern numbers of topological phonon band crossing determined with inelastic neutron scattering (topological phonon, PRB)

    96. PhysRevB.106.224401 Time-dependent strain-tuned topological magnon phase transition (PRB)

    97. PhysRevB.106.224402 Theoretical study of the magnetic properties of the ${\mathrm{CoCu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ compound (PRB)

    98. PhysRevB.106.224503 Transport properties of very overdoped nonsuperconducting ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Cu}{\mathrm{O}}_{6+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ thin films (magnetic fluctuation sublinear T dependence, PRB)

    99. PhysRevB.106.235103 Interaction-driven topological phase transition in monolayer ${\mathrm{CrCl}}{2}$(pyrazine)${}{2}$ (PRB)

    100. PhysRevB.106.235304 Semiconductor Bloch equation analysis of optical Stark and Bloch-Siegert shifts in monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{MoS}}{2}$ (PRB)

    101. PhysRevB.106.235402 Two-dimensional binary transition metal nitride $M{\mathrm{N}}_{4}$ ($M$ = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) with a graphenelike structure and strong magnetic properties (graphenelike, PRB)

    102. PhysRevB.106.235403 Geometry-induced monopole magnetic field and quantum spin Hall effects (PRB)

    103. PhysRevB.106.235405 Light-induced phase crossovers in a quantum spin Hall system (PRB)

    104. PhysRevB.106.245105 Topological classification of higher-order topological phases with nested band inversion surfaces (PRB)

    105. 2212.00925 Superconductivity in a Magnetic Rashba Semimetal EuAuBi (arXiv)

    106. 2212.00983 Photo-induced nonlinear band shift and valence transition in SmS (SKimura, arXiv)

    107. 2212.01058 Topological Phases in Coupled Polyyne Chains (leg-rung-SSH, arXiv)

    108. 2212.01090 Interplay of dynamic correlations and uniaxial strain driving magnetic phase transitions in LaMnO$_3$ (arXiv)

    109. 2212.01183 Interplay of stripe and double-Q magnetism with superconductivity in $\mathrm{Ba}{1-x}\mathrm{K}{x}\mathrm{Fe}{2}\mathrm{As}{2}$ under the influence of magnetic fields (double-Q, arXiv)

    110. 2212.01278 Thermal first-order phase transitions, Ising critical points, and reentrance in the Ising-Heisenberg model on the diamond-decorated square lattice in a magnetic field (MC, arXiv)

    111. 2212.01084 Tuning metal/superconductor to insulator/superconductor coupling via control of proximity enhancement between NbSe$_2$ monolayers (NbSe2, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Dec 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.041024 Giant Magnetic In-Plane Anisotropy and Competing Instabilities in ${\mathrm{Na}}{3}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{SbO}}_{6}$ (kitaev honeycomb, PRX)

    2. PhysRevB.106.235303 Type-II Dirac points and topological Fermi arcs in nonlocal metamaterials (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.214101 Sublinear temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in the incommensurate phase of ${\mathrm{TlInTe}}_{2}$ (sublinear, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.214402 Topological magnetic phase transition in Eu-based $A$-type antiferromagnets (BKT Eu, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.235102 Anomalous symmetry breaking in the Weyl semimetal CeAlGe (Ce, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.235302 Quantum phase transitions driven by sliding in bilayer ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.245101 Spin-momentum locking from topological quantum chemistry: Applications to multifold fermions (spin-momentum-locking in 3D, PRB)

    8. 2212.00346 Anisotropic differential conductance of a mixed parity superconductor/ferromagnet structure (arXiv)

    9. 2212.00407 Quasidisorder Induced Topology (disorder, arXiv)

    10. 2212.00645 Microwave flux-flow Hall effect in a multi-band superconductor FeSe (arXiv)

    11. 2212.00030 Interacting Topological Quantum Chemistry in 2D: Many-body Real Space Invariants (arXiv)

    12. 2212.00041 Quantum and classical Floquet prethermalization (arXiv)

    13. 2212.00053 $\mathbb Z_2$ spin liquids in the higher spin-$S$ Kitaev honeycomb model: An exact deconfined $\mathbb Z_2$ gauge structure in a non-integrable model (honeycomb, arXiv)

    14. 2212.00167 Emergent Orbital Skyrmion Lattice in a Triangular Atom Array (skyrmion, arXiv)

    15. 2212.00686 Supergravity model of the Haldane-Rezayi fractional quantum Hall state (arXiv)

    16. 2212.00707 Emergent Symmetry in Frustrated Magnets: From Deconfined Quantum Critical Point to Gapless Quantum Spin Liquid (arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.106.224501 Superconductivity in ${\mathrm{TlBi}}_{2}$ with a large Kadowaki-Woods ratio (MgB2, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.245401 Engineering Floquet topological phases using elliptically polarized light (Floquet, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.245402 Optical nonlinearities and spontaneous translational symmetry breaking in driven-dissipative moire exciton-polaritons (PRB)

    20. 186 Physics in Confined Spaces (Physics)

    21. science.ade6219 Observing the quantum topology of light (Science)

    22. 2211.16568 Flat bands, quantum Hall effect and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angles (arXiv.org)

    23. 2211.16602 Structural evolution of the kagome superconductors $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = K, Rb, and Cs) through charge density wave order (EAKim, arXiv.org)

    24. 2211.16925 Topological magnons driven by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the centrosymmetric ferromagnet Mn$_5$Ge$_3$ (SBlugel, arXiv.org)

    25. 2211.16941 Magnetic ground state of the Kitaev Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ spin liquid candidate (Co, arXiv.org)

    26. 2211.16957 Triple-Q order in Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ from proximity to hidden-SU(2)-symmetric point (Co, arXiv.org)

    27. 2211.17243 Impact of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and anisotropic exchange interactions on the cubic kagome antiferromagnets Mn$_3$X and Mn$_3$AB (Zelenskiy, arXiv.org)

    28. PhysRevLett.129.230602 Universal Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Dynamics in Integrable Quantum Systems (NormanYao, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.129.236601 Topological Hall Effect Anisotropy in Kagome Bilayer Metal ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ (PRL)

    30. PhysRevB.106.195433 Quantum anomalous Hall effect in perfectly compensated collinear antiferromagnetic thin films (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.174437 Effective spin model in momentum space: Toward a systematic understanding of multiple-$Q$ instability by momentum-resolved anisotropic exchange interactions (Hayami, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.205153 Tunable bulk photovoltaic effect in strained $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-GeSe (YKim, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.205424 Chiral Majorana modes via proximity to a twisted cuprate bilayer (cuprate, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.174204 Quantum fidelity of the Aubry-Andr\‘e model and the exponential orthogonality catastrophe (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.205206 Superconducting diode effect and nonreciprocal transition lines (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.L180409 Antiferromagnetic fluctuations and orbital-selective Mott transition in the van der Waals ferromagnet ${\text{Fe}}{3\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    37. PhysRevLett.129.230602 Universal Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Dynamics in Integrable Quantum Systems (PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.129.236601 Topological Hall Effect Anisotropy in Kagome Bilayer Metal ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ (PRL)

    39. PhysRevB.106.195433 Quantum anomalous Hall effect in perfectly compensated collinear antiferromagnetic thin films (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.174437 Effective spin model in momentum space: Toward a systematic understanding of multiple-$Q$ instability by momentum-resolved anisotropic exchange interactions (Hayami, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.205153 Tunable bulk photovoltaic effect in strained $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-GeSe (YKKim, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.205424 Chiral Majorana modes via proximity to a twisted cuprate bilayer (BinghaiYan, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.174204 Quantum fidelity of the Aubry-Andr\‘e model and the exponential orthogonality catastrophe (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.205206 Superconducting diode effect and nonreciprocal transition lines (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.L180409 Antiferromagnetic fluctuations and orbital-selective Mott transition in the van der Waals ferromagnet ${\text{Fe}}{3\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{GeTe}}{2}$ (FeGeTe, PRB)

    46. 2211.15704 Competing topological superconducting phases in FeSe${0.45}$Te${0.55}$ (arXiv)

    47. 2211.15711 Hall map and breakdown of Fermi liquid theory in the vicinity of a Mott insulator (Auerbach, arXiv)

    48. 2211.16477 Electronic nematicity in the absence of charge density waves in a new titanium-based kagome metal (kagome, arXiv)

    49. 2211.15682 Kondo lattice model in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (DasSarma, arXiv)

    50. 2211.15696 Kagome Chiral Spin Liquid in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moir\‘{e} Bilayers (arXiv)

    51. 2211.15740 Dynamical susceptibility of Skyrmion crystal (skyrmion, arXiv)

    52. 2211.16048 Magnetic interactions of 4$f$ electrons in the topological insulator chalcogenide Bi${2}$Se${3}$ (arXiv)

    53. 2211.16094 Kekule spin-orbit dimer phase and triplon dynamics (arXiv)

    54. 2211.16150 Dirac Kondo effect under magnetic catalysis (arXiv)

    55. 2211.16296 Spin-liquid insulators can be Landau’s Fermi liquids (arXiv)

    56. PhysRevLett.129.237001 Synergetic Ferroelectricity and Superconductivity in Zero-Density Dirac Semimetals near Quantum Criticality (QCP, PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.129.237202 Line-Graph Approach to Spiral Spin Liquids (PRL)

    58. PhysRevLett.129.238101 State-of-the-Art Estimation of Protein Model Accuracy Using AlphaFold (PRL)

    59. PhysRevB.106.174519 Emergent topological superconductivity in Bi-intercalated van der Waals layered ${\mathrm{SiTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.195159 Onsite and intersite electronic correlations in the Hubbard model for halide perovskites (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.174518 Heat capacity double transitions in time-reversal symmetry broken superconductors (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.184424 Extrinsic to intrinsic mechanism crossover of anomalous Hall effect in the Ir-doped MnPtSn Heusler system (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.184516 Dependence of ${T}{\text{c}}$ of ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{6.67}$ on in-plane uniaxial stress (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.195157 Topology-insensitive axion mass in magnetic topological insulators (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.205151 Finite-temperature dynamics in gapped one-dimensional models in the sine-Gordon family (sine-Gordon, PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.205152 SU(2) gauge theory of the pseudogap phase in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.L201113 Higher-dimensional Hofstadter butterfly on the Penrose lattice (Penrose, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.174516 Classical-quantum correspondence of special and extraordinary-log criticality: Villain’s bridge (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.184513 Spin transport in a normal metal–Ising superconductor junction (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.195145 Phase transition and fractionalization in the superconducting Kondo lattice model (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.195148 Nonlinear chiral photocurrent in parity-violating magnetic Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.195423 Nonlinearity-induced chiral solitonlike edge states in Chern systems (Ezawa, PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.101.085118 Engineering of the topological magnetic moment of electrons in bilayer graphene using strain and electrical bias (graphene, PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.205148 Effect of local magnetic moments on spectral properties and resistivity near interaction- and doping-induced Mott transitions (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.205308 Quantum coherence enhanced carrier lifetime of ${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ nanotubes: A time-domain ab initio study (nanotube, PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.205416 Tunable topological phases in monolayer ${\mathrm{Pt}}{2}{\mathrm{HgSe}}{3}$ with exchange fields (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.205417 Structural and electronic property engineering in graphene nanowrinkles via scanning tunneling microscopy (graphene, PRB)

    78. 2211.14626 Spontaneous superconducting diode effect in non-magnetic Nb/Ru/Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ topological junctions (SC diode effect, arXiv.org)

    79. 2211.14846 Valley Polarization Induced Josephson Diode Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (KTLaw, arXiv.org)

    80. 2211.15001 Helical topological superconductivity in intrinsic quantum Hall superconductors (arXiv.org)

    81. 2211.15102 Emergent superconducting fluctuations in a compressed kagome superconductor (arXiv.org)

    82. 2211.15189 Orbital-selective Mott phase and spin nematicity in Ni-substituted FeTe${0.65}$Se${0.35}$ single crystals (arXiv.org)

    83. 2211.15403 Scale free distribution of oxygen interstitials wires in optimum doped HgBa$2$CuO${4+y}$ (arXiv.org)

    84. 2211.15433 Hallmarks of non-trivial topology in Josephson junctions based on oxide nanochannels (arXiv.org)

    85. 2211.15545 Magnetic interactions and possible structural distortion in kagome FeGe from first-principles study and symmetry analysis (FeGe, arXiv.org)

    86. 2211.14416 Realistic Spin Model for Multiferroic NiI$_2$ (NiI2, arXiv.org)

    87. 2211.15157 Spurious Symmetry Enhancement and Interaction-Induced Topology in Magnons (arXiv.org)

    88. 2211.15264 Orbital selective coupling in CeRh$_3$B$_2$: co-existence of high Curie and high Kondo temperature (arXiv.org)

    89. 2211.15292 Correlation driven near-flat band Stoner excitations in a Kagome magnet (arXiv.org)

    90. 2211.15391 Flat bands in Network Superstructures of Atomic Chains (JWRhim, arXiv.org)

    91. PhysRevB.106.174515 High critical field superconductivity at ambient pressure in ${\mathrm{MoB}}_{2}$ stabilized in the P6/mmm structure via Nb substitution (PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.195147 Phase diagrams and excitations of anisotropic $S=1$ quantum magnets on the triangular lattice (PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.195149 Anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic perovskites (AHE, PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.195151 Geometric cumulants associated with adiabatic cycles crossing degeneracy points: Application to finite size scaling of metal-insulator transitions in crystalline electronic systems (geometric Binder cumulants, PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.106.195424 Instability of the magnetic state of $M\mathrm{P}{X}_{3}\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}(M\text{=Mn},\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}\text{Ni;}\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}X\text{=S},\text{Se})$ monolayers induced by strain and doping (PRB)

    96. PhysRevB.106.195428 Role of electronic correlations in room-temperature ferromagnetism of monolayer $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    97. PhysRevB.106.205307 Electric-field switching of the antiferromagnetic topological state in a multiferroic heterobilayer (PRB)

    98. 183 Machine-Learning Model Reveals Protein-Folding Physics (Physics)

    99. 2211.13321 Electronic structure, magnetic properties, spin orientation, and doping effect in Mn$_3$Si$_2$Te$_6$ (arXiv)

    100. 2211.13401 Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point in CeZn (arXiv)

    101. 2211.13584 Signatures of the order parameter of a superconducting adatom layer in quasiparticle interference patterns (arXiv)

    102. 2211.13663 Non-local self energies in pyrochlore iridates from ab-initio TRILEX calculations, and their relevance for the Weyl semimetal phase (FLEX, arXiv)

    103. 2211.13803 RIXS interferometry and the role of disorder in the quantum magnet Ba$3$Ti${3-x}$Ir$_{x}$O$_9$ (arXiv)

    104. 2211.13806 Chiral magnons in altermagnetic RuO2 (chiral magnon, arXiv)

    105. 2211.13884 Non-local spin correlation as a signature of Ising anyons trapped in vacancies of the Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)

    106. 2211.13903 Possible helimagnetic order in Co4+-containing perovskites Sr1-xCaxCoO3 (Co, arXiv)

    107. 2211.14192 Superfluid density and two-component conductivity in hole-doped cuprates (arXiv)

    108. 2211.11786 Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (arXiv)

    109. 2211.13338 Simulating Superconducting Properties of Overdoped Cuprates: the Role of Inhomogeneity (arXiv)

    110. 2211.13340 Quadristor: a novel device for superconducting electronics (arXiv)

    111. 2211.13531 Disorder-induced trapping and anti-trapping of vortices in type-II superconductors (arXiv)

    112. 2211.14283 The gate-tunable Josephson diode (Kouwenhoven, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 4th week collection
    1. s41586-022-05351-3 Emergent charge order in pressurized kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, Nature)

    2. 2211.12834 Magnetic-field driven delocalization of in-gap-state BdG quasiparticles in a quasi-two-dimensional Fe-based superconductor (arXiv.org)

    3. 2211.12722 Higher order exchange driven noncoplanar magnetic state and large anomalous Hall effects in electron doped kagome magnet Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv.org)

    4. 2211.12882 Itinerant Ferromagnetism in SU(N)-Symmetric Fermi Gases at Finite Temperature: First Order Phase Transitions and Time-Reversal Symmetry (arXiv.org)

    5. 2211.13178 Long-range order in the XY model on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv.org)

    6. 2211.13207 Theory of topological defects and textures in two-dimensional quantum orders with spontaneous symmetry breaking (arXiv.org)

    7. PhysRevLett.129.227002 Quantum Computing with Majorana Kramers Pairs (LiangFu, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.129.227203 Frozen Deconfined Quantum Criticality (QPT, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.129.227401 Resonant Second-Harmonic Generation as a Probe of Quantum Geometry (PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.129.227202 Interstitial-Induced Ferromagnetism in a Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal (PRL)

    11. PhysRevB.106.174431 Incommensurate and multiple-$q$ magnetic misfit order in the frustrated quantum spin ladder material antlerite ${\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{SO}}{4}{(\mathrm{OH})}_{4}$ (PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.106.174513 Spin singlet and quasiparticle excitations in cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.106.174514 Superconductivity from repulsive interactions on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.106.184108 Crystal structure and Raman-active lattice vibrations of magnetic topological insulators $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}n({\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3})$ ($n=0$, 1,…,6) (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.106.184422 Ab initio study of spin fluctuations in the itinerant kagome magnet FeSn (kagome, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.184512 Superconductivity in the high-entropy alloy ${(\mathrm{NbTa})}{0.67}{(\mathrm{MoHfW})}{0.33}$ (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.106.195144 Axion insulators protected by ${C}_{2}\mathbb{T}$ symmetry, their $K$-theory invariants, and material realizations (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.205140 Competing states in the two-dimensional frustrated Kondo-necklace model (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.205415 Response of Raman-active modes in monolayer $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ to charge doping (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.L180405 Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point in CeZn (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.L180406 Bell-state generation for spin qubits via dissipative coupling (Yaroslav, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.L201407 Topological corner states in graphene by bulk and edge engineering (PRB)

    23. 2211.11778 Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene: II. Topological edge states and Chern numbers (graphene, arXiv.org)

    24. 2211.12015 Sharp Kohn-like phonon anomalies due to charge order can strongly enhance the superconducting $T_c$ (CDW QCP, arXiv.org)

    25. 2211.12264 Superconductivity and orbital-selective nematic order in a new titanium-based kagome metal CsTi3Bi5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    26. 2211.11911 Melting, Reentrant Ordering and Peak Effect for Wigner Crystals with Quenched and Thermal Disorder (LosAlamos, arXiv.org)

    27. 2211.12387 Magnetic resonance study of rare-earth titanates (arXiv.org)

    28. 2211.12453 Elastocaloric signatures of symmetric and antisymmetric strain-tuning of quadrupolar and magnetic phases in DyB2C2 (arXiv.org)

    29. 2211.12495 Impurity-induced pairing in two-dimensional Fermi gases (arXiv.org)

    30. PhysRevLett.129.226401 Sublattice Ferrimagnetism in Quasifreestanding Graphene (PRL)

    31. PhysRevLett.129.227001 Kibble-Zurek Mechanism for Dynamical Ordering in a Driven Vortex System (topological defect, PRL)

    32. PhysRevLett.129.227201 Spin Excitation Spectra of Anisotropic Spin-$1/2$ Triangular Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    33. PhysRevB.106.174430 Magnetic and spin-orbit exciton excitations in the honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{RuBr}}_{3}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.195142 Topological charge-2 Dirac phonons in three dimensions: Theory and realization (charge-2 Dirac phonon, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.L180201 Many-body localization and the area law in two dimensions (PRB)

    36. PhysRevLett.129.223401 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Europium (Dipole-Dipole > spin interaction in BEC, PRL) s157 A Dense, Cold Gas of Europium Atoms (Physics)

    37. 2211.10572 Josephson diode effect on the surface of topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    38. 2211.10947 Dynamical interplay between superconductivity and charge-density-wave: a nonlinear terahertz study of coherently-driven 2H-NbSe2 and La2-xSrxCuO4 (arXiv.org)

    39. 2211.11016 The activated scaling behavior of quantum Griffiths singularity in two-dimensional superconductors (arXiv.org)

    40. 2211.11372 Topological superconductivity and large spin Hall effect in the kagome family Ti6X4 (X = Bi, Sb, Pb, Tl, In) (arXiv.org)

    41. 2211.11537 Diode effect in superconducting Nb$_3$Sn micro-bridges at high frequencies (arXiv.org)

    42. 2211.11547 Spin-orbit coupling controlling the superconducting dome of artificial superlattices of quantum wells (arXiv.org)

    43. 2211.11640 Magic Fermions: Carroll and Flat Bands (arXiv.org)

    44. 2211.10452 Spin density wave, Fermi liquid, and fractionalized phases in a theory of antiferromagnetic metals using paramagnons and bosonic spinons (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    45. 2211.10453 Fractionalized Prethermalization in a Driven Quantum Spin Liquid (arXiv.org)

    46. 2211.11618 Topological exact flat bands in two dimensional materials under periodic strain (flat, arXiv.org)

    47. 2211.11622 Fractionalization in Fractional Correlated Insulating States at $n\pm 1/3$ filled twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    48. 2211.11735 Shot noise as a characterization of strongly correlated metals (arXiv.org)

    49. PhysRevX.12.041020 Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants (PRX)

    50. PhysRevB.106.174423 Room-temperature antiferromagnetic order in monolayer ${\mathrm{Fe}}_{2}\mathrm{C}$ (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.174426 Field-induced spin reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetic ring-shaped spin chains (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.174427 Second-order topological magneto-optical effects in noncoplanar antiferromagnets (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.174428 Thermal spin dynamics of Kitaev magnets: Scattering continua and magnetic field induced phases within a stochastic semiclassical approach (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.174512 Wire construction of class DIII topological crystalline superconductors in two dimensions (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.184106 Observation of Floquet topological phases with large Chern numbers (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.184209 Coexistence of localization and transport in many-body two-dimensional Aubry-Andr\‘e models (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.184417 Green’s function method for the two-dimensional frustrated spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg magnetic lattice (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.184511 Insulating phase in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays investigated by nonlinear transport (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.205134 Electric field tunable layer polarization in graphene/boron-nitride twisted quadrilayer superlattices (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.L180403 Unraveling the origin of the peculiar transition in the magnetically ordered phase of the Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.L180404 Spin-neutral tunneling anomalous Hall effect (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.L180506 Superconductivity enhanced by pair fluctuations between wide and narrow bands (flat, PRB)

    63. 2211.09836 Complex phase-fluctuation effects correlated with granularity in superconducting NbN nanofilms (arXiv)

    64. 2211.09846 Pair Density Waves from Local Band Geometry (arXiv)

    65. 2211.09999 Topological Anderson Transitions in Chiral Symmetry Classes (Shindou, arXiv)

    66. 2211.09837 Elastic stripes formation at electronic transitions (arXiv)

    67. 2211.09841 Spectroscopy of the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Cs$_2$CuCl$_4$ (arXiv)

    68. 2211.10180 Skew scattering by magnetic monopoles and anomalous Hall effect in spin-orbit coupled systems (arXiv)

    69. 2211.10404 Orbital-ordered ferromagnetic insulating state in tensile-strained SrCoO$_{3}$ thin films (Co, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 3rd week collection
    1. science.abp8278 Carbon nanotube transistors: Making electronics from molecules (nanotube, Science)

    2. s41586-022-05127-9 Switchable chiral transport in charge-ordered kagome metal CsV3Sb5 (kagome, Nature)

    3. s41586-022-05262-3 Control of chiral orbital currents in a colossal magnetoresistance material (Nature)

    4. PhysRevLett.129.216402 Charge Density Wave in Kagome Lattice Intermetallic ${\mathrm{ScV}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.106.174422 Magnetic dynamics of ${\mathrm{NiPS}}_{3}$ (NiPS3, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.184207 Wave-function extreme value statistics in Anderson localization (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.184509 Violation of Pauli-Clogston limit in the heavy-fermion superconductor ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$: Duality of itinerant and localized $4f$ electrons (Ce, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.184510 Effect of realistic out-of-plane dopant potentials on the superfluid density of overdoped cuprates (cuprate, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.195135 Strain-induced orbital-energy shift in antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ revealed by resonant elastic x-ray scattering (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.106.195136 Active orbital degree of freedom and potential spin-orbit-entangled moments in the Kitaev magnet candidate ${\mathrm{BaCo}}{2}{({\mathrm{AsO}}{4})}_{2}$ (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.106.205131 Ab initio electronic structure of metallized ${\mathrm{NiS}}_{2}$ in the noncollinear magnetic phase (PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.106.L201406 Phononic Stiefel-Whitney topology with corner vibrational modes in two-dimensional Xenes and ligand-functionalized derivatives (PRB)

    13. 2211.09483 Suppression of non-equilibrium quasiparticle transport in flat band superconductors (flatband, arXiv.org)

    14. 2211.09143 Robust d-wave superconductivity from the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model: possible route to high-temperature superconductivity (d-wave SSH HYao, arXiv.org)

    15. 2211.09254 Heat transport in Weyl semimetals in the hydrodynamic regime (arXiv.org)

    16. 2211.09282 Boundary Ferromagnetism in Zigzag Edged Graphene (graphene, arXiv.org)

    17. 2211.09290 Electronic Properties of Pyrochlore-Type Ca2Ir2O7 (arXiv.org)

    18. 2211.09577 Vibronic order and emergent magnetism in cubic $d^1$ double perovskites (arXiv.org)

    19. 2211.09584 Mitigating the Hubbard Sign Problem. A Novel Application of Machine Learning (arXiv.org)

    20. 2211.09742 Anharmonicity reveals the tunability of the charge density wave orders in monolayer VSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    21. PhysRevB.106.L201404 Creating and detecting poor man’s Majorana bound states in interacting quantum dots (majorana, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.L201305 Interference and parity blockade in transport through a Majorana box (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.L201304 Anisotropic spin-to-charge conversion in bismuth (spin-to-charge, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.L201109 Role of spin currents on electron-electron interaction in the quantum spin Hall phase (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.205304 Wigner molecules in phosphorene quantum dots (QD, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.205128 Higher-order topological state induced by $d$-wave competing orders in high-${T}_{c}$ superconductor based heterostructures (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.195416 Negative-positive oscillation in interfacial friction of a ${\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$-graphene heterojunction (In2Se3, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.195134 Magnon scattering modulated planar Hall effect in a ferromagnet/topological insulator heterostructure (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.184415 Dynamics of spin-$\frac{1}{2} {J}{1}–{J}{2}$ model on the triangular lattice (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.174418 Anomalous sign inversion of spin-orbit torque in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic bilayer systems due to self-induced spin-orbit torque (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.195304 Topological Anderson insulator via disorder-recovered average symmetry (PRB)

    32. 2211.08625 Superconductor/Ferromagnet Heterostructures: A Platform for Superconducting Spintronics and Quantum Computation (arXiv.org)

    33. 2211.08759 Neglected $U(1)$ phase in the Schroedinger representation of quantum mechanics and particle number conserving formalisms for superconductivity (U(1), arXiv.org)

    34. 2211.08438 Orbital magnetic quadrupole moment in higher order topological phases (Hughes, arXiv.org)

    35. 2211.08537 Disentangling lattice and electronic instabilities in the excitonic insulator candidate Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ by nonequilibrium spectroscopy (excitonic, arXiv.org)

    36. 2211.08546 Heat conduction in herbertsmithite: field dependence at the onset of the quantum spin liquid regime (arXiv.org)

    37. 2211.08660 Spin structure and dynamics of the topological semimetal Co${3}$Sn${2-x}$In${x}$S${2}$ (arXiv.org)

    38. 2211.08814 Microscopic origin of local electric polarization in NiPS$_3$ (KSKim, arXiv.org)

    39. PhysRevLett.129.216601 Quantum Transport and Magnetism of Dirac Electrons in Solids (PRL)

    40. PhysRevB.106.174416 Ground-state phase diagram of spin-$S$ Kitaev-Heisenberg models (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.184507 Quantum geometric effect on Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity (quantum metric, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.184508 Interplay between extended $s$-wave symmetry of the gap and spin-orbit coupling in the low electron concentration regime of quasi-two-dimensional superconductors (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.195126 Role of large Rashba spin-orbit coupling in second-order nonlinear optical effects of polar ${\mathrm{BiB}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (BBO, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.195127 Classical vertex model dualities in a family of two-dimensional frustrated quantum antiferromagnets (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.195128 Dynamic charge Kondo effect and a slave fermion approach to the Mott transition (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.195129 Single pair of multi-Weyl points in nonmagnetic crystals (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.L201107 Anomalous Shiba states in topological iron-based superconductors (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.L201108 Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of charge density wave order in the layered semiconductor ${\text{EuTe}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    49. 2211.07676 Topological Quantization of Superfluid Stiffness in Dirac Materials (arXiv.org)

    50. 2211.07745 Unconventional Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a two-dimensional Ising superconductor (arXiv.org)

    51. 2211.07920 Topological phase in Kitaev chain with spatially separated pairing processes (arXiv.org)

    52. 2211.08171 Time-domain simulator of Josephson junctions based on the BCS theory (arXiv.org)

    53. 2211.07666 Probing octupolar hidden order via impurity-induced strain (arXiv.org)

    54. 2211.07749 High-accuracy variational Monte Carlo for frustrated magnets with deep neural networks (arXiv.org)

    55. 2211.07806 Self-selecting vapor growth of transition metal halide single crystals (arXiv.org)

    56. 2211.07914 Thermal Transport of Fractionalized Antiferromagnetic and Field Induced States in the Kitaev Material Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    57. 2211.07924 Quantum metric on the Brillouin Zone in correlated electron systems and its relation to topology for Chern insulators (arXiv.org)

    58. 2211.07925 Pressure-Induced Mott Insulator-to-Metal Transition in van der Waals compound CoPS$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    59. 2211.08114 Metal to Mott Insulator Transition in Two-dimensional 1T-TaSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    60. 2211.08189 Dynamical criticality of spin-shear coupling in van der Waals antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    61. 2211.08421 Drag resistance mediated by quantum spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    62. PhysRevLett.129.217201 Nonreciprocal Directional Dichroism in Magnetoelectric Spin Glass (PRL)

    63. PhysRevLett.129.217202 Dynamical Scaling as a Signature of Multiple Phase Competition in ${\mathrm{Yb}}{2}{\mathrm{Ti}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRL)

    64. PhysRevLett.129.217601 Room-Temperature Type-II Multiferroic Phase Induced by Pressure in Cupric Oxide (PRL)

    65. PhysRevB.106.184506 Finite-temperature study of correlations in a bilayer band insulator (QMC, PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.195125 Quantum complexity and topological phases of matter (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.205125 Fine details of sixfold Dirac fermions in pyrite-structured ${\mathrm{PdSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.L201106 Realizing a symmetry protected topological phase through dimerized interactions (PRB)

    69. 2211.06468 Quantum correlations in the frustrated XY model on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv.org)

    70. 2211.06498 Ubiquity of light small pairs in Hubbard models with long range hoppings and interactions (arXiv.org)

    71. 2211.06811 Coupling of Magnetic Phases at Nickelate Interfaces (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    72. 2211.06817 Microscopic mechanism for intrinsic nonlinear Hall conductivity in noncollinear antiferromagnetic metals (arXiv.org)

    73. 2211.07007 A structural hysteresis in the charge density wave transition of 1T-TaS2 (arXiv.org)

    74. 2211.07010 Photoinduced sliding transition into a hidden phase in van der Waals materials (arXiv.org)

    75. 2211.07030 Field Tunable Magnetic Transitions of CsCo2(MoO4)2(OH): A Triangular Chain Structure with a Frustrated Geometry (Co Covalt, arXiv.org)

    76. 2211.07423 Revisiting superconductivity in the extended one-band Hubbard model: pairing via spin and charge fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    77. 2211.07370 Generalization of interlayer tunneling models to cuprate superconductors with charge density waves (arXiv.org)

    78. 2211.07406 Orbital Fulde-Ferrell pairing state in moir\‘e Ising superconductors (KTLaw, arXiv.org)

    79. PhysRevB.106.174411 Spin interaction and magnetism in cobaltate Kitaev candidate materials: An ab initio and model Hamiltonian approach (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.174510 Testing for pair density wave order in ${\mathrm{La}}{1.875}{\mathrm{Ba}}{0.125}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.184206 Disordered graphene ribbons as topological multicritical systems (graphene, PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.195123 Low energy excitation spectrum of magic-angle semimetals (PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.195411 Topological characteristics of gap closing points in nonlinear Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.195413 Kekule-induced valley birefringence and skew scattering in graphene (kekule, PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.205409 Spin-valley polarized transport in a field-controllable bilayer silicene superlattice (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.L201403 Moire phonons and impact of electronic symmetry breaking in twisted trilayer graphene (Moire phonons, PRB)

    87. 2211.05870 3D two-electron double quantum dot: comparison between the behavior of some physical quantities under two different confinement potentials in the presence of a magnetic field (QD, arXiv)

    88. 2211.06006 Small-angle neutron scattering of long-wavelength magnetic modulations in reduced sample dimensions (MnSi, arXiv)

    89. 2211.06102 Multiferroic nitride perovskites with giant polarizations and large magnetic moments (arXiv)

    90. 2211.06156 Spontaneous antiferromagnetic skyrmion/antiskyrmion lattice and spiral spin liquid states in the frustrated triangular lattice (antiskyrmion, arXiv)

    91. 2211.06322 High-$T_c$ Superconductivity and Finite-Temperature Phase Diagram of the $t$-$t’$-$J$ Model (d-wave SC, arXiv)

    92. 2211.06185 Chiral Phonon Mediated High-Temperature Superconductivity (chiral phonon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 2nd week collection
    1. 2211.05146 Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene: I. Review of possible pairing symmetries and basic electronic properties (graphene SC review, arXiv)

    2. 2211.05254 High-throughput DFT-based discovery of next generation two-dimensional (2D) superconductors (Jarvis, arXiv)

    3. 2211.05305 Impact of atomic defects in the electronic states of FeSe${1-x}$S${x}$ superconducting crystals (arXiv)

    4. 2211.05355 Electronic phase diagram in Te-annealed superconducting FeTe$_{1-x}$Se$_x$ revealed by magnetic susceptibility (arXiv)

    5. 2211.05393 Robust Quantum Griffiths Singularity at above 1.5 Kelvin in Nitride Thin Films (Griffiths, arXiv)

    6. 2211.05129 Topological Superconductivity Mediated by Skyrmionic Magnons (skyrmion magnon, arXiv.org)

    7. 2211.05152 Engineering axion insulator phase in superlattices with inversion symmetry breaking (arXiv.org)

    8. 2211.05317 Multiplicative topological phases (arXiv.org)

    9. 2211.05354 Enhanced Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Correlated Metal (SOC, arXiv.org)

    10. 2211.05376 Honeycomb oxide heterostructure: a new platform for Kitaev quantum spin liquid (Ok, arXiv.org)

    11. 2211.05492 T-linear resistivity, optical conductivity and Planckian transport for a holographic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential (Jannen, arXiv.org)

    12. 2211.05571 Quantum chemical insights into hexaboride electronic structures: correlations within the boron $p$-orbital subsystem (arXiv.org)

    13. 2211.05748 Ultrafast formation of topological defects in a 2D charge density wave (arXiv.org)

    14. 2211.05784 The X-Cube Floquet Code (arXiv.org)

    15. PhysRevLett.129.204302 Finite-Frequency Topological Maxwell Modes in Mechanical Self-Dual Kagome Lattices (PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.129.206402 Fermiology and Origin of ${T}{c}$ Enhancement in a Kagome Superconductor $\mathrm{Cs}({\mathrm{V}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Nb}}{x}{)}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{5}$ (kagome, PRL)

    17. PhysRevLett.129.206801 Resonantly Enhanced Electromigration Forces for Adsorbates on Graphene (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.129.206802 Interlayer Electron-Hole Friction in Tunable Twisted Bilayer Graphene Semimetal (PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.129.207201 Emergence of Spinons in Layered Trimer Iridate ${\mathrm{Ba}}{4}{\mathrm{Ir}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{10}$ (iridates spinon, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.207402 Stimulated Rayleigh Scattering Enhanced by a Longitudinal Plasma Mode in a Periodically Driven Dirac Semimetal ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.129.207801 Discrimination of Chiral and Helical Contributions to Raman Scattering of Liquid Crystals Using Vortex Beams (PRL)

    22. PhysRevB.106.174507 Pairing properties of the $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘’}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ model (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.184104 Physics of phonons in systems with approximate screw symmetry (SMurakami, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.195119 Theoretical model for the magnetic structure of the tellurite sulfates ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{5}({\mathrm{TeO}}{3}){({\mathrm{SO}}{4})}{3}{(\mathrm{OH})}{4}$ and ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{5}({\mathrm{TeO}}{3}){({\mathrm{SO}}{4})}{3}{(\mathrm{OH})}{4}$ (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.195120 Doping a Mott insulator with excitons in a moir\‘e bilayer: Fractional superfluid, neutral Fermi surface, and Mott transition (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.195122 Symmetry-protected topological corner modes in a periodically driven interacting spin lattice (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.195202 Hydrostatic deformation potentials of narrow-gap HgCdTe (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.205118 Light-induced Weyl semiconductor-to-metal transition mediated by Peierls instability (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.205119 Flat band based multifractality in the all-band-flat diamond chain (flatband, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.205407 Polarized light emission from graphene induced by terahertz pulses (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.L180504 Ferromagnetic impurity induced Majorana zero mode in iron-based superconductors (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.L201105 Simultaneously improving Rashba-type and Zeeman effects in two-dimensional multiferroics (PRB)

    33. 2211.04510 Generalized Real-space Chern Number Formula and Entanglement Hamiltonian (arXiv.org)

    34. 2211.04551 Exploring the phases of 3D artificial spin ice: From Coulomb phase to magnetic monopole crystal (arXiv.org)

    35. 2211.04646 CrRhAs: a member of a large family of metallic kagome antiferromagnets (kagome, arXiv.org)

    36. 2211.04833 Evolution of the strange-metal scattering in momentum space of electron-doped ${\rm La}_{2-x}{\rm Ce}_x{\rm CuO}_4$ (arXiv.org)

    37. 2211.04870 Charge ordering as the driving mechanism for superconductivity in rare-earth nickel oxides (arXiv.org)

    38. 2211.04570 Miscibility amongst AV$_3$Sb$_5$ kagome superconductors: design of mixed A-site AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A: K, Rb, Cs) alloys (kagome, arXiv.org)

    39. 2211.04751 Drastic suppression of CDW (charge density wave) by Pd addition in TiSe2 (TiSe2, arXiv.org)

    40. 2211.05001 Quantum phase transition in two-dimensional NbN superconducting thin films (NbN, arXiv.org)

    41. 2211.05045 Activated vortex lattice transition in a superconductor with combined sixfold and twelvefold anisotropic interactions (vortex, arXiv.org)

    42. 2211.05056 Anisotropic Rashba coupling to polar modes in KTaO3 (KTO, arXiv.org)

    43. PhysRevX.12.041015 Tuning Quantum Phase Transitions at Half Filling in $3\mathrm{L}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ Moir\‘e Superlattices (moire, PRX)

    44. PhysRevB.106.174409 Time-resolved measurement of spin excitations in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (Cu2OSeO3, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.184408 Activating magnetoelectric optical properties by twisting antiferromagnetic bilayers (twisting CrI2, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.195303 Second-order topological insulator in van der Waals heterostructures of ${\mathrm{CoBr}}{2}/{\mathrm{Pt}}{2}{\mathrm{HgSe}}{3}/{\mathrm{CoBr}}{2}$ (PRB)

    47. 2211.04035 Quantum metallic state in the titanium sesquioxide heterointerface superconductor (arXiv)

    48. 2211.04102 Hall Effect in Doped Mott - Hubbard Insulator (arXiv)

    49. 2211.04216 Charge fluctuations above $T_\mathrm{CDW}$ revealed by glasslike thermal transport in kagome metals $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = K, Rb, Cs) (kagome phonon glass, arXiv)

    50. 2211.04334 Universal features of entanglement entropy in the honeycomb Hubbard model (arXiv)

    51. 2211.02663 Quantum noise spectroscopy of dynamical critical phenomena (arXiv)

    52. 2211.02668 Interplay of superconductivity and localization near a 2D ferromagnetic quantum critical point (arXiv)

    53. 2211.02693 Kekule spiral order in magic-angle graphene: a density matrix renormalization group study (graphene, arXiv)

    54. 2211.03198 Gauge Equivariant Neural Networks for 2+1D U(1) Gauge Theory Simulations in Hamiltonian Formulation (arXiv)

    55. 2211.03412 Optical studies of structural phase transition in the vanadium-based kagome metal ScV6Sn6 (kagome, arXiv)

    56. 2211.03654 Magnetic excitations, phase diagram and order-by-disorder in the extended triangular-lattice Hubbard model (arXiv)

    57. 2211.03737 Non-Kitaev vs. Kitaev Honeycomb Cobaltates (Kee, arXiv)

    58. 2211.02880 Superconductivity and correlated phases in bilayer, trilayer graphene and related structures (FGuinea, arXiv)

    59. 2211.03075 Prediction of superconducting properties of materials based on machine learning models (Cr2CuO4, arXiv)

    60. 2211.03083 T-linear resistivity in the strange-metal phase of cuprate superconductors due to umklapp scattering from a spin excitation (T-linear, arXiv)

    61. 2211.03265 Machine-learning approach for discovery of conventional superconductors (arXiv)

    62. PhysRevB.106.195113 Anomalous Hall conductivity control in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{NiN}$ antiperovskite by epitaxial strain along the kagome plane (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.195114 Unconventional magnetoresistance and electronic transition in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ge}$ Weyl semimetal (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.195115 Tunable interface states between Floquet-Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.205109 Simultaneous formation of two-fold rotation symmetry with charge order in the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ by optical polarization rotation measurement (kagome, PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.205110 Theory of charge and spin pumping in atomic-scale spiral magnets (Nagaosa, PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.205111 Topological properties of subsystem-symmetry-protected edge states in an extended quasi-one-dimensional dimerized lattice (PRB)

    68. 2211.02361 Pressure-induced structural transition and new superconducting phase in UTe2 (arXiv)

    69. 2211.02492 Multilayer graphenes as a platform for interaction-driven physics and topological superconductivity (arXiv)

    70. 2211.02564 In-plane anisotropy of electrical transport in Y${0.85}$Tb${0.15}$Ba$2$Cu$_3$O${7-x}$ films (arXiv)

    71. 2211.02649 Polar hairs of mixed-parity nodal superconductors in Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl metals (arXiv)

    72. 2211.02071 Magnetic quantum phase transition in a metallic Kondo heterostructure (arXiv)

    73. 2211.02153 Spin-orbit and exchange proximity couplings in graphene/1T-TaS$_2$ heterostructure triggered by a charge density wave (graphene CDW, arXiv)

    74. 2211.02306 Quantized thermoelectric Hall plateau in the quantum limit of graphite as a nodal line semimetal (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.193604 Two-Photon Excitation Sets Limit to Entangled Photon Pair Generation from Quantum Emitters (PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.196602 Topological Electromagnetic Effects and Higher Second Chern Numbers in Four-Dimensional Gapped Phases (PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.106.174408 Small-angle neutron scattering in the fully polarized phase of noncollinear magnets with interfacial-like Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.184503 In-plane electronic anisotropy revealed by interlayer resistivity measurements on the iron-based superconductor parent compound CaFeAsF (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.195110 Evolution of the cyclotron mass with doping in ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (cuprate THz, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.174503 Flat-band-induced superconductivity in synthetic bilayer optical lattices (PRB)

    7. 2211.01388 Sublattice Interference promotes Pair Density Wave order in Kagome Metals (kagome, arXiv.org)

    8. 2211.01609 Josephson Effect in NbS$_{2}$ van der Waals Junctions (arXiv.org)

    9. 2211.01707 Electrostatic effects of the MnBi2Te4-superconductor hetero-structures in chiral Majorana search (arXiv.org)

    10. 2211.01733 Gradual emergence of superconductivity in underdoped LSCO (arXiv.org)

    11. 2211.02031 Spectral properties of 1D extended Hubbard model from bosonization and time-dependent variational principle: applications to 1D cuprate (arXiv.org)

    12. 2211.01390 Strange-metal behavior in a Fermi liquid with strange scatterers (arXiv.org)

    13. 2211.01483 Unravelling the origin of the peculiar transition in the magnetically ordered phase of the Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (Co3Sn2S2, arXiv.org)

    14. 2211.01490 Deep Learning Hamiltonians from Disordered Image Data in Quantum Materials (arXiv.org)

    15. 2211.01501 A light-induced Weyl semiconductor-to-metal transition mediated by Peierls instability (Peierls, arXiv.org)

    16. 2211.01663 Static magnetic and ESR spectroscopic properties of the dimer-chain antiferromagnet BiCoPO$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    17. 2211.01709 Dynamic phase transitions on the kagome Ising ferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    18. 2211.01714 Skyrmion Jellyfish in Driven Chiral Magnets (arXiv.org)

    19. 2211.01780 Controlling charge density order in 2H-TaSe$_{2}$ using a van Hove singularity (arXiv.org)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.196601 Anomalous Transport Signatures in Weyl Semimetals with Point Defects (PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.129.197201 Predicting Phonon-Induced Spin Decoherence from First Principles: Colossal Spin Renormalization in Condensed Matter (PRL)

    22. PhysRevB.106.L180502 Enhanced superconductivity through virtual tunneling in Bernal bilayer graphene coupled to ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.174406 Universal scaling of specific heat in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ quantum kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.174404 Many-body theory of phonon-induced spin relaxation and decoherence (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.184201 Nodal vacancy bound states and resonances in three-dimensional Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.195106 Homotopic analysis of quantum states in two-dimensional polymorphs by a herringbone lattice model (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.195107 Quantum oscillations of Kondo screening phases in strong magnetic fields (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.195108 Bulk photospin effect: Calculation of electric spin susceptibility to second order in an electric field (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.205104 Nonlinear Landauer formula: Nonlinear response theory of disordered and topological materials (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.205105 Interaction-driven quantum anomalous Hall insulator in a Dirac semimetal (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.205301 Towards comprehension of the surface state properties in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.205402 Valley-controlled transport in graphene ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ heterostructures under off-resonant polarized light (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L180501 Why mercury is a superconductor (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.L180503 Enhanced amplitude for superconductivity due to spectrum-wide wave function criticality in quasiperiodic and power-law random hopping models (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.L201103 Tunable electronic and magnetic phases in layered ruthenates: Strained ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}{3}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    36. s155 Explaining Mercury Superconductivity, 111 Years Later (Physics)

    37. 2211.00663 Asymptotic sign free in interacting fermion models (HYao, arXiv.org)

    38. 2211.00682 Higher-Order Nodal Hinge States in Doped Superconducting Topological Insulator (JCano, arXiv.org)

    39. 2211.00975 Superconductivity beyond the Pauli limit in high-pressure CeSb2 (arXiv.org)

    40. 2211.01024 A brief perspective of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates: Strong correlations combined with superexchange match experiment (arXiv.org)

    41. 2211.01054 Hybrid s-wave superconductivity in CrB$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    42. 2211.01028 Mott Physics in Correlated Nanosystems: Localization-Delocalization Transition of Electrons by Exact Diagonalization Ab Initio Method (폴란드 Spałek, arXiv.org)

    43. 2211.01192 Observation of flat $\Gamma$ moir\‘e bands in twisted bilayer WSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    44. 2211.01352 Electronic anisotropy in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    45. PhysRevX.12.041013 General Theory of Josephson Diodes (JHu, PRX)

    46. PhysRevLett.129.198003 Machine Learning of Implicit Combinatorial Rules in Mechanical Metamaterials (PRL)

    47. PhysRevB.106.174403 Partial lifting of degeneracy in the ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{2}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}_{3}$ Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.184402 Single-magnon excited states of a Heisenberg spin chain using a quantum computer (magnon quantum computer, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.184502 Insulator-metal-superconductor transition in the medium-entropy van der Waals compound $M\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3} (M=\mathrm{Fe},\mathrm{Mn},\mathrm{Cd},\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\text{and}\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{In})$ under high pressure (medium-entropy, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.195103 Emergence of large quantum oscillation frequencies in thin flakes of the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.195105 Finite-temperature tensor network study of the Hubbard model on an infinite square lattice (TN, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.L201102 Many-body correction to the intrinsic anomalous and spin Hall conductivities (PRB)

    53. 2211.00034 Exact solution of the topological symplectic Kondo problem (arXiv)

    54. 2211.00043 Fermionic Isometric Tensor Network States in Two Dimensions (arXiv)

    55. 2211.00051 Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal (arXiv)

    56. 2211.00263 Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moir\‘e Kondo lattice (moire Kondo, arXiv)

    57. 2211.00124 Superconducting properties and gap structure of the topological superconductor candidate Ti_(3)Sb (arXiv)

    58. 2211.00400 Is the problem of Cuprate high-$T_c$ superconductivity a solved problem? (cuprate, arXiv)

    59. 2211.00561 Testing the topological nature of end states in antiferromagnetic atomic chains on superconductors (arXiv)

    60. 2211.00318 Quantum oscillations of Kondo screening phases in strong magnetic fields (Kondo, arXiv)

    61. 2211.00623 Estimating phase transition of perturbed J1-J2 Heisenberg quantum chain in mixtures of ground and first excited states (arXiv)

    62. PhysRevLett.129.193601 Long-Lived Memory for Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum States (OAM qubit, PRL)

    63. PhysRevB.106.L201101 Integer quantum Hall effect and enhanced $g$ factor in quantum-confined ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ films (Cd3As2, PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.174501 Disorder suppression in topological semiconductor-superconductor junctions (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.174502 Anomalous supercurrent modulated by interfacial magnetizations in Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic bilayers (PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.184101 Design of a higher-order nodal-line semimetal in a spring-shaped acoustic topological crystal (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.184401 Multicritical phase diagram of ${\mathrm{PrMn}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}$ with two interacting magnetic elements (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.184501 Stochastic path-integral approach for predicting the superconducting temperatures of anharmonic solids (anharmonicity, PRB)

      we find that anharmonicity strongly suppresses the predicted superconducting transition temperature.

    69. PhysRevB.106.205102 Unconventional optical selection rules in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ under an in-plane magnetic field (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.205103 Correlated electronic structure of the kagome metal ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (kagome, PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.L180401 Origin of ferromagnetic interactions in ${\mathrm{NaMnCl}}_{3}$: How the response theory reconciles with Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.L180402 Magnetic structure and spin fluctuations in the colossal magnetoresistance ferrimagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    73. 2210.16493 Neural network quantum state with proximal optimization: a ground-state searching scheme based on variational Monte Carlo (ML VMC, arXiv)

    74. 2210.16614 Topological symplectic Kondo effect (Kondo, arXiv)

    75. 2210.17099 Nonlinear spin current of photoexcited magnons in collinear antiferromagnets (Morimoto, arXiv)

    76. 2210.17198 Disorder effects in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model (arXiv)

    77. 2210.17455 Refined magnetic structure of VI$_3$ (VI3,arXiv)

    78. 2210.16321 Resonating valence bond states and other surprises in an electron-phonon system (SKivelson, arXiv.org)

    79. 2210.16324 Triplet Pair-Density Wave Superconductivity on the $\pi$-flux Square Lattice (arXiv.org)

    80. 2210.16890 Linear nonsaturating magnetoresistance in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 thin flakes (kagome, arXiv.org)

    81. 2210.16958 Topological Josephson junction in transverse magnetic field (in-plane magnetic field, arXiv.org)

    82. 2210.17023 Rotational symmetry breaking in superconducting nickelate Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 films (arXiv.org)

    83. 2210.17058 Antiferromagnetism and chiral-d wave superconductivity in a honeycomb lattice close to Mott state (arXiv.org)

    84. 2210.17503 Andreev Reflection and Klein Tunneling in High-Temperature Superconductor/Graphene Junctions (Lado, arXiv.org)

    85. PhysRevX.12.041011 Wigner Formulation of Thermal Transport in Solids (transport, PRX)

    86. PhysRevLett.129.191101 Black Hole Solutions as Topological Thermodynamic Defects (PRL)

    87. PhysRevB.106.134211 Anderson and many-body localization in the presence of spatially correlated classical noise (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.134437 Expressive power of complex-valued restricted Boltzmann machines for solving nonstoquastic Hamiltonians (PRB)

      Boltzmann machines?, Restricted Boltzmann machines in quantum physics, Nature (2019)

      Bernevig, Restricted Boltzmann machines and matrix product states of one-dimensional translationally invariant stabilizer codes, PRB (2019)

    89. S0021364022601749 Critical Temperature of a Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanostructure near a Magnetic Skyrmion (skyrmion SC, JETP Letters)

    90. PhysRevB.106.134438 Band-folding-driven high tunnel magnetoresistance ratios in (111)-oriented junctions with ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ barriers (PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.106.144313 Measurement-induced criticality as a data-structure transition (ML, PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.144438 Fermionic interpretation of the quantum phase transition in XXZ magnets (PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.144513 Superconductivity out of a non-Fermi liquid: Free energy analysis (PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.165131 Ab initio guided minimal model for the Kitaev material ${\mathrm{BaCo}}{2}$(${\mathrm{AsO}}{4}{)}_{2}$: Importance of direct hopping, third-neighbor exchange, and quantum fluctuations (PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.106.165133 Nontrivial quantum geometry of degenerate flat bands (BMera, PRB)

    96. PhysRevB.106.165134 Dual-gated hBN/bilayer-graphene superlattices and the transitions between the insulating phases at the charge neutrality point (PRB)

    97. PhysRevB.106.165428 Signatures of the long-range phase transition in topological Josephson junctions (PRB)

    98. PhysRevB.106.L140408 Enhanced magnon-magnon entanglement in the vicinity of an angular momentum compensation point of a ferrimagnet in a cavity (JCShim, PRB)

    99. PhysRevB.106.L161115 Breakdown of heavy quasiparticles in a honeycomb Kondo lattice: A quantum Monte Carlo study (Kondo, PRB)

    100. 2210.15693 Dynamical phases transitions in periodically driven Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer systems (arXiv)

    101. 2210.15864 Theoretical analysis of anisotropic upper critical field of superconductivity in nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)

    102. 2210.16235 Interplay of Hidden Orbital Order and Superconductivity in CeCoIn5 (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    103. 2210.16293 Pair-Kondo effect: a mechanism for time-reversal broken superconductivity and finite-momentum pairing in UTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    104. 2210.15816 Hidden Topological Transitions in Emergent Magnetic Monopole Lattices (YMotome, arXiv)

    105. 2210.15867 Stripe order and spin dynamics in triangular-lattice antiferromagnet KErSe$_{2}$: A single-crystal study with a theoretical description (arXiv)

    106. 2210.15974 Systematic study for two-dimensional $Z_2$ topological phase transitions at high-symmetry points in all layer groups (SMurakami, arXiv)

    107. 2210.16108 Spin and charge modulations of a half-filled extended Hubbard model (Schowinger boson, arXiv)
  • weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.185301 Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in a Bosonic Chiral Superfluid (AHE, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.185902 Electron-Phonon Interaction and Longitudinal-Transverse Phonon Splitting in Doped Semiconductors (PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.106.144437 Twisted bilayer U(1) Dirac spin liquids (LBalents, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.155156 Predicting band gaps and band-edge positions of oxide perovskites using density functional theory and machine learning (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.134515 Two-dimensional multigap superconductivity in bulk $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TaSeS}$ (TaSeS, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.144111 Large extrinsic phonon thermal Hall effect from resonant scattering (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.155155 Non-Fermi liquid behavior and quantum criticality in cubic heavy fermion systems with non-Kramers multipolar local moments (YBKim, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.165424 Effect of ${C}_{3v}$ symmetry breaking on the noncentrosymmetric quantum spin Hall insulating phase and optical characteristics of monolayer PbBiI (C3v , PRB)

    9. 2210.14953 Bolometric detection of coherent Josephson coupling in a highly dissipative environment (arXiv.org)

    10. 2210.15600 Automatic Extraction of Materials and Properties from Superconductors Scientific Literature (ML, arXiv.org)

    11. 2210.15660 Nodal pair-density-waves from quarter-metal in crystalline graphene multilayers (arXiv.org)

    12. 2210.14918 Multiferroicity and Topology in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (twited TMDC, arXiv.org)

    13. 2210.15026 Anharmonic multiphonon origin of the valence plasmon in SrTi1-xNbxO3 (phonon, arXiv.org)

    14. 2210.15084 Oxygen vacancies at the origin of pinned moments in oxide interfaces: the example of tetragonal CuO/SrTiO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    15. 2210.15094 Incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in weakly frustrated two-dimensional van der Waals insulator CrPSe$_3$ (YHLee, arXiv.org)

    16. 2210.15168 Magnetism and Quantum Melting in Moir\‘e-Material Wigner Crystals (AHMacDonald, arXiv.org)

    17. 2210.15530 Topological magnons in one-dimensional ferromagnetic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with anisotropic interaction (magnon, arXiv.org)

    18. 2210.15596 Classification and construction of interacting fractonic higher-order topological phases (arXiv.org)

    19. s146 Dirt - Is No Barrier to Flocking (quenched disorder, Physics)

    20. PhysRevB.106.134111 Partial breakdown of translation symmetry at a structural quantum critical point associated with a ferroelectric soft mode (phonon QCP, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.134434 Reciprocal space study of Heisenberg exchange interactions in ferromagnetic metals (FM metal, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.134513 Spin-triplet superconducting pairing in doped ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.144434 Krein-unitary Schrieffer-Wolff transformation and band touchings in bosonic Bogoliubov–de Gennes and other Krein-Hermitian Hamiltonians (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.144512 Neel proximity effect at antiferromagnet/superconductor interfaces (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.155151 Metal-insulator transition in ${\mathrm{CuIr}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{4}$ observed by Cu $K\ensuremath{\alpha}$ resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.155427 Planckian properties of two-dimensional semiconductor systems (Ahn DasSarma, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.165423 Floquet states and optical conductivity of an irradiated two-dimensional topological insulator (Floquet, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.L161113 Observation of superconductivity and its enhancement at the charge density wave critical point in ${\mathrm{LaAgSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.L161114 Development of long-range phase coherence on the Kondo lattice (YFYang, PRB)

    30. 2210.14236 Bipolaronic superconductivity out of a Coulomb gas (arXiv)

    31. 2210.14591 Patterning of superconducting two-dimensional electron gases based on AlO$_x$/KTaO$_3$(111) interfaces (KTO SC, arXiv)

    32. 2210.14251 Ingredients for Generalized Models of $\kappa$-Phase Organic Charge-Transfer Salts: A Review (organic, arXiv)

    33. 2210.14323 Field-induced spin level crossings within a quasi-XY antiferromagnetic state in Ba${2}$FeSi${2}$O$_{7}$ (arXiv)

    34. 2210.14439 Chemical tuning of a honeycomb magnet through a critical point (arXiv)

    35. 2210.14538 Evolution of the optical response of the magnetic topological insulators Mn(Bi${1-x}$Sb${x}$)$_2$Te$_4$ with Sb content (Sb doping AFM-TI, arXiv)

    36. 2210.14683 Unconventional magneto-resistance, and electronic transition in Mn$_3$Ge Weyl semimetal (Mn3Ge, arXiv)

    37. 2210.14864 Dimensional reduction and incommensurate dynamic correlations in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ca$_3$ReO$_5$Cl$_2$ (frustration, arXiv)

    38. s143 Electrical Conductance Reveals Complex Fractals (Physics)

    39. PhysRevLett.129.186802 Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations in High-Mobility Graphene in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime (PRL)

    40. PhysRevB.106.134310 Possible absence of a Jahn-Teller distortion critical thickness in geometrically designed ${\mathrm{LaMnO}}_{3}$ films (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.155148 $J=0$ nonmagnetic insulating state in ${\mathrm{K}}{2}\mathrm{Os}{X}{6} (X=\mathrm{F},\mathrm{Cl},\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\text{and}\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{Br})$ (Dagotto, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.144109 Understanding the size and chirality dependence of bending stiffness of single-layer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ by a spring-driven method (MoSe2, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.144431 Highly anisotropic geometrical Hall effect via $f\text{\ensuremath{-}}d$ exchange fields in doped pyrochlore molybdates (YTokura, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.144433 Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: Magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.144511 Finite element method for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity (FEM, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.155149 Possible transition between charge density wave and Weyl semimetal phase in ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.155426 Valley spin-acoustic resonance in $\mathrm{MoS}{}_{2}$ monolayers (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.165130 Semiclassical treatment of spinor topological effects in driven inhomogeneous insulators under external electromagnetic fields (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.L161302 Single-pair Weyl points with the maximum charge number in acoustic crystals (PRB)

    50. 2210.13478 Absence of a BCS-BEC crossover in the cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    51. 2210.13551 Chiral superconductivity in the doped triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model in two dimensions (arXiv)

    52. 2210.13896 Two Distinct Charge Density Wave Orders and Emergent Superconductivity in Pressurized CuTe (arXiv)

    53. 2210.13976 Double and Quadruple Flat Bands tuned by Alternative magnetic Fluxes in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

    54. 2210.14113 First-principles calculation of electron-phonon coupling in doped KTaO$_3$ (arXiv)

    55. 2210.14183 Quantum Critical Metals: Dynamical Planckian Scaling and Loss of Quasiparticles (arXiv)

    56. 2210.14197 Extended Dynamical Mean Field Theory for Correlated Electron Models (arXiv)

    57. 2210.13477 Exact Many-Body Ground States from Decomposition of Ideal Higher Chern Bands: Applications to Chirally Twisted Graphene Multilayers (arXiv)

    58. 2210.13487 Origin of Model Fractional Chern Insulators in All Topological Ideal Flatbands: Explicit Color-entangled Wavefunction and Exact Density Algebra (arXiv)

    59. 2210.13502 Area-law entanglement from quantum geometry (arXiv)

    60. 2210.13548 Amorphous and polycrystalline routes towards a chiral spin liquid (arXiv)

    61. 2210.13616 Experimental and theoretical thermodynamic studies in Ba$_2$MgReO$_6$ – the ground state in the context of Jahn-Teller effect (arXiv)

    62. 2210.13798 Planar Thermal Hall Effects in Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

    63. 2210.13951 Engineered Kondo screening and nonzero Berry phase in SrTiO3/LaTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures (arXiv)

    64. 2210.14109 Hunting for quantum-classical crossover in condensed matter problems (arXiv)

    65. 2210.14207 Observation of the massive Lee-Fukuyama phason in a charge density wave insulator (arXiv)

    66. s147 Atom-Implanted Silicon Waveguides Get an Upgrade (silicon Quantum computer, Physics)

    67. PhysRevX.12.041009 Narrow Optical Transitions in Erbium-Implanted Silicon Waveguides (silicon Quantum computer,PRX)

    68. PhysRevLett.129.185901 First-Principles Phonon Quasiparticle Theory Applied to a Strongly Anharmonic Halide Perovskite (phonon, PRL)

    69. PhysRevLett.129.187002 Nematic-Fluctuation-Mediated Superconductivity Revealed by Anisotropic Strain in $\mathrm{Ba}({\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Co}}{x}{)}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (nematic fluctuation, PRL)

    70. PhysRevLett.129.187201 Reconciling Monolayer and Bilayer ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=1/2$ Square Lattices in Hybrid Oxide Superlattice (iridates, PRL)

    71. PhysRevLett.129.187203 Experimental Evidence of ${t}_{2g}$ Electron-Gas Rashba Interaction Induced by Asymmetric Orbital Hybridization (orbital Rashba, PRL)

    72. PhysRevB.106.L140202 Effect of vacancy defects on geometrically frustrated magnets (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.134430 Topological phase transitions and Berry-phase hysteresis in exchange-coupled nanomagnets (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.134431 Fractalized magnon transport on a quasicrystal with enhanced stability (SKKim, PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.144429 Tuning of topological properties in the strongly correlated antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ via Fe doping (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.155147 Ultrafast valley polarization of graphene nanorings (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.165127 Quantum pumping through the surface states of a topological insulator (PRB)

    78. PhysRevB.106.165308 Nonreciprocal charge current in a bulk Rashba semiconductor above the band crossing point (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.L161112 Quasiparticle characteristics of the weakly ferromagnetic Hund metal MnSi (MnSi, PRB)

    80. 2210.12436 Extremely Large Magnetoresistance and Anisotropic Transport in Multipolar Kondo System PrTi${2}$Al${20}$ (Multipolar Kondo, arXiv)

    81. 2210.12799 Tuning Charge Density Wave in TiSe2: TiSeS single crystals growth and characterization (TiSe2, arXiv)

    82. 2210.13090 Evolution of topological end states in the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model with site modulation (YFYang, arXiv)

    83. 2210.13280 Electronic properties and surface states of RbNi$_2$Se$_2$ (arXiv)

    84. 2210.12189 Differences in the Resistive and Thermodynamic Properties of the Single Crystalline Chiral Superconductor Candidate SrPtAs (Eric Bauer, arXiv)

    85. 2210.12439 Hybrid-order topological odd-parity superconductors via Floquet engineering (arXiv)

    86. 2210.12627 The observation of quantum fluctuations in a kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv)

    87. 2210.12819 Two-gap superconductivity and decisive role of rare-earth $d$ electrons in infinite-layer nickelates (SLouis, arXiv)

    88. 2210.12934 Orbital hybridization-driven charge density wave transition in CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor (kagome CDW loop current, arXiv)

    89. 2210.13250 Anomalous Hall effect and two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in kagome superconductor RbV${3}$Sb${5}$ (kagome, arXiv)

    90. 2210.13408 Hubbard subbands and superconductivity in the infinite-layer nickelate (nickelate, arXiv)

    91. PhysRevLett.129.183602 Understanding the Quantum Rabi Ring Using Analogies to Quantum Magnetism (PRL)

    92. PhysRevLett.129.186801 Giant Second-Order Nonlinear Hall Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    93. PhysRevLett.129.187001 Pseudospin Paramagnons and the Superconducting Dome in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    94. PhysRevLett.129.187601 Dramatic Plasmon Response to the Charge-Density-Wave Gap Development in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    95. PhysRevLett.129.187602 Zeeman Effect in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors Controlled by an Electric Field (PRL)

    96. PhysRevLett.129.187701 Emergence of Interlayer Coherence in Twist-Controlled Graphene Double Layers (PRL)

    97. PhysRevB.106.134108 Observation of quadruple Weyl point in hybrid-Weyl phononic crystals (PRB)

    98. PhysRevB.106.134428 Gapless triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate ${\mathrm{PrZnAl}}{11}{\mathrm{O}}{19}$ (PRB)

    99. PhysRevB.106.144427 Laser-induced terahertz spin transport in magnetic nanostructures arises from the same force as ultrafast demagnetization (PRB)

    100. PhysRevB.106.155144 Two-dimensional obstructed atomic insulators with fractional corner charge in the ${MA}{2}{Z}{4}$ family (PRB)

    101. PhysRevB.106.155145 Theory of a continuous bandwidth-tuned Wigner-Mott transition (PRB)

    102. PhysRevB.106.155146 Flat bands and band-touching from real-space topology in hyperbolic lattices (Bzdušek, PRB)

    103. PhysRevB.106.155421 Why experiments fail to detect the finite linear Rashba spin-orbit coupling of two-dimensional holes in semiconductor quantum wells: The case of Ge/SiGe quantum wells (PRB)

    104. 2210.11587 Increased localization of Majorana modes in antiferromagnetic chains on superconductors (majorana, arXiv)

    105. 2210.11738 Two-electron photoemission spectroscopy in Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    106. 2210.11769 Stabilization of superconductivity by metamagnetism in an easy-axis magnetic field on UTe$_2$ (metamagnetism, arXiv)

    107. 2210.11955 New type of helical topological superconducting pairing at finite excitation energies (CTimm, arXiv)

    108. 2210.10866 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition with Rabi coupled bosons (KT, arXiv)

    109. 2210.11486 1/4 is the new 1/2: Interaction-induced Quantum Anomalous and Spin Hall Mott Insulators (Phillips, arXiv)

    110. 2210.11573 Real space representation of topological system: twisted bilayer graphene as an example (arXiv)

    111. 2210.11733 Quantum Monte Carlo sign bounds, topological Mott insulator and thermodynamic transitions in twisted bilayer graphene model (arXiv)

    112. 2210.11765 Emergent many-body composite excitations of interacting spin-1/2 trimers (arXiv)

    113. 2210.11873 Superconductivity induced by the inter-valley Coulomb scattering in few layers of graphene (arXiv)

    114. 2210.12049 Ferromagnetic domains in the large-$U$ Hubbard model with a few holes: an FCIQMC study (arXiv)

    115. 2210.12058 Easy-plane antiferromagnet in tilted field: gap in magnon spectrum and susceptibility (arXiv)

    116. 2210.12087 Tuning bulk topological magnon properties with light-induced magnons (arXiv)

    117. 2210.12117 Triangular Kondo lattice in $\mathrm{YbV_6Sn_6}$ and its quantum critical behaviors in magnetic field (arXiv)

    118. 2210.12132 A perspective on machine learning and data science for strongly correlated electron problems (ML AI, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 3rd week collection
    1. 2210.10987 Seebeck coefficient in a nickelate superconductor: electronic dispersion in the strange metal phase (nickelate, arXiv)

    2. 2210.11256 High-temperature superconducting diode (arXiv)

    3. 2210.11052 Stacking, correlations and electronic dispersion in the photoexcited state of 1T-TaS$_2$ (arXiv)

    4. 2210.11278 Large orbital magnetic moment in VI3 (arXiv)

    5. PhysRevLett.129.177201 Simulating Chiral Spin Liquids with Projected Entangled-Pair States (PRL)

    6. PhysRevB.106.165421 Engineered Kondo screening and nonzero Berry phase in ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}/{\mathrm{LaTiO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ heterostructures (kondo, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.144426 Variational quantum eigensolver ansatz for the ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{2}$-model (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.144425 Nonthermal current-induced transition from skyrmion lattice to nontopological magnetic phase in spatially confined MnSi (Tokura, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.155140 Finding spectral gaps in quasicrystals (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.106.144309 Oscillating spin Hall effect from polaron transport in organic chains (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.106.155141 Berry curvature induced anomalous Hall conductivity in the magnetic topological oxide double perovskite ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{FeMoO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.106.155142 Flat-band ferromagnetism in a correlated topological insulator on a honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.106.165122 First-principles Landau-like potential for ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ and related materials (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.106.165123 Aubry-Andr\‘e Anderson model: Magnetic impurities coupled to a fractal spectrum (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.106.165422 Second-order topological corner states in zigzag graphene nanoflake with different types of edge magnetic configurations (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.L161410 Electrical control of spin-polarized topological currents in monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    17. 2210.10740 Magnetic wallpaper Dirac fermions and topological magnetic Dirac insulators (BJYang, arXiv.org)

    18. 2210.10371 Can deep sub-wavelength cavities induce Amperean superconductivity in a 2D material? (arXiv.org)

    19. 2210.10437 Nonreciprocal Charge Transport in Topological Kagome Superconductor CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    20. 2210.10521 Temperature dependence of quasiparticle interference in \textit{d}-wave superconductors (arXiv.org)

    21. 2210.10062 Reversing the Li and Haldane conjecture: The low-lying entanglement spectrum can also resemble the bulk energy spectrum (arXiv.org)

    22. 2210.10145 Majorana coupling and Kondo screening of localized spins (arXiv.org)

    23. 2210.10274 Unveiling the anisotropic fractal magnetic domain structure in bulk crystal of antiskyrmion-host (Fe,Ni,Pd)$_3$P by small-angle neutron scattering (fractal magnetic domain, arXiv.org)

    24. PhysRevB.106.134307 Dirac point phonons at high-symmetry points: Towards materials realization (Dirac phonon, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.155138 Itinerant antiferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{S}}{4\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.L140406 Skyrmion and vortex crystals in the Hubbard model (Hayami, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.155136 Crystal electric field and properties of $4f$ magnetic moments at the surface of the rare-earth compound ${\mathrm{TbRh}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (4f, PRB)

    28. 2210.10201 Identification of a Critical Doping for Charge Order Phenomena in Bi-2212 Cuprates via RIXS (PRB)

    29. 2210.09325 Superconducting proximity effect and long-ranged triplets in dirty metallic antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    30. 2210.09533 In-plane electronic anisotropy revealed by interlayer resistivity measurements on the iron-based superconductor parent compound CaFeAsF (arXiv.org)

    31. 2210.09610 Majorana corner states in the dice lattice (Dagotto, arXiv.org)

    32. 2210.09326 Pseudo-spin order of Wigner crystals in multi-valley electron gases (arXiv.org)

    33. 2210.09346 Equilibrium supercurrent in proximity-induced superconductors due to band asymmetry (arXiv.org)

    34. PhysRevB.106.L161108 Non-Abelian nonsymmorphic chiral symmetries (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.134416 Emergence of asymmetric skew-scattering dominated anomalous Nernst effect in the spin gapless semiconductors ${\mathrm{Co}}{1+x}{\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}\mathrm{CrGa}$ (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.134417 Instability of the ferromagnetic quantum critical point and symmetry of the ferromagnetic ground state in two-dimensional and three-dimensional electron gases with arbitrary spin-orbit splitting (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.144418 Spin pumping into anisotropic Dirac electrons (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.155132 Two-component parton fractional quantum Hall state in graphene (PRB)

    39. 2210.08025 Strong correlations in ABC-stacked trilayer graphene: Moire is important (Moire, arXiv)

    40. 2210.08221 Parallel spin-momentum locking in a chiral topological semimetal (arXiv)

    41. 2210.08631 Thermodynamic and electron-transport properties of Ca3Ru2O7 from first-principles phonon calculations and Boltzmann transport theory (arXiv)

    42. 2210.08777 Spin and thermal transport and critical phenomena in three-dimensional antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    43. 2210.08921 Rationalizing doping and electronic correlations in LaFe$_2$As$_2$ (Rationalizing doping, arXiv)

    44. 2210.09016 Spinteract: A Program to Refine Magnetic Interactions to Diffuse Scattering Data (arXiv)

    45. 2210.09091 Upper critical dimension of the 3-state Potts model (arXiv)

    46. 2210.09098 Superconductivty in a Luttinger liquid mediated by spin fluctuations (spin fluctuation-mediated SC, arXiv)

    47. 2210.09208 Chebyshev pseudosite matrix product state approach for the spectral functions of electron-phonon coupling systems (arXiv)

    48. 2210.09210 Ultrafast laser-driven topological spin textures on a 2D magnet (Cr 2D magnet, arXiv)

    49. 2210.08048 Probing Fermi sea topology by Andreev state transport (CKane, arXiv)

    50. 2210.08790 Repulsion of a N\‘eel-type skyrmion from a Pearl vortex in thin ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures (skyrmion-vortex, arXiv)

    51. 2210.09288 Traces of Electron-Phonon Coupling in One-Dimensional Cuprates (arXiv)

    52. PhysRevLett.129.170601 Dynamics in Systems with Modulated Symmetries (modulation, PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.129.177601 Solvable 3D Kondo Lattice Exhibiting Pair Density Wave, Odd-Frequency Pairing, and Order Fractionalization (Kondo instability, PRL)

    54. PhysRevB.106.155414 High-energy Landau levels in graphene beyond nearest-neighbor hopping processes: Corrections to the effective Dirac Hamiltonian (graphene, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.155415 Detection of single phonons via phonon drag in two-dimensional materials (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.165115 Generalized Thouless pumps in $(1+1)$-dimensional interacting fermionic systems (fMPS, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.165417 Phase diagrams and edge-state transitions in graphene with spin-orbit coupling and magnetic and pseudomagnetic fields (graphene, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.L140504 Exotic thermal transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking (HBOh EGMoon, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.134106 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phases in ultrathin PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices (BKT, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.144417 Diagonal and off-diagonal thermal conduction with resonant phonon scattering in ${\mathrm{Ni}}{3}\mathrm{Te}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.155127 Artificial neural network states for nonadditive systems (machine-learning wave-function, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.155130 Spatial spin-spin correlations of the single-impurity Anderson model with a ferromagnetic bath (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.165304 Spin-orbit coupling and electron scattering in high-quality ${\mathrm{InSb}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{As}}{x}$ quantum wells (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.L161106 Real-space many-body marker for correlated ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological insulators (PRB)

    65. 158 A “Green” Quantum Sensor (Physics)

    66. 2210.07265 Anatomy of Spin and Current Generation from Magnetization Gradients in Topological Insulators and Rashba Metals (Kotetes, arXiv)

    67. 2210.07585 The structure of kagome superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ in the charge density wave states (JPHu, arXiv)

    68. 2210.07633 Emergent Topological Superconductor by Charge Density Wave Transition (arXiv)

    69. 2210.07647 Density functional theory (arXiv)

    70. 2210.07254 Correlated insulating states in carbon nanotubes controlled by magnetic field (nanotube, arXiv)

    71. 2210.07507 Physical properties of the layered $f$-electron van der Waals magnet Ce$_2$Te$_5$ (Ce, arXiv)

    72. 2210.07569 Theory of Energy Dispersion of Chiral Phonon (chiral phonon, arXiv)

    73. 2210.07787 Competing Laughlin state and Wigner crystal in bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    74. 2210.07926 Doping a Wigner-Mott insulator: Electron slush in transition-metal dichalcogenide moir\‘e heterobilayers (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.106.155125 Magnetic and charge instabilities in vanadium-based topological kagome metals (kagome, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.106.165114 Spin-charge separation in two dimensions: Spinon-chargon gauge theories from duality (Spin-charge separation, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.L161406 Anisotropic superconducting spin transport at magnetic interfaces (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.L161407 Tunable magneto-optical properties in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ via defect-induced exciton transitions (defect-induced exciton transitions, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.129.166403 Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Positron Lifetimes in Solids (QMC, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.129.160503 Quantum Algorithms for Testing Hamiltonian Symmetry (PRL)

    7. PhysRevX.12.041005 Optically Probing the Asymmetric Interlayer Coupling in Rhombohedral-Stacked ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ Bilayer (Rhombohedral-Stacked TMDC, PRX)

    8. 2210.06523 Microscopic nature of the charge-density wave in kagome superconductor RbV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    9. 2210.06550 Kondo enabled transmutation between spinons and superconducting vortices: origin of magnetic memory in 4Hb-$\mathrm{TaS_2}$ (SZLin, arXiv.org)

    10. 2210.06569 Critical role of magnetic moments on lattice dynamics in YB2Cu3O6 (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    11. 2210.06847 Superconductivity in doped triangular Mott insulators: the roles of parent spin backgrounds and charge kinetic energy (arXiv.org)

    12. 2210.07175 Observation of superconductivity and its enhancement at the charge density wave critical point in LaAgSb$_2$ (La, arXiv.org)

    13. 2210.06534 Beyond Single Tetrahedron Physics of Breathing Pyrochlore Compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11 (arXiv.org)

    14. 2210.06577 Stability of the N\‘eel quantum critical point in the presence of Dirac fermions (Neel QCP Dirac, arXiv.org)

    15. 2210.06653 Intertwined magnetism and charge density wave order in kagome FeGe (kagome, arXiv.org)

    16. PhysRevB.106.155124 Quantized bulk conductivity as a local Chern marker (PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.129.167202 Orbital Angular Momentum of Magnons in Collinear Magnets (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.129.166402 Spontaneous Ferromagnetism Induced Topological Transition in ${\mathrm{EuB}}_{6}$ (PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.106.165112 Generating two-dimensional ferromagnetic charge density waves via external fields (FM CDW, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.165413 High performance of carbon nanotube elastocaloric refrigerators over a large temperature span (carbon nanotube, PRB)

    21. 2210.05753 Generalized Rashba Electron-Phonon Coupling and Superconductivity in Strontium Titanate (STO, arXiv)

    22. 2210.06231 S+-+d Wave Multiband Eliashberg Theory For The Iron Pnictides (s_\pm+d SC, arXiv)

    23. 2210.06273 Evidence for chiral superconductivity on a silicon surface (arXiv)

    24. 2210.06348 Electronic Origin of High-Tc Maximization and Persistence in Trilayer Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

    25. 2210.05691 Hubbard Models for Quasicrystalline Potentials (arXiv)

    26. 2210.05733 Magnetic anisotropy reversal driven by structural symmetry-breaking in monolayer {\alpha}-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    27. 2210.05827 Patterned bilayer graphene as a tunable, strongly correlated system (arXiv)

    28. 2210.05966 Spatial spin-spin correlations of the single-impurity Anderson model with a ferromagnetic bath (arXiv)

    29. 2210.06070 Depth-dependent magnetic crossover in a room-temperature skyrmion-hosting multilayer (arXiv)

    30. 2210.06072 Why Calculate in Infinite Dimensions? (arXiv)

    31. 2210.06084 Efficient Scheme for Time-dependent Thermal Pure Quantum State: Application to the Kitaev Model with Armchair Edges (arXiv)

    32. 2210.06308 Time-dependent exchange creates the time-frustrated state of matter (time-frustration, arXiv)

    33. 2210.06310 Determining band structure parameters of two-dimensional materials by deep learning (band structure parameters, arXiv)

    34. 2210.06359 Charge Dimerization in Strongly Correlated Kagome Magnet FeGe (kagome, arXiv)

    35. 2210.06372 Stacking-induced magnetic frustration and spiral spin liquid (Gang Chen, arXiv)

    36. 2104.08577 Manipulating Hubbard-type Coulomb blockade effect of metallic wires embedded in an insulator (arXiv)

    37. PhysRevB.106.144504 Loop currents in $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ kagome metals: Multipolar and toroidal magnetic orders (kagome, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.134412 Tunable magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional $\mathrm{Cr}{X}_{3}/\mathrm{AlN} (X=\mathrm{I},\mathrm{Br},\mathrm{Cl})$ heterostructures (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.134413 Terahertz spectroscopy of spin excitations in magnetoelectric ${\mathrm{LiFePO}}_{4}$ in high magnetic fields (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.L140404 Schwinger boson theory of the ${J}{1}, {J}{2}={J}_{3}$ kagome antiferromagnet (PRB)

    41. PhysRevX.12.041004 Dynamics of Visons and Thermal Hall Effect in Perturbed Kitaev Models (ARosch, PRX)

    42. PhysRevB.106.134410 Quantum paramagnetic states in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ distorted honeycomb-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Application to ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}$(pymca)${}{3}$(${\mathrm{ClO}}_{4})$ (honeycomb, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.165412 Half-integer Wannier diagram and Brown-Zak fermions of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.L140403 Direct visualization and control of antiferromagnetic domains and spin reorientation in a parent cuprate (cuprate spin domain, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.134508 Topological transitions in two-dimensional Floquet superconductors (PRB)

    46. 2210.04908 Majorana Modes of Giant Vortices (majorana vortex, arXiv.org)

    47. 2210.05042 Beyond MgB2: high-temperature superconductivity in metallic covalently bonded C-B clathrates (arXiv.org)

    48. 2210.05275 Topological superconductivity from doping a triplet quantum spin liquid in a flat band system (arXiv.org)

    49. 2210.04900 Three-state Potts nematic order in stacked frustrated spin models with SO(3) symmetry (arXiv.org)

    50. 2210.04928 Complete field-induced spectral response of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsYbSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    51. 2210.04937 Z3 parafermion in the double charge-Kondo model (Z3 parafermion, arXiv.org)

    52. 2210.05099 New Gd-based magnetic compound GdPt$_2$B with a chiral crystal structure (arXiv.org)

    53. 2210.05621 Tuning orbital-selective phase transitions in a two-dimensional Hund’s correlated system (CKim, arXiv.org)

    54. 2210.05641 Magnetotransport of Sm$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ across the pressure-induced quantum-critical phase boundary (AIAO, arXiv.org)

    55. PhysRevLett.129.167201 Unambiguous Experimental Verification of Linear-in-Temperature Spinon Thermal Conductivity in an Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain (PRL)

    56. PhysRevB.106.134303 Photoinduced band renormalization effects in the topological nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.134304 Angular-time evolution for the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki chain and its edge-state dynamics (AKLT, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.134409 Magnetic damping anisotropy in the two-dimensional van der Waals material ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ from first principles (Fe3GeTe2, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.134507 Absence of hexagonal-to-square lattice transition in LiFeAs vortex matter (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.144306 Quantum many-body scars of spinless fermions with density-assisted hopping in higher dimensions (Katsura, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.155120 Aharonov-Bohm cages, flat bands, and gap labeling in hyperbolic tilings (Aharonov-Bohm cages, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.L140402 Hybrid Bloch-N\‘eel spiral states in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{1.4}\mathrm{PtSn}$ probed by resonant soft x-ray scattering (PRB)

    63. 2210.04830 Breaking through the Mermin-Wagner limit in 2D van der Waals magnets (Mermin-Wagner, arXiv)

    64. 2210.03889 Renormalization formalism for superconducting phase transition with inner-Cooper-pair dynamics (RG, arXiv)

    65. 2210.04159 Observation of superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric nodal chain semimetal Ba5In4Bi5 (arXiv)

    66. 2210.04538 Stability of thermally bistable states and their switching in superconducting weak link (weak link, arXiv)

    67. 2210.04842 Loss and decoherence at the quantum Hall - superconductor interface (arXiv)

    68. 2210.03752 Theory of broken symmetry quantum Hall states in the $N=1$ Landau level of Graphene (arXiv)

    69. 2210.03922 Reconstruction of classical skyrmions from Anderson towers: quantum Darwinism in action (arXiv)

    70. 2210.04046 Charge order and emergent symmetries in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    71. 2210.04327 Direct visualization and control of antiferromagnetic domains and spin reorientation in a parent cuprate (arXiv)

    72. 2210.04516 Orbital order and ferromagnetism in LaMnO3 doped with Ga (arXiv)

    73. 2210.04670 Charge distribution and spin textures in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

    74. PhysRevLett.129.166401 Discovery of Charge Order and Corresponding Edge State in Kagome Magnet FeGe (kagome FeGe, PRL)

    75. PhysRevLett.129.167001 Interplay between Pair Density Wave and a Nested Fermi Surface (kagome, PRL)

    76. PhysRevLett.129.167401 Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    77. PhysRevB.106.134203 Kibble-Zurek behavior in one-dimensional disordered topological insulators (PRB)

    78. PhysRevB.106.134302 Role of boundary conditions in the full counting statistics of topological defects after crossing a continuous phase transition (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.134407 Bulk and surface critical behavior of a quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on two-dimensional coupled diagonal ladders (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.134504 Screening in a two-band model for superconducting infinite-layer nickelate (screening as a control parameters, PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.144305 Low-energy moir\‘e phonons in twisted bilayer van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.144408 Size-dependent mobility of skyrmions beyond pinning in ferrimagnetic GdCo thin films (PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.144411 Magnonic spin Joule heating and rectification effects (PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.144503 Competing ferromagnetic superconducting states in europium-based iron pnictides (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.155118 Magnetic anisotropy energies and metal-insulator transitions in monolayers of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{OsCl}}{3}$ on graphene (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.155119 Solvable periodic Anderson model with infinite-range Hatsugai-Kohmoto interaction: Ground-states and beyond (PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.155406 Surface enhanced electron correlation on the trivial quasi-two-dimensional bulk insulator $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.155408 Observation of nonlinear planar Hall effect in magnetic-insulator–topological-insulator heterostructures (PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.106.165409 Nonsymmorphic chiral symmetry and solitons in the Rice-Mele model (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

    90. PhysRevB.106.L140201 Disorder-induced dynamical Griffiths singularities after certain quantum quenches (disorder, PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.106.L140301 Mesoscopic fluctuating domains in strontium titanate (PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.L140503 Defect-induced electronic smectic state at the surface of nematic materials (smectic nematic, PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.L161105 Ground state of ${\mathrm{Ce}}{3}{\mathrm{Bi}}{4}{\mathrm{Pd}}_{3}$ unraveled by hydrostatic pressure (Ce, PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.L161404 Emergent hypermagic manifold in twisted Kitaev bilayers (PRB)

    95. 2210.03156 Ordered Bose Glass of Vortices in Superconducting YBa${2}$Cu${3}$O$_{7-\delta}$ Thin Films with a Periodic Pin Lattice Created by Focused Helium Ion Irradiation (cuprate irradiation, arXiv)

    96. 2210.03252 Excitonic Condensate in Flat Valence and Conduction Bands of Opposite Chirality (kagome exciton, arXiv)

    97. 2210.03511 Topological States of Matter in Frustrated Quantum Magnetism (thesis, arXiv)

    98. 2210.03548 Magnon bands in pyrochlore slabs with Heisenberg exchange and anisotropies (magnon, arXiv)

    99. 2210.03673 Electro-nuclear transition into a spatially modulated magnetic state in YbRh$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.156401 Visualization of Chiral Electronic Structure and Anomalous Optical Response in a Material with Chiral Charge Density Waves (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.106.144502 Photogalvanic transport in fluctuating Ising superconductors (fluctuation, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.134405 Spinon confinement in the gapped antiferromagnetic XXZ spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ chain (spinon, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.144406 Anisotropic signatures of electronic correlations in the electrical resistivity of ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.144407 Quartic asymmetric exchange for two-dimensional ferromagnets with trigonal prismatic symmetry (PRB)

    6. d42473-022-00108-y Spintronics enters the mainstream (start-up company Power Spin, nphys)

    7. 2210.02644 Non-Reciprocal Supercurrents in a Field-Free Graphene Josephson Triode (SC triode, arXiv)

    8. 2210.02810 Direct probing of a large spin-orbit coupling in the FeSe superconducting monolayer on STO: Evidence for nontrivial topological states (SOC FeSe, arXiv)

    9. 2210.03059 Magnetic excitations in the helical Rashba superconductor (arXiv)

    10. 2210.02530 Fractional Statistics (arXiv)

    11. 2210.02901 Disorder effects in the $\mathbb{Z}_{3}$-Fock parafermion chain (arXiv)

    12. 2210.02922 Stacking order and interlayer coupling tuning the properties of charge density waves in layered 1T-NbSe_2 (CDW, arXiv)

    13. science.abo4940 Machine learning-enabled high-entropy alloy discovery (Science)

    14. s41586-022-05172-4 Discovering faster matrix multiplication algorithms with reinforcement learning (Nature)

    15. d41586-022-03166-w DeepMind AI invents faster algorithms to solve tough maths puzzles (Nature)

    16. PhysRevB.106.155115 Correlated metals and unconventional superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene: A renormalization group analysis (RG in twisted graphene, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.106.165108 Jahn-Teller states mixed by spin-orbit coupling in an electromagnetic field (SOI, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.155116 Green’s function approach to interacting higher-order topological insulators (Kee YBKim, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.165202 Enhanced Dirac node separation in the strained ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ topological semimetal (Cd3As2, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.155114 Moment functional based spectral density functional theory (PRB)

    21. s134 An Exotic Fractional Quantum Hall State (Physics)

    22. PhysRevB.106.134201 Weak quantization of noninteracting topological Anderson insulator (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.165105 Layer pseudospin magnetism in a transition metal dichalcogenide double-moire system (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.L140502 Anisotropic magnetotransport properties of the heavy-fermion superconductor ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    25. 2210.01830 Exceptional van Hove Singularities in Pseudogapped Metals (cuprate, arXiv)

    26. 2210.01983 Selective coupling of coherent optical phonons in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${7-\delta}$ with electronic transitions (cuprate, arXiv)

    27. 2210.02058 Direct evidence of a charge depletion region at the interface of Van der Waals monolayers and dielectric oxides: The case of superconducting FeSe/STO (arXiv)

    28. 2210.02136 Surface State of Inter-orbital Pairing State in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ Superconductor (arXiv)

    29. 2210.02252 Absence of hexagonal to square structural transition in LiFeAs vortex matter (vortex SC, arXiv)

    30. 2210.02321 Pairing of holes by confining strings in antiferromagnets (arXiv)

    31. 2210.01929 Low-temperature theory of inversion and quantum oscillations in Kondo insulators (arXiv)

    32. 2210.01996 A quantum spin liquid phase in the Kitaev-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    33. 2210.02158 Optical response of the tightbinding model on the Fibonacci chain (arXiv)

    34. 2210.02320 Particle zoo in a doped spin chain: Correlated states of mesons and magnons (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevB.106.144404 Magneto-optical detection of topological contributions to the anomalous Hall effect in a kagome ferromagnet (kagome, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.144405 Skyrmion inertia in synthetic antiferromagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    37. 2210.01646 An emerging global picture of heavy fermion physics (YFYang, arXiv.org)

    38. 2210.01156 Spin canting and lattice symmetry in La$_2$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    39. 2210.01449 Bragg diffraction by a magnetic all-in-all-out configuration with application to a cubic cerium pyrochlore oxide (arXiv.org)

    40. 2210.01702 Enhanced skyrmion metastability under applied strain in FeGe (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    41. 2210.01717 High-field Studies on Layered Magnetic and Polar Dirac Metals (arXiv.org)

    42. PhysRevLett.129.150402 Experimental Demonstration that No Tripartite-Nonlocal Causal Theory Explains Nature’s Correlations (PRL)

    43. PhysRevB.106.165103 Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence in band topology: General formalism and topological invariants for 230 space groups (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.165404 Signatures of Lifshitz transition in the optical conductivity of two-dimensional tilted Dirac materials (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.L161103 Spin chain on a metallic surface: Dissipation-induced order versus Kondo entanglement (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.144302 Effective magnetic fields induced by chiral phonons (chiral phonon, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.134402 Competing quantum spin liquids, gauge fluctuations, and anisotropic interactions in a breathing pyrochlore lattice (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.144402 Ferroaxial moment induced by vortex spin texture (Hayami, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.155109 Identification of a characteristic doping for charge order phenomena in Bi-2212 cuprates via RIXS (PRB)

    50. 2210.00012 Unidirectional subsystem symmetry in a hole-doped honeycomb-lattice Ising magnet (arXiv)

    51. 2210.00351 Quantum transport in dispersionless electronic bands (transport flatband, arXiv)

    52. 2210.00357 Spin dynamics of the generalized quantum spin compass chain (arXiv)

    53. 2210.00435 Metal-organic kagome systems as candidates to study spin liquids, spin ice or the quantum anomalous Hall effect (arXiv)

    54. 2210.00447 Backfolding at q but nesting at 2q in Ta$_2$NiSe$_7$ (TNSE, arXiv)

    55. 2210.00554 Reconciling $\pi$ phase shift in Josephson junction experiments with even-parity superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv)

    56. 2210.00692 Interpreting convolutional neural networks’ low dimensional approximation to quantum spin systems (arXiv)

    57. 2210.00745 Electron-phonon coupling and spin fluctuations in the Ising superconductor NbSe$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    58. 2210.01031 Interwoven atypical quantum states in CeLiBi$_2$ (arXiv)

    59. 2210.00023 Non-uniform vestigial charge-4e phase in the Kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome 4e 6e SC, arXiv)

    60. 2210.00318 The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition and Anomalous Metallic Phase in a Hybrid Josephson Junction Array (arXiv)

    61. PhysRevLett.129.154301 Observation of Topological $p$-Orbital Disclination States in Non-Euclidean Acoustic Metamaterials (honeycomb, PRL)

    62. PhysRevLett.129.157001 Effect of the Interlayer Ordering on the Fermi Surface of Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ Revealed by Quantum Oscillations (PRL)

    63. PhysRevB.106.134501 ${\mathrm{Ta}}_{4}\mathrm{CoSi}$: A tantalum-rich superconductor with a honeycomb network structure (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.165201 Land\‘e $g$ factors in tetragonal halide perovskite: A multiband $\mathrm{k}.\mathrm{p}$ model (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.155102 Nonuniform grids for Brillouin zone integration and interpolation (PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.155103 Haldane gap in the SU(3) [3 0 0] Heisenberg chain (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.155106 Ground-state phase diagram of a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ frustrated XXZ ladder (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.165102 Helicity-tunable spin Hall and spin Nernst effects in unconventional chiral fermion semimetals $XY$ ($X=\mathrm{Co},\mathrm{Rh}$; $Y=\mathrm{Si},\mathrm{Ge}$) (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.165301 Thickness-dependent electronic band structure in MBE-grown hexagonal InTe films (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.165401 Quantized charge-pumping in higher-order topological insulators (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.165403 Topologically protected edge states in triangular lattices (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.L140501 Evolution of superconductivity and charge density wave through Ta and Mo doping in $\mathrm{Cs}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.L161101 Interaction-enhanced topological Hall effects in strained twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    74. 2209.15057 Surprising impact of random impurities on the anomalous Hall effect in chiral superconductors (arXiv)

    75. 2209.15526 Charge Transport in Ba${1-x}$Rb${x}$Fe${2}$As${2}$ Single Crystals (arXiv)

    76. 2209.15243 Coexisting structural disorder and robust spin-polarization in half-metallic FeMnVAl (arXiv)

    77. 2209.15297 Quantum electron liquid and its possible phase transition (arXiv)

    78. 2209.15468 Topological magnetic structures of MnGe: a neutron diffraction and symmetry analysis study (MnGe, arXiv)

    79. 2209.15518 Emergence of the Spin Polarized Domains in the Kagome Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Zn-barlowite (Zn${0.95}$Cu${0.05}$)Cu${3}$(OD)${6}$FBr (kagome, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 5 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.147202 Excitations in the Ordered and Paramagnetic States of Honeycomb Magnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.106.125428 Role of the edges in a quasicrystalline Haldane model (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.L121118 Unremovable linked nodal structures protected by crystalline symmetries in stacked bilayer graphene with Kekul\‘e texture (BJYang, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.115440 Floquet renormalization group approach to the periodically driven Kondo model (Kondo, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.125155 Superconducting pairing from repulsive interactions of fermions in a flat-band system (flatband, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.125156 Surface state evolution induced by magnetic order in axion insulator candidate ${\mathrm{EuIn}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    7. 2209.14824 Spin-wave spectra in antidot lattice with inhomogeneous perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy (spin-wave, arXiv)

    8. 2209.14556 Polarity-dependent charge-density wave in a kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

    9. 2209.14310 On the naturalness of $d+ig$ superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Kivelson, arXiv)

    10. 2209.14956 Reply to "Comme (arXiv)

    11. 2209.14656 Numerical study of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the oxygen $K$-edge in insulating cuprates (arXiv)

    12. 2209.14510 Orbital-Active Dirac Materials from the Symmetry Principle (CongjunWu, arXiv)

    13. 2209.14469 Weak-Coupling Theory of Pair Density-Wave Instabilities in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (second type PDW, arXiv)

    14. 2209.14459 Spin triangle chain with ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions on the transition line (arXiv)

    15. 2209.14322 Phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene at filling factor $\nu=-3$ (arXiv)

    16. s41586-022-05077-2 Topological Chern vectors in three-dimensional photonic crystals (Nature)

    17. s41586-022-05129-7 Photonic topological insulator induced by a dislocation in three dimensions (Nature)

    18. something-seriously-wrong-room-temperature-superconductivity-study-retracted Something is seriously wrong: Room-temperature superconductivity study retracted (Science)

    19. science.abn8585 Promotion of superconductivity in magic-angle graphene multilayers (Science)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.147201 Magnetically Hidden State on the Ground Floor of the Magnetic Devil’s Staircase (PRL)

    21. PhysRevB.106.125151 Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall states induced by functionalizing buckled Bi-III monolayer/${\mathrm{Al}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ (PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.115438 Finite-size effects on ferroelectricity in rhombohedral ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.L121117 Emergent topological orders and phase transitions in lattice Chern-Simons theory of quantum magnets (PRB)

    24. 2209.13745 Frustrated superconductivity and "charge-6e" ordering (CWu, arXiv.org)

    25. 2209.13881 Ta4CoSi: a Tantalum-rich superconductor with a honeycomb network structure (arXiv.org)

    26. 2209.13905 Charge 4$e$ superconductor: a wavefunction approach (arXiv.org)

    27. 2209.13629 Spin Berry curvature of the Haldane model (arXiv.org)

    28. 2209.13813 Evolution of electronic band reconstruction in thickness-controlled perovskite SrRuO$_3$ thin films (arXiv.org)

    29. PhysRevX.12.031044 Replacing Neural Networks by Optimal Analytical Predictors for the Detection of Phase Transitions (PRX)

    30. PhysRevLett.129.140502 Simulation of Interaction-Induced Chiral Topological Dynamics on a Digital Quantum Computer (PRL)

    31. PhysRevB.106.094434 Skyrmions and hopfions in three-dimensional frustrated magnets (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.104517 Magnetic field constraint for Majorana zero modes in a hybrid nanowire (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.125147 Topological states in a dimerized square-octagon lattice with staggered magnetic fluxes (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.104430 Topological phase transition in magnon bands in a honeycomb ferromagnet driven by sublattice symmetry breaking (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.115148 Coexisting structural disorder and robust spin-polarization in half-metallic FeMnVAl (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.125144 Order fractionalization in a Kitaev-Kondo model (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.L100408 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin density by skew scattering (PRB)

    38. 2209.12932 Criticality in the crossed Andreev reflection of a quantum Hall edge (arXiv.org)

    39. 2209.13506 Single crystal growth of iridates without platinum impurities (BJKim, arXiv.org)

    40. 2209.12915 Real-space Obstruction in Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (arXiv.org)

    41. 2209.12928 Symmetric Wannier states and tight-binding model for quantum spin Hall bands in AB-stacked MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    42. 2209.12964 Diodic transport response and the loop current state in twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    43. 2209.13051 An $ab~initio$ study of the electron-hole pairs in a correlated van der Waals antiferromagnet: NiPS$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    44. 2209.13342 Order-disorder Peierls instability in the kagome metal (Cs,Rb)V$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    45. PhysRevB.106.115204 Two-photon absorption in semiconductors: A multiband length gauge analysis (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.125310 Density-driven higher-order topological phase transitions in amorphous solids (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.094432 Altermagnetism and magnetic groups with pseudoscalar electron spin (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.104515 Odd-frequency pairing and time-reversal symmetry breaking for repulsive interactions (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.094206 Quasiperiodic many-body localization transition in dimension $d>1$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.115436 Filling- and interaction-modulated pairing symmetry in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.L100407 Strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in monolayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ on metal substrates (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.L100504 Even-odd parity transition in strongly correlated locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors: Application to ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    53. Physics Breakthrough Prize for the Physics of Quantum Information…and of Cells (Physics)

    54. 2209.11800 Superfluid response of an atomically thin, gate-tuned van der Waals superconductor (arXiv)

    55. 2209.11926 Evidence of Lattice Strain as a Precursor to Superconductivity in BaPb${0.75}$Bi${0.25}$O$_3$ (arXiv)

    56. 2209.12059 Edge and corner superconductivity in a 2D topological model (arXiv)

    57. 2209.12787 Synthesis and physical properties of LaNiO$_2$ crystals (arXiv)

    58. 2209.11777 Hilbert space fragmentation and interaction-induced localization in the extended Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    59. 2209.11804 Incommensurate magnetic ordering in CrB$_2$ (Incommensurate magnet, arXiv)

    60. 2209.12109 Electronic and magnetic properties of the topological semimetal SmMg$_2$Bi$_2$ (arXiv)

    61. 2209.12751 Rhombic skyrmion lattice coupled with orthorhombic structural distortion in EuAl$_{4}$ (skyrmion, arXiv)

    62. 2209.12830 Mapping Charge Excitations in Generalized Wigner Crystals (arXiv)

    63. 2209.12889 Characterizing a non-equilibrium phase transition on a quantum computer (arXiv)

    64. PhysRevLett.129.140401 Experimental Refutation of Real-Valued Quantum Mechanics under Strict Locality Conditions (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.129.147001 Detecting Symmetry Breaking in Magic Angle Graphene Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (PRL)

    66. PhysRevB.106.115307 Large tunable Rashba spin splitting and piezoelectric response in Janus chromium dichalcogenide monolayers (Janus chromium, PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.L121114 Anisotropic resistivity and superconducting instability in ferroelectric metals (ferroelectric QCP, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.L121115 Reentrant magic-angle phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene in integer magnetic fluxes (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.L121404 Temperature-dependent resistivity in the doped two-dimensional metallic phase of mTMD bilayers (SJAhn, PRB)

    70. 2209.11528 Nematicity dynamics in the charge-density-wave phase of a cuprate superconductor (cuprate, arXiv)

    71. 2209.11656 The kagome metals RbTi$_3$Bi$_5$ and CsTi$_3$Bi$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    72. 2209.11243 Symmetry fractionalization in the gauge mean-field theory of quantum spin ice (YBKim, arXiv)

    73. 2209.11246 Neutron Depolarization due to Ferromagnetism and Spin Freezing in CePd$_{1-x}$Rh$_x$ (Ce, arXiv)

    74. 2209.11381 Pair density wave in doped three-band Hubbard model on square lattice (arXiv)

    75. 2209.11556 Asymmetry effects on the phases of RKKY-coupled two-impurity Kondo systems (arXiv)

    76. 2209.11599 Quantum critical dynamics of electric dipoles in two-dimensions (Chisa Hotta, arXiv)

    77. 2209.11724 Superconductivity in the twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide WSe2 : a quantum cluster study (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.031042 Beyond Conventional Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism: A Phase with Nonrelativistic Spin and Crystal Rotation Symmetry (beyond FM AFM, PRX)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.135501 Self-Induced Dirac Boundary State and Digitization in a Nonlinear Resonator Chain (PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.129.137202 Magnetic Interactions of the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Material ${\mathrm{Gd}}{2}{\mathrm{PdSi}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.106.104427 Slow spin dynamics and quantum tunneling of magnetization in the dipolar antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{DyScO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.094311 Divergence of phonon angular momentum driven by temperature and strain (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.115141 Topological electronic structure evolution with symmetry-breaking spin reorientation in $({\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Co}}{x})\mathrm{Sn}$ (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.115433 Valley selectivity of soft x-ray excitations of core electrons in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.L121112 Polarity-dependent charge density wave in the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.L121113 Diffusive density response of electrons in anisotropic multiband systems (PRB)

    10. 2209.10560 Stabilizing fluctuating spin-triplet superconductivity in graphene via induced spin-orbit coupling (arXiv.org)

    11. 2209.10568 Exact solution for finite center-of-mass momentum Cooper pairing (arXiv.org)

    12. 2209.10570 High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Studies of CsV${}_3$Sb${}_5$: Tests for Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking Below the Charge Order Transition (arXiv.org)

    13. 2209.10673 Robust, gapped, flat bands at half-filling in the minimal model of the superconducting metal-organic framework, Cu-BHT (arXiv.org)

    14. 2209.10744 Suppression and revival of superconducting phase coherence in monolayer FeSe/SrTiO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    15. 2209.10859 Detection of a Pair Density Wave State in UTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    16. 2209.11080 Chiral Majorana Modes via Proximity to a Twisted Cuprate Bilayer (majorana cuprate, arXiv.org)

    17. 2209.11126 Topological Characterization with a Twist, Condensation, and Reflection (arXiv.org)

    18. 2209.10557 Symmetry indicators in commensurate magnetic flux (arXiv.org)

    19. 2209.10657 Ferro-axial nature under vortex spin textures (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    20. 2209.10703 Universal topological marker (arXiv.org)

    21. 2209.10768 Loop-current charge density wave driven by long-range Coulomb repulsion on the kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    22. 2209.11017 Biskyrmion-based artificial neuron with refractory period (biskyrmion, arXiv.org)

    23. 2209.11085 Field-tunable Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless correlations in a Heisenberg magnet (arXiv.org)

    24. PhysRevB.106.094105 Nontrivial gapless electronic states at the stacking faults of weak topological insulators (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.094515 Contribution of collective excitations to third harmonic generation in two-band superconductors: The case of ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$ (MgB2, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.115140 Spin-orbit excitons and electronic configuration of the $5{d}^{4}$ insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}{\mathrm{F}}{2}$ (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.094425 Magnetic field effects in an octupolar quantum spin liquid candidate (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.094426 Field-induced magnetic states in the metallic rare-earth layered triangular antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{TbAuAl}}{4}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ (MHLee, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.104514 Designer flat bands: Topology and enhancement of superconductivity (flatband, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.115139 Uniaxial ferromagnetism in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{TbV}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.125140 Stability of the smectic phase in arrays of parallel quantum wires (PRB)

    32. 2209.10534 Emergent Magnetism and Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in KTaO$_3$ Two-Dimensional Electron Gases (KTO, arXiv.org)

    33. 2209.09972 Surface state evolution induced by magnetic order in axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2 (arXiv.org)

    34. 2209.10023 Chiral and nodal superconductors in t-J model with valley contrasting flux on triangular moir\‘e lattice (arXiv.org)

    35. 2209.10136 Investigations of Graphene on SrTiO3 Single-Crystal using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (arXiv.org)

    36. 2209.10160 Plasmonic quantum nonlinear Hall effect in noncentrosymmetric 2D materials (arXiv.org)

    37. 2209.10169 Coupling of optical phonons with Kondo effect and magnetic orders in antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice CeAuSb2 (CeAuSb2, arXiv.org)

    38. 2209.10378 Antiferromagnetic spin canting and Magnetoelectric Multipoles in h-YMnO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    39. 2209.10396 Coupled topological flat and wide bands: Quasiparticle formation and destruction (flat and wide band, arXiv.org)

    40. PhysRevLett.129.136402 Deep Learning the Functional Renormalization Group (PRL)

    41. PhysRevB.106.125136 Engineering chiral topological superconductivity in twisted Ising superconductors (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.094514 Complete magnetic control over the superconducting thermoelectric effect (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.104203 Observation of inverse Anderson transitions in Aharonov-Bohm topolectrical circuits (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.115203 Disorder-induced topological phase transition in HgCdTe crystals (Disorder-induced, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.L121111 Narrow bands in magnetic field and strong-coupling Hofstadter spectra (narrow bands, PRB)

    46. 2209.09247 Weak-signal extraction enabled by deep-neural-network denoising of diffraction data (arXiv.org)

    47. 2209.09254 Pair density wave order from electron repulsion (arXiv.org)

    48. 2209.09308 Cavity-mediated superconductor$\unicode{x2013}$ferromagnetic insulator coupling (arXiv.org)

    49. 2209.09852 Role of spin orbital coupling in unconventional superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    50. 2209.09335 Topological magnetic textures and long-range orders in Tb-based quasicrystal and approximant (arXiv.org)

    51. 2209.09405 Helical Luttinger liquid on the edge of a 2-dimensional topological antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    52. 2209.09515 Heavy fermion representation for twisted bilayer graphene systems (XiDai, arXiv.org)

    53. 2209.09669 Ferroelectric valley valves with graphene/MoTe$_2$ van der Waals heterostructures (Lado, arXiv.org)

    54. 2209.09853 Detecting symmetry fractionalization in gapped quantum spin liquids by magnetic impurities (arXiv.org)

    55. PhysRevB.106.094513 Density-gradient mechanism of vortex plastic creep (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.115425 Calculating interface transport parameters at finite temperatures: Nonmagnetic interfaces (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.115427 Strong coupling of quantum emitters and the exciton polariton in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ nanodisks (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.094423 Effective modeling of magnitude-fluctuated magnetization dynamics: Dynamic precursor effect in magnets (spin magnitude, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.104424 Skyrmion lattice hosted in synthetic antiferromagnets and helix modes (SSParkin, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.104511 Systematic study of electronic states of $\mathrm{Ln}(\mathrm{O},\mathrm{F}){\mathrm{BiS}}_{2}$ by spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.104512 Pressure-induced superconductivity in the kagome single-crystal ${\mathrm{Pd}}{3}{\mathrm{P}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{8}$ (kagome, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.115135 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ metallic spin liquid on a frustrated Kondo lattice (YFYang, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.115305 Tailoring the surface and interface states in a three-dimensional fragile topological insulator with kagome lattice (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.125419 Particlelike valleytronics in graphene (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.L121109 Dynamics of topological defects after photoinduced melting of a charge density wave (CDW, PRB)

    66. 2209.08683 Anisotropic gap structure and sign reversal symmetry in monolayer Fe(Se,Te) (arXiv)

    67. 2209.08766 Andreev bound states at boundaries of polarized 2D Fermi superfluids with s-wave pairing and spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    68. 2209.08204 Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene from strain-induced open Fermi surfaces (arXiv)

    69. 2209.08367 Pressure-tuning of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ towards the ideal Kitaev-limit (arXiv)

    70. 2209.08368 Quantum criticality features in the Co doped MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    71. 2209.08672 Control of chiral orbital currents in a colossal magnetoresistance material (arXiv)

    72. 2209.08986 Dilution of the magnetic lattice in the Kitaev candidate $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ by Rh$^{3+}$ doping (kitaev, arXiv)

    73. 2209.09169 Theory of Glide Symmetry Protected Helical Edge States in WTe$_{2}$ Monolayer (arXiv)

    74. PhysRevX.12.031039 Emergence of Gapless Quantum Spin Liquid from Deconfined Quantum Critical Point (PRX)

    75. PhysRevLett.129.133001 Discrete Time Crystals Enforced by Floquet-Bloch Scars (PRL)

    76. PhysRevLett.129.137201 Observation of Spin-Splitter Torque in Collinear Antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    77. PhysRevLett.125.042501 Attractive Spin-Orbit Potential from the Skyrme Model (PRL)

    78. PhysRevB.106.125416 Bulk Fermi arc transition induced large photogalvanic effect in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.094512 Vortices in a Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductors with nematic order (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.104421 Mott transition and superexchange mechanism in magnetically doped $X{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{N}}{4}$ caused by large $3d$ orbital onsite Coulomb interaction (PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.104422 Skyrmion helicity: Quantization and quantum tunneling effects (skyrmion, PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.104423 Electrically charged magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.115130 Multicritical point with infinite fractal symmetries (Cenke Xu, PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.115133 Error-correction properties of an interacting topological insulator (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.115134 Random strain induced correlations in materials with intertwined nematic and magnetic orders (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.125417 Proximity spin-orbit coupling in graphene on alloyed transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.115202 Nonreciprocal electrical transport in the multiferroic semiconductor (Ge,Mn)Te (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.125415 Scanning tunneling microscopy study of natural black arsenic (PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.106.L100406 CP2 skyrmion crystals in an SU(3) magnet with a generalized Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (CP2 skyrmion, PRB)

    90. 2209.07732 Monte Carlo study of cuprate superconductors in a four-band d-p model: Role of orbital degrees of freedom (Yunoki, arXiv)

    91. s41535-022-00496-w Evolution of electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2IrO4 under strain (oxides rotation in square iridates, npjQMs, arXiv:2209.07573)

    92. 2209.07717 Field-direction Dependence of Majorana-mediated Spin Transport (arXiv)

    93. 2209.07945 Observation of the metallic mosaic phase in 1T-TaS2 at equilibrium (arXiv)

    94. 2209.08092 Fermi Arcs From Dynamical Variational Monte Carlo (Trembly, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 3rd week collection
    1. 2209.05117 Flat bands, edge states and possible topological phases in a branching fractal (arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.106.094420 Quantum spin liquid with emergent chiral order in the triangular-lattice Hubbard model (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.094509 Role of electromagnetic gauge-field fluctuations in the selection between chiral and nematic superconductivity (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.104510 Strong-coupling superconductivity in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ revealed by soft point-contact spectroscopy (kagome, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.115420 Effect of magnetic impurity scattering on transport in topological insulators (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.125128 Correlated metallic two-particle bound states in Wannier-Stark flatbands (PRB)

    7. 2209.07017 $^{75}$As NMR study of the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice CeNiAsO (Ce, arXiv.org)

    8. 2209.07188 Pressure-induced superconductivity in charge-density-wave compound LaTe2-xSbx (x=0 and 0.4) (arXiv.org)

    9. 2209.07287 Role of the Berry curvature on BCS-type superconductivity in two-dimensional materials (arXiv.org)

    10. 2209.07340 Emergent charge order and unconventional superconductivity in pressurized kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv.org)

    11. 2209.06837 Interaction effects in a 1D flat band at a topological crystalline step edge (flatband, arXiv.org)

    12. 2209.07103 Fermion disorder operator: the hedgehog and the fox of quantum many-body entanglement (arXiv.org)

    13. 2209.07137 Crossed Luttinger Liquid Hidden in a Quasi-two-dimensional Material {\eta}-Mo4O11 (arXiv.org)

    14. 2209.07506 Kerr effects in tilted multi-Weyl semimetals (arXiv.org)

    15. PhysRevB.106.125126 Analysis of unconventional chiral fermions in a noncentrosymmetric chiral crystal PtAl (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.094508 Solvable model for a charge-$4e$ superconductor (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.106.104414 Orbital Hall effect in crystals: Interatomic versus intra-atomic contributions (AManchon, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.115128 Insights into the high-pressure behavior of solid bromine from hybrid density functional theory calculations (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.115418 Magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene near commensuration: Towards a hypermagic regime (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.125124 Observation of anisotropic Dirac cones in the topological material ${\mathrm{Ti}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{2}\mathrm{P}$ (PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.125125 Giant boost of the quantum metric in disordered one-dimensional flat-band systems (flatband, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.125127 Rashba-like spin-orbit interaction and spin texture at the ${\mathrm{KTaO}}_{3}(001)$ surface from DFT calculations (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.L121107 Ultrafast control of spin-orbital separation probed with time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (PRB)

    24. 2209.07280 Observation of robust zero-energy state and enhanced superconducting gap in a tri-layer heterostructure of MnTe/Bi2Te3/Fe(Te, Se) (Science Advances)

    25. science.abm6442 Direct geometric probe of singularities in band structure (Science)

    26. s41586-022-05034-z Discovery of charge density wave in a kagome lattice antiferromagnet (kagome, Nature)

    27. 2209.06400 Kondo scattering in underdoped Nd1-xSrxNiO2 infinite-layer superconducting thin films (arXiv.org)

    28. 2209.06524 Moire Engineering and Topological Flat Bands in Twisted Orbital-Active Bilayers (arXiv.org)

    29. 2209.06646 Monolayer superconductivity and tunable topological electronic structure at the Fe(Te,Se)/Bi2Te3 interface (arXiv.org)

    30. 2209.06817 Diamagnetic response and phase stiffness for interacting isolated narrow bands (flatband, arXiv.org)

    31. 2209.06221 Field Induced Chiral Soliton Phase in the Kitaev Spin Chain (Kee, arXiv.org)

    32. 2209.06224 Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet (QCP, arXiv.org)

    33. 2209.06234 Thermal interferometry of anyons (arXiv.org)

    34. PhysRevLett.129.126101 Skyrmion Echo in a System of Interacting Skyrmions (PRL)

    35. PhysRevB.106.115417 Tunable magnetocrystalline anisotropy and valley polarization in an intrinsic ferromagnetic Janus $2H$-VTeSe monolayer (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.094417 Hole spectral function of a chiral spin liquid in the triangular lattice Hubbard model (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.094418 Particle-like skyrmions interacting with a funnel obstacle (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.094506 Odd frequency pairing in a quantum critical metal (Chubukov, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.104412 Frustrated mixed-spin chains: Three-site interactions and flat-band magnons (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.115122 Quantum spin liquids bootstrapped from Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.125120 Direct observation of coexisting Kondo hybridization and antiferromagnetic state in ${\mathrm{UAs}}_{2}$ (Kondo AFM, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.125122 Tuning the magnetic anisotropy and topological phase with electronic correlation in single-layer $H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{FeBr}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.125304 Fluctuation-driven thermal transport in graphene double-layers at charge neutrality (PRB)

    44. 2209.05510 Photo-induced Superconductivity = Discrete Time Crystal? (arXiv.org)

    45. 2209.05671 Using Optical Systems to Simulate Topological Systems in Momentum Space and Measure Their Topological Numbers (arXiv.org)

    46. 2209.06206 Electrical conductivity and NMR relaxation rate of Eliashberg superconductors in the weak-coupling limit (arXiv.org)

    47. 2209.05498 The one-dimensional Holstein model revisited (SKivelson, arXiv.org)

    48. 2209.05542 Revealing the order parameter dynamics of 1T-TiSe$_2$ following optical excitation (arXiv.org)

    49. 2209.05702v1 Theory of transverse magnetization in spin-orbit coupled antiferromagnets (TOh BJYang,arxiv.org)

    50. 2209.05744v1 Emergent Anti-ferromagnetism in a Y -Shaped Kekule Graphene (arxiv.org)

    51. 2209.05506v1 Tunable topological order of pseudo spins in semiconductor heterostructures (arxiv.org)

    52. 2209.05813 Topological magnons in Kitaev magnets with finite Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at high field (arXiv.org)

    53. 2209.05865 Observation of an Anomalous Hall Effect in Single-crystal Mn3Pt (Claudia, arXiv.org)

    54. 2209.05893 Skyrmion lattice hosted in synthetic antiferromagnets and helix modes (SSParkin, arXiv.org)

    55. 2209.05925 Skyrmion Echo in a system of interacting Skyrmions (SSParkin, arXiv.org)

    56. 2209.05981 Fractional Charges in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (arXiv.org)

    57. 2209.06157 The Symmetry Principle in Condensed Matter Physics (I) (CJWu, arXiv.org)

    58. PhysRevLett.129.120603 Speed Limit for a Highly Irreversible Process and Tight Finite-Time Landauer’s Bound (PRL)

    59. PhysRevLett.129.127201 Thermal Evolution of Dirac Magnons in the Honeycomb Ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrBr}}_{3}$ (Dirac Magnon, PRL)

    60. PhysRevB.106.094203 Topological phases induced by the Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper potential in the longer-range Kitaev superconducting chain (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.094416 Low-temperature magnetic order rearrangement in the layered van der Waals compound ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.104411 Magnon-ferron coupling mediated by dynamical Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a two-dimensional multiferroic model (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.115413 Random matrix theory for the robustness, quantization, and end-to-end correlation of zero-bias conductance peaks in a class D ensemble (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.125303 Exciton fine structure splitting and linearly polarized emission in strained transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers (PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.125412 Trigonal distortion in zigzag-antiferromagnet iron phosphorus trisulfide (PRB)

    66. 2209.04982 Evidence for a robust sign-changing s-wave order parameter in monolayer films of superconducting Fe (Se,Te)/Bi2Te3 (arXiv)

    67. 2209.04472 Vortex Fermi Liquid and Strongly Correlated Bad Metal (CenkeXu, arXiv)

    68. 2209.04485 Chiral spin liquids on the kagome lattice with projected entangled simplex states (arXiv)

    69. 2209.04498 Magnetic impurities in a charge-ordered background (arXiv)

    70. 2209.04527 Control of magnetic states and spin interactions in bilayer CrCl$_{3}$ with strain and electric fields (arXiv)

    71. 2209.04560 Thermal cycling induced alteration of the stacking order and spin-flip in the room temperature van der Waals magnet Fe$_5$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv)

    72. 2209.04563 Strong-Weak Duality via Jordan-Wigner Transformation: Using Fermionic Methods for Strongly Correlated $su(2)$ Spin Systems (arXiv)

    73. 2209.04590 Magnetic field effects in an octupolar quantum spin liquid candidate (arXiv)

    74. 2209.04592 Discovery of a pair density wave state in a monolayer high-Tc iron-based superconductor (arXiv)

    75. 2209.04730 Antiferromagnetic Chern insulator in centrosymmetric systems (arXiv)

    76. 2209.04912 LaVO$_3$: a true Kugel-Khomskii system (arXiv)

    77. 2209.04949 Orbital correlations in ultrathin films of late transition metals (arXiv)

    78. 2209.04993 Spin-selective tunneling from nanowires of the candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6 (arXiv)

    79. 2209.05192 Pair binding and enhancement of pairing correlations in asymmetric Hubbard ladders (arXiv)

    80. 2209.05353 Pressure-induced transitions in FePS$_3$: Structural, magnetic and electronic properties (arXiv)

    81. 2209.05398 High-temperature kinetic magnetism in triangular lattices (arXiv)

    82. 2209.05430 Pseudogap metal and magnetization plateau from doping moire Mott insulator (LiangFu, arXiv)

    83. PhysRevB.106.094414 Inverse Faraday effect in massive Dirac electrons (Tatara, PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.104409 Indirect exchange interaction in two-dimensional materials with quartic dispersion (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.104507 Hall anomaly by vacancies in a pinned lattice of vortices: A quantitative analysis based on the thin-film data from ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2.1}{\mathrm{Sr}}{1.9}{\mathrm{CaCu}}{2.0}{\mathrm{O}}{8+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.115118 Anomalous Nernst effect in the nonmagnetic nodal-line semimetal ${\mathrm{PbTaSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.115120 Charge singlets and orbital-selective charge density wave transitions (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.115409 Topological quantum phase transitions in metallic Shiba lattices (YongXu, PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.106.115411 Coupled superconducting spin qubits with spin-orbit interaction (PRB)

    90. PhysRevB.106.125114 Dissipation and geometry in nonlinear quantum transports of multiband electronic systems (Nagaosa, PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.106.125117 Role of symmetry breaking in high-order harmonic generation from Su-Schrieffer-Heeger systems (PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.125302 Quantitative determination of interlayer electronic coupling at various critical points in bilayer $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.106.L121104 Temperature-dependent band modification and energy dependence of the electron-phonon interaction in the topological surface state on ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.106.L121105 Fractional vortices, ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ gauge theory, and the confinement-deconfinement transition (DHLee, PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.106.L121401 Edge states of topological acoustic phonons in graphene zigzag nanoribbons (PRB)

    96. 2209.04004 Disorder Induced Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Phases of Superfluid $^3$He (arXiv.org)

    97. 2209.03444 ScGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network to Predict Hypothetical Superconductors (arXiv.org)

    98. 2209.03515 Superconducting diode effect and nonreciprocal transition lines (arXiv.org)

    99. 2209.03840 Titanium-based kagome superconductor CsTi_3Bi_5 and topological states (arXiv.org)

    100. 2209.03896 Heat capacity double transitions in time-reversal symmetry broken superconductors (arXiv.org)

    101. 2209.04015 ipie: A Python-based Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Program with Flexibility and Efficiency on CPUs and GPUs (arXiv.org)

    102. 2209.04102 Steady helix states in a resonant XXZ Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv.org)

    103. 2209.04133 Thermal Hall conductivity with sign change in the Heisenberg-Kitaev kagome magnet (arXiv.org)

    104. 2209.04226 Charge density wave-generated Fermi surfaces in NdTe$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    105. 2209.03555 Dominance of Electron-Magnon Scattering in Itinerant Ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 (arXiv.org)

    106. 2209.03628 Transport anisotropy and metal-insulator transition in striped Dirac fermion systems (arXiv.org)

    107. 2209.03672 Observation of strange metal in hole-doped valley-spin insulator (arXiv.org)

    108. 2209.03743 Exact analysis of the Liouvillian gap and dynamics in the dissipative SU($N$) Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    109. PhysRevLett.129.116804 Moire Landau Fans and Magic Zeros (LiangFu, PRL)

    110. PhysRevLett.129.110601 Energetics of a Single Qubit Gate (PRL)

    111. PhysRevLett.129.116805 Anomalous Zero-Field Splitting for Hole Spin Qubits in Si and Ge Quantum Dots (PRL)

    112. PhysRevLett.129.117202 Observation of Vector Spin Seebeck Effect in a Noncollinear Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    113. PhysRevLett.129.117602 Spectroscopy of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Correlated Insulators (PRL)

    114. PhysRevB.106.104505 Incoherent tunneling and topological superconductivity in twisted cuprate bilayers (PRB)

    115. PhysRevB.106.104506 Pairing symmetry of twisted bilayer graphene: A phenomenological synthesis (PRB)

    116. PhysRevB.106.125410 Softened $s{p}^{2}\text{\ensuremath{-}}s{p}^{3}$ bonding network leads to strong anharmonicity and weak hydrodynamics in graphene+ (PRB)

    117. PhysRevB.106.L100402 Spin- and flux-gap renormalization in the random Kitaev spin ladder (PRB)

    118. PhysRevB.106.L100501 Superconductivity in multiorbital systems with repulsive interactions: Hund’s pairing versus spin-fluctuation pairing (PRB)

    119. PhysRevB.106.094504 Quality factor for zero-bias conductance peaks in Majorana nanowire (PRB)

    120. PhysRevB.106.104104 Raman mode softening in ${\mathrm{SrMnO}}_{3}$ induced by optical excitation (PRB)

    121. PhysRevB.106.115113 Disorder-enhanced effective masses and deviations from Matthiessen’s rule in ${\text{PdCoO}}_{2}$ thin films (PRB)

    122. PhysRevB.106.125110 Direct observation of multiband charge density waves in ${\mathrm{NbTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    123. PhysRevB.106.L100502 Phase-tunable electron transport assisted by odd-frequency Cooper pairs in topological Josephson junctions (PRB)

    124. PhysRevB.106.104503 Prevalence of trivial zero-energy subgap states in nonuniform helical spin chains on the surface of superconductors (PRB)

    125. PhysRevB.106.115112 Rare-earth monopnictides: Family of antiferromagnets hosting magnetic Fermi arcs (PRB)

    126. PhysRevB.106.094411 Atomic-scale spin-wave polarizer based on a sharp antiferromagnetic domain wall (PRB)

    127. PhysRevB.106.094501 Inverse proximity effect in a topological-insulator–superconductor hybrid system (PRB)

    128. PhysRevB.106.115109 Higher-dimensional Jordan-Wigner transformation and auxiliary Majorana fermions (PRB)

    129. PhysRevB.106.115110 ${\mathrm{LaVO}}_{3}$: A true Kugel-Khomskii system (PRB)

    130. PhysRevB.106.L100401 Pinch points and half-moons in dipolar-octupolar ${\mathrm{Nd}}{2}{\mathrm{Hf}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

    131. 2209.04335 S. Vonsovsky and the dawn of the theory of strongly correlated systems (Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism)

    132. 2209.04336 Topological states in strongly correlated systems (Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 2nd week collection
    1. science.abj8765 Spin-selective tunneling from nanowires of the candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6 (Science)

    2. s41586-022-05024-1 Exciton-coupled coherent magnons in a 2D semiconductor (Nature)

    3. 2209.02647 Large spin Hall conductivity in epitaxial thin films of kagome antiferromagnet Mn$_3$Sn at room temperature (arXiv.org)

    4. 2209.01861 Honeycomb lattice iridate on the verge of Mott-collapse (arXiv.org)

    5. 2209.01810 Widely-sweeping magnetic field-temperature phase diagrams for skyrmion-hosting centrosymmetric tetragonal magnets (arXiv.org)

    6. 2209.02688v1 Pressure-induced superconductivity in the weak topological insulator Bi2TeI and the topological metal Bi3TeI (arxiv.org)

    7. 2209.02351 Crossover between electron-electron and electron-phonon mediated pairing on the Kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    8. 2209.02094 Zero-frequency supercurrent susceptibility signatures of trivial and topological zero-energy states in nanowire junctions (arXiv.org)

    9. 2209.01361 Local inversion-symmetry breaking in a bismuthate high-$T_c$ superconductor (arXiv.org)

    10. 2209.01342 The Elusive High-Tc Superinductor (arXiv.org)

    11. 2209.01324 Hall Sensor Based Measurements of the Magnetic Phase Diagram of Superconducting Vanadium (arXiv.org)

    12. 2209.01294 The effect of the interlayer ordering on the Fermi surface of Kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ revealed by quantum oscillations (arXiv.org)

    13. 2209.00816 Critical field measure for topological superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    14. 2209.01208 Linear response quantum transport through interacting multi-orbital nanostructures (arXiv.org)

    15. 2209.01048 Thermodynamic, magnetic and transport properties of the repulsive Hubbard model on the kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    16. 2209.00984 Triple-$\mathcal{Q}$ partial magnetic orders induced by quadrupolar interactions: Triforce order scenario for UNi$_4$B (arXiv.org)

    17. 2209.00846 Magnetic phase diagram and possible Kitaev-like behavior of honeycomb-lattice antimonate Na3Co2SbO6 (arXiv.org)

    18. 2209.00758 Real-space BCS-BEC crossover in FeSe monolayer (arXiv.org)

    19. 2209.00739 Spectral function of the $J_1-J_2$ Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice (arXiv.org)

    20. 2209.00664 Triangular lattice Hubbard model physics at intermediate temperatures (arXiv.org)

    21. 2209.02233 High-spin orbital interactions across van der Waals gaps controlling the interlayer ferromagnetism in van der Waals ferromagnets (Journal of the American Chemical Society)

    22. PhysRevB.106.125404 Tunable Weyl half-semimetals in two-dimensional iron-based materials $M\mathrm{FeSe} (M=\mathrm{Tl},\mathrm{In},\mathrm{Ga})$ (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.125403 Exciton-phonon interaction calls for a revision of the exciton concept (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.125106 Rocksalt CeO epitaxial thin film as a heavy-fermion system transiting from $p$-type metal to partially compensated $n$-type metal by $4f$ delocalization (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.125104 Magneto-optical Kerr effect in Weyl semimetals with broken inversion and time-reversal symmetries (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.104501 Superconducting diode effect due to magnetochiral anisotropy in topological insulators and Rashba nanowires (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.104404 Spin liquid state in a rare-earth hyperkagome lattice (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.094407 Evolution of ground state in ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ single crystal under applied magnetic field (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.094404 Spin-induced strongly correlated magnetodielectricity, magnetostriction effect, and spin-phonon coupling in helical magnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}(\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{O}}{4}){\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    30. 2209.01089 Multiband effects in thermoelectric and electrical transport properties of kagome superconductors $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = K, Rb, Cs) (New Journal of Physics)

    31. 2209.00826 Semimetallic Kondo lattice behavior in YbPdAs with a distorted kagome structure (PRB)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Sep 1st week collection
    1. 2209.00539 Unconventional density waves and superconductivities in Fe-based superconductors and other strongly correlated electron systems (arXiv.org)

    2. 2209.00474 Holographic superconductivity of a critical Fermi surface (arXiv.org)

    3. 2209.00326 High-Field Ultrasonic Study of CeIrIn$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    4. 2209.00037 Multiversality and unnecessary criticality in one dimension (arXiv.org)

    5. 2209.00010 Where Is The Quantum Spin Nematic? (arXiv.org)

    6. 2209.00022 Nodal higher-order topological superconductivity from a $\mathcal{C}_4$-symmetric Dirac semimetal (arXiv.org)

    7. 2209.00007 Many-Body Superconductivity in Topological Flat Bands (arXiv.org)

    8. PhysRevLett.129.107601 Dynamics of Polar Skyrmion Bubbles under Electric Fields (PRL)

    9. PhysRevB.106.094301 Steady off-diagonal long-range order state in a half-filled dimerized Hubbard chain induced by a resonant pulsed field (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.106.094403 Strain-tunable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmions in two-dimensional Janus ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{X}{3}{Y}_{3}$ ($X, Y$ = Cl, Br, I, $X\ensuremath{\ne}Y$) trihalide monolayers (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.106.094402 Temperature-dependent micromagnetic model of the antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{2}\mathrm{Au}$: A multiscale approach (PRB)

    12. s41586-022-04995-5 Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet (ferromagnetic QCP, Nature)

    13. s41586-022-04991-9 Intralayer charge-transfer moiré excitons in van der Waals superlattices (Nature)

    14. 2209.00239 Implications of electron and hole doping on the magnetic properties of spin-orbit entangled Ca$\text{4}$IrO$\text{6}$ from DFT calculations (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials)

    15. PhysRevB.106.L121101 Thermodynamic and electrical transport properties of ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ under uniaxial stress (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.115102 Probing Nieh-Yan anomaly through phonon dynamics in the Kramers-Weyl semimetals of chiral crystals (PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.129.107401 Capacitively and Inductively Coupled Excitons in Bilayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.129.107204 Direct Visualization of Surface Spin-Flip Transition in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{7}$ (PRL)

    19. PhysRevX.12.031032 Direct X-Ray Detection of the Spin Hall Effect in CuBi (PRX)

    20. 2208.14663 CeCu2Si2 and YbRh2Si2: Strange Cases of Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    21. 2208.14556 Electride-like properties of infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv.org)

    22. 2208.14782 Small-angle neutron scattering in fully polarized phase of non-collinear magnets with interfacial-like DMI (arXiv.org)

    23. 2208.14056 Structure of domain walls in chiral spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    24. 2208.13807 Determining Kitaev interaction in spin-S honeycomb Mott insulators (arXiv.org)

    25. 2208.13785 Fractional Hall Conductivity and Spin-c Structure in Solvable Lattice Hamiltonians (arXiv.org)

    26. 2208.14442 Chiral to Nematic Crossover in the Superconducting State of 4Hb-TaS2 (arXiv.org)

    27. 2208.14289 Proximity induced superconductivity in a topological insulator (arXiv.org)

    28. 2208.14041 Chiral phonon in the cubic system based on the Laves phase of ABi2 (A=K, Rb, Cs) (arXiv.org)

    29. 2208.14025 Superconducting four-fold Fe(Te,Se) film on six-fold magnetic MnTe via hybrid symmetry epitaxy (arXiv.org)

    30. 2208.13918 Signature of quantum criticality in cuprates by charge density fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    31. 2208.13888 Superconductivity out of a non-Fermi liquid. Free energy analysis (arXiv.org)

    32. 2208.13798 Evidence of a two-component order parameter in 4Hb-TaS2 in the Little-Parks effect (arXiv.org)

    33. PhysRevLett.129.107601 Dynamics of Polar Skyrmion Bubbles under Electric Fields (PRL)

    34. PhysRevB.106.L081304 Magneto-Seebeck coefficient of the Fermi liquid in three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.075157 Resolution of zigzag magnetic correlations in Na-deficient Na_xIrO3 without long-range ordering (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.075154 Fermiology of the Dirac type-II semimetal candidates (Ni,Zr)Te2 using de Haas–van Alphen oscillations (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.075153 Observation of a multitude of correlated states at the surface of bulk 1T-TaSe2 crystals (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.064512 Subgap two-particle spectral weight in disordered $s$-wave superconductors: Insights from mode coupling approach (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.064436 Quantum critical spin-liquid-like behavior in the S=1/2 quasikagome-lattice compound CeRh_{1-x}Pd_xSn investigated using muon spin relaxation and neutron scattering (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.064109 Local invariants identify topology in metals and gapless systems (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.054435 Tailoring optical excitation to control magnetic skyrmion nucleation (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.064513 Superconductivity in correlated multiorbital systems with spin-orbit coupling: Coexistence of even- and odd-frequency pairing, and the case of Sr2RuO4 (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.054436 Metamagnetism and tricritical behavior in the Kondo lattice model (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.054209 Interplay between edge states and charge density wave order in the Falicov-Kimball model on a Haldane ribbon (PRB)

    45. PhysRevLett.129.107201 Large Photogalvanic Spin Current by Magnetic Resonance in Bilayer Cr Trihalides (PRL)

    46. PhysRevB.106.094301 Steady off-diagonal long-range order state in a half-filled dimerized Hubbard chain induced by a resonant pulsed field (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.094403 Strain-tunable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmions in two-dimensional Janus Cr2X3Y3 (X, Y = Cl, Br, I, X != Y trihalide monolayers (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.094402 Temperature-dependent micromagnetic model of the antiferromagnet Mn2Au: A multiscale approach (PRB)

    49. 2208.09902 Phase diagram of the square lattice Hubbard model with Rashba-type antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (CHotta, arXiv)

    50. 2208.12817 Extracting spinon self-energies from two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy (arXiv)

    51. 2208.12827 Kondo breakdown transitions and phase-separation tendencies in valence-fluctuating heavy-fermion materials (arXiv)

    52. 2208.13334 CoTe2: A quantum critical Dirac metal with strong spin fluctuations (CoTe2, arXiv)

    53. 2208.13521 Superconductivity from repulsive interactions on the kagome lattice (arXiv)

    54. PhysRevB.106.054434 Interplay of itinerant electrons and Ising moments in a hybrid honeycomb quantum magnet ${\mathrm{TmNi}}{3}{\mathrm{Al}}{9}$ (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.075431 Van der Waals imprinting of black-phosphorus-like binary alloyed monolayers with tunable band gaps and moir\‘e superstructures (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.064435 Magneto-optical Kerr effect and magnetoelasticity in a weakly ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{RuF}}_{4}$ monolayer (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.075152 Dressing due to correlations strongly reduces the effect of electron-phonon coupling (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.075430 Gate tunable anomalous Hall effect: Berry curvature probe at oxides interfaces (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.085140 Magnetic Bloch theorem and reentrant flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene at 2pi flux (Bernevig, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.L060410 Quantized and unquantized thermal Hall conductance of the Kitaev spin liquid candidate $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.L060507 Multidome superconductivity in charge density wave kagome metals (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.L081410 Transition from metal to higher-order topological insulator driven by random flux (Trauzettel, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.L081411 Predicting magnetic edge behavior in graphene using neural networks (PRB)

    64. 2208.12855 $Ab~initio$ study of Li-Mg-B superconductors (Physical Review Materials)

    65. 2208.12379v1 Challenges and opportunities to assure future manufacturing of magnet conductors for the accelerator sector (arxiv)

    66. 2208.12384v1 Pure nematic state in an iron-based superconductor (nematic, arxiv)

    67. 2208.12284v1 Spin Seebeck effect at low temperatures in the nominally paramagnetic insulating state of vanadium dioxide (arxiv)

    68. 2208.12369v1 Pinch points and half-moons in dipolar-octupolar Nd$_2$Hf$_2$O$_7$ (arxiv)

    69. 2208.12456 Quasiparticle characteristics of a weakly ferromagnetic Hund’s metal MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    70. 2208.12467 Periodic Clifford symmetry algebras on flux lattices (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.097204 Noncollinear Spin Current for Switching of Chiral Magnetic Textures (DWGo, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.098102 Active Nematic Defects and Epithelial Morphogenesis (PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.106.075428 Noncentrosymmetric characteristics of defects on ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.064306 Magnon drag induced by magnon-magnon interactions characteristic of noncollinear magnets (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.075146 Antiferromagnetism beyond the classical percolation threshold in the diluted half-filled one-band Hubbard model in three dimensions (percolation, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.075427 Observation of type-III corner states induced by long-range interactions (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.L081303 Hydrodynamics, viscous electron fluid, and Wiedeman-Franz law in two-dimensional semiconductors (SAhn, PRB)

    8. 2208.12018 Antiferromagnetism-driven two-dimensional topological nodal-point superconductivity (arXiv)

    9. 2208.12039 Unconventional superconductivity with preformed pairs in twisted bilayer graphene (Zyuzin, arXiv)

    10. 2208.12200 Incommensurate Magnetic Order in Hole-Doped Infinite-layer Nickelate Superconductors (arXiv)

    11. 2208.11710 Extracting the Quantum Hall Conductance from a Single Bulk Wavefunction (arXiv)

    12. 2208.11823 Anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic perovskites (YMotome, arXiv)

    13. 2208.12077 Pressure suppression of the excitonic insulator state in Ta2NiSe5 observed by optical conductivity (TNS, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.129.096601 Transport Theory of Half-Quantized Hall Conductance in a Semimagnetic Topological Insulator (PRL)

    15. PhysRevB.106.075144 Gate-mediated transition between antiferromagnetic topological and Chern insulators in honeycomb ${X}{3}{\mathrm{MnN}}{3}$ $(X=\mathrm{Sr},\mathrm{Ba})$ (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.L060307 Dephasing-enhanced Majorana zero modes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional higher-order topological superconductors (majorana, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.106.L081123 Mott correlations in ABC graphene trilayer aligned with hBN (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.054431 Excitonic transverse and amplitude fluctuations in noncollinear and charge-ordered ${\mathrm{RbFe}}^{2+}{\mathrm{Fe}}^{3+}{\mathrm{F}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.054432 Domain-wall dynamics driven by thermal and electrical spin-transfer torque (PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.064304 Topological waves guided by a glide-reflection symmetric crystal interface (DW, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.064431 Tuning the transport properties of ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ge}$ through the effect of strain on its magnetism (kagome, PRB)

    22. 2208.11421 Plasmarons in high-temperature cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    23. 2208.11142 Minimal continuum models for Fe-based superlattices (arXiv)

    24. PhysRevX.12.031031 Stirring by Staring: Measurement-Induced Chirality (PRX)

    25. PhysRevLett.129.095901 Real-Time Observation of Charge-Spin Cooperative Dynamics Driven by a Nonequilibrium Phonon Environment (Tarucha, PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.129.097203 Coherent Picture on the Pure Spin Transport between $\mathrm{Ag}/\mathrm{Bi}$ and Ferromagnets (PRL)

    27. PhysRevB.106.075141 Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of spin-charge excitations in a Kondo system (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.L081122 Flavors of magnetic noise in quantum materials (Yaroslav, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.054430 Optically excited spin dynamics of thermally metastable skyrmions in ${\mathrm{Fe}}{0.75}{\mathrm{Co}}{0.25}\mathrm{Si}$ (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.L060305 Square-root Floquet topological phases and time crystals (floquet, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.054429 Spin nematic ordering in the spin-1 chain system (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.075142 Magic angle conditions for twisted three-dimensional topological insulators (Cano, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.075425 Proximity-induced diversified magnetic states and electrically controllable spin polarization in bilayer graphene: Towards layered spintronics (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.085133 Low-energy interband transition in the infrared response of the correlated metal ${\mathrm{SrVO}}_{3}$ in the ultraclean limit (SJMoon, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.085420 Corner- and sublattice-sensitive Majorana zero modes on the kagome lattice (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.L060408 Gaps in topological magnon spectra: Intrinsic versus extrinsic effects (PRB)

    37. 2208.11227 A thermal model with AC Josephson effect for a shunted superconducting weak-link (Physics Letters A)

    38. 2208.10517 Phase transition and fractionalization in superconducting Kondo lattice model (arXiv)

    39. 2208.10645 Absence of spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking and ferromagnetism in superconducting NiBi3 single crystal (arXiv)

    40. 2208.10856 Asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUID as a Josephson diode (arXiv)

    41. 2208.10502 Determining all thermodynamic transport coefficients for an interacting large N quantum field theory (arXiv)

    42. 2208.10516 Dirac electron under periodic magnetic field: Platform for fractional Chern insulator and generalized Wigner crystal (LiangFu, arXiv)

    43. 2208.10899 Local electron correlation effects on the Fermiology of the weak itinerant ferromagnet ZrZn$_2$ (arXiv)

    44. 2208.10991 Visualization of moire magnons in monolayer ferromagnet (Lado, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevLett.129.096402 Characterization and Manipulation of Intervalley Scattering Induced by an Individual Monovacancy in Graphene (vacancy, PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.129.096403 Is the Orbital-Selective Mott Phase Stable against Interorbital Hopping? (PRL)

    47. PhysRevLett.129.096404 Eliminating Orbital Selectivity from the Metal-Insulator Transition by Strong Magnetic Fluctuations (PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.129.090502 Solving the Sampling Problem of the Sycamore Quantum Circuits (PRL)

    49. PhysRevB.106.L081409 Magneto-optical measurements of the negatively charged $2s$ exciton in $\mathrm{WSe}_{2}$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.085132 Behavior of gapped and ungapped Dirac cones in the antiferromagnetic topological metal SmBi (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.054516 Multipole-fluctuation pairing mechanism of $dx2-y2 + ig$ superconductivity in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.064427 Ultrasound detection of emergent photons in generic quantum spin ice (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.064428 Spectra of a gapped quantum spin liquid with a strong chiral excitation on the triangular lattice (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.064510 Three-dimensional Fermi surfaces from charge order in layered ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.075423 Energetic stability and spatial inhomogeneity in the local electronic structure of relaxed twisted trilayer graphene (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.L081121 Band tilt induced nonlinear Nernst effect in topological insulators: An efficient generation of high-performance spin polarization (PRB)

    57. 2208.09523 Role of Local Ru Hexamers in Superconductivity of Ruthenium Phosphide (arXiv)

    58. 2208.09609 Topological superconductivity in a topological insulator (arXiv)

    59. 2208.09804 Electronic Correlations and Evolution of the Charge-Density Wave in the Kagome Metals $A$V${3}$Sb${5}$ ($A$ = K, Rb, Cs) (HHWen, arXiv)

    60. 2208.09831 An electronic band sculpted by oxygen vacancies and indispensable for dilute superconductivity (arXiv)

    61. 2208.10094 Direct manipulation of a superconducting spin qubit strongly coupled to a transmon qubit (arXiv)

    62. 2208.10225 Symmetry-Protected Topological Superconductivity in Magnetic Metals (JHu, arXiv)

    63. 2208.09491 Kapitza stabilization of a quantum critical order (Balatsky, arXiv)

    64. 2208.09902 Phase diagram of the square lattice Hubbard model with Rashba-type antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    65. 2208.10019 Development of $ab ~initio$ method for exciton condensation and its application to $\bf TiSe_2$ (Arita, arXiv)

    66. 2208.10093 Unified intermediate coupling description of the pseudogap and the strange metal phases of cuprates (strange metal, arXiv)

    67. 2208.10185 Topological melting of the metastable skyrmion lattice in the chiral magnet Co$_9$Zn$_9$Mn$_2$ (arXiv)

    68. 2208.10222 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics and Photoinduced Insulator-to-Metal Transition in $\alpha$-$RuCl_3$ (arXiv)

    69. 2208.10314 Nonlinear transport due to magnetic-field-induced flat bands in the nodal-line semimetal ZrTe5 (arXiv)

    70. 2208.10377 Portrait of locally driven quantum phase transition cascades in a molecular monolayer (arXiv)

    71. 2208.10437 Multiple topological nodal structure in LaSb2 with large linear magnetoresistance (LaSb2, arXiv)

    72. PhysRevLett.129.097201 Disorder- and Topology-Enhanced Fully Spin-Polarized Currents in Nodal Chain Spin-Gapless Semimetals (PRL)

    73. PhysRevLett.129.097202 Uncovering Footprints of Dipolar-Octupolar Quantum Spin Ice from Neutron Scattering Signatures (YBKim, PRL)

    74. PhysRevB.106.085206 Floquet-Weyl semimetals generated by an optically resonant interband transition (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.085414 Intervalley electron-hole exchange interaction and impurity-assisted recombination of indirect excitons in ${\mathrm{WS}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ monolayers (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.085415 Geometric anisotropy induced higher-order topological insulators in nonsymmorphic photonic crystals (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.064426 Nature of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in graphene/Co/Pt(111) multilayer heterostructures (PRB)

    78. PhysRevB.106.075139 Connection between topological pumping effect and chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.075140 Nondivergent chiral charge pumping in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.054426 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic skyrmions induced by curvature (curvature, PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.054514 Topological superconductivity in Sn/Si(111) driven by nonlocal Coulomb interactions (PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.054515 Strange metal electrodynamics across the phase diagram of ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Pb}}{x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2\ensuremath{-}y}{\mathrm{La}}{y}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{6+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ cuprates (PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.064207 Strictly localized states on the Socolar dodecagonal lattice (quasicrystal, PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.064508 Proximity-induced collective modes in an unconventional superconductor heterostructure (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.064509 Time-reversal invariant topological gapped phases in bilayer Dirac materials (topological gapped phase, PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.075420 Symmetry origin of lattice vibration modes in twisted multilayer graphene: Phasons versus moire phonons (PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.075421 Thermal bias induced charge current in a Josephson junction: From ballistic to disordered (PRB)

    88. 2208.09114 Quantum excitations of static charges in the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity (arXiv)

    89. 2208.09144 The Wiedemann-Franz law in doped Mott insulators without quasiparticles (Katherine, arXiv)

    90. 2208.09314 Spectroscopy of spin-split Andreev levels in a quantum dot with superconducting leads (arXiv)

    91. 2208.09409 Spin-triplet Superconductivity in Nonsymmorphic crystals (JHu, arXiv)

    92. 2208.09429 Superconductivity of Cs$3$C${60}$ at atmosphere pressure (ambientHighTc, arXiv)

    93. 2208.09475 Strongly correlated itinerant magnetism on the boundary of superconductivity in a magnetic transition metal dichalcogenide (arXiv)

    94. 2208.08994 Topological phase transitions at finite temperature (arXiv)

    95. 2208.09368 The magnetic structure and field dependence of the cycloid phase mediating the spin reorientation transition in Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

    96. 2208.09382 Majorana Zero Modes in Fermionic Wires coupled by Aharanov-Bohm Cages (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.129.086602 Intrinsic Nonlinear Electric Spin Generation in Centrosymmetric Magnets (PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.106.L081120 Quasiparticle metamorphosis in the random $t-J$ model (PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.054423 Geometric integration of classical spin dynamics via a mean-field Schrodinger equation (CDBatista, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.054424 Temperature-dependent spin-resolved electronic structure of EuO thin films (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.064424 Spin-wave-driven skyrmion dynamics in ferrimagnets: Effect of net angular momentum (skyrmion, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.L081407 Lattice-driven chiral charge density wave state in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (1T-TaS2, PRB)

    7. s41586-022-04992-8 A compute-in-memory chip based on resistive random-access memory (Nature)

    8. d41586-022-02108-w Twisted-graphene model draws inspiration from heavy elements (ARamires, Nature)

    9. s41586-022-04977-7 Formation of moire interlayer excitons in space and time (Nature)

    10. 2208.08036 Time-reversal symmetry breaking in charge density wave of CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ detected by polar Kerr effect (arXiv)

    11. 2208.08463 X-ray charge-density studies $-$ a suitable probe for superconductivity? (MgB2 XRD, arXiv)

    12. 2208.08575 Termination dependence of the surface states in Pb$_{2}$Pd (arXiv)

    13. 2208.08634 Prevailing charge order in overdoped cuprates beyond the superconducting dome (arXiv)

    14. 2208.07888 Quasiclassical theory for antiferromagnetic metals (arXiv)

    15. 2208.07964 Mechanisms for Magnetic Skyrmion Catalysis and Topological Superconductivity (skyrmion, arXiv)

    16. 2208.08375 Competing Incommensurate Spin Fluctuations and Magnetic Excitations in Infinite-Layer Nickelate Superconductors (arXiv)

    17. 2208.08449 Recent Developments in Fractional Chern Insulators (arXiv)

    18. 2208.08648 Short-range Crystalline Order-Tuned Conductivity in Cr$_2$Si$_2$Te$_6$ van der Waals Magnetic Crystals (arXiv)

    19. 2208.07886 Critical phase in a class of 1D quasiperiodic models with exact phase diagram and generalized dualities (arXiv)

    20. 2208.07939 Long-range order coexisting with long-range entanglement: Is Nd$_2$Sn$_2$O$_7$ the first Coulombic antiferromagnet with a visible emergent gauge photon? (GChen, arXiv)

    21. 2208.08188 Polarized neutron scattering study on the centrosymmetric skyrmion host material Gd2PdSi3 (arXiv)

    22. 2208.08359 A Green’s function method for the two-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnetic lattice (arXiv)

    23. PhysRevLett.129.088002 Band Theory and Boundary Modes of High-Dimensional Representations of Infinite Hyperbolic Lattices (PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.129.083401 Tuning Long-Range Fermion-Mediated Interactions in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators (PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.129.086601 Non-Hermitian Physics without Gain or Loss: The Skin Effect of Reflected Waves (PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.129.087002 Nodal and Nematic Superconducting Phases in ${\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ Monolayers from Competing Superconducting Channels (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.129.087701 Imaging the Breakdown of Ohmic Transport in Graphene (PRL)

    28. PhysRevB.106.075136 Boundary effects on orbital magnetization for a bilayer system with different Chern numbers (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.085128 Triple nodal points characterized by their nodal-line structure in all magnetic space groups (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.085129 Universal higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence of triple nodal points (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.L081406 Twist angle controlled collinear Edelstein effect in van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.054512 Influence of impurities on the electronic structure in cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L081114 Phase diagram of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model on a square lattice (PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.L081115 Robustness of antiferromagnetism in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hubbard model (HongYao, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.075305 Probing Majorana bound states via a $pn$ junction containing a quantum dot (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.075415 Theory of silicon spin qubit relaxation in a synthetic spin-orbit field (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.L081116 Significant thermal Hall effect in the $3d$ cobalt Kitaev system ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}\mathrm{Te}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.L081117 Exciton-driven renormalization of quasiparticle band structure in monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.064507 Strong electron-phonon coupling superconductivity in compressed $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{MoB}}_{2}$ induced by double Van Hove singularities (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.075131 Suppression of ferromagnetism governed by a critical lattice parameter in ${\mathrm{CeTiGe}}_{3}$ with hydrostatic pressure or V substitution (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.075132 Semimetallic Kondo lattice behavior in YbPdAs with a distorted kagome structure (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.085127 Chirality-dependent second-order spin current in systems with time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.064423 Magnetic excitations and interactions in the Kitaev hyperhoneycomb iridate $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{Li}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.085126 Second-order topological insulator in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{C}}_{2}\mathrm{N}$ and its derivatives (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.085412 Theoretical studies of valleytronic and optical properties in monolayer ${\mathrm{MoP}}{2}{X}{2}{Y}_{2} (XY=\mathrm{BTe},\mathrm{AlS},\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\text{and}\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{GaS})$ (PRB)

    46. 2208.07512 Tunable planar Josephson junctions driven by time-dependent spin-orbit coupling (SOI, arXiv)

    47. 2208.07408 Anomalous periodicity and parafermion hybridization in superconducting qubits (arXiv)

    48. 2208.07452 Valley-coherent quantum anomalous Hall state in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 bilayers (arXiv)

    49. 2208.07527 Monte Carlo studies of skyrmion stabilization under geometric confinement and uniaxial strain (skyrmion, arXiv)

    50. 2208.07617 Easy-plane anisotropic-exchange magnets on a honeycomb lattice: quantum effects and dealing with them (arXiv)

    51. PhysRevX.12.031026 Probing Transport and Slow Relaxation in the Mass-Imbalanced Fermi-Hubbard Model (PRX)

    52. PhysRevLett.129.087201 Spin Density Wave versus Fractional Magnetization Plateau in a Triangular Antiferromagnet (triangular lattice, PRL)

    53. PhysRevLett.129.087602 Effective Model and Magnetic Properties of the Resistive Electron Quadrupling State (skyrmion, PRL)

    54. PhysRevB.106.064506 Intrinsic vortex pinning in superconducting quasicrystals (quasicrystals, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.085125 Optical investigation of the heavy-fermion normal state in superconducting ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.L060404 Weak ferromagnetism in $\mathrm{Tb}({\mathrm{Fe}}{0.2}{\mathrm{Mn}}{0.2}{\mathrm{Co}}{0.2}{\mathrm{Cr}}{0.2}{\mathrm{Ni}}{0.2}){\mathrm{O}}{3}$ high-entropy oxide perovskite thin films (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.054511 Topological superconductivity in a two-dimensional Weyl SSH model (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.075129 Real-space numerical renormalization group computation of transport properties in side-coupled geometry (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.085203 Intricate features of electron and hole skew scattering in semiconductors (PRB)

    60. 2208.06706 Probing superconducting order in overdoped Ca${x}$Y${1-x}$Ba${2}$Cu${3}$O$_{7}$ by neutron diffraction measurements of the vortex lattice (arXiv)

    61. 2208.07036 A functional renormalization group study of the two dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model (arXiv)

    62. 2208.06425 Topological spin excitations in non-Hermitian spin chains with a generalized kernel polynomial algorithm (Lado, arXiv)

    63. 2208.06476 Low-Frequency Noise in Quasi-1D (TaSe$_4$)$_2$I Weyl Semimetal Nanoribbons (arXiv)

    64. 2208.06673 Conformality of Charge Density Wave (arXiv)

    65. 2208.06887 Emergent orbital magnetization in Kitaev quantum magnets (arXiv)

    66. 2208.06937 Exact diagonalization for spin-1/2 spin ice pyrochlores (arXiv)

    67. 2208.07099 Confinement-Induced Enhancement of Superconductivity in a Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Fermion Chain Coupled to a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Lattice Gauge Field (arXiv)

    68. 2208.07171 Emergent chiral symmetry in non-bipartite kagome and pyrochlore lattices with spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    69. 2208.07255 Quantum transport and magnetism of Dirac electrons in solids (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    70. PhysRevLett.129.087601 Nonvolatile Electric Field Control of Thermal Magnons in the Absence of an Applied Magnetic Field (PRL)

    71. 124 Multiferroics Are a Spintronics Game Changer (Physics)

    72. PhysRevB.106.054105 Bond-order potential for the surface-terminated titanium carbide MXene monolayers Ti_{n+1}C_{n}{T}_{x} (n=1,2, or 3;T=-O or -F) (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.075127 Electronic structure of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ by fixed-node and fixed-phase diffusion Monte Carlo methods (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.054205 Capacitive probing of electronic phase separation in an oxide two-dimensional electron system (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.064422 X-ray holographic imaging of magnetic surface spirals in FeGe lamellae (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.075125 Strain-induced collapse of Landau levels in real Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.075126 Converging tetrahedron method calculations for the nondissipative parts of spectral functions (PRB)

    78. PhysRevB.106.075128 Magnetically bound nature of a holon-doublon pair in two-dimensional photoexcited Mott insulators (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.075412 Landau levels and magneto-optical responses in Weyl semimetal quantum wells in a non-uniform magnetic field (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.085409 Transport properties of vertical heterostructures under light irradiation (PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.085410 Monolayer $\mathrm{Mn}X$ and Janus $X\mathrm{Mn}Y$ ($X,Y=\mathrm{S}$, Se, Te): A family of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic semiconductors (PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.L060102 Strain-engineered divergent electrostriction in ${\mathrm{KTaO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.L081112 Surface Luttinger arcs in Weyl semimetals (PHosur, PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.L081405 Relating spin-polarized STM imaging and inelastic neutron scattering in the van der Waals ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    85. 2208.05979 Andreev reflection in scanning tunneling spectroscopy of unconventional superconductors (arXiv)

    86. 2208.06108 Majorana nanowires, Kitaev chains, and spin models (DasSarma, arXiv)

    87. 2208.06208 Weak antilocalization effect and triply degenerate state in Cu-doped CaAuAs (arXiv)

    88. 2208.06407 Weyl nodal ring states and Landau quantization with very large magnetoresistance in square-net magnet EuGa$_4$ (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 2nd week collection
    1. s41567-022-01694-w Reply to: Absence of evidence of superconductivity in sulfur hydride in optical reflectance experiments (P. Roy, nature physics)

    2. s41567-022-01693-x Absence of evidence of superconductivity in sulfur hydride in optical reflectance experiments (Hirsch, nature physics)

    3. PhysRevB.106.075410 Crossed Andreev reflection in spin-polarized chiral edge states due to the Meissner effect (Jelena, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.054306 Coexistence of charge-2 Dirac and Weyl phonons in chiral space groups (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.054510 Doping-driven antiferromagnetic insulator-superconductor transition: A quantum Monte Carlo study (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.064418 Evidence of two-spinon bound states in the magnetic spectrum of ${\mathrm{Ba}}{3}{\mathrm{CoSb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$ (CDBatista, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.064419 Hidden magnetic order on a kagome lattice for ${\mathrm{KV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.085304 Enhanced valley splitting in Si layers with oscillatory Ge concentration (PRB)

    9. s41586-022-04937-1 Quantum cascade of correlated phases in trigonally warped bilayer graphene (warped Bilayer graphene, Nature)

    10. 2208.05493 Superconductivity of non-Fermi liquids described by Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models (Sachdev, arXiv)

    11. 2208.05614 Magnetic Excitations in Strained Infinite-layer Nickelate PrNiO2 (arXiv)

    12. 2208.05749 Time evolution of Majorana corner modes in Floquet second-order topological superconductor (arXiv)

    13. 2208.05523 Magnetic Breakdown and Topology in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 under High Magnetic Field (kagome, arXiv)

    14. 2208.05587 Local Magnetic Moments due to Loop-currents in Metals (CVarma, arXiv)

    15. 2208.05741 Spin functional renormalization group for the $J_{1}J_{2}J_{3}$ quantum Heisenberg model (arXiv)

    16. 2208.05902 Reversible canted persistent spin textures with large spin splitting in two-dimensional ferroelectric bilayer WTe$_{2}$ (arXiv)

    17. 2208.05933 Continuum effective Hamiltonian for graphene bilayers for an arbitrary smooth lattice deformation from microscopic theories (JianKang, arXiv)

    18. 2208.05953 Pseudo-magnetic fields, particle-hole asymmetry, and microscopic effective continuum Hamitonians of twisted bilayer graphene (JianKang, arXiv)

    19. 2208.05960 Ferromagnetism and Skyrmions in the Hofstadter-Fermi-Hubbard Model (skyrmion, arXiv)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.076803 Tunable Sample-Wide Electronic Kagome Lattice in Low-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (emergent Kagome, PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.129.077002 Superconducting Instabilities in Strongly Correlated Infinite-Layer Nickelates (PRL)

    22. PhysRevLett.129.077202 Emergent Spinon Dispersion and Symmetry Breaking in Two-Channel Kondo Lattices (2CKondo, PRL)

    23. PhysRevB.106.054509 Enhanced pairing mechanism in cuprate-type crystals (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.064504 Zero temperature superconductor–edge metal–insulator transition in two-dimensional bosonic systems (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.085117 Competing magnetic and nonmagnetic states in monolayer ${\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ with charge density wave (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.085120 Spin-polarized supercurrent through the van der Waals Kondo-lattice ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    27. 2208.05044 Two-dimensional cuprate nanodetector with single photon sensitivity at T = 20 K (cuprate device, arXiv)

    28. 2208.05154 Controllable single Cooper pair splitting in hybrid quantum dot systems (arXiv)

    29. 2208.05372 Bulk Bogoliubov Fermi arcs in non-Hermitian superconducting systems (Jorge, arXiv)

    30. 2208.04997 Rapid suppression of charge density wave transition in LaSb2 under pressure (arXiv)

    31. 2208.05082 Topological phenomena at topological defects (topological defect, arXiv)

    32. 2208.05115 Ferrochiral, antiferrochiral, and ferrichiral skyrmion crystals in an itinerant honeycomb magnet (hayami, arXiv)

    33. 2208.05123 Collective spin modes in Fermi liquids with spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    34. 2208.05178 Spectral Properties of Two Coupled Fibonacci Chains (arXiv)

    35. 2208.05246 Reconstruction of low dimensional electronic states by altering the chemical arrangement at the SrTiO3 surface (arXiv)

    36. PhysRevLett.129.076802 Magnetic-Field-Tunable Valley-Contrasting Pseudomagnetic Confinement in Graphene (PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.129.077001 Topologically Enabled Superconductivity (skyrmion, PRL)

    38. PhysRevB.106.075124 Delicate topology protected by rotation symmetry: Crystalline Hopf insulators and beyond (Bzdusek, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.064414 Out-of-plane ferromagnetism in two-dimensional $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RhO}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.054204 Rational approximations of quasiperiodicity via projected Green’s functions (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.054413 Weakly pinned skyrmion liquid in a magnetic heterostructure (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.054414 Nonlinear dynamics of the topological helicity wave in a frustrated skyrmion string (Ezawa, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.064102 Suppression of Peierls-like nesting-based instabilities in solids (PRB)

    44. 2208.04338 High magnetic field superconductivity in a two-band superconductor (arXiv)

    45. 2208.04407 Comment on “Stranger than metals” (arXiv)

    46. 2208.04474 Charge excitations across a superconductor-insulator transition (arXiv)

    47. 2208.04328 Loop current fluctuations and quantum critical transport (arXiv)

    48. 2208.04636 Magnetic properties of moire quantum dot arrays (arXiv)

    49. PhysRevLett.129.076401 Reentrant Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene at 25 T ($2\ensuremath{\pi}$ Flux) (Bernevig, PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.129.076801 Six-Body and Eight-Body Exciton States in Monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (WSe2, PRL)

    51. PhysRevB.106.064412 Hedgehog lattice and field-induced chirality in breathing-pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnets (Hedgehog, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.085116 Pressure-induced metallization in the absence of a structural transition in the layered ferromagnetic insulator ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.054412 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction induced magnetoelectric coupling in a tetrahedral molecular spin-frustrated system (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.075123 Random singlet-like phase of disordered Hubbard chains (SRaghu, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.054411 Magnetization tunable Weyl states in $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{B}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.106.064411 Transition magnon modes in thin ferromagnetic nanogratings (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.075121 Compatibility relationships in van der Waals quasicrystals (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.085114 Anomalously large spin-dependent electron correlation in the nearly half-metallic ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    59. s103 Quantum Thermal Transistor Amplifies Heat Currents (Physics)

    60. 2208.03507 Tunable two-dimensional superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling at the EuO/KTaO3(110) interface (arXiv)

    61. 2208.03628 Full Set of Superconducting Parameters of K$3$C${60}$ (arXiv)

    62. 2208.03714 Field-Induced Boson Insulating States in a 2D Superconducting Electron Gas with Strong Spin-Orbit Scatterings (arXiv)

    63. 2208.03962 Neel proximity effect at antiferromagnet/superconductor interfaces (arXiv)

    64. 2208.03995 Is spontaneous vortex generation in superconducting 4Hb-TaS$_2$ from vison-vortex nucleation with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological order? (arXiv)

    65. 2208.03655 Strain Disorder and Gapless Intervalley Coherent Phase in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (bilayer Graphene, arXiv)

    66. 2208.03906 Quasiparticle excitations in a one-dimensional interacting topological insulator: Application for dopant-based quantum simulation (arXiv)

    67. 2208.03913 Temperature and Field Dependence of Ferromagnetic Magnon in Monolayer Honeycomb Spin Lattice (arXiv)

    68. 2208.04119 Deep Machine Learning Reconstructing Lattice Topology with Strong Thermal Fluctuations (arXiv)

    69. PhysRevB.106.054409 Suppression of ferromagnetism and influence of disorder in silicon-substituted ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{6}{\mathrm{Ge}}{4}$ (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.L081106 Non-Fermi liquid induced by Bose metal with protected subsystem symmetries (YBKim, PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.L081107 Charge density waves in kagome-lattice extended Hubbard models at the van Hove filling (kagome, PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.075117 Strongly correlated electrons in superconducting islands with fluctuating Cooper pairs (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.085112 Structural origins of the low-temperature orthorhombic to low-temperature tetragonal phase transition in high-${T}_{c}$ cuprates (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.L060503 Orbital-induced crossover of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase into Abrikosov-like states (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.L081104 Exotic physical properties in metallic perovskite ${\mathrm{LaRuO}}_{3}$: Strong evidence for Hund metal (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.L081105 Excitations of the ferroelectric order (PRB)

    77. 2208.02830 Superconductivity of repulsive spinless fermions with sublattice potentials (arXiv)

    78. 2208.02997 Field-controlled quantum anomalous Hall effect in electron-doped CrSiTe$_{ 3 }$ monolayer: a first-principles prediction (arXiv)

    79. 2208.03148 Quantum critical spin-liquid-like behavior in S = 1/2 quasikagome lattice CeRh1-xPdxSn investigated using muon spin relaxation and neutron scattering (Ce, arXiv)

    80. correl22 2022 Beyond DMFT: Spin Fluctuations, Pseudogaps and Superconductivity (DMFT, arXiv)

    81. 2208.03198 Novel magnetic excitations beyond the single- and double-magnons (arXiv)

    82. 2208.03255 Interfacial phase frustration stabilizes unconventional skyrmion crystals (npj QMs Dagotto, arXiv)

    83. 2208.03287 Screening in a two-band model for superconducting infinite-layer nickelate (nickelate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Aug 1st week collection
    1. 2208.02795 Quarter Magnetization Plateau of Triplet Spin Dimers in the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice (arXiv)

    2. 2208.02619 On the stability of Laughlin’s fractional quantum Hall phase (arXiv)

    3. 2208.02601 Electronic and structural properties of crystalline and amorphous (TaNbHfTiZr)C from first principles (arXiv)

    4. 2208.02510 Field-induced spin reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetic ring-shaped spin chains (arXiv)

    5. 2208.02479 Electric field control of anomalous Hall effect in CaIrO$_3$/CaMnO$_3$ heterostructure (arXiv)

    6. 2208.02385 Anisotropic magnetotransport properties coupled with spiral spin modulation in a triangular-lattice magnet EuZnGe (arXiv)

    7. 2208.02339 A hybrid Monte Carlo study of bond-stretching electron-phonon interactions and charge order in the bismuthate family of superconductors (arXiv)

    8. 2208.02275 RKKY to Kondo crossover in Helical Edge of a Topological Insulator (arXiv)

    9. 2208.02456 Spin and charge density waves in the quasi-one-dimensional KMn6Bi5 (arXiv)

    10. 2208.02392 Strong-Coupling Superconductivity with $T_c$ $\sim$ 10.8 K Induced by P Doping in the Topological Semimetal Mo$_5$Si$_3$ (arXiv)

    11. 2208.02285 Pair density wave facilitated by Bloch quantum geometry in nearly flat band multiorbital superconductors (arXiv)

    12. 2208.00058 Magnetic skyrmions under confinement (arXiv)

    13. 2208.02211 A microscopic Kondo lattice model for the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeIn$_3$ (arXiv)

    14. 2208.02195 Electronic excitations and spin interactions in chromium trihalides from embedded many-body wavefunctions (arXiv)

    15. 2208.02110 Skyrmion and vortex crystals in the Hubbard model (Hayami, arXiv)

    16. 2208.01904 Unusual thermal Hall effect in the 3$d$ cobalt Kitaev system $Na_2Co_2TeO_6$ (arXiv)

    17. 2208.01768 Response of the chiral soliton lattice to spin polarized currents (arXiv)

    18. 2208.01754 Magnetic Toroidal Moment under Partial Magnetic Order in Hexagonal Zigzag-Chain Compound Ce$_3$TiBi$_5$ (arXiv)

    19. 2208.02155 Element-specific probe of quantum criticality in $\mathrm{CeCoIn_{5}}$ (Ce, arXiv)

    20. 2208.01831 Phase diagrams on composition-spread Fe$y$Te${1-x}$Se$_x$ films (arXiv)

    21. 2208.01652 Bulk-Vortex Correspondence of Higher-Order Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

    22. 2208.00197 Transformations from stripy states to skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

    23. 2208.01628 Fine structure of flat bands in a chiral model of magic angles (arXiv)

    24. 2208.01566 A simplified approach to the magnetic blue shift of Mott gaps (arXiv)

    25. 2208.01550 Fluctuating Fractionalized Spins in Quasi Two-dimensional Magnetic V0.85PS3 (arXiv)

    26. 2208.01546 Dynamic charge Kondo effect and a slave fermion approach to the Mott transition (arXiv)

    27. 2208.01318 Spin-Orbital States and Strong Antiferromagnetism of Layered Eu$_2$SrFe$_2$O$_6$ and Sr$_3$Fe$_2$O$_4$Cl$_2$ (arXiv)

    28. 2208.01280 Twenty Years of Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo in Quantum Chemistry: An Overview and Assessment on Main Group Chemistry and Bond-Breaking (arXiv)

    29. 2208.01279 Melting of spin ice state and development of fifth order susceptibility with magnetic field in pyrochlore Tb2Sn2O7 (arXiv)

    30. 2208.01276 Unravelling the signatures of effective spin 1/2 moments in CeVO4: Magnetization and Heat Capacity study (arXiv)

    31. 2208.01173 Solvable Periodic Anderson Model with Infinite-Range Hatsugai-Kohmoto Interaction: Ground-states and beyond (arXiv)

    32. 2208.01052 Monopole-fermion scattering and varying Fock space (arXiv)

    33. 2208.01499 Observation of electronic nematicity driven by three-dimensional charge density wave in kagome lattice KV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

    34. 2208.00938 Possible zero sound in layered perovskites with ferromagnetic $s$-$d$ exchange interaction (arXiv)

    35. 2208.00936 Hot spots along the Fermi contour of high-$T_c$ cuprates analyzed by $s$-$d$ exchange interaction (arXiv)

    36. 2208.00642 Direct observation of quantum anomalous vortex in Fe(Se,Te) (arXiv)

    37. 2208.01032 Engineering SYK interactions in disordered graphene flakes under realistic experimental conditions (arXiv)

    38. 2208.00995 On the nature of quasiparticle interference in three dimensions (arXiv)

    39. 2208.00939 Interacting second-order topological insulators in one-dimensional fermions with correlated hopping (arXiv)

    40. 2208.00827 Unifying semiclassics and quantum perturbation theory at nonlinear order (arXiv)

    41. 2208.00756 Effect of magnetism and phonons on localized carriers in ferrimagnetic kagome metals GdMn$_6$Sn$_6$ and TbMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    42. 2208.00730 Field-theoretic functional renormalization group formalism for non-Fermi liquids and its application to the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal in two dimensions (arXiv)

    43. 2208.00631 Correlation-driven organic 3D topological insulator with relativistic fermions (arXiv)

    44. s41586-022-04947-z Quantized current steps due to the a.c. coherent quantum phase-slip effect (Nature)

    45. science.abo3382 Observation of a continuous time crystal (Science)

    46. PhysRevB.106.064407 ${\mathrm{MN}}_{4}$ embedded graphene layers: Tunable decay rate of the RKKY interaction (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.085406 Sub- to super-Poissonian crossover of current noise in helical edge states coupled to a spin impurity in a magnetic field (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.064408 flatspin: A large-scale artificial spin ice simulator (PRB)

    49. PhysRevLett.129.067402 Strain-Induced Exciton Hybridization in ${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ Monolayers Unveiled by Zeeman-Splitting Measurements (PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.129.063902 Floquet Quadrupole Photonic Crystals Protected by Space-Time Symmetry (PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.129.063603 $N$-Body Interactions between Trapped Ion Qubits via Spin-Dependent Squeezing (PRL)

    52. PhysRevLett.129.060501 Hamiltonian Engineering with Multicolor Drives for Fast Entangling Gates and Quantum Crosstalk Cancellation (PRL)

    53. PhysRevB.106.075109 Quantum phase transitions from competing short- and long-range interactions on a $\ensuremath{\pi}$-flux lattice (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.054408 First- and second-order magneto-optical effects and intrinsically anomalous transport in the two-dimensional van der Waals layered magnets $\mathrm{Cr}XY (X=\mathrm{S},\mathrm{Se},\mathrm{Te};Y=\mathrm{Cl},\mathrm{Br},\mathrm{I})$ (PRB)

    55. s41567-022-01638-4 Skyrmion-antiskyrmion pair creation and annihilation in a cubic chiral magnet (Nature Physics)

    56. PhysRevB.106.064403 Neutron diffraction in ${\mathrm{MnSb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$: Magnetic and structural domains in a helicoidal polar magnet with coupled chiralities (PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.106.064401 Engineering spin-orbit effects and Berry curvature by deposition of a monolayer of Eu on ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.106.L081101 Dirac nodal lines and nodal loops in the topological kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.L060502 Little-Parks oscillation and $\mathrm{d}$-vector texture in spin-triplet superconducting rings with bias current (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.085103 Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in Ti-doped ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ studied by ellipsometry (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.075107 Many-body localization transition in a frustrated XY chain (PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.054503 Full superconducting gap in the candidate topological superconductor ${\mathrm{In}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Pb}}{x}\mathrm{Te}$ for $x=0.2$ (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.054407 Observation of topological ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ vortex fluctuations in the frustrated Heisenberg magnet ${\mathrm{NaCrO}}{2}$ (PRB)

    64. PhysRevLett.129.067001 Evidence for a Square-Square Vortex Lattice Transition in a High-${T}_{c}$ Cuprate Superconductor (PRL)

    65. PhysRevLett.129.066801 Fully Tunable Longitudinal Spin-Photon Interactions in Si and Ge Quantum Dots (PRL)

    66. PhysRevX.12.031022 Topological Multipartite Entanglement in a Fermi Liquid (PRX)

    67. PhysRevB.106.L081401 In-plane epitaxy-strain-tuning intralayer and interlayer magnetic coupling in ${\mathrm{CrSe}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{CrTe}}{2}$ monolayers and bilayers (PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.085102 Coexistence of multifold and multidimensional topological phonons in ${\mathrm{KMgBO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.085101 Ground states and dynamical properties of the $S>1/2$ quantum Heisenberg model on the 1/5-depleted square lattice (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.064502 Superconductivity near a quantum critical point in the extreme retardation regime (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.064501 Dynamical magnetic response in superconductors with finite-momentum pairs (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.054502 Theory of superconductivity mediated by topological phonons (PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.054403 Higher-order topological phases of magnons protected by magnetic crystalline symmetries (PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.054402 Lee-Yang theory of the two-dimensional quantum Ising model (PRB)

    75. PhysRevLett.129.067202 Angular Momentum Transfer via Relativistic Spin-Lattice Coupling from First Principles (PRL)

    76. PhysRevB.106.054303 Topological edge-state contributions to high-order harmonic generation in finite flakes (PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.106.075114 Continuous ferromagnetic quantum phase transition on an anisotropic Kondo lattice (PRB)

    78. PhysRevB.106.085109 Bulk-edge correspondence in the trimer Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.085202 Theory of shift heat current and its application to electron-phonon coupled systems (PRB)

    80. science.abo2542 Bioadhesive ultrasound for long-term continuous imaging of diverse organs (ultrasound, Science)

    81. s41586-022-04940-6 Practical quantum advantage in quantum simulation (quantum simulation, Nature)

    82. s41586-022-04855-2 Magnetic memory and spontaneous vortices in a van der Waals superconductor (TaS2, Nature)

    83. PhysRevApplied.18.014074 Reservoir Computing with Spin Waves in a Skyrmion Crystal (Mochizuki, Physical Review Applied)

    84. 2207.14697 Flipping of antiferromagnetic to superconducting states in pressurized quasi-one-dimensional manganese-based compounds (arXiv)

    85. 2207.14773 Anisotropic magneto-transport properties of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    86. 2207.14596 Local density of state fluctuations in 2d multifractal superconductor (Disorder, arXiv)

    87. 2207.13725 Ubiquitous Spin Freezing in the Superconducting State of UTe2 (arXiv)

    88. 2207.13889 Identifying $s$-wave pairing symmetry in single-layer FeSe from topologically trivial edge states (arXiv)

    89. 2207.14050 Spin-polarized supercurrent through the van der Waals Kondo lattice ferromagnet Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ (Kondo-van-der-Waals, arXiv)

    90. 2207.14359 Low-energy plasmon excitations in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv)

    91. 2207.14412 Antiferromagnetic order in Co-doped Fe$_5$GeTe$_2$ probed by resonant magnetic x-ray scattering (arXiv)

    92. 2207.13748 The Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition: an introduction for the intrepid student (XYmodel, arXiv)

    93. 2207.14129 Magnetic properties of CrSnS3: A new Van der Waals ferromagnet (Cr, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 5 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.106.035153 Second-order and real Chern topological insulator in twisted bilayer $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-graphyne (PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.106.035154 Phonon-induced modification of quantum criticality (QCP, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.045148 Unoccupied topological surface state in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.045149 Bulk localized transport states in infinite and finite quasicrystals via magnetic aperiodicity (PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.035151 Evidence for electronic signature of a magnetic transition in the topological magnet HoSbTe (Hasan, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.035149 Signature of parity anomaly in the measurement of optical Hall conductivity in quantum anomalous Hall systems (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.035150 Magnetic band representations, Fu-Kane-like symmetry indicators, and magnetic topological materials (PRB)

    8. 119 A Tiny Photonic Nose Captures Odor Fingerprints (Physics)

    9. PhysRevX.12.031020 Skyrmions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Stability, Pairing, and Crystallization (PRX)

    10. PhysRevLett.129.056401 Charge Density Wave Order and Fluctuations above ${T}{\mathrm{CDW}}$ and below Superconducting ${T}{c}$ in the Kagome Metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.129.056403 Effective Model for Fractional Topological Corner Modes in Quasicrystals (PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.129.056601 Antisymmetric Seebeck Effect in a Tilted Weyl Semimetal (PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.129.056804 Topological Phases in AB-Stacked ${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$: ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Topological Insulators, Chern Insulators, and Topological Charge Density Waves (PRL)

    14. PhysRevB.106.035156 Microscopic origin of magnetism in monolayer $3d$ transition metal dihalides (PRB)

    15. 2207.13201v1 Anderson-Higgs mass of magnons in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor systems (arxiv)

    16. 2207.13221 Multimodal synchrotron X-ray diffraction across the superconducting transition of Sr$_{0.1}$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ (arXiv)

    17. 2207.13272 The breakdown of both strange metal and superconducting states at a pressure-induced quantum critical point in iron-pnictide superconductors (arXiv)

    18. 2207.13293 Cobalt-dimer Nitrides – a Potential Novel Family of High Temperature Superconductors (JPHu, arXiv)

    19. 2207.13633 Electronic structure and correlations in planar trilayer nickelate Pr4Ni3O8 (arXiv)

    20. 2207.13105 Competing quantum spin liquids, gauge fluctuations, and anisotropic interactions in a breathing pyrochlore lattice (YBKim, arXiv)

    21. 2207.13152 Mott-moir\‘e excitons (arXiv)

    22. 2207.13349 Phase diagram of correlated $SU(N)$ Dirac fermions on square lattice with plaquette interaction (arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.106.014421 Creating arbitrary sequences of mobile magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.014522 Manipulation of Majorana-Kramers qubit and its tolerance in time-reversal invariant topological superconductor (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.024520 Strong increase in ultrasound attenuation below ${T}{c}$ in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$: Possible evidence for domains (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.L041117 Phonon modulated hopping polarons: $x$-representation technique (PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.014520 Twisted multilayer nodal superconductors (PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.035428 Unified formulations for RKKY interaction, side Kondo behavior, and Fano antiresonance in a hybrid tripartite quantum dot device with filtered density of states (Kondo, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.045422 Chiral detection of Majorana bound states at the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator (PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.L041116 Gate-tunable heavy fermion quantum criticality in a moir\‘e Kondo lattice (Kondo, PRB)

    31. 2207.12414 Electron pairs bound by the spin-orbit interaction in 2D gated Rashba materials with two-band spectrum (arXiv)

    32. 2207.12410 Flat band and Lifschitz transition in long-range ordered supergraphene obtained by Erbium intercalation (arXiv)

    33. 2207.12425 Anomalous Shiba states in topological iron-based superconductors (arXiv)

    34. 2207.12595 $Ab$ $initio$ material design of Ag-based oxides for high-$T_c$ superconductor (arXiv)

    35. 2207.12820v1 Loop currents in $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ kagome metals: multipolar and toroidal magnetic orders (arxiv)

    36. 2207.12434 Creating and controlling Dirac fermions, Weyl fermions, and nodal lines in the magnetic antiperovskite Eu$_3$PbO (arXiv)

    37. 2207.12476 Circular stripe domains and cone state vortices in disk-shaped exchange coupled magnetic heterostructures (arXiv)

    38. 2207.12562 Fluctuation of Chern Numbers in a Parametric Random Matrix Model (Chern number fluctuation, arXiv)

    39. 2207.12708 Dynamics of spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$ model on the triangular lattice (J1J2 model, arXiv)

    40. 2207.13013 Flat-band-induced superconductivity in synthetic bilayer optical lattices (flatband, sarXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.106.014518 Revisiting flat band superconductivity: Dependence on minimal quantum metric and band touchings (Bernevig, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.014420 Nonlinear nonreciprocal transport in antiferromagnets free from spin-orbit coupling (Hayami, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.024204 Localization and multifractal properties of the long-range Kitaev chain in the presence of an Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper modulation (AAH, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.024517 Ubiquitous stripe phase and enhanced electron pairing in the interfacial high-${T}{c}$ superconductor FeSe/${\mathrm{BaTiO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.045138 Magnetic and electronic transitions in monolayer electride ${\mathrm{Gd}}_{2}\mathrm{C}$ induced by hydrogenation: A first-principles study (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.045139 Directly probing the chirality of Majorana edge states (majorana, PRB)

    47. 2207.11323 Multiband Superconductors: Two Characteristic Lengths for Each Contributing Condensate (arXiv)

    48. 2207.11468 Pair density wave and loop current promoted by van Hove singularities in moir\‘e systems (arXiv)

    49. 2207.11794 Robust Superconductivity in Quasi-One-Dimensional Multiband Materials (arXiv)

    50. 2207.11845 Superconductivity and hardness of the equiatomic high-entropy alloy HfMoNbTiZr (arXiv)

    51. 2207.11928 Topological characterization and stability of Floquet Majorana modes in Rashba nanowire (arXiv)

    52. 2207.12031 A Topological Kagome Metal Magnesium Triboride (MgB3, arXiv)

    53. 2207.12275 Superconductivity enhanced by pair fluctuations between wide and narrow bands (arXiv)

    54. 2207.11420 Nonreciprocal Transport in Noncoplanar Magnetic Systems without Spin-Orbit Coupling, Net Scalar Chirality, or Magnetization (arXiv)

    55. 2207.11480 Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in higher-order topological insulators (topological quantum transition, arXiv)

    56. 2207.11920 Correlation-driven electronic nematicity in the Dirac semimetal BaNiS2 (nematic, arXiv)

    57. 2207.11982 Quantum-critical conductivity of marginal Fermi-liquids (arXiv)

    58. 2207.12307 Superconductor–Insulator Transition in a non-Fermi Liquid (arXiv)

    59. 2207.12361 High-order nonlinear terahertz probing of the two-band superconductor MgB$_2$ (MgB2, arXiv)

    60. PhysRevB.106.L020404 Spin wave driven domain wall motion in easy-plane ferromagnets: A particle perspective (PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.106.035421 Skyrmion superconductivity: DMRG evidence for a topological route to superconductivity (Zaletel, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.106.014417 Rectification of the spin Seebeck current in noncollinear antiferromagnets (PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.106.014419 Feasibility of Kitaev quantum spin liquids in ultracold polar molecules (PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.106.024110 Domain switching dynamics in topological antiferroelectric vortex domains (SWCheong, PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.035145 One- and two-particle properties of the weakly interacting two-dimensional Hubbard model in proximity to the van Hove singularity (PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.035308 Topolectrical circuit realization of quadrupolar surface semimetals (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.045135 Construction of the spectral function from noncommuting spectral moment matrices (SBlugel, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.045137 Enhanced $d\text{\ensuremath{-}}p$ hybridization intertwined with anomalous ground state formation in the van der Waals itinerant magnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{5}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    69. 2207.10687 Vortex-enabled Andreev processes in quantum Hall-superconductor hybrids (SC-QHE, arXiv)

    70. 2207.10847 Unconventional superconductivity after the BCS paradigm and empirical rules for the exploration of high temperature superconductors (HHWen, arXiv)

    71. 2207.10863 Strong electron-phonon coupling and predicted highest known $T_{c}$ of MXenes revealed in 2H-Mo$_{2}$N under biaxial stress (arXiv)

    72. 2207.10932 Magnetotransport in overdoped La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$: effect of anisotropic scattering (arXiv)

    73. 2207.10981 Frustrated magnetic interactions in FeSe (arXiv)

    74. 2207.11180 Higher angular momentum pairing states in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ in the presence of longer-range interactions (arXiv)

    75. 2207.10875 Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Spintronics (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.031015 Quasi-Two-Dimensional Anomalous Hall Mott Insulator of Topologically Engineered ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=1/2$ Electrons (iridates, PRX)

    2. PhysRevLett.129.047602 Ferroelasticity in Two-Dimensional Tetragonal Materials (PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.106.035420 Magnus spin Hall and spin Nernst effects in gapped two-dimensional Rashba systems (PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.L020403 Antichiral order and spin reorientation transitions of triangle-based antiferromagnets (LBalents, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.014415 Quantifying spin Hall topological Hall effect in ultrathin ${\mathrm{Tm}}{3}{\mathrm{Fe}}{5}{\mathrm{O}}_{12}/\mathrm{Pt}$ bilayers (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.014516 Latent superconductivity at parallel interfaces in a superlattice dominated by another collective quantum phase (PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.106.014517 Nonrelativistic axion electrodynamics in $p+is$ superconductors (PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.106.024422 N\‘eel vector driven spin current in a van der Waals antiferromagnetic insulator (${\mathrm{CrCl}}_{3}$)/heavy metal (Pt) bilayer (Cr-based, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.106.024514 Coupling the Higgs mode and ferromagnetic resonance in spin-split superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.106.035307 Quantum third-order nonlinear Hall effect of a four-terminal device with time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.106.045132 Electric and chiral response to a pseudoelectric field in Weyl materials (Weyl, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.106.045133 Kondo entanglement in the quasi-two-dimensional heavy fermion compound ${\mathrm{CeSb}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.106.045206 Valley engineering electron-hole liquids in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.106.045420 Switching performance of optically generated spin current at the graphene edge (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.106.L020503 Strongly correlated crystalline higher-order topological phases in two-dimensional systems: A coupled-wire study (PRB)

    16. s41586-022-04864-1 Perpendicular full switching of chiral antiferromagnetic order by current (Mn3Sn, Nature)

    17. 2207.10103 Braiding with Supersymmetric Majorana Lattices (braiding, arXiv)

    18. 2207.10113 Higher-Order Topological Lattice Defects in Iron-based Superconductors (higher order defect, arXiv)

    19. 2207.10166 Spin singlet and quasiparticles excitations in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    20. 2207.10608 Incommensurate charge-stripe correlations in the kagome superconductor CsV$3$Sb${5-x}$Sn$_x$ (kagome, arXiv)

    21. 2207.10087 An intermediate-scale theory for electrons coupled to frustrated local-moments (RMoessner, arXiv)

    22. 2207.10099 Spin-Resolved Topology and Partial Axion Angles in Three-Dimensional Insulators (arXiv)

    23. 2207.10291 Evidence for electronic signature of magnetic transition in topological magnet HoSbTe (arXiv)

    24. 2207.10535 Competition between magnetic frustration and spin dimensionality in the ground state of the classical antiferromagnetic $n$-vector model with arbitrary $n$ (arXiv)

    25. PhysRevLett.129.046802 Anomalous Crystal Shapes of Topological Crystalline Insulators (PRL)

    26. PhysRevB.106.014107 Carbon and vacancy centers in hexagonal boron nitride (defect, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.106.035141 Cluster quantum Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional weakly coupled frustrated trimer antiferromagnets (breathing kagome, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.106.045129 Impact of electron-electron interactions on the thermoelectric efficiency of graphene quantum point contacts (PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.024420 Canted antiferromagnetic phases in the candidate layered Weyl material ${\mathrm{EuMnSb}}_{2}$ (magnetic Weyl, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.024421 Electronic chiralization as an indicator of the anomalous Hall effect in unconventional magnetic systems (chirality magnetic system, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.035417 Electronic and spintronic properties of Janus $M{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{x}{\mathrm{As}}_{y}$ ($M$ = Mo, W) monolayers (Janus, PRB)

    32. 2207.09492 The nature of visons in the perturbed ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Kitaev honeycomb models (arXiv)

    33. 2207.09549 The fate of topological frustration in quantum spin ladders and generalizations (frustration, arXiv)

    34. 2207.09698 Quantum phase transition between hyperuniform density distributions (arXiv)

    35. PhysRevLett.129.046402 Fermi Surface and Mass Renormalization in the Iron-Based Superconductor ${\mathrm{YFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ (PRL)

    36. PhysRevB.106.045126 Generalized fermion doubling theorems: Classification of two-dimensional nodal systems in terms of wallpaper groups (PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.106.035134 Planar magnetic texture on the surface of a topological insulator (magnetic TI, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.106.035137 Proximity effects in graphene on monolayers of transition-metal phosphorus trichalcogenides $M\mathrm{P}{X}_{3}$ $(M:\mathrm{Mn}, \mathrm{Fe}, \mathrm{Ni}, \mathrm{Co}, \mathrm{and} X: \mathrm{S}, \mathrm{Se})$ (PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.106.035138 Generalized Gibbs ensemble description of real-space entanglement spectra of $(2+1)$-dimensional chiral topological systems with SU(2) symmetry (PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.106.035139 Robust propagating in-gap modes due to spin-orbit domain walls in graphene (spin-orbit domain walls, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.106.045303 Longitudinal and transverse frictional drag in graphene/${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.106.014413 Dominant Kitaev interactions in the honeycomb materials ${\mathrm{Na}}{3}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{SbO}}{6}$ and ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.106.014514 Enhanced superconductivity in ${\mathrm{CuH}}_{2}$ monolayers (hydride, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.106.014515 Sensitivity of superconducting states to the impurity location in layered materials (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.106.035136 First-principles study on the magnetic and electronic properties of the high-pressure orthorhombic phase of MnSe (PRB)

    46. 2207.09017 Interacting Majorana fermion model with spontaneous symmetry breaking and topological order: exact ground state with intertwined spin and pairing orders (majorana, arXiv)

    47. 2207.09443 Topological Superconductivity From Forward Phonon Scatterings (arXiv)

    48. 2207.08840 Chiral spin chain interfaces as event horizons (arXiv)

    49. 2207.08851 Fresnel-Floquet theory of light-induced terahertz reflectivity amplification in Ta2NiSe5 (arXiv)

    50. 2207.08895 Anomalous Hall metal and fractional Chern insulator in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (LiangFu, arXiv)

    51. 2207.08969 Evidences for magnetic dimers and skyrmion lattice formation in Eu$_2$Pd$_2$Sn (skyrmion, arXiv)

    52. 2207.09297 Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    53. 2207.09308 Flat optical conductivity in topological kagome magnet TbMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

    54. 2207.09449 Correlated Fractional Dirac Materials (fractional Dirac, rXiv)

    55. PhysRevLett.129.047001 Gapped Collective Charge Excitations and Interlayer Hopping in Cuprate Superconductors (PRL)

    56. PhysRevLett.129.043902 Photonic ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Topological Anderson Insulators (PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.129.047601 Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene as a Topological Heavy Fermion Problem (Bernevig, PRL)

    58. PhysRevB.106.024419 Large Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and field-free topological chiral spin states in two-dimensional alkali-based chromium chalcogenides (Cr, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.106.035132 Small moments without long-range magnetic ordering in the zero-temperature ground state of the double perovskite iridate ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{YIrO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.106.L020502 Preformed Cooper pairs in flat-band semimetals (flat SC, PRB)

    61. s98 A Conceptual Cousin for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Physics)

    62. 2207.07962v1 Conservation of the particle-hole symmetry in the pseudogap state in optimally-doped Bi2Sr2CuO6+{\delta} superconductor (cuprate, arxiv)

    63. 2207.08068 Charge-loop current order and Z3 nematicity mediated by bond-order fluctuations in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A=Cs,Rb,K) (kagome Kontani, arXiv)

    64. 2207.08243 Metallicity in the Dissipative Hubbard-Holstein Model: Markovian and Non-Markovian Tensor-Network Methods for Open Quantum Many-Body Systems (arXiv)

    65. 2207.08442 Pressure tuning domain-wall chirality in noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlGe (Ce, arXiv)

    66. 2207.08528 Ginzburg-Landau surface energy of multiband superconductors: Derivation and application to selected systems (arXiv)

    67. 2207.08594 Multifractally-enhanced superconductivity in two-dimensional systems with spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

    68. 2207.08772 Josephson Diode Effect in High Mobility InSb Nanoflags (arXiv)

    69. 2207.07661 Microscopic theory of multi-stage Fermi surface reconstruction in heavy fermion systems with quartet multipolar local moments (YBKim, arXiv)

    70. 2207.07725v1 Preparing Valence-Bond-Solid states on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (arxiv)

    71. 2207.07926 Estimation of the on-site Coulomb potential 1 and covalent state in La2CuO4 by muon spin rotation 2 and density functional theory calculations (arXiv)

    72. 2207.08008 Mott transition, Widom line, Frenkel line and pseudogap in the half-filled triangular lattice Hubbard model (arXiv)

    73. 2207.08161 Field-linear anomalous Hall effect and Berry curvature induced by spin chirality in the kagome antiferromagnet Mn3Sn (BinghaiYan, arXiv)

    74. 2207.08228 Topological states in double monolayer graphene (arXiv)

    75. 2207.08381 Persistence of correlation-driven surface states in SmB6 under pressure (SBSeo, sarXiv)

    76. 2207.08744v1 Kondo destruction and fixed-point annihilation in a Bose-Fermi Kondo model (arxiv)

    77. 2207.08802v1 Variation of carrier density in semimetals via short-range correlation: a case study with nickelate NdNiO$_2$ (arxiv)

    78. PhysRevB.106.035127 Modeling magnetic multipolar phases in density functional theory (PRB)

    79. PhysRevB.106.014105 Displacement field splitting of defective hexagonal lattices (PRB)

    80. PhysRevB.106.014106 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in classical and quantum long-range systems (PRB)

    81. PhysRevB.106.014412 Field-driven side-by-side magnetic domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetic nanostrips (PRB)

    82. PhysRevB.106.014511 Hot-lines topology and the fate of the spin resonance mode in three-dimensional unconventional superconductors (Trembly, PRB)

    83. PhysRevB.106.024308 Rayleigh waves and cyclotron surface modes of gyroscopic metamaterials (PRB)

    84. PhysRevB.106.024418 A-type antiferromagnetic order in semiconducting ${\mathrm{EuMg}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}$ single crystals (PRB)

    85. PhysRevB.106.024511 Interplay of finite-energy and finite-momentum superconducting pairing (PRB)

    86. PhysRevB.106.035125 Electric field and strain-induced band-gap engineering and manipulation of the Rashba spin splitting in Janus van der Waals heterostructures (Janus Rashba, PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.106.035126 Enhanced tunneling magnetoresistance and spin filtering in perovskite magnetic tunnel junctions via oxygen octahedral tilting (PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.106.035129 Persistent exchange splitting in the chiral helimagnet ${\mathrm{Cr}}{1/3}{\mathrm{NbS}}{2}$ (PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.106.045121 Magnetic dilution effect and topological phase transitions in $({\mathrm{Mn}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Pb}}{x}){\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBiTe4, PRB)

    90. PhysRevB.106.045417 Correlated disorder induced anomalous transport in magnetically doped topological insulators (PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.106.L020402 Free energy of twisting spins in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (LBalents, PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.106.L041111 Giant nonlinear Hall effect in strained twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    93. physics Steps toward Quantum Gravity in a Realistic Cosmos (Physics)

    94. 2207.07191 Soft-phonon and charge-density-wave formation in nematic BaNi$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    95. 2207.07424 Pseudogap Suppression by Competition with Superconductivity in La-Based Cuprates (arXiv)

    96. 2207.07637 High-temperature superconductivity in hydrides (arXiv)

    97. 2207.07127 Quantum Hall valley Ferromagnets as a platform for topologically protected quantum memory (arXiv)

    98. 2207.05276 Non-Abelian topological defects and strain mapping in 2D moire materials (PKim, arXiv)

    99. 2207.07133 Thermodynamic characteristic for correlated flat-band system with quantum anomalous Hall ground state (arXiv)

    100. 2207.07375 Engineering a skyrmion crystal in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers free from the DM interaction (Hayami, arXiv)

    101. 2207.07448 The magnetic dynamics of NiPS$_3$ (spin wave, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.031010 Generation of High-Resolution Handwritten Digits with an Ion-Trap Quantum Computer (PRX)

    2. PhysRevB.106.045120 Tuning the electronic band structure in a kagome ferromagnetic metal via magnetization (kagome, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.106.024415 Dynamics of magnetic skyrmions driven by a temperature gradient in a chiral magnet FeGe (skyrmion, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.106.035124 Surface and electronic structure at atomic length scales of the nonsymmorphic antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Eu}}{5}{\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{6}$ (nonsymmorphic antiferromagnet, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.106.045119 Two pairs of topological Shockley surface bands in the ternary compound ${\mathrm{SnSb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.106.045414 Orbital polarization and third-order anomalous Hall effect in $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    7. 106 Quantum-Aided Machine Learning Shows Its Value (Physics)

    8. 2207.06747 Superconductivity of high-entropy-alloy-type transition-metal zirconide (Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Ga)Zr2 (HEA, arXiv)

    9. 2207.06443 Random Magnetic Field and the Dirac Fermi Surface (arXiv)

    10. 2207.06476 Chiral Kondo Lattice in Doped MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$ Bilayers (Cano, arXiv)

    11. 2207.06501 Jahn-Teller states mixed by spin-orbit coupling in an electromagnetic field (arXiv)

    12. 2207.06588 Finite-temperature properties of extended Nagaoka ferromagnetism (arXiv)

    13. 2207.06621 NaCo2(SeO3)2(OH): Competing Magnetic Ground States of a New Sawtooth Structure with 3d7 Co2+ Ions (arXiv)

    14. 2207.06969 Revisiting the magnetic and crystal structure of multiferroic KNiPO$_4$ (multiferroic, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevX.12.031009 Topological Chiral and Nematic Superconductivity by Doping Mott Insulators on Triangular Lattice (PRX)

    16. PhysRevLett.129.036801 Chern Number Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Monolayer Transitional Metal Oxides via Manipulating Magnetization Orientation (PRL)

    17. PhysRevB.106.045117 Renormalized magic angles in asymmetric twisted graphene multilayers (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.106.L041110 From observations to complexity of quantum states via unsupervised learning (PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.106.024413 Thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev-Heisenberg system with spin-phonon coupling (thermal Hall, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.106.035413 Identifying Majorana vortex modes via nonlocal transport (JMoore, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.106.014411 Electric and magnetic properties of higher-spin Kondo-Heisenberg models at strong coupling (PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.106.045118 Electronic and optical properties of a hexagonal boron nitride monolayer in its pristine form and with point defects from first principles (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.106.024411 Scattering phenomena for spin transport in a Kitaev spin liquid (scattering, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.106.035122 Theoretical analysis of single-ion anisotropy in ${d}^{3}$ Mott insulators (PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.106.035414 Probing Majorana modes via local spin dynamics (majorana, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.106.045203 Spin accumulation in the spin Nernst effect (PRB)

    27. s96 The Brains and Brawn Behind Splitting Water (Physics)

    28. 2207.05788 Twistronics of Janus transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (arXiv)

    29. 2207.05857 Nonlinear nonreciprocal transport in antiferromagnets free from spin-orbit coupling (Hayami, arXiv)

    30. 2207.05862 Stability of Skyrmion Crystal Phase in Centrosymmetric Distorted Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnets (Hayami, arXiv)

    31. 2207.06040 Quantum many-body scars of spinless fermions with correlated hopping in higher dimensions (arXiv)

    32. 2207.06138 Magnetic-field induced melting of long-range magnetic order in Tb5Si3: A possible case for Kitaev physics (RKKY superexchange, arXiv)

    33. 2207.06099 How to detect higher order Van Hove singularities in multi-band Hamiltonians in practice (vanHove, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevLett.129.037703 Readout of Parafermionic States by Transport Measurements (parafermion, PRL)

    35. PhysRevB.106.L041109 Quantum criticality using a superconducting quantum processor (JMoore, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.045116 Quantization of topological indices in critical chains at low temperatures (PRB)

    37. PhysRevX.12.031008 Amplification of Superconducting Fluctuations in Driven ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{6+x}$ (cuprate, PRX)

    38. PhysRevLett.129.037204 Disorder, Low-Energy Excitations, and Topology in the Kitaev Spin Liquid (kitaev, PRL)

    39. PhysRevB.106.045115 Differential entropy per particle as a probe of van Hove singularities and flat bands (PRB)

    40. 2207.05313 Quantum phase transition in magnetic nanographenes on a lead superconductor (arXiv)

    41. 2207.05593 Metal Borohydrides as high-$T_{c}$ ambient pressure superconductors (arXiv)

    42. 2207.05232 Coexistence of the Charge-Density-Wave Phase in the Photo-Induced Metallic Phase in 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

    43. 2207.05246 Incommensurate charge density wave on multiband intermetallic systems exhibiting competing orders (incommensurate, arXiv)

    44. 2207.05571 Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material (hexatic, arXiv)

    45. 2207.05606 Incommensurate and multiple-$\boldsymbol{q}$ magnetic misfit order in the frustrated quantum spin ladder material antlerite, Cu$_3$SO$_4$(OH)$_4$ (incommensurate & frustration, arXiv)

    46. 2207.05052 An Entanglement-Complexity Generalization of the Geometric Entanglement (AKLT, arXiv)

    47. PhysRevB.106.014408 Symmetry breaking in magnetoresistive devices (device, PRB)

    48. PhysRevX.12.031007 Nonzero Momentum Requires Long-Range Entanglement (PRX)

    49. PhysRevB.106.014508 Supercurrent-induced topological phase transitions (Yanase, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.045114 Antiferromagnetic ordering of organic Mott insulator $\ensuremath{\lambda}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{(\text{BEDSe-TTF})}{2}{\mathrm{GaCl}}{4}$ (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.035118 Bulk and surface electronic structure of ${\mathrm{MnPSe}}_{3}$ revealed by photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.L020401 Unbiased identification of the Griffiths phase in intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides by using Lee-Yang zeros (PRB)

    53. 2207.04094 Destruction of surface states of ($d_{zx}+id_{yz}$)-wave superconductor by surface roughness: application to Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    54. 2207.04205 Superconductivity in bilayer $t$-$t’$ Hubbard models (arXiv)

    55. 2207.04388 Tunable Kondo screening and interlayer hybridization effects in infinite-layer nickelates (Kondo, arXiv)

    56. 2207.04405 Competition between spin ordering and superconductivity near the pseudogap boundary in La2-xSrxCuO4: insights from NMR (arXiv)

    57. 2207.04414 Violation of the Pauli-Clogston limit in a heavy Fermion superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$ –Duality of itinerant and localized 4f electrons– (Ce, arXiv)

    58. 2207.04287 Imaging the itinerant-to-localized transmutation of electrons across the metal-to-insulator transition in V$_2$O$_3$ (arXiv)

    59. 2207.04365 Semimetallic spin-density wave state in iron pnictides (arXiv)

    60. 2207.04795 Quasi-molecular electronic structure of the spin-liquid candidate Ba$_3$InIr$_2$O$_9$ (van Den Brink, arXiv)

    61. 2207.05045 Emergence of highly bond-dependent anisotropic magnetic interactions in Sr$_4$RhO$_6$: a theoretical study (arXiv)

    62. PhysRevLett.129.030501 Realization of an Error-Correcting Surface Code with Superconducting Qubits (PRL)

    63. PhysRevLett.129.037201 Dynamical Anyon Generation in Kitaev Honeycomb Non-Abelian Spin Liquids (PRL)

    64. PhysRevB.106.014406 Physical properties of MnSi at extreme doping with Co: Quantum criticality (MnSi, PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.106.035116 Origin of circular dichroism in resonant elastic x-ray scattering from magnetic and polar chiral structures (PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.106.045111 Fractional electromagnetic response in a three-dimensional chiral anomalous semimetal (PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.106.035112 Competing emergent Potts orders and possible nematic spin liquids in the kagome ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{3}$ Heisenberg model (Potts order, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.106.035115 Strong modulation limit of excitons and trions in moir\‘e materials (PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.106.045302 Universal transparency and asymmetric spin splitting near the Dirac point in HgTe quantum wells (PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.106.045411 Stacking-dependent exciton multiplicity in ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ bilayers (PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.106.014405 Curvilinear spin-wave dynamics beyond the thin-shell approximation: Magnetic nanotubes as a case study (PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.106.035113 Thermal Hall responses in frustrated honeycomb spin systems (Morimoto, PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.106.035114 Magnetic moire surface states and flat Chern bands in topological insulators (flat Chern, PRB)

    74. PhysRevB.106.024405 Nonlinear spin Hall effect in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric collinear magnets (PRB)

    75. PhysRevB.106.024406 Frustration-induced diffusive scattering anomaly and dimension change in ${\mathrm{FeGe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.106.L041108 Nonreciprocal optics and magnetotransport in Weyl metals as signatures of band topology (PRB)

    77. physics Error-Correcting Surface Codes Get Experimental Vetting (Physics)

    78. 2207.03633 Supercurrent non-reciprocity and vortex formation in superconductor heterostructures (SCDiode, arXiv)

    79. 2207.03547 Anomalous transport in itinerant van der Waals ferromagnets Fe$_n$GeTe$_2$ (\emph{n}=3, 4, 5) (arXiv)

    80. 2207.03786 Ground-state phase diagram of spin-$S$ Kitaev-Heisenberg models (arXiv)

    81. 2207.03877 Light-induced magnetization driven by interorbital charge motion in a spin-orbit assisted Mott insulator alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

    82. 2207.04020 Strong uniaxial pressure dependencies evidencing spin-lattice coupling and spin fluctuations in Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ (spin-lattice, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.106.014203 Momentum signatures of site percolation in disordered two-dimensional ferromagnets (PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.106.024507 Acoustic-phonon-mediated superconductivity in moireless graphene multilayers (DasSarma, PRB)

    3. 2207.02973v1 Optical absorption measurement of spin Berry curvature and spin Chern marker (arXiv)

    4. 2207.02991 Effects of the surface termination and oxygen vacancy positions and on LaNiO$_{3}$ ultra-thin films: First-principles study (arXiv)

    5. 2207.03141 Exciton-assisted low-energy magnetic excitations in a photoexcited Mott insulator on the square lattice (arXiv)

    6. 2207.03161 An Electronic Nematic Liquid in BaNi$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    7. 2207.03316 Magneto-optical conductivity in the type-I and type-II phases of multi-Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

    8. 2207.03322 From the Integer to the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene (arXiv)

    9. 2207.03377 Quantifying Electron Entanglement Faithfully (arXiv)

    10. 2207.03387 Bonding and Electronic Nature of the Anionic Framework in LaPd$_3$S$_4$ (arXiv)

    11. 2207.03289 Phonon softening and slowing down of charge-density-wave fluctuations in BaNi$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

    12. PhysRevLett.129.027203 Controllable Emergent Spatial Spin Modulation in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ by In Situ Shear Strain (iridates, PRL)

    13. PhysRevB.106.035111 Microscopic theory of superconducting phase diagram in infinite-layer nickelates (PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.106.024404 Tracking the evolution from isolated dimers to many-body entanglement in ${\mathrm{NaLu}}{x}{\mathrm{Yb}}{1\text{\ensuremath{-}}x}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.106.045108 One-dimensional Rashba states with unconventional spin texture in Bi chains (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.106.045406 Electrical and thermal transport in a twisted heterostructure of transition metal dichalcogenide and ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ connected to a superconductor (PRB)

    17. s92 Quantum-Dot Qubits Kept Under Control (Physics)

    18. science.abh4273 Stranger than metals (Science)

    19. s41586-022-04851-6 Topologically protected magnetoelectric switching in a multiferroic (Nature)

    20. 2207.02240 Drude-like Thermal Hall Resistivity in the Cuprates (William, arXiv)

    21. 2207.02407 Testing Electron-phonon Coupling for the Superconductivity in Kagome Metal $\rm{CsV_3Sb_5}$ (kagome, arXiv)

    22. 2207.02806 Moire Engineering of Nonsymmorphic Symmetries and Hourglass Superconductors (nonsymmorphic, arXiv)

    23. 2207.02383 Anisotropic exchange coupling and ground state phase diagram of Kitaev compound YbOCl (Kitaev, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.129.027002 Charge and Spin Order Dichotomy in ${\mathrm{NdNiO}}_{2}$ Driven by the Capping Layer (nickelate, PRL)

    25. PhysRevB.106.024505 Pseudogap phase and fractionalization: Predictions for Josephson junction setup (PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.129.027001 High-Throughput Investigations of Topological and Nodal Superconductors (PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.129.027401 Phonon-Limited Valley Polarization in Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

    28. PhysRevB.106.014504 Pairs, trimers, and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: Sawtooth lattice (flat, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.106.014506 Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally noncentrosymmetric ${\mathrm{LaRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ single crystals (La Ce, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.106.045405 Anomalous Bloch oscillation and electrical switching of edge magnetization in a bilayer graphene nanoribbon (PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.106.L020501 Magnetically textured superconductivity in elemental rhenium (rhenium, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.106.L041103 Mechanical control of physical properties in the van der Waals ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ via application of electric current (PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.106.L041104 Role of correlated hopping in the many-body physics of flat-band systems: Nagaoka ferromagnetism (flat, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.106.035107 Temperature-linear resistivity in twisted double bilayer graphene (PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.106.035403 Intrinsic valley-related multiple Hall effect in the two-dimensional organometallic lattice of NbTa-benzene (PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.106.L041102 Acoustic phonon dispersion of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (RuCl3, PRB)

    37. 2207.01774 Hyperbolic fringe signal for twin impurity quasiparticle interference (arXiv)

    38. 2207.01904 Two-stage superconductivity in the Hatsugai-Kohomoto-BCS model (arXiv)

    39. 2207.00284 Spin-hedgehog-derived electromagnetic effects in itinerant magnets (arXiv)

    40. 2207.01638 Topological Mott Insulator at Quarter Filing in the Interacting Haldane Model (arXiv)

    41. 2207.01846 Observation of enhanced spin-spin correlations at triple point in 2D ferromagnetic Cr2X2Te6 (X=Si, Ge) (arXiv)

    42. 2207.01866 Gapped electron liquid state in the symmetric Anderson lattice - Kondo insulator state (Kondo, arXiv)

    43. 2207.02188 Counter-rotating spiral, zigzag, and 120$^\circ$ orders from coupled-chain analysis of Kitaev-Gamma-Heisenberg model, and relations to honeycomb iridates (Kee, arXiv)

    44. PhysRevX.12.031002 Translational Covariance of Flexoelectricity at Ferroelectric Domain Walls (PRX)

    45. PhysRevB.106.014101 High-pressure control of optical nonlinearity in the polar Weyl semimetal TaAs (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.106.014502 Chiral superconductivity in ${\mathrm{UTe}}{2}$ via emergent ${C}{4}$ symmetry and spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.106.024503 Quasi-uniaxial pressure induced superconductivity in the stoichiometric compound ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.106.024504 Probing superconducting gap of the high-entropy alloy ${\mathrm{Ta}}{1/6}{\mathrm{Nb}}{2/6}{\mathrm{Hf}}{1/6}{\mathrm{Zr}}{1/6}{\mathrm{Ti}}_{1/6}$ via Andreev reflection spectroscopy (PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.106.035105 Higher-order topological semimetals and nodal superconductors with an order-two crystalline symmetry (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.106.045101 Anomalous Hall effect in the coplanar antiferromagnetic coloring-triangular lattice (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.106.045102 Resistivity anisotropy from the multiorbital Boltzmann equation in nematic FeSe (nematic, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.106.045103 Pair-density-wave superconductor from doping Haldane chain and rung-singlet ladder (PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.106.045403 Split-ring resonator coupling-induced tunable acoustic second-order topological insulators (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.106.L041401 Magnetic resonance of plasmonic modulation and switchable routing in gated graphene waveguides and their robustness and broadband tunability (PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.106.045404 Electromagnetic theory of double Fano resonances in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials (PRB)

    56. 2207.00783 Real-space pairing through a confined local nematic state in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

    57. 2207.00829 SU(2) gauge theory of the pseudogap phase in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (Hubbard model, arXiv)

    58. 2207.01226 Mechanism of Superconductivity: A Theory (arXiv)

    59. 2207.01515 Probing Majorana Bound States via Thermoelectric Transport (majorana, arXiv)

    60. 2207.01541 Evidence against superconductivity in flux trapping experiments on hydrides under high pressure (arXiv)

    61. 2207.00628 Valence Transition Theory of the Pressure-Induced Dimensionality Crossover in Superconducting Sr${14-x}$Ca$_x$Cu${24}$O$_{41}$ (arXiv)

    62. 2207.00629 Crystal growth and magnetic behavior of CeCl3 (Ce, arXiv)

    63. 2207.00789 Robust magnetic order upon ultrafast excitation of an antiferromagnet (arXiv)

    64. 2207.00854 A symmetry principle for gauge theories with fractons (arXiv)

    65. 2207.01120 Chiral surface spin textures in Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ unveiled by soft x-ray scattering in specular reflection geometry (arXiv)

    66. 2207.01359 Recipe for higher-order topology on the triangular lattice (Cano, arXiv)

    67. 2207.01416 Moire-driven multiferroic order in twisted CrCl$_3$, CrBr$_3$ and CrI$_3$ bilayers (Lado, arXiv)

    68. 2207.01471 Mottness in 2-dimensional van der Waals Nb$_3$X$_8$ (JPHu, arXiv)

    69. 2207.00266 Comparative study of the charge order in the undoped infinite-layer nickelate superconductors (arXiv)

    70. 2207.00483 Contribution of Collective Excitations to Third Harmonic Generation in Multiband Superconductors: the case of MgB$_2$ (MgB2, arXiv)

    71. 2207.00096 Magnetic order in a coherent two-dimensional Kondo lattice (arXiv)

    72. 2207.00145 Fully-gapped superconducting state in interstitial-carbon-doped Zr5Pt3 (arXiv)

    73. 2207.00184 Fingerprints of nematicity and competing orders in the infinite-layer nickelate (arXiv)

    74. 2207.00250 Ferromagnetic diagonal stripe states in the two-dimensional Hubbard model with $U\lesssim\infty$ (VMC, arXiv)

    75. 2207.00365 Superexchange and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Mono and Bilayer Chromium Trihalides (CrI3, arXiv)

    76. 2207.00382 Evolution of magnetic phase in two dimensional van der Waals Mn$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$PS$_3$ single crystals (arXiv)

    77. 2206.09347 Enhancement of spin mixing conductance by $s$-$d$ orbital hybridization in heavy metals (arXiv)

    78. 2207.00020 Nonsymmorphic Symmetry Protected Dirac, Mobius, and Hourglass Fermions in Topological Materials (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevX.12.031001 Field-Angle Dependence Reveals Odd-Parity Superconductivity in ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRX)

    2. PhysRevB.106.014501 Electronic structure and spin-lattice relaxation in superconducting vortex states on the kagome lattice near van Hove filling (kagome, PRB)

    3. s41586-022-04744-8 Ordered and tunable Majorana-zero-mode lattice in naturally strained LiFeAs (majorana lattice, Nature)

    4. 2206.14828 Majorana nanowires for topological quantum computation: A tutorial (Marra, arXiv)

    5. 2206.14937 Vortical versus skyrmionic states in the topological phase of a twisted bilayer with $d$-wave superconducting pairing (arXiv)

    6. 2206.14994 Spin Susceptibility of a J=3/2 Superconductor (arXiv)

    7. 2206.15196 Tailoring phase transition from topological superconductor to trivial superconductor induced by magnetic textures of a spin-chain on a $p$-wave superconductor (arXiv)

    8. 2206.15300 Single magnon excited states of a Heisenberg spin-chain using a quantum computer (arXiv)

    9. PhysRevLett.129.017202 Fractionalization on the Surface: Is Type-II Terminated $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ Surface an Anomalously Realized Spin Liquid? (PRL)

    10. PhysRevB.105.235145 Crucial role of out-of-plane Sb $p$ orbitals in Van Hove singularity formation and electronic correlations in the superconducting kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.105.245420 Two-gap superconductivity in a Janus MoSH monolayer (PRB)

    12. 2206.14210 Breakdown of heavy quasiparticles in a honeycomb Kondo lattice: a quantum Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

    13. PhysRevX.12.021068 Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study of Electron-Exciton Coupling in High-${T}_{c}$ Cuprates (PRX)

    14. PhysRevB.105.214438 Enhancement of spin-mixing conductance by $s\text{\ensuremath{-}}d$ orbital hybridization in heavy metals (PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.105.245153 Trigonal symmetry breaking and its electronic effects in the two-dimensional dihalides $M{X}{2}$ and trihalides $M{X}{3}$ (PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.105.214437 Commensuration effects on skyrmion Hall angle and drag for manipulation of skyrmions on two-dimensional periodic substrates (PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.105.224425 Understanding the $sp$ magnetism in substitutional doped graphene (PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.105.245150 Persistence of correlation-driven surface states in ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ under pressure (SBSeo, PRB)

    19. PhysRevX.12.021067 Interaction-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition with Charge Fractionalization (CenkeXu, PRX)

    20. PhysRevLett.129.017201 Low-Energy Excitations of Skyrmion Crystals in a Centrosymmetric Kondo-Lattice Magnet: Decoupled Spin-Charge Excitations and Nonreciprocity (Mochizuki, PRL)

    21. PhysRevB.105.235142 Orbital angular momentum driven anomalous Hall effect (OAM Bahramy, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.105.214525 Dispersive one-dimensional Majorana modes with emergent supersymmetry in one-dimensional proximitized superconductors via spatially modulated potentials and magnetic fields (PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.105.214310 Off-diagonal electron-phonon coupling effects on two-level system dynamics (PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.105.224423 Skyrmion crystal under ${D}_{3h}$ point group: Role of out-of-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Hayami, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.105.224424 Route towards stable homochiral topological textures in $A$-type antiferromagnets (PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.105.235204 Chiral phonons entangled with multiple Hall effects and unified convention for pseudoangular momentum in two-dimensional materials (SMurakami, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.105.235307 Van Hove singularity and Lifshitz transition in thickness-controlled Li-intercalated graphene (Li-Graphene, PRB)

    28. 2206.13537 One-dimensional topological superconductivity based entirely on phase control (arXiv.org)

    29. 2206.13682 Quantum geometric effect on Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity (Yanase, arXiv.org)

    30. 2206.14108 Trapped magnetic flux in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductors (arXiv.org)

    31. 2206.13484 Quantum interference in a superconductor-${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$-superconductor Josephson junction (arXiv.org)

    32. 2206.13567 Excitonic Chern insulator and kinetic ferromagnetism in MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$ moir\‘e bilayer (arXiv.org)

    33. 2206.13699 Magnetic molecular orbitals in MnSi (MnSi, arXiv.org)

    34. 2206.13826 Suppressed fluctuation as the origin of the static order in strained Sr2RuO4 (arXiv.org)

    35. 2206.14028 Fractons: gauging spin models and tensor gauge theory (arXiv.org)

    36. 2206.14101 Overlap of parafermionic zero modes at a finite distance (arXiv.org)

    37. 2206.12427 Nematic excitonic insulator in transition metal dichalcogenide moir\‘e heterobilayers (DasSarma, arXiv.org)

    38. 2206.13118 Field-Induced Magnetic States in the Metallic Rare-Earth Layered Triangular Antiferromagnet TbAuAl$_4$Ge$_2$ (MHLee, arXiv.org)

    39. 2206.13501 Topological and stacked flat bands in bilayer graphene with a superlattice potential (Cano, arXiv.org)

    40. PhysRevB.105.235138 Topological classification and diagnosis in magnetically ordered electronic materials (PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.105.235136 Unsupervised learning of interacting topological and symmetry-breaking phase transitions (PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.105.235141 Fluctuating spin-orbital texture of Rashba-split surface states in real and reciprocal space (PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.105.224316 Effects of critical correlations on quantum percolation in two dimensions (Ising, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.105.235139 Topological states in a dimerized system with staggered magnetic fluxes (PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.105.245140 Cu doping effects on the electronic structure of ${\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Cu}}{x}\mathrm{Se}$ (PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.105.L241411 Valley polarization transition in a two-dimensional electron gas (SJAhn, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.105.214111 Critical exponents of the Ising model in three dimensions with long-range power-law correlated site disorder: A Monte Carlo study (Ising, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.105.214433 Ground state of the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ triangular lattice Heisenberg-like antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Ba}}{3}{\mathrm{CoSb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$ in an out-of-plane magnetic field (triangular, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.105.224113 Crystal symmetry of stripe-ordered ${\mathrm{La}}{1.88}{\mathrm{Sr}}{0.12}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.105.224514 Van Hove singularity induced phonon-mediated superconductivity above 77 K in hole-doped ${\mathrm{SrB}}{3}{\mathrm{C}}{3}$ (van Hove singularity, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.105.245141 Spin-polarized sextuple excitations in ferromagnetic materials (PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.105.245142 Magnetic field induced topological transitions and thermal conductivity in a generalized Kitaev model (YBKim Kee,PRB)

    53. 2206.12122 Enhanced low-energy magnetic excitations evidencing the Cu-induced localization in an Fe-based superconductor Fe${0.98}$Te${0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$ (arXiv.org)

    54. 2206.12022 Traversing the pyrochlore stability diagram; microwave-assisted synthesis and discovery of mixed B-site Ln$_2$InSbO$_7$ family (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 4th week collection
    1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04706-0 Engineering topological states in atom-based semiconductor quantum dots (QD, Nature)

    2. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s84 Nanoquantization Fills Gap in Battery Technology (Physics)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021065 Observation of $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$-Valley Moir\‘e Bands and Emergent Hexagonal Lattice in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRX)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235134 Dynamical study of the origin of the charge density wave in $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{K}$, Rb, Cs) compounds (kagome, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224418 Magnetic hard-direction ordering in anisotropic Kondo systems (Kondo, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235133 Disorder effects on hot spots in electron-doped cuprates (Tremblay, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235135 Topological charge Fano effect in multi-Weyl semimetals (Fano, PRB)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11757 Gapless spin-excitations in the superconducting state of a quasi-one-dimensional spin-triplet superconductor (arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11304 Spin skyrmion gaps as signatures of intervalley-coherent insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (skyrmion gap, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11310 On the electronic ground state of two non-magnetic pentavalent honeycomb iridates (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11528 Quantum Many-Body Scars: A Quasiparticle Perspective (RMoessner, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11585 Crystallization of heavy fermions via epitaxial strain in spinel LiV${2}$O${4}$ thin film (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11666 Topological $p_x+ip_y$ inter-valley coherent state in Moir\‘e MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$ heterobilayers (KTLaw, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11788 Partial lifting of degeneracy in the $J_1-J_2-J_3$ Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11891 Hofstadter butterflies and metal/insulator transitions for moir\‘e heterostructures (moire, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10651 Designer Flat Bands: Topology and Enhancement of Superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10940 An improved smart meta-superconductor MgB2 (MgB2, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11028 Oxygen vacancy formation and electronic reconstruction in strained LaNiO$_3$ and LaNiO$_3$/LaAlO$_3$ superlattices (arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10631 Tunable spin and valley excitations of correlated insulators in $\Gamma$-valley moir\‘e bands (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10647 Field-induced Kitaev multipolar liquid in $d^{2}$ honeycomb Mott insulators (Kee, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.11018 Dynamical detection of mean-field topological phases in an interacting Chern insulator (arXiv.org)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214427 Low-energy excitations and magnetic anisotropy of the layered van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Ni}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214516 Eliashberg theory of the Jahn-Teller-Hubbard model (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214517 Superconductive materials with ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$-like structures from data-driven screening (MgB2, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245130 Constraints on the two-dimensional pseudospin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Mott insulator description of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245415 Flat-band plasmons in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L220404 Possible realization of the Majumdar-Ghosh point in the mineral szenicsite (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241408 Bloch oscillations in the magnetoconductance of twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09922 Enhanced superconductivity through virtual tunneling in Bernal bilayer graphene coupled to WSe$_2$ (Das Sarma, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10094 Theory of the magnetism in doped infinite-layer NdNiO2 (arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10215 Temperature dependent cloaking of the Quantum Griffiths Singularity in LaScO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ heterostructures (Griffiths, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08939 Deconfined criticalities and dualities between chiral spin liquid, topological superconductor and charge density wave Chern insulator (YHZhang, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09060 Skyrmion crystal under $D_{3h}$ point group: Role of out-of-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09176 Frustrations on decorated planar lattices in Ising model (arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09190 Dichroism in time-resolved ARPES and valence band orbital nature in BaNiS2 (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09369 Noncoplanar multi-k states in frustrated spinel and kagome magnets (kagome multi-k, arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08946 Tangle of Spin Double Helices in the Honeycomb Kitaev-$\Gamma$ Model (arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09897 Flat Bands Arising from Spin-Orbit Assisted Orbital Frustration (Nadini, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09915 Spontaneous magnetization of Kagome lattice in Ising model (kagome, arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10024 Magnetic ground states of honeycomb lattice Wigner crystals (arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10171 Tuning topological spin textures in size-tailored chiral magnet insulator particles (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10539 Cascade of transitions in twisted bilayer graphene – the Van Hove scenario (arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.10541 Two-component parton fractional quantum Hall state in graphene (arXiv.org)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.257201 Flexoresponses of Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Systems Hosting Skyrmions (PRL)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214421 Two-dimensional transition metal triborides: Monolayers with robust intrinsic magnetism and high spin stability (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214422 Microscopic origin of room-temperature ferromagnetism in the double perovskite ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{FeReO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214423 Machine learning techniques to construct detailed phase diagrams for skyrmion systems (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214424 Dynamical magnetoelectric coupling in axion insulator thin films (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214515 Thermal transport in two-dimensional nematic superconductors (nematic model, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224411 Skyrmion crystal with integer and fractional skyrmion numbers in a nonsymmorphic lattice structure with the screw axis (Hayami, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224412 Ising and XY paramagnons in two-dimensional $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224413 Band filling effects on the emergence of magnetic skyrmions: Pd/Fe and Pd/Co bilayers on Ir(111) (skyrmion band filling, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224510 Magnetoresistance oscillation study of the spin counterflow half-quantum vortex in doubly connected mesoscopic superconducting cylinders of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235128 Engineering magnetic topological insulators in ${\mathrm{Eu}}{5}{M}{2}{X}_{6}$ Zintl compounds (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235129 Impurities and other defects in correlated lattice electrons: Friedel oscillations and interference patterns (disorder, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235130 Weak electronic correlations in the kagome superconductor $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{K}$, Rb, Cs) (kagome, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235203 Spin splitting of the conduction band by exchange interaction in the valence band through a $k\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}p$ interband process in ferromagnetic semiconductors (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241111 Electronic states dressed by an out-of-plane supermodulation in the quasi-two-dimensional kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    59. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08385v1 Giant modulation of optical nonlinearity by Floquet engineering (JGPark, arxiv.org)

    60. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08710v1 Melting of magnetization plateaus for kagome and square-kagome lattice antiferromagnets (kagome, arxiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07730 Magnetic memory and spontaneous vortices in a van der Waals superconductor (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245124 Nearly flat bands in twisted triple bilayer graphene (PRB)

    2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04715-z Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene (Nature)

    3. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08045 Realization of a minimal Kitaev chain in coupled quantum dots (QD, arXiv.org)

    4. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08231 Pressure dependence of the magnetic ground state in CePtSi2 (Ce, arXiv.org)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08196 Tunable Ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 Epitaxial Thin Films (WSChoi, arXiv.org)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021060 Strong-Magnetic-Field Magnon Transport in Monolayer Graphene (graphene magnon, PRX)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245122 Interaction-enabled fractonic higher-order topological phases (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214108 Topological phase transitions of non-Abelian charged nodal lines in spring-mass systems (phonon, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224409 Soliton motion in skyrmion chains: Stabilization and guidance by nanoengineered pinning (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245123 Optical study of ${\mathrm{RbV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$: Multiple density-wave gaps and phonon anomalies (PRB)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07237 Detection of long-range entanglement in gapped quantum spin liquids by local measurements (Nandini, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07191 Interstitial-induced ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional Wigner crystal (SKivelson, arXiv.org)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235120 Realization of fractonic quantum phases in the breathing pyrochlore lattice (YBKim, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214106 Quantum metric tensor of the Dicke model: Analytical and numerical study (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214205 Estimating the Euclidean quantum propagator with deep generative modeling of Feynman paths (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235119 Large intrinsic spin Hall conductivity and spin Hall angle in the nodal-line semimetals ${\mathrm{ThAl}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{ThGa}}{2}$ (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235424 Magnetic domain wall dynamics under external electric field in bilayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07046 Corner and sublattice-sensitive Majorana zero modes on the kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06884 Influence of impurities on electronic structure in cuprate superconductors (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06503 Electron-phonon coupling strength from ab initio frozen-phonon approach (EPC, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06403 Long-range magnetic order in the anisotropic triangular lattice system CeCd3As3 (EDMun, arXiv.org)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214304 Dynamical properties of the magnetic topological insulator $T{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4} (T=\mathrm{Mn},\mathrm{Fe})$: Phonons dispersion, Raman active modes, and chiral phonons study (magnetic TI, PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214419 Spin Hall effect driven by the spin magnetic moment current in Dirac materials (spin Hall effect, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214510 Connection between the semiconductor-superconductor transition and the spin-polarized superconducting phase in the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235116 Magneto-Seebeck effect in bismuth (KBehnia, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245121 Structural instability and charge modulations in the kagome superconductor $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245408 Moir\‘e disorder effect in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05635 La$2$Rh${3+\delta}$Sb$_4$: A new ternary superconducting rhodium-antimonide (SC, arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06366 The two-dimensional metallic triangular lattice antiferromagnet CeCd3P3 (EDMun, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06272 Topological Defects in Floquet Circuits (topological defect, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06183 Phonon Thermal Hall Conductivity from Scattering with Collective Fluctuations (LBalents, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05756 Kagome lattice promotes chiral spin fluctuations (nagaosa, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05653 Electronic and magnetic properties of intermetallic Kagome magnets $R$V$_6$Sn$_6$ ($R$ = Tb - Tm) (arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05455 Development of long-range phase coherence on the Kondo lattice (YFYang, arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.06248 An efficient material search for room temperature topological magnons (topological magnon, arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05659 Synergistic interplay between Dirac fermions and long-wavelength order parameters in graphene-insulator heterostructures (graphene, arXiv.org)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.247201 Detection of Quantum Phase Boundary at Finite Temperatures in Integrable Spin Models (Quantum phase at finite T, PRL)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235112 Isolated fourfold fermion in BiTeI (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235421 Moir\‘e band structures of twisted phosphorene bilayers (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235422 Magnetic proximity induced valley-contrasting quantum anomalous Hall effect in a graphene-${\mathrm{CrBr}}_{3}$ van der Waals heterostructure (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L220401 Emerging two-dimensional magnetism in nonmagnetic electrides ${\mathrm{Hf}}_{2}X$ $(X=\text{S}, \mathrm{Se}, \mathrm{Te})$ (Hf, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224405 Phase degree of freedom and topology in multiple-$Q$ spin textures (YMotome, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224509 Steering Majorana braiding via skyrmion-vortex pairs: A scalable platform (TMeng, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235420 Anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in Kane fermions (kane fermion, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224403 Dynamic origin of conical helix magnetization textures stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235418 Generalized Peierls substitution for the tight-binding model of twisted graphene systems in a magnetic field (graphene Peierls substitution, PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245405 Spin Hall effect in two-dimensional InSe: Interplay between Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224404 Schwinger boson theory of ordered magnets (CDBatista, PRB)

    49. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04876v1 Correlated normal state fermiology and topological superconductivity in UTe2 (BJYang, arxiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04862 Unique quantum impurity states driven by a vortex in topological superconductors (arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04704 Quantum-well states at the surface of the heavy-fermion superconductor URu$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05264 Theory of Moire Magnets and Topological Magnons: Applications to Twisted Bilayer CrI3 (MJPark, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05261 Controllable Floquet edge modes in a multi-frequency driving system (SBLee, arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05121 Topological spiral magnetism in the Weyl semimetal SmAlSi (Topological spiral, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.236601 New Type of Anticommutative Dynamical Magnetoelectric Response (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245112 Flexoelectronic doping of degenerate silicon and correlated electron behavior (Si-metal bilayer, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214413 Reduced crystal symmetry as the origin of the ferroelectric polarization within the incommensurate magnetic phase of ${\mathrm{TbMn}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{5}$ (multiferroic, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214509 Number parity effects in the normal state of ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (STO, PRB)

    5. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abp9885 Quantum learning unravels quantum system (Science)

    6. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abq3754 Solving a puzzle with atomic qubits (Science)

    7. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn7293 Quantum advantage in learning from experiments (Science)

    8. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04678-1 Observation of Cooper pairs in a mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gas (Nature)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04288 Even-odd parity transition in strongly correlated locally noncentrosymmetric superconductors : An application to CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04309 Proximity-induced superconducting gap in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04080 Phonon-limited resistivity of multilayer graphene systems (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04163 Skyrmion crystal with integer and fractional skyrmion numbers in a nonsymmorphic lattice structure with the screw axis (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235105 Acoustic plasmons and conducting carriers in hole-doped cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214508 Nucleation of superconductivity in clean superconductor-ferromagnet hybrid structures with Rashba spin-orbit interaction (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245108 Switchable topological phase transition and nonlinear optical properties in a ${\mathrm{ReC}}_{2}\mathrm{H}$ monolayer (ReC2, PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245111 Pressure dependence of the magnetic ground state in ${\mathrm{CePtSi}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241107 Clarifying the apparent flattening of the graphene band near the van Hove singularity (graphene, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241404 Non-Abelian monopoles in the multiterminal Josephson effect (Monopole, PRB)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03910 Identification of a Nematic Pair Density Wave State in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (PDW, arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03731 Chiral anomaly induced magnetoconductances in an irradiated Type-I Weyl Semimetal (irradiation, arXiv.org)

    21. https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03707v1 Hedgehog lattice and field-induced chirality in breathing-pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnets (Hedgehog, arxiv.org)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.237401 Optical Signatures of Periodic Magnetization: The Moir\‘e Zeeman Effect (PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214411 Exchange interactions in ${d}^{5}$ Kitaev materials: From ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ to $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235408 Nonlinear magnetoconductivity in Weyl and multi-Weyl semimetals in quantizing magnetic field (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235409 Vanishing of the quantum spin Hall phase in a semi-Dirac Kane-Mele model (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245107 Role of spin-orbit coupling in canted ferromagnetism and spin-wave dynamics of ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245403 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in two-dimensional superconductors with arbitrary Fermi contours (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214409 Spin waves in layered antiferromagnets with honeycomb structure (spin wave, PRB)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03405 Observation of surface superconductivity in a three-dimensional Dirac material (surface SC, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03384 Hall anomaly by vacancies in pinned lattice of vortices: A quantitative analysis on the thin-film data of BSCCO (PingAo, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03042 Magnetic Hedgehog Lattice in a Centrosymmetric Cubic Metal (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02924 Anisotropic magnetic property of single crystals $R$V$_6$Sn$_6$ ($R$ = Y, Gd - Tm, Lu) (EDMun, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02808 Non-Fermi liquid behavior and quantum criticality in the multipolar Bose-Fermi Kondo model for cubic heavy fermion systems (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02943 Anomalous Transport Properties of Re$_3$Ge$_7$ (EDMun, arXiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.237001 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States in a Superconductor with Topological ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Bands (PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214408 Observation of magnetization surface textures of the van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ by spin Hall magnetoresistance (GBauer, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224304 Cumulant methods for electron-phonon problems. I. Perturbative expansions (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224305 Cumulant methods for electron-phonon problems. II. The self-consistent cumulant expansion (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245402 Nonthermal melting of charge density wave order via nucleation in ${\mathrm{VTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224303 Anharmonicity-induced phonon hardening and phonon transport enhancement in crystalline perovskite ${\mathrm{BaZrO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224402 Anisotropy-driven response of the fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice in ${\mathrm{MnSc}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{4}$ to applied magnetic fields (skyrmion, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235406 Quantum Yu-Shiba-Rusinov dimers (YSR, PRB)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02580 Bulk evidence of anisotropic $s$-wave pairing with no sign change in the kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02489 Classification of time-reversal symmetric topological superconducting phases for conventional pairing symmetries (arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02315 Three-dimensional energy gap and origin of charge-density wave in kagome superconductor KV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01783 Odd-frequency pairing and time-reversal symmetry breaking for repulsive interactions (chubukov, arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02251 Defect bulk-boundary correspondence of topological skyrmion phases of matter (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02388 Extracting electronic many-body correlations from local measurements with artificial neural networks (Lado, arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02219 Strain tuning the magnetic and transport properties of Mn$_3$Ge (arXiv.org)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214405 Ferrimagnetic spin waves in honeycomb and triangular layers of ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235405 In-plane optical phonon modes of current-carrying graphene (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214202 Initial state dependent dynamics across the many-body localization transition (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214505 Strong antiferromagnetic proximity coupling in the heterostructure superconductor ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{VO}}{3\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}\mathrm{FeAs}$ (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224102 Mechanical properties and their sensitivity to point defects: $(\mathrm{HfNbTaTiZr})\mathrm{C}$ high-entropy carbide (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224506 Odd-frequency pairing in a nonunitary $p$-wave superconductor with multiple Majorana fermions (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235104 Quantum embedding methods for correlated excited states of point defects: Case studies and challenges (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245102 Effective curved space-time geometric theory of generic-twist-angle graphene with application to a rotating bilayer configuration (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.245301 Chern insulator in a hyperbolic lattice (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L220202 Localization persisting under aperiodic driving (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241105 Closing the hybridization charge gap in the Kondo semiconductor ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ with an ultrahigh magnetic field (SmB6, PRB)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01363 First Observation of de Haas-van Alphen Effect and Fermi Surfaces in Unconventional Superconductor UTe2 (UTe2, arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01708 Critical magnetic fluctuations in the layered ruthenates Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ and Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (XY ruthenate, arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01392 Quasi-2D anomalous Hall Mott insulator of topologically engineered Jeff =1/2 electrons (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01353 Magnetic phase diagram of a 2-dimensional triangular lattice antiferromagnet Na$_2$BaMn(PO$_4$)$_2$ (SSLee, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01325 Skyrmion formation in Ni-based Janus dihalide monolayers: Interplay between magnetic frustration and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (skyrmion Janus dihalide, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01324 Magnetic dilution effect and topological phase transitions in (Mn$_{1-x}$Pb$_x$)Bi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jun 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.227204 Magnetoelectric Classification of Skyrmions (skyrmion, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214502 Enhancing ${T}_{\mathrm{c}}$ in a composite superconductor/metal bilayer system: A dynamical cluster approximation study (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224101 Strain manipulation of ferroelectric skyrmion bubbles in a freestanding ${\mathrm{PbTiO}}_{3}$ film: A phase field simulation (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235102 Hubbard model on the kagome lattice with time-reversal invariant flux and spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235103 Fermi surface and mass enhancement in the topological nodal-line semimetal NaAlSi (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235403 Circular dichroism as a probe for topology in three-dimensional semimetals (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L220201 Emergence of multiple localization transitions in a one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattice (PRB)

    8. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abm2842 Fractal photonic topological insulators (Fractal TI, Science)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01159 Analysis of the unconventional chiral fermions in a non-centrosymmetric chiral crystal $\textbf {PtAl}$ (PtAl, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00713 Green’s Function Approach to Interacting Higher-order Topological Insulators (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00673 Shot noise indicates the lack of quasiparticles in a strange metal (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00841 Axion mass in magnetic topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00690 Charge density wave and Weyl Semimetal phase in Y$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv.org)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021050 Hall Anomaly, Quantum Oscillations and Possible Lifshitz Transitions in Kondo Insulator ${\mathrm{YbB}}_{12}$: Evidence for Unconventional Charge Transport (PRX)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241102 Quantum geometry, flat Chern bands, and Wannier orbital quantization (flatband, PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241401 Nanoscale skyrmions on a square atomic lattice (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224503 Theory of superconductivity mediated by Rashba coupling in incipient ferroelectrics (STO, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.155126 Channel-selective non-Fermi liquid behavior in the two-channel Kondo lattice model under a magnetic field (YMotome, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L220301 Charged defects and phonon Hall effects in ionic crystals (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00483 Field-free superconducting diode effect in noncentrosymmetric superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers (arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00281 Coexistence of the charge density wave and superconductivity in 6R-TaS2 (arXiv.org)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00081 Phase-tunable electron transport assisted by odd-frequency Cooper pairs in topological Josephson junctions (arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00565 LiYbSe2: Frustrated Magnetism in a New Pyrochlore Lattice (arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00547 Schwinger boson theory of the J1,J2=J3 kagome antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00292 Transition between long and short-range helical orders in mixed B20 cubic helimagnets (arXiv.org)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00264 Pinch-points to half-moons and up in the stars: the kagome skymap (arXiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00077 Theory of Cuprate Pseudogap as Antiferromagnetic Order with Domain Walls (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00076 Exploring two-dimensional van der Waals heavy-fermion material: Data mining theoretical approach (arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00016 Microscopic origin of magnetism in monolayer $3d$ transition metal dihalides (arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00023 Dynamical conductivity of disordered quantum chains (Giamarchi, arXiv.org)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.224301 Acoustic Realization of Surface-Obstructed Topological Insulators (PRL)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.227201 Spiral Spin Liquid on a Honeycomb Lattice (spin liquid honeycomb, PRL)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214402 Bifurcation of a topological skyrmion string (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224401 Magnon valley thermal Hall effect in triangular-lattice antiferromagnets (magnon thermal Hall, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.224501 Theoretical prediction of superconductivity in monolayer ${\mathrm{B}}_{3}\mathrm{N}$ (PRB)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15995 Leggett Modes in Dirac Semimetals (Leggett mode, arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15355 Rare-Earth Control of the Superconducting Upper Critical Field in Infinite-Layer Nickelates (HYHwang, arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15961 Electric Field Controlled Mechanism for the Deflection of Skyrmions (arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15787 Anisotropy driven response of skyrmion lattice in MnSc$_2$S$_4$ to applied magnetic fields (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15559 Highly anisotropic magnetism in the vanadium-based kagome metal TbV6Sn6 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15927 Tunable Topological Dirac Surface States and Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Metal GdV${_6}$Sn${_6}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174442 Spin dynamics of the one-dimensional double chain spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{KNaCuP}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174520 Majorana fermion arcs and the local density of states of ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (SRaghu, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184114 Point defect formation energies in graphene from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo and density functional theory (graphene defect, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195156 Magnetic impurity as a local probe of the $U$(1) quantum spin liquid with spinon Fermi surface (PALee, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205144 Continuous phase transition from a chiral spin state to collinear magnetic order in a zigzag chain with Kitaev interactions (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201301 Higher-order topological phases on fractal lattices (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174309 Symmetry-enforced nodal cage phonons in ${\mathrm{Th}}{2}{\mathrm{BC}}{2}$ (topological phonon, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174437 Rectangular and square skyrmion crystals on a centrosymmetric square lattice with easy-axis anisotropy (Hayami, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174438 Spin-phonon and magnetoelectric coupling in oxygen-isotope substituted ${\mathrm{TbMnO}}_{3}$ investigated by Raman scattering (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184430 Exchange interactions and spin dynamics in the layered honeycomb ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (Nandini, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184431 Hydrostatic pressure effect on the Co-based honeycomb magnet ${\mathrm{BaCo}}{2}{({\mathrm{AsO}}{4})}_{2}$ (Co-based honeycomb, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184433 Noncubic local distortions and spin-orbit excitons in ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{IrCl}}{6}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184434 Magnon drag in a metal–insulating antiferromagnet bilayer (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184515 Proximity-induced superconducting gap in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (NbN-MTi, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195149 Intrinsic first- and higher-order topological superconductivity in a doped topological insulator (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195150 Emergent plasmonic excitations in Mexican-hat and bell-shaped bands of hybridized Dirac electrons in graphene/topological insulator heterostructures (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195206 Effect of liquidlike cations on electronic and defect properties of solid solutions of ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}\mathrm{Te}$ and ${\mathrm{Ag}}{2}\mathrm{Te}$ (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195439 Jacutingaite family: An efficient platform for coexistence of spin valley Hall effects, valley spin-valve realization, and layer spin crossover (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205207 Negative magnetoresistance and sign change of the planar Hall effect due to negative off-diagonal effective mass in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205436 Valley-resolved quantum anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetically proximitized monolayer ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180414 Inverse Faraday effect in Mott insulators (SZLin, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180415 Spin-orbit coupling induced ultrahigh-harmonic generation from magnetic dynamics (AManchon, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201408 Hyperbolic plasmons in massive tilted two-dimensional Dirac materials (PRB)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14445 Nonlinear optical responses in noncentrosymmetric superconductors (Yanase, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14227 Dynamic Phases and Reentrant Hall Effect for Vortices and Skyrmions on Periodic Pinning Arrays (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15302 Unifying Kitaev magnets, kagome dimer models and ruby Rydberg spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15262 Geometrical frustration versus Kitaev interactions in BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$ (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14802 Uniaxial ferromagnetism in the kagome metal TbV${_6}$Sn${_6}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15155 Skyrmion Helicity: Quantization and Quantum Tunneling Effects (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14075 Nonlinear $\sigma$-model for disordered systems with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13918 Strain Modulation Effects on the Topological Properties of a Chiral p-Wave Superconductor (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14063 Magnetic Ordering in GdAuAl$_4$Ge$_2$ and TbAuAl$_4$Ge$_2$: layered compounds with triangular lanthanide nets (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13788 Observation of {\Gamma}-valley moir\‘e bands and emergent hexagonal lattice in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13567 Observation of Universal Hall Response in Strongly Interacting Fermions (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 May 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 May 4th week collection
    1. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abm5734 Ferroelectricity in untwisted heterobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (Science)

    2. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13529 Triplet pairing mechanisms from Hund’s-Kondo models: applications to UTe${2}$ and CeRh${2}$As$_{2}$ (PColeman, arXiv.org)

    3. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13177 Theory of diode effect in d-wave superconductor junctions on the surface of topological insulator (Nagaosa, arXiv.org)

    4. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13382 Is the optical conductivity of heavy fermion strange metals Planckian? (arXiv.org)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13126 Observation of a multitude of correlated states at the surface of bulk 1T-TaSe$_2$ crystals (arXiv.org)

    6. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12979 Stranger than Metals (arXiv.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12965 Quantum topological phase transitions in skyrmion crystals (arXiv.org)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195145 Dirac nodal lines in the quasi-one-dimensional ternary telluride ${\mathrm{TaPtTe}}_{5}$ (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195146 Transport and spectroscopic signatures of a disorder-stabilized metal in two-dimensional frustrated Mott insulators (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195147 Revealing the effect of interstitial oxygen on the low-energy crystal electric field excitations of ${\mathrm{Pr}}^{3+}$ in $\mathit{214}$-nickelates (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205138 *Doped Mott insulator on a Penrose tiling (Penrose, PRB)**

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180507 Tuning the competition between superconductivity and charge order in the kagome superconductor $\mathrm{Cs}{({\mathrm{V}}{1\text{\ensuremath{-}}x}{\mathrm{Nb}}{x})}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174430 Strong magnetoelastic coupling in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}X$ ($X=\mathrm{Ge}$, Sn) (kagome, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174434 Effective decoupling of ferromagnetic sublattices by frustration in Heusler alloys (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174518 Diagnosis of pairing symmetry by vortex and edge spectra in kagome superconductors (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205135 Electronic and optical properties of crystalline nitrogen versus black phosphorus: A comparative first-principles study (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174433 Generation of twisted magnons via spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184426 Multifarious skyrmion phases on a trilayer triangular lattice (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195431 Strain-driven chiral phonons in two-dimensional hexagonal materials (chiral phonon, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195433 Nontrivial effect of out-of-plane acoustic phonon mode on limiting room temperature conductivity of ABA-stacked trilayer graphene (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174112 Chirality sensing employing parity-time-symmetric and other resonant gain-loss optical systems (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174435 Interplay of magnetic field and trigonal distortion in the honeycomb $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ model: Occurrence of a spin-flop phase (Kee, PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174519 Quasiparticle poisoning in trivial and topological Josephson junctions (DLoss, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184429 Hydrodynamics of interacting spinons in the magnetized spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ chain with a uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021046 Evidence for Realignment of the Charge Density Wave State in ${\mathrm{ErTe}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{TmTe}}{3}$ under Uniaxial Stress via Elastocaloric and Elastoresistivity Measurements (CDW, PRX)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.215901 Fluctuations in Heat Current and Scaling Dimension (PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217703 Colossal Orbital Edelstein Effect in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors (PRL)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12951 Coexisting superconductivity and charge-density wave in hydrogen-doped titanium diselenide via ionic liquid gating-induced protonation (TiSe2, arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12939 Superconducting diode effect due to magnetochiral anisotropy in topological insulator and Rashba nanowires (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12483 Constraints on the two-dimensional pseudo-spin 1/2 Mott insulator description of Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12954 Magnetic tuning of band topology evidenced by exotic quantum oscillations in the Dirac semimetal EuMnSb$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12678 Suppressed superexchange interactions in the cuprates by bond-stretching oxygen phonons (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12657 Hidden magnetic order on a kagome lattice for KV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217702 Sign Change of Spin-Orbit Torque in $\mathrm{Pt}/\mathrm{NiO}/\mathrm{CoFeB}$ Structures (spin-torque, PRL)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205134 Edge states in proximitized graphene ribbons and flakes in a perpendicular magnetic field: Emergence of lone pseudohelical pairs and pure spin-current states (JFabian, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174516 Optimal alloying in hydrides: Reaching room-temperature superconductivity in ${\mathrm{LaH}}_{10}$ (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184514 Electronic and topological properties of the van der Waals layered superconductor PtTe (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195140 Variational methods for contracting projected entangled-pair states (PEPS, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180413 Effect of intrinsic quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of anisotropic dipolar magnets (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174517 Rise and fall of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states in charge-conserving $s$-wave one-dimensional superconductors (YSR, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184306 Lattice dynamics and elastic properties of black phosphorus (BP, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205132 Emergent Weyl fermions in an orbital multipolar ordered phase (Weyl, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205429 Layered opposite Rashba spin-orbit coupling in bilayer graphene: Loss of spin chirality, symmetry breaking, and topological transition (PRB)

    44. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11959v1 Magnetic Interaction in Doped 2D Perovskite Cuprates with Nanoscale Inhomogeneity: Lattice Nonlocal Effects vs Superexchange (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11875 Competing magnetic phases in the frustrated spin-1/2 chain compound $\beta$-TeVO$_4$ probed by NMR (arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11542 Quenched random mass disorder in the large N theory of vector bosons (quenched disorder, arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11571 Flat bands and band touching from real-space topology in hyperbolic lattices (Buduchek, arXiv.org)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217202 Nonlocal Interactions in Moir\‘e Hubbard Systems (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195136 Temperature-driven reorganization of electronic order in ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (Kagome tem-evolution CDW pattern, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184110 Local multiplet formation around a single vacancy in graphene: An effective Anderson model analysis based on the block-Lanczos DMRG method (Yunoki, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184422 Topological metamagnetism: Thermodynamics and dynamics of the transition in spin ice under uniaxial compression (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205306 Optical absorption in two-dimensional materials with tilted Dirac cones (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180412 Another exact ground state of a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180505 Intrinsic and doping-enhanced superconductivity in monolayer $1H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$: Critical role of charge ordering and spin-orbit coupling (TaS2, PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180506 Dimensionality switching and superconductivity transition in dense $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{HfSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201114 Tailoring quadrupole topological insulators with periodic driving and disorder (quadrupole, PRB)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11462v1 Mott insulator state in a van der Waals flat-band compound (flatband, arxiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10903 Odd frequency pairing in a quantum critical metal (chubukov, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11383 Two-dimensional Kondo lattice in a TaS2 van der Waals heterostructure (TaS2, arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.11272 Mean-field Study of Antiferromagnetic and Antiferroquadrupolar Orderings in Tetragonal CeCoSi (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10876 Disorder-driven dissipative quantum criticality as a source of strange metal behavior (Disorder quatnum critical, arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10795 Observation of classical to quantum crossover in electron glass (arXiv.org)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021043 Low-Temperature Competing Magnetic Energy Scales in the Topological Ferrimagnet ${\mathrm{TbMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRX)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.210401 Observation of Massless and Massive Collective Excitations with Faraday Patterns in a Two-Component Superfluid (PRL)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.210502 Quantifying Qubit Magic with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Encoding (Bose quantum, PRL)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217402 Chiral Excitonics in Monolayer Semiconductors on Patterned Dielectrics (chiral exciton, PRL)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217701 Observation of Reentrant Correlated Insulators and Interaction-Driven Fermi-Surface Reconstructions at One Magnetic Flux Quantum per Moir\‘e Unit Cell in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.217201 Tunable Magnonic Chern Bands and Chiral Spin Currents in Magnetic Multilayers (PRL)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195134 Critical role of magnetic moments in heavy-fermion materials: Revisiting ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205427 Two-dimensional magnetoelectric multiferroics in a $\mathrm{MnSTe}/{\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ heterobilayer with ferroelectrically controllable skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180303 Chiral anomaly in noncentrosymmetric systems induced by spin-orbit coupling (HWLee, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174425 Annihilation dynamics of magnetic skyrmion lattice state under in-plane magnetic field and spontaneous recovery after field removal (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195135 Pressure-induced electronic transitions in samarium monochalcogenides (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205131 Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{NdNiO}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{CaCuO}}{2}$: A cluster DMFT study (AJMillis, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195133 Angular momentum invoked band inversions in mirror symmetry protected topological states (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195427 Direct $d\text{\ensuremath{-}}d$ hybridization mechanism for strong anisotropic carrier transport in layered ${\mathrm{Mo}}{2}{\mathrm{SBr}}{2}$ (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195428 Spin-orbit coupling in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayer flat bands (flatband, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205128 Giant spectral renormalization and complex hybridization physics in the Kondo lattice system ${\mathrm{CeCuSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195426 Orbital magnetization of Floquet topological systems (orbital floquet, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205126 Semiclassical magnetotransport including effects of Berry curvature and Lorentz force (PRB)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10352 Impact of Retardation in the Holstein-Hubbard Model: a two-site Calculation (Holstein model, arXiv.org)

    82. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10346 Determination of the charge transfer when tunneling into putative Majorana modes in individual vortices in FeTe${0.55}$Se${0.45}$ (majorana, arXiv.org)

    83. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10062 Effect of substrate spin-orbit coupling on the topological gap size of Shiba chains (arXiv.org)

    84. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10069 Topological superconductivity and Majorana states in low-dimensional systems (majorana, arXiv.org)

    85. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10039 Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity of an Organic Insulator beta’-EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2 (YMatsuda, arXiv.org)

    86. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09866 Topological properties of Dirac and Weyl semimetals (Burkov, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 May 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 May 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.206401 Fermi Surface Expansion above Critical Temperature in a Hund Ferromagnet (Arita, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.207002 Unveiling Unequivocal Charge Stripe Order in a Prototypical Cuprate Superconductor (cuprate, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195130 Edge magnetism in transition metal dichalcogenide nanoribbons: Mean field theory and determinant quantum Monte Carlo (edge magnetism, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174424 Nematicity and fractional magnetization plateaus induced by spin-lattice coupling in the classical kagome-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205124 Dynamical correlations in single-layer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    6. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abg9094 All topological bands of all nonmagnetic stoichiometric materials (Bernevig, Science)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09276 Ubiquitous Superconducting Diode Effect in Superconductor Thin Films (PALee, arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09207 Dynamical magnetic response in superconductors with finite momentum pairs (Akbari, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09557 In-Gap Band Formation in a Periodically Driven Charge Density Wave Insulator (CDW in-gap state, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09217 Optical Conductivity of the two dimensional Hubbard model: vertex corrections, emergent Galilean invariance and the accuracy of the single-site dynamical mean field approximation (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021041 Fractional Spin Excitations in the Infinite-Layer Cuprate ${\mathrm{CaCuO}}_{2}$ (cuprate, PRX)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184205 Generalized multifractality at the spin quantum Hall transition: Percolation mapping and pure-scaling observables (Percolation, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205122 Partially separated Majorana modes in a disordered medium (disorder Majorana, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205123 Interaction-induced quantum spin Hall insulator in the organic Dirac electron system $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\text{(BEDT-TSeF)}}{2}{\mathrm{I}}{3}$ (organic Dirac, PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174107 Resolving structural changes and symmetry lowering in spinel ${\mathrm{FeCr}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{4}$ (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174513 Superconductivity in black phosphorus and the role of dynamical screening (Phiilips, PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195126 Second-order magnetic responses in quantum magnets: Magnetization under ac magnetic fields (AJMillis, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195423 Delta-$T$ noise for weak tunneling in one-dimensional systems: Interactions versus quantum statistics (edge, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201405 Direct observation of moir\‘e flat-band breakdown at the edge of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (flatband, PRB)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09001 A finite element method for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity (finite element method SC, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08732 Higgs-Leggett mechanism for the elusive 6e superconductivity observed in Kagome vanadium-based superconductors (kagome, arXiv.org)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08563 Majorana-Weyl cones in ferroelectric superconductors (Ruhman, arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08828 The fate of density waves in the presence of a higher order van Hove singularity (arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08651 Magnetism and metal-insulator transitions in the Rashba-Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.08545 Interaction-driven Spontaneous Ferromagnetic Insulating States with Odd Chern Numbers (arXiv.org)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.206802 Coexistence of Robust Edge States and Superconductivity in Few-Layer Stanene (PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174511 Single-crystalline transition metal phosphide superconductor WP studied by Raman spectroscopy and first-principles calculations (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174422 Complex spin Hamiltonian represented by an artificial neural network (spin Hamiltonian NN, PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174512 Absence of superconductivity in micrometer-sized $\ensuremath{\varepsilon}$-NbN single crystals (SIT NbN, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184108 Engineering negative coupling and corner modes in a three-dimensional acoustic topological network (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195125 Infrared study of the layered magnetic insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{({\mathrm{Bi}}{0.07}{\mathrm{Sb}}{0.93})}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ at low temperatures (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195422 Moir\‘e band structures of the double twisted few-layer graphene (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201404 Magnetization-tuned topological quantum phase transition in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ devices (PRB)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07910 Phase diagram and magnetic excitation of J1-J3 Heisenberg model on the square lattice (arXiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.206601 Quantum-Critical Resistivity of Strange Metals in a Magnetic Field (CVarma, PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.206602 Phonon-Limited Mobility in $h$-BN Encapsulated $AB$-Stacked Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184420 Electronic and vibrational properties of bulk ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ from first-principles calculations (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195420 Reverse strain-induced snake states in graphene nanoribbons (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195421 Orbital Hall effect in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: From the intra-atomic approximation to the Bloch states orbital magnetic moment approach (citing paper, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205303 Nonlinear current response of Weyl semimetals to a strong dc-ac electric field in the ultraquantum regime (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201110 Quantum criticality and confinement in weak Mott insulators (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174509 Coupled Bogoliubov equations for electrons and phonons (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184418 Magnetization of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180408 Chirality of magnetic excitations in ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07718 Feedback of non-local $d_{xy}$ nematicity on the magnetic anisotropy in FeSe (nematicity, arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06816 Moir\‘e phonons and impact of electronic symmetry breaking in twisted trilayer graphene (Moire phonon, arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07806 Magneto-Transport Properties of Kagome Magnet TmMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174418 Three-dimensional sandglass magnet with non-Kramers ions (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174419 Screening effect in spin Hall devices (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184417 Source and origin of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a heavy-metal magnetic-insulator bilayer (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195122 Evolution of the electronic structure and correlations accompanied by suppression of itinerant ferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{({\mathrm{La}}{0.5}{\mathrm{K}}{0.5})}{x}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195417 Theory of competing charge density wave, Kekul\‘e, and antiferromagnetically ordered fractional quantum Hall states in graphene aligned with boron nitride (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205119 ${C}_{3}$ symmetry breaking metal-insulator transitions in a flat band in the half-filled Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205203 Thermoelectric transport of type-I, II, and III massless Dirac fermions in a two-dimensional lattice model (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205419 Thermal Hall response: Violation of gravitational analogs and Einstein relations (JPark ARoasch, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201109 Anomalous thermoelectric effects and quantum oscillations in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07107 Tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide to Interpreting Magnetic Susceptibility Data with the Curie-Weiss Law (Communications Physics)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06626v1 Pressure-induced superconductivity in weak topological insulator BiSe (Bi2Se3, arxiv.org)

    59. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06317v1 Tuning charge-density wave order and superconductivity in the kagome metals KV3Sb__(5-x)Sn_x and RbV3Sb_(5-x)Sn_x (kagome, arxiv.org)

    60. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06702v1 Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Antiferromagnetism (arxiv.org)

    61. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-022-00881-8 An open quantum systems approach to proton tunnelling in DNA (DNA quantum tunnelling, Communications Physics)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 May 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 May 2nd week collection
    1. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04030 Planckian behavior of cuprate superconductors: Reconciling the scaling of optical conductivity with resistivity and specific heat (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    2. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02859 Flat-band-based multifractality in the all-band-flat diamond chain (arXiv.org)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021037 Enhancing Generative Models via Quantum Correlations (PRX)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.197202 Observation of Spin Splitting Torque in a Collinear Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205117 Tailoring higher-order topological phases via orbital hybridization (HOT-phases, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174414 Insulating antiferromagnetism in VTe (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174417 Bulk and boundary quantum phase transitions in a square Rydberg atom array (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184303 Critical phonon frequency renormalization and dual phonon coexistence in layered Ruddlesden-Popper inorganic perovskites (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195121 Edge ${\mathbb{Z}}_{3}$ parafermions in fermionic lattices (Z3 parafermion, PRB)

    10. science.abn6376 Anomalous fluid flow in quantum systems (Ballistic-superdiffution-diffusion, Science)

    11. science.abk2397 Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion (Science)

    12. science.abk2400 Observing emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum magnet (Science)

    13. science.abk3195 Highly enhanced ferroelectricity in HfO2-based ferroelectric thin film by light ion bombardment (Science)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06264 The Aubry-Andre Anderson model: Magnetic impurities coupled to a fractal spectrum (AAAmodel, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05902 Role of local structural distortions on the origin of j=1/2 pseudo-spin state in sodium iridate (iridates, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05821 Exciton-Driven Renormalization of Quasiparticle Band Structure in Monolayer MoS2 (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05753 Diversity of states in a chiral magnet nanocylinder (SBlugel, arXiv.org)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.195301 Phase Coherence of Pairs of Cooper Pairs as Quasi-Long-Range Order of Half-Vortex Pairs in a Two-Dimensional Bilayer System (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205115 Spin-polarized Majorana zero modes in double zigzag honeycomb nanoribbons (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174411 Electric field control of magnons in magnetic thin films: Ab initio predictions for two-dimensional metallic heterostructures (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174413 Magnetic field–temperature phase diagrams for multiple-$Q$ magnetic ordering: Exact steepest descent approach to long-range interacting spin systems (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195119 Emergence of topological and trivial interface states in $\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ films coupled to ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195120 Kondo effect in Lieb’s minimal ferrimagnetic system on the T-shaped bipartite lattice (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174206 Lyapunov exponent, mobility edges, and critical region in the generalized Aubry-Andr\‘e model with an unbounded quasiperiodic potential (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184203 Nondiagonal disorder enhanced topological properties of graphene with laser irradiation (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184409 Violation of the magnonic Wiedemann-Franz law in the strong nonlinear regime (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184410 Randomness and frustration in a $S=\frac{1}{2}$ square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184411 Thermal and thermoelectric properties of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184412 Chiral-phonon-induced current in helical crystals (SMurakami, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184509 Thermodynamics of an exactly solvable model for superconductivity in a doped Mott insulator (Phillips, PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184510 Superconducting properties of the spin Hall candidate ${\mathrm{Ta}}_{3}\mathrm{Sb}$ with eightfold degeneracy (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205116 Slow crystalline electric field fluctuations in the Kondo lattice ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05233 No nematicity at the onset temperature of the pseudogap phase in the cuprate superconductor YBCO (Taillefer, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05225 Hierarchy of Symmetry Breaking Correlated Phases in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195305 Characterization of dot-specific and tunable effective $g$ factors in a GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dot single-hole device (g-factors QD, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174410 Strongly anisotropic electronic and magnetic structures in oxide dichlorides ${\mathrm{RuOCl}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{OsOCl}}{2}$ (Janus square lattice, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195117 Chirality-induced spin filtering in pseudo Jahn-Teller molecules (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201202 Spin accumulation without spin current (GTatara, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184105 Embedded topological semimetals (Hughes, PRB)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.05172 Keldysh space control of charge dynamics in a strongly driven Mott insulator (Keldysh, PRL)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04991 Synthesis of Heavy Fermion CeCoIn5 Thin Film via Pulsed Laser Deposition (JKim, arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04975 Study on Superconducting Properties of Heavy-Fermion CeIrIn5 Thin Films grown via Pulsed Laser Deposition (JKang, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04907 Fermiology and Origin of Tc Enhancement in a Kagome Superconductor Cs(V1-xNbx)3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04902 Carrier Injection and Manipulation of Charge-Density Wave in Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04960 Road to zero-field antiferromagnetic skyrmions in a frustrated AFM/FM heterostructure (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04950 Electronic band structure of Ti2O3 thin films studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04727 Spectra of a Gapped Quantum Spin Liquid with a Strong Chiral Excitation on the Triangular Lattice (gapped QSL, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04582 Charge density wave in kagome lattice intermetallic ScV6Sn6 (kagome, arXiv.org) Fig. 4 : CDW types in kagome

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.197201 Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions (Mn3Sn, PRL)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184407 Multiple ferroic orders and toroidal magnetoelectricity in the chiral magnet ${\mathrm{BaCoSiO}}_{4}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195115 Unsupervised learning of topological phase diagram using topological data analysis (BJYang, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205111 Comparison of the charge-crystal and charge-glass state in geometrically frustrated organic conductors studied by fluctuation spectroscopy (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174204 Two parameter scaling in the crossover from symmetry class BDI to AI (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184104 Topological network and valley beam splitter in acoustic biaxially strained moir\‘e superlattices (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184507 Enhanced Seebeck coefficient through magnetic fluctuations in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ru}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{M}{x}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ ($M=$ Co, Mn) (ruthenate, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205110 Doped Mott insulators in the triangular-lattice Hubbard model (doping DMRG, PRB)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04458 Electrical switching of a moir\‘{e} ferroelectric superconductor (arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.03836 Spin interaction and magnetism in cobaltate Kitaev candidate materials: an $ab$ $initio$ and model Hamiltonian approach (kitaev, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.03924 First-principles evidence of type-II Weyl phonons in rock-salt Tin Chalcogenides (SnS, SnSe & SnTe) materials (Weyl phonon, arXiv.org)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021032 Direct Detection of V-V Atom Dimerization and Rotation Dynamic Pathways upon Ultrafast Photoexcitation in ${\mathrm{VO}}_{2}$ (PRX)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174403 Spin dynamics and continuum spectra of the honeycomb ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{2}$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195112 Valley-dependent topological phase transition and quantum anomalous valley Hall effect in single-layer RuClBr (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174105 Charge density waves in monolayer and few-layer ${\mathrm{NbS}}_{2}$ and phase modulation by doping, thickness, and temperature (NbS2 M phonon, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174404 Multiferroic materials based on transition-metal dichalcogenides: Potential platform for reversible control of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmion via electric field (skyrmion, PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174407 Mutual conversion between a magnetic N\‘eel hopfion and a N\‘eel toron (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184406 Generalized model of magnon kinetics and subgap magnetic noise (Yaroslav, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195113 Theory of phonon instabilities in Weyl semimetals at high magnetic fields (phonon, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205414 Modeling of second sound in carbon nanostructures (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201108 Many-body energy invariant for $T$-linear resistivity (T-linear, PRB)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.03002v1 A disorder-sensitive emergent vortex phase identified in high-Tc superconductor (Li,Fe)OHFeSe (arxiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02859 Flat-band-based multifractality in the all-band-flat diamond chain (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 May 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 May 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021031 Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect from Inverted Charge Transfer Gap (QAHE, PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.180201 Machine Learning Hidden Symmetries (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.186001 Low-Pressure Electrochemical Synthesis of Complex High-Pressure Superconducting Superhydrides (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.187202 Electron Spin Resonance of the Interacting Spinon Liquid (ESR, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.187402 Keldysh Space Control of Charge Dynamics in a Strongly Driven Mott Insulator (PRL)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174507 Quasiparticle density of states and triplet correlations in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator structures across a sharp domain wall (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184506 Band crossover and magnetic phase diagram of the high-${T}{c}$ superconducting compound ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195107 Minimally entangled typical thermal state algorithms for finite temperature Matsubara Green functions (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195108 Non-Abelian bosonization in a $(3+1)$-d Kondo semimetal via quantum anomalies (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195110 Giant efficiency for charge-to-spin conversion via the electron gas at the ${\mathrm{LaTiO}}{3+\ensuremath{\delta}}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ interface (Rashba, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195303 Clean quantum point contacts in an InAs quantum well grown on a lattice-mismatched InP substrate (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195409 Valley transport driven by dynamic lattice distortion (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195410 Electrically tunable magnetism and unique intralayer charge transfer in Janus monolayer MnSSe for spintronics applications (Janus, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195412 Curved-space Dirac description of elastically deformed monolayer graphene is generally incorrect (curved graphene, PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205410 Interplay of boundary states of graphene nanoribbons with a Kondo impurity (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180403 Damped Dirac magnon in the metallic kagome antiferromagnet FeSn (magnon, PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201106 Half-quantized Hall effect and power law decay of edge-current distribution (Half-quantum Hall edge, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201107 Competing orders and cascade of degeneracy lifting in doped Bernal bilayer graphene (PRB)

    19. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s59 Spinon Collisions Glimpsed in a Model Quantum System (Physics)

    20. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04513-7 Imaging tunable quantum Hall broken-symmetry orders in graphene (Nature)

    21. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04514-6 One-dimensional Luttinger liquids in a two-dimensional moire lattice (Nature)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04520-8 Observation of chiral and slow plasmons in twisted bilayer graphene (Nature)

    23. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04643-y Virtual communication curbs creative idea generation (Nature)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02280 A Rigorous Formalism of Unconventional Symmetry Breaking in Fermi Liquid Theory and Its Application to Nematicity in FeSe (nematic, arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02784 Symmetries as the guiding principle for flattening bands of Dirac fermions (flatband, arXiv.org)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02709 $\mathbb{Z}_2$ metallic spin liquid on a frustrated Kondo lattice (YFYang, arXiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02476 Quantum spin liquid phase in the Shastry-Sutherland model detected by an improved level spectroscopic method (arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02470 Decisive Roles of Intersite Coulomb Interactions in Charge Ordered Systems (arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02285 Statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02262 Thermal and thermoelectric properties of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.185301 Symmetric Mass Generation in the $1+1$ Dimensional Chiral Fermion 3-4-5-0 Model (Juwen, PRL)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174303 Interband magnon drag in ferrimagnetic insulators (Arakawa, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184505 Mechanism of skyrmion condensation and pairing for twisted bilayer graphene (skyrmion, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195104 Fate of pairing and spin-charge separation in the presence of long-range antiferromagnetism (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195105 Magnetic ordering and topology in ${\mathrm{Mn}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{5}$ and ${\mathrm{Mn}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{5}$ van der Waals materials (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195106 Detecting and braiding higher-order Majorana corner states through their spin degree of freedom (majorana, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195408 First-principles study of bilayer polymeric manganese phthalocyanine (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205104 Anomalous thermal Hall effect and anomalous Nernst effect of ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205408 Emergent optical plasmons at the surface of a doped three-dimensional topological insulator (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205409 Spin relaxation, Josephson effect, and Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconducting bilayer graphene (Denis, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L180503 Field theoretical study of disorder in non-Hermitian topological models (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201401 Negative critical currents in single-channel Josephson junctions (negative critical current, PRB)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.02198 Thermal Transport in 2D Nematic Superconductors (nematic, arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00239 $\textit{Ab initio}$ Materials Design of Superconductivity in $d^9$ Nickelates (Arita, arXiv.org)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021029 Chiral Spin Liquid Ground State in ${\mathrm{YBaCo}}{3}{\mathrm{FeO}}{7}$ (chiral spin liquid, PRX)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.187201 Imaging Topological Defects in a Noncollinear Antiferromagnet (PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.186802 Topological Space-Time Crystal (PRL)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174506 Quenched randomness, thermal fluctuations, and reentrant superconductivity: Application to ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (SRaghu, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201102 Doping a moir\‘e Mott insulator: A $t\ensuremath{-}J$ model study of twisted cuprates (Vishwanath, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195102 Nonlinear optical response of type-II Weyl fermions in two dimensions (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184504 Superconductivity and quantum oscillations in single crystals of the compensated semimetal ${\mathrm{CaSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184405 Effect of interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on spin structure in synthetic antiferromagnetic multilayers (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184301 Effect of low-frequency optical phonons on the thermal conductivity of $2H$ molybdenum disulfide (phonon, PRB)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00239 $\textit{Ab initio}$ Materials Design of Superconductivity in $d^9$ Nickelates (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00899 Strange metal dynamics across the phase diagram of Bi${2}$Sr${2}$CuO$_{6+\delta}$ cuprates (arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00790 Frustration shapes multi-channel Kondo physics: a star graph perspective (Frustration, arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00599 Enhanced Seebeck coefficient through the magnetic fluctuations in Sr$2$Ru${1-x}M_x$O$_4$ ($M = $ Co, Mn) (arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00066 Disorder effects on hot spots in electron-doped cuprates (magnetic fluctuation tremblay, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00349 Twisted bilayers of thin film magnetic topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.186801 Edge Reconstruction of a Time-Reversal Invariant Insulator: Compressible-Incompressible Stripes (QHE compressible-Incomp, PRL)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184404 Polar magneto-optical Kerr effect in antiferromagnetic ${M}_{2}\mathrm{As} (M=\mathrm{Cr},\mathrm{Mn},\mathrm{Fe})$ under an external magnetic field (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184402 Structural transition of skyrmion quasiparticles under compression (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184403 Thermal generation of droplet soliton in chiral magnet (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174504 Phonon-induced rotation of the electronic nematic director in superconducting ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195404 Anomalous screening in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes (Nanotube, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205405 Valley-driven Zitterbewegung in Kekul\‘e-distorted graphene (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174401 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya induced spin-transfer torques in kagome antiferromagnets (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184501 Majorana flat bands at structured surfaces of nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors (majorana flatband, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184502 Two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model and the BCS-BEC crossover (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L201201 Spin-valley Silin modes in graphene with substrate-induced spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    71. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/65 Two Spins Take the Quantum Bus (Physics)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.14209v1 Site-specific electronic and magnetic excitations of the skyrmion material Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ (arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.14164v1 Physical properties of MnSi at extreme doping with Co: Quantum criticality (arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.13748v1 Intermediate Valence State in $\mathrm{YbB_4}$ Revealed by Resonant X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Apr 5 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 5th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021025 Evidence of a Phonon Hall Effect in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (phonon Hall effect, PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176403 Hierarchy of Ideal Flatbands in Chiral Twisted Multilayer Graphene Models (flatband, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176404 Family of Ideal Chern Flatbands with Arbitrary Chern Number in Chiral Twisted Graphene Multilayers (flatband, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176406 Boundary Modes from Periodic Magnetic and Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene (graphene periodic modulations, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176602 Gigantic Magnetochiral Anisotropy in the Topological Semimetal ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ (PRL)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134109 $B1\text{\ensuremath{-}}B2$ phase transition of ferropericlase at planetary interior conditions (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134304 Combined inelastic neutron scattering and ab initio lattice dynamics study of FeSi (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134524 Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity and intervalley coherence in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144435 NdAlSi: A magnetic Weyl semimetal candidate with rich magnetic phases and atypical transport properties (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155423 Higher-order topological superconductor on the bipartite triangular lattice (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165154 dc electrical current generated by upstream neutral modes (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161108 High-temperature fractional quantum Hall state in the Floquet kagome flat band (kagome, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161404 Dimensional crossover and symmetry transformation of charge density waves in ${\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ (CDW, PRB)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.13633 Majorana fermions revealing the true nature of quantum phase slip junctions (majorana, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.13562 Pseudo-Particle Vertex Solver for Quantum Impurity Models (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12880 Designer magnetic topological graphene nanoribbons (arXiv.org)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021023 Adjoint Kirchhoff’s Law and General Symmetry Implications for All Thermal Emitters (PRX)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176601 Orbital Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Systems (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176802 Spectral Function of the Chiral One-Dimensional Fermi Liquid in the Regime of Strong Interactions (PRL)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.177202 Curved Magnetism in ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (nanotube CrI3, PRL)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134432 Dynamics of the collapse of a ferromagnetic skyrmion in a centrosymmetric lattice (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134523 Nodeless superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric LaRhSn (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144306 Floquet integrability and long-range entanglement generation in the one-dimensional quantum Potts model (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144510 Enhanced superconductivity and moderate spin fluctuations suppressed at low energies in heavily electron-doped La1111-based superconductor (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155157 Analysis of model-parameter dependences on the second-order nonlinear conductivity in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric collinear antiferromagnetic metals with magnetic toroidal moment on zigzag chains (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155422 Large suppression of spin-relaxation rate in graphene nanoribbons in the presence of magnetic impurities (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165151 Optical phonons coupled to a Kitaev spin liquid (kitaev phonon, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165152 Asymmetric modulation of Majorana excitation spectra and nonreciprocal thermal transport in the Kitaev spin liquid under a staggered magnetic field (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165153 Construction of low-energy symmetric Hamiltonians and Hubbard parameters for twisted multilayer systems using ab initio input (twisted bilayer, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165310 Robustness of quantum Hall interferometry (PRB)

    31. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04512-8 Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet (linked-loop state, Nature)

    32. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04504-8 The field-free Josephson diode in a van der Waals heterostructure (Nature)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12610 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, the BCS-BEC crossover, and the exact solution in the flat-band limit (flatband, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12606 Pauli-limit violation in lanthanide infinite-layer nickelate superconductors (arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12961 Electronic band structure and surface states in Dirac semimetal LaAgSb$_{2}$ (La, arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12565 Band Flattening and Landau Level Merging in Strongly-Correlated Two-Dimensional Electron Systems (arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12652 Correlated metallic two-particle bound states in Wannier–Stark flatbands (flatband, arXiv.org)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021022 Exponential Clustering of Bipartite Quantum Entanglement at Arbitrary Temperatures (Entanglement, PRX)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401 Quantum Relativity of Subsystems (PRL)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176401 Magnetic Weyl Semimetal in ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{Mn}}{3}({\mathrm{AsO}}{4}{)}{3}$ with the Minimum Number of Weyl Points (Weyl, PRL)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.177001 Theory of the Supercurrent Diode Effect in Rashba Superconductors with Arbitrary Disorder (Rashba, PRL)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.175301 Exact Quasiparticle Properties of a Heavy Polaron in BCS Fermi Superfluids (PRL)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165150 Extracting the scaling dimension of quantum Hall quasiparticles from current correlations (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155154 Enhancement of $d$-wave pairing in the striped phase with nearest neighbor attraction (cuprate, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134522 $p$-wave superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals (PRB)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12229 Light-induced topological superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12213 Nematic fluctuations mediated superconductivity revealed by anisotropic strain in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ (nematic fluctuations, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12252 Evidence of Ferromagnetic Clusters and Griffiths Singularity in Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co$ _{3} $Sn$ _{2} $S$ _{2} $ (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12485 Competing orders, the Wess-Zumino-Witten term, and spin liquids (DHLee, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12482 Fractional Vortices, $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Gauge Theory, and the Confinement-Deconfinement Transition (DHLee. arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12208 Charge order from the local Coulomb repulsion in undoped infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12124 Amplitude excitation and giant spin-lattice fluctuations in a pyrochlore ruthenate single crystal (SRPark, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11946 Invisible flat bands on a topological chiral edge (arXiv.org)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021020 Quantum Critical Magnetic Excitations in Spin-$1/2$ and Spin-1 Chain Systems (QCP, PRX) 1. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s56 Symmetrical Binding for Topological States (Physics)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.174301 Observation of Degenerate Zero-Energy Topological States at Disclinations in an Acoustic Lattice (PRL)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.176801 Electronic Self-Passivation of Single Vacancy in Black Phosphorus via Ionization (Black Phosphorus, PRL)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144509 Robust topological superconductivity in weakly coupled nanowire-superconductor hybrid structures (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134428 Impact of chemical disorder on magnetic exchange interactions in $L{1}_{0}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{FeNi}$ (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155152 Slowly decaying real-time oscillations in instanton crystals (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155153 Low-temperature specific-heat studies on two square-kagome antiferromagnets (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165146 Van Hove tuning of A${\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ kagome metals under pressure and strain (kagome, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161106 Coexistence of extended flat band and Kekul\‘e order in Li-intercalated graphene (flat Kekule, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11737 Phase diagram of superconductivity in the integer quantum Hall regime (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11204 Nematic fluctuations in the non-superconducting iron pnictide BaFe${1.9-x}$Ni${0.1}$Cr${x}$As${2}$ (nematic fluctuation, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11178 Engineering Majorana corner modes from two-dimensional hexagonal crystals (arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11818 Majorana bound states with chiral magnetic textures (majorana, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11578 Scattering phenomena for spin transport in Kitaev spin liquid (Kitaev, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11355 Thermal Evolution of Dirac Magnons in the Honeycomb Ferromagnet CrBr$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11078 Giant spectral renormalization and complex hybridization physics in a Kondo lattice system, CeCuSb2 (arXiv.org)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134520 Anomalous acoustoelectric effect induced by clapping modes in chiral superconductors (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134521 Exploring quantum quasicrystal patterns: A variational study (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144430 Fast, semianalytical approach to obtain the stray magnetic field above a magnetic skyrmion (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134303 Charge-two Weyl phonons with type-III dispersion (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155150 Multicritical point and unified description of broken-symmetry phases in spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ antiferromagnets on a square lattice (PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155151 Spin dynamics of itinerant electrons: Local magnetic moment formation and Berry phase (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161105 Chiral electronic excitations in the quasi-two-dimensional Rashba system BiTeI (Rashba, PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021018 Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Sachdev, PRX)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.173202 Laughlin’s Topological Charge Pump in an Atomic Hall Cylinder (PRL) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/61?utm_campaign=weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_source=emailalert Laughlin’s Charge Pump Realized (Physics)

    79. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10657v1 Signatures of topotactic hydrogen in nickelate superconductors (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    80. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10665v1 Manifestation of Majorana modes overlap in the Aharonov-Bohm effect (majorana, arxiv.org)

    81. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10682v1 Spin Density Wave vs. Fractional Magnetization Plateau in a Triangular Antiferromagnet (triangular lattice, arxiv.org)

    82. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10329v1 Chiral Broken Symmetry Descendants of the Kagom\‘e Lattice Chiral Spin Liquid (kagome, arxiv.org)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10328v1 Charge-density waves in kagome-lattice extended Hubbard models at the van Hove filling (kagome, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.160402 Entanglement and Superposition Are Equivalent Concepts in Any Physical Theory (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134517 Theory of topological superconductivity in doped IV-VI semiconductors (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134518 Spontaneous edge and corner currents in $s+is$ superconductors and time reversal symmetry breaking surface states (s+is, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144427 Thermodynamics of the spin-half square kagome lattice antiferromagnet (square-kagome, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144507 Role of nematicity in controlling spin fluctuations and superconducting ${T}_{c}$ in bulk FeSe (nematicity, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155148 Nonperturbative $\mathit{ab} \mathit{initio}$ approach for calculating the electrical conductivity of a liquid metal (resistivity, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155149 Rashba and Dresselhaus effects in two-dimensional Pb-I-based perovskites (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165427 Spin-valley-resolved energy spectra of quantum dots in the graphene/transition metal dichalcogenides system (PRB)

    9. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn3794 Superconductors gain momentum (Science)

    10. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abb0332 Superconducting spin smecticity evidencing the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in Sr2RuO4 (ruthenate, Science)

    11. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abm8511 Optical absorption of interlayer excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenide heterostructures (Science)

    12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04472-z Light-induced ferromagnetism in moire superlattices (twisted TMDC, Nature)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09811 Acoustic-phonon-mediated superconductivity in moir\‘eless graphene multilayers (DasSarma, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10116 Universal three-state nematicity and magneto-optical Kerr effect in the charge density waves in AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=Cs, Rb, K) (kagome, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09695 Ab initio guided minimal model for the "Kitaev" material BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$: Importance of direct hopping, third-neighbor exchange and quantum fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09977 Fermi surface and nested magnetic breakdown in WTe2 (arXiv.org)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021016 Spin-Group Symmetry in Magnetic Materials with Negligible Spin-Orbit Coupling (magnetic group, PRX)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.166601 Momentum-Space Spin Antivortex and Spin Transport in Monolayer Pb (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.167402 Unified Scattering and Photoluminescence Spectra for Strong Plasmon-Exciton Coupling (PRL)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144426 Anisotropic spin-wave excitations in multiferroic ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155142 Three-dimensional electronic structure of LiFeAs (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134426 Spin stiffness, spectral weight, and Landau damping of magnons in metallic spiral magnets (spiral, PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144106 CENT2: Improved charge equilibration via neural network technique (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155138 Ultrafast optical excitation of magnetic dynamics in van der Waals magnets: Coherent magnons and BKT dynamics in ${\mathrm{NiPS}}_{3}$ (LBalents, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155143 Many-body quadrupolar sum rule for higher-order topological insulators (GYCho, PRB)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09094 Superfluid stiffness of a KTaO3-based two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09637 Electronic properties and phase transition in Kagome metal, Yb0.5Co3Ge3 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09176 Controllable emergent spatial spin modulation in Sr2IrO4 by in situ shear strain (Shear strain-induced BTS states in iridates, arXiv.org)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021015 Case for a ${\mathrm{U}(1)}{\ensuremath{\pi}}$ Quantum Spin Liquid Ground State in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlore ${\mathrm{Ce}}{2}{\mathrm{Zr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ (pyrochlore p-d model, PRX)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.167001 High-Temperature Superconducting Phase in Clathrate Calcium Hydride ${\mathrm{CaH}}_{6}$ up to 215 K at a Pressure of 172 GPa (PRL) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s53 Elusive Superconducting Superhydride Synthesized (Physics)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.167201 Uniaxial Strain Control of Bulk Ferromagnetism in Rare-Earth Titanates (PRL)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.167202 Quantifying the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Induced by the Bulk Magnetic Asymmetry (DMI, PRL)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L140507 Orbital vortices in $s$-wave spin-singlet superconductors in zero magnetic field (OAM citing paper, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134424 Frustration model and spin excitations in the helimagnet FeP (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134516 Tensor network approach to the two-dimensional fully frustrated XY model and a chiral ordered phase (XY model tensor, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165138 Multicritical point of the three-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ gauge Higgs model (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165422 Moir\‘e Landau levels of a ${C}_{4}$-symmetric twisted bilayer system in the absence of a magnetic field (C4 Flatband, PRB)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08658 Superconductivity in the nodal-line compound La$_3$Pt$_3$Bi$_4$ (La, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09027 Electric field-induced domain wall motion in spin spiral multiferroics (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08777 Sign Problem in Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation (QMC, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08638 Possible quadrupole-order-driven commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in B20 CoGe (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08614 Higher-order modulations in the skyrmion-lattice phase of Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ (YTokura, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08534 Tilted Dirac cone effects in superconducting phase transitions in planar four-fermion models (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08675 Rigorous analysis of the effects of electron-phonon interactions on magnetic properties in the one-electron Kondo lattice model (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08496 Tuning skyrmions in B20 compounds by 4d and 5d doping (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021014 Formation of Spontaneous Density-Wave Patterns in dc Driven Lattices (spontaneous CDW, PRX)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144422 Photoinduced 120-degree spin order in the Kondo-lattice model on a triangular lattice (Mochizuki, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155135 Trions in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165135 From atomic semimetal to topological nontrivial insulator (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134513 Evidence that cuprate superconductors form an array of nanoscopic Josephson junctions (cuprate SC island, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155133 Topological pumping and Tamm states in photonic systems (Tamm, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155134 Emergence of electronic modes by doping Kondo insulators in the Kondo lattice and periodic Anderson models (Kondo, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165421 Spin-orbit coupling effects on thermoelectric transport properties in quantum dots (PRB)

    54. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/15/9/2977 Investigation of Superconductivity in Ce-Doped (La,Pr)OBiS2 Single Crystals (Ce, Materials)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08082 Identifying Topological Superconductivity in 2D Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (JXZhu, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07993 Elastic properties of a Sc-Zr-Nb-Ta-Rh-Pd high-entropy alloy superconductor (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07975 Field-angle dependence reveals odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Hassinger SKhim, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07740 Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally non-centrosymmetric LaRh$_2$As$_2$ single crystals (Hassinger SKhim, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08365 Dissipation and geometry in nonlinear quantum transports of multiband electronic systems (arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07591 First demonstration of tuning between the Kitaev and Ising limits in a honeycomb lattice (Ying Ran, Science Advance)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.166401 Anomalies at the Dirac Point in Graphene and Its Hole-Doped Compositions (PRL)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134421 Interplay between structural, magnetic, and electronic states in the pyrochlore iridate ${\mathrm{Eu}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155130 Solvable lattice Hamiltonians with fractional Hall conductivity (BF, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155131 Temperature dependence of correlated electronic states in the archetypal kagome metal CoSn (kagome, PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155413 Metallization and proximity superconductivity in topological insulator nanowires (DLoss, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165130 Facet dependent surface energy gap on magnetic topological insulators (Binghai, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165132 Possible quadrupole-order-driven commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in B20 CoGe (B20, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165419 Moir\‘e-Bose-Hubbard model for interlayer excitons in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165420 Universal information of critical quantum spin chains from wavefunction overlap (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L140401 Single pair of Weyl nodes in the spin-canted structure of ${\mathrm{EuCd}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L140506 Quantum-metric-enabled exciton condensate in double twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161103 Magnon heat transport in a two-dimensional Mott insulator (PRB)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07477v1 Superconducting quantum fluctuations in one dimension (arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07260v1 Vortices in a Ginzburg Landau Theory of Superconductors with Nematic Order (arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.07307v1 Dynamical mean-field theory study of a ferromagnetic CrI3 monolayer (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021012 Quantum Error Correction Thresholds for the Universal Fibonacci Turaev-Viro Code (PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155128 Deep learning for disordered topological insulators through their entanglement spectrum (Deep learning ES, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134418 Anomalous valley Hall effect in $A$-type antiferromagnetic van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165124 Sign-free determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of excitonic density orders in a two-orbital Hubbard-Kanamori model (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165127 Electronic structure and magnetism of the Hund’s insulator ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165304 Unfolded band structures of photonic quasicrystals and moir\‘e superlattices (quasicrystal, PRB)

    7. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06565v1 Impurity bands in magnetic superconductors with spin density wave (SDW SC, arxiv.org)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06880v1 Maximizing intrinsic anomalous Hall effect by controlling the Fermi level in simple Weyl semimetal films (arxiv.org)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.06811v1 Electronic structure and magnetism of the Hund insulator CrI3 (CrI3, arxiv.org)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021010 Roller Coaster in a Flatland: Magnetoresistivity in Eu-Intercalated Graphite (FM/Gra, PRX)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157602 Quantum Phases of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moir$"e$ Systems (EAKim, PRL)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161403 Nonlocal conductance and the detection of Majorana zero modes: Insights from von Neumann entropy (EE majorana, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144419 Room-temperature spin-orbit torque switching in a manganite-based heterostructure (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155122 High Chern number quantum anomalous Hall effect tunable by stacking order in van der Waals topological insulators (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155123 Semiclassical transport with Berry curvature: Chambers formula and applications to systems with Fermi surface topological transitions (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165122 Anisotropy of the magnetic and transport properties of ${\mathrm{EuZn}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165123 Enhanced superconductivity and various edge modes in modulated $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ chains (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165417 Valley-symmetry-broken magnetic topological responses in ${(\mathrm{Pt}/\mathrm{Pd})}{2}{\mathrm{HgSe}}{3}/{\mathrm{CrGeTe}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{Pd}}{2}{\mathrm{HgSe}}{3}/{\mathrm{CrI}}{3}$ through interfacial coupling (PRB)

    19. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04548-w Intelligent infrared sensing enabled by tunable moire quantum geometry (quantum metric, Nature)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.150503 Dynamical Uncertainty Propagation with Noisy Quantum Parameters (PRL)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.156801 Domain Formation Driven by the Entropy of Topological Edge Modes (PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157206 Fermi-Surface Origin of Skyrmion Lattices in Centrosymmetric Rare-Earth Intermetallics (SBlugel, PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155121 Topological reflection matrix (HOTI, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134413 Fractional spin excitations and conductance in the spiral-staircase Heisenberg ladder (DLoss, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134414 Magnetism in the N\‘eel-skyrmion host ${\mathrm{GaV}}{4}{\mathrm{S}}{8}$ under pressure (skyrmion, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155119 Gutzwiller wave function on a quantum computer using a discrete Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation (Yunoki, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134509 Lifshitz transition enhanced triplet ${p}{z}$-wave superconductivity in hydrogen-doped ${\mathrm{KCr}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144417 Machine learning approach for longitudinal spin fluctuation effects in bcc Fe at ${T}_{c}$ and under Earth-core conditions (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155410 Interplay of band geometry and topology in ideal Chern insulators in the presence of external electromagnetic fields (quantum metric, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165120 Conductance of correlated many-fermion systems from charge fluctuations (charge fluctuation, PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165416 Graphene on silicon: Effects of the silicon surface orientation on the work function and carrier density of graphene (Si110, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144414 Elementary excitations in spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ antiferromagnets on the triangular lattice (elementary excitations, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144415 Topological surface state enhanced ultrafast spin dynamics of $\mathrm{Fe}/{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ heterostructures (FM/TI system, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165414 Floquet engineering of excitons in semiconductor quantum dots (Floquet, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165415 Complex magnetic ground states and topological electronic phases of atomic spin chains on superconductors (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161102 Experimental signatures of a versatile Weyl semimetal in a pyrochlore iridate with spin-ice-like magnetic orders (YTokura, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013192 Subphases in the superconducting state of ${\mathrm{CeIrIn}}_{5}$ revealed by low-temperature $c$-axis heat transport (Taillefer, Physical Review Research)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05930 Room Temperature Superconductivity: the Roles of Theory and Materials Design (Picket, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05967 Machine learning predictions for local electronic properties of disordered correlated electron systems (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05815 Giant density-of-states van Hove singularities in the face-centered cubic lattice (van Hove, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05441 Origin of nonsymmorphic bosonization formulas in generalized antiferromagnetic Kitaev spin-1/2 chains from a renormalization group point of view (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05392 Magnetoquantum Oscillations in the Specific Heat of a Topological Kondo Insulator (topological Kondo insulator, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05898 Structural reconstruction and anisotropic conductance in $4f$-ferromagnetic monolayer (4f-monolayer, arXiv.org)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021008 Very-High-Energy Collective States of Partons in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids (Parton, PRX)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.156401 Global Phase Diagram of the Normal State of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (TBG, PRL)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157001 Anomalous Josephson Effect of $s$-Wave Pairing States in Chiral Double Layers (PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157201 Exciton Proliferation and Fate of the Topological Mott Insulator in a Twisted Bilayer Graphene Lattice Model (PRL)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157202 Freezing of the Lattice in the Kagome Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Zn-Barlowite ${\mathrm{ZnCu}}{3}{(\mathrm{OD})}{6}\mathrm{FBr}$ (kagome, PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157203 Nematic Quantum Criticality in Dirac Systems (nematic, PRL)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.157204 Screw Dislocations in Chiral Magnets (screw dislocations, PRL)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134507 Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces from pairing of emergent $j=\frac{3}{2}$ fermions on the pyrochlore lattice (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134508 Hysteresis and jumps in the $I\text{\ensuremath{-}}V$ curves of disordered two-dimensional materials (SIT, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155409 Quantum transport through a quantum dot side-coupled to a Majorana bound state pair in the presence of electron-phonon interaction (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161101 Parafermions in a multilegged geometry: Towards a scalable parafermionic network (PRB)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01452 Engineering spin-orbit effects and Berry curvature by deposition of Eu on WSe$_{2}$ (DWGo SBlugel, arXiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05242v1 Demonstration of $\mathbb{C}P^2$ skyrmions in three-band superconductors by self-consistent solutions to a Bogoliubov-de Gennes model (CP2, arxiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05179 Emergent superconductivity in van der Waals Kagome material Pd3P2S8 under high pressure (kagome, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05029 Interplay between Pair Density Wave and a Nested Fermi Surface (kagome, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04623 Efficient route to achieve superconductivity improvement via substitutional La-Ce alloy superhydride at high pressure (arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04463 A Family of Lanthanide Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors La$_4$$TX$ ($T$ = Ru, Rh, Ir; $X$ = Al, In) (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04249 Monopole Superconductivity in Magnetically Doped Cd$_3$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04649 Neutron spectroscopy evidence for a possible magnetic-field-induced gapless quantum-spin-liquid phase in a Kitaev material $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.04402 Unusual Magnetotransport from two dimensional Dirac Fermions in Pd${3}$Bi${2}$Se$_{2}$ (arXiv.org)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155406 Dynamical construction of quadrupolar and octupolar topological superconductors (quadrupolar topological SC, PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144410 Relief of spin frustration through magnetic anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional $S=\frac{1}{2}$ antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{CuSO}}{4}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{2}$ (frustration, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144503 Quasiparticle focusing of bound states in two-dimensional $s$-wave superconductors (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155407 Tunable artificial topological Hall effects in van der Waals heterointerfaces (skyrmion, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134410 Enhanced tunneling electroresistance effect by designing interfacial ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic tunnel junctions (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134506 Protonation-induced discrete superconducting phases in bulk FeSe single crystals (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144411 Magnetic modulations in bulk $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ described using monoclinic superspace groups (superspace groups, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155118 Path-integral derivation of the equations of the anomalous Hall effect (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155405 Optical response of two-dimensional Dirac materials with a flat band (flatband, PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165411 Influence of the dissipative topological edge state on quantized transport in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03981v1 Enhancing superconductivity in MXenes through hydrogenation (hydrogenation, arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03735v1 Editorial on Research Topic: High-Tc Superconductivity in Electron-Doped Iron Selenide and Related Compounds (arxiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03928 Diverse Exotic Orders and Fermiology in Fe-based Superconductors: A Unified Mechanism for $B_{1g}/B_{2g}$ Nematicity in FeSe/(Cs,Rb)Fe$_2$As$_2$ and Smectic Order in BaFe$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03876 An STM perspective on hexaborides: Surface states of the Kondo insulator SmB$_6$ (Kondo insulator, arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03659 Emergent XY* transition driven by symmetry fractionalization and anyon condensation (arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03720 Gaps in Topological Magnon Spectra: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Effects (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155115 Evolution of ultraflat band in the van der Waals kagome semiconductor ${\mathrm{Pd}}{3}{\mathrm{P}}{2}{({\mathrm{S}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Se}}{x})}_{8}$ (kagome, PRB)

    2. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03496v1 Superconductivity in multiorbital systems with repulsive interactions: Hund’s pairing vs. spin-fluctuation pairing (spin-flutuation, arxiv.org)

    3. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03023v1 Investigation of hydrogen incorporations in bulk infinite-layer nickelates (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    4. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02994v1 Superconductivity, charge density wave, and supersolidity in flat bands with tunable quantum metric (flat-band, arxiv.org)

    5. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.03360v1 Topological multiferroic order in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (multiferroic, arxiv.org)

    6. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02999v1 Quantum fluctuations in the chiral order parameter of quantum skyrmion crystals (skyrmion quantum fluctuation, arxiv.org)

    7. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04493-8 Charge-density-wave-driven electronic nematicity in a kagome superconductor (CDW nematicity, Nature)

    8. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abk1895 Orderly disorder in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (Science)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.146803 Fractional Entropy of Multichannel Kondo Systems from Conductance-Charge Relations (PRL)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.147201 Theory of Emergent Inductance with Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects (spiral, PRL)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134406 Origin of the type-II Weyl state in topological antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{YbMnBi}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165302 Multiferroic van der Waals heterostructure ${\mathrm{FeCl}}{2}/{\mathrm{Sc}}{2}{\mathrm{CO}}_{2}$: Nonvolatile electrically switchable electronic and spintronic properties (multiferroic, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144406 ${\mathrm{Na}}{5}{\mathrm{Co}}{15.5}{\mathrm{Te}}{6}{\mathrm{O}}{36}$: An $S=\frac{1}{2}$ stacked Ising kagome antiferromagnet with a partially disordered ground state (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165110 Field-induced multiple quantum phase transitions in the antiferromagnetic Kondo-lattice compound ${\mathrm{CeRhAl}}{4}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (TPark, PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161301 Spin splitting in low-symmetry quantum wells beyond Rashba and Dresselhaus terms (Rashba, PRB)

    16. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02880v1 Leading superconducting instabilities in three-dimensional models for Sr2RuO4 (SRO, arxiv.org)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02449v1 Superconductivity and Local Inversion-Symmetry Breaking (Yanase, arxiv.org)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.146801 Anomalous Electromagnetic Field Penetration in a Weyl or Dirac Semimetal (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134403 Breakdown of linear spin-wave theory and existence of spinon bound states in the frustrated kagome-lattice antiferromagnet (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144302 Ultrafast dynamics of Dirac surface and bulk photocarriers in topological-insulator bismuth telluride nanocrystals using terahertz spectroscopy (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134505 Charge, bond, and pair density wave orders in a strongly correlated system (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144101 Simulation of thermodynamic properties of magnetic transition metals from an efficient tight-binding model: The case of cobalt and beyond (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155109 Emergent flat-band physics in ${d}^{9\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ multilayer nickelates (nickelate, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165107 Designing ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ and ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological orders in networks of Majorana bound states (topological order, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161401 Effects of discrete topology on quantum transport across a graphene $n\text{\ensuremath{-}}p\text{\ensuremath{-}}n$ junction: A quantum gravity analog (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L161402 Enhanced critical field and anomalous metallic state in two-dimensional centrosymmetric $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (1T’-WSe2, PRB)

    27. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s44 Elusive Polar Magnetic Metal Found (Physics)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.044403 A room temperature polar magnetic metal (Ramesh, Physical Review Materials)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02304 Single domain stripe order in a high-temperature superconductor (arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02158 Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics (arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02226 Two-channel charge-Kondo physics in graphene quantum dots (2C-Kondo, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01999 Anti-chiral order and spin reorientation transitions of triangle-based antiferromagnets (LBalents, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01924 Spontaneously broken supersymmetric fracton phases with fermionic subsystem symmetries (arXiv.org)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.021003 Highly Tunable Magnetic Phases in Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide ${\mathrm{Fe}}{1/3+\ensuremath{\delta}}{\mathrm{NbS}}{2}$ (TMDC, PRX)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144404 Strain-tunable metamagnetic critical endpoint in Mott insulating rare-earth titanates (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134503 Frustration-driven Josephson phase dynamics (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144501 Superconducting and normal-state properties of the high-entropy alloy Nb-Re-Hf-Zr-Ti investigated by muon spin relaxation and rotation (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155105 Bosonization of Majorana modes and edge states (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155106 Charge density wave order in the kagome metal $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ $(A=\mathrm{Cs},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{K})$ (kagome, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155301 Interchannel coupling induced gapless modes in multichannel zero-line systems (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155402 Magnetically tunable Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnSi2Te4, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165103 Two-dimensional $t\ensuremath{-}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ Holstein model (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165404 Dirac fermions in armchair graphene nanoribbons trapped by electric quantum dots (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165405 Single-crystal graphene on Ir(110) (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165406 Broad low-frequency phonon resonance for increased across-tube heat transport (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134504 Vortex core near planar defects in a clean layered superconductor (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155107 Spontaneous breaking of multipole symmetries (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155108 Robust kagome electronic structure in the topological quantum magnets $X{\mathrm{Mn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ $(X=\mathrm{Dy},\mathrm{Tb},\mathrm{Gd},\mathrm{Y})$ (kagome, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155202 Energy loss rate of an electron in three-dimensional tilting Dirac semimetals (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165104 Collective plasmonic modes in the chiral multifold fermionic material CoSi (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165105 Weak antilocalization effect and triply degenerate state in Cu-doped CaAuAs (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165407 Imaging Se diffusion across the FeSe/${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ interface (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L140501 Electron-phonon coupling in the charge density wave state of ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    54. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s39 Memory Plays a Critical Role in Animal Behavior (Physics)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00648 Competition of Density Waves and Superconductivity in Twisted Tungsten Diselenide (tWSe2, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01600 Interplay of magnetic field and trigonal distortion in honeycomb $\Gamma$ model: Occurrence of a spin-flop phase (Kee, arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01476 $\mathbb{C}P^2$ Skyrmion Crystals in an SU(3) Magnet with a Generalized Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (CP2, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01350 Hubbard model on the kagome lattice with time-reversal invariant flux and spin-orbit coupling (arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01197 Field-induced easy-axis softening of quantum ferromagnet with cubic anisotropy (arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00882 Chiral-anomaly-driven magnetotransport in the correlated Weyl magnet Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv.org)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.140501 Quantum Charging Advantage Cannot Be Extensive without Global Operations (quantum battery, PRL) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/50 Sizing Up the Potential of Quantum Batteries (Physics)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134501 Crystal structures and superconductivity of carbonaceous sulfur hydrides at pressures up to 300 GPa (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144402 Insulator-metal transition and crossover from negative to positive magnetoresistance in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ under high pressure (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155103 Observation of broken inversion and chiral symmetries in the pseudogap phase in single- and double-layer bismuth-based cuprates (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155104 Coexistence of non-Abelian chiral spin liquid and magnetic order in a spin-1 antiferromagnet (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165301 Enhancement of the lattice thermal conductivity of two-dimensional functionalized MXenes by inversion symmetry breaking (PRB)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00553 Magnetic Kagome Superconductor CeRu$_2$ (Ce Kagome, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00407 Tuning of Carrier Concentration and Superconductivity in High-Entropy-Alloy-Type Metal Telluride (AgSnPbBi)(1-x)/4InxTe (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00341 Local spectroscopic evidence for a nodeless magnetic kagome superconductor CeRu$_2$ (Ce Kagome, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00029 Spin chain on a metallic surface: Dissipation-induced order vs. Kondo entanglement (spin chain, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00013 Quantum spin liquids bootstrapped from Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Apr 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.137201 Exchange-Torque-Triggered Fast Switching of Antiferromagnetic Domains (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134201 Localization transition induced by programmable disorder (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144401 Multipolar exchange interaction and complex order in insulating lanthanides (CF, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155101 Interorbital singlet pairing in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$: A Hund’s superconductor (SRO, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.155102 Symmetry-protected Dirac nodal lines and large spin Hall effect in a ${\mathrm{V}}{6}{\mathrm{Sb}}{4}$ kagome bilayer (kagome, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165101 Superconductivity in monolayer ${\mathrm{Ba}}_{2}\mathrm{N}$ electride: First-principles study (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165401 Extracting transport channel transmissions in scanning tunneling microscopy using superconducting excess current (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.165402 Tunneling properties in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{T}_{3}$ lattices: Effects of symmetry-breaking terms (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134401 Generation of nonreciprocity in gapless spin waves by chirality injection (GGo SKKim, PRB)

    10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04519-1 Catalogue of flat-band stoichiometric materials (Bernevig, Nature)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16943 Pressure-induced superconductivity in kagome single crystal Pd3P2S8 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17060 We cannot believe we overlooked these Majorana discoveries (majorana, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17246 Origin of spin reorientation and intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in the kagome ferrimagnet TbMn6Sn6 (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16853 Thermal Hall responses in frustrated honeycomb spin systems (Morimoto, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16817 Structural Phase Transition and Possible Valence Instability of Ce$-4f$ Electron Induced by Pressure in CeCoSi (Ce, arXiv.org)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011062 Two-Hole Ground State: Dichotomy in Pairing Symmetry (VMC, PRX)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.137003 Preferred Spin Excitations in the Bilayer Iron-Based Superconductor $\mathrm{CaK}{({\mathrm{Fe}}{0.96}{\mathrm{Ni}}{0.04})}{4}{\mathrm{As}}{4}$ with Spin-Vortex Crystal Order (spin fluctuation, PRL) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s45 Spin Fluctuations May Drive Iron-Based Superconductivity (Physics)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.137001 Anisotropic Scattering Caused by Apical Oxygen Vacancies in Thin Films of Overdoped High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115435 Multiphoton absorption and Rabi oscillations in armchair graphene nanoribbons (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125425 Equal-spin and oblique-spin crossed Andreev reflections in ferromagnet/Ising superconductor/ferromagnet junction (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115142 Enhanced thermoelectric performance by van Hove singularities in the density of states of type-II nodal-line semimetals (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115143 Strain-controlled evolution of electronic structure indicating topological phase transition in the quasi-one-dimensional superconductor ${\mathrm{TaSe}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115309 Optically modulated tunneling current of dressed electrons in graphene and a dice lattice (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094204 Shiba states in systems with density of states singularities (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125423 Chiral limits and effect of light on the Hofstadter butterfly in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094445 Magic-angle magnonic nanocavity in a magnetic moir\‘e superlattice (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094522 Peak effect in a superconductor/normal-metal strip in a vortex-free state (peak effect, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104435 High spin-wave asymmetry and emergence of radial standing modes in thick ferromagnetic nanotubes (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115147 Orbital anisotropy of heavy fermion ${\mathrm{Ce}}{2}{\mathrm{IrIn}}{8}$ under crystalline electric field and its energy scale (Ce, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100509 Pair density wave and reentrant superconducting tendencies originating from valley polarization (PRB)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15957v1 Pressure-induced superconductivity in flat-band Kagome compounds Pd$3$P$_2$(S${1-x}$Se$_x$)$_8$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16480v1 Realization of the Topological Hopf Term in a Two-Dimensional Lattice Model (Hopf, arxiv.org)

    33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16362v1 The scaled-invariant Planckian metal and quantum criticality in Ce$_{1-x}$Nd$_x$CoIn$_5$ (CeCoIn5, arxiv.org)

    34. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16295v1 Crystal-field states and defect levels in candidate quantum spin ice Ce${2}$Hf${2}$O$_{7}$ (Ce crystal field, arxiv.org)

    35. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abm7103 Room-temperature skyrmion lattice in a layered magnet (Fe0.5Co0.5)5GeTe2 (Ramesh, Science Advances)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011061 Fermionic Monte Carlo Study of a Realistic Model of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRX)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.137002 High-Temperature Majorana Zero Modes (MFranz, PRL) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s43 High-Temperature Majoranas (Physics)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094443 Effects of external pressure on the narrow-gap semiconductor ${\mathrm{Ce}}{3}{\mathrm{Cd}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}_{6}$ (Ce, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094442 Detection and manipulation of the antiferromagnetic N\‘eel vector in ${\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ (Cr, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094444 Higgs and Goldstone spin-wave modes in striped magnetic texture (stripe magnetic, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094520 Optical response of the Leggett mode in multiband superconductors in the linear response regime (Morimoto, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115433 Moir\‘e-induced band-gap opening in one-dimensional superlattices of carbon nanotubes on hexagonal boron nitride (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115141 Accurate tight-binding model for twisted bilayer graphene describes topological flat bands without geometric relaxation (graphene, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125139 Generalized Hamiltonian for Kekul\‘e graphene and the emergence of valley-cooperative Klein tunneling (PRB)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15801 Current-enabled optical conductivity of superconductors (JMoore, arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15669 Superconductivity in monolayer Ba$_2$N electride: a first-principles study (Ba2N, arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15648 Improved tetrahedron method for the Brillouin-zone integration applicable to response functions (arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15495 Mesoscopic tunneling in strontium titanate (KBehnia, arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15057 Emergence of unidirectional coherent quasiparticles from high-temperature rotational symmetry broken phase of AV3Sb5 kagome superconductors (kagome, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15791 Duality, Criticality, Anomaly, and Topology in Quantum Spin-1 Chains (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15573 Flat-band ferromagnetism in a correlated topological insulator on a honeycomb lattice (flatband, arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15560 Orbital-selective Band Hybridisation at the Charge Density Wave Transition in Monolayer TiTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15281 First-principles Study of the RKKY Interaction and the Quadrupole Order in the Pr 1-2-20 systems PrT2Al20 (T=Ti, V) (arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15248 CP$^2$ Skyrmions and Skyrmion Crystals in Realistic Quantum Magnets (CP2, arXiv.org)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094437 Skyrmion pinning by disk-shaped defects (skyrmion, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094519 Singlet-triplet mixing in the order parameter of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor ${\mathrm{Ru}}{7}{\mathrm{B}}{3}$ (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115138 Bad topological semimetals in layered honeycomb compounds (topological semimetal, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094439 Timescale distributions of spin fluctuations in the $S=2$ kagome antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CsMn}}{3}{\mathrm{F}}{6}$(${\mathrm{SeO}}{3}{)}{2}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104515 Euler-obstructed Cooper pairing: Nodal superconductivity and hinge Majorana zero modes (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115137 Dissipationless spin current generation in a Kitaev chiral spin liquid (kitaev, PRB)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14421 Dark Andreev States in Superconductors (Galitski, arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14353 Enhancement of superconducting critical temperature realized in La-Ce-H system at moderate pressures (low pressure, arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14017 Ferromagnetic Impurity Induced Majorana Zero Mode in Iron-Based Superconductor (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14433 Emergence of electronic modes by doping Kondo insulators in the Kondo lattice and periodic Anderson models (Kohno, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14576 Bulk-interface correspondence from quantum distance in flat band systems (CGOh JWRhim, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14490 The effect of $f$-$c$ hybridization on the $\gamma\rightarrow\alpha$ phase transition of cerium studied by lanthanum doping (Ce, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14168 A construction of exotic metallic states (CXu, arXiv.org)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011059 Model-Free Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning (PRX)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115133 Nonlinear signatures of Floquet band topology (floquet, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094435 Magnetic structure of the topological semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (Weyl spin, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094436 Tunable spin-wave nonreciprocity in synthetic antiferromagnetic domain walls (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125136 Wannier-based implementation of the coherent potential approximation with applications to Fe-based transition metal alloys (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094311 Floquet dynamical quantum phase transitions under synchronized periodic driving (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094515 Characterization of collective excitations in weakly coupled disordered superconductors (PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104430 Manipulating the shape of flexible magnetic nanodisks with meronlike magnetic states (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104514 Superconductivity in the van der Waals crystal ${\mathrm{SnS}}_{2}$ up to 105 GPa (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115134 Dynamical structural instability and its implications for the physical properties of infinite-layer nickelates (nickelate, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115306 Nonlinear optical absorption and photocurrents in topological insulators (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115431 Effects of microscopic scattering on terahertz third harmonic generation in monolayer graphene (graphene, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125418 Topological states in dimerized quantum-dot chains created by atom manipulation (QD, PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121409 Trion-trion annihilation in monolayer ${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104428 Helicity locking of a square skyrmion crystal in a centrosymmetric lattice system without vertical mirror symmetry (skyrmion, PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104511 High-temperature superconductivity below 100 GPa in ternary C-based hydride $M{\mathrm{C}}{2}{\mathrm{H}}{8}$ with molecular crystal characteristics ($M$= Na, K, Mg, Al, and Ga) (low pressure ternary, PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115136 Crystal-field effects competing with spin-orbit interactions in ${\mathrm{NaCeO}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    85. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13646v1 Intrinsic emergence of Majorana modes in Luttinger $j=3/2$ systems (majorana, sarxiv.org)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13388v1 SuperScreen: An open-source package for simulating the magnetic response of two-dimensional superconducting devices (arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13651v1 Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in Ti-doped Ca2RuO4 studied by ellipsometry (Ca2RuO4, arxiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13490v1 Phase diagrams and excitations of anisotropic $S=1$ quantum magnets on the triangular lattice (arxiv.org)

    89. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13378v1 Magnetic Impurity as a Local Probe of the U(1) Quantum Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface (PALee, arxiv.org)

    90. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13355v1 Gating-Induced Mott Transition in NiS$_2$ (arxiv.org)

    91. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13615v1 Quasiparticles, Flat Bands, and the Melting of Hydrodynamic Matter (arxiv.org)

    92. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13562v1 Magnetic domain walls of the van der Waals material Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ (arxiv.org)

    93. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13330v1 Effect of vacancy defects on frustrated magnets and quantum spin liquids (frustrated magnet, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126402 Berry-Phase Switch in Electrostatically Confined Topological Surface States (surface TI, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013225 Topological superconductivity induced by magnetic texture crystals (skyrmion Topological SC, Physical Review Research)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.120404 Spin-Holstein Models in Trapped-Ion Systems (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094433 Magnetic damping in ferromagnetic/heavy-metal systems: The role of interfaces and the relation to proximity-induced magnetism (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094432 Symmetry analysis of bond-alternating Kitaev spin chains and ladders (symmetry analysis, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104427 Lattice dynamics and its effects on magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of pristine and hole-doped ${\mathrm{YCo}}_{5}$ from first principles (Y, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125133 Channel order in the two-channel Kondo lattice (Kondo, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094309 Dynamics for the Haldane phase in the bilinear-biquadratic model (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104307 Photoinduced dynamics of a quasicrystalline excitonic insulator (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104426 Encyclopedia of emergent particles in type-IV magnetic space groups (magnetic space group, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100407 Emergent skyrmion-based chiral order in zero-field Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing kagome lattice (kagome skyrmion, PRB)

    12. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/45 Immune System’s Memory in an Evolving World (Physics)

    13. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/46 Back to the March Meeting (Physics)

    14. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abl4266 Tunable and giant valley-selective Hall effect in gapped bilayer graphene (Science)

    15. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04412-x Emergence of Fermi arcs due to magnetic splitting in an antiferromagnet (JAhn, Nature)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13232 The electron phonon coupling constant and fundamental BCS ratios in the $LaH_{10}$ superconductor doped with magnetic rare earth element (La, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13102 Magnetic Excitations in Square Lattice Iridates: Contrast between Ba$_2$IrO$_4$ and Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13041 Simulating realistic screening clouds around quantum impurities: role of spatial anisotropy and disorder (arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12839 Probing FeSi, a d-electron topological Kondo insulator candidate, with magnetic field, pressure, and microwaves (d-orbital Kondo, arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12778 Critical behavior in the Mn${5}$Ge${3}$ ferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011057 Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride (PRX)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126802 Understanding Signatures of Emergent Magnetism in Topological Insulator/Ferrite Bilayers (magnetic layer TI, PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126803 Dynamics of Hole Singlet-Triplet Qubits with Large $g$-Factor Differences (PRL)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126801 Microscopic Theory of the Current-Voltage Characteristics of Josephson Tunnel Junctions (PRL)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.127402 Spin-Valley Relaxation and Exciton-Induced Depolarization Dynamics of Landau-Quantized Electrons in ${\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ Monolayer (PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.127701 Enhanced Cooper-Pair Injection into a Semiconductor Structure by Resonant Tunneling (PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094512 Multiband superconductivity in strongly hybridized $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{WTe}}{2}/{\mathrm{NbSe}}{2}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094513 Time-reversal symmetry breaking in frustrated superconductor ${\mathrm{Re}}_{2}\mathrm{Hf}$ (frustrated nesting, PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104423 In-plane orbital magnetization as a probe for symmetry breaking in strained twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115305 Valley-resolved Fano resonance in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide nanoribbons with attached stubs (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115426 Dynamics of the angular momentum in narrow quantum rings with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115130 Drastic effect of impurity scattering on the electronic and superconducting properties of Cu-doped FeSe (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115425 Counterintuitive gate dependence of weak antilocalization in bilayer $\mathrm{graphene}/{\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121302 Anomalous circular phonon dichroism in transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.127702 Stability of Floquet Majorana Box Qubits (PRL)

    36. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/38 Machine-Learning Model Could Improve Human Speech Recognition (Physics)

    37. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s38 Creating a Superconductor-Semiconductor Interface (Physics)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12004v1 Topological Superconductivity in a two-dimensional Weyl SSH model (Weyl SSH, arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12317v1 Charge order breaks time-reversal symmetry in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    40. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12453v1 Magnetic properties of the noncentrosymmetric tetragonal antiferromagnet EuPtSi$_{3}$ (arxiv.org)

    41. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12374v1 Topological Hybrids of Magnons and Magnon Bound Pairs (DLoss, arxiv.org)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.127601 Chiral-Symmetric Higher-Order Topological Phases of Matter (PRL)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115424 Charge transport in topological graphene nanoribbons and nanoribbon heterostructures (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094111 Electronic properties of germanene on pristine and defective ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$: A first-principles study (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094510 Light-modulated Josephson effect in Kekul\‘e patterned graphene (kekule, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094511 Topological defects in open superconducting nanotubes after gradual and abrupt switching of the transport current and magnetic field (nanotube, PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100506 Inhomogeneous superconducting states in two weakly linked superconducting ultrathin films (weak link SC, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121113 Non-Hermitian Weyl semimetal and its Floquet engineering (Floquet,PRB)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11922 Possible structural quantum criticality tuned by rare-earth ion substitution in infinite-layer nickelates (QCP nickelate, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11467 Discovery of charge density wave in a correlated kagome lattice antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11221 Nematic phases and elastoresistivity from a multiorbital strange metal (nematic strange metal, arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11308 BinPo: An open-source code to compute the band structure of two-dimensional electron systems (code, arXiv.org)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011055 Role of Oxygen States in the Low Valence Nickelate ${\mathrm{La}}{4}{\mathrm{Ni}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{8}$ (nickelate, PRX)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.120601 Eigenvalues of Random Matrices with Generalized Correlations: A Path Integral Approach (PRL)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.126401 Spectroscopic Visualization of Flat Bands in Magic-Angle Twisted Monolayer-Bilayer Graphene: Coexistence of Localization and Delocalization (TBLG, PRL)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094427 Skyrmion crystal in the RKKY system on the two-dimensional triangular lattice (skyrmion RKKY, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125416 Effect of nonlocal electrical conductivity on near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene sheets (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094426 Strain tuning of highly frustrated magnets: Order and disorder in the distorted kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (strain, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094428 Simple microscopic model for magnetoelectric coupling in type-II antiferromagnetic multiferroics (citing me multiferroics, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125131 Chiral anomaly induced nonlinear Nernst and thermal Hall effects in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115126 Proximity spin-orbit and exchange coupling in ABA and ABC trilayer graphene van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125127 $O(N$) ab initio calculation scheme for large-scale moir\‘e structures (XDai, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11133 Revisiting flat band superconductivity: dependence on minimal quantum metric and band touchings (flatband SC, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10943 Quantum turbulence and Planckian dissipation (Volovik, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10964 Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable dual magnetic phases in a helical antiferromagnet ( arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10648 Magnetization-direction-tunable kagome Weyl line (ZHasan kagome, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10542 Robust Kagome Electronic Structure in Topological Quantum Magnets XMn6Sn6 (X = Dy, Tb, Gd, Y) (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10151 Orbital physics: glorious past, bright future (Khomskii, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11140 Scattering of spin waves by a Bloch domain wall: effect of the dipolar interaction (arXiv.org)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011054 Emergent Dark States from Superradiant Dynamics in Multilevel Atoms in a Cavity (PRX)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094110 First-principles study of defect formation energies in $\mathrm{LaO}X{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ $(X=\text{Sb},\phantom{\rule{4.pt}{0ex}}\text{Bi})$ (defect, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094509 Fully gapped type-II superconductivity in Pt-doped ${\mathrm{IrTe}}_{2}$ near critical doping (Dirac, PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125126 Spin-polarized topological phases in a ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}/{\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ bilayer tuned by electric and magnetic fields (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125201 Berry curvature induced linear electro-optic effect in chiral topological semimetals (PRB)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08137 RKKY interaction at helical edges of topological superconductors (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09987 Uniaxial Pressure Induced Stripe Order Rotation in La${1.88}$Sr${0.12}$CuO$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09688 Experimental Progress on the Emergent Infinite-Layer Ni-Based Superconductors (arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09662 Interplay of charge density waves, disorder, and superconductivity in 2$H$-TaSe$_2$ elucidated by NMR (arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09593 Field-tuned chiral transport in charge-ordered CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10049 Effects of external pressure on the narrow gap semiconductor Ce${3}$Cd${2}$As$_{6}$ (arXiv.org)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09819 Semi-classical simulation of spin-1 magnets (arXiv.org)

    82. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09754 Magnetic field-Temperature Phase Diagram of CeCoSi Constructed by Specific Heat, Magnetoresistivity, and Magnetization Measurements for a Single Crystal (arXiv.org)

    83. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10088 Theory of quantum anomalous Hall effect and electric-field-induced phase transition in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 moire heterobilayers (TMDC, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 3rd week collection
    1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04364-8 Steady Floquet-Andreev states in graphene Josephson junctions (GHLee, Nature)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.116402 Hidden $k$-Space Magnetoelectric Multipoles in Nonmagnetic Ferroelectrics (multipole, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100505 Topological superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice: Effect of normal state topology (honeycomb, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115421 Excitonic response of ${\mathrm{AA}}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ and AB stacked hBN bilayers (exciton, PRB)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09244 Peak effect in a superconductor/normal metal strip being in vortex-free state (Peak effect, arXiv.org)

    6. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09060 Chiral Majorana Fermions in two dimensional square lattice antiferromagnet with proximity-induced superconductivity (square lattice, arXiv.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09405 How to write a contemporary scientific article (writing, arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09386 Charge density wave order and fluctuations above T${CDW}$ and below superconducting T$_c$ in the kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb$_{5}$ (arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08872 Discovery of an electronic crystal in a cuprate Mott insulator (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09447 Existence of Chern Gaps in Kagome Magnets RMn$_6$Ge$_6$ (R = Nd, Sm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu) (kagome, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.09329 Crucial role of out-of-plane Sb-$p$ orbitals in Van Hove singularity formation and electronic correlation for superconducting Kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (MHHan kagome, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08836 Theoretical Analysis of Single-ion Anisotropy in d$^3$ Mott Insulators (Kee, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08834 Fragmented spin ice and multi-$k$ ordering in rare-earth antiperovskites (multi-k, arXiv.org)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094423 Discretized evolution of solitons in the achiral stripe phase of a Fe/Gd thin film (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115419 Quantum dot coupled to topological insulators: The role of edge states (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100504 Nonreciprocal Meissner response in parity-mixed superconductors (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121111 Quasiparticle interference observation of the topologically nontrivial drumhead surface state in ZrSiTe (QPI, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094507 Double-dome superconductivity under pressure in the V-based kagome metals $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{Rb}$ and K) (kagome, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115124 Compositional phase stability in medium-entropy and high-entropy Cantor-Wu alloys from an ab initio all-electron Landau-type theory and atomistic modeling (HEA, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125303 Features and applications of the energy shift of the topological surface state (TI, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100502 Gapless excitations inside the fully gapped kagome superconductors $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100503 Acoustic-phonon-mediated superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene (DasSarma, PRB)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08770 Manipulation of Dirac band curvature and momentum-dependent g-factor in a kagome magnet YMn6Sn6 (nphys kagome, arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08743 Does (TaSe4)2I really harbor an axionic charge density wave? (arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08333 Helicity locking of square skyrmion crystal in a centrosymmetric lattice system without vertical mirror symmetry (Hayame, arXiv.org)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.115701 Experimental Demonstration of Bulk-Hinge Correspondence in a Three-Dimensional Topological Dirac Acoustic Crystal (PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094307 Nonperturbative study of bulk photovoltaic effect enhanced by an optically induced phase transition (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121110 Dynamical properties of collective excitations in twisted bilayer graphene (QMC, PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094422 Long-range generation of a magnon-magnon entangled state (entanglement, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094506 Unconventional superconductivity due to interband polarization (LiangFu, PRB) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s36 Explaining Superconductivity in 2D Materials (Physics)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115121 $\mathrm{DFT}+\mathrm{DMFT}$ study of dopant effects in the heavy-fermion compound ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (HCChoi, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115122 Electric fields and substrates dramatically accelerate spin relaxation in graphene (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115304 Environmental effects on layer-dependent dynamics of Dirac fermions in quasicrystalline bilayer graphene (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125120 Dirac nodal-line semimetal zinc polynitride at high pressure (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125122 Projective symmetry group classification of chiral ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: Application to the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ Heisenberg model (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104418 Spin-lattice couplings in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ from first-principles computations (CrI3, PRB)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07551 Fe-based high field superconductors for cost-effective future accelerator magnets (arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07380 Bipolaronic high-temperature superconductivity (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07575 Electron-hole symmetry in quasiparticle spectral weight of cuprates observed via infrared and photoemission spectroscopy (JSHwang, arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07453 Dissipation Induced Flat Bands (flatband, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07607 Magnetically hidden state on the ground floor of the magnetic Devil’s staircase (devil, arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07432 Nontrivial doping evolution of electronic properties in Ising-superconducting alloys (arXiv.org)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.117601 Enhancement of the Magnetoelectric Effect Using the Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect in a Transition-Metal Complex (PRL)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115120 Magnetotransport and high-resolution angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy studies of palladium-doped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195116 Transport in the non-Fermi liquid phase of isotropic Luttinger semimetals (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125118 Crystallography of hyperbolic lattices (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115303 Orientation-dependent Rashba spin-orbit coupling of two-dimensional hole gases in semiconductor quantum wells: Linear or cubic (Rashba, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115414 Unified ab initio description of Frohlich electron-phonon interactions in two-dimensional and three-dimensional materials (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125119 Metamagnetism and crystal-field splitting in pseudohexagonal ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121109 Possible Dirac quantum spin liquid in the kagome quantum antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{YCu}}{3}{(\mathrm{OH})}{6}{\mathrm{Br}}{2}[{\mathrm{Br}}{x}{(\mathrm{OH})}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}]$ (kagome, PRB)

    51. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/37 Optical Sensor for a Pancreas-on-a-Chip (Physics)

    52. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04803 Anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction and Topological Magnetism in Two-Dimensional Magnets Protected by P-4m2 Crystal Symmetry (Nano Letters)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07365 Intertwining orbital current order and superconductivity in Kagome metal (arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06971 Little-Parks like oscillations in lightly doped cuprate superconductors (arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06946 Eliashberg theory of the Jahn-Teller-Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06532 Self-consistent theory of current injection into $d$ and $d + is$ superconductors (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06192 Supercurrent induced resonant optical response (arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06893 Superconductor vortex spectrum from Fermi arc states in Weyl semimetals (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06432 Kondo interaction in FeTe and its potential role in the magnetic order (CKim, arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07321 Possible chiral spin liquid state in the $S=1/2$ kagome Heisenberg model (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.07015 Comparative structural evolution under pressure of powder and single crystals of the layered antiferromagnet FePS$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06193 Strategy to Extract Kitaev Interaction using Symmetry in Honeycomb Mott Insulators (Kee, arXiv.org)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.116803 Acoustic Mobius Insulators from Projective Symmetry (PRL)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.116802 Projectively Enriched Symmetry and Topology in Acoustic Crystals (PRL)

    65. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/36 Acoustic Crystals with a Mobius Twist (Physics)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.116801 Anderson Localization in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (PRL)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.117201 Thermal Hall Effect of Magnons in Collinear Antiferromagnetic Insulators: Signatures of Magnetic and Topological Phase Transitions (PRL)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115116 $\ensuremath{\pi}$ phase shift across stripes in a charge density wave system (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115119 Rotoinversion-symmetric bulk-hinge correspondence and its applications to higher-order Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125116 Linear magnetoresistance induced by mobility fluctuations in iodine-intercalated tungsten ditelluride (WTe2I, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094203 FFLO state driven by quasiperiodic Zeeman field and its transition to localized states (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094419 Mechanism of length-induced magnetism in polyacene molecules (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104507 Spin-triplet superconductivity driven by finite-momentum spin fluctuations (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115117 Topological edge modes without symmetry in quasiperiodically driven spin chains (PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115118 Giant Chern number of a Weyl nodal surface without upper limit (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115410 Topological gap labeling with third Chern numbers in three-dimensional quasicrystals (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115411 Nonlinear Hall effect induced by internal Coulomb interaction and phase relaxation process in a four-terminal system with time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115413 Spatially controlled graphene-${\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ lateral heterostructure for sensing applications: Insights from first-principles calculations (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125410 Existence of interfacial polaronic plasmon: A comparative study between $\mathrm{FeSe}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ and $\mathrm{CoSe}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121107 Visualizing the out-of-plane electronic dispersions in an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121108 Footprints of Kitaev spin liquid in the Fano lineshape of Raman-active optical phonons (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094417 Antiferromagnetic domain wall dynamics in magnetoelectric ${\mathrm{MnTiO}}_{3}$ studied by optical imaging (PRB)

    83. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05867 Tunable superconductivity at the oxide-insulator/KTaO$_3$ interface and its origin (arXiv.org)

    84. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05770 Muon-spin relaxation study of the layered kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    85. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05650 Superconducting dome by tuning through a Van Hove singularity in a two-dimensional metal (arXiv.org)

    86. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05894 Crossed Andreev reflection in spin-polarized chiral edge states due to Meissner effect (Jelena, arXiv.org)

    87. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05669 Enhancing $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ in a composite superconductor/metal bilayer system: a dynamical cluster approximation study (DCA++, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125115 Topology invisible to eigenvalues in obstructed atomic insulators (PRB)

    2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04360-y Structure of the moire exciton captured by imaging its electron and hole (Exciton, nature)

    3. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05480v1 Pair-density-wave and chiral superconductivity in twisted bilayer transition-metal-dichalcogenides (HongYao, arxiv.org)

    4. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05055v1 Two types of charge order in the superconducting kagome material CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    5. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05172v1 Interplay of charge and spin fluctuations in a Hund’s coupled impurity (arxiv.org)

    6. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05035v1 Electrons with Planckian scattering obey standard orbital motion in a magnetic field (Tailefer, arxiv.org)

    7. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05001v1 Dynamics of topological defects after a photo-induced melting of a charge-density wave (arxiv.org)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.05038v1 Electronic correlations and universal long-range scaling in kagome metals (arxiv.org)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04990v1 Universal $T$-linear resistivity in two-dimensional quantum-critical metals from spatially random interactions (Sachdev, arxiv.org)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04986v1 Designer Meron Lattice on the Surface of a Topological Insulator (meron lattice, arxiv.org)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.106401 Engineering Proximity Exchange by Twisting: Reversal of Ferromagnetic and Emergence of Antiferromagnetic Dirac Bands in $\text{Graphene/}{\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRL)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094413 Influence of local structural distortion on the magnetism of ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ compounds (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115114 Disorder-induced two-dimensional metal-insulator transition in moir\‘e transition metal dichalcogenide multilayers (SJAhn, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125408 Lifetime enhancement of quasibound states in graphene quantum dots via circularly polarized light (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121405 Thermoelectrics of a two-channel charge Kondo circuit: Role of electron-electron interactions in a quantum point contact (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094414 Elastic study of electric quadrupolar correlation in the paramagnetic state of the frustrated quantum magnet ${\mathrm{Tb}}{2+\ensuremath{\delta}}{\mathrm{Ti}}{2\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104409 Valley modulation and single-edge transport of magnons in breathing kagome ferromagnets (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115115 Ab initio calculation of the effective Coulomb interactions in $M{X}_{2} (M=\mathrm{Ti},\mathrm{V},\mathrm{Cr},\mathrm{Mn},\mathrm{Fe},\mathrm{Co},\mathrm{Ni};X=\mathrm{S},\mathrm{Se},\mathrm{Te})$: Intrinsic magnetic ordering and Mott phase (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125407 Pseudogauge field driven acoustoelectric current in two-dimensional hexagonal Dirac materials (graphene, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100406 Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in Mn/Nb(110) (PRB)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04867 Compartmentalizing the cuprate strange metal (arXiv.org)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04624 The drastic effect of the impurity scattering on the electronic and superconducting properties of Cu-doped FeSe (arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04471 Topological Shiba Metals (arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04793 Crystal growth engineering and origin of the weak ferromagnetism in antiferromagnetic matrix of orthochromates from $t$-$e$ orbital hybridization (arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04687 Optically-induced Umklapp shift currents in striped cuprates (arXiv.org)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04542 Dynamical phase transitions in the photodriven charge-ordered Dirac-electron system (arXiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04449 Unsupervised learning of two-component nematicity from STM data on magic angle bilayer graphene (EAKim, arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04329 Detecting topological order from modular transformations of ground states on the torus (Mong, arXiv.org)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125111 Engineering dissipative quasicrystals (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115202 Accurate description of high-order phonon anharmonicity and lattice thermal conductivity from molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning potential (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094412 Lattice and magnetic dynamics in the ${\mathrm{YVO}}_{3}$ Mott insulator studied by neutron scattering and first-principles calculations (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115112 Microscopic theory of photoassisted electronic transport in normal-metal/BCS-superconductor junctions (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115113 Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law at the Lifshitz point of strained ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115406 Charging of Majorana edge modes caused by interaction: Exact results (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100404 Emergent interlayer magnetic order via strain-induced orthorhombic distortion in the $5d$ Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03793 Charge Density Wave order and electron-phonon coupling in ternary superconductor Bi$_2$Rh$_3$Se$_2$ (CDW, arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04104 A solvable 3D Kondo lattice exhibiting odd-frequency pairing and order fractionalization (arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04244 Heteroepitaxial control of Fermi liquid, Hund metal, and Mott insulator phases in the single-atomic-layer limit (arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03953 Can the "shadow" of graphene band clarify its flatness? (flat, arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03879 Structural Transition in the Hidden Ordered Phase of CeCoSi (Ce, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03826 Field-tunable toroidal moment and anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co1/3TaS2 (JGPark, arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03804 Low-temperature specific-heat studies on two square-kagome antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.04254 Field-dependent Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03845 Topological phase transition in magnon bands in a honeycomb ferromagnet driven by sublattice symmetry breaking (SKKim, arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03754 Nonlinear spin Hall effect in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric collinear magnets (arXiv.org)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.019903 Erratum: First-Principles Theory of Spatial Dispersion: Dynamical Quadrupoles and Flexoelectricity [Phys. Rev. X 9, 021050 (2019)] (PRX)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125109 Chiral Sachdev-Ye model: Integrability and chaos of anyons in $1+1\mathrm{d}$ (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104102 Observing localization and delocalization of the flat-band states in an acoustic cubic lattice (flatband, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115110 Pressure-induced structural transition, metallization, and topological superconductivity in PdSSe (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115111 Coupled cluster theory for the ground and excited states of two-dimensional quantum dots (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125108 Spin current density functional theory of Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125405 Scattering effects from neighboring atoms in core-level ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ photoemission (PRB)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03909 Nematic state of the FeSe superconductor (PRB)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03524 Tuning the competition between superconductivity and charge order in kagome superconductor Cs(V1-xNbx)3Sb5 (kagome Hai-Hu Wen, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03510 Magnetic response of nematic superconductors: skyrmion stripes and their signatures in muon spin relaxation experiments (arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03499 Theory of Superconductivity Mediated by Topological Phonons (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03184 Two-dimensional XY-type Magnetic Properties of Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Ce, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02879 Tunable Majorana corner modes by orbital-dependent exchange interaction in a two-dimensional topological superconductor (arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02598 Attraction Between Electron Pairs in High Temperature Superconductors (arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02580 Character of the “normal state” of the nickelate superconductors (Nickelate, arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03337 Dynamical properties of magnetic topological insulator $T$Bi${2}$Te${4}$ ($T=$Mn, Fe): phonons dispersion, Raman active modes, and chiral phonons study (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03569 Skyrmion-electron bound states in a N\‘eel antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03359 Atomic scale skyrmions and large topological Hall effect in a breathing-kagome lattice (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03330 Competing emergent Potts orders and possible nematic spin liquids in the Kagome $J_{1}-J_{3}$ Heisenberg model (arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03241 Magnetoelectric Cavity Magnonics in Skyrmion Crystals (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02681 Electronic structure of higher-order Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02567 Exchange interactions and spin dynamics in the layered honeycomb ferromagnet CrI$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03366 Improvements to Gradient Descent Methods for Quantum Tensor Network Machine Learning (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03199 Flexoelectric control of a ferromagnetic metal (arXiv.org)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094409 Probing ground-state properties of the kagome antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model using the variational quantum eigensolver (kagome, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094408 Magnetization reversal driven by electron localization-delocalization crossover in the inverse spinel ${\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{VO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125404 Effect of fermion indistinguishability on optical absorption of doped two-dimensional semiconductors (indistinguishability, PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125106 Global and local topological quantized responses from geometry, light, and time (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094410 Magnetoelastic coupling anisotropy in the Kitaev material $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{3}$ (kitaeav, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.106802 Coexistence of Ferroelectriclike Polarization and Dirac-like Surface State in ${\mathrm{TaNiTe}}_{5}$ (PRL)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02451 Mott Quantum Critical Points at finite doping (QCP, arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02145 Second-order magnetic responses in quantum magnets: Magnetization under ac magnetic fields (arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01962 Anisotropic deconfined criticality in Dirac spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01957 Anomalous gapped boundaries between surface topological orders in higher-order topological insulators and superconductors with inversion symmetry (arXiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02160 Reservoir Computing with Spin Waves in Skyrmion Crystal (Mochizuki, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Mar 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.095702 Giant Viscoelasticity near Mott Criticality in ${\mathrm{PbCrO}}_{3}$ with Large Lattice Anomalies (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.099901 Erratum: Analysis of Charge Order in the Kagome Metal $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{Cs}$) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 217601 (2021)] (kagome, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.097001 Spin-Nernst Effect in Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Superconductors (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104404 Complex magnetic structure and spin waves of the noncollinear antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}{5}{\mathrm{Si}}{3}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104405 Thermal conductivity of square ice (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115106 Tunable band gap in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094502 Exceptional odd-frequency pairing in non-Hermitian superconducting systems (Jorge, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115105 Doping dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates (cuprate, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121102 Large anomalous Hall effect induced by weak ferromagnetism in the noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CoNb}}{3}{\mathrm{S}}{6}$ (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121103 Evidence for Dirac nodal-line fermions in a phosphorous square-net superconductor (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115404 Electronic states driven by the crystal field in two-dimensional materials: The case of antimonene (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125105 Interpreting angle-dependent magnetoresistance in layered materials: Application to cuprates (PALee, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L121101 Two-dimensional weak topological insulators in inversion-symmetric crystals (YKKim, PRB)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01804v1 Comment on: Calculation of an Enhanced $A_{1g}$ Symmetry Mode Induced by Higgs Oscillations in the Raman Spectrum of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (arxiv.org)

    15. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01702v1 The $\mathbf{Z}_{2}$ topological invariants in 2D and 3D topological superconductors without time reversal symmetry (arxiv.org)

    16. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01660v1 Theory of proximity effect in $s+p$-wave superconductor junctions (arxiv.org)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01617v1 Nuclear-order-induced quantum criticality and heavy-fermion superconductivity at ultra-low temperatures in YbRh$_2$Si$_2$ (arxiv.org)

    18. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01558v1 Symmetry-protected Dirac nodal lines and large spin Hall effect in $\mathbf{V_6Sb_4}$ with kagome bilayer (arxiv.org)

    19. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01930v1 Electron correlations and charge density wave in the topological kagome metal FeGe (kagome, arxiv.org)

    20. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01888v1 Discovery of charge order and corresponding edge state in kagome magnet FeGe (kagome, arxiv.org)

    21. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01612v1 Magnetic field tuning of the valley population in the Weyl phase of Nd$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (arxiv.org)

    22. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01496v1 Low-Energy Excitations of Skyrmion Crystals in a Centrosymmetric Kondo-Lattice Magnet: Decoupled Spin-Charge Excitations and Nonreciprocity (Mochizuki, arxiv.org)

    23. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01361v1 Role of disorder in the electronic and magnetic properties of Ag$_3$LiIr$_2$O$_6$ (arxiv.org)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094201 Deformation of localized states and state transitions in systems of randomly hopping interacting fermions (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094301 Phase space crystal vibrations: Chiral edge states with preserved time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104101 Different critical behaviors in perovskites with a structural phase transition from cubic-to-trigonal and cubic-to-tetragonal symmetry (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104303 Dynamical relaxation of correlators in periodically driven integrable quantum systems (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115103 Double frustration and magnetoelectroelastic excitations in collinear multiferroic materials (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115104 General superexchange Hamiltonians for magnetic and orbital physics in ${e}{g}$ and ${t}{2g}$ systems (superexchange, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115403 Valley polarization control in ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ monolayer by a single-cycle laser pulse (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125102 In-plane magnetic field induced density wave states near quantum spin Hall phase transitions (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125103 Hermitian chiral boundary states in non-Hermitian topological insulators (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125104 Fast principal minor algorithms for diagrammatic Monte Carlo (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L100402 Antiferromagnetic insulators with tunable magnon-polaron Chern numbers induced by in-plane optical phonons (PRB)

    35. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn5990 A new Hall for quantum protection (Science)

    36. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn7018 The lasting legacy of John von Neumann (Science)

    37. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abe4441 Topological magnon band structure of emergent Landau levels in a skyrmion lattice (magnon skyrmion, Science)

    38. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abl5818 Breakdown of topological protection by cavity vacuum fields in the integer quantum Hall effect (Science)

    39. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04105-x Progress and prospects in magnetic topological materials (magnetic topological material, Nature)

    40. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04338-w High-density switchable skyrmion-like polar nanodomains integrated on silicon (Nature)

    41. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00989v1 A.C. susceptibility as a probe of low-frequency magnetic dynamics (arxiv.org)

    42. https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00817v1 Polaronic Conductivity in Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ Single Crystals (arxiv.org)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.097201 Dirac Magnons, Nodal Lines, and Nodal Plane in Elemental Gadolinium (magnon, PRL)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104402 Spin-exchange Hamiltonian and topological degeneracies in elemental gadolinium (PRB)

    45. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/30 Topological Magnetism Turns Elementary (Physics)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115402 Edge spin transport in the disordered two-dimensional topological insulator ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094403 Tunable critical correlations in kagome ice (PSI, PRB)

    48. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s30 Imaging a Phase Change in Kagome Spin Ice (Physics)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094404 Skyrmion clusters and chains in bulk and thin-layered cubic helimagnets (Leonov, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104301 Chiral phonons in lattices with ${C}_{4}$ symmetry (chiral phonon, PRB)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00335 Cu-doping effects on the ferromagnetic semimetal CeAuGe (Shin, arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00275 Evidence for the first-order topological phase transition in a Kitaev spin liquid candidate $\alpha$-RuCl$ _3$ (arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00227 $C_3$ symmetry breaking metal-insulator transitions near a flat band in the half-filled Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice (flatband, arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00066 Magnetic Interactions of the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Material Gd2PdSi3 (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00032 Order, Disorder and Monopole Confinement in the Spin-$1/2$ XXZ Model on a Pyrochlore Tube (arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00675 Visualizing the out-of-plane electronic dispersions in an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00079 Direct observation of discommensurate charge density wave modulation in the quasi-1D Weyl semimetal candidate NbTe$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13498 Deconfined Quantum Criticality among Grand Unified Theories (Juwen, arXiv.org)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.096601 Flat-Band-Induced Anomalous Anisotropic Charge Transport and Orbital Magnetism in Kagome Metal CoSn (kagome, PRL)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104501 Inherited topological superconductivity in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals (topological SC, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104502 Substrate-induced broken ${C}{4}$ symmetry and gap variation in superconducting single-layer $\mathrm{FeSe}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}\text{\ensuremath{-}}(\sqrt{13}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\sqrt{13})$ (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.115101 Thermal Hall conductivity of electron-doped cuprates (Taillefer, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13674 Symmetries, Length Scales, Magnetic Response and Skyrmion Chains in Nematic Superconductors (skrmion chain, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13671 A minimal one-dimensional model of "b (JMoore, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13582 Suppression of ferromagnetism and influence of disorder in silicon-substituted CeRh6Ge4 (arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.13530 Conjoined Charge Density Waves in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12964 Skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric triangular magnets under hexagonal and trigonal single-ion anisotropy (Hayami, arXiv.org)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064519 Mixed-state Hall scaling behavior and vortex phase diagram in ${\mathrm{FeSe}}{0.7}{\mathrm{Te}}{0.3}$ thin films (SGJung, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085151 Valence-bond solid to antiferromagnet transition in the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model by Langevin dynamics (SSH QPT, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054433 Unified formulation of interfacial magnonic pumping from noncollinear magnets (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054435 Mean-field description of skyrmion lattice in hexagonal frustrated antiferromagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085154 Bound on resistivity in flat-band materials due to the quantum metric (flatband, PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081117 Non-Abelian braiding of Weyl nodes via symmetry-constrained phase transitions (Weyl-braiding, PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064517 Nonsymmorphic band sticking in a topological superconductor (PRB)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12667v1 Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of CeRh${2}$As${2}$ (Hassinger, arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12590v1 Why does maximum Tc occur at the cross-over from weak to strong electron-phonon coupling in high temperature superconductors? (arxiv.org)

    77. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12757v1 The role of correlated hopping in many-body physics of flat-band systems: Nagaoka ferromagnetism (arxiv.org)

    78. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12462v1 Observation of a Critical Charge Mode in a Strange Metal (PColeman, arxiv.org)

    79. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12315v1 Magnetic-field Induced Topological Transitions and Thermal Conductivity in a Generalized Kitaev Model (Kee, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011037 Seebeck Coefficient in a Cuprate Superconductor: Particle-Hole Asymmetry in the Strange Metal Phase and Fermi Surface Transformation in the Pseudogap Phase (cuprate, PRX)

    2. 2202.12178 Nonunitary Superconductivity in Complex Quantum Materials (Aline, arXiv)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.087002 Superfluid Weight Bounds from Symmetry and Quantum Geometry in Flat Bands (Bernevig, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054429 Origin of insulating and nonferromagnetic ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ monolayers (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075146 Electronic spectra with paramagnon fractionalization in the single-band Hubbard model (Sachdev, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081114 Addressing shape and extent of Weyl cones in TaAs by Landau level spectroscopy (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054516 Two-orbital model for possible superconductivity pairing mechanism in nickelates (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064516 High-${T}_{c}$ superconductivity in doped boron-carbon clathrates (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075430 Frustration-controlled quantum phase transition between multiple singular two-stage Kondo behaviors in a tetrahedral quadruple quantum dot structure (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085147 Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev type physics in the strained Kitaev honeycomb model (PRB)

    11. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/29 A Quantum Solution to an 18th-Century Puzzle (Physics)

    12. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12151v1 Magnon corner states in twisted bilayer honeycomb magnets (magnon, arxiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12149 Phonon thermal Hall effect in a metallic spin ice (phonon thermal Hall, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11975 Spin-liquid signatures in the quantum critical regime of pressurized CePdAl (Ce, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11947 Quantized and unquantized thermal Hall conductance of Kitaev spin-liquid candidate $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (thermal Hall, arXiv.org)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054425 Curvature-induced drift and deformation of magnetic skyrmions: Comparison of the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic cases (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064430 Spin-space groups and magnon band topology (spin group magnon, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075425 Deep learning of deformation-dependent conductance in thin films: Nanobubbles in graphene (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054515 Nature of field-induced antiferromagnetic order in Zn-doped ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ and its connection to quantum criticality in the pure compound (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085144 Comparing the influence of Floquet dynamics in various Kitaev-Heisenberg materials (PRB)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11355 Superconductive materials with MgB2-like structures from data-driven screening (arXiv.org)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11521 Monolayer Kagome Metals AV3Sb5 (YKKim, arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11569 Spin-density-wave order controlled by uniaxial stress in CeAuSb$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11450 Topological phases of an interacting Majorana BBH model (BBH model, arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11103 Nonlinear optical responses in nodal line semimetals (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.087201 Metallic and Deconfined Quantum Criticality in Dirac Systems (Dirac QCP, PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085141 Anomalous Gurzhi effect (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060408 Dynamical signatures of rank-2 $U(1)$ spin liquids (YBKim, PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060409 Quantum criticality and spin liquid phase in the Shastry-Sutherland model (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064429 Local control of magnetic interface effects in chiral $\mathrm{Ir} \mathrm{Co} \mathrm{Pt}$ multilayers using ${\mathrm{Ga}}^{+}$ ion irradiation (irridation, PRB)
    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075310 Corner states, hinge states, and Majorana modes in SnTe nanowires (PRB)

    32. rs-1231859/v1 Real-space observations of three-dimensional antiskyrmions and skyrmion strings (skyrmion string, nature preprint)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11003 Impurity-induced excitations in twisted topological van der Waals superconductors (Lado, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10577 Quantifying the role of antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the superconductivity of the doped Hubbard model (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10490 Effects of magnetic and non-magnetic doping on the vortex lattice in MgB$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10475 Interplay of superconductivity and dissipation in quantum Hall edges (arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.11019 Skyrmions in magnetic materials (arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10794 Small moments without long-range magnetic ordering in the zero-temperature ground state of the double-perovskite iridate Ba$_2$YIrO$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10731 Entanglement entropy of XX spin $1/2$ chain with random partitioning (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10715 Extraction of the interaction parameters for $\alpha-$RuCl$_3$ from neutron data using machine learning (interaction parameter, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10467 Quantum Metric Induced Phases in Moir\‘e Materials (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10544 Exploration of the spin-phonon coupling in the noncollinear antiferromagnetic antiperovskite Mn$_3$NiN (arXiv.org)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011034 Thermal Probes of Phonon-Coupled Kitaev Spin Liquids: From Accurate Extraction of Quantized Edge Transport to Anyon Interferometry (PRX)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054208 Energy, metastability, and optical properties of anion-disordered $R{\mathrm{O}}{x}{\mathrm{H}}{3\ensuremath{-}2x}$ $(R=\mathrm{Y},\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{La})$ oxyhydrides: A computational study (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064108 Successive electric polarization transitions induced by high magnetic field in the single-crystal antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{Mo}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{8}$ (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085139 Prototypical many-body signatures in transport properties of semiconductors (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075136 Spin texture in doped Mott insulators with spin-orbit coupling (Zannen, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075137 Phonon spectrum of ${\mathrm{Pr}}{2}{\mathrm{Zr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ and ${\mathrm{Pr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ as evidence of coupling of the lattice with electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075421 Valley-contrasting physics in a two-dimensional ${p}_{x,y}$-orbital honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085134 Spin-polarized imaging of strongly interacting fermions in the ferrimagnetic state of the Weyl candidate CeBi (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075141 Giant magnetoresistance, Fermi-surface topology, Shoenberg effect, and vanishing quantum oscillations in the type-II Dirac semimetal candidates ${\mathrm{MoSi}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{WSi}}{2}$ (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075142 Triplet resonating valence bond theory and transition metal chalcogenides (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075308 Hole-spin qubits in Ge nanowire quantum dots: Interplay of orbital magnetic field, strain, and growth direction (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085417 Rotating Majorana zero modes in a disk geometry (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060302 Transverse instability and universal decay of spin spiral order in the Heisenberg model (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081111 Local magnetic moment formation and Kondo screening in the half-filled single-band Hubbard model (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064512 Two-gap ${\mathrm{s}}_{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$-wave superconductivity at an oxide interface (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085137 Mixed-valent metallic pyrochlore iridate: A possible route to non-Fermi liquids (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085138 Hidden breathing kagome topology in hexagonal transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085135 Partial Kondo screening and anomalous thermal conductance (SBLee, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081410 Electronic pumping of heat without charge transfer (PRB)

    62. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01521-2 Spin liquid evidence at the edge and in bulk (nature physics)

    63. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-021-01501-y Robustness of the thermal Hall effect close to half-quantization in RuCl3 (nature physics)

    64. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-021-01488-6 Thermodynamic evidence for a field-angle-dependent Majorana gap in a Kitaev spin liquid (nature physics)

    65. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10327v1 Signatures of Majorana bound states and parity effects in two-dimensional chiral p-wave Josephson junctions (Dale, arxiv.org)

    66. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10128v1 On the dynamic distinguishibality of nodal quasi-particles in overdoped cuprates (KBehnia, arxiv.org) memorandum

    67. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10366v1 Thermal Conductivity and Theory of Inelastic Scattering of Phonons by Collective Fluctuations (LBalents, arxiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09984 Experimental signatures of versatile Weyl semimetal in pyrochlore iridate with spin-ice like magnetic orders (YTokura, arXiv.org)

    69. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09744v1 Effective spin model in momentum space: Toward a systematic understanding of multiple-$Q$ instability by momentum-resolved anisotropic exchange interactions (Hayami, arxiv.org)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09668v1 Light-induced dimension crossover in 1T-TiSe$_2$ dictated by excitonic correlations (arxiv.org)

    71. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09642v1 Anisotropy of Kondo-lattice coherence in momentum space for CeCoIn5 (CeCoIn5, arxiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10758 Hopfion Dynamics in Chiral Magnets (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09281 Unsupervised and supervised learning of interacting topological phases from single-particle correlation functions (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08845 Fluctuating intertwined stripes in the strange metal regime of the Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.09192 Continuous phase transition from a chiral spin state to collinear magnetic order in a zigzag chain with Kitaev interactions (arXiv.org)
  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011033 Magnetic Generation and Switching of Topological Quantum Phases in a Trivial Semimetal $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{EuP}}_{3}$ (Eu, PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.076802 Universal Conductance Scaling of Andreev Reflections Using a Dissipative Probe (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.070501 Reformulation of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem for Entangled Datasets (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.076803 Suppressing Andreev Bound State Zero Bias Peaks Using a Strongly Dissipative Lead (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085131 Revised phase diagram of the high-${T}{c}$ cuprate superconductor Pb-doped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CaCu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{8+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ revealed by anisotropic transport measurements (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064304 Dynamic bulk-boundary correspondence for anomalous Floquet topology (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075133 Exceptional hexagonal warping effect in multi-Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054205 Quantum phase transitions and a disorder-based filter in a Floquet system (disorder floquet, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054420 Electric field driven flat bands: Enhanced magnetoelectric and electrocaloric effects in frustrated quantum magnets (katsura nagaosa balatsky, PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075134 Selection rule for the photoinduced phase transition dominated by anisotropy of strain in ${\mathrm{Ti}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{5}$ (PRB)

    11. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s23 Nanoscale Computer Operates at the Speed of Light (Physics)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.073201 Nonlocal Scatterer for Compact Wave-Based Analog Computing (PRL)

    13. 일어날 일은 일어난다 일어날 일은 일어난다 (박권, 한국물리학회)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08790 Twisted multilayer nodal superconductors (MFranz, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08570 Emergence of large quantum oscillation frequencies in thin flakes of a kagome superconductor CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08597 Properties and challenges of hot-phonon physics in metals: MgB$_2$ and other compounds (MgB2, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08454 Consecutive topological phase transitions and colossal magnetoresistance in a magnetic topological semimetal (arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08428 Local symmetry breaking with correlation to ferromagnetism and the Weyl state in Co${3}$Sn${2}$S$_{2}$ (Weyl, arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08269 Hydrodynamics with triangular point group (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08483 Doping control of magnetic anisotropy for stable antiskyrmion formation in schreibersite (Fe,Ni)$_3$P with $S_4$ symmetry (antiskyrmion, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08424 Higher-order Topological Phases of Magnons in van der Waals Honeycomb Ferromagnets (magnon, arXiv.org)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04305-5 Scaling of the strange-metal scattering in unconventional superconductors (Nature)

    23. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn9631 Surprising superconductivity of graphene (Science)

    24. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abm8386 Isospin magnetism and spin-polarized superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene (Science)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.077001 Pressure-Induced Dimensional Crossover in a Kagome Superconductor (kagome, PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085128 Orbital design of flat bands in non-line-graph lattices via line-graph wave functions (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064423 Optical control of topological memory based on orbital magnetization (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075415 Nonlinear antidamping spin-orbit torque originating from intraband transport on the warped surface of a topological insulator (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075418 Spin-resolved thermal signatures of Majorana-Kondo interplay in double quantum dots (majorana, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081108 Moir\‘e induced topology and flat bands in twisted bilayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$: A first-principles study (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081409 Multiple strong topological gaps and hexagonal warping in ${\mathrm{Bi}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054416 Ferromagnetism in armchair graphene nanoribbon heterostructures (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054417 Spiral magnetism, spin flop, and pressure-induced ferromagnetism in the negative charge-transfer-gap insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{FeO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064424 Structures of magnetic excitations in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ kagome-lattice antiferromagnets ${\mathrm{Cs}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{SnF}}{12}$ and ${\mathrm{Rb}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{SnF}}{12}$ (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085129 Hydrostatic pressure-induced magnetic and topological phase transitions in the ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ family of materials (PRB)

    36. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08110v1 Disorder-induced linear magnetoresistance in Sr-doped Bi2Se3 thin films (arxiv.org)

    37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07794v1 Observability of superconductivity in Sr-doped Bi2Se3 at the surface using scanning tunneling microscope (YAndo, arxiv.org)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07713v1 Tunable nodal kagome superconductivity in charge ordered RbV3Sb5 (kagome, arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07956v1 Collective mode excitations and simulated $L$-edge resonant-inelastic x-ray scattering spectra in antiferromagnetic Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ (arxiv.org)

    40. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07670v1 Ultrasound detection of emergent photons in generic quantum spin ice (YBKim, arxiv.org)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.076801 Quantized Nonlinear Conductance in Ballistic Metals (CKane, PRL) memorandum https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s19 A Quantized Surprise from Fermi Surface Topology (Physics)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.070401 Emergent Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Phase in Quadratically Driven Condensates (PRL)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.075901 Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe (chiral phonon, PRL)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.078301 Outbreak Size Distribution in Stochastic Epidemic Models (PRL)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.078302 Subdiffusive Activity Spreading in the Diffusive Epidemic Process (PRL)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075132 Quantum phases of two-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ gauge theory coupled to single-component fermion matter (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064422 Large Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and atomic layer thickness dependence in a ferromagnet-${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ heterostructure (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085126 Kondo cloud in a one-dimensional nanowire (Kondo, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085413 Nanopatterning of rotating highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (0001) surfaces by ion beam irradiation: Experiments and modeling (irridation, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085414 Crosstalk analysis for simultaneously driven two-qubit gates in spin qubit arrays (QD, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060102 Phase transitions of zirconia: Machine-learned force fields beyond density functional theory (ML-DFT, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060406 Role of electronic excitation on the anomalous magnetism of elemental copper (PRB)

    53. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07640v1 Suppression of fluctuations in a two-band superconductor with a quasi-1D band (Superconductivity, arxiv.org)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07619v1 The Case of Itinerant Magnetism in CaMn${2}$Al${10}$: Self-Consistent Renormalisation (SCR) Theory Study (arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07357v1 Thermodynamics of the spin-half square-kagome lattice antiferromagnet (arxiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07224v1 Evidence for a spinon Kondo effect in cobalt atoms on single-layer 1T-TaSe$_2$ (PALee, arxiv.org) memorandum

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07647v1 Can a spin chain relate combinatorics to number theory? (arxiv.org)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.06993v1 A skyrmion fluid and bimeron glass emerging from competition with a chiral spin liquid (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011030 Topological Superconductivity in an Extended $s$-Wave Superconductor and Its Implication to Iron-Based Superconductors (JPHu, PRX)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054510 Thermodynamic properties of nodal superconductors close to a magnetic quantum critical point (cuprate, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054308 Detection of edge states by high-order harmonic generation in the Harper model (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054413 Multimagnon dynamics and thermalization in the $S=1$ easy-axis ferromagnetic chain (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054512 Coupled Hubbard ladders at weak coupling: Pairing and spin excitations (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064420 Frustrated magnetism of spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg diamond and octahedral chains as a statistical mechanical monomer-dimer problem (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085123 Phononic real Chern insulator with protected corner modes in graphynes (phonon, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060405 Instabilities of spin-1 Kitaev spin liquid phase in presence of single-ion anisotropies (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064303 Lattice dynamics with molecular Berry curvature: Chiral optical phonons (QNiu, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075125 Separation of Kondo lattice coherence from crystal electric field in ${\mathrm{CeIn}}_{3}$ with Nd substitutions (Ce, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075304 Monolayer ${\mathrm{CeI}}_{2}$: An intrinsic room-temperature ferrovalley semiconductor (Ce, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085412 Experimental evidence for dissipationless transport of the chiral edge state of the high-field Chern insulator in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ nanodevices (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060404 Uniaxial pressure effects in the two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081301 Floquet vortex states induced by light carrying an orbital angular momentum (Floquet, PRB)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.06244 Pressure-induced superconductivity reentrant in transition metal dichalcogenide TiSe2 (TiSe2, arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05850 Fragmented Cooper pair condensation in striped superconductors (fragmented Cooper pair, arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.06528 Photoinduced 120-degree spin order in the Kondo-lattice model on a triangular lattice (Kondo lattice, arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.06184 Breakdown of bulk-projected isotropy in surface electronic states of topological Kondo insulator SmB$_6$(001) (SmB6, arXiv.org)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011029 Observation of a Novel Lattice Instability in Ultrafast Photoexcited SnSe (lattice instability, PRX)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075306 Dynamic Friedel oscillations on the surface of a topological insulator (Friedel, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075414 Theoretical realization of two-dimensional half-metallicity and fully spin-polarized multiple nodal-line fermions in monolayer PrOBr (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085121 Charge dynamics in magnetically disordered Mott insulators (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081107 Experimental realization of topological corner states in long-range-coupled electrical circuits (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081408 Strain-tuning of domain walls in multilayer graphene probed in the quantum Hall regime (PRB)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05588v1 Large family candidates for kagome topological superconductors (kagome, arxiv.org)

    84. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05561v1 Spin-triplet superconductivity in Weyl nodal-line semimetals (arxiv.org)

    85. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05663v1 Valley-Polarized State Induced $\varphi_0$-Josephson Junction in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arxiv.org)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05660v1 Spin stiffness, spectral weight, and Landau damping of magnons in metallic spiral magnets (arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05368v1 Uniaxial stress effect on the quasi-one-dimensional Kondo lattice CeCo$_2$Ga$_8$ (1D Ce, arxiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05379v1 Theory of perturbatively nonlinear quantum transport I: general formulation and structure of the retarded correlator (AManchon, arxiv.org)

    89. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.05378v1 Theory of perturbatively nonlinear quantum transport II: Hilbert space truncation, gauge invariance, and second order transport in a spatially uniform, time-varying electric field (AManchon, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 2nd week collection
    1. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04182 Optically excited spin dynamics of thermally metastable skyrmions in Fe${0.75}$Co${0.25}$Si (skyrmion, arXiv)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054411 Cascadable direct current driven skyrmion logic inverter gate (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085411 Corner modes of the breathing kagome lattice: Origin and robustness (kagome, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081106 Ab initio theory of magnetism in two-dimensional $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (TaS2 magnetism, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081407 Metals, fractional metals, and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (PRB)

    6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04327-z Time-reversal symmetry-breaking charge order in a kagome superconductor (kagome, Nature)

    7. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00305-1 Electrons go loopy in a family of superconductors (Nature)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04838 Electronic structure and spin-lattice relaxation in superconducting vortex states on the kagome lattice near van Hove filling (kagome, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04784 Characterization of photoinduced normal state through charge density wave in superconducting YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6.67}$ (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04803 Magnetic excitations in double perovskite iridates La${2}$$\mathit{M}$IrO${6}$ ($\mathit{M}$ = Co, Ni, and Zn) mediated by 3$\mathit{d}$-5$\mathit{d}$ hybridization (arXiv.org)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011028 Giant and Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Unconventional Collinear Antiferromagnets with Nonrelativistic Spin-Momentum Coupling (PRX)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.067201 Observation of the Orbital Rashba-Edelstein Magnetoresistance (orbital, PRL)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054508 Disorder-induced transition from type-I to type-II superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{PdTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075122 Excitonic-insulator instability and Peierls distortion in one-dimensional semimetals (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085410 Phonon-limited transport and Fermi arc lifetime in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    16. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s18 Cavity Engineering for Superconductors (Physics)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04407 Magnetic field-temperature phase diagrams for multiple-$Q$ magnetic orderings: Exact steepest decent approach to long-range interacting spin systems (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04197 Differential entropy per particle as a probe of van Hove singularities and flat bands (arXiv.org)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.066401 SU(4) $\text{Valley}+\text{Spin}$ Fluctuation Interference Mechanism for Nematic Order in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene: The Impact of Vertex Corrections (PRL)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085115 Multigap topology and non-Abelian braiding of phonons from first principles (PRB)

    21. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s17 Extracting the Spin and Valley Information of Electrons (Physics)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03686 Possible Origin of Preformed Hole Pairs and Superconductivity in Cuprates (arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03608 Electromagnetic response of cuprate superconductors with coexisting electronic nematicity (nematic order, arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.04063 Improved estimator for numerical renormalization group calculations of the self-energy (NRG, arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03663 Emergent skyrmion-based chiral order in zero-field Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing kagome lattice (skyrmion kagome, arXiv.org)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03569 Chiral Electronic Excitations in a Quasi-2D Rashba System BiTeI (BiTeI, arXiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03494 Linear Response Theory of Berry Curvature and Quantum Metric in Solids (arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03820 Tunable Magnetic Anisotropy in Patterned SrRuO3 Quantum Structures: Competition between Lattice Anisotropy and Oxygen Octahedral Rotation (octahedron, arXiv.org)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.065901 Degradation of Phonons in Disordered Moir\‘e Superlattices (Ochoa, PRL)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.066602 Bicircular Light Floquet Engineering of Magnetic Symmetry and Topology and Its Application to the Dirac Semimetal ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Bicircular, PRL)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.066601 Dissipationless Spin-Charge Conversion in Excitonic Pseudospin Superfluid (PRL)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.067601 Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity in $1{\mathrm{T}}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$-${\mathrm{ReS}}_{2}$ Multilayers (PRL)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054202 Hyperuniform electron distributions controlled by electron interactions in quasicrystals (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085409 Second-harmonic generation in atomically thin $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ and its possible origin from charge density wave transitions (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081103 Vanishing Hall conductance for commuting Hamiltonians (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081104 Exotic magnetic and electronic properties of layered ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ single crystals under high pressure (CrI3, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054506 Controlling magnetism through Ising superconductivity in magnetic van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064409 Nonthermal breaking of magnetic order via photogenerated spin defects in the spin-orbit coupled insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (iridates, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064504 Proximity-driven ferromagnetism and superconductivity in the triangular Rashba-Hubbard model (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075116 Local density of states of the interacting resonant level model at zero temperature (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075118 Superconducting pairing symmetry in the kagome-lattice Hubbard model (kagome two-gap, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075407 Topological edge and corner states and fractional corner charges in blue phosphorene (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075408 Two-dimensional ferroelectricity induced by octahedral rotation distortion in perovskite oxides (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085111 Theory of exciton-phonon coupling (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060501 Going beyond the Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit in a flatband superconductor (flatband, PRB)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02875 To See a World in a Grain of Sand – The Scientific Life of Shoucheng Zhang (SCZhang, arXiv.org)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011025 Direct Observation of the Electrically Triggered Insulator-Metal Transition in ${\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{5}$ Far below the Transition Temperature (V3O5, PRX)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.063201 Coupling Two Laser-Cooled Ions via a Room-Temperature Conductor (PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.066801 Copropagating Edge States Produced by the Interaction between Electrons and Chiral Phonons in Two-Dimensional Materials (chiral phonon, PRL)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054102 Photoinduced chiral charge density wave in ${\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054504 Anisotropic topological superconductivity in Josephson junctions (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064407 Dynamics of domain walls in curved antiferromagnetic wires (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075113 Optical spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe study of the structural phase transition in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{TaTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075114 Charge ordering in Ir dimers in the ground state of ${\mathrm{Ba}}{5}{\mathrm{AlIr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{11}$ (PRB)

    55. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28334-4 Single skyrmion true random number generator using local dynamics and interaction between skyrmions (skyrmion, Nature Communications)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075404 Ring of bound states in the continuum in the reciprocal space of a monolayer of high-contrast dielectric spheres (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075405 Giant interlayer magnetic exchange interaction and charge-spin coupling in a van der Waals magnetic interface driven by $p\ensuremath{-}d$ coupling (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085110 Hidden one-dimensional, strongly nested, and almost half-filled Fermi surface in ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{3+y}$ superconductors (cuprate, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085405 Spontaneous orbital magnetization of mesoscopic dipole dimers (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060101 Higher-order Dirac semimetal in a photonic crystal (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060403 Excitation spectrum of spin-1 Kitaev spin liquids (PRB)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02353 Euler Obstructed Cooper Pairing in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Nematic Nodal Superconductivity and Bounded Superfluid Weight (arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03292 Pressure-induced concomitant topological and metal-insulator quantum phase transitions in Ce$_3$Pd$_3$Bi$_4$ (Ce, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03251 Strong effects of uniaxial pressure and short-range correlations in Cr2Ge2Te6 (arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02982 Sr$_2$IrO$_4$/Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ superlattice for a model 2D quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet (iridates, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02785 Magnetic transition in the $J_\textrm{eff} = 1/2$ Kagom\‘{e} system Sm$3$Sb$_3$Zn$_2$O${14}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02873 Diffusive transport in the lowest Landau level of disordered 2d semimetals: the mean-square-displacement approach (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02753 Triple-meron crystal in high-spin Kitaev magnets (arXiv.org)

    69. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02159v1 Non-contact Andreev reflection as a direct probe of superconductivity on the atomic scale (Lado, arxiv.org)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02117v1 Majorana flat bands at structured surfaces of nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors (Majorana flatbands, arxiv.org)

    71. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01902v1 Microscopic structure of three-dimensional charge order in kagome superconductor AV3Sb5 and its tunability (kagome, arxiv.org)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02220v1 Uniaxial pressure effects in the two-dimensional van-der-Waals ferromagnet CrI$_3$ (CrI3, arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02055v1 Tunable bilayer Hubbard model physics in twisted WSe2 (arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.02022v1 $\mathrm{Fe_3GeTe_2}$: A site-differentiated Hund metal (MJHan, arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01845v1 Maximal quantum chaos of the critical Fermi surface (arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01796v1 Theory of Competing Charge Density Wave, Kekule and Antiferromagnetic ordered Fractional Quantum Hall states in Graphene aligned with Boron Nitride (kekule, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Feb 1st week collection
    1. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abj7943 Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial intelligence (Science)

    2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04173-z Reproducibility in the fabrication and physics of moiré materials (Nature)

    3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04306-4 Polarized phonons carry angular momentum in ultrafast demagnetization (Nature)

    4. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.13213 Fermi surface segmentation in the helical state of a Rashba superconductor (arXiv.org)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12971 Evidence for nodal superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv.org)

    6. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/sciadv.abm4005 Unconventional interlayer exchange coupling via chiral phonons in synthetic magnetic oxide heterostructures (WSChoi, www.science.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01224 Pair-density-wave superconductor from doping Haldane chain and rung-singlet ladder (arXiv.org)

    8. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/advs.202103403 Atomistic Engineering of Phonons in Functional Oxide Heterostructures (WSChoi, Wiley Online Library)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.00277 Magnetic structures and electronic properties of cubic-pyrochlore ruthenates from first principles (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.13316 Phonon drag thermal Hall effect in metallic strontium titanate (KBehnia, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12851 Type-II Dirac Nodal Lines in double-kagome-layered CsV$8$Sb${12}$ (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12421 Flat-Band Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in the Kagome Metal CoSn1-xInx (arXiv.org)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011023 Possible Quadrupole Density Wave in the Superconducting Kondo Lattice ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Ce, PRX)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011024 Leggett Modes Accompanying Crystallographic Phase Transitions (PRX)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011022 Neutron Spectroscopy Evidence on the Dual Nature of Magnetic Excitations in a van der Waals Metallic Ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{2.72}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRX)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011021 Symmetry-Based Approach to Superconducting Nodes: Unification of Compatibility Conditions and Gapless Point Classifications (PRX)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.057702 Scattering between Minivalleys in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.050604 Heating Rates under Fast Periodic Driving beyond Linear Response (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.057002 Observation of Antiferromagnetic Order as Odd-Parity Multipoles inside the Superconducting Phase in ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Ce, PRL)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.056801 Gapping Fragile Topological Bands by Interactions (PRL)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.053002 Synthetic Topological Nodal Phase in Bilayer Resonant Gratings (PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.057001 Mesoscale Phase Separation of Skyrmion-Vortex Matter in Chiral-Magnet–Superconductor Heterostructures (PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054404 Chern-Simons superconductors and their instabilities (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085107 Theoretical study of the crystal and electronic properties of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuI}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085108 Magnetism and magnetotransport in the kagome antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ge}$ (Burkov, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064503 Electrically modulated Josephson junction of light-dressed topological insulators (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075110 Observation of a van Hove singularity of a surface Fermi arc with prominent coupling to phonons in a Weyl semimetal (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075403 Robustness of spin-polarized edge states in a two-dimensional topological semimetal without inversion symmetry (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081403 Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in the topological Kondo model (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075108 Strong anisotropic Hall effect in single-crystalline ${\mathrm{CeMn}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ with helical spin order (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064502 Pattern-dependent proximity effect and Majorana edge mode in one-dimensional quasicrystals (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085103 Spin-orbit interactions may relax the rigid conditions leading to flat bands (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054402 Magnetically controllable band splittings in $Pnma$ ferromagnetic materials (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054501 Fermi arcs and pseudogap phase in a minimal microscopic model of $d$-wave superconductivity (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.054502 Andreev spectroscopy of nonhelical spin textures in topological insulators (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064501 Josephson effects in twisted cuprate bilayers (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081102 Weyl nodes with higher-order topology in an optically driven nodal-line semimetal (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014445 Giant resonances in topological spin Hall effect due to electron-skyrmion scattering in two-dimensional Rashba spin-orbit ferromagnets (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035428 Tailoring flat bands and topological phases in a multistrand Creutz network (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045143 Reshaped Weyl fermionic dispersions driven by Coulomb interactions in ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014444 Vector vorticity of skyrmionic texture: An internal degree of freedom tunable by magnetic field (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035151 Multi-impurity chiral Kondo model: Correlation functions and anyon fusion rules (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035156 Magnetic skyrmion crystal at a topological insulator surface (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045146 Length scale formation in the Landau levels of quasicrystals (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041304 Evidence for spin-polarized bound states in semiconductor–superconductor–ferromagnetic-insulator islands (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045142 Absence of temperature-dependent phonon anomalies in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ and ${\mathrm{Sr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020510 Enhanced superconductivity in C-S-H compounds at high pressure (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075402 Structural, electronic, and transport properties of quintuple atomic Janus monolayers ${\mathrm{Ga}}{2}\mathrm{S}{X}{2}$ ($X=$ O, S, Se, Te): First-principles predictions (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075102 Engineering antiferromagnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions at metallic interfaces (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085101 Photon absorption of two-dimensional nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetals (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060401 Analytical results for the unusual Gruneisen ratio in the quantum Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11943 Intrinsic magnetism in superconducting infinite-layer nickelates (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11883 Reply to "Comme (CSH, arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12008 Theory of spin-excitation anisotropy in the nematic phase of FeSe obtained from RIXS measurements (arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12127 Designing quantum many-body matter with conditional generative adversarial networks (Lado, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12121 Spin excitation spectra of the spin-$1/2$ triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnets from tensor networks (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11749 Barriers to Macroscopic Superfluidity and Insulation in a 2D Aubry-Andr\‘e Model (2d AAH, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12161 Designing Berry curvature dipoles and the quantum nonlinear Hall effect at oxide interfaces (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.047001 Design Principles for High-Temperature Superconductors with a Hydrogen-Based Alloy Backbone at Moderate Pressure (Hydride, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014438 Competing multipolar orders in a face-centered cubic lattice: Application to the osmium double perovskites (kee, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024422 Magnon band structure of skyrmion crystals and stereographic projection approach (magnon, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045425 Demonstrating Majorana non-Abelian properties using fast adiabatic charge transfer (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014437 Large magneto-optical effect and magnetic anisotropy energy in two-dimensional metallic ferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}\mathrm{Ge}{\mathrm{Te}}{2}$ (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014439 Spin and quadrupole correlations by three-spin interaction in the frustrated pyrochlore magnet ${\mathrm{Tb}}{2+x}{\mathrm{Ti}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{O}}_{7+y}$ (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024423 Effective spin-charge transport theory and spin-transfer physics in frustrated magnets within the slave-boson approach (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035149 Competing $U$(1) and ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ dipolar-octupolar quantum spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: Application to ${\mathrm{Ce}}{2}{\mathrm{Zr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ (YBKim, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045141 Diabolical touching point in the magnetic energy levels of topological nodal-line metals (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041113 Many-body localization transition from flat-band fine tuning (PRB)

    11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-021-01186-x Geometrically stabilized skyrmionic vortex in FeGe tetrahedral nanoparticles (Nagaosa, Nature Materials)

    12. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abg9299 Quantum critical points and the sign problem (Science)

    13. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abh2889 Spin-orbital driven ferromagnetism at half moire filling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Science)

    14. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04251-2 Unconventional spectral signature of Tc in a pure d-wave superconductor (Nature)

    15. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04238-z Emergent interface vibrational structure of oxide superlattices (Nature)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11719 Spin fluctuations associated with the collapse of the pseudogap in a cuprate superconductor (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11686 Superconductivity in black phosphorus and the role of dynamical screening (dynamical screening, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11614 Elevated critical temperature at BCS superconductor-band insulator interfaces (arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11469 Thin-film aspects of superconducting nickelates (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11681 Resonant side-jump thermal Hall effect of phonons coupled to dynamical defects (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11530 Topological flat bands in a kagom\‘e lattice multiorbital system (flatband, arXiv.org)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11396 Sign Switchable Magnon Thermal Hall Conductivity in An Antiferromagnet (thermal Hall, arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11189 Coexisting Kondo hybridization and itinerant f-electron ferromagnetism in UGe2 (arXiv.org)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11568 Spin motive force by the momentum-space Berry phase in magnetic Weyl semimetals (magnetic Weyl, arXiv.org)

    25. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11381 Gutzwiller wave function on a quantum computer using a discrete Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation (arXiv.org)

    26. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11265 Interplay between magnetism and band topology in Kagome magnets $R$Mn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035148 Probing robust Majorana signatures by crossed Andreev reflection with a quantum dot (majorana, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035147 Ground states of Heisenberg spin clusters from projected Hartree-Fock theory (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045423 Majorana braiding racetracks from charge Chern insulator–superconductor hybrids (majorana, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014310 Cubic halide perovskites as potential low thermal conductivity materials: A combined approach of machine learning and first-principles calculations (PRB)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10476 Probing Topological Floquet States in WSe$_2$ using Circular Dichroism in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (floquet, arXiv:2201.10476 [cond-mat])

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014435 Gapless to gapless phase transitions in quantum spin chains (nandini, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024307 Interlaced wire medium with quasicrystal lattice (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024308 Nonreciprocal optical response in parity-breaking superconductors (s+i p pairing, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024309 Pairwise connected tensor network representation of path integrals (MPS, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020508 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ nontrivial topology of rare-earth binary oxide superconductor LaO (La, PRB)

    37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10995v1 Instability of the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in strongly interacting 2D and 3D electron gases with arbitrary spin-orbit splitting (DLoss, arxiv.org)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10940v1 Slow crystalline electric field fluctuations in the Kondo lattice SmB$_{6}$ (kondo, arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10570v1 Hydrodynamics of interacting spinons in the magnetized spin-$1/2$ chain with the uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (spinon, arxiv.org)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011017 ${\mathrm{CaCu}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{4}{\mathrm{O}}_{12}$: A High-Kondo-Temperature Transition-Metal Oxide (Kondo, PRX)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014309 Control of ultrafast photocurrent in twisted bilayer graphene by circularly polarized few-cycle lasers (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024521 Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (magnetism and SC, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035145 Competing magnetic phases in the frustrated spin-1/2 chain compound $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TeVO}}_{4}$ probed by NMR (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035146 Exact quantum scars in the chiral nonlinear Luttinger liquid (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.039903 Erratum: Fragile topological insulators protected by rotation symmetry without spin-orbit coupling [Phys. Rev. B 104, 195114 (2021)] (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045139 Topological micromotion of Floquet quantum systems (floquet, PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041112 Zigzag magnetic order in the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material ${\mathrm{RuBr}}_{3}$ with a honeycomb lattice (kitaev, PRB)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10352 Discovery of charge-4e and charge-6e superconductivity in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10089 Topological $p_z$-wave nodal-line superconductivity with flat surface bands in the AH$_{x}$Cr${_3}$As${_3}$ (A=Na, K, Rb, Cs) superconductors (arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10088 Effective minimal model and unconventional spin-singlet pairing in Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10358 Frustration model and spin excitations in the helimagnet FeP (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10155 The Inverse Faraday effect in the massive Dirac electrons (arXiv.org)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011016 Mott-Driven BEC-BCS Crossover in a Doped Spin Liquid Candidate $\ensuremath{\kappa}\text{\ensuremath{-}}(\mathrm{BEDT}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TTF}{)}{4}{\mathrm{Hg}}{2.89}{\mathrm{Br}}_{8}$ (PRX)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.045901 Raman Linewidth Contributions from Four-Phonon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphene (aharmonicity, PRL)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.047401 High-Harmonic Generation Approaching the Quantum Critical Point of Strongly Correlated Systems (QCP, PRL)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024520 Exact eigenstates of extended $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Hubbard models: Generalization of $\ensuremath{\eta}$-pairing states with $N$-particle off-diagonal long-range order (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035141 Type-II quadratic and cubic Weyl fermions (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035142 Orientational dependence of intrinsic orbital and spin Hall effects in hcp structure materials (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020408 Magnons and spinons in ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{CoTeO}}{6}$: A composite system of isolated spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ triangular Heisenberg-like and frustrated honeycomb Ising-like antiferromagnets (spinon, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020506 Superconducting dome in ferroelectric-type materials from soft mode instability (damped phonon, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024518 Elasto-Raman scattering: Arsenic optical phonon as a probe of nematicity in $\mathrm{Ba}{\mathrm{Fe}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    62. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s11 Superconductivity Dome Rises from Damped Phonons (Physics)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09515 High harmonic spectroscopy of quantum phase transitions in a high-T$_c$ superconductor (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09500 Superconducting hydrides on a quantum landscape (hydrides, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09428 Competition between orbital effects, Pauli limiting, and Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide superconductors (arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09188 Surface charge writing and non-volatile control of superconductivity in LaAlO3/KTaO3(111) heterostructure (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08918 Coexistence of Even- and Odd-Frequency Superconductivity in Correlated Multi-Orbital Systems with Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08917 Frequency-dependent Inter-pseudospin Solutions to Superconducting Strontium Ruthenate (Ruthenate, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09868 LIBAMI: Implementation of Algorithmic Matsubara Integration (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09808 Hund’s coupling and electronic anisotropy in the spin-density wave state of iron pnictides (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09570 Direct observation of strong anomalous Hall effect and proximity-induced ferromagnetic state in SrIrO3 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09307 Some aspects of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki models: tensor network, physical properties, spectral gap, deformation, and quantum computation (AKTL review, arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09847 Disorder-induced dynamical Griffiths singularities after certain quantum quenches (Griffiths, arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09195 Revealing the Charge Density Wave Proximity Effect in Graphene on 1T-TaS2 (TaS2, arXiv.org)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.040501 Entanglement of Formation of Mixed Many-Body Quantum States via Tree Tensor Operators (TN, PRL)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014513 Experimental and first-principles studies on superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric ${\mathrm{La}}{3}{\mathrm{Se}}{4}$ (La, PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035135 Microscopic probe of magnetic polarons in antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{Eu}}{5}{\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{6}$ (Eu, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035426 Field/valley plasmonic meta-resonances in ${\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$-metallic nanoantenna systems: Coherent dynamics for molding plasmon fields and valley polarization (nanoantenna, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045135 Origin of charge density wave in the layered kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020505 Nonsymmorphic symmetry and field-driven odd-parity pairing in $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Rh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041111 Dynamical exponent of a quantum critical itinerant ferromagnet: A Monte Carlo study (PRB)

    82. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08801v1 Anomalous metals: from failed superconductor to failed insulator (disordered SC, arxiv.org)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08573v1 Electrical and thermal transport in twisted TMDC/CrI$_3$-superconducting TMDC junctions (arxiv.org)

    84. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08509v1 Mechanical control of physical properties in the van der Waals ferromagnet Cr2Ge2Te6 via application of electric current (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011014 Specific Heat of the Kagome Antiferromagnet Herbertsmithite in High Magnetic Fields (kagome, PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.036601 Degeneracy-Projected Polarization Formulas for Hall-Type Conductivities (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.036602 Geometric Test for Topological States of Matter (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.036801 Quantum Magnetism and Topological Superconductivity in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov Chains (magnetism YSR, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024516 Emergence of high-temperature superconductivity at the interface of two Mott insulators (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024517 Charge density wave and pressure-dependent superconductivity in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$: A first-principles study (kagome, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035130 Probing three-state Potts nematic fluctuations by ultrasound attenuation (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035131 Magnetic field induced valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall effects in ferromagnetic van der Waals heterostructures (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035132 Quantitative theory of composite fermions in Bose-Fermi mixtures at $\ensuremath{\nu}=1$ (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035133 Enhanced vortex pinning with possible antiferromagnetic order in FeSe under pressure (FeSe, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035308 Highly stable electronic properties of rippled antimonene under compressive deformation (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045131 Strength of the Hubbard potential and its modification by breathing distortion in ${\mathrm{BaBiO}}_{3}$ (BBO, PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041410 Multistage Kondo effect in a multiterminal geometry: A modular quantum interferometer (kondo, PRB)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07854v1 Planar Cu and O NMR and the Pseudogap of Cuprate Superconductors (arxiv.org)

    15. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08123v1 Emergent flat-band physics in $d^{9-\delta}$ multilayer nickelates (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    16. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07873v1 The planar thermal Hall conductivity in the Kitaev magnet {\alpha}-RuCl3 (thermal Hall, arxiv.org)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07826v1 Controlling magnetic frustration in 1T-TaS$_2$ via Coulomb engineered long-range interactions (Lado, arxiv.org)

    18. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04253-0 Topological triple phase transition in non-Hermitian Floquet quasicrystals (Nature)

    19. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00047-0 Silicon qubits move a step closer to achieving error correction (Nature)

    20. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04182-y Fast universal quantum gate above the fault-tolerance threshold in silicon (Tarucha, Nature)

    21. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04273-w Quantum logic with spin qubits crossing the surface code threshold (Nature)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04292-7 Precision tomography of a three-qubit donor quantum processor in silicon (Nature)

    23. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abn2049 Many-particle electron states in graphene (graphene, Science)

    24. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abm3770 Visualizing broken symmetry and topological defects in a quantum Hall ferromagnet (topological defect, Science)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011013 Ultrafast Renormalization of the On-Site Coulomb Repulsion in a Cuprate Superconductor (BJKim, PRX)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.037201 Laser-Controlled Real- and Reciprocal-Space Topology in Multiferroic Insulators (DLoss, PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.030401 Control of the Geometric Phase and Nonequivalence Between Geometric-Phase Definitions in the Adiabatic Limit (PRL)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.036401 Unconventional Hysteretic Transition in a Charge Density Wave (PRL)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.036402 Charge-Density-Wave-Induced Peak-Dip-Hump Structure and the Multiband Superconductivity in a Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRL)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.037001 Intrinsic Superconducting Diode Effect (PRL)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014424 Full orbital decomposition of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states based on first principles (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041110 Partition function of the Levin-Wen model (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014425 Magnetic structures of geometrically frustrated ${\mathrm{SrGd}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ derived from powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction (frustration, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024514 Topological superconductors and exact mobility edges in non-Hermitian quasicrystals (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024515 Mechanisms of in-plane magnetic anisotropy in superconducting ${\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035128 Signatures of nontopological patches on the surface of topological insulators (FeSeTe, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035423 Local manifestations of thickness-dependent topology and edge states in the topological magnet ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045416 Layer parity dependent Raman-active modes and crystal symmetry in ${\mathrm{ReS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045417 ${C}_{n}$-symmetric higher-order topological crystalline insulators in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC, PRB)

    40. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07686v1 Comment on Nature 58, 373 (2020) by E. Snider et al (Hydride You-Know-Who, arxiv.org)

    41. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07635v1 Pressure-Induced Superconductivity and Structural Phase Transitions in Magnetic Topological Insulator Candidate MnSb4Te7 (arxiv.org)

    42. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07780v1 Mixed dimensional transport in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ single crystals (kagome, arxiv.org)

    43. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07455v1 Slow Electronic Dynamics in the Paramagnetic State of UTe$_2$ (arxiv.org)

    44. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07260v1 Absence of Friedel oscillations in the entanglement entropy profile of one-dimensional intrinsically gapless topological phases (arxiv.org)

    45. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07758v1 Simulating chiral spin liquids with projected entangled-pair states (arxiv.org)

    46. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07563v1 First-Order Antiferromagnetic Transition and Novel Gapless Excitation in a 4f Zigzag Chain Compound YbCuS2 (4f Zigzag chain, arxiv.org)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014422 Nonreciprocal dynamics of ferrimagnetic bimerons (bimerons, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014423 Spin order and fluctuations in the ${\mathrm{EuAl}}{4}$ and ${\mathrm{EuGa}}{4}$ topological antiferromagnets: A $\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{SR}$ study (Eu, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014512 Superconductivity induced by structural reorganization in the electron-doped cuprate ${\mathrm{Nd}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ce}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035126 Two-dimensional Dirac semiconductor and its material realization (citing paper, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045126 Fractional hinge and corner charges in various crystal shapes with cubic symmetry (SMurakami, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014106 Bulk $\mathrm{NdNi}{\mathrm{O}}_{2}$ is thermodynamically unstable with respect to decomposition while hydrogenation reduces the instability and transforms it from metal to insulator (nickelate, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014510 Local breaking of the spin degeneracy in the vortex states of Ising superconductors: Induced antiphase ferromagnetic order (IsingSC, PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014511 Vacancy-engineered flat-band superconductivity in holey graphene (flatband, PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024512 Dispersion interactions in proposed covalent superhydride superconductors (hydride, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035124 Atomic disorder and Berry phase driven anomalous Hall effect in a ${\mathrm{Co}}_{2}\mathrm{FeAl}$ Heusler compound (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035125 Correlation strength, orbital-selective incoherence, and local moments formation in the magnetic MAX-phase ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{2}\mathrm{GaC}$ (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.041109 Interaction range and temperature dependence of symmetry breaking in strongly correlated two-dimensional moir\‘e transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045123 Pressure tuning of the Berry phase in ${\mathrm{BaMnSb}}_{2}$ (BaMnSb2, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045305 Helical conducting edge states in narrow-gap semiconductors without band inversion (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045413 Electric field effect on electron gas spins in two-dimensional magnets with strong spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041108 Orbital-selective Mott phase and non-Fermi liquid in ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ (HSKim, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06950 Antiferromagnetic fluctuations and a dominant $d_{xy}$-wave pairing symmetry in nickelate-based superconductors (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06477 Coexistence of Tri-Hexagonal and Star-of-David Pattern in the Charge Density Wave of the Kagome Superconductor AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07058 Zoology of spin and orbital fluctuations in ultrathin oxide films (oxide, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06772 Three-dimensional structure and formation mechanism of biskyrmions in uniaxial ferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06681 Emergent Spinon Dispersion and Symmetry Breaking in Two-channel Kondo Lattices (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06668 Chiral multiple-q and skyrmion phases induced by Rashba-Hund interactions in the kagome lattice (skyrmion kagome, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.06585 Construction of Entangled Many-body States via the Higgs Mechanism (EGMoon, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05683 Machine learning techniques to construct detailed phase diagrams for skyrmion systems (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07205 Mixed-order topology of Benalcazar-Bernevig-Hughes models (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05833 Robust Dirac lines against Ge vacancy and possible spin-orbit Dirac points in nonsymmorphic HfGe0.92Te (Hf, arXiv.org)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014418 Bulk and edge dynamics of a two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model (AKLT, PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014419 Eigenstate analysis of the crystal electric field at low-symmetry sites: Application for an orthogonal site in the tetragonal crystal ${\mathrm{Ce}}{2}{\mathrm{Pd}}{2}\mathrm{Pb}$ (Ce, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024418 Gapless spin liquid behavior in a kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with randomly distributed hexagons of alternate bonds (kagome, PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024513 Long-range interaction of magnetic moments in a coupled system of superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions with anomalous ground-state phase shift (PRB)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05211 Coexistence of Multiple Stacking Charge Density Waves in Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}_3{\mathrm{Sb}}_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05468 Theory of collective topologically-protected Majorana fermion excitations of networks of localized Majorana modes (arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05308 An Anderson impurity interacting with the helical edge states in a quantum spin Hall insulator (arXiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05188 Charge density wave order in kagome metal AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A= Cs, Rb, K) (kagome, arXiv.org)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05406 Anomalous Random Multipolar Driven Insulators (arXiv.org)

    82. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05330 Anomalous amplitude modes and thinning-induced loss of crystallinity in the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026406 Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System (CDW, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024415 Intrinsic suppression of the topological thermal Hall effect in an exactly solvable quantum magnet (YMatsuda, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045120 Phase diagrams of SO($N$) Majorana-Hubbard models: Dimerization, internal symmetry breaking, and fluctuation-induced first-order transitions (majorana, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041408 Chiral valley phonons and flat phonon bands in moir\‘e materials (flat phonon bands, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014415 Microscopic origins and stability of ferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014509 Surface Bogoliubov-Dirac cones and helical Majorana hinge modes in superconducting Dirac semimetals (majorana, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024416 Exact solutions of Kondo problems in higher-order fermions (Kondo, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045118 Berry connection polarizability tensor and third-order Hall effect (PRB)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05137v1 High-temperature superconductivity in hydrides: experimental evidence and details (Hydrides, arxiv.org)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05027v1 Crossover of the high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons to localized magnetic excitations in doped Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 cuprate ladders (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    11. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05042v1 Edge-magnetism in Transition-metal Dichalcogenide Nanoribbons: Mean Field Theory and Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo (edge-magnetism, arxiv.org)

    12. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05039v1 Raman fingerprints of fractionalized Majorana excitations in honeycomb iridate Ag$_3$LiIr$_2$O$_6$ (majorana, arxiv.org)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05012v1 Field-Induced Lifshitz Transition in the Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Candidate PrAlSi (Weyl Pr, arxiv.org)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04870v1 Undamped inter-valley paramagnons in doped graphene (paramagnons, arxiv.org)

    15. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04239-y Signatures of a strange metal in a bosonic system (cuprate, Nature)

    16. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03831-6 A strange metal emerges from a failed superconductor (Nature)

    17. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abm6854 Quantum probe of space-time curvature (Science)

    18. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abg6116 Distinguishing between non-abelian topological orders in a quantum Hall system (Science)

    19. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abg1110 Crossover between strongly coupled and weakly coupled exciton superfluids (Science)

    20. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abl7152 Observation of a gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect (Science)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026405 Second-Order Real Nodal-Line Semimetal in Three-Dimensional Graphdiyne (Second-order, PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.027401 Fingerprint of the Interbond Electron Hopping in Second-Order Harmonic Generation (PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.029902 Erratum: Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave State in $1\mathit{T}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ [Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 196406 (2021)] (PRL)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.020601 Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Deconfined Quantum Critical Point in Imaginary Time (deconfined QCP, PRL)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026403 Spin-Polarized Nematic Order, Quantum Valley Hall States, and Field-Tunable Topological Transitions in Twisted Multilayer Graphene Systems (PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026404 Dirac Magic and Lifshitz Transitions in AA-Stacked Twisted Multilayer Graphene (PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.027201 Large Diamagnetism and Electromagnetic Duality in Two-Dimensional Dirac Electron System (PRL)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014104 Optical pulling using topologically protected one way transport surface-arc waves (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014307 Robust lattice manipulation beyond nearest-neighbor coupling by pulsed electric field (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014507 Unveiling non-Abelian statistics of vortex Majorana bound states in iron-based superconductors using fermionic modes (majorana, PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014508 Spin excitations coupled with lattice and charge dynamics in ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024106 Correlations between polarization and structural information of supertetragonal ${\mathrm{PbTiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024414 Ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ charge density wave states in transition metal dichalcogenides: Physical mechanisms and charge doping induced reversible transition (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035120 Orbital- and atom-dependent linear dispersion across the Fermi level induces charge density wave instability in ${\mathrm{EuTe}}_{4}$ (CDW, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045117 Sign-problem-free variant of the complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041105 Two-particle Berry phase mechanism for Dirac and Majorana Kramers pairs of corner modes (majorana, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041406 Interlayer exchange interaction driven topological phase transition in antiferromagnetic electride ${\mathrm{Gd}}_{2}\mathrm{O}$ (JHCho, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041405 Weyl points in multiterminal hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014306 Anisotropic Dirac cone and slow edge states in a photonic Floquet lattice (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024413 Mechanism of antisymmetric spin polarization in centrosymmetric multiple-$Q$ magnets based on effective chiral bilinear and biquadratic spin cross products (Hayami, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024509 Superconducting piezoelectric effect (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035413 Dephasing of Majorana qubits due to quasistatic disorder (majorana, PRB)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04184 Orbital entanglement mechanism of superconductivity in strontium titanate (STO, arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03613 Reconstructing the polar interface of infinite-layer nickelate thin films (arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04605 Conical spin order with chiral quadrupole helix in CsCuCl3 (arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04577 Theory of dispersive optical phonons in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04464 Microscopic probe of magnetic polarons in antiferromagnetic Eu${5}$In${2}$Sb$_{6}$ (arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04400 Intra-Atomic and Local Exchange Fields in the Van der Waals Magnet CrI3 (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04303 Order parameter for the multichannel Kondo model at quantum criticality (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04274 Asymmetric modulation of Majorana excitation spectra and nonreciprocal thermal transport in the Kitaev spin liquid under a staggered magnetic field (arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.04030 Antiferromagnetic Excitonic Insulator State in Sr3Ir2O7 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03738 Exact solutions of Kondo problems in higher-order fermions (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026402 Valley-Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Moir\‘e ${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ Heterobilayers (PRL)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.027801 Cholesteric Shells: Two-Dimensional Blue Fog and Finite Quasicrystals (PRL)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026802 Correlated States of 2D Electrons near the Landau Level Filling $\ensuremath{\nu}=1/7$ (PRL)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014412 Small-moment antiferromagnetic ordering in single-crystalline ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{Ni}}{7}$ (AFM La, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024410 $^{31}\mathrm{P}$ NMR investigation of quasi-two-dimensional magnetic correlations in ${T}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{6}$ ($T$=Mn, Ni) (Mn2P2S6, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045115 Resonant Raman scattering in ${\mathrm{UO}}_{2}$ revisited (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045202 Invariant expansion of the 30-band $k\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}p$ model and its parameters for III-V compounds (k.p, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041404 Symmetry-protected full-space persistent spin texture in two-dimensional materials (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014414 Effects of interlayer exchange on collapse mechanisms and stability of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024304 Selective tuning of order parameters of multiferroic ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ in picoseconds using midinfrared terahertz laser pulses (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024411 Projected entangled pair states study of anisotropic-exchange magnets on the triangular lattice (triangular, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035117 Fermi arcs versus hole pockets: Periodization of a cellular two-band model (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035119 Stacking order and Coulomb correlation effect in the layered charge density wave phase of $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Nb}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035410 Nonlinear edge modes from topological one-dimensional lattices (1D lattice, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035411 Resolving atomic diffusion in $\mathrm{Ru}(0001)\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{O}(2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}2)$ with spiral high-speed scanning tunneling microscopy (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035412 Revealing buckling of an apparently flat monolayer of NaCl on Pt(111) (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045116 Spiral magnetism and chiral superconductivity in a Kondo-Hubbard triangular lattice model (PRB)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02643 Chiral excitonic order, quantum anomalous Hall effect, and superconductivity from twofold van Hove singularities in kagome metals (kagome, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02918 Metallization and proximity superconductivity in topological insulator nanowires (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02852 Dynamical Mean Field Studies of Infinite Layer Nickelates: Physics Results and Methodological Implications (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02667 Correlation-Driven Electronic Reconstruction in FeTe$_{1-x}$Se$_x$ (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03290 Phase degree of freedom and topology in multiple-$Q$ spin textures (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03232 Contrasting Magnetic Structures in SrLaCuSbO${6}$ and SrLaCuNbO${6}$: Spin-1/2 Quasi-Square-Lattice $J_1 {-} J_2$ Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03189 Entanglement in the quantum phases of an unfrustrated Rydberg atom array (arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03132 Symmetry analysis of quasi-one-dimensional bond-alternating Kitaev spin models (Affleck, arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03057 Synthesis, physical and magnetic properties of CuAlCr$_4$S$_8$: a new Cr-based breathing pyrochlore (breathing pyrochlore, arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02842 Magneto-optical study of metamagnetic transitions in the antiferromagnetic phase of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02820 Are Heavy Fermion Strange Metals Planckian? (arXiv.org)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03156 $m^\ast$ of two-dimensional electron gas: a neural canonical transformation study (arXiv.org)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026401 Observation of an Incommensurate Charge Density Wave in Monolayer ${\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}/\mathrm{CuSe}/\mathrm{Cu}(111)$ Heterostructure (PRL)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.026801 Spin-Polarized Fractional Corner Charges and Their Photonic Realization (PRL)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.027701 Electrically Controllable Kondo Correlation in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Quantum Point Contacts (PRL)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014304 Finite-temperature phonon dispersion and vibrational dynamics of ${\mathrm{BaTiO}}_{3}$ from first-principles molecular dynamics (PRB)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014410 Magnetism of two-dimensional honeycomb layered ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Ni}}{2}\mathrm{Te}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ driven by intermediate Na-layer crystal structure (PRB)

    87. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024508 Nontrivial Fermi surface topology of the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ probed by de Haas–van Alphen oscillations (kagome, PRB)

    88. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035116 Electronic states of metallic electric toroidal quadrupole order in ${\mathrm{Cd}}{2}{\mathrm{Re}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ determined by combining quantum oscillations and electronic structure calculations (PRB)

    89. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035305 Revisiting the physical origin and nature of surface states in inverted-band semiconductors (PRB)

    90. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045113 Competition of first-order and second-order topology on the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    91. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045405 Electron trapping in twisted light driven graphene quantum dots (PRB)

    92. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s3 Electrically Controlling the Kondo Effect (Physics)

    93. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02294v1 Spin order and fluctuations in the EuAl$_4$ and EuGa$_4$ topological antiferromagnets: A $\mu$SR study (EuGa4, arxiv.org)

    94. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02512v1 Anisotropic vortex squeezing in Rashba superconductors: a manifestation of Lifshitz invariants (arxiv.org)

    95. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02561v1 Nanoscale control of the metal-insulator transition at LAO/KTO (110) and LAO/KTO (111) interfaces (arxiv.org)

    96. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02586v1 DMRG and Monte Carlo studies of $\textrm{CrI}_3$ magnetic phases and the phase transition (CrI3, arxiv.org)

    97. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02567v1 Emergence of spinons in layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10 (Iridates, arxiv.org)

    98. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02326v1 Multiple skyrmion crystal phases by itinerant frustration in centrosymmetric tetragonal magnets (Hayami, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2022)

  • A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2022 Jan 1st week collection
    1. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01667 Magnetoelectric classification of skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.017202 Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism at an Oxide-Nitride Interface (room tem FM, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.010402 Exceptional Bound States and Negative Entanglement Entropy (CHLee, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035111 Stripes versus superconductivity in the doped Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice (Hubbard, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024506 Multiband superconductivity in ${\mathrm{V}}_{3}\mathrm{Si}$ determined from studying the response to controlled disorder (V3Si, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035112 Uniaxial hybridization in the quasi-one-dimensional Kondo lattice ${\mathrm{CeCo}}{2}{\mathrm{Ga}}{8}$ (Ce, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041402 Giant valley-polarized spin splittings in magnetized Janus Pt dichalcogenides (Janus, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014102 Large change of interlayer vibrational coupling with stacking in ${\mathrm{Mo}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{W}}{x}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045112 Effective field theories of topological crystalline insulators and topological crystals (topological crystal, PRB)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02138v1 Orbital-Induced Crossover of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Phase into Abrikosov-like States (FFLO to Abrikosov, arxiv.org)

    11. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02095v1 Ironing out the details of unconventional superconductivity (nature author’s version, arxiv.org)

    12. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01860v1 The superconducting transition temperatures of C-S-H based on inter-sublattice S$-$H$_4$-tetrahedron electronic interactions (room tem SC, arxiv.org)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02170v1 Magnetic response of twisted bilayer graphene (magnetic response, arxiv.org)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.013603 Localization and Criticality in Antiblockaded Two-Dimensional Rydberg Atom Arrays (PRL)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.016402 Phase-Manipulation-Induced Majorana Mode and Braiding Realization in Iron-Based Superconductor Fe(Te,Se) (majorana, PRL)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.016802 Kubo Formula for Non-Hermitian Systems and Tachyon Optical Conductivity (optical conductivity, PRL)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.017001 Quasiparticle Scattering in a Superconductor near a Nematic Critical Point: Resonance Mode and Multiple Attractive Channels (nematic critical point, PRL)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035109 Effect of stacking order on the electronic state of $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (TaS2, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035110 Reconciling the bulk metallic and surface insulating state in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaSe}}_{2}$ (TaSe2, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014408 Skyrmion crystal and spiral phases in centrosymmetric bilayer magnets with staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Hayami, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014506 Onset of a superconductor-insulator transition in an ultrathin NbN film under in-plane magnetic field studied by terahertz spectroscopy (SIT, PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024407 Ferromagnetism with in-plane magnetization, Dirac spin-gapless semiconducting properties, and tunable topological states in two-dimensional rare-earth metal dinitrides (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024504 Superconducting ${\mathrm{LaP}}{2}{\mathrm{H}}{2}$ with graphenelike phosphorus layers (LaP2H2, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035406 Controlling the real-time dynamics of a spin coupled to the helical edge states of the Kane-Mele model (kane-mele model, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045301 Excitonic theory of doping-dependent optical response in atomically thin semiconductors (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020403 Higher-order topological quantum paramagnets (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041104 Gapless excitations in non-Abelian Kitaev spin liquids with line defects (line defects, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041401 Doping-induced non-Markovian interference causes excitonic linewidth broadening in monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024505 Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing induced by a Weyl nodal line in an Ising superconductor with a high critical field (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035108 Magnetotransport studies of the Sb square-net compound ${\mathrm{LaAgSb}}_{2}$ under high pressure and rotating magnetic fields (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045402 Tight-binding approximation for bilayer graphene and nanotube structures: From commensurability to incommensurability between the layers (Tight-bidning nanotube, PRB)

    32. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04073-2 Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity (Nature)

    33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01750v1 Quasiparticle focusing of bound states in two-dimensional $s$-wave superconductors (magnetic disorder SC, arxiv.org)

    34. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01317v1 Subgap two-particle spectral weight in disordered $s$-wave superconductors: Insights from mode coupling approach (disorder SC nandini, arxiv.org)

    35. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01434v1 Absence of a critical nematic phase in the vicinity of the $\rm {SU}(3)$ ferromagnetic point for the one-dimensional spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic model (arxiv.org)

    36. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01354v1 Mechanism of antisymmetric spin polarization in centrosymmetric multiple-$Q$ magnets based on bilinear and biquadratic spin cross products (Hayami, arxiv.org)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011003 Blue Phase III: Topological Fluid of Skyrmions (skyrmion, PRX)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.015501 Topological Phononic Logic (phonon, PRL)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.017601 Construction of Fractal Order and Phase Transition with Rydberg Atoms (Rydbergatom, PRL)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014505 Generalized phenomenological model for the magnetic field penetration and magnetization hysteresis loops of a type-II superconductor (HHWen, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024503 Unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics of Majorana modes (majorana, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024406 Orbital-selective behavior in cubanite ${\mathrm{CuFe}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{3}$ (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024502 Pairing and superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional flat-band systems: Creutz and sawtooth lattices (flatband, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035107 Ferromagnetic helical nodal line and Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in kagome metal ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035405 Layer-coherent phase in double-layer graphene at ${\ensuremath{\nu}}{1}={\ensuremath{\nu}}{2}=0$ (graphene, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014406 Controlling interlayer magnetic coupling in the two-dimensional magnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024103 Significant interlayer coupling in bilayer graphene and double-walled carbon nanotubes: A refinement of obtaining strain in low-dimensional materials (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045111 Operatorial formulation of the ghost rotationally invariant slave-boson theory (slave-boson, PRB)

    49. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01152v1 On the origin of Field-Induced Boson Insulating States in a 2D Superconducting Electron Gas with Strong Spin-Orbit Scatterings (Boson insulator, arxiv.org)

    50. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00990v1 Two-dimensional superconductivity at the surfaces of KTaO3 gated with ionic liquid (KTO ionic gate, arxiv.org)

    51. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01206v1 Electronic structure of CeIr3 superconductor: DMFT studies (arxiv.org)

    52. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01176v1 Magnetic structures of geometrically frustrated SrGd$_2$O$_4$ derived from powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction (frustration, arxiv.org)

    53. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.01000v1 Magnetic-field-induced Anderson localization in orbital selective antiferromagnet BaMn$_2$Bi$_2$ (BaMn2Bi2, arxiv.org)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00845v1 Magneto-Transport and High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of Palladium Doped Bi${2}$Te${3}$ (Pd-doped B2Te3, arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00828v1 Uncovering footprints of dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice from neutron scattering signatures (YBKim, arxiv.org)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.015703 Different Critical Exponents on Two Sides of a Transition: Observation of Crossover from Ising to Heisenberg Exchange in Skyrmion Host (skyrmion, PRL)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.016401 Identifying the $\ensuremath{\nu}=\frac{5}{2}$ Topological Order through Charge Transport Measurements (PRL)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035402 Super-Klein tunneling and electron-beam collimation in the honeycomb superlattice (honeycomb, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014404 Essential model parameters for nonreciprocal magnons in multisublattice systems (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014405 Magnetic properties of the layered heavy-fermion antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CePdGa}}_{6}$ (Ce, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014504 Supercurrents and spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking by nonmagnetic disorder in unconventional superconductors (disorder superconductor, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035404 Adsorption and dissociation of diatomic molecules on monolayer $1H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ (MoSe2, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045106 Toric-code insulator enriched by translation symmetry (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024201 Stripe order, impurities, and symmetry breaking in a diluted frustrated magnet (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024302 Anharmonic lattice dynamics in large thermodynamic ensembles with machine-learning force fields: $\mathrm{Cs}\mathrm{Pb}{\mathrm{Br}}_{3}$, a phonon liquid with Cs rattlers (phonon, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024404 Pressure-induced collapse of ferromagnetism in nickel (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024405 Zigzag domains caused by strain-induced anisotropy of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045109 Phase transitions in partial summation methods: Results from the three-dimensional Hubbard model (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014501 Revealing sign-reversal ${s}^{+\ensuremath{-}}$-wave pairing by quasiparticle interference in the heavy-fermion superconductor $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (YFYang, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014503 Topological quantum critical points in strong coupling limits: Global symmetries and strongly interacting Majorana fermions (QCP majorana, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024301 Signatures of multifractality in a periodically driven interacting Aubry-Andr\‘e model (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035104 Possible quantum nematic phase in a colossal magnetoresistance material (EuB6, PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045201 Comprehensive theory of second-order spin photocurrents (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L020401 Signatures of quartic asymmetric exchange in a class of two-dimensional magnets (PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041101 Revealing flat bands near the Fermi level in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ by using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (flatband, PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L041102 Pseudogap in hole-doped cuprates: Possible insights from the Kondo effect (cuprate Kondo effect, PRB)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00465 Band structure of organic-ion-intercalated (EMIM)$_x$FeSe superconductor (arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00088 Could Negative Pressures Turn Bismuth into a Metal? The Case of the Expanded (Bi, arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00340 Electrochemically-driven insulator-metal transition in ionic-liquid-gated antiferromagnetic Mott-insulating NiS$_2$ single crystals (NiS2, arXiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00175 Kondo effect in a non-Hermitian, $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Anderson model with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00133 Photovoltaic effect by soft phonon excitation (Nagaosa, arXiv.org)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.12.011001 Carrier Injection and Manipulation of Charge-Density Wave in Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRX)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.010601 Scaling of Entanglement Entropy at Deconfined Quantum Criticality (PRL)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.015702 Optical Control of Multistage Phase Transition via Phonon Coupling in ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.017201 Layer-Number-Dependent Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Behavior in ${\mathrm{MnSb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnSb2Te4, PRL)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.014502 Gapless Higgs mode in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state of a superconductor (SZLin, PRB)

    87. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024401 Intertwining SU($N$) symmetry and frustration on a honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    88. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.024501 Nematic response revealed by coherent phonon oscillations in ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (pnitide, PRB)

    89. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.045102 No observation of chiral flux current in the topological kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    90. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15288 Tri-Hexagonal charge order in kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ revealed by $^{121}$Sb NQR (kagome, arXiv.org)

    91. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15582 Freezing of the Lattice in the Kagome Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Zn-barlowite ZnCu$_3$(OD)$_6$FBr (arXiv.org)

    92. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15549 Vertex-based Diagrammatic Treatment of Light-Matter-Coupled Systems (arXiv.org)

    93. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15323 Inhomogeneous disordering at a photo-induced charge density wave transition (arXiv.org)

    94. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15209 Evaluating second-order phase transitions with Diagrammatic Monte Carlo: N\‘{e}el Transition in the doped three-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    95. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15070 Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a mixed valent metallic pyrochlore iridate Pb$2$Ir$_2$O${7-\delta}$ (arXiv.org)

    96. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15017 Tuning the structural, electronic and magneto-transport properties of spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    97. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14991 Majorana chiral spin liquid in Mott insulating cuprates (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    98. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15457 Band-gap Engineering and Manipulation of the Rashba Spin Splitting in Janus van der Waals Heterostructures (Janus, arXiv.org)

    99. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15409 Large Room-Temperature Pure Topological Hall Effect (THE) in Kagome Antiferromagnet Mn$_3$Sn, and Induced Giant Low-Temperature THE with Fe Doping (Mn3Sn, arXiv.org)

    100. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15053 Possibility of a topological phase transition in two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg spin systems (arXiv.org)

    101. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.15007 Realizing Kagome Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Kagome Surface States of $RV_{6}Sn_{6}$ ($R$=Gd,Ho) (arXiv.org)

    102. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14783 Discovery of new quasicrystals from translation of hypercubic lattice (arXiv.org)

    103. http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.14097 Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in a Rydberg Glass (YongXu, arXiv.org)

  • 2021 wordcloud

  • A WordCloud of 2021 collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 collection
  • weekly picks (Dec 5 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 5th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041063 Kekul\‘e Spiral Order at All Nonzero Integer Fillings in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (incommensurate Kekule, PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041064 Fractional Corner Charge of Sodium Chloride (Corner charge, PRX)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277206 Understanding Reentrance in Frustrated Magnets: The Case of the ${\mathrm{Er}}{2}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ Pyrochlore (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235157 Realization of the Kane-Mele model in ${X\mathrm{N}}_{4}$-embedded graphene $(X=\text{Pt}, \mathrm{Ir}, \mathrm{Rh}, \mathrm{Os})$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235158 Polaron formation and hopping in tantalate perovskite oxides: ${\mathrm{NaTaO}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{KTaO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241413 Controlling charge and spin transport in an Ising-superconductor Josephson junction (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224436 SU(4)-symmetric quantum spin-orbital liquids on various lattices (Oshikawa, PRB)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14750v1 Multiorbital spin-triplet pairing and spin resonance in the heavy-fermion superconductor $\mathrm{UTe_2}$ (UTe2, arxiv.org)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14623v1 Crossover of Ising- to Rashba-Type Superconductivity in Epitaxial Bi2Se3/Monolayer NbSe2 Heterostructures (Rashba SC, arxiv.org)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14744v1 Robustness of Antiferromagnetism in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model (HongYao, arxiv.org)

    11. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14691v1 Is the orbital-selective Mott phase stable against interorbital hopping? (arxiv.org)

    12. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14515v1 A unified theory of ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions in heavy fermion metals (YFYang, arxiv.org)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14010v1 A $d^8$ anti-Hund’s Singlet Insulator in an Infinite-layer Nickelate (KWLee, arxiv.org)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13950v1 Persistence of Ising-like easy-axis spin correlations in the paramagnetic state of the spin-1 chain compound NiTe$_2$O$_5$ (KYChoi, arxiv.org)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277001 ${B}{1\mathrm{g}}$-Phonon Anomaly Driven by Fermi Surface Instability at Intermediate Temperature in ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{7\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (CKim, PRL)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277204 Magnetic Weyl Semimetallic Phase in Thin Films of ${\mathrm{Eu}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRL)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214310 Realistic cesium fluogermanate: An ideal platform to realize the topologically nodal-box and nodal-chain phonons (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214514 Pauli paramagnetism of triplet Cooper pairs in a nematic superconductor (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235156 Skyrmion-driven topological Hall effect in a Shastry-Sutherland magnet (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235438 Zigzag nanoribbon of gated bilayer hexagonal crystals with spontaneous edge magnetism (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245142 Generalized dynamical mean-field theory of two-sublattice systems with long-range interactions and its application to study charge and spin correlations in graphene (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241114 Understanding the flat band in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ using a rotated basis (David star, PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241115 Topological multiband $s$-wave superconductivity in coupled multifold fermions (PRB)

    24. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12967 Skyrmion nucleation on a surface of topological insulators (skyrmion TI, arXiv.org)

    25. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12850v1 Skyrmion lattice in centrosymmetric magnets with local Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (SZLin, arxiv.org)

    26. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12824v1 Exact weak Majorana-type zero modes in a spin/fermion chain (majorana, arxiv.org)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12825 Anti-Poiseuille Flow: Increased Vortex Velocity at Superconductor Edges (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.268001 Topological Defects in Solids with Odd Elasticity (PRL)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.275301 Real Space Imaging of Spin Stripe Domain Fluctuations in a Complex Oxide (nickelate, PRL)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277205 Intrinsic Torques Emerging from Anomalous Velocity in Magnetic Textures (PRL)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214109 Nanoscale-correlated octahedral rotations in ${\mathrm{BaZrO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235155 Anomalous quantum oscillations of ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ in high magnetic fields (Ce, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245141 Giant nonlinear response due to unconventional magneto-oscillations in nodal-line semimetals (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235153 Surface exceptional points in a topological Kondo insulator (Kondo insulator, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245140 Building ground states of the Hubbard model by time-ordered bound-pair injection (Hubbard model, PRB)

    36. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13468v1 Effect of uranium deficiency on normal and superconducting properties in unconventional superconductor UTe$_2$ (arxiv.org)

    37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13401v1 Evidence for Flat Band Dirac Superconductor Originating from Quantum Geometry (arxiv.org)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12893v1 Revealing sign reversal $s^{+-}$-wave pairing by quasiparticle interference in heavy fermion superconductor CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ (Ce QPI, arxiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13837 Field-tuned and zero-field fractional Chern insulators in magic angle graphene (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13481 Photoinduced Phase Transition in Two-Band model on Penrose Tiling (arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13184 TeNeS: Tensor Network Solver for Quantum Lattice Systems (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13172 Lattice and magnetic dynamics in YVO$_{3}$ Mott insulator studied by neutron scattering and first-principles calculations (arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13071 Raman scattering study and lattice-dynamics calculations in YTiO_3: Precursor of the magnetic phase transition in the phonon anomalies (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12902 Protonation-induced discrete superconducting phases in bulk FeSe single crystals (FeSe, arXiv.org)

    45. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-021-01445-3 General construction and topological classification of crystalline flat bands (flatband Bernevig, Nature Physics)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12198 Engineering holographic flat fermionic bands (arXiv:2112.12198 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277202 Intrinsic Second-Order Anomalous Hall Effect and Its Application in Compensated Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.277201 Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Effect in Antiferromagnetic Tetragonal CuMnAs (PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245139 Magnetic, charge, and transport properties of graphene nanoflakes (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214432 Spin waves and Dirac magnons in a honeycomb-lattice zigzag antiferromagnet ${\text{BaNi}}{2}{({\text{AsO}}{4})}_{2}$ (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214513 Theory of the charge density wave in $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ kagome metals (kagome, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245136 Correlated half-semimetal state in heavy fermion systems (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245137 Probing many-body interactions in the cyclotron resonance of $h$-BN/bilayer graphene/$h$-BN (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245138 Chiral symmetry breaking through spontaneous dimerization in kagom\‘e metals (kagome, PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245434 Effect of intravalley and intervalley electron-hole exchange on the nonlinear optical response of monolayer ${\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220410 Carrier tuning of Stoner ferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{ThCr}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$-structure cobalt arsenides (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241112 Superconducting-like response in driven systems near the Mott transition (PALee, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241409 Subgap states in superconducting islands (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214431 Persistence of Ising-like easy-axis spin correlations in the paramagnetic state of the spin-1 chain compound ${\mathrm{NiTe}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{5}$ (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235150 Quantitative investigation of the $4f$ occupation in the quasikagome Kondo lattice ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Pd}}{x}\mathrm{Sn}$ (kagome Ce, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235206 Cerium-based lead-free chalcogenide perovskites for photovoltaics (Ce, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241111 Helical symmetry breaking and quantum anomaly in massive Dirac fermions (PRB)

  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 4th week collection
    1. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12613v1 A Nickelate Renaissance (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    2. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12267v1 Symmetry of magnetic correlations in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 (arxiv.org)

    3. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12783v1 Quantum-critical resistivity of strange metals in a magnetic field (CVarma, arxiv.org)

    4. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12776v1 Trions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arxiv.org)

    5. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12603v1 NMR evidence against spin-nematic nature of the presaturation phase in frustrated magnet SrZnVO(PO4)2 (arxiv.org)

    6. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12475v1 Quantum Skyrmion Lattices in Heisenberg Ferromagnets (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

    7. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12161v1 Classical vertex model dualities in a family of 2D frustrated quantum antiferromagnets (arxiv.org)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12198v1 Engineering holographic flat fermionic bands (flatband, arxiv.org)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.266402 Cascades between Light and Heavy Fermions in the Normal State of Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (BLG, PRL)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.267203 Topological Magnon Band Crossing in ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (JGPark, PRL)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.266601 Strange Metals from Melting Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (EAKim, PRL)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.267001 Controllable Enhancement of $p$-Wave Superconductivity via Magnetic Coupling to a Conventional Superconductor (PRL)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041059 Gapless Topological Phases and Symmetry-Enriched Quantum Criticality (PRX)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224428 Possible way to achieve anomalous valley Hall effect by piezoelectric effect in a ${\mathrm{GdCl}}_{2}$ monolayer (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235145 Kubo’s response theory and bosonization with a background gauge field and irrelevant perturbations (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235146 Learning quantum phase transitions through topological data analysis (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235147 Nonlinear Fermi liquid transport through a quantum dot in asymmetric tunnel junctions (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235430 Reliable modeling of weak antilocalization for accurate spin-lifetime extraction (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245209 Optical phonon dominated heat transport: A first-principles thermal conductivity study of ${\mathrm{BaSnS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245430 Correlation-induced $d$-wave pairing in a quantum dot square lattice (d-wave QD, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245431 Controllable spin filtering and half-metallicity in ${\ensuremath{\beta}}_{12}$-borophene nanoribbons (PRB)

    22. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abk1121 Terahertz light-driven coupling of antiferromagnetic spins to lattice (spin-lattice, Science)

    23. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03768-w Clever substitutions reveal magnetism in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (Nature)

    24. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04151-5 Resonance from antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations for superconductivity in UTe2 (Nature)

    25. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04171-1 Quantum anomalous Hall effect from intertwined moire bands (LiangFu, Nature)

    26. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04201-y Spin splitting of dopant edge state in magnetic zigzag graphene nanoribbons (graphene, Nature)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12146 Surface Cooper pair spin waves in triplet superconductors (arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11692 Multiferroic-enabled magnetic exciton in 2D quantum entangled van der Waals antiferromagnet NiI2 (JGPark, arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11522 Disorder-dominated quantum criticality in moir\‘e bilayers (Disorder, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11464 Magic angle conditions for twisted 3D topological insulators (arXiv.org)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041057 Observation of Unidirectional Solitonlike Edge States in Nonlinear Floquet Topological Insulators (PRX)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.267202 Heat Transport in Herbertsmithite: Can a Quantum Spin Liquid Survive Disorder? (PRL)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235429 Charge-spin interconversion in graphene-based systems from density functional theory (graphene, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220408 Pinwheel valence bond crystal ground state of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the shuriken lattice ( two-dimensional corner-sharing triangular arrangements, e.g., the kagome lattice, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214108 Scaling theory of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235144 First-principles study of the electrical resistivity in zirconium dichalcogenides with multivalley bands: Mode-resolved analysis of electron-phonon scattering (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245133 Subgap states at ferromagnetic and spiral-ordered magnetic chains in two-dimensional superconductors. I. Continuum description (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245424 Green’s functions of the Boltzmann transport equation with the full scattering matrix for phonon nanoscale transport beyond the relaxation-time approximation (GChen, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245427 Second-order topological insulator state in hexagonal lattices and its abundant material candidates (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241110 Triple-$q$ quadrupole-octupole order scenario for ${\mathrm{PrV}}{2}{\mathrm{Al}}{20}$ (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235143 Boltzmann electronic dc transport in multiorbital weakly disordered crystals (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235427 Experimental observation of edge-dependent quantum pseudospin Hall effect (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235428 Orbital embedding and topology of one-dimensional two-band insulators (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245134 Subgap states at ferromagnetic and spiral-ordered magnetic chains in two-dimensional superconductors. II. Topological classification (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245135 Direct driving of electronic and phononic degrees of freedom in a honeycomb bilayer with infrared light (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220407 Conversion between spin and charge currents in topological-insulator/nonmagnetic-metal systems (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241109 Anomalous thermal transport and strong violation of Wiedemann-Franz law in the critical regime of a charge density wave transition (SKivelson, PRB)

    48. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11285v1 Josephson diode effect from Cooper pair momentum in a topological semimetal (arxiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11240 Quasi-point versus point nodes in $Sr_2RuO_4$, the case of a flat tight binding $\gamma$ sheet (tight-binding Green’s, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10965 Fermi arcs and pseudogap phase in a minimal microscopic model of $d$-wave superconductivity (YKBand, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11346 Range of biquadratic and triquadratic Heisenberg effective couplings deduced from multiorbital Hubbard models (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11327 Spiral spin-liquid on a honeycomb lattice (spiral spin liquid, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11092 On the origin and the amplitude of T-square resistivity in Fermi liquids (KBehnia, arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10857 Absence of in-gap modes in charge density wave edge dislocations of the Weyl semimetal (TaSe$_4$)$_2$I (arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10789 Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots (EAKim, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10937 CrSbSe3: a pseudo one-dimensional ferromagnetic semiconductor (1DFM, arXiv.org)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.266401 Realizing Kagome Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Kagome Surface States of $R{\mathrm{V}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ ($R=\mathrm{Gd}$, Ho) (kagome, PRL)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235141 Direct sampling of projected entangled-pair states (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214107 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological invariants for mixed states of fermions in time-reversal invariant band structures (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235139 Electronic properties of the topological kagome metals ${\mathrm{YV}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ and ${\mathrm{GdV}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235203 First-principles calculation of ballistic current from electron-hole interaction (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235426 Relativistic first-principles theory of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states applied to Mn adatoms and Mn dimers on Nb(110) (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245132 Schwinger boson approach for the dynamical mean-field theory of the Kondo lattice (YFYang, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245423 Monolayer ${\mathrm{RhB}}_{4}$: Half-auxeticity and almost ideal spin-orbit Dirac point semimetal (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241108 Circuit realization of a tilted Dirac cone: Platform for fabrication of curved spacetime geometry on a chip (tilted Dirac cone, PRB)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10760 Magic-Angle Multilayer Graphene: A Robust Family of Moir\‘e Superconductors (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10758 On the nature of valence charge and spin excitations via multi-orbital Hubbard models for infinite-layer nickelates (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09735 Systematic electronic structure in the cuprate parent state from quantum many-body simulations (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10397 Failure of the mean-field description of magnetic fluctuations in the superconducting quantum dot (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10188 Formation of bound states and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: the sawtooth lattice (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10336 Topological chiral and nematic superconductivity by doping Mott insulators on triangular lattice (triangular lattice, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10215 Heisenberg spins on an anisotropic triangular lattice: PdCrO2 under uniaxial stress (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10076 The origin of insulating and non-ferromagnetic SrRuO3 monolayers (monolayer ruthenate, arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09749 Superconducting proximity effect in $d$-wave cuprate/ graphene heterostructures (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10763 Snapshot-based detection of $\frac{1}{2}$-Laughlin states: coupled chains and central charge (arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10240 Visualization of Topological Boundary Modes Manifesting Topological Nodal-Point Superconductivity (arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10045 p-wave superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals (arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10036 Pressure-induced charge orders and their coupling to magnetism in hexagonal multiferroic LuFe2O4 (arXiv.org)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214425 Strain-induced phase diagram of the $S=\frac{3}{2}$ Kitaev material ${\mathrm{CrSiTe}}_{3}$ (kitaev, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235135 Magnetization dynamics fingerprints of an excitonic condensate ${t}_{2g}^{4}$ magnet (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235136 Tunable topological phase transition from nodal-line semimetal to Weyl semimetal by breaking symmetry (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235138 Counterexample to the conjectured Planckian bound on transport (PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245421 Theoretical study of stability, epitaxial formation, and phase transformations of two-dimensional pnictogen allotropes (PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224425 Spin dynamics in the skyrmion-host lacunar spinel ${\mathrm{GaV}}{4}{\mathrm{S}}{8}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235134 Magnetic correlation between two local spins in a quantum spin Hall insulator (PRB)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235137 Coupling to zone-center optical phonons in $\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ enhanced by charge density waves (PRB)

    87. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235425 Quasiparticle interference patterns in bilayer graphene with trigonal warping (trigonal warping, PRB)

    88. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245130 One-dimensional lattice models for the boundary of two-dimensional Majorana fermion symmetry-protected topological phases: Kramers-Wannier duality as an exact ${Z}_{2}$ symmetry (PRB)

    89. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245419 Edge state in AB-stacked bilayer graphene and its correspondence with the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger ladder (SSH, PRB)

    90. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220506 Theory of superconductivity due to Ngai’s mechanism in lightly doped ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    91. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241107 Existence of corner modes in elastic twisted kagome lattices (kagome, PRB)

    92. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09270v1 Ascendance of Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Graphene Multilayers (arxiv.org)

    93. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09187v1 Thermal Hall conductivity of electron-doped cuprates (Taillefer, arxiv.org)

    94. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09149v1 Quenched randomness, thermal fluctuations and reentrant superconductivity: application to UTe$_2$ (SRague, arxiv.org)

    95. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09144v1 Does elastically deformed monolayer graphene have a curved space Dirac description? (Curved Dirac, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041054 Transverse Spin Dynamics in the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model Realized with Ultracold Atoms (PRX)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.255501 3D Hinge Transport in Acoustic Higher-Order Topological Insulators (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.256403 Signatures of Weyl Fermion Annihilation in a Correlated Kagome Magnet (Weyl Kagome, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.257001 Quasiparticle Nodal Plane in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State of FeSe (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.257002 Using Disorder to Identify Bogoliubov Fermi-Surface States (EGMoon, PRL)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.257201 Field-Driven Dynamics of Magnetic Hopfions (PRL)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.257401 Light-Tunable Charge Density Wave Orders in ${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{WTe}}{2}$ Single Layers (WTe2, PRL)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241406 Dark exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224306 Temperature-dependent anomalous energy transport in finite-length quasi-one-dimensional ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$: Crossover from phonons to solitons (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235132 Chemically and electrically tunable spin polarization in ferroelectric Cd-based hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (perovskite, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220302 Excitonic wave-packet evolution in a two-orbital Hubbard model chain: A real-time real-space study (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235423 Majorana bound state cavities (PRB)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08819v1 Controlling superconductivity of CeIrIn$_5$ microstructures by substrate selection (Ce, arxiv.org)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08436v1 The dawn of the nickel age of superconductivity (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08624 Melting of generalized Wigner crystals in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayer Moir\‘e systems (EAKim, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08559 Magnetic properties of pressurized CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ calculated by using a hybrid functional (kagome, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09070 The elusive quantum anomalous Hall effect in MnBi2Te4: a materials perspective (MnBi2Te4, arXiv.org)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041053 Wannier Function Perturbation Theory: Localized Representation and Interpolation of Wave Function Perturbation (CHPark, PRX)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241105 Ferromagnetism, Jahn-Teller effect, and orbital order in the two-dimensional monolayer perovskite ${\mathrm{Rb}}{2}{\mathrm{CuCl}}{4}$ (FM, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214424 Low-temperature domain-wall freezing and nonequilibrium dynamics in the transverse-field Ising model material ${\mathrm{CoNb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214506 Transient dynamics of a magnetic impurity coupled to superconducting electrodes: Exact numerics versus perturbation theory (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235131 Calculating dynamical mean-field theory forces in ab initio ultrasoft pseudopotential formalism (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235420 Nonlinearity-induced transition in the nonlinear Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and a nonlinear higher-order topological system (Ezawa, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245127 Nonequilibrium evolution of the optical conductivity of the weakly interacting Hubbard model: Drude response and $\ensuremath{\pi}$-ton type vertex corrections (PWerner, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245128 Type-II nodal line fermions in the ${\mathbb{Z}}{2}$ topological semimetals $A{\mathrm{V}}{6}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{6}$ ($A$=K, Rb, and Cs) with a kagome bilayer (kagome, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245129 Topological states in the noncentrosymmetric superconductors LaPtSi and LaPtGe (La, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241302 Coherent exciton-exciton interactions and exciton dynamics in a ${\mathrm{MoSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ heterostructure (PRB)

    28. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abd9225 Atomic-scale visualization of topological spin textures in the chiral magnet MnGe (Science)

    29. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04002-3 Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Nature)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08190 Inhomogeneous superconducting states in two weakly linked superconducting ultra-thin films (SC, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08149 Robust topological superconductivity in weakly coupled nanowire-superconductor hybrid structures (Jorge, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07781 Order Fractionalization in a Kitaev-Kondo model (arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08128 Ground-state and thermodynamic properties of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice (triangular lattice, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.08115 Antiferromagnetic ordering and excitonic pairing in the AA-stacked bilayer graphene (exciton in AA, arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07915 Spin Waves and Dirac Magnons in a Honeycomb Lattice Zig-zag Antiferromagnet BaNi2(AsO4)2 (honeycomb, arXiv.org)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041052 Probing Electron-Phonon Interactions Away from the Fermi Level with Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (e-ph interaction, PRX)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.256401 Observation of Spin-Dependent Dual Ferromagnetism in Perovskite Ruthenates (CKim, PRL)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214420 Dark discrete breather modes in a monoaxial chiral helimagnet with easy-plane anisotropy (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235128 Fluctuations analysis of spin susceptibility: N\‘eel ordering revisited in dynamical mean field theory (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214421 Theory of huge thermoelectric effect based on a magnon drag mechanism: Application to thin-film Heusler alloy (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214422 Majorana edge and corner states in square and kagome quantum spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ liquids (kagome, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214505 Room-temperature superconductivity in boron- and nitrogen-doped lanthanum superhydride (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224505 Distribution of the order parameter in strongly disordered superconductors: An analytic theory (disorderd SC, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235126 Nonlocal transport phenomena in Weyl metals beyond the mesoscopic scale (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245126 Anomalous Hall signatures of nonsymmorphic nodal lines in the doped chromium chalcospinel ${\mathrm{CuCr}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{4}$ (HSKim, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220406 Dynamic transformation between a skyrmion string and a bimeron string in a layered frustrated system (skyrmion, PRB)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07316 Evidence of nodal f-wave superconductivity in monolayer 1H-TaS$_2$ with hidden order fluctuations (Lado, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07081 Observation of antiferromagnetic order as odd-parity multipoles inside the superconducting phase in CeRh${2}$As${2}$ (Ce, arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06958 Designing $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$ topological orders in networks of Majorana bound states (arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07531 Magnetic properties and pseudogap formation in infinite-layer nickelates: insights from the single-band Hubbard model (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07501 Optical investigations of RbV$_3$Sb$_5$: Multiple density-wave gaps and phonon anomalies (kagome, arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07072 Skyrmion crystal and spiral phases in centrosymmetric bilayer magnets with staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.07071 Essential model parameters for nonreciprocal magnons in multisublattice systems (arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06966 A stability bound on the $T$-linear resistivity of conventional metals (kivelson, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06936 Skyrmions in twisted bilayer graphene: stability, pairing, and crystallization (skrymion, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06998 Coupled Hubbard ladders at weak coupling: Pairing and spin excitations (arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06935 From electrons to baby skyrmions in Chern ferromagnets: A topological mechanism for spin-polaron formation in twisted bilayer graphene (skyrmion Vishwanath, arXiv.org)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041051 Quantum Many-Body Topology of Quasicrystals (PRX)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.250402 Dissipative Topological Phase Transition with Strong System-Environment Coupling (PRL)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235125 Multipolar ordering in the three-orbital Hubbard model (multipolar, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224504 ${\mathrm{MoB}}_{2}$ under pressure: Superconducting Mo enhanced by boron (KWLee, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224418 Heisenberg representation of nonthermal ultrafast laser excitation of magnetic precessions (SBlugel, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245122 Electronic structure and unconventional nonlinear response in double Weyl semimetal $\mathrm{Sr}{\mathrm{Si}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06765 Infinite-layer nickelate superconductors: A current experimental perspective of the crystal and electronic structures (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06766 Majorana zero modes induced by superconducting phase bias (arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06565 Spectroscopic Evidence for a Three-Dimensional Charge Density Wave in Kagome Superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06523 Fluctuating magnetic droplets immersed in a sea of quantum spin liquid (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06813 Induction of Large Magnetic Anisotropy Energy and Formation of Multiple Dirac States in SrIrO$_3$ Films: Role of correlation and spin-orbit coupling (iridates, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06414 Skyrmion crystal in the RKKY system on the two-dimensional triangular lattice without nesting, four-body interaction, or magnetic anisotropy (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06298 Unveiling the underlying interactions in Ta2NiSe5 from photo-induced lifetime change (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.06107 Thermal Hall Effect in the Kitaev-Heisenberg System with Spin-Phonon Coupling (thermal Hall, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05852 Synthesis and crystal growth of novel layered bismuthides ATM2Bi2, (A = K, Rb; TM = Zn, Cd) with significant electron-deficient structure (Bi, arXiv.org)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.257701 Coulomb Drag between a Carbon Nanotube and Monolayer Graphene (PKim, PRL)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214417 Enhancement of phonon skew scattering in epitaxial Pt/Co/Pt trilayers by crystal engineering (phonon skew scattering, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224417 Magnetic phase diagrams of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg model on a kagome-strip chain: Emergence of a Haldane phase (1DKagome, PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224503 Characteristic energy of the nematic-order state and its connection to enhancement of superconductivity in cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245119 Determination of the magnetic $q$ vectors in the heavy fermion superconductor ${\mathrm{Ce}}{3}{\mathrm{PtIn}}{11}$ (Ce, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245415 Calculations of in-gap states of ferromagnetic spin chains on $s$-wave wide-band superconductors (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220405 Photocurrents of charge and spin in monolayer ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (PRB)

    80. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05708v1 Non-Majorana zero energy modes in diluted spin chains proximitized to a superconductor (DLoss, arxiv.org)

    81. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05650v1 Quasiparticle poisoning in trivial and topological Josephson junctions (DLoss, arxiv.org)

    82. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05747v1 Transport in the emergent Bose liquid: Bad metal, strange metal, and weak insulator, all in one system (arxiv.org)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05336v1 Crystal Electic Field and Possible Coupling with Phonon in Kondo lattice CeCuGa3 (Ce, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.246403 Exact Landau Level Description of Geometry and Interaction in a Flatband (flatband, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.247203 Antiferromagnetism Induced by Bond Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Electron-Phonon Coupling: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study (SSH, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.246803 $s$-Wave Paired Electron and Hole Composite Fermion Trial State for Quantum Hall Bilayers with $\ensuremath{\nu}=1$ (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.247204 Giant Biquadratic Exchange in 2D Magnets and Its Role in Stabilizing Ferromagnetism of ${\mathrm{NiCl}}_{2}$ Monolayers (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224414 Intrinsic staggered spin-orbit torque for the electrical control of antiferromagnets: Application to ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235122 Broken Luttinger theorem in the two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model (Nandini, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235412 Hydrodynamics of quantum spin liquids (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245412 Collective magnetic excitations in AA- and AB-stacked graphene bilayers (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214206 Amorphous ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ structural, electronic, and topological nature from first principles (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224415 Dimensional reduction in quantum spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ system on a $\frac{1}{7}$-depleted triangular lattice (Hotta, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235121 Semi-Dirac and Weyl fermions in transition metal oxides (Ok, PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241301 Phonon signatures in spectra of exciton polaritons in transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04782 Oscillating paramagnetic Meissner effect and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}$ monolayer (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04675 Twisted van der Waals Josephson junction based on high-Tc superconductor (GYCho, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04557 Topological Doping and Superconductivity in Cuprates: An Experimental Perspective (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04528 Geometric Induction in Chiral Superfluids (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04942 Magnetic particle-antiparticle creation and annihilation (SBlugel, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04869 Tuneable electron-magnon coupling of ferromagnetic surface states in PdCoO$_2$ (PKing, arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04690 Polarization-dependent magnetic properties of periodically driven $\alpha$-RuCl$_{3}$ (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04616 Persistent Corner Spin Mode at the Quantum Critical Point of a Plaquette Heisenberg Model (arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04781 Chirality of Valley Excitons in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (OAM exciton, arXiv.org)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04051-8 Giant modulation of optical nonlinearity by Floquet engineering (JGPark, Nature)

    23. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04121-x Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Nature)

    24. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaz4566 Evidence for a delocalization quantum phase transition without symmetry breaking in CeCoIn5 (Ce, Science)

    25. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abf9396 Detection of graphenes divergent orbital diamagnetism at the Dirac point (Science)

    26. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abf1077 Discovery of segmented Fermi surface induced by Cooper pair momentum (Science)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.247701 SU(4) Chiral Spin Liquid, Exciton Supersolid, and Electric Detection in Moir\‘e Bilayers (Vishwanth, PRL)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.246402 Signatures of a Quantum Griffiths Phase Close to an Electronic Nematic Quantum Phase Transition (Griffiths, PRL)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.247202 Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in an Insulating van der Waals Magnet (PRL)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224303 Constructing higher-order topological states in higher dimensions (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235118 Converting electrons into emergent fermions at a superconductor–Kitaev spin liquid interface (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235119 Mapping domain-wall topology in the magnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi (Ce, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235202 Orbital frustration and topological flat bands (Nandini, PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235410 Intertwining of multiphase charge density waves in In-intercalated $\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245117 Propagation of longitudinal acoustic phonons in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ exposed to a quantizing magnetic field (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245410 Unraveling complex magnetism in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{FeS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245116 Optical study of the electronic structure of locally noncentrosymmetric $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Rh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04440v1 Charge density waves in infinite-layer NdNiO$_2$ nickelates (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03950v1 Unconventional superconductivity due to interband polarization (FGuinea, arxiv.org)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214412 Effective field theory approach for the $S=\frac{3}{2}$ bilayer honeycomb antiferromagnet (honeycomb AFM, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214413 Polarization-dependent magnetic properties of periodically driven $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{3}$ (kitaev, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235117 Local versus nonlocal correlation effects in interacting quantum spin Hall insulators (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245204 Negative intrinsic orbital Hall effect in group XIV materials (HWLee, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220505 Orbital and spin character of doped carriers in infinite-layer nickelates (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214501 Majorana bound states induced by antiferromagnetic skyrmion textures (DLoss, PRB)

    46. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s157 A Physical Match for the Riemann Zeta Function (Physics)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03812 Electronic properties and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelate composts (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03278 Pair-density-wave and reentrant superconductivity originating from valley polarization (Kivelson, arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03550 Tensor network approach to the two-dimensional fully frustrated XY model and a bosonic metallic phase with chirality order (arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03367 Lattice-Driven Chiral Charge Density Wave State in 1T-TaS$_{2}$ (TaS2, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03353 Pressure-induced shift of effective Ce valence, Fermi energy and phase boundaries in CeOs$4$Sb${12}$ (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03327 Noncoplanar magnetic orders and gapless chiral spin liquid in the $J_{1}$-$J_{d}$-$J_{\chi}$ model on the kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03312 Randomness and Frustration in a S = 1/2 Square-Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (frustration square, arXiv.org)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214410 DyOCl: A rare-earth based two-dimensional van der Waals material with strong magnetic anisotropy (van der Waals PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214411 Magnetic properties of chiral ${\mathrm{EuIr}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{2}$ (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235113 Emergent anomalies and generalized Luttinger theorems in metals and semimetals (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235115 Multitude of topological phase transitions in bipartite dice and Lieb lattices with interacting electrons and Rashba coupling (Dagotto, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235406 Effect of the Dirac-cone tilt on the disorder-broadened Landau levels in a two-dimensional Dirac nodal system (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245112 Topological surface states in superconducting ${\mathrm{CaBi}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245202 Effects of co-doping in semiconductors: CdTe (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245302 Higher-order topological Anderson insulators in quasicrystals (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220101 Pressure-densified new rhombohedral phase of ${\mathrm{EuSn}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214408 Graphene with Rashba spin-orbit interaction and coupling to a magnetic layer: Electron states localized at the domain wall (grapheneDW, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224405 Spin excitation spectra in helimagnetic states: Proper-screw, cycloid, vortex-crystal, and hedgehog lattices (YMotome, PRB)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02551 Revisiting Anderson-Higgs mechanism: application of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem (arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02484 A Broken Translational Symmetry State in an Infinite-Layer Nickelate (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03135 Excitonic insulator states in molecular functionalized atomically-thin semiconductors (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03080 Dynamical mean field theory of moir\‘e bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: phase diagram, resistivity, and quantum criticality (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02975 Quantum phases of ferromagnetically coupled dimers on Shastry-Sutherland lattice (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02898 CaCu$3$Ru$_4$O${12}$: a high Kondo-temperature transition metal oxide (Kondo oxide, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02881 Timescale of local moment screening across and above the Mott transition (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02808 First principles theory for the magnetic and charge instabilities in AV$_3$Sb$_5$ systems (kagome, arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02610 Two-orbital model for possible superconductivity pairing mechanism in nickelates (CWu, arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02559 Temperature-driven reorganization of electronic order in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02216 Vanishing and non-vanishing persistent currents of various conserved quantities (arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02173 Stability of 3D skyrmions under mechanical stress studied via Monte Carlo calculations (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02146 Skyrmion-skyrmion interaction induced by itinerant electrons in a ferromagnetic strip (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02642 Structural instabilities of infinite-layer nickelates from first-principles simulations (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214407 Dynamics of interstitial skyrmions in the presence of temperature gradients (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214409 Multiple magnetization plateaus induced by farther neighbor interactions in an $S=1$ two-leg Heisenberg spin ladder (katsura, PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235108 Model studies of topological phase transitions in materials with two types of magnetic atoms (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235111 Machine learning of Kondo physics using variational autoencoders and symbolic regression (PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245108 Thermopower in transition-metal perovskites (octahedral, PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245109 Superconductivity in the bilayer Hubbard model: Two Fermi surfaces are better than one (PRB)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245405 Geometric wavefront dislocations of RKKY interaction in graphene (PRB)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220404 Superexchange dominates in magnetic topological insulators (PRB)

    87. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/172 Pushing the Limits of Quantum Sensing with Variational Quantum Circuits (Physics)

    88. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01954 LaP2: isostructural to MgB2 with charming superconductivity (MgB2, arXiv.org)

    89. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01677 Microscopic Theory of Superconducting Phase Diagram in Infinite-Layer Nickelates (arXiv.org)

    90. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02015 Divergence of Majorana-Phonon Scattering in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid (majorana-phonon, arXiv.org)

    91. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01760 Quasiparticle metamorphosis in the random t-J model (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    92. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01701 Field-Induced Deformation of Magnetic Microphases in Frustrated Ising Magnets (Kamiya, arXiv.org)

    93. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01678 Universal Thermal Entanglement of Multichannel Kondo Effects (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Dec 1st week collection
    1. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/5.0062133 A topological lattice of plasmonic merons (merons, Applied Physics Reviews)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.236402 Coexistence of Quantum Hall and Quantum Anomalous Hall Phases in Disordered ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237204 Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem in Higher Dimensions from Approximate Magnetic Translation Symmetry (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237403 Photonic Spin Lattices: Symmetry Constraints for Skyrmion and Meron Topologies (skyrmion, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.219901 Erratum: Interfacial contributions to spin-orbit torque and magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers [Phys. Rev. B 101, 020407(R) (2020)] (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235104 Abelian ${\mathrm{SU}(N)}_{1}$ chiral spin liquids on the square lattice (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235404 Making an artificial ${\mathit{p}}_{x,y}$-orbital honeycomb electron lattice on a metal surface (honeycomb, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245105 Orbital contributions in the element-resolved valence electronic structure of ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245107 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropy effect on field-induced magnon condensation in the kagome antiferromagnet $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3.26}{\mathrm{Mg}}{0.74}{(\mathrm{OH})}{6}{\mathrm{Br}}{2}$ (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.214403 Competing magnetic states in transition metal dichalcogenide moir\‘e materials (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224501 Spatially inhomogeneous superconductivity in ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235105 First-principles study of the electronic structure of ${\mathrm{CaKRu}}{4}{\mathrm{P}}{4}$ (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245106 SU(4)-symmetric Hubbard model at quarter filling: Insights from the dynamical mean-field approach (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245301 Collective modes in an imbalanced nodal-line semimetal (nodal-line semimetal, PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245402 Topologically protected edge and confined states in finite armchair graphene nanoribbons and their junctions (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220503 Enhancement of superconductivity with external phonon squeezing (phonon, PRB)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01286 Skyrmions and effective model of the resistive electron quadrupling state (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01009 Odd-frequency pairing in a nonunitary p-wave superconductor with multiple Majorana fermions (majorana, arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00761 Sublattice-sensitive Majorana Modes (majorana, arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00757 Majorana/Andreev crossover and the fate of the topological phase transition in inhomogeneous nanowires (arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00836 Incommensurate and commensurate antiferromagnetic states in CaMn2As2 and SrMn2As2 revealed by 75As NMR (arXiv.org)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04086-x Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI (Nature)

    23. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abl8910 Programming a quantum phase of matter (Science)

    24. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abi8794 Probing topological spin liquids on a programmable quantum simulator (Science)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237601 Dynamic Rashba-Dresselhaus Effect (Giustino, PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224101 Electron-phonon interaction in ${\mathrm{Ti}}{n}{\mathrm{O}}{2n\ensuremath{-}1}$ using first-principles calculations (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245103 Third-harmonic generation in excitonic insulators (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220301 Observing Floquet topological order by symmetry resolution (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L220402 Quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnetism and anisotropic interlayer couplings in the magnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241101 Quasiparticle coherence in the nematic state of FeSe (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235102 Benchmark study of Nagaoka ferromagnetism by spin-adapted full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo (QMC, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235103 Crossover behavior of the localized to itinerant transition of $5f$ electrons in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice ${\mathrm{USb}}_{2}$ (5f, PRB)

    33. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27083-0 sPhase shift in skyrmion crystals (YMotome, Nature Communications)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00487 Doping phase diagram of a Hubbard model for twisted bilayer cuprates (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00282 Anomalous Nernst Effect in Nonmagnetic Nodal Line Semimetal PbTaSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00014 Competing $U(1)$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ dipolar-octupolar quantum spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: application to Ce$_2$Zr$_2$O$_7$ (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00683 Origin of the Type-II Weyl state in topological antiferromagnetic YbMnBi2 (YbMnBi2, arXiv.org)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.236401 Emergence of New van Hove Singularities in the Charge Density Wave State of a Topological Kagome Metal ${\mathrm{RbV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (SHCho kagome, PRL)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237001 Competition of Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in Selective Oxidized ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ Thin Flakes (kagome, PRL)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237202 Emergent Kondo Behavior from Gauge Fluctuations in Spin Liquids (Kondo, PRL)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.224402 Scaling of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction with magnetization in Pt/Co(Fe)B/Ir multilayers (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.245101 Classification of Dirac points with higher-order Fermi arcs (Cano, PRB)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15488 Bosonic metal states in crystalline iron-based superconductors at the two-dimensional limit (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15260 Majorana Zero Modes in Ferromagnetic Wires without Spin-Orbit Coupling (arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15673 Competing orders and cascade of degeneracy lifting in doped Bernal bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14872 Thermal Conductivity of Square Ice (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15004 Scarce ferromagnetic interactions in monolayers of MPS$_3$ (M=Mn, Ni) (arXiv.org)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.237201 Ferro-octupolar Order and Low-Energy Excitations in ${\mathrm{d}}^{2}$ Double Perovskites of Osmium (Ferro-octupolar, PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.236801 Moir\‘e Tuning of Spin Excitations: Individual Fe Atoms on ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}/\mathrm{Au}(111)$ (PRL)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174446 Controllable interskyrmion attractive interactions and resulting skyrmion-lattice structures in two-dimensional chiral magnets with in-plane anisotropy (skyrmion, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195155 Valley-contrasting interband transitions and excitons in symmetrically biased dice model (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195156 Twist-angle dependent proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures (Fabian, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184434 Antiskyrmions and Bloch skyrmions in magnetic Dresselhaus metals (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184519 Theory for doping trends in titanium oxypnictide superconductors (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195437 Exact higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence of corner-localized states (corner state, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205435 Neural network architectures based on the classical XY model (XY, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174114 Pressure-driven electronic and structural phase transition in intrinsic magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174438 Crystal electric field and possible coupling with phonons in Kondo lattice ${\mathrm{CeCuGa}}_{3}$ (Ce, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174441 Static and dynamic properties of 1-kink skyrmion in Pt/Co/MgO trilayer (skyrmion, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184432 Replica symmetry breaking in the RKKY skyrmion-crystal system (skyrmion, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195149 Pseudoscalar U(1) spin liquids in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195432 Metal-insulator transitions in bilayer electron-hole systems in transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205133 Absence of Kondo effect in ${\mathrm{CeNiGe}}_{3}$ revealed by coherent phonon dynamics (Ce, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205134 Phase diagram of $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{2}$ from magnetostriction and magnetization measurements: Evidence for ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic states (Ce, PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205135 Weak antilocalization and Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in single crystal CaCuSb (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205136 Absence of magnetic field effect on the cerium valence in $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ at its optimum superconducting critical temperature (Ce, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205140 Topological phase transition in a magnetic Weyl semimetal (SSParkin, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205141 Three-dimensional topological plasmons in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205431 Superconductor/normal-metal/superconductor junction of topological superconductors revisited: Fractional Josephson current, fermion parity, and oscillating wave functions (Furusaki, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201115 Optical conductivity signatures of open Dirac nodal lines (PRB)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14597 Superconducting Pairing Mechanism of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (YFYang, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13867 Why Mercury is a superconductor (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14739 Correlated electronic structure of a quintuple-layer nickelate (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13976 Skyrmion Crystals in the Triangular Kondo Lattice Model (CDBatista, arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13703 Electronic spectra with paramagnon fractionalization in the single band Hubbard model (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041040 Efficient Slave-Boson Approach for Multiorbital Two-Particle Response Functions and Superconductivity (PRX)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174308 Floquet engineering of low-energy dispersions and dynamical localization in a periodically kicked three-band system (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184429 Symmetry and curvature effects on spin waves in vortex-state hexagonal nanotubes (NT, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184431 Domain-wall motion driven by a rotating field in a ferrimagnet (SKKim, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195153 Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of a system with a double charge density wave transition: ${\mathrm{ErTe}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205131 Defective Majorana zero modes in a non-Hermitian Kitaev chain (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205138 Absence of in-gap modes in charge density wave edge dislocations of the Weyl semimetal $({\mathrm{TaSe}}{4}{)}{2}\mathrm{I}$ (PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180508 Magneto-Seebeck effect and ambipolar Nernst effect in the ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ superconductor (kagome, PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201114 Noncompact atomic insulators (Bernevig, PRB)

    85. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/165 New Moire Landscapes for Atomic Spins (Physics)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13668v1 Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multi-method study (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13506v1 The effects of strain in multi-orbital superconductors: the case of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ramires, arxiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13288v1 Intrinsic vortex pinning in superconducting quasicrystals (quasicrystal, arxiv.org)

    89. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13012v1 Two-dimensional superconductivity of the Ca-intercalated graphene on SiC: vital role of the interface between monolayer graphene and the substrate (arxiv.org)

    90. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13118v1 The role of q-spin singlet pairs of physical spins in the dynamical properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising XXZ chain (arxiv.org)

    91. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12944v1 Colossal Anomalous Hall Conductivity and Topological Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Kagome Metal Nd$_3$Al (kagome, arxiv.org)

    92. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13558v1 Localization persisting under aperiodic driving (Moessner, arxiv.org)

    93. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13497v1 Giant van Hove Density of States Singularities and Anomalies of Electron and Magnetic Properties in Cubic Lattices (arxiv.org)

    94. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12863v1 The underestimation of high pressure in DFT+$U$ simulation for the wide range cold-pressure of lanthanide metals (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 4th week collection
    1. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abj7478 Direct visualization of magnetic domains and moire magnetism in twisted 2D magnets (Science)

    2. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abd9547 Floquet Hamiltonian engineering of an isolated many-body spin system (Science)

    3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04028-7 Colossal angular magnetoresistance in ferrimagnetic nodal-line semiconductors (JSKim, Nature)

    4. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04021-0 Artificial heavy fermions in a van der Waals heterostructure (Lado, Nature)

    5. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12344v1 Platform for controllable Majorana zero modes using superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures (arxiv.org)

    6. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12318v1 Optical response of the Leggett mode in multiband superconductors in the linear response regime (Morimoto, arxiv.org)

    7. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12473v1 Assessing the correlated electronic structure of lanthanum nickelates (arxiv.org)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12441v1 Local magnetic moment formation and Kondo screening in the half filled two dimensional single band Hubbard model (arxiv.org)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12291v1 Spin-orbit-entangled nature of magnetic moments and Kitaev magnetism in layered halides $\alpha$-RuX$_3$ (X = Cl, Br, I) (HSKim, arxiv.org)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.12697v1 Correlations turn electronic structure of finite-layer nickelates upside down (nickelate, arxiv.org)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.223601 Experimental Probing of Canonical Electromagnetic Spin Angular Momentum Distribution via Valley-Polarized Photoluminescence (SAM, PRL)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.227401 Role of Equilibrium Fluctuations in Light-Induced Order (PRL)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205430 Single-valley state in a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic lattice (single-valley, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180507 $p$-wave superconductivity and the axiplanar phase of triple-point fermions (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174434 Spin interactions and topological magnonics in chromium trihalide CrClBrI (topological magnon, PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174436 Renormalization of gapped magnon excitation in monolayer ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ by magnon-magnon interaction (PRB)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11456v1 Evidence for a square-square vortex lattice transition in a high-$T_\textrm{c}$ cuprate superconductor (arxiv.org)

    18. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11452v1 Evolution of Interorbital Superconductor to Intraorbital Spin-Density Wave in Layered Ruthenates (Kee, arxiv.org)

    19. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11457v1 Insights into the Anisotropic Spin-$S$ Kitaev Chain (Kee, arxiv.org)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041038 Quantum Fluctuations of Charge Order Induce Phonon Softening in a Superconducting Cuprate (cuprate, Physical Review X)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.227001 Charge-$4e$ Superconductivity from Nematic Superconductors in Two and Three Dimensions (PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.226801 Universal Thermal Entanglement of Multichannel Kondo Effects (PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.227201 Nonmagnetic $J=0$ State and Spin-Orbit Excitations in ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{RuCl}}{6}$ (PRL)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174515 Magnetic field behavior in $s+is$ and $s+id$ superconductors: Twisting of applied and spontaneous fields (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184427 Arc-shaped structure factor in the ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{2}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}_{3}$ classical Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195144 Possible antiferroquadrupolar order in the Kondo semiconductor ${\mathrm{CeOs}}{4}{\mathrm{Sb}}{12}$ (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205129 Tuning the Van Hove singularities in $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ $(A=\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{Cs})$ via pressure and doping (kagome, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180202 Atomic arrangements of quasicrystal bilayer graphene: Interlayer distance expansion (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201113 Band manipulation and spin texture in interacting moir\‘e helical edges (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174432 Skyrmion-size dependence of the topological Hall effect: A real-space calculation (Arita, PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174433 Emergent magnetic states due to stacking and strain in the van der Waals magnetic trilayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195146 Fully ab initio electronic structure of ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195427 Nonlinear anomalous Nernst effect in strained graphene induced by trigonal warping (PRB)

    34. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s155 Altering Airflows and Stopping Drops (COVID-19, Physics)

    35. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11048v1 Magnetic attractive interaction induced superconductivity in metals (arxiv.org)

    36. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11013v1 Evidence for Isotropic s-Wave Superconductivity in High-Entropy Alloys (HEA, arxiv.org)

    37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10797v1 Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in an alkaline earth hydride CaH$_6$ at high pressures (arxiv.org)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11434v1 Reentrant Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene at 25T ($2\pi$ Flux) (arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11420v1 Single Layer Skyrmion in a van der Wall Antiferromagnet (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

    40. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11060v1 TB or not TB? Contrasting properties of twisted bilayer graphene and the alternating twist $n$-layer structures ($n=3, 4, 5, \dots$) (Vishwanath, arxiv.org)

    41. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10580v1 Unveiling the Kondo cloud: unitary RG study of the Kondo model (Kondo cloud, arxiv.org)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205126 Electronic reconstruction and charge transfer in strained ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CoIrO}}{6}$ double perovskite (iridates, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184202 Bulk topological signatures of a quasicrystal (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184425 Quantum many-body states and Green’s functions of nonequilibrium electron-magnon systems: Localized spin operators versus their mapping to Holstein-Primakoff bosons (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195140 Physical properties of ${\mathrm{YbFe}}{5}{\mathrm{P}}{3}$ with a quasi-one-dimensional crystal structure (Yb, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195141 Bond versus charge disproportionation and nature of the holes in $s\ensuremath{-}p AB{X}_{3}$ perovskites (perovskites, PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205124 Chiral anomaly induced nonlinear Hall effect in semimetals with multiple Weyl points (Weyl, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205125 Topological Kondo device for distinguishing quasi-Majorana and Majorana signatures (Kondo, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205427 Electron transport probing the electrically tunable topological phase transition in a Dirac semimetal (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180409 Scaling law for Rashba-type spin splitting in quantum-well films (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174431 Octupolar order and Ising quantum criticality tuned by strain and dimensionality: Application to $d$-orbital Mott insulators (Octupolar order, PRB)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09906 Solvable model for a charge-$4e$ superconductor (4eSC, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10018 Superconductivity and bosonic fluid emerging from Moir\‘e flat bands (arXiv.org)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10289 Charge self-consistent electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory using Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90 and TRIQS (DMFT, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10147 Edge $\mathbb{Z}_3$ parafermions in fermionic lattices (parafermion, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09988 The inner workings of fractional quantum Hall parent Hamiltonians: An MPS point of view (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.215701 Electronic Origin of Non-Zone-Center Phonon Condensation: Octahedral Rotation as a Case Study (octahedralrotation, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217601 Analysis of Charge Order in the Kagome Metal $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{Cs}$) (kagome, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174426 Disentangling electronic, lattice, and spin dynamics in the chiral helimagnet ${\mathrm{Cr}}{1/3}\mathrm{Nb}{\mathrm{S}}{2}$ (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195424 Fine structure mediated magnetic response of trion valley polarization in monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195134 Spin-valley locked instabilities in moir\‘e transition metal dichalcogenides with conventional and higher-order Van Hove singularities (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195138 Topological properties and self-energy effects in elemental Yb (Yb, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201111 Magnetic order, disorder, and excitations under pressure in the Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217401 Coexistence of Photoelectric Conversion and Storage in van der Waals Heterojunctions (PRL)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07390 The Role of the Third Dimension in Searching Majorana Fermions in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ via Phonons (majorana, arXiv:2111.07390 )

    10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03988-0 Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder (StarkMBL, Nature)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09767 Searching for Superconductivity in High Entropy Oxide Ruddlesden-Popper Cuprate Films (HEO cuprate, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09342 Van Hove tuning of AV3Sb5 kagome metals under pressure and strain (kagome, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09798 Topological to magnetically ordered quantum phase transition in antiferromagnetic spin ladders with long-range interactions (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09661 Interplay between quadrupolar and magnetic interactions in 5$d^{1}$ double perovskite Ba$_2$MgReO$_6$ under pressure (arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09558 Magnons and Spinons in $\mathrm{Ba}_2\mathrm{CoTeO}_6 $: A Composite System of Isolated Spin-$1/2$ Triangular Heisenberg-like and Frustrated Honeycomb Ising-like Antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09516 Emergent Kondo behavior from gauge fluctuations in spin liquids (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09326 Exotic Thermal Transitions with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (EGMoon, arXiv.org)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217204 Magnetization Compensation Temperature and Frustration-Induced Topological Defects in Ferrimagnetic Antiperovskite ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{4}\mathrm{N}$ (Hedgehog, PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184511 Surface step states and Majorana end states in profiled topological-insulator thin films (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195133 Measurement of topological order based on metric-curvature correspondence (metric, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205121 Proof for the electronic band crossing in sliding bilayer graphene (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205425 Rashba-split surface state and spin-dependent photon emission from Re(0001) at $\overline{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}}$ (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180407 Quadratic optical responses in a chiral magnet (Morimoto, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180505 Relaxation timescales and electron-phonon coupling in optically pumped ${\mathrm{YBa}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{6+x}$ revealed by time-resolved Raman scattering (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174425 Complex magnetic phase diagram in noncentrosymmetric EuPtAs (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174205 Renormalization group analysis of Dirac fermions with a random mass (RShindou, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184423 Spin Hall effect in noncollinear kagome antiferromagnets (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195132 Geometry of the charge density wave in the kagome metal $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    29. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09239v1 Anisotropic superconductivity and unusually robust electronic critical field in single crystal La${7}$Ir${3}$ (La7Ir3, arxiv.org)

    30. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08931v1 Proximity-driven ferromagnetism and superconductivity in the triangular Rashba-Hubbard model (Rashba-Hubbard, arxiv.org)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08929v1 Chiral Majorana Edge Modes and Vortex Majorana Zero Modes in Superconducting Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator (majorana, arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08731v1 Phonon-induced rotation of the electronic nematic director in superconducting Bi${2}$Se${3}$ (arxiv.org)

    33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08740v1 Interpreting Angle Dependent Magnetoresistance in Layered Materials: Application to Cuprates (PALee, arxiv.org)

    34. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09258v1 Thermodynamics of correlated electrons in a magnetic field (arxiv.org)

    35. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09166v1 RTGW2020: A powerful implementation of DFT + Gutzwiller method (XiDai, arxiv.org)

    36. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09062v1 Hall anomaly, quantum oscillations and possible Lifshitz transitions in Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$: evidence for unconventional charge transport (arxiv.org)

    37. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08800v1 Orbital Selective Kondo Effect in Heavy Fermion Superconductor UTe$_{2}$ (HKim, arxiv.org)

    38. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09282v1 Effects of Fe deficiency and Co substitution in polycrystalline and single crystals of Fe${3}$GeTe${2}$ (arxiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08035v1 Measurement-induced entanglement phase transitions in variational quantum circuits (YBKim, arxiv.org)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041034 Determination of the Spin Axis in Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Candidate Monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (WTe2, Physical Review X)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.213901 Multichannel High-Order Harmonic Generation from Fractal Bands in Fibonacci Quasicrystals (PRL)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.214302 Synthetic Three-Dimensional $\mathbb{Z}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Topological Insulator in an Elastic Metacrystal (PRL)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217202 Topological Phase Transitions of Dirac Magnons in Honeycomb Ferromagnets (magnon, PRL)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217203 Nearly Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in a Pressure-Induced Correlated Metallic State of the van der Waals Insulator ${\mathrm{CrGeTe}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174108 Hybrid-type nodal ring phonons and coexistence of higher-order quadratic nodal line phonons in an AgZr alloy (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174421 Dynamics of ferrimagnetic skyrmionium driven by spin-orbit torque (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174511 Granular metallicity as a minimal normal state for superconductivity (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184420 Probing signatures of fractionalization in the candidate quantum spin liquid ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ via anomalous Raman scattering (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195419 Spin-valley polarized edge states and quantum anomalous Hall states controlled by side potential in two-dimensional honeycomb lattices (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195420 Extraordinary alternating metal-insulator transitions in ${\mathrm{CaRuO}}_{3}$ ultrathin films at integer multiples of 25 \AA{} of thickness (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205422 Emerging nonlinear Hall effect in Kane-Mele two-dimensional topological insulators (PRB)

    52. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08639v1 Anomalous chiral transport with vorticity and torsion: Cancellation of two mixed gravitational anomaly currents in rotating chiral $p+ip$ Weyl condensates (Volovik, arxiv.org)

    53. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08220v1 QMC study of the chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu universality class (Yunoki, arxiv.org)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08170v1 Cross-over behavior of the localized to itinerant transition of 5f electrons in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice USb2 (arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08071v1 Spiral magnetism and chiral superconductivity in Kondo-Hubbard triangular lattice model (arxiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08059v1 Resilient Fermi liquid and strength of correlations near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (arxiv.org)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.08013v1 Relating spin-polarized STM imaging and inelastic neutron scattering in the van-der-Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 (arxiv.org)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07947v1 Fractons, geometrically (arxiv.org)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.214301 Observation of Dislocation-Induced Topological Modes in a Three-Dimensional Acoustic Topological Insulator (PRL)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217002 Unconventional Pressure Dependence of the Superfluid Density in the Nodeless Topological Superconductor $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{PdBi}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195130 First-principles study of the double-dome superconductivity in the kagome material ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ under pressure (kagome, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195417 Magnetic order transition in monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ induced by strong intervalley correlation (magnetic order, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07750 Observation of spin-dependent dual ferromagnetism in perovskite ruthenates (CKim, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07994 Floquet engineering multi-channel Kondo physics (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07727 Direct measurement of a remnant Fermi surface in SmB6 (SmB6, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07710 Inducing and tuning Kondo screening in a narrow-electronic-band system (kondoscreening, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07675 Emergent Weyl Fermions in an Orbital Multipolar Ordering Phase (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07587 Probing magnetic anisotropy in Kagome antiferromagnetic Mn$_3$Ge with torque magnetometery (kagome, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07390 The Role of the Third Dimension in Searching Majorana Fermions in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ via Phonons (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07909 Microscopic origin of multiferroic order in monolayer NiI$_2$ (Lado, arXiv.org)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.217001 Correlation-Induced Triplet Pairing Superconductivity in Graphene-Based Moir\‘e Systems (PRL)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174304 Floquet graphene antidot lattices (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184414 Hydrodynamic theory of vorticity-induced spin transport (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205116 Fine structure of the nonlinear Drude weights in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain (katsura, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205117 Engineering exotic second-order topological semimetals by periodic driving (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205421 Superexchange-induced valley splitting in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides: A first-principles study for rational design (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184415 Static and dynamic magnetic properties of honeycomb lattice antiferromagnets ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{M}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$, $M=\mathrm{Co}$ and Ni (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195126 One-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model with mass imbalance: Orders and filling anomaly (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195127 Topological van Hove singularities at phase transitions in Weyl metals (vanHovesingluarity, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205115 Bloch oscillations in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180201 Metal-insulator transition in infinitesimally weakly disordered flat bands (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184301 Limits of thermoelectric performance with a bounded transport distribution (PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184416 Collective dynamics of domain walls: An antiferromagnetic spin texture in an optical cavity (PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195128 Designing flat-band tight-binding models with tunable multifold band touching points (PRB)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201107 Non-Hermitian band topology from momentum-dependent relaxation in two-dimensional metals with spiral magnetism (PRB)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06422v1 Enhanced charge density wave with mobile superconducting vortices in La${1.885}$Sr${0.115}$CuO$_4$ (CDW, arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06430v1 Spectral and thermodynamic properties of the Holstein polaron: Hierarchical equations of motion approach (Holstein, arxiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06439v1 Tuning the Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Fe5GeTe2 by Arsenic Substitution (arxiv.org)

    89. https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.07937v1 Ferromagnetism in 2D Vanadium Diselenide (VSe2, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Nov 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.207002 Quantum Transport Evidence of Topological Band Structures of Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (Kagome, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.207205 Orbital Isotropy of Magnetic Fluctuations in Correlated Electron Materials Induced by Hund’s Exchange Coupling (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205113 Self-energy method for time-dependent spectral functions of the Anderson impurity model within the time-dependent numerical renormalization group approach (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195122 Probing Kondo spin fluctuations with scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spin resonance (Stefano, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195123 Topological nodal line and superconductivity of highly thermally stable two-dimensional ${\mathrm{TiB}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184508 Observations of the effect of strong Pauli paramagnetism on the vortex lattice in superconducting ${\mathrm{CeCu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    7. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/160 Bouncing Droplets Reveal New Leidenfrost Effect (Physics)

    8. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06228v1 The Superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 Under c-Axis Uniaxial Stress (ruthenate, arxiv.org)

    9. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06128v1 Optical response of Higgs mode in superconductors at clean limit (arxiv.org)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06097v1 Current-induced superconducting anisotropy of Sr$\mathsf{_2}$RuO$\mathsf{_4}$ (arxiv.org)

    11. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06081v1 Gate-tunability of the superconducting state at the $EuO/KTaO_3 (111)$ interface (arxiv.org)

    12. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05909v1 Rise and fall of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound-states in charge conserving $s$-wave one-dimensional superconductors (arxiv.org)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06385v1 Skyrmions and Hopfions in 3D Frustrated Magnets (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06246v1 Spin dynamics in the Van der Waals magnet CrCl$_3$ (CrCl3, arxiv.org)

    15. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06182v1 Weyl Fermion Magneto-Electrodynamics and Ultra-low Field Quantum Limit in TaAs (arxiv.org)

    16. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06132v1 Kitaev honeycomb antiferromagnet in a field: quantum phase diagram for general spin (arxiv.org)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06040v1 Mott domain walls: a (strongly) non-Fermi liquid state of matter (arxiv.org)

    18. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05921v1 The many faces (phases) of strong correlations (arxiv.org)

    19. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05865v1 MATBG as Topological Heavy Fermion: I. Exact Mapping and Correlated Insulators (arxiv.org)

    20. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06039v1 Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in an Insulating van der Waals Magnet VI3 (VI3, arxiv.org)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041030 Fermi Surface Mapping and the Nature of Charge-Density-Wave Order in the Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, Physical Review X)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.207203 Experimental Realization of the 1D Random Field Ising Model (1D Ising, PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174509 High-pressure synthesis of superconducting clathratelike $\mathrm{Y}{\mathrm{H}}_{4}$ (YH4, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174510 Transition from three- to two-dimensional Ising superconductivity in few-layer ${\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ by proximity effect from van der Waals heterostacking (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205419 Semimetallic square-octagon two-dimensional polymer with high mobility (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180404 Distorted $3Q$ state driven by topological-chiral magnetic interactions (Mn, PRB)

    27. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s145 1D Random-Field Ising Model Experimentally Realized (Physics)

    28. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03946-w Cascade of correlated electron states in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, Nature)

    29. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03983-5 Roton pair density wave in a strong-coupling kagome superconductor (kagome, Nature)

    30. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05707v1 Directly probing the chirality of Majorana edge states (majorana, arxiv.org)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05650v1 Spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in KTaO$_3$ interface superconductor (KTO, arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05627v1 Magnetic Proximity-Induced Superconducting Diode Effect and Infinite Magnetoresistance in van der Waals Heterostructure (JGPark, arxiv.org)

    33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05533v1 Doping-dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates (arxiv.org)

    34. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05493v1 Evidence of a Phonon Hall Effect in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Taillefer, arxiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041029 Extended Kohler’s Rule of Magnetoresistance (MR, Physical Review X)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.207001 Magnon Spin Current Induced by Triplet Cooper Pair Supercurrents (PRL)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184505 Gate tunability of the superconducting state at the $\mathrm{EuO}/\mathrm{KTa}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (111) interface (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205111 Effects of reduced dimensionality, crystal field, electron-lattice coupling, and strain on the ground state of a rare-earth nickelate monolayer (nickelate, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205303 Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing of composite fermions (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180503 Mixed-parity octupolar pairing and corner Majorana modes in three dimensions (BitanRoy, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201105 Observation of symmetry-protected Dirac states in nonsymmorphic $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-antimonene (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184506 Maximal superconductivity in proximity to the charge density wave quantum critical point in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{x}{\mathrm{TiSe}}{2}$ (THPark, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195119 Pressure-induced multicriticality and electronic instability in the quasi-kagome ferromagnet URhSn (kagome, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195413 Role of line defect in the bandgap and transport properties of silicene nanoribbons (PRB)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05235 Quantum oscillations in Noncentrosymmetric Weyl semimetals RAlSi (R = Sm and Ce) (Ce, arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04996 Weak antilocalization and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in CaCuSb single crystal (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04944 Incommensurate-commensurate magnetic phase transition in the double tungstate Li2Co(WO4)2 (arXiv.org)

    48. PhysRevB.104.174412 Chemical tuning of magnetic anisotropy and correlations in Ni1−xFexPS3 (KYChoi, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174410 Intrinsic magnon Nernst effect in pyrochlore iridate thin films (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174507 Strain-sensitive superconductivity in the kagome metals ${\mathrm{KV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ and $\mathrm{Cs}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ probed by point-contact spectroscopy (kagome, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195114 Fragile topological insulators protected by rotation symmetry without spin-orbit coupling (Furusaki, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180303 Dynamical fragile topology in Floquet crystals (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180502 Anomalous Higgs oscillations mediated by Berry curvature and quantum metric (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174506 Prediction of an unusual trigonal phase of superconducting ${\mathrm{LaH}}_{10}$ stable at high pressures (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184411 Effects of spin-lattice coupling and a magnetic field in classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205105 Effects of topological band structure on thermoelectric transport of bismuthene (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205107 Thermodynamic signatures of short-range magnetic correlations in ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205410 Pauli principle and the Monte Carlo method for charge transport in graphene (PRB)

    59. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03804v1 Topological d-wave superconductivity in two dimensions (d-wave, arxiv.org)

    60. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03786v1 Tunable vortex Majorana modes controlled by strain in homogeneous LiFeAs (arxiv.org)

    61. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04451v1 Induced superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene through graphene-metal contacts (arxiv.org)

    62. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04707v1 A model for coupled $4f-3d$ magnetic spectra: a neutron scattering study of the Yb$-$Fe hybridisation in Yb$3$Fe$_5$O${12}$ (arxiv.org)

    63. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04561v1 Bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 model in the Haldane and dimerized phases (arxiv.org)

    64. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04560v1 Theoretical study of the crystal and electronic properties of $\alpha$-RuI$_3$ (arxiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04081 Absence of temperature-dependent phonon anomalies in Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7 (BJKim, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03826 Tuning the electronic band structure in a kagome ferromagnetic metal via magnetization (Fe3Sn, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03806 GdV6Sn6: a Multi-carrier Metal with Non-magnetic 3d-electron Kagome Bands and 4f-electron Magnetism (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03758 Observation of Quantum Oscillations in The Low Temperature Specific Heat of SmB\textsubscript{6} (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03674 Ultrafast optical excitation of magnetic dynamics in van der Waals magnets: Coherent magnons and BKT dynamics in NiPS$_3$ (LBalents, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04042 Charge-driven transtive devices via electric field control of magnetism in a helimagnet (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03981 Observation of a flat and extended surface state in a topological semimetal (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03752 Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces from pairing of $j=3/2$ fermions on the pyrochlore lattice (arXiv.org)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041027 Exact Long-Range Dielectric Screening and Interatomic Force Constants in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Crystals (Physical Review X)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174407 Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy induced by $6p$ atomic layers: Crucial role of interface structural order (PMA, PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174409 Elliptical skyrmion moving along a track without transverse speed (PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174504 Superconducting triplet pairings and anisotropic magnetoresistance effects in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double-barrier junctions (Fabian, PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174505 Reentrant superconductivity through a quantum Lifshitz transition in twisted trilayer graphene (Senthil, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184412 Direct observation of spin accumulation and spin-orbit torque driven by Rashba-Edelstein effect in an InAs quantum-well layer (PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195109 Ordinary Hall anomaly due to the Fermi surface shape in MnAs (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195110 Understanding the importance of local magnetic moment in monolayer FeSe (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205106 Influence of defects on antidoping behavior in $\mathrm{Sm}\mathrm{Ni}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (nickelate, PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205108 Strong coupling between magnetic order and band topology in the antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{EuMnSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180501 Off-diagonal long-range order implies vanishing charge gap (PRB)

    84. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03589v1 Evidence for antiferromagnetism coexisting with charge order in the trilayer cuprate HgBa$2$Ca$_2$Cu$_3$O${8+ \delta}$ (arxiv.org)

    85. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03276v1 Enhanced superconductivity in C-S-H compounds at high pressure (arxiv.org)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03145v1 Surface step states and Majorana end states in profiled topological insulator thin films (arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03625v1 Quadrupolar magnetic excitations in an isotropic spin-1 antiferromagnet (SWCheong, arxiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03348v1 Exceptional Rings with Bounded Fermi Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Heavy-Fermion Systems Revealed by DMFT (arxiv.org)

    89. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03202v1 Temperature-driven transition from skyrmion to bubble crystals in centrosymmetric itinerant magnets (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Nov 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Nov 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.196405 Spectroscopic Evidence for a New Type of Surface Resonance at Noble-Metal Surfaces (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.196801 Higher-Order Weyl-Exceptional-Ring Semimetals (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174406 Dynamical piezomagnetic effect in time-reversal-invariant Weyl semimetals with axionic charge density waves (CDW Weyl, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174503 Impact of spin-orbit interaction on the phase diagram and anisotropy of the in-plane critical magnetic field at the superconducting ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ interface (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184501 Theory of Hofstadter superconductors (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195107 Comparing the effective enhancement of local and nonlocal spin-orbit couplings on honeycomb lattices due to strong electronic correlations (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205103 Band topology of pseudo-Hermitian phases through tensor Berry connections and quantum metric (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201102 Nonlocal sidewall response and deviation from exact quantization of the topological magnetoelectric effect in axion-insulator thin films (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L201103 Interplay between strong correlations and electronic topology in the underlying kagome lattice of ${\mathrm{Na}}{2/3}\mathrm{Co}{\mathrm{O}}{2}$ (kagome, PRB)

    10. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02882v1 Pressure-induced Superconductivity in Noncentrosymmetric Weyl Semimetals LaAlX (X = Si and Ge) (arxiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02699 Charge-order on the triangular lattice: Effects of next-nearest-neighbor attraction in finite temperatures (JMMM, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02639 Dirac Nodal Lines and Nodal Loops in a Topological Kagome Superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03058 Moir\‘e metal for catalysis (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02577 Microscopic origins and stability of the ferromagnetism in Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    15. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03915-3 Signatures of bosonic Landau levels in a finite-momentum superconductor (Nature)

    16. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03940-2 Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions of holes in a semiconductor (Nature)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041025 Quantum Simulation of Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain with Gate-Defined Quantum Dots (QD, Physical Review X) https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s137 Using Quantum Dots to Simulate Magnetism (Physics)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174502 Trapping Majorana zero modes in vortices of magnetic texture crystals coupled to nodal superconductors (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184407 Robust antiferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{3}$ (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184408 Discrete quantum geometry and intrinsic spin Hall effect (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195404 Strain-gated nonlinear Hall effect in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{MoSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ van der Waals heterostructure (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205406 Majorana ensembles with fractional entropy and conductance in nanoscopic systems (PRB)

    23. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02060v1 Insulator-to-superconductor transition in quasi-one-dimensional HfS3 under pressure (Hf, arxiv.org)

    24. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01991v1 Pressure-induced structural transition, metallization, and topological superconductivity in PdSSe (Janus, arxiv.org)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.190501 Fully Tunable Hyperfine Interactions of Hole Spin Qubits in Si and Ge Quantum Dots (DLoss, PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.197003 Phonon-Mediated Long-Range Attractive Interaction in One-Dimensional Cuprates (cuprate, PRL)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180403 Crucial role of interfacial $s\text{\ensuremath{-}}d$ exchange interaction in the temperature dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance (MR, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174501 Unconventional real-complex spectral transition and Majorana zero modes in nonreciprocal quasicrystals (quasicrystals, PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184406 Magnetic hopfions in toroidal nanostructures driven by an Oersted magnetic field (hopfion, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195103 Forming a dielectric exciton phase in strongly correlated systems with spin crossover (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195104 Validity of the on-site spin-orbit coupling approximation (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195403 Anomalies in the temperature evolution of Dirac states in the topological crystalline insulator SnTe (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205404 Weak antilocalization in spin-orbit coupled lattice systems: Effect of nonadiabatic transitions and estimation of spin relaxation length (PRB)

    34. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s139 Topology Inside a Liquid Crystal (Physics)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01610 Model of charge triplets for high-T$_c$ cuprates (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01653 Phase separation in high-T$_c$ cuprates (arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01296 Low Valence Nickelates: Launching the Nickel Age of Superconductivity (Pickett, arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01247 LaIr3Ga2: A Superconductor based on a Kagome Lattice of Ir (kagome Cava, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01174 Doping a topological insulator: a promising strategy to find topological superconductors? (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01178 Quality factor for zero-bias conductance peaks in Majorana nanowire (arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01611 Intertwining SU($N$) symmetry and frustration on a honeycomb lattice (GChen, arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01316 Floquet engineering of Kitaev quantum magnets (SZLin, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01152 Topological Phases in AB-stacked MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$: $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Topological Insulators, Chern Insulators, and Topological Charge Density Waves (arXiv.org)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041023 Single-Laser-Pulse-Driven Thermal Limit of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Magnetic Ordering in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (Iridates, Physical Review X)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.197002 Phase Diagram for Light-Induced Superconductivity in $\ensuremath{\kappa}\text{\ensuremath{-}}(\mathrm{ET}{)}_{2}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{X}$ (organic SC, PRL)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.197001 Calculation of an Enhanced ${A}_{1g}$ Symmetry Mode Induced by Higgs Oscillations in the Raman Spectrum of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (cuprate, PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.196401 Weak-Field Hall Resistivity and Spin-Valley Flavor Symmetry Breaking in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174404 Green’s function formalism for nonlocal elliptical magnon transport (Green’s ft magnon, PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184201 Multicriticality of two-dimensional class-D disordered topological superconductors (Shindou, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205402 Spin-valley dependent Klein tunneling and perfect spin- and valley-polarized transport in a magnetic ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ superlattice (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184403 Higher-order topology and corner triplon excitations in two-dimensional quantum spin-dimer models (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205101 Electrical conductivity in the Hubbard model: Orbital effects of magnetic field (transport Hubbard, PRB)

    53. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s136 Quantum Oscillations Appear at High Temperatures (Physics)

    54. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00541 Defect-induced electronic smectic state at the surface of nematic materials (nematic, arXiv.org)

    55. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00525 Hidden Magnetic Texture in the Pseudogap Phase of High-Tc $YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.6}$ (hidden order cuprate, arXiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00727 Anomalous thermal Hall effect and anomalous Nernst effect of CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.01120 The conductance of correlated many-fermion systems from charge fluctuations (conductance, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00925 Sr$_3$LiIrO$_6$: a potential quantum spin liquid candidate in the one dimensional $d^4$ iridate family (iridates, arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00849 Electronic correlation strength of inorganic electrides from first principles (arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00694 Localized-delocalized crossover of spin-carriers and magnetization reversal in Co${2}$VO${4}$ (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00654 Electron-phonon coupling in the charge density wave state of CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00101 Stripe order, impurities, and symmetry breaking in a diluted frustrated magnet (arXiv.org)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184401 Quantized edge magnetizations and their symmetry protection in one-dimensional quantum spin systems (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195102 Many-body topological and skin states without open boundaries (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205401 Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall effect in monolayer halide perovskite (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L180402 Magnetoelastic coupling enabled tunability of magnon spin current generation in two-dimensional antiferromagnets (PRB)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15631 Double-helix magnetic order in CrAs with Pnma space group (CrAs, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15916 Spinons and damped phonons in spin-1/2 quantum-liquid Ba${4}$Ir${}_3$O${}{10}$ observed by Raman scattering (iridates, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15746 Optical spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe study of structural phase transition in 1T’-TaTe2 (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15626 4D visualization of the photoexcited coherent magnon by an X-ray free electron laser (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15441 The Semimetal-Antiferromagnetic Mott Insulator Quantum Phase Transition of the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Oct 5 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041021 Broken-Symmetry Ground States of the Heisenberg Model on the Pyrochlore Lattice (Pyrochlore, Physical Review X)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.186402 Temperature-Driven Self-Doping in Magnetite (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.186805 PTCDA Molecular Monolayer on Pb Thin Films: An Unusual $\ensuremath{\pi}$-Electron Kondo System and Its Interplay with a Quantum-Confined Superconductor (Kondo, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.184101 Dynamically Emerging Topological Phase Transitions in Nonlinear Interacting Soliton Lattices (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.186403 Phonon Magnetic Moment from Electronic Topological Magnetization (PRL)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.187004 Multiband Superconductivity with Sign-Preserving Order Parameter in Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (DLFeng, PRL)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.187201 Direct Imaging of Antiferromagnetic Domains and Anomalous Layer-Dependent Mirror Symmetry Breaking in Atomically Thin ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ (PRL)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165150 Manipulation of ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}\frac{3}{2}$ states by tuning the tetragonal distortion (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161119 Inexorable edge Kondo breakdown in topological Kondo insulators (Kondo, PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134437 Magnon polarons in the van der Waals antiferromagnet $\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{PS}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134438 Spin-charge conversion in ferromagnetic Rashba states (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144514 Origin of topological order in a Cooper-pair insulator (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155309 Magnetoelectric torque and edge currents caused by spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140411 Magnetic order and crystalline electric field excitations of the quantum critical heavy-fermion ferromagnet $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Rh}}{6}{\mathrm{Ge}}{4}$ (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161409 Broadband focusing of acoustic plasmons in graphene with an applied current (PRB)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14663 Superfluid weight bounds from symmetry and quantum geometry in flat bands (flat bands, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15353 Insulator-metal quantum phase transition in heavy topological insulators (heavy TI, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15300 Spectroscopy of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Correlated Insulators (arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15068 Observation of topological $Z_2$ vortex fluctuations in the frustrated Heisenberg magnet NaCrO$_2$ (frustration, arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14713 Competing magnetic energy scales in the topological flat-band ferrimagnet TbMn6Sn6 (TbMn6Sn6, arXiv.org)

    21. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14658 Bound on resistivity in flat band materials due to the quantum metric (quantum metric, arXiv.org)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144512 Pearl vortices in anisotropic superconducting films (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134433 Connection between magnetic interactions and the spin-wave gap of the insulating phase of ${\mathrm{NaOsO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134434 Controllable magnetic anisotropy and spin orientation of a prototypical easy-plane antiferromagnet on a ferromagnetic support (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134435 Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic structure of the moderately frustrated antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Li}}{2}M{({\mathrm{WO}}{4})}_{2}$ with $M=\mathrm{Co},\mathrm{Ni}$ (frustrated commensurate, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134517 Superconductivity in disordered locally noncentrosymmetric materials: An application to ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134518 Possible topological phases in quantum anomalous Hall insulator/unconventional superconductor hybrid systems (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134519 Boundary-induced topological and mid-gap states in charge conserving one-dimensional superconductors: Fractionalization transition (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144426 Strongly scattered phonon heat transport of the candidate Kitaev material ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (kitaev, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144428 Spin pumping in $d$-wave superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155151 RKKY couplings in the Lieb lattice: Flat-band induced frustration (frustration RKKY, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155152 Tunable Rashba spin-orbit coupling and its interplay with multiorbital effect and magnetic ordering at oxide interfaces (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140506 Unconventional superconductivity mediated solely by isotropic electron-phonon interaction (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    34. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.acx9468 Superconductor finding draws pointed critique (Science)

    35. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abe3987 Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above Tc (cooper pairing, Science)

    36. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abd5146 Intrinsic 2D-XY ferromagnetism in a van der Waals monolayer (SSSParkin, Science)

    37. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03947-9 Strongly correlated excitonic insulator in atomic double layers (Nature)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14915 Antiferromagnetism in Ni-Based Superconductors (Advanced Materials)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14624 Spin triplet superconductivity driven by finite momentum spin fluctuations (arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14463 Cu doping effects on the electronic structure of Fe1-xCuxSe (CKim, arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13991 Generic character of charge and spin density waves in superconducting cuprates (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13983 Steering Majorana braiding via skyrmion-vortex pairs: a scalable platform (skyrmion majorana, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14304 Ferroelectric control of spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14252 Manipulation of Jeff=3/2 states by tuning the tetragonal distortion (arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14251 Planar Hall effect in Cu intercalated PdTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14155 Unusual magnetic and transport properties in HoMn$_6$Sn$_6$ kagome magnet (arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.14104 Evidence for equilibrium excitons and exciton condensation in monolayer WTe2 (arXiv.org)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.186804 Kondo Cloud in a Superconductor (Kondo cloud, PRL)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155150 Local evidence for collective spin excitations in the distorted kagome antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Pr}}{3}{\mathrm{BWO}}{9}$ (kagome, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144207 Heat percolation in many-body flat-band localizing systems (heat percolation, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165145 Three-dimensional stacking of canted antiferromagnetism and pseudospin current in undoped ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$: Symmetry analysis and microscopic model realization (iridates, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161116 Non-Hermitian higher-order Dirac semimetals (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161117 Non-Hermitian higher-order Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134109 Point and complex defects in monolayer $\mathrm{Pd}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$: Evolution of electronic structure and emergence of magnetism (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134431 Observation of spontaneous x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in a chiral antiferromagnet (Mn3Sn, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134432 Magnetic properties of the quasi two-dimensional centered honeycomb antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{GdInO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144424 Dissipation-relaxation dynamics of a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ particle with a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling in an ohmic heat bath (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155149 Magnetic photocurrents in multifold Weyl fermions (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155433 Electronic state modulation of the Star of David lattice by stacking of $\sqrt{13}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\sqrt{13}$ domains in $1T\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{TaSe}}_{2}$ (David Star, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165146 Doping a Mott insulator in an Ising-Kondo lattice: Strange metal and Mott criticality (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165424 Multiple magnetism-controlled topological states in EuAgAs (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140409 Magnetic Bloch-point hopping in multilayer skyrmions and associated emergent electromagnetic signatures (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140505 Band-selective third-harmonic generation in superconducting ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$: Possible evidence for the Higgs amplitude mode in the dirty limit (MgB2, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161203 Radiative lifetime of free excitons in hexagonal boron nitride (PRB)

    65. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s140 Lone Spin Remains Shielded Despite Superconductivity (Physics)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13580 Geometric effects in the infinite-layer nickelates (nickelates, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13351 Pseudospin Paramagnons and the Superconducting Dome in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12854 On the ac magnetic susceptibility of a room temperature superconductor: anatomy of a probable scientific fraud (Hirsch, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13709 Topological phase transitions in strongly correlated systems: application to Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (topological phase transition, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13528 A density-wave-like transition in the polycrystalline V3Sb2 sample with bilayer kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13469 Structural and electrical characterization of the monolayer Kondo-lattice compound CePt$_6$/Pt(111) (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13277 Large Phonon Thermal Hall Conductivity in a Simple Antiferromagnetic Insulator (Taillefer, arXiv.org)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.187002 Fermi Arc Criterion for Surface Majorana Modes in Superconducting Time-Reversal Symmetric Weyl Semimetals (PHosur, PRL)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.187003 Possible Superconductivity with a Bogoliubov Fermi Surface in a Lightly Doped Kagome U(1) Spin Liquid (kagome, PRL)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.186401 Layer-Dependent Pressure Effect on the Electronic Structure of 2D Black Phosphorus (PRL)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134515 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov multiplets and clusters of multiorbital adatoms in superconducting substrates: Subgap Green’s function approach (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134516 Ever-present Majorana bound state in a generic one-dimensional superconductor with odd number of Fermi surfaces (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161115 Anisotropically large anomalous and topological Hall effect in a kagome magnet (kagome, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144511 Topological superconductivity in quasicrystals (quasicrystal, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165307 Coherent time-dependent oscillations and temporal correlations in triangular triple quantum dots (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134428 Paramagnetic spin Hall magnetoresistance (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144422 Topological phase transition and thermal Hall effect in kagome ferromagnets (AManchon, PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155142 Antiferromagnetic character of the quantum phase transition in the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165142 Takagi topological insulator with odd $\mathcal{PT}$ pairs of corner states (PRB)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165420 Thermal properties of Dirac fermions in Xenes: Model studies (Xenes, PRB)

    86. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13138 Microscopic mechanism for fluctuating pair density wave (arXiv.org)

    87. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12913 Antinodal kink in the band dispersion of electron-doped cuprate ${\rm La}{2-x}{\rm Ce}_x{\rm CuO}{4\pm\delta}$ (arXiv.org)

    88. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12651v1 Doping evolution of superconductivity, charge order and band topology in hole-doped topological kagome superconductors Cs(V$_{1-x}$Ti$_x$)$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    89. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12322 Spin dynamics in the skyrmion-host lacunar spinel GaV4S8 (arXiv.org)

    90. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11962 Gate-tunable heavy fermion quantum criticality in a moir\‘e Kondo lattice (arXiv.org)

    91. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12877 The Jeff=1/2 antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4: A golden avenue toward new physics and functions (iridates, arXiv.org)

    92. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.187001 Acoustic-Phonon-Mediated Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene (PRL)

    93. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134311 Effect of the electronic charge gap on LO bond-stretching phonons in undoped ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$ calculated using $\mathrm{LDA}+\mathrm{U}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    94. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134427 Robust formation of skyrmion and skyrmionium in magnetic hemispherical shells and their dynamic switching (PRB)

    95. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144304 Incipient geometric lattice instability of cubic fluoroperovskites (PRB)

    96. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144510 Superconducting and structural properties of the type-I superconductor ${\mathrm{PdTe}}_{2}$ under high pressure (PRB)

    97. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155147 Interplay between charge density wave order and magnetic field in the nonmagnetic rare-earth tritelluride ${\mathrm{LaTe}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    98. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165419 Structural and electrical characterization of the monolayer Kondo-lattice compound ${\mathrm{CePt}}_{6}/\mathrm{Pt}(111)$ (PRB)

    99. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165422 Time-reversal symmetric topological metal (PRB)

    100. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11452 Structures and physical properties of V-based kagome metals CsV6Sb6 and CsV8Sb12 (kagome, arXiv.org)

    101. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11935 Incommensurate magnetic orders and possible field-induced skyrmions in the square-net centrosymmetric EuGa$_2$Al$_2$ system (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    102. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11588 Magnetic order, disorder, and excitations under pressure in the Mott insulator Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv.org)

    103. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11427 Order by disorder in classical kagome antiferromagnets with chiral interactions (RMoessner, arXiv.org)

    104. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11375 Many-Body Quadrupolar Sum Rule for Higher-Order Topological Insulator (GYCho, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144420 Field-induced anomalous magnetic state beyond the magnetically ordered state in the slightly distorted triangular $S=\frac{1}{2}$ rare-earth antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CeZn}}{3}{\mathrm{P}}{3}$ (Ce, PRB)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155140 Strain-gradient induced topological transition in bent nanoribbons of the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Dirac, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134425 XY magnetism, Kitaev exchange, and long-range frustration in the ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$ honeycomb cobaltates (Paramechanti, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134426 Interplay of magnetism and dimerization in the pressurized Kitaev material $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{Li}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144421 RKKY coupled local-moment magnetism in ${\mathrm{NaFe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Cu}}{x}\mathrm{As}$ (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165136 Low-energy effective theory and symmetry classification of flux phases on the kagome lattice (JPHu kagome, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165137 Superlattice approach to doping infinite-layer nickelates (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165138 Hund’s metallicity enhanced by a van Hove singularity in cubic perovskite systems (PRB)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09528 Valley polarization transition in a two-dimensional electron gas (SAhn, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11311 Discovery of two families of VSb-based compounds with V-kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11306 The large static and pump-probe Kerr effect with two-fold rotation symmetry in Kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11228 Doping and two distinct phases in strong-coupling kagome superconductors (doping kagome, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10912 Fermi level tuning and double-dome superconductivity in the kagome metals CsV$3$Sb${5-x}$Sn$_x$ (doping kagome, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10621 Nodal gaps from local interactions in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ramires, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10553 Pressure-induced dimensional crossover in a kagome superconductor (kagome, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11089 Self-doping and the Mott-Kondo scenario for infinite-layer nickelate superconductors (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10451 Unconventional Superconductivity in UTe2 (arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10894 Massless Dirac magnons in the two dimensional van der Waals honeycomb magnet CrCl3 (magnon, arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10171 Statistical learning of engineered topological phases in the kagome superlattice of AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.10170 High-temperature transport and polaron speciation in the anharmonic Holstein model (polaron, arXiv.org)

    21. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03938-w Half- and quarter-metals in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (Nature)

    22. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02773-3 Untwisted trilayer graphene hosts superconductivity and magnetism (Nature)

    23. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03926-0 Superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (Nature)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041015 Emergence of a Sharp Quantum Collective Mode in a One-Dimensional Fermi Polaron (Polaron, Physical Review X)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.170404 Quantum Geometry and Flat Band Bose-Einstein Condensation (flat, PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155135 Weak localization and crossover from Lifshitz transition in two dimensions (Dirac, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155137 Dynamics of spectral correlations in the entanglement Hamiltonian of the Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper model (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165135 Charge disproportionation and Hund’s insulating behavior in a five-orbital Hubbard model applicable to ${d}^{4}$ perovskites (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161113 Valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall phase in bilayer graphene with layer-dependent proximity effects (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155132 One-dimensional model for coupling between magnon and optical phonon (magnon phonon coupling, PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155136 Spatial structure of magnetic polarons in strongly interacting antiferromagnets (magnetic polarons, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165134 Signatures of the charge density wave collective mode in the infrared optical response of ${\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161112 Multiple energy scales and anisotropic energy gap in the charge-density-wave phase of the kagome superconductor ${CsV}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144417 Thermal motion of skyrmion arrays in granular films (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144418 Spin-liquid signatures in geometrically frustrated layered kagome compounds $\mathrm{YBa}{\mathrm{Co}}{4\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Fe}}{x}{\mathrm{O}}_{7+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144507 Excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate and the quantum geometry of a flat band (flat, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155131 Higher-order quantum magnetic inductions in chiral topological materials (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155133 Bulk Dirac cone and highly anisotropic electronic structure of $\mathrm{Ni}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155134 Three-dimensional charge density wave observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in $1T \ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041014 Entanglement Order Parameters and Critical Behavior for Topological Phase Transitions and Beyond (Entanglement order parameter, Physical Review X)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.177201 Dirac Surface States in Magnonic Analogs of Topological Crystalline Insulators (Dirac-magnon, PRL)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134418 Beyond magnons in ${\mathrm{Nd}}{2}{\mathrm{ScNbO}}{7}$: An Ising pyrochlore antiferromagnet with all-in–all-out order and random fields (spin-liquid, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134419 Resonant optical topological Hall conductivity from skyrmions (skyrmion Paramekanti, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155130 Steady-state phases of the dissipative spin-$1/2$ XYZ model with frustrated interactions (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165132 Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the two-dimensional XY model with tensor-network-based level spectroscopy (Oshikawa, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165133 Nesting instability of gapless U(1) spin liquids with spinon Fermi pockets in two dimensions (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165416 Higher-order topological insulators on porous network models (PRB)

    48. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s132 Delaying Thermalization in a Periodically Driven System (Physics)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09715 Quasi-one-dimensional superconductivity in the pressurized charge-density-wave conductor HfTe3 (Hf, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09816 Dynamical Study of the Origin of the Charge Density Wave in $A$V${3}$Sb${5}$ ($A=$K, Rb, Cs) Compounds (kagome, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09809 Ising paramagnons (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09565 Fractional Chern Insulators with a Non-Landau Level Continuum Limit (arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09530 Synergetic ferroelectricity and superconductivity in zero-density Dirac semimetals near quantum criticality (arXiv.org)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.177001 Nature of Unconventional Pairing in the Kagome Superconductors $A{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{Cs}$) (kagome, PRL)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144506 Revealing the competition between charge density wave and superconductivity in $CsV_3Sb_5$ through uniaxial strain (kagome, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155128 Zooming in on heavy fermions in Kondo lattice models (KLM, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155129 Flat-band ferromagnetism and spin waves in the Haldane-Hubbard model (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155425 Phonon-induced magnetoresistivity of Weyl semimetal nanowires (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165202 Thermal transport in semiconductors studied by Monte Carlo simulations combined with the Green-Kubo formalism (PRB)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09056 Superconductivity modulated by structural phase transitions in pressurized vanadium-based kagome metals (kagome, arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.09486 Revealing an anisotropic electronic scattering rate in the "non-metallic" metal FeCrAs using the Hall effect (FeCrAs, arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08711 Single laser pulse driven thermal limit of the quasi-two dimensional magnetic ordering in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv.org)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.170601 Neural Network Representation of Tensor Network and Chiral States (PRL)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.176601 Coulomb Instabilities of a Three-Dimensional Higher-Order Topological Insulator (PRL)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155126 Topological charge pumping in quasiperiodic systems characterized by the Bott index (Morimoto, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134414 Spin dynamics in bulk MnNiGa and ${\mathrm{Mn}}{1.4}{\mathrm{Pt}}{0.9}{\mathrm{Pd}}_{0.1}\mathrm{Sn}$ investigated by muon spin relaxation (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134415 Confined magnons (magnon, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134511 Weyl nodal-ring semimetallic behavior and topological superconductivity in crystalline forms of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (SSH, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144505 Pairing interaction in superconducting UCoGe tunable by magnetic field (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140408 Suppressed incommensurate order in swedenborgite ${\mathrm{Ca}}{0.5}{\mathrm{Y}}{0.5}{\mathrm{BaCo}}{4}{\mathrm{O}}{7}$ (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140504 Disorder-robust high-field superconducting phase of FeSe single crystals (PRB)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08114v1 Superconducting dome in ferroelectric-type materials from soft mode instability (ferroelectric, arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08230v1 Ground state of Ce${3}$Bi${4}$Pd$_{3}$ unraveled by hydrostatic pressure (Ce, arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08082v1 Learning Disentangled Representation for Ising Model (arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07815v1 Charge instability of topological Fermi arcs in chiral crystal CoSi (CoSi, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Oct 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144504 Electronic theory for scanning tunneling microscopy spectra in infinite-layer nickelate superconductors (PRB)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155420 Linear-response magnetoresistance effects in chiral systems (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155421 Topologically protected second harmonic generation via doubly resonant high-order photonic modes (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165128 Quantum oscillations and quasilinear magnetoresistance in the topological semimetal candidate $\mathrm{Sc}{\mathrm{Sn}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161111 Diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo study of an acoustic lattice polaron (Nagaosa, PRB)

    6. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07568 Clear evidence against superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure (hydrides, arXiv.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07251 Superconductor-insulator transitions in three-dimensional indium-oxide at high pressures (arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06959 Supercurrent-induced topological phase transitions (arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07593 Superconductivity in a minimal two-band model for infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07563 Topological charge-entropy scaling in kagome Chern magnet TbMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07538 Unconventional Planar Hall Effect in Kagome Metal KV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07243 TRACK: A python code for calculating the transport properties of correlated electron systems using Kubo formalism (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07442 A parent Hubbard model for spin-1 Haldane chains (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07384 Dynamics of Negativity of a Wannier-Stark Many-Body Localized System Coupled to a Bath (arXiv.org)

    15. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03842-3 Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains (fractional edge excitation, Nature)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041010 Charge-Density-Wave-Induced Bands Renormalization and Energy Gaps in a Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{RbV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, Physical Review X)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.166402 Unified Treatment of Magnons and Excitons in Monolayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ from Many-Body Perturbation Theory (magnon, PRL)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134307 Periodic and aperiodic dynamics of flat bands in diamond-octagon lattice (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134510 Superconductivity and topological properties of ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$-type diborides from first principles (MgB2, PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144412 Non-Loudon-Fleury Raman scattering in spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155306 First-principles modeling of conductivity at the (001), (110), and (111) ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}/{\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}$ heterointerfaces (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155419 Theory of Seebeck ratchet in a noncentrosymmetric electron-phonon coupled system (Nagaosa, PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165127 How correlations change the magnetic structure factor of the kagome Hubbard model (kagome, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165412 Thickness-induced crossover from strong to weak collective pinning in exfoliated ${\mathrm{FeTe}}{0.6}{\mathrm{Se}}{0.4}$ thin films at 1 T (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140407 Linear magnetoconductivity in magnetic metals (MR, PRB)

    26. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06563v1 The spectral weight of hole doped cuprates across the pseudogap critical point (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    27. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06266v1 Chern Fermi-pockets and chiral topological pair density waves in kagome superconductors (kagome, arxiv.org)

    28. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06666v1 Fractional spin excitations in the infinite-layer cuprate CaCuO$_2$ (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    29. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06415v1 Honeycomb lattice in metal-rich chalcogenide Fe2Te (arxiv.org)

    30. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06644v1 Doublon production in correlated materials by multiple ion impacts (arxiv.org)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06503v1 Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Anisotropies: Applications to Kitaev Spin Liquids and Topological Spin Textures (arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06765v1 libdlr: Efficient imaginary time calculations using the discrete Lehmann representation (arxiv.org)

    33. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06731v1 A Combined First Principles Study of the Structural, Magnetic, and Phonon Properties of Monolayer CrI$_{3}$ (CrI3, arxiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06229 Thermal melting of a quantum electron solid in the presence of strong disorder: Anderson versus Wigner (arXiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041009 Core-Level X-Ray Spectroscopy of Infinite-Layer Nickelate: $\mathrm{LDA}+\mathrm{DMFT}$ Study (Osaka, Physical Review X)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.166804 Quasiperiodic Floquet-Thouless Energy Pump (PRL)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165409 Thermal valve in helical liquids controlled by the Rashba effect (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165126 Thickness dependence of magnetotransport properties of tungsten ditelluride (WTe2, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161404 Extremely large magnetoresistance in high-mobility ${\mathrm{SrNbO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (MR, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134306 Reductions in the thermal conductivity of irradiated silicon governed by displacement damage (irradiation, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144203 Electric polarization in inhomogeneous crystals (DiXiao, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155122 Origin of large magnetoresistance in the topological nonsymmorphic semimetal ${\mathrm{TaSe}}_{3}$ (MR, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155124 Pressure-induced ferromagnetism in the topological semimetal $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{Cd}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165410 ${2}^{n}$-root weak, Chern, and higher-order topological insulators, and ${2}^{n}$-root topological semimetals (topological semimetal, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165411 Hybrid dark excitons in monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (dark exciton, PRB)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06182 Gapless electronic topology without free-electron counterpart (QimiaoSi, arXiv.org)

    47. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06200v1 Single-component superconducting state in UTe2 at 2 K (UTe2, arxiv.org)

    48. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05620v1 Charge, bond, and pair density wave orders in a strongly correlated system (arxiv.org)

    49. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05513v1 Phase-sensitive evidence of pair-density-wave order in a cuprate (arxiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05813 Real-space observation of emergent complexity of phase evolution in micrometer-sized IrTe$_2$ crystals (arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06012 Anisotropically large anomalous and topological Hall effect in a kagome magnet (arXiv.org)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.160602 Anderson Localization of Composite Particles (PRL)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.166401 Topological Phases in Graphene Nanoribbons Tuned by Electric Fields (PRL)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.166802 Correlated Insulating States and Transport Signature of Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene Superlattices (PRL)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161110 Multipolar nematic state of nonmagnetic FeSe based on $\mathrm{DFT}+U$ (nematic, PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155304 Disorder-induced chiral and helical Majorana edge modes in a two-dimensional Ammann-Beenker quasicrystal (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134305 Neutron scattering study of the kagome metal ${\mathrm{Sc}}{3}{\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Al}}{7}{\mathrm{Si}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144105 Octahedral rotations in Ruddlesden-Popper layered oxides under pressure from first principles (octahedral roation, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144410 Hybridized magnon modes in the quenched skyrmion crystal (YTokura, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155120 Optical response from charge-density waves in Weyl semimetals (CDW Weyl, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144407 Magnetic-field tuning of domain-wall multiferroicity (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144409 Quantum magnetic oscillations in Weyl semimetals with tilted nodes (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144503 Observation of nearly identical superconducting transition temperatures in the pressurized Weyl semimetals $M\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{Te}}_{4}$ ($M=\mathrm{Nb}$ and Ta) (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155114 Unusually thick metal-insulator domain walls around the Mott point (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155115 Electronic structure and topology across ${T}{c}$ in the magnetic Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{2}$ (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155116 Interacting spinless fermions on the square lattice: Charge order, phase separation, and superconductivity (square lattice, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155303 Scattering of topological kink-antikink states in bilayer graphene structures (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165122 Theory of thermal conductivity of excitonic insulators (excitonic insulator, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140502 Superconductors with anomalous Floquet higher-order topology (PRB)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05452v1 Bi kagome sublattice distortions by quenching and flux pinning in superconducting RbBi$_2$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05333 High-T$_c$ Superconductivity in doped boron-carbon clathrates (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05300 Large spectral gap and impurity-induced states in a two-dimensional Abrikosov vortex (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05288 Impurity-induced subgap states in superconductors with inhomogeneous pairing (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.04958 Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and superconductivity in NbRh$_2$B$_2$ and TaRh$_2$B$_2$ with a chiral crystal structure (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05212 Universal excitonic superexchange in spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulators (GangChen Iridates, arXiv.org)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041007 Computing Local Multipoint Correlators Using the Numerical Renormalization Group (SSLee, Physical Review X)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.167202 Chiral Coupling between Magnetic Layers with Orthogonal Magnetization (DMI, PRL)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.167204 Thermal Interferometry of Anyons in Spin Liquids (PRL)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134509 Interplay between singlet and triplet pairings in multiband two-dimensional oxide superconductors (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165120 Nonlocal Kondo effect and quantum critical phase in heavy-fermion metals (YFYang, PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165123 Absence of a ${T}^{2/3}$ specific heat anomaly in a $U(1)$ spin liquid with a large spinon Fermi surface (TaoLi, PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161108 Multiorbital model reveals a second-order topological insulator in $1H$ transition metal dichalcogenides (dipole TMDC, PRB)

    83. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03867 Spatially separated superconductivity and enhanced charge-density-wave ordering in IrTe2 nano-flake (arXiv.org)

    84. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03710 Theory of superconductivity in doped quantum paraelectrics (SBChung, arXiv.org)

    85. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.04288 Fermi surface expansion above critical temperature in a Hund ferromagnet (arXiv.org)

    86. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03885 Robust charge-density wave strengthened by electron correlations in monolayer 1T-TaSe2 and 1T-NbSe2 (arXiv.org)

    87. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03813 Multitude of Topological Phase Transitions in Bipartite Dice and Lieb Lattices with Interacting Electrons and Rashba Coupling (Dagotto, arXiv.org)

  • Life of researcher

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    • 시·공간적으로 멀리 있는 위대한 학자보다 ‘자신보다 조금 더 나은, 그렇지만 가까이 있는 사람들’을 모형으로 삼으십시오. 의식을 해야만 인식되는 사람은 일상적인 모형이 될 수 없습니다. 수시로 접하고 피할 수 없는 주변의 학자들 가운데에서 모형을 찾아야 합니다. 그 모형이 기대에 미치지 못한다고 판단될 때에는, 여러분이 이미 그 수준을 넘어섰기 때문입니다. 그 때, 눈을 들어 조금 더 멀리 있는 모형 학자들을 찾으십시오. 이러한 과정을 거치면서 여러분이 훌륭한 학자에 가까워집니다.

    • 아직 학문의 길을 선택하지 않았다면, 가능한 조속히 결정해야 합니다. 이 길이 아니다 싶으면, 곧바로 이 길에서 벗어나는 것이 좋습니다. 학문은 적당히 해서는 성공할 수 없기 때문입니다. 선택하지 않은 일에 매진할 리 없고, 매진하지 않는 일이 성공할 리 없습니다. 학계에서의 업적은 창조의 결과입니다. 적당히 공부하는 것은 게으름을 연습하는 것과 조금도 다르지 않습니다. 게으른 학자는 학문적으로 성공할 수 없으며, 학계는 지적 업적을 촉구하기 때문에, 일상적으로도 불행할 수밖에 없습니다.

    • 읽고 쓰는 일보다 더 오래 할 수 있고 더 즐거운 일을 가진 사람은 학문에 적합하지 않습니다. 읽었는데도 이해되지 않아서 속이 상하고 글쓰기로 피를 말리는 사태는 학자들에게 예사로 일어납니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 학자들은 읽고 씁니다. 이 일을 즐기기 때문입니다. 자신이 의미를 부여한 일은 어렵고 힘들수록 더 가치 있고 즐거울 수 있습니다. 읽고 쓰는 일을 피하려고 하면서도 그 일에 다가간다면, 학자로서 적합합니다.

    • 학문하는 데 필요한 시간이 부족하다면, 대인관계를 줄여야 합니다. 학문하는 데 필요한 시간은 무한하지 않습니다. 학문에 투입하는 시간은 다른 업무에 할당하는 시간과 영합(zero sum)관계에 있습니다. 학문을 위한 시간을 늘리려면 반드시 다른 일들을 줄여야 합니다. 가장 효율적인 방법이 대인관계를 정리하는 것입니다. 자신의 개인 전화번호부가 보험설계사의 전화번호부처럼 다양하고 많은 인명들로 채워져 있다면, 학문하는 시간을 늘릴 수 없습니다. 물론 대인관계도 사회생활에 매우 중요합니다. 그러나 그것을 학문보다 더 중요하게 생각하면서도 학문을 직업으로 선택하면 불행해집니다.

    • 학문 외적 업무에 동원될 때에는 맡겨진 역할을 성실히 수행해야 합니다. 그러나 그 일에 헌신하지는 마십시오. 젊은 학자들은 어디에서 근무하든 여러 가지 업무―흔히 잡무로 불리는 일―에 동원됩니다. 선택할 수 있을 때에는 이러한 일을 하지 않는 게 좋습니다만, 대부분의 경우는 선택할 수 없는 처지에 놓이게 마련입니다. 그 일을 부탁한 사람들은 젊은 학자들보다 직위가 높고 영향력이 더 큽니다. 그리고 그들은 젊은 학자들이 일하는 자세를 눈여겨봅니다. 잡무를 부탁하는 사람들은 젊은 학자들에게 평생 직업을 제공하거나 추천하거나 소개하는 위치에 있을 가능성이 많습니다. 하기 싫지만 피할 수 없을 때에는 성실해야 합니다.

    • 시작하는 절차를 생략하십시오. 논문을 쓸 때 가장 힘든 시기는 시작할 때입니다. 시작하지 않으면, 결과가 나올 리 없습니다. 우리는 그냥 하면 될 일을 시작하는 절차에 구태여 의미를 부여하고 길일(吉日)이나 적일(的日)을 찾다가 실기(失機)합니다. 신학기에, 방학과 함께, 이 과제가 끝나면 시작하려니까 당연히 신학기까지, 방학할 때까지, 과제가 끝날 때까지 미루게 되고 정작 그 때가 되면 엄청난 스트레스를 받으면서 새로운 변명꺼리를 만들어 미루게 됩니다. “게으른 사람은 재치 있게 대답하는 사람 일곱보다 자기가 더 지혜롭다고 생각한”답니다(성경 잠언 26:16). 논문에 대한 아이디어가 떠오를 때마다 즉시 그리고 거침없이 많이 기록해두어야 합니다. 적기를 기다리다가는 아이디어를 놓칩니다. 사라진 아이디어는 천금을 주어도 되찾을 수 없습니다.

    • 표절은 학자에게 치명적인 오명이 됩니다. 표절은 의식적으로도 그리고 무의식적으로도 일어납니다. 표절에의 유혹은 게으름과 안일함에서 시작됩니다. 표절을 알고 할 때에는 자신에게 관대하고 유리한 변명이 충분히 만들어집니다. 표절하지 않으려면 자신에게 엄격해야 합니다. 모르고 표절할 수 있는데, 이를 방지하기 위해서는 발표하기 전에 다른 사람들에게 점검을 받아야 합니다. 글쓰기에 엄격한 사람들을 가까이 해야 하고 정중하게 도움을 요청해야 합니다. 발표된 후에 표절로 밝혀지면, 감당할 수 없는 곤경에 처하게 됩니다.

    • 시간과 돈을 어디에 사용하느냐에 따라 그 사람의 삶을 파악할 수 있습니다. 도서구입에 인색하고 음주나 명품구매에 거침없다면 학자로서 문제가 있습니다. 읽을 책이 없으면 읽어야 할 이유까지도 사라집니다. 책을 구입하고 자료를 복사하는 데 주저하지 마십시오. 지금 당장 필요하지 않더라도 앞으로 필요할 것으로 판단되면 구입해야 합니다. 꼭 필요한지를 따지는 것은 책을 사지 않으려는 이유를 찾는 것과 같습니다. 그 문헌들을 읽거나 가까이 두고 보아야 아이디어가 떠오르게 됩니다.

    • 새 책을 구입했을 때나 새 논문을 복사했을 때에는 즉시 첫 장을 읽어두십시오. 그러면 책과 논문이 생경스럽지 않게 됩니다. 다음에 읽을 때에는, 시작하는 기분이 적게 들어 쉽게 읽을 수 있습니다. 구입한 책과 복사한 논문을 도서관 자료처럼 대하지 마십시오. 읽은 부분에 흔적을 많이 남겨두십시오. 아이디어가 떠오르거나 반론이 생각나면, 그 쪽의 여백에 적어두십시오. 그것이 저자와의 토론입니다. 그 토론은 자신이 쓸 글의 쏘시개가 됩니다.

    • 학회 활동에 적극적으로 참여하십시오. 학회의 주체로서 활동하고 손님처럼 처신하지 마십시오. 학회에 적극적으로 참여함으로써 긍정적 모형들과 부정적 모형들을 많이 접해보십시오. 좋은 발표들로 모범 사례들을 만들어가고 실망스러운 발표들을 들을 때에는 그 이유들을 분석해보십시오. 학회에 가면 학문 활동을 어떻게 해야 할지 알 수 있습니다. 학회에 가면 필요한 자료를 얻을 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 감성적 자극도 받을 수 있습니다.

    • 지도교수나 선배가 여러분의 인생을 결정해주지 않음을 명심하십시오. 학위논문을 작성할 때 지도교수는 절대적인 영향력을 가지고 있습니다. 그리고 선배의 조언은 학위논문을 완성하는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다. 그러나 그들의 지도와 도움에 대한 고마움 때문에 그들에게 종속되어서는 안 됩니다. 모든 홀로서기가 시련이듯이, 학자로서의 독립도 어렵습니다. 은사나 선배에의 종속은 그들의 요구 때문으로 이루어지기보다는, 젊은 학자들이 스스로 안주하려는 자세 때문인 경우가 더 많습니다.

    • 걸작(傑作)이나 대작(大作)보다 습작(習作)에 충실하십시오. 논문을 쓰지 못하는 학자들의 특징 가운데 하나가 바로 걸작에 대한 집착입니다. 이들은 다른 학자들의 논문들을 시시하다고 평가하는 경향이 있습니다. 이들은 자신들이 하찮게 평가한 논문들과 비슷한 수준의 논문을 쓰지 않으려고 애쓰다가 논문을 쓰는 데 엄청난 압박을 느낍니다. 걸작에 대한 소망은 학자로서 당연히 가져야 합니다. 그러나 걸작은 쉽게 나오지 않을 뿐만 아니라 걸작을 지향한 논문이라고 해서 걸작이 되는 것도 아닙니다. 논문을 쓸 때마다 최선을 다하고 그 논문들이 쌓여지면서 걸작과 대작이 가능해질 뿐입니다.

    • 학자의 길을 선택한 후에는 곧바로 연구업적에 대한 압박이 시작됩니다. 교수직을 구하려면 반드시 연구업적을 충분히 갖추어야 합니다. 많은 대학에서 연구보고서는 연구업적으로 평가해주지 않습니다. 그리고 공저는 높은 평가를 받지 못합니다. 번역서에 대한 평가는 실망스러울 정도로 낮습니다. 번역보다 창작에 몰두하십시오. 번역은 손쉬워 보이지만 아주 어려울 뿐만 아니라 생색도 나지 않습니다. 그리고 오역했을 경우에는 지적 능력을 크게 의심받습니다.

    • 학자가 되고 난 후에는 저서에 대한 욕심을 버릴 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 압박도 만만치 않습니다. 도서관이나 서점에 들러 책을 찾을 때 다른 학자들이 쓴 책들만 보이면 상당히 우울해집니다. 여기에 더하여 자신과 비슷한 나이의 동료들이 교과서와 전공서를 출판할 때에는 뒤처지는 느낌을 떨치기 어렵습니다. 그래서인지 많은 학자들이 젊었을 때부터 교과서 집필을 서두릅니다. 교과서 집필은 생각과는 다르게 아주 어렵습니다. 교과서에 담길 내용은 대부분 알고 있는 것이기 때문에 쉽게 쓸 수 있을 것처럼 생각되기 때문입니다. 논문과는 다르게, 교과서 집필은 다른 학자들도 알고 있는 내용들을 가지고 독자적으로 구성하는 작업이어서 표절의 가능성도 아주 높고, 오류가 있을 경우 뚜렷하게 드러납니다. 학자로서 최소 10년은 지난 후에 교과서 집필을 고려하십시오.

    • 학회에 투고한 논문이 게재되지 않더라도 속상해 하지 마십시오. 학회에서 발행되는 정기학술지에의 게재 가능성은 50퍼센트 수준입니다. 까다로운 학술지의 탈락률은 60퍼센트를 넘습니다. 그리고 학계의 초보인 여러분이 중견·원로 학자들과의 경쟁에서 유리할 리도 없지 않습니까? 아이디어를 짜내어 논문을 작성한 후 발송했더니 투고양식에 맞지 않는다고 퇴짜를 맞거나, 자세히 읽어보지도 않고 게재불가 판정을 한 심사평을 받을 수도 있으며, 최신 문헌과 자료를 사용했는데 이에 대해 문외한인 심사자를 만나 거부될 수도 있습니다. 게재불가를 받은 자신의 논문보다 훨씬 못한 논문들이 게재되는 난감한 경우도 겪을 겁니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 논문을 투고해야 합니다. 학회에 투고하기 전에 학회 편집위원회보다 더 까다로운 사람들로부터 예비 심사를 받기를 권합니다.

    • 학문을 모르는 사람들은 학문 활동을 쉽게 생각합니다. “앉아서 책만 보면 된다”고 생각합니다. 학문은 소일거리처럼 책만 보는 일이 아닙니다. 논문작성은 피를 말리는 작업입니다. 이 일을 오랫동안 해 온 저도 논문을 작성할 때마다 스트레스를 받습니다. 논문은 다른 사람들을 깜짝 놀라게 하는 글이 아닙니다. 인문사회계에는 깜짝 놀랄 일이 많지 않습니다. 논문의 주제는 자신이 잘 알고 있는 분야에서 찾아야 합니다. 논문은 새로운 것을 밝히는 작업이라는 점에 집착함으로써 낯선 분야에서 주제를 찾으려는 사람들이 의외로 많습니다.

    • 논문을 쓰려면 책상에 붙어 있어야 합니다. 논문의 아이디어는 직감(hunch)에서 나올지 몰라도 논문 글쓰기는 분명히 인내를 요구하는 노역입니다. 책상에 붙어 있으려면 책상에 소일거리를 준비해 두어 집중할 수 있는 시간을 늘리십시오. 컴퓨터는 최상의 제품을 구비하십시오. 프린터는 빨리 인쇄되는 제품을 구비하고 자주 인쇄하십시오. 퇴고는 반드시 모니터보다는 인쇄물로 하십시오. 퇴고할 때에는 다른 사람의 논문을 심사하듯 비판적으로 살펴보십시오. 논문의 초고를 작성했을 때쯤이면 내용을 거의 외우게 됩니다. 그래서 오류를 찾기가 매우 어렵습니다. 아무리 세심하게 작성하더라도 초고에는 오류가 아주 많습니다. 이 오류들을 잡아내려면 그 논문을 남의 논문처럼 따져가며 읽어야 합니다. 앞에서부터도 읽고, 뒤에서부터도 읽어야 하며, 중간부터도 읽어야 할 뿐만 아니라 오래 묵혔다가 다시 읽어보기도 해야 합니다. 자신이 쓴 글이 아닌 것처럼 느껴지는 방법은 모두 동원하시기 바랍니다. 이러한 과정을 거쳐야 하는 이유는 학회에 투고했을 때 심사위원들이 남의 글을 비판하듯 읽기 때문입니다. 논문심사자들은 심사대상 논문에 대해 호의적이 아닙니다. 이들은 익명이기 때문에 객관적이며 탈락률을 높여달라는 요구를 받을 때에는 아주 냉정해집니다.

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    한국교육학회, 뉴스레터, 45(3), 5-9, 통권260호/2009,09

  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.156101 Stability of a Rolled-Up Conformation State for Two-Dimensional Materials in Aqueous Solutions (AHCNeto, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.156401 Dirac Hierarchy in Acoustic Topological Insulators (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.157403 Phonon-Assisted Intervalley Scattering Determines Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in ${\mathrm{MoSe}}_{2}$ Bilayers (exciton, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165117 Scaling rule for the critical non-Hermitian skin effect (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134508 Hierarchy of higher-order topological superconductors in three dimensions (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155415 Geometric origins of topological insulation in twisted layered semiconductors (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165116 Geometry and symmetry in skyrmion dynamics (PRB)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02968 Pairing Instabilities of the Yukawa-SYK Models with Controlled Fermion Incoherence (YBKim, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03508 An accurate tight binding model for twisted bilayer graphene describes topological flat bands without geometric relaxation (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03029 First-principles study of magnetic states and the anomalous Hall conductivity of $M$Nb$_3$S$_6$ ($M$=Co, Fe, Mn, and Ni) (HWPark, arXiv.org)

    11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03849-w Quantum anomalous Hall octet driven by orbital magnetism in bilayer graphene (QAH, Nature)

    12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03848-x Topological complex-energy braiding of non-Hermitian bands (Nature)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134507 Confinement-induced zero-bias peaks in conventional superconductor hybrids (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165112 Macroscopically degenerate localized zero-energy states of quasicrystalline bilayer systems in the strong coupling limit (BJYang, PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165407 Thermal near-field energy density and local density of states in topological one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains and two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices of plasmonic nanoparticles (2D SSH, PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161402 Interfacial electron-phonon coupling and quantum confinement in ultrathin Yb films on graphite (PRB)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02734v1 Cooper problem in a cuprate lattice (arxiv.org)

    18. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02238v1 Shot-noise and differential conductance as signatures of putative topological superconductivity in FeSe${0.45}$Te${0.55}$ (arxiv.org)

    19. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02668v1 Nematic quantum criticality in Dirac systems (nematic QC, arxiv.org)

    20. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02823v1 Spin-resolved thermal signatures of Majorana-Kondo interplay in double quantum dots (arxiv.org)

    21. https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02537v1 Massive Dirac fermions in moir\‘e superlattices: a route toward correlated Chern insulators (arxiv.org)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.157203 Spin-Wave Driven Bidirectional Domain Wall Motion in Kagome Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.157204 Magnetic Field Induced Quantum Spin Liquid in the Two Coupled Trillium Lattices of ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{Ni}}{2}({\mathrm{SO}}{4}{)}{3}$ (PRL)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134506 Microscopic Ginzburg-Landau theory and singlet ordering in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144406 Gutzwiller projected states for the ${J}{1}\ensuremath{-}{J}{2}$ Heisenberg model on the Kagome lattice: Achievements and pitfalls (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155110 Electronic properties and quasiparticle model of monolayer ${\mathrm{MoSi}}{2}{\mathrm{N}}{4}$ (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161105 Topological terms on topological defects: A quantum Monte Carlo study (PRB)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02025 Unconventional pairing in $(\text{Ca,Sr}){3}(\text{Ir,Rh}){4}\text{Sn}_{13}$ superconductors revealed by controlling disorder (arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01713 Density functional Bogoliubov-de Gennes analysis of superconducting Nb and Nb(110) surfaces (SBlugel, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02184 Revealing a charge-density-wave gap in the predicted weak topological insulator HoSbTe (CDW gap, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02130 Fractional spin excitations and conductance in the spiral staircase Heisenberg ladder (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.156801 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transitions with Long-Range Couplings (PRL)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.157001 Probing Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking Topological Superconductivity in Twisted Double Layer Copper Oxides with Polar Kerr Effect (MFranz, PRL)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134102 Evidence for mechanical softening-hardening dual anomaly in transition metals from shock-compressed vanadium (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144201 Effects of disorder in the Fibonacci quasicrystal (Fibonacci, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144405 Crossover from Kondo semiconductor to metallic antiferromagnet with $5d$-electron doping in ${\mathrm{CeFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Al}}{10}$ (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161202 Current-induced second harmonic generation in inversion-symmetric Dirac and Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134504 Time-resolved optical conductivity and Higgs oscillations in two-band dirty superconductors (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165110 Unconventional charge density wave and photoinduced lattice symmetry change in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ probed by time-resolved spectroscopy (kagome, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140401 Orbital angular momentum and current-induced motion of a topologically textured domain wall in a ferromagnetic nanotube (SKKim, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L140501 Dynamical vortices in electron-phonon superconductors (PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161103 Magnetic structure of the topological semimetal ${\mathrm{YbMnSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144404 Charge density waves in multiple-$Q$ spin states (YMotome, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155106 Planar Hall effect in the quasi-one-dimensional topological superconductor $\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165107 Topological descendants of a multicritical Dirac semimetal with magnetism and strain (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165109 Modulating charge density wave states in ${\mathrm{TaSe}}_{2}$ by an electride substrate (PRB)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01090 High-temperature phonon-mediated superconductivity in monolayer Mg2B4C2 (MgB2, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01067 Magnetic Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Diodes in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01136 Experimental observation of pseudogap in a modulation-doped Mott insulator: Sn/Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3}$)-R30$^\textrm{o}$ (arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00961 Lectures on quantum supreme matter (Zaanen arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01502 Optical spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe study of a quasi-one-dimensional charge density wave in CuTe (arXiv.org)

    52. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00742 Engineering antiferromagnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions at metallic interfaces (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    53. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01259 Majorana mode leaking into a spin-charge entangled double quantum dot (arXiv.org)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144402 Weak three-dimensional coupling of Heisenberg quantum spin chains in ${\mathrm{SrCuTe}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155405 Phase transition of an SU(3) symmetric spin-1 chain (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134501 Prediction of high-${T}_{c}$ superconductivity in ternary lanthanum borohydrides (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161102 Interaction effects in graphene in a weak magnetic field (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134503 Superconducting phase diagram and the evolution of electronic structure across charge density wave in underdoped $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{Cu}}{\ensuremath{\delta}}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ under hydrostatic pressure (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.155102 Evolution of the Andreev bands in the half-filled superconducting periodic Anderson model (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165106 Evolution of the electronic structure of Ru-doped single-crystal iridates ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ru}}{x}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (YSSeo, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165405 Majorana bound states in topological insulators without a vortex (DLoss, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L161101 Rashba-type splitting of the Au(110) surface state: A combined inverse and direct photoemission study (110-plane, PRB)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00573 Effects of nonmagnetic impurities and subgap states on the kinetic inductance, complex conductivity, quality factor and depairing current density (kubo, arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00463 Spin-Nernst Effect in Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductors (Spin-Nernst Effect, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00289 Magneto-Seebeck effect and ambipolar Nernst effect in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ superconductor (kagome metal, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00264 Ubiquitous Charge Order Correlations in High-Temperature Superconducting Cuprates (SUchida, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00105 Phonon-Mediated Superconductivity near the Lattice Instability in Hole-doped Hydrogenated Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00475 The magnetic structure of the topological semimetal Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00461 Is SmB6 a strong topological kondo insulator? (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00106 The strong modulation limit of excitons and trions in moir\‘e materials (AHMacDonald, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00084 Strength of the Hubbard potential and its modification by breathing distortion in $\text{BaBiO}_{3}$ (BBO, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Oct 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.134201 Mott-Anderson metal-insulator transitions from entanglement (MIT, PRB)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165101 Direct observation of competition between charge order and itinerant ferromagnetism in the van der Waals crystal ${\mathrm{Fe}}{5\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (FeGeTe, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165403 Orbital magnetoelectric effect in zigzag nanoribbons of $p$-band systems (p-band, PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165404 Insights into hyperbolic phonon polaritons in $h\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{BN}$ using Raman scattering from encapsulated transition metal dichalcogenide layers (PRB)

    5. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abe7165 Microscopic evolution of doped Mott insulators from polaronic metal to Fermi liquid (Science)

    6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03874-9 Imaging two-dimensional generalized Wigner crystals (Nature)

    7. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03833-4 Non-Hermitian topological whispering gallery (Nature)

    8. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03867-8 Extremely anisotropic van der Waals thermal conductors (Nature)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15312 Pairing enhanced by local orbital fluctuations in a model for monolayer FeSe (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15227 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in a superconductor with topological Z2 bands (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15213 Pressure-induced superconductivity in itinerant antiferromagnet CrB2 (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15202 Optomagnonic Josephson effect in antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15038 Electrical conductivity in helical and conical magnetic states (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15020 Simulating magnetic antiskyrmions on the lattice (antiskrymio, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14952 Three-Channel Kondo Effect Emerging from Ho Ions (arXiv.org)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031070 Reinforcement Learning for Many-Body Ground-State Preparation Inspired by Counterdiabatic Driving (Physical Review X)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.147001 Self-Calibrating Superconducting Pair-Breaking Detector (PRL)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104427 Strong magneto-optical effect and anomalous transport in the two-dimensional van der Waals magnets ${\mathrm{Fe}}{n}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ ($n=3$, 4, 5) (FeGeTe, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104515 First-order superconducting phase transition in a chiral $p+ip$ system (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100420 Frustration enhanced by Kitaev exchange in a ${\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{j}}_{\text{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$ triangular antiferromagnet (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094527 RKKY interaction in a spin-split superconductor (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094529 Symmetry, nodal structure, and Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces for nonlocal pairing (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115168 Sample-dependent Dirac-point gap in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ and its response to applied surface charge: A combined photoemission and ab initio study (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115169 Magnetic field induced softening of spin waves and hard-axis order in the Kondo-lattice ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CeAgSb}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125204 Phonon-assisted excitonic absorption in diamond (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100306 Tuning the phonon transport in bilayer graphene to an anomalous regime dominated by electron-phonon scattering (PRB)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14585 Spatially intertwined superconductivity and charge order in 1T-TaSSe revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (TaSSe, arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14092 Correlation of strontium anharmonicity with charge-lattice dynamics of the apical oxygens and their coupling to cuprate superconductivity (apical oxygens, arXiv.org)

    29. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2143-x Imaging the energy gap modulations of the cuprate pair-density-wave state (PDW, nature)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14031 Atomic-Scale Visualization of the Cuprate Pair Density Wave State (cuprate PDW, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13944 Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14440 Correlation induced $d$-wave pairing in quantum dot square lattice (arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14390 Frustrated spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg magnet on an $AA$-stacked honeycomb bilayer: High-order study of the collinear magnetic phases of the $J_{1}$–$J_{2}$–$J_{1}^{\perp}$ model (arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14222 Phase shift, ellipticity, angle, and topological number in skyrmion lattices (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14201 Magnetic structure of Tb3RuO7 possessing alternating-bond spin-3/2 Ru chains in a nonuniform internal magnetic field: appearance of a partially disordered state (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.14077 Theory of phonon instabilities in Weyl semimetals at high magnetic fields (arXiv.org)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031069 Topology-Driven Ordering of Flocking Matter (Dynamical topology, Physical Review X)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.144502 Observation of Acoustic Skyrmions (acoustic skyrmion, PRL)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.147202 Efficient Method for Prediction of Metastable or Ground Multipolar Ordered States and its Application in Monolayer $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuX}}_{3}$ ($\mathrm{X}=\mathrm{Cl}$, I) (multipolar states, PRL)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.147203 Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (AHMacDonald, sPRL)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.147204 Spin Vortex Crystal Order in Organic Triangular Lattice Compound (PRL)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125444 Chiral charge transfer along magnetic field lines in a Weyl superconductor (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094524 Phase diagram of the Hubbard model on a square lattice: A cluster slave-spin study (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094525 Nonballistic transport characteristics of superconducting point contacts (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104314 Uncovering band topology via quantized drift in two-dimensional Bloch oscillations (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115164 Thermoelectric transport and phonon drag in Weyl semimetal monochalcogenides (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115433 Giant inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect: Application to monolayer ${\mathrm{OsBi}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115435 Imaging chiral Andreev reflection in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125144 Nontrivial fixed points and truncated SU(4) Kondo models in a quasi-quartet multipolar quantum impurity problem (YBKim, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100508 Isotropic single-gap superconductivity of elemental Pb (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121118 Metal-insulator transition and intermediate phases in the kagome lattice Hubbard model (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121410 ${Z}_{4}$ parafermion $\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}\ensuremath{\pi}/2$ modes in an interacting periodically driven superconducting chain (parafermion, PRB)

    53. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s120 Skyrmions Made from Sound Waves (Physics)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13909v1 Quantum anomalous Hall effect from inverted charge transfer gap (LiangFu, arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13682v1 Mean-field approach for skyrmion lattice in hexagonal frustrated antiferromagnets (arxiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13482v1 Charge Singlets and Orbital Selective Charge Density Wave Transitions (arxiv.org)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13266v1 Octupolar order and Ising quantum criticality tuned by strain and dimensionality: Application to $d$-orbital Mott insulators (Arun Paramekanti, arxiv.org)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031068 Superconducting Fluctuations in Overdoped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CaCu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{8+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (SC fluctuation, Physical Review X)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115161 Cubic Dirac and quadruple Weyl points in screw-symmetric materials (Dirac Weyl, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094434 Effect of magnons on the temperature dependence and anisotropy of spin-orbit torque (SBlugel, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104513 Symmetry-breaking signatures of multiple Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional spin-triplet superconductors (JDSau, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115162 Emergent perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at the interface of an oxide heterostructure (PMA, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115307 Energy spectrum of semimetallic HgTe quantum wells (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125440 Multifaceted moir\‘e superlattice physics in twisted ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ bilayers (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121408 Enhancement of exciton valley polarization in monolayer $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ induced by scattering (exciton, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094522 Specific heat and gap structure of a nematic superconductor: Application to FeSe (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104425 Dynamical switching of magnetic topology in microwave-driven itinerant magnet (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104512 Higher angular momentum pairings in interorbital shadowed-triplet superconductors: Application to ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Kee, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115158 Multiple Dirac nodal lines in an in-plane anisotropic semimetal ${\mathrm{TaNiTe}}_{5}$ (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125439 Crossover behavior in the magnetoresistance of thin flakes of the topological material $\mathrm{Zr}{\mathrm{Te}}_{5}$ (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121117 Nontopological chiral chemical potential due to the Zeeman field in magnetic Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11995v1 Renormalization approach to bound states (arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13207v1 Theory of Rashba coupling mediated superconductivity in incipient ferroelectrics (Rashba, arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13140v1 Complex magnetic ground states and topological electronic phases of atomic spin chains on superconductors (arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12522v1 Superconducting gap and pseudogap in the surface states of the iron-based superconductor PrFeAsO$_{1-y}$ studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Fujimori, arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12446v1 Multi-band $s_{++}$ superconductivity in $\textrm{V}_{3}\textrm{Si}$ determined from the response to a controlled disorder (multi-band SC, arxiv.org)

    77. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12329v1 Emergence of well screened states in a superconducting material of the CaFe$_2$As$_2$ family (arxiv.org)

    78. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13229v1 Ultrafast renormalization of the onsite Coulomb repulsion in a cuprate superconductor (arxiv.org)

    79. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13224v1 Unconventional Superconductivity from Fermi Surface Fluctuations in Strongly Correlated Metals (arxiv.org)

    80. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.13130 Designing spin-textured flat bands in twisted graphene multilayers via helimagnet encapsulation (Lado, arXiv.org)

    81. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12794 Spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing correlations in antiferromagnetically coupled Kondo systems (arXiv.org)

    82. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12631 Twistons in a Sea of Magic (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

    83. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12127 Spectroscopic Signatures of Strong Correlations and Unconventional Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.145701 Real-Space Observation of Emergent Complexity of Phase Evolution in Micrometer-Sized ${\mathrm{IrTe}}_{2}$ Crystals (PRL)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094431 Extent of frustration in the classical Kitaev-$\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ model via bond anisotropy (Kee, PRB)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104511 Momentum-resolved conductivity of strongly interacting bosons in an optical lattice (PRB)

    87. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125139 Role of Majorana fermions in spin transport of anisotropic Kitaev model (Nasu, PRB)

    88. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125142 Three-dimensional network model for strong topological insulator transitions (PRB)

    89. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125436 High harmonic generation in fullerene molecules (PRB)

    90. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100418 Possible electron doping of geometrically perfect spin-1/2 kagome-lattice barlowite by reduced graphene oxide (PRB)

    91. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121202 High-harmonic generation in GaAs beyond the perturbative regime (PRB)

    92. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/132 A Classical View of Quantum Time Crystals (Physics)

    93. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115160 Engineering geometrically flat Chern bands with Fubini-Study K"ahler structure (flat band, PRB)

    94. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11799v1 Revised phase diagram of a high-$T_c$ cuprate superconductor revealed by anisotropic transport measurements (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    95. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12010v1 Adiabatic Path from Fractional Chern Insulators to the Tao-Thouless State (KPark, arxiv.org)

    96. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11555v1 Visualizing Broken Symmetry and Topological Defects in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet (topological defects, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.137201 Observation of Pure-Spin-Current Diodelike Effect at the Au/Pt Interface (Diode, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.136803 Giant Transport Anisotropy in ${\mathrm{ReS}}_{2}$ Revealed via Nanoscale Conducting-Path Control (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.137001 Observation of In-Plane Quantum Griffiths Singularity in Two-Dimensional Crystalline Superconductors (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104203 Transfer matrix study of the Anderson transition in non-Hermitian systems (RShindou, PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115153 Broadening and sharpening of the Drude peak through antiferromagnetic fluctuations (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115204 Microscopic origin of the high thermoelectric figure of merit of $n$-doped SnSe (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115428 Parity symmetry as the origin of `spin’ in the quantum spin Hall effect (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104312 Floquet chiral hinge modes and their interplay with Weyl physics in a three-dimensional lattice (Floquet, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104424 Finite-momentum energy dynamics in a Kitaev magnet (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115151 Spin susceptibilities in magnetic type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115154 Spin liquid in twisted homobilayers of group-VI dichalcogenides (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121406 Identifying Majorana bound states by tunneling shot-noise tomography (majorana, PRB)

    13. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11521v1 Creating superconductivity in WB2 through pressure-induced metastable planar defects (MgB2, arxiv.org)

    14. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11478v1 Superconductivity in kagome metal YRu3Si2 with strong electron correlations (kagome, arxiv.org)

    15. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11286v1 Evolution of electronic structure in pristine and hole-doped kagome metal RbV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arxiv.org)

    16. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11122v1 The free energy of twisting spins in Mn$_3$Sn (KBehnia, arxiv.org)

    17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11527v1 Witnessing quantum criticality and entanglement in the triangular antiferromagnet KYbSe$_2$ (QC, arxiv.org)

    18. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11445v1 Critical temperatures of a model cuprate (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    19. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11189v1 Magnon Landau levels in the strained antiferromagnetic honeycomb nanoribbons (arxiv.org)

    20. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11152v1 Phase diagram of the Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice: A cluster slave-spin study (slave-spin, arxiv.org)

    21. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.11090v1 Observation of metallic electronic structure in a single-atomic-layer oxide (CKim, arxiv.org)

    22. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10909v1 Quantum Criticality Using a Superconducting Quantum Processor (arxiv.org)

    23. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abc8372 Restored strange metal phase through suppression of charge density waves in underdoped YBa2Cu3O7 (cuprate CDW, Science)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.136402 Control of Giant Topological Magnetic Moment and Valley Splitting in Trilayer Graphene (PRL)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125307 Polaron formation in Bi-deficient ${\mathrm{BaBiO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115146 Using optical conductivity to detect the underlying metallic edge state in the interacting Haldane model (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115148 Magnetic phases for strongly correlated ${t}_{2g}^{4}$ electrons on the square lattice: Impact of spin-orbit coupling and crystal field (semiclassical MC, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115150 Microscopic derivation of Dirac composite fermion theory: Aspects of noncommutativity and pairing instabilities (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125308 Conservation of chirality at a junction between two Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121114 Characterization of topological insulators based on the electronic polarization with spiral boundary conditions (PRB)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10878v1 Absence of evidence of superconductivity in sulfur hydride in optical reflectance experiments (arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10809v1 Kagome superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=K, Rb, Cs) (JPHu, arxiv.org)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100415 Tunable cooperativity in coupled spin-cavity systems (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104510 Higher-order topological superconductors based on weak topological insulators (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125133 Theory of competing excitonic orders in insulating ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ monolayers (Excitonic order, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125432 Tunable spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional InSe (PRB)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10157 How pressure enhances the critical temperature for high temperature superconductivity in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6+y}$ (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10079 Nematic-order state characteristic energy and its connection to enhancement of superconductivity in cuprate superconductors (nematic, arXiv.org)

    39. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09786 Coexistence of superconductivity and weak anti-localization at KTaO3 (111) interfaces (KTO, arXiv.org)

    40. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10320 Operatorial formulation of the ghost rotationally-invariant slave-Boson theory (arXiv.org)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10066 Electronic structure and signature of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state in epitaxial CoSb$_{1-x}$ nanoribbons (arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09971 Fano interference of the Higgs mode in cuprate high-Tc superconductors (Fano, arXiv.org)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.135301 Spatially Modulated Superfluid State in Two-Dimensional $^{4}\mathrm{He}$ Films (supersolid, PRL)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115142 Efficient matrix product state methods for extracting spectral information on rings and cylinders (MPS, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094426 Skyrmion elongation, duplication, and rotation by spin-transfer torque under spatially varying spin current (skyrmion, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094518 Odd-frequency pairing inherent in a Bogoliubov Fermi liquid (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104419 Topological Weyl magnons and thermal Hall effect in layered honeycomb ferromagnets (Weyl magnon, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115203 Classical linear magnetoresistance in exfoliated ${\mathrm{NbTe}}_{2}$ nanoflakes (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125430 Identification of a low-energy metastable $1T$-type phase for monolayer ${\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100414 Dirac magnon pairing via pumping (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100505 Persistent current noise in narrow Josephson junctions (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115136 Charge density waves and metal-insulator transition in ${\mathrm{TaSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115424 Optoelectronic fingerprints of interference between different charge carriers and band flattening in graphene superlattices (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125426 Interface involved Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in GaInAs/AlInAs heterostructures (Dresselhaus, PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121111 Adiabatic construction of hierarchical quantum Hall states (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121112 Evidence for correlation effects in noncentrosymmetric type-II Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    57. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s114 Seeking Supersolidity in Helium Layers (Physics)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09206 Phase Diagram of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model on a square lattice (SSH square, arXiv.org)

    59. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03815-6 Quantum criticality in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (quantum criticality, Nature)

    60. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abd8206 Observation of fragmentation of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (Science)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094425 Meron-antimeron crystals in noncentrosymmetric itinerant magnets on a triangular lattice (MAX, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115134 Quantum tunneling dynamics in a complex-valued Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model quench-coupled to a cool bath (SYK QD, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115139 Topological signatures in a weakly dissipative Kitaev chain of finite length (kitaev, PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115425 Squeezed hole spin qubits in Ge quantum dots with ultrafast gates at low power (PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125129 Photoinduced anomalous Hall effect in the interacting Haldane model: Targeting topological states with pump pulses (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125132 Ultrafast excitation and topological soliton formation in incommensurate charge density wave states (PRB)

    67. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/131 Turning a Quantum Computer into a Time Crystal (Physics)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.030346 Many-Body Physics in the NISQ Era: Quantum Programming a Discrete Time Crystal (PRX Quantum)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08679 Superconducting fluctuations observed far above T$\mathrm{c}$ in the isotropic superconductor K$_3$C${60}$ (SC fluctuation, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08517 Faulty evidence for superconductivity in ac magnetic susceptibility of sulfur hydride under pressure (Hirsch, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08200 Zero-energy Andreev bound states in iron-based superconductor Fe(Te,Se) (Jelena, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08595 Exploring Quantum Hall Physics at Ultra-Low Temperatures and at High Pressures (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08570 Anomalous Hall effect in the coplanar antiferromagnetic coloring-triangular lattice (arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08348 Stacking effect and Coulomb correlation in layered charge density wave phase of 1T-NbS2 (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08408 Finite-Size scaling analysis of many-body localization transition in quasi-periodic spin chains (arXiv.org)

    76. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08255 Chirality-dependent topological states in twisted double bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127003 Influence of Nanosize Hole Defects and their Geometric Arrangements on the Superfluid Density in Atomically Thin Single Crystals of Indium Superconductor (In, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127205 Thermal Properties and Instability of a U(1) Spin Liquid on the Triangular Lattice (triangluar lattice, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127402 Bulk Photovoltaic Effect Driven by Collective Excitations in a Correlated Insulator (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.126405 Heterostrain Determines Flat Bands in Magic-Angle Twisted Graphene Layers (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127203 Switching between Magnetic Bloch and N\‘eel Domain Walls with Anisotropy Modulations (PRL)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127702 Second-Order Josephson Effect in Excitonic Insulators (PRL)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115131 Surface density of states on semi-infinite topological photonic and acoustic crystals (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125125 Electron-magnon coupling and quasiparticle lifetimes on the surface of a topological insulator (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100413 Probe of skyrmion phases and dynamics in MnSi via the magnetoelectric effect in a composite configuration (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121108 Higher-order topological insulator phase in a modified Haldane model (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121201 Thermal transport signatures of the excitonic transition and associated phonon softening in the layered chalcogenide ${\text{Ta}}{2}{\text{NiSe}}{5}$ (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125127 Superconductivity in ${\mathrm{PtPb}}_{4}$ with possible nontrivial band topology (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100412 Current-induced dynamics and tunable spectra of a magnetic chiral bobber (Jaidong, PRB)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08142 Doping a moir\‘e Mott Insulator: A t-J model study of twisted cuprates (Vishwanath, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07654 Superconductivity in nickel based 112 systems (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07520 Preformed Cooper Pairs in Flat Band Semimetals (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08093 Fractionalization on the surface: Is type-II terminated 1T-TaS$_2$ surface an anomalously realized spin liquid? (arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08104 Two quadrupolar orders in Osmium double-perovskites (arXiv.org)

    19. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07973 Skyrmions drive topological Hall effect in a Shastry-Sutherland magnet (arXiv.org)

    20. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08089 Extended Kohler$^,$s Rule of Magnetoresistance (arXiv.org)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.125901 Phonon Helicity Induced by Electronic Berry Curvature in Dirac Materials (phonon, PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.126404 Ab Initio Electron-Phonon Interactions in Correlated Electron Systems (phonon, PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.126801 Weyl Semimetal Path to Valley Filtering in Graphene (Weyl graphene, PRL)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094423 Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in two-dimensional magnetically doped semiconductor structures (RKKY, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094514 BCS-BEC crossover in a two-band superconductor with odd-parity hybridization (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094515 Probing the superconducting ground state of noncentrosymmetric high-entropy alloys using muon-spin rotation and relaxation (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094516 Exploring multichannel superconductivity in ThFeAsN (multichannel, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115129 Topological Goldstone phases of matter (PRB)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07010 Exact eigenstates of extended SU($N$) Hubbard models: generalizations of $\eta$-paring states with $N$-particle off-diagonal long-range order (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07394 Study of the electronic properties of topological kagome metals YV$_6$Sn$_6$ and GdV$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07367 Emergent 1/3 magnetization plateaus in pyroxene CoGeO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07366 Magnetic and structural properties of the intermetallic Ce(1-x)LaxCrGe3 series of compounds (Ce, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06887 Fracton Topological Order at Finite Temperature (arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07144 Spin-Current Instability at a Magnetic Domain Wall in a Ferromagnetic Superfluid: a Generation Mechanism of Eccentric Fractional Skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.125501 Fragile 3D Order in ${\mathrm{V}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}\mathrm{Mo}{}{x}{\mathrm{O}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127002 Superconducting Phase Induced by a Local Structure Transition in Amorphous ${\mathrm{Sb}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ under High Pressure (Amorphous SC, PRL)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104415 Janus monolayers of magnetic transition metal dichalcogenides as an all-in-one platform for spin-orbit torque (AManchon, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115126 Bosonic fractional Chern insulating state at integer fillings in a multiband system (parton, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115127 Three-dimensional non-Abelian generalizations of the Hofstadter model: Spin-orbit-coupled butterfly trios (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121106 Graviton chirality and topological order in the half-filled Landau level (Haldane, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121107 Control of a polar order via magnetic field in a vector-chiral magnet (PRB)

    42. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06454v1 Determination of the magnetic q vectors in the heavy fermion superconductor Ce3PtIn11 (Ce, arxiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06334 Emergent interlayer magnetic order via strain-induced orthorhombic distortion in the 5d Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 (iridates, arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06809 Electronic properties of correlated kagom\‘e metals AV$_3$Sb$_5$(A = K, Rb, Cs): A brief review (kagome, arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06463 Sine-square deformation applied to classical Ising models (arXiv.org)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.126402 Observation of Spin-Momentum-Layer Locking in a Centrosymmetric Crystal (Bi Rashba, PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100409 Low-dimensional antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the heavy-fermion paramagnetic ladder compound ${\mathrm{UTe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094417 Theoretical study of extrinsic spin current generation in ferromagnets induced by anisotropic spin-flip scattering (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094418 Spin spiral and topological Hall effect in ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Ga}}{4}$ (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125120 Superconductivity of incoherent electrons in the Yukawa Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Chubukov, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100502 From high ${T}{c}$ to low ${T}{c}$: Multiorbital effects in transition metal oxides (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121403 Van der Waals heterostructure ${\mathrm{Pt}}{2}{\mathrm{HgSe}}{3}/{\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ for topological valleytronics (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.126602 Chirality-Induced Spin Polarization over Macroscopic Distances in Chiral Disilicide Crystals (NbSi2, PRL)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06039v1 Theory of orbital $\mathbf{d}_o$-vector in a two-band spin-singlet superconductor (arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05761v1 Superconductivity in infinite-layer Pr${0.8}$Sr${0.2}$NiO$_2$ films on different substrates (arxiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05519v1 Superconductivity, nematicity, and charge density wave in high-Tc cuprates: A common thread (arxiv.org)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05450v1 Coexistence of resistance oscillations and the anomalous metal phase in a lithium intercalated TiSe$_2$ superconductor (arxiv.org)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06026v1 Metal-insulator transition and local-moment collapse in negative charge-transfer CaFeO$_3$ under pressure (arxiv.org)

    59. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05628v1 Spin excitation spectra in helimagnetic states: proper-screw, cycloid, vortex crystal, and hedgehog lattice (YMotome, arxiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05164 Reduced crystal symmetry as origin of the ferroelectric polarization within the incommensurate magnetic phase of TbMn2O5 (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05037 Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models and Beyond: A Window into Non-Fermi Liquids (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06038 Electrostatic interactions in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05188 Giant magnetochiral anisotropy from quantum confined surface states of topological insulator nanowires (arXiv.org)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127001 Nematicity Arising from a Chiral Superconducting Ground State in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene under In-Plane Magnetic Fields (PRL)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127401 Identifying a Generic and Detrimental Role of Fano Resonance in Spin Generation in Semiconductor Nanostructures (PRL)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125118 Fragile versus stable two-dimensional fermionic quasiparticles (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094416 Quantum paramagnetism and magnetization plateaus in a kagome-honeycomb Heisenberg antiferromagnet (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094512 Positive and negative chemical pressure effects investigated in electron-doped FeSe films with an electric-double-layer structure (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104504 Absence of Luther-Emery superconducting phase in the three-band model for cuprate ladders (cuprate, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115123 Two-triplon excitations of the Kitaev-Heisenberg bilayer (triplon, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115125 Phase diagram of a model for topological superconducting wires (majorana lattice model, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125116 Magnetic superexchange couplings in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04931v1 Superconducting properties of MoTe$_2$ from the $ab~initio$ anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory (MoTe2, arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04788v1 Controlling magnetism through Ising superconductivity in magnetic van der Waals heterostructures (Lado, arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04669v1 Kohn-Luttinger Superconductivity and Inter-Valley Coherence in Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene (arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04492v1 Spin Texture in Doped Mott Insulators with Spin-Orbit Coupling (arxiv.org)

    77. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04480 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of higher-order layered nickelates: La${n+1}$Ni${n}$O$_{2n+2}$ ($n=4-6$) (arXiv.org)

    78. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04959 Raman and first-principles study of the pressure induced Mott-insulator to metal transition in bulk FePS$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    79. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04723 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Disordered Electrons: Coherent Potential Approximation and Beyond (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.117204 Strain-Driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction for Room-Temperature Magnetic Skyrmions (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115122 Electronic correlation effects in the kagome magnet ${\mathrm{GdMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100406 Heterobilayer moir\‘e magnets: Moir\‘e skyrmions and commensurate-incommensurate transitions (LBalents, PRB)

    4. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04279 Charge density waves and Fermi-surface reconstruction in the clean overdoped cuprate superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO6+x (CDW, arXiv.org)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04122 Superconductivity in infinite-layer CaCuO2-brownmillerite Ca2Fe2O5 superlattices (infinite layer, arXiv.org)

    6. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04466 Parent (half)metal and emergent superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (BRoy mean field - RG, arXiv.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03868 An operator-theoretical study on the BCS-Bogoliubov model of superconductivity near absolute zero temperature (arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03851 Triplet resonating valence bond theory and transition metal chalcogenides (PColeman, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04272 The two-dimensional $t$-$t^{\prime}$ Holstein model (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03964 Schwinger boson theory of ordered magnets (CDBatista, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03835 Fractonic Quantum Phases in Breathing Pyrochlore Lattice (arXiv.org)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.117001 High-Temperature Superconducting Phases in Cerium Superhydride with a ${T}_{c}$ up to 115 K below a Pressure of 1 Megabar (Ce, PRL)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.117202 Spin Pumping of an Easy-Plane Antiferromagnet Enhanced by Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction (PRL)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.117205 Emergent Fine Structure Constant of Quantum Spin Ice is Large (RMoessner, PRL)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115118 Mapping out the emergence of topological features in the highly alloyed topological Kondo insulators ${\mathrm{Sm}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{M}{x}{\mathrm{B}}_{6}(M=\mathrm{Eu},\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}\mathrm{Ce})$ (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094414 Determination of spin chirality using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094511 Strain-induced spin vortex and Majorana Kramers pairs in doped topological insulators with nematic superconductivity (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104201 Magnetic impurities at quantum critical points: Large-$N$ expansion and connections to symmetry-protected topological states (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115303 Fixed-phase diffusion Monte Carlo study of activation gap and skyrmion excitations of a $\ensuremath{\nu}=1$ system in the presence of charged impurities (PRB)

    20. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s115 Fine Structure Constant Goes Big in Spin Ices (Physics)

    21. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23483-4 Interplay of spin–orbit coupling and Coulomb interaction in ZnO-based electron system (Nature Communications)

    22. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03418 Absence of $4a_0$ superlattice in bulk kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03382 Band crossover and magnetic phase diagram of high-Tc superconducting compound Ba2CuO4-\delta (arXiv.org)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.117201 Unusual Exchange Couplings and Intermediate Temperature Weyl State in ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (Weyl, PRL)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125302 Multiorbital edge and corner states in black phosphorene (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094201 Disorder and phase diagrams of higher-order topological insulators (PRB)

    27. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03169v1 Aspects of topological superconductivity in 2D systems: noncollinear magnetism, skyrmions, and higher-order topology (arxiv.org)

    28. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03031v1 Superlight small pairs in face-centered-cubic extended Hubbard models (arxiv.org)

    29. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02821v1 Anomalous Charge Density Wave State Evolution and Dome-like Superconductivity in CuIr2Te4-xSex Chalcogenides (arxiv.org)

    30. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02685v1 Euler Obstructed Cooper Pairing: Nodal Superconductivity and Hinge Majorana Zero Modes (arxiv.org)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03231v1 Higher-Order Topological Phases on Quantum Fractals (arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02664v1 Higher-order topological semimetals and nodal superconductors with an order-two crystalline symmetry (PWBrouwer, arxiv.org)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.116601 Spontaneous Valley Polarization of Itinerant Electrons (PRL)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125412 General relation between stacking order and Chern index: A topological map of minimally twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100501 Superconductivity-induced spectral weight transfer due to quantum geometry (JAhn, PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094408 Generalized model of MnSi-like spiral magnets (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094413 Theoretical study of quantum spin liquids in $S=\frac{1}{2}$ hyper-hyperkagome magnets: Classification, heat capacity, and dynamical spin structure factor (YBKim, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094506 Theory of a pair density wave on a quasi-one-dimensional lattice in the Hubbard model (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094508 Emergence of well-screened states in a superconducting material of the ${\mathrm{CaFe}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ family (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104409 Classical spin dynamics based on $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ coherent states (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104411 Antiferromagnetic order in the honeycomb Kondo lattice $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Pt}}{6}{\mathrm{Al}}{3}$ induced by Pd substitution (Ce, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104412 Fragility of ${\mathcal{Z}}_{2}$ topological invariant characterizing triplet excitations in a bilayer kagome magnet (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115107 Differentiating Hund from Mott physics in a three-band Hubbard-Hund model: Temperature dependence of spectral, transport, and thermodynamic properties (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115108 Phase diagram for hole-doped Kitaev systems on the honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115111 Variation of charge dynamics upon antiferromagnetic transitions in the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{EuMnBi}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125106 Atomic-scale mapping of pressure-induced deformations and phase defects in the charge density wave order parameter (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125107 Stability, phase transitions, and numerical breakdown of fractional Chern insulators in higher Chern bands of the Hofstadter model (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125108 Spin-current Kondo effect: Kondo effect in the presence of spin accumulation (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125109 Non-Hermitian skin effect beyond the tight-binding models (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125413 One-dimensional spin-polarized electron channel in the two-dimensional PbBi compound on silicon (PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100301 Spin-polarized gap in the magnetic Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100302 Optically and thermally driven huge lattice orbital and spin angular momenta from spinning fullerenes (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100403 Hidden phases born of a quantum spin liquid: Application to pyrochlore spin ice (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094505 Disorder-induced currents as signatures of chiral superconductivity (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121401 Spin current at a magnetic junction as a probe of the Kondo state (PRB)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01869 Charge density wave orders and enhanced superconductivity under pressure in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5 (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01866 Anomalous Hall effect in ferrimagnetic metal RMn6Sn6 (R = Tb, Dy, Ho) with clean Mn kagome lattice (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01724 MoB2 under Pressure: Superconducting Mo Enhanced by Boron (arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02300 Readout of parafermionic states by transport measurements (parafermion, arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02635 Non-Fermi liquid phase and linear-in-temperature scattering rate in overdoped two dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02408 Two-impurity Kondo effect in potassium doped single-layer p-sexiphenyl films (DLFeng, arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01940 Inverse Faraday effect in Mott insulators (arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01868 Spin current Kondo effect in frustrated Kondo systems (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01670 When do Dirac points have higher order Fermi arcs? (Cano, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01921 Origin of Charge Density Wave in Layered Kagome Metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (JHCho, arXiv.org)

    66. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01505v1 Mechanisms of the in-plane magnetic anisotropy in superconducting NbSe2 (two-fold, arxiv.org)

    67. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01412v1 Lee-Yang theory of criticality in interacting quantum many-body systems (Lado, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Sep 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031050 Observation of Unconventional Charge Density Wave without Acoustic Phonon Anomaly in Kagome Superconductors ${A\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A=\mathrm{Rb}$, Cs) (Kagome, Physical Review X)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107202 Topological Route to New and Unusual Coulomb Spin Liquids (RMoessner, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094302 Photoexcited carrier dynamics of thin film ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ grown on a $\mathrm{GaAs}(111)B$ substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094504 Possible two-component spin-singlet pairings in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115103 Frustrated Kondo impurity triangle: A simple model of deconfinement (PColeman, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115104 Extremely large magnetoresistance in the ``ordinary’’ metal ${\mathrm{ReO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.035439 Fidelity of a sequence of SWAP operations on a spin chain (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100402 Coupling microwave photons to topological spin textures in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121103 Topological quantum many-body scars in quantum dimer models on the kagome lattice (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121104 Origin of the different electronic structure of Rh- and Ru-doped ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01133 Superconductivity in the vicinity of an isospin-polarized state in a cubic Dirac band (Dirac, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01061 Rectification in a Eu-chalcogenide-based superconducting diode (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01119 Magnon heat transport in a 2D Mott insulator (magnon, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01096 Phenomenological theory of magnetic 90$^{\circ}$ helical state (arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00781 Abelian origin of $\nu=2/3$ and $2+2/3$ fractional quantum Hall effect (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00777 Spin-$S$ impurities with XXZ anisotropy in a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00758 Optical study on electronic structure of the locally non-centrosymmetric CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Ce, arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00552 Dynamical properties of the Haldane chain with bond disorder (arXiv.org)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031049 Cross-Verification of Independent Quantum Devices (Physical Review X)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125104 Photoemission signature of momentum-dependent hybridization in ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094503 Disorder-robust $p$-wave pairing with odd-frequency dependence in normal metal–conventional superconductor junctions (Jorge, PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125405 Efficient numerical method for evaluating normal and anomalous time-domain equilibrium Green’s functions in inhomogeneous systems (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104406 Effects of magnetic excitations and transitions on vacancy formation: Cases of fcc Fe and Ni compared to bcc Fe (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115302 Optical control protocols for high-fidelity spin rotations of single $\mathrm{Si}{\mathrm{V}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ and $\mathrm{Sn}{\mathrm{V}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ centers in diamond (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115404 Domain wall competition in the Chern insulating regime of twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125105 Surface theory of a second-order topological insulator beyond the Dirac approximation (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125403 First-principles study of two-dimensional electron gas on a layered ${\mathrm{Gd}}_{2}\mathrm{C}$ electride surface (PRB)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00041 Strong Increase in Ultrasound Attenuation Below T$_\mathrm{c}$ in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: Possible Evidence for Domains (arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00513 A counterexample to the conjectured Planckian bound on transport (DasSarma, arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00384 Synthesis and Anisotropic Magnetism in Quantum Spin Liquid Candidates $A$YbSe$_2$ ($A$ = K and Rb) (AYbSe2, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00278 Thermal Hall effect of magnons in collinear antiferromagnetic insulators: signatures of magnetic and topological phase transitions (arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00250 Dynamics of visons and thermal Hall effect in perturbed Kitaev models (arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00213 Enhancement of $d$-wave pairing in the striped phase with the nearest neighbour attraction (arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00129 Magnetism of Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material RuBr$_3$ (arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00026 Multi-impurity chiral Kondo model: correlation functions and anyon fusion rules (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00274 Rashba-controlled thermal valve in helical liquids (arXiv.org)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107402 Experimental Measurement of the Divergent Quantum Metric of an Exceptional Point (PRL)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125103 Spin-orbit-assisted electron pairing in one-dimensional waveguides (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.094402 High-${T}{C}$ ferromagnetic inverse Heusler alloys: A comparative study of ${\mathrm{Fe}}{2}\mathrm{RhSi}$ and ${\mathrm{Fe}}_{2}\mathrm{RhGe}$ (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104401 Control of spin-orbit torques through magnetic symmetry in differently oriented noncollinear antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Pt}$ (Mn3Pt, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104402 Optomagnonic Josephson effect in antiferromagnets (Kouki, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.104501 Optical vortex manipulation for topological quantum computation (vortex majorana, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115102 Visualizing superconductivity in a doped Weyl semimetal with broken inversion symmetry (Weyl, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115401 Electromagnetic response of composite Dirac fermions in the half-filled Landau level (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115402 Electric field induced injection and shift currents in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.115403 Cross-plane thermal transport in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.125101 Collective electronic excitations in charge density wave systems: The case of CuTe (CDW, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L121101 Disorder-driven phase transition in the second-order non-Hermitian skin effect (PRB)

    49. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13704v1 Fermi surface nesting, vacancy ordering and the emergence of superconductivity in IrSb compounds (IrSb, arxiv.org)

    50. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13457v1 Josephson effects in twisted cuprate bilayers (MFranz, arxiv.org)

    51. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13455v1 Emergent Interfacial Superconductivity between Twisted Cuprate Superconductors (PKim, arxiv.org)

    52. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13957v1 Helicoid-arc van Hove singularities in topological chiral crystals (arxiv.org)

    53. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13798v1 Topological transitions in two-dimensional Floquet superconductors (arxiv.org)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13730v1 Spin-Holstein models in trapped-ion systems (EDemler, arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13626v1 Floquet topological $d+id$ superconductivity induced by chiral many-body interactions (arxiv.org)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13586 Nonlocal transport phenomena in Weyl metals beyond the mesoscopic scale (KSKim, arXiv.org)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031047 Magnetic Field Effect on Topological Spin Excitations in ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, Physical Review X)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.106401 Sublattice Dependence and Gate Tunability of Midgap and Resonant States Induced by Native Dopants in Bernal-Stacked Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.106801 Zitterbewegung of Moir\‘e Excitons in Twisted ${\mathrm{MoS}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ Heterobilayers (PRL)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.107201 Spatiotemporal Crossover between Low- and High-Temperature Dynamical Regimes in the Quantum Heisenberg Magnet (PRL)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081115 Mutual information, quantum phase transition, and phase coherence in Kondo systems (PRB)

    62. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/120 Zapping Germs with LEDs (Physics)

    63. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13247v1 Magnetic reshuffling and feedback on superconductivity in UTe2 under pressure (UTe2, arxiv.org)

    64. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12850v1 Emergent vortex Majorana zero mode in iron-based superconductors (arxiv.org)

    65. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13385v1 On the signatures of non-topological patches on the surface of topological insulators (arxiv.org)

    66. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13065v1 Proposed Negative Thermal Expansion in Honeycomb-Lattice Antiferromagnets (arxiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12860 Symmetry-protected quantization of complex Berry phases in non-Hermitian systems (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060411 Gapped ground state in a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ frustrated square lattice (PRB)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12747 Fragility of the nematic spin liquid induced by diagonal couplings in the square-lattice SU(3) model (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12584 Magnetic phase diagrams of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg model on a kagome-strip chain: Emergence of a Haldane phase (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12559 Dynamic properties of collective excitations in twisted bilayer Graphene (arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12525 Field induced conducting state in Mott insulator (arXiv.org)

    73. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13000 Chiral Phonons in Moir\‘e Superlattices (DXiao, arXiv.org)

    74. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12878 Extracting entropy of exotic quasiparticles from conductance measurements (arXiv.org)

    75. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12689 Emergence of broken-symmetry states at half-integer band fillings in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064516 Driving force on flowing quantum vortices in type-II superconductors with finite Ginzburg-Landau parameter (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085310 Evaluation of the diffuse mismatch model for phonon scattering at disordered interfaces (GChen phonon, PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064114 Hidden competing phase revealed by first-principles calculations of phonon instability in the nearly optimally doped cuprate $La_{1.875}Sr_{0.125}CuO_4$ (cuprate, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064446 Nonvolatile ferromagnetism in bilayer $\mathrm{Cr}{\mathrm{I}}_{3}$ induced by a heterointerface (CrI3, PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064447 Twisted superfluid and supersolid phases of triplons in bilayer honeycomb magnets (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064515 Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering: Nonlinear $\ensuremath{\sigma}$-model description (PRB)

    82. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085152 Tilt-induced many-body corrections to optical conductivity of tilted Dirac cone materials (Dirac, PRB)

    83. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085153 Massive Dirac fermions and strong Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in single crystals of the topological insulator ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ doped with Sm and Fe (PRB)

    84. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085154 Ab initio based ligand field approach to determine electronic multiplet properties (van den Brink, PRB)

    85. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081113 Role of Coulomb interaction in the phase formation of fcc Ce: Correlation matrix renormalization theory (PRB)

    86. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081114 Vertical transverse transport induced by hidden in-plane Berry curvature in two dimensions (HJin, PRB)

    87. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081411 Photoinduced spin-Hall resonance in a ${k}^{3}$-Rashba spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional hole system (Rashba, PRB)

    88. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12416 Inherited topological superconductivity in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals (arXiv.org)

    89. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12337 Role of Topology and Symmetry for the Edge Currents of a 2D Superconductor (Sigrist, arXiv.org)

    90. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.12133 Multicriticality of Two-dimensional Class D Disordered Topological Superconductors (RShindou, arXiv.org)

    91. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11964 Anomalous Dynamics and Equilibration in the Classical Heisenberg Chain (RMoessner, arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.097003 Robust $d$-Wave Superconductivity in the Square-Lattice $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ Model (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.097203 Hidden Charge Order in an Iron Oxide Square-Lattice Compound (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.097002 High Temperature Superconductivity in a Lightly Doped Quantum Spin Liquid (Kivelson, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.098001 Fractional Excitations in Non-Euclidean Elastic Plates (PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075154 Boltzmann machines as two-dimensional tensor networks (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085435 Abrikosov vortex corrections to effective magnetic field enhancement in epitaxial graphene (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060411 Gapped ground state in a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ frustrated square lattice (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060412 Helicity current generation by distorted Rashba coupling (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085151 Effects of strong correlations on the nonlinear response in Weyl-Kondo semimetals (PRB)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11712 Microscopic theory of the current-voltage characteristics of Josephson tunnel junctions (Trauzettle, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11690 Fermi surface instabilities in electronic Raman scattering of the metallic kagome lattice CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (KYChoi, arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11685 Pressure-induced insulator-metal transition in two-dimensional Mott insulator NiPS3 (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11453 Mapping out the emergence of topological features in the highly alloyed topological Kondo insulators Sm$_{1-x}M_x$B$_6$ ($M$=Eu, Ce) (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11933 Parafermions in a multi-legged geometry: Towards a scalable parafermionic network (arXiv.org)

    15. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/1012 Field-induced transition within the superconducting state of CeRh2As2 (CeRh2As2, Science)

    16. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/1017 Low thermal conductivity in a modular inorganic material with bonding anisotropy and mismatch (Science)

    17. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/954 Feeling the pressure (Science)

    18. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/962 Driving multiphase superconductivity (Science)

    19. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/963 Pushing low thermal conductivity to the limit (Science)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054518 Strain-induced time reversal breaking and half quantum vortices near a putative superconducting tetracritical point in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064443 Nonvolatile electric field control of magnetism in bilayer ${\mathrm{CrI}}{3}$ on monolayer ${\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075150 Hartree-Fock study of the moir\‘e Hubbard model for twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085149 Correlation-driven topological and valley states in monolayer ${\mathrm{VSi}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{4}$ (PRB)

    24. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11146v1 Calculations of in-gap states of ferromagnetic spin chains on \textit{s}-wave wide-band superconductors (in-gap states, arxiv.org)

    25. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10897v1 Higher-order topological superconductivity from repulsive interactions in kagome and honeycomb systems (arxiv.org)

    26. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11372v1 Hall and Thermal Hall conductivities of gapless systems (Auerbach, arxiv.org)

    27. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11008v1 DFT+DMFT study of dopant effect in a heavy fermion compound CeCoIn5 (HCChoi, arxiv.org)

    28. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11277v1 $\textit{Ab initio}$ theory of magnetism in two-dimensional $1T$-TaS$_2$ (TaS2, arxiv.org)

    29. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.11243v1 Probing Kondo spin fluctuations with scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spin resonance (arxiv.org)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031043 Stiefel Liquids: Possible Non-Lagrangian Quantum Criticality from Intertwined Orders (Stiefel Liquids, Physical Review X)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.093901 Synthetic-Space Photonic Topological Insulators Utilizing Dynamically Invariant Structure (PRL)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085147 Magnetic ordering tendencies in hexagonal-boron-nitride–bilayer-graphene moir\‘e structures (hBN, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085427 Aharonov-Bohm effect in three-dimensional higher-order topological insulators (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054435 Magnetic properties of the layered magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054516 Two-band conduction and nesting instabilities in superconducting ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{3+\ensuremath{\delta}}$: First-principles study (PRB)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064509 Correlated nature of hybrid $s$-wave superconducting and Rashba lattices (Rashba+S-wave, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064510 Absence of conventional room-temperature superconductivity at high pressure in carbon-doped ${\mathrm{H}}_{3}\mathrm{S}$ (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064511 Superconductivity and charge density wave formation in lithium-intercalated $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075147 Two-dimensional charge density waves in $\mathrm{Ta}{X}_{2}$ ($X=\mathrm{S}$, Se, Te) from first principles (CDW, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075148 Electronic nature of chiral charge order in the kagome superconductor $\mathrm{Cs}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060410 Quantum phase transition of many interacting spins coupled to a bosonic bath: Static and dynamical properties (PRB)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10874 Kramers-Weyl fermions in the chiral charge density wave material (TaSe$_4$)$_2$I (arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10342 Degradation of phonons in disordered moir\‘e superlattices (phonon disorder, arXiv.org)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031042 Room-Temperature Topological Phase Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Material ${\mathrm{B}\mathrm{i}}{\mathrm{4}}{\mathrm{I}}{\mathrm{4}}$ (Bi-based, Physical Review X)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.096802 Interaction-Driven Filling-Induced Metal-Insulator Transitions in 2D Moir\‘e Lattices (PRL)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.097601 Combined Arrhenius-Merz Law Describing Domain Relaxation in Type-II Multiferroics (PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.097001 In-Plane Critical Magnetic Fields in Magic-Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075144 High transmission in twisted bilayer graphene with angle disorder (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054433 Magnetic domain walls in antiferromagnetic topological insulator heterostructures (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064508 Unified approach to electrical and thermal transport in high-${T}_{c}$ superconductors (transport, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075143 Lattice model for the Coulomb interacting chiral limit of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: Symmetries, obstructions, and excitations (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075145 Robust topological state against magnetic impurities observed in the superconductor ${\mathrm{PbTaSe}}_{2}$ (Hasan, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085144 General construction of flat bands with and without band crossings based on wave function singularity (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085145 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological order and first-order quantum phase transitions in systems with combinatorial gauge symmetry (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085205 Graphyne as a second-order and real Chern topological insulator in two dimensions (PRB)

    56. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10300 Superconductivity in doped Weyl semimetal Mo${0.9}$Ir${0.1}$Te$_{2}$ with broken inversion symmetry (Weyl, arXiv.org)

    57. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10263 Star-of-David pattern charge density wave with additional modulation in the kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ revealed by $^{51}$V-NMR and $^{121/123}$Sb-NQR (kagome David star, arXiv.org)

    58. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10002 Superconductivity in monolayer FeSe enhanced by quantum geometry (arXiv.org)

    59. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09838 Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in UTe2 (UTe2, arXiv.org)

    60. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09630 Visualizing superconductivity in an inversion-symmetry-broken doped Weyl semimetal (arXiv.org)

    61. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09434 Evolution of superconductivity and charge order in pressurized RbV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv.org)

    62. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09338 Controlling Majorana modes by $p$-wave pairing in two-dimensional $p+id$ topological superconductors (p+id, arXiv.org)

    63. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09309 Microscopic characterization of Ising conformal field theory in Rydberg chains (arXiv.org)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09308 Strongly correlated ladders in K-doped $p$-terphenyl crystals (AJMillis, arXiv.org)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.090501 Observation of Non-Hermitian Topology with Nonunitary Dynamics of Solid-State Spins (PRL)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054515 Insights into superconductivity of LaO from experiments and first-principles calculations (PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064438 Vortex propagation and phase transitions in a chiral antiferromagnetic nanostripe (PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085143 Ab initio study of pressure-induced structural and electronic phase transitions in ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Ca2RuO4, PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085424 Fourier modal method for moir\‘e lattices (PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060408 Magnetic skyrmion diode: Unidirectional skyrmion motion via symmetry breaking of potential energy barriers (PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081407 Stability of the particle-hole Pfaffian state and the $\frac{5}{2}$-fractional quantum Hall effect (PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075139 Electric polarization and nonlinear optical effects in noncentrosymmetric magnets (PRB)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085142 Vortex creation and control in the Kitaev spin liquid by local bond modulations (PRB)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.033173 Topological magnetic textures in magnetic topological insulators (LiangFu, PRR)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09120v1 Arc nematic phase in the $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_3$ classical Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice (arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08878v1 Footprints of the Kitaev spin liquid in the Fano lineshapes of the Raman active optical phonons (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031040 Wang-MacDonald $d$-Wave Vortex Cores Observed in Heavily Overdoped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CaCu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{8+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (vortex, Physical Review X)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.086802 Preparation and Readout of Multielectron High-Spin States in a Gate-Defined GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dot (Tarucha, PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.087001 Microwave-Induced Inverse Faraday Effect in Superconductors (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.087602 Ordering of Oxygen Vacancies and Related Ferroelectric Properties in ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (SBlugel, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054305 Chiral phonons in the honeycomb sublattice of layered CoSn-like compounds (chiral phonon, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064437 Controlling the RKKY interaction and heat transport in a Kitaev spin liquid via ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ flux walls (RKKY, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054115 Anisotropic magnetotransport in ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ nanostructures (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064507 Superconducting state of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ in the presence of longer-range Coulomb interactions (ruthenate, PRB)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08526 Renormalization group analysis of Dirac fermions with random mass (RShindou, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08559 Novel realization of superconducting topological-insulator nanowires (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08801 Schwinger-Boson mean-field study of spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_{\chi}$ model in honeycomb lattice: thermal Hall signature (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08631 Determinant-free fermionic wave function using feed-forward neural network (arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08408 Correlated Oxide Dirac Semimetal in the Extreme Quantum Limit (Ok, arXiv.org)

    14. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6557/907 Spatiotemporal characterization of the field-induced insulator-to-metal transition (Science)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.086804 Critical Thickness in Superconducting ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/\mathrm{KTa}{\mathrm{O}}{3}(111)$ Heterostructures (KTO, PRL)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.087201 Four-Spin Terms and the Origin of the Chiral Spin Liquid in Mott Insulators on the Triangular Lattice (PRL)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081405 Spin entanglement via scanning tunneling microscope current (PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064435 Self-consistently renormalized spin-wave theory of layered ferromagnets on the honeycomb lattice (CrI3, PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064203 Topological phases and Anderson localization in off-diagonal mosaic lattices (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064433 Electric driving of magnetization dynamics in a hybrid insulator (PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075435 Spin Hall effect in the monolayer Janus compound MoSSe enhanced by Rashba spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085203 Calculations of electron mobility in II-VI semiconductors (PRB)

    23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06535 Laser-controlled real- and reciprocal-space topology in multiferroic insulators (DLoss, arXiv.org)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.087601 Free-Carrier-Induced Ferroelectricity in Layered Perovskites (doping rotation, PRL)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085136 Topological dipole conserving insulators and multipolar responses (Hughes, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054513 Strange metal from incoherent bosons (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064432 Field-driven metamorphoses of isolated skyrmions within the conical state of cubic helimagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075132 Intrinsically gapless topological phases (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075134 Coexistence of ferromagnetism and topology by charge carrier engineering in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{7}$ (PRB)

    30. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07623v1 Pressure induced Lifshitz transition and anomalous crystal field splitting in AFeAs (A=Li/Na) Fe-based superconducting compounds: A first principles study (arxiv.org)

    31. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07508v1 The maximal superconductivity in proximity to charge density wave quantum critical point in Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$ (THPark, arxiv.org)

    32. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07753v1 Quantum-critical continuum in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (QCP, arxiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07305 Flavors of noise in magnetic Weyl semimetals (Yaroslav, arXiv.org)

    34. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07784v1 Hexagonal-to-base-centered-orthorhombic $4Q$ charge density wave order in kagome metals KV$_3$Sb$_5$, RbV$_3$Sb$_5$, and CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (Kagome, arxiv.org)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.086601 Strange Metals as Ersatz Fermi Liquids (Senthil, PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.086801 Stability of Time-Reversal Symmetry Protected Topological Phases (HZhai, PRL)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075128 Partial charge transfer and absence of induced magnetization in $\mathrm{EuS}(111)/{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075129 Chiral magnetic effect in lattice models of tilted multi-Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075131 Topology of ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ determined by dynamical mean field theory (SmB6, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075430 Angle-dependent electron confinement in graphene moir\‘e superlattices (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085133 Excitonic instability and electronic properties of AlSb in the two-dimensional limit (Excitonic instability, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085135 Evidence for magnetic clusters in stoichiometric quantum critical ${\mathrm{CeRu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054422 Tuning magnetism and band topology through antisite defects in Sb-doped ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{7}$ (magnetism-topology, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064306 Light-matter coupling and quantum geometry in moir\‘e materials (Torma, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064427 Topological properties of multilayer magnon insulators (magnon, PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075426 Antiferromagnetic ordering and excitonic pairing in AA-stacked bilayer graphene (excitonic pairing, PRB)

    47. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.07015v1 Charge density waves in electron-doped molybdenum disulfide (MoS2, arxiv.org)

    48. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06961v1 Effects of spin-lattice coupling and a magnetic field in classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (spin-lattice coupling, arxiv.org)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054512 Superconductinglike response in a driven gapped bosonic system (PALee, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064428 Anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic Cr thin films (Cr, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075127 Predicted photoinduced pair annihilation of emergent magnetic charges in the organic salt $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{(\mathrm{BEDT}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TTF})}{2}{\mathrm{I}}{3}$ irradiated by linearly polarized light (Mochizuki, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085128 Topological invariants of a filling-enforced quantum band insulator (Vishwanath, PRB)

    53. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06202v1 Coupling the Higgs mode and ferromagnetic resonance in spin-split superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (arxiv.org)

    54. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06118v1 Experimental observation of electron-exciton coupling in high-Tc cuprates (cuprate, arxiv.org)

    55. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06012v1 Robust topological state against magnetic impurities observed in superconductor PbTaSe2 (QPI, arxiv.org)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06122v1 Discovery of mesoscopic nematicity wave in iron-based superconductors (SShin, arxiv.org)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06267v1 Possible quadrupole density wave in the superconducting Kondo lattice CeRh2As2 (Ce, arxiv.org)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05922v1 Anomalous dimensions of monopole operators at the transitions between Dirac and topological spin liquids (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 2nd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031035 Photon Echo from Lensing of Fractional Excitations in Tomonaga-Luttinger Spin Liquid (Oshikawa, Physical Review X)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.077204 Origin of Insulating Ferromagnetism in Iron Oxychalcogenide ${\mathrm{Ce}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{2}{\mathrm{FeSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054419 Magnon-driven skyrmion dynamics in antiferromagnets: Effect of magnon polarization (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054420 Spontaneous creation and annihilation dynamics of magnetic skyrmions at elevated temperature (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075425 Three-dimensional quantum Hall effect and magnetothermoelectric properties in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085123 Real-time dynamics of the photoinduced topological state in the organic conductor $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{(\mathrm{BEDT}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TTF})}{2}{\mathrm{I}}{3}$ under continuous-wave and pulse excitations (Mochizuki, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081107 Experimental realization of classical ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ spin liquids in a programmable quantum device (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054421 Growth and characterization of the dynamical axion insulator candidate ${\mathrm{Mn}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{5}$ with intrinsic antiferromagnetism (axion insulator, PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054511 Pressure-tuning structural and electronic transitions in semimetal CoSb (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064109 Fracton-elasticity duality in twisted moir\‘e superlattices (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064425 Emergent magnetic behavior in the frustrated ${\mathrm{Yb}}{3}{\mathrm{Ga}}{5}{\mathrm{O}}_{12}$ garnet (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075120 Analytical approach for the Mott transition in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075121 Field-angle dependence of thermal Hall conductivity in a magnetically ordered Kitaev-Heisenberg system (thermal Hall, PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075423 Finite-frequency response of Rasba electron gas with two-particle scattering (Rashba, PRB)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05373 Higher-Order Topological Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05843 Floquet theory of photoinduced topological phase transitions in the organic salt $\alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ irradiated with elliptically polarized light (Mochizuki, arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05532 Persistent half-metallic ferromagnetism in a (111)-oriented manganite superlattice (arXiv.org)

    18. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05502 Less is more: Vacancy-engineered nodal-line semimetals (IZutic, arXiv.org)

    19. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6556/797 Multicomponent superconducting order parameter in UTe2 (Science)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031034 Dirac-Type Nodal Spin Liquid Revealed by Refined Quantum Many-Body Solver Using Neural-Network Wave Function, Correlation Ratio, and Level Spectroscopy (Physical Review X)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054418 Topologically driven three-spin chiral exchange interactions treated from first principles (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085120 Dynamical vertex approximation for many-electron systems with spontaneously broken SU(2) symmetry (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054510 Crossover between trivial zero modes in Majorana nanowires (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075119 Coexistence of strong and weak Majorana zero modes in an anisotropic XY spin chain with second-neighbor interactions (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075420 Andreev reflection in Fermi-arc surface states of Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085121 Weyl triplons in ${\mathrm{SrCu}}{2}{({\mathrm{BO}}{3})}_{2}$ (PRB)

    27. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05142 Pressure-induced reconstitution of Fermi surfaces and spin fluctuations in S-substituted FeSe (arXiv.org)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05044 Spin-orbital entangled state and realization of Kitaev physics in 3d cobalt compounds: a progress report (arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05040 Instabilities of spin-one Kitaev Spin Liquid phase in presence of single-ion anisotropies (arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04997 Charge density waves in multiple-$Q$ spin states (YMotome, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04876 Tuning the van Hove singularities in AV${3}$Sb${5}$ (A = K, Rb, Cs) via pressure and doping (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04846 Many-body selection rule for quasiparticle pair creations in centrosymmetric superconductors (arXiv.org)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031033 Moir\‘e-Trapped Interlayer Trions in a Charge-Tunable ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{MoSe}}{2}$ Heterobilayer (Physical Review X)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.076401 Gauge-Field Extended $k\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}p$ Method and Novel Topological Phases (kp theory, PRL)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.076402 Pressure-Induced Excitations in the Out-of-Plane Optical Response of the Nodal-Line Semimetal ZrSiS (PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085413 Specific features of the conductivity and spin susceptibility tensors of a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions (Rashba, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054416 Synthesis and study of the chiral magnetic system ${\mathrm{EuIr}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{2}$ (chiral magnet, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064305 Topological phonon-magnon hybrid excitations in a two-dimensional honeycomb ferromagnet (phonon-magnon, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064421 Manipulating density of magnetic skyrmions via multilayer repetition and thermal annealing (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075114 Machine learning detection of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in $q$-state clock models (Mochizuki, PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075115 Charge-four Weyl point: Minimum lattice model and chirality-dependent properties (minimun lattice Weyl model, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075117 First-principles study of superconductivity in $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ and $\ensuremath{\beta}$ gallium (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085116 Elementary band representations for the single-particle Green’s function of interacting topological insulators (Green’s ft, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085118 Coexistence of phononic sixfold, fourfold, and threefold excitations in the ternary antimonide ${\mathrm{Zr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ni}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{4}$ (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085414 Charge-induced magnetic instability of atomically thin ferromagnetic semiconductors: The case of $\mathrm{Cr}{\mathrm{I}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    46. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04703 Gapless excitations inside the fully gapped kagome superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (JPHu, arXiv.org)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04534 The generalized Nielsen-Ninomiya Theorem for the 17 wallpaper: Classification of 2D nodal superconductors, Dirac semimetals, and non-Hermitian nodal systems (arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04758 Real-time dynamics of the photoinduced topological state in organic conductor $\alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ under continuous-wave and pulse excitations (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04320 Gapless excitations in field-induced Kitaev spin liquids with line defects (arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04277 Quantum conductivity corrections in metal-paramagnetic insulator bilayers (arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04245 Phase diagram of CeSb$_2$ from magnetostriction and magnetization measurements: Evidence for ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic states (Ce, arXiv.org)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031032 Evidence for a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{({\mathrm{Bi}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{x})}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (Physical Review X)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.076601 Super-Resonant Transport of Topological Surface States Subjected to In-Plane Magnetic Fields (PRL)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054413 Penetration depth of Cooper pairs in the IrMn antiferromagnet (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054414 Tunable spin-flop transition in artificial ferrimagnets (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054509 Superconducting ground state of the nonsymmorphic superconducting compound ${\mathrm{Zr}}_{2}\mathrm{Ir}$ (nonsymmorphic SC, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064420 Micromagnetic description of twisted spin spirals in the B20 chiral magnet FeGe from first principles (Blugel, PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075112 Deconfined quantum phase transition of a higher-order symmetry-protected topological state (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075113 Topological quantum phase transitions and criticality in a longer-range Kitaev chain (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085412 de Haas–van Alphen oscillations near the Lifshitz transition from two electron pockets to one in the two-dimensional Dirac fermion systems (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060103 Quantum paraelectric phase of ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ from first principles (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081402 Edge density of bulk states due to relativity (PachosPRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081403 Ab initio four-band Wannier tight-binding model for generic twisted graphene systems (TBLG, PRB)

    64. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04170 Non-magnetic tight binding disorder effects in the $\gamma$ sheet of $Sr_2RuO_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv.org)

    65. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03916 Electronic Theory for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Spectra in Infinite-Layer Nickelate Superconductors (nickelate, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03847 Magnetization dynamics in helical-ordered spin systems. A case study of EuFe$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03655 On the Electron Pairing Mechanism of Copper-Oxide High Temperature Superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03835 Schwinger boson approach for the dynamical mean-field theory of the Kondo lattice (arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04156 Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in the Topological Kondo model (topological Kondo model, arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03409 JVMC: Versatile and performant variational Monte Carlo leveraging automated differentiation and GPU acceleration (arXiv.org)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031031 Structural Evidence for Ultrafast Polarization Rotation in Ferroelectric/Dielectric Superlattice Nanodomains (polar nanodomain, Physical Review X)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.076801 Nonclassical Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    73. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.077201 ${E}{8}$ Spectra of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{BaCo}}{2}{\mathrm{V}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{8}$ under Transverse Field (PRL)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064415 Zeeman term for the N\‘eel vector in a two sublattice antiferromagnet (PRB)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064416 Strain-induced switching between noncollinear and collinear spin configuration in magnetic ${\mathrm{Mn}}{5}{\mathrm{Ge}}{3}$ films (Mn3Sn, PRB)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085113 Intertwined nontrivial band topology and giant Rashba spin splitting (PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060102 Orbital-selective Peierls phase in the metallic dimerized chain ${\mathrm{MoOCl}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054507 Diamagnetic and paramagnetic Meissner effect from odd-frequency pairing in multiorbital superconductors (Meissner effect, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064417 Regular and in-plane skyrmions and antiskyrmions from boundary instabilities (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085114 Berry curvature and quantum metric in $N$-band systems: An eigenprojector approach (PRB)

    81. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081105 Local marker for interacting topological insulators (PRB)

    82. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03184v1 Helical spin order in EuFe2As2 and EuRbFe4As4 single crystals (Eu Helical spin, arxiv.org)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03031v1 Superconductivity in silicon (arxiv.org)

    84. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03218v1 Mechanism of the insulator-to-metal transition and superconductivity in the spin liquid candidate NaYbSe$_2$ under pressure (YFYang, arxiv.org)

    85. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03118v1 Interplay of magnetism and dimerization in pressurized Kitaev candidate $\beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ (arxiv.org)

    86. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.03086v1 Crossover from Karplus-Luttinger to Topological Hall Effects in SrRuO3-based heterostructures (arxiv.org)

    87. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02847v1 Gutzwiller-projected states for the $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice: achievements and pitfalls (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Aug 1st week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085407 Precise measurement of the configurational energy of bent graphene membranes via three-dimensional force field spectroscopy (PRB)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054409 Intermediate anomalous Hall states induced by noncollinear spin structure in the magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (noncollinear, PRB)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054410 Spin pumping of two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054505 Strong-coupling superconductivity of ${\mathrm{SrIr}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{SrRh}}{2}$: Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054506 Vertical position of Sr dopants in the ${\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3}$ superconductor (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064413 Determination of spin-wave stiffness in the Fe-Si system using first-principles calculations (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075110 Competition of spatially inhomogeneous phases in systems with nesting-driven spin-density wave state (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054504 Prediction of superconductivity at 70 K in a pristine monolayer of LiBC (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075107 Unconventional pairing from local orbital fluctuations in strongly correlated ${A}{3}{\mathrm{C}}{60}$ (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085108 Quantum Boltzmann equation for strongly correlated electrons (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085302 Topological states and interplay between spin-orbit and Zeeman interactions in a spinful Su-Schrieffer-Heeger nanowire (SSH, PRB)

    12. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/115 A Smooth Conduit for Electron Fluids (Physics)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02212 Pattern-dependent proximity effect and Majorana edge mode in one-dimensional quasicrystals (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02761 Site-selective $d^{10}$/$d^0$ substitution in a $S = 1/2$ spin ladder Ba$2$CuTe${1-x}$W$_x$O$_6$ ($0 \leq x \leq 0.3$) (arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02527 Hidden Charge Order in an Iron Oxide Square-Lattice Compound (arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02469 Third-harmonic generation in excitonic insulators (arXiv.org)

    17. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02211 Metrology of Band Topology via Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (GYCho, arXiv.org)

    18. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03688-9 Quantized nonlinear Thouless pumping (Nature)

    19. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03683-0 Pseudogap in a crystalline insulator doped by disordered metals (Nature)

    20. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6555/eaaz8541 Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challenges (Science)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.067001 Anomalous Floquet Chiral Topological Superconductivity in a Topological Insulator Sandwich Structure (PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064102 Hyperfine structure of transition metal defects in SiC (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064408 Magnonic thermal transport using the quantum Boltzmann equation (Kouki, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085106 Nanoscale heterogeneity induced by nonmagnetic Zn dopants in the quantum critical metal ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$: $^{115}\mathrm{In}$ NQR/NMR and $^{59}\mathrm{Co}$ NMR study (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060405 Two-dimensional multiferroics in a breathing kagome lattice (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054406 Spin orbit torque switching in an antiferromagnet through N\‘eel reorientation in a rare-earth ferrite (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054503 Superconducting fluctuations and giant negative magnetoresistance in a gate-voltage tuned two-dimensional electron system with strong spin-orbit impurity scattering (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064303 Kick-induced rectified current in a symmetric nanoelectromechanical shuttle (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064409 Topological Hall effect in frustrated B2-ordered ${\mathrm{Mn}}{0.74}{\mathrm{Co}}{0.57}{\mathrm{Al}}_{0.69}$ films (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085107 Interaction-driven transition between the Wigner crystal and the fractional Chern insulator in topological flat bands (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060404 Universal critical exponents of the magnetic domain wall depinning transition (magnetic DW, PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081104 Flat bands with band crossings enforced by symmetry representation (BJYang, PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054202 Self-duality of one-dimensional quasicrystals with spin-orbit interaction (AAH, PRB)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01935 Cuprate Superconductors in the Vicinity of a Pomeranchuk Instability (arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02159 Competing magnetic states in transition metal dichalcogenide moir\‘e materials (arXiv.org)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01957 Quantum phases in f-Electron Systems (arXiv.org)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.067201 Skyrmion Qubits: A New Class of Quantum Logic Elements Based on Nanoscale Magnetization (skyrmion, PRL)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054201 Phase diagram of a frustrated Heisenberg model: From disorder to order and back again (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075407 Chirality-induced spin texture switching in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054502 Effect of midgap states on the magnetic exchange interaction mediated by a $d$-wave superconductor (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064404 Influence of impurities on the phase transitions in chiral magnets: Monte Carlo calculations (skyrmion, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064406 Fracton excitations in classical frustrated kagome spin models (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075405 Local and nonlocal quantum transport due to Andreev bound states in finite Rashba nanowires with superconducting and normal sections (DLoss, PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085103 Asymmetric ferroelectricity by design in atomic-layer superlattices with broken inversion symmetry (PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081101 Effect of symmetry breaking on short-wavelength acoustic phonons in the chiral magnet MnSi (PRB)

    46. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s99 Magnetic Skyrmions Could Act as Qubits (Physics)

    47. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01574 Microscopic evidence for anisotropic multigap superconductivity in the CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ kagome superconductor (kagome, arXiv.org)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01545 Intrinsic finite-energy Cooper pairing in $j=3/2$ superconductors (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01121 Doping fingerprints of spin and lattice fluctuations in moir\‘e superlattice systems (Arita, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01452 Non-unitary multiorbital superconductivity from competing interactions in Dirac materials (Lado, arXiv.org)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031027 Proposal for a Nanomechanical Qubit (CNT, Physical Review X)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.066801 Field-Tunable One-Sided Higher-Order Topological Hinge States in Dirac Semimetals (PRL)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075101 Prediction of double-Weyl points in the iron-based superconductor $\mathrm{Ca}\mathrm{K}{\mathrm{Fe}}{4}{\mathrm{As}}{4}$ (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075403 Domains of electrically induced valley polarization in two-dimensional Dirac semiconductors (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085402 Full Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure parametrization of few-layer twistronic graphene (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085403 Theory of Coulomb blockaded transport in realistic Majorana nanowires (JDSau, PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085404 Kagome-like structure of germanene on Al(111) (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054103 Topological chiral phonons along the line defect of intralayer heterojunctions (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054403 Interplay between breathing-mode distortions and magnetic order in rare-earth nickelates from ab initio magnetic models (PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075102 Electronic scattering off a magnetic hopfion (JDJang, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075103 Bosonic resonating valence bond theory of the possible chiral spin-liquid state in the triangular-lattice Hubbard model (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.075104 Spin-0 Mott insulator to metal to spin-1 Mott insulator transition in the single-orbital Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064402 Signatures for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical behavior in the planar antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{BaNi}}{2}{\mathrm{V}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{8}$ (PRB)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060301 Hourglass phonons jointly protected by symmorphic and nonsymmorphic symmetries (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L060401 Hinge magnons from noncollinear magnetic order in a honeycomb antiferromagnet (YBKim, PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L081401 Antichiral edge states and hinge states based on the Haldane model (PRB)

    67. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s96 Carbon Nanotubes Flex as Qubits (Physics)

    68. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00409v1 Intrinsic Spin-Charge Conversion in Excitonic Pseudospin Superfluid (RShindou, arxiv.org)

    69. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.01010v1 Partial Kondo Screening and Anomalous Thermal Conductance (SBLee, arxiv.org)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00999v1 Physical properties of a quasi-two-dimensional square lattice antiferromagnet Ba$_2$FeSi$_2$O$_7$ (arxiv.org)

    71. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00674v1 Quadratic Optical Responses in a Chiral Magnet (YMotome, arxiv.org)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00647v1 Field-induced multiple metal-insulator crossovers of correlated Dirac electrons of perovskite CaIrO$_3$ (arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00173v1 Exotic Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Layered CrI3 Single Crystals Under High Pressure (CrI3, arxiv.org)

    74. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031026 Three-Dimensional Charge Density Wave and Surface-Dependent Vortex-Core States in a Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, Physical Review X)

    75. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.067002 Revealing the Heavy Quasiparticles in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor ${\mathrm{CeCu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (Ce, PRL)

    76. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.054401 Symmetric U(1) and ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice (LBalents, PRB)

    77. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064401 Evolution of magnetic interactions in Sb-substituted ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    78. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.064502 Phenomenological model of the third-harmonic magnetic response due to superconducting fluctuations: Application to ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    79. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085101 Scaling of Kondo spin relaxation: Experiments on Cu-based nonlocal spin valves with Fe impurities (PRB)

    80. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085102 Crystal-field excitations and vibronic modes in the triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate ${\mathrm{TbInO}}_{3}$ (SWCheong, PRB)

    81. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14689v1 Large Magnetoresistance and Nontrivial Berry Phase in Nb3Sb Crystals with A15 Structure (Nb3Sb, arxiv.org)

    82. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14340v1 Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. VI. The $\gamma$ model and its phase diagram at $2 < \gamma <3$ (Chubukov, arxiv.org)

    83. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14335v1 Magnon band structure of skyrmion crystals and stereographic projection approach (skyrmion, arxiv.org)

    84. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14249v1 Strain tuning of highly frustrated magnets: Order and disorder in the distorted kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (arxiv.org)

    85. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14623v1 Phonon anomalies associated with spin reorientation in the Kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn2 (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jul 5 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 July 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 July 5th week collection
    1. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13818 Superconducting triplet pairings and anisotropic tunneling-magnetoresistance effects in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double-barrier junctions (arXiv.org)

    2. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13283 Superconducting Properties of La${1.85}$Sr${0.15}$CuO$_4$-Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ multilayers (iridates, arXiv.org)

    3. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13458 Magnetism in heavy-f-electron metals (arXiv.org)

    4. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14148 Character of Doped Holes in Nd$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    5. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14083 Higher-dimensional Jordan-Wigner Transformation and Auxiliary Majorana Fermions (arXiv.org)

    6. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13810 Magnetic frustration in a van der Waals metal CeSiI (arXiv.org)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13784 Fine structure of the nonlinear Drude weights in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain (Katsura, arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13570 Distorted kagome antiferromagnet: Phase diagram and application to Y-kapellasite (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13448 Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law at the Lifshitz point of strained Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13364 Unveiling the S=3/2 Kitaev Honeycomb Spin Liquids (arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13131 Ce-site dilution in the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice CeRh$_6$Ge$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.13330 Transport theory and spin-transfer physics for frustrated magnets (arXiv.org)

    13. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6554/568 Half-integer quantized anomalous thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev material candidate α-RuCl3 (YMatsuda, Science)

    14. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6554/572 Linked Weyl surfaces and Weyl arcs in photonic metamaterials (Weyl, Science)

    15. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6554/576 Qubit spin ice (Science)

    16. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03622-z Incoherent transport across the strange-metal regime of overdoped cuprates (Nature)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.056601 Infinite Berry Curvature of Weyl Fermi Arcs (PRL)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.056802 Strong Interminivalley Scattering in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Revealed by High-Temperature Magneto-Oscillations (PRL)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035437 Tunable reentrant Kondo effect in quantum dots coupled to metal-superconducting hybrid reservoirs (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035161 Flat band, spin-1 Dirac cone, and Hofstadter diagram in the fermionic square kagome model (Hatsugai, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024437 Orbital order drives magnetic order in $5{d}^{1}$ and $5{d}^{2}$ double perovskite Mott insulators (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014432 Magnon-polaron anomaly in nonlocal spin transport through antiferromagnetic insulators (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014433 Lattice dynamics and magnetic exchange interactions in ${\mathrm{GeCo}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$: A spinel with $S=\frac{1}{2}$ pyrochlore lattice (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020511 $\mathrm{La}{\mathrm{BH}}{8}$: Towards high-${T}{c}$ low-pressure superconductivity in ternary superhydrides (PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024434 Signature of magnon polarons in electron relaxation on terbium revealed by comparison with gadolinium (PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024435 Rayleigh edge waves in two-dimensional crystals with Lorentz forces: From skyrmion crystals to gyroscopic media (PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024512 Evolution of charge dynamics in $\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{Se}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Te}}{x}$: Effects of electronic correlations and nematicity (PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035157 Anisotropic superconductivity in the topological crystalline metal ${\mathrm{Pb}}{1/3}{\mathrm{TaS}}{2}$ with multiple Dirac fermions (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035208 Thermal diffusivity and its lower bound in orthorhombic SnSe (KBahnia, PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035434 Microwave response of a chiral Majorana interferometer (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045146 Charge density wave and finite-temperature transport in minimally twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12923 Superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates (Arita, arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12712 Signature of A Gapless Spin Liquid in A Kagome Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv.org)

    34. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12777 Spectral properties of strongly correlated multi impurity models in the Kondo insulator regime: Emergent coherence, metallic surface states and quantum phase transitions (arXiv.org)

    35. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12743 Nonreciprocal magnon excitations by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the basis of bond magnetic toroidal multipoles (arXiv.org)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035154 Hyperfine couplings as a probe of orbital anisotropy in heavy-fermion materials (Ce115, PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041111 Heavy carrier doping by hydrogen in the spin-orbit coupled Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (Sr2IrO4, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024510 Smectic vortex glass (PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024511 Inhomogeneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    40. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035156 Realistic tight-binding model for monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides of $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ structure (PRB)

    41. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035432 Fractional boundary charges with quantized slopes in interacting one- and two-dimensional systems (Jelena, PRB)

    42. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020412 All-optical resonant magnetization switching in ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ monolayers (PRB)

    43. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014427 Impact of further-range exchange and cubic anisotropy on magnetic excitations in the fcc kagome antiferromagnet $\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035155 Flat-band solutions in $D$-dimensional decorated diamond and pyrochlore lattices: Reduction to molecular problem (Katsura, PRB)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045145 Critical slowing-down and field-dependent paramagnetic fluctuations in the skyrmion host EuPtSi: $\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{SR}$ and NMR studies (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045313 Assessing the role of quantum effects in two-dimensional heterophase ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ field effect transistors (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045428 Observation of current-induced spin polarization in the topological insulator ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ via circularly polarized photoconductive differential current (PRB)

    48. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12131 The GoogLeNet-assisted phase transition detectors (arXiv.org)

    49. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11897 Hidden, one-dimensional, strongly nested, and almost half-filled Fermi surface in Ba$2$CuO${3+y}$ superconductors (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    50. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11562 Controllable Majorana vortex states in iron-based superconducting nanowires (FeSe, arXiv.org)

    51. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11989 Intrinsic suppression of topological thermal Hall effect in an exactly solvable quantum magnet (arXiv.org)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035306 Fractal energy gaps and topological invariants in hBN/graphene/hBN double moir\‘e systems (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024430 Interplay between friction and spin-orbit coupling as a source of spin polarization (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035148 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of higher-order layered nickelates: ${\mathrm{La}}{n+1}{\mathrm{Ni}}{n}{\mathrm{O}}_{2n+2} (n=4–6)$ (PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045142 Optical conductivity of a Dirac-Fermi liquid (PRB)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045143 Potential antiferromagnetic Weyl nodal line state in ${\mathrm{LiTi}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ material (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045426 Dichotomy of saddle points in energy bands of monolayer ${\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014517 Bose-Luttinger liquids (PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024307 Zoology of spin and orbital fluctuations in ultrathin oxide films (PRB)

    60. https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045139 Hybrid topological magnon-phonon modes in ferromagnetic honeycomb and kagome lattices (PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024509 Evolution of transport properties in FeSe thin flakes with thickness approaching the two-dimensional limit (PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035152 Defect-induced modulation of magnetic, electronic, and optical properties of the double-perovskite oxide ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{CoMnO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035305 Fractal defect states in the Hofstadter butterfly (PRB)

    64. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11254v1 In-plane Isotropy of the Low Energy Phonon Anomalies in YBa${2}$Cu${3}$O$_{6+x}$ (arxiv.org)

    65. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11036v1 Coexistence of $s$- and $d$-wave gaps due to pair-hopping and exchange interactions (arxiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11344 Local Plaquette Physics as Key Ingredient of High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates (arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11326 No indication of chiral flux current in the topological kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ (arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11226 Identifying Majorana vortex modes via non-local transport (JMoore, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11379 Anomalous magnetic noise in imperfect flat bands in the topological magnet Dy2Ti2O7 (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11372 Dirac magnons, nodal lines, and nodal plane in elemental gadolinium (DiracMagnon Gd, arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11370 Spin exchange Hamiltonian and topological degeneracies in elemental gadolinium (Gd, arXiv.org)

    72. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10854 Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 July 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 July 4th week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.049701 Comment on ``Spin-Lattice Coupling and the Emergence of the Trimerized Phase in the $S=1$ Kagome Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Ti}}{3}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{8}$’’ (PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.049702 Paul et al. Reply: (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.046602 Theory for Magnetic-Field-Driven 3D Metal-Insulator Transitions in the Quantum Limit (MIT, PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.047001 Charge-$4e$ Superconductivity from Multicomponent Nematic Pairing: Application to Twisted Bilayer Graphene (LiangFu, PRL)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035146 Locally symmetric oxygen vacancy around Cd impurities in ${\mathrm{CeO}}_{2}$ (Cd-Ce, PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024508 Analytical and semianalytical tools to determine the topological character of Shiba chains (Shiba, PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035145 Layer-locked spin states revealed in the centrosymmetric nodal-line semimetal HfSiS (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045137 Triple degenerate point in three dimensions: Theory and realization (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045138 Inducing a metal-insulator transition in disordered interacting Dirac fermion systems via an external magnetic field (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020509 Superconducting instabilities in a spinful Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (MFranz, PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041110 Quantum oscillation of thermally activated conductivity in a monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$-like excitonic insulator (PALee, PRB)

    12. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10714 Evidence of a hidden flux phase in the topological kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (Kagome, arXiv.org)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10264 Prevalence of tilted stripes in ${\mathrm{La}}{1.88}{\mathrm{Sr}}{0.12}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ and the importance of $t^{\prime}$ in the Hamiltonian (cuprate, arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10837 Topological Semimetal driven by Strong Correlations and Crystalline Symmetry (arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10272 Zooming in on heavy fermions in Kondo lattice models (QSi, arXiv.org)

    16. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10409 Combined multiplet and cumulant Green’s function treatment of correlation effects in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (arXiv.org)

    17. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6553/430 Coherent manipulation of an Andreev spin qubit (QD, Science)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031017 Designing Three-Dimensional Flat Bands in Nodal-Line Semimetals (Flatband, Physical Review X)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031018 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Markovian Open Quantum Many-Body Systems (Physical Review X)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.047203 Skyrmion Dynamics at Finite Temperatures: Beyond Thiele’s Equation (skyrmion, PRL)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.046401 Charge Density Waves and Electronic Properties of Superconducting Kagome Metals (Binghai, PRL)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.046601 Identification of Non-Fermi Liquid Physics in a Quantum Critical Metal via Quantum Loop Topography (EAKim, PRL)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024428 Spatially modulated orbital-selective ferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{La}}{5}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035142 Electronic instabilities of kagome metals: Saddle points and Landau theory (LBalents, PRB)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035143 Peierls/Su-Schrieffer-Heeger polarons in two dimensions (SSH, PRB)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035205 Combination of optical transitions of polarons with Rashba effect in methylammonium lead trihalide perovskites under high magnetic fields (PRB)

    27. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s90 Magnons Dampen Skyrmion Motion (Physics)

    28. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09967 Direct Visualization of a Static Incommensurate Antiferromagnetic Order by Suppressing the Superconducting Phase Coherence in Fe-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (SC suppression, arXiv.org)

    29. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09723 Superconductivity in disordered locally noncentrosymmetric materials: an application to CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    30. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10046 Nonmagnetic $J = 0$ State and Spin-Orbit Excitations in K${2}$RuCl${6}$ (Ruthenate, arXiv.org)

    31. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09929 Magnetic field tuning of the spin dynamics in the magnetic topological insulators (MnBi${2}$Te${4}$)(Bi${2}$Te${3}$)$_{n}$ (magnetic TI, arXiv.org)

    32. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09854 Phase diagram of a pseudogap Anderson model with application to graphene (arXiv.org)

    33. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10122 Higher-order topological quantum paramagnets (arXiv.org)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.047202 Electrical Control of Valley-Zeeman Spin-Orbit-Coupling–Induced Spin Precession at Room Temperature (PRL)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.047401 Dynamics of a Vortex Lattice in an Expanding Polariton Quantum Fluid (PRL)

    36. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014515 Transport signatures of the pseudogap critical point in the cuprate superconductor ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{La}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}{6+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (PRB)

    37. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035426 Majorana zero modes in a cylindrical semiconductor quantum wire (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    38. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020508 Spatially inhomogeneous magnetic superconductors (SC+SDW, PRB)

    39. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041109 Electronic and dynamical properties of ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$: Role of ${\mathrm{Rh}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ layers and expected orbital order (Ce, PRB)

    40. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s91 Spin Control Without Magnetic Fields (Physics)

    41. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09187 Superconductivity in Al-Nb-Ti-V-Zr multicomponent alloy (HEA, arXiv.org)

    42. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09588 The dynamical structure factor of the SU(3) Heisenberg chain: The variational Monte Carlo approach (VMC, arXiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09314 Evolution of magnetic and transport properties in Cu doped pyrochlore iridate Eu2(Ir1-xCux)2O7 (arXiv.org)

    44. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09241 Quantitative Determination of the Confinement and Deconfinement of spinons in the anomalous spectra of Antiferromagnets via the Entanglement Entropy (arXiv.org)

    45. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09105 Multimagnon dynamics and thermalization in the $S=1$ easy-axis ferromagnetic chain (arXiv.org)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.045701 Deconfined Criticality and Bosonization Duality in Easy-Plane Chern-Simons Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets (PRL)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045131 Detecting transition between Abelian and non-Abelian topological orders through symmetric tensor networks (topological order, PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020302 Symmetry analysis of anomalous Floquet topological phases (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020411 Two-dimensional ferromagnetic spin-orbital excitations in honeycomb ${\mathrm{VI}}_{3}$ (VI3, PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041108 Ground state in proximity to a possible Kitaev spin liquid: The undistorted honeycomb iridate ${\mathrm{Na}}{x}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ $(0.60\ensuremath{\le}x\ensuremath{\le}0.80)$ (iridates, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035135 Specific heat and NMR evidence for the low Fermi-level density of states in semimetallic ScSb (ScSb, PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035139 Mirror symmetry breaking and lateral stacking shifts in twisted trilayer graphene (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045130 Low-energy optical properties of the nonmagnetic kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    54. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s80 Valley-Polarized Jets in Graphene (Physics)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.047201 Electric Probe for the Toric Code Phase in Kitaev Materials through the Hyperfine Interaction (nematic kitaev, PRL)

    56. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014307 Symmetries and conserved quantities of boundary time crystals in generalized spin models (PRB)

    57. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014512 Intrinsic dissipative Floquet superconductors beyond mean-field theory (PRB)

    58. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024304 Symmetry-enforced straight nodal-line phonons (phonon, PRB)

    59. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035136 Magic continuum in a twisted bilayer square lattice with staggered flux (CenkeXu, PRB)

    60. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035138 Implications of second harmonic generation for hidden order in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{2}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{2}$ (MNorman, PRB)

    61. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035140 Low-temperature $T$-linear resistivity due to umklapp scattering from a critical mode (PALee, PRB)

    62. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045416 Topological metal phases in irradiated graphene sandwiched by asymmetric ferromagnets (irradiated graphene, PRB)

    63. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045418 Electrical control of crossed Andreev reflection and spin-valley switch in antiferromagnet/superconductor junctions (PRB)

    64. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/104 Time Crystals in Open Systems (Physics)

    65. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06558v2 Phase-manipulation-induced Majorana Mode and Braiding Realization in Iron-based Superconductor Fe(Te,Se) (curvature FeTeSe, arxiv.org)

    66. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08669v1 Quantum anharmonic enhancement of superconductivity in $P6_3/mmc$ ScH$_6$ at high pressures: a first-principles study (arxiv.org)

    67. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09050v1 Kagome superconductors from Pomeranchuk fluctuations in charge density wave metals (kagome, arxiv.org)

    68. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08486v1 Theory of correlated insulators and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (arxiv.org)

    69. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08466v1 Supercurrent parity-meter in a nanowire Cooper-pair transistor (arxiv.org)

    70. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08165v1 Topologically Protected Two-Fluid Edge States (arxiv.org)

    71. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08915v1 Damped Dirac magnon in a metallic kagome antiferromagnet FeSn (SHDo, arxiv.org)

    72. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08618v1 MoP$3$SiO${11}$: a $4d^3$ honeycomb antiferromagnet with disconnected octahedra (arxiv.org)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08161v1 Observation of nuclear-spin Seebeck effect (Yaroslav, arxiv.org)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08012v1 Dynamical vortices in electron-phonon superconductors (Chubukov, arxiv.org)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08013v1 Machine-learning Kondo physics using variational autoencoders (arxiv.org)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07802v1 Planckian Dissipation in Metals (arxiv.org)

    77. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07794v1 Dependence of band gaps in d-electron perovskite oxides on magnetism (arxiv.org)

    78. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07628v1 Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing of composite fermions (Jain, arxiv.org)

    79. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07527v1 Advancing Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms via Mean-Operators (EGMoon, arxiv.org)

    80. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07711v1 Defect engineering of magnetic ground state in EuTiO$_3$ epitaxial thin films (WSChoi, arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 July 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 July 3rd week collection
    1. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.037204 Monolayer ${\mathrm{CrCl}}_{3}$ as an Ideal Test Bed for the Universality Classes of 2D Magnetism (2d magnetism, PRL)

    2. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.037402 Excitonic and Valley-Polarization Signatures of Fractional Correlated Electronic Phases in a ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WS}}{2}$ Moir\‘e Superlattice (PRL)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045128 Quantum magnetism of iron-based ladders: Blocks, spirals, and spin flux (PRB)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014206 Universality classes of the Anderson transition in the three-dimensional symmetry classes AIII, BDI, C, D, and CI (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014306 Strain-induced band modulation of thermal phonons in carbon nanotubes (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014511 Localization of the Higgs mode at the superfluid–Mott glass transition (PRB)

    7. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07096 Anapole superconductivity from $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric mixed-parity interband pairing (arXiv.org)

    8. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07244 Multipolar nematic state of nonmagnetic FeSe based on the DFT+$U$ method (nematic, arXiv.org)

    9. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07227 Local evidence for collective spin excitations in a distorted kagome antiferromagnet:Pr$_3$BWO$_9$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    10. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07214 Spin-orbit coupling and magnetism in $\rm Sr_2CrO_4$ (oxide, arXiv.org)

    11. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07182 Hierarchical single-ion anisotropies in planar spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnets (arXiv.org)

    12. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359645421005334 Tailoring topological Hall effect in SrRuO3/SrTiO3 superlattices (WSChoi, ScienceDirect)

    13. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06902 Topological Lattice Models with Constant Berry Curvature (arXiv.org)

    14. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07270 Kondo effect with Wilson fermions (Kondo, arXiv.org)

    15. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07181 Epitaxial stabilization of metastable 3C BaRuO3 thin film with ferromagnetic non-Fermi liquid phase (WSChoi, arXiv.org)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031011 Presence of $s$-Wave Pairing in Josephson Junctions Made of Twisted Ultrathin ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CaCu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{8+x}$ Flakes (s-wave cuprate, Physical Review X)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014508 Eliashberg study of superconductivity induced by interfacial coupling to antiferromagnets (Eliashberg, PRB)

    18. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024504 Vortex dynamics, pinning, and angle-dependent motion on moir\‘e patterns (PRB)

    19. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035127 Effect of strain and many-body corrections on the band inversions and topology of bismuth (PRB)

    20. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035128 Theoretical evidence for the Peierls transition in ${\mathrm{NbO}}_{2}$ (Peierls, PRB)

    21. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035131 Intrinsic nature of chiral charge order in the kagome superconductor $\mathrm{Rb}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    22. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020409 Density matrix renormalization group boosted by Gutzwiller projected wave functions (PRB)

    23. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041106 Flat topological bands and eigenstate criticality in a quasiperiodic insulator (quasiperiodic, PRB)

    24. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041107 Coexistence of zero-, one-, and two-dimensional degeneracy in tetragonal ${\mathrm{SnO}}_{2}$ phonons (PRB)

    25. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06806v1 Emergence of Topological Superconductivity in Doped Topological Dirac Semimetals under Symmetry-Lowering Lattice Distortions (SCheon, arxiv.org)

    26. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06596v1 Discovery of Superconductivity in (Ba,K)SbO$_{3}$ (arxiv.org)

    27. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06443v1 Magnetic order and its interplay with structure phase transition in van der Waals ferromagnet VI$_3$ (arxiv.org)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.036401 Floquet-Bloch Oscillations and Intraband Zener Tunneling in an Oblique Spacetime Crystal (PRL)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014108 Pressure-induced $1T$ to $3R$ structural phase transition in metallic ${\mathrm{VSe}}_{2}$: X-ray diffraction and first-principles theory (PRB)

    30. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014507 Accurate modeling of FeSe with screened Fock exchange and Hund metal correlations (PRB)

    31. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024420 Trends of higher-order exchange interactions in transition metal trilayers (PRB)

    32. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035126 Effects of spin-phonon coupling in frustrated Heisenberg models (PRB)

    33. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035420 Atomistic origin of metal versus charge-density-wave phase separation in indium atomic wires on Si(111) (PRB)

    34. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045122 Complex charge density waves at Van Hove singularity on hexagonal lattices: Haldane-model phase diagram and potential realization in the kagome metals $A{V}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ ($A$=K, Rb, Cs) (kagome, PRB)

    35. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020408 Magnetoresistance driven by the magnetic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition (BKT, PRB)

    36. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05862 Dynamical and static spin structure factors of Heisenberg antiferromagnet on honeycomb lattice in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv.org)

    37. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05773 Phonon-Mediated Long-Range Attractive Interaction in 1D Cuprates (1D cuprate, arXiv.org)

    38. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05694 Instabilities of heavy magnons in an anisotropic magnet (heavy magnon, arXiv.org)

    39. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05922v1 First-principles study of the crystal structure, electronic structure, and transport properties of NiTe$_2$ under pressure (arxiv.org)

    40. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05801v1 Topological gapless points in superconductors: from the viewpoint of symmetry (arxiv.org)

    41. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06016v1 Exploration of Trivial and Non-trivial electronic phases, and Collinear and Non-collinear Magnetic phases in low-spin d$^5$ perovskites (arxiv.org)

    42. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05906v1 Hund’s metallicity enhanced by van Hove singularity in cubic perovskite systems (arxiv.org)

    43. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05862 Dynamical and static spin structure factors of Heisenberg antiferromagnet on honeycomb lattice in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv.org)

    44. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.037202 Magnonic Frequency Comb through Nonlinear Magnon-Skyrmion Scattering (PRL)

    45. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035419 Saddle point anomaly of Landau levels in graphenelike structures (PRB)

    46. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045412 Gate-controlled reversible rectifying behavior investigated in a two-dimensional ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ diode (PRB)

    47. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041105 NMR determination of Van Hove singularity and Lifshitz transitions in the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe (PRB)

    48. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014505 Relationship between superconductivity and nematicity in ${\mathrm{FeSe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Te}}{x}$ $(x=0\ensuremath{-}0.5)$ films studied by complex conductivity measurements (PRB)

    49. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024417 Anisotropy as a diagnostic test for distinct tensor-network wave functions of integer- and half-integer-spin Kitaev quantum spin liquids (PRB)

    50. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024418 Artificial out-of-plane Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with very small farther-neighbor couplings (frustration, PRB)

    51. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020406 Antichiral ferromagnetism (PRB)

    52. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014413 Intra-unitcell cluster-cluster magnetic compensation and large exchange bias in cubic alloys (PRB)

    53. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014414 Electric-field tuning of the magnetic properties of bilayer ${\mathrm{VI}}_{3}$: A first-principles study (PRB)

    54. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024416 Photocurrent response in parity-time symmetric current-ordered states (iridates, PRB)

    55. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045413 Stacking and gate-tunable topological flat bands, gaps, and anisotropic strip patterns in twisted trilayer graphene (PRB)

    56. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05372v1 Mechanism of exotic density-wave and beyond-Migdal unconventional superconductivity in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A=K, Rb, Cs) (kontani, arxiv.org)

    57. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04621v1 Majorana fermion arcs and the local density of states of UTe$_2$ (SRague, arxiv.org)

    58. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05462v1 Evolution of the Andreev bands in the half-filled superconducting periodic Anderson model (arxiv.org)

    59. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05059v1 Chirality of Bloch domain walls in exchange biased CoO/Co bilayer seen by waveguide-enhanced neutron spin-flip scattering (arxiv.org)

    60. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04976v1 RKKY coupled local moment magnetism in NaFe${1-x}$Cu${x}$As (arxiv.org)

    61. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04785v1 The field-angle anisotropy of proximate Kitaev systems under an in-plane magnetic field (BHKim, arxiv.org)

    62. http://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-021-01243-x Oscillations of the thermal conductivity in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3 (DOI.org (Crossref))

    63. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.04730v1 Excitation spectrum of spin-1 Kitaev spin liquids (arxiv.org)

    64. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031007 Stripes, Antiferromagnetism, and the Pseudogap in the Doped Hubbard Model at Finite Temperature (cuprate, Physical Review X)

    65. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024415 Theory of spin-Hall magnetoresistance in the ac terahertz regime (PRB)

    66. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035123 First-principles study of electron and hole doping effects in perovskite nickelates (nickelate, PRB)

    67. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045304 Thermoelectric response as a tool to observe electrocaloric effect in a thin conducting ferroelectric SnSe flake (SnSe flake, PRB)

    68. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024414 Universal spin wave damping in magnetic Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    69. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045121 First-principles study of the superconductivity in LaO (LaO, PRB)

    70. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020405 Topological charge scaling at a quantum phase transition (BKT, PRB)

    71. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020504 Effect of hole doping on superconductivity in compressed ${\mathrm{CeH}}_{9}$ at high pressures (Ce Hybride, PRB)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020505 Robustness of vortex-bound Majorana zero modes against correlated disorder (majorana, PRB)

    73. 2107.04546v1 Theory of the charge-density wave in $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ kagome metals (arxiv.org)

    74. 2107.04545v1 Revealing the competition between charge-density wave and superconductivity in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ through uniaxial strain (arxiv.org)

    75. 2107.04095v1 Nonreciprocal magnon fluxonics upon ferromagnet/superconductor hybrids (arxiv.org)

    76. 2107.04567v1 Dynamics of valence fluctuations in the extended periodic Anderson model (arxiv.org)

    77. 2107.04550v1 Kondo-lattice-mediated interactions in flat band systems (Lado, arxiv.org)

    78. 2107.04493v1 Ferro-octupolar order and low-energy excitations in d$^2$ double perovskites of Osmium (arxiv.org)

    79. 2107.04431v1 Failure to achieve the $J_{eff}$~=~0 state even in nearly isolated Ir$^{5+}$ in Sr$_3$NaIrO$_6$: are iridates enough for realizing true $j$-$j$ coupling? (arxiv.org)

    80. 2107.04371v1 Electric field driven flat bands: Enhanced magnetoelectric and electrocaloric effects in frustrated quantum magnets (arxiv.org)

    81. 2107.04363v1 Identification of a Low Energy Metastable 1$T$-Type Phase for Monolayer VSe2 (arxiv.org)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 July 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 July 2nd week collection
    1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24247-w Tunable room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped two-dimensional van der Waals ZnO (Nature Communications)

    2. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6551/213 Magnetic excitations in infinite-layer nickelates (Science)

    3. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.026803 Higher-Order Fabry-P\‘erot Interferometer from Topological Hinge States (PRL)

    4. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024410 Nature of the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition in ${\mathrm{Y}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{La}}{x}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    5. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014412 Origin and enhancement of the spin Hall angle in the Weyl semimetals LaAlSi and LaAlGe (PRB)

    6. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014411 Variational study of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Gamma model (PRB)

    7. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024413 Magnetic phase transition, magnetoresistance, and anomalous Hall effect in Ga-substituted $\mathrm{Y}{\mathrm{Mn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ with a ferromagnetic kagome lattice (PRB)

    8. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035202 High Chern number phase in topological insulator multilayer structures (PRB)

    9. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035411 Spectral features of magnetic domain walls on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators (PRB)

    10. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045113 Plateau transitions of a spin pump and bulk-edge correspondence (PRB)

    11. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045114 Anisotropic bilinear magnetoresistance in (110) $\mathrm{SrTi}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$-based two-dimensional electron gas (PRB)

    12. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045115 Kondo holes in strongly correlated impurity arrays: RKKY-driven Kondo screening and hole-hole interactions (PRB)

    13. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041104 Symmetry-enforced ideal lanternlike phonons in the ternary nitride ${\mathrm{Li}}{6}{\mathrm{WN}}{4}$ (PRB)

    14. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014410 Hierarchy of multi-order skyrmion phases in twisted magnetic bilayers (PRB)

    15. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035116 Spin dynamics in the Kitaev model with disorder: Quantum Monte Carlo study of dynamical spin structure factor, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR relaxation rate (PRB)

    16. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035119 Lattice collective modes from a continuum model of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    17. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041103 Concurrence of anomalous Hall effect and charge density wave in a superconducting topological kagome metal (PRB)

    18. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s82 Cold Atoms Go Topological (Physics)

    19. arXiv: 2107.03703 The role of transverse anisotropic elastic waves and Ehrenfest relationships in the superconducting state of the compound Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv.org)

    20. arXiv: 2107.03835 Topological magnon insulators in two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnets CrSiTe$_3$ and CrGeTe$_3$: towards intrinsic gap-tunability (arXiv.org)

    21. arXiv: 2107.03820 Antiskyrmions and Bloch Skyrmions in Magnetic Dresselhaus Metals (arXiv.org)

    22. arXiv: 2107.03501 Meron-antimeron crystals in noncentrosymmetric itinerant magnets on a triangular lattice (arXiv.org)

    23. arXiv: 2107.03500 Locking of skyrmion cores on a centrosymmetric discrete lattice: onsite versus offsite (arXiv.org)

    24. arXiv: 2107.03998 Topological Higgs Amplitude Modes in a Strongly Interacting Superfluid (arXiv.org)

    25. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.026401 Emulating Heavy Fermions in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Lado, PRL)

    26. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014304 Reinvestigation of crystal symmetry and fluctuations in ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    27. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024103 $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{As}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$: Pressure-induced three-dimensional Dirac semimetal with ultralow room-pressure lattice thermal conductivity (Dirac, PRB)

    28. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035408 Fermiology of two-dimensional titanium carbide and nitride MXenes (PRB)

    29. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045111 Sixfold, fourfold, and threefold excitations in the rare-earth metal carbide ${R}{2}{\mathrm{C}}{3}$ (PRB)

    30. arXiv: 2107.03169 Inducing chiral superconductivity on honeycomb lattice systems (arXiv.org)

    31. arXiv: 2107.02825 The role of orbital nesting in the superconductivity of Iron-based Superconductors (arXiv.org)

    32. arXiv: 2107.02811 Surface Majorana Cones and Helical Majorana Hinge Modes in Superconducting Dirac Semimetals (majorana Hinge modes, arXiv.org)

    33. arXiv: 2107.03148 Skyrmion Based Magnonic Crystals (arXiv.org)

    34. arXiv: 2107.02971 Strain-induced phase diagram of the $S = \frac32$ Kitaev material $\rm{CrSiTe_3}$ (arXiv.org)

    35. arXiv: 2107.02857 Magnetic and electronic structure of the topological semimetal YbMnSb$_2$ (arXiv.org)

    36. arXiv: 2107.02820 Network of topological nodal planes, multifold degeneracies, and Weyl points in CoSi (arXiv.org)

    37. arXiv: 2107.02818 Symmetry-enforced topological nodal planes at the Fermi surface of a chiral magnet (chiral magnet, nature)

    38. arXiv: 2107.02807 Quenching the Anderson impurity model at finite temperature: Entanglement and bath dynamics using matrix product states (MPS, arXiv.org)

    39. arXiv: 2107.03014 Structural and WAL analysis of Topological single-crystal SnSb2Te4 (arXiv.org)

    40. arXiv: 2107.02688 Electronic Nature of Charge Density Wave and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Kagome Superconductor KV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

    41. arXiv: 2107.02608 Suppression of antiferromagnetic order and strong ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in Ni-doped CaCo2As2 single crystals (AFM-FM, arXiv.org)

    42. PhysRevLett.127.027602 Multiple Charge Density Waves and Superconductivity Nucleation at Antiphase Domain Walls in the Nematic Pnictide ${\mathrm{Ba}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.127.027601 Strain-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in Magic-Angle Graphene (PRL)

    44. PhysRevB.104.045109 Metal-insulator transition and antiferromagnetism in the generalized Hubbard model: Treatment of correlation effects (Hubbard model, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.104.014204 Strictly localized states in the octagonal Ammann-Beenker quasicrystal (quasicrystal, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.104.014303 Efficient mapping for Anderson impurity problems with matrix product states (MPS, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.104.024406 Chiral hinge magnons in second-order topological magnon insulators (DLoss, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.104.035108 Fragile symmetry-protected half metallicity in two-dimensional van der Waals magnets: A case study of monolayer $\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{2}$ (van der Waals magnet, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.104.035111 First-principles study of the crystal structure, electronic structure, and transport properties of ${\mathrm{NiTe}}_{2}$ under pressure (PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.104.035113 Characteristic singular behaviors of nodal-line materials emerging in orbital magnetic susceptibility and Hall conductivity (PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.104.035301 Magnetic field controllable planar Hall effect in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ films (iridates/STO, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.104.045110 Deconfined criticality and a gapless ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ spin liquid in the square-lattice antiferromagnet (Sachdev, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.104.045406 Atomic manipulation of in-gap states in the $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{Bi}}_{2}\mathrm{Pd}$ superconductor (PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.104.L041102 Origins of electronic bands in the antiferromagnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.104.014404 Magnetism in graphene flakes with edge disorder (graphene flakes, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.104.014405 Magnetic domain wall dynamics in the precessional regime: Influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.104.024501 Magnetotransport in overdoped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$: Fermi liquid approach (QHLee, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.104.024502 Spin texture in a bilayer high-temperature cuprate superconductor (cuprate, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.104.035109 Equilibrium current in a Weyl semimetal–superconductor heterostructure (Weyl, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.104.035110 Spin and anomalous Hall effects emerging from topological degeneracy in the Dirac fermion system CuMnAs (PRB)

    61. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/s83 Stretching Solves a Mystery of Magic-Angle Graphene (Physics)

    62. 2107.01646v1 Friedel Oscillations and superconducting-gap enhancement by impurity scattering (Friedel Oscillations, arxiv.org)

    63. 2107.01374v1 Scattering due to non-magnetic disorder in 2D anisotropic d-wave high Tc superconductors (arxiv.org)

    64. 2107.01567 Superconducting insulators and localization of Cooper pairs (arXiv.org)

    65. 2107.02167 Spin-textured Chern bands in AB-stacked transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

    66. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01765 Uncovering double-stripe and plaquette antiferromagnetic states in the one-band Hubbard model on a frustrated square lattice (frustrated square lattice, arXiv.org)

    67. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01712 Entanglement entropy and out-of-time-order correlator in the long-range Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper model (AAH model, arXiv.org)

    68. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01344 Fermi arcs vs hole pockets: periodization of a cellular two-band model (Tremblay, arXiv.org)

    69. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.02038 Ferromagnetic half-metallicity in YBaCo2O6 and spin-states driven metal-insulator transition (arXiv.org)

    70. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01796 Quantum anomalous Hall effect from intertwined moir\‘e bands (arXiv.org)

    71. http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01328 Moir\‘{e} flat Chern bands and correlated quantum anomalous Hall states generated by spin-orbit couplings in twisted homobilayer MoS$_2$ (MFranz, arXiv.org)

    72. https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.125123 Breakdown of Hund’s rule for CuFeAs (CuFeAs, PRB)

    73. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.00891v1 $B_{\rm 1g}$ phonon anomaly driven by Fermi surface instability at intermediate temperature in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${7-\delta}$ (CKim, arXiv)

    74. https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.16025v1 Design and realization of topological Dirac fermions on a triangular lattice (Dirac fermion, arXiv)

    75. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.00912v1 Topological surface conduction in Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$ (Matsuda, arXiv)

    76. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.00876v1 Three-dimensional Stacking of Canted Antiferromagnetism and Pseudospin Current in Undoped Sr$_2$IrO$_4$: Symmetry Analysis and Microscopic Model Realization (Iridates, arXiv)

    77. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.00661v1 Nesting instability of gapless U(1) spin liquids with spinon Fermi pockets in two dimensions (arXiv)

    78. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.00274v1 Real-space Observation of Incommensurate Spin Density Wave and Coexisting Charge Density Wave on Cr(001) surface (DLFeng, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 July 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 July 1st week collection
    1. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045104 K”ahler geometry and Chern insulators:Relations between topology and the quantum metric (PRB)

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035405 Entanglement of electrons and lattice in a Luttinger system (PRB)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035105 Flat bands by latent symmetry (flat, PRB)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045103 Relations between topology and the quantum metric for Chern insulators (PRB)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041101 Origin of charge density wave in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ as revealed by optical spectroscopy (PRB)

    6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014203 Global phase diagram of disordered higher-order Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014402 Nonreciprocal emergence of hybridized magnons in magnetic thin films (PRB)

    8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035103 Phonon Hall viscosity from phonon-spinon interactions (Sachdev, PRB)

    9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035104 Mott insulating state and $d+id$ superconductivity in an ABC graphene trilayer (PRB)

    10. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035404 Exchange interaction, disorder, and stacking faults in rhombohedral graphene multilayers (PRB)

    11. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.045102 Lattice dynamics of the excitonic insulator ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}\mathrm{Ni}{({\mathrm{Se}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{S}}{x})}{5}$ (PRB)

    12. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020402 Topological magnon insulator spin excitations in the two-dimensional ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrBr}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    13. 10.1038/s41586-021-03560-w Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure (Wigner, Nature)

    14. 10.1126/science.abf1513 Nontopological zero-bias peaks in full-shell nanowires induced by flux-tunable Andreev states (Science)

    15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014202 Cascade of the delocalization transition in a non-Hermitian interpolating Aubry-Andr\‘e-Fibonacci chain (PRB)

    16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.024402 Finsler geometry modeling and Monte Carlo study of skyrmion shape deformation by uniaxial stress (PRB)

    17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035402 Friedel oscillations in graphene gapped by breaking $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{T}$ symmetries: Topological and geometrical signatures of electronic structure (Friedel oscillations, PRB)

    18. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L041401 Gigantic tunneling magnetoresistance in magnetic Weyl semimetal tunnel junctions (PRB)

    19. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035102 Correlation-induced octahedral rotations in ${\mathrm{SrMoO}}_{3}$ (octahedral rotation, PRB)

    20. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035401 Hall and bend resistance of a phosphorene Hall bar (PRB)

    21. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020501 Distinguishing trivial and topological zero-energy states in long nanowire junctions (PRB)

    22. arXiv: 2107.00269 Competition between charge-density-wave and superconductivity in the kagome metal RbV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv:2107.00269 [cond-mat])

    23. arXiv: 2107.00098 Metallic Hydrogen: A Liquid Superconductor? (arXiv:2107.00098 [cond-mat])

    24. arXiv: 2107.00047 Higher angular momentum pairings in inter-orbital shadowed-triplet superconductors: Application to Sr${2}$RuO${4}$ (Kee, arXiv:2107.00047 [cond-mat])

    25. arXiv: 2107.00012 Mechanism of skyrmion condensation and pairing for twisted bi-layer graphene (skyrmion, arXiv:2107.00012 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    26. arXiv: 2107.00031 Quantum magnetism and topological superconductivity in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chains (arXiv:2107.00031 [cond-mat])

    27. arXiv: 2107.00455 Mutual information, quantum phase transition and phase coherence in Kondo systems (YFYang, arXiv:2107.00455 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    28. arXiv: 2107.00256 Novel elementary excitations in spin-1/2 antiferromagnets on the triangular lattice (bond operator, arXiv:2107.00256 [cond-mat])

    29. arXiv: 2107.00130 Thermodynamic and transport properties of semiconducting two-dimensional metal-organic kagom\‘e lattices with disorder (arXiv:2107.00130 [cond-mat])

    30. arXiv: 2107.00028 Electron-magnon coupling and quasiparticle lifetimes on the surface of a topological insulator (arXiv:2107.00028 [cond-mat])

    31. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.016401 Colossal Density-Driven Resistance Response in the Negative Charge Transfer Insulator ${\mathrm{MnS}}_{2}$ (PRL)

    32. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.016803 Interfacial Electron-Phonon Coupling Constants Extracted from Intrinsic Replica Bands in Monolayer $\mathrm{FeSe}/\mathrm{SrTi}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (STO e-ph, PRL)

    33. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.017601 Specific Heat of a Quantum Critical Metal (PRL)

    34. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214519 One-dimensional scattering of two-dimensional fermions near quantum criticality (PRB)

    35. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245206 Eshelby-twisted three-dimensional moir\‘e superlattices (PRB)

    36. arXiv: 2106.15882 Observation of Superconductivity Induced Ferromagnetism in an Fe-Chalcogenide Superconductor (arXiv:2106.15882 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    37. arXiv: 2106.15859 Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering: a non-linear $\sigma$-model description (arXiv:2106.15859 [cond-mat])

    38. arXiv: 2106.15680 Investigation of superconducting properties of NbN films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on high-k dielectric HfO2 buffer layer (arXiv:2106.15680 [cond-mat])

    39. arXiv: 2106.16121 Honeycomb-lattice Gamma model in a magnetic field: hidden N\‘eel order and spin-flop transition (Gamma model, arXiv:2106.16121 [cond-mat])

    40. arXiv: 2106.15854 Magnetic-field-controlled spin fluctuations and quantum critically in Sr3Ru2O7 (quantum criticality Ruthenate, arXiv:2106.15854 [cond-mat])

    41. arXiv: 2106.15823 Phase diagram of an extended parafermion chain (arXiv:2106.15823 [cond-mat])

    42. arXiv: 2106.15714 Magnetic phase diagram of a spin-1/2 XXZ chain with modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (arXiv:2106.15714 [cond-mat])

    43. arXiv: 2106.15623 Critical drag as a mechanism for resistivity (Senthil, arXiv:2106.15623 [cond-mat])

    44. arXiv: 2106.15705 Composite Anyons on a Torus (arXiv:2106.15705 [cond-mat])

    45. arXiv: 2011.03666 Observation of topological phase with critical localization in a quasi-periodic lattice (arXiv:2011.03666 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    46. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.016602 Delocalization Transition of a Disordered Axion Insulator (PRL)

    47. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214450 Influence of domain wall anisotropy on the current-induced hysteresis loop shift for quantification of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (PRB)

    48. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214451 Interplay of spin magnetism, orbital magnetism, and atomic structure in layered van der Waals ferromagnet ${\mathrm{VI}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    49. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245146 Unification of topological invariants in Dirac models (PRB)

    50. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220410 Enhanced electrical magnetochiral effect by spin-hedgehog lattice structural transition (Hedgehog, PRB)

    51. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214446 Magnetic phases of a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a frustrated bilayer (frustrated bilayer, PRB)

    52. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214447 Multistage development of anisotropic magnetic correlations in the Co-based honeycomb lattice ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (PRB)

    53. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235163 Many-body perturbation theory for the superconducting quantum dot: Fundamental role of the magnetic field (PRB)

    54. arXiv: 2106.15548 Information-theoretic measures of superconductivity in a two-dimensional doped Mott insulator (trembly, PNAS)

    55. arXiv: 2106.15573 Band Structure and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (arXiv:2106.15573 [cond-mat])

    56. arXiv: 2106.15478 High-order Harmonic Generation and its Unconventional Scaling Law in the Mott-insulating Ca_2RuO_4 (arXiv:2106.15478 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    57. arXiv: 2106.14911 Higher-order van Hove singularity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv:2106.14911 [cond-mat])

    58. arXiv: 2106.14849 Superconductivity in an extreme strange metal (arXiv:2106.14849 [cond-mat])

    59. arXiv: 2106.14272 Anomalously Strong Near-Neighbor Attraction in Doped 1D Cuprate Chains (cuprate, arXiv:2106.14272 [cond-mat])

    60. arXiv: 2106.14125 Classical spin dynamics based on SU($N$) coherent states (CDBatista, arXiv:2106.14125 [cond-mat])

    61. arXiv: 2106.14105 Electronic and magnetic properties of iridium ilmenites $A$IrO$_3$ ($A=$ Mg, Zn, and Mn) (YMotome, arXiv:2106.14105 [cond-mat])

    62. arXiv: 2106.13991 Theory of Valley Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Moir\‘e MoTe$_2$/WSe$_2$ Heterobilayers (KTLaw, arXiv:2106.13991 [cond-mat])

    63. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021065 Coexistence of Surface Superconducting and Three-Dimensional Topological Dirac States in Semimetal KZnBi (Physical Review X)

    64. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.015301 Realizing Hopf Insulators in Dipolar Spin Systems (JMoore, PRL)

    65. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214445 Yb delafossites: Unique exchange frustration of $4f$ spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ moments on a perfect triangular lattice (PRB)

    66. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235436 Spin dynamics from a constrained magnetic tight-binding model (PRB)

    67. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235437 Coupling of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in one-dimensional chains of Fe atoms on Nb(110) (PRB)

    68. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245144 Quasi-four-component method with numeric atom-centered orbitals for relativistic density functional simulations of molecules and solids (PRB)

    69. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245434 Three-dimensional quantum Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    70. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245435 Spin- and valley-polarized transport and magnetoresistance in asymmetric ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ tunnel junctions (WSe2, PRB)

    71. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241117 Electronic correlations in the normal state of the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{KV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    72. arXiv: 2106.13443 Time-reversal symmetry-breaking charge order in a correlated kagome superconductor (arXiv:2106.13443 [cond-mat])

    73. arXiv: 2106.13491 Specific Heat and the gap structure of a Nematic Superconductor, application to FeSe (chubukov, arXiv:2106.13491 [cond-mat])

    74. arXiv: 2106.13622 Strain-sensitive superconductivity in kagome metals KV$_3$Sb$_5$ and CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ probed by point-contact spectroscopy (arXiv:2106.13622 [cond-mat])

    75. arXiv: 2106.13400 Emergent gapless topological Luttinger liquid (arXiv:2106.13400 [cond-mat])

    76. arXiv: 2106.13418 In- and out-of-plane field induced quantum spin-liquid states in a more ideal Kitaev material: BaCo$_2$(AsO$_4$)$_2$ (arXiv:2106.13418 [cond-mat])

    77. arXiv: 2106.13444 Surface density-of-states on semi-infinite topological photonic and acoustic crystals (arXiv:2106.13444 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    78. arXiv: 2106.13678 Long-Time Magnetic Relaxation in Antiferromagnetic Topological Material EuCd$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv:2106.13678 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 June 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 June 4th week collection
    1. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.256803 Synchronizing Bloch-Oscillating Free Carriers in Moir\‘e Flat Bands (PRL)

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.176604 Jerk Current: A Novel Bulk Photovoltaic Effect (PRL)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214309 Anomaly-induced sound absorption in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214310 Anomalous sound attenuation in Weyl semimetals in magnetic and pseudomagnetic fields (PRB)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235159 Evolution of the electronic structure in ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}{5}$ across the structural transition revealed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (TNS, PRB)

    6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235161 Thermoelectric Hall conductivity of fractional quantum Hall systems on a disk (PRB)

    7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235162 Bosonization study of a generalized statistics model with four Fermi points (PRB)

    8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241116 Competing magnetic orders and multipolar Weyl fermions in 227 pyrochlore iridates (Weyl, PRB)

    9. arXiv: 2106.12682 Atomic-scale Visualization of Electronic Fluid Flow (arXiv:2106.12682 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    10. arXiv: 2106.12685 Efficient ab initio many-body calculations based on sparse modeling of Matsubara Green’s function (arXiv:2106.12685 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    11. arXiv: 2106.12724 Superconductivity-Induced Spectral Weight Transfer due to Quantum Geometry (JAhn, arXiv:2106.12724 [cond-mat])

    12. arXiv: 2106.12644 Effects of reduced dimensionality, crystal field, electron-lattice coupling, and strain on the ground-state of a rare-earth nickelates monolayer (Khalliulin, arXiv:2106.12644 [cond-mat])

    13. arXiv: 2106.13057 General construction of flat bands with and without band crossings based on the wave function singularity (BJYang, arXiv:2106.13057 [cond-mat])

    14. 10.1126/science.abi7296 Two-dimensional ferroelectricity by design (Science)

    15. 10.1126/science.abd4607 Discovery of a Cooper-pair density wave state in a transition-metal dichalcogenide (PDW, Science)

    16. 10.1126/science.abd3230 Stacking-engineered ferroelectricity in bilayer boron nitride (Science)

    17. 10.1126/science.abe8177 Interfacial ferroelectricity by van der Waals sliding (Science)

    18. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.250505 Efficient Entanglement of Spin Qubits Mediated by a Hot Mechanical Oscillator (PRL)

    19. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235154 Eightfold quantum Hall phases in a time reversal symmetry broken tight binding model (PRB)

    20. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235155 Accurate simulation for finite projected entangled pair states in two dimensions (PRB)

    21. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235156 Superconductivity, charge density waves, and bipolarons in the Holstein model (PRB)

    22. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214442 Third-order topological insulator in three-dimensional lattice of magnetic vortices (vortex, PRB)

    23. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235157 Quenched disorder at antiferromagnetic quantum critical points in two-dimensional metals (PRB)

    24. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235428 Characterization of Shapiro steps in the presence of a 4\ensuremath{\pi}-periodic Josephson current (PRB)

    25. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241115 Type-II Dirac point in ${\mathrm{RbAg}}{5}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (Type-2 Dirac, PRB)

    26. arXiv: 2106.12078 Superconductivity of incoherent electrons in Yukawa-SYK model (chubukov, arXiv:2106.12078 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    27. arXiv: 2106.12220 $R$RuB$_{2}$ ($R$=Y, Lu), topological superconductor candidates with hourglass-type Dirac ring (PRB)

    28. arXiv: 2106.12473 High-temperature Majorana zero modes (MFranz, arXiv:2106.12473 [cond-mat])

    29. arXiv: 2106.11982 Can we realize Kitaev quantum spin liquids in the $j_\text{eff}=1/2$ honeycomb cobaltates? (arXiv:2106.11982 [cond-mat])

    30. arXiv: 2106.12090 First principles vs second principles: Role of charge self-consistency in strongly correlated systems (arXiv:2106.12090 [cond-mat])

    31. arXiv: 2106.12126 Quantum critical phenomena in a spin-1/2 frustrated square lattice with spatial anisotropy (square lattice frustrated spin, PRB)

    32. arXiv: 2106.12191 Longitudinal Magnetization and specific heat of the anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet on Honeycomb lattice (Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures)

    33. arXiv: 2106.12451 Field-Induced Spin Excitations in the Spin-1/2 Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsYbSe$_2$ (triangular lattice, arXiv:2106.12451 [cond-mat])

    34. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021062 Spintronics Meets Density Matrix Renormalization Group: Quantum Spin-Torque-Driven Nonclassical Magnetization Reversal and Dynamical Buildup of Long-Range Entanglement (DMRG, Physical Review X)

    35. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.256402 Roles of the Narrow Electronic Band near the Fermi Level in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$-Related Layered Materials (PRL)

    36. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.257002 Friedel Oscillations of Vortex Bound States under Extreme Quantum Limit in ${\mathrm{KCa}}{2}{\mathrm{Fe}}{4}{\mathrm{As}}{4}{\mathrm{F}}{2}$ (vortex, PRL)

    37. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245431 Optically induced persistent current in carbon nanotubes (CNT, PRB)

    38. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241114 Evidence for the random singlet phase in the honeycomb iridate ${\mathrm{SrIr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (random singlet, PRB)

    39. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235151 Nonlinear Hall effect in two-dimensional class-AI metals (PRB)

    40. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235427 Electromagnetic response of topological superconductors (PRB)

    41. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214440 Single-ion anisotropy is necessary and appropriate to study the magnetic behavior of ${\mathrm{Tb}}^{3+}$ moments with ${J}{\text{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$ on the honeycomb lattice in ${\mathrm{Tb}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{3}{\mathrm{Ga}}{9}$ (PRB)

    42. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235147 Orbital dichotomy of Fermi liquid properties in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ revealed by Raman spectroscopy (PRB)

    43. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235148 Large anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect by spin-cluster scattering in the strong-coupling limit (Nagaosa, PRB)

    44. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220504 Pressure-induced double superconducting domes and charge instability in the kagome metal ${\mathrm{KV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (PRB)

    45. arXiv: 2106.11477 First-principles study on the double-dome superconductivities in kagome material CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ under pressure (kagome, arXiv:2106.11477 [cond-mat])

    46. arXiv: 2106.11523 Observation of van der Waals phonons in the single-layer cuprate (Bi,Pb)$2$(Sr,La)$_2$CuO${6+\delta}$ (arXiv:2106.11523 [cond-mat])

    47. publisher: American Physical Society Topological properties of ${\mathrm{Mo}}{2}\mathrm{C}$ and ${\mathrm{W}}{2}\mathrm{C}$ superconductors (Mo2C, PRB)

    48. arXiv: 2106.11377 Spin structure factors of doped monolayer Germanene in the presence of spin-orbit coupling (Germanene, Scientific Reports)

    49. arXiv: 2106.11584 Role of spin-phonon and electron-phonon interactions in phonon renormalization of (Eu$_{1-x}$Bi$_x$)$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ across the metal-insulator phase transition: Temperature-dependent Raman and X-ray studies (arXiv:2106.11584 [cond-mat])

    50. arXiv: 2106.11697 Incommensurate magnetic order in rare earth and transition metal compounds with local moments (Incommensurate, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)

    51. arXiv: 2106.11954 Magic in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (LiangFu, arXiv:2106.11954 [cond-mat])

    52. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021061 Interaction-Stabilized Topological Magnon Insulator in Ferromagnets (DLoss, Physical Review X)

    53. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224430 Experimental evidence for a valence-bond glass in the $5{d}^{1}$ double perovskite ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{YWO}}{6}$ (PRB)

    54. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235146 Theory of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in graphene-based moir\‘e superlattices (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    55. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245133 Probing charge density wave phases and the Mott transition in $1T\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ by inelastic light scattering (PRB)

    56. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214438 Unconventional anomalous Hall effect from magnetization parallel to the electric field (Binghai, PRB)

    57. arXiv: 2106.10276 Filling-Enforced Obstructed Atomic Insulators (arXiv:2106.10276 [cond-mat])

    58. arXiv: 2106.10325 Magnetic transitions in the 1-D chain compounds NdPd5Ge3 and NdPt5Ge3 (arXiv:2106.10325 [cond-mat])

    59. arXiv: 2106.10337 The Kondo Cloud in a 1D Nanowire (arXiv:2106.10337 [cond-mat])

    60. arXiv: 2106.10431 Moire Superlattice Modulations in Single-Unit-Cell FeTe Films Grown on NbSe2 Single Crystals (arXiv:2106.10431 [cond-mat])

    61. arXiv: 2106.10459 Bulk-edge Correspondence in the Adiabatic Heuristic Principle (arXiv:2106.10459 [cond-mat])

    62. arXiv: 2106.10596 Reversible giant out-of-plane Rashba effect in two-dimensional Ga$XY$ ($X$= Se, Te; $Y$= Cl, Br, I) compounds for persistent spin helix (arXiv:2106.10596 [cond-mat])

    63. arXiv: 2106.10664 Designing flat-band tight-binding models with tunable multifold band touching points (flat band, arXiv:2106.10664 [cond-mat])

    64. arXiv: 2106.10824 A flat band-induced correlated kagome metal (arXiv:2106.10824 [cond-mat])

    65. arXiv: 2106.10995 Large anomalous Hall effect in the kagome ferromagnet LiMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (PRB)

    66. arXiv: 2106.11295 Superconductivity from energy fluctuations in dilute quantum critical polar metals (arXiv:2106.11295 [cond-mat])

    67. arXiv: 2106.11306 A simple analog of black hole information paradox in quantum Hall interfaces (arXiv:2106.11306 [cond-mat, physics:gr-qc, physics:hep-th])

    68. arXiv: 2106.10732 Aspects of strong electron-phonon coupling in superconductivity of compressed metal hydrides MH6 with Im-3m structure (arXiv:2106.10732 [cond-mat])

    69. arXiv: 2106.10802 Low-density superconductivity in SrTiO$_3$ bounded by the adiabatic criterion (STO, arXiv:2106.10802 [cond-mat])

    70. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.256601 Generating a Topological Anomalous Hall Effect in a Nonmagnetic Conductor: An In-Plane Magnetic Field as a Direct Probe of the Berry Curvature (GaAs, PRL)

    71. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224426 Electrically tunable and reversible magnetoelectric coupling in strained bilayer graphene (PRB)

    72. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224427 Dynamical spin susceptibility in ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$ studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (PRB)

    73. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224522 Robust gapless superconductivity in $4Hb\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    74. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224523 Linking structures of doubly charged nodal surfaces in centrosymmetric superconductors (PRB)

    75. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235142 Domain wall induced spin-polarized flat bands in antiferromagnetic topological insulators (PRB)

    76. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235145 Spin-orbital model for fullerides (PRB)

    77. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235425 One-dimensional ${2}^{n}$-root topological insulators and superconductors (PRB)

    78. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245131 Electronic structure of ${\mathrm{Tb}}{0.5}{\mathrm{Sr}}{0.5}{\mathrm{MnO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    79. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241110 Metal-insulator transition in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayer moir\‘e superlattices (PRB)

    80. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241410 Quantized exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer ${\mathrm{WS}}{2}$ on ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ substrate with atomically flat terraces (PRB)

    81. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214202 Localization and topological phase transitions in non-Hermitian Aubry-Andr\‘e-Harper models with $p$-wave pairing (PRB)

    82. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214203 Structural disorder-driven topological phase transition in noncentrosymmetric BiTeI (PRB)

    83. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214430 Angular dependence of Hall effect and magnetoresistance in ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}{3}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{SrIrO}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

    84. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214435 Effects of tilted magnetocrystalline anisotropy on magnetic domains in ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ thin plates (PRB)

    85. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224208 Real-space representation of the winding number for a one-dimensional chiral-symmetric topological insulator (PRB)

    86. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224423 Quantum states of a skyrmion in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet (PRB)

    87. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224425 Ground-state phase diagram of anisotropically interacting Heisenberg-$\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ models on a honeycomb lattice (PRB)

    88. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235141 Intrinsic hallmarks of phonon-induced charge order in cuprates (cuprate, PRB)

    89. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235424 Phenomenological model for long-wavelength optical modes in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer (PRB)

    90. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241112 Topological Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetal EuAgAs (PRB)

    91. arXiv: 2106.09879 Design Principles for High Temperature Superconductors with Hydrogen-based Alloy Backbone at Moderate Pressure (arXiv:2106.09879 [cond-mat])

    92. arXiv: 2106.09930 Floquet engineering of electric polarization with two-frequency drive (Morimoto, arXiv:2106.09930 [cond-mat])

    93. arXiv: 2106.10117 RKKY couplings in the Lieb lattice: flat-band induced frustration (RKKY, arXiv:2106.10117 [cond-mat])

    94. arXiv: 2106.10150 Geometry of the charge density wave in kagom${\‘e}$ metal AV${3}$Sb${5}$ (Binghai, arXiv:2106.10150 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 June 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 June 3rd week collection
    1. arXiv: 2106.09039 1D Majorana fermions and supersymmetry in quantum wires (Marra, arXiv:2106.09039 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    2. arXiv: 2106.09047 Dispersive 1D Majorana modes with emergent supersymmetry in 1D proximitized superconductors via spatially-modulated potentials and magnetic fields (Marra, arXiv:2106.09047 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    3. arXiv: 2106.09221 Clean vs Dirty: Anisotropic Scattering Caused by Apical Oxygen Vacancies in Overdoped Cuprates (arXiv:2106.09221 [cond-mat])

    4. arXiv: 2106.09351 Sub-gap Fano resonances in a topological superconducting wire with on-site Coulomb interactions (arXiv:2106.09351 [cond-mat])

    5. arXiv: 2106.09413 Fingerprints of possible even-parity superconducting states in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ detected by planar tunneling spectroscopy (arXiv:2106.09413 [cond-mat])

    6. arXiv: 2106.09577 Optical Response from Charge-Density Waves in Weyl Semimetals (arXiv:2106.09577 [cond-mat])

    7. arXiv: 2106.09717 Higher-order topological insulators from $3Q$ charge bond orders on hexagonal lattices: A hint to kagome metals (arXiv:2106.09717 [cond-mat])

    8. 10.1126/science.abd3190 Imaging orbital ferromagnetism in a moirÃe Chern insulator (Science)

    9. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.247001 Double Superconducting Dome and Triple Enhancement of ${T}{c}$ in the Kagome Superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{5}$ under High Pressure (PRL)

    10. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.247202 Axial Magnetoelectric Effect in Dirac Semimetals (PRL)

    11. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214514 Effect of Van Hove singularities on Shiba states in two-dimensional $s$-wave superconductors (PRB)

    12. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224418 In-plane magnetic field-induced skyrmion crystal in frustrated magnets with easy-plane anisotropy (skyrmion, PRB)

    13. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224419 Thermal Hall effect of chiral spin fluctuations (DiXiao, PRB)

    14. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224420 Structural and magnetic transitions in the planar antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Ba}}{4}{\mathrm{Ir}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{10}$ (PRB)

    15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235140 Spin-polarized type-II nodal loop and nodal surface states in hexagonal compounds $X{\mathrm{TiO}}_{2}$ ($X$ = Li, Na, K, Rb) (PRB)

    16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245424 Strange metal behavior of the Hall angle in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241109 Local Raman spectroscopy of chiral Majorana edge modes in Kitaev spin liquids and topological superconductors (PRB)

    18. arXiv: 2106.08354 Superconducting-like response in driven systems near the Mott transition (PALee, arXiv:2106.08354 [cond-mat])

    19. arXiv: 2106.08542 $g+ig$ topological superconductivity in the 30$^o$-twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv:2106.08542 [cond-mat])

    20. arXiv: 2106.08821 Decoupled nematic and magnetic criticality in FeSe${1-x}$S${x}$ (arXiv:2106.08821 [cond-mat])

    21. arXiv: 2106.08355 Exciton-driven antiferromagnetic metal in a correlated van der Waals insulator (JGPark, arXiv:2106.08355 [cond-mat])

    22. arXiv: 2106.08465 Evolution of the electronic structure in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ across the structural transition revealed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (arXiv:2106.08465 [cond-mat])

    23. arXiv: 2106.08791 Magnetic and geometrical control of spin textures in the itinerant kagome magnet Fe$_3$Sn$_2$ (arXiv:2106.08791 [cond-mat])

    24. arXiv: 2106.08954 Type-II Weyl semimetal vs gravastar (Volovik, arXiv:2106.08954 [cond-mat, physics:gr-qc, physics:hep-ph])

    25. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.246602 Rare Earth Engineering in $R{\mathrm{Mn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ ($R=\text{Gd}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\text{Tm}$, Lu) Topological Kagome Magnets (topological kagome, PRL)

    26. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.246601 Multiple Magnetic Topological Phases in Bulk van der Waals Crystal ${\mathrm{MnSb}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{7}$ (PRL)

    27. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.246801 Non-Abelian Tensor Berry Connections in Multiband Topological Systems (PRL)

    28. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235136 Dynamical screening in ${\mathrm{SrVO}}_{3}$: Inelastic x-ray scattering experiments and ab initio calculations (PRB)

    29. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235139 Pressure influence on the valence and magnetic state of Yb ions in noncentrosymmetric heavy-fermion $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{Ni}{\mathrm{C}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    30. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224519 Quantum criticality in ${\mathrm{Ce}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sm}}{x}\mathrm{Co}{\mathrm{In}}_{5}$ (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    31. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235138 Small to large Fermi surface transition in a single-band model using randomly coupled ancillas (Ya-Hui, PRB)

    32. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245128 Multipolar topological field theories: Bridging higher order topological insulators and fractons (YizhiYu, PRB)

    33. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245307 Signatures of dephasing by mirror-symmetry breaking in weak-antilocalization magnetoresistance across the topological transition in ${\mathrm{Pb}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sn}}{x}\mathrm{Se}$ (PRB)

    34. arXiv: 2106.07828 Cavity magnon-polaritons in cuprate parent compounds (arXiv:2106.07828 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    35. Ncomms Unusual competition of superconductivity and charge-density-wave state in a compressed topological kagome metal (Nature Communications)

    36. arXiv: 2106.07664 Fractonic plaquette-dimer liquid beyond renormalization (arXiv:2106.07664 [cond-mat])

    37. arXiv: 2106.07661 Experimental realization of a single-layer multiferroic (monolayer multiferroic, arXiv:2106.07661 [cond-mat])

    38. arXiv: 2106.07790 Interaction effects in Graphene in a weak magnetic field (arXiv:2106.07790 [cond-mat])

    39. arXiv: 2106.07793 Semi-Dirac and Weyl Fermions in Transition Metal Oxides (oxides, arXiv:2106.07793 [cond-mat])

    40. arXiv: 2106.08194 Magnetic ordering in non-centrosymmetric CePdAl${3}$ and CePtAl${3}$ (Ce, arXiv:2106.08194 [cond-mat])

    41. arXiv: 2106.08220 Ultrafast Optical Control of Magnetic Order and Fermi Surface Topology at a Quantum Critical Point (JXZhu, arXiv:2106.08220 [cond-mat])

    42. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214307 Asymmetric thermal transport in strained Weyl semimetals due to axial anomaly (Weyl, PRB)

    43. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214426 Theory for electrical detection of the magnon Hall effect induced by dipolar interactions (magnon, PRB)

    44. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214512 Evidence of zero-point fluctuation of vortices in a very weakly pinned $a$-MoGe thin film (Sachdev, PRB)

    45. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214513 Intertwined charge, spin, and pairing orders in doped iron ladders (PRB)

    46. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235133 Frustration-induced emergent Hilbert space fragmentation (PRB)

    47. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235134 Reentrant metal-insulator transition and competing magnetic interactions on a triangular lattice with second nearest-neighbor hopping (triangular lattice, PRB)

    48. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245126 Perovskite-type ${\mathrm{YRh}}_{3}\mathrm{B}$ with multiple types of nodal point and nodal line states (perovskite, PRB)

    49. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220407 Quantum critical phenomena in a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ frustrated square lattice with spatial anisotropy (square lattice, PRB)

    50. arXiv: 2106.06564 Electronic Structure of Chromium Trihalides beyond Density Functional Theory (arXiv:2106.06564 [cond-mat])

    51. arXiv: 2106.06852 Emergence of Spin Order in Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (arXiv:2106.06852 [cond-mat])

    52. arXiv: 2106.07223 Universal scaling of the specific heat in $S=1/2$ quantum kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (arXiv:2106.07223 [cond-mat])

    53. arXiv: 2106.07519 RKKY interaction and two Kondo impurities: the complete phase diagram (arXiv:2106.07519 [cond-mat])

    54. arXiv: 2106.07576 Yb delafossites: unique exchange frustration of 4f spin 1/2 moments on a perfect triangular lattice (4f, arXiv:2106.07576 [cond-mat])

    55. arXiv: 2106.07640 Superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (arXiv:2106.07640 [cond-mat])

    56. arXiv: 2106.06948 Two-dimensional superconductivity at heterostructure of Mott insulating titanium sesquioxide and polar semiconductor (Ti2O3, arXiv:2106.06948 [cond-mat])

    57. arXiv: 2106.07266 La-$X$-H hydrides: is hot superconductivity possible? (arXiv:2106.07266 [cond-mat])

    58. Nature Physics Nematic transition and nanoscale suppression of superconductivity in Fe(Te,Se) (FeTeSe, Nature Physics)

    59. physics When the Disorder is Just Right (Phillips, Physics)

    60. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224305 Ultrafast laser-driven many-body dynamics and Kondo coherence collapse (JXZhu, PRB)

    61. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224517 Phonon mechanism explanation of the superconductivity dichotomy between FeSe and FeS monolayers on ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ and other substrates (PRB)

    62. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235128 Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of ${\mathrm{LaVO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$: Band alignment and electronic reconstruction (PRB)

    63. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235130 Square-root topological phase with time-reversal and particle-hole symmetry (Hatsugai, PRB)

    64. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235310 Spin-orbit enabled quantum transport channels in a two-hole double quantum dot (PRB)

    65. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245120 Direct observation of an incommensurate charge density wave in the ${\mathrm{BiS}}{2}$-based superconductor ${\mathrm{NdO}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}\mathrm{F}{}{x}{\mathrm{BiS}}{2}$ (PRB)

    66. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235129 Large-$N$ theory of critical Fermi surfaces (Sachdev, PRB)

    67. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245119 Nonlinear transport in Weyl semimetals induced by Berry curvature dipole (Beryy curvature dipole, PRB)

    68. arXiv: 2106.06109 Superconductivity of centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric phases in antiperovskite (Ca,Sr)Pd$_3$P (antiperovskite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds)

    69. arXiv: 2106.06175 Superconductivity and Quantum Oscillations in Single Crystals of the Compensated Semimetal CaSb$_{2}$ (arXiv:2106.06175 [cond-mat])

    70. arXiv: 2106.06497 Charge-Density-Wave-Induced Peak-Dip-Hump Structure and Flat Band in the Kagome Superconductor CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ (arXiv:2106.06497 [cond-mat])

    71. arXiv: 2106.06204 Orbital-selective Mott phase and non-Fermi liquid in FePS$_3$ (arXiv:2106.06204 [cond-mat])

    72. arXiv: 2106.06441 Emergence of Dirac Composite Fermions: Dipole Picture (arXiv:2106.06441 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 June 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 June 2nd week collection
    1. arXiv: 2106.05899 Magnetic field effect on topological spin excitations in CrI$_3$ (CrI3, arXiv:2106.05899 [cond-mat])

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.236402 Systematic Investigation of the Coupling between One-Dimensional Edge States of a Topological Crystalline Insulator (edge,PRL)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.236802 Boundary Supersymmetry of $(1+1)\mathrm{D}$ Fermionic Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases (Juven, PRL)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.236401 Gap-Opening Transition in Dirac Semimetal ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ (ZrTe5, PRL)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245115 Topological polarization, dual invariants, and surface flat bands in crystalline insulators (PRB)

    6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214423 First-principles study of spin spirals in the multiferroic ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ (PRB)

    7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214508 Full superconducting gap and type-I to type-II superconductivity transition in single crystalline ${\mathrm{NbGe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214509 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states studied by tuning the electron density at the Fermi energy (PRB)

    9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224414 Spin-orbit torques in strained PtMnSb from first principles (SOT, PRB)

    10. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245116 Self-energy self-consistent density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory (DMFT, PRB)

    11. 10.1126/science.abf1581 The world of two-dimensional carbides and nitrides (MXenes) (MXenes, Science)

    12. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021036 Quench Dynamics of a Fermi Gas with Strong Nonlocal Interactions (Physical Review X)

    13. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021054 Incoherent Cooper Pairing and Pseudogap Behavior in Single-Layer $\mathrm{FeSe}/\mathrm{SrTi}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (Pseudogap STO, Physical Review X)

    14. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214422 Point-group selection rules and universal momentum-transfer dependencies for inelastic neutron scattering on molecular spin clusters (PRB)

    15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224516 Microscopic derivation of superconductor-insulator boundary conditions for Ginzburg-Landau theory revisited: Enhanced superconductivity at boundaries with and without magnetic field (PRB)

    16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214420 Channeling of spin waves in antiferromagnetic domain walls (PRB)

    17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214421 Majorana correlations in the Kitaev model with ordered-flux structures (Nasu, PRB)

    18. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214507 Influence of the Fermi surface geometry on the Josephson effect between iron-pnictide and conventional superconductors (PRB)

    19. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224413 Exchange constants for local spin Hamiltonians from tight-binding models (TB to spin, PRB)

    20. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224515 Spectroscopic evidence for the direct involvement of local moments in the pairing process of the heavy-fermion superconductor ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (CeCoIn5, PRB)

    21. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235118 Composite particle construction of the Fibonacci fractional quantum Hall state (PRB)

    22. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245114 Thermodynamic electric quadrupole moments of nematic phases from first-principles calculations (PRB)

    23. arXiv: 2106.05283 Characterizing two-dimensional superconductivity via nanoscale noise magnetometry with single-spin qubits (EDemler, arXiv:2106.05283 [cond-mat])

    24. arXiv: 2106.05567 Enhanced pairing mechanism in Cuprate-type crystals (cuprate, arXiv:2106.05567 [cond-mat, physics:math-ph])

    25. arXiv: 2106.05613 Anomalous charge transport of superconducting Cu$_{x}$PdTe$_2$ under high pressure (PRB)

    26. arXiv: 2106.05670 Lattice model for the Coulomb interacting chiral limit of the magic angle twisted bilayer graphene: symmetries, obstructions and excitations (arXiv:2106.05670 [cond-mat])

    27. arXiv: 2106.05922 Rich Nature of Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv:2106.05922 [cond-mat])

    28. arXiv: 2106.05270 Band manipulation and spin texture in interacting moir\‘e helical edges (arXiv:2106.05270 [cond-mat])

    29. arXiv: 2106.05272 General Construction and Topological Classification of All Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Flat Bands (arXiv:2106.05272 [cond-mat])

    30. arXiv: 2106.05287 Catalogue of Flat Band Stoichiometric Materials (arXiv:2106.05287 [cond-mat])

    31. arXiv: 2106.05383 The extended diffusive Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model as a sort of "stran (arXiv:2106.05383 [cond-mat])

    32. arXiv: 2106.05435 Thermoelectric transport of type-I, II, and III massless Dirac fermions in two-dimensional lattice model (arXiv:2106.05435 [cond-mat])

    33. arXiv: 2106.05457 Phase diagram of the Hubbard model on a square lattice: A cluster slave-spin study (arXiv:2106.05457 [cond-mat])

    34. arXiv: 2106.04672 Nematic response revealed by coherent phonon oscillations in BaFe$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv:2106.04672 [cond-mat])

    35. arXiv: 2106.04742 Orbitally Selective Resonant Photodoping to Enhance Superconductivity (arXiv:2106.04742 [cond-mat])

    36. arXiv: 2106.05076 Higgs mode stabilization by photo-induced long-range interactions in a superconductor (arXiv:2106.05076 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    37. arXiv: 2106.05225 Single-layer T’-type nickelates: Ni$^{1+}$ is Ni$^{1+}$ (nickelate, Physical Review Materials)

    38. arXiv: 2106.05235 Machine learning of superconducting critical temperature from Eliashberg theory (arXiv:2106.05235 [cond-mat])

    39. arXiv: 2106.04710 Topological Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic Dirac semimetal EuAgAs (arXiv:2106.04710 [cond-mat])

    40. arXiv: 2106.05071 Magnetic properties of the quasi two-dimensional centered honeycomb antiferromagnet GdInO$_3$ (arXiv:2106.05071 [cond-mat])

    41. arXiv: 2106.05217 Surface excitations relaxation in the Kondo insulator Sm${1-x}$Gd${x}$B$_{6}$ (arXiv:2106.05217 [cond-mat])

    42. arXiv: 2106.05263 Local Raman Spectroscopy of Chiral Majorana Edge Modes in Kitaev Spin Liquids and Topological Superconductors (Nagaosa, arXiv:2106.05263 [cond-mat])

    43. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.237001 Magnetic Field-Induced ``Mirage’’ Gap in an Ising Superconductor (PRL)

    44. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.236801 Observation of Nonlinear Spin-Charge Conversion in the Thin Film of Nominally Centrosymmetric Dirac Semimetal ${\mathrm{SrIrO}}_{3}$ at Room Temperature (PRL)

    45. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.237002 Optical Responses of Chiral Majorana Edge States in Two-Dimensional Topological Superconductors (PRL)

    46. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214107 Role of V-V dimers on structural, electronic, magnetic, and vibrational properties of ${\mathrm{VO}}_{2}$ by first-principles simulations and Raman spectroscopic analysis (dimers, PRB)

    47. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214417 Skyrmions as quasiparticles: Free energy and entropy (skyrmion, PRB)

    48. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224410 Strong influence of nonmagnetic ligands on the momentum-dependent spin splitting in antiferromagnets (PRB)

    49. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224412 Site mixing induced ferrimagnetism and anomalous transport properties of the Weyl semimetal candidate $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    50. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224513 Pressure-induced reemergence of superconductivity in the topological kagome metal $\mathrm{Cs}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

    51. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241104 Quantum-limit Hall effect with large carrier density in topological semimetals (PRB)

    52. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241105 Correlated electronic structure and optical response of rare-earth based semiconductors (PRB)

    53. arXiv: 2106.03963 Electronic structure of superconducting nickelates probed by resonant photoemission spectroscopy (nickelate, arXiv:2106.03963 [cond-mat])

    54. arXiv: 2106.04147 Importance of dxy orbital and electron correlation in iron-based superconductors revealed by phase diagram for 1111-system (Scientific Reports)

    55. arXiv: 2106.04162 Glue functions of cuprates obtained from optical spectra via machine learning (Hwang, arXiv:2106.04162 [cond-mat])

    56. arXiv: 2106.04200 Topological Superconductivity in an s-wave Superconductor and Its Implication to Iron-based Superconductors (JPHu, arXiv:2106.04200 [cond-mat])

    57. arXiv: 2106.04012 The ground state in a proximity to a possible Kitaev spin liquid: An undistorted honeycomb iridate NaxIrO3 (0.60 < x < 0.80) (arXiv:2106.04012 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    58. arXiv: 2106.04017 Particle-hole asymmetry in the dynamical spin and charge structure factors of the corner-shared one-dimensional cuprates (1D cuprate, arXiv:2106.04017 [cond-mat])

    59. arXiv: 2106.04062 A magnetic Weyl semimetallic phase in thin films of Eu$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv:2106.04062 [cond-mat])

    60. arXiv: 2106.04071 Quantum critical orbital diamagnetism in correlated Dirac system (arXiv:2106.04071 [pi-flux model, cond-mat, physics:hep-ph])

    61. arXiv: 2106.04395 Low-energy effective theory and symmetry classification of flux phases on Kagome lattice (arXiv:2106.04395 [cond-mat])

    62. arXiv: 2106.04396 Hybridization-gap Formation and Superconductivity in the Pressure-induced Semimetallic Phase of the Excitonic Insulator Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ (arXiv:2106.04396 [cond-mat])

    63. arXiv: 2106.04479 Transport in the 2D Fermi-Hubbard Model: Lessons from Weak Coupling (arXiv:2106.04479 [cond-mat])

    64. arXiv: 2106.04572 Extent of frustration in the classical Kitaev-$\Gamma$ model via bond anisotropy (Kee, arXiv:2106.04572 [cond-mat])

    65. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021052 Rapid Exploration of Topological Band Structures Using Deep Learning (Physical Review X)

    66. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.236601 Chirality-Dependent Hall Effect and Antisymmetric Magnetoresistance in a Magnetic Weyl Semimetal (Weyl, PRL)

    67. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214416 Temperature evolution of the phonon dynamics in the Kitaev spin liquid (PRB)

    68. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235308 Fermi arc reconstruction at the interface of twisted Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    69. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245113 Chemical control of the Rashba spin splitting size of $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-GeTe(111) surface states by adjusting the potential at the topmost atomic layer (CKim, PRB)

    70. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245201 Enhancing magnetic dipole emission in Eu-doped $\mathrm{Sr}M{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ ($M=\mathrm{Ti},\mathrm{Zr},\mathrm{Hf}$): First-principles calculations (PRB)

    71. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245409 Three-dimensional quantum Hall effect in the excitonic phase of a Weyl semimetal (PRB)

    72. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241103 Current-induced torques in magnetic Weyl semimetal tunnel junctions (PRB)

    73. arXiv: 2106.02641 Resonant high frequency topological Hall conductivity from skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv:2106.02641 [cond-mat])

    74. arXiv: 2106.02698 Non-symmorphic symmetry and field-driven odd-parity pairing in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Ce, arXiv:2106.02698 [cond-mat])

    75. arXiv: 2106.02904 Dynamic Band-Folding Induced Giant Unconventional Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Weyl Semimetal EuB6 (arXiv:2106.02904 [cond-mat])

    76. arXiv: 2106.02906 On the anomalous low-resistance state and exceptional Hall component in hard-magnetic Weyl nanoflakes (arXiv:2106.02906 [cond-mat])

    77. arXiv: 2106.02710 A crossover from Kondo semiconductor to metallic antiferromagnet with $5d$-electron doping in CeFe$2$Al${10}$ (Ce, arXiv:2106.02710 [cond-mat])

    78. arXiv: 2106.02753 Magnetic states of quasi-one-dimensional iron chalcogenide Ba$_2$FeS$_3$ (arXiv:2106.02753 [cond-mat])

    79. arXiv: 2106.03067 Engineering exotic second-order topological semimetals by periodic driving (arXiv:2106.03067 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    80. arXiv: 2106.03512 Protracting the Weyl phase by a giant negative lattice expansion in Bi doped Sm$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv:2106.03512 [cond-mat])

    81. arXiv: 2106.03689 Fully {\it ab-initio} electronic structure of Ca${2}$RuO${4}$ (arXiv:2106.03689 [cond-mat])

    82. arXiv: 2106.03740 Chiral phonons in honeycomb sublattice of layered CoSn-like compounds (chiral phonon, arXiv:2106.03740 [cond-mat])

    83. arXiv: 2106.03047 Spectroscopy of $NbSe_2$ using Energy-Tunable Defect-Embedded Quantum Dots (arXiv:2106.03047 [cond-mat])

    84. arXiv: 2106.03326 Intrinsic Superconducting Diode Effect (arXiv:2106.03326 [cond-mat])

    85. arXiv: 2106.03575 A Phenomenological Theory of Superconductor Diodes in Presence of Magnetochiral Anisotropy (nagaosa, arXiv:2106.03575 [cond-mat])

    86. PhysRevB.103.L241404 Ultrafast creation and melting of nonequilibrium excitonic condensates in bulk ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (exciton, PRB)

    87. PhysRevB.103.235409 Strong light-matter coupling in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (exciton, PRB)

    88. PhysRevB.103.235410 Clock model and parafermions in Rashba nanowires (DLoss, PRB)

    89. PhysRevB.103.245112 Matryoshka approach to sine-cosine topological models (SSH, PRB)

    90. PhysRevB.103.214106 Elucidation of local structure deformation in $\ensuremath{\kappa}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{(\mathrm{BEDT}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TTF})}{2}\mathrm{Cu}[\mathrm{N}{(\mathrm{CN})}{2}]\mathrm{Br}$ by x-ray fluorescence holography (organic, PRB)

    91. PhysRevB.103.214415 Local origin of the strong field-space anisotropy in the magnetic phase diagrams of ${\mathrm{Ce}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{La}}{x}{\mathrm{B}}_{6}$ measured in a rotating magnetic field (Ce, PRB)

    92. PhysRevB.103.214506 Normal state specific heat in the cuprate superconductors ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$ and ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2+y}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2\ensuremath{-}x\ensuremath{-}y}{\mathrm{La}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{6+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ near the critical point of the pseudogap phase (PRB)

    93. PhysRevB.103.224510 Effect of spin-triplet correlations on Josephson transport in atomically thin superconductor/half-metal/superconductor structures (PRB)

    94. PhysRevB.103.235113 Induced axion-phason field in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    95. PhysRevB.103.235411 Magnetic order in XY-type antiferromagnetic monolayer ${\mathrm{CoPS}}_{3}$ revealed by Raman spectroscopy (XY spin, PRB)

    96. PhysRevB.103.L220503 Local observation of linear-$T$ superfluid density and anomalous vortex dynamics in $\mathrm{U}{\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (PRB)

    97. arXiv: 2106.02055 Evidence for interplay between pseudogap and orthorhombicity in underdoped YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$ from ultrasound measurement (cuprate, arXiv:2106.02055 [cond-mat])

    98. arXiv: 2106.02063 Correlated insulators, semimetals, and superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv:2106.02063 [cond-mat])

    99. arXiv: 2106.02215 Topological superconducting domain walls in magnetic Weyl semimetals (JXZhu, arXiv:2106.02215 [cond-mat])

    100. arXiv: 2106.02485 Impact of Cation Stoichiometry on the Crystalline Structure and Superconductivity in Nickelates (arXiv:2106.02485 [cond-mat])

    101. arXiv: 2106.02211 Giant Biquadratic Exchange in 2D Magnets and its Role in Stabilizing Ferromagnetism of NiCl2 Monolayer (arXiv:2106.02211 [cond-mat])

    102. arXiv: 2106.02437 Frustration enhanced by Kitaev-exchange in a $\boldsymbol{\tilde{j}_{\text{eff}}=\frac12}$ triangular antiferromagnet (vandenBrink, arXiv:2106.02437 [cond-mat])

    103. arXiv: 2106.02616 Optical conductivity of a Dirac-Fermi liquid (arXiv:2106.02616 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 June 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 June 1st week collection
    1. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245303 Protecting quantum information in quantum dot spin chains by driving exchange interactions periodically (PRB)

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224509 Effects of disorder and hydrostatic pressure on charge density wave and superconductivity in $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224407 Magnetic order in the van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrPS}}_{4}$: Anisotropic $H\text{\ensuremath{-}}T$ phase diagrams and effects of pressure (AFM vanderWaals, PRB)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245408 Magnetizations and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in massive Dirac fermions (PRB)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214413 Magnetic and electronic ordering phenomena in the ${\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$-layer honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{AgRuO}}_{3}$ (Ruthenates, PRB)

    6. arXiv: 2106.01909 Supercurrent diode effect and finite momentum superconductivity (LiangFu, arXiv:2106.01909 [cond-mat])

    7. arXiv: 2106.01934 Enhancing the effective critical current density in a Nb superconducting thin film by cooling in an inhomogeneous magnetic field (arXiv:2106.01934 [cond-mat])

    8. arXiv: 2106.01944 Fluctuating spin and charge stripes in the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit (cuprate, arXiv:2106.01944 [cond-mat])

    9. arXiv: 2106.01381 Many-body energy invariant for $T$-linear resistivity (arXiv:2106.01381 [cond-mat])

    10. arXiv: 2106.01430 Topological Magnons: A Review (magnon, arXiv:2106.01430 [cond-mat])

    11. arXiv: 2106.01469 Charge order dynamics in underdoped La$\mathbf{{1.6-x}}$Nd$\mathbf{{0.4}}$Sr$\mathbf$CuO$\mathbf{_{4}}$ revealed by electric pulses (arXiv:2106.01469 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    12. arXiv: 2106.01747 Quaternary-digital data storage based on magnetic bubbles in anisotropic materials (arXiv:2106.01747 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    13. arXiv: 2106.02025 Relationship between A-site Cation and Magnetic Structure in 3d-5d-4f Double Perovskite Iridates Ln2NiIrO6 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd) (iridates, arXiv:2106.02025 [cond-mat])

    14. 10.1038/s41586-021-03541-z Signatures of moire trions in WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayers (Nature)

    15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214302 Universal features of canonical phonon angular momentum without time-reversal symmetry (Murakami, PRB)

    16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214411 Long-range anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets and electrically tunable ordering (PRB)

    17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224302 Anharmonicity and correlated dynamics of PbTe and PbS studied by single crystal x-ray scattering (PRB)

    18. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224507 Pole structure of the electronic self-energy with coexistence of charge order and superconductivity (PRB)

    19. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224508 Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator (PRB)

    20. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235110 Topology of an anti-parity-time symmetric non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, PRB)

    21. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235111 Any axion insulator must be a bulk three-dimensional topological insulator (PRB)

    22. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235302 Miniband engineering and topological phase transitions in topological-insulator–normal-insulator superlattices (PRB)

    23. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245407 Multilevel effects in quantum dot based parity-to-charge conversion of Majorana box qubits (PRB)

    24. arXiv: 2106.00731 Charge order at high temperature in cuprate superconductors (arXiv:2106.00731 [cond-mat])

    25. arXiv: 2106.00935 Strain-induced time reversal breaking and half quantum vortices near a putative superconducting tetra-critical point in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv:2106.00935 [cond-mat])

    26. arXiv: 2106.01007 First order superconducting phase transition in chiralp+ipsystem (arXiv:2106.01007 [cond-mat])

    27. arXiv: 2106.01133 MgPd$_2$Sb – the first Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor (PRB)

    28. arXiv: 2106.01248 Distinct band reconstructions in kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv:2106.01248 [cond-mat])

    29. arXiv: 2106.01307 Multiband effects on the upper critical field angular dependence of 122-family iron pnictide superconductors (Scientific Reports)

    30. arXiv: 2106.01361 Mixed parity octupolar pairing and corner Majorana modes in three dimensions (arXiv:2106.01361 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    31. arXiv: 2106.00690 $s$-wave paired composite-fermion electron-hole trial state for quantum Hall bilayers with $\nu=1$ (arXiv:2106.00690 [cond-mat])

    32. arXiv: 2106.00712 AI-assisted quantum many-body computation beyond Markov-chain Monte Carlo (arXiv:2106.00712 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

    33. arXiv: 2106.01046 Enhanced spin-orbit coupling and orbital moment in ferromagnets by electron correlations (arXiv:2106.01046 [cond-mat])

    34. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.223601 Flat Bands in Magic-Angle Bilayer Photonic Crystals at Small Twists (PRL)

    35. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.226801 Deconfinement of Majorana Vortex Modes Produces a Superconducting Landau Level (Beenakker, PRL)

    36. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235109 Anomalous Hall effect in the distorted kagome magnets (Nd,Sm)${\mathrm{Mn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (PRB)

    37. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235404 Topological and dynamical features of periodically driven spin ladders (PRB)

    38. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245107 Simulating higher-order topological insulators in density wave insulators (PRB)

    39. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245405 Effective narrow ladder model for two quantum wires on a semiconducting substrate (PRB)

    40. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214301 Phonon Hall effect with first-principles calculations (phonon, PRB)

    41. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214407 Geometric magnonics with chiral magnetic domain walls (magnon, PRB)

    42. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224503 Higgs mode mediated enhancement of interlayer transport in high-${T}_{c}$ cuprate superconductors (PRB)

    43. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224504 Majorana multipole response: General theory and application to wallpaper groups (MSato, PRB)

    44. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224505 Disorder effects on Majorana zero modes: Kitaev chain versus semiconductor nanowire (DasSarma, PRB)

    45. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235108 Universal signatures of Dirac fermions in entanglement and charge fluctuations (PRB)

    46. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235403 Transmission phase evolution in fully screened and overscreened Kondo impurities (Kondo, PRB)

    47. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245403 Interlayer ferromagnetism and high-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect in $p$-doped $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ multilayers (PRB)

    48. arXiv: 2106.00268 Superconducting ground state of nonsymmorphic superconducting compound Zr$_{2}$Ir (arXiv:2106.00268 [cond-mat])

    49. arXiv: 2106.00475 Magnetic field behaviour in $s+is$ and $s+id$ superconductors: twisting of applied and spontaneous fields (arXiv:2106.00475 [cond-mat])

    50. arXiv: 2106.00112 Intrinsic one-dimensional conducting channels in the Kondo insulator SmB6 (1D channel, arXiv:2106.00112 [cond-mat])

    51. arXiv: 2106.00113 Field-Direction Sensitive Skyrmion Crystals in Cubic Chiral Systems: Implication to $4f$-Electron Compound EuPtSi (skyrmion 4f, arXiv:2106.00113 [cond-mat])

    52. arXiv: 2106.00207 Field-induced meron and skyrmion superlattice in chiral magnets on the honeycomb lattice (skyrmion, arXiv:2106.00207 [cond-mat])

    53. arXiv: 2106.00440 Multiple field-induced phases in the frustrated triangular magnet Cs$_3$Fe$_2$Br$_9$ (arXiv:2106.00440 [cond-mat])

    54. arXiv: 2106.00632 Transport properties of the parent LaNiO2 (arXiv:2106.00632 [cond-mat])

    55. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.227201 Amplitude Mode in Quantum Magnets via Dimensional Crossover (PRL)

    56. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214501 $\mathrm{Mg}{\mathrm{Pd}}_{2}\mathrm{Sb}$: A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor (PRB)

    57. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245101 Infrared study of the interplay of charge, spin, and lattice excitations in the magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

    58. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245104 Electronic structure examination of the topological properties of ${\mathrm{CaMnSb}}_{2}$ by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (PRB)

    59. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241402 Control of the local magnetic states in graphene with voltage and gating (PRB)

    60. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214502 Quantized and unquantized zero-bias tunneling conductance peaks in Majorana nanowires: Conductance below and above $2{e}^{2}/h$ (PRB)

    61. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224501 Hidden strange metallic state in underdoped electron-doped cuprates (PRB)

    62. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214401 Critical behavior of the magnetic Weyl semimetal PrAlGe (PrAlGe, PRB)

    63. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214503 Spin waves and high-frequency response in layered superconductors with helical magnetic structure (PRB)

    64. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224402 Spin dynamics of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a kagome bilayer (PRB)

    65. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224404 Insight into interlayer magnetic coupling in $1T$-type transition metal dichalcogenides based on the stacking of nonmagnetic atoms (PRB)

    66. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235401 Pairing in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: Role of phonon and plasmon umklapp (PRB)

    67. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245302 Theory of the nonreciprocal Josephson effect (Nagaosa, PRB)

    68. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220401 Exact surface energy and helical spinons in the XXZ spin chain with arbitrary nondiagonal boundary fields (PRB)

    69. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220402 Zeeman coupling and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction driven by electric current vorticity (PRB)

    70. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220502 Possible insulator-pseudogap crossover in the attractive Hubbard model on the Lieb lattice (PRB)

    71. 10.1038/s41467-021-23467-4 Three-body correlations in nonlinear response of correlated quantum liquid (Nature Communications)

    72. arXiv: 2105.14034 Signatures of magnetic Weyl fermion annihilation (Hasan, arXiv:2105.14034 [cond-mat])

    73. arXiv: 2105.14290 Magnetic ordering tendencies in hexagonal boron nitride-bilayer graphene moir\‘e structures (arXiv:2105.14290 [cond-mat])

    74. arXiv: 2105.14175 Photoinduced concurrent intralayer and interlayer structural transitions and associated topological transitions in MTe2 (M=Mo, W) (arXiv:2105.14175 [cond-mat])

    75. arXiv: 2105.14384 Directional field-dependence of tunable magnetic domains in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi (Ce, arXiv:2105.14384 [cond-mat])

    76. arXiv: 2105.14562 Vortex creation and control in the Kitaev spin liquid by local bond modulations (arXiv:2105.14562 [cond-mat])

    77. arXiv: 2105.14763 Robustness of Helical Edge States Under Edge Reconstruction (random SOI, arXiv:2105.14763 [cond-mat])

    78. arXiv: 2105.15204 Electron correlations and $T$-breaking density wave order in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ kagome metal (QSi, arXiv:2105.15204 [cond-mat])

    79. arXiv: 2105.15205 Dilute magnetic moments in an exactly solvable interacting host (arXiv:2105.15205 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    80. arXiv: 2105.14243 Enhanced superconductivity in bilayer PtTe$_2$ by alkali-metal intercalations (arXiv:2105.14243 [cond-mat])

    81. arXiv: 2105.14494 Enhancement of superconductivity by electronic nematicity in cuprate superconductors (arXiv:2105.14494 [cond-mat])

    82. arXiv: 2105.13766 Long-lived $\pi$ edge modes of interacting and disorder-free Floquet spin chains (arXiv:2105.13766 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    83. arXiv: 2105.13422 Gapless Higgs Mode in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State of a Superconductor (SZLin, arXiv:2105.13422 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

    84. arXiv: 2105.13494 Nickelate superconductivity without rare-earth magnetism: (La,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ (arXiv:2105.13494 [cond-mat])

    85. arXiv: 2105.13614 S-wave Superconductivity in the Dirac Line-nodal Material CaSb2 (arXiv:2105.13614 [cond-mat])

    86. arXiv: 2105.13956 Intrinsic nature of spontaneous magnetic fields in superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking (arXiv:2105.13956 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (May 5 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 May 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 May 5th week collection
    1. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.215302 Topological Defect Engineering and $\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}$ Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Electrical Circuits (PRL)

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.216406 Anisotropic $c\ensuremath{-}f$ Hybridization in the Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Metal ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{6}{\mathrm{Ge}}{4}$ (Ce, PRL)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.216405 Topological Field Theory of Non-Hermitian Systems (SRyu, PRL)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.216407 Bulk-Boundary Correspondence for Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians via Green Functions (PRL)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184428 Nonreciprocal electronic transport in ${\mathrm{PdCrO}}_{2}$: Implication of spatial inversion symmetry breaking (PRB)

    6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184429 Defect-driven ferrimagnetism and hidden magnetization in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (PRB)

    7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195158 Disorder-induced zero-bias peaks in Majorana nanowires (PRB)

    8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174519 Interaction of a N\‘eel-type skyrmion with a superconducting vortex (PRB)

    9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195444 Low-symmetry nanowire cross-sections for enhanced Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (PRB)

    10. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195445 Magnon-polaron formation in XXZ quantum Heisenberg chains (PRB)

    11. arXiv: 2105.12761 Pairing and superconductivity in quasi one-dimensional flat band systems: Creutz and sawtooth lattices (1D model, arXiv:2105.12761 [cond-mat])

    12. arXiv: 2105.13250 Pressure-induced Superconductivity at 32 K in MoB2 (MgB2, arXiv:2105.13250 [cond-mat])

    13. arXiv: 2105.12738 Symmetry Invariants of Spin Space Groups in Magnetic Materials (arXiv:2105.12738 [cond-mat])

    14. arXiv: 2105.12890 Multipole classification in 122 magnetic point groups for unified understanding of cross-correlated and transport phenomena (arXiv:2105.12890 [cond-mat])

    15. arXiv: 2105.13037 Angular dependence of Hall effect and magnetoresistance in SrRuO$_3$-SrIrO$_3$ heterostructures (arXiv:2105.13037 [cond-mat])

    16. arXiv: 2105.13057 Systematic manipulation of the surface conductivity of SmB$_6$ (arXiv:2105.13057 [cond-mat])

    17. arXiv: 2105.13195 Observation of orbital order in the Van der Waals material 1T-TiSe2 (van den Brink, arXiv:2105.13195 [cond-mat])

    18. 10.1126/science.372.6545.890 Zinc aims to beat lithium batteries at storing energy (Science)

    19. 10.1126/science.abb9280 Nematic quantum criticality in an Fe-based superconductor revealed by strain-tuning (QCP FeSe, Science)

    20. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.021044 Spinon Fermi Surface Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{NaYbSe}}_{2}$ (triangular, Physical Review X)

    21. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.217202 Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Strongly Valence Fluctuating CeIrSn (AFM, PRL)

    22. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205151 Noncentrosymmetric topological Dirac semimetals in three dimensions (PRB)

    23. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195439 Super skew scattering in two-dimensional Dirac material systems with a flat band (super skew scattering, PRB)

    24. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184516 Josephson effect of superconductors with $J=\frac{3}{2}$ electrons (PRB)

    25. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195442 Flat band assisted topological charge pump in the dice lattice (PRB)

    26. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201120 Exact results for nonlinear Drude weights in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain (PRB)

    27. arXiv: 2105.12394 Revealing the Heavy Quasiparticles in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCu2Si2 (Ce, arXiv:2105.12394 [cond-mat])

    28. arXiv: 2105.12146 Realizing discontinuous quantum phase transitions in a strongly-correlated driven optical lattice (arXiv:2105.12146 [cond-mat, physics:gr-qc])

    29. arXiv: 2105.12403 Non-Hermitian Lindhard function and Friedel oscillations (arXiv:2105.12403 [cond-mat])

    30. arXiv: 2105.12438 Phonon-assisted insulator-metal transitions in correlated systems driven by doping (SSH, arXiv:2105.12438 [cond-mat])

    31. arXiv: 2105.12471 Theory of Paramagnon Drag in Thermoelectric Effect of Hubbard Model (arXiv:2105.12471 [cond-mat])

    32. arXiv: 2105.12648 Imaging antiferromagnetic domain fluctuations and the effect of atomic-scale disorder in a doped spin-orbit Mott insulator (Iridates327, arXiv:2105.12648 [cond-mat])

    33. arXiv: 2105.12656 Crystal-field excitations and vibronic modes in triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate TbInO$_3$ (SWCheong, arXiv:2105.12656 [cond-mat])

    34. arXiv: 2105.12726 $\mathrm{U(1)}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice (arXiv:2105.12726 [cond-mat])

    35. 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.029902 Half-Magnetic Topological Insulator with Magnetization-Induced Dirac Gap at a Selected Surface [Phys. Rev. X 11, 011039 (2021)] (Physical Review X)

    36. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.216404 Multicellularity of Delicate Topological Insulators (PRL)

    37. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.216802 Quantum Interferences in Ultraclean Carbon Nanotubes (PRL)

    38. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195438 Janus two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide oxides: First-principles investigation of $\mathrm{W}X\mathrm{O}$ monolayers with $X=\mathrm{S}$, Se, and Te (PRB)

    39. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205147 Emergent moments in a Hund’s impurity (PColeman, PRB)

    40. 2105.10206v1 Stability of skyrmion crystal phase in antiferromagnetic triangular lattice with DMI and single-ion anisotropy (skyrmion, arXiv)

    41. 2105.10250v1 Tunable zero modes and symmetries in flat-band topological insulators (SSH, arXiv)

    42. arXiv: 2105.11560 Confinement-induced zero-bias peaks in conventional superconductor hybrids (Jorge, arXiv:2105.11560 [cond-mat])

    43. arXiv: 2105.11664 Unified description of cuprate superconductors using four-band $d$-$p$ model (Yunoki, arXiv:2105.11664 [cond-mat])

    44. arXiv: 2105.11823 Inhomogeneous Superconducting State Probed by $^{125}$Te NMR on UTe$_2 (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan)

    45. arXiv: 2105.11850 Magnetization signature of topological surface states in a non-symmorphic superconductor (Geim, arXiv:2105.11850 [cond-mat])

    46. arXiv: 2105.12112 Fermionic Monte Carlo study of a realistic model of twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv:2105.12112 [cond-mat])

    47. arXiv: 2105.11489 Corner states, hinge states and Majorana modes in SnTe nanowires (SnTe, arXiv:2105.11489 [cond-mat])

    48. arXiv: 2105.11792 Purely entropy-driven magnetic phase transitions in the kagom\‘e system volborthite (kagome, arXiv:2105.11792 [cond-mat])

    49. arXiv: 2105.11883 Hartree-Fock Study of the Moir\‘e Hubbard Model for Twisted Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (AJMillis, arXiv:2105.11883 [cond-mat])

    50. arXiv: 2105.11978 Moir\‘e skyrmions and chiral magnetic phases in twisted CrX$_{3}$ (X $=$ I, Br, Cl) bilayers (Moire skyrmion, arXiv:2105.11978 [cond-mat])

    51. arXiv: 2105.12090 Weyl nodes close to the Fermi energy in NbAs (arXiv:2105.12090 [cond-mat])

    52. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174516 Superconductor-insulator transition in the absence of disorder (PRB)

    53. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195153 Electronic properties of epitaxial ${\mathrm{La}}{1\text{\ensuremath{-}}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}\mathrm{Rh}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ thin films (PRB)

    54. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195154 Fermi surface studies of the topologically nontrivial compound YSi (PRB)

    55. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205145 Triply degenerate nodal lines in topological and nontopological metals (PRB)

    56. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201406 Optically induced topological spin-valley Hall effect for exciton polaritons (PRB)

    57. arXiv: 2105.10504 Floquet Engineering Ultracold Polar Molecules to Simulate Topological Insulators (arXiv:2105.10504 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    58. arXiv: 2105.10584 Detecting delocalization-localization transitions from full density distributions (arXiv:2105.10584 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    59. arXiv: 2105.10694 Local origin of the strong field-space anisotropy in the magnetic phase diagrams of Ce$_{1-x}$La$_x$B$_6$ measured in a rotating magnetic field (Ce, arXiv:2105.10694 [cond-mat])

    60. arXiv: 2105.11101 Detecting photoelectrons from spontaneously formed excitons (arXiv:2105.11101 [cond-mat])

    61. arXiv: 2105.11300 Magnetic excitations in infinite-layer nickelates (arXiv:2105.11300 [cond-mat])

    62. arXiv: 2105.11378 Adiabatic transport in one-dimensional systems with a single defect (arXiv:2105.11378 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

    63. arXiv: 2105.11393 Unconventional charge density wave and photoinduced lattice symmetry change in Kagome Metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ probed by time-resolved spectroscopy (arXiv:2105.11393 [cond-mat])

    64. arXiv: 2105.10517 OpenMP solver for rotating spin-one spin-orbit- and Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (Computer Physics Communications)

    65. arXiv: 2105.11012 Effect of controlled artificial disorder on the magnetic properties of EuFe$2$(As${1-x}$P$_{x }$)$_2$ ferromagnetic superconductor (arXiv:2105.11012 [cond-mat])

    66. arXiv: 2105.11065 Meissner Effect: History of Development and Novel Aspects (arXiv:2105.11065 [cond-mat])

    67. arXiv: 2105.11159 Role of two-dimensional Ising superconductivity in the non-equilibrium quasiparticle spin-to-charge conversion efficiency (SSParkin, arXiv:2105.11159 [cond-mat])

    68. arXiv: 2105.11199 Unveiling non-Abelian statistics of vortex Majorana bound states in iron-based superconductors using fermionic modes (majorana, arXiv:2105.11199 [cond-mat])

    69. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.217201 Twisted Boundary Condition and Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Ingappability for Discrete Symmetries (Oshikawa, PRL)

    70. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174429 Laser-induced torques in metallic antiferromagnets (PRB)

    71. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174430 Random walk of antiferromagnetic skyrmions in granular films (PRB)

    72. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184515 Tunneling conductance of the ($d+ip$)-wave superconductor (PRB)

    73. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195150 Interplay between charge density wave and superconductivity in multiband systems with interband Coulomb interaction (PRB)

    74. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195152 Magnetism-mediated transition between crystalline and higher-order topological phases in NpSb (NpSb, PRB)

    75. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205143 Topological phase transitions and quantum oscillations in systems with broken time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

    76. arXiv: 2105.10204 Designing high-performance superconductors with nanoparticle inclusions: comparisons to strong pinning theory (arXiv:2105.10204 [cond-mat])

    77. arXiv: 2105.10004 Orbital-selective Peierls phase in the metallic dimerized chain MoOCl$_2$ (Dagotto, arXiv:2105.10004 [cond-mat])

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 May 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 May 4th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.206805 Two-Fluid Coexistence in a Spinless Fermions Chain with Pair Hopping (PRL)

    2. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174207 Numerical evidence of superuniversality of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional random quantum Potts models (PRB)

    3. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174307 Symmetry-induced even/odd parity in charge and heat pumping (PRB)

    4. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174425 Ordered ground states of kagome magnets with generic exchange anisotropy (PRB)

    5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174426 Magnetic properties of the itinerant ferromagnet ${\mathrm{LaCrGe}}_{3}$ under pressure studied by $^{139}\mathrm{La}$ NMR (PRB)

    6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184205 Quantum dynamics in the interacting Fibonacci chain (PRB)

    7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184309 Mobility edge and multifractality in a periodically driven Aubry-Andr\‘e model (PRB)

    8. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184424 Magnetoelastic coupling and phases in the skyrmion lattice magnet ${\mathrm{Gd}}{2}{\mathrm{PdSi}}{3}$ discovered by high-resolution dilatometry (PRB)

    9. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184513 Superconductivity by hidden spin fluctuations in electron-doped iron selenide (PRB)

    10. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L180405 Microscopic calculation of spin torques in textured antiferromagnets (PRB)

    11. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L180406 Fingerprinting triangular-lattice antiferromagnet by excitation gaps (PRB)

    12. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174306 Anharmonic phonon-phonon scattering at the interface between two solids by nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism (PRB)

    13. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174513 Spin excitations in the heavily overdoped monolayer graphene superconductor: An analog to the cuprates (PRB)

    14. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201115 Topological excitonic corner states and nodal phase in bilayer quantum spin Hall insulators (PRB)

    15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.195432 Effective Floquet model for minimally twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

    16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205424 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in real metals (PRB)

    17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L201117 Quantum transport of topological spin solitons in a one-dimensional organic ferroelectric (PRB)

    18. 2105.09589 : Chiral charge density waves induced by Ti-doping in 1T-TaS2 (CDW, arXiv)

    19. 2105.09568 : Higher-Order Topological Mott Insulator on the Pyrochlore Lattice (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    20. 2105.09556 : Structure and magnetic properties of the $S=3/2$ zigzag spin chain antiferromagnet BaCoTe$_2$O$_7$ (S-3/2, arXiv)

    21. 2105.09555 : Tunable reentrant Kondo effect in quantum dots coupled to metal-superconducting hybrid reservoirs (Kondo, arXiv)

    22. 2105.09334 : Exchange interactions, Jahn-Teller coupling, and multipole orders in pseudospin one-half $5\boldsymbol{d}^\mathbf{2}$ Mott insulators (Kee, arXiv)

    23. 2105.09322 : Superconductivity is boundless (Kivelson, arXiv)

    24. 2105.09898 : Enhancement of superconductivity in hole-doped CsV3Sb5 thin films (kagome, arXiv)

    25. 2105.09317 : Using disorder to identify of Bogoliubov Fermi-surface states (EGMoon, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.103.L180404 : Spin-orbit phase behavior of ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ at low temperatures (Co, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.103.184421 : Spin moir'e engineering of topological magnetism and emergent electromagnetic fields (YMotome, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.103.174424 : Dynamically stabilized spin superfluidity in frustrated magnets (Yaroslav, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.126.205701 : Doping-Induced Quantum Spin Hall Insulator to Superconductor Transition (spin Hall to SC, PRL)

    30. 2105.08042 : Dynamics of spectral correlations in the entanglement Hamiltonian of the Aubry-Andr'e-Harper model (AAH, arXiv)

    31. 2105.09239 : Origin of insulating ferromagnetism in iron oxychalcogenide Ce$_2$O$_2$FeSe$_2$ (Dagotto, arXiv)

    32. 2105.08981 : Theory of record thermopower near a finite temperature magnetic phase transition: IrMn (IrMn, arXiv)

    33. 2105.08888 : Flat Band Induced Negative Magnetoresistance in Multi-Orbital Kagome Metal (negative MR, arXiv)

    34. 2105.08858 : Strong Coupling Theory of Magic-Angle Graphene: A Pedagogical Introduction (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    35. 2105.09248 : Competing superconductivity and charge-density wave in Kagome metal CsV3Sb5: evidence from their evolutions with sample thickness (kagome, arXiv)

    36. 2105.09025 : Zero magnetic-field orbital vortices in non-centrosymmetric superconductors (orbital vortex, arXiv)

    37. 2105.08964 : Hole content dependent fluctuation diamagnetism in YBa2Cu3O7-{\delta}: possible role of the pseudogap (cuprate, arXiv)

    38. 2105.08711 : Effective theory of lattice electrons strongly coupled to quantum electromagnetic fields (arXiv)

    39. articles/v14/76 : Shining a Light on Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Graphene (graphene, physics)

    40. PhysRevB.103.205136 : Expectation value of the edge Majorana fermion in an interacting fermion chain (majorana, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.103.205139 : Strain tuning of nematicity and superconductivity in single crystals of FeSe (strain tuning FeSe, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.103.195144 : Electronic structure of the layered room-temperature antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{AlMn}}{2}{\mathrm{B}}{2}$ (AlMn2B2, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.103.184510 : Higher-order Weyl superconductors with anisotropic Weyl-point connectivity (Trauzettel, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.L180403 : Strongly anisotropic spin dynamics in magnetic topological insulators (magnetic TI, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.184420 : Unusual anisotropic magnetic orbital moment obtained from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in a multiferroic oxide system (CD multiferroic, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.174206 : Origin of the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity in the half-Heusler antimonides LuNiSb and YPdSb (half-Heusler, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.205135 : Extended Hubbard model in undoped and doped monolayer and bilayer graphene: Selection rules and organizing principle among competing orders (BitanRoy, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.126.206804 : Experimental Evidence of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Kekul'e-Ordered Graphene (Kekule, PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.126.206803 : Spontaneous Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking at Individual Grain Boundaries in Graphene (graphene Grain Boundary, PRL)

    50. PhysRevX.11.021038 : Relationship between Transport Anisotropy and Nematicity in FeSe (nematic, PRX)

    51. 2105.08862 : Charge Transfer and $d-d$ excitations in AgF$_{2}$ (AgF2, arXiv)

    52. 2105.08579 : Neural-network Quantum States for Spin-1 systems: spin-basis and parameterization effects on compactness of representations (Spin-1, arXiv)

    53. 2105.08652 : Reconcile the Bulk Metallic and Surface Insulating state in 1T-TaSe$_2$ (1T-TaSe2 arXiv)

    54. 2105.08448 : Inter-orbital singlet pairing in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: a Hund’s superconductor (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    55. 2105.08443 : Intertwined Weyl phases: higher-order topology meets unconventional Weyl fermions via crystalline symmetry (crystal Weyl, arXiv)

    56. 2105.08265 : Electronic structure and topology across $T_c$ in magnetic Weyl semimetal Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$ (Weyl, arXiv)

    57. s41467-021-22976-6 : Colossal topological Hall effect at the transition between isolated and lattice-phase interfacial skyrmions (skyrmion, Ncomms)

    58. 2105.08069 : Strange Metals from Melting Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (EAKim, arXiv)

    59. 2105.08099 : A topological flux trap: Majorana bound states at screw dislocations (screw dislocation, arXiv)

    60. PhysRevB.103.174509 : Two-dimensional superconductivity driven by interfacial electron-phonon coupling in a ${\mathrm{BaPbO}}{3}/{\mathrm{BaBiO}}{3}$ bilayer (BBO, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.103.195142 : Green’s function as a defect state in a boundary value problem (Green’s ft, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.103.184419 : Effective magnetic Hamiltonian at finite temperatures for rare-earth chalcogenides (rare-earth, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.103.184418 : Temperature effects in spin-dependent Hall currents in an ideal skyrmion gas (skyrmion, PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.103.195422 : Tuning of a bilayer graphene heterostructure by horizontally incident circular polarized light (circular polarized, PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.103.L201403 : Evidence of interfacial asymmetric spin scattering at ferromagnet-Pt interfaces (FM-Pt, PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.103.L201202 : Nonlinear transport without spin-orbit coupling or warping in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals (2D dirac, PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.103.L201112 : Twistronics versus straintronics in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (twistronics, PRB)

    68. PhysRevB.103.205134 : Temperature-driven $5f$ itinerant–localized crossover in the heavy-fermion compound $\mathrm{Pu}{\mathrm{In}}_{3}$ (5f, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.103.205132 : Interaction-resistant metals in multicomponent Fermi systems (Capone, PRB)

    70. PhysRevLett.126.206403 : Triple-Point Fermions in Ferroelectric GeTe (triple-point, PRL)

    71. PhysRevLett.126.206401 : Hund Physics Landscape of Two-Orbital Systems (SKChoi, PRL)

    72. 2105.07008 : Quantum Phases of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moir'e Systems (EAKim, arXiv)

    73. 2105.07732 : Enhancement of the superconductivity and quantum metallic state in the thin film of superconducting Kagome metal KV$_3$Sb$_5$ (KV3Sb5, arXiv)

    74. 2105.07568 : Time reversal symmetry breaking and $d$-wave superconductivity of triple-point fermions (triple-point, arXiv)

    75. PhysRevB.103.L180505 : Insulating regime of an underdamped current-biased Josephson junction supporting ${\mathbb{Z}}{3}$ and ${\mathbb{Z}}{4}$ parafermions (DLoss, PRB)

    76. PhysRevB.103.184416 : Interfacial and bulk spin Hall contributions to fieldlike spin-orbit torque generated by iridium (Ralph, PRB)

    77. PhysRevB.103.195132 : Relation of the entanglement spectrum to the bulk polarization (ES polarization, PRB)

    78. 2105.06937 : Large enhancement of Edelstein effect in Weyl semimetals from Fermi-arc surface states (Weyl, arXiv)

    79. 2105.06806 : EDIpack: A parallel exact diagonalization package for quantum impurity problems (ED, arXiv)

    80. 2105.06695 : Uniaxial strain control of bulk ferromagnetism in rare-earth titanates (TiO6, arXiv)

    81. 2105.06549 : Static and dynamic magnetic properties of honeycomb lattice antiferromagnets Na${2}M{2}$TeO$_{6}$, $M$ = Co and Ni (kitaev, arXiv)

    82. 2105.06651 : Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in real metals (YSR, arXiv)

    83. 2105.06642 : Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagentic order in Er${2}$O${2}$Bi with anti-Th${2}$Cr${2}$Si structure (SC and AFM, arXiv)

    84. 2105.06518 : Scattering Interference Signature of a Pair Density Wave State in the Cuprate Pseudogap Phase (PDW, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 May 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 May 3rd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.L201402 : Overscreened Kondo problem with large spin and large number of orbital channels: Two distinct semiclassical limits in quantum transport observables (Kondo, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.L201110 : Induced anomalous Hall effect of massive Dirac fermions in $\mathrm{Zr}{\mathrm{Te}}{5}$ and $\mathrm{Hf}{\mathrm{Te}}{5}$ thin flakes (Binghai, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.205124 : Fabry-P'erot resonant vortices and magnetoconductance i n topological insulator constrictions with magnetic barriers (TI, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.205125 : Direct observation of the quantum fluctuation driven amplitude mode in a microcavity polariton condensate (amplitude mode, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.195131 : SO(5) critical point in a spin-flavor Kondo device: Bosonization and refermionization solution (Kondo, PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.126.196407 : Experimental Observation and Spin Texture of Dirac Node Arcs in Tetradymite Topological Metals (Santander-Syro, PRL)

    7. 2105.06402 : The essential role of magnetic frustration in the phase diagrams of doped cobaltites (cobalate, arXiv)

    8. 2105.06154 : Unraveling exotic 5$f$ states and paramagnetic phase of PuSn$_3$ (5f, arXiv)

    9. 2105.06034 : Interlayer coupling and ultrafast hot electron transfer dynamics in metallic VSe2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures (VSe2, arXiv)

    10. 2105.05869 : Thermal anyon interferometry in phonon-coupled Kitaev spin liquids (JEMoore, arXiv)

    11. 2105.05857 : Kekul'e spiral order at all nonzero integer fillings in twisted bilayer graphene (kekule, arXiv)

    12. 2105.06133 : Size dependent nature of the magnetic-field driven superconductor-to-insulator quantum-phase transitions (SIT, arXiv)

    13. 2105.05925 : Accessing the degree of Majorana nonlocality with photons (majorana, arXiv)

    14. 2105.05861 : Magnon spin current induced by triplet Cooper pair supercurrents (magnon, arXiv)

    15. v14/s58 : A Mott Meter (Physics)

    16. PhysRevB.103.205119 : Methods for constructing parameter-dependent flat-band lattices (flat band, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.103.195310 : Bulk-edge correspondence in two-dimensional topological semimetals: A transfer matrix study of antichiral edge modes (transfer matrix, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.184506 : Type-I superconductivity in single-crystal ${\mathrm{Pb}}_{2}\mathrm{Pd}$ (Pb2Pd, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.174416 : Magnetic skyrmions and bimerons in films with anisotropic interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (skyrmion, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.L180504 : Chiral Majorana hinge modes in superconducting Dirac materials (majorana hinge mode, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.205121 : Stability against contact interactions of a topological superconductor in two-dimensional space protected by time-reversal and reflection symmetries (tSC, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.205123 : General corner charge formula in two-dimensional ${C}_{n}$-symmetric higher-order topological insulators (SMurakami, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.103.L201109 : Evidence of a topological edge state in a superconducting nonsymmorphic nodal-line semimetal (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.205122 : Exact diagonalization study of the anisotropic Heisenberg model related to ${\mathrm{YbMgGaO}}_{4}$ (ED, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.195416 : Theoretical study of structural and electronic properties of $2H$-phase transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.126.197203 : Field-Induced Modulated State in the Ferromagnet PrPtAl (PrPtAl, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.126.196406 : Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave State in $1\mathrm{T}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (TaS2, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.126.196405 : Distinguishing a Mott Insulator from a Trivial Insulator with Atomic Adsorbates (HWYeom, PRL)

    29. 372/6543/729 : The chain of chirality transfer in tellurium nanocrystals (Tellurium, Science)

    30. 372/6543/721 : Electric field control of superconductivity at the LaAlO3/KTaO3(111) interface (LAO/KTO, Science)

    31. s41567-021-01208-0 : Duality and domain wall dynamics in a twisted Kitaev chain (kitaev chain, nphys)

    32. 2105.05816 : Enhancing thermopower and Nernst signal of high-mobility Dirac carriers by Fermi level tuning in the layered magnet EuMnBi$_2$ (EuMnBi2, arXiv)

    33. 2105.05357 : Single particle properties of the 2D Hubbard model for real frequencies at weak coupling: Breakdown of the Dyson equation (2D Hubbard, arXiv)

    34. 2105.05293 : Strength of effective Coulomb interaction in two-dimensional transition-metal Halides MX$_2$ and MX$_3$ (M=Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni; X=Cl, Br, I) (SBlugel, PRM)

    35. 2105.05572 : Spontaneous egde and corner currents in $s+is$ superconductors (s + is, arXiv)

    36. 2105.05411 : Emergent fractional vortices and inter-layer Ising order in a bilayer of XY models (XY model, arXiv)

    37. 2105.05261 : Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition transport in spin-triplet superconductor (SBChung, arXiv)

    38. PhysRevB.103.195309 : Orbital Hall effect as an alternative to valley Hall effect in gapped graphene (orbital Hall effect, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.103.174414 : Tuning Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in ferrimagnetic GdCo: A first-principles approach (DMI, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.103.195413 : SU(4) spin waves in the $\ensuremath{\nu}=\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}1$ quantum Hall ferromagnet in graphene (graphene spin wave, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.103.195123 : Importance of electronic correlations for the magnetic properties of the two-dimensional ferromagnet ${\mathrm{CoBr}}_{2}$ (CoRr2, PRB)

    42. PhysRevLett.126.197201 : Spin-to-Charge Conversion in $\mathrm{Ag}/\mathrm{Bi}$ Bilayer Revisited (Rashba, PRL)

    43. PhysRevLett.126.196404 : Mechanisms for Pressure-Induced Isostructural Phase Transitions in EuO (EuO, PRL)

    44. PhysRevLett.126.196403 : Flat-Band-Enabled Triplet Excitonic Insulator in a Diatomic Kagome Lattice (EI, PRL)

    45. PhysRevX.11.021033 : Site Mixing for Engineering Magnetic Topological Insulators (magnetic TI, PRX)

    46. 2105.05149 : Unified description of resistivity and thermopower of Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$: possible influence of crystal field excitation in a Kondo lattice (crystal field excitation, PRB)

    47. 2105.05117 : Emergence of new van Hove singularities in the charge density wave state of a topological kagome metal RbV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv)

    48. 2105.05032 : Observation of nearly identical superconducting transition temperatures in pressurized Weyl semimetal MIrTe4 (M=Nb and Ta) (Weyl, arXiv)

    49. 2105.04576 : RKKY interaction in a spin-split superconductor (RKKY SC, arXiv)

    50. PhysRevB.103.195119 : Quantitative analysis of interaction effects in generalized Aubry-Andr'e-Harper models (AAH, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.103.205416 : Twisted bilayer graphene. VI. An exact diagonalization study at nonzero integer filling (Bernevig, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.103.205415 : Twisted bilayer graphene. V. Exact analytic many-body excitations in Coulomb Hamiltonians: Charge gap, Goldstone modes, and absence of Cooper pairing (Bernevig, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.103.205414 : Twisted bilayer graphene. IV. Exact insulator ground states and phase diagram (Bernevig, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.103.205413 : Twisted bilayer graphene. III. Interacting Hamiltonian and exact symmetries (Bernevig, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.103.205412 : Twisted bilayer graphene. II. Stable symmetry anomaly (Bernevig, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.103.205411 : Twisted bilayer graphene. I. Matrix elements, approximations, perturbation theory, and a $k\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}p$ two-band model (Bernevig, PRB)

    57. 2105.04542 : Anomalous transport and chiral order in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, arXiv)

    58. 2105.04502 : Spin-orbit correlations and exchange-bias control in twisted Janus dichalcogenide multilayers (Lado, arXiv)

    59. 2105.04391 : Quantum magnetism of iron-based ladders: blocks, spirals, and spin flux (Dagotto, arXiv)

    60. 2105.04094 : Role of Majorana fermions in spin transport of anisotropic Kitaev model (Kitaev, arXiv)

    61. 2105.03779 : Inhomogeneous magnetic multiband superconductors (SC, arXiv)

    62. 2105.03740 : Quantum oscillations in monoclinic SrIrO$_3$: non-trivial topology and strong electron correlations in a three-dimensional Dirac semimetal (iridates, arXiv)

    63. 2105.03574 : Observation of Nonlinear Spin-Charge Conversion in the Thin Film of Nominally Centrosymmetric Dirac Semimetal SrIrO3 at Room Temperature (Dirac, arXiv)

    64. 2105.04546 : High-order Van Hove singularities in cuprates and related high-Tc superconductors (Van Hove singularity, arXiv)

    65. 2105.03769 : From Majorana fermions to topological quantum computation in semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures (JDSau, arXiv)

    66. 2105.03639 : Pseudogap and superconductivity emerging from quantum magnetic fluctuations: a Monte Carlo study (ZYMeng, arXiv)

    67. 2105.03487 : Integrating superconducting van der Waals materials on paper substrates (van der Waals, arXiv)

    68. PhysRevB.103.205410 : Topological charge, spin, and heat transistor (transistor, PRB)

    69. PhysRevB.103.195410 : van der Waals corrected density functionals for cylindrical surfaces: Ammonia and nitrogen dioxide adsorbed on a single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT, PRB)

    70. PhysRevB.103.195306 : Electron density effect on spin-orbit interaction in [001] GaAs quantum wells (GaAs, PRB)

    71. PhysRevB.103.174411 : Melting of N'eel skyrmion lattice (skyrmion, PRB)

    72. PhysRevB.103.174410 : Theory of magnetism in the van der Waals magnet ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    73. PhysRevB.103.195411 : Twisted symmetric trilayer graphene: Single-particle and many-body Hamiltonians and hidden nonlocal symmetries of trilayer moir'e systems with and without displacement field (Bernevig, PRB)

    74. 2105.03208 : An SYK-inspired model with density-density interactions: spectral & wave function statistics, Green’s function and phase diagram (SYK, arXiv)

    75. 2105.03134 : Fractional quantum Hall effect in the Hofstadter model of interacting fermions (FQHE, arXiv)

    76. 2105.03129 : Neural network enhanced hybrid quantum many-body dynamical distributions (Lado, arXiv)

    77. 2105.03113 : Field-angle dependence of thermal Hall conductivity in magnetically ordered Kitaev-Heisenberg system (thermal Hall conductivity, arXiv)

    78. 2105.02891 : Gate-defined wires in twisted bilayer graphene: from electrical detection of inter-valley coherence to internally engineered Majorana modes (twisted bilayer graphene, arXiv)

    79. 2105.02888 : Kramers’ degeneracy for open systems in thermal equilibrium (Kramers degeneracy, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 May 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 May 2nd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.L201107 : Quantum thermal transport in the charged Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: Thermoelectric Coulomb blockade (thermal transport, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.205115 : Extrinsic phonon thermal Hall transport from Hall viscosity (Sachdev, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.205111 : Quantum oscillations in the field-induced ferromagnetic state of $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{x}{\mathrm{Te}}_{4}$ (MnBiSbTe, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.184407 : Functional renormalization group study of the Kitaev-$\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ model on the honeycomb lattice and emergent incommensurate magnetic correlations (YBKim, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.184202 : Subdiffusion in a one-dimensional Anderson insulator with random dephasing: Finite-size scaling, Griffiths effects, and possible implications for many-body localization (Griffiths, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.174408 : Current-induced dynamics of skyrmion tubes in synthetic antiferromagnetic multilayers (skyrmion, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.174302 : Classical many-body chaos with and without quasiparticles (Moessner, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.195116 : Transport in the non-Fermi liquid phase of isotropic Luttinger semimetals (Luttinger semimetal, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.103.195115 : Weyl nodal-line surface half-metal in ${\mathrm{CaFeO}}_{3}$ (Weyl nodal-line, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.184103 : Local structure of Nb in superconducting Nb-doped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (Bi2Se3, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.195114 : Manipulation of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling of a distorted $1T\text{-phase}$ Janus WSSe monolayer: Dominant role of charge transfer and orbital components (Rashba, PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.126.185303 : Chiral Anomaly in Interacting Condensed Matter Systems (Burkov, PRL)

    13. PhysRevX.11.021030 : Broadband Terahertz Probes of Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Disentangle Extrinsic and Intrinsic Contributions (THz, PRX)

    14. 2105.02673 : Versatility of spiral spin liquid in frustrated van der Waals magnets (GangChen, arXiv)

    15. 2105.02411 : Quantum Oscillation of Thermally Activated Conductivity in a Monolayer WTe$_2$-like Excitonic Insulator (PALee, arXiv)

    16. 2105.02791 : Local and non-local quantum transport due to Andreev bound states in finite Rashba nanowires with superconducting and normal sections (DLoss, arXiv)

    17. 2105.02654 : A strange metal in a bosonic system (strange metal, arXiv)

    18. 2105.02415 : Spin-valley locked instabilities in moire transition metal dichalcogenides with conventional and higher-order Van Hove singularities (DasSarma, arXiv)

    19. 2105.02287 : Boosting spintronics with superconductivity (spintronics, arXiv)

    20. PhysRevB.103.L020504 : Tunable critical field in Rashba superconductor thin films (Rashba, PRB)

    21. 2105.02235 : Eliashberg study of superconductivity induced by interfacial coupling to antiferromagnets (Eliashberg, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.103.205201 : Acoustic plasmons in type-I Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.103.205109 : Separated transport relaxation scales and interband scattering in thin films of ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}{3}$, ${\mathrm{CaRuO}}{3}$, and ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (transport relaxation scales, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.195407 : Quantized Majorana pump in semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures (majorana, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.195109 : Intershell interactions in correlated materials: A slave-rotor approach (silke, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.103.174504 : Conductance quantization in topological Josephson trijunctions (conductance quantization, PRB)

    27. PhysRevLett.126.187001 : Berry Curvature Effects on Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconductors (QNiu, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.126.186601 : Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting Two-Dimensional Networks (GYCho, PRL)

    29. 2008.08124 : WloopPHI: A tool for ab initio characterization of Weyl semimetals (Weyl, arXiv)

    30. 2105.02194 : Zero-field 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance signature of helimagnons in MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    31. 2105.01872 : $d$- and $p$-wave quantum liquid crystal orders in cuprate superconductors, $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$X, and coupled chain Hubbard models: functional-renormalization-group analysis (Kontani, arXiv)

    32. 2105.01813 : Phenomenological model for the third-harmonic magnetic response of superconductors: application to Sr${2}$RuO${4}$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    33. 2105.01689 : Twofold van Hove singularity and origin of charge order in topological kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (CsV3Sb5, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.103.195108 : Phase diagram of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Yukawa–Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: Non-Fermi liquid, insulator, and superconductor (ZYMeng, PRB)

    35. PhysRevLett.126.185301 : Three-Dimensional Dirac Phonons with Inversion Symmetry (Dirac Phonons, PRL)

    36. 2105.01626 : Microscopic formulas for thermoelectric transport coefficients in lattice systems (thermoelectric, arXiv)

    37. 2105.01624 : A general model of MnSi-like spiral magnets (MnSi, arXiv)

    38. 2105.01544 : Magnetostriction of {\alpha}-RuCl3 flakes in the zigzag phase (RuCl3 flakes, arXiv)

    39. 2105.01122 : Complex pressure-temperature structural phase diagram of honeycomb iridate Cu$_2$IrO$_3$ (iridates, arXiv)

    40. 2105.01075 : Fingerprints of quantum criticality in locally resolved transport (Qauntum criticality, arXiv)

    41. 2105.01397 : Anisotropic compression and role of Sb in the superconducting kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (CsV3Sb5, arXiv)

    42. 2105.01243 : Reentrant Superconductivity from Moir{'e} Landau Levels (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    43. 2105.01214 : Study of charge density waves in suspended 2H-TaS2 and 2H-TaSe2 by nanomechanical resonance (TaS2, arXiv)

    44. PhysRevB.103.L201101 : Topological Nernst effect, anomalous Nernst effect, and anomalous thermal Hall effect in the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ (Fe3Sn2, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.205403 : Tunable large Berry dipole in strained twisted bilayer graphene (FGuinea, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.205302 : Itinerant versus localized plasmons in an assembly of metal-dielectric parallel flat slabs in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field: Faraday and magneto-optical Kerr effects (Bergman, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.195103 : Mirror Chern numbers in the hybrid Wannier representation (mirror chern number, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.195101 : Dependence of $\mathrm{DFT}+\mathrm{DMFT}$ results on the construction of the correlated orbitals (AJMillis, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.103.184502 : Unconventional Majorana fermions on the surface of topological superconductors protected by rotational symmetry (majorana, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.103.205104 : Large anomalous Hall effect induced by gapped nodal lines in GdZn and GdCd (nodal line, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.103.184301 : Observation of a chiral wave function in the twofold-degenerate quadruple Weyl system BaPtGe (Weyl system, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.103.174502 : Time-reversal symmetry breaking and multigap superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor ${\mathrm{La}}{7}{\mathrm{Ni}}{3}$ (La7Ni3, PRB)

    53. PhysRevLett.126.187601 : Cooperative Cluster Jahn-Teller Effect as a Possible Route to Antiferroelectricity (antiferro, PRL)

    54. 2105.00902 : Frozen deconfined quantum criticality (QCP, arXiv)

    55. s43580-021-00051-y : A snapshot review—Fluctuations in quantum materials: from skyrmions to superconductivity (skyrmion-SC, arXiv)

    56. 2105.00550 : Tunable chiral charge order in kagome superconductor RbV3Sb5 (kagome SC, arXiv)

    57. 2105.00464 : Phase diagram of the three-band d-p model (three band model, arXiv)

    58. 2105.00688 : A toy model for localized to itinerant electron transitions (localized itinerant, arXiv)

    59. 2105.00387 : High-energy magnetic excitations from heavy quasiparticles in CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ (CeCu2Si2, arXiv)

    60. PhysRevB.103.L201401 : Femtosecond photoluminescence from monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$: Time-domain study on exciton diffusion (MoS2, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.103.L201102 : Koopmans’ theorem as the mechanism of nearly gapless surface states in self-doped magnetic topological insulators (magnetic TI, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.103.195401 : Readout of Majorana bound states via Landau-Zener transition (majorana, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.103.195105 : Spin-orbit coupling in the kagome lattice with flux and time-reversal symmetry (kagome, PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.103.195104 : Orbital susceptibility of T-graphene: Interplay of high-order van Hove singularities and Dirac cones (T-graphene, PRB)

    65. PhysRevB.103.174403 : Infrared phonon spectroscopy on the Cairo pentagonal antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Fe}}{4}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$: A study through the pressure-induced structural transition (Cairo pentagonal, PRB)

    66. PhysRevB.103.174402 : Topological magnons for thermal Hall transport in frustrated magnets with bond-dependent interactions (YBKim, PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.103.174401 : Magnetic anisotropy in the van der Waals ferromagnet $\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{I}}_{3}$ (VI3, PRB)

    68. 2104.15125 : Triangular pair-density wave in confined superfluid $^3$He (PDW, arXiv)

    69. 2104.15012 : Optical vortex manipulation for topological quantum computation (vortex, arXiv)

    70. 2104.15026 : Magnetic impurities at quantum critical points: large-$N$ expansion and SPT connections (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    71. 2104.14869 : Many-Body Quantum States with Exact Conservation of Non-Abelian and Lattice Symmetries through Variational Monte Carlo (VMC, arXiv)

    72. 2104.14857 : Surface plasmonics of Weyl semimetals (Weyl, arXiv)

    73. 2104.14853 : Development of spin fluctuations under the presence of $d$-wave bond order in cuprate superconductors (Kontani, arXiv)

    74. 2104.14634 : Topological charge density wave in monolayer NbSe2 (Topological CDW, arXiv)

    75. 2104.14606 : Pseudogap phase and fractionalization : an experimental test (Pepin, arXiv)

    76. 2104.14588 : Universal magnetic oscillations of conductivity in the incoherent regime of correlated systems (Zitko, arXiv)

    77. 2104.14578 : Conductivity in the Hubbard model: orbital effects of magnetic field (Hubbard, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 May 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 May 1st week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.155161 : Thermal effects in non-Fermi liquid superconductivity (Thermal effect, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.134445 : Chiral tunneling in single-layer graphene with Rashba spin-orbit coupling: Spin currents (Rashba, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.165144 : Quantum transport observed in films of the magnetic topological semimetal ${\mathrm{EuSb}}_{2}$ (EuSb2, PRB)

    4. 2104.14242 : Two-dimensional plasmonic polarons in n-doped monolayer MoS2 (MoS2, arXiv)

    5. 2104.14051 : Depinning of the Charge-Density Waves in Quasi-2D 1T-TaS2 Devices Operating at Room Temperature (TaS2, arXiv)

    6. 2104.14044 : Peierls/Su-Schrieffer-Heeger polarons in two dimensions (2D SSH, arXiv)

    7. 2104.14022 : Low-energy optical properties of the non-magnetic kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (V-based Kagome metals, arXiv)

    8. 2104.14487 : Double-dome superconductivity under pressure in the V-based Kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = Rb and K) (double-dome SC, arXiv)

    9. 2104.14195 : Observation of perfect diamagnetism and interfacial effect on the electronic structures in Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 superconducting infinite layers (nickelate, arXiv)

    10. 2104.14160 : Stripe versus superconductivity in the doped Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice (Stripe SC, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.103.155110 : Stripe order in the doped Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice (Mingpu, PRB)

    12. 2104.14026 : In-plane critical magnetic fields in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.103.144435 : Induced order and collective excitations in three-singlet quantum magnets (three-singlet quauntum magnets, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.103.134517 : Chemical physics of superconductivity in layered yttrium carbide halides from first principles (Arita, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.L161411 : Electrically controlled emission from singlet and triplet exciton species in atomically thin light-emitting diodes (singlet-triplet, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.165141 : Signatures of Fermi surface topology change in the nodal-line semimetal ${\mathrm{ZrSiSe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Te}}{x}$ (nodal-line semimetal, PRB)

    17. science372/6541/508 : Parity-preserving and magnetic field–resilient superconductivity in InSb nanowires with Sn shells (nanowire, Science)

    18. science372/6541/496 : Electric field control of natural optical activity in a multiferroic helimagnet (YTokura, Science)

    19. PhysRevB.103.155157 : Moir'e superlattice on the surface of a topological insulator (Cano, PRB)

    20. PhysRevX.11.021024 : Moir'e Surface States and Enhanced Superconductivity in Topological Insulators (LiangFu, PRX)

    21. 2104.13723 : From Slater to Mott physics: epitaxial engineering of electronic correlations in oxide interfaces (Slater-Mott, arXiv)

    22. 2104.13704 : Spin and anomalous Hall effects emerging from topological degeneracy in Dirac fermion system CuMnAs (CuMnAs, arXiv)

    23. 2104.13393 : Spatiotemporal crossover between low- and high-temperature dynamical regimes in the quantum Heisenberg magnet (JEMoore, arXiv)

    24. 2104.13381 : Observation of a phase transition within the domain walls of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (magnetic Weyl, arXiv)

    25. 2104.13920 : Re-entrant Superconductivity Through a Quantum Lifshitz Transition in Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Senthil, arXiv)

    26. 2104.13802 : One-dimensional scattering of two-dimensional fermions near quantum criticality (Chubukov, arXiv)

    27. 2104.13735 : Magnetoplasmon resonance technique to monitor two-dimensional Dirac superconductors in fluctuating regime (2D Dirac SC, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.103.L161112 : Emergence of charge loop current in the geometrically frustrated Hubbard model: A functional renormalization group study (Kontani, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.103.165140 : First-principles study of the role of surface in the heavy-fermion compound ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ (CeRh2Si2, PRB)

    30. PhysRevLett.126.176403 : Orbital Complexity in Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulators ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{4}{\mathrm{Te}}{7}$ and ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{6}{\mathrm{Te}}{10}$ (MnBiTe, PRL)

    31. 2104.13344 : Diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo study of an acoustic lattice polaron (nagaosa, arXiv)

    32. 2104.13235 : magnetic topological insulators (GangChen, arXiv)

    33. 2104.12933 : Direct observation of 3D topological spin textures and their interactions using soft x-ray vector ptychography (3D spin texture, arXiv)

    34. 2104.12887 : Spin Transport in Quantum Spin-Orbital Liquids (spin-orbital liquid, arXiv)

    35. 2104.12791 : Higher-Order Topology and Corner Triplon Excitations in 2D Quantum Paramagnets (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    36. 2104.13205 : Renormalized q-dependent Spin Susceptibility by inverting the Random Phase Approximation: Implications for quantitative assessment of the role of spin fluctuations in 2D Ising superconductor NbSe$_{2}$ (IgorMazin, arXiv)

    37. 2104.12957 : Orbital driven two-dome superconducting phases in multiorbital superconductors (two-dome SC, arXiv)

    38. 2104.12944 : Atomically Thin Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (spin Hall insulator, arXiv)

    39. 2104.12823 : Reinvestigation of crystal symmetry and fluctuations in La$_2$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    40. 2104.12812 : A unified theory of spin and charge excitations in high-$T_c$ cuprates: Quantitative comparison with experiment and interpretation (cuprate, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.103.165424 : Spintronics with a Weyl point in superconducting nanostructures (Nazarov, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.103.134515 : Observation of cyclotron resonance and measurement of the hole mass in optimally doped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.103.165139 : Interacting spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ fermions in a Luttinger semimetal: Competing phases and their selection in the global phase diagram (BitanRoy, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.165138 : Doping the chiral spin liquid: Topological superconductor or chiral metal (YHZhang, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.155430 : Magnon dispersion in bilayers of two-dimensional ferromagnets (Gerrit Bauer, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.155154 : Spin and charge order in doped spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (Iridates, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.155151 : Dynamics of local magnetic moments induced by itinerant Weyl electrons (Weyl, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.126.177801 : Structural Landscapes in Geometrically Frustrated Smectics (Smectics, PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.126.177201 : Floquet Engineering Correlated Materials with Unpolarized Light (Floquet, PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.126.177701 : Deep-Learning Approach to First-Principles Transport Simulations (Deep learning, PRL)

    51. PhysRevX.11.021022 : Coupling a Mobile Hole to an Antiferromagnetic Spin Background: Transient Dynamics of a Magnetic Polaron (PRX)

    52. 2104.12438 : Emergence of spin-orbit coupled ferromagnetic surface state derived from Zak phase in a nonmagnetic insulator FeSi (Tokura, arXiv)

    53. 2104.12361 : Calculating the Green’s function of two-site Fermionic Hubbard model in a photonic system (Hubbard model, arXiv)

    54. 2104.12242 : Electronic excitation spectra of cerium oxides: from ab initio dielectric response functions to Monte Carlo charge transport simulations (Ce oxide, arXiv)

    55. 2104.12184 : Robustness of the thermal Hall effect close to half-quantization in a field-induced spin liquid state (thermal Hall effect, arXiv)

    56. 2104.12129 : Electrical resistivity in 2d Kondo lattice systems (2D Kondo lattice, arXiv)

    57. 2104.12120 : Enhanced Electrical Magnetochiral Effect by Spin-hedgehog Lattice Structural Transition (spin-hedgehog, arXiv)

    58. 2104.11791 : Fermi surface and mass renormalization in the iron-based superconductor YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ (iron-based SC, arXiv)

    59. 2104.12441 : Ladder of higher-order topological superconductor in three dimension (higer order majorana, arXiv)

    60. PhysRevB.103.L161303 : Charge-four Weyl phonons (Weyl phonon, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.103.L140409 : Multiple-magnon excitations shape the spin spectrum of cuprate parent compounds (cuprate, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.103.165136 : Anisotropic quasiparticle coherence in nematic ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ studied with strain-dependent ARPES (nematic, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.103.155148 : Observation of topological Dirac fermions and surface states in superconducting $\mathrm{Ba}{\mathrm{Sn}}_{3}$ (BaSn3, PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.103.134514 : Chiral topological superconductivity in Josephson junctions (chiral topological SC, PRB)

    65. PhysRevLett.126.175501 : High-Pressure Synthesis of Dirac Materials: Layered van der Waals Bonded ${\mathrm{BeN}}_{4}$ Polymorph (BeN4, PRB)

    66. 2104.11503 : Controlled length-dependent interaction of Majorana modes in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chains (Shiba, arXiv)

    67. 2104.11497 : Evidence of topological Shiba bands in artificial spin chains on superconductors (Shiba, arXiv)

    68. 2104.11418 : Electric polarization and nonlinear optical effects in noncentrosymmetric magnets (Morimoto, arXiv)

    69. 2104.11363 : Nematicity Liquid in a Trimerized-Kagome Antiferromagnet (nematic kagome, arXiv)

    70. 2104.11245 : Non-Trivial Fixed Points and Truncated SU(4) Kondo Models in a Quasi-Quartet Multipolar Kondo Impurity Problem (YBKim, arXiv)

    71. 2104.11237 : A supervised learning algorithm for interacting topological insulators based on local curvature (machine learning, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 4th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.165419 : Quasiparticle band structures of bulk and few-layer ${\mathrm{PdSe}}_{2}$ from first-principles $GW$ calculations (PbSe2, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.165135 : Unified description of resistivity and thermopower of ${\mathrm{Pr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$: Possible influence of crystal field excitation in a Kondo lattice (Kondo, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.134435 : Polarization as a tuning parameter for Floquet engineering: Magnetism in the honeycomb, square, and triangular Mott insulators (Polarization-Floquet, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.L161110 : Fractional chiral hinge insulator (Bernevig, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.L140408 : Proper and improper chiral magnetic interactions (Blugel, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.165417 : Superflat energy band induced by moir'e electric potential in twisted bilayer graphene (graphene, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.155147 : Modeling multiorbital effects in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ under strain and a Zeeman field (iridates, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.126.165501 : Extended Defects in Graphene and Their Contribution to the Excess Specific Heat at High Temperatures (graphene, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.126.163203 : Tunable Single-Ion Anisotropy in Spin-1 Models Realized with Ultracold Atoms (spin-1, PRL)

    10. 2104.11173 : Mobile Majorana zero-modes in two-channel Kondo insulators (Kondo, arXiv)

    11. 2104.11022 : Direct identification of Mott Hubbard band pattern beyond charge density wave superlattice in monolayer 1T-NbSe2 (1T-NbSe2, arXiv)

    12. 2104.10859 : Dynamic Spin Fluctuations in the Frustrated Spin Chain Compound Li$_3$Cu$_2$SbO$_6$ (spin fluctuation, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.103.155126 : Charge and anion ordering in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor ${(\mathrm{TMTTF})}{2}{\mathrm{NO}}{3}$ (1D organic, PRB)

    14. 2104.10725 : Unusual excitations and double-peak specific heat in a bond-alternating spin-$1$ $K$-$\Gamma$ chain (Kee, arXiv)

    15. 2104.10694 : Magnetism of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (BLG, arXiv)

    16. 2104.10852 : On the effect of disorder in a $p$-wave flat-band superconductor (p-wave SC, arXiv)

    17. 2104.10846 : Electron-phonon superconductivity in C-doped topological nodal-line semimetal Zr$_5$Pt$_3$: A muon spin rotation and relaxation ($\mu$SR) study (C-doped topological semimetal, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.103.165131 : Fermi arcs and pseudogap in a lattice model of a doped orthogonal metal (Meng Zi Yang, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.165129 : Quantum criticality preempted by nematicity (HongYao, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.165128 : Multiple Weyl fermions in the noncentrosymmetric semimetal LaAlSi (multiple Weyl, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.155144 : Extremely large magnetoresistance from electron-hole compensation in the nodal-loop semimetal ${\mathrm{ZrP}}_{2}$ (TMdipnicdies, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.L140502 : Vortex-line topology in iron-based superconductors with and without second-order topology (vortex line, PRB)

    23. 372/6540/409 : Josephson junction infrared single-photon detector (PKim, Science)

    24. 2104.10158 : Charge dynamics in magnetically disordered Mott insulators (disordered Mott, arXiv)

    25. 2104.10138 : Coherent phonon spectroscopy and interlayer modulation of charge density wave order in the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    26. 2104.10090 : Ab initio ligand field approach to determine electronic multiplet properties (Van den Brink, arXiv)

    27. 2104.09537 : Deconfined criticality and a gapless $\mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquid in the square lattice antiferromagnet (Sachdev, arXiv)

    28. 2104.10549 : Spin dynamics in the Kitaev model with disorder: Quantum Monte Carlo study of dynamical spin structure factor, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR relaxation rate (YMotome, arXiv)

    29. 2104.10468 : Possible Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface in La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_4 (Yamase, JPSJ)

    30. 2104.10451 : Generalized quantum measurements with matrix product states: Entanglement phase transition and clusterization (MPS, arXiv)

    31. 2104.10216 : Multiferroics and beyond: electric properties of different magnetic textures (Khomskii, arXiv)

    32. 2104.10149 : Ground State Phase Diagram of the $t$-$t’$-$J$ model (SWhite, arXiv)

    33. 2104.09904 : A large modulation of electron-phonon coupling and an emergent superconducting dome in doped strong ferroelectrics (BTO, ncomms)

    34. 2104.09744 : Emergence of multiple Higgs modes due to spontaneous breakdown of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry in a particle-hole symmetric superconductor (Higgs modes, arXiv)

    35. 2104.09651 : Signatures of topological phase transitions in the s-wave superconductor at finite temperature (s-wave topological phase transition, arXiv)

    36. 2104.09619 : Mesoscale phase separation of skyrmion-vortex matter in chiral magnet-superconductor heterostructures (skyrmion-vortex, arXiv)

    37. 2104.10560 : Possible two-component spin-singlet pairings in Sr2RuO4 (QHWang, arXiv)

    38. 2104.10545 : About two-dimensional fits for the analysis of the scattering rates and renormalization functions from angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy data (ARPES, arXiv)

    39. 2104.10469 : Magnetic Excitation of t-J Model with Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface – Possible Relevance to LSCO Systems (Yamase, JPSJ)

    40. 2104.10467 : Instability toward Formation of Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface in Two-Dimensional t-J Model (Yamase, JPSJ)

    41. s41467-021-22229-6 : Fermi surface in La-based cuprate superconductors from Compton scattering imaging (Yamase, ncomms)

    42. 2104.10176 : Unconventional Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Trilayer Graphene, arXiv)

    43. PhysRevB.103.155143 : One-dimensional model for deconfined criticality with ${\mathbb{Z}}{3}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{\mathbb{Z}}{3}$ symmetry (Motrunich, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.155142 : Electronic structures, charge transfer, and charge order in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers (LiangFu, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.144430 : Theory for phonon pumping by magnonic spin currents (phonon, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.144429 : Stabilizing current-driven steady flows of ${180}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$ domain walls in spin valves by interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.144203 : Evading Anderson localization in a one-dimensional conductor with correlated disorder (1D metal, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.144305 : Dynamical topological quantum phase transitions at criticality (SSH, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.103.134511 : Current distributions by moving vortices in superconductors (vortex, PRB)

    50. 2104.09147v1 : Unidirectional Kondo scattering in layered NbS2 (NbS2, arXiv)

    51. 2104.09060v1 : Colossal anomalous Nernst effect in a correlated noncentrosymmetric kagome ferromagnet (U kagome FM, arXiv)

    52. 2104.08887v1 : Quantum Criticality and Spin Liquid Phase in the Shastry-Sutherland model (Sandvik, arXiv)

    53. 2104.08425v1 : Electronic instabilities of kagome metals: saddle points and Landau theory (LBalents, arXiv)

    54. 2104.09207v1 : Downfolding the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, arXiv)

    55. 2104.09173v1 : Orbital ordering and fluctuations in a kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome SC, arXiv)

    56. 2104.08733 : Can Hubbard model resist electric current? (TaoLi, arXiv)

    57. PhysRevB.103.144514 : Pairing correlations in the cuprates: A numerical study of the three-band Hubbard model (paring correlation, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.103.134428 : Light-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in antiferromagnetic metals (DMI, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.103.134427 : Gapless state of interacting Majorana fermions in a strain-induced Landau level (RMoessner, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.103.L161405 : Open momentum space method for the Hofstadter butterfly and the quantized Lorentz susceptibility (Bernevig, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.103.165124 : Origin of the 30 T transition in ${\mathrm{CeRhIn}}_{5}$ in tilted magnetic fields (CeRhIn5, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.103.165123 : Non-Bloch band theory in bosonic Bogoliubov–de Gennes systems (SMurakami, PRB)

    63. PhysRevB.103.144304 : Photoinduced phase transition and associated timescales in the excitonic insulator ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}\mathrm{Ni}{\mathrm{Se}}{5}$ (excitonic insulator, PRB)

    64. PhysRevB.103.134430 : Fractional corner magnetization of collinear antiferromagnets (YMotome, PRB)

    65. PhysRevLett.126.167701 : Hinge Spin Polarization in Magnetic Topological Insulators Revealed by Resistance Switch (Hinge spin polarization, PRX)

    66. PhysRevB.103.144425 : Large anomalous Hall angle accompanying the sign change of anomalous Hall conductance in the topological half-Heusler compound HoPtBi (AH angle, PRB)

    67. PhysRevB.103.134205 : Numerical extrapolation method for complex conductivity of disordered metals (disordered metal, PRB)

    68. PhysRevX.11.021016 : Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Driven Topological Phase Transition in ${\mathrm{EuB}}_{6}$ (EuB6, PRX)

    69. 2104.08209 : Rotation symmetry breaking in the normal state of a kagome superconductor KV3Sb5 (LBalents, arXiv)

    70. 2104.08071 : Controlling the RKKY interaction and heat transport in a Kitaev spin liquid via $Z_2$ flux walls (RKKY Kitaev, arXiv)

    71. 2104.07935 : Charge-Density-Wave Order and Multiple Magnetic Transitions in Divalent Europium Compound EuAl$_4$ (CDW Eu, arXiv)

    72. 2104.07880 : Regular magnetic orders in triangular and kagome lattices (kagome, arXiv)

    73. 2104.07801 : Diffusion in the Anderson model in higher dimensions (Anderson model, arXiv)

    74. 2104.07775 : Fermi liquids and fractional statistics in one dimension (1D fermi liquid, arXiv)

    75. 2104.07706 : Mapping Domain Wall Topology in the Magnetic Weyl Semimetal CeAlSi (Weyl, arXiv)

    76. 2104.08220 : Origin of the dome-shaped superconducting phase diagram in $\mathrm{SrTiO}_3$-based interfaces (STO, arXiv)

    77. 2104.07771 : Holes’ character and bond versus charge disproportionation in $s-p$ $ABX_{3}$ perovskites (perovskite, arXiv)

    78. 2104.07734 : Spin susceptibility of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling (spin susceptibility, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 3rd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2104.07583 : Probing a Bose Metal via Electrons: Inescapable non-Fermi liquid scattering and pseudogap physics (non-Fermi Liquid, arXiv)

    2. 2104.07258 : Two-band Conduction and Nesting Instabilities in Superconducting Ba$2$CuO${3+\delta}$: a First Principles Study (cuprate, arXiv)

    3. 2104.07108 : Anomalous Josephson effect of s-wave pairing states in chiral double layers (Josephson, arXiv)

    4. 2104.07087 : Oxygen hole content, charge-transfer gap, covalency, and cuprate superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.103.L140301 : Derivation of a hydrodynamic heat equation from the phonon Boltzmann equation for general semiconductors (Boltzmann, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.165117 : Breakdown of charge homogeneity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: Slave-boson study of magnetic order (Slave-boson, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.155415 : Theory for linear and nonlinear planar Hall effect in topological insulator thin films (PHE, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.155414 : Thermally assisted Pauli spin blockade in double quantum dots (Pauli Blockade, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.103.144424 : Columnar antiferromagnetic order of a MBene monolayer (MBene, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.134424 : Antiferromagnetic skyrmions and skyrmion density wave in a Rashba-coupled Hund insulator (AFM skyrmion, PRB)

    11. PhysRevX.11.021015 : Observation of Hydrogen-Induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Reversible Switching of Magnetic Chirality (hydrogen DMI, PRX)

    12. 2104.07459 : Thermoelectric and thermal properties of the weakly disordered non-Fermi liquid phase of Luttinger semimetals (non-Fermi liquid, arXiv)

    13. 2104.07032 : Failed excitonic quantum phase transition in Ta$2$Ni(Se${1-x}$S$_x$)$_5$ (EI, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevB.103.165414 : Directional electron filtering at a superconductor-semiconductor interface (Trauzettel, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.144512 : Boundary effects in two-band superconductors (two-band SC, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.144423 : Unveiling the phase diagram of a bond-alternating spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ $K\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ chain (kee, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.103.165305 : Inversion domain boundaries in wurtzite GaN (domain, PRB)

    18. 372/6539/276 : Gapped magnetic ground state in quantum spin liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 (organic, science)

    19. 372/6539/271 : Realization of an ideal Weyl semimetal band in a quantum gas with 3D spin-orbit coupling (Weyl, science)

    20. 372/6539/264 : Nematicity and competing orders in superconducting magic-angle graphene (nematicity, science)

    21. 372/6539/259 : Realization of a multinode quantum network of remote solid-state qubits (quantum network, science)

    22. 2104.05718 : Quasiparticle interference and quantum confinement in a correlated Rashba spin-split 2D electron liquid (Rashba, sciadv)

    23. 2104.07015 : Non-abelian bosonization in two and three spatial dimensions and applications (DHLee, arXiv)

    24. 2104.06698 : $s$-wave superconductivity in kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ revealed by $^{121/123}$Sb NQR and $^{51}$V NMR measurements (kagome metal, arXiv)

    25. 2104.06668 : Field induced hysteretic structural phase switching and possible CDW in Re-doped MoTe$_2$ (MoTe2, arXiv)

    26. 2104.06834 : Observation of Topological Superconductivity in a Stoichiometric Transition Metal Dichalcogenide 2M-WS2 (2M-WS2, arXiv)

    27. s41467-021-22516-2 : Incommensurate smectic phase in close proximity to the high- T c superconductor FeSe/SrTiO 3 (Smectic, ncomms)

    28. PhysRevB.103.L161105 : Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in the ferrimagnetic insulator ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (GangCao, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.103.155125 : Topological nature of the Kondo insulator $\mathrm{Sm}{\mathrm{B}}_{6}$ and its sensitiveness to Sm vacancy (SmB6, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.103.155124 : Symmetry analysis of tensors in the honeycomb lattice of edge-sharing octahedra (Namdini, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.103.155123 : Spin diffusion and spin conductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (spin conductivity, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.103.144510 : Magnon-assisted dynamics of a hole doped in a cuprate superconductor (cuprate, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.165115 : Ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional $t\ensuremath{-}{J}{s}\ensuremath{-}{J}{\ensuremath{\tau}}$ model at quarter filling (1D t-J model, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.103.L161106 : Light-induced switching of magnetic order in the anisotropic triangular-lattice Hubbard model (triangular lattice, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.144511 : Superconducting dome with extended $s$-wave pairing symmetry in the heavily hole-overdoped copper-oxide planes (cuprate, PRB)

    36. 2104.05552v1 : Designer Magnetism in High Entropy Oxides (high entropy, arXiv)

    37. 2104.05066v1 : Strongly correlated excitonic insulator in atomic double layers (excitonic insulator, arXiv)

    38. 2104.04527v1 : Novel triple-$q$ quadrupole-octupole order scenario for PrV$2$Al${20}$ (triple-q, arXiv)

    39. 2104.04879v1 : Unified approach to electrical and thermal transports in high-$T_c$ superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

    40. 2104.04873v1 : Anisotropic quasiparticle coherence in nematic BaFe$_2$As$_2$ studied with strain-dependent ARPES (nematic, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.103.165409 : Disorder effects in topological insulator thin films (disorder, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.103.165112 : Topological phases in $N$-layer ABC graphene/boron nitride moir'e superlattices (JeilJung, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.103.155409 : Gauge invariance of light-matter interactions in first-principle tight-binding models (TBmodel, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.L140406 : Skyrmions in twisted van der Waals magnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.134419 : Signatures of finite-temperature mirror symmetry breaking in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ Shastry-Sutherland model (Shastry-Sutherland, PRB)

    46. PhysRevLett.126.153201 : Disorder-Enhanced and Disorder-Independent Transport with Long-Range Hopping: Application to Molecular Chains in Optical Cavities (disorder transport, PRL)

    47. v14/57 : Driving Transport with High Disorder (disorder transport, physics)

    48. s41586-021-03409-2 : Isospin Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene (nature)

    49. s41586-021-03319-3 : Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic-angle graphene (nature)

    50. d41586-021-00843-0 : Heating freezes electrons in twisted bilayer graphene (nature)

    51. PhysRevB.103.L140404 : Negative thermal Hall conductance in a two-dimer Shastry-Sutherland model with a $\ensuremath{\pi}$-flux Dirac triplon (thermal Hall effect, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.103.165408 : Molecular dipoles in designer honeycomb lattices (Paramekanti, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.103.155410 : Moir'e edge states in twisted bilayer graphene and their topological relation to quantum pumping (Koshino, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.103.134416 : Antiferromagnets with random vacancies and substitutional spins on the triangular lattice (AFM triangular, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.103.134108 : Breathing mode of nanoclusters: Definition and comparison to a continuous medium model (Breathing mode, PRB)

    56. PhysRevLett.126.157601 : Dimensionality-Induced Change in Topological Order in Multiferroic Oxide Superlattices (topological order multiferroic, PRL)

    57. PhysRevLett.126.157202 : Generation of Current Vortex by Spin Current in Rashba Systems (Yunoki, PRL)

    58. PhysRevLett.126.156602 : Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Conductivity in a Nonuniform Electric Field (JEMoore, PRL)

    59. 2104.04294 : Non-thermal breaking of magnetic order via photo-generated spin defects (Iridates327, arXiv)

    60. 2104.03971 : Unconventional Superconductivity arising from Multipolar Kondo Interactions (YBKim, arXiv)

    61. 2104.04011 : lattice-symmetries: A package for working with quantum many-body bases (ED, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 2nd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2104.03941v1 : Evidence for magnetic clusters in stoichiometric quantum critical CeRu$_2$Si$_2$ (Ce, arXiv)

    2. 2104.03604v1 : Theory of Thermal Conductivity on Excitonic Insulator (thermal Hall EI, arXiv)

    3. 2104.03600v1 : Anisotropic c-f hybridization in the ferromagnetic quantum critical metal CeRh$_6$Ge$_4$ (anisotropic cf, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.103.155116 : Crystal, local atomic, and local electronic structures of ${\mathrm{YbFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Zn}}{20\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Cd}}_{x}\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}(0\ensuremath{\le}x\ensuremath{\le}1.4)$: A multiband system with possible coexistence of light and heavy fermions (heavy fermion, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.134414 : Interplay of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and Kitaev interactions for magnonic properties of Heisenberg-Kitaev honeycomb ferromagnets (kitaev DMI, PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.119.046401 : Sliced Basis Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Electronic Structure (RWhite, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.126.147203 : Transverse Transport in Two-Dimensional Relativistic Systems with Nontrivial Spin Textures (Blugel, PRL)

    8. 2104.03925 : Flux trapping in superconducting hydrides under high pressure (Hirsch, arXiv)

    9. 2104.03872 : Dual Universality and Unconventional Phase Diagram of a Clean 2D Superconductor with Tunable Disorders (quantum Griffiths phase, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevB.103.L140402 : Magnetoelastic coupling and effects of uniaxial strain in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ from first principles (RuCl3, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.165109 : Filling anomaly for general two- and three-dimensional ${C}_{4}$ symmetric lattices (Cano, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.103.155113 : First-principles identification of topological crystalline insulators with ${C}_{2}$ rotation anomaly (topological crystalline insulator, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.126.146401 : Unmasking the Origin of Kinks in the Photoemission Spectra of Cuprate Superconductors (cuprate, PRL)

    14. 372/6538/132 : Limits on superconductivity in flatland (BCS-BEC, Science) 372/6538/190 : Gate-controlled BCS-BEC crossover in a two-dimensional superconductor (BCS-BEC, Science)

    15. 2104.02953 : Mott insulator tuning via structural distortion in monolayer 1T-NbSe2 (NbSe2, arXiv)

    16. 2104.02892 : Theory of the Kitaev model in a [111] magnetic field (CDBatista, arXiv)

    17. 2104.02992 : Quantum phase transitions and superconductivity in the pressurized heavy-fermion compound CeCuP2 (YFYang, arXiv)

    18. 2104.02762 : Slave-boson approach for multiorbital two-particle response functions and superconductivity (Kotliar, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevB.103.165303 : Screening, Friedel oscillations, RKKY interaction, and Drude transport in anisotropic two-dimensional systems (DasSarma, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.134506 : Topological superconductivity in nanowires proximate to a diffusive superconductor–magnetic-insulator bilayer (PLee, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.134408 : Anomalous Hall effect in MnAs: Intrinsic contribution due to Berry curvature (MnAs, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.165403 : Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and ordering of magnetic impurities near the boundary of a superconducting nanowire (DLoss, PRB)

    23. 2104.02270 : Phonon helicity induced by electronic Berry curvature in Dirac materials (Dirac, arXiv)

    24. 2104.02217 : Electronic structure and charge-density wave transition in monolayer VS_{2} (VS2, arXiv)

    25. 2104.02182 : Majorana correlations in the Kitaev model with ordered-flux structures (Nasu, arXiv)

    26. 2104.02084 : Charge density wave and finite-temperature transport in minimally twisted bilayer graphene (JDSau, arXiv)

    27. 2104.02353 : Correlation spectra of Fe-pnictides obtained by using an extended Drude mode (YSSeo, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.103.134504 : Superconductivity with and without glue and the role of the double-occupancy forbidding constraint in the $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J\text{\ensuremath{-}}V$ model (tJV, PRB)

    29. 2104.02241 : Direct Observation of an Incommensurate Charge Density Wave in the BiS2-based Superconductor NdO1-xFxBiS2 (CDW, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.103.165106 : Topological classification of nodal-line semimetals in square-net materials (ShimJH, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.103.144410 : Large anomalous Hall effect in the kagome ferromagnet ${\mathrm{LiMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (MnSn, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.103.134505 : Nonstandard superconductivity or no superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure (Hirsch, PRB)

    33. PhysRevLett.126.146802 : Experimental Observation of Higher-Order Topological Anderson Insulators (HOTAI, PRL)

    34. 2104.01974 : Effective Model for Rare-earth Kitaev Materials and its Classical Monte Carlo Simulation (kitaev, arXiv)

    35. 2104.01833 : Possible quadrupole order in tetragonal Ba2CdReO6 and chemical trend in the ground states of 5d1 double perovskites (5d1, arXiv)

    36. 2104.01814 : Quantum transport observed in films of magnetic topological semimetal EuSb$_2$ (topological semimetal, arXiv)

    37. 2104.01485 : High Temperature Superconductivity in a Lightly Doped Quantum Spin Liquid (Kivelson, arXiv)

    38. s41567-018-0184-y : Observation of two independent skyrmion phases in a chiral magnetic material (skyrmion, nphys)

    39. 2104.01565 : Field-Induced Superconductivity near the Superconducting Critical Pressure in UTe2 (Jacques, arXiv)

    40. 2104.01479 : Controlled topological charge injection in topological matters (Yaroslav, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.103.144502 : Thermal signature of the Majorana fermion in a Josephson junction (majorana, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.103.144407 : Magnetic and electrical transport study of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator Sn-doped ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.103.134405 : Effect of the spin-orbit interaction at insulator/ferromagnet interfaces on spin-orbit torques (KJLee, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.134502 : Tendencies of enhanced electronic nematicity in the Hubbard model and a comparison with Raman scattering on high-temperature superconductors (pseudogap, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.134406 : Magnetic order of ${\mathrm{Dy}}^{3+}$ and ${\mathrm{Fe}}^{3+}$ moments in antiferromagnetic $\mathrm{Dy}\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ probed by spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin Seebeck effect (Mostovoy, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.165301 : Topological superconductivity in tripartite superconductor-ferromagnet-semiconductor nanowires (majorana, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.144408 : Dynamically stable negative-energy states induced by spin-transfer torques (Duine, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.126.147201 : Sign Structure of Thermal Hall Conductivity and Topological Magnons for In-Plane Field Polarized Kitaev Magnets (YBKim, PRL)

    49. 2104.01098 : Quantum Criticality in a Layered Iridate (iridate, arXiv)

    50. 2104.01005 : Studies on Novel Yb-based Candidate Triangular Quantum Antiferromagnets: Ba3YbB3O9 and Ba3YbB9O18 (HBCho, arXiv)

    51. 2104.01145 : Cascades between light and heavy fermions in the normal state of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    52. 2104.01031 : Superconductivity and topological behavior in gallenene (Ga-monolayer, arXiv)

    53. 2104.00869 : The hidden competing phase revealed by first-principles calculations of phonon instability in the nearly optimally doped cuprate La${1.875}$Sr${0.125}$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    54. 2104.01015 : Origin of the Charge Density Wave in the Kagome Metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ as Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy (Kagome, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 1st week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.L161402 : Perturbative approach to the polaron shift of excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (1s phonon, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.165104 : Anomalous Hall optical conductivity in tilted topological nodal-line semimetals (topological nodal-line, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.144403 : Defect-induced $4p$-magnetism in layered platinum diselenide (p-magnetism, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.134403 : Direct evidence of ferromagnetism in ${\mathrm{MnSb}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (FM, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.155106 : Proposal for methods to measure the octupole susceptibility in certain cubic Pr compounds (Pr-f, PRB)

    6. 2104.00653 : Half and quarter metals in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    7. 2104.00320 : Spin-$0$ Mott insulator to metal to spin-$1$ Mott insulator transition in the single-orbital Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice (Spin0-1 Mott, arXiv)

    8. 2104.00346 : Identification of the Mott insulating CDW state in 1T-TaS$_2$ (TaS, arXiv)

    9. 2104.00064 : The Hubbard model: A computational perspective (Hubbard, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevB.103.165401 : Role of Berry curvature in the generation of spin currents in Rashba systems (Rashba, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.155103 : Abelian parton state for the $\ensuremath{\nu}=4/11$ fractional quantum Hall effect (nu=4/11, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.103.155102 : Thermopower across the phase diagram of the cuprate ${\mathrm{La}}{1.6\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Nd}}{0.4}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4}$: Signatures of the pseudogap and charge density wave phases (Taillefer, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.103.144402 : Inelastic neutron scattering determination of the spin Hamiltonian for $\mathrm{BaCdVO}{({\mathrm{PO}}{4})}{2}$ (FM AFM nematic, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.103.144401 : Anisotropic magnetic interactions in hexagonal $AB$-stacked kagome lattice structures: Application to ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}X$ ($X=\mathrm{Ge},\mathrm{Sn},\mathrm{Ga}$) compounds (Mn3Ge, PRB)

    15. PhysRevLett.126.136402 : Distinct Kondo Screening Behaviors in Heavy Fermion Filled Skutterudites with $4{f}^{1}$ and $4{f}^{2}$ Configurations (DLFeng, PRL)

    16. science372/6537/32 : Death and rebirth through nonlinear control (nonlinear, Science)

    17. science372/6537/68 : A van der Waals interface that creates in-plane polarization and a spontaneous photovoltaic effect (in-plane polarization, Science)

    18. 2103.16052 : Nematic and smectic stripe phases and stripe-SkX transformations (nematic, arXiv)

    19. 2103.17175 : Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe$_2$O$_6$ (QCP, arXiv)

    20. 2103.17076 : $\mathrm{SU}(4)$-Symmetric Quantum Spin-Orbital Liquids on Various Lattices (Jackeli, arXiv)

    21. 2103.17270 : Extended Hubbard model in (un)doped monolayer and bilayer graphene: Selection rules and organizing principle among competing orders (BitanRoy, arXiv)

    22. 2103.17046 : Ground State Properties Of The One-Dimensional Hubbard Model: Symmetry Projected Variational Wave Function Approach (ED, arXiv)

    23. 2103.16825 : A multi-component Fermi surface in the vortex state of an underdoped high-Tc superconductor (cuprate, Nature)

    24. 2103.16698 : Orbital dichotomy of Fermi liquid properties in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ revealed by Raman spectroscopy (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    25. 2103.16570 : Theoretical study of quantum spin liquids in $S=1/2$ hyper-hyperkagome magnets: classification, heat capacity, and dynamical spin structure factor (YBKim, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.103.L100413 : Magnetic skyrmion binning (skyrmion, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.103.125161 : Finite and infinite matrix product states for Gutzwiller projected mean-field wave functions (MPS, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.103.125160 : Anisotropic Berry phase in the Dirac nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS: The effect of spin-orbit coupling (anisotropic BP, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.126.136101 : Theory for Twisted Bilayer Photonic Crystal Slabs (photonic twisted bilayer, PRL)

    30. 2103.16473 : Anomalous Hall effect in distorted kagome magnets (Nd, Sm)Mn$_6$Sn$_6$ (Mn6Sn6, arXiv)

    31. 2103.16278 : Quantum dots as parafermion detectors (Parafermion, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevB.98.144429 : Thermodynamic evidence of a second skyrmion lattice phase and tilted conical phase in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (CPfleiderer, PRB)

    33. 2103.16205 : Critical Sample Aspect Ratio and Magnetic Field Dependence for Antiskyrmion Formation in Mn1.4PtSn Single-Crystals (antiskyrmion, arXiv)

    34. v14/s40 : Designer Disorder in a Crystalline Conflict Zone (Disorder, physics) PhysRevMaterials.5.035004 : Tuneable correlated disorder in alloys (PRM)

    35. PhysRevB.103.104517 : Topological anomalous skin effect in Weyl superconductors (Weyl, PRB)

    36. PhysRevLett.126.137001 : Intrinsic Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Superconductivity in Thin Films of Iron-Based Superconductors (DasSarma, PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.126.137601 : Exciton Band Topology in Spontaneous Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators: Applications to Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Exciton in TBLG, PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.126.136602 : Quantum Phase Transition at Nonzero Doping in a Random $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ Model (Sachdev, PRL)

    39. 2103.15274 : Quantum phase transitions of interacting bosons on hyperbolic lattices (QMC, arXiv)

    40. 2103.15137 : Magnetic field-induced softening of spin waves and hard-axis order in Kondo-lattice ferromagnet CeAgSb2 (Kondo, arXiv)

    41. 2103.15120 : Two-carrier Magnetoresistance: Applications to Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (magetoresistance Ruthenate, arXiv)

    42. 2103.15078 : Electronic correlations in the normal state of kagome superconductor KV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

    43. 2103.14738 : Large Microwave Inductance of Granular Boron-Doped Diamond Superconducting Films (B-Diamond, arXiv)

    44. PNAS : Tuning interactions between spins in a superconductor (DLoss, PNAS)

    45. PhysRevB.103.125158 : Towards cubic symmetry for ${\mathrm{Ir}}^{4+}$: Structure and magnetism of the antifluorite ${\mathrm{K}}{2}{\mathrm{IrBr}}{6}$ (iridium Br, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.115208 : Magnetic-field-dependent intervalley relaxation time in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.115151 : Topological entanglement entropy of interacting disordered zigzag graphene ribbons (TEE, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.125430 : Perturbation of charge density waves in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (TiSe2, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.103.115308 : Hierarchy of higher-order Floquet topological phases in three dimensions (Bitan Roy, PRB)

    50. 2103.13036 : Skyrmion size in skyrmion crystals (skyrmion, arXiv)

    51. PhysRevLett.126.127201 : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as a Single Majorana Detector of Kitaev’s Chiral Spin Liquid (majorana, PRL)

    52. 2103.14449 : Detection of Topological Spin Textures via Non-Linear Magnetic Interactions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    53. 2103.14355 : Flat-band solutions in $D$-dimensional decorated diamond and pyrochlore lattices: Reduction to molecular problem (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    54. s42254-020-00251-9 : From anyons to Majoranas (JSau, NatureReviewPhysics)

    55. 2103.14398 : Electric Multipoles of Double Majorana Kramers Pairs (majorana, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 4th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2103.13672 : Perfect flat band and chiral-charge ordering out of strong spin-orbit interaction (flat band, arXiv)

    2. 2103.13668 : Manipulate the Electronic State of Mott Iridate Superlattice through Protonation Induced Electron-Filling (iridates, arXiv)

    3. 2103.13402 : Two-triplon excitations of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Bilayer (Triplon, arXiv)

    4. 2103.13393 : Quantum many-body topology of quasicrystals (quasicrystal, arXiv)

    5. 2103.13595 : A short review of the recent progresses in the study of the cuprate superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

    6. 2103.13412 : Majorana bound states in topological insulators without a vortex (DLoss, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.103.L121116 : Three-phase Majorana zero modes at tiny magnetic fields (majorana, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.104434 : $\ensuremath{\pi}$ Oscillation phase shift between transverse and longitudinal magnetoconductivities in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.126.126801 : Collapse of the Josephson Emission in a Carbon Nanotube Junction in the Kondo Regime (Kondo, PRL)

    10. 2103.13161 : Fluctuating magnetism of Co- and Cu-doped NaFeAs (Fluctuating M, APL)

    11. 2103.12956 : Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator (SOI insulator, PRR)

    12. 2103.12948 : Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 as a 2D correlated magnetic insulator (NbSe2, arXiv)

    13. 2103.12873 : Magnetic flat band in metallic kagome lattice FeSn (FeSn, arXiv)

    14. 2103.13295 : Loop currents in quantum matter (loop current, arXiv)

    15. 2103.12756 : Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors from topology and strong correlations (SC, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevResearch.3.013275 : Spin and orbital Edelstein effects in a two-dimensional electron gas: Theory and application to ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ interfaces (STO, PRR)

    17. physicsv14/46 : Easing the Squeeze on Superconductors (Hydride, Physics)

    18. PhysRevB.103.125425 : Anisotropic longitudinal optical conductivities of tilted Dirac bands in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (MoS2, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.094516 : Field angle dependent vortex lattice phase diagram in ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$ (MgB2, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.094437 : Spin-lattice model for cubic crystals (spin-lattice, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.115143 : Noncollinear ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal with anisotropic anomalous Hall effect (FM Weyl, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.125427 : Flat bands, strains, and charge distribution in twisted bilayer $h\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{BN}$ (Guinea, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.103.125149 : Local optical conductivity of bilayer graphene with kink potential (graphene, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.115147 : Critical anomalous metals near superconductivity in models with random interactions (Sachdev, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.115146 : Longitudinal magnetoconductance and the planar Hall effect in a lattice model of tilted Weyl fermions (magnetoconductance, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.103.115438 : Search for enhanced magnetism at the interface between ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ and EuSe (magnetism, PRB)

    27. PhysRevLett.126.127201 : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as a Single Majorana Detector of Kitaev’s Chiral Spin Liquid (majorana, PRL)

    28. PhysRevX.11.011060 : Revealing the Absolute Direction of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Prototypical Weak Ferromagnets by Polarized Neutrons (DMI, PRX)

    29. 2103.12500 : Overscreened Kondo problem with large spin and large number of orbital channels: two distinct semiclassical limits in quantum transport observables (Kondo, arXiv)

    30. 2103.12630 : $s_{+}\oplus s_{-}$ Topological Superconductivity in Coupled Multifold Fermions (SBChung, arXiv)

    31. 2103.12309 : Rare-earth chalcohalides: A family of van der Waals layered Kitaev spin liquid candidates (Kitaev, arXiv)

    32. 2103.12097 : The Hubbard Model (Arovas, arXiv)

    33. 2103.12083 : Large Pauli Limit Violation and Reentrant Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Jarillo-Herrero, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.103.115436 : Current switching of valley polarization in twisted bilayer graphene (LBalents, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.094513 : Helical superconducting edge modes from pseudo-Landau levels in graphene (graphene, PRB)

    36. PhysRevX.11.011058 : Tracking the Footprints of Spin Fluctuations: A MultiMethod, MultiMessenger Study of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (George, PRX)

    37. 2103.10647 : Topological spin crystals by itinerant frustration (YMotome, arXiv)

    38. 2103.11989 : Artificial heavy fermions in a van der Waals heterostructure (Lado, arXiv)

    39. 2103.11045 : Differentiating Hund from Mott physics in a three-band Hubbard-Hund model: temperature dependence of spectral, transport and thermodynamic properties (SSLee, arXiv)

    40. 1007.1215 : Violation of Onsager Reciprocity in Underdoped Cuprates ? (CMVarma, arXiv)

    41. 2103.12060 : Spin-triplet superconductivity from excitonic effect in doped insulators: Theory and prediction for WTe$_2$ (LiangFu, arXiv)

    42. 2103.12053 : On spin-charge and spin-momentum lockings in the pseudo-gap phase of Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+\delta}$ (pseudogap, arXiv)

    43. 2103.11410 : UTe$_2$: a nearly insulating half-filled $j=\frac{5}{2}$ $5f^3$ heavy fermion metal (UTe2, PRB)

    44. 2103.11501 : Quantum Phases of a Weakly Disordered Josephson Ladder (Griffith, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.103.L121114 : Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in monolayer ${\mathrm{VOI}}_{2}$ (Dagotto, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.115434 : From weak antilocalization to Kondo scattering in a magnetic complex oxide interface (WAL, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.104513 : Interplay between Zhang-Rice singlets and high-spin states in a model for doped ${\mathrm{NiO}}_{2}$ planes (Zhang-Rice singlet, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.094432 : Evidence of itinerant holes for long-range magnetic order in the tungsten diselenide semiconductor with vanadium dopants (YHLee, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.103.094306 : First-principles prediction of ideal type-II Weyl phonons in wurtzite ZnSe (Weyl phonon, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.103.104514 : Pairing symmetry of an intermediate valence superconductor ${\mathrm{CeIr}}_{3}$ investigated using $\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{SR}$ measurements (CeIr3, PRB)

    51. PhysRevLett.126.127401 : Optical Properties of the Infinite-Layer ${\mathrm{La}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{NiO}}_{2}$ and Hidden Hund’s Physics (nickelate, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 3rd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2103.10202 : Intrinsic coercivity induced by valence fluctuations in $4f$-$3d$ intermetallic magnets (valence fluctuation, arXiv)

    2. 2103.09852 : Quantum criticality in Ce$_{1-x}$Sm$_x$CoIn$_5$ (quantum criticality, arXiv)

    3. 2103.09841 : Unquantized anomalies in topological semimetals (Burkov, arXiv)

    4. 2103.09828 : Optical phonons coupled to a Kitaev spin liquid (phonon, arXiv)

    5. 2103.09825 : An $SU(4)$ chiral spin liquid and quantized dipole Hall effect in moir'e bilayers (moire, arXiv)

    6. physics_v14/s36 : A Lower-Pressure Route to Superconductivity (low-pressure SC, physics)

    7. PhysRevB.103.L121113 : Orbital Rashba effect in a surface-oxidized Cu film (orbital Rashba effect, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.115430 : Anderson disorder-induced nontrivial topological phase transitions in two-dimensional topological superconductors (Topological phase transition, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.103.115134 : Robust hybridization gap in the Kondo insulator $\mathrm{Yb}{\mathrm{B}}_{12}$ probed by femtosecond optical spectroscopy (Kondo insulator, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.115133 : High magnetic field ultrasound study of spin freezing in ${\mathrm{La}}{1.88}{\mathrm{Sr}}{0.12}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (LSCO, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.115131 : Robust quantum anomalous Hall effect in a pentagonal ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ monolayer grown on CuI(001) substrates (pentagonal MoS2, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.103.125139 : Surface band characters of the Weyl semimetal candidate material ${\mathrm{MoTe}}_{2}$ revealed by one-step angle-resolved photoemission theory (Weyl, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.103.115135 : Momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling in charge density wave systems (CDW, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.103.104511 : Neutron scattering studies on spin fluctuations in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (spin fluctuation Ruthenate, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.L100410 : All-electrical detection of skyrmion lattice state and chiral surface twists (Mostovoy, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.104430 : Magnetic order and multipoles in the $5{d}^{2}$ rhenium double perovskite ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}\mathrm{Y}\mathrm{Re}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$ (Re-oxide, PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.126.117602 : Orbital Chern Insulator and Quantum Phase Diagram of a Kagome Electron System with Half-Filled Flat Bands (orbital Chern Insulator, PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.126.117203 : Scattering of Magnons at Graphene Quantum-Hall-Magnet Junctions (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.126.117701 : Braiding and All Quantum Operations with Majorana Modes in 1D (majorana, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.126.116401 : Quantum Phase Transition in a Quantum Ising Chain at Nonzero Temperatures (QPT, PRL)

    21. Science371/6535/1261 : Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening (Coulomb screening, Science)

    22. s41586-021-03338-0 : High-order superlattices by rolling up van der Waals heterostructures (Rolling TMDC, Nature)

    23. 2103.09779 : Continuous Mott transition in semiconductor moir'e superlattices (LiangFu, arXiv)

    24. 2103.09539 : Ab initio Derivation of Low-Energy Hamiltonians for Systems with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction and Its Application to Ca5Ir3O12 (Iridates, arXiv)

    25. 2103.09447 : General theory of robustness against disorder in multi-band superconductors (disorder SC, arXiv)

    26. 2103.09255 : Photo-induced superconducting-like response in strongly correlated systems (PALee, arXiv)

    27. 2103.09242 : Superconductivity, Charge-Density-Waves, and Bipolarons in the Holstein model (Kivelson, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.103.L121112 : Realization of a tunable surface Dirac gap in Sb-doped ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (Dirac gap, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.103.125138 : Recovery of massless Dirac fermions at charge neutrality in strongly interacting twisted bilayer graphene with disorder (bilayer graphene, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.103.115428 : Network model for higher-order topological phases (HOTI, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.103.115425 : Angular momentum anisotropy of Dirac carriers: A new twist in graphene (graphene, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.103.115307 : Modeling excitonic Mott transitions in two-dimensional semiconductors (EI, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.094426 : Coexistence of Bloch and N'eel walls in a collinear antiferromagnet (DW, PRB) physicsv14/s31 : Hidden Magnetic Structures Revealed

    34. PhysRevB.103.104303 : Trimeron-phonon coupling in magnetite (Trimeron, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.094108 : First-principles self-consistent phonon approach to the study of the vibrational properties and structural phase transition of ${\mathrm{BaTiO}}_{3}$ (phonon, PRB)

    36. PhysRevLett.126.117205 : Skyrmion-(Anti)Vortex Coupling in a Chiral Magnet-Superconductor Heterostructure (skyrmion SC, PRL) physicsv14/39 : A Chiral Magnet Induces Vortex Currents in Superconductors

    37. PhysRevX.11.011055 : Higgs-Mediated Optical Amplification in a Nonequilibrium Superconductor (Higgs SC, PRX)

    38. 2103.08851 : Macroscopically degenerate localized zero-energy states of quasicrystalline bilayer systems in strong coupling limit (BJYang, arXiv)

    39. 2103.08803 : Ferromagnetic helical nodal line and Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in kagome metal Fe3Sn2 (Fe3Sn2, arXiv)

    40. 2103.08615 : Large $N$ theory of critical Fermi surfaces (Sachdev, arXiv)

    41. 2103.08607 : Planckian Metal at a Doping-Induced Quantum Critical Point (SYK, arXiv)

    42. PhysRevApplied.15.034044 : Nongalvanic Calibration and Operation of a Quantum Dot Thermometer (QD thermometer, PRA)

    43. physicsv14/s35 : A Noninvasive Quantum Thermometer (Thermometer, physics)

    44. PhysRevB.103.104423 : Experimental determination of the magnetic interactions of frustrated Cairo pentagon lattice materials (JGPark, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.104425 : Crossover from diffusive to superfluid transport in frustrated magnets (Manchon, PRB)

    46. 2103.08566 : Two-component electronic phase separation in the doped Mott insulator Y${1-x}$Ca${x}$TiO$_{3}$ (MIT, arXiv)

    47. 2103.08111 : Doping-induced topological transition and enhancement of thermopower in the Dirac-semimetal system Cd$_{3-x}$Zn$_x$As$_2$ (YTokura, arXiv)

    48. 2103.07916 : Topological Mott transition in a two band model of spinless fermions with on-site Coulomb repulsion (Mott transition, arXiv)

    49. 2103.08355 : Universal scaling of the critical temperature and the strange-metal scattering rate in unconventional superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

    50. 2103.07991 : Signatures of a Quantum Griffiths Phase close to an Electronic Nematic Quantum Phase Transition (Quantum Griffiths phase, arXiv)

    51. 2103.07596 : Metal-Insulator Transition and Emergent Gapped Phase in the Surface-Doped 2D Semiconductor 2H-MoTe$_2$ (MoTe2, PRL)

    52. PhysRevB.103.L121110 : Atomic forces by quantum Monte Carlo: Application to phonon dispersion calculations (Sorella, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.103.125133 : Lieb-Schultz-Mattis-type theorems and other nonperturbative results for strongly correlated systems with conserved dipole moments (Hughes, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.103.125129 : Theory of dipole insulators (Hughes, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.103.115126 : Visualizing the Kondo lattice crossover in ${\mathrm{YbRh}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$ with Compton scattering (Kondo, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.103.115122 : Correlation between antiferromagnetic and Mott states in spin orbit coupled ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$: A study of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{M}{x}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ ($M=\mathrm{Fe}$ or Co) (Iridates, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.103.104509 : Odd-parity pairing correlations in a $d$-wave superconductor (d-wave SC, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.103.115125 : Electronic structure of the metallic oxide ${\mathrm{ReO}}_{3}$ (ReO3, PRB)

    59. 2103.07296 : Boundary conductance protected by topology in macroscopic bismuth crystals (KBehnia, arXiv)

    60. 2103.07160 : Nonlinear domain wall velocity in ferroelectric Si-doped HfO$_{2}$ thin film capacitors (HfO2, APL)

    61. 2103.07100 : Implications of second harmonic generation for hidden order in Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$ (MRNorman, arXiv)

    62. 2103.06959 : Hybrid topological magnon-phonon modes in honeycomb and kagome lattices (magnon-phonon mode, arXiv)

    63. 2103.07143 : Atomic-layer Rashba-type superconductor protected by dynamic spin-momentum locking (Si111 Rashba, Ncomms)

    64. 2103.07021 : Momentum-resolved electronic band structure and offsets in an epitaxial NbN/GaN superconductor/semiconductor heterojunction (NbN/GaN, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 2nd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.125127 : Correlated insulators in twisted bilayer graphene (TBLG, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.115119 : Direct evidence of electron-hole compensation for extreme magnetoresistance in topologically trivial YBi (MR, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.104508 : Topological superconductivity in semiconductor–superconductor–magnetic-insulator heterostructures (Flensberg, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.094419 : Spin current related magnetoresistance in epitaxial Pt/Co bilayers in the presence of spin Hall effect and Rashba-Edelstein effect (MR, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.126.107205 : Magnetism and Charge Order in the Honeycomb Lattice (Sorella, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.126.106402 : Observation of Flat Bands in Gated Semiconductor Artificial Graphene (artificial graphene, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.126.100201 : Rigorous Results on the Ground State of the Attractive $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Hubbard Model (Katsura, PRL)

    8. 2103.06320 : Band energy landscapes in twisted homobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (bilayer TMDC, arXiv)

    9. 2103.06313 : The Orbitally Selective Mott Phase in Electron Doped Twisted TMDs: A Possible Realization of the Kondo Lattice Model (Kondo lattice, arXiv)

    10. 2103.06295 : Quenched disorder at antiferromagnetic quantum critical points in $2d$ metals (disorder, arXiv)

    11. 2103.06407 : Intertwined charge, spin, and pairing orders in doped iron ladders (Dagotto, arXiv)

    12. 2103.06282 : Spin response and topology of a staggered Rashba superconductor (Rashba SC, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.103.L121108 : Large exciton binding energies in ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ as a case study of a van der Waals layered magnet (exciton, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.103.125304 : Anomalous Hall effect in graphene coupled to a layered magnetic semiconductor (graphene, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.125122 : Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy view on the nature of Ce $4f$ electrons in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice $\mathrm{Ce}{\mathrm{Pd}}{5}{\mathrm{Al}}{2}$ (Kondo lattice, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.104416 : Phase diagram of the quantum Ising model on a triangular lattice under external field (ZYMeng, PRB)

    17. PhysRevX.11.011050 : Electronic Structure Trends Across the Rare-Earth Series in Superconducting Infinite-Layer Nickelates (Nickelate, PRX)

    18. 2009.12972v1 : Multiple polarization orders in individual twinned colloidal nanocrystals of centrosymmetric HfO2 (HfO2, Matter)

    19. 371/6534/1098 : Magic, symmetry, and twisted matter (three-layer graphene, Science) 371/6534/1098 :Electric field–tunable superconductivity in alternating-twist magic-angle trilayer graphene (PKim, Science) s41586-021-03192-0 : Tunable strongly coupled superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (Jarillo-Herrero, Nature)

    20. 2103.06033 : Magnetic phases for two $t_{2g}$ holes with spin-orbit coupling and crystal field (t2g, arXiv)

    21. 2103.05936 : Spin texture induced by non-magnetic doping and spin dynamics in 2D triangular lattice antiferromagnet h-Y(Mn,Al)O3 (JGPark, arXiv)

    22. 2103.05882 : Distinguishing a Mott Insulator from a Trivial Insulator with Atomic Adsorbates (HWYeom, arXiv)

    23. 2103.05848 : Bandwidth-control orbital-selective delocalization of 4f electrons in epitaxial Ce films (YFYang, arXiv)

    24. 2103.05838 : Exact results for nonlinear Drude weights in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain (Katsura, arXiv)

    25. 2103.05820 : Evidences for the random singlet phase in a new honeycomb iridate SrIr$_2$O$_6$ (iridates, arXiv)

    26. 2103.05662 : Gapless spin liquids in disguise (spin liquid, arXiv)

    27. 2103.05656 : Spin-Space Groups and Magnon Band Topology (magnon band, arXiv)

    28. 2103.05652 : Coulomb drag between two strange metals (stoof, arXiv)

    29. 2103.06188 : Unveiling the missing band: Quasiparticle Interference of the $\gamma$-band in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    30. 2103.06094 : Particle-hole asymmetric superconducting coherence peaks in overdoped cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    31. 2103.05994 : Wang-MacDonald d-wave vortex cores observed in heavily overdoped Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+\delta}$ (d-wave vortex core, arXiv)

    32. 2103.05709 : Orbital Order, Superconductivity, Pseudogap and Spectral Weight in High-Tc Cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    33. 2103.05641 : Spectroscopic signatures of time-reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    34. 2103.05650 : Phonon Hall viscosity from phonon-spinon interactions (Sachdev, arXiv)

    35. PhysRevB.103.L121105 : Detecting electron-phonon coupling during photoinduced phase transition (electron phonon, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.115117 : Giant orbital diamagnetism of three-dimensional Dirac electrons in ${\mathrm{Sr}}_{3}\mathrm{PbO}$ antiperovskite (antiperovskite, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.104413 : Domain wall skew scattering in ferromagnetic Weyl metals (Paramekanti, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.104202 : Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the Aubry-Andr'e-Harper model with $p$-wave superconductivity (AAH QPT, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.103.125411 : Coexistence of topological edge states and skin effects in the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with long-range nonreciprocal hopping in topoelectric realizations (SSH, PRB)

    40. 2103.05286 : The fate of the Kondo cloud in a superconductor (Kondo, arXiv)

    41. 2103.05009 : Small to large Fermi surface transition in a single band model, using randomly coupled ancillas (Sachdev, arXiv)

    42. 2103.05482 : Unconventional short-range structural fluctuations in cuprate high-$T_c$ superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

    43. 2103.05010 : Higher-order topological superconductors from Weyl semimetals (Weyl, arXiv)

    44. 2103.04998 : Numerical approaches for calculating the low field DC Hall coefficient of the doped Hubbard model (QMC, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.103.125120 : Dimerization and spin decoupling in a two-leg Heisenberg ladder with frustrated trimer rungs (Ba4Ir3O10, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.115115 : Geometric entanglement in integer quantum Hall states (Witczak-Krempa, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.115114 : Correlated electrons in a crystalline topological insulator (TI, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.126.106401 : Unraveling the Orbital Physics in a Canonical Orbital System ${\mathrm{KCuF}}_{3}$ (van den Brink, PRL)

    49. 2103.04960 : Spin-orbital model for fullerides (fullerides, arXiv)

    50. 2103.04726 : Exchange constants for local spin Hamiltonians from tight-binding models (spin from TB, arXiv)

    51. 2103.04419 : Random Phase Approximation for gapped systems: role of vertex corrections and applicability of the constrained random phase approximation (RPA cRPA, arXiv)

    52. 2103.04223 : Phonon Hall Viscosity in Magnetic Insulators (LBalents, arXiv)

    53. 2103.04984 : Pair-Density-Wave in the Strong Coupling Limit of the Holstein-Hubbard model (Kivelson, arXiv)

    54. 2103.04070 : Spectroscopic Evidence for Multigap Superconductivity of Y at Megabar Pressures (Y, arXiv)

    55. PhysRevB.103.104505 : Floquet engineering bulk odd-frequency superconducting pairs (Jorge, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.103.125115 : Crossover from Kondo to Fermi-liquid behavior induced by high magnetic field in $1T\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ single crystals (VTe2, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.103.115112 : Magnetic higher-order nodal lines (nodal line, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.103.094413 : Chiral properties of the zero-field spiral state and field-induced magnetic phases of the itinerant kagome metal ${\mathrm{YMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (kagome, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.103.094412 : Full spin-orbit coefficient in III-V semiconductor wires based on the anisotropy of weak localization under in-plane magnetic field (SOI, PRB)

    60. PhysRevLett.126.106801 : Wide Critical Fluctuations of the Field-Induced Phase Transition in Graphite (graphite, PRL)

    61. PhysRevLett.126.107001 : Short-Range Nematic Fluctuations in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Na}}{x}{\mathrm{Fe}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ Superconductors (nematic, PRL)

    62. PhysRevLett.126.100601 : Nondispersing Wave Packets in Lattice Floquet Systems (Floguet, PRL)

    63. 2103.03484 : The success and failure of the Schwinger Boson mean field theory on the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ triangular lattice antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model (TLi, arXiv)

    64. 2103.03256 : Doped Mott Insulators Break $\mathbb Z_2$ Symmetry of a Fermi Liquid: Stability of Strongly Coupled Fixed Points (PWPhillips, arXiv)

    65. 2103.03737 : Interplay between Zhang-Rice singlets and high-spin states in a model for doped NiO$_2$ planes (nickelate, arXiv)

    66. 2103.03600 : Unsplit superconducting and time reversal symmetry breaking transitions in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ under hydrostatic pressure and disorder (ruthenate, arXiv)

    67. 2103.03269 : Topology and geometry under the nonlinear electromagnetic spotlight (KSBurch, arXiv)

    68. 10.1063/5.0039470 : Interlayer coupling effect on skyrmion dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnets (skyrmion, APL)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 1st week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.L121104 : Spin Seebeck effect in nonmagnetic excitonic insulators (excitonic insulator, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.125409 : Intrinsic and extrinsic spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation in monolayer ${\mathrm{PtSe}}_{2}$ (PtSe2, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.125114 : Perovskite as a spin current generator (YMotome, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.115411 : Charge and spin transport through a normal lead coupled to an $s$-wave superconductor and a Majorana zero mode (majorana, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.115408 : Influence of electric and magnetic fields and $\ensuremath{\sigma}$-edge bands on the electronic and optical spectra of graphene nanoribbons (graphene, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.104410 : N'eel-type skyrmions and their current-induced motion in van der Waals ferromagnet-based heterostructures (skyrmion, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.104101 : Tunable double Weyl phonons driven by chiral point group symmetry (Weyl phonon, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.094410 : First-principles calculation of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: A Green’s function approach (DMI, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.126.090402 : Universality Classes of the Anderson Transitions Driven by Non-Hermitian Disorder (Shindou, PRL)

    10. 371/6533/992 : Whirls and swirls of polarization (polar topology, science) 371/6533/1050 Toroidal polar topology in strained ferroelectric polymer (STO, science)

    11. 2103.03073 : Comment on “Direct observation of excitonic instability in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$” [arXiv:2007.08212 (2020)] (EI, arXiv)

    12. 2103.03056 : Origin of the different electronic structure of Rh- and Ru-doped Sr2IrO4 (iridate, arXiv)

    13. s41467-021-21641-2 : Extracting Kondo temperature of strongly-correlated systems from the inverse local magnetic susceptibility (Kondo temperature, ncomms)

    14. 2103.02814 : Emergent electromagnetic induction beyond room temperature (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    15. 2103.02614 : Extrinsic phonon thermal Hall transport from Hall viscosity (Sachdev phonon, arXiv)

    16. 2103.03118 : Cascade of correlated electron states in a kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (LBalents, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.103.125110 : Majorana bound states in a superconducting Rashba nanowire in the presence of antiferromagnetic order (majorana, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.125108 : Large negative magnetoresistance in the antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{BaMn}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}$ (negative MR, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.115407 : Anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in (001) and (111) ${\mathrm{LaVO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (MR, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.115406 : Valley Hall effect and nonlocal resistance in locally gapped graphene (graphene, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.115110 : Quasiperiodicity, band topology, and moir'e graphene (Senthil, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.104408 : Meron, skyrmion, and vortex crystals in centrosymmetric tetragonal magnets (SZLin, PRB)

    23. 2103.02456 : Coulomb instabilities of 3D higher-order topological insulators (HOTI, arXiv)

    24. 2103.02317 : Fractional statistics of charge carriers in the one- and two-dimensional t-J model. A hint for the cuprates? (tJmodel, arXiv)

    25. 2103.01961 : Unconventional topological transitions in a self-organized magnetic ladder (magnetic ladder, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.103.L121103 : Infrared study of the multiband low-energy excitations of the topological antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.103.125405 : Topological phase transition in Sb-doped ${\mathrm{Mg}}{3}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}$ monocrystalline thin films (topological phase transition, PRB)

    28. 2103.01919 : Hinge Magnons from Non-collinear Magnetic Order in Honeycomb Antiferromagnet (YBKim, arXiv)

    29. 2103.01878 : Emergent Potts Order in a Coupled Hexatic-Nematic XY model (PColeman, arXiv)

    30. 2103.01467 : A mono-material Nernst thermopile with hermaphroditic legs (KBehnia, arXiv)

    31. 2103.01455 : Anomalous fractional quantization in the Kagome-like Heisenberg ladder: Emergence of the effective spin-1 chain (AFM-FM, arXiv)

    32. 2103.01360 : Field-tunable toroidal moment in a chiral-lattice magnet (SWCheong, arXiv)

    33. 2103.01235 : Statistical mechanics of dimers on quasiperiodic tilings (quasicrystal, arXiv)

    34. s41467-021-21605-6 : Momentum-resolved visualization of electronic evolution in doping a Mott insulator (cuprate, ncomms)

    35. PhysRevB.103.125102 : Anomalous normal-state magnetotransport in an electron-doped cuprate (e-doped cuprate, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.115101 : Fractional Fermi liquid in a generalized $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ model (fractionalFL nickelate, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.094403 : Spin transfer torque in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ga}$-based ferrimagnetic tunnel junctions from first principles (Mn3Ga, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.094102 : Zak-phase-inspired acoustic topological edge states on the honeycomb lattice (Zak phase honeycomb, PRB)

    39. PhysRevLett.126.096801 : Electric-Field-Tunable Valley Zeeman Effect in Bilayer Graphene Heterostructures: Realization of the Spin-Orbit Valve Effect (Bilayer graphene, PRL)

    40. 2103.00863 : Emergent O(4) symmetry at the phase transition from plaquette-singlet to antiferromagnetic order in quasi-two-dimensional quantum magnets (ZYMeng, arXiv)

    41. 2103.00300 : Observation of Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Organic Two-Dimensional Dirac Fermion System (Dirac, arXiv)

    42. 2103.00169 : Curvature-driven homogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and emergent weak ferromagnetism in anisotropic antiferromagnetic spin chains (DMI, arXiv)

    43. 2103.00015 : Thermodynamics of free and bound magnons in graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    44. 2103.00011 : Error-correction properties of an interacting topological insulator (SSH, arXiv)

    45. 2103.00008 : Topological Dipole Conserving Insulators and Multipolar Responses (Hughes, arXiv)

    46. 2103.00723 : Quantum Oscillations and the Quasiparticle Properties of Thin Film Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    47. 2103.00701 : Absence of magnetic evidence for superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure (Hirsch, arXiv)

    48. 2103.00447 : Increase of YBa2Cu3O7 critical currents by Mo substitution and high pressure oxygen annealing (Mo-YBCO, arXiv)

    49. 2103.00346 : Luttinger sum rules and spin fractionalization in the SU(N) Kondo Lattice (PColeman, arXiv)

    50. 2103.00203 : van der Waals heterostructures based on atomically-thin superconductors (TMDC, arXiv)

    51. 2102.13126 : Stability of highly-twisted Skyrmions from contact topology (skyrmion, arXiv)

    52. 2102.13115 : Electric Quantum Oscillation in Weyl Semimetals (KPark, arXiv)

    53. 2102.13127 : Thermal effects on collective modes in disordered $s$-wave superconductors (Nandini, arXiv)

    54. PhysRevB.103.L121101 : From triple-point materials to multiband nodal links (Bzdušek, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.103.125101 : Topological surface states on the nonpolar (110) and (111) surfaces of ${\mathrm{SmB}}_{6}$ (BIMin, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.103.094402 : Triple helix versus skyrmion lattice in two-dimensional noncentrosymmetric magnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    57. PhysRevLett.126.097201 : Anomalous Quantum Oscillations in a Heterostructure of Graphene on a Proximate Quantum Spin Liquid (Knolle, PRL)

    58. PhysRevX.11.011041 : Atomic Line Defects and Topological Superconductivity in Unconventional Superconductors (FCZhang, PRX)

    59. PhysRevB.102.224427 : Semirealistic tight-binding model for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Manchon, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 4th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2003.03439 : Topological surface states of MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ at finite temperatures and at domain walls (magnetic TI, PRM)

    2. 2102.12996 : Evidence of zero point fluctuation of vortices in a very weakly pinned a-MoGe thin film (vortex fluctuation, arXiv)

    3. 2102.12788 : Magnetic order and crystalline electric field excitations of the quantum critical heavy fermion ferromagnet CeRh$_6$Ge$_4$ (heavy fermion, arXiv)

    4. 2102.12502 : Tunable topological states hosted by unconventional superconductors with adatoms (majorana, arXiv)

    5. 2102.12015 : Spin texture in a bilayer high-temperature cuprate superconductor (spin texture bilayer cuprate, arXiv)

    6. 2102.11880v1 : Electromagnetic response of composite Dirac fermions in the half-filled Landau level (Son-Dirac, arXiv)

    7. 2102.11933v1 : Polytypism and Superconductivity in the NbS$_2$ System (NbS2, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.103.L060508 : Symmetry change of $d$-wave superconductivity in $\ensuremath{\kappa}$-type organic superconductors (organic SC, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.103.L060407 : Topological control of magnetic textures (magnetic, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.054203 : Phase transitions in a non-Hermitian Aubry-Andr'e-Harper model (AAH, PRB)

    11. PhysRevLett.126.086801 : Dissipative Floquet Majorana Modes in Proximity-Induced Topological Superconductors (majorana, PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.126.086401 : Fermion Doubling Theorems in Two-Dimensional Non-Hermitian Systems for Fermi Points and Exceptional Points (CKChiu, PRL)

    13. PhysRevX.11.011039 : Half-Magnetic Topological Insulator with Magnetization-Induced Dirac Gap at a Selected Surface (magnetic TI, PRX)

    14. PhysRevB.103.L081112 : ${J}{\mathrm{eff}}=\frac{3}{2}$ metallic phase and unconventional superconductivity in ${\mathrm{GaTa}}{4}{\mathrm{Se}}_{8}$ (MJHan, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.054437 : Classical spin order near the antiferromagnetic Kitaev point in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Kitaev-Gamma chain (HYKee, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.054114 : Dynamical topology in ferroelectric nanostructures by $\frac{1}{2}1\overline{1}0$ dislocations in $\mathrm{Sr}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (STO, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.103.075142 : Excitation spectra of quantum matter without quasiparticles. II. Random $t\ensuremath{-}J$ models (random tJ, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.075141 : Excitation spectra of quantum matter without quasiparticles. I. Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models (SYK, PRB)

    19. 2102.11444 : High magnetic field induced crossover from the Kondo to Fermi liquid behavior in 1$T$-VTe$_{2}$ single crystals (Kondo, arXiv)

    20. 2102.11410 : Oscillations of the thermal conductivity observed in the spin-liquid state of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Ong, arXiv)

    21. 2102.11405 : Metamagnetism of few layer topological antiferromagnets (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    22. 2102.11779 : Designer quantum matter in van der Waals heterostructures (Lado, arXiv)

    23. 2102.11471 : PTCDA molecular monolayer on Pb thin films: An unusual {\pi}-electron Kondo system and its interplay with quantum-confined superconductor (kondo, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.103.L060406 : Spin superfluidity in noncollinear antiferromagnets (noncollinear, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.085432 : Giant magnetoresistance due to orbital-symmetry mismatch in transition metal benzene sandwich molecules (MR, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.103.085129 : Topological beam splitter via defect-induced edge channel in the Rice-Mele model (Rice-Mele, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.103.075136 : Magnetic response trends in cuprates and the $t\ensuremath{-}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ Hubbard model (cuprate, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.103.064428 : Magnetic order and surface state gap in ${({\mathrm{Sb}}{0.95}{\mathrm{Cr}}{0.05})}{2} {\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (magnetic TI, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.103.085135 : Coexistence of fully spin-polarized Weyl nodal loop, nodal surface, and Dirac point in a family of quasi-one-dimensional half-metals (half-metal, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.103.054113 : Multiple structural components and their competition in the intermediate state of antiferroelectric $\mathrm{Pb}(\mathrm{Zr},\mathrm{Ti}){\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (PbZrO3, PRB)

    31. 2102.10839 : Interplay between multipolar spin interactions, Jahn-Teller effect and electronic correlation in a $J_{eff}=\frac{3}{2}$ insulator (BHKim, arXiv)

    32. 2102.10796 : The first-principles research on the role of surface in the heavy fermion compound CeRh$_2$Si$_2$ (heavy fermion, arXiv)

    33. 2102.10755 : Phase diagram of the Yukawa-SYK model: Non-Fermi liquid, insulator, and superconductor (Meng, arXiv)

    34. 2102.10729 : Hund’s physics and the magnetic ground state of CrOX (X = Cl, Br) (MJHan, arXiv)

    35. 2102.10171 : Axion-matter coupling in multiferroics (SWCheong, arXiv)

    36. 2102.10987 : Concurrence of anomalous Hall effect and charge density wave in a superconducting topological kagome metal (kagome, arXiv)

    37. 2102.10625 : Spin excitations in the heavily overdoped monolayer graphene superconductor: an analog to the cuprates (graphene, arXiv)

    38. 2102.10504 : Critical magnetic fields and electron-pairing in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    39. 2102.10455 : Second order Josephson effect in excitonic insulators (AJMillis, arXiv)

    40. PhysRevB.103.075434 : Chiral interface states and related quantized transport in disordered Chern insulators (disordered Chern, PRB)

    41. PhysRevLett.126.087001 : Strong Superexchange in a ${d}^{9\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ Nickelate Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (nickelate, PRL)

    42. 2102.09760 : Observation of Kondo hybridization with an orbital-selective Mott phase in 4d Ca2-xSrxRuO4 (Kondo, arXiv)

    43. 2102.09783 : Thermodynamic electric quadrupole moments of nematic phases from first-principles calculation (Yanase, arXiv)

    44. s41467-021-21347-5 : Correlating Josephson supercurrents and Shiba states in quantum spins unconventionally coupled to superconductors (SSPParkin, ncomms)

  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 3rd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.L081110 : Ambipolar magneto-optical response of ultralow carrier density topological insulators (SSOh, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.085429 : Unconventional four-terminal thermoelectric transport due to inelastic transport: Cooling by transverse heat current, transverse thermoelectric effect, and Maxwell demon (Imry, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.085128 : Competition of spinon Fermi surface and heavy Fermi liquid states from the periodic Anderson to the Hubbard model (PALee, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.075431 : Electronic transport in submicrometric channels at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface (LAO/STO, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.075135 : Emergent orbital-selective many-body effects upon doping strained graphene (graphene, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.075134 : Metal-insulator transition in ${\mathrm{V}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ with intrinsic defects (V2O3, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.054428 : Skew scattering and side jump of spin wave across magnetic texture (transport magnetic texture, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.054427 : Phase transitions between helices, vortices, and hedgehogs driven by spatial anisotropy in chiral magnets (YMotome, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.126.076603 : Hall Coefficient of Semimetals (Auerbach, PRL)

    10. 2102.09272 : Infinity scatter infinity: Infinite critical boson non-Fermi liquid (GChen, arXiv)

    11. 2102.08967 : Quotient symmetry protected topological phenomena (FPollmann, arXiv)

    12. 2102.08964 : Modified Curie-Weiss Law for $j_{\rm eff}$ Magnets (jeff, arXiv)

    13. 2102.09212 : The relationship between transport anisotropy and nematicity in FeSe (nematicity, arXiv)

    14. 2102.09096 : Non-homogeneous pairing in disordered two-band s-wave superconductors (disorder, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.103.L081109 : Topological bands in two-dimensional orbital-active bipartite lattices (bipartite, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.085125 : Evidence for a large Rashba splitting in ${\mathrm{PtPb}}_{4}$ from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Rashba, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.103.075428 : Charge and spin photocurrents in the Rashba model (SBlugel, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.064508 : Inducing and controlling superconductivity in the Hubbard honeycomb model using an electromagnetic drive (SZLin, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.064424 : Neutron scattering investigation of proposed Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in the triangular-lattice Ising antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{TmMgGaO}}_{4}$ (KT nuetron, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.054425 : Magnon valve effect and resonant transmission in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal (magnon, PRB)

    21. PhysRevLett.126.076801 : Criticality of Two-Dimensional Disordered Dirac Fermions in the Unitary Class and Universality of the Integer Quantum Hall Transition (Dirac fermion, PRL)

    22. PhysRevX.11.011034 : Vacancy-Induced Low-Energy Density of States in the Kitaev Spin Liquid (RMoessner, PRX)

    23. 2102.08899 : Langevin dynamics simulations of the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, arXiv)

    24. 2102.08721 : Correlated composite approach to fractional quantum Hall effect via edge current (SJRey, arXiv)

    25. 2102.08385 : Electric-field-tunable electronic nematic order in twisted double-bilayer graphene (Fernanades, arXiv)

    26. 2102.08652 : Magnetic monopole mechanism for localized electron pairing in HTS (monopole HTS, arXiv)

    27. 2102.08433 : Heat capacity of type I superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe$_2$ (PdTe2, arXiv)

    28. 2102.08400 : Spin-pumping in superconductor-antiferromagnetic insulator bilayers (spin pump, arXiv)

    29. 2102.08395 : Extremely Correlated Superconductors (Shastry, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.103.L081108 : Hybrid nodal chain in an orthorhombic graphene network (graphene network, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.103.064507 : Route to phonon-mediated high-temperature unconventional superconductivity (phonon unconvectional SC, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.103.064308 : Double Dirac cones and topologically nontrivial phonons for continuous square symmetric ${C}{4(v)}$ and ${C}{2(v)}$ unit cells (Dirac cone phonon, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.054424 : Pressure-induced large increase of Curie temperature of the van der Waals ferromagnet $\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{I}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.103.L060504 : Giant orbital polarization of ${\mathrm{Ni}}^{2+}$ in a square planar environment (Nickelate, PRB)

    35. 2102.07584 : Entanglement dynamics from random product states at long times (random product states, arXiv)

    36. 2102.07563 : Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Crystals in the Rashba Hund’s Model on Triangular Lattice (AFM skyrmion, arXiv)

    37. 2102.07517 : The “dark phase’’ in Sr$2$Ir${1-x}$Rh$_x$O$_4$ revealed by Seebeck and Hall measurements (iridates, arXiv)

    38. 2102.07484 : Tunable moire spinons in magnetically encapsulated twisted van der Waals quantum spin-liquids (Lado, arXiv)

    39. 2102.07050 : Anisotropic spin waves and unusual exchange couplings in Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (Weyl, arXiv)

    40. 2102.07912 : Lattice dynamics of the Ta$2$Ni(Se${1-x}$S$_x$)$_5$ excitonic insulator candidates (EI, arXiv)

    41. 2102.07913 : Charge density waves and Fermi level pinning in monolayer and bilayer SnSe$_2$ (SnSe2, PRB)

    42. 2102.07860 : Local observation of linear-$T$ superfluid density and anomalous vortex dynamics in URu$_2$Si$_2$ (T-linear, arXiv)

    43. PhysRevB.103.075424 : Enhanced anomalous Nernst effect in disordered Dirac and Weyl materials (LiangFu, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.103.L081405 : Fermi arcs and surface criticality in dirty Dirac materials (disorder Dirac, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.103.L081106 : Bilayer graphene can become a fractional metal (Nori, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.075129 : Graphene on two-dimensional hexagonal BN, AlN, and GaN: Electronic, spin-orbit, and spin relaxation properties (Fabian, PRB)

    47. PhysRevLett.126.077202 : Thermoelectric Signature of Individual Skyrmions (skyrmion, PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.126.077001 : Universal Bound to the Amplitude of the Vortex Nernst Signal in Superconductors (KBehnia, PRL) Unexpected Universality in Superconductor Behavior (physics)

    49. PhysRevX.11.011031 : Benchmark for Ab Initio Prediction of Magnetic Structures Based on Cluster-Multipole Theory (Arita, PRX)

    50. 2102.07493 : High-entropy van der Waals materials (high-entropy alloy, arXiv)

    51. 2102.07239 : Concomitant appearance of conductivity and superconductivity in (111)LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface with metal capping (LAO/STO(111), arXiv)

    52. PhysRevB.103.L060503 : Cubic spin-orbit coupling and anomalous Josephson effect in planar junctions (Zutic, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.103.085421 : Spin-valley coupling in a two-dimensional $\mathrm{V}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{N}}{4}$ monolayer (spin valley, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.103.085121 : Post-synthesis control of Berry phase driven magnetotransport in ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ films (SRO, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.103.075422 : Spin-valley collective modes of the electron liquid in graphene (graphene, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.103.064422 : Electron correlations and charge segregation in layered manganese pnictide antiferromagnets showing anomalously large magnetoresistance (MR, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.103.054505 : Interorbital nematicity and the origin of a single electron Fermi pocket in FeSe (nematicity, PRB)

  • Sachdev

  • Sachdev poster
    Sachdev poster
    Subir Sachdev, Jinwu Ye, Alexei Kitaev = SYK
    Subir Sachdev, Jinwu Ye, Alexei Kitaev = SYK
  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 2nd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2102.06189 : Hidden phases born of a quantum spin liquid: Application to pyrochlore spin ice (SBLee, arXiv)

    2. 2102.05994 : Tunable Kondo resonance at a pristine two-dimensional Dirac semimetal on a Kondo insulator (Kondo, Nano Lett.)

    3. 2102.06669 : Oxygen magnetic polarization, nodes in spin density, and zigzag spin order in oxides (co-oxide, arXiv)

    4. 2102.06556 : Universal size-dependent nonlinear charge transport in single crystals of the Mott insulator Ca4RuO4 (Ca2RuO4, arXiv)

    5. 2102.06430 : Topological Thermal Hall Effect Induced by Magnetic Skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    6. 2102.06383 : Symmetry protected topological edge modes in the presence of quantum baths (symmetry protected, arXiv)

    7. 2102.06353 : Probing the evolution of electronic phase-coexistence in complex systems by terahertz radiation (phase coexistence, arXiv)

    8. 2102.06346 : Quadrupole Orders on the fcc Lattice (quadrupole order, arXiv)

    9. 2102.06302 : Orbital Frustration and Emergent Flat Bands (Nandini, arXiv)

    10. 2102.06293 : Quasiparticle Pattern of Phenomena in Exotic Superconductors (exotic SC, arXiv)

    11. 2102.06223 : Cornering the universal shape of fluctuations (Witczak-Krempa, arXiv)

    12. 2102.06636 : Neutron scattering studies on spin fluctuations in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    13. 2102.06494 : Gapless vortex bound states in superconducting topological semimetals (JPHu, arXiv)

    14. 2102.05885 : Phase transitions in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayer driven by spontaneous supercurrents (SF phase transition, PRB)

    15. 2102.05686 : Quantum-critical dynamics of a Josephson junction at the topological transition (Josephson Junction, arXiv)

    16. 2102.05661 : Does filling-dependent band renormalization aid pairing in twisted bilayer graphene? (TBLG, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.103.075123 : Exchange interactions and sensitivity of the Ni two-hole spin state to Hund’s coupling in doped ${\mathrm{NdNiO}}_{2}$ (nickelate, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.L081104 : Spin-orbit coupling driven orbital-selective doping effect in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ru}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ir}}{x}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (CKim, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.085119 : Unveiling the mechanisms of metal-insulator transitions in ${\mathrm{V}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$: The role of trigonal distortion (V2O3, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.085118 : Destabilization of ferromagnetism by frustration and realization of a nonmagnetic Mott transition in the quarter-filled two-orbital Hubbard model (Hubbard, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.064103 : Subtle effect of doping on the charge density wave in $\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\delta}}$ ($\ensuremath{\delta}=0.028–0.123$) crystals revealed by anisotropic transport measurements and Raman spectroscopy (CDW, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.054422 : Noncoplanar multiple-$Q$ spin textures by itinerant frustration: Effects of single-ion anisotropy and bond-dependent anisotropy (YMotome, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.103.L060404 : Probing the topology of the quantum analog of a classical skyrmion (quantum skyrmion, PRB)

    24. PhysRevLett.126.066401 : Higher-Order Band Topology in Twisted Moir'e Superlattice (Higher-order, PRL)

    25. 371/6530/716 : Two-dimensional superconductivity and anisotropic transport at KTaO3 (111) interfaces (KTO111, Science)

    26. adma.202004138 : Quantum Rescaling, Domain Metastability, and Hybrid Domain-Walls in 2D CrI3 Magnets (CrI3, adma)

    27. 2102.05613 : Many-Configuration Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC, arXiv)

    28. 2102.05556 : Direct visualization of three-dimensional shape of skyrmion strings in a noncentrosymmetric magnet (skyrmion, arXiv)

    29. 2102.05489 : Suppression of effective spin-orbit coupling by thermal fluctuations in spin-orbit coupled antiferromagnets (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    30. 2102.05052v1 : Non-Landau Fermi Liquid induced by Bose Metal (YBKim, arXiv)

    31. 2102.05434v1 : Interaction of a Neel-type skyrmion and a superconducting vortex (skyrmion, arXiv)

    32. 2102.05116v1 : Origin of Topological Surface Superconductivity in FeSe${0.45}$Te${0.55}$ (FeSeTe, arXiv)

    33. 2102.05060v1 : Antiferromagnetism induced by electron-phonon-coupling (AFM, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.103.L081402 : Type-III Weyl semimetals: ${({\mathrm{TaSe}}{4})}{2}\mathrm{I}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.085114 : Universal scaling behavior under pressure in the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CeRh}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}$: $^{29}\mathrm{Si}$ NMR study (heavy-fermion, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.054418 : Unconventional U(1) to ${Z}_{q}$ crossover in quantum and classical $q$-state clock models (Sandvik, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.054417 : Tuning Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in magnetic bilayers with a ferroelectric substrate (DMI, PRB)

    38. PhysRevLett.126.067001 : Odd-Parity Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Metals (BJYang, PRL)

    39. 2102.04821 : Probing charge density wave phases and Mott transition in $1T$-TaS$_2$ by inelastic light scattering (TaS2, arXiv)

    40. 2102.04607 : Control of superexchange interactions with DC electric fields (field-induced superexchange, arXiv)

    41. 2102.04470 : Band geometry from position-momentum duality at topological band crossings (band crossing, arXiv)

    42. PhysRevLett.125.157001 : Unusual Pressure-Induced Quantum Phase Transition from Superconducting to Charge-Density Wave State in Rare-Earth-Based Heusler ${\mathrm{LuPd}}_{2}\mathrm{In}$ Compound (CDW, PRL)

    43. 2102.04785 : Possible Pressure-Induced Charge-Density Wave Quantum Critical Point in LuPd2In (CDW, JPSJ)

    44. PhysRevX.11.011026 : Maximum Refractive Index of an Atomic Medium (Optics, PRX)

    45. PhysRevB.103.085417 : Floquet engineering of edge states in the presence of staggered potential and interactions (floquet, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.103.075414 : Valley polarization in biased bilayer graphene using circularly polarized light (Valley polarization, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.075120 : Marginally localized edges of time-reversal symmetric topological superconductors (majorana, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.064101 : Spectral and structural signatures of phase transformation in the charge density wave material $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ta}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ intercalated with triethylenediamine (1T-TaS2, PRB)

    49. 2102.04371 : Chiral Anomaly in Interacting Condensed Matter Systems (Chiral anomaly, arXiv)

    50. 2102.04173 : Magnetic properties of bilayer VI3: Role of trigonal crystal field and electric-field tuning (VI3, arXiv)

    51. 2102.03766 : Ultrafast Evolution of Bulk, Surface and Surface Resonance States in Photoexcited Bi${2}$Te${3}$ (CD-ARPES, arXiv)

    52. 2102.03947 : Weyl point immersed in a continuous spectrum: an example from superconducting nanostructures (Nazarov, arXiv)

    53. 2102.03900 : Controlling unconventional superconductivity in artificially engineered $f$-electron Kondo superlattices (Matsuda, arXiv)

    54. 2102.03854 : The phonon mechanism explanation of the superconductivity dichotomy between FeSe and FeS monolayers on STO and other substrates (STO, arXiv)

    55. 2102.03423 : Majorana Bound States Induced by Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Textures (DLoss, arXiv)

    56. 2102.03397 : Interfacial Electron-Phonon Coupling Constants Extracted from Intrinsic Replica Bands in Monolayer FeSe/SrTiO$_3$ (FeSe/STO, arXiv)

    57. 2102.03375 : On the possibility of mixed helical p-wave pairings in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    58. PhysRevB.103.085111 : External light control of three-dimensional ultrashort far-infrared pulses in an inhomogeneous array of carbon nanotubes (CNT, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.103.075117 : Calculating the polarization in bipartite lattice models: Application to an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Polarization, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.103.064414 : Thermodynamically stable skyrmion lattice in a tetragonal frustrated antiferromagnet with dipolar interaction (skyrmion, PRB)

    61. 2102.03312 : Emulating heavy fermions in twisted trilayer graphene (Lado, arXiv)

    62. 2102.03008 : Symmetry-Driven Spin-Wave Gap Modulation in Nanolayered SrRuO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures: Implications for Spintronic Applications (WSChoi, arXiv)

    63. 2102.02822 : Rare regions and avoided quantum criticality in disordered Weyl semimetals and superconductors (quantum criticality, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 1st week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.064409 : Magnetic dynamics with Weyl fermions (Yaroslav, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.054502 : Temperature dependence of London penetration depth anisotropy in superconductors with anisotropic order parameters (London, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.126.056601 : Disentangling Orbital and Valley Hall Effects in Bilayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDC, PRL)

    4. PhysRevX.11.011024 : Emergent Magnetic Phases in Pressure-Tuned van der Waals Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRX)

    5. 2102.02740 : Spin-orbit-entangled electronic phases in 4$d$ and 5$d$ transition-metal compounds (Takagi, arXiv)

    6. 2102.02387 : Self-duality of One-dimensional Quasicrystals with Spin-Orbit Interaction (quasicrystal, arXiv)

    7. 2102.02256 : Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (MacDonald, arXiv)

    8. 2102.02226 : A new cubic Hall viscosity in three-dimensional topological semimetals (Bradlyn, arXiv)

    9. 2102.02735 : Electronic and dynamical properties of CeRh${2}$As${2}$: Role of Rh${2}$As${2}$ layers and expected hidden orbital order (CeRh2As2, arXiv)

    10. 2102.02644 : The 2021 Quantum Materials Roadmap (Quantum material, arXiv)

    11. 2102.02500 : Standard behaviour of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d overdoped (Eliashberg, arXiv)

    12. 2102.02380 : Reinforcing increase of {\Delta}TC in MgB2 smart meta-superconductors by adjusting the concentration of inhomogeneous phases (MgB2, arXiv)

    13. 2102.02214 : New tools to determine the topological character of Shiba chains (Shiba chains, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevB.103.085408 : Higher-order topological Anderson insulators (YongXu, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.075113 : Tensor network study of the $m=\frac{1}{2}$ magnetization plateau in the Shastry-Sutherland model at finite temperature (TN S=1/2, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.054410 : Comprehensive study of the global phase diagram of the $J\ensuremath{-}K\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ model on a triangular lattice (JKG triangular, PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.126.056803 : **Spontaneous Valley Spirals in Magnetically Encapsulated Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Lado, PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.126.056403 : Fingerprints of the Local Moment Formation and its Kondo Screening in the Generalized Susceptibilities of Many-Electron Problems (Kondo screening, PRL)

    19. 2102.02178 : Charge ordering in Ir dimers in the ground state of Ba$5$AlIr$_2$O${11}$ (iridates, arXiv)

    20. 2102.02150 : Low temperature ferromagnetism in perovskite SrIrO$_3$ films (SrIrO3, arXiv)

    21. 2102.01700 : Critical anomalous metals near superconductivity in models with random interactions (Sachdev, arXiv)

    22. rs-136696/v1 : Observation of fractional spin textures and bulk-boundary correspondence (Parkin, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.103.085106 : Tunable chiral symmetry breaking in symmetric Weyl materials (Cano, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.085406 : Effect of Rashba splitting on ultrafast carrier dynamics in BiTeI (Rashba, PRB)

    25. PhysRevLett.126.056401 : Landau Levels as a Probe for Band Topology in Graphene Moir'e Superlattices (BLG, PRL)

    26. 2102.01396 : Low-energy electronic states of oxygen-controlled Mott insulator Ca${2}$RuO${4+\delta}$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    27. 2102.01400 : Coupled spin-orbital fluctuations in a three orbital model for $4d$ and $5d$ oxides with electron fillings $n=3,4,5$ – Application to $\rm NaOsO_3$, $\rm Ca_2RuO_4$, and $\rm Sr_2IrO_4$ (iridates, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.103.064402 : Magnonic crystals with complex geometry (magnon, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.103.054405 : Chiral phase transition and thermal Hall effect in an anisotropic spin model on the kagome lattice (chiral phase transition, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.103.054404 : Symmetry-protected topological phases beyond groups: The $q$-deformed bilinear-biquadratic spin chain (spin chain, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.103.054403 : Laser-induced torques in spin spirals (SBlugel, PRB)

    32. PhysRevLett.126.056801 : Current-Driven Magnetization Reversal in Orbital Chern Insulators (MacDonald, PRL)

    33. PhysRevX.11.011021 : Bond Directional Anapole Order in a Spin-Orbit Coupled Mott Insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}({\mathrm{Ir}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Rh}}{x}){\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (Iridates, PRX)

    34. 2102.01061 : Strong-Magnetic-Field Magnon Transport in Monolayer Graphene (MacDonald, arXiv)

    35. 2102.00607 : Theory of pair density wave on a quasi-one-dimensional lattice in the Hubbard model (PDW, arXiv)

    36. 2102.00585 : Chiral magnetic effect in lattice models of tilted multi-Weyl semimetals (Weyl, arXiv)

    37. 2102.00025 : Multiband charge density wave exposed in a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC, arXiv)

    38. 2102.00014 : Topological magnons for thermal Hall transport in frustrated magnets with bond-dependent interactions (YBKim, arXiv)

    39. PhysRevB.103.075402 : Exciton effect on shift current in single-walled boron-nitride nanotubes (nanotube, PRB)

    40. 2101.12558 : Electronic correlations at paramagnetic $(001)$ and $(110)$ NiO surfaces: Charge-transfer and Mott-Hubbard-type gaps at the surface and subsurface of $(110)$ NiO (Leonov, arxiv)

    41. 2101.12405 : Dynamical signatures of symmetry protected topology following symmetry breaking (Devereaux, arXiv)

    42. 2101.12219 : Spin-orbit coupled time-reversal symmetric Hofstadter model on the Kagome lattice (Kagome, arXiv)

    43. 2101.12538 : Fabrication of topological insulator devices (Ando, arXiv)


  • Emergence and Dynamics in Quantum Matter 2021 https://sites.google.com/view/emergence-dynamics2021/home .

  • QMS 2021

  • Quantum Materials Symposium 2021 https://sites.google.com/view/qms2021/home .

  • weekly picks (Jan 5 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 5th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. 2101.09947 : Computing and Memory Technologies based on Magnetic Skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.103.L041408 : High-order harmonic generation in graphene: Nonlinear coupling of intraband and interband transitions (HHG graphene, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.035433 : First-principles study of a topological phase transition induced by image potential states in MXenes (MXenes, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.035151 : Effects of Mn-substitution on the valence bond solid in ${\mathrm{Li}}{2}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.035150 : Evidence of Weyl fermions in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{3}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.103.024529 : Exactly solvable model of Fermi arcs and pseudogap (KYang, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.103.024451 : Magnetic and structural dimer networks in layered ${\mathrm{K}}{2}\mathrm{Ni}$(${\mathrm{MoO}}{4}{)}_{2}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.103.024108 : Deep learning of accurate force field of ferroelectric ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ (HfO2, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.126.045701 : Phases of the ($2+1$) Dimensional SO(5) Nonlinear Sigma Model with Topological Term (RMong, PRL)

    10. 2101.11969 : Magnetic Field Effects on the Transport Properties of High-Tc Cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.103.045137 : Kondo screening regimes in multi-Dirac and Weyl systems (Kondo screening, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.103.035147 : Quadrupole moments, edge polarizations, and corner charges in the Wannier representation (Vanderbilit, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.103.014310 : Floquet engineering of topological transitions in a twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homobilayer (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.103.045138 : Nature of the magnetic stripes in fully oxygenated ${\mathrm{La}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4+y}$ (magnetic stripes, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.103.024205 : Topological crystalline phases in a disordered inversion-symmetric chain (Hughes, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.126.046401 : Index Theorem on Chiral Landau Bands for Topological Fermions (SAYang, PRL)

    17. 2101.11280 : Nodeless superconductivity in the charge density wave superconductor LaPt$_2$Si$_2$ (CDW BTK, PRB)

    18. 2101.11169 : A proposal to improve Ni-based superconductors (Nickelate, arXiv)

    19. 2101.11555 : Nematic superconductivity in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene from atomistic modeling (Black-Schaffer, arXiv)

    20. 2101.11417 : Importance of electronic correlations for the magnetic properties of the two-dimensional ferromagnet CoBr$_2$ (DFT+MC, arXiv)

    21. 2101.11099 : Neural networks in quantum many-body physics: a hands-on tutorial (hands-on-ML, arXiv)

    22. 2101.11065 : Inhomogeneous mean-field approach to collective excitations in disordered interacting bosons (disorder, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.103.L041407 : Electrical control of anisotropic and tightly bound excitons in bilayer phosphorene (GHLee, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.L020410 : Optical magnons with dominant bond-directional exchange interactions in the honeycomb lattice iridate $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{Li}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{3}$ (SHChun, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.035144 : Crystalline electric field excitations in the quantum spin liquid candidate ${\mathrm{NaYbSe}}_{2}$ (crystalline-field-excitations, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.103.024446 : Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of disordered ${\mathrm{Fe}}{p}{\mathrm{Al}}{1\ensuremath{-}p}$ alloys: A site-diluted isotropic Heisenberg model (Montecarlo, PRB)

    27. PhysRevX.11.011017 : Evidence for Dominant Phonon-Electron Scattering in Weyl Semimetal ${\mathrm{WP}}_{2}$ (phonon, PRX) The Role of Phonons in a Topological Material

    28. 2101.10566 : Isolated Skyrmions in the $CP^2$ nonlinear $\sigma$-model with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type interaction (CP2, arXiv)

    29. 2101.10411 : Anomalous symmetry breaking in Weyl semimetal CeAlGe (CeAlGe, arXiv)

    30. 2101.10332 : Emergent moments in a Hund’s impurity (PColeman, arXiv)

    31. 2101.10750 : Positive Seebeck coefficient in highly doped La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ ($x$=0.33); its origin and implication (Behnia, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevB.103.L041304 : Microscopic bath effects on noise spectra in semiconductor quantum dot qubits (QD, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.045307 : Photonic topological Weyl degeneracies and ideal type-I Weyl points in the gyromagnetic metamaterials (Weyl, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.103.045203 : Giant Nernst effect and field-enhanced transversal ${z}{N}\mathrm{T}$ in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}{5}$ (Nernst, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.045136 : Square-root topological semimetals (Hatsugai, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.035142 : Nondiagonal anisotropic quantum Hall states (CKane, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.014441 : Probing giant Zeeman shift in vanadium-doped $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ via resonant magnetotunneling transport (YHLee, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.014116 : Microscopic mechanisms behind hyperferroelectricity (ferroelectricity, PRB)

    39. PhysRevLett.126.047801 : Skyrmion Spin Ice in Liquid Crystals (skyrmion, PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.126.047401 : Twist Angle-Dependent Interlayer Exciton Lifetimes in van der Waals Heterostructures (twist, PRL) 1. A New Twist on Exciton Lifetimes

    41. 2101.10299 : Discovery of an insulating ferromagnetic phase of electrons in two dimensions (SKivelson, PNAS)

    42. 2101.10161 : Phase diagram study of a two-dimensional frustrated antiferromagnet via unsupervised machine learning (2D frustrated, arXiv)

    43. 2101.10197 : Effects of spin orbit coupling in superconducting proximity devices – application to $\mathrm{CoSi_2 / TiSi_2}$ heterostructures (FCZhang, arXiv)

    44. 2101.09882 : Fingerprints of Majorana fermions in high-harmonic spectroscopy (majorana, arXiv)

    45. 2101.09522 : Field-induced transition from even to odd parity superconductivity in CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (Ce SC, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevB.103.L041111 : Geometrical Hall effect and momentum-space Berry curvature from spin-reversed band pairs (YTokura, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.L020409 : Triplons, magnons, and spinons in a single quantum spin system: ${\mathrm{SeCuO}}_{3}$ (triplon, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.103.045426 : Exciton-exciton interaction in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers and van der Waals heterostructures (Exciton, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.103.045424 : Floquet generation of a second-order topological superconductor (Floquet, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.103.035427 : Theories for the correlated insulating states and quantum anomalous Hall effect phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene (XiDai, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.103.024439 : Square skyrmion crystal in centrosymmetric itinerant magnets (YMotome, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.103.024303 : Electron-phonon coupling in the magnetic Weyl semimetal $\mathrm{Zr}{\mathrm{Co}}_{2}\mathrm{Sn}$ (magnetic Weyl, PRB)

    53. PhysRevLett.126.046801 : Theory of Differential Conductance of Co on Cu(111) Including Co $s$ and $d$ Orbitals, and Surface and Bulk Cu States (STM theory, PRL)

    54. 2101.09134 : Boundary conditions for the N'{e}el order parameter in a chiral antiferromagnetic slab (AFM slab, arXiv)

    55. 2101.08972 : Localized 4f-electrons in the quantum critical heavy fermion ferromagnet CeRh$_6$Ge$_4$ (heavy fermion, arXiv)

    56. 2101.08787 : Broken-Symmetry Ground States of the Heisenberg model on the Pyrochlore Lattice (VMC, arXiv)

    57. 2101.09221 : Normal state specific heat in the cuprates La${2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ and Bi${2+y}$Sr${2-x-y}$La$_x$CuO${6+\delta}$ near the critical point of the pseudogap phase (Taillefer, arXiv)

    58. 2101.09062 : Quasi-isotropic orbital magnetoresistance in lightly doped SrTiO$_{3}$ (Behnia, arXiv)

    59. 2101.08821 : Unusual $H$-$T$ phase diagram of CeRh$_2$As$_2$ – the role of staggered non-centrosymmetriciy (Sigrist, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 4th week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.035308 : Valley pseudospin in monolayer $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{N}}{4}$ and $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{4}$ (MoS2, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.014435 : Lattice vibration as a knob on exotic quantum criticality (EGMoon, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.024437 : Chirality-induced linear response properties in noncoplanar ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ge}$ (Ebert, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.126.036801 : Anomalous Exciton Hall Effect (exciton, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.126.036803 : Moir'e versus Mott: Incommensuration and Interaction in One-Dimensional Bichromatic Lattices (DasSarma, PRL)

    6. 2101.08713 : Calculating the polarization in bi-partite lattice models: application to an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH polarization, arXiv)

    7. 2101.08662 : Lattice and Electronic properties of VO$_2$ with the SCAN(+$U$) approach (Soorankim, arXiv)

    8. 2101.08645 : Finite temperature fluctuation-induced order and responses in magnetic topological insulators (van den Brink, arXiv)

    9. 2101.08277 : Nonlinear orbital response across topological phase transition in centrosymmetric materials (centrosymmetric, arXiv)

    10. 2101.08274 : Filling anomaly for general 2D and 3D $C_4$ symmetric lattices (Cano, arXiv)

    11. 2101.08535 : Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above $T_{C}$ (disorder SC, arXiv)

    12. 2101.08307 : Enhanced superconductivity in FeSe/SrTiO$_3$ from the combination of forward scattering phonons and spin fluctuations (FeSe/STO, arXiv)

    13. 2101.08272 : Cubic spin-orbit coupling and anomalous Josephson effect in planar junctions (Zutic, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevX.11.011013 : Heart of Entanglement: Chiral, Nematic, and Incommensurate Phases in the Kitaev-Gamma Ladder in a Field (Kee, PRX)

    15. PhysRevX.11.011014 : Correlation-Induced Insulating Topological Phases at Charge Neutrality in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Fernandes, PRX)

    16. 2101.07802 : Know the enemy: 2D Fermi liquids (DasSarma, arXiv)

    17. 2101.08252 : Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level (Beenakker, arXiv)

    18. 2101.07943 : Charge-$4e$ superconductivity from multi-component nematic pairing: Application to twisted bilayer graphene (LiangFu, arXiv)

    19. 2101.07940 : Observation of robust edge superconductivity in Fe(Se,Te) under strong magnetic perturbation (FeSeTe, arXiv)

    20. PhysRevB.103.035126 : Maximally localized Wannier functions for describing a topological phase transition in stanene (stanene, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.024519 : Interplay between nematicity and Bardasis-Schrieffer modes in the short-time dynamics of unconventional superconductors (Eremin, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.024301 : Long-time relaxation dynamics of a spin coupled to a Chern insulator (SSH, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.103.014513 : Three-terminal nonlocal conductance in Majorana nanowires: Distinguishing topological and trivial in realistic systems with disorder and inhomogeneous potential (DasSarma, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.103.014433 : Current-induced spin-wave Doppler shift and attenuation in compensated ferrimagnets (KJLee, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.103.014112 : Metamagnetic transitions and magnetoelectricity in the spin-1 honeycomb antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Ni}}{2}{\mathrm{Mo}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{8}$ (spin-1 honeycomb, PRB)

    26. 2101.07539 : Momentum shift current at terahertz frequencies in twisted bilayer graphene (Binghai, arXiv)

    27. 2101.07522 : Lattice dynamics and structural transition of the hyperhoneycomb iridate $\beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ investigated by high-pressure Raman scattering (Keimer, PRB)

    28. 2101.07275 : Angle-dependent thermodynamics of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (kitaev, arXiv)

    29. 2101.07486 : Tendencies of enhanced electronic nematicity in the Hubbard model and a comparison with Raman scattering on high-temperature superconductors (Devereaux, arXiv)

    30. 2101.07478 : Josephson effect of superconductors with $J=3/2$ electrons (Josephson effect, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.103.L041303 : Theory of anisotropic plasmons (SAhn, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.103.L041202 : Origin of anomalous temperature dependence of the Nernst effect in narrow-gap semiconductors (Arita, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.L041108 : Quantum phase diagram and chiral spin liquid in the extended spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ honeycomb XY model (XY model, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.103.024518 : Hybrid Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and Ising topological phase transition in the generalized two-dimensional XY model using tensor networks (BKT TN, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.024517 : Rotational symmetry breaking and partial Majorana corner states in a heterostructure based on high-${T}_{c}$ superconductors (majorana, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.024514 : Topological $s$-wave superconductors driven by electron correlation (s-wave, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.024434 : Theoretical study of current-induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanotubes with azimuthal domains (CNT, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.024433 : Density wave mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (Sudip, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.103.024430 : Antiferromagnetism and crystalline electric field excitations in tetragonal ${\mathrm{NaCeO}}_{2}$ (oxide-AFM, PRB)

    40. 2101.07045 : The phase diagram of the Hubbard model by Variational Auxiliary Field quantum Monte Carlo (QMC, arXiv)

    41. 2101.07013 : Specific heat of CeRhIn$_5$ in high magnetic fields: Magnetic phase diagram revisited (CeRhIn5, PRB)

    42. 2101.06786 : Experimental determination of the magnetic interactions of frustrated Cairo pentagon lattice materials (JGPark, arXiv)

    43. 2101.06697 : Superfluid Density in Conventional Superconductors: From Clean to Strongly Disordered (Ramakrishnan, arXiv)

    44. 2101.06274 : The dynamics of local magnetic moments induced by itinerant Weyl electrons (Weyl, arXiv)

    45. 2101.06376 : Equivalence of NEGF and scattering approaches to electron transport in the Kitaev chain (transport, arXiv)

    46. 2101.06167 : Putative helimagnetic phase in the kagome metal Co_3Sn_2-xIn_xS_2 (kagome metal, arXiv)

    47. 2101.05831 : Anomalous Hall effect in weak-itinerant ferrimagnet FeCr$_2$Te$_4$ (Binghai, PRB)

    48. 2101.05812 : The effect of midgap states on the magnetic exchange interaction mediated by a $d$-wave superconductor (midgap d-wave, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 3rd week collection

    <–! 1. : –>

    1. PhysRevB.103.035122 : Effect of strain-induced orbital splitting on the magnetic excitations in undoped cuprates (YKBang, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.103.024424 : Search for nonreciprocal magnons in ${\mathrm{MnPS}}_{3}$ (magnon, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.103.024106 : Stability of topological edge states under strong nonlinear effects (SSH, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.103.014425 : Symmetry enhanced spin-Nernst effect in honeycomb antiferromagnetic transition metal trichalcogenide monolayers (spin-Nernst, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.103.L020407 : Nontrivial torque generation by orbital angular momentum injection in ferromagnetic-metal/$\mathrm{Cu}/{\mathrm{Al}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ trilayers (JYKim, PRB)

    6. 2101.05761 : Photoemission image of momentum dependent hybridization in CeCoIn$_5$ (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    7. 2101.05301 : Prediction of Double-Weyl Points in the Iron-Based Superconductor CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ (Weyl, arXiv)

    8. 2101.05503 : Superconducting dome with $extended$ $s$-$wave$ pairing symmetry in the heavily hole-overdoped copper-oxide planes (two-band cuprate, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.103.045414 : Higgs-like pair amplitude dynamics in superconductor–quantum-dot hybrids (QD-SC, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.035119 : Electron-phonon coupling origin of the graphene ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{*}$-band kink via isotope effect (doped graphene, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.014510 : Josephson current via an isolated Majorana zero mode (Josephson current, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.103.014420 : Frustrated Heisenberg ${J}{1}\ensuremath{-}{J}{2}$ model within the stretched diamond lattice of $\mathrm{Li}\mathrm{Yb}{\mathrm{O}}_{2}$ (LBalents, PRB)

    13. 2101.05252 : Evidence for the coexistence between linearly dispersing bands and strong electronic correlations in the underlying kagome lattice of Na2/3CoO2 (kagome, arXiv)

    14. 2101.05143 : Direct Measurement of the Soft Mode Driving a Quantum Phase Transition (QPT, arXiv)

    15. 2101.05058 : Fractional corner magnetization of collinear antiferromagnets (YMotome, arXiv)

    16. 2101.04685 : Functional renormalization group study of the Kitaev-$\Gamma$ model on the honeycomb lattice and emergent incommensurate magnetic correlations (YBKim fRG, arXiv)

    17. 2101.05128 : Spin pumping between noncollinear ferromagnetic insulators through thin superconductors (spin pump, arXiv)

    18. 2101.04787 : Magic Doping and Robust Superconductivity in Monolayer FeSe on Titanates (DHLee, arXiv)

    19. 2101.04689 : From high-$T_c$ to low-$T_c$: Multi-orbital effects in transition metal oxides (nickelate, arXiv)

    20. PhysRevB.103.045115 : Origin of the magnetic and orbital ordering in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Cr}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (Sr2CrO4, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.045116 : Low-energy electrodynamics of Dirac semimetal phases in the doped Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (SMCheon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevLett.126.026802 : Two-Dimensional Superconductivity at the ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{KTaO}}{3}(110)$ Heterointerface (LAO/KTO, PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.126.026601 : Spin Fluctuations in Quantized Transport of Magnetic Topological Insulators (magnetic TI, PRL)

    24. 2101.04191 : Field-angle dependent vortex lattice phase diagram in MgB2 (MgB2 vortex, arXiv)

    25. PhysRevB.103.035115 : Striped electron fluid on (111) ${\mathrm{KTaO}}_{3}$ (MNorman, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.103.024508 : Orbital-dependent self-energy effects and consequences for the superconducting gap structure in multiorbital correlated electron systems (FLEX, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.103.045410 : Spin Weyl quantum unit: A theoretical proposal (Nazarov, PRB)

    28. PhysRevLett.126.027601 : Topological Charge Pumping in Excitonic Insulators (AJMillis, PRL)

    29. s41598-020-79977-6 : Topologically distinct Weyl fermion pairs (Weyl pair, screp)

    30. 2101.03741 : Magnetotransport in overdoped La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$: a Fermi liquid approach (cuprate, arXiv)

    31. 2101.03471 : Optical magnons with dominant bond-directional exchange interactions in a honeycomb lattice iridate $\alpha$-Li${2}$IrO${3}$ (SHChun, arXiv)

    32. 2101.03352 : Quarter-filled Kane-Mele Hubbard model: Dirac half-metals (Dirac half-metal, arXiv)

    33. 2101.03174 : Nematic order driven by superconducting correlations (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.103.045408 : Quasicrystalline electronic states in twisted bilayers and the effects of interlayer and sublattice symmetries (PKMoon, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.045113 : First-principles calculation of the Coulomb interaction parameters $U$ and $J$ for actinide dioxides (cRPA, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.024413 : Temporal and field evolution of spin excitations in the disorder-free triangular antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}\mathrm{BaCo}{({\mathrm{PO}}{4})}_{2}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.045110 : Specific heat of ${\mathrm{CeRhIn}}_{5}$ in high magnetic fields: Magnetic phase diagram revisited (CeRhIn5, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.024410 : Short period magnetization texture of B20-MnGe explained by thermally fluctuating local moments (MnSi, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.103.014104 : Enhancement of thermoelectric efficiency of $T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{HfSe}}_{2}$ via nanostructuring (HfSe2, PRB)

    40. 2101.02810 : Machine-Learning-Guided Prediction Models of Critical Temperature of Cuprates (ML cuprate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.103.045108 : Electronic structure and two-band superconductivity in unconventional high-${T}{c}$ cuprates ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2} {\mathrm{CuO}}_{3+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (Ba-cuprate, PRB)

    2. PhysRevLett.126.017204 : Creation of a Chiral Bobber Lattice in Helimagnet-Multilayer Heterostructures (skyrmion lattice, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.126.016803 : Universality of Boundary Charge Fluctuations (DLoss, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.126.016802 : Detecting Bulk Topology of Quadrupolar Phase from Quench Dynamics (Hatsugai, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.126.015901 : Sizable Suppression of Thermal Hall Effect upon Isotopic Substitution in ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRL)

    6. 2101.01820 : First Principles Calculation of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction: A Green’s function Approach (DMI, arXiv)

    7. 2101.02699 : Magnetism and electrical transport in Y-doped layered iridate Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.122.057202 : Microwave Directional Dichroism Resonant with Spin Excitations in the Polar Ferromagnet ${\mathrm{GaV}}{4}{\mathrm{S}}{8}$ (YTokura, PRL)

    9. PhysRevB.103.045106 : Anomalous Hall effect in the weak-itinerant ferrimagnet ${\mathrm{FeCr}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (AHE, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.103.014504 : Intermediate type-I superconductors in the mesoscopic scale (Tinkham, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.103.024407 : Spin waves in the collinear antiferromagnetic phase of ${\mathrm{Mn}}{5}{\mathrm{Si}}{3}$ (SBlugel, PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.126.017601 : Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (2D SSH, PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.126.010401 : Knots and Non-Hermitian Bloch Bands (Knots, PRL)

    14. 2101.01929 : Magnetic field-tuned quantum criticality in optimally electron-doped cuprate thin films (cuprate, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.103.L041401 : Quadrupole spin polarization as signature of second-order topological superconductors (Jelena, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.103.035403 : Skyrmion zoo in graphene at charge neutrality in a strong magnetic field (skyrmion zoo, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.103.024406 : Magnetic surface reconstruction in the van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Fe}}_{1+x}\mathrm{Te}$ (FeTe, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.103.024405 : Prediction of Majorana edge states from magnetized topological surface states (majorana, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.103.014407 : Magnonic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in honeycomb ferromagnets (magnon SSH, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.103.014406 : Hedgehog-lattice spin texture in classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (Hedgehog, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.103.L041402 : Floquet higher-order topological insulator in a periodically driven bipartite lattice (Floquet, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.103.L020403 : Topological phase transition driven by magnetic field and topological Hall effect in an antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice (AFM-skyrmion, PRB)

    23. PhysRevLett.126.017202 : Microwave Spectroscopy of the Low-Temperature Skyrmion State in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRL)

    24. PhysRevLett.126.017201 : From One- to Two-Magnon Excitations in the $S=3/2$ Magnet $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{CaCr}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (3/2-magnon, PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.126.016403 : Robust Fermi-Surface Morphology of ${\mathrm{CeRhIn}}_{5}$ across the Putative Field-Induced Quantum Critical Point (CeRhIn5, PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.126.016402 : Many-Body Invariants for Chern and Chiral Hinge Insulators (GYCho, PRL)

    27. PhysRevX.11.011003 : Odd-Even Layer-Number Effect and Layer-Dependent Magnetic Phase Diagrams in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (layer-num magnetic, PRX)

    28. 2101.01180 : Majorana corner states in square and Kagome quantum spin liquids (majorana, arXiv)

    29. 2101.01258 : Spontaneous fractional Chern insulators in transition metal dichalcogenides Moire superlattices (SZLin, arXiv)

    30. 2101.01620 : Bereziskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the Weyl system \ce{PtBi2} (BKT Weyl, arXiv)

    31. 2101.01327 : Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance in Ising superconductor-magnetic insulator tunnel junctions (SFS junction, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevB.103.L041301 : Current-induced second harmonic generation of Dirac or Weyl semimetals in a strong magnetic field (SHG, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.103.L041101 : Quantum oscillations in the activated conductivity in excitonic insulators: Possible application to monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (PALee, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.103.045401 : Thermoelectric generation of orbital magnetization in metals (QNiu, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.103.045104 : Crystalline symmetry-dependent magnon formation in the itinerant ferromagnet $\mathrm{SrRu}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (Ruthenate, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.103.035102 : Quantized electrochemical transport in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.103.024501 : Impact of impurity scattering on odd-frequency spin-triplet pairing near the edge of the Kitaev chain (Kitaev, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.103.L041102 : Zero-energy corner states in a non-Hermitian quadrupole insulator (zero-energy Corner, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.103.L020501 : Resistivity saturation in an electron-doped cuprate (cuprate, PRB)

    40. PhysRevLett.126.016401 : Topological Phase Transition and Phonon-Space Dirac Topology Surfaces in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ (phonon Dirac, PRL)

    41. PhysRevX.11.011002 : Selective Orbital Imaging of Excited States with X-Ray Spectroscopy: The Example of $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-MnS (MnS, PRX)

    42. 2101.00852 : The superconductor-insulator transition in absence of disorder (SIT, arXiv)

    43. 2101.00220 : New paradigm for a disordered superconductor in a magnetic field (Nandini, arXiv)

    44. 2101.00192 : Superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of strained graphene (KT graphene, arXiv)

    45. 2101.01087 : Quantum criticality and sequential destruction of spin-orbital Kondo entanglement (Qimiao, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevB.103.035101 : Real-space density functional theory adapted to cyclic and helical symmetry: Application to torsional deformation of carbon nanotubes (CN, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.103.024401 : Magnetic phase transitions in two-dimensional two-valley semiconductors with in-plane magnetic field (Loss, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2021)

  • A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2021 Jan 1st week collection
    1. 2012.15841 : Extreme response of Weyl-Kondo semimetal to Zeeman coupling (Qimiao, arXiv)

    2. 2012.14515 : Hedgehog-lattice spin texture in classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (Hedgehog, arXiv)

    3. 2012.15205 : Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States and Ordering of Magnetic Impurities Near the Boundary of a Superconducting Nanowire (Jelena, arXiv)

    4. 2012.14969 : Van der Waals Heterostructure Magnetic Josephson Junction (PKim, arXiv)

    5. 2012.14751 : Prediction of phonon-mediated superconductivity with high critical temperature in the two-dimensional topological semimetal W2N3 (W2N3, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.102.245152 : Influence of hydrostatic pressure on hidden order, the Kondo lattice, and magnetism in ${\mathrm{URu}}{2}{\mathrm{Si}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{P}}_{x}$ (Kondo lattice, PRB)

    7. PhysRevLett.125.266804 : Higher-Order Weyl Semimetals (Hughes, PRL)

    8. PhysRevB.102.245151 : Temperature-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the Ce $4f$ states in a possible topological Kondo insulator CeRhAs (Kondo insulator, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.235162 : Anisotropic Fano resonance in the Weyl semimetal candidate LaAlSi (Weyl, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.245431 : Pinning of Andreev bound states to zero energy in two-dimensional superconductor- semiconductor Rashba heterostructures (Jelena, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.235161 : Thermodynamics of energy magnetization (DiXiao, PRB)

    12. PhysRevX.10.041062 : Magnetoresistance Scaling and the Origin of $H$-Linear Resistivity in ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}({\mathrm{As}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{P}}{x}{)}{2}$ (H-Linear Resistivity, PRX)

    13. 2012.14105 : Electric field driven octahedral rotation in perovskite (CKim, arXiv)

    14. 2012.14052 : Edge magnetic properties of black phosphorene nanoribbons (edge magnetic, arXiv)

    15. 2012.13729 : The interplay of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and Kitaev interactions for magnonic propertiesof Heisenberg-Kitaev honeycomb ferromagnets (SBlugel, arXiv)

    16. 2012.13502 : Skyrmion Control of Majorana States in Planar Josephson Junctions (Dagotto, arXiv)

    17. 2012.13411 : Intrinsic Time-reversal-invariant Topological Superconductivity in Thin Films of Iron-based Superconductors (DasSarma, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.102.245427 : Band flattening in buckled monolayer graphene (graphene, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.245426 : Dissipative Berry phase effect in quantum tunneling (Nagaosa, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.224433 : Quantum hydrodynamics of spin winding (Yaroslav, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.214437 : Fractons from polarons (Fractons, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.224434 : Machine learning phases and criticalities without using real data for training (Machine learning, PRB)

  • 2020 wordcloud

  • A WordCloud of 2020 collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 collection
  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 4th week collection
    1. 2012.13040 : Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in the monolayer VOI$_2$ (Dagotto, arXiv)

    2. 2012.13010 : Chiral properties of the zero-field spiral state and field-induced magnetic phases of the itinerant kagome metal YMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv)

    3. 2012.12970 : Incommensurate magnetism mediated by Weyl fermions in NdAlSi (incommensurate, arXiv)

    4. 2012.12956 : Antiferromagnetism and crystalline-electric field excitations in tetragonal NaCeO2 (AFM, arXiv)

    5. 2012.12942 : Four- and twelve-band low-energy symmetric Hamiltonians and Hubbard parameters for twisted bilayer graphene using ab-initio input (twisted, arXiv)

    6. 2012.12924 : Topological Weyl magnons and thermal Hall effect in layered honeycomb ferromagnets (Topological Weyl, arXiv)

    7. 2012.13054 : Dirac semimetal PdTe2 temperature-dependent quasiparticle dynamics and electron-phonon coupling (Dirac, arXiv)

    8. 2012.13007 : Spintronics with a Weyl point in superconducting nanostructures (Nazarov, arXiv)

    9. 2012.12947 : Hole-Like Fermi Surface in the Overdoped Non-Superconducting Bi${1.8}$Pb${0.4}$Sr$2$CuO${6+\delta}$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevB.102.245424 : Quantum critical scaling for finite-temperature Mott-like metal-insulator crossover in few-layered ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (quantum critical scaling, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.245141 : Current response of nonequilibrium steady states in the Landau-Zener problem: Nonequilibrium Green’s function approach (Morimoto, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.235155 : High-field thermal transport properties of the Kitaev quantum magnet $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{3}$: Evidence for low-energy excitations beyond the critical field (phononic, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.214432 : Thermal and magnetoelastic properties of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ in the field-induced low-temperature states (honeycomb, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.214431 : Magnetic order and fluctuations in the quasi-two-dimensional planar magnet Sr(${\mathrm{Co}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{x}{)}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (2D planar magnet, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.245143 : Coupled dimer and bond-order-wave order in the quarter-filled one-dimensional Kondo lattice model (1D Kondo lattice, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.125.266601 : Chiral Magnetic Effect of Hot Electrons (Pesin, PRL)

    17. 2008.01776 : Two-step magnetic ordering into a canted state in ferrimagnetic monoclinic Mn$_3$As$_2$ (Mn3As2, arXiv)

    18. 2012.12800 : Separated transport relaxation scales and interband scattering in SrRuO$_3$, CaRuO$_3$, and Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin films (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    19. 2012.12539 : Resistivity, Hall effect, and anisotropic superconducting coherence lengths of HgBa$2$CaCu$_2$O${6+\delta}$ thin films with different morphology (cuprate, arXiv)

    20. 2012.12491 : Superconducting instabilities in a spinful SYK model (MFranz, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.102.224427 : Semirealistic tight-binding model for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Manchon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.245140 : Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and topological superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice Hubbard model (LiangFu, PRB)

    23. PhysRevLett.125.267201 : Topological Transport of Deconfined Hedgehogs in Magnets (Yaroslav, PRL)

    24. PhysRevX.10.041059 : Thermal Hall Effects of Spins and Phonons in Kagome Antiferromagnet Cd-Kapellasite (kagome thermal Hall, PRX)

    25. 2012.12051 : Pumped Dirac magnons paired state (Zyuzin, arXiv)

    26. 2012.11865 : Crystalline symmetry-dependent magnon formation in itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 (WSChoi, arXiv)

    27. 2012.11765 : Novel features of Spin Hall and Chern insulator phases realized by triplet excitations (triplet excitation, arXiv)

    28. 2012.11604 : Symmetry Analysis of Tensors in the Honeycomb Lattice of Edge-Sharing Octahedra (Nandini, arXiv)

    29. 2012.11884 : Enhanced coherence in superconducting circuits via band engineering (JEMoore, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.102.235145 : Peierls versus Holstein models for describing electron-phonon coupling in perovskites (Peierls Holstein, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.214510 : Giant surface Edelstein effect in $d$-wave superconductors (Edelstein effect, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.214509 : Theory of $(s+id)$ pairing in mixed-valent correlated metals (s+id, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.214425 : Perovskite oxide heterojunction for Rashba-Dresselhaus assisted antiferromagnetic spintronics (Rashba. PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.235149 : Thermodynamic approach to electric quadrupole moments (Yanase, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.220409 : Electrically switchable Rashba-type Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmion in two-dimensional magnetoelectric multiferroics (Rashba-type DMI, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.245136 : Hybridization-induced gapped and gapless states on the surface of magnetic topological insulators (magnetic TI, PRB)

    37. PhysRevLett.125.267602 : Signatures of Ultrafast Reversal of Excitonic Order in ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}{5}$ (EI, PRL)

    38. 2012.11548 : Archimedean Screw in Driven Chiral Magnets (ARosch, arXiv)

    39. 2012.10647 : Non-orthogonal Spin-Momentum Locking (spin-momentum locking, arXiv)

    40. 2012.10457 : Domain wall skew scattering in ferromagnetic Weyl metals (Weyl, arXiv)

    41. 2012.11179 : Electronic correlations and magnetic interactions in infinite-layer NdNiO$_2$ (nickelate, arXiv)

    42. 2012.10588 : Majorana bound states in vortex lattices on iron-based superconductors (MFranz, arXiv)

    43. 2012.10484 : Effect of pressure on the pseudogap and charge-density-wave phases of the cuprate La${1.6-x}$Nd${0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ probed by thermopower measurements (cuprate, arXiv)

    44. 2012.10479 : Spin and charge order in doped spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (Akbari, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.102.245132 : Topological Hall effect in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice (Shastry-Sutherland lattice, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.245131 : Evolution of possible Weyl semimetal states across the Mott transition in pyrochlore iridates induced by hole doping (YTokura, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.235426 : Berry curvature, orbital magnetization, and Nernst effect in biased bilayer $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (WSe2, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.235423 : Charge transfer excitations, pair density waves, and superconductivity in moir'e materials (LiangFu, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.224422 : Two-dimensional CoSe structures: Intrinsic magnetism, strain-tunable anisotropic valleys, magnetic Weyl point, and antiferromagnetic metal state (CoSe, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.102.214307 : Exact solution of the Boltzmann equation for low-temperature transport coefficients in metals. II. Scattering by ferromagnons (Kirkpatrick, PRB) I. Scattering by phonons, antiferromagnons, and helimagnons

    51. PhysRevLett.125.266801 : Spin-Orbit-Enhanced Robustness of Supercurrent in $\mathrm{Graphene}/{\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ Josephson Junctions (WS2, PRL)

    52. PhysRevLett.125.267601 : Quantum Smectic Gauge Theory (Smectic, PRL)

    53. PhysRevX.10.041057 : Fermi Surface Reconstruction without Symmetry Breaking (Sachdev, PRX)

    54. 2012.10442 : Competing magnetic orders and multipolar Weyl fermions in 227 pyrochlore iridates (BRoy, arXiv)

    55. 2012.10180 : Spin and charge excitations in the correlated multiband metal Ca3Ru2O7 (Ru327, arXiv)

    56. 2012.10014 : Braiding Majorana Zero Mode in An Electrically Controllable Way (majorana, arXiv)

    57. 2012.09989 : Fortuitous partners of antiferromagnetic and Mott states in spin-orbit-coupled Sr2IrO4: A study of Sr2Ir1-xMxO4 (M=Fe or Co) (iridates, arXiv)

    58. 2012.09937 : Vortex Dynamics, Pinning, and Magic Angles on Moir'e Patterns (Reichhardt, arXiv)

    59. 2012.09896 : Superconducting Orbital Magnetoelectric Effect and the Case Study of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (KTLaw, arXiv)

    60. 2012.09866 : A microscopic Ginzburg–Landau theory and singlet ordering in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (SRO, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.214424 : Emergent Potts order in the kagome ${J}{1}\ensuremath{-}{J}{3}$ Heisenberg model (kagome, PRB)

    2. PhysRevLett.125.257603 : Stabilization of Competing Ferroelectric Phases of ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ under Epitaxial Strain (SWCheong, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.125.257601 : Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Collective Modes in an Excitonic Insulator (AJMillis, PRL)

    4. 2012.09682 : Evidence for the coexistence of time-reversal symmetry breaking and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-like superconductivity in La${7}$Pd${3}$ (La7Pd3, arXiv)

    5. 2012.09339 : Low temperature $T$-linear resistivity due to umklapp scattering from a critical mode (PALee, arXiv)

    6. 2012.09691 : Topological Superconductivity Induced by Magnetic Textures (Topological SC, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.102.235139 : Photocurrent of exciton polaritons (Nagaosa, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.220408 : Solitary wave excitations of skyrmion strings in chiral magnets (van den Brink, PRB)

    9. 370/6523/1447 : Direct observation of Klein tunneling in phononic crystals (phononic, Science)

    10. 370/6523/1438 : Relativistic kinematics of a magnetic soliton (SKKim, Science) 370/6523/1413 : A new spin on special relativity

    11. 2012.09178 : The Magnetoelastic Distortion of Multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ in the Canted Antiferromagnetic State (BFO, PRB)

    12. 2012.09104 : The rise and fall of skyrmion topological textures with electric fields in a multiferroic heterostructure (GChen, arXiv)

    13. 2012.09095 : Experimental and theoretical study of the correlated compound YbCdSn: Evidence for large magnetoresistance and mass enhancement (YbCdSn, PRB)

    14. 2012.08781 : Spin-orbit phase behaviors of Na2Co2TeO6 at low temperatures (triple-q, arXiv)

    15. 2012.08592 : Negative Thermal Hall Conductance in Two-Dimer Shastry-Sutherland Model with {\pi}-flux Dirac Triplon (thermal Hall, arXiv)

    16. 2012.08583 : Modeling multiorbital effects in Sr2IrO4 under strain and a Zeeman field (iridates, arXiv)

    17. 2012.09114 : The intermediate type-I superconductors in the mesoscopic scale (SC, arXiv)

    18. 2012.09062 : Insulating regime of an underdamped current-biased Josephson junction supporting $\mathbb{Z}_3$ and $\mathbb{Z}_4$ parafermions (Jelena, arXiv)

    19. 2012.08528 : Exact theory of superconductivity from repulsion in narrow band systems (LiangFu, arXiv)

    20. PhysRevB.102.245124 : Orbitally selective breakdown of the Fermi liquid and simultaneous enhancement of metallic and insulating states in correlated multiband systems with spin-orbit coupling (SOI, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.235203 : Superconducting subphase and substantial Knight shift in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Ruthenate, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.214421 : Thermal Hall effect from a two-dimensional Schwinger boson gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction: Application to ferromagnets with in-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (BJYang, PRB)

    23. 2012.08425 : From the dipole of a crystallite to the polarization of a crystal (Resta, arXiv)

    24. 2012.07871 : Correlation-Induced Octahedral Rotations in SrMoO$_3$ (octahedral rotation, arXiv)

    25. 2012.07893 : Magnetic, superconducting, and topological surface states on Fe${1+y}$Te${1-x}$Se$_{x}$ (majorana, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.102.245121 : Excitonic insulator phase and condensate dynamics in a topological one-dimensional model (EI, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.224414 : Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of antiferromagnetic materials (DMI, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.214419 : Spin Nernst and anomalous Nernst effects and their signature outputs in ferromagnet/nonmagnet heterostructures (Nernst, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.224417 : Fractionalized spin excitations in the ferromagnetic edge state of graphene: Signature of the ferromagnetic Luttinger liquid (graphene, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.224415 : Disorder-induced spin-liquid-like behavior in kagome-lattice compounds (Kagome, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.235134 : Magneto-optical conductivity in generic Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.224418 : Hierarchy of magnon mode entanglement in antiferromagnets (magnon, PRB)

    33. 2012.07382 : Antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the one-dimensional Hubbard model (AFMfluct, arXiv)

    34. 2012.07001 : Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the Aubry-Andr'{e}-Harper model with $p$-wave superconductivity (AAH, arXiv)

    35. 2012.06996 : Momentum-space signatures of Berry flux monopoles in a Weyl semimetal (Weyl, arXiv)

    36. 2012.07537 : Comment on “Pressure-Induced Superconducting State of Europium Metal at Low Temperatures” (Hirsch, arXiv)

    37. 2012.06752 : Dilemma in strongly correlated materials: Hund’s metal vs relativistic Mott insulator (GChen, arXiv)

    38. v13/198 : Highlights of the Year (Physics)

    39. PhysRevB.102.245117 : Role of electron-electron collisions for magnetotransport at intermediate temperatures (WRLee, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.102.241406 : Analytical solution for the surface states of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.102.224506 : Effects of Sr doping on the electronic and spin-state properties of infinite-layer nickelates: Nature of holes (Nickelate, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.214413 : Staggered flux state for rectangular-lattice spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnets (Rønnow, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.245119 : Van Vleck excitons in ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (VV exciton, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.214415 : Nonlocal spin Seebeck effect in the bulk easy-plane antiferromagnet NiO (NiO, PRB)

    45. PhysRevLett.125.257001 : Quantum Criticality inside the Anomalous Metallic State of a Disordered Superconducting Thin Film (field-induced SIT, PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.125.257201 : Magnon Landau Levels and Spin Responses in Antiferromagnets (magnon LL, PRL)

    47. 2012.06404 : Interface and bulk superconductivity in superconducting heterostructures with enhanced critical temperatures (SC, arXiv)

    48. 2012.06314 : From one- to two-magnon excitations in the S=3/2 magnet $\beta$-CaCr$_2$O$_4$ (3/2magnon, arXiv)

    49. 2012.06167 : Antiferromagnetic Kitaev interaction in $J_\rm{eff}=1/2$ cobalt honeycomb materials Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$ and Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$ (JGPark, arXiv)

    50. 2012.06085 : Sizeable suppression of thermal Hall effect upon isotopic substitution in strontium titanate (JGPark, arXiv)

    51. 2012.05915 : Symmetry constraints on superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene: Fractional vortices, $4e$ condensates or non-unitary pairing (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    52. 2012.06560 : Isotropic Pauli-Limited Superconductivity in the Infinite Layer Nickelate Nd${0.775}$Sr${0.225}$NiO$_{2}$ (HYHwang, arXiv)

    53. 2012.06501 : Absence of superconductivity in topological metal ScInAu$_2$ (ScInAu2, arXiv)

    54. 2012.05916 : Crossover between Strongly-coupled and Weakly-coupled Exciton Superfluids (PKim, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 2nd week collection
    1. 2012.05835 : Antichiral Ferromagnetism (antichiral FM, arXiv)

    2. 2012.05597 : BaOsO$_3$: A Hund’s metal in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling (Hund metal, arXiv)

    3. 2012.05459 : Evidence of non-trivial Berry phase and Kondo physics in SmBi (Kondo, arXiv)

    4. 2012.05445 : Decay and renormalization of a Higgs amplitude mode in a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet (Higgs mode, arXiv)

    5. 2012.05306 : The Breakdown of Mott Physics at VO$_2$ Surfaces (VO2, arXiv)

    6. 2012.05255 : Theory of competing excitonic orders in insulating WTe$_2$ monolayers (excion, arXiv)

    7. 2012.05898 : Proximity-induced spin-triplet superconductivity and edge supercurrent in the topological Kagome metal, $\mathrm{K_{1-x}V_3Sb_5}$ (Kagome, arXiv)

    8. 2012.05707 : Gate-controlled BCS-BEC crossover in a two-dimensional superconductor (Iwasa, arXiv)

    9. 2012.05443 : Inducing and controlling superconductivity in Hubbard honeycomb model using an electromagnetic drive (SZLin, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevB.102.235125 : Magnetic phases of the triangular Kondo lattice (Kondo lattice, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.235123 : Ferromagnetism and its stability from the one-magnon spectrum in twisted bilayer graphene (JSau, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.214108 : Phase competition in ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ with applied electric field from first principles (HfO2, PRB)

    13. v13/s159 : Gaining a Quantum Advantage Sooner than Expected (quantum, Physics)

    14. PhysRevB.102.245412 : Linear and nonlinear thermoelectric transport in a magnetic topological insulator nanoribbon with a domain wall (thermoelectric, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.224410 : Interplay between spatial anisotropy and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions in the triangular Heisenberg model (Schwinger boson, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.102.241107 : Emergence of skyrmionium in a two-dimensional ${\mathrm{CrGe}(\mathrm{Se},\mathrm{Te})}_{3}$ Janus monolayer (skyrmion, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.102.220406 : Berry phase manipulation in ultrathin ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ films (SRO, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.214204 : Robustness of topological corner modes against disorder with application to acoustic networks (2D SSH, PRB)

    19. PhysRevLett.125.247002 : $\mathrm{Cs}{\mathrm{V}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$: A ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Topological Kagome Metal with a Superconducting Ground State (kagome, PRL) v13/s152 : A 2D Metal Compound Shows a Superconducting Surprise (kagome, Physics)

    20. 2012.05008 : Direct comparison of ARPES, STM, and quantum oscillation data for band structure determination in Sr$_2$RhO$_4$ (Rh oxide, npj QMs)

    21. 2012.04897 : Disentangling the role of bond lengths and orbital symmetries in controlling $T_c$ in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_7$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    22. v13/s155 : Harnessing Bound Charge in Semiconductors (physics)

    23. PhysRevB.102.245411 : Dynamical and current-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: Role for damping, gyromagnetism, and current-induced torques in noncollinear magnets (DMI, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.235120 : Fractal non-Fermi liquids from moir'e Hofstadter phonons (phonon, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.214410 : Magnetoelastic distortion of multiferroic ${\mathrm{BiFeO}}_{3}$ in the canted antiferromagnetic state (BFO, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.245302 : Chirality-Induced Phonon Dispersion in a Noncentrosymmetric Micropolar Crystal (phonon, PRL)

    27. 2012.04279 : Singular flat bands (JWRhim, arXiv)

    28. 2012.04205 : Observation of 4- and 6-magnon bound-states in the spin-anisotropic frustrated antiferromagnet FeI$_2$ (magnon, arXiv)

    29. 2012.03951 : Three-phase Majorana zero modes at tiny magnetic fields (majorana, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.102.241301 : Impact of novel electron-phonon coupling mechanisms on valley physics in two-dimensional materials (valley physics, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.214107 : Tuning the structure of the skyrmion lattice system ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ under pressure (skyrmion, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.245112 : Impact of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors (magnetic semiconductor, PRB)

    33. PhysRevLett.125.247201 : Stacking Domain Wall Magnons in Twisted van der Waals Magnets (magnon, PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.125.240601 : Self-Trapped Polarons and Topological Defects in a Topological Mott Insulator (polarons, PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.125.247704 : Nanowire Transistors with Bound-Charge Engineering (nanowire, PRL)

    36. 2012.03296 : Properties and dynamics of meron topological spin textures in the two-dimensional magnet CrCl3 (Meron, arXiv)

    37. 2012.03824 : Magnetic anisotropy from strain-induced dislocations in correlated electron systems (Hirschfeld, arXiv)

    38. 2012.03382 : Unveiling the phase diagram of a bond-alternating spin-$\frac12$ $K$-$\Gamma$ chain (Kee, arXiv)

    39. PhysRevB.102.241105 : In-plane Hall effect in two-dimensional helical electron systems (Zyuzin, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.102.235409 : Systematic theoretical study of carbon nanotubes rolled from a two-dimensional tetrahex-carbon nanosheet (CNT, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.102.235115 : Interacting topological mirror excitonic insulator in one dimension (CWu, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.214407 : Equation of motion and the constraining field in ab initio spin dynamics (spin dynamics, PRB)

    43. PhysRevLett.125.247202 : Scattering Signatures of Bond-Dependent Magnetic Interactions (kitaev, PRL)

    44. PhysRevB.102.241106 : Tunability of multiple ultraflat bands and effect of spin-orbit coupling in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (FGuinea, PRB)

    45. PhysRevLett.125.247001 : Modeling Unconventional Superconductivity at the Crossover between Strong and Weak Electronic Interactions (Fernandes, PRL)

    46. 2012.01490 : Spectroscopic Signatures of Gate-Controlled Superconducting Phases (Cuoco, arXiv)

    47. 2012.02773 : Electric field tunable unconventional superconductivity in alternating twist magic-angle trilayer graphene (PKim, arXiv)

    48. 2012.02406 : Hidden Ladder in SrMoO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Superlattices: Experiments and Theoretical Calculations (Hidden ladder, JPJS)

    49. 2012.02764 : Nickelate superconductors: an ongoing dialog between theory and experiments (ACano, nickelate, arXiv)

    50. 2012.02711 : Is there a proximate antiferromagnetic insulating phase in infinite-layer nickelates? (nickelate, arXiv)

    51. 2012.02673 : Electron pairing in the pseudogap state revealed by shot noise in copper-oxide junctions (cuprate, Nature)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.241104 : Hyperbolicity in two-dimensional transition metal ditellurides induced by electronic bands nesting (TLow, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.214502 : Schwinger boson study of superconductivity mediated by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations (Schwinger boson, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.235113 : Second-order functional renormalization group approach to quantum wires out of equilibrium (fRG, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.224407 : Position-dependent stability and lifetime of the skyrmion state in nickel-substituted ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    5. 2012.01999 : Effect of strain-induced orbital splitting on the magnetic excitations in undoped cuprates (YKBang, arXiv)

    6. 2012.01513 : Accessing Multi-triplons in Spin Ladders using Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (triplons, arXiv)

    7. 2012.01444 : Local moments versus itinerant antiferromagnetism: magnetic phase diagram and spectral properties of the anisotropic square lattice Hubbard model (Imada, arXiv)

    8. 2012.01922 : Enhanced A1g Raman response in cuprates due to Higgs oscillations (cuprate, arXiv)

    9. 2012.01556 : Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator (SC-TI, arXiv)

    10. 2012.01434 : Tunable Phase Boundaries and Ultra-Strong Coupling Superconductivity in Mirror Symmetric Magic-Angle Trilayer Graphene (MAgraphene, arXiv)

    11. v13/s156 : Magnetic Oscillations at a Metal Surface (Friedel, Physics)

    12. PhysRevB.102.235111 : Comparative study of the density matrix embedding theory for Hubbard models (Hotta, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.224404 : Competing orders in a frustrated Heisenberg model on the Fisher lattice (Fisher lattice, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.245405 : Probing the chirality of one-dimensional Majorana edge states around a two-dimensional nanoflake in a superconductor (nanoflake, PRB)

    15. PhysRevLett.125.237005 : Anomalous Doping Evolution of Superconductivity and Quasiparticle Interference in ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{10+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ Trilayer Cuprates (YayuWang, PRL)

    16. 370/6521/1204 : Super-resolution lightwave tomography of electronic bands in quantum materials (tomography, science)

    17. 370/6521/1166 : Probing the dark side of the exciton (KQexciton, Science) 370/6521/1199 : Directly visualizing the momentum-forbidden dark excitons and their dynamics in atomically thin semiconductors (KQexciton, Science)

    18. 2012.00940 : Field-induced quantum spin disordered state in spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6 with small Kitaev interaction (JGPark, arXiv)

    19. 2012.00762 : Anomalous Floquet Chiral Topological Superconductivity in a Topological Insulator Sandwich Structure (DasSarma, arXiv)

    20. 2012.00910 : Effects of exchange distortions in the magnetic Kagome lattice (Kagome, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.102.245403 : Transport characterization of topological superconductivity in a planar Josephson junction (planar JJ, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.220402 : Weakly coupled alternating $S=\frac{1}{2}$ chains in the distorted honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (AFM-FM, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.214404 : Noncollinear antiferromagnetic order in the buckled honeycomb lattice of magnetoelectric ${\mathrm{Co}}{4}{\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$ determined by single-crystal neutron diffraction (buckled honeycomb, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.214402 : Precise control of ${J}{\mathrm{eff}}=\frac{1}{2}$ magnetic properties in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}_{4}$ epitaxial thin films by variation of strain and thin film thickness (iridates, PRB)

    25. PhysRevLett.125.236804 : Hofstadter Topology: Noncrystalline Topological Materials at High Flux (Bernevig, PRL) v13/187 Topological Phases Beyond the Hofstadter Butterfly (Physics)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.236803 : Hidden Quantum Hall Stripes in ${\mathrm{Al}}{x}{\mathrm{Ga}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}\mathrm{As}/{\mathrm{Al}}{0.24}{\mathrm{Ga}}{0.76}\mathrm{As}$ Quantum Wells (QH stripes, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.125.236802 : Temperature Enhancement of Thermal Hall Conductance Quantization (thermal Hall, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.125.236402 : Quantum Advantage in the Charging Process of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Batteries (SYK, PRL)

    29. 2012.00055 : Topological superconductivity in tripartite superconductor-ferromagnet-semiconductor nanowires (SFS, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.102.241401 : Axial anomaly generation by domain wall motion in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.224501 : Majorana modes in emergent-wire phases of helical and cycloidal magnet-superconductor hybrids (majorana, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.235105 : Dirac electrons in the square-lattice Hubbard model with a $d$-wave pairing field: The chiral Heisenberg universality class revisited (Yunoki, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.241102 : Higher-order topological insulator in a dodecagonal quasicrystal (Quasicrystal, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.241101 : Benchmarking global $SU(2)$ symmetry in two-dimensional tensor network algorithms (Orus, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.235104 : Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of ${\mathrm{Ca}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (Ruthenate, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.245402 : Fano-Kondo resonance versus Kondo plateau in an Aharonov-Bohm ring with an embedded quantum dot (QD, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.214501 : Anisotropic superconductivity and quantum oscillations in the layered dichalcogenide ${\mathrm{TaSnS}}_{2}$ (TMDC, PRB)

    38. 2011.14337 : Spin Seebeck Effect in Nonmagnetic Excitonic Insulators (Spin Seebeck, arXiv)

    39. 2011.14727 : Chiral topological superconducting state with Chern number $\mathcal{C} =-2$ in Pb$_3$Bi/Ge(111) (higherChern, arXiv)

    40. 2011.14927 : Thermopower across the phase diagram of the cuprate La${1.6-x}$Nd${0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ : signatures of the pseudogap and charge-density-wave phases (Taillefer, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.102.201115 : Moir'e quantum chemistry: Charge transfer in transition metal dichalcogenide superlattices (LiangFu, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.195148 : Convolutional restricted Boltzmann machine aided Monte Carlo: An application to Ising and Kitaev models (machine learning, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.180412 : Large surface magnetization in noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnets (surface magnetization, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.174512 : Spin-orbit coupled superconductivity: Rashba-Hubbard model on the square lattice (Rashba-Hubbard, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.102.174445 : Antiferromagnetic magnon pseudospin: Dynamics and diffusive transport (magnon, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.205429 : Dynamic polarization and plasmons in Kekul'e-patterned graphene: Signatures of broken valley degeneracy (Kekule, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.184430 : Magnetic soliton rectifier via phase synchronization (SKKim, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.174446 : Highly tunable magnetic coupling in ultrathin topological insulator films due to impurity resonances (Black-Schaffer, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.174444 : Inverse spin Hall effect and spin pumping in the polycrystalline noncollinear antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ga}$ (Mn3Ga, PRB)

    50. PhysRevX.10.041041 : Low-Frequency Divergence and Quantum Geometry of the Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Topological Semimetals (JYAhn, PRX)

    51. 2011.13488 : Thirty Years of Composite Fermions and Beyond (Jain, arXiv)

    52. 2011.13558 : Metal-insulator transition in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayer moir'e superlattices (MacDonald, arXiv)

    53. 2011.13182 : Giant orbital diamagnetism of three-dimensional Dirac electrons in Sr$ _3$PbO antiperovskite (Takagi, arXiv)

    54. 2011.13040 : Noncoplanar multiple-$Q$ spin textures by itinerant frustration: Effects of single-ion anisotropy and bond-dependent anisotropy (YMotome, arXiv)

    55. 2011.13095 : Anomalies of kagome antiferromagnets on magnetization plateaus (kagome, arXiv)

    56. 2011.13033 : Stout metal-insulator domain walls around the Mott point (THLee, arXiv)

    57. 2011.13054 : Measurement of the Planckian Scattering Rate (Taillefer, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 4th week collection
    1. 2011.12678 : The Kondo problem is a few-body problem (Kondo, arXiv)

    2. 2011.12488 : Zoology of domain walls in 2D correlated charge density wave (HWYeom, arXiv)

    3. 2011.12459 : Perovskite as a spin current generator (YMotome, arXiv)

    4. 2011.12426 : Simulating Higher-Order Topological Insulators in Density Wave Insulators (Harper-Hofstadter, arXiv)

    5. 2011.12951 : Evidence for freezing of charge degrees of freedom across a critical point in CeCoIn$_5$ (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.102.205131 : Generic transport formula for a system driven by Markovian reservoirs (Giamarchi, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.180411 : Mode locking phenomena of the current-induced skyrmion-lattice motion in microfabricated MnSi (YTokura, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.125.227401 : Nonvanishing Subgap Photocurrent as a Probe of Lifetime Effects (Binghai, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.125.227204 : DMFT Reveals the Non-Hermitian Topology and Fermi Arcs in Heavy-Fermion Systems (LiangFu, PRL)

    10. 2011.11798 : Quantum Oscillations in the Field-induced Ferromagnetic State of MnBi${2-x}$Sb${x}$Te$_{4}$ (MnB2Te4, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.102.201113 : Spin-orbit-enhanced magnetic surface second-harmonic generation in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (Sr2IrO4, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.184427 : Spin-disorder state near nonmagnetic impurities in the frustrated antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{YMnO}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.180509 : Hidden anomalous Hall effect in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ with chiral superconductivity dominated by the Ru ${d}_{xy}$ orbital (FCZhang, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.195430 : Three-orbital continuous model for $1H$-type metallic transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (TMDC, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.184429 : Spin waves in the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice XXZ-type van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CoPS}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.102.174510 : Microscopic theory of in-plane critical field in two-dimensional Ising superconducting systems (Ising SC, PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.125.227702 : Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Orbital Chern Insulators (AHMacDonald, PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.125.226401 : Current-Induced Reversal of Anomalous Hall Conductance in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (SZLin, PRL)

    19. 2011.11535 : From hidden metal-insulator transition to Planckian metal by tuning disorder in a nickelate (nickelate, arXiv)

    20. : Response of a strongly interacting spin-orbit coupling system to a Zeeman field (JinwuYe, arXiv)

    21. 2011.11272 : Unconventional orbital-charge density wave mechanism in transition metal dichalcogenide 1T-TaS2 (Kontani, arXiv)

    22. 2011.10942 : Anomalous transport due to Weyl fermions in the chiral antiferromagnets Mn$_3$$X$, $X$ = Sn, Ge (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.102.205425 : Topological Anderson insulating phases in the long-range Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.195142 : Nonequilibrium steady state phases of the interacting Aubry-Andr'e-Harper model (JHLee, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.195141 : Hexagonal Ising-Kondo lattice: An implication for intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator (Ising Kondo, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.102.184512 : Nematicity and superconductivity: Competition versus cooperation (Hirschfeld, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.174314 : Probing magnetic configuration-mediated topological phases via high harmonic generation in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.205128 : Enhancement of the transverse thermoelectric conductivity originating from stationary points in nodal lines (Arita, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.195429 : Edge-state dynamics in coupled topological chains (time-dependent SSH, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.180508 : Zeeman-driven superconductor-insulator transition in strongly disordered MoC films: Scanning tunneling microscopy and transport studies in a transverse magnetic field (Zeeman driven SIT, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.180409 : Domain wall melting in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ spin chain: Emergent Luttinger liquid with a fractal quasiparticle charge (DW, PRB)

    32. PhysRevLett.125.227203 : Bloch Chirality Induced by an Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Ferromagnetic Multilayers (interface DMI, PRL)

    33. PhysRevLett.125.227201 : Plasmonic Skyrmion Lattice Based on the Magnetoelectric Effect (SSPParkin, PRL)

    34. PhysRevLett.125.225501 : Observation of Flat Frequency Bands at Open Edges and Antiphase Boundary Seams in Topological Mechanical Metamaterials (2D SSH, PRL)

    35. 2011.10554 : Multi-orbital Flat Band Ferromagnetism with a Provable Percolation Representation (honeycomb, arXiv)

    36. 2011.10411 : Distinguishing trivial and topological zero energy states in long nanowire junctions (Jorge, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.195139 : Current jumps in flat-band ladders with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.180505 : Double Majorana vortex zero modes in superconducting topological crystalline insulators with surface rotation anomaly (Furusaki, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.174508 : Laser-induced topological $s$-wave superconductivity in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (Yanase, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.174206 : Critical exponent $\ensuremath{\nu}$ of the Ising model in three dimensions with long-range correlated site disorder analyzed with Monte Carlo techniques (Ising model, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.125.217005 : Proposed Model of the Giant Thermal Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Superconductors: An Extension to the Superconducting Fluctuation Regime (thermal Hall effect, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.125.216404 : Revealing Hidden Orbital Pseudospin Texture with Time-Reversal Dichroism in Photoelectron Angular Distributions (OAM, PRL)

    7. 2011.10044 : Doping the chiral spin liquid – topological superconductor or chiral metal? (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    8. 2011.09984 : Helical superconducting edge modes from pseudo-Landau levels in graphene (Helical edge, arXiv)

    9. 2011.09760 : Moir'e-enabled topological superconductivity (Lado, arXiv)

    10. 2011.09610 : NMR Evidence of Antiferromagnetism in Nd${0.85}$Sr${0.15}$NiO$_2$ (Nickelate, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.102.184422 : Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition effects on spin current: The normal-metal–insulating-ferromagnet junction case (BKT, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.201406 : Electronic transport across quantum dots in graphene nanoribbons: Toward built-in gap-tunable metal-semiconductor-metal heterojunctions (graphene nanoribbon, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.125.217203 : Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Magnetoacoustic Waves (DM wave, PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.125.216402 : Radial Spin Texture of the Weyl Fermions in Chiral Tellurium (Weyl Te, PRL)

    15. s41567-020-1028-0 : Scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy in RuCl 3 at high magnetic fields (Kitaev, nphys)

    16. 370/6519/897 : ‘Magic angle’ graphene’s next trick: superconducting devices (magic angle graphene, Science)

    17. 2011.09228 : Devil’s staircases of topological Peierls insulators and Peierls supersolids (Devil’s staircase, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.125.217201 : Observation of Magnon Polarons in a Uniaxial Antiferromagnetic Insulator (AFM insulator, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.125.217003 : Multiband Material with a Quasi-1D Band as a Robust High-Temperature Superconductor (1D SC, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.125.216601 : Kibble-Zurek Behavior in Disordered Chern Insulators (Chern insulator, PRL)

    21. 2011.08780 : Second-order dual fermion for multi-orbital systems (DMFT, arXiv)

    22. 2011.08226 : Analytical solution for time-integrals in diagrammatic expansions: application to real-frequency diagrammatic Monte Carlo (diaMon, arXiv)

    23. 2011.08600 : Dichotomy Between Orbital and Magnetic Nematic Instabilities in BaFe2S3 (nematic, arXiv)

    24. 2011.08710 : Strong interfacial electron-phonon coupling at the BaPbO$_3$/BaBiO$_3$ bilayer (BPO/BBO, arXiv)

    25. 2011.08526 : Observation of two-dimensional superconductivity at the LaAlO3/KTaO3(110) heterointerface (LAO/KTO, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.102.195128 : Escape from black hole analogs in materials: Type-II Weyl semimetals and generic edge states (Type-2 Weyl, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.174429 : Magnetic order and disorder in a quasi-two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with randomized exchange (random AFM, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.205118 : Higher-order non-Hermitian skin effect (Shiozaki, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.125.217601 : Quasiparticle Mass Enhancement as a Measure of Entanglement in the Kondo Problem (Kondo, PRL)

    30. 2011.07581 : Topological Magnetoelectric Switching on the Atomic Scale (MnBi2Te4, arXiv)

    31. 2011.07425 : Van Vleck excitons in Ca${2}$RuO${4}$ (excitons, arXiv)

    32. 2011.07688 : Tunnelling conductance of $d+ip$-wave superconductor (d+ip, arXiv)

    33. 2011.07080 : Magnetic field-induced “mirage” gap in an Ising superconductor (Ising SC, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.102.195126 : Direct evidence of uneven ${d}{xz}$ and ${d}{yz}$ orbital occupation in the superconducting state of iron pnictide (nematic, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.184509 : Underlying mechanism of charge transfer in Li-doped ${\mathrm{MgH}}_{16}$ at high pressure (JHCho, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.180504 : Topological superconductivity induced by a triple-q magnetic structure (triple-q, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.174310 : Open Fermi-Hubbard model: Landauer’s versus master equation approaches (Landauer, PRB)

    38. 2011.06990 : Interaction-induced topological superconductivity in antiferromagnet-superconductor junctions (Lado, arXiv)

    39. 2011.06770 : Majorana multipole response: General theory and application to wallpaper groups (majorana, arXiv)

    40. 2011.06745 : CsV$_3$Sb$_5$: a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological kagome metal with a superconducting ground state (LBalents, arXiv)

    41. 2011.06598 : Spectral functions across an Insulator to Superconductor Transition (Nadini, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.201113 : Spin-orbit-enhanced magnetic surface second-harmonic generation in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.174425 : Competing spin modulations in the magnetically frustrated semimetal EuCuSb (spin modulation, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.125.207205 : Generalized Spin Drift-Diffusion Formalism in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Interaction of Ferromagnets (KJLee, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.125.206602 : Kondo Breakdown in a Spin-$1/2$ Chain of Adatoms on a Dirac Semimetal (kondo screening, PRL)

    5. 2011.06543 : Interaction-stabilized topological magnon insulator in ferromagnets (topological magnon, arXiv)

    6. 2011.06462 : Dynamical topological excitations in parafermion chains (Lado, arXiv)

    7. 2011.06168 : Picoscale Magnetoelasticity Governs Heterogeneous Magnetic Domains in a Noncentrosymmetric Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetal (CeAlSi, arXiv)

    8. 2011.06000 : Floquet Majorana bound states in voltage-biased Planar Josephson Junctions (majorana, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.102.195120 : Antiferromagnetic chiral spin density wave and strain-induced Chern insulator in the square lattice Hubbard model with frustration (multiple-Q, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.174420 : Self-focusing hybrid skyrmions in spatially varying canted ferromagnetic systems (B20 applications, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.205114 : Prediction of Dirac semimetals and hourglass surface states in stacked hydrogenated Xenes ($X=\mathrm{Sn}$ and Pb) (Dirac semimetals, PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.125.207204 : Magnonic Quadrupole Topological Insulator in Antiskyrmion Crystals (Loss, PRL)

    13. 2011.05967 : Vital role of anisotropy in cubic chiral skyrmion hosts (chiral skyrmion, arXiv)

    14. 2011.05750 : Spin diffusion and spin conductivity in the 2d Hubbard model (spin transport, arXiv)

    15. 2011.05400 : Beyond the single-site approximation modeling of electron-phonon coupling effects on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectra

    16. 2011.05496 : Phase diagram of the two-dimensional dipolar Heisenberg model with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the Ising anisotropy (MC, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.102.205112 : Superconducting pairing mechanism in $\mathrm{CeCo}{\mathrm{In}}_{5}$ revisited (Ce115, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.195117 : Similarities and differences between nickelate and cuprate films grown on a ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ substrate (Nickelate, PRB) Physics/v13/s144 Nickelates Have Their Own Superconducting Style

    19. PhysRevB.102.184413 : Theory of domain-wall magnetoresistance in metallic antiferromagnets (magnetoresistance, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.174203 : Diffusion of excitations and power-law localization in strongly disordered systems with long-range coupling (anderson, PRB)

    21. 2011.05008 : Photonic simulation of parafermionic Berry-phase statistics and contextuality (Parafermion, arXiv)

    22. 2011.04973 : Light-Induced Valleytronics in Pristine Graphene (Graphene, arXiv)

    23. 2011.05029 : Paramagnons and high-temperature superconductivity in mercury-based cuprates (paramagnon, arXiv)

    24. 2011.04856 : Anomalous Hall effect in the Abrikosov lattice of type-II superconductors (Abrikosov lattive, arXiv)

    25. 2011.04787 : Topological insulator nanoribbon Josephson junctions: evidence for size effect in transport properties (Bi2Se3 nanoribbon, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.102.195413 : Backscattering off a driven Rashba impurity at the helical edge (Trauzettel, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.195115 : Interplay between spin-orbit coupling and Van Hove singularity in the Hund’s metallicity of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (HJLee, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.184506 : Ferroelectricity-induced multiorbital odd-frequency superconductivity in $\mathrm{Sr}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (Balatsky, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.184411 : Phenomenological model for the direct and inverse Edelstein effects (JYKim, PRB)

    30. PhysRevLett.125.207001 : Electron Doping of the Iron-Arsenide Superconductor CeFeAsO Controlled by Hydrostatic Pressure (FeAs, PRL)

    31. 2011.03797 : How ‘pairons’ are revealed in the electronic specific heat of cuprates (pairons, arXiv)

    32. 2011.04033 : Meron, skyrmion, and vortex crystals in centrosymmetric tetragonal magnets (Batista, arXiv)

    33. PhysRevB.102.205107 : Sign of longitudinal magnetoconductivity and the planar Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (Tewari, PRB)

    34. 2011.03474 : Correlator Convolutional Neural Networks: An Interpretable Architecture for Image-like Quantum Matter Data (EAKim, arXiv)

    35. 2011.03364 : Critical point for Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons in graphite (Behnia, arXiv)

    36. JPSJ.89.123702 : Quantum Phase Transition in Organic Massless Dirac Fermion System α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under Pressure (organic, JPSJ)

  • weekly picks (Nov 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Nov 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.184404 : Current-induced orbital magnetization in systems without inversion symmetry (SMurakami, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.174409 : Asymmetric skyrmion-antiskyrmion production in ultrathin ferromagnetic films (JVKim, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.174502 : Anisotropic vortices on superconducting Nb(110) (Nb(110), PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.125.196604 : One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Mosaic Lattice with Exact Mobility Edges (1D quasicrystal, PRL)

    5. 2011.03007 : Generic Spiral Spin Liquids (GangChen, arXiv)

    6. 2011.02813 : Clusterization transition between cluster Mott insulators on a breathing Kagom'{e} lattice (GangChen, arXiv)

    7. 2011.02715 : Antiferromagnetic resonance in a spin-gap magnet with strong single-ion anisotropy (spin-gap, arXiv)

    8. 2011.02532 : Electron quasi-itinerancy intertwined with quantum order by disorder in pyrochlore iridate magnetism (GangChen, arXiv)

    9. acsami.0c15203 : Strong In-Plane Magnetic Field-Induced Reemergent Superconductivity in the van der Waals Heterointerface of NbSe2 and CrCl3 (CrCl3, arXiv)

    10. 2011.02500 : Highly Tunable Junctions and Nonlocal Josephson Effect in Magic Angle Graphene Tunneling Devices (graphene, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.102.205407 : Temperature and chemical potential dependence of the parity anomaly in quantum anomalous Hall insulators (QAHE, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.205105 : Effect of disorder on the transverse magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals (Weyl Semimental, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.201104 : Quantum phase diagram of a Moir'e-Hubbard model (DasSarma, PRB)

    14. 2011.02448 : Fractional and composite excitations of antiferromagnetic quantum spin trimer chains (Sandvik, arXiv)

    15. 2011.02369 : Dynamical spin correlations of the kagome antiferromagnet (DM, arXiv)

    16. 2011.02380 : Evidence of ideal excitonic insulator in bulk MoS2 under pressure (Excitonic insulator, arXiv)

    17. 2011.01941 : Inhomogeneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in $\mathrm{Sr}{2}\mathrm{Ru}\mathrm{O}{4}$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.102.184504 : Quantum geometric contributions to the BKT transition: Beyond mean field theory (BKT, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.174404 : Spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking without magnetism in an $S=1$ spin chain (PHosur, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.174403 : Layer effects on the magnetic textures in magnets with local inversion asymmetry (local inversion breaking, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.201102 : Emergence of nearly flat bands through a kagome lattice embedded in an epitaxial two-dimensional Ge layer with a bitriangular structure (kagome Ge, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.195404 : Out-of-plane corrugations in graphene based van der Waals heterostructures (graphene, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.195201 : Screening of hot electrons in the ferroelectric semiconductor $\mathrm{I}{\mathrm{n}}{2}\mathrm{S}{\mathrm{e}}{3}$ (el-phonon,PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.195106 : Variational study of the ground state and spin dynamics of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ kagome antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model and its implication for herbertsmithite ${\mathrm{ZnCu}}{3}{(\mathrm{OH})}{6}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{2}$ (TaoLi, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.180501 : Multichannel superconductivity of monolayer FeSe on ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$: Interplay of spin fluctuations and electron-phonon interaction (FeSe/STO, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.102.174301 : Chiral phonons in the indirect optical transition of a ${\mathrm{MoS}}{2}/{\mathrm{WS}}{2}$ heterostructure (chiral phonon, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.205404 : Chiral oscillations in electronic transport through graphene nanoribbons induced by pseudospin filters (graphene, PRB)

    28. 2011.01595 : First-Principles Design of Halide-Reduced Electrides: Magnetism and Topological Phases (Arita, arXiv)

    29. 2011.01701 : Tunable electron-phonon interactions in long-period superlattices (Levitov, arXiv)

    30. 2011.01679 : Bond-weighted Tensor Renormalization Group (Tensor RG, arXiv)

    31. 2011.01597 : Observation of hydrodynamic-like behavior in 3D Dirac semimetal ZrTe5 (phonon hydrodynamics, arXiv)

    32. 2011.01401 : Ferroic orders in two-dimensional transition/rare-earth metal halides (2D ferroic order, arXiv)

    33. 2011.01265 : Crossed Andreev reflection in topological insulator nanowire T-junctions (BHZ model, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.102.205401 : Interacting quantum Hall states in a finite graphene flake and at finite temperature (graphene flake, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.195401 : Kramers pairs of Majorana corner states in a topological insulator bilayer (Jelena, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.201101 : Spin-orbit coupling effects on spin-phonon coupling in ${\mathrm{Cd}}{2}{\mathrm{Os}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (JGPark, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.184502 : Nematic superconductivity in LiFeAs (nematic order, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.174402 : ac susceptibility study of magnetic relaxation phenomena in the antiskyrmion-hosting tetragonal Mn-Pt(Pd)-Sn system (SSP Parkin, PRB)

    39. PhysRevLett.125.195301 : Anomalous Spin-Charge Separation in a Driven Hubbard System (Charge spin separation, PRL)

    40. PhysRevLett.125.196401 : Blue Phosphorene Bilayer is a Two-Dimensional Metal and an Unambiguous Classification Scheme for Buckled Hexagonal Bilayers (Buckled Hexagonal Bilayers, PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.125.197202 : Simulating Exotic Phases of Matter with Bond-Directed Interactions with Arrays of Majorana-Cooper Pair Boxes (Tsvelik, PRL)

    42. 2011.00785 : Imaging the coupling between itinerant electrons and localised moments in the centrosymmetric skyrmion magnet GdRu2Si2 (Seki, arXiv)

    43. 2011.00541 : Neutron scattering investigation of proposed Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in the triangular-lattice Ising antiferromagnet TmMgGaO4 (KT, arXiv)

    44. 2011.00036 : Discovery of magnetic topological crystals (magnetic TC, arXiv)

    45. 2011.01158 : Nematic Order in Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Valley + Spin Fluctuation Interference Mechanism (Kontani, arXiv)

    46. 2011.00595 : Orbital and Spin Character of Doped Carriers in Infinite-Layer Nickelates (Nickelate, arXiv)

    47. 2011.00268 : The observation of in-plane quantum Griffiths singularity in two-dimensional crystalline superconductors (Griffiths singularity, arXiv)

    48. 2011.00185 : Origin of the anomalous Hall effect in two-band chiral superconductors (chiral SC, arXiv)

    49. PhysRevB.102.195103 : Entropy and electronic orders of the three-orbital Hubbard model with antiferromagnetic Hund coupling (PWerner, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.102.180402 : Combing the helical phase of chiral magnets with electric currents (Nagaosa, PRB)

    51. PhysRevX.10.041023 : Single-Particle Spectral Function Formulated and Calculated by Variational Monte Carlo Method with Application to $d$-Wave Superconducting State (Imada, PRX)

    52. 2010.16187 : Phase transitions between helices, vortices, and hedgehogs driven by spatial anisotropy in chiral magnets (YMotome, arXiv)

    53. 2010.16125 : Microscopic Theory of Ultrafast Skyrmion Excitation by Light (skyrmion, arXiv)

    54. 2010.16109 : Emergence of Charge Loop Current in Geometrically Frustrated Hubbard Model: Functional Renormalization Group Study (Kontani, arXiv)

    55. 2010.16028 : Doping effects on the valence bond solid of $Li_{2}RuO_{3}$ with $Mn$ substitution (JGPark, arXiv)

    56. 2010.16390 : Quasiperiodic criticality and spin-triplet superconductivity in superconductor-antiferromagnet moire patterns (Lado, arXiv)

    57. 2010.16101 : Phase Diagram of Infinite Layer Praseodymium Nickelate Pr${1-x}$Sr${x}$NiO$_2$ Thin Films (Nickelate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 5 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.134115 : Circular dichroism in higher-order harmonic generation: Heralding topological phases and transitions in Chern insulators (CD Higher-order, PRB)

    2. 2010.15516 : Prediction of $d$-wave bond-order and pseudogap in organic superconductor $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$X: Similarities to cuprate superconductors (Kontani, arXiv)

    3. 2010.15633 : Chiral Majorana Hinge Modes in Superconducting Dirac Materials (chiral majorana Hinge, arXiv)

    4. 2010.15373 : Hybridization of Bogoliubov-quasiparticles between adjacent CuO$2$ layers in the triple-layer cuprate Bi$_2$Sr$_2$Ca$_2$Cu$_3$O${10+\delta}$ studied by ARPES (cuprate, arXiv)

    5. 2010.15220 : Symmetry properties of superconducting order parameter in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.102.165154 : Ultralow temperature NMR of ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (CeCiIn5, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.165152 : Insight into Kondo screening in the intermediate-valence compound ${\mathrm{SmOs}}{4}{\mathrm{Sb}}{12}$ uncovered by soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (Kondo screening, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.155150 : The product of two independent Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains yields a two-dimensional Chern insulator (2D SSH, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.155145 : Majoranas in mixed-valence insulators (CMVarma, PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.125.187203 : Ferromagnetic Weyl Fermions in Two-Dimensional Layered Electride ${\mathrm{Gd}}_{2}\mathrm{C}$ (FM Weyl, PRL)

    11. PhysRevX.10.041021 : Critical Theory of Non-Fermi Liquid Fixed Point in Multipolar Kondo Problem (YBKim, PRX)

    12. 370/6516/600 : Generation of helical topological exciton-polaritons (exciton-polariton, science)

    13. 370/6516/543.6 : Polaritons with a twist (science)

    14. 2010.14671 : Square skyrmion crystal in centrosymmetric itinerant magnets (YMotome, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.102.165150 : $\ensuremath{\eta}$-pairing in correlated fermion models with spin-orbit coupling (eta-pairing, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.102.144442 : Spin torque and persistent currents caused by percolation of topological surface states (TI/FM, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.102.140411 : Energy storage in magnetic textures driven by vorticity flow (Yaroslav, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.134436 : Signatures of magnetostriction and spin-phonon coupling in magnetoelectric hexagonal $15R\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{BaMn}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (spin-phonon, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.155429 : Quasi-flat-band physics in a two-leg ladder model and its relation to magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Hosur, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.134435 : Method to observe the anomaly of magnetic susceptibility in quantum spin systems (quatum spin, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.165151 : Longitudinal and anomalous Hall conductivity of a general two-band model (AHC, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.155430 : Graphene quantum dot states near defects (graphene QD, PRB)

    23. 2010.14710 : Reemergence of superconductivity in pressurized quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Mo3As3 (JPHu, arXiv)

    24. 2010.15092 : Transmission Amplitude through a Coulomb blockaded Majorana Wire (Coulomb blockade, arXiv)

    25. PhysRevLett.125.187702 : Electron-Tunneling-Assisted Non-Abelian Braiding of Rotating Majorana Bound States (HSSim, PRL)

    26. 2010.14360 : Identification of strongly interacting organic semimetals (organic, arXiv)

    27. 2010.14045 : Investigation of the effective interactions for the Emery model by the constrained random-phase approximation and constrained functional renormalization group (cRPA, arXiv)

    28. 2010.13931 : Field-induced quantum critical point in the new itinerant antiferromagnet Ti$_3$Cu$_4$ (heavy fermion, arXiv)

    29. 2010.14066 : Hybridization mechanism of the dual proximity effect in superconductor-topological insulator interfaces (SC TI, arXiv)

    30. 2010.13913 : Low Temperature Emergence of an Orbital-Selective Mott Phase in FeTe${1-x}$Se${x}$ (Qimiao, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.102.155428 : Chiral Luttinger liquids in graphene tuned by irradiation (graphene, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.155142 : Spin density wave and electron nematicity in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Nori, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.144440 : Magnetization direction dependent spin Hall effect in $3d$ ferromagnets (3dFM, PRB)

    34. PhysRevLett.125.187701 : Fabry-P'erot Oscillations in Correlated Carbon Nanotubes (CNT, PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.125.187201 : Dynamical Signatures of Quasiparticle Interactions in Quantum Spin Chains (LBalents, PRL)

    36. 2010.13775 : A perspective on semiconductor-based superconducting qubits (Ramon, arXiv)

    37. 2010.13543 : From the spin-fermion model to anisotropic superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

    38. 2010.12610 : Charge order textures induced by non-linear lattice coupling in a half-doped manganite (charge order, arXiv)

    39. 2010.12601 : Strong-coupling mechanism of the pseudogap in small Hubbard clusters (pseudogap, arXiv)

    40. 2010.12588 : Nematic Antiferromagnetism and Deconfined Criticality from the Interplay between Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions (nematic AFM, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.102.165147 : Majorana end states in an interacting quantum wire (Furusaki, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.155426 : Simple mechanism that breaks the Hall-effect linearity at low temperatures (linear Hall-effect, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.155140 : Protracted Kondo screening and kagome bands in the heavy-fermion metal ${\mathrm{Ce}}_{3}\mathrm{Al}$ (Kondo screening, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.155141 : Topological surface states in strained Dirac semimetal thin films (Fermi arc, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.102.144305 : Quasiballistic phonon transport from first principles (phonon, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.140410 : Entanglement spectrum as a marker for phase transitions in the density embedding theory for interacting spinless fermionic models (CHotta, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.134509 : Fraunhofer oscillations of the critical current at a varying Zeeman field in a spin-orbit coupled Josephson junction (Josephson Junction, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.134431 : Electrical magnetochiral effect and kinetic magnetoelectric effect induced by chiral exchange field in helical magnetics (helical magnet, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.134430 : Stability of long-lived antiskyrmions in the Mn-Pt-Sn tetragonal Heusler material (antiSkyrmion, PRB)

    50. 2010.12295 : Many-body localization as a percolation phenomenon (many-body localization, arXiv)

    51. 2010.12085 : Quantum Oscillations in a Spin-3/2 Topological Semimetal (spin-3/2, arXiv)

    52. 2010.11952 : Anomalous and normal dislocation modes in Floquet topological insulators (BRoy, arXiv)

    53. 2010.12204 : Superconductor-metal quantum transition at the EuO-KTaO3 interface (EuOKTO, arXiv)

    54. 2010.11984 : Incoherent Cooper pairing and pseudogap behavior in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO$_3$ (FeSeSTO, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.165416 : Landau levels in spin-orbit coupling proximitized graphene: Bulk states (Fabian, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.144434 : Late stages in the ordering of magnetic skyrmion lattices (skyrmion, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.140504 : Electrical and thermal transport in antiferromagnet-superconductor junctions (AFMSC-Junction, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.155136 : Band structure of twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (FGuinea, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.165146 : Anomalous density fluctuations in a random $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ model (tJmodel, PRB)

    6. 2010.11233 : Spontaneous Chiral-Spin Ordering in Spin-Orbit Coupled Honeycomb Magnets (Kee, arXiv)

    7. 2010.11200 : Magnetoelectric generation of a Majorana-Fermi surface in Kitaev’s honeycomb model (RMoessner, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.102.155306 : Stability and electronic properties of edges of ${\mathrm{SnS}}_{2}$ (SnS2, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.134311 : Current-induced phonon Hall effect (phonon, PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.125.176405 : Charge Instability in Single-Layer ${\mathrm{TiTe}}_{2}$ Mediated by van der Waals Bonding to Substrates (TCChiang, PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.125.176404 : Obstruction and Interference in Low-Energy Models for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Mele, PRL)

    12. PhysRevX.10.031061 : Possible Phason-Polaron Effect on Purely One-Dimensional Charge Order of ${\mathrm{Mo}}{6}{\mathrm{Se}}{6}$ Nanowires (Nagaosa, PRX)

    13. 2010.10553 : Catalogue of phonon modes in several cuprate high-temperature superconductors from density functional theory (phonon cuprate, arXiv)

    14. 2010.11090 : Can bilayer graphene become a fractional metal? (Nori, arXiv)

    15. 2010.10741 : Strong tuning of magnetism and electronic structure by spin orientation (SOI, arXiv)

    16. 2010.10536 : Topological correspondence between magnetic space group representations (magnetic space group, arXiv)

    17. 2010.10523 : Strange metals as ersatz Fermi liquids (Senthil, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.102.165139 : Influence of magnetic ordering on the optical response of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.140406 : Nonlinear spin filter for nonmagnetic materials at zero magnetic field (PStano, PRB)

    20. 2010.10377 : Observation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconducting graphene (Lado, arXiv)

    21. 2010.10307 : Absence of high temperature superconductivity in hydrides under pressure (Hirsch, arXiv)

    22. 2010.09753 : Moir'e surface states and “high-temperature” superconductivity in topological insulators (LiangFu, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.102.155205 : Valley pumping via edge states and the nonlocal valley Hall effect in two-dimensional semiconductors (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    24. PhysRevX.10.041014 : Boundary-Obstructed Topological High-${\mathit{T}}_{c}$ Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides (JPHu, PRX)

    25. 2010.09382 : Topological Phase Transitions of Superconducting Vortex Bound States Driven by Impurities (FCZhang, arXiv)

    26. 2010.09653 : Quantum oscillations in the activated conductivity in excitonic insulators: possible application to monolayer WTe2 (PALee, arXiv)

    27. 2010.09537 : Momentum-space Berry curvature in a canted ferromagnet: spin-orbit coupling versus spin non-coplanarity (Berry curvature, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevMaterials.4.104410 : Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism mimics signatures of the topological Hall effect in ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ films (SRO, PRM)

    29. 2010.09234 : Novel $J_{\rm{eff}}$=3/2 Metallic Phase and Unconventional Superconductivity in GaTa$_4$Se$_8$ (MJHan, arXiv)

    30. 2010.08636 : Hyperfine Couplings as a Probe of Orbital Anisotropy in Heavy Fermion Materials (CeMIn5, arXiv)

    31. Physics.13.161 : Graphene Doping Reaches New Levels (graphene, physics)

    32. PhysRevB.102.165134 : Joule heating in Boltzmann theory of metals (Joule heating, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.161115 : Mapping Dirac fermions in the intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulators $(\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}){({\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3})}_{n}$ ($n=0,1$) (AFM TI, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.161114 : Fermi-surface topology and renormalization of bare ellipticity in an interacting anisotropic electron gas (SJAhn, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.144427 : Multinode quantum spin liquids on the honeycomb lattice (honeycomb, PRB)

    36. PhysRevLett.125.177701 : Why Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Generally Have Low Electron Mobility (2D semiconductor, PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.125.176403 : Overdoping Graphene Beyond the van Hove Singularity (van Hove Singularity, PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.125.176401 : Orbital Angular Momentum Induced Spin Polarization of 2D Metallic Bands (OAM, PRL)

    39. PhysRevX.10.041013 : How Circular Dichroism in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Can Be Used to Spectroscopically Detect Transient Topological States in Graphene (CD graphene, PRX)

    40. 2010.08394 : Magnetic exchange interactions in the van der Waals layered antiferromagnet MnPSe3 (MnPSe3, arXiv)

    41. 2010.07947 : Spectroscopic fingerprints of gapped quantum spin liquids, both conventional and fractonic (YBKim, arXiv)

    42. 2010.07945 : Theory of Anomalous Floquet Higher-Order Topology: Classification, Characterization, and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence (Floquet topology, arXiv)

    43. 2010.08224 : Signatures of triplet correlations in density of states of Ising superconductors (Ising SC, arXiv)

    44. 2010.08108 : Abelian and Non-Abelian Monopole Configuration in Condensed Matters (YKBang, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 3rd week collection
    1. Roomtemperature : At last, Roomtemperature superconductivity achieved (Room_temperature, science) Roomtemperature : Roomtemperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride (Roomtemperature, nature)

    2021 Physics = Neil Ashcroft(1/2), Mikhail Eremets (1/4), Ranga P. Dias (1/4) ???

    1. PhysRevB.102.155416 : Majorana zero modes and their bosonization (DLoss, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.134419 : Spin wave theory of a one-dimensional generalized Kitaev model (Affleck, PRB)

    3. 2004.10348 : Topological Anderson insulating phases in the long-range Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Hsu, arXiv)

    4. 2010.06450 : Evidence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase in a Frustrated Magnet (BKT, arXiv)

    5. 2010.06446 : Reaching room temperature superconductivity by optimizing doping in LaH$_{10}$? (Arita, arXiv)

    6. 2010.06091 : The superconductor to metal transition in overdoped cuprates (DHLee, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevMaterials.4.104005 : Electrical switching of valley polarization in monolayer semiconductors (Valleytronics, PRM)

    8. Physics.13.s133 : Electrical Control of the “Valley” (Valleytronics, physics)

    9. PhysRevB.102.155113 : Emergent chiral spin ordering and anomalous Hall effect in a kagome lattice at a $\frac{1}{3}$ filling (SBLee, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.165117 : Surface Green’s functions and quasiparticle interference in Weyl semimetals (surface Green ft, PRB)

    11. PhysRevLett.125.165302 : Direct Visualization of Trimerized States in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaTe}}_{2}$ (trimerized, PRL)

    12. 2010.05786 : Electric field-induced oxygen vacancies in YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO, arXiv)

    13. 2010.05598 : Optical response and nonlinear Hall response of twisted bilayer graphene in the insulating state (Fawang, arXiv)

    14. 2010.05390 : Evidence for a Monolayer Excitonic Insulator (exciton, arXiv)

    15. 2010.05308 : Capping layer influence and isotropic in-plane upper critical field of the superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface (FeSe/STO, arXiv)

    16. 2010.05019 : Band-Selective Third-Harmonic Generation in Superconducting MgB$_2$: Evidence for Higgs Amplitude Mode in the Dirty Limit (MgB2, arXiv)

    17. 2010.04735 : Tunable vortex Majorana zero modes in LiFeAs superconductor (vortex majorana, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.102.165118 : Quantum geometry and stability of moir'e flatband ferromagnetism (Sarma, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.155412 : Orbital response of single-layer antimony to external magnetic field (antimony, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.144415 : Fingerprint of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect at heavy-metal/Cu interfaces (Rashba-Edelstein, PRB)

    21. 2010.04544 : Thermal disorder driven magnetic phases in van der Waals magnet CrI3 (CrI3, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.161106 : Spin/charge density waves at the boundaries of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.144506 : Temperature-driven BCS-BEC crossover and Cooper-paired metallic phase in coupled boson-fermion systems (Nandini, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.134503 : Efficient ab initio Migdal-Eliashberg calculation considering the retardation effect in phonon-mediated superconductors (Arita, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.165114 : Strongly parity-mixed superconductivity in the Rashba-Hubbard model (Rashba-Hubbard, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.165115 : First-principles theory of the Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ under Zeeman magnetic field (Vanderbilit, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.155111 : Nodal lines and mapping to mirror Chern numbers in ${\mathrm{Ca}}_{2}\mathrm{As}$ family (mirror Chern, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.144103 : First-principles study of topologically protected vortices and ferroelectric domain walls in hexagonal ${\mathrm{YGaO}}_{3}$ (FE domain wall, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.125.157701 : Superconducting Quantum Interference in Edge State Josephson Junctions (Loss, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.125.157403 : Skew Scattering and Side Jump Drive Exciton Valley Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Crystals (skew scattering, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.125.157002 : Topological Superconductivity in the Doped Chiral Spin Liquid on the Triangular Lattice (topological SC, PRL)

    11. PhysRevX.10.041007 : Robust Topological Order in Fermionic ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Gauge Theories: From Aharonov-Bohm Instability to Soliton-Induced Deconfinement (AB instability, PRX)

    12. 2010.04142 : Chiral Hinge Magnons in Second-Order Topological Magnon Insulators (Loss, arXiv)

    13. 2010.03563 : Possible inversion symmetry breaking in the $S=1/2$ pyrochlore Heisenberg magnet (Moessner, arXiv)

    14. 2010.04031 : Spin-orbit coupling induced splitting of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in antiferromagnetic dimers (Wiesendanger, arXiv)

    15. 370/6513/231 : Clean 2D superconductivity in a bulk van der Waals superlattice (2D SC, Science)

    16. 370/6513/170 : Layer-cake 2D superconductivity (Science)

    17. 2010.02956 : Theory of optical responses in clean multi-band superconductors (JYAhn, arXiv)

    18. 2010.03503 : Antiferromagnetic correlations in strongly valence fluctuating CeIrSn (CeIrSn, arXiv)

    19. 2010.03433 : Hund-induced orbital isotropy of magnetic fluctuations in perovskite materials (Silke, arXiv)

    20. 2010.03037 : Signatures of bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure (Wigner crystal, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.102.165108 : Finite-size scaling analysis of two-dimensional deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states (AKLT, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.161104 : Systematic comparison and cross-validation of fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo and phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in solids (QMC, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.155406 : Prediction of superconductivity and topological aspects in single-layer $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{Bi}}_{2}\mathrm{Pd}$ (Bi2Pd, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.155109 : Topological electronic structure in the antiferromagnet HoSbTe (AFM TI, PRB)

    25. 2010.02662 : Electronic correlations in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ revealed by its charge dynamics (Fe3GeTe2, arXiv)

    26. 2010.02491 : Chirality memory stored in magnetic domain walls in the ferromagnetic state of MnP (MnP, arXiv)

    27. 2010.02856 : A Comparitive Many-Body Study of Pr$_4$Ni$_3$O$_8$ and NdNiO$_2$ (AJMillis, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.102.165106 : Field-induced SU(4) to SU(2) Kondo crossover in a half-filling nanotube dot: Spectral and finite-temperature properties (CNT, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.161103 : Imaging the valley and orbital Hall effect in monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (MoS2, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.155106 : High magnetic field spin-valley-split Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in a $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ monolayer (spin-valley split, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.144504 : ${\mathrm{Li}}{2x}{\mathrm{BC}}{3}$: Prediction of a second ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$-class high-temperature superconductor (MgB2, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.140402 : Proximate Kitaev system for an intermediate magnetic phase in in-plane magnetic fields (BHKim, PRB)

    33. 2010.02001 : Evidence for a gapless Dirac spin-liquid ground state in a spin-3/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet (triangular lattice, arXiv)

    34. 2010.01752 : Strong antiferromagnetic proximity coupling in a heterostructured superconductor Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs (JSKim, arXiv)

    35. 2010.01144 : Skyrmion Superconductivity: DMRG evidence for a topological route to superconductivity (skyrmion SC, arXiv)

    36. PhysRevB.102.165103 : Interplay of electron correlations, spin-orbit couplings, and structural effects for Cu centers in the quasi-two-dimensional magnet $\mathrm{In}{\mathrm{Cu}}{2/3}{\mathrm{V}}{1/3}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (Hozoi, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.140401 : Finite-temperature thermodynamic properties of spin-1 nematics in an applied magnetic field (Hotta, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.134404 : Spin-orbit exciton in a honeycomb lattice magnet ${\mathrm{CoTiO}}_{3}$: Revealing a link between magnetism in $d$- and $f$-electron systems (YJKim, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.102.134403 : Spin transport in noncollinear antiferromagnetic metals (AFM metals, PRB)

    40. PhysRevX.10.041003 : Ising Superconductivity and Magnetism in ${\mathrm{NbSe}}_{2}$ (Ising SC, PRX)

    41. 2010.00616 : Competition of Spinon Fermi Surface and Heavy Fermi Liquids states from the Periodic Anderson to the Hubbard model (PALee, arXiv)

    42. 2010.00598 : Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry (Bernevig, arXiv)

    43. 2010.00838 : Optical Manipulation of Domains in Chiral Topological Superconductors (chiral domain, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.155401 : Sound in a system of chiral one-dimensional fermions (1D chain, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.155103 : Dirac fermions in antiferromagnetic FeSn kagome lattices with combined space inversion and time-reversal symmetry (AFM Dirac, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.155102 : Boundary-obstructed topological phases of a massive Dirac fermion in a magnetic field (AAH BBH, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.134502 : Superconducting phase transition in inhomogeneous chains of superconducting islands (1D SC Chain, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.144405 : Anomalous Hall effect in $3d/5d$ multilayers mediated by interface scattering and nonlocal spin conductivity (interface, PRB)

    6. PhysRevX.10.041002 : Multiorbital Processes Rule the ${\mathrm{Nd}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{NiO}}_{2}$ Normal State (Nickelate, PRX)

    7. 2010.00588 : TBG VI: An Exact Diagonalization Study of Twisted Bilayer Graphene at Non-Zero Integer Fillings (Bernevig, arXiv)

    8. 2010.00213 : Matrix product state recursion methods for strongly correlated quantum systems (MPS, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.102.144401 : Magnetism at an iridate/manganite interface: Influence of strong spin-orbit interaction (interface, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.140501 : Majorana-induced DC Shapiro steps in topological Josephson junctions (Trauzettel, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.165302 : Atomic structure and properties of a perovskite/spinel (111) interface (interface, PRB)

    12. 2009.14827 : Soft modes in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    13. 2009.14569 : Spin Moir'e Engineering of Emergent Electromagnetism (Motome, arXiv)

    14. 2009.14203 : The Quantum Hall Effect in the Absence of Disorder (Kivelson, arXiv)

    15. 2009.14221 : Topological superconductivity in proximity to type-II superconductors (Type2-SC, arXiv)

    16. 2009.14200 : TBG V: Exact Analytic Many-Body Excitations In Twisted Bilayer Graphene Coulomb Hamiltonians: Charge Gap, Goldstone Modes and Absence of Cooper Pairing (Bernevig, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.102.125436 : Skyrmion spin transfer torque due to current confined in a nanowire (skyrmion, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.121110 : Two phase transitions driven by surface electron doping in ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (WTe2, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.115437 : Ab initio k $\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}$ p theory of spin-momentum locking: Application to topological surface states (kp theory, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.104515 : Suppression of superfluidity by dissipation: An application to failed superconductors (nagaosa, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.094439 : Stability of skyrmion formation and its abnormal dynamic modes in magnetic nanotubes (SKKim, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.094207 : Moir'e pattern of a spin liquid and a N'eel magnet in the Kitaev model (kitaev, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.104434 : Strong spin depolarization in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ : Role of spin-orbit coupling (Weyl, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.104436 : Modeling spin waves in noncollinear antiferromagnets: Spin-flop states, spin spirals, skyrmions, and antiskyrmions (AFM, PRB)

    25. 2009.13585 : Some Recent Developments in Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo for Real Materials (QMC, arXiv)

    26. 2009.13530 : TBG IV: Exact Insulator Ground States and Phase Diagram of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    27. 2009.14173 : Shot noise distinguishes Majorana fermions from vortices injected in the edge mode of a chiral p-wave superconductor (Beenakker, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.102.104514 : Spin magnetometry as a probe of stripe superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Tsvelik, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.125.147001 : Superconductivity in Uniquely Strained ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{2}$ Films (Arita, PRL) 1. Physics.13.s125 : Phonons Are Key in Strained Superconductors (Rutile, physics)

    30. PhysRevX.10.031069 : Quantum Versus Classical Spin Fragmentation in Dipolar Kagome Ice ${\mathrm{Ho}}{3}{\mathrm{Mg}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}{3}{\mathrm{O}}{14}$ (kagome, PRX)

    31. 2009.13313 : Triple helix vs. skyrmion lattice in two-dimensional non-centrosymmetric magnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    32. 2009.13277 : A continuous metal-insulator transition driven by spin correlations (PALee, arXiv)

    33. 2009.13185 : Precise control of $J_\mathrm{eff}=1/2$ magnetic properties in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ epitaxial thin films by variation of strain and thin film thickness (Sr2IrO4, arXiv)

    34. 2009.12435 : Efficient matrix-product-state preparation of highly entangled trial states: Weak Mott insulators on the triangular lattice revisited (MPS, arXiv)

    35. 2009.12376 : TBG III: Interacting Hamiltonian and Exact Symmetries of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    36. 2009.13422 : Controlling correlations in NbSe$_2$ via quantum confinement (Lado, arXiv)

    37. 2009.12578 : Superconductivity emerging from a stripe charge order in IrTe2 nanoflakes (JSKim, arXiv)

    38. 2009.12428 : Enhancement of superconductivity with external phonon squeezing (Galitski, arXiv)

    39. 2009.12403 : Universal behavior of the bosonic metallic ground state in a two-dimensional superconductor (HYHwang, arXiv)

    40. Physics.13.155 : 3D Magnetism Maps Reveal Exotic Topologies (3D magnetism, Physics)

    41. PhysRevB.102.125149 : Variational wave functions for the spin-Peierls transition in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with quantum phonons (SSH, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.115159 : Charge density waves in Weyl semimetals (Burkov, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.100203 : Wannier band transitions in disordered $\ensuremath{\pi}$-flux ladders (Hughes, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.094437 : Microscopic theory of spin Hall magnetoresistance (Matsuo, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.102.115160 : Susceptibility anisotropy and its disorder evolution in models for Kitaev materials (Vojta, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.104115 : ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ structural path: Following the negative thermal expansion at the local scale (octahedron rotation, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.100506 : Spin accumulation induced by a singlet supercurrent (spin accumulation, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.121408 : Two-dimensional chiral stacking orders in quasi-one-dimensional charge density waves (THKim, PRB)

    49. PhysRevLett.125.146801 : Magnetism of Topological Boundary States Induced by Boron Substitution in Graphene Nanoribbons (graphene, PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.125.146401 : Higher-Order Weyl Semimetals (Higher-order Weyl, PRL)

    51. PhysRevLett.125.143001 : Ideal Unconventional Weyl Point in a Chiral Photonic Metamaterial (Weyl, PRL)

    52. 2009.12262 : Strain-engineering of the charge and spin-orbital interactions in Sr2IrO4 (Sr2IrO4, PNAS)

    53. 2009.12233 : Magnetic-field-driven topological phase transition and topological Hall effect in AF-skyrmion lattice (AF-skyrmion, arXiv)

    54. 2009.11872 : TBG II: Stable Symmetry Anomaly in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    55. 2009.12058 : Conserved current of nonconserved quantities (QNiu, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.125148 : Twofold quadruple Weyl nodes in chiral cubic crystals (Weyl, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.104432 : Anomalous helimagnetic domain shrinkage due to the weakening of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CrAs (CrAs, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.094433 : Hidden magnetic order in the triangular-lattice magnet ${\mathrm{Li}}{2}{\mathrm{MnTeO}}{6}$ (triangular spin, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.125.137202 : Direct Observation of the Statics and Dynamics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles in a Chiral Magnet (hedgehog, PRL)

    5. 2009.10539 : Emergence of spin-active channels at a quantum Hall interface (spin QHI, arXiv)

    6. 2009.11833 : Quantum spin torque driven transmutation of antiferromagnetic Mott insulator (AFM Mott insulator, arXiv)

    7. 2009.11733 : Incipient antiferromagnetism in the Eu-doped topological insulator Bi$_2$Te$_3$ (TI, arXiv)

    8. 2009.11529 : Quantum phase transition in a quantum Ising chain at nonzero temperatures (quantum phase transition, arXiv)

    9. 2009.11432 : Fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice induced by anisotropic couplings (AFM skyrmion, Nature AOP)

    10. 2009.11301 : TBG I: Matrix Elements, Approximations, Perturbation Theory and a $k\cdot p$ 2-Band Model for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    11. 2009.11419 : Higher-order Weyl superconductors with anisotropic Weyl-point connectivity (Weyl, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.102.125143 : Combination of tensor network states and Green’s function Monte Carlo (TN, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.125141 : Competing orders at higher-order Van Hove points (van Hove point, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.115152 : Charge-magnon conversion at the topological insulator/antiferromagnetic insulator interface (charge-magnon conversion, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.115150 : Magnetic and spin-liquid phases in the frustrated $t\ensuremath{-}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ Hubbard model on the triangular lattice (triangular lattice, PRB)

    16. 2009.11246 : Anisotropic superconductivity and Fermi surface reconstruction in the spin-vortex antiferromagnetic superconductor CaK(Fe${0.95}$Ni${0.05}$)$_4$As$_4$ (iron pnictide, arXiv)

    17. 2009.10932 : Fluctuating superconductivity in overdoped cuprate with a flat antinodal dispersion (ZXShen, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.102.125430 : One-dimensional antilocalization of electrons from spin disorder probed by nonlinear Hall effect (antilocalization, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.121304 : Critical behavior at the integer quantum Hall transition in a network model on the kagome lattice (network kagome, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.104511 : Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in the doped topological crystalline insulator ${({\mathrm{Pb}}{0.5}{\mathrm{Sn}}{0.5})}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{In}}{x}\mathrm{Te}$ (e-ph coupling, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.104429 : Magnetization plateau observed by ultrahigh-field Faraday rotation in the kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (kagome, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.104111 : Optical method to detect the relationship between chirality of reciprocal space chiral multifold fermions and real space chiral crystals (chirality, PRB)

    23. 2009.10695 : Accurate simulation of q-state clock model (q-state clock, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.102.115143 : Influence of spin and orbital fluctuations on Mott-Hubbard exciton dynamics in ${\mathrm{LaVO}}_{3}$ thin films (LaVO3, PRB)

    25. 2009.10208 : Spin density wave order in interacting type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals (interacting Weyl, arXiv)

    26. 2009.10076 : Correlated Insulating Phases in the Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Graphene, arXiv)

    27. 2009.10089 : Impurity induced double transitions for accidentally degenerate unconventional pairing states (Sigrist, arXiv)

    28. PhysRevB.102.125139 : Thermoelectric response of nodal-line semimetals: Probing the Fermi surface topology (thermoelectric, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.115427 : Se intercalation between $\mathrm{Pt}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ and the Pt surface during synthesis of $\mathrm{Pt}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ by direct selenization of Pt(111) (SBlugel, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.104427 : Dynamics of ferromagnetic bimerons driven by spin currents and magnetic fields (bimeron, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.104303 : Floquet topological phase in a generalized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric lattice (PT symmetric, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.094426 : Extrinsic spin Hall effect in inhomogeneous systems (charge-to-spin conversion, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.104109 : Observation of corner states in second-order topological electric circuits (SOTI, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.121107 : Intrinsic topological phases in ${\mathrm{Mn}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{5}$ tuned by the layer magnetization (Weyl, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.115426 : Band structure and inter-tube optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.125427 : Effect of anisotropy on phase transitions in graphene (graphene, PRB)

    37. PhysRevLett.125.137001 : Dynamical Order and Superconductivity in a Frustrated Many-Body System (organic SC, PRL)

    38. 2009.09670 : Classification and Distinction of Possible Insulating Phases in Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Impurity Effects (FaWang, arXiv)

    39. 2009.09621 : Thermal Hall effect from two-dimensional Schwinger-boson gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction: application to ferromagnets with in-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (BJYang, arXiv)

    40. 2009.09261 : Infrared study of the multiband low-energy excitations of the topological antiferromagnet MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (MnBi2Te4, arXiv)

    41. 2009.08993 : Non-diagonal anisotropic quantum Hall states (CKane, arXiv)

    42. 2009.09877 : Incoherent transport in a model for the strange metal phase (Pepin, arXiv)

    43. PhysRevB.100.174501 : Effect of dimensionality on the vortex dynamics in a type-II superconductor (NbN, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.125137 : Theory of photon condensation in a spatially varying electromagnetic field (MacDonald, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.102.115142 : Charge transport in the Hubbard model at high temperatures: Triangular versus square lattice (Hubbard model, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.115423 : Wiedemann-Franz law in scattering theory revisited (doubleQD, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.100408 : Skyrmion and tetarton lattices in twisted bilayer graphene (ARosch, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.125424 : Lithium intercalation in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ bilayers and implications for moir'e flat bands (MoS2, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.117101 : Comment on ``Relevance of Cu-$3d$ multiplet structure in models of high-${T}_{c}$ cuprates’’ (cuprate, PRB)

    50. 2009.08475 : Hall coefficient of semimetals (Auerbach, arXiv)

    51. 2009.08557 : Ever-present Majorana bound state in a generic one-dimensional superconductor with one Fermi surface (Trauzettel, arXiv)

    52. 2009.08597 : Shadowed Triplet Pairings in Hund’s Metals with Spin-Orbit Coupling (Kee, arXiv)

    53. 2009.08755 : Multichannel superconductivity of monolayer FeSe on SrTiO$_3$: Interplay of spin fluctuations and electron-phonon interaction (FeSe, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 3rd week collection
    1. s41567-019-0649-7 : Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices (Z2, nphys)

    2. PhysRevB.102.104302 : Many-body localization from dynamical gauge fields (HZhai, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.121406 : Experimental evidence for orbital magnetic moments generated by moir'e-scale current loops in twisted bilayer graphene (Graphene, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.094422 : Ferrimagnetic 120${}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$ magnetic structure in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSO}}{4}$ (Rønnow, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.104424 : Anisotropy-induced depinning in the Zn-substituted skyrmion host ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}\mathrm{O}\mathrm{Se}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.125.126801 : Demonstration of Dissipative Quasihelical Edge Transport in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators (dopingTI, PRL)

    7. s41567-020-0999-1 : Direct observation of two-dimensional magnons in atomically thin CrI 3 (magnon, nphys)

    8. 2009.07862 : Schwinger boson study of superconductivity mediated by antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations (Sudbo, arXiv)

    9. 2009.08398 : Restoring the Planckian regime via suppression of charge density waves in an underdoped cuprate superconductor (cuprate, arXiv)

    10. 2009.08201 : Peculiar magnetic dynamics across the in-field transition in Ca3Co2O6 (Ronnow, arXiv)

    11. 2009.07942 : Thermal Properties of Rung Disordered Two-leg Quantum Spin Ladders: Quantum Monte Carlo Study (spin QMC, arXiv)

    12. 2009.07871 : Numerical study of a dual representation of the integer quantum Hall transition (SRaghu, arXiv)

    13. 2009.07865 : Anomalous exciton transport in response to a uniform, in-plane electric field (GRefael, arXiv)

    14. 2009.07864 : Unlocking of time reversal, space-time inversion and rotation invariants in magnetic materials (FChen, arXiv)

    15. 2009.07849 : Dimensionality of superconductivity in the transition metal pnictide WP (Marra, arXiv)

    16. 2009.07577 : Structure analysis of high-pressure phase for skyrmion-hosting multiferroic Cu2OSeO3 (Seki, arXiv)

    17. 2009.07541 : Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate OsxCl3 Comprised of Honeycomb Nano-Domains (kitaev, arXiv)

    18. 2009.07379 : Imaging spinon density modulations in a 2D quantum spin liquid (TaSe2, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevB.102.125125 : Superconducting pairing symmetries of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with inhomogeneous hopping strength (Hubbard, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.121405 : Edge-corner correspondence: Boundary-obstructed topological phases with chiral symmetry (Ezawa, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.115134 : Block orbital-selective Mott insulators: A spin excitation analysis (orbital selective, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.104420 : Weak ferromagnetism in perovskite oxides (weakFM, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.125127 : Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes (majorana, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.094419 : Asymmetric melting of a one-third plateau in kagome quantum antiferromagnets (Yamaji, PRB)

    25. Physics.13.s122 : A Twist in Topological Wisdom (Physics)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.126403 : Boundary Criticality of $\mathcal{PT}$-Invariant Topology and Second-Order Nodal-Line Semimetals (PTsemimetal, PRL)

    27. 2009.07267 : Lattice dynamics in the double-helix antiferromagnet FeP (FeP, arXiv)

    28. JPSJ.89.103702 : Degeneracy Lifting of Néel, Bloch, and Anti-Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Systems (skyrmion, JPSJ)

    29. 2009.07263 : $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Topologically Obstructed Superconducting Order (Z2SC, arXiv)

    30. 2009.06949 : Nodeless $s$-Wave Superconducting Phases in Cuprates with Ba$_2$CuO$_3$-Type Structure (FaWang, arXiv)**

    31. 2009.06661 : Robustness of vortex-bound Majorana zero modes against correlated disorder (vortex-bound Majorana, arXiv)

    32. 2009.06644 : Competing nodal d-wave superconductivity and antiferromagnetism: a Quantum Monte Carlo study (QMC, arXiv)

    33. PhysRevB.102.125123 : Dirac fermions in the antiferromagnetic spintronics material CuMnAs (Dirac semimetal, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.115133 : Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model: A dynamical Schwinger-boson large-$N$ approach (Kondo-Heisenberg, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.094514 : Pair density waves in spinless media (PDW, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.115130 : Parity of Chern numbers in the Kitaev honeycomb model and the sixteenfold way (honeycomb, PRB)

    37. PhysRevLett.125.126402 : Correspondence between Winding Numbers and Skin Modes in Non-Hermitian Systems (non-Hermitian, PRL)

    38. PhysRevLett.125.126401 : Large Polarons as Key Quasiparticles in SrTiO3 and SrTiO3-Based Heterostructures (STO, PRL)

    39. 2009.05988 : Exotic dynamics of excitation in open Aubry-Andr'{e}-Harper model: Effect of the localization, the dimensionality of the environment and the initial condition (AAH, arXiv)

    40. 2009.05984 : Topologically-Driven Linear Magnetoresistance in Helimagnetic FeP (helimagnet, arXiv)

    41. 2009.05795 : Photocurrent of exciton polaritons (nagaosa, arXiv)

    42. 2009.05586 : Magnetism and charge order in the honeycomb lattice (honeycomb, arXiv)

    43. 2009.05917 : A weak topological insulator state in quasi-one-dimensional superconductor TaSe$_3$ (YKKim, arXiv)

    44. 2009.06230 : BaCuS2: a superconductor with moderate electron-electron correlation (JPHu, arXiv)

    45. 2009.05816 : $f$-electron and magnetic ordering effects in nickelates LaNiO$2$ and NdNiO$_2$: remarkable role of the cuprate-like $3d{x^2-y^2}$ band (nickelate, arXiv)

    46. 2009.05896 : Electric field control of disorder-tunable superconductivity and the emergence of quantum metal at an oxide interface (LAO/KTO, arXiv)

    47. 2009.05585 : Majorana modes in emergent-wire phases of helical and cycloidal magnet-superconductor hybrids (majorana Helical, arXiv)

    48. PhysRevB.102.100406 : Vortex lattice in two-dimensional chiral $XY$ ferromagnets and the inverse Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition (chiral XY, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.115129 : de Haas–van Alphen quantum oscillations and electronic structure in the large-Chern-number topological chiral semimetal CoSi (CoSi, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.102.104416 : Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi (skyrmion, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.102.125121 : Random-bond disorder in two-dimensional noncollinear $XY$ antiferromagnets: From quasi-long-range order to spin glass (AFM XY, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.102.115126 : Lattice dynamics effects on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy: Application to MnBi (MnBi, PRB)

    53. PhysRevB.102.125119 : Antiferromagnetism and spin density waves in three-dimensional Dirac metals (3D dirac metal, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.102.115127 : Quantum Hall spin liquids and their possible realization in moir'e systems (Senthil, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.102.115125 : Superlattice structure in the antiferromagnetically ordered state in the Hubbard model on the Ammann-Beenker tiling (quasicrystal, PRB)

    56. PhysRevX.10.031058 : Ground-State Properties of the Hydrogen Chain: Dimerization, Insulator-to-Metal Transition, and Magnetic Phases (H-chain, PRX) Physics.13.142 : The Rich Inner Life of the Hydrogen Chain (H-chain, Physics)

    57. 2009.05055 : Emergent chiral symmetry in a three-dimensional interacting Dirac liquid (BitanRoy, arXiv)

    58. PhysRevLett.125.117206 : Signatures of a Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Cooperative Paramagnet in the Diluted Triangular Lattice of ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{CuTiO}}{6}$ (cuprate, PRL)

    59. 2009.05051 : Fractionalized fermionic quantum criticality in spin-orbital Mott insulators (Fractionalized fermion, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 2nd week collection
    1. 2009.05025 : Coherent phonons and the interplay between charge density wave and Mott phases in 1$T$-TaSe$_{2}$ (TaSe2, arXiv)

    2. 2009.04970 : Current jumps in flat band ladders with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI, arXiv)

    3. 2009.04890 : A new stress dilatometer and measurement of the thermal expansion under uniaxial stress of Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    4. 2009.04685 : Dirac electrons in the square lattice Hubbard model with a $d$-wave pairing field: chiral Heisenberg universality class revisited (Yunoki, arXiv)

    5. 2009.04475 : Magnetic Anisotropy in Spin-3/2 with Heavy Ligand in Honeycomb Mott Insulators: Application to $\mathrm{CrI_3}$ (Kee, arXiv)

    6. 2009.04922 : Superconductivity in the three-band model of cuprates: nodal direction characteristics and influence of intersite interactions (three band model, arXiv)

    7. 2009.04627 : Parallel Spin Stripes and Their Coexistance with Superconducting Ground States at Optimal and High Doping in La${1.6-x}$Nd${0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.102.125115 : Giant intrinsic circular dichroism of enantiomorphic flat Chern bands and flatband devices (Circular Dichroism, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.115123 : Electronic structure of ${30}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$ twisted double bilayer graphene (quasicrystal, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.115120 : Pseudospin-lattice coupling and electric control of the square-lattice iridate ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (Feng Ye, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.100503 : All-electrically tunable networks of Majorana bound states (Trauzettel, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.125201 : Distinguishing the gapped and Weyl semimetal scenario in $\mathrm{Zr}{\mathrm{Te}}_{5}$: Insights from an effective two-band model (Weyl semimetal, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.115411 : Nonlinearity induced topological physics in momentum space and real space (SSH, PRB)

    14. PhysRevLett.125.117209 : Orbital Magnetic Moment of Magnons (magnon, PRL)

    15. PhysRevLett.125.116404 : Twisted Trilayer Graphene: A Precisely Tunable Platform for Correlated Electrons (Trilayer Graphene, PRL)

    16. science.aba0067 : Scale-free ferroelectricity induced by flat phonon bands in HfO 2 (JHLee, science)

    17. science.abd1212 : A key piece of the ferroelectric hafnia puzzle (hafnia, science)

    18. PhysRevLett.125.117207 : Magnon Crystallization in the Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet (magnon, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.125.116402 : Two-Dimensional Dirac Semimetals without Inversion Symmetry (Dirac semimetal, PRL)

    20. Physics.13.s116 : A New Way to Measure Magnons (magnon, Physics)

    21. PhysRevB.102.121105 : Chirality-dependent planar Hall effect in inhomogeneous Weyl semimetals (planar Hall effect, PRB)

    22. 2009.04423 : Superconductivity-enhanced spin pumping: The role of Andreev bound-state resonances (Yaroslav, arXiv)

    23. 2009.03941 : Chiral phase transition and thermal Hall effect in the anisotropic kagome lattice (thermal Hall effect, arXiv)

    24. 2009.04391 : Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of nearly-ideal $J_{\rm eff}$ $=$ 1/2 iridium halides (iridium, arXiv)

    25. Physics.13.s114 : Quantum Simulations of Curved Space (curved space, physics) PhysRevA.102.032208 : Quantum simulation of hyperbolic space with circuit quantum electrodynamics: From graphs to geometry (curved space, PRA)

    26. PhysRevB.102.104102 : Group theory study of the vibrational modes and magnetic order in the topological antiferromagnet $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.121104 : Electronic spectral function in the fractionalized pair density wave scenario (PDW, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.104505 : Interplay of spin waves and vortices in the two-dimensional XY model at small vortex-core energy (KT, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.102.104412 : Dynamics of all-optically switched magnetic domains in Co/Gd heterostructures with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.125413 : Topological resonance in Weyl semimetals in a circularly polarized optical pulse (Weyl, PRB)

    31. PhysRevLett.125.117205 : Coexistence of Surface Ferromagnetism and a Gapless Topological State in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRL) Physics.13.s119 : An Intrinsically Magnetic Topological Insulator (Magnetic Topological Insulator, physics)

    32. PhysRevLett.125.117204 : Formation Mechanism of the Helical $\mathbit{Q}$ Structure in Gd-Based Skyrmion Materials (Arita, PRL)

    33. 2009.03848 : Topological metals and finite-momentum superconductors (LiangFu, arXiv)

    34. 2009.03765 : Magnetization of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice (triangular lattice, arXiv)

    35. 2009.03596 : Current response of nonequilibrium steady states in Landau-Zener problem: Nonequilibrium Green’s function approach (Morimoto, arXiv)

    36. 2009.03580 : Ferromagnetism in $d$-dimensional SU($n$) Hubbard models with nearly flat bands (Katsura, arXiv)

    37. 2009.03332 : Magnetic vortex liquid and anomalous thermal Hall conductivity in frustrated magnets with bond-dependent interactions (YBKim, arXiv)

    38. 2009.03314 : Topological edge modes without symmetry in quasiperiodically driven spin chains (edge modes quasicrystal, arXiv)

    39. PhysRevB.102.125409 : Chiral channel network from magnetization textures in two-dimensional ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.102.125108 : Adiabatic heuristic principle on a torus and generalized Streda formula (Hatsugai, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.102.121102 : Spin-1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a honeycomb lattice (spin-1 honeycomb, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.104409 : Typical skyrmions versus bimerons: A long-distance competition in ferromagnetic racetracks (skyrmion bimeron, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.125111 : Quantum-well states in fractured crystals of the heavy-fermion material ${\mathrm{CeCoIn}}_{5}$ (QWstates, PRB)

    44. 2009.02917 : Giant orbital polarization of Ni$^{2+}$ in square planar environment (nickelate, arXiv)

    45. 2009.02336 : Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting 2D Networks (GYCho, arXiv)

    46. 2009.02313 : Investigation of the N'eel phase of the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet by differentiable symmetric tensor networks (TN, arXiv)

    47. 2009.01975 : Proposal for methods to measure the octupole susceptibility (octupole, arXiv)

    48. 2009.02244 : Two-gap to Single-gap Superconducting Transition on a Honeycomb Lattice in Ca${1-x}$Sr${x}$AlSi (2gapSC, arXiv)

    49. 2009.02002 : Observation of topological electronic structure in quasi-1D superconductor TaSe3 (1DSC, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 1st week collection
    1. 2009.01250 : Boundary Topological Superconductors (boundary TSC, arXiv)

    2. 2009.01836 : Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic angle graphene (Jarillo-Herrero, arXiv)

    3. 2009.01237 : Topological and nematic superconductivity mediated by ferro-SU(4) fluctuations in twisted bilayer graphene (Fernandes, arXiv)

    4. Physics.13.s112 : Toward Autonomous Quantum Communication (machine learning, Physics)

    5. PhysRevB.102.094404 : Moir'e magnons in twisted bilayer magnets with collinear order (Moire magnon, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.094503 : Higher-order topological Dirac superconductors (DasSarma, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.115108 : Physical properties of weak-coupling quasiperiodic superconductors (Arita, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.104408 : Ground-state phase diagram of dipolar-octupolar pyrochlores (pyrochlores, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.125103 : Bulk Fermi surfaces of the Dirac type-II semimetallic candidate $\mathrm{Ni}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ (NiTe2, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.115402 : Realizing gapped surface states in the magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2\text{\ensuremath{-}}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{x}{\mathrm{Te}}_{4}$ (Ko, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.125104 : Field-angle dependence of sound velocity in the Weyl semimetal TaAs (TaAs, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.125407 : Majorana-based quantum computing in nanowire devices (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.125.107001 : Spin-Orbit-Parity-Coupled Superconductivity in Topological Monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (KTLaw, PRL)

    14. PhysRevX.10.031052 : Uncovering Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Hund Metals: Conformal Field Theory Analysis of an $\mathrm{SU}(2)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{SU}(3)$ Spin-Orbital Kondo Model (hund metal, PRX)

    15. 2009.00620 : Charge Density Waves as a Tool for Creating Idealized (Magnetic) Topological Semimetals (CDW, arXiv)

    16. 2009.00860 : Heterobilayer moir'e magnets: moir'e skyrmions, commensurate-incommensurate transition and more (LBalents, arXiv)

    17. 2009.00619 : Phonon-induced disorder in dynamics of optically pumped metals from non-linear electron-phonon coupling (AJMillis, arXiv)

    18. 2009.01078 : From the Ising model to Kitaev Chain – An introduction to topological phase transitions (kitaev chain, arXiv)

    19. 2009.01007 : Bose-Einstein condensate-mediated BCS-like superconductivity in graphene (graphene, arXiv)

    20. 2009.00928 : Charge density waves in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6.67}$ probed by resonant x-ray scattering under uniaxial compression (CDW, arXiv)

    21. 2009.00849 : Topological Properties of Bulk and Bilayer 2M WS$_2$: A First-Principles Study (2M-WS2, arXiv)

    22. Physics.13.137 : Thermal Imaging of the Thomson Effect (Thomson, Physics)

    23. PhysRevB.102.104404 : Evidence of Ba-substitution induced spin-canting in the magnetic Weyl semimetal $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{Cd}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.104403 : Coupled skyrmion breathing modes in synthetic ferri- and antiferromagnets (skyrmion breathing mode, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.125102 : Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets (SZLin, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.102.094403 : Noncollinear magnetic modulation of Weyl nodes in ferrimagnetic ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ga}$ (Weyl, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.115104 : Buckled honeycomb antimony: Higher order topological insulator and its relation to the Kekul'e lattice (Kekule, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.102.094501 : Interorbital $p$- and $d$-wave pairings between ${d}{xz/yz}$ and ${d}{xy}$ orbitals in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Ruthenate, PRB)

    29. 2009.00064 : Finite and Infinite Matrix Product States for Gutzwiller Projected Mean-Field Wavefunctions (MPS, arXiv)

    30. 2009.00507 : Non-local $d_{xy}$ nematicity and the missing electron pocket in FeSe (FeSe nemacity, arXiv)

    31. 2009.00034 : Hidden anomalous Hall effect in Sr$2$RuO$_4$ with chiral superconductivity dominated by the Ru $d{xy}$ orbital (FCZhang, arXiv)

    32. PhysRevB.102.085435 : Klein bound states in single-layer graphene (Avishai, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.085159 : Dynamical response and competing orders in two-band Hubbard model (two-band Hubbard, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.085158 : Three-dimensional Ising ferrimagnetism of Cr-Fe-Cr trimers in $\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{Cr}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (Trimer, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.085155 : X-ray spectroscopy of the rare-earth nickelate ${\mathrm{LuNiO}}_{3}$: $\mathrm{LDA}+\mathrm{DMFT}$ study (Hariki, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.075148 : Flat bands in the CoSn-type compounds (CoSn, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.054443 : Quantum-critical scaling properties of the two-dimensional random-singlet state (Sandvik, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.104401 : Nonreciprocity of spin waves in noncollinear magnets due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.102.100501 : Orbital-selective superconductivity in a two-band model of infinite-layer nickelates (nickelate, PRB)

    40. 2008.13446 : Deconfined criticality and bosonization duality in easy-plane Chern-Simons two-dimensional antiferromagnets (Brink, arXiv)

    41. 2008.12921 : A $j_\mathrm{eff} = 1/2$ pseudospinon continuum in CaIrO$_3$ (Brink, arXiv)

    42. 2008.12788 : Sign structure of thermal Hall conductivity for in-plane-field polarized Kitaev magnets (YBKim, arXiv)

    43. 2008.13692 : Transport signatures of the pseudogap critical point in the cuprate superconductor Bi$2$Sr${2-x}$La$x$CuO${6+\delta}$ (Taillefer, arXiv)

    44. 2008.13380 : Localized-to-itinerant transition preceding antiferromagnetic quantum critical point and gapless superconductivity in CeRh${0.5}$Ir${0.5}$In$_5$ (QCP, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.102.085436 : Controlling spin without magnetic fields: The Bloch-Rashba rotator (Bloch-Rashba, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.085154 : Electrically controlled two-dimensional electron-hole fluids (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.064432 : Robust nature of the chiral spin helix in $\mathrm{Cr}{\mathrm{Nb}}{3}{\mathrm{S}}{6}$ nanostructures studied by off-axis electron holography (helical spin, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.054441 : Out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy engineered via band distortion in two-dimensional materials (band distortion, PRB)

    49. 2008.12547 : On the equation of motion and the constraining field in ab-initio spin dynamics (spin dynamics, arXiv)

    50. 2008.12355 : Pseudospin-lattice coupling and electric control of the square-lattice iridate Sr2IrO4 (iridate, arXiv)

    51. 2008.12307 : Destabilization of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid phase on the triangular lattice by quenched disorder (dirac triangular lattice, arXiv)

    52. 2008.12532 : Spin-fluctuation-induced pairing in twisted bilayer graphene (spin fluctuation, arXiv)

    53. 2008.12529 : Superconductivity in Uniquely Strained RuO$_{2}$ Films (Arita, arXiv)

    54. 2008.12324 : Non-Fermi Liquid Behaviour in the Three Dimensional Hubbard Model (DCA, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 5 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.064430 : Planar topological Hall effect from conical spin spirals (Dagotto, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.060408 : Low-energy magnetic excitations in the mixed spin-($\frac{1}{2},\frac{5}{2}$) chain (spin chain, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.125.096403 : Honeycomb-Lattice Mott Insulator on Tantalum Disulphide (HWYeom, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.125.093904 : Vortical Reflection and Spiraling Fermi Arcs with Weyl Metamaterials (Weyl2, PRL)

    5. 2008.11929 : Proximity-induced hidden order transition in a correlated heterostructure Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs (YKKim, arXiv)

    6. 2008.11742 : Quantum criticality in the 2d quasiperiodic Potts model (quasicrystal, arXiv)

    7. 2008.12021 : Odd-frequency pair density waves in underdoped cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    8. 2008.12012 : Microscopic evidence for the intra-unit-cell electronic nematicity inside the pseudogap phase in YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$ (nematic, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.102.081404 : Change of chirality at magic angles of twisted bilayer graphene (chirality, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.064309 : Experimental observation of the acoustic ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Weyl semimetallic phase in synthetic dimensions (Weyl, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.060504 : Suppression of superconductivity by spin fluctuations in iron-based superconductors (spin fluctuation, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.054439 : Magnetic skyrmions in cylindrical ferromagnetic nanostructures with chiral interactions (skyrmion, PRB)

    13. PhysRevX.10.031047 : Does ${\mathrm{Vo}}_{2}$ Host a Transient Monoclinic Metallic Phase? (VO2, PRX)

    14. 369/6507/1054 : A quantum-computing advantage for chemistry (science) 369/6507/1084 : Hartree-Fock on a superconducting qubit quantum computer (Qubit, Science)

    15. 2008.11640 : Magnon bands in twisted bilayer honeycomb quantum magnets (magnon, arXiv)

    16. 2008.11345 : Field-induced magnetic phase transitions and the resultant giant anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler DyPtBi (DyPtBi, arXiv)

    17. 2008.11218 : # Longitudinal and anomalous Hall conductivity of a general two-band model (two-band model, arXiv)

    18. 2008.11214 : # Interaction-induced metallicity in a two-dimensional disordered non-Fermi liquid (SRaghu, arXiv)

    19. 2008.11204 : Symmetric pseudogap metal in a generalized $t-J$ model (pseudogap, arXiv)

    20. 2008.11656 : Microwave measurements of the high magnetic field vortex motion pinning parameters in Nb$_3$Sn (Nb3Sn, arXiv)

    21. 2008.11447 : Evolution of magnetic order in van-der-Waals antiferromagnet FePS$_3$ through insulator-metal transition (JGPark, arXiv)

    22. 2008.11374 : Berry curvature effects on quasiparticle dynamics in superconductors (QNiu, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.102.081121 : High-harmonic generation in spin-orbit coupled systems (HHG PWerner, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.081120 : Symmetry-protected topological phases beyond groups: The $q$-deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model (qAKLT, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.054107 : Machine learning topological phases in real space (machine learning, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.102.064213 : Perpendicular space accounting of localized states in a quasicrystal (quasicrystal, PRB)

    27. 2008.11176 : Resolving Fermi surfaces with tensor networks (TN, arXiv)

    28. 2008.11004 : Topologically Protected Wormholes in a Type-III Weyl Phase (Weyl3, arXiv)

    29. 2008.10738 : Flat bands and $Z_2$ topological phases in a non-Abelian kagome lattice (kagome, arXiv)

    30. 2008.10614 : Loop-gas description of the localized-magnon states on the kagome lattice with open boundary conditions (kagome, arXiv)

    31. s41467-020-18040-4 : Band insulator to Mott insulator transition in 1 T -TaS 2 (TaS2, ncomms)

    32. PhysRevB.102.064507 : Type-I superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric $\mathrm{Nb}{\mathrm{Ge}}_{2}$ (NbGe2, PRB)

    33. 2008.10810 : Double Majorana vortex zero modes in superconducting topological crystalline insulators with surface rotation anomaly (Furusaki, arXiv)

    34. 2008.10626 : Majorana Zero Modes in Magnetic Texture Vortices (majorana, arXiv)

    35. PhysRevB.102.085147 : Anomalous Hall effect in the half-metallic Heusler compound ${\mathrm{Co}}_{2}\mathrm{Ti}X$ ($X=\mathrm{Si}$, Ge) (Weyl, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.054437 : Thermodynamic and transport properties in disordered Kitaev models (YMotome, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.081118 : Time-reversal symmetry breaking versus chiral symmetry breaking in twisted bilayer graphene (TBLG, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.054209 : Band engineering of Dirac cones in iron chalcogenides (FeSe, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.102.075136 : Higgs-like modes in two-dimensional spatially indirect exciton condensates (AHMacDonald, PRB)

    40. PhysRevLett.125.097202 : Magnetization Density Distribution of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$: Deviation from a Local ${j}_{\mathrm{eff}}=1/2$ Picture (JHJeong, PRL)

    41. PhysRevLett.125.097002 : Enhanced Electron-Phonon Coupling for Charge-Density-Wave Formation in ${\mathrm{La}}{1.8\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Eu}}{0.2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (cuprate, PRL)

    42. 2008.10561 : Prescription for the fraction of delocalized eigenstates in the long-range AAH model (AAH, arXiv)

    43. 2008.09963 : Majorana-Hubbard model on the triangular lattice (Affleck, arXiv)

    44. 2008.09618 : Evolution of spin excitations from bulk to monolayer FeSe (FeSe, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.102.064307 : Quenching of the relaxation pathway in the Weyl semimetal TaAs (TaAs, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.060103 : ${T}{d}$ to $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ structural phase transition in the ${\mathrm{WTe}}{2}$ Weyl semimetal (WTe2, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.054435 : Magnon dispersion relations in the noncollinear antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{IrMn}}_{3}$ (magnon, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.125.097001 : Inversion-protected Higher-order Topological Superconductivity in Monolayer ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ (WTe2, PRL)

    49. PhysRevX.10.031043 : Jahn-Teller Effect and Spin-Orbit Coupling: Friends or Foes? (Khomskii, PRX)

    50. 2008.09399 : Changes of Fermi Surface Topology due to the Rhombohedral Distortion in SnTe (SnTe, arXiv)

    51. 2008.09274 : Doping dependence of electronic structure of infinite-layer NdNiO2 (nickelate, arXiv)

    52. 2008.09232 : Two-dimensional ferromagnetic semiconductor VBr3 with tunable anisotropy (VBr3, arXiv)

    53. 2008.09140 : Quantum nematic in a colossal magnetoresistance material (Sr3Ru2O7, arXiv)

    54. 2008.09596 : An unexplored MBE growth mode reveals new properties of superconducting NbN (NbN, arXiv)

    55. 2008.09361 : Effect of on-site Coulomb repulsion on ferromagnetic fluctuations in heavily over-doped cuprates (Yunoki, arXiv)

    56. 2008.09122 : Designing three-dimensional flat bands (flat band, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.085144 : Josephson effect in type-I Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.085421 : Strain modulation using defects in two-dimensional $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (MoS2, PRB)

    3. 2008.08809 : Canted Antiferromagnetism in the Quasi-1D Iron Chalcogenide BaFe${2}$Se${4}$ (CantedAFM, arXiv)

    4. 2008.08670 : Total angular momentum dichroism of the terahertz vortex beams at the antiferromagnetic resonances (SWCheong, arXiv)

    5. 2008.08616 : Magnetoelastic coupling and effects of uniaxial strain in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ from first principles (RuCl3, arXiv)

    6. 2008.08598 : Topological Defects on the Lattice: Dualities and Degeneracies (RMong, arXiv)

    7. 2008.08873 : Thermal fluctuations in superconducting phases with chiral $ d + id $ and $ s $ symmetry on a triangular lattice (triangular lattice, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.102.064419 : Berry curvature for coupled waves of magnons and electromagnetic waves (SMurakami, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.054513 : Microscopic description of surface superconductivity (surface SC, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.064210 : Nature of protected zero-energy states in Penrose quasicrystals (quasicrystal, PRB)

    11. PhysRevLett.125.086401 : High-Temperature Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators in Lithium-Decorated Iron-Based Superconductor Materials (YongXu, PRL)

    12. 369/6506/979 : Covalent surface modifications and superconductivity of two-dimensional metal carbide MXenes (carbide MXenes, Science)

    13. PhysRevX.10.031028 : Photomolecular High-Temperature Superconductivity (organic SC, PRX)

    14. 2008.08431 : Universality of Boundary Charge Fluctuations (DLoss, arXiv)

    15. 2008.08313 : Observation of plateau-like magnetoresistance in twisted Fe3GeTe2/Fe3GeTe2 junction (JGPark, arXiv)

    16. 2008.08158 : Scaling behavior in a multicritical one-dimensional topological insulator (AAH, arXiv)

    17. 2008.08209 : Strong Superexchange in a $d^{9-{\delta}}$ Nickelate Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (MNorman, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevX.10.031040 : Tensor-Network Method to Simulate Strongly Interacting Quantum Thermal Machines (TN, PRX)

    19. 2008.07990 : Coulomb-Engineered Topology (Lado, arXiv)

    20. 2008.07552 : Spectroscopy of a Tunable Moir'e System with a Correlated and Topological Flat Band (Vishvanath, arXiv)

    21. 2008.07583 : Scattering of magnons at graphene quantum-Hall-magnet junctions (MacDonald, arXiv)

    22. Science369/6505/833 : Observation of small Fermi pockets protected by clean CuO2 sheets of a high-Tc superconductor (cuprate, Science)

    23. 2008.07755 : Structural phase transitions and superconductivity induced in antiperovskite phosphide CaPd$_3$P (antiperovskite, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.102.085420 : Superconducting dome in ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ interfaces as a direct consequence of the extended $s$-wave symmetry of the gap (STOLAO, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.085135 : Loop currents in ladder cuprates: A dynamical mean field theory study (Loop-current, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.102.075125 : Thermodynamic classification of three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquids (YMotome, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.102.054512 : Deep learning of topological phase transitions from entanglement aspects (Deep learning, PRB)

    28. PhysRevLett.125.087001 : Spin Relaxation in $s$-Wave Superconductors in the Presence of Resonant Spin-Flip Scatterers (Fabian, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.125.086802 : Enhanced Proximity Effect in Zigzag-Shaped Majorana Josephson Junctions (Akhmerov, PRL)

    30. 2008.07042 : Majoranas in mixed-valence insulators (CMVarma, arXiv)

    31. 2008.06528 : Flat band topology of magic angle graphene on a transition metal dichalcogenide (Zaletel, arXiv)

    32. 2008.07465 : Calculated Exchange Interactions and Competing S=0 and S=1 States in Doped NdNiO2 (Savrasov, arXiv)

    33. 2008.06516 : Anomalous mirror symmetry breaking in a model insulating cuprate Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$ (Sachdev, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.102.064506 : Magnetic switching in Weyl semimetal-superconductor heterostructures (Dagotto, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.060405 : Magnetic field and thermal Hall effect in a pyrochlore U(1) quantum spin liquid (SBLee, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.081111 : Optical spectra of rare-earth nickelates (nickelate, PRB)

    37. PhysRevX.10.031038 : Undecidability of the Spectral Gap in One Dimension (1Dgap, PRX)

    38. 2008.05401 : Convolutional RBM aided Monte Carlo: an application to Ising and Kitaev models (convolution RBM, arXiv)

    39. 2008.06391 : Determining non-Abelian topological order from infinite projected entangled pair states (kitaev, arXiv)

    40. 2008.06356 : Giant Seebeck effect across the field-induced metal-insulator transition of InAs (Seebeck, arXiv)

    41. 2008.06338 : It’s anyon’s game: the race to quantum computation (JKJain, arXiv)

    42. PhysRevB.102.064409 : Factorization, coherence, and asymmetry in the Heisenberg spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in transverse magnetic field (DMI, PRB)

    43. 2008.06381 : Non-Fermi liquid transport in the vicinity of nematic quantum critical point of FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_x$ superconductor (FeSeS, arXiv)

    44. 2008.06380 : Bond Directional Anapole Order in a Spin-Orbit Coupled Mott Insulator Sr$2$(Ir${1-x}$Rh$x$)O${4}$ (iridates, arXiv)

    45. 2008.06260 : Schemes for realizing topological superconductivity in monolayer $\beta$-Bi$_2$Pd: A tight-binding model study (Bi2Pd, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevX.10.031036 : Emergent Spatial Structure and Entanglement Localization in Floquet Conformal Field Theory (Vishwanath, PRX)

    2. 2008.05544 : Green’s functions and DOS for some 2D lattices (2D Green, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.102.064208 : Thouless conductances of a three-dimensional quantum Hall system (XWan, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.054510 : Superconducting fluctuations probed by the Higgs mode in ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ca}{\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{8+x}$ thin films (cuprate, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.054206 : Experimental probes of Stark many-body localization (RMoessner, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.081110 : The Mott transition as a topological phase transition (Mitchell, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.075431 : Boron kagome-layer induced intrinsic superconductivity in a ${\mathrm{MnB}}_{3}$ monolayer with a high critical temperature (MnB3, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.075306 : Large-gap topological insulators in functionalized ordered double transition metal carbide MXenes (carbide MXenes, PRB)

    9. 2008.05494 : Temperature dependence of correlated electronic states in archetypal kagome metal CoSn (CoSn, arXiv)

    10. 2008.06009 : Surface $s$-wave superconductivity for oxide-terminated infinite-layer nickelates (JPHu, arXiv)

    11. 2008.05762 : Floquet engineering bulk odd-frequency superconducting pairs (Jorge, arXiv)

    12. 2008.05485 : Parquet renormalization group analysis of weak-coupling instabilities with multiple high-order Van Hove points inside the Brillouin zone (RG, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.102.085128 : Lowest energy states of an $O(N)$ fermionic chain (fermion chain, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.075118 : Photoinduced dynamics of excitonic order and Rabi oscillations in the two-orbital Hubbard model (two-orbital Hubbard, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.075116 : Effect of topology on quasiparticle interactions in the Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{WP}}_{2}$ (WP2, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.102.054205 : Disorder-induced electron and hole trapping in amorphous ${\mathrm{TiO}}_{2}$ (TiO2, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.102.054420 : Controlling symmetry of spin-orbit entangled pseudospin state through uniaxial strain (BJKim, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.085129 : Origin of the monoclinic distortion and its impact on the electronic properties in ${\mathrm{KO}}_{2}$ (KO2, PRB)

    19. PhysRevLett.125.077003 : Model Construction and a Possibility of Cupratelike Pairing in a New d 9 Nickelate Superconductor ( Nd , Sr ) NiO 2 (nickelate, PRL) 1. physicsv13/s109 : Electron Spins Are Key in Nickelate Superconductors (nickelate, physics)

    20. 369/6505/775 : A coexistence that CuO2 planes can see (science) 369/6505/833 : Observation of small Fermi pockets protected by clean CuO2 sheets of a high-Tc superconductor (Kunisada, Science)

    21. 2008.05466 : Experimental determination of the energy per particle in partially filled Landau levels (Zaletel, arXiv)

    22. 2008.05181 : Holonomic implementation of CNOT gate on topological Majorana qubits (Trauzettel, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.102.054103 : Tailoring the phase transition and electron-phonon coupling in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ by charge doping: A Raman study (TMDC,PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.102.075305 : Hydrodynamic electron transport near charge neutrality (AVAndreev, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.054419 : Dynamics of antiferromagnetic skyrmions in the absence or presence of pinning defects (AFM skyrmion, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.077002 : Direct Visualization of Ambipolar Mott Transition in Cuprate ${\mathrm{CuO}}_{2}$ Planes (cuprate, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.125.076403 : Spin-Reorientation-Induced Band Gap in ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$: Optical Signatures of Weyl Nodes (Weyl, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.125.076602 : Topological Nernst Effect of the Two-Dimensional Skyrmion Lattice (YTokura, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.125.077001 : Triplet Resonating Valence Bond State and Superconductivity in Hund’s Metals (Triplet-RVB, PRL)

    30. PhysRevX.10.031032 : Implementation of a Transmon Qubit Using Superconducting Granular Aluminum (Transmon, PRX)

    31. PhysRevX.10.031034 : Ground State and Hidden Symmetry of Magic-Angle Graphene at Even Integer Filling (Vishwanath, PRX)

    32. PhysRevX.10.031033 : Spectroscopic Evidence for an Additional Symmetry Breaking in the Nematic State of FeSe Superconductor (FeSe, PRX)

    33. 2008.04337 : A Striped Electron Fluid on (111) KTaO$_3$ (MNorman, arXiv)

    34. PhysRevB.102.085121 : Ab initio construction of symmetry-adapted kp Hamiltonians for the electronic structure of semiconductors (kp-theory, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.081108 : Doping effects on electronic states in electron-doped FeSe: Impact of self-energy and vertex corrections (doping FeSe, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.081107 : Tunable interlayer magnetism and band topology in van der Waals heterostructures of $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$-family materials (YongXu, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.075424 : Non-Abelian braiding of Majorana-like edge states and topological quantum computations in electric circuits (Ezawa, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.075421 : Topological edge states of a graphene zigzag nanoribbon with spontaneous edge magnetism (graphene, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.102.075114 : Resistivity phase diagram of cuprates revisited (cuprate, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.102.075113 : Thermal Hall effect in the pseudogap phase of cuprates (CMVarma, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.102.064408 : Metastable skyrmion lattices governed by magnetic disorder and anisotropy in $\ensuremath{\beta}$-Mn-type chiral magnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.085120 : Large classes of quantum scarred Hamiltonians from matrix product states (Bernevig, PRB)

    43. 2008.03753 : Low-temperature thermodynamics of the two-leg ladder Ising model with trimer rungs: A mystery explained (two-leg ladder, arXiv)

    44. 2008.03419 : Interference of Cooper quartet Andreev bound states in a multi-terminal graphene-based Josephson junction (PKim, arXiv)

    45. PhysRevB.102.060404 : Skyrmion mass from spin-phonon interaction (skyrmion mass, PRB)

    46. PhysRevLett.125.077601 : Collective Excitations at Filling Factor $5/2$: The View from Superspace (SRyu, PRL)

    47. 2008.03275 : Harnessing Interpretable and Unsupervised Machine Learning to Address Big Data from Modern X-ray Diffraction (EAKim, arXiv)

    48. 2008.02812 : Electrodynamics of Thin Sheets of Twisted Material (DTSon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 2nd week collection
    1. 2008.02378 : Electronic structure of quantum materials studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.102.085201 : Landau level spectroscopy of ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ (Bi2Te3, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.075413 : Origin and evolution of ultraflat bands in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: Realization of triangular quantum dots (Triangular QD, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.075110 : Quadrupolar spin liquid, octupolar Kondo coupling, and odd-frequency superconductivity in an exactly solvable model (octupolar Kondo coupling, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.060501 : Destruction of superconductivity through phase fluctuations in ultrathin $a$-MoGe films (phase fluctuation, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.054506 : Theory of strain-induced magnetic order and splitting of ${T}{c}$ and ${T}{\mathrm{TRSB}}$ in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (ruthenate, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.064405 : Long-range magnetic order in the anisotropic triangular lattice system ${\mathrm{CeCd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{3}$ (EDMun, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.085116 : Polarity dependent heating at the phase interface in metal-insulator transitions (AJMillis, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.075108 : Resonating valence bond theory of anomalous spin dynamics of spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet and its application to ${\mathrm{Ba}}{3}{\mathrm{CoSb}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{9}$ (TaoLi, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.064406 : Strain relaxation induced transverse resistivity anomalies in $\mathrm{Sr}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ thin films (Ruthenate, PRB)

    11. PhysRevLett.125.067602 : Magnetic-Domain-Wall-Induced Electrical Polarization in Rare-Earth Iron Garnet Systems: A First-Principles Study (DW, PRL)

    12. 2008.02562 : Majorana bound states in a superconducting Rashba nanowire deposited on an antiferromagnetic surface (majorana, arXiv)

    13. 2008.02360 : From Mott Insulators to Quantum Metals (cuprate, arXiv)

    14. 2008.02288 : Fragile topology and flat-band superconductivity in the strong-coupling regime (Bernevig, arXiv)

    15. 2008.02287 : Torque equilibrium spin wave theory of Raman scattering in an anisotropic triangular lattice antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (AFM with DMI, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.102.054503 : Spontaneous Nernst effect in the iron-based superconductor ${\mathrm{Fe}}{1+y}{\mathrm{Te}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Se}}_{x}$ (Nernst effect, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.102.085113 : Symmetrized decomposition of the Kubo-Bastin formula (Manchon, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.054504 : Domes of ${T}_{c}$ in single-band and multiband superconductors with finite-range attractive interactions (Paramekanti, PRB)

    19. s41586-020-2540-1 : Quantum distance and anomalous Landau levels of flat bands (JWRhim BJYang, Nature)

    20. 2008.02202 : Anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in epitaxial films of topological kagome magnet Fe3Sn2 (Fe3Sn2, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.102.081103 : Electronic localization in twisted bilayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ with small rotation angle (slater-Koster, PRB)

    22. 2008.02037 : Quantifying the Exchange Interactions in the Kitaev Model System RuCl$_{3}$ by Ru $L$ edge Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (Khaliullin, arXiv)

    23. 2008.01735 : $\Gamma$-Valley Transition-Metal-Dichalcogenide Moir`e Bands (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.102.060402 : Elusive Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in monolayer ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{GeTe}}{2}$ (Manchon, PRB)

    25. 2008.00725 : Observation of compact ferrimagnetic skyrmions in DyCo$_3$ film (ferrimagnetic skyrmion, arXiv)

    26. s41535-019-0207-7 : Magnetism and anomalous transport in the Weyl semimetal PrAlGe: possible route to axial gauge fields (Weyl, npjQM)

    27. 2008.01443 : Quantum correlations in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain with modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (modulatedDMI, arXiv)

    28. 2008.01401 : Intrinsic Hallmarks of Phonon-Induced Charge Order in Cuprates (phonon-cuprate, arXiv)

    29. 2008.01294 : Skyrmions in twisted van der Waals magnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    30. 2008.01087 : Large-scale simulations of particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian trial wavefunctions (Pfaffian, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.102.085103 : Topological superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and valley-polarized phases in moir'e systems: Renormalization group analysis for twisted double bilayer graphene (DasSarma, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.075407 : Topological valley transport of gapped Dirac magnons in bilayer ferromagnetic insulators (Blanter, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.054502 : Edge current and orbital angular momentum of chiral superfluids revisited (HYao, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.085108 : Topological insulators and higher-order topological insulators from gauge-invariant one-dimensional lines (KSun, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.064502 : Possible unconventional two-band superconductivity in $\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{Te}}_{2}$ (MoTe2, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.054408 : Pyrochlore $S=\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet at finite temperature (Moessner, PRB)

    37. 2008.00237 : Signatures of odd-frequency pairing in the Josephson junction current noise (Balatsky, arXiv)

    38. 2008.00134 : Topological charge pumping in excitonic insulators (AJMilis, arXiv)

    39. PhysRevB.102.075402 : Signatures of possible surface states in TaAs (TaAs, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.102.060401 : Two-photon driven magnon-pair resonance as a signature of spin-nematic order (spin-nematic, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.102.054403 : Antichiral spin order, its soft modes, and their hybridization with phonons in the topological semimetal ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Ge}$ (Mn3Ge, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.054401 : Superconductivity emerging upon Se doping of the quantum spin liquid $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (TaS, PRB)

    43. PhysRevX.10.031025 : Heavy Nondegenerate Electrons in Doped Strontium Titanate (KBehnia, PRX)

    44. 2007.16201 : Impact ionization and multiple photon absorptions in the two-dimensional photoexcited Hubbard model (Hubbard model, arXiv)

    45. 2007.15905 : Multiple Quantum Spin Liquid Phases in 1T-TaS2 (TaS2, arXiv)

    46. 2007.16205 : Geometric Superconductivity in 3D Hofstadter Butterfly (SBLee, arXiv)

    47. 2007.16064 : Topological pseudogap in systems with strong electron-phonon interaction and cuprates-like dispersion (phonon cuprate, arXiv)

    48. 2007.16051 : Interactions in the 8-orbital model for twisted bilayer graphene (TBG, arXiv)

    49. 2007.15894 : Novel Cu-based dz2 order at a YBa2Cu3O7/ manganite interface (YBCO, arXiv)

    50. s41567-020-0905-x : Quantum breakdown of superconductivity in low-dimensional materials (Quantum Breakdown, nphys)

    51. 2007.15865 : Analysis of the Ghost and Mirror Fields in the Nernst Signal Induced by Superconducting Fluctuations (Nernst, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Aug 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.035448 : Robust subgap edge conduction in bilayer graphene with disordered edge termination (GHLee, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.035166 : Gapless hinge states from adiabatic pumping of axion coupling (Vanderbilit, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.035164 : Magnetotransport properties of the topological nodal-line semimetal CaCdSn (CaCdSn, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.014458 : Current-driven nucleation and propagation of antiferromagnetic skyrmionium (Tatara, PRB)

    5. 2007.15648 : Particle-Hole Asymmetry of Subgap Conductances in Superconductors Without Quasiparticle Poisoning (JDSau, arXiv)

    6. 2007.15392 : Dynamical torques from Shiba states in $s$-wave superconductors (STakei, arXiv)

    7. 2007.15383 : Optical properties of the infinite-layer La${1-x}$Sr${x}$NiO$_{2}$ and hidden Hund’s physics (Kotliar, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.102.041126 : Fractional corner charges in a two-dimensional superlattice Bose-Hubbard model (fractional corner charges, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.035445 : Spin selectivity through time-reversal symmetric helical junctions (helical, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.102.035444 : First-principles study of bulk and two-dimensional structures of the $A\mathrm{MnBi}$ family of materials $(A=\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Rb},\mathrm{Cs})$ (SAYang, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.035442 : One-dimensional Rashba states in Pb atomic chains on a semiconductor surface (Rashba-Pb, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.024523 : Nodeless superconducting gap in the topological superconductor candidate $2M\text{–}\mathrm{WS}{}_{2}$ (2MWS2, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.125.056402 : Universal Approach to Magnetic Second-Order Topological Insulator (SOTI, PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.125.056801 : Parity-Protected Superconductor-Semiconductor Qubit (CMarcus, PRL)

    15. 2007.14828 : Spin-reorientation-induced band gap in Fe$_3$Sn$_2$: Optical signatures of Weyl nodes (Weyl, arXiv)

    16. 2007.14822 : The ITensor Software Library for Tensor Network Calculations (SWhite, arXiv)

    17. 2007.14610 : Infinite-layer nickelates as Ni-eg Hund’s metals (SKChoi, arXiv)

    18. 2007.14518 : The surprising effect of electron correlations on exchange interactions and spin excitations in magnetic 2D van der Waals materials (CrI3, arXiv)

    19. 2007.14406 : Variational wave functions for the spin-Peierls transition in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with quantum phonons (SSH, arXiv)

    20. 2007.14540 : Interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid at a quantum-critical point in a metal. III: The $\gamma$ model and its phase diagram across $\gamma = 1$ (Chubukov, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.102.014451 : Stabilizing chiral spin structures via an alternating Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DM, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.014450 : Nonreciprocal magnons in a two-dimensional crystal with out-of-plane magnetization (magnon, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.102.024521 : Spin resonances in iron selenide high-${T}_{c}$ superconductors by proximity to a hidden spin density wave (hidden SDW, PRB)

    24. 2007.14100 : Hexagon Ising-Kondo lattice: An implication for intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator (MnBi$_2$Te$_4$, arXiv)

    25. 2007.13785 : Gapless state of interacting Majorana fermions in a strain-induced Landau level (RMoessner, arXiv)

    26. 2007.13783 : Subdiffusion in a disordered spin chain with random dephasing: Finite-size corrections, Griffiths effects, and implications for many-body localization (Griffiths, arXiv)

    27. 2007.13770 : Artificial electric field and electron hydrodynamics (YBKim, arXiv)

    28. 2007.13738 : Spin-orbit quantum impurity and quantization in a topological magnet (Co3Sn2S2, arXiv)

    29. 2007.13769 : Degeneracy between even- and odd-parity superconductivity in the quasi-1D Hubbard model and implications for Sr2RuO4 (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.102.045148 : Interaction and temperature effects on the magneto-optical conductivity of Weyl liquids (Tremblay, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.035158 : Excitonic Laughlin states in ideal topological insulator flat bands and their possible presence in moir'e superlattice materials (moire, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.035157 : Magnetism and topological phases in an interacting decorated honeycomb lattice with spin-orbit coupling (honeycomb, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.014449 : Robust topological Hall effect driven by tunable noncoplanar magnetic state in Mn-Pt-In inverse tetragonal Heusler alloys (THE, PRB)

    34. s41567-020-0988-4 : Exact theory for superconductivity in a doped Mott insulator (PWPhillips, nphs)

    35. 2005.03643 : The low-energy physics of isotropic spin-1 chains in the critical and Haldane phases (Barthel, arXiv)

    36. s41563-020-0708-6 : Correlated electronic phases in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC bilayer, nmat) s41563-020-0690-z : Two monolayers is greater than a bilayer (nmat)

    37. 2007.13390 : Symmetry broken Chern insulators and magic series of Rashba-like Landau level crossings in magic angle bilayer graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    38. 2007.13327 : Fibonacci topological phase in arrays of anyonic chains (Fibonacci, arXiv)

    39. aba1b3 : Controlling the helicity of magnetic skyrmions by electrical field in frustrated magnets (skyrmion, NJP)

    40. eabb9379 : Accessing new magnetic regimes by tuning the ligand spin-orbit coupling in van der Waals magnets (YRan, sciadv)

    41. 2007.12758 : Magnetic crystalline-symmetry-protected axion electrodynamics and field-tunable unpinned Dirac cones in EuIn$_2$As$_2$ (Magnetic crystalline-symmetry-protected axion, arXiv)

    42. 2007.12715 : Amplitude Mode in Quantum Magnets via Dimensional Crossover (amplitude mode, arXiv)

    43. 2007.13730 : Evidence for even parity unconventional superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (JFabian, arXiv)

    44. 2007.13668 : Spatially correlated incommensurate lattice modulations in an atomically thin high-temperature Bi_{2.1}Sr_{1.9}CaCu_{2.0}O_{8+{\delta}} superconductors (PKim, arXiv)

    45. 2007.12765 : Strange Metallic Transport in the Antiferromagnetic Regime of Electron Doped Cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

    46. PhysRevB.102.035155 : Symmetry-protected spinful magnetic Weyl nodal loops and multi-Weyl nodes in $5{d}^{n}$ cubic double perovskites $(n=1,2)$ (KWLee, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.102.035154 : Constrained random phase approximation of the effective Coulomb interaction in lattice models of twisted bilayer graphene (cRPA, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.102.024110 : Vector, bidirector, and Bloch skyrmion phases induced by structural crystallographic symmetry breaking (skyrmion, PRB)

    49. PhysRevB.102.014207 : Influence of weak disorder on the dynamical quantum phase transitions in the anisotropic XY chain (XY, PRB)

    50. PhysRevB.102.041402 : Landau level of fragile topology (Bernevig, PRB)

    51. PhysRevB.102.024441 : Two-dimensional chromium pnictides $\mathrm{Cr}X (X\text{=P},\mathrm{As},\mathrm{Sb})$: Half-metallic ferromagnets with high Curie temperature (Cr-half-metal, PRB)

    52. PhysRevB.102.014513 : Superconductivity in Weyl semimetals in a strong pseudomagnetic field (SC-Weyl, PRB)

    53. PhysRevLett.125.057201 : Hopf Solitons in Helical and Conical Backgrounds of Chiral Magnetic Solids (3Dsoliton, PRL)

    54. 2007.12414 : Coulomb electron pairing in a tight-binding model of La-based cuprate superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.035150 : Emergence of Van Hove singularity and topological states in ${\mathrm{Pb}}_{3}\mathrm{Bi}\text{/}\mathrm{Ge}(111)$ Rashba systems (Rashba, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.014444 : Local force method for the ab initio tight-binding model: Effect of spin-dependent hopping on exchange interactions (RArita, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.045141 : Berry flux diagonalization: Application to electric polarization (Vanderbilt, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.125.047204 : Majorana-Mediated Spin Transport in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids (kitaev, PRL)

    5. 2007.11791 : Spin-waves in 2D honeycomb lattice $XXZ$-type van der Waals antiferromagnet CoPS$_3$ (JGPark, arXiv)

    6. 2007.11719 : Density Wave Mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (Chakravarty, arXiv)

    7. 2007.11637 : Vacancy-induced low-energy density of states in the Kitaev spin liquid (Moessner, arXiv)

    8. 2007.11585 : Topological Crystalline Phases in a Disordered Inversion-Symmetric Chain (Hughes, arXiv)

    9. acs.nanolett.0c01356 : Type-II Ising Superconductivity and Anomalous Metallic State in Macro-Size Ambient-Stable Ultrathin Crystalline Films (PbTe2, NanoLetters) 369.6502.388.3 : An unusual superconductor (Stajic, Science)

    10. PhysRevB.102.045139 : Topological phase transition on the edge of two-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological order (Z2, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.102.035147 : Local matrix product operators: Canonical form, compression, and control theory (Zaletel, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.102.020408 : Spin Seebeck effect near the antiferromagnetic spin-flop transition (Yaroslav, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.102.014442 : Competing magnetic orders in quantum critical ${\mathrm{Sr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (ruthenate bilayer, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.102.014108 : Persistent polar distortions from covalent interactions in doped ${\mathrm{BaTiO}}_{3}$ (BTO, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.102.045424 : Topological bulk states and their currents (Pachos, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.102.041123 : Seeing topological edge and bulk currents in time-of-flight images (Pachos, PRB)

    17. s41567-020-0965-y : Chiral phonons in the pseudogap phase of cuprates (phonon thermal Hall, nphys)

    18. 2007.11215 : Interaction Induced Topological Charge Pump (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevB.102.041120 : Disorder recovers the Wiedemann-Franz law in the metallic phase of ${\mathrm{VO}}_{2}$ (VO2, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.102.035142 : Topological corner modes in a brick lattice with nonsymmorphic symmetry (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.102.035145 : Nontrivial topological phase with a zero Chern number (ZSong, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.102.035143 : Surface and bulk electronic structure of aluminium diboride (PDCKing, PRB)

    23. PhysRevLett.125.047203 : Topological Magnons with Nodal-Line and Triple-Point Degeneracies: Implications for Thermal Hall Effect in Pyrochlore Iridates (Hwang, PRL)

    24. PhysRevB.102.014437 : Coherent spin waves driven by optical spin-orbit torque (HWLee, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.102.014439 : Dynamic spin fluctuations in the frustrated A -site spinel Cu Al 2 O 4 (JGPark, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.046402 : Engineering Weyl Phases and Nonlinear Hall Effects in ${\mathrm{T}}{d}$-${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}$ (Vanderbilit, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.125.047201 : Kitaev Spin Liquid in $3d$ Transition Metal Compounds (Khaliullin, PRL)

    28. PhysRevX.10.031016 : Absence of Superconductivity in the Pure Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (SWhite, PRX)

    29. 2007.09872 : Controlling anomalous and topological Hall effects in SrRuO$_3$ ultra-thin film by tuning inversion symmetry breaking (CKim, arXiv)

    30. 2007.09749 : Nonlinear spectroscopy of collective modes in excitonic insulator (AJMillis, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.102.045130 : Intrinsic axion insulating behavior in antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{6}{\mathrm{Te}}{10}$ (MnBiTe, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.035425 : Emergent flat band lattices in spatially periodic magnetic fields (flatband, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.024307 : Fragile phonon topology on the honeycomb lattice with time-reversal symmetry (phonon, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.035427 : Interplay of exchange and superexchange in triple quantum dots (QD, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.102.035136 : Correlated insulating phases of twisted bilayer graphene at commensurate filling fractions: A Hartree-Fock study (FCZhang, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.102.035132 : Effect of uniaxial stress on the electronic band structure of NbP (NbP, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.102.024430 : Helical spin liquid in a triangular XXZ magnet from Chern-Simons theory (RMoessner, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.102.014509 : Critical temperature ${T}{c}$ and Pauli limited critical field of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$: Uniaxial strain dependence (SRaghu, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.102.014432 : Effect of curvature on the eigenstates of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

    40. PhysRevLett.125.046601 : Precise Experimental Test of the Luttinger Theorem and Particle-Hole Symmetry for a Strongly Correlated Fermionic System (composite fermions, PRL)

    41. 2007.09110 : Colossal Negative Magnetoresistance Effect in A La${1.37}$Sr${1.63}$Mn$_2$O$_7$ Single Crystal Grown by Laser-Diode-Heated Floating-Zone Technique (bilayerMn, arXiv)

    42. 2007.08887 : Current-induced second harmonic generation in inversion-symmetric Dirac and Weyl semimetals (JMoore, arXiv)

    43. PhysRevB.102.014420 : Large spin to charge conversion in the topological superconductor $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{PdBi}}_{2}$ at room temperature (PbBi, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.102.020406 : Magnon current generation by dynamical distortion (Matsuo, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.102.041114 : Mott-Hubbard gaps and their doping-induced collapse in strongly correlated pyrochlore ruthenates (YTokura, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.024425 : Quantum phase transitions in a spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain with long-range interactions and modulated single-ion anisotropy (QPT, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.024106 : Phonon structure of titanium under shear deformation along { 10 1 ¯ 2 } twinning mode (phonon, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.024516 : Superconductivity in Cu-doped ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ with potential disorder (Bi2Se3, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.045125 : Thermodynamic signatures of an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point inside a superconducting dome (Chubukov, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.045124 : Importance of interactions for the band structure of the topological Dirac semimetal ${\mathrm{Na}}_{3}\mathrm{Bi}$ (Na3Bi, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.125.037204 : Coexistence and Interaction of Spinons and Magnons in an Antiferromagnet with Alternating Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Quantum Spin Chains (spinon, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.125.037001 : Vortex and Surface Phase Transitions in Superconducting Higher-order Topological Insulators (Hughes, PRL)

    10. PhysRevX.10.031014 : Electrical Probes of the Non-Abelian Spin Liquid in Kitaev Materials (Alicea, PRX)

    11. 2007.08468 : Two-dimensional ferromagnetism with long-range interactions in the layered magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 (MnBi2Te4, arXiv)

    12. 2007.08482 : Majorana end states in an interacting quantum wire (Furusaki, arXiv)

    13. 2007.08212 : Direct observation of excitonic instability in Ta2NiSe5 (BJKim, arXiv)

    14. 2007.07903 : Orbital Chern insulator domain walls and chiral modes in twisted bilayer graphene (Parameswaran, arXiv)

    15. 2007.07898 : Observation of non-Fermi liquid physics in a quantum critical metal via quantum loop topography (EAKim, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.102.041301 : Current scaling of the topological quantum phase transition between a quantum anomalous Hall insulator and a trivial insulator (YTokura, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.102.035423 : Spin Berry phase in a helical edge state: S z nonconservation and transport signatures (Berry phase, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.035127 : Large tunable anomalous Hall effect in the kagome antiferromagnet U 3 Ru 4 Al 12 (SZLin, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.102.024424 : Crystal electric field excitations in the quantum spin liquid candidate NaErS 2 (TArima, PRB)

    20. PhysRevX.10.031013 : Distinct Topological Surface States on the Two Terminations of MnBi 4 Te 7 (topological SS, PRX)

    21. 2007.07778 : Anisotropic fractal magnetic domain pattern in bulk Mn$_{1.4}$PtSn (MnPtSn, arXiv)

    22. 2007.07637 : Orbital Complexity in Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulators MnBi$4$Te$_7$ and MnBi$_6$Te${10}$ (MnBiTe, arXiv)

    23. 2007.07611 : Relativistic exchange interactions in CrX$_3$ (X=Cl, Br, I) monolayers (CrI3, arXiv)

    24. 2007.07509 : Spin wave theory of one-dimensional generalized Kitaev model (Affleck, arXiv)

    25. 2007.07344 : Critical charge fluctuations and quantum coherent state in excitonic insulator Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ (Excitonic Insulator, arXiv)

    26. 2007.07259 : The Heart of Entanglement: Chiral, Nematic, and Incommensurate Phases in the Kitaev-Gamma Ladder in a Field (Kee, arXiv)

    27. 2007.07256 : Charge density waves in Weyl semimetals (Burkov, arXiv)

    28. 2007.07525 : Rotational symmetry breaking and partial Majorana corner states in a high-Tc superconductor based heterostructure (majorana, arXiv)

    29. 2007.07512 : Machine learning on the electron-boson mechanism in superconductors (Machine learning, arXiv)

    30. 2007.07463 : Peaks in the electronic density of states are not strong predictors of Superconductivity (Cava, arXiv)

    31. Physics.13.112 : Spin Polarization Without Net Magnetization (Manchon, physics)

    32. PhysRevB.102.035421 : Hofstadter butterfly and the quantum Hall effect in twisted double bilayer graphene (PMoon, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.014423 : Off-axial focusing of a spin-wave lens in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (spin-wave lens, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.014422 : Giant momentum-dependent spin splitting in centrosymmetric low- Z antiferromagnets (Rashba, PRB)

    35. PhysRevLett.125.037402 : Flat Bands and Chiral Optical Response of Moiré Insulators (Moiré, PRL)

    36. 2006.12145 : Local nuclear and magnetic order in the two-dimensional spin glass, Mn${0.5}$Fe${0.5}$PS$_3$ (JGPark, arXiv)

    37. 2007.06885 : Role of local temperature in the current-driven metal-insulator transition of Ca2RuO4 (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    38. 2007.06845 : Importance of interactions for the band structure of the topological Dirac semimetal Na3Bi (Na3Bi, arXiv)

    39. 2007.06757 : Thermodynamic evidence for field-angle dependent Majorana gap in a Kitaev spin liquid (EGMoon, arXiv)

    40. 2007.06670 : Coexisting Fermi Liquid and Strange Metal Phenomena in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.102.024501 : Optical properties of superconducting pressurized ${\mathrm{LaH}}_{10}$ (hydrite, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.102.045414 : Dual topological insulator device with disorder robustness (disorder, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.035420 : K 2 CoS 2 : A two-dimensional in-plane antiferromagnetic insulator (2D in-plane AFM, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.024515 : Induced half-metallicity and gapless chiral topological superconductivity in the CrI 3 − Pb interface (Binghai, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.102.024417 : In-plane Néel wall chirality and orientation of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vector in magnetic films (in-plane Neel Wall, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.102.014506 : High density of states in the pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductor HgBa 2 CuO 4 + δ from low-temperature normal-state specific heat (Taillefer, PRB)

    47. PhysRevLett.125.037201 : Robust A -Type Order and Spin-Flop Transition on the Surface of the Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi 2 Te 4 (MnBi2Te4, PRL)

    48. PhysRevLett.125.036804 : Defect-Selective Charge-Density-Wave Condensation in 2 H − NbSe 2 (HWYeom, PRL)

    49. PhysRevLett.125.036801 : Non-Abelian Braiding of Dirac Fermionic Modes Using Topological Corner States in Higher-Order Topological Insulator (HOTI, PRL)

    50. PhysRevLett.125.037202 : Nature of Magnetic Excitations in the High-Field Phase of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ (honeycomb, PRL)

    51. 2007.06556 : Colossal magnetoresistance in a nonsymmorphic antiferromagnetic insulator (Bernevig, arXiv)

    52. 2007.06302 : Honeycomb-Lattice Mott insulator on Tantalum Disulphide (Yeom, arXiv)

    53. 2007.06086 : Fragile Insulator and Electronic Nematicity in a Graphene Moire System (Qimaio, arXiv)

    54. 2007.05605 : Quantum interference effects of out-of-plane confinement on two-dimensional electron systems in oxides (Santander-Syro, arXiv)

    55. 2007.05543 : Doped Orthogonal Metals Become Fermi Arcs (otthogonal metal, arXiv)

    56. 2007.05539 : Higher-form Gauge Symmetries in Multipole Topological Phases (Hughes, arXiv)

    57. Physics.13.109 : A Speed Test for Ripples in a Quantum System (upper limit speed, physics)

    58. PhysRevB.102.045304 : Entanglement robustness to excitonic spin precession in a quantum dot (QD, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.102.035124 : Pressure dependence of antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in U 2 R h 1 − x P t x C 2 (TPark, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.102.024512 : Andreev reflection at the interface of a normal Weyl semimetal and a superconducting type-II Weyl semimetal (Weyl2, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.102.024415 : Ground-state properties of the K − Γ model on a honeycomb lattice (honeycomb, PRB)

    62. PhysRevB.102.014418 : Re-entrant spin reorientation transition and Griffiths-like phase in antiferromagnetic TbFe 0.5 Cr 0.5 O 3 (Griffiths, PRB)

    63. 2007.05152 : Symmetry-protected Spinful Magnetic Weyl Nodal Loops and Multi-Weyl Nodes in $5d^n$ $(n=1,2)$ Cubic Double Perovskites (KWLee, arXiv)

    64. 2007.05054 : Entropy and electronic orders of the three-orbital Hubbard model with antiferromagnetic Hund coupling (PWerner, arXiv)

    65. 2007.05088v1 : Thermal Hall conductivity in the cuprate Mott insulators Nd$_2$CuO$_4$ and Sr$_2$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$ (thermal Hall, arXiv)

    66. 2007.05085 : Superconducting proximity effect and order parameter fluctuations in disordered and quasiperiodic systems (disorder, arXiv)

    67. 2007.05030 : From adiabatic to dispersive readout of quantum circuits (quantum circuits, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.125.027206 Topology-Dependent Brownian Gyromotion of a Single Skyrmion (Xichao Zhang, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.102.035122 : Neutron scattering off Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.102.035121 : Deformations of the boundary theory of the square-lattice AKLT model (2D AKLT, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.102.014417 : Gapless spin liquid and valence-bond solid in the J 1 - J 2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice: Insights from singlet and triplet excitations (singlet-triplet, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.102.014415 : Mean-field theory of interacting triplons in a two-dimensional valence-bond solid: Stability and properties of many-triplon states (triplon, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.102.014416 : Metastable solitonic states in the strained itinerant helimagnet FeGe (FeGe, PRB)

    7. PhysRevLett.125.027002 : Collective Modes at a Disordered Quantum Phase Transition (disorder, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.125.026802 : Proximity-Induced Odd-Frequency Superconductivity in a Topological Insulator (proximity, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.125.027205 : Enhanced Magnon-Photon Coupling at the Angular Momentum Compensation Point of Ferrimagnets (JCShim, PRL)

    10. PhysRevX.10.031008 : Generalized Boundary Condition Applied to Lieb-Schultz-Mattis-Type Ingappabilities and Many-Body Chern Numbers (Oshikawa, PRX)

    11. s41567-020-0969-7 : Emergent Superconductivity (nphys)

    12. 2007.04913 : Fermi Surface Resonance and Quantum Criticality in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases (DLoss, arXiv)

    13. 2007.04761 : Dynamic Spin Fluctuations in the Frustrated A-site Spinel CuAl2O4 (JGPark, arXiv)

    14. 2007.04318 : Observing Quasiparticles through the Entanglement Lens (Pollmann, arXiv)

    15. 2007.04752 : Flat band superconductivity in type-II Weyl-semimetal WTe2 induced by a normal metal contact (WTe2, arXiv)

    16. 2007.04373 : Theory of $(s+id)$ pairing in mixed-valent correlated metals (two band SC, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.102.045113 : Pressure and electric field dependence of quasicrystalline electronic states in 30 ∘ twisted bilayer graphene (quasicrystal, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.102.035120 : Three-dimensional hopping conduction triggered by magnetic ordering in the quasi-one-dimensional iron-ladder compounds BaFe 2 S 3 and BaFe 2 Se 3 (TPark, PRB)

    19. 179.full : Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal (higher chern number, Science)

    20. science.abc5454 : Reining in dissolved transition-metal ions (JT distortion, Science)

    21. science.369.6500.130 : No room for error (QD, Science)

    22. 2007.04199 : Visualization of Isospin Momentum Texture of Dirac Magnons and Excitons in a Honeycomb Quantum Magnet (Coldea, arXiv)

    23. 2007.03810 : Strongly Correlated Chern Insulators in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    24. 2007.03764 : Spin-Orbit Exciton in a Honeycomb Lattice Magnet CoTiO$_3$: Revealing Link Between Rare Earth and Transition Metal Magnetism (YJKim, arXiv)

    25. 2007.03717 : Heisenberg-Kitaev model in a magnetic field: $1/S$ expansion (Heisenberg-Kitaev, arXiv)

    26. 2007.03914 : Underlying mechanism of charge transfer in Li-doped MgH$_{16}$ at high pressure (JHCho, arXiv)

    27. 2007.03884 : Edge-Corner Correspondence: Boundary-Obstructed Topological Phases with Chiral Symmetry (Ezawa, arXiv)

    28. 2007.03811 : Superconducting double transition and substantial Knight shift in $Sr_2RuO_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    29. PhysRevB.102.045409 : High-order minibands and interband Landau level reconstruction in graphene moiré superlattices (graphene, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.102.041110 : Bardasis-Schrieffer polaritons in excitonic insulators (AJMillis, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.102.041109 : Quantum spin Hall effect in monolayer and bilayer TaIrTe 4 (TaIrTe4, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.102.035411 : Gate-tunable topological flat bands in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (JJung, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.102.045410 : Unit cell restricted Bloch functions basis for first-principle transport models: Theory and application (TMDC, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.102.020502 : Fundamental difference in the electronic reconstruction of infinite-layer versus perovskite neodymium nickelate films on SrTiO 3 (001) (nickelate, PRB)

    35. PhysRevLett.125.027203 : Origin of Magnetic Ordering in a Structurally Perfect Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnet (Kagome, PRL)

    36. PhysRevX.10.031006 : Coherent Multispin Exchange Coupling in a Quantum-Dot Spin Chain (QD, PRX)

    37. 2007.02953 : Possible odd-frequency Amperean magnon-mediated superconductivity in topological insulator – ferromagnetic insulator bilayer (Sudbo, arXiv)

    38. 2007.03414 : Manipulating the helical phase of chiral magnets with electric currents (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    39. 2007.02972 : Triplons, Magnons, and Spinons in a Single Quantum Spin System: SeCuO3 (triplons, arXiv)

    40. 2007.03185 : Proposed ordering of textured spin singlets in a bulk infinite layer nickelate (KWLee, arXiv)

    41. 2007.02956 : Higher-order Weyl Semimetals (Hughes, arXiv)

    42. PhysRevB.102.014410 : Magnetic phase transitions and spin density distribution in the molecular multiferroic system ${\mathrm{GaV}}{4}{\mathrm{S}}{8}$ (SWCheong, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.102.041108 : Nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal and carrier dynamics in the doped spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulator Sr 2 IrO 4 (SCheon, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.102.035409 : Intrinsic orbital and spin Hall effects in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (OHE, PRB)

    45. PhysRevLett.125.027202 : Momentum-Dependent Magnon Lifetime in the Metallic Noncollinear Triangular Antiferromagnet CrB 2 (JGPark, PRL)

    46. PhysRevLett.125.027001 : Superconducting Dome in Nd 1 − x Sr x NiO 2 Infinite Layer Films (HYHwang, PRL)

    47. 2007.02909 : The spontaneous symmetry breaking in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ is structural in nature (Gedik, arXiv)

    48. 2007.02498 : Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets (SZLin, arXiv)

    49. 2007.02399 : Novel magnetic states and nematic spin chirality in the kagome lattice metal YMn${6}$Sn${6}$ (nematic spin, arXiv)

    50. 2007.02221 : Kondo physics in antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Mn3+xSn1-x films (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

    51. 2007.02178 : Classification of the symmetry of photoelectron dichroism broken by light (CKim, arXiv)

    52. 2007.02073 : Origin of enhanced chemical precompression in cerium hydride CeH$_{9}$ (hydrides, arXiv)

    53. PhysRevB.102.041105 : Path integral for spin-1 chain in the fluctuating matrix product state basis (JHPark, PRB)

    54. PhysRevB.102.014502 : Eliashberg theory for spin fluctuation mediated superconductivity: Application to bulk and monolayer FeSe (Eliashberg, PRB)

    55. PhysRevB.102.045106 : Electronic structure of the Si-containing topological Dirac semimetal CaA l 2 S i 2 (YChen, PRB)

    56. PhysRevB.102.045105 : Flat bands and ferrimagnetic order in electronically correlated dice-lattice ribbons (Dagotto, PRB)

    57. PhysRevB.102.041104 : Observation of inverted band structure in the topological Dirac semimetal candidate CaAuAs (CaAuAs, PRB)

    58. PhysRevB.102.041103 : Influence of point defects on the electronic and topological properties of monolayer WTe 2 (WTe2, PRB)

    59. PhysRevB.102.024409 : Topological magnonics in the two-dimensional van der Waals magnet CrI 3 (CrI3, PRB)

    60. PhysRevB.102.045201 : Optical conductivity of the type-II Weyl semimetal TaIrTe 4 (Type2Weyl, PRB)

    61. PhysRevB.102.020501 : Instability of j = 3 2 Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces (EGMoon, PRB)

    62. PhysRevLett.125.027201 : Observation of Magnon Polarization (magnon, PRL)

    63. 2007.01723 : Observation of the soft mode behavior across the structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5 (excitonic insulator, arXiv)

    64. 2007.01714 : Light-induced topological magnons in two-dimensional van der Waals magnets (topological magnon, arXiv)

    65. 2007.01565 : Excitonic insulator phase and dynamics of condensate in a topological one-dimensional model (excitonic insulator, arXiv)

    66. 2007.01785 : Ferroelectric Exchange Bias Affects Interfacial Electronic States (Ferroelectric, AM)

    67. 2007.01531 : Stabilization mechanism of clathrate H cages in a room-temperature superconductor LaH$_{10}$ (JHCho, arXiv)

    68. 2007.01526 : Interplay of spin waves and vortices in the 2D XY model at small vortex-core energy (BKT, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 1st week collection
    1. 2007.00871 : Orbital antiferromagnetism, nematicity, and density wave orders in twisted bilayer graphene (Chubukov, arXiv)

    2. 2007.00661 : Hubbard ladders at small $U$ revisited (Kivelson, arXiv)

    3. 2007.01153 : Designing nickelate superconductors with $d^8$ configuration exploiting mixed-anion strategy (nickelate, arXiv)

    4. 2007.01110 : Universal bound to the amplitude of the vortex Nernst signal in superconductors (Behnia, arXiv)

    5. 2007.01048 : Jahn-Teller coupling to moir`e phonons in the continuum model formalism for small angle twisted bilayer graphene (phonon, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.102.045301 : Evaluation of the vortex core size in gate-tunable Josephson junctions in Corbino geometry (STaruch, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.102.041102 : Electronic band structure of (111) ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}_{3}$ thin films: An angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study (CKim, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.102.024504 : Spectroscopic evidence for strong correlations between local superconducting gap and local Altshuler-Aronov density of states suppression in ultrathin NbN films (Altshuler-Aronov, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.102.035107 : One-step model of photoemission at finite temperatures: Spin fluctuations of Fe(001) (Hubert, PRB)

    10. 2007.00633 : Magnetic phase transitions and spin density distribution in the molecular multiferroic GaV$_4$S$_8$ system (SWCheong, arXiv)

    11. 2007.00575 : $\mathbb{Z}_2$-projective translational symmetry protected topological phases (SAYang, arXiv)

    12. 2007.00562 : Entanglement properties of the doping-driven Mott transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (Tremblay, arXiv)

    13. 2007.00519 : Fermion-boson many-body interplay in a frustrated kagome paramagnet (kagome, arXiv)

    14. 2007.00444 : Evidence for current-induced phase coexistence in Ca${2}$RuO${4}$ and its influence on magnetic order (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    15. 2007.00376 : Degenerate manifolds, helimagnets, and multi-$\mathbf{Q}$ chiral phases in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the face-centered-cubic lattice (multi-Q, arXiv)

    16. 2007.00134 : Hybrid Wannier Chern bands in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene and the quantized anomalous Hall effect (Balents, arXiv)

    17. 2007.00181 : Orbital selectivity in electron correlations and superconducting pairing of iron-based superconductors (Qimiao, arXiv)

    18. 2007.00007 : Superconductivity, correlated insulators, and Wess-Zumino-Witten terms in twisted bilayer graphene (Sachdev, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevB.102.041201 : Multitype Dirac fermions protected by orthogonal glide symmetries in a noncentrosymmetric system (Dirac, PRB)

    20. 2006.15775 : Odd-Parity Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Metals (BJYang, arXiv)

    21. 2006.16943 : Magnetic exchange coupling in cuprate-analog $d^9$ nickelates (Arita, arXiv)

    22. 2006.16643 : Critical current for an insulating regime of an underdamped current-biased topological Josephson junction (Jelena, arXiv)

    23. 2006.16253 : Strong Coupling Limit of the Holstein-Hubbard Model (Kivelson, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevLett.125.017701 : Magnetic-Field-Independent Subgap States in Hybrid Rashba Nanowires (Loss, PRL)

    25. PhysRevLett.125.017001 : First- and Second-Order Topological Superconductivity and Temperature-Driven Topological Phase Transitions in the Extended Hubbard Model with Spin-Orbit Coupling (SC, PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.125.017002 : Kohn-Luttinger Mechanism Driven Exotic Topological Superconductivity on the Penrose Lattice (Penrose, PRL)

    27. PhysRevB.101.245441 : Chiral Majorana fermions in graphene from proximity-induced superconductivity (Fabian, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.101.235166 : Glide-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: Measuring topological invariants in nonsymmorphic space groups (Zaletel, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.101.214524 : Exotic interband pairing in multiband superconductors (multiband SC, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.101.214443 : Prediction of the existence of a spin-liquid-like phase in the antiferromagnetic J 1 − J 2 spin- 1 2 system on the body-centered cubic lattice (BCC, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.224514 : Flat-band superconductivity for tight-binding electrons on a square-octagon lattice (square-octagon, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.235168 : Theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (Burkov, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.214442 : Field stability of Majorana spin liquids in antiferromagnetic Kitaev models (kitaev, PRB)

    34. 2006.15026 : Topological entanglement properties of disconnected partitions in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, scipost)

    35. 2006.14912 : Multi-orbital charge density wave excitations and concomitant phonon anomalies in Bi$2$Sr$_2$LaCuO${6+\delta}$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    36. 2006.14899 : Anisotropy induced soliton excitation in magnetized strong-rung spin ladders (strong-rung spin, arXiv)

    37. advs.202001643 : Propagation Control of Octahedral Tilt in SrRuO3 via Artificial Heterostructuring (WSChoi, advs)

    38. 2006.14729 : Competing orders at higher-order Van Hove points (Chubukov, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.245162 : Damping of spinful excitons in ${\mathrm{LaCoO}}_{3}$ by thermal fluctuations: Theory and experiment (Hariki, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.224513 : Nematic superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Chubukov, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.235443 : First-principles design of a Dirac semimetal: An NP monolayer (Dirac semimetal, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.241414 : Long-distance coherence of Majorana wires (Majorana, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.257002 : Rigorous Results on Topological Superconductivity with Particle Number Conservation (Lapa, PRL)

    6. 2006.14595 : Quantum Hall effective action for anisotropic Dirac semi-metal (Dirac semimetal, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevLett.124.126401 : Plumbene on a Magnetic Substrate: A Combined Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Density Functional Theory Study (Blugel, PRL)

    8. 2006.14152 : Quantum-critical scaling properties of the two-dimensional random-singlet state (Sandvik, arXiv)

    9. 2006.13947 : Anomalous density fluctuations in a random $t$-$J$ model (Sachdev, arXiv)

    10. 2006.13946 : Classification of topological phase transitions and van-Hove singularity steering mechanism in graphene superlattices (TPT van Hove Singularity, arXiv)

    11. 2006.14191 : Robust superconductivity intertwined with charge density wave and disorder in Pd-intercalated ErTe$_3$ (Kivelson, arXiv)

    12. 2006.14181 : Ferroelectricity-induced multiorbital odd-frequency superconductivity in SrTiO$_3$ (Balatsky, arXiv)

    13. 2006.14071 : Strain-engineering on the topological type-II Dirac semimetal NiTe$_2$ (Dirac semimetal, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevB.101.245437 : Slave-spin-1 formulation: A simple approach to time-dependent transport through an interacting two-level system (Capone, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.235441 : Parity-to-charge conversion for readout of topological Majorana qubits (Majorana qubits, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.224433 : Pressure-induced decay of the Griffiths phase and accompanying exchange-bias collapse in Gd0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ (Griffiths, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.220410 : Induced spin textures at 3d transition metal–topological insulator interfaces (Manchon, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.101.235164 : Deficiency of the scaling collapse as an indicator of a superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition (SIT, PRB)

    19. 2006.13369 : A superconducting praseodymium nickelate with infinite layer structure (HYHwang, arXiv)

    20. 2006.13755 : Attractive Kane-Mele-Hubbard model at half filling: phase diagram and Cooperon condensation (Honeycomb, arXiv)

    21. 2006.13702 : Structurally assisted melting of excitonic correlations in 1T-TiSe2 (TiSe2, arXiv)

    22. 2006.13553 : Symmetry-protected topological phases in the SU(N) Heisenberg spin chain: a Majorana-fermion approach (SPT majorana fermion, arXiv)

    23. 2006.13512 : Stability of N'eel-type skyrmion lattice against oblique magnetic fields in GaV$_4$S$_8$ and GaV$_4$Se$_8$ (Neel skyrmion, arXiv)

    24. 2006.13424 : Acoustic plasmons and conducting carriers in hole-doped cuprate superconductors (hole doped cuprite, arXiv)

    25. PhysRevB.101.245436 : Phonon scattering induced carrier resistivity in twisted double-bilayer graphene (DasSarma, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.241112 : Emergence of a ferromagnetic insulating state in LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures: Role of strong electronic correlations and strain (STO, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.214440 : Spin-accumulation induced magnetic texture in a metal-insulator bilayer (metal-insulator bilayer, PRB)

    28. 2006.13033 : Imprinting and driving electronic orbital magnetism by magnons (DGo, arXiv)

    29. 2006.12931 : Observation of Negative THz Photoconductivity in Large Area Type-II Dirac Semimetal PtTe2 (PtTe2, arXiv)

    30. 2006.12656 : Origin of the orbital polarization of Co$^{2+}$: a DFT+$U$ study of La$_2$CoTiO$_6$ and (LaCoO$_3$)$_1$+(LaTiO$_3$)$_1$ (orbital polarization, arXiv)

    31. 2006.13123 : Two superconducting components with different symmetries in Nd1-xSrxNiO2 films (Nickelate, arXiv)

    32. 2006.12840 : Spatially dispersing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the unconventional superconductor $\mathrm{FeTe}{0.55}\mathrm{Se}{0.45}$ (FeSeTe, arXiv)

    33. Physics.13.s83 : Cooling a Spin Relaxation Hot Spot (QD, physics)

    34. 2006.11977 : Electron-phonon coupling superconductivity in 2D orthorhombic MB6 (M=Mg, Ca) and hexagonal MB6 (M=Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Sr, Y) (MB6, arXiv)

    35. acs.inorgchem.9b03656 : Superconductivity in Metal-Rich Chalcogenide Ta2Se (SC, arXiv)

    36. 2006.12451 : Nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal and carrier dynamics in doped spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulator Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv)

    37. 2006.12074 : Magnetic excitations of Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ observed by inelastic neutron scattering measurement (Sr3Ir2O7, arXiv)

    38. 2006.11862 : Interaction effects on quantum Hall transitions: dynamical scaling laws and superuniversality (SRaghu, arXiv)

    39. 2006.11530 : Momentum-dependent magnon lifetime in metallic non-collinear triangular antiferromagnet CrB2 (JGPark, arXiv)

    40. 2006.11455 : First-principles study of the effective Hamiltonian for Dirac fermions with spin-orbit coupling in two-dimensional molecular conductor $\alpha$-(BETS)$_2$I$_3$ (DFT molecular, arXiv)

    41. PhysRevB.101.245428 : Valley supercurrent in the Kekulé graphene superlattice heterojunction (kemble, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.101.235206 : Towards temperature-induced topological phase transition in SnTe: A first-principles study (temperature DFT, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.101.235149 : Rashba-metal to Mott-insulator transition (MI transition, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.101.245152 : Ising chain with topological degeneracy induced by dissipation (ZSong, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.101.235434 : Evidence of shallow band gap in ultrathin 1T -MoTe2 via infrared spectroscopy (Hwang, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.101.235147 : Multiband k · p model and fitting scheme for ab initio based electronic structure parameters for wurtzite GaAs (kp theory, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.101.224427 : Spin excitations in the frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet NaYbO 2 (Balents, PRB)

    48. PhysRevLett.124.257001 : Vortex End Majorana Zero Modes in Superconducting Dirac and Weyl Semimetals (vortex majorana, PRL)

    49. 2006.11107 : Orbital Magnetic Moment of Magnons (Mook, arXiv)

    50. 2006.11203 : Modeling unconventional superconductivity at the crossover between strong and weak electronic interactions (Fernandes, arXiv)

    51. 2006.10947 : Single-layer $\beta$-Bi$_{2}$Pd: a phonon-mediated 2D topological superconductor (Bi2Pb, arXiv)

    52. 2006.10749 : Dynamical vortex phase diagram of 2D superconductivity in gated MoS2 (2DSC, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.245307 : Charge Kondo effects in a quadruple quantum dot in spinless and spinful regimes (quadruple QD, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.235145 : Finite-size scaling at a topological transition: Bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain (Kamenev, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.124.249702 : Zhao et al. Reply: (PKim, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.124.249701 : Comment on “Sign-Reversing Hall Effect in Atomically Thin High-Temperature Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2.0O8+δ Superconductors” (PAo, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.240404 : Topological Field Theory Far from Equilibrium (topological field theory, PRL)

    6. 2006.10602 : Tunable chirality of noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals (Brink, arXiv)

    7. 2006.10153 : Efficient identification of Majorana modes in large tight-binding systems (majorana, arXiv)

    8. 2006.10081 : Phases and Quantum Phase Transitions in an Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Kitaev-Heisenberg-$\ \Gamma$ Magnet (kitaev, arXiv)

    9. 2006.10072 : Periodically, Quasi-periodically, and Randomly Driven Conformal Field Theories: Part I (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    10. 2006.10071 : Lattice Clifford fractons and their Chern-Simons-like theory (Chamon, arXiv)

    11. 2006.10684 : Spin magnetometry as a probe of stripe superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (PColeman, arXiv)

    12. 2006.10073 : Spin-polarized superconductivity: order parameter topology, current dissipation, and double-period Josephson effect (SP-SC, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.101.245145 : Electron-phonon coupling and nontrivial band topology in noncentrosymmetric superconductors LaNiSi, LaPtSi, and LaPtGe (e-phonon, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.101.245147 : BCS-BEC crossover in a ( t 2 g ) 4 excitonic magnet (Dagotto, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.214428 : Spin-transfer torque driven motion, deformation, and instabilities of magnetic skyrmions at high currents (skyrmion, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.245146 : Band inversion and topology of the bulk electronic structure in ${\mathrm{FeSe}}{0.45}{\mathrm{Te}}{0.55}$ (FeSeTe, PRB)

    17. 2006.09784 : Vestigial Van Hove singularity and higher-temperature superconducting phase induced by perpendicular uniaxial pressures in quasi-two-dimensional superconductors (van Hove, arXiv)

    18. 2006.09953 : Exchange-bias controlled correlations in magnetically encapsulated twisted van der Waals dichalcogenides (Lado, arXiv)

    19. 2006.09495 : Block orbital-selective Mott insulators: a spin excitation analysis (Dagotto, arXiv)

    20. 2006.09444 : The spontaneous elastoresistivity coefficient within the nematic ordered phase of iron pnictides (nematic, arXiv)

    21. 2006.09397 : The Frustration of being Odd: Resilience of the Topological Phases (AKLT, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.101.235430 : Unified bulk semiclassical theory for intrinsic thermal transport and magnetization currents (QNiu, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.235312 : Fractional quantum Hall states for moir'e superstructures in the Hofstadter regime (FQHE, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.235140 : Slave-rotor theory on magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.220507 : Current-assisted Raman activation of the Higgs mode in superconductors (Higgs mode, PRB)

    26. PhysRevX.10.021061 : Many-Body Electronic Structure of NdNiO 2 and CaCuO 2 (AJMilis, PRX)

    27. 2006.08983 : Correlation between electronic and structural orders in 1T-TiSe2 (TiSe2, arXiv)

    28. 2006.08912 : Electrical Manipulation of a Topological Antiferromagnetic State (Otani, Nature)

    29. 2006.08908 : Theory of ARPES in Graphene-Based Moir'e Superlattices (AHMacDonald, arXiv)

    30. 2006.08865 : Antiferromagnetic long-range order in $5d^1$ double-perovskite Sr$_2$MgReO$_6$ (Arima, arXiv)

    31. 2006.09131 : Observation of cyclotron resonance and measurement of the hole mass in optimally-doped La${2-x}$Sr${x}$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    32. physics.v13.s80 : Many-Body Localized States Inch Toward Equilibrium (MBL, physics)

    33. PhysRevB.101.224509 : Observation of in-plane magnetic field induced phase transitions in FeSe (JSKim, PRB)

    34. PhysRevLett.124.247001 : Pairing Obstructions in Topological Superconductors (Bradlyn, PRL)

    35. PhysRevLett.124.247201 : Atomistic Perspective of Long Lifetimes of Small Skyrmions at Room Temperature (Blugel, PRL)

    36. PhysRevX.10.021059 : Unusual Dynamic Charge Correlations in Simple-Tetragonal ${\mathrm{HgBa}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{4+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (curate, PRX)

    37. 2003.03374 : Theoretical investigation of antiferromagnetic skyrmions in a triangular monolayer (AFM skyrmion, arXiv)

    38. 2006.08534 : Anomalous helimagnetic domain shrinkage due to the weakening of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CrAs (CrAs, arXiv)

    39. 2006.08323 : iPEPS study of spin symmetry in the doped $t$-$J$ model (iPEPS, arXiv)

    40. 2006.08289 : A beginner’s guide to non-abelian iPEPS for correlated fermions (iPEPS, arXiv)

    41. 2006.08053 : Imaging orbital ferromagnetism in a moir'e Chern insulator (moire, arXiv)

    42. 2006.07656 : Robust A-type order and spin-flop transition on the surface of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (Vanderbilt, arXiv)

    43. 2006.07386 : Thermodynamic classification of three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquids (kitaev, arXiv)

    44. PhysRevB.101.224421 : Magnetic structure and crystalline electric field effects in the triangular antiferromagnet $\mathrm{CePtA}{\mathrm{l}}{4}\mathrm{G}{\mathrm{e}}{2}$ (SShin, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.101.220506 : Higher-order topological superconductors in P-, T -odd quadrupolar Dirac materials (BRoy, PRB)

    46. PhysRevB.101.235428 : Numerical study of the rippling instability driven by electron-phonon coupling in graphene (Guinea, PRB)

    47. PhysRevB.101.235203 : Long lifetime of the $E_{1u}$ in-plane infrared-active modes of $h$-BN (phonon, PRB)

    48. PhysRevB.101.214425 : Softening of breathing elastic mode and trigonal elastic mode in the disordered pyrochlore magnet ${\mathrm{NaCaCo}}{2}{\mathrm{F}}{7}$ (pyrochlore, PRB)

    49. 2006.06985 : The competition between the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit coupling and effects of correlations on Rashba SOC-driven transitions in the Kane-Mele model (Kane-Mele, arXiv)

    50. 2006.06801 : Spatial inhomogeneity and the metal-insulator transition in Ca$3$(Ru${1-x}$Ti$_x$)$_2$O$_7$ (AJMilis, arXiv)

    51. 2006.06952 : Topological superconductivity in quasicrystals (quasicrystal, arXiv)

    52. Ruthenate-Nature : Superconductivity mystery turns 25 (Armitage, Nature)

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.224420 : Unconventional spin excitations in the $S=\frac{3}{2}$ triangular antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{RbAg}}{2}\mathrm{Cr}{[{\mathrm{VO}}{4}]}_{2}$ (spin excitation, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.224304 : Multipartite entanglement at dynamical quantum phase transitions with nonuniformly spaced criticalities (XY spin, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.245138 : Universal higher-order topology from a five-dimensional Weyl semimetal: Edge topology, edge Hamiltonian, and a nested Wilson loop (Well semimetal, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.241109 : Fractional charge bound to a vortex in two-dimensional topological crystalline insulators (BJYang, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.237601 : Multiband Quantum Criticality of Polar Metals (Polar metals, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.124.237202 : Cubic Rashba Effect in the Surface Spin Structure of Rare-Earth Ternary Materials (Rashba, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.124.236601 : Temperature-Induced Lifshitz Transition and Possible Excitonic Instability in ZrSiSe (Excitonic Instability, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.124.236404 : Edge-Dependent Topology in Kekul'e Lattices (Kekule, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.124.236402 : Massive Suppression of Proximity Pairing in Topological ${\mathbf{(}{\mathrm{Bi}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{x}\mathbf{)}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3}$ Films on Niobium (TI/SC, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.124.237201 : Fractionalized Excitations Revealed by Entanglement Entropy (Entanglement Entropy, PRL)

    11. 2006.06672 : Dynamical interplay between a single hole and a Hubbard antiferromagnet (Demler, arXiv)

    12. 2006.06273 : Spin-chain correlations in the frustrated triangular lattice material CuMnO$_2$ (spin chain, arXiv)

    13. 2006.06128 : Loop currents in ladder cuprates: A dynamical mean field theory study (Loop current, arXiv)

    14. 2006.06019 : Traversable wormhole and Hawking-Page transition in coupled complex SYK models (Franz, arXiv)

    15. 2006.06097 : A giant thermal Hall effect in the vicinity of the superconducting phase transition (thermal Hall, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.101.241108 : Lifshitz transition and frustration of magnetic moments in infinite-layer NdNiO 2 upon hole doping (Savrasov, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.214515 : Superconducting properties of MoTe 2 from ab initio anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory (Migdal-Eliashberg , PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.101.224419 : Nonreciprocal magnons due to symmetric anisotropic exchange interaction in honeycomb antiferromagnets (magnon, PRB)

    19. PhysRevLett.124.237001 : Controlling T c through Band Structure and Correlation Engineering in Collapsed and Uncollapsed Phases of Iron Arsenides (Tc, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.124.236401 : Topological Singularity Induced Chiral Kohn Anomaly in a Weyl Semimetal (Chiral Kohn Anomaly, PRL)

    21. 2006.05920 : Orbital effects in solids: basics and novel development (Khomskii, arXiv)

    22. 2006.05864 : Hexagonal Perovskites as Quantum Materials (Cava, arXiv)

    23. 2006.04915 : Vortex lattice in two dimensional chiral XY-ferromagnets and inverse BKT transition (BKT, arXiv)

    24. 2006.04881 : Discovery of a quantum limit Chern magnet TbMn6Sn6 (Hasan, arXiv)

    25. 2006.05295 : Effect of epitaxial strain on the electronic structure and magnetic correlations in infinite-layer (Nd,Sr)NiO$_2$ (Savrasov, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevResearch.2.023297 : Stabilization of antiferromagnetism in 1T-${\mathrm{Fe}}{0.05}{\mathrm{TaS}}{2}$ (JSKim, PRR)

    27. 2006.05098 : A theory for superconductor-to-insulator transitions in a 2D electron liquid with strong spin-orbit impurity scattering (Cooper pair, arXiv)

    28. 2006.04813 : Domes of $T_c$ in superconductors with finite-range attractive interactions (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    29. 2006.03605 : Anomalous dielectric response in insulators with the pi Zak phase (Murakami, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevB.101.214513 : Phonon-mediated superconductivity in doped monolayer materials (Sudbø, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.235129 : Effects of disorder on the transport of collective modes in an excitonic condensate (excitonic, PRB)

    32. PhysRevLett.117.236401 : Time-Reversal-Breaking Weyl Fermions in Magnetic Heusler Alloys (Bernevig, PRL)

    33. 2006.03778 : Proximate Kitaev system for an intermediate magnetic phase in in-plane magnetic fields (BHKim, arXiv)

    34. 2006.03607 : Glide-symmetric topological crystalline insulator phase in a nonprimitive lattice (Murakami, arXiv)

    35. 2006.04782 : Pressure Induced Topological Superconductivity in the Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator GaTa4Se8 (SBLee, arXiv)

    36. 2006.04074 : Giant surface Edelstein effect in $d$-wave superconductors (Yanase, arXiv)

    37. 2006.03613 : Fermi arc criterion for surface Majorana modes in superconducting time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetals (Hosur, arXiv)

    38. PhysRevB.101.235417 : Super-Andreev reflection and longitudinal shift of pseudospin-1 fermions (SAYang, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.101.220502 : SrRuO3-SrTiO3 heterostructure as a possible platform for studying unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 (ruthenate, PRB)

    40. PhysRevB.101.220405 : Room-temperature skyrmions in strain-engineered FeGe thin films (skyrmion, PRB)

    41. PhysRevB.101.214508 : Electrically charged Andreev modes in two-dimensional tilted Dirac cone systems (Jafari, PRB)

    42. PhysRevB.101.245126 : Twisted Kitaev bilayers and the moiré Ising model (Hughes, PRB)

    43. PhysRevB.101.241106 : Second harmonic generation as a probe of broken mirror symmetry (Gedik, PRB)

    44. PhysRevB.101.245128 : Symmetry-based indicators for topological Bogoliubov–de Gennes Hamiltonians (Luka, PRB)

    45. PhysRevB.101.235128 : Revealing the single electron pocket of FeSe in a single orthorhombic domain (orthorhombic, PRB)

    46. 2006.03502 : Strange semimetal dynamics in SrIrO$_3$ (iridate, arXiv)

    47. 2006.03287 : 2D ferromagnetism at finite temperatures under quantum scrutiny (2DFM, arXiv)

    48. 2006.03097 : The Jahn-Teller effect and spin–orbit coupling: friends or foes? (Khomskii, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jun 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.124.226402 : Ab Initio Studies of Exciton $g$ Factors: Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Magnetic Fields (TMDC, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.101.214507 : Bulk odd-frequency pairing in the superconducting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Jorge, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.241104 : Higher-order topological insulators and semimetals in generalized Aubry-Andr'e-Harper models (AAH, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.124.227203 : Discovery of Magnetic Single- and Triple-$\mathbf{q}$ States in $\mathrm{Mn}/\mathrm{Re}(0001)$ (Wiesendanger, PRL)

    5. 2006.03049 : The sign of longitudinal magnetoconductivity and the planar Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (Tewari, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.101.235121 : Magic-angle semimetals with chiral symmetry (chiral symmetry, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.220404 : Approaching the quantum critical point in a highly correlated all-in–all-out antiferromagnet (AIAO, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.101.214504 : Superconducting properties of the hole-doped three-band $d-p$ model studied with minimal-size real-space $d$-wave pairing operators (VMC, PRB)

    9. eaam9744 : There’s plenty of room at the Top: What will drive computer performance after Moore’s law? (Moore’s law, Science)

    10. Science368.6495.1114 : A fractional corner anomaly reveals higher-order topology (Hughes, Science)

    11. 2006.02114 : Magnetic reorientation transition in a three orbital model for $\rm Ca_2 Ru O_4$ – Interplay of spin-orbit coupling, tetragonal distortion, and Coulomb interactions (ruthenate, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.101.245113 : Fermi surface topology and nontrivial Berry phase in the flat-band semimetal ${\mathrm{Pd}}_{3}\mathrm{Pb}$ (Pd3Pb, PRB)

    13. 2006.01861 : Thermal resistivity due to electron viscosity in bulk antimony (Behnia, arXiv)

    14. 2006.02039 : Topological superconductivity induced by a triple-Q magnetic structure (Wiesendanger, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.101.241103 : Local probes for quantum Hall ferroelectrics and nematics (Fu, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.235113 : Topological domain wall states in a nonsymmorphic chiral chain (DW, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.245116 : Geometric description of the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model (Pachos, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.101.245114 : Tuning Rashba spin-orbit coupling at LaAlO 3 / SrTiO 3 interfaces by band filling (STOLAO, PRB)

    19. 2006.01801 : Variational optimization of continuous matrix product states (Verstraete, arXiv)

    20. 2006.01140 : Deconfined criticality at the onset of antiferromagnetism in a metal (Sachdev, arXiv)

    21. 2006.01716 : Massive suppression of proximity pairing in topological (Bi${1-x}$Sb${x})_2$Te$_3$ films on niobium (TCChiang, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.101.245110 : Higher-order topological insulators in antiperovskites (Cano, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.241101 : Thermoelectric response and entropy of fractional quantum Hall systems (Fu, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.214404 : Phases of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets on the square and triangular lattices (Kivelson, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.235110 : Metal-insulator and magnetic phase diagram of Ca 2 RuO 4 from auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo and dynamical mean field theory (ruthenate, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.224503 : Crystalline nodal topological superconductivity and Bogolyubov Fermi surfaces in monolayer NbSe 2 (Fernandes, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.220403 : Spontaneous antisymmetric spin splitting in noncollinear antiferromagnets without spin-orbit coupling (AFM, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.101.235111 : Topological band structure transitions and goniopolar transport in honeycomb antimonene as a function of buckling (buckling, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.227001 : In-Plane Zeeman-Field-Induced Majorana Corner and Hinge Modes in an s -Wave Superconductor Heterostructure (corner mode, PRL)

    30. 2006.00746 : Quantum Ising chain with boundary dephasing (Katsura, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.101.241402 : Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in two-dimensional ferroelectrics (BKT, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.235201 : Spin Hall conductivity in topological Dirac semimetals (MSato, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.235107 : Spinon excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 2 chain compound C s 4 CuS b 2 C l 12 (MLee, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.101.235105 : Electronic structure studies of FeSi: A chiral topological system (FeSi, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.101.220401 : High-field depinned phase and planar Hall effect in the skyrmion host ${\mathrm{Gd}}{2}{\mathrm{PdSi}}{3}$ (YTokura, PRB)

    36. 2005.14500 : Topological second-order spin-3/2 liquids with hinge Fermi arcs (SAYang, arXiv)

    37. 2005.14710 : Quasi-One-Dimensional Higher-Order Topological Insulators (Min, arXiv)

    38. 2005.11863 : Skyrmion Mass from Spin-Phonon Interaction (skyrmion mass, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 5 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 May 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 May 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.205147 : Emergence of $p+ip$ superconductivity in two-dimensional doped Dirac systems (Baskaran, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.205148 : Thermoelectric power of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands: Probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments (Sachdev, PRB)

    3. 2005.14162 : Non-linear soliton confinement in weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chains (SWCheong, arXiv)

    4. 2005.14119 : Fantastic flat bands and where to find them: The CoSn-type compounds (flatland, arXiv)

    5. 2005.13901 : First-principles study of the electronic and magnetic properties of cubic GdCu compound (Blugel, arXiv)

    6. 2005.13836 : Observation of a gapless spin liquid in a diluted Kitaev honeycomb material (KYChoi, arXiv)

    7. 2005.13729 : Nonreciprocal Magnon by Symmetric Anisotropic Exchange Interaction in Honeycomb Antiferromagnet (magnon, arXiv)

    8. 2005.13545 : Theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (Burkov, arXiv)

    9. 2005.14142 : Dirac-type nodal spin liquid revealed by machine learning (Imada, arXiv)

    10. 2005.13963 : Multiple odd-parity superconducting phases in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (Yanase, arXiv)

    11. physicsv13.85 : Entering the Nickel Age of Superconductivity (Norman, physics)

    12. PhysRevB.101.205429 : Collapse of the vacuum in hexagonal graphene quantum dots: A comparative study between tight-binding and mean-field Hubbard models (grapheneQD, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.101.174443 : Z 2 vortices in the ground states of classical Kitaev-Heisenberg models (Z2vortex, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.101.180512 : Odd-frequency superconductivity and Meissner effect in the doped topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 (Black-Schaffer, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.184432 : Resistivity minimum in diluted metallic magnets (Batista, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.124.217403 : Electrically Tunable Valley Dynamics in Twisted ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ Bilayers (PKim, PRL)

    17. 2005.12972 : Typical skyrmions versus bimerons: a long-distance competition in ferromagnetic racetracks (skyrmion, arXiv)

    18. 2005.12961 : Superconductivity in a doped valley coherent insulator in magic angle graphene: Goldstone-mediated pairing and Kohn-Luttinger mechanism (Zaletel, arXiv)

    19. 2005.12925 : Electrical detection of spin liquids in double moir'e layers (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    20. 2005.13507 : Unconventional Majorana fermions on the surface of topological superconductors protected by rotational symmetry (BJYang, arXiv)

    21. 2005.13488 : Vortex bound state of Kondo lattice coupled to compensated metal (vortex, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.101.201410 : Linear magnetoresistance induced by intra-scattering semiclassics of Bloch electrons (QNiu, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.195146 : Magnetic structure of Cd-doped ${\mathrm{CeIrIn}}_{5}$ (heavy fermion, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.195145 : Evidence for pseudo–Jahn-Teller distortions in the charge density wave phase of 1T -TiSe2 (JahnTeller, PRB)

    25. 2005.12825 : Constructive approach for frustration-free models using Witten’s conjugation (Katsura, scipost)

    26. 2005.12399 : Dynamical signatures of quasiparticle interactions in quantum spin chains (LBalents, arXiv)

    27. 2005.12307 : Complex magnetic ordering and associated topological Hall effect in a two-dimensional metallic chiral magnet (chiralmagnet, arXiv)

    28. 2005.12608 : Systematic construction of square-root topological insulators and superconductors (Ezawa, arXiv)

    29. 2005.12285 : Exploring Strongly Interacting Gapless States: Cuprates, Pair Density Waves, and Fluctuating Superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

    30. PhysRevLett.124.217201 : Coherent Transfer of Spin Angular Momentum by Evanescent Spin Waves within Antiferromagnetic NiO (AFM spin current, PRL)

    31. physicsv13.83 : Spin Current in an Antiferromagnet is Coherent (spin current, physics)

    32. PhysRevB.101.180408 : Quantum phase transitions in the spin-boson model: Monte Carlo method versus variational approach à la Feynman (QPT, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.174439 : Optical response of ferromagnetic materials induced by a spin gauge field at the second order (GTatara, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.101.195143 : Orbital corner states on breathing kagome lattices (kagome, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.101.180510 : Pairing glue in cuprate superconductors from the self-energy revealed via machine learning (Chubukov, PRB)

    36. PhysRevLett.124.217202 : Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction at an Oxide/Ferromagnetic Metal Interface (PMA, PRL)

    37. PhysRevLett.124.217001 : Interplay of the Spin Density Wave and a Possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in CeCoIn 5 in Rotating Magnetic Field (DYKim, PRL)

    38. 2005.12179 : Role of orbital selectivity on crystal structures and electronic states in BiMnO$_3$ and LaMnO$_3$ perovskites (Haule, arXiv)

    39. 2005.11961 : Charge transfer energy in iridates: a hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study (iridates, arXiv)

    40. 2005.11801 : Applying configurational complexity to the 2D Ruddlesden-Popper crystal structure (oxides, arXiv)

    41. 2005.11399 : Spin-wave excitations of an emergent skyrmion crystal in manganite-iridate oxide interfaces (iridates, arXiv)

    42. 2005.10835 : Non-equilibrium steady state phases of the interacting Aubry-Andre-Harper model (JHLee, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 May 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 May 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.205424 : Disorder-induced phase transition in Dirac systems beyond the linear approximation (Dirac, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.205143 : First-principles study of the nontrivial topological phase in chains of $3d$ transition metals (majorana, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.205142 : Simplified and improved approach to tensor network operators in two dimensions (TN, PRB)

    4. PhysRevX.10.021042 : Chiral Spin Liquid Phase of the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model: A Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study (JMoore, PRX)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.206603 : Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Quantum Correction to the Conductivity of Magnetic Topological Insulators (magneticTI, PRL)

    6. 2005.10380 : Phase diagram of an interacting staggered Su-Schrieffer-Heeger two-chain ladder close to a quantum critical point (SSH, arXiv)

    7. 2005.10273 : Einstein-de Haas Effect of Topological Magnons (magnon, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.101.174432 : Topological Hall effect in weakly canted antiferromagnets (THE, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.101.174434 : Orientation dependence of the magnetic phase diagram of ${\mathrm{Yb}}{2}{\mathrm{Ti}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (Pfleiderer, PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.124.207004 : Critical Nature of the Ni Spin State in Doped NdNiO 2 (Nickelate, PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.124.206404 : Itinerant-Electron Magnetism: The Importance of Many-Body Correlations (magnetism, PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.124.207005 : Strongly Correlated Charge Density Wave in ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ Evidenced by Doping-Dependent Phonon Anomaly (cuprate, PRL)

    13. science368.6493.856 : Observation of Floquet solitons in a topological bandgap (TI, Science)

    14. 2005.09777 : Polarity dependent heating at the phase interface in metal-insulator transitions (AJMillis, arXiv)

    15. 2005.09673 : Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (2DSSH, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevLett.124.206403 : Emergence of Topologically Nontrivial Spin-Polarized States in a Segmented Linear Chain (Cohen, PRL)

    17. Physics.13.82 : Topological States in a Segmented Chain (molecule chain, Physics)

    18. PhysRevB.101.195136 : Characterization of photoexcited states in the half-filled one-dimensional extended Hubbard model assisted by machine learning (Yunoki, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.184518 : Drastic enhancement of the thermal Hall angle in a d -wave superconductor (thermal Hall, PRB)

    20. PhysRevLett.124.207202 : Steering of the Skyrmion Hall Angle by Gate Voltages (skyrmion, PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.124.206101 : Stacking Domains and Dislocation Networks in Marginally Twisted Bilayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Falko, PRL)

    22. 2005.09129 : Correlation-driven renormalization of topological features in the CeTX$_3$ series (Savrasov, arXiv)

    23. 2005.08973 : Critical theory of non-Fermi liquid fixed point in multipolar Kondo problem (YBKim, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.101.174429 : Inverse Faraday effect in graphene and Weyl semimetals (inverse Faraday, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.205134 : Higher-order Dirac fermions in three dimensions (Higher Dirac, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.205132 : Phonon dispersion, Raman spectra, and evidence for spin-phonon coupling in MnV2O4 from first principles (phonon, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.205419 : Thermal conductivity of Bi2Se3 from bulk to thin films: Theory and experiment (Thermal conductivity, PRB)

    28. PhysRevLett.124.207601 : Continuum Theory for Topological Edge Soft Modes (KSun, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.207201 : Skyrmion Crystal from RKKY Interaction Mediated by 2D Electron Gas (Batista, PRL)

    30. PhysRevB.101.205128 : Higgs mode and stability of $xy$-orbital ordering in ${\mathrm{Ca}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}{4}$ (Ca2RuO4, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.205125 : Direct observation of the energy gain underpinning ferromagnetic superexchange in the electronic structure of ${\mathrm{CrGeTe}}_{3}$ (King, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.180509 : $t\ensuremath{-}J$ model on the effective brick-wall lattice for the recently discovered high-temperature superconductor ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{3+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (curate, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.174428 : Emergence of pure spin current in doped excitonic magnets (Ohta, PRB)

    34. PhysRevB.101.195131 : Unified structure for exact towers of scar states in the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki and other models (AKLT, PRB)

    35. PhysRevB.101.195130 : Non-Abelian topology of nodal-line rings in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric systems (Bzdušek, PRB)

    36. 2005.07396 : Band structure of twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (Guinea, arXiv)

    37. 2005.07337 : Fractionalized conductivity at topological phase transitions (William, arXiv)

    38. 2005.07315 : Exotic Superconducting States in FeSe-based Materials (Matsuda. arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 May 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 May 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.201107 : Unexpected magnetic phase in the weakly ordered spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ chain cuprate ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}{3}$ (curate, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.195126 : Gauge theories for the thermal Hall effect (Sachdev, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.195424 : Phase diagrams of single-layer two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides: Landau theory (TMDC, PRB)

    4. 2005.06729 : DMFT reveals the non-Hermitian topology in heavy-fermion systems (Fu, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.197203 : Three-Magnon Bound State in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet α - NaMnO 2 (magnon, PRL)

    6. PhysRevB.101.174423 : Semirealistic tight-binding model for spin-orbit torques (Monchon, PRB)

    7. PhysRevX.10.021034 : Dynamic Spin Correlations in the Honeycomb Lattice Na 2 IrO 3 Measured by Resonant Inelastic x-Ray Scattering (BJKim, PRX)

    8. 2005.06896 : Impurity-induced resonant spinon zero modes in Dirac quantum spin-liquids (Lado, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevLett.124.197201 : Metamagnetism of Weakly Coupled Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators (AFMTI, PRL)

    10. PhysRevB.101.174203 : Critical properties of the ground-state localization-delocalization transition in the many-particle Aubry-André model (JMoore, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.101.184508 : Phonon spectrum of underdoped HgBa 2 CuO 4 + δ investigated by neutron scattering (phonon, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.101.174106 : First-principles study of the low-temperature charge density wave phase in the quasi-one-dimensional Weyl chiral compound ( TaSe 4 ) 2 I (Dagotto, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.101.184110 : Structural and thermal transport properties of ferroelectric domain walls in GeTe from first principles (GeTe, PRB)

    14. 2005.05884 : Magnonic Quadrupole Topological Insulator in Antiskyrmion Crystals (antiskyrmion, arXiv)

    15. 2005.05497 : Ising superconductivity and magnetism in NbSe$_2$ (Ising, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.101.195121 : Symmetry-protected topological phases in a two-leg SU ( N ) spin ladder with unequal spins (spin ladder, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.180404 : Anomalous transverse response of Co 2 MnGa and universality of the room-temperature α i j A / σ i j A ratio across topological magnets (Behnia, PRB)

    18. PhysRevLett.124.197601 : Nature of Symmetry Breaking at the Excitonic Insulator Transition: Ta 2 NiSe 5 (EI, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.124.197602 : Raman Response in the Nematic Phase of FeSe (Chubukov, PRL)

    20. PhysRevX.10.021033 : Deconfined Critical Point in a Doped Random Quantum Heisenberg Magnet (Sachdev, PRX)

    21. 2005.04238 : Density functional approach to correlated moire states: itinerant magnetism (Fu, arXiv)

    22. 2005.04124 : Symmetry-mixed bound-state order: extended degeneracy of (d + ig)-superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    23. 2005.03679 : Time-reversal-invariant C2-symmetric higher-order topological superconductors (Sarma, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.101.195118 : Collective modes in excitonic insulators: Effects of electron-phonon coupling and signatures in the optical response (EI, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.201403 : Metallic network of topological domain walls (Jung, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.201105 : Observation of sixfold degenerate fermions in PdS b 2 (Hasan, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.195117 : Topological and nontopological features of generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models (SSH, PRB)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 May 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 May 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.124.187602 : First-Order Magnetic Phase Transition of Mobile Electrons in Monolayer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (D. Loss, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.124.186801 : Marginal Fermi Liquid in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (graphene, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.124.186602 : Universal Behavior of the Thermal Hall Conductivity (FCZhang, PRL)

    4. 2005.03168 : Phase Shift in Skyrmion Crystals (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    5. 2005.03014 : Active Learning a One-dimensional Density Functional Theory (1D DFT, arXiv)

    6. 2005.03603 : In the Pursuit of Majorana Modes in Iron-based High-$T_c$ Superconductors (Majorana, arXiv)

    7. 2005.03234 : Quantum-Fluctuation-Frustrated Flat Band Instabilities in NdNiO2 (Pickett, arXiv)

    8. 2005.03127 : Physical properties of weak-coupling quasiperiodic superconductors (Arita, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.101.184303 : Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A3BO (A = K, Rb; B = Br, Au) (antiperovskite, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.101.195412 : Topological Dirac nodal loops in nonsymmorphic hydrogenated monolayer boron (Dirac nodal loop, PRB)

    11. PhysRevLett.124.187601 : Ferromagnetism in Narrow Bands of Moir'e Superlattices (T. Senthil, PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.124.180604 : Onsager’s Scars in Disordered Spin Chains (H. Katsura, PRL)

    13. PhysRevX.10.021030 : Robust Ferromagnetism in Highly Strained SrCoO 3 Thin Films (Y. Tokura, PRX)

    14. 2005.02406 : Transport across twist angle domains in moir'e graphene (S. Ryu, arXiv)

    15. 2005.02396 : Unquantized thermal Hall effect in quantum spin liquids with spinon Fermi surfaces (Sachdev, arXiv)

    16. 2005.02169 : Electrical band flattening, valley flux, and superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene (Lado, arXiv)

    17. 2005.02491 : Can magnetic field transform a superconductor into a Bose metal? (Tsvelik, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.101.184504 : A FeSe 2 ( A = Tl, K, Rb, or Cs ) : Iron-based superconducting analog of the cuprates (Iron-based, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.174411 : Field-induced spin reorientation in the antiferromagnetic Dirac material EuMnBi 2 revealed by neutron and resonant x-ray diffraction (AFM Dirac material, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.205406 : Emergent atomistic Kondo resonances in strained carbon-benzene single chains (benzene chain, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.205106 : Metal-insulator transition in a random Hubbard model (Sachdev, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.101.201402 : Negative longitudinal magnetoconductance at weak fields in Weyl semimetals (T. Meng, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.201401 : Transport signatures of a Floquet topological transition at the helical edge (Trauzettel, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.205102 : Many-body effects in nodal-line semimetals: Correction to the optical conductivity (optical conductivity, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.195108 : Slow magnetic fluctuations and critical slowing down in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Rh}}{x}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (iridate, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.184503 : $d$-wave superconductivity and Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces in Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals (semimetal, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.184405 : Coupled quasimonopoles in chiral magnets (Blugel, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.101.184404 : Second-order topological solitonic insulator in a breathing square lattice of magnetic vortices (breathing square lattice, PRB)

    29. PhysRevB.101.180401 : Two-magnon bound states in the Kitaev model in a [111] field (Nandini, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.101.195111 : Two-dimensional topological semimetals protected by symmorphic symmetries (symmorphic, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.201102 : Role of hybridization and on-site correlations in generating plasmons in strongly correlated La 2 CuO 4 (cuprite, PRB)

    32. 2005.01581 : Frequency-resolved multifold fermions in the chiral topological semimetal CoSi (CoSi, arXiv)

    33. 2005.01390 : Beyond skyrmions: Review and perspectives of alternative magnetic quasiparticles (skyrmion, arXiv)

    34. 2005.01243 : Orbital Selective Superconductivity in a Two-band Model of Infinite-Layer Nickelates (nickelate, arXiv)

    35. 2005.01166 : Multiorbital processes rule the Nd$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$ normal state (nickelate, arXiv)

    36. PhysRevLett.124.183901 : Direct Observation of Flatband Loop States Arising from Nontrivial Real-Space Topology (Rhim, PRL)

    37. PhysRevB.101.184501 : Josephson effect in two-band superconductors (Josephson, PRB)

    38. 2005.00027 : Topological Superconductivity in Skyrmion Lattices (skyrmion, arXiv)

    39. 2005.00022 : Where do the doped hole carriers reside in the new superconducting nickelates? (Nickelates, arXiv)

    40. 2004.14179 : Non-reciprocal magnons in a two dimensional crystal with off-plane magnetization (magnon, arXiv)

    41. 2005.00314 : Thermal bosons in 3d optical lattices via tensor networks (Orus, arXiv)

    42. 2005.00071 : The surface layer of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: A two-dimensional model system for magnetic-field-tuned quantum criticality (Ruthenate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 May 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 May 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.205401 : Nonlocality of Majorana zero modes and teleportation: Self-consistent treatment based on the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equation (Majorana, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.174401 : Extension of the standard Heisenberg Hamiltonian to multispin exchange interactions (Heisenberg, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.205101 : Nonlocal order parameters for states with topological electromagnetic response (S. Ryu, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.184401 : Very large Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in two-dimensional Janus manganese dichalcogenides and its application to realize skyrmion states (A. Fert, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.101.195101 : Fermi surface of ${\mathrm{PtCoO}}_{2}$ from quantum oscillations and electronic structure calculations (PtCoO2, PRB)

    6. 2004.12291 : Nature of Protected Zero Energy States in Penrose Quasicrystals (Quasicrystal, arXiv)

    7. 2004.13684 : Skyrmion and tetron lattices in twisted bilayer graphene (A. Rosch, arXiv)

    8. 2004.13526 : Quantum skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    9. 2004.13391 : Comparative Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ and Ca$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    10. 2004.13047 : Nonreciprocal directional dichroism induced by a temperature gradient as a probe for mobile spin dynamics in quantum magnets (Y. Ran, arXiv)

    11. 2004.13727 : Eta-Pairing in Hubbard Models: From Spectrum Generating Algebras to Quantum Many-Body Scars (Bernevig, arXiv)

    12. 2004.13723 : Testing Ising Topological Order in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ Under In-Plane Magnetic Fields (Kee, arXiv)

    13. 2004.14727 : Bulk valley transport and Berry curvature spreading at the edge of flat bands (J. Jung, arXiv)

    14. 2004.14510 : Towards Electrical-Current Control of Quantum States in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Matter (G. Cao, arXiv)

    15. 2004.13134 : Nematicity and Superconductivity: Competition vs. Cooperation (Hirschfeld, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.101.155149 : Ferromagnetism and superconductivity in twisted double bilayer graphene (D. Sarma, PRB)

    17. Science368/6490/475 : Philip W. Anderson (1923–2020) (PW Anderson, Science)

    18. science368/6490/532 : Ferromagnetic order beyond the superconducting dome in a cuprate superconductor (cuprate, science)

    19. science368/6490/534 : Evidence for an edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor MoTe2 (MoTe2, science)

    20. 2004.13120 : The overdoped end of the cuprate phase diagram (Scalapino, arXiv)

    21. 2004.13068 : Topological orders competing for the Dirac surface state in FeSeTe surfaces (EA Kim, arXiv)

    22. 2004.13043 : Color degeneracy of topological defects in quadratic band touching systems (B. Roy, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevB.101.155141 : Gapped ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ spin liquid in the breathing kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (kagome, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.155143 : Weyl semimetals with ${S}_{4}$ symmetry (Z. Fang, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.144306 : Phonon rotoelectric effect (Murakami, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.124.176402 : Magneto-Optics of a Weyl Semimetal beyond the Conical Band Approximation: Case Study of TaP (Well, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.124.177204 : Existence of a Spectral Gap in the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki Model on the Hexagonal Lattice (AKLT, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.124.177203 : Demonstrating the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki Spectral Gap on 2D Degree-3 Lattices (AKLT, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.177601 : Strain-Modulated Slater-Mott Crossover of Pseudospin-Half Square-Lattice in $({\mathrm{SrIrO}}{3}{)}{1}/({\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}{)}{1}$ Superlattices (iridate, PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.124.176401 : Orbital-Driven Rashba Effect in a Binary Honeycomb Monolayer AgTe (orbital, PRL)

    31. 2004.12515 : Sr$_2$MoO$_4$ and Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: Disentangling the Roles of Hund’s and van Hove Physics (AJ Millis, arXiv)

    32. 2004.12426 : Metastable solitonic states in the strained itinerant helimagnet FeGe (FeGe, arXiv)

    33. 2004.12743 : Effect of disorder on Majorana localization in topological superconductors: a quasiclassical approach (majorana, arXiv)

    34. 2004.12624 : Spin-orbit coupled superconductivity: Rashba-Hubbard model on the square lattice (Rashba Hubbard, arXiv)

    35. PhysRevB.101.165141 : Symmetry breaking and skyrmionic transport in twisted bilayer graphene (skyrmion, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.101.140411 : Ground-state magnetic structure of Mn 3 Ge (Mn3Ge, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.101.134518 : First-principles calculations of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride: Possibility of superconductivity (BN, PRB)

    38. PhysRevB.101.155133 : Second-order bulk-boundary correspondence in rotationally symmetric topological superconductors from stacked Dirac Hamiltonians (second order, PRB)

    39. PhysRevB.101.144435 : Static and dynamic properties of bimerons in a frustrated ferromagnetic monolayer (Ezawa, PRB)

    40. 2004.11741 : Competing magnetic orders in quantum critical Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    41. 2004.11551 : Weyl-triplons in SrCu2(BO3)2 (Well triplon, arXiv)

    42. 2004.11548 : Skyrmionic order and magnetically induced polarization change in lacunar spinel compounds GaV${4}$S${8}$ and GaMo${4}$S${8}$: comparative theoretical study (skyrmion, arXiv)

    43. 2004.11438 : Complex magnetic order in YbMn$_2$Sb$_2$ single crystals observed by $\mu$SR (magnetic order, arXiv)

    44. 2004.11401 : Is the Dynamical Axion Weyl-Charge-Density Wave an Axionic Band Insulator? (Bradlyn, arXiv)

    45. 2004.11651 : Crystalline and magnetic structure of Ba2CuO3+{\delta} investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (Ba2CuO3, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 April 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 April 4th week collection
    1. 2004.11353 : Nonvolatile switching of magnetic order by electric fields in an orbital Chern insulator (A. MacDonald, arXiv)

    2. 2004.10825 : Spin-Mediated Mott Excitons (V. Galitski, arXiv)

    3. 2004.10783 : Efficient numerical method for evaluating normal and anomalous time-dependent equilibrium Green’s functions in inhomogeneous systems (Jorge, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.101.165426 : Large nonreciprocal absorption and emission of radiation in type-I Weyl semimetals with time reversal symmetry breaking (G. Chen, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.101.165135 : Efficient tensor network representation for Gutzwiller projected states of paired fermions (tensor network, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.101.161115 : Lattice dynamics in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ frustrated kagome compound herbertsmithite (kagome, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.161114 : Three-dimensional electronic structure in ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{Fe}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}$ with breathing kagome bilayers (breathing kagome, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.101.155130 : Axion coupling in the hybrid Wannier representation (D. Vanderbilt, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.124.166804 : Engineering Corner States from Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators (Q. Niu, PRL)

    10. PhysRevB.101.165133 : Topology and the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model (G. Cho, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.101.155129 : Doping a bad metal: Origin of suppression of the metal-insulator transition in nonstoichiometric ${\mathrm{VO}}_{2}$ (VO2, PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.124.166803 : Valley-Dependent Spin Transport in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (valley spin, PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.124.167002 : Topology-Bounded Superfluid Weight in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, PRL)

    14. PhysRevLett.124.166404 : Unconventional Photocurrents from Surface Fermi Arcs in Topological Chiral Semimetals (Hasan, PRL)

    15. eaba6415 : Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion dynamics with deep subwavelength resolution (skyrmion, Science)

    16. 2004.10409 : Finite temperature thermodynamic properties of the spin-1 nematics in an applied magnetic field (C. Hotta, arXiv)

    17. 2004.10363 : DMRG study of strongly interacting $\mathbb{Z}_2$ flatbands: a toy model inspired by twisted bilayer graphene (Bilayer graphene Toy model, arXiv)

    18. 2004.10623 : Majorana bound states in topological insulators with hidden Dirac points (D. Loss, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevB.101.155204 : Quantum kinetic theory of thermoelectric and thermal transport in a magnetic field (Nagaosa, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.161407 : Experimental evidence of monolayer ${\mathrm{AlB}}_{2}$ with symmetry-protected Dirac cones (Al based Dirac cone, PRB)

    21. PhysRevLett.124.167204 : Competing Magnetic Interactions in the Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (AFM TI, PRL)

    22. 2004.09850 : Optical observation of quasiperiodic Heisenberg antiferromagnets in two dimensions (quasicrystal spin, arXiv)

    23. 2004.09512 : Edge mode manipulation through commensurate multifrequency driving (SSH, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.101.155420 : Chiral Hall effect in the kink states in topological insulators with magnetic domain walls (chiral Hall effect, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.144204 : Persistence of chirality in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in the presence of on-site disorder (SSH, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.134423 : Realization of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger states based on metamaterials of magnetic solitons (G. Go, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.165127 : Non-Abelian fractional Chern insulator in disk geometry (Hong Yao, PRB)

    28. PhysRevLett.124.167601 : Enhanced Thermal Hall Effect in Nearly Ferroelectric Insulators (Kivelson, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.166602 : Chirality-Induced Spin-Polarized State of a Chiral Crystal CrNb 3 S 6 (chirality, PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.124.166601 : Mechanism for Anomalous Hall Ferromagnetism in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Zaletel, PRL)

    31. 2004.09116 : Anomalous pressure dependence of the electronic transport and anisotropy in SrIrO3 films (iridates, arXiv)

    32. 2004.08986 : Phase interference effect in dissipative quantum tunneling (nagaosa, arXiv)

    33. 2004.08435 : Spectroscopic signatures of next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the charge and spin dynamics of doped one-dimensional antiferromagnets (RIXS, arXiv)

    34. 2004.08591 : Efficient ab initio Migdal-Eliashberg calculation considering the retardation effect in phonon-mediated superconductors (Arita, arXiv)

    35. PhysRevB.101.165420 : Majorana zero modes from topological kink states in the two-dimensional electron gas (majorana, PRB)

    36. PhysRevB.101.165309 : Chiral Hall effect in strained Weyl semimetals (chiral Hall effect, PRB)

    37. PhysRevB.101.144426 : Vollhardt invariance in chiral magnets (Vollhardt, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 April 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 April 3rd week collection
    1. 2004.07569 : Thermodynamic and Transport Properties in Disordered Kitaev Models (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.101.165120 : Chern number and orbital magnetization in ribbons, polymers, and single-layer materials (Resta, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.155417 : Electronic transport in one-dimensional Floquet topological insulators via topological and nontopological edge states (D. Loss, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.140405 : Spin-torque switching of noncollinear antiferromagnetic antiperovskites (AFM antiferovskites, PRB)

    5. 2004.07416 : Discovery of two-dimensional anisotropic superconductivity at KTaO$_3$ (111) interfaces (KTO, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.101.144422 : Complicated magnetic structure and its strong correlation with the anomalous Hall effect in Mn 3 Sn (Mn3Sn, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.161109 : Gapless Dirac surface states in the antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi 2 Te 4 (AFM TI, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.101.144423 : Magnetism of ( LaCoO 3 ) n + ( LaTiO 3 ) n superlattices ( n = 1 , 2 ) (LCO, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.124.157203 : Quantum Statistics of Vortices from a Dual Theory of the X Y Ferromagnet (O. Tchernyshyov, PRL)

    10. 2004.06074 : Spin-nematic order in the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Gamma chain (Kee, arXiv)

    11. 2004.05633 : Topological phase transition and nontrivial thermal Hall signatures in honeycomb lattice magnets (G. Chen, arXiv)

    12. 2004.05504 : Topological insulators and higher-order topological insulators from gauge-invariant 1D lines (K. Sun, arXiv)

    13. 2004.05385 : High-field depinned phase and planar Hall effect in skyrmion-host Gd$_2$PdSi$_3$ (Y. Tokura, arXiv)

    14. 2004.06141 : Entanglement Clustering for ground-stateable quantum many-body states (EA Kim, arXiv)

    15. 2004.06119 : Identification of a Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid by Magnetic Field Angle Dependence (E. Moon, arXiv)

    16. 2004.06867 : Spinon Fermi surface spin liquid in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet NaYbSe$_2$ (spinon, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.101.144416 : Magnetic hedgehog lattices in noncentrosymmetric metals (Y. Motome, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.101.155118 : Multipolar magnetism in $d$-orbital systems: Crystal field levels, octupolar order, and orbital loop currents (Paramekantii, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.144102 : Persistent insulating state at megabar pressures in strongly spin-orbit coupled $\mathrm{S}{\mathrm{r}}{2}\mathrm{Ir}{\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (iridates, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.134420 : Skyrmions and spin waves in frustrated ferromagnets at low applied magnetic field (skyrmion, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.134418 : Magnetic anisotropy in ferromagnetic ${\mathrm{CrI}}_{3}$ (CrI3, PRB)

    22. PhysRevLett.124.157001 : Nematic Correlation Length in Iron-Based Superconductors Probed by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (nametic, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 April 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 April 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.165304 : Surface charge theorem and topological constraints for edge states: Analytical study of one-dimensional nearest-neighbor tight-binding models (D. Loss, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.161106 : Topological invariants to characterize universality of boundary charge in one-dimensional insulators beyond symmetry constraints (D. Loss, PRB(R))

    3. PhysRevB.101.134505 : Theory of the orbital moment in a superconductor (OAM SC, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.124.147205 : Phase Diagram of the Spin-$1/2$ Kitaev-Gamma Chain and Emergent SU(2) Symmetry (Kee, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.147002 : Surprises in the $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ Model: Implications for Cuprates (tJ model cuprate, PRL)

    6. 2004.04578 : Anomalous Hall effect in $\kappa$-type organic antiferromagnets (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    7. 2004.04561 : On the general properties of non-linear optical conductivities (Oshikawa, arXiv)

    8. 2004.04549 : The effect of curvature on the eigenexcitations of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, arXiv)

    9. 2004.04364 : Dynamical time-reversal and inversion symmetry breaking, dimensional crossover, and chiral anomaly in $\alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ (chiral anomaly in organic, arXiv)

    10. 2004.04169 : Glide symmetry breaking and Ising criticality in the quasi-1D magnet CoNb$_2$O$_6$ (Parameswaran, arXiv)

    11. 2004.04168 : Band topology, Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in twisted bilayer WSe$_2$ (Das Sarma, arXiv)

    12. 2004.04161 : Partial equilibration of anti-Pfaffian edge modes at $\nu=5/2$ (edge mode, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.101.155110 : First-principles calculation of spin and orbital contributions to magnetically ordered moments in Sr2IrO4 (iridates, PRB)

    14. science368.6487.173 : Fractional statistics in anyon collisions (anyon, science) The smallest particle collider

    15. science.368.6487.160 : Subterahertz spin pumping from an insulating antiferromagnet (spin pump, science) Spin pumping gathers speed

    16. 2004.03801 : Nonreciprocal thermal transport in a multiferroic helimagnet (thermal transport, arXiv)

    17. 2004.04148 : Nematicity and Competing Orders in Superconducting Magic-Angle Graphene (nematicity, arXiv)

    18. 2004.03591 : Horizontal Line Nodes in Sr2RuO4 Proved by Spin Resonance (Ruthenate, JPSJ)

    19. PhysRevB.101.144411 : Low-energy magnons in the chiral ferrimagnet ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$: A coarse-grained approach (magnon, PRB)

    20. PhysRevLett.124.147201 : Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in Noncentrosymmetric Systems (QC, PRL)

    21. PhysRevB.101.155107 : Ab initio phonon self-energies and fluctuation diagnostics of phonon anomalies: Lattice instabilities from Dirac pseudospin physics in transition metal dichalcogenides (phonon TaS, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.101.155106 : Speeding up ab initio diffusion Monte Carlo simulations by a smart lattice regularization (QMC, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.134408 : Spin dynamics of a magnetic Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Sr}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Mn}}{1\ensuremath{-}y}{\mathrm{Sb}}_{2}$ (magnetic Weyl, PRB)

    24. PhysRevLett.124.147001 : Superconductivity in Compression-Shear Deformed Diamond (Diamon, PRL)

    25. PhysRevX.10.021005 : Hall Viscosity in Quantum Systems with Discrete Symmetry: Point Group and Lattice Anisotropy (Bradlyn, PRX)

    26. 2004.02871 : Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of vector chiral ordered kagom'{e} antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv)

    27. 2004.02790 : Theory of spin waves in a hexagonal antiferromagnet (O. Tchernyshyov, arXiv)

    28. 2004.02175 : Domain wall diode based on functionally graded Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (van den Brink, arXiv)

    29. 2004.01767 : Chiral Majorana fermions in graphene from proximity-induced superconductivity (Fabian, arXiv)

    30. 2004.01725 : Fermi surface transformation at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor (Taillefer, arXiv)

    31. PhysRevB.101.134407 : Giant anomalous Nernst effect in the $\mathrm{C}{\mathrm{o}}{2}\mathrm{MnA}{\mathrm{l}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}\mathrm{S}{\mathrm{i}}_{x}$ Heusler alloy induced by Fermi level tuning and atomic ordering (Nernst effect, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.134406 : Emergent topological spin structures in the centrosymmetric cubic perovskite SrFeO 3 (Tokura SFO, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.165103 : Spin splitting and strain in epitaxial monolayer WSe 2 on graphene (WSe2, PRB)

    34. 2004.01428 : X-ray spectroscopy of rare-earth nickelate LuNiO$_3$: LDA+DMFT study (nickelate, arXiv)

    35. 2004.01201 : Thermal and field-induced transitions in ferroquadrupolar Kondo systems (YB Kim, arXiv)

    36. 2004.01539 : Eliashberg theory for spin-fluctuations mediated superconductivity – Application to bulk and monolayer FeSe (Eliashberg, arXiv)

    37. 2004.01281 : Eliashberg theory of phonon-mediated superconductivity – when it is valid and how it breaks down (Eliashberg Chubukov, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 April 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 April 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.124.136407 : M"obius Insulator and Higher-Order Topology in ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2n}{\mathrm{Te}}{3n+1}$ (Das Sarma, PRL)

    2. 2004.01100 : Optical spectra of rare-earth nickelates (nickelates, arXiv)

    3. 2004.00810 : Emergence of Weyl fermions in an epitaxial ferromagnetic oxide (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    4. 2004.00638 : Charged Skyrmions and Topological Origin of Superconductivity in Magic Angle Graphene (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    5. 2004.00925 : Revisiting Tc-Structure Trends in Cuprate Superconductors using Materials Informatics (cuprate, arXiv)

    6. science368.6486.71 : Extreme tensile strain states in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 membranes (HY Hwang, science)

    7. science368.6486.32 : Straining quantum materials even further (science)

    8. PhysRevResearch.2.013377 : Physical mechanisms for zero-bias conductance peaks in Majorana nanowires (Das Sarma, PRR)

    9. 2003.14246 : Interaction and temperature effects on the magneto-optical conductivity of Weyl liquids (Tremblay, arXiv)

    10. 2003.13709 : Phases of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets on the square and triangular lattices (Kivelson, arXiv)

    11. 2003.13706 : Many-Body Invariants for Chern and Chiral Hinge Insulators (G. Cho, arXiv)

    12. 2003.13690 : Charge Transfer Excitations, Pair Density Waves, and Superconductivity in Moir'e Materials (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    13. 2004.00488 : Ferromagnetism of LaCoO$_3$ films (Scipost)

    14. 2004.00471 : Entropy and specific heat of the infinite-dimensional three-orbital Hubbard model (P. Werner, arXiv)

    15. 2004.00465 : Majorana Bound State leakage to impurity in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Rashba scenario (SSH, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevLett.124.137002 : Stable Flatbands, Topology, and Superconductivity of Magic Honeycomb Networks (G. Cho, PRL)

    17. PhysRevB.101.100410 : Antiferromagnetic Kitaev interactions in polar spin-orbit Mott insulators (Y, Motome, PRB)

    18. PhysRevLett.124.137201 : Spin-Canting-Induced Band Reconstruction in the Dirac Material Ca 1 − x Na x MnBi 2 (JP Hu, PRL)

    19. PhysRevX.10.011075 : Magnetic-Field-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in a van der Waals Magnet (CrI3, PRX)

    20. 2003.13167 : Formation mechanism of helical Q structure in Gd-based skyrmion materials (Arita, arXiv)

    21. 2003.12688 : Theory of the anomalous spin dynamics of spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet and its application to Ba$_3$CoSb$_2$O$_9$ (Tao Li, arXiv)

    22. 2003.13340 : Theory of Strain-Induced Magnetic Order and Splitting of $T_c$ and $T_{\rm TRSB}$ in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    23. PhysRevLett.124.136404 : Radial Spin Texture in Elemental Tellurium with Chiral Crystal Structure (Hedgehog, PRL)

    24. PhysRevB.101.125430 : Electronic and optical properties of monolayer tin diselenide: The effect of doping, magnetic field, and defects (SnSe2, PRB)

    25. PhysRevLett.124.136801 : Almost Perfect Metals in One Dimension (Nayak, PRL)

    26. PhysRevLett.124.136403 : Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Graphene from Proximity-Induced Uniform and Staggered Spin-Orbit and Exchange Coupling (Fabian, PRL)

    27. 2003.11933 : Spin textures in chiral magnetic monolayers with suppressed nearest-neighbor exchange (Skyrmion, arXiv)

    28. 2003.12070 : Transport properties of multilayer graphene (SH Simon, arXiv)

    29. 2003.12566 : Higher-order topological superconductors in ${\mathcal P}$-, ${\mathcal T}$-odd quadrupolar Dirac meterials (Bitan Roy, arXiv)

    30. 2003.12395 : Meissner Currents Induced by Topological Magnetic Textures in Hybrid Superconductor/Ferromagnet Structures (Eremin, arXiv)

    31. 2003.12351 : Observation of the in-plane magnetic field-induced phase transitions in FeSe (JS Kim, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 March 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 March 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.124.127602 : Interplay of Topology and Electron-Electron Interactions in Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals (Weyl semimetal, PRL)

    2. 2003.11162 : Local force method for the ab initio tight-binding model with spin-dependent hopping (Arita, arXiv)

    3. 2003.11130 : Thermal Hall effect in the pseudogap phase of cuprates (Varma, arXiv)

    4. 2003.11866 : Griffiths-like phase close to the Mott transition (Griffiths, arXiv)

    5. 2003.11697 : T-square resistivity without Umklapp scattering in dilute metallic Bi$_2$O$_2$Se (Behnia, arXiv)

    6. 2003.11621 : How Circular Dichroism in time- and angle-resolved photoemission can be used to spectroscopically detect transient topological states in graphene (P. Werner, arXiv)

    7. 2003.11161 : Spin dynamics in the t-t’-J model: Dynamical density-matrix renormalization group study (Yunoki, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.101.104418 : Manipulating anomalous Hall antiferromagnets with magnetic fields (AH MacDonald, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.101.094515 : Spatial nematic fluctuation in ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}{({\mathrm{As}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{P}}{x})}{2}$ revealed by spatially and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Eli, PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.124.127203 : Rank–2 $U(1)$ Spin Liquid on the Breathing Pyrochlore Lattice (Shannon, PRL)

    11. eaav3392 : Flux-induced topological superconductivity in full-shell nanowires (Majorana, Science)

    12. Science367.6485.1454 : Type-II Ising pairing in few-layer stanene (ising superconductor, Science)

    13. s41586-020-2052-z : Strange-metal behaviour in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice (Hanoh Lee, Nature)

    14. PhysRevB.101.115141 : Doping and temperature evolution of pseudogap and spin-spin correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (cluster methods, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.100504 : Anomalous dispersion of longitudinal optical phonons in oxygen-doped ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4+\ensuremath{\delta}}$ (cuprate, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.094430 : Strain-induced enhancement of the Seebeck effect in magnetic tunneling junctions via interface resonant tunneling: Ab initio study (Seebeck, PRB)

    17. 2003.10618 : Momentum dependent $d_{xz/yz}$ band splitting in LaFeAsO (C. Kim, arXiv)

    18. 2003.10464 : Induced Half-Metallicity and Gapless Topological Superconductivity in the CrI$_3$-Pb Interface (Binghai, arXiv)

    19. JPSCP.30.011184 : Photoinduced eta-pairing in One-dimensional Mott Insulators (Yunoki, JPSP)

    20. PhysRevB.101.104417 : Instantons in chiral magnets (instantons, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.100407 : Spin Seebeck effect in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSeO}}{3}$: Test of bulk magnon spin current theory (spin seebeck, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.101.094428 : Spin-wave gap collapse in Rh-doped ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{IrO}}{4}$ (BJ Kim, PRB)

    23. PhysRevLett.124.127201 : Spontaneous Rotation of Ferrimagnetism Driven by Antiferromagnetic Spin Canting (perovskite, PRL)

    24. 1703.06641 : Superconductivity above 120 kelvin in a chain link molecule (phenyl, arXiv)

    25. PhysRevB.101.125120 : Classification of critical points in energy bands based on topology, scaling, and symmetry (L. Fu, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.115423 : Gap states and valley-spin filtering in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (TMDC, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.100408 : Majorana-magnon crossover by a magnetic field in the Kitaev model: Continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study (Motome, PRB)

    28. Physics.13.40 : Machine Learning Tackles Spacetime (Physics)

    29. PhysRevX.10.011069 : Deep Quantum Geometry of Matrices (Hartnoll, PRX)

    30. 2003.08956 : Transport Signature of the Magnetic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition (SB Chung, arXiv)

    31. 2003.08944 : Studying dynamics in two-dimensional quantum lattices using tree tensor network states (tensor network, arXiv)

    32. 2003.09243 : Flat band superconductivity in the square-octagon lattice (flat band, arXiv)

    33. 2003.09132 : Theoretical investigation of superconductivity in trilayer square-planar nickelates (nickelate, arXiv)

    34. 2002.05546 : Semi-realistic tight-binding model for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (A. Manchon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 March 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 March 3rd week collection
    1. 2003.08682 : Magnetism and N'{e}el skyrmion dynamics in GaV${4}$S${8-y}$Se$_{y}$ (skyrmion, arXiv)

    2. s41467-019-14232-9 : Diameter-independent skyrmion Hall angle observed in chiral magnetic multilayers (skyrmion Hall, ncomms)

    3. 2003.08596 : Length-scale independent skyrmion and meron Hall angles (Hall angle, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.101.115140 : Identifying ${C}_{n}$-symmetric higher-order topology and fractional corner charge using entanglement spectra (Hughes, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.117205 : Theory of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Spectroscopy for the Kitaev Spin Liquid (YB Kim, PRL)

    6. 2003.08368 : Phases of the (2+1) dimensional SO(5) non-linear sigma model with topological term (Zaletel, arXiv)

    7. 2003.08346 : Magnetic structures, spin-flop transition and coupling of Eu and Mn magnetism in the Dirac semimetal EuMnBi$_2$ (Dirac semimetal, arXiv)

    8. 2003.08506 : Superconducting Dome in Nd$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$ Infinite Layer Films (H. Hwang, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.101.125118 : Topological metals induced by the Zeeman effect (X. Dai, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.101.115134 : Fermionic tensor networks for higher-order topological insulators from charge pumping (Bernevig, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 March 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 March 2nd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.115133 : Competition between Kondo physics and Kitaev physics in Kitaev clusters coupled to a fermionic bath (A. Rosch)

    2. PhysRevB.101.094422 : Multiple quadrupolar or nematic phases driven by the Heisenberg interactions in a spin-1 dimer system forming a bilayer (Hotta, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.121113 : Magnetic Weyl semimetals with diamond structure realized in spinel compounds (magnetic Weyl, PRB)

    4. 2003.07851 : Local Probes for Quantum Hall Ferroelectrics and Nematics (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.101.100405 : Topological magnon bands in a room-temperature kagome magnet (magnon bands, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.101.094420 : Intrinsic skyrmions in monolayer Janus magnets (Janus magnets, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.094419 : Creation of nanometric magnetic skyrmions by global application of circularly polarized microwave magnetic field (Mochizuki, PRB)

    8. PhysRevResearch.2.013315 : Topological Hall signatures of magnetic hopfions (G. Tatara, PRR)

    9. PhysRevMaterials.4.034404 : Theoretical study on stabilization and destabilization of magnetic skyrmions by uniaxial-strain-induced anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (Mochizuki, PRM)

    10. 2003.06738 : Magnetic-field-induced tunability of spin Hamiltonians: Resonances and Efimov states in Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ (Batista, arXiv)

    11. Physics.13.38 : Spin Control with a Topological Semimetal (topological semimetal, Physics)

    12. PhysRevB.101.125414 : Majorana bound states in nanowire-superconductor hybrid systems in periodic magnetic fields (majorana, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.101.115126 : Seebeck coefficient in low-dimensional fluctuating charge density wave systems (Seebeck CDW, PRB)

    14. 2003.05948 : Topology of superconductors beyond mean-field theory (Lapa, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.101.125111 : Magnetic field control of topological magnon-polaron bands in two-dimensional ferromagnets (SK Kim, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.104507 : ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{4}$ trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor (MgB4, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.115122 : $X{\mathrm{Fe}}{4}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}(X=\mathrm{Y},\text{Lu})$ and ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Pt}$: Filling-enforced magnetic topological metals (magnetic topological metals, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 March 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 March 1st week collection
    1. 2002.08712 : Observation of the Crystal Hall Effect in a Collinear Antiferromagnet (crystal Hall effect, arXiv)

    2. 2002.08385 : Entanglement Signatures of Multipolar Higher Order Topological Phases (T. Hughes, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.101.125411 : Topological flat bands without magic angles in massive twisted bilayer graphenes (J. Jung, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.121107 : Quantum aspects of hydrodynamic transport from weak electron-impurity scattering (EA Kim, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.101.121106 : Universal spin dynamics in infinite-temperature one-dimensional quantum magnets (J. Moore, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.101.115120 : Appearance of hinge states in second-order topological insulators via the cutting procedure (S. Murakami, PRB)

    7. PhysRevX.10.011062 : Dirac Magnons in a Honeycomb Lattice Quantum $\mathit{XY}$ Magnet ${\mathrm{CoTiO}}_{3}$ (Dirac magnon, PRX)

    8. science367.6483.1218 : Realization of the kagome spin ice state in a frustrated intermetallic compound (kagome, science)

    9. 2002.11783 : Spin-orbit quantum impurity in a topological kagome magnet (Hasan, arXiv)

    10. 2002.11777 : Driving a magnetized domain wall in an antiferromagnet by magnons (SK Kim, arXiv)

    11. 2002.11727 : Magnon dispersion and dynamic spin response in three-dimensional spin models for $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Vojta, arXiv)

    12. 2002.11725 : Large Classes of Quantum Scarred Hamiltonians from Matrix Product States (Bernevig, arXiv)

    13. 2002.12676 : Quantum Damping of Skyrmion Crystal Eigenmodes due to Spontaneous Quasiparticle Decay (D. Loss, arXiv)

    14. 2002.12381 : Metal-insulator transition in a random Hubbard model (Sachdev, arXiv)

    15. 2003.01705 : Haldane Phase in Spin-1 Bosons with a Flat Band (H. Katsura, arXiv)

    16. 2003.01754 : Van Hove singularity in the magnon spectrum of the antiferromagnetic quantum honeycomb lattice (magnon, arXiv)

    17. 2003.04835 : Dynamics of a two-dimensional quantum spin-orbital liquid: spectroscopic signatures of fermionic magnons (Knolle, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.101.104412 : Bose-Einstein condensation of deconfined spinons in two dimensions (Sandvik, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.115410 : Experimental study of ac Josephson effect in gate-tunable (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 thin-film Josephson junctions (Tarucha, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.115118 : Magnetic-order-driven metal-insulator transitions in the quasi-one-dimensional spin-ladder compounds ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{3}$ and ${\mathrm{BaFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ (J. Jang, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.115116 : Phase diagram and thermal Hall conductivity of the spin-liquid Kekulé-Kitaev model (thermal Hall effect, PRB)

    22. PhysRevLett.124.106804 : Ab Initio Mismatched Interface Theory of Graphene on $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$: Doping and Magnetism (EA Kim, PRL)

    23. PhysRevB.101.085415 : Carrier- and strain-tunable intrinsic magnetism in two-dimensional M A X 3 transition metal chalcogenides (EH Hwang, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.060504 : Robust d x 2 − y 2 -wave superconductivity of infinite-layer nickelates (nickelates, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.064514 : Finite bulk Josephson currents and chirality blockade removal from interorbital pairing in magnetic Weyl semimetals (magnetic Weyl semimetal, PRB)

    26. PhysRevB.101.064424 : Berry curvature for magnetoelastic waves (S. Murakami, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.101.085423 : Dispersive Landau levels and valley currents in strained graphene nanoribbons (M. Franz, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.101.125201 : Nieh-Yan anomaly: Torsional Landau levels, central charge, and anomalous thermal Hall effect (M. Stone, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Feb 5 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 5th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 5th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.100402 : VI 3 : A two-dimensional Ising ferromagnet (VI3, PRB)

    2. 2003.04053 : All-electrically tunable networks of Majorana bound states (Trauzettel, arXiv)

    3. 2003.04015 : Superconducting mechanism for a new-type cuprate Ba2CuO3+δ based on a multiorbital Lieb lattice model (H. Aoki, arXiv)

    4. 2003.03521 : Apical oxygen vibrations dominant role in cuprate superconductivity and its interplay with spin fluctuations. (cuprate, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.106103 : Meron Spin Textures in Momentum Space (meron, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.124.107201 : Probing the Source of the Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Responsible for the Topological Hall Effect in Metal / Tm 3 Fe 5 O 12 Systems (interfacial DMI, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.124.106101 : Observation of Drastic Electronic-Structure Change in a One-Dimensional Moiré Superlattice (P. Moon, PRL)

    8. PhysRevB.101.121301 : Strain-engineered higher-order topological phases for spin- 3 2 Luttinger fermions (R. Moessner, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.101.115402 : Small polarons and the Janus nature of TiO 2 (110) (polaron, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.101.115302 : First-principles hyperfine tensors for electrons and holes in GaAs and silicon (S. Chesi, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.101.115106 : Emerging chiral edge states from the confinement of a magnetic Weyl semimetal in Co 3 Sn 2 S 2 (magnetic Weyl semimetal, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.101.125104 : Coupled wire model of Z 2 × Z 2 orbifold quantum Hall states (C. Kane, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.101.115107 : Analytical theory of pyrochlore cooperative paramagnets (R. Moessner, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.101.115407 : Spin vortices and skyrmions of a single electron in inhomogeneous magnetic fields (skyrmion QD, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.115114 : Topological Z2 resonating-valence-bond quantum spin liquid on the ruby lattice (Orus, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.124.105901 : Phonon Thermal Hall Effect in Strontium Titanate (K. Behnia, PRL)

    17. 2003.02850 : Possible superconductivity with Bogoliubov Fermi surface in lightly doped Kagome U(1) spin liquid (Hong Yao, arXiv)

    18. 2003.02847 : Topological superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and valley-polarized phases in moire systems: An RG analysis for twisted double bilayer graphene (Das Sarma, arXiv)

    19. 2002.08451 : Sr$_2$RuO$_4$, like doped cuprates and barium bismuthate, is a negative charge-transfer gap even parity superconductor with $\frac{3}{4}$-filled oxygen band (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    20. 2002.11351 : Slave-rotor theory on magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (slave-rotor, arXiv)

    21. 2002.12300 : Theory of Rare-earth Infinite Layer Nickelates (HY Hwang, arXiv)

    22. 2002.12230 : Nickelate superconductors – a renaissance of the one-band Hubbard model (R. Arita, arXiv)

    23. 2003.00528 : Bulk odd-frequency pairing in the superconducting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Jorge, arXiv)

    24. 2003.00111 : Phonons become chiral in the pseudogap phase of cuprates (phonon, arXiv)

    25. 2003.01185 : Higgs modes in two-dimensional spatially-indirect exciton condensates (AH MacDonald, arXiv)

    26. 2003.02559 : Kitaev Building-block Construction for Higher-order Topological Superconductors (Das Sarma, arXiv)

    27. PhysRevLett.124.096603 : Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals (Burkov, PRL)

    28. PhysRevB.101.094303 : Transient three-dimensional structural dynamics in 1T -TaSe2 (TMDC, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.097202 : Quantum Depinning of a Magnetic Skyrmion (D. Loss, PRL)

    30. PhysRevLett.124.096602 : Chiral Hall Effect in Noncollinear Magnets from a Cyclic Cohomology Approach (S. Blugel, PRL)

    31. PhysRevB.101.094404 : Anomalous and topological Hall effects in epitaxial thin films of the noncollinear antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (Mn3Sn, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.085425 : Valley polarized current and resonant electronic transport in a nonuniform MoS2 zigzag nanoribbon (MoS2, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevLett.124.087202 : Helimagnetic Structure and Heavy-Fermion-Like Behavior in the Vicinity of the Quantum Critical Point in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{P}$ (Mn3P, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.124.087601 : Experimental Identification of Electric Dipoles Induced by Magnetic Monopoles in ${\mathrm{Tb}}{2}{\mathrm{Ti}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ ()G. Chen, PRL

    3. 2002.11257 : Photoinduced $\eta$ pairing in the Kondo lattice model (Yunoki, arXiv)

    4. 2002.11176 : An elementary proof of 1D LSM theorems (LSM, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevLett.124.087205 : Possible Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid State in 2D Materials with $S=3/2$ (kitaev yamaji, PRL)

    6. s41467-020-14769-0 : Creating zero-field skyrmions in exchange-biased multilayers through X-ray illumination (creating skyrmion, ncomms)

    7. PhysRevLett.124.087206 : Octupolar versus Néel Order in Cubic 5d2 Double Perovskites (Paramekanti, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.124.087402 : Resonant Photovoltaic Effect in Doped Magnetic Semiconductors (AH MacDonald, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.124.086401 : Formation of Bloch Flat Bands in Polar Twisted Bilayers without Magic Angles (bilayer graphene, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.124.077401 : Tunable Layer Circular Photogalvanic Effect in Twisted Bilayers (twisted bilayer, PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.124.077201 : Magnon Spin Relaxation and Spin Hall Effect Due to the Dipolar Interaction in Antiferromagnetic Insulators (magnon spin relaxation, PRL)

    12. PhysRevLett.124.077001 : Ultrafast Hot Phonon Dynamics in MgB 2 Driven by Anisotropic Electron-Phonon Coupling (MgB2, PRL)

    13. PhysRevLett.124.076403 : Magnetic Semimetals and Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect in ${\mathrm{EuB}}_{6}$ (Xi Dai, PRL)

    14. science367.6480.900 : Intrinsic quantized anomalous Hall effect in a moiré heterostructure (QAHE, science)

    15. science.aax8156 : Quantum anomalous Hall effect in intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 (MnBi2Te4, science)

    16. s41467-019-14130-0 : Elastic straining of free-standing monolayer graphene (graphene, Nature comm)

    17. 1705.05578 : Matrix product state techniques for two-dimensional systems at finite temperature (MPS finite T, arXiv)

    18. 2002.07301 : Trapped Transient Magnons in the Gapped Antiferromagnet Sr3Ir2O7 (iridate bilayer, arXiv)

    19. 2002.07181 : Linear resistivity and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) spin liquid behavior in a quantum critical metal with spin-$1/2$ fermions (EA Kim, arXiv)

    20. 2002.07240 : Surface chiral superconductivity and skyrmions in odd-parity superconductors with magnetic impurities (SC and skyrmion, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.101.064417 : Effects of staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in a quasi-two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland model (staggered DM, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.101.060405 : Microscopic origin of spin-orbit torque in ferromagnetic heterostructures: A first-principles approach (spin-orbit torque, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.075125 : Spin and charge transport in topological nodal-line semimetals (nodal semimetal, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.075121 : Anisotropic lattice compression and pressure-induced electronic phase transitions in ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}\mathrm{IrO}{}{4}$ (iridate, PRB)

    25. Physics.13.20 : Graphene Reveals Its Strange Side (Sachdev, physics)

    26. PhysRevLett.124.076801 : Strange Metal in Magic-Angle Graphene with near Planckian Dissipation (Planckian Dissipation, PRL)

    27. 2002.06458 : Theory of nonreciprocal Josephson effect (nagaosa, arXiv)

    28. 2002.05741 : Topological and holonomic quantum computation based on second-order topological superconductors (Trauzettel, arXiv)

    29. 2002.04387 : The Bimeron Clusters in Chiral Antiferromagnets (Bimeron, arXiv)

    30. 2002.06283 : Low energy magnons in the chiral ferrimagnet $\text{Cu}_2\text{OSeO}_3$: a coarse-grained approach (magnon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 3rd week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.085121 : Tunable two-dimensional electron system at the (110) surface of ${\mathrm{SnO}}_{2}$ (110 surface, PRB)

    2. 2002.05504 : Dynamical spin susceptibility of spin-valley half-metal (spin susceptibility, arXiv)

    3. 2002.05441 : Kitaev Spin Liquid in 3d Transition Metal Compounds (Khaliullin, arXiv)

    4. 2002.05328 : Phonon dynamics in the Kitaev spin liquid (phonon, arXiv)

    5. 2002.05495 : Solitonic in-gap modes in a superconductor-quantum antiferromagnet interface (Lado, arXiv)

    6. 2002.04613 : Neural network wave functions and the sign problem (Neural network wave function, arXiv)

    7. 2002.05236 : Volkov-Pankratov states in topological superconductors (P. Simon, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevX.10.011035 : Nematic State in ${\mathrm{CeAuSb}}_{2}$ (S. Seo, PRX)

    9. science367.6479.794 : Twisted bulk-boundary correspondence of fragile topology (Bernevig, Science)

    10. 2002.04256 : Electronic band structure of (111) $SrRuO_{3}$ thin film$-$an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study (C. Kim, arXiv)

    11. 2002.04042 : Lattice dynamics in the spin-1/2 frustrated kagome compound herbertsmithite (lattice dynamics, arXiv)

    12. 2002.04041 : A slave boson description of pseudogap metals in t-J models (tJ model, arXiv)

    13. 2001.09496 : Superconductivity, what the H? The emperor has no clothes (Hirsch, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevB.101.085118 : Engineering of the topological magnetic moment of electrons in bilayer graphene using strain and electrical bias (bilayer graphene, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.064411 : Effects of magnon-magnon interactions in a noncollinear magnet induced by combination of a symmetric and an antisymmetric exchange interaction (magnon, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.085117 : Isometric tensor network representation of string-net liquids (Zaletel, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.081403 : Topological phonons in graphene (phonon, PRB)

    18. PhysRevLett.124.066601 : Berry Phase Effects in Dipole Density and the Mott Relation (Q. Niu, PRL)

    19. PhysRevX.10.011033 : From Spinon Band Topology to the Symmetry Quantum Numbers of Monopoles in Dirac Spin Liquids (spinon, PRX)

    20. PhysRevB.101.075111 : Effective classical correspondence of the Mott transition (QM to Classical, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.060102 : Electron heating and mechanical properties of graphene (F. Guinea, PRB)

    22. PhysRevLett.124.067201 : Possible Quantum Paramagnetism in Compressed Sr2IrO4 (iridate, PRL)

    23. PhysRevLett.124.066401 : Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator with Nonsymmorphic Protection in Two Dimensions (nonsymmorphic, PRL)

    24. 2002.02969 : Higher-order topological insulators in antiperovskites (J. Cano, arXiv)

    25. 2002.03908 : Giant electron-phonon coupling of the breathing plane oxygen phonons in the dynamic stripe phase of La${1.67}$Sr${0.33}$NiO$_4$ (Mishchenko, arXiv)

    26. 2002.03003 : Superconductivity without insulating states in twisted bilayer graphene stabilized by monolayer WSe$_2$ (WSe2 SC, arXiv)

    27. 1903.08060 : Hidden self-energies as origin of cuprate superconductivity revealed by machine learning (Yamaji, arXiv)

    28. 2002.02994 : The pairing glue in cuprate superconductors from the self-energy revealed via machine learning (Chubukov, arXiv)

    29. PhysRevB.101.060403 : Path sampling for lifetimes of metastable magnetic skyrmions and direct comparison with Kramers’ method (skyrmion, PRB)

    30. PhysRevB.101.060404 : Topological spin texture in Janus monolayers of the chromium trihalides Cr(I, ${X)}_{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.064408 : Turning a chiral skyrmion inside out (skyrmion, PRB)

    32. PhysRevB.101.075108 : Wannier representation of Floquet topological states (Oka, PRB)

    33. PhysRevB.101.075202 : Coupled transport of phonons and carriers in semiconductors: A case study of $n$-doped GaAs (transport, PRB)

  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 2nd week collection
    1. 2002.00068 : DMFTwDFT: An open-source code combining Dynamical Mean Field Theory with various Density Functional Theory packages (HW Park, arXiv)

    2. 2002.01996 : Multiferroic behavior confined by symmetry in EuTiO3 films (JW Kim, arXiv)

    3. 2001.11882 : Tangent-space methods for truncating uniform MPS (tangent space methods, arXiv)

    4. 2001.11934 : Magnon valley Hall effect in CrI3-based vdW heterostructures (magnon, arXiv)

    5. 2002.01944 : Electrical probes of the non-Abelian spin liquid in Kitaev materials (Roger Mong, arXiv)

    6. 2002.02611 : Switching of valley polarization and topology in twisted bilayer graphene by electric currents (SZ Lin, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.101.020412 : Crystal and magnetic structures of magnetic topological insulators MnBi 2 Te 4 and MnBi 4 Te 7 (Feng Ye, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.101.014442 : Oriented propagation of magnetization due to chiral edge modes in Kitaev-type models (chiral edge mode, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.101.014438 : Analytical description of the topological interaction between magnetic domain walls in nanowires (DW, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.101.041410 : Topological charge pumping in twisted bilayer graphene (D. Xiao, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.101.075107 : Materials design of dynamically stable ${d}^{9}$ layered nickelates (Arita, PRB)

    12. PhysRevLett.124.050402 : Fractons from Vector Gauge Theory (Hermele, PRL)

    13. 2002.01715 : Josephson junctions in a local inhomogeneous magnetic field (inhomo M, arXiv)

    14. 2002.01483 : Topology and the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model (Fradkin, arXiv)

    15. 2002.01989 : Quasi-one-dimensional system as a high-temperature superconductor (1D SC, arXiv)

    16. 2002.01947 : Gauge Theories for the Thermal Hall Effect (S. Sachdev, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Feb 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevX.10.011026 : Modular Arithmetic with Nodal Lines: Drumhead Surface States in ZrSiTe (nodal line, PRX)

    2. PhysRevLett.124.057201 : Chiral Magnetism and High-Temperature Skyrmions in B20-Ordered Co-Si (room T skyrmion, PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.101.085106 : $(k,n)$-fractonic Maxwell theory (R. Moessner, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.054409 : Mapping skyrmion stability in uniaxial lacunar spinel magnets from first principles (skyrmion, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.101.045137 : Thermal Hall conductance and a relative topological invariant of gapped two-dimensional systems (Thermal Hall, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.101.024427 : Magnonic analog of the Edelstein effect in antiferromagnetic insulators (Mook, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.085101 : Engineering of octahedral rotations and electronic structure in ultrathin ${\mathrm{SrIrO}}_{3}$ films (rotation, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.101.085105 : Fermion-induced quantum critical point in Dirac semimetals: A sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo study (H. Yao, PRB)

    9. 2002.00016 : A proposal for reconciling diverse experiments on the superconducting state in Sr2RuO4 (S. Kivelson, arXiv)

    10. PhysRevB.101.064502 : Modeling the pseudogap metallic state in cuprates: Quantum disordered pair density wave (PA Lee, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.101.064501 : Skyrmionic chains and lattices in $s+id$ superconductors (skyrmion chain, PRB)

    12. PhysRevX.10.011024 : Similarities and Differences between ${\mathrm{LaNiO}}{2}$ and ${\mathrm{CaCuO}}{2}$ and Implications for Superconductivity (M. Norman, PRX)

    13. PhysRevB.101.081102 : Tunable charged domain wall from topological confinement in nodal-line semimetals (Nagaosa, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.101.064401 : Magnetic exchange interactions in ${\mathrm{SrMnO}}_{3}$ (magnetic interaction, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.101.054405 : Stability and dynamics of in-plane skyrmions in collinear ferromagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.054404 : Spin transport in thick insulating antiferromagnetic films (spin transport, PRB)

    17. PhysRevLett.124.057001 : Dynamical Singularities of Floquet Higher-Order Topological Insulators (V. Liu, PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.124.046403 : Collective Excitations of Quantum Anomalous Hall Ferromagnets in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (twisted bilayer graphene, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.124.046404 : Electronic Griffiths Phase in Disordered Mott-Transition Systems (Griffiths phase, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.124.047002 : Evolution of Electronic States and Emergence of Superconductivity in the Polar Semiconductor GeTe by Doping Valence-Skipping Indium (GeTe, PRL)

    21. PhysRevLett.124.043204 : Enhanced Superexchange in a Tilted Mott Insulator (Enhanced Superexchange, PRL)

    22. 2001.07300 : High order magnon bound states in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet $\alpha$-NaMnO$_2$ (L. Balents, arXiv)

    23. 2001.07099 : Miscibility gap and possible intrinsic Griffiths phase in Sr(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 crystals grown by transitional metal arsenide flux (Griffiths, arXiv)

    24. 2001.07039 : Robust skyrmion-bubble textures in SrRuO$_3$ thin films stabilized by magnetic anisotropy (Mostovoy, arXiv)

    25. 2001.10526 : The Mott transition as a topological phase transition (NRG-DMFT, arXiv)

    26. 2001.10885 : Q = 0 order in quantum kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (q=0 order, arXiv)

    27. 2001.10264 : Anomalous transverse response of Co$2$MnGa and universality of the room-temperature $\alpha^A{ij}/\sigma^A_{ij}$ ratio across topological magnets (K. Behnia, arXiv)

    28. 2001.10711 : Schwinger Boson mean field theory of kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (kagome Heisenberg AFM, arXiv)

    29. 2001.11210 : Entanglement-spectrum characterization of ground-state nonanalyticities in coupled excitation-phonon models (poltroon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.041113 : Topological sliding moir'e heterostructure (SZ Lin, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.045133 : Reentrance of the topological phase in a spin-1 frustrated Heisenberg chain (Spin-1 AFM, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.101.041114 : Non-Abelian chiral spin liquid on a simple non-Archimedean lattice (R. Moessner, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.101.020203 : Spin-orbit related power-law dependence of the diffusive conductivity on the carrier density in disordered Rashba two-dimensional electron systems (momentum-space Lanczos recursive method, PRB)

    5. 2001.10045 Valence-bond solids, vestigial order, and emergent SO(5) symmetry in a two-dimensional quantum magnet (Sandvik, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevLett.124.047202 : Spin Current as a Probe of the ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$-Vortex Topological Transition in the Classical Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on the Triangular Lattice (H. Kawamura, PRL)

    7. 2001.10255 : Systematic construction of topological flat-band models by molecular-orbital representation (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    8. 2001.10176 : Finite-$m$ scaling analysis of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions and entanglement spectrum for the six-state clock model (S. Yunoki, arXiv)

    9. 2001.10079 : Multicriticality in a one-dimensional topological band insulator (1D topological band insulator, arXiv)

    10. 2001.07008 : The topological magnon bands in the Flux state in Sashtry-Sutherland lattice (magnon, arXiv)

    11. 2001.09499 : Electronically driven spin-reorientation transition of the correlated polar metal Ca3Ru2O7 (P. King, arXiv)

    12. 2001.09159 : From the pseudogap metal to the Fermi liquid using ancilla qubits (Sachdev, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevLett.124.046801 : Unhinging the Surfaces of Higher-Order Topological Insulators and Superconductors (Bernevig, PRL)

    14. 2001.07723 : Field Tensor Network States (Cirac, arXiv)

    15. 2001.07716 : Microscopic theory of superconductivity in twisted double-bilayer graphene (bilayer graphene, arXiv)

    16. 2001.08385 : Universal behavior of the anomalous thermal Hall conductivity (FC Zhang, arXiv)

    17. 2001.09114 : Mass generation by fractional instantons in SU($n$) chains (Affleck, arXiv)

    18. 2001.07666 : Magnetic field independent sub-gap states in hybrid Rashba nanowires (D. Loss, arXiv)

    19. 2001.09074 : Detecting topology through dynamics in interacting fermionic wires (MPS SSH, arXiv)

    20. 2001.07509 : Joule heating in the normal-superconductor phase transition in a magnetic field (Hirsch, arXiv)

    21. 2001.07908 : Superconductivity by Hidden Spin Fluctuations in Electron-Doped Iron Selenide (FeSe, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.101.024418 : Systematic derivation of realistic spin models for beyond-Heisenberg solids (S. Blugel, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.101.020409 : Correlation between Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and orbital angular momentum at an oxide-ferromagnet interface (OAM DM, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.101.020201 : Topological phases in non-Hermitian Aubry-Andr'e-Harper models (AAH, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.101.045124 : Ab initio study of superconductivity and inhomogeneity in a Hg-based cuprate superconductor (Yamaji, PRB)

    26. PhysRevLett.124.036803 : Higher-Order Topological Insulators in Quasicrystals (HOTI quasicrystal, PRL)

    27. PhysRevLett.124.036401 : Pfaffian Formalism for Higher-Order Topological Insulators (K. Sun, PRL)

    28. PhysRevLett.124.037202 : Current-Induced Dynamics and Chaos of Antiferromagnetic Bimerons (Bimeron, PRL)

    29. PhysRevLett.124.037201 : Isometric Tensor Network States in Two Dimensions (Zaletel, PRL)

    30. PhysRevB.101.020406 : Random singlet state in Ba 5 CuIr 3 O 12 single crystals (SW Cheong, PRB)

    31. PhysRevB.101.024413 : Goldstone modes in the emergent gauge fields of a frustrated magnet (Chalker, PRB)

    32. 2001.06189 : Ab-initio Theory of Fourier-transformed Quasiparticle Interference Maps and Application to the Topological Insulator Bi$_2$Te$_3$ (S. Blugel, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 3rd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 3rd week collection
    1. 2001.05963 : First-principles hyperfine tensors for electrons and holes in GaAs and silicon (Stefano, arXiv)

    2. 2001.05511 : Kane-Mele with a twist: Quasicrystalline higher-order topological insulators with fractional mass kinks (Kane-Mele twist, arXiv)

    3. 2001.05509 : Parton theory of ARPES spectra in anti-ferromagnetic Mott insulators (Parton theory Pollmann, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.101.045422 : Topological phase transitions, Majorana modes, and quantum simulation of the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model with nearest-neighbor interactions (SSH, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.101.045421 : Enhanced hydrodynamic transport in near magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (Boltzmann transport, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.101.035134 : Charge-density-wave melting in the one-dimensional Holstein model (Dagotto, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.101.024510 : Anisotropic magnetic excitations of a frustrated bilinear-biquadratic spin model: Implications for spin waves of detwinned iron pnictides (pnictide spin Hamiltonian, PRB)

    8. PhysRevX.10.011012 : Coexistence of Surface and Bulk Ferromagnetism Mimics Skyrmion Hall Effect in a Topological Insulator (Molenkamp, PRX)

    9. 2001.05470 : Transport signatures of topological phases in double nanowires probed by spin-polarized STM (Jelena, arXiv)

    10. 2001.04797 : Berry curvature, semiclassical electron dynamics, and topological materials: Lecture notes for Introduction to Solid State Physics (Berry curvature, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.101.014424 : Detection of antiskyrmions by topological Hall effect in Heusler compounds (antiskyrmion, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.101.014421 : Density matrix renormalization group study of nematicity in two dimensions: Application to a spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic model on the square lattice (Dagotto, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.101.045118 : Chiral spin liquids with crystalline Z 2 gauge order in a three-dimensional Kitaev model (Y. Motome, PRB)

    14. PhysRevLett.124.027402 : Optical Signature of a Crossover from Mott- to Slater-Type Gap in Sr 2 Ir 1 − x Rh x O 4 (iridate, PRL)

    15. PhysRevB.101.045112 : Onset of ferromagnetism for strongly correlated electrons in one-dimensional chains (1D chain, PRB)

    16. 2001.04320 : Traveling skyrmions in chiral antiferromagnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    17. 2001.03839 : Unified structure for exact towers of scar states in the AKLT and other models (AKLT, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.101.035115 : Photoemission spectrum of Ca 2 RuO 4 : Spin polaron physics in an S = 1 antiferromagnet with anisotropies (Ca2RuO4, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.014418 : Breathing mode of a skyrmion on a lattice (breathing mode skyrmion, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.014417 : Magnon spectrum of the Weyl semimetal half-Heusler compound GdPtBi (magnon, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.035117 : Quantum Boltzmann equation for bilayer graphene (SH Simon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevLett.124.026601 : Transport in Bilayer Graphene near Charge Neutrality: Which Scattering Mechanisms Are Important? (SH Simon, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 2nd week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 2nd week collection
    1. science367.6474.145 : Counting on Majorana modes (JD Sau, Science)

    2. science367.6474.189 : Nearly quantized conductance plateau of vortex zero mode in an iron-based superconductor (Majorana, Science)

    3. science367.6474.186 : Time-resolved observation of spin-charge deconfinement in fermionic Hubbard chains (spin charge, Science)

    4. PhysRevLett.124.017203 : Temperature Dependence of the Spin Seebeck Effect in a Mixed Valent Manganite (Seebeck effect, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.101.020503 : Role of 4 f states in infinite-layer NdNiO 2 (Pickett, PRB)

    6. 2001.02682 : Pairing Obstructions in Topological Superconductors (Wannier, arXiv)

    7. 2001.02796 : Moir'e magnets (L. Balents, arXiv)

    8. 2001.02685 : Contrasting magnetostriction signatures in dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice (YB Kim, arXiv)

    9. 2001.01751 : Transport Viewpoint on Topological Invariant of Finite Size Quantum Spin Hall Systems in a Transverse Electric Field (BHZ model, arXiv)

    10. 2001.01899 : Half-integer quantized anomalous thermal Hall effect in the Kitaev material $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Y. Matsuda, arXiv)

    11. 2001.01735 : Coulomb Engineering of two-dimensional Mott materials (Mott, arXiv)

    12. 2001.01722 : Fracton Phases of Matter (Fracton, arXiv)

    13. 2001.02079 : Separate tuning of nematicity and spin fluctuations to unravel the origin of superconductivity in FeSe (FeSe, arXiv)

    14. 2001.01727 : Universal phase diagram of topological superconductors subjected to magnetic flux (SC island, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.101.014301 : Quasiperiodic dynamical quantum phase transitions in multiband topological insulators and connections with entanglement entropy and fidelity susceptibility (quasiperiodic-SSH, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.101.041104 : Nickelate superconductors: Multiorbital nature and spin freezing (P. Werner, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.101.020501 : Self-doped Mott insulator for parent compounds of nickelate superconductors (FC Zhang, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.101.020401 : Collective spinon spin wave in a magnetized U(1) spin liquid (L. Balents, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.101.024402 : Effect of electron-lattice coupling on charge and magnetic order in rare-earth nickelates (G. Khaliullin, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.101.035104 : Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in pyrochlore iridates with bulk and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Seebeck effect, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.101.041101 : Imaginary-time matrix product state impurity solver in a real material calculation: Spin-orbit coupling in Sr 2 RuO 4 (MPS, PRB)

    22. 2001.00697 : Skin effect and excitation spectral of interacting non-Hermitian system (SSH, arXiv)

    23. 2001.00589 : Orbital Resonant Valence Bond States: Emergence of Superconductivity in Doped Multiorbital Chains (ORVB, arXiv)

    24. 2001.00586 : Hierarchy of energy scales in an O(3) symmetric antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal: a Monte Carlo study (QMC, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2020)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 1st week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Jan 1st week collection
    1. PhysRevB.101.024502 : Mean-field study of the Amperean pairing state (amperean pairing, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.101.024301 : Phononic Weyl nodal straight lines in MgB 2 (mgb2, PRB)

    3. sci.367.6473 : Evidence for dispersing 1D Majorana channels in an iron-based superconductor (majorana, Science)

    4. PhysRevLett.124.016401 : Strongly Correlated Materials from a Numerical Renormalization Group Perspective: How the Fermi-Liquid State of Sr 2 RuO 4 Emerges (NRG, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.101.035101 : Lattice models that realize Z n -1 symmetry-protected topological states for even n (XG Wen, PRB)

    6. 2001.00198 : Collective excitations of a BCS superfluid in the presence of two sublattices (BCS, arXiv)

    7. 2001.00277 : Superconductivity in Undoped BaFe2As2 by Tetrahedral Geometry Design (SC, arXiv)

    8. 2001.00019 : Not all doped Mott insulators have a pseudogap: key role of van Hove singularities (pseudogap, arXiv)

    9. 2001.00026 : The 2020 Skyrmionics Roadmap (skyrmion, arXiv)

    10. 2001.00417 : Three-dimensional dynamics of magnetic hopfion driven by spin transfer torque (Zang, arXiv)

    11. 1912.13064 : Projected BCS Theory for the Unification of Antiferromagnetism and Strongly Correlated Superconductivity (K. Park, arXiv)

    12. 1912.13250 : Identification of Spin-Triplet Superconductivity through a Helical-Chiral Phase Transition in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ Thin-Films (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    13. 1912.12621 : Emergent chiral spin ordering and anomalous Hall effect of kagome lattice at 1/3 filling (SB Lee, arXiv)

    14. 1912.12767 : Thermal Transport for Probing Quantum Materials (G. Chen, arXiv)

    15. 1912.12972 : Topological Hall effect in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice (Shastry- Sutherland, arXiv)

    16. 1912.13393 : SU$(3)_1$ Chiral Spin Liquid on the Square Lattice: a View from Symmetric PEPS (PEPS, arXiv)

    17. 1912.13399 : Onsager’s scars in disordered spin chains (Katsura, arXiv)

    18. 1912.12487 : Topological States in Generalized Electric Quadrupole Insulators (BBH model, arXiv)

    19. 1912.11513 : Field-free platform for topological zero-energy mode in superconductors LiFeAs and PbTaSe$_2$ (pnitide, arXiv)

    20. 1912.11592 : Universal conductance dips and fractional excitations in a two-subband quantum wire (CH Hsu, arXiv)

    21. 1912.11506 : Equivalence of wave function matching and Green’s functions methods for quantum transport: generalized Fisher-Lee relation (Green ft, arXiv)

    22. 1912.11828 : Orbitally-resolved ferromagnetism of monolayer CrI$_3$ (CrI3, arXiv)

    23. 1912.12112 : Strong- to weak-coupling superconductivity in high-Tc bismuthates: revisiting the phase diagram via µSR (BBO, arXiv)

    24. 1912.11983 : Many-variable variational Monte-Carlo study of superconductivity in two-band Hubbard models with an incipient band (two-leg ladder, arXiv)

    25. 1912.11907 : A variational approach for many-body systems at finite temperature (TDVP, arXiv)

    26. PhysRevB.100.245436 : Perpendicular Andreev reflection: Solid-state signature of black-hole horizon (Jafari, PRB)

    27. PhysRevB.100.245149 : Emergent bosons in the fermionic two-leg flux ladder (two-leg ladder, PRB)

    28. PhysRevB.100.214519 : Incipient loop-current order in the underdoped cuprate superconductors (loop-current, PRB)

    29. PhysRevLett.123.266803 : Floquet Hopf Insulators (J. Moore, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2019)

  • A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 4th week collection
    A WordCloud of 2020 Dec 4th week collection
    1. PhysRevB.100.220103 : Diversity of structural phases and resulting control of properties in brownmillerite oxides: A first-principles study (brownmillerite, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.245148 : Ferromagnetic state above room temperature in a proximitized topological Dirac semimetal (Y. Tokura, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.235142 : Emergence of a metallic metastable phase induced by electrical current in Ca 2 RuO 4 (ruthenate, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.123.266802 : Partial Lattice Defects in Higher-Order Topological Insulators (J. Cano, PRL)

    5. PhysRevX.9.041062 : Crossover of Charge Fluctuations across the Strange Metal Phase Diagram (strange metal, PRX)

    6. PhysRevX.9.041063 : Quantum Skyrmions in Frustrated Ferromagnets (A. Rosch, PRX)

    7. 1912.11469 : Chern bands of twisted bilayer graphene: fractional Chern insulators and spin phase transition (Senthil, arXiv)

    8. 1912.11363 : Propagation of an orbiton in the antiferromagnets: theory and experimental verification (orbiton, arXiv)

    9. 1912.11240 : Thermodynamic properties of an S = 1/2 ring-exchange model on the triangular lattice (Yunoki, arXiv)

    10. 1912.11233 : Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the attractive SU(3) Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice (QMC SU(3), arXiv)

    11. 1912.11156 : Global phase diagram and chiral spin liquids in the extended spin-1 honeycomb XY model (spin-1/2 honeycomb XY, arXiv)

    12. 1912.11106 : Soluble limit and criticality of fermions in Z2 gauge theories (2D toric code Tsvelik, arXiv)

    13. 1912.10931 : Majorana and parafermion corner states from two coupled sheets of bilayer graphene (Jelena, arXiv)

    14. 1912.10501 : Axial anomaly generation by domain wall motion in Weyl semimetals (DW, arXiv)

    15. 1912.10756 : Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with strong breathing anisotropy (Orus, scipost)

    16. 1912.10599 : Majorana-mediated spin transport without spin polarization in Kitaev quantum spin liquids (Nasu, arXiv)

    17. 1912.10327 : Deformations of the Boundary Theory of the Square Lattice AKLT Model (2D AKLT, arXiv)

    18. 1912.10453 : Effects of momentum-dependent quasiparticle renormalization on the gap structure of iron-based superconductors (Scalapino, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevX.9.041061 : Intrinsic Anomalous Nernst Effect Amplified by Disorder in a Half-Metallic Semimetal (K. Behnia, PRX)

    20. 1912.10062 : Hall anomaly and moving vortex charge in layered superconductors (Auerbach, arXiv)

    21. 1912.08014 : Electric dipole moment as descriptor for interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    22. 1912.09634 : Fractional Chern Insulator States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: An Analytical Approach (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    23. 1912.09960 : Single-particle spectral function formulated and calculated by variational Monte Carlo method with application to $d$-wave superconducting state (M. Imada, arXiv)

    24. 1912.09568 : Topological models in quasicrystalline lattices (quasicrystalline, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.214424 : High-harmonic generation by electric polarization, spin current, and magnetization (M. Sato, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.214511 : Robust block magnetism in the spin ladder compound BaFe 2 Se 3 under hydrostatic pressure (BaFe 2 Se 3 , PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.226501 : Comment on “Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: Doped SrTiO 3 ” (PA Lee, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.245133 : Difficulties in operator-based formulation of the bulk quadrupole moment (Luka, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.100.214423 : Ferromagnetism in the SU ( n ) Hubbard model with a nearly flat band (Katsura, PRB)

    6. s41586-019-1840-9 : Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator (AFM TI, nature)

    7. PhysRevX.9.041059 : Weak Crystallization of Fluctuating Skyrmion Textures in MnSi (Pfleiderer, PRX)

    8. 1912.07732 : Topological magnetotorsional effect in Weyl semimetals (Weyl semimetals, arXiv)

    9. 1912.07852 : Negative Longitudinal Magnetoconductance at Weak Fields in Weyl Semimetals (T. Meng, arXiv)

    10. d41586-019-03831-7 : Magnetic and topological order united in a crystal (Mong Moore, nature)

    11. sci/366/6472/1450 : Free at last: Bose metal uncaged (P. Phillips, science)

    12. science.aax5798 : Intermediate bosonic metallic state in the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT, science)

    13. 1912.08383 : Monolayer NbF$_4$: a $4d^1$-analogue of cuprates (4d1 cuprate, arXiv)

    14. 1912.08219 : Fermionic tensor networks for higher order topological insulators from charge pumping (Bernevig, arXiv)

    15. SciPostPhys.3.2.013 : The ALF (Algorithms for Lattice Fermions) project release 1.0. Documentation for the auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo code (QMC, scipost)

    16. 1912.07757 : Loop Currents in Two-leg Ladders Cuprates (Two-leg cuprate, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevLett.123.255901 : Berry Phase of Phonons and Thermal Hall Effect in Nonmagnetic Insulators (nagaosa, PRL)

    18. PhysRevLett.123.250604 : Scaling Hypothesis for Matrix Product States (Verstraete, PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.100.224416 : Magnon gravitomagnetoelectric effect in noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnetic insulators (magnon, PRB)

    20. 1912.06963 : A semi-analytical approach to calculating the dynamic modes of magnetic vortices with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (vortex, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.100.224415 : Anapole correlations in S r 2 Ir O 4 defy the j eff = 1 / 2 model (iridate, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.100.224413 : Highly frustrated magnetism in relativistic d 4 Mott insulators: Bosonic analog of the Kitaev honeycomb model (Khalliulin, PRB)

    23. 1912.06215 : Topological $\mathbb{Z}_2$ RVB quantum spin liquid on the ruby lattice (Orus, arXiv)

    24. 1912.06309 : Direct observation of cycloidal spin modulation and field-induced transition in N'eel-type skyrmion-hosting VOSe$_2$O$_5$ (Y. Tokura, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2019)

    1. 1912.05720 : Weak-coupling Mean-field Theory of Magnetic Properties of NiGa$_2$S$_4$ (weak-coupling, arXiv)

    2. 1912.06108 : Phases of SU(2) gauge theory with multiple adjoint Higgs fields in 2+1 dimensions (Sachdev, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.99.054516 : Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal doping (Sachdev, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.224510 : Origin of hour-glass magnetic dispersion in underdoped cuprate superconductors (cuprite, PRB)

    5. 1912.04757 : Sign-tunable anomalous Hall effect induced by symmetry-protected nodal structures in ferromagnetic perovskite oxide thin films (C. Kim, arXiv)

    6. 1912.04705 : Observation of chiral solitons in the quantum spin liquid phase of LiCuVO$_4$ (quantum spin liquid, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.100.224411 : Theory for shift current of bosons: Photogalvanic spin current in ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulators (Shift current, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.100.214413 : Magnetic tunnel junctions: An efficient way for electrical skyrmion detection investigated by ab initio theory (electric skyrmion, PRB)

    9. PhysRevLett.123.247401 : Quantization in Chiral Higher Order Topological Insulators: Circular Dichroism and Local Chern Marker (HOTI CD, PRL)

    10. PhysRevB.100.220404 : From skyrmions to Z2 vortices in distorted chiral antiferromagnets (skyrmion Z2, PRB)

    11. 1912.04915 : Strain induced superconductor-insulator transition on Lieb lattice (SIT, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.100.220404 : From skyrmions to Z2 vortices in distorted chiral antiferromagnets (skyrmion, PRB)

    13. 1912.03508 : Preformed Cooper pairs in layered FeSe-based superconductors (cooper paring, arXiv)

    14. 1912.03422 : Computational design of $f$-electron Kitaev magnets: honeycomb and hyperhoneycomb compounds $A_2$PrO$_3$ ($A=$ alkali metals) (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    15. d41586-019-03734-7 : Superconductivity mystery turns 25 (Ruthenate, nature)

    16. PhysRevB.100.235113 : Effective exchange interactions for bad metals and implications for iron-based superconductors (spin interaction bad metal, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.100.245115 : Bulk Rashba effect in multiferroics: A theoretical prediction for BiCoO 3 (Bulk Rashba, PRB)

    18. 1912.03693 : Magnetic excitations in magnetization plateaux of a frustrated spin ladder (spin ladder Sugimoto, arXiv)

    19. 1912.03762 : Theoretical phase diagram of two-component composite fermions in double layer graphene (Jain, arXiv)

    20. 1912.04024 : Defective Edge States and Anomalous Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in non-Hermitian Topological Systems (Edge states SP Kou, arXiv)

    21. 1912.03062 : Optical response of an interacting polaron gas in strongly polar crystals (Kresse, arXiv)

    22. 1912.02835 : Thermoelectric power of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands: Probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments (SYK P. Kim, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2019)

    1. 1912.01257 : Dual nature of magnetism in MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    2. 1912.01260 : Ferromagnetic spin correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (Werner, arXiv)

    3. 1912.01545 : Spectroscopy of Majorana modes of non-Abelian vortices in Kitaev’s chiral spin liquid (Moessner, arXiv)

    4. s41467-019-13435-4 : Chiral fermion reversal in chiral crystals (chiral fermion, ncomms)

    5. 1912.02766 : Coexistence of surface and bulk ferromagnetism mimics skyrmion Hall effect in a topological insulator (Molenkamp, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevLett.123.237203 : Thermodynamic Evidence of Proximity to a Kitaev Spin Liquid in Ag 3 LiIr 2 O 6 (Kitaev, PRL)

    7. PhysRevB.100.241101 : Electronic and phononic properties of a two-dimensional electron gas coupled to dipolar phonons via small-momentum-transfer scattering (DH Lee, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.100.245106 : Field-induced pseudo-skyrmion phase in the antiferromagnetic kagome lattice (skyrmion kagome, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.100.235201 : Generalized triple-component fermions: Lattice model, Fermi arcs, and anomalous transport (Bitan Roy, PRB)

    10. PhysRevLett.123.237207 : Topological Magnon-Phonon Hybrid Excitations in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets with Tunable Chern Numbers (G. Go, PRL)

    11. PhysRevLett.123.236401 : Mott Metal-Insulator Transitions in Pressurized Layered Trichalcogenides (H. Kim, PRL)

    12. PhysRevB.100.214502 : Minimal-size real-space d -wave pairing operator in CuO 2 planes (Dagotto, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.100.220502 : Topologically nontrivial Andreev bound states (P. Marra, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.100.245108 : Higher-order topological insulators in a magnetic field (Fukui, PRB)

    15. 1912.02215 : Distinct reduction of Knight shift in superconducting state of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ under uniaxial strain (Kee, arXiv)

    16. 1912.01509 : Superconductivity in dilute SrTiO$_3$: a review (Fernandes, arXiv)

    17. 1912.01025 : Emergent Fermi surface in a triangular-lattice SU(4) quantum antiferromagnet (Cenke Xu SU(4), arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.100.214403 : Spin-orbit torques in a Rashba honeycomb antiferromagnet (A. Manchon, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.100.214406 : Ab initio analysis of magnetic properties of the prototype B20 chiral magnet FeGe (S. Blugel, PRB)

    20. PhysRevB.100.224404 : Multiple- q states of the J 1 − J 2 classical honeycomb-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet under a magnetic field (multiple-q, PRB)

    21. PhysRevB.100.245102 : Nonlinear Nernst effect in bilayer WTe 2 (Nernst effect, PRB)

    22. 1912.00112 : Observation of an exceptional point in a non-Hermitian metasurface (EP non-Hermitian, arXiv)

    23. 1911.12620 : First and Second Order Topological Phases on Ferromagnetic Breathing Kagome Lattice (Breathing Kagome, arXiv)

    24. 1911.12829 : Magnon damping in the zigzag phase of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-$\Gamma$ model on a honeycomb lattice (magnon damping, arXiv)

    25. 1911.13039 : First principles study of topological phase in chains of $3d$ transition metals (3d transition metal, arXiv)

    26. 1911.13224 : Multipolar superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals (SB Lee, arXiv)

    27. 1911.12781 : Tuneable terahertz oscillation arising from Bloch-point dynamics in chiral magnets (Bloch point, arXiv)

    28. 1911.12975 : Magnetotransport of Weyl semimetals with tilted Dirac cones (tiltied Dirac, arXiv)

    29. 1911.13118 : Spintronics, from giant magnetoresistance to magnetic skyrmions and topological insulators (A. Fert, Comptes Rendus Physique)

  • weekly picks (Nov 5 week 2019)

    1. 1911.12214 : Large topological Hall effect in a geometrically frustrated kagome magnet Fe$_3$Sn$_2$ (topological Hall effect, arXiv)

    2. 1911.12248 : Block-Spiral Magnetism: A New Type of Frustrated Order (Bloc-Spiral, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.100.195145 : Magnon crystals and magnetic phases in a kagome-stripe antiferromagnet (magnon, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.195146 : Supersymmetry in an interacting Majorana model on the kagome lattice (M. Franz, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.100.195308 : Diagnosis of topological nodal lines with nontrivial monopole charge in the presence of rotation symmetries (K. Sun, PRB)

    6. 1911.12050 : Abrikosov vortex mass in high-T_c YBaCuO superconductor emerging from observed circular dichroism of far-infrared transmission (vortex mass, arXiv)

    7. 1911.11521 : Late transition-metal oxides with infinite-layer structure: nickelate vs. cuprate (nickelate, arXiv)

    8. 1911.10736 : Skyrmion crystal from RKKY interaction mediated by 2D electron gas (skyrmion lattice, arXiv)

    9. 1911.10816 : Higher-order topological insulators in two-dimensional Aubry-Andr'e-Harper models (Yong Xu, arXiv)

    10. 1911.10857 : Spin and charge transport in topological nodal-line semimetals (spin and charge transport, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.100.205139 : Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field distortions for a low-spin 3 d 5 state in BaCoO 3 (BaCoO3, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.205138 : Formation of a two-dimensional single-component correlated electron system and band engineering in the nickelate superconductor NdNiO 2 (R. Arita, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.123.227202 : Nonsymmorphic-Symmetry-Protected Topological Magnons in Three-Dimensional Kitaev Materials (YB Kim, PRL)

    14. 1911.10238 : First-order magnetic phase-transition of mobile electrons in monolayer MoS$_2$ (D. Loss, arXiv)

    15. 1911.11166 : Edge current and orbital angular momentum of chiral superfluids revisited (Hong Yao, arXiv)

    16. 1911.11367 : Nematicity with a twist: rotational symmetry breaking in a moir'e superlattice (pneumaticity, arXiv)

    17. 1911.10085 : Comprehensive scan for nonmagnetic Weyl semimetals with nonlinear optical response (van den Brink, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevB.100.205135 : ARPES study of orbital character, symmetry breaking, and pseudogaps in doped and pure Sr 2 IrO 4 (Biermann, PRB)

    19. 1911.09786 : Possible quantum paramagnetism in compressed Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.216404 : k z Selective Scattering within Quasiparticle Interference Measurements of FeSe (QPI, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.123.216802 : Magnus Hall Effect (Liang Fu, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.123.216803 : Higher-Order Topological Insulator in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (SB Lee, PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.100.195136 : Fracton fusion and statistics (M. Hermele, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.123.216402 : Spectroscopic Evidence for Electron-Boson Coupling in Electron-Doped Sr 2 IrO 4 (iridate,PRL)

    6. PhysRevB.100.184511 : Observation of topological surface states in the high-temperature superconductor MgB 2 (MgB2, PRB)

    7. science366.6468/ : Strange metallicity in the doped Hubbard model (strange metal, science)

    8. 1911.09504 : Deterministic Control of Metamagnetic Transition of Antiferromagnetic Mott Insulator Sr2IrO4 by in-situ Anisotropic Strain (iridate, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevX.9.041037 : Signatures of a Deconfined Phase Transition on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice: Applications to Quantum Critical SrCu 2 ( BO 3 ) 2 (Vishwanath, PRX)

    10. PhysRevB.100.205128 : Anisotropic planar Hall effect in the type-II topological Weyl semimetal WTe 2 (planar Hall effect, PRB)

    11. 1911.08487 : Instability of $j= 3/2$ Bogoliubov Fermi-surfaces (EG Moon, arXiv)

    12. 1911.08768 : Coexistence of full-gap superconductivity and pseudogap in two-dimensional fullerides (fullerides, arXiv)

    13. 1911.06890 : Topological invariants to characterize universality of boundary charge in one-dimensional insulators beyond symmetry constraints (D. Loss, arXiv)

    14. 1911.06886 : Density, boundary charge, and topological constraints for edge states: A study via the analytic continuation of Bloch states (D. Loss, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.100.174419 : Theoretical condition for switching the magnetization in a perpendicularly magnetized ferromagnet via the spin Hall effect (spin Hall effect, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.100.174513 : Functional form of the superconducting critical temperature from machine learning (SC Tc machine learning, PRB)

    17. 1911.07801 : Atomic-scale fragmentation and collapse of antiferromagnetic order in a doped Mott insulator (iridates, nphys)

    18. 1911.06331 : Correlations induced by fractional statistics in $\boldsymbol{\mathbb{Z}_2}$ quantum spin liquids

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.207204 : Magnon Landau Levels and Emergent Supersymmetry in Strained Antiferromagnets (magnon, PRL)

    2. 1911.05095 : Weak crystallization of fluctuating skyrmion textures in MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    3. 1911.05097 : Moire superconductivity (Ivar Martin, arXiv)

    4. 1911.04675 : Escape from black holes in materials: Type II Weyl semimetals and generic edge states (Matsuo, arXiv)

    5. 1911.04493 : Excitonic density wave and spin-valley superfluid in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    6. 1911.05065 : Eliashberg Theory: a short review (Marsiglio, arXiv)

    7. 1911.03492 : Dimer description of the SU(4) antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice (L. Balents, arXiv)

    8. 1911.03760 : Spontaneous symmetry breaking and topology in twisted bilayer graphene: the nature of the correlated insulating states and the quantum anomalous Hall effect (X. Dai, arXiv)

    9. 1911.03979 : What does the giant thermal Hall effect observed in the high temperature superconductors imply? (Tao, arXiv)

    10. 1911.04452 : Collective modes at a disordered quantum phase transition (Higgs mode, arXiv)

    11. 1911.03665 : New types of topological superconductors under local magnetic symmetries (Topological SC, arXiv)

    12. 1911.03802 : Signature of a pair of Majorana zero modes in superconducting gold surface states (PA Lee, arXiv)

    13. 1911.03382 : On thermal Nieh-Yan anomaly in topological Weyl materials (Volovik, arXiv)

    14. 1911.02702 : Metal-Insulator and Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ from Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo and Dynamical Mean Field Theory (AJ Millis, arXiv)

    15. 1911.02754 : Magnetic field-induced type-II Weylsemimetallic state in geometrically frustrated Shastry-Sutherland lattice GdB4 (Shon, arXiv)

    16. 1911.02704 : Magnetic monopoles and toroidal moments in LuFeO$_3$ and related compounds (SW Cheong, arXiv)

    17. 1911.02932 : Helical spin liquid in a triangular XXZ magnet from Chern-Simons theory (R. Moessner, arXiv)

    18. 1911.02978 : Planar Topological Hall Effect from Conical Spin Spirals (Dagotto skyrmion, arXiv)

    19. 1911.03171 : Magnetic Skyrmions at Seemingly Unfavorable Conditions: Zero Magnetic Field or Vanishingly Small Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (chiral fluctuation, arXiv)

    20. 1911.03408 : Giant anisotropy of Gilbert damping in a Rashba honeycomb antiferromagnet (Rashba honeycomb, arXiv)

    21. 1911.02582 : Dephasing and leakage dynamics of noisy Majorana-based qubits: Topological versus Andreev (Alicea, arXiv)

    22. 1911.02775 : Quantum Oscillations of Gilbert Damping in Graphene (Matsuo, arXiv)

    23. 1911.03133 : Magnetically-Confined Bound States in Rashba Systems (Jelena, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.195111 : Phase diagram of spin-1 chains with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DM spin-1 chain, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.174411 : Tunable skyrmion crystals and topological quantum oscillations in magnetic metals (Paramekanti, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.201101 : Emergent mode and bound states in single-component one-dimensional lattice fermionic systems (R. Mong, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.205109 : Second-order topological corner states with ultracold atoms carrying orbital angular momentum in optical lattices (OAM, PRB)

    5. PhysRevLett.123.196402 : Higher-Order Topological Mott Insulators (Hatsugai, PRL)

    6. PhysRevLett.123.196601 : Majorana-like Zero Modes in Kekulé Distorted Sonic Lattices (Kekule, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.123.196603 : Critical Spin Fluctuation Mechanism for the Spin Hall Effect (Nagaosa, PRL)

    8. PhysRevB.100.184406 : One-dimensional quantum spin dynamics of Bethe string states (Congjun Wu, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.100.205406 : Majorana corner and hinge modes in second-order topological insulator/superconductor heterostructures (majorana corner modes, PRB)

    10. 1911.02028 : Quantum Hall effect in curved space realized in strained graphene (Quantum Hall effect, arXiv)

    11. 1911.02045 : Ground State and Hidden Symmetry of Magic Angle Graphene at Even Integer Filling (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    12. 1911.02276 : $\mathbb{Z}_2$ vortices in the ground states of classical Kitaev-Heisenberg models (Z2 vortex, arXiv)

    13. 1911.02295 : Electronic transport in one-dimensional Floquet topological insulators via topological- and non-topological edge states (D. Loss, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.123.197201 : One Proximate Kitaev Spin Liquid in the K − J − Γ Model on the Honeycomb Lattice (kitaev spin liquid, PRL)

    15. 1911.01435 : Lattice vibration as a knob for novel quantum criticality: Emergence of supersymmetry from spin-lattice coupling (EG Moon, arXiv)

    16. 1911.01440 : Spin-helix driven insulating phase in two dimensional lattice (SB Lee, arXiv)

    17. 1911.01619 : Exceptional points in dissipatively-coupled spin dynamics (Yaroslav, arXiv)

    18. 1911.01446 : Spin-orbit coupling and spin-triplet pairing symmetry in $\mathrm{Sr2 Ru O4}$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    19. 1911.01889 : Interacting Majorana Modes at Surfaces of Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors (Timm, arXiv)

    20. 1911.01896 : In-plane antiferromagnetic moments in axion topological insulator candidate EuIn$_2$As$_2$ (axion TI, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.100.184404 : Surface monolayers in a magnetic field (DM interaction, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.100.205101 : Local formula for the Z 2 invariant of topological insulators (Roger Mong, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.100.205102 : Two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Dirac fermions in monolayer TaCoTe 2 (2D AFM Dirac, PRB)

    24. 1911.00814 : Hybridization and correlation effects in the electronic structure of infinite-layer nickelates (JP Hu, arXiv)

    25. 1911.00968 : Neutron scattering signatures of a quantum spin ice (spin ice, arXiv)

    26. 1911.01403 : Magnetic field and thermal Hall effect in a pyrochlore U(1) quantum spin liquid (SB Lee, arXiv)

    27. 1911.00806 : Observation of quadratic Weyl points and double-helicoid arcs (quadratic Weyl, arXiv)

    28. 1911.00973 : Curie Temperature of Emerging Two-Dimensional Magnetic Structures (MC study 2D magnetism, arXiv)

    29. 1911.01123 : Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature (superfluid, arXiv)

    30. 1911.00363 : Doping effects on electronic states in electron-doped FeSe: Impact of self-energy and vertex corrections (Kontani, arXiv)

    31. 1911.00174 : The Nieh-Yan Anomaly: Torsional Landau Levels, Central Charge and Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect (M. Stone, arXiv)

    32. 1911.00312 : Universal chiral magnetic effect in the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor (Beenakker, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Nov 1 week 2019)

    1. 1910.14346 : Reply to Comment on “Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: doped SrTiO_3” (Balatsky, arXiv)

    2. 1910.14597 : Quantum critical nematic fluctuations and spin excitation anisotropy in iron pnictides (nematic fluctuation, arXiv)

    3. 1910.14621 : Ferromagnetic fluctuations in the Rashba-Hubbard model (Schnyder, arXiv)

    4. 1910.14061 : Moir'e quantum chemistry: charge transfer in transition metal dichalcogenide superlattices (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    5. 1910.14304 : Phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Gamma chain and emergent SU(2) symmetry (Affleck, arXiv)

    6. 1910.14036 : A systematic study of stacked square nets: from Dirac fermions to material realizations (Cano, arXiv)

    7. 1910.13510 : Floquet flat-band engineering of twisted bilayer graphene (G. Refael, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.123.186402 : Emergent Geometric Frustration and Flat Band in Moiré Bilayer Graphene (Bilayer Graphene, PRL)

    9. PhysRevB.100.134443 : Spin polaronics: Static and dynamic properties of spin polarons in La-doped CaMnO 3 (spin polaron, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.134113 : Crystal-to-fracton tensor gauge theory dualities (fraction, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.100.155147 : Many-body corrected tight-binding Hamiltonians for an accurate quasiparticle description of topological insulators of the Bi 2 Se 3 family (S. Blugel, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.165429 : Anisotropic Rashba effect and charge and spin currents in monolayer BiTeI by controlling symmetry (Rashba, PRB)

    13. PhysRevLett.123.187201 : Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Magnetic Weyl Semimetals (Weyl, PRL)

    14. PhysRevB.100.161113 : Helical magnetic ordering in Sr ( Co 1 − x Ni x ) 2 As 2 (Helical order, PRB)

    15. 1910.13193 : A 3D Tight-Binding Model for La-Based Cuprate Superconductors (cuprate tight-binding, arXiv)

    16. 1910.13068 : Flat bands in small angle twisted bilayer WSe2 (twisted WSe2, arXiv)

    17. 1910.13390 : Ferromagnetic Kitaev interaction and the origin of large magnetic anisotropy in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (YB Kim, arXiv)

    18. 1910.13307 : Guiding Dirac fermions in graphene with a carbon nanotube (P. Kim, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevLett.123.186401 : Higher-Order Topology, Monopole Nodal Lines, and the Origin of Large Fermi Arcs in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides X Te 2 ( X = Mo , W ) (Bernevig, PRL)

    20. PhysRevLett.123.186601 : Anomalous Spin Diffusion in One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets (spin diffusion, PRL)

    21. PhysRevB.100.144440 : Quantum anomalous Hall effect and Anderson-Chern insulating regime in the noncollinear antiferromagnetic 3Q state (Manchon, PRB)

    22. PhysRevB.100.155142 : S = 1 2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet revisited (R. Moessner, PRB)

    23. PhysRevB.100.165141 : Single and bilayer graphene on the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 : Electronic and spin-orbit properties from first principles (J. Fabian, PRB)

    24. PhysRevB.100.165142 : Nematic spin liquid phase in a frustrated spin-1 system on the square lattice (nematic spin liquid, PRB)

    25. PhysRevB.100.165422 : Theory of nonlinear Hall effects: Modified semiclassics from quantum kinetics (Q. Niu, PRB)

    26. 1910.12155 : Transport in one-dimensional integrable quantum systems (Sirker, scipost)

    27. 1910.12650 : Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (Vollhardt, arXiv)

    28. 1910.12856 : Landau ordering phase transitions beyond the Landau paradigm (Senthil, arXiv)

    29. 1910.11444 : Microscopic model for the hidden Rashba effect in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6+x}$ (hidden Rashba, arXiv)

    30. 1910.11810 : Existence of a spectral gap in the AKLT model on the hexagonal lattice (Sandvik, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.177001 : Higher-Order Topological Odd-Parity Superconductors (odd-parity SC, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.100.134512 : Topological d -wave superconductivity and nodal line-arc intersections in Weyl semimetals (d-wave SC, PRB)

    3. 1910.10717 : The actually robust surface signature of a Hopf insulator: Bulk-to-boundary flow of Berry curvature beyond the anomaly inflow paradigm (Hopf insulator, arXiv)

    4. 1910.10743 : Twisted Kitaev Bilayers and the Moir'e Ising Model (Hughes, arXiv)

    5. 1910.10745 : A Brief History of Time Crystals (time crystal, arXiv)

    6. s41586-019-1666-5 : Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor (Quantum computer, Nature)

    7. 1910.10180 : Identifying Higher Order Topology and Fractional Corner Charge Using Entanglement Spectra (Hughes, arXiv)

    8. 1910.10291 : Persistent Insulator: Avoidance of Metallization at Megabar Pressures in Strongly Spin-Orbit-Coupled Sr2IrO4 (iridate, arXiv)

    9. 1910.10448 : Magnon crystallization in the kagome lattice antiferromagnet (magnon, arXiv)

    10. 1910.10626 : Microscopic theory of fractional excitations in gapless bilayer quantum Hall states: semi-quantized quantum Hall states (T. Meng, arXiv)

    11. 1910.10338 : Resonant transport in Kekule-distorted graphene nanoribbons (Kekule distortion, arXiv)

    12. 1910.10409 : Critical Behaviors of Anderson Transitions in Three Dimensional Orthogonal Classes with Particle-hole Symmetries (R. Shindou, arXiv)

    13. 1910.10642 : Quantum Kinetic Theory of Thermoelectric and Thermal Transport in a Magnetic Field (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    14. 1910.09733 : Quantum Lifshitz criticality in a frustrated two-dimensional XY model (field theory method, arXiv)

    15. 1910.09874 : Novel chiral quantum spin liquids in Kitaev magnets (Kitaev, arXiv)

    16. 1910.09585 : Quantum Depinning of a Magnetic Skyrmion (D. Loss, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.100.140411 : Antiferromagnetic domain wall control via surface spin flop in fully tunable synthetic antiferromagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (AFM DW, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.100.161403 : Scaling parameters in anomalous and nonlinear Hall effects depend on temperature (Q. Niu, PRB)

    19. 1910.08603 : Magnetic field control of topological magnon-polaron bands in two-dimensional ferromagnets (SK Kim, arXiv)

    20. 1910.08610 : Probing quantum spin liquids in equilibrium using the inverse spin Hall effect (So Takei, arXiv )

    21. 1910.08927 : Intrinsic transverse field in frustrated quantum Ising magnets: its physical origin and quantum effects (G. Chen, arXiv)

    22. 1910.08783 : Topological flat bands without magic angles in massive twisted bilayer graphenes (J. Jung, arXiv)

    23. 1910.08834 : Spectromicroscopic measurement of surface and bulk band structure interplay in a disordered topological insulator (J. Checkelsky, arXiv)

    24. 1910.09063 : Topological Sliding Moir'e Heterostructure (SZ Lin, arXiv)

    25. 1910.09511 : In-plane Hall effect in two-dimensional helical electron systems (Zyuzin, arXiv)

    26. 1910.08126 : Link between magnetism and resistivity upturn in cuprates: a thermal conductivity study of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ (Taillefer, arXiv)

    27. 1910.08081 : Many-body effects in nodal-line semimetals: correction to the optical conductivity (optical conductivity, arXiv)

    28. 1910.08290 : Bulk-edge and bulk-hinge correspondence in inversion-symmetric insulators (HOTI, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.167203 : Magnon-Mediated Indirect Exciton Condensation through Antiferromagnetic Insulators (Brataas, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.100.144511 : Odd-frequency superconductivity induced by nonmagnetic impurities (Black-Schaffer, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.134424 : Universality of annihilation barriers of large magnetic skyrmions in chiral and frustrated magnets (A. Rosch, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.155131 : Field theory approach to the quantum transport in Weyl semimetals (PRB)

    5. 1910.07530 : $T$-linear resistivity in models with local self-energy (EA Kim, arXiv)

    6. 1910.07759 : Unusual slow magnetic fluctuations and critical slowing down in Sr${2}$Ir${1-x}$Rh${x}$O${4}$ (iridate, arXiv)

    7. 1910.07893 : Collective excitations in twisted bilayer graphene close to the magic angle (bilayer graphene, arXiv)

    8. 1910.07774 : Magnetic textures and dynamics in magnetic Weyl semimetals (skyrmion Weyl, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.100.140409 : Octahedral tilting induced isospin reorientation transition in iridate heterostructures (bilayer iridate, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.144424 : Long-wavelength emergent phonons in Bloch skyrmion crystals distorted by exchange anisotropy and tilted magnetic fields (skyrmion phonon, PRB)

    11. 1910.07206 : Thermal Hall effect, spin Nernst effect, and spin density induced by thermal gradient in collinear ferrimagnets from magnon-phonon interaction (BJ Yang, arXiv)

    12. 1910.06892 : Quantum Hall criticality in Floquet topological insulators (KW Kim, arXiv)

    13. 1910.06921 : Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductivity in Planar Josephson Bijunction (Jelena, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.123.167202 : Thermal Hall Effect Induced by Magnon-Phonon Interactions (Di. Xiao, PRL)

    15. PhysRevB.100.144202 : Moiré localization in two-dimensional quasiperiodic systems (V. Liu, PRB)

    16. PhysRevB.100.144422 : Large off-diagonal exchange couplings and spin liquid states in C 3 -symmetric iridates (van den Brink, PRB)

    17. PhysRevB.100.165119 : Magnetic and electrical anisotropy with correlation and orbital effects in dimerized honeycomb ruthenate L i 2 Ru O 3 (JG Park, PRB)

    18. 1910.06671 : Flat-band superconductivity in periodically strained graphene: mean-field and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition (Heikkilä, arXiv)

    19. 1910.06147 : The chiral Hall effect of magnetic skyrmions from a cyclic cohomology approach (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    20. 1910.06172 : Quantitative analysis of two-band ${k}\cdot{p}$ models describing the shift-current photoconductivity (Souza, arXiv)

    21. 1910.06027 : Topological Nernst effect of the two-dimensional skyrmion lattice (Y. Tokura, arXiv)

    22. 1910.05090 : Hinge Modes and Surface States in Second-Order Topological Three-Dimensional Quantum Hall Systems induced by Charge Density Modulation (Jelena, arXiv)

    23. 1910.05182 : Shift current from electromagnon excitations in multiferroics (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    24. 1910.05214 : Chiral Magnonic Edge States in Ferromagnetic Skyrmion Crystals Controlled by Magnetic Fields (D. Loss, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.156802 : Quasinormal Modes and the Hawking-Unruh Effect in Quantum Hall Systems: Lessons from Black Hole Phenomena (B. Bradlyn, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.100.134415 : Trimer classical spin liquid from interacting fractional charges (spin liquid, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.134506 : Exotic Cooper pairing in multiorbital models of Sr 2 RuO 4 (Hong Yao, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.161401 : Composite Dirac semimetals (Dirac semimetal, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.100.140407 : Spontaneous deformation of flexible ferromagnetic ribbons induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (van den Brink, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.100.140404 : Coupling of spins with an electric field in FeV 2 O 4 (Eremin, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.100.155118 : Unusual pressure-induced metallic state in the correlated narrow band-gap semiconductor FeSi (FeSi, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.100.155119 : Frustrated quantum spin systems in small triangular lattices studied with a numerical method (DMRG, PRB)

    9. 1910.04189 : Superconductivity from Coulomb repulsion in three-dimensional quadratic band touching Luttinger semimetals (William, arXiv)

    10. 1910.04177 : Thermoelectric response and entropy of fractional quantum Hall systems (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    11. 1910.04422 : Phonon hydrodynamics and record room-temperature thermal conductivity in thin graphite (K. Behnia, arXiv)

    12. 1910.04206 : Anomalous and topological Hall effects in epitaxial thin films of the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn$_{3}$Sn (SSP Parkin, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.100.144416 : Effects of magnetic anisotropy on spin and thermal transport in classical antiferromagnets on the square lattice (AFM square lattice, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.100.155203 : Limits of validity of the Rashba model in BiTeI: High-field magneto-optical study (Y. Tokura, PRB)

    15. 1910.03168 : The Triplet Resonating Valence Bond State and Superconductivity in Hund’s Metals (P. Coleman, arXiv)

    16. 1910.03064 : Spinon confinement in a spin-1 chain (spinon, arXiv)

    17. 1910.03317 : Orbital Nernst Effect of Magnons (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    18. 1910.03730 : Interaction Driven Floquet Engineering of Topological Superconductivity in Rashba Nanowires (Jelena, arXiv)

    19. 1910.03974 : Materials design of dynamically stable $d^9$ layered nickelates (R. Arita, arXiv)

    20. 1910.04106 : Detection of Majorana modes via supercurrents through quantum dots (Flensberg, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.100.155112 : Quantized thermal Hall conductance from edge current calculations in lattice models (Quantum Thermal Hall, PRB)

    22. 1910.02482 : Two-band model for magnetism and superconductivity in nickelates (Congjun Wu, arXiv)

    23. 1910.02456 : Ground-State Phase Diagram of an Anisotropic S=1 Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond-Alternating Chain (bond alternating chain, arXiv)

    24. 1910.02582 : Spin Nematic Liquids of the $S=1$ Spin Ladder in Magnetic Field (spin nematic liquid, arXiv)

    25. 1910.02917 : Tight-Binding Studio: A Technical Software Package to Find the Parameters of Tight-Binding Hamiltonian (tight-binding, arXiv)

    26. s41586-019-1630-4 : Axionic charge-density wave in the Weyl semimetal (TaSe ) I W 4 2 (axion, Nauture)

    27. 1910.01655 : Hinge states in a system of coupled Rashba layers (Jelena, arXiv)

    28. 1910.01956 : Majorana-like zero modes in Kekul'e distorted sonic lattices (P. San-Jose, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Oct 1 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.134407 : Theory of current-driven dynamics of spin textures on the surface of a topological insulator (Nagaosa, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.161104 : Theoretical evidence of spin-orbital-entangled J eff = 1 2 state in the 3 d transition metal oxide CuAl 2 O 4 (CH Kim, PRB(R))

    3. PhysRevB.100.134404 : Quantum Brownian motion of a magnetic skyrmion (D. Loss, PRB)

    4. 1910.01574 : Magnetic exchange interactions in SrMnO$_3$ (arXiv)

    5. 1910.01605 : Photoemission Spectrum of Ca2RuO4: Spin Polaron Physics in an S=1 Antiferromagnet with Anisotropies (van den Brink, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevLett.123.147202 : Specific Heat Study of 1D and 2D Excitations in the Layered Frustrated Quantum Antiferromagnets Cs 2 CuCl 4 − x Br x (specific heat, PRL)

    7. PhysRevB.100.134401 : Scattering of spinon excitations by potentials in the one-dimensional Heisenberg model (spinon, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.100.144401 : Three-dimensional topological magnon systems (Katsura, PRB)

    9. 1910.00018 : Enhanced thermal Hall effect in nearly ferroelectric insulators (S. Kivelson, arXiv)

    10. 1910.00045 : Direct comparison of many-body methods for realistic electronic Hamiltonians (DFT, arXiv)

    11. 1910.00074 : Highly frustrated magnetism in relativistic $\boldsymbol{d}^\mathbf{4}$ Mott insulators: Bosonic analog of Kitaev honeycomb model (Khaliullin, arXiv)

    12. 1910.00473 : Nickelate superconductors $–$ Multiorbital nature and spin freezing (P. Werner, arXiv)

    13. 1910.00562 : Low-symmetry nanowire cross-sections for enhanced Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (D. Loss, arXiv)

    14. 1909.13570 : Mixed-parity superconductivity near Lifshitz transitions in strongly spin-orbit-coupled metals (RG, arXiv)

    15. 1909.12865 : Kondo resonance and $d$-wave superconductivity in the $t-J$ model with spin one holes: possible applications to the nickelate superconductor Nd$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$ (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    16. 1909.13246 : Effect of Ge-substitution on Magnetic Properties in the Itinerant Chiral Magnet MnSi (MnSi, arXiv)

    17. 1909.13336 : Phase diagram and thermal Hall conductivity of spin-liquid Kekul'{e}-Kitaev model (thermal Hall-kekule, arXiv)

    18. 1909.13338 : Real space Berry curvature of itinerant electron systems with spin-orbit interaction (Batista, arXiv)

    19. 1909.13545 : Ab initio analysis of magnetic properties of prototype B20 chiral magnet FeGe (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    20. 1909.12671 : Topological superconductivity with orbital effects in magnetic skyrmion based heterostructures (topological SC, arXiv)

    21. 1909.12516 : Non-Hermitian Linear Response Theory (H. Zhai, arXiv)

    22. 1909.12788 : Comment on “Gapless spin liquid ground state of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model on square lattices” (Sandvik, arXiv)

    23. 1909.12479 : Valley separation via trigonal warping (arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2019)

    1. science1424 : Superconductivity in the doped Hubbard model and its interplay with next-nearest hopping t′ (science)

    2. PhysRevLett.123.137204 : Unique Crystal Structure of Ca 2 RuO 4 in the Current Stabilized Semimetallic State (BJ Kim, PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.100.115159 : Orbital differentiation in Hund metals (von Delft, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.115311 : Topological Anderson insulator phase in a quasicrystal lattice (quasicrystal, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.100.125161 : Optical excitation of magnons in an easy-plane antiferromagnet: Application to Sr 2 IrO 4 (L. Balents, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.100.125162 : Weak antilocalization and two-carrier electrical transport in B i 1 − x S b x single crystals ( 0 % ≤ x ≤ 17.0 % ) (Shon, PRB)

    7. 1909.12027 : Full Counting Statistics of Spin-Flip/Conserving Charge Transitions in Pauli-Spin Blockade (S. Tarucha, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.100.104431 : Large- S limit of the large- N theory for the triangular antiferromagnet (Batista, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.100.125157 : Metal-insulator phase transition in a non-Hermitian Aubry-André-Harper model (AA model, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.125158 : Kondo effect due to a hydrogen impurity in graphene: A multichannel Kondo problem with diverging hybridization (I. Affleck)

    11. 1909.11195 : Unconventional Hund Metal in MnSi (Hund metal, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.100.104524 : Spin-orbital hallmarks of unconventional superconductors without inversion symmetry (orbital-Rashba, PRB)

    13. 1909.10778 : Majorana Fermions in Magnetic Chains (D. Loss, arXiv)

    14. 1909.10591 : Stochastic Series Expansion Methods (Sandvik, arXiv)

    15. 1909.10722 : Topological waveguide based on metamaterials of magnetic solitons (G. Go, arXiv)

    16. 1909.10725 : Theoretical study on the slit experiments in the Rashba electron systems (Mochizuki, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevMaterials.3.095004 : Multiple band crossings and Fermi surface topology: Role of double nonsymmorphic symmetries in MnP-type crystal structures (nonsymmorphic, PRM)

    18. 1909.10483 : Geometry of quantum states in bilayer skyrmion (skyrmion, arXiv)

    19. 1909.09653 : Tuning entanglement by squeezing magnons in anisotropic magnets (SK Kim, arXiv)

    20. 1909.10207 : Percolative Mott insulator-metal transition in doped Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridate, arXiv)

    21. PhysRevB.100.094438 : Helical antiferromagnetic ordering in EuNi 1.95 As 2 single crystals (Eu, PRB)

    22. 1909.09297 : Quantum Diffusive Magneto-transport in Massive Dirac Materials with Chiral Symmetry Breaking (SQ Shen, arXiv)

    23. 1909.09188 : Colloquium: Spintronics in graphene and other two-dimensional materials (graphene, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.121110 : The antiferromagnetic phase of the Floquet-driven Hubbard model (AJ Millis, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.125307 : Antiparallel spin Hall current in a bilayer with skew scattering (spin Hall current, PRB)

    3. science.aau8740 : Non-Abelian band topology in noninteracting metals (Bzdusek, Science)

    4. PhysRevB.100.104520 : Skyrmion-like textures in superconductors with competing orders (skyrmion, PRB)

    5. 1909.08909 : Magnetic chirality controlled by the interlayer exchange interaction (interlayer, arXiv)

    6. 1909.09129 : Non-Hermitian exceptional Landau quantization in electric circuits (M. Franz, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.100.094429 : AKLT models on decorated square lattices are gapped (AKLT, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.100.100408 : Stabilization of the skyrmion crystal phase and transport in thin-film antiferromagnets (Yaroslav, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.100.115203 : k · p theory for phosphorene: Effective g -factors, Landau levels, and excitons (Fabian, PRB)

    10. 1909.08031 : SU(3) Topology of Magnon-Phonon Hybridization in 2D Antiferromagnets (G. Go, arXiv)

    11. 1909.08179 : Augmented Magnetic Octupole in Kagome Antiferromagnets Detectable via X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (octupole, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.100.115131 : Tuning topology in thin films of topological insulators by strain gradients (Ortix, PRB)

    13. 1909.06552 : Phonon thermal Hall effect in strontium titanate (Behnia, arXiv)

    14. 1909.06657 : Fractionalizing a local pair density wave: a good “recipe” for opening a pseudo-gap (Pepin, arXiv)

    15. 1909.06449 : Effect of the electron-lattice coupling on the charge and magnetic order in rare-earth nickelates (Khaliullin, arXiv)

    16. 1909.07711 : Thermal and gravitational chiral anomaly induced magneto-transport in Weyl semimetals (Thermal transport, arXiv)

    17. 1909.07403 : Theory of Dipole Insulators (Hughes, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.123.126403 : Hourglass Fermion in Two-Dimensional Material (nonsymmorphic, PRL)

    19. PhysRevB.100.125422 : Spin-orbit coupling in elemental two-dimensional materials (Fabian, PRB)

    20. Physics.12.101 : Surfing on a Wave of Quantum Chaos (XL Qi, physics)

    21. PhysRevB.100.085428 : Jackiw-Rebbi zero modes in non-uniform topological insulator nanowire (zero mode, PRB)

    22. 1909.06027 : VI$_{3}$: a 2D Ising ferromagnet (2D ising FM, arXiv)

    23. 1909.06280 : Moving Majorana bound states between distinct helical edges across a quantum point contact (Trauzettel, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevX.9.031046 : Superconductivity near a Ferroelectric Quantum Critical Point in Ultralow-Density Dirac Materials (STO, PRX)

    2. PhysRevB.100.104203 : Many-body delocalization dynamics in long Aubry-André quasiperiodic chains (AA quasi periodic, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.115128 : Superconductor versus insulator in twisted bilayer graphene (bilayer graphene, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.121105 : Specific heat maximum as a signature of Mott physics in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (Trembly, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.100.125128 : Matrix product state description and gaplessness of the Haldane-Rezayi state (MPS, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.100.094517 : Effect of strain inhomogeneity on a chiral p -wave superconductor (S. Raghu, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.100.115126 : Embedded topological insulators (Hughes, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.100.104414 : Magnetic excitations in hole-doped Sr 2 IrO 4 : Comparison with electron-doped cuprates (iridate, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.100.094516 : Two-gap and three-gap superconductivity in AlB 2 -based films (MgB2, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.125414 : Tunable skyrmion-skyrmion binding on the surface of a topological insulator (skyrmion, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.100.115114 : Self-conjugate representation SU(3) chains (Affleck, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.121402 : Spin and valley waves in Dirac semimetals with population imbalance (Zyuzin, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.100.125411 : Effective model for Majorana modes in graphene (Majorana, PRB)

    14. 1909.05174 : Discovering Momentum-Dependent Magnon Spin Texture in Insulating Antiferromagnets: Role of Kitaev interaction (magnon, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.100.094411 : NMR relaxation in the spin-1 Heisenberg chain (Sandvik, PRB)

    16. 1909.03141 : Possible ‘symmetry-imposed’ near-nodal two-dimensional p-wave pairing in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Ruthenate, arXiv)

    17. 1909.03942 : Formation of 2D single-component correlated electron system and band engineering in the nickelate superconductor NdNiO2 (Arita, arXiv)

    18. 1909.04015 : Triplet-Superconductivity in Triple-Band Crossings (SB Lee, arXiv)

    19. 1909.03089 : The case for octupolar order in d-orbital Mott insulators (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    20. 1909.03113 : Octupolar vs N'{e}el Order in Cubic 5$d^2$ double perovskites (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    21. 1909.03893 : Correlation driven metallic and half-metallic phases in a band insulator (DMFT, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.91.235108 : Phase diagram of the half-filled ionic Hubbard model (DMFT, arXiv)

    23. 1909.03103 : Electronic structure of carbon nanotubes on graphene substrates (MacDonald, arXiv)

    24. 1909.03298 : The Haldane model and its localization dichotomy (Haldane, arXiv)

    25. 1909.02678 : Electronic structure of the parent compound of superconducting infinite-layer nickelates (nickelates, arXiv)

    26. 1909.02743 : A key role of correlation effects in the Lifshitz transition in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    27. 1909.03015 : Robust $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave superconductivity of infinite-layer nickelates (S. Raghu, arXiv)

    28. 1909.02828 : Higher-order topological phases in a spring-mass model on a breathing kagome lattice (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    29. 1909.03047 : Wiedemann-Franz law and Mott relation for non-linear anomalous transport phenomena (WF laws, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Sep 1 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.107202 : Spin- S Designer Hamiltonians and the Square Lattice S = 1 Haldane Nematic (Haldane nematic, PRL)

    2. s41535-019-0188-6 : Tunable quantum critical point and detached superconductivity in Al-doped CrAs (T. Park, npj QMs)

    3. 1909.02557 : Doped holes in NdNiO$_2$ and high-$T_c$ cuprates show little similarity (nickel oxide, arXiv)

    4. 1909.02186 : Spin-orbit related power-law dependence of the charge conductivity on the carrier density in Rashba two-dimensional electron systems (ED Rashba, arXiv)

    5. 1909.02178 : Haldane Gaps of Large-S Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chains and Asymptotic Behavior (Haldane gap, JPSJ)

    6. 1909.02234 : Hunting Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Magnets (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    7. 1909.02277 : Large off diagonal exchange couplings and spin liquid states in $\mathbf{C_3}$ symmetric iridates (iridates, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.123.106401 : Lifshitz-Transition-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Moderately Spin-Orbit-Coupled Sr 2 − x La x RhO 4 (C. Kim, PRL)

    9. PhysRevB.100.094506 : Superfluid stiffness in cuprates: Effect of Mott transition and phase competition (Tremblay, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.115107 : Non-Abelian statistics in one dimension: Topological momentum spacings and SU(2) level- k fusion rules (Haldane, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.100.115403 : Generating a second-order topological insulator with multiple corner states by periodic driving (SOTI, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.125301 : Effective dynamics of two-dimensional Bloch electrons in external fields derived from symmetry (Winkler, PRB)

    13. 1909.01545 : General continuum model for twisted bilayer graphene and arbitrary smooth deformations (Balents, scipost)

    14. 1909.00258 : Emergent quantum matter in graphene nanoribbons (Lado, arXiv)

    15. 1909.01316 : Tracing Monopoles and Anti-monopoles in a Magnetic Hedgehog Lattice (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    16. 1909.00060 : Model construction and a possibility of cuprate-like pairing in a new d9 nickelate superconductor (Nd,Sr)NiO2 (nikel oxide, arXiv)

    17. PhysRevB.100.094504 : Multiorbital ferroelectric superconductivity in doped SrTiO$_3$ (STO, PRB)

    18. PhysRevResearch.1.022002 : Exotic pairing state in quasicrystalline superconductors under a magnetic field (R. Arita, PRR)

    19. PhysRevLett.123.100601 : Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Paired Phase in Coupled XY Models (BKT, PRL)

    20. s41563-019-0468-3 : Room-temperature stabilization of antiferromagnetic skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnets (Fert, nmat)

    21. 1908.11718 : Giant Orbital Magneto-electric effect and Current-driven Magnetization Switching in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (KT Law, arXiv)

    22. 1908.11385 : Odd-frequency Berezinskii superconductivity in Dirac semimetals (Balatsky, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 5 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.064429 : Topological Hall effect and emergent skyrmion crystal at manganite-iridate oxide interfaces (Dagotto, PRB)

    2. science.aau0968 : Skyrmion lattice with a giant topological Hall effect in a frustrated triangular-lattice magnet (Y. Tokura, Science)

    3. PhysRevLett.123.097701 : Topological Phase Transition Driven by Infinitesimal Instability: Majorana Fermions in Non-Hermitian Spintronics (M. Sato, PRL)

    4. 1908.11126 : Superconductivity of the FeSe/SrTiO3 Interface in the View of BCS-BEC Crossover (STO, arXiv)

    5. 1908.11115 : Theory and simulations of critical temperatures in CrI3 and other 2D materials: Easy-axis magnetic order and easy-plane Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions (Olsen, arXiv)

    6. 1908.11361 : Raman response in the nematic phase of FeSe (Chubukov, arXiv)

    7. 1908.11354 : Spin-orbit torques in a Rashba honeycomb antiferromagnet (A. Manchon, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.123.096601 : Unconventional Temperature Dependence of the Anomalous Hall Effect in HgCr 2 Se 4 (EEI correction, PRL)

    9. PhysRevB.100.075151 : Density-matrix renormalization group study of the linear conductance in quantum wires coupled to interacting leads or phonons (DMRG, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.085144 : Optical signatures of the chiral anomaly in mirror-symmetric Weyl semimetals (EA Kim, PRB)

    11. 1908.10476 : Nonlinear optical effects in inversion-symmetry-breaking superconductors (JE Moore, arXiv)

    12. d41586-019-02518-3 : Superconductivity seen in a nickel oxide (nickel oxide, nature)

    13. s41586-019-1496-5 : Superconductivity in an infinite-layer nickelate (HY Hwang, Nature)

    14. 1908.10946 : Similarities and differences between infinite-layer nickelates and cuprates and implications for superconductivity (M. Norman, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevLett.123.097001 : Route to a Superconducting Phase above Room Temperature in Electron-Doped Hydride Compounds under High Pressure (Ma, PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.123.097002 : Majorana Multipole Response of Topological Superconductors (M. Sato, PRL)

    17. PhysRevB.100.075150 : Density wave states in the presence of an external magnetic field (S. Chakravarty, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.100.075303 : Magnetic resonance induced pseudoelectric field and giant current response in axion insulators (Zang, PRB)

    19. Physics.12.96 : A Prediction for ‘‘Hot’’ Superconductivity (R. Arita, Physics)

    20. PhysRevB.100.060506 : Density matrix renormalization group study of superconductivity in the triangular lattice Hubbard model (EA Kim, PRB)

    21. PhysRevLett.123.087203 : Gapless Kitaev Spin Liquid to Classical String Gas through Tensor Networks (HY Lee, PRL)

    22. 1908.08974 : Topological Kerr Effect (Paramekanti, arXiv)

    23. 1908.09546 : Anomalous Dispersion of LO Phonons in Oxygen-Doped La${2-x}$Sr${x}$CuO$_{4+\delta}$ (cuprate, arXiv)

    24. 1908.09457 : Prediction of ferroelectricity-driven Berry curvature enabling charge- and spin-controllable photocurrent in tin telluride monolayers (H. Jin, arXiv)

    25. 1908.09558 : Quantum bits with Josephson junctions (F. Nori, arXiv)

    26. 1908.08701 : Magnon Pairs and Spin-Nematic Correlation in the Spin-Seebeck Effect (Spin-Seebeck, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Aug 4 week 2019)

    1. 1908.08460 : Phase-dependent Spin Polarization of Cooper Pairs in Magnetic Josephson Junctions (Eremin, arXiv)

    2. 1908.08221 : Mottness versus unit-cell doubling as the driver of the insulating state in 1T-TaS2 (Hanaguri, arXiv)

    3. 1908.08228 : Spectroscopic and optical response of odd-frequency superconductors (Balatsky, arXiv)

    4. s41563-019-0477-2 : Conjuring Majorana with synthetic magnetism (Yazdani, nmat)

    5. PhysRevLett.123.086803 : Vanishing Hall Response of Charged Fermions in a Transverse Magnetic Field (Giamarchi, PRL)

    6. PhysRevB.100.075142 : Tetrahedron integration method for strongly varying functions: Application to the G T self-energy (Tetrahedron, PRB)

    7. s41586-019-1486-7 : Electron pairing in the pseudogap state revealed by shot noise in copper oxide junctions (Electron pairing in the pseudogap state, Nature)

    8. 1908.07671 : Magnetic-field Induced Quantum Phases in Tensor Network Study of Kitaev Magnets (HY Lee, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevMaterials.3.084803 : Multiple Andreev reflections and Shapiro steps in a Ge-Si nanowire Josephson junction (Multiple Andreev, PRM)

    10. 1908.07728 : Ordering phenomena of spin trimers accompanied by large geometrical Hall effect (Tokura, arXiv)

    11. 1902.06295 : Electrical writing, deleting, reading, and moving of magnetic skyrmioniums in a racetrack device (SS Parkin, srep)

    12. 1908.07379 : Single spin-polarised Fermi surface in SrTiO$_3$ thin films (STO, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.100.085131 : Momentum-resolved lattice dynamics of parent and electron-doped Sr2IrO4 (Iridate, PRB)

    14. 1908.06590 : Suppression of superfluidity by dissipation – An application to failed superconductor (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    15. 1908.06286 : Ferromagnetism in the SU($n$) Hubbard model with nearly flat-band (Katsura, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.085425 : Temperature dependence of the side-jump spin Hall conductivity (Q. Niu, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.100.075136 : Orbital Edelstein effect from density-wave order (Paramekanti, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.100.075129 : Symmetry breaking of in-plane anisotropic magnetoresistance with temperature in La-doped S r 2 Ir O 4 films (Iridate, PRB)

    4. tiplet SC, Science : Nearly ferromagnetic spin-triplet superconductivity (tiplet SC, Science)

    5. 1908.05486 : Studies on the origin of the interfacial superconductivity of Sb2Te3/Fe1+yTe heterostructures (interfacial SC, arXiv)

    6. 1908.04820 : Detecting non-unitary multiorbital superconductivity with Dirac points at finite energies (Lado, arXiv)

    7. 1908.05044 : Magnetic Hedgehog Lattices in Noncentrosymmetric Metals (Hedgehog, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevX.9.031025 : Loop Currents and Anomalous Hall Effect from Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking Superconductivity on the Honeycomb Lattice (Loop current, PRX)

    9. PhysRevB.100.064509 : Topological d + s wave superconductors in a multiorbital quadratic band touching system (SB Lee, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.075416 : Moiré phonons in twisted bilayer graphene (Son, PRB)

    11. 1908.04557 : Anomalous electrical magnetochiral effect by chiral spin fluctuation (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    12. 1908.04580 : Anti-chiral edge states in Heisenberg ferromagnet on a honeycomb lattice (anti-chiral, arXiv)

    13. 1908.04314 : Thermal conductance of one dimensional disordered harmonic chains (AA model, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.123.076601 : Polaron Mobility in the “Beyond Quasiparticles” Regime (Nagaosa, PRL)

    15. 1908.03576 : Robustly emulating vortex Majorana braiding in a finite time (vortex majorana, arXiv)

    16. 1908.03979 : Mapping the Hubbard model to the t-J model using ground state unitary transformations (White, arXiv)

    17. 1908.04099 : Low-energy type-II Dirac fermions and spin-polarized topological surface states in transition-metal dichalcogenide NiTe$_2$ (spin-ARPES, arXiv)

    18. 1908.04138 : Hall conductivity as the topological invariant in phase space in the presence of interactions and non-uniform magnetic field (kubo, arXiv)

    19. 1908.04239 : Diameter-independent skyrmion Hall angle in the plastic flow regime observed in chiral magnetic multilayers (CH Marrows, arXiv)

    20. 1908.03459 : Constructing edge zero modes through domain wall angle conservation (parafermion, arXiv)

    21. 1908.03224 : Tests of nematic-mediated superconductivity applied to Ba$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$Ni$_2$As$_2$ (EA Kim, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 2 week 2019)

    1. FM graphene : Ferromagnetism in magic-angle graphene (FM graphene, science)

    2. science.aaw3780 : Emergent ferromagnetism near three-quarters filling in twisted bilayer graphene (FM three-quarters filling, science)

    3. PhysRevX.9.031021 : Quantum Valley Hall Effect, Orbital Magnetism, and Anomalous Hall Effect in Twisted Multilayer Graphene Systems (D. Xi, PRX)

    4. PhysRevB.100.075116 : Topology in time-reversal symmetric crystals (van Wezel, PRB)

    5. 1908.02777 : Reply to P. Ao’s Comment on “Sign reversing Hall effect in atomically thin high temperature superconductors” (P. Kim, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.100.054408 : Geometric orbital magnetization in adiabatic processes (Luka, PRB)

    7. 1908.02716 : Compressive-strain induced enhancement of exchange interactions and short-range magnetic order in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ investigated by Raman spectroscopy (iridate, arXiv)

    8. 1908.02495 : Evidence of fermion-to-boson crossover in the fermionic two-leg flux ladder (two-leg, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.100.075110 : Deriving models for the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material α-RuCl3 from first principles (Elk, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.100.064504 : Majorana bound states in magnetic skyrmions imposed onto a superconductor (skyrmion majorana, PRB)

    11. 1908.02083 : Hump-like structure in Hall signal from SrRuO$_3$ ultra-thin films without inhomogeneous anomalous Hall effect (CKim, arXiv)

    12. 1908.00986 : Symmetry breaking and skyrmionic transport in twisted bilayer graphene (skyrmion BLG, arXiv)

    13. 1908.00819 : Nonreciprocal Landau-Zener tunneling (Morimoto, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Aug 1 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.053902 : Nonlinear Second-Order Topological Insulators (SOTI, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.100.075104 : Dielectric and electronic properties of three-dimensional Luttinger semimetals with a quadratic band touching (William, PRB)
    3. PhysRevB.100.054501 : Symmetry of superconducting pairing in non-pseudospin electron bands (Samokhin, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.100.085109 : Magic angle hierarchy in twisted graphene multilayers (Vishwanath, PRB)

    5. machine learning Uber Ludwig : Bringing machine learning to the masses (machine learning, Nature)

    6. PhysRevB.100.085101 : Hidden SU(2) symmetries, the symmetry hierarchy, and the emergent eightfold way in spin-1 quantum magnets (Yi Zhou, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.100.075102 : Unsupervised learning eigenstate phases of matter (S. Chakravarty, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.123.055901 : Fluctuation-Induced Torque on a Topological Insulator out of Thermal Equilibrium (JD Sau, PRL)

    9. 1908.00030 : Physics of Superconducting Transition Temperatures (S. Kivelson, arXiv)

    10. 1908.00152 : Theory of current-driven dynamics of spin textures on a surface of topological insulators (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.100.020509 : Second-order Dirac superconductors and magnetic field induced Majorana hinge modes (Hughes, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.041118 : Circumventing the no-go theorem: A single Weyl point without surface Fermi arcs (SA Yang, PRB)

    13. 1907.13633 : Ferromagnetism and its stability from the one-magnon spectrum in twisted bilayer graphene (JD Sau, arXiv)

    14. d41586-019-02285-1 : Spectroscopy with a magic twist (Scheurer, Nautre)

    15. 1907.12568 : Strain engineered higher order topological phases for spin-3/2 Luttinger fermions (B. Roy, arXiv)

    16. PhysRevB.100.035445 : Tuning the doping level of graphene in the vicinity of the Van Hove singularity via ytterbium intercalation (graphene doping, PRB)

    17. 1907.11916 : Quantum Crystal Structure in the 250 K Superconducting Lanthanum Hydride (LaH, arXiv)

    18. 1907.12552 : The Role of Odd-Frequency Pairing in Multiband Superconductors (odd-f SC, arXiv)
  • weekly picks (Jul 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.100.020407 : Z2 topological quantum paramagnet on a honeycomb bilayer (Schnyder, PRB)

    2. 1907.10607 : Fractional corner charges in spin-orbit coupled crystals (fractional charge, arXiv)

    3. 1907.10611 : Non-Abelian Reciprocal Braiding of Weyl Nodes (Bzdusek, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.100.014432 : Stabilty of biskyrmions in centrosymmetric magnetic films (biskyrmion, PRB)

    5. 1907.10093 : Biskyrmions Lattices in Centrosymmetric Magnetic Films (biskyrmion lattice, arXiv)

    6. 1907.10236 : Electric field-induced chiral d+id superconducting state in AA-stacked bilayer graphene: A quantum Monte Carlo study (graphene bilayer QMC, arXiv)

    7. s41467-019-11172-2 : Evidence for the weakly coupled electron mechanism in an Anderson-Blount polar metal (Anderson-Blount, ncomms)

    8. 1907.10241 : Chiral spin liquids with crystalline $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge order in a three-dimensional Kitaev model (Y. Motome, arXiv)

    9. 1907.10475 : The origin of up-up-down-down magnetic order in Cu$_2$GeO$_4$ (uudd spin, arXiv)

    10. 1907.10567 : Intrinsic spin Nernst effect of magnons in a noncollinear antiferromagnet (Nernst effect, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevB.100.014428 : Exchange intervalley scattering and magnetic phase diagram of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (D. Loss, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.100.024423 : Criticality and factorization in the Heisenberg chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (chain, PRB)

    13. 1907.10011 : Ferroelectric order versus metallicity in Sr${1-x}$Ca$_x$TiO${3-\delta}$ ($x=0.009$) (Behnia, arXiv)

    14. 1907.10051 : Magnetic semimetals and quantized anomalous Hall effect in EuB6 (X. Dai, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevLett.123.046401 : Topological Quantum Transition Driven by Charge-Phonon Coupling in the Haldane Chern Insulator (Nagaosa, PRL)

    16. PhysRevLett.123.046801 : Quantum Anomalous Parity Hall Effect in Magnetically Disordered Topological Insulator Films (J. Alicea, PRL)

    17. PhysRevB.100.024421 : Ferromagnetism and spin-valley liquid states in moiré correlated insulators (Cenke Xu, PRB)

    18. PhysRevB.100.041406 : Valley-contrasting orbital magnetic moment induced negative magnetoresistance (Q. Niu, PRB)

    19. PhysRevB.100.045205 : Plasmon dispersion in graphite: A comparison of current ab initio methods (Plasmon, PRB)

    20. 1907.09227 : Electrically Tunable Superconductivity Through Surface Orbital Polarization (OAM SC, arXiv)

    21. 1907.09354 : The classification of surface states of topological insulators and superconductors with magnetic point group symmetry (Shiozaki, arXiv)

    22. 1907.08932 : Anomalous Hall effect, magneto-optical properties, and nonlinear optical properties of twisted graphene systems (Xi Dai, arXiv)

    23. 1907.09080 : Emergent Honeycomb Network of Topological Excitations in Correlated Charge Density Wave (G. Cho, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.123.037203 : Microscopic Mechanism for a Higher-Spin Kitaev Model (Kee, PRL)

    2. 1907.07784 : In-plane Magnetic Anisotropy Generated by Quantum Zero-point Fluctuations in a Tetragonal Quantum Antiferromagnet Bi$_2$CuO$_4$ (in-plane Anisotropy, arXiv)

    3. s41586-019-1375-0 : Giant thermal Hall conductivity in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors (Taillefer, Nature)

    4. PhysRevLett.123.036805 : Symmetry and Correlation Effects on Band Structure Explain the Anomalous Transport Properties of (111) LaAlO 3 / SrTiO 3 (LAO/STO, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.100.035115 : Landau levels in twisted bilayer graphene and semiclassical orbits (L. Balents, PRB)

    6. 1907.07597 : McMillan Formula: long-standing myth and a novel implementation to reveal high $T_c$ in beryllium-based alloys (McMillan Formula, arXiv)

    7. 1907.07299 : Majorana-Magnon Crossover by a Magnetic Field in the Kitaev Model: Continuous-Time Quantum Monte Carlo Study (Motome, arXiv)

    8. 1907.06858 : Self-Organized Bosonic Domain Walls (Scalettar, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevLett.123.036401 : All Magic Angles in Twisted Bilayer Graphene are Topological (Bernevig, PRL)

    10. s42256-019-0070-z : Solving the Rubik’s cube with deep reinforcement learning and search (Rubik, Nature Machine learning)

    11. 1907.06911 : Non-Abelian braiding of Majorana-like edge states and scalable topological quantum computations in electric circuits (Ezawa, arXiv)

    12. s41567-019-0570-0 : Disorder-induced multifractal superconductivity in monolayer niobium dichalcogenides (Nagaosa, nphys)

    13. 1907.06282 : Derivation of Wannier orbitals and minimal-basis tight-binding hamiltonians for twisted bilayer graphene: a first-principles approach (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    14. 1907.06613 : Nature of the magnetic moment of cobalt in ordered FeCo alloy (Elk, arXiv)

    15. 1907.05979 : Ab initio modelling of spin relaxation lengths in disordered graphene nanoribbons{\dag} (spin relaxation, arXiv)

    16. 1907.06497 : Search for non-Abelian Majorana braiding statistics in superconductors (Beenakker, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 2 week 2019)

    1. eaaw5798 : Universal quantized thermal conductance in graphene (thermal quantization, sci. adv)

    2. PhysRevB.100.041106 : Bulk thermal transport coefficients in a quantum Hall system and the fundamental difference between thermal and charge response (Vinkler-Aviv, PRB)

    3. 1907.05365 : Nature of the Doping-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Correlated Electron Systems with strong Hund’s Exchange Coupling (S. Biermann, arXiv)

    4. 1907.04992 : Valley-Contrasting Orbital Magnetic Moment Induced Negative Magnetoresistance (Q. Niu, arXiv)

    5. 1907.05196 : Tuning skyrmion Hall effect via engineering of spin-orbit interaction (Tatara, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevLett.123.027002 : Quasiparticle Evidence for the Nematic State above T c in Sr x Bi 2 Se 3 (nematic, PRL)

    7. PhysRevB.100.035413 : Spin-valley density wave in moiré materials (Liang Fu, PRB)

    8. 1907.04437 : Parting the Fermi Sea at the Mott Point: Dynamics of Correlated Electrons Reveals the Mechanism Underpinning Mottness (1st order mott, arXiv)

    9. 1907.04612 : Quantum Hall Skyrmions at $\nu=0,\pm 1$ in monolayer graphene (quantum Hall, arXiv)

    10. 1907.04351 : Orbital pseudospin-momentum locking in two-dimensional chiral borophene (orbital Rashba, arXiv)

    11. 1907.02013 : Topological phases of polaritons in a cavity waveguide (arbitrary chern number, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevX.9.031005 : Spin Liquid State and Topological Structural Defects in Hexagonal TbInO 3 (JW Kim, PRX)

    13. pnas.1908786116 : Linking the pseudogap in the cuprates with local symmetry breaking: A commentary (Kivelson, PNAS)

    14. 1907.03887 : Tunable skyrmion-skyrmion binding on the surface of a topological insulator (attractive interaction, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.100.024501 : Superconducting current and low-energy states in a mesa-heterostructure interlayered with a strontium iridate film with strong spin-orbit interaction (iridate, PRB)

    16. 1907.03562 : First-principles calculation of the electronic nematicity in FeSe (Fa Wang, arXiv)

    17. s41567-019-0576-7 : Evidence of anisotropic Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 (QK Xue, nphys)

    18. 1907.02609 : Perpendicular Andreev reflection: Solid state signature of black hole horizon (S. Jafari, arXiv)

    19. 1907.02734 : Theory for shift current of bosons: Photogalvanic spin current in ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulators (M. Sato, arXiv)

    20. 1907.02532 : The Non-linear Hall Acceleration and the Quantum Rectification Sum Rule (Sodemann, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jul 1 week 2019)

    1. 오세정 : 과학자의 사회적 역할

    2. 1907.02068 : Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals (Burkov, arXiv)

    3. 1907.02224 : Topological Magnon-Phonon Hybrid Excitations in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets with Tunable Chern Numbers (Gyungchoon, arXiv)

    4. 1907.02268 : Abelian and Non-Abelian Chiral Spin Liquids in a Compact Tensor Network Representation (HY Lee, arXiv)

    5. 1907.02474 : Real-time scattering of interacting quasiparticles in quantum spin chains (Verstraete, arXiv)

    6. 1907.02522 : The “non-regularizability” of gapless free fermion Hamiltonian protected by on-site symmetries (DH Lee, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevX.9.031003 : Shift Insulators: Rotation-Protected Two-Dimensional Topological Crystalline Insulators (Vishwanath, PRX)

    8. 1907.02062 : Instantons in Chiral Magnets (instanton, arXiv)

    9. 1907.01844 : Density-matrix renormalization group study of the linear conductance in quantum wires coupled to interacting leads or phonons (DMRG, arXiv)

    10. d41586-019-02062-0 : Strange materials excite physicists (fragile topological, nature)

    11. 1907.01120 : Topological Superconductivity in Doped Symmetry Protected Topological State (Singlet-Triplet, arXiv)

    12. 1907.01067 : Spinon Confinement and a Sharp Longitudinal Mode in Yb$_2$Pt$_2$Pb in Magnetic Fields (spinon, arXiv)

    13. 1907.01419 : A $K$ and $L_{3}$ -edge RIXS study of the columnar and the staggered quantum dimer phases of the square lattice Heisenberg model (RIXS, arXiv)

    14. 1907.01247 : ARPES study of orbital characters, symmetry breakings and pseudogaps in doped and pure Sr2IrO4 (iridate, arXiv)

    15. 1907.01043 : Spin transport in an electrically-driven magnon gas near Bose-Einstein condensation: a Hartree-Fock-Keldysh theory (S. Takei, arXiv)

    16. 1907.01153 : Second-order topological phases protected by chiral symmetry (higher order, arXiv)

    17. 1907.01312 : All-electrical spin-to-charge conversion in a mesoscopic GaAs hole system (P. Stano, arXiv)

    18. PhysRevLett.123.016805 : Hybrid Higher-Order Skin-Topological Modes in Nonreciprocal Systems (higher order, PRL)

    19. PhysRevLett.123.016801 : Nonlinear Planar Hall Effect (H. Yang, PRL)

    20. 1907.00012 : Flat Bands, Topology, and Superconductivity of “Magic” Honeycomb Network in TaS2 (G. Cho, arXiv)

    21. 1907.00530 : Characterization of localized effective spins in gapped quantum spin chains (AKLT, arXiv)

    22. 1906.12343 : From skyrmions to Z2 vortices in distorted chiral antiferromagnets (skyrmion, arXiv)

    23. 1906.11847 : Robust topological invariants of topological crystalline phases in the presence of impurities (Hughes, arXiv)

    24. 화제의 물리학자 : 화제의 물리학자

  • weekly picks (Jun 5 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.257002 : Twisted Bilayer Graphene: A Phonon-Driven Superconductor (Bernevig, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.99.224432 : Dissipative quantum Ising chain as a non-Hermitian Ashkin-Teller model (Katsura, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.99.245151 : Quantization of fractional corner charge in C n -symmetric higher-order topological crystalline insulators (Hughes, PRB)

    4. PhysRevLett.122.257202 : Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (interlayer DMI, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.99.241112 : SU(4) topological resonating valence bond spin liquid on the square lattice (RVB, PRB)

    6. 1906.10701 : Statistics of correlations across the many-body localization transition (ETH, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevLett.122.256402 : Higher-Order Topology of the Axion Insulator EuIn 2 As 2 (X. Dai, PRL)

    8. PhysRevB.99.245418 : Theory of the phonon side-jump contribution in anomalous Hall effect (Q. Niu, PRB)

    9. 1906.10146 : Fluctuations and Higgs mechanism in Under-Doped Cuprates: a Review (review, annu review condmat)

    10. 1906.10685 : Antiunitary symmetry protected higher order topological phases (B. Roy, arXiv)

    11. 1906.10131 : Weak Ergodicity Breaking and Quantum Many-Body Scars in Spin-1 XY Magnets (quantum scar, arXiv)

    12. 1906.10139 : Modeling SNS junctions and Andreev bound states using two impurities and the T -matrix formalism (T-matrix, arXiv)

    13. 1906.10174 : Tuning quantum reflection in graphene with an external magnetic field (graphene reflection, arXiv)

    14. s41567-019-0546-0 : Interlayer fractional quantum Hall effect in a coupled graphene double layer (P. Kim, nphys)

    15. s41567-019-0580-y : Superconductivity in an insulator (Mirlin, nphys)

    16. 1906.09286 : Topological Crystalline Superconductivity in Dirac Semimetal Phase of Iron-based Superconductors (M. Sato, arXiv)

    17. 1906.08817 : Self-conjugate representation SU(3) chains (Affleck, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.235144 : Parity anomaly from the Hamiltonian point of view (Lapa, PRB)

    2. s42005-019-0155-3 : Fingerprints of an orbital-selective Mott phase in the block magnetic state of BaFe2Se3 ladders (RIXS, commphys)

    3. 1806.03272 : Thermal conductance of an Edge mode (Schmeltzer, arXiv)

    4. 1906.08277 : Anomalous conductance scaling in strained Weyl semimetals (Bardarson, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.99.245416 : Majorana bound states in double nanowires with reduced Zeeman thresholds due to supercurrents (D. Loss, PRB)

    6. s41586-019-1319-8 : Machine learning in electronic-quantum-matter imaging experiments (EA Kim, Nature)

    7. 1906.08224 : Phonon scattering induced carrier resistivity in twisted double bilayer graphene (Das Sarma, arXiv)

    8. 1906.07756 : Superconductivity in Graphene Induced by the Rotated Layer (Schmeltzer, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.99.214426 : Comparison of first-principles methods to extract magnetic parameters in ultrathin films: Co/Pt(111) (S. Blugel, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.99.214424 : Unconventional thermal magnon Hall effect in a ferromagnetic topological insulator (thermal magnon Hall effect, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.99.224422 : Microscopic spinon-chargon theory of magnetic polarons in the t − J model (E. Demler, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.99.245411 : Topological transitions in metals (Kamenev, PRB)

    13. 1906.07362 : Plasmon effect on the Coulomb pseudopotential $\mu^*$ in the McMillan equation (McMillan equation, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevX.9.021053 : Hear the Sound of Weyl Fermions (Xi Dai, PRX)

    15. 1906.06501 : Theory of giant skew scattering by spin cluster (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    16. 1906.07090 : Topological spin excitations in Harper-Heisenberg spin chains (Lado, arXiv)

    17. 1906.06246 : Kagome model for a ${\mathbb Z}_2$ quantum spin liquid (spin liquid, arXiv)

    18. 1906.06097 : Application of the Landauer formalism to the calculation of spin current (Landauer formalism, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.235132 : Higher-order bosonic topological phases in spin models (Hughes, PRB)

    2. s41535-019-0169-9 : Pairfield fluctuations of a 2D Hubbard model (Scalapino, npj QMs)

    3. 1906.04977 : Theory of phonon side jump contribution in Anomalous Hall transport (Q. Niu, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.99.245118 : Impurity-induced triple point fermions in twisted bilayer graphene (Lado, PRB)

    5. 1906.03675 : Pfaffian formalism for higher-order topological insulators (K. Sun, arXiv)

    6. 1906.03265 : Theory of a Planckian metal (Sachdev, arXiv)

    7. 1906.03462 : Road to Room-Temperature Superconductivity: Tc above 260 K in Lanthanum Superhydride under Pressure (superhydride, arXiv)

    8. 1906.02749 : Odd-Parity Superconductivity Driven by Octahedra Rotations in Iridium Oxides (Kee, arXiv)

    9. 1906.02752 : Fractional disclination charge in two-dimensional $C_n-$symmetric topological crystalline insulators (Hughes, arXiv)

    10. 1906.03236 : Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in Metals: A Diagrammatic Approach (Tsvelik, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.227202 : Giant Magnetoelastic-Coupling Driven Spin-Lattice Liquid State in Molybdate Pyrochlores (Jackeli, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.122.227402 : Nonreciprocal Directional Dichroism Induced by the Quantum Metric Dipole (Di Xiao, PRL)

    3. 1906.02711 : Defect-induced magnetism and Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in twisted bilayer graphene (Lado, arXiv)

    4. pentaquarks : New pentaquarks hint at zoo of exotic matter (pentaquarks, Science)

    5. science.aav6926 : Probing magnetism in 2D materials at the nanoscale with single-spin microscopy (2D magnetism probing, Science)

    6. PhysRevX.9.021048 : High-Resolution Photoemission on Sr2RuO4 Reveals Correlation-Enhanced Effective Spin-Orbit Coupling and Dominantly Local Self-Energies (Ruthenate, PRX)

    7. PhysRevB.99.245202 : Spin-orbit coupling: Atom versus semiconductor crystal (SOI, PRB)

    8. 1906.02220 : Tensor network simulation of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model at finite temperature (tensor network, arXiv)

    9. 1906.02213 : Topology-Bounded Superfluid Weight In Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

    10. 1906.02695 : How Compressed Hydrides Produce Room Temperature Superconductivity (Pickett, arXiv)

    11. 1906.01109 : Elliott-Yafet Spin-Phonon Relaxation Times from First Principles (spin-phonon, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.99.214102 : Scattering of phonons by quantum-dislocation segments in an elastic continuum (phonon- dislocation, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.99.224407 : Upper branch magnetism in quantum magnets: Collapses of excited levels and emergent selection rules (Gang Chen, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.99.241103 : Fermionic multicriticality near Kekulé valence-bond ordering on a honeycomb lattice (Bitan Roy, PRB)

    15. 1906.01656 : Modeling the pseudogap metallic state in Cuprates: quantum disordered pair density wave and hidden bosonic Mott insulator (PA Lee, arXiv)

    16. 1906.01682 : Landauer Formula for a Superconducting Quantum Point Contact (Glazman, arXiv)

    17. 1906.01934 : Theory of Josephson Current on a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator (Sho, arXiv)

    18. 1906.02143 : Singlet Reservoir Theory of Ambient Tc Granular Superconductivity in Monovalent Metal Nanostructures (Baskaran, arXiv)

    19. 1906.01221 : Observation of spin-orbit excitations and Hund’s multiplets in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

    20. 1906.01270 : Determining the Electron-Phonon Coupling in Superconducting Cuprates by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering: Methods and Results on Nd${1+x}$Ba${2-x}$Cu$3$O${7-\delta}$ (van den Brink, arXiv)

    21. 1906.01283 : Two-dimensional topological materials discovery by symmetry-indicator method (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    22. s41563-019-0386-4 : Symmetry-breaking interlayer Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions in synthetic antiferromagnets (interlayer-DMI, nmat)

    23. 1906.00218 : $\mathbb{Z}_Q$ Berry Phase for Higher-Order Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    24. 1906.00568 : Stability of edge magnetism against disorder in zigzag MoS$_2$ nanoribbons (edge magnetism, arXiv)

    25. 1905.13255 : Study of counterintuitive transport properties in the Aubry-Andr'e-Harper model via entanglement entropy and persistent current (AAH, arXiv)

    26. 1905.13590 : Fingerprints of Kitaev physics in the magnetic excitations of honeycomb iridates (kitaev physics, arXiv)

    27. 1905.13683 : Orbital Magnetic Field Effects in Mott Insulators with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling (R. Moessner, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jun 1 week 2019)

    1. 1905.12649 : A local formula for the $Z_2$ invariant of topological insulators (Roger Mong, arXiv)

    2. 1905.13073 : Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Antiferromagnetic Kagome Metal FeSn (J. Checkelsky, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.99.195455 : Faithful tight-binding models and fragile topology of magic-angle bilayer graphene (Vishwanath, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.99.205153 : Quantum phase transitions beyond Landau-Ginzburg theory in one-dimensional space revisited (Morimoto, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.99.205435 : Degeneracy lifting of Majorana bound states due to electron-phonon interactions (D. Loss, PRB)

    6. s41567-018-0250-5 : Direct entropy measurement in a mesoscopic quantum system (entropy measurement, nphys)

    7. 1905.12475 : Quantized thermal Hall conductance from edge current calculations in the lattice model (thermal Hall effect, arXiv)

    8. physics : Pushing Tensor Networks to the Limit (tensor network, physics)

    9. PhysRevB.99.184514 : Topological superconductivity in Dirac honeycomb systems (Dircac honeycomb, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.99.174429 : Quantum thermal Hall effect of chiral spinons on a kagome strip (QTHE, PRB)

    11. PhysRevB.99.195150 : Spin and orbital ordering in bilayer Sr 3 Cr 2 O 7 (Cr bilayer, PRB)

    12. 2D materials : Purely rotational symmetry-protected topological crystalline insulator $\alpha$ -Bi 4 Br 4 (rotation symmetry protected TCI, 2D materials)

    13. 1905.11412 : The Hubbard model on a triangular lattice – pseudogap due to spin-density-wave fluctuations (Chubukov, arXiv)

    14. 1905.11321 : Thermal Hall signatures of non-Kitaev spin liquids in honeycomb Kitaev materials (Gang Chen, arXiv)

    15. 1905.10929 : Critical spin fluctuation mechanism for the spin Hall effect (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    16. 1905.09835 : Transport in bilayer graphene near charge neutrality: Which scattering mechanisms are important? (SH Simon, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.207001 : Crystalline-Symmetry-Protected Helical Majorana Modes in the Iron Pnictides (P. Coleman, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.99.205431 : Valley isospin of interface states in a graphene p n junction in the quantum Hall regime (Luka, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.99.195141 : Model-mapped random phase approximation to evaluate superconductivity in the fluctuation exchange approximation from first principles (Kotani, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.99.195142 : On the origin of the anomalous peak in the resistivity of TiSe 2 (PDC King, PRB)

    5. s41586-019-1201-8 : Superconductivity at 250 K in lanthanum hydride under high pressures (250K SC, nature)

    6. s41535-019-0162-3 : Lattice frustration in spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7 at high pressure (Ir327, npj QMs)

    7. 1905.09404 : Local Berry curvature signatures in dichroic angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (P. Werner, arXiv)

    8. 1905.09814 : Non-linear Nernst effect in Bilayer WTe2 (Tewari, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevLett.122.207701 : Spectroscopy of Quantum Dot Orbitals with In-Plane Magnetic Fields (Peter, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.122.200501 : Neural Belief-Propagation Decoders for Quantum Error-Correcting Codes (Ye-Hua, PRL)

    11. PhysRevB.99.174422 : Detecting spin current noise in quantum magnets with photons (So Takei, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.99.174423 : Single-layer tensor network study of the Heisenberg model with chiral interactions on a kagome lattice (tensor network, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.99.195443 : Topological band structure of surface acoustic waves on a periodically corrugated surface (S. Murakami, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.99.205138 : Entanglement entropy and computational complexity of the periodically driven Anderson impurity model (A. J. Millis, PRB)

    15. 1905.08896 : In-plane Zeeman field induced Majorana corner and hinge modes in an $s$-wave superconductor heterostructure (majorana corner modes, arXiv)

    16. 1905.09007 : Current-Induced Dynamics and Chaos of an Antiferromagnetic Bimeron (Bimeron, arXiv)

    17. 1905.09154 : Current-Driven Dynamics of Magnetic Hopfions (Hopfions, arXiv)

    18. 1905.09241 : Floquet Second-Order Topological Superconductor Driven via Ferromagnetic Resonance (D. Loss, arXiv)

    19. PhysRevLett.122.206401 : Topological Axion States in the Magnetic Insulator MnBi 2 Te 4 with the Quantized Magnetoelectric Effect (Axion insulator, PRL)

    20. PhysRevB.99.184429 : Spin eigenexcitations of an antiferromagnetic skyrmion (van den Brink, PRB)

    21. 1905.08256 : Two dimensional non-Fermi liquid metals: a solvable large N limit (S. Raghu, arXiv)

    22. PhysRevB.99.205134 : Continuum models for twisted bilayer graphene: Effect of lattice deformation and hopping parameters (Guinea, PRB)

    23. 1905.07040 : Quantum spin liquids (S. Kivelson, arXiv)

    24. 1905.07078 : Quantum transport in non-Hermitian impurity array (quantum transport, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (May 3 week 2019)

    1. 1905.04248 : The thermal Hall conductance of a symmetry-breaking topological insulator (DH Lee, arXiv)

    2. 1905.06748 : Three-dimensional topological magnon systems (Katsura, arXiv)

    3. PhysRevB.99.195431 : Proximity-induced Majorana hinge modes in antiferromagnetic topological insulators (Yong Xu, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.99.205129 : Spin liquid fingerprints in the thermal transport of a Kitaev-Heisenberg ladder (spin liquid, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.99.184418 : Majorana edge magnetization in the Kitaev honeycomb model (kitaev, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.99.201107 : Nodal arc of disordered Dirac fermions and non-Hermitian band theory (Liang Fu, PRB)

    7. 1905.06034 : Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Quantum States with Nonabelian or Anyonic Symmetries (Verstraete, arXiv)

    8. 1905.06264 : Majorana Fermion Quantum Mechanics for Higher Rank Tensors (SYK, arXiv)

    9. 1905.06053 : Robust zero-energy modes in an electronic higher-order topological insulator: the dimerized Kagome lattice (dimerized kagome, arXiv)

    10. 1905.05188 : Supermetal (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    11. 1905.05535 : Anapole-Orbit Entanglement Measured by Magnetic Neutron Diffraction (iridate, arXiv)

    12. PhysRevB.99.174412 : Topological magnon bands for magnonics (magnon, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevB.99.195121 : Low-dimensional correlations under thermal fluctuations (Giamarchi, PRB)

    14. PhysRevB.99.205119 : Non-Kitaev spin liquids in Kitaev materials (Gang Chen, PRB)

  • weekly picks (May 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.187601 : Emergent Anisotropic Non-Fermi Liquid at a Topological Phase Transition in Three Dimensions (Min, PRL)

    2. PhysRevLett.122.187001 : Helical Hinge Majorana Modes in Iron-Based Superconductors (Das Sarma, PRL)

    3. PhysRevB.99.174303 : Dissipative spin chain as a non-Hermitian Kitaev ladder (Katsura, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.99.205114 :Scalable fermionic error correction in Majorana surface codes (Liang Fu, PRB)

    5. science.sciencemag : The eclipse that made Einstein famous Science (book)
    6. PhysRevLett.122.187203 : Topological Magnons and Edge States in Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Crystals (D. Loss, PRL)

    7. PhysRevB.99.205111 : Floquet spin and spin-orbital Hamiltonians and doublon-holon generations in periodically driven Mott insulators (L. Balents, PRB)

    8. 1905.03510 : Mechanical analogue of a Majorana bound state (Kekule, arXiv)

    9. 1905.03668 : Visualizing topological transport (van Wezel, arXiv)

    10. 1905.03523 : Exotic Cooper pairing in multi-orbital models of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (Hong Yao, arXiv)

    11. 1905.03484 : Higher-order Topological Mott Insulators (Hatsugai, arXiv)

    12. s42005-019-0149-1 : Topological soliton-polaritons in 1D systems of light and fermionic matter (Soliton-polariton, Comm. physics)

    13. 1905.02725 : Supercurrent-induced Majorana bound states in a planar geometry (Akhmerov, arXiv)

    14. 1905.02281 : Specific heat maximum as a signature of Mott physics in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (A. Tremblay, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevLett.122.186801 : Topological Semimetals in the SnTe Material Class: Nodal Lines and Weyl Points (C. Ortix, PRL)

    16. PhysRevB.99.195112 : Nonlocal string order parameter in the S = 1 2 Kitaev-Heisenberg ladder (Kee, PRB)

    17. 1905.02594 : Orbital Symmetry and Orbital Excitations in High-$T_c$ Superconductors (G. Khaliullin, arXiv)

    18. 1905.02206 : Flat band in twisted bilayer Bravais lattices (Vishwanath, arXiv)

    19. physics : Bilayer Graphene’s Wicked, Twisted Road (AH MacDonald, physics)

    20. PhysRevB.99.195107 : Two-dimensional Peierls instability via zone-boundary Dirac line nodes in layered perovskite oxides (JH Park, PRB)

    21. 1905.01487 : Exotic pairing state in quasicrystalline superconductors under magnetic field (Arita, arXiv)

    22. 1905.01313 : Optical excitation of magnons in an easy-plane antiferromagnet: Application to Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (L. Balents, arXiv)

    23. 1905.02129 : Tunable Charged Domain Wall from Topological Confinement in Nodal-Line Semimetals (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    24. PhysRevB.99.144410 : Skyrmion clusters and conical droplets in bulk helimagnets with cubic anisotropy (Leonov, PRB)

    25. David J. Thouless : David J. Thouless (1934-2019)
  • weekly picks (May 1 week 2019)

    1. 1905.00435 : Anomaly indicators for topological orders with $U(1)$ and time-reversal symmetry (Lapa, arXiv)

    2. 1905.00460 : Competing orders in pyrochlore magnets from a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquid perspective (L. Balents, arXiv)

    3. 1905.00885 : Fractional Topological Superconductivity and Parafermion Corner States (D. Loss, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevX.9.021021 : Density Wave Probes Cuprate Quantum Phase Transition (density wave, PRX)

    5. PhysRevB.99.195102 : Incommensurate 2 k F density wave quantum criticality in two-dimensional metals (density wave in 2D, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.99.180401 : Field-induced instability of the quantum spin liquid ground state in the J eff = 1 2 triangular-lattice compound NaYbO 2 (quantum spin liquid, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.99.205101 : Heat pumping from braiding Majorana zero modes (heat pumping, PRB)

    8. 1905.00290 : Charge transfer in LaVO$_3$/LaTiO$_3$ multilayers: strain-controlled dimensionality of interface metallicity between two Mott insulators (DMFT STO, arXiv)

    9. 1905.00033 : Ferromagnetism and Spin-Valley liquid states in Moir'{e} Correlated Insulators (Cenke Xu moire graphene, arXiv)

    10. 1905.00183 : p-Wave Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors (p-wave SC, arXiv)

    11. PhysRevX.9.021020 : Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Photodoped Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Sr 2 IrO 4 (iridate, PRX)

    12. s41567-019-0501-0 : Metamagnetic texture in a polar antiferromagnet (AFM helical, nphys)

    13. s41535-019-0153-4 : Superconductivity from valley fluctuations and approximate SO(4) symmetry in a weak coupling theory of twisted bilayer graphene (Vishwanath, npj QMs)

    14. PhysRevB.99.165430 : Quasicrystalline electronic states in 30 ∘ rotated twisted bilayer graphene (Son, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.99.134442 : Magnetoelectric effect in band insulator–ferromagnet heterostructures (Motome, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.122.177201 : Nontrivial Triplon Topology and Triplon Liquid in Kitaev-Heisenberg-type Excitonic Magnets (Khaliullin, PRL)

    17. 1904.12176 : Complex magnetism of B20-MnGe: from spin-spirals, hedgehogs to monopoles (Blugel, arXiv)

    18. 1904.11764 : A localization marker from many-body quantum geometry measurements (quantum metric, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 4 week 2019)

    1. 1904.09139 : Magnetization density distribution of Sr$2$IrO$_4$: Deviation from a local $j\text{eff}=1/2$ picture (J. Jeong, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.99.144522 : Coulomb problem in iron-based superconductors (P. Coleman, PRB)

    3. 1904.11394 : Geometric orbital magnetization in adiabatic processes (Luka, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.99.165141 : Topological states on the breathing kagome lattice (Nagaosa, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.99.134437 : Spin-fermion model for skyrmions in MnGe derived from strong correlations (DFT MnGe, PRB)

    6. 1904.10975 : Deconfined quantum criticality and emergent SO(5) symmetry in fermionic systems (Hong Yao, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevX.9.021017 : Anisotropic-Exchange Magnets on a Triangular Lattice: Spin Waves, Accidental Degeneracies, and Dual Spin Liquids (White, PRX)

    8. PhysRevLett.122.167202 : Exotic Low-Energy Excitations Emergent in the Random Kitaev Magnet Cu 2 IrO 3 (choi, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.122.166602 : Local Theory of the Insulating State (Resta, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.122.167201 : Multiscale Quantum Criticality Driven by Kondo Lattice Coupling in Pyrochlore Systems (EG Moon, PRL)

    11. PhysRevB.99.155146 : Nonlinear response in a noncentrosymmetric topological insulator (F. Nori, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.99.155148 : Ab initio derivation of an effective Hamiltonian for the La 2 CuO 4 / La 1.55 Sr 0.45 CuO 4 heterostructure (Imada, PRB)

    13. 1904.10588 : Antisymmetric magnetoresistance in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/graphite/Fe3GeTe2 tri-layer heterostructures (vDW, arXiv)

    14. 1904.10452 : Landau Level Degeneracy in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Role of Symmetry Breaking (Senthil, arXiv)

    15. 1904.10328 : $k \cdot p$ theory for phosphorene: effective g-factors, Landau levels, excitons (J. Fabian, arXiv)

    16. 1904.09687 : The Physics of Pair Density Waves (PA Lee, annual review of condensed matter physics)

    17. 1904.09629 : Spin-$S$ designer hamiltonians and the square lattice $S=1$ Haldane nematic (Haldane nematic, arXiv)

    18. 1904.09932 : Higher-Order Topological Insulators in Quasicrystals (Higher-order TI in quasicrystals, arXiv)

    19. 1904.08948 : Measuring the Entropy of a Mesoscopic System via Thermoelectric Transport (Molenkamp, arXiv)

    20. 1904.09215 : Quantum Brownian Motion of a Magnetic Skyrmion (D. Loss, arXiv)

    21. 1904.09164 : Understanding electron-doped cuprate superconductors as hole superconductors (Hirsch, arXiv)

  • KPS 2019 spring

  • 2019 KPS spring meeting http://www.kps.or.kr/1113 in Deajeon, Korea.

    only picture that I took during KPS meeting. Chocolate from Prof. C. Kim
    only picture that I took during KPS meeting. Chocolate from Prof. C. Kim
  • weekly picks (Apr 3 week 2019)

    1. s41467-019-09698-6 : Origin of band gaps in 3d perovskite oxides (3d perovskite, ncomms)

    2. PhysRevB.99.134515 : Wannier pairs in superconducting twisted bilayer graphene and related systems (J. Jung, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.99.155134 : Families of gapped interfaces between fractional quantum Hall states (Hughes, PRB)

    4. 1904.08865 : Topological thermal Hall effect of “magnetic monopoles” in pyrochlore U(1) spin liquid (G. Chen, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.99.165126 : Thermal Hall effect in square-lattice spin liquids: A Schwinger boson mean-field study (Sachdev, PRB)

    6. s41563-019-0330-7 : Lighting up Weyl semimetals (Hongmeng Weng, nmat)

    7. s41586-019-1092-8 : Observation of room-temperature polar skyrmions (Ramesh, Nature)

    8. PhysRevX.9.021010 : Cage-Net Fracton Models (Hermele-antiperovskite, PRX)

    9. PhysRevB.99.155415 : Pseudo Landau level representation of twisted bilayer graphene: Band topology and implications on the correlated insulating phase (X. Dai, PRB)

    10. PhysRevB.99.161405 : Coupled-wire description of the correlated physics in twisted bilayer graphene (Cenke Xu, PRB)

    11. 1904.08148 : Two-orbital effective model for magnetic Weyl semimetal in Kagome-lattice shandite (Nomura, arXiv)

    12. 1904.07324 : Magnetic response of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: quasi-local spin fluctuations due to Hund’s coupling (ruthenate, arXiv)

    13. 1904.07242 : Topological phases without crystalline counterparts (quasicrystal majorana, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevLett.122.157201 : Overdamped Antiferromagnetic Strange Metal State in Sr 3 IrRuO 7 (Iridate strange metal, PRL)

    15. 1904.06355 : Topological Phase Transition driven by Infinitesimal Instability: Majorana Fermions in Non-Hermitian Spintronics (M. Sato, arXiv)

    16. 1904.07181 : Spin-to-charge conversion in magnetic Weyl semimetals (A. Burkov, arXiv)

    17. 1904.06095 :One-dimensionalization by Geometrical Frustration in the Anisotropic Triangular Lattice of the 5d Quantum Antiferromagnet Ca3ReO5Cl2 (spinon, JPSP)

    18. 1904.06216 : Composite Dirac Semimetal (SA Yang, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.140407 : Distinct magnetotransport and orbital fingerprints of chiral bobbers (S. Blugel, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.99.155123 : Thermoelectric Hall conductivity and figure of merit in Dirac/Weyl materials (Liang Fu, PRB)

    3. 1904.05491 : The absence of energy currents in an equilibrium state and chiral anomalies (energy current, arXiv)

    4. 1904.05473 : Anomalous charge transport in magnetic insulators with multiple-Q spin textures (SZ Lin, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevLett.122.145901 : Phonon Magnetochiral Effect (Nagaosa, PRL)
      Physcis : Viewpoint: Phonons Hum a Magnetochiral Tune (Physics)

    6. PhysRevB.99.134413 : Large magnetic thermal conductivity induced by frustration in low-dimensional quantum magnets (Batista, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.99.144507 : Nematic superconductivity stabilized by density wave fluctuations: Possible application to twisted bilayer graphene (Liang Fu, PRB)

    8. 1904.04273 : Bulk thermal transport coefficients in a quantum Hall system and the fundamental difference between thermal and charge response (Vinkler-Aviv, thermal transport, arXiv)

    9. 1904.04280 : Orbital Edelstein effect from density-wave order (paramekanti, arXiv)

    10. 1904.04719 : Parafermions, induced edge states and domain walls in the fractional quantum Hall effect spin transitions (Parafermion, arXiv)

    11. s41567-019-0484-x : Symmetry-enhanced discontinuous phase transition in a two-dimensional quantum magnet (Sandvik, nphys)

    12. s41563-019-0304-9 : Parity–time symmetry and exceptional points in photonics (F. Nori, nmat)

    13. PhysRevB.99.134412 : Cubic B20 helimagnets with quenched disorder in magnetic field (B20 Helimagnet, PRB)

    14. 1904.03220 : Effective interactions between local hopping modulations on the square lattice (pi-flux model, arXiv)

    15. 1904.03183 : An Analytic Study of the Wiedemann-Franz Law and the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit (WF law, arXiv)

    16. 1904.02968 : Nonlinear response in a non-centrosymmetric topological insulator (F. Nori, arXiv)

    17. 1904.03179 : Signature of the Quantized Thermoelectric Hall Effect in a Topological Weyl Semimetal (Liang Fu, arxiv)

  • weekly picks (Apr 1 week 2019)

    1. 1904.00220 : Topological polarons, quasiparticle invariants and their detection in 1D symmetry-protected phases (E. Demler, arXiv)

    2. 1904.00250 : Magnetic hopfions in solids (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    3. 1904.00530 : Theoretical study of the spin and charge dynamics of two-leg ladders as probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (triplon, arXiv)

    4. 1904.00915 : Evidence for a Vestigial Nematic State in the Cuprate Pseudogap Phase (pseudogap cuprate, arXiv)

    5. 1904.02369 : Topological chiral magnetic interactions driven by emergent orbital magnetism (S. Blugel, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.99.155404 : Gyrotropic Hall effect in Berry-curved materials (Pesin, PRB)

    7. 1904.02157 : Quantized plateau in the thermoelectric Hall conductivity for Dirac electrons in the extreme quantum limit (thermoelectric Hall effect, arXiv)

    8. 1904.01812 : Possible superconductivity induced by a large spin-orbit coupling in carrier doped iridium oxide insulators: A weak coupling approach (S. Yuoki, arXiv)

    9. 1904.02117 : Spinon waves in magnetized spin liquids (L. Balents, arXiv)

    10. 1904.01751 : Non-Abelian Aharonov-Casher Phase Factor in Mesoscopic Systems (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    11. 1904.01523 : Deriving models for the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ from first principles (kitaev cRPA, arXiv)

    12. 1904.00013 : Magnus Hall Effect (Liang Fu, arXiv)

    13. 1903.12249 : Vortex Lattice Structure and Topological Superconductivity in the Quantum Hall Regime (AH Macdonald, arXiv)

    14. 1903.12379 : Spin-Orbital Hallmarks of Unconventional Superconductors Without Inversion Symmetry (orbital Rashba, arXiv)

    15. PhysRevB.99.140201 : Landau levels, Bardeen polynomials, and Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals: Lattice-based approach to the chiral anomaly (lattice model for chiral anomaly, PRB)

    16. PhysRevLett.122.127201 : Higgs Mode of Planar Coupled Spin Ladders and its Observation in C 9 H 18 N 2 CuBr 4 (Higgs amplitude mode, PRL)

  • weekly picks (Mar 5 week 2019)

    1. sciadv.aat4698 : Evidence of pair-density wave in spin-valley locked systems (EA Kim, Science adv.)

    2. PhysRevB.99.121114 : Spin-polaron ladder spectrum of the spin-orbit-induced Mott insulator Sr 2 IrO 4 probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (van den Brink, PRB)

    3. 1903.11659 : Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in the Haldane Chern insulator (Nagaosa, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevLett.122.126402 : Second-Order Topological Superconductivity in π-Junction Rashba Layers (D. Loss, PRL)

    5. PhysRevB.99.100405 : Characterization of quantum spin liquids and their spinon band structures via functional renormalization (spinon, PRB)

    6. 1903.11896 : Spin Seebeck and Spin Nernst Effects of Magnons in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Insulators (spin Seebeck magnon, arXiv)

    7. 1903.12068 : Magnetic-Resonance-Induced Current Response in Axion Insulators (axion insulator, arXiv)

    8. 1903.11563 : Landau levels in twisted bilayer graphene and semiclassical orbits (L. Balents, arXiv)

    9. PhysRevB.99.125151 : Heterostructures of graphene and hBN: Electronic, spin-orbit, and spin relaxation properties from first principles (J. Fabian, PRB)

    10. 1903.11086 : Criticality Across the Energy Spectrum from Random, Artificial Gravitational Lensing in Two-Dimensional Dirac Materials (modulation of Dirac fermion in 2D, arXiv)

    11. 1903.11150 : Entropy jump at the first-order vortex phase transition in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta} with columnar defects (irradiation, arXiv)

    12. 1903.10985 : Magnetovortical and thermoelectric transport in tilted Weyl metals (Stoof, arXiv)

    13. 1903.11003 : Quantum topological transitions and spinons in metallic ferro- and antiferromagnets (spinon, arXiv)

    14. PhysRevB.99.125149 : Three-dimensional superconductors with hybrid higher-order topology (Bernevig, PRB)

    15. PhysRevB.99.115205 : Robustness of anomaly-related magnetoresistance in doped Weyl semimetals (Nagaosa, PRB)

    16. PhysRevMaterials.3.024407 : Theory of magnetism-driven negative thermal expansion in inverse perovskite antiferromagnets (Mochizuki, PRMaterials)

    17. PhysRevB.99.104431 : Thermally driven topology in frustrated systems (Jiadong Zang, PRB)

    18. s41563-019-0327-2 : Spin waves and spin-state transitions in a ruthenate high-temperature antiferromagnet (BJ Kim, nature materials)

    19. 1903.09856 : Higher-order Topology of Axion Insulator EuIn$_2$As$_2$ (X. Dai, arXiv)

    20. 1903.09219 : Spectral functions of Sr${}_2$IrO${}_4$: theory versus experiment (Silke iridate, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.117001 : Proposal for Measuring the Parity Anomaly in a Topological Superconductor Ring (JD Sau, PRL)

    2. PhysRevB.99.121111 : Semiclassical wave packet dynamics in nonuniform electric fields (Lapa, PRB(R))

    3. PhysRevB.99.104427 : Spin-wave stiffness and micromagnetic exchange interactions expressed by means of the KKR Green function approach (spin model, PRB)

    4. s41586-019-1037-2 : Topological chiral crystals with helicoid-arc quantum states (Hasan, nature)

    5. PhysRevB.99.104422 : Twists in ferromagnetic monolayers with trigonal prismatic symmetry (DMI, PRB)

    6. s41586-019-1031-8 : Observation of unconventional chiral fermions with long Fermi arcs in CoSi (chiral fermion, nature)

    7. 1903.07052 : Emergence of Tamm states from Thouless pumping (R. Shindou, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevB.99.094307 : Strong pseudospin-lattice coupling in Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7 : Coherent phonon anomaly and negative thermal expansion (Bilayer iridates, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.99.121301 : Integer quantum Hall transition on a tight-binding lattice (integer Quantum Hall transition, PRB)

    10. 1903.07223 : Theory of spin transport through antiferromagnetic insulator (G. Tatara, arXiv)

    11. 1903.08081 : Kitaev quantum spin liquid - concept and materialization (G. Khaliullin, arXiv)

    12. 1903.08081 : Thermal Hall Effect Induced by Magnon-Phonon Interactions (Di Xiao, arXiv)

    13. PhysRevLett.122.117201 : Spectrum of Itinerant Fractional Excitations in Quantum Spin Ice (R. Moessner, PRL)

    14. s41567-019-0457-0: Symmetry-enforced chiral hinge states and surface quantum anomalous Hall effect in the magnetic axion insulator Bi2–xSmxSe3 (Xi Dai, nature physics)

    15. 1903.06532 : A complete description of the magnetic ground state in spinel vanadates (Vanadates ELK, arXiv)

    16. 1903.06264 : Magnetically Switchable Light-Matter Interaction in the Two-Dimensional Magnet CrI3 (Nagaosa, Binghai, arXiv)

    17. nphys4117 : Topological triplon modes and bound states in a Shastry–Sutherland magnet (triplon modes, nature physics)

  • weekly picks (Mar 3 week 2019)

    1. s41586-019-0923-y : Electrical resistivity across a nematic quantum critical point (FeSe S-doping, nematic QCP, nature)

    2. PhysRevB.99.125123 : Lattice Monte Carlo for quantum Hall states on a torus (Haldane, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.99.121407 : Unconventional superconductivity in nearly flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene (Bitan Roy, PRB)

    4. PhysRevB.99.115121 : Planar Hall effect in tilted Weyl semimetals (Planar Hall effect, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.99.115421 : Conductance fluctuations of monolayer GeSnH 2 in the topological phase using a low-energy effective tight-binding Hamiltonian (TB DFT, PRB)

    6. PhysRevLett.122.106405 : Origin of Magic Angles in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Vishwanath, PRL)

    7. PhysRevLett.122.103903 : Observation of Hourglass Nodal Lines in Photonics (Hourglass, PRL)

    8. PhysRevLett.122.106602 : Planar Hall Effect in Antiferromagnetic MnTe Thin Films (planar Hall effect, PRL)

    9. PhysRevLett.122.106601 : Universal Scaling Theory of the Boundary Geometric Tensor in Disordered Metals (quantum geometric tensor, PRL)

    10. PhysRevLett.122.107201 : Chiral Phonon Transport Induced by Topological Magnons (phonon-magnon, PRL)

    11. PhysRevB.99.115119 : Superexchange interactions between spin-orbit-coupled j ≈ 1 / 2 ions in oxides with face-sharing ligand octahedra (van den Brink, PRB)

    12. PhysRevB.99.115115 : Equilibrium formulae for transverse magnetotransport of strongly correlated metals (Auerbach, PRB)

    13. PhysRevB.99.121106 : Quadratic and cubic nodal lines stabilized by crystalline symmetry (nodal line, PRB)

    14. 1903.05679 : Coexistence of orbital and quantum critical magnetoresistance in FeSe${1-x}$S${x}$ (FeSe S-doping, arXiv)

    15. 1903.05798 : A spin-orbital-intertwined nematic state in FeSe (FeSe, arXiv)

    16. 1903.05997 : Nonsymmorphic Topological Quadrupole Insulator in Sonic Crystals (Nonsymmorphic Topological Quadrupole, arXiv)

    17. 1903.05097 : Magnon Landau levels and emergent supersymmetry in strained antiferromagnets (Vojta, arXiv)

    18. 1903.05098 : Magnon interactions in the frustrated pyrochlore ferromagnet Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ (R. Moessner, arXiv)

    19. 1903.05001 : Dual topology in Jacutingaite Pt$_2$HgSe$_3$ (van den Brink, arXiv)

    20. 1903.03774 : Chiral domain walls of Mn$_3$Sn and their memory (Behnia, arXiv)

    21. 1903.04288 : Spin waves in thin films and magnonic crystals with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI symmetry, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 2 week 2019)

    1. 1903.02559 : Symmetry-protected topological magnons in three dimensional Kitaev materials (YB Kim, arXiv)

    2. 1903.03072 : Effect of chiral anomaly on the circular dichroism and Hall angle in doped and tilted Weyl semimetals (Kubo formula, arXiv)

    3. 1903.02812 : Current-induced motion of twisted skyrmions (twisted skyrmions, arXiv)

    4. s42005-019-0128-6 : Designing Rashba–Dresselhaus effect in magnetic insulators (Hotta, Communications Physics)

    5. 1903.01992 : Field-induced transition to semion topological order from the square-lattice N'eel state (Sachdev, arXiv)

    6. 1903.01125 : Consideration of Thermal Hall Effect in Undoped Cuprates (JHPark, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.99.115201 : Nonreciprocal thermal and thermoelectric transport of electrons in noncentrosymmetric crystals (Nagaosa, PRB)

    8. PhysRevLett.122.097001 : Interaction of Skyrmions and Pearl Vortices in Superconductor-Chiral Ferromagnet Heterostructures (skyrmion vortex, PRL)

    9. 1903.00484 : Spin-orbit-controlled metal-insulator transition in Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (BJ Kim, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2019)

    1. 1902.10650 : Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect through Canted Antiferromagnetism (AH MacDonald, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevLett.122.086804 : Helical Topological Edge States in a Quadrupole Phase (quadrupole, PRL)

    3. 1902.10302 : Propagating spin excitations along skyrmion strings (Seki, arXiv)

    4. 1902.09846 : Spin eigen-excitations of an antiferromagnetic skyrmion (van den Brink, arXiv)

    5. 1902.09382 : Topological spin Hall effects and tunable skyrmion Hall effects in uniaxial antiferromagnetic insulators (Di Xiao, arXiv)

    6. 1902.10958 : Bloch Band Theory for Non-Hermitian Systems (S. Murakami, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.99.064307 : Scaling theory of a quantum ratchet (Nagaosa, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.99.075204 : Spontaneous symmetry breaking of an interacting Chern insulator on a topological square lattice (Chern insulator, PRB)

    9. PhysRevB.99.054516 : Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal doping (Sachdev, PRB)

    10. s41586-019-0954-4 : A complete catalogue of high-quality topological materials (Bernevig, Nature)

    11. s41586-019-0937-5 : Comprehensive search for topological materials using symmetry indicators (Vishwanath, Nature)

    12. PhysRevX.9.011038 : Exotic Magnetic Field-Induced Spin-Superstructures in a Mixed Honeycomb-Triangular Lattice System (Feng Ye, PRX)

  • weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2019)

    1. 1902.07508 : Difficulties in operator-based formulation of the bulk quadrupole moment (Luka, arXiv)

    2. 1902.07269 : Superexchange interactions between spin-orbit-coupled $j!\approx!1/2$ ions in oxides with face-sharing ligand octahedra (van den Brink, arXiv)

    3. 1902.07961 : Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (D. Loss, arXiv)

    4. 1902.07825 : Field-Induced Phase Transition of the Spin Liquid State in Triangular Antiferromagnet YbMgGaO4 (field-induced spin liquid, arXiv)

    5. 1902.07716 : Photoinduced Floquet topological magnons in Kitaev magnets (Baskaran, arXiv)

    6. PhysRevB.99.054422 : Thermal Hall effect and topological edge states in a square-lattice antiferromagnet (Hotta, PRB)

    7. PhysRevX.9.011033 : Quantum Anomalous Vortex and Majorana Zero Mode in Iron-Based Superconductor Fe(Te,Se) (X. Dai, PRX)

    8. 1902.07075 : Non-spin-ice pyrochlore U(1) quantum spin liquid: Manifesting mixed symmetry enrichments (Gang Chen, arXiv)

    9. 1902.06166 : Vison Crystals in an Extended Kitaev Model on the Honeycomb Lattice (C. Batista, arXiv)

    10. 1902.06433 : Impact of off-diagonal exchange interactions on the Kitaev spin liquid state of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (Fujimoto, arXiv)

    11. 1902.06601 : Anomalous thermal Hall effect in the topological antiferromagnetic state (THE AFM, arXiv)

    12. 1902.05862 : Impurity-induced triple point fermions in twisted bilayer graphene (Lado, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 3 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.085125 : Pseudospin-lattice coupling in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr 2 IrO 4 (BJ Kim, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.99.085128 : Folding approach to topological order enriched by mirror symmetry (Yang Qi, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.99.085127 : Topological classification under nonmagnetic and magnetic point group symmetry: Application of real-space Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence to higher-order topology (Shiozaki, PRB)

    4. eaau7023 : Theoretical guidelines to create and tune electric skyrmion bubbles (skyrmion bubble, science adv.)

    5. PhysRevX.9.011032 : Nano-Resolved Current-Induced Insulator-Metal Transition in the Mott Insulator Ca 2 RuO 4 (AJ Millis, PRX)

    6. eaav4450 : Two-dimensional magnetic crystals and emergent heterostructure devices (2D magnetism, science)

    7. 1902.05523 : Measuring the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of the epitaxial Co/Ir(111) interface (DMI, arXiv)

    8. PhysRevLett.122.067204 : Flat Bands, Indirect Gaps, and Unconventional Spin-Wave Behavior Induced by a Periodic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (periodic DMI, PRL)

    9. s41586-019-0932-x : Thermodynamic signatures of quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors (Taillefer, Nature)

    10. PhysRevLett.122.067201 : First-Principles Design of the Spinel Iridate Ir 2 O 4 for High-Temperature Quantum Spin Ice (S. Onoda, PRL)

    11. annurev-conmatphys-031218-013113 : Square Lattice Iridates (BJ Kim, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics)

    12. PhysRevLett.122.066801 : Z 4 parafermions in Weakly Interacting Superconducting Constrictions at the Helical Edge of Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (Trauzettel, PRL)

    13. 1902.02798 : Triplet excitations in the frustrated spin ladder Li$_2$Cu$_2$O(SO$_4$)$_2$ (triplet, arXiv) —mathematica

  • weekly picks (Feb 2 week 2019)

    1. 1902.01647 : Berry curvature unravelled by the Nernst effect (Berry curvature, arXiv)

    2. PhysRevB.99.085113 : Anyonic tight-binding models of parafermions and of fractionalized fermions (Anyonic tight-binding models, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.122.057204 : Tunable Magnonic Thermal Hall Effect in Skyrmion Crystal Phases of Ferrimagnets (D. Loss, PRL)

    4. PhysRevLett.122.057203 : Pseudo-Jahn-Teller Effect and Magnetoelastic Coupling in Spin-Orbit Mott Insulators (G. Khaliullin, PRL)

    5. PhysRevLett.122.057202 : Microwave Directional Dichroism Resonant with Spin Excitations in the Polar Ferromagnet GaV 4 S 8 (Y. Tokura, PRL)

    6. s41467-019-08497-3 : High temperature singlet-based magnetism from Hund’s rule correlations (new magnetism, ncomms)

    7. s41467-019-08397-6 : Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface Maxwell waves (F. Nori, ncomms)

    8. 1902.00466 : Ground state and low-energy excitations of the Kitaev-Heisenberg ladder (van den Brink, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Feb 1 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.047202 : Bond-Disordered Spin Liquid and the Honeycomb Iridate H 3 LiIr 2 O 6 : Abundant Low-Energy Density of States from Random Majorana Hopping (R. Moessner, PRL)

    2. 1901.11034 : A DMRG Study of Superconductivity in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model (EA Kim, arXiv)

    3. 1901.10931 : Symmetry and correlation effects on band structure explain the anomalous transport properties of (111) LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ (STO/LAO, arXiv)

    4. 1901.10485 : Magic Angle Hierarchy in Twisted Graphene Multilayers (A. Vishwanath, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.99.020508 : Higher-order topological superconductivity: Possible realization in Fermi gases and Sr 2 RuO 4 (ruthenate, PRB)

    6. Behnia : Two-Dimensional Electrons Raise Eyebrows by Pairing Incoherently (Behnia, Physics)

    7. 1901.09213 : Unconventional Thermal Hall Effect in a Coupling Modulated Honeycomb Topological Magnon Insulator (THE, arXiv)

    8. 1901.08850 : Berry phase of phonons and thermal Hall effect in nonmagnetic insulators (Nagaosa, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevLett.122.036401 : Spin-Polarization Control Driven by a Rashba-Type Effect Breaking the Mirror Symmetry in Two-Dimensional Dual Topological Insulators (Na3Bi, PRL)

    2. 1901.08146 : Revisiting the Kitaev material candidacy of Ir4+ double perovskite iridates (double perovskite iridates, arXiv)

    3. Shoucheng Zhang (1963–2018)

    4. 1901.07195 : Finite difference method for Dirac electrons in circular quantum dots (Poland group, arXiv)

    5. 1901.07588 : High-harmonic generation in quantum spin systems (P. Werner, arXiv)

    6. 1901.07041 : Possible 3D nematic odd-parity pairing in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: experimental evidences and predictions (Hong Yao, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.99.014427 : Thermal Hall effect in noncollinear coplanar insulating antiferromagnets (A. Mook, PRB)

    8. PhysRevB.99.014425 : Spiral magnetic ordering of the Eu moments in EuNi 2 As 2 (spiral Eu, PRB)

    9. 1901.06192 : Magnonic Weyl states in Cu2OSeO3 (S. Blugel, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 3 week 2019)

    1. eaav4020 : Resonant inelastic x-ray incarnation of Young’s double-slit experiment (van den Brink, science adv.)

    2. 1901.05684 : Dynamics of noncollinear antiferromagnetic textures driven by spin current injection (Sinova, DM, arXiv)

    3. 1901.05587 : The origin of hour-glass magnetic dispersion in underdoped cuprate superconductors (underdoped cuprate, arXiv)

    4. s41586-018-0853-0 : Magnetic and magnetic inverse spin Hall effects in a non-collinear antiferromagnet (Otani, Nature)

    5. 1901.05077 : Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in AB-stacked bilayer graphene (AB-stacked graphene, arXiv)

    6. 1901.04701 : Quasicrystalline electronic states in 30$^\circ$ rotated twisted bilayer graphene (Son, arXiv)

    7. nanolett.8b03282 : Edge States at Nematic Domain Walls in FeSe Films (Qi-Kun Xue, Nano Letters)

  • weekly picks (Jan 2 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.041110 : Z 2 topological invariant for magnon spin Hall systems (Katsura, PRB)

    2. PhysRevLett.122.016803 : Interaction-Driven Surface Chern Insulator in Nodal Line Semimetals (Lado, PRL)

    3. PhysRevLett.122.016403 : Topological Landscape of Competing Charge Density Waves in 2 H − NbSe 2 (Yeom, PRL)

    4. PhysRevX.9.011005 : Quantum and Classical Phases of the Pyrochlore Heisenberg Model with Competing Interactions (pyrochlore, PRX)

    5. PhysRevB.99.035411 : Valley engineering by strain in Kekulé-distorted graphene (kekule graphene, PRB)

    6. 1901.01208 Hydrodynamics of three-dimensional skyrmions in frustrated magnets (Yaroslav, arXiv)

    7. 1901.01008 Making artificial $\textit{p}_{x,y}$-orbital honeycomb electron lattice on metal surface (pxy-honeycomb, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Jan 1 week 2019)

    1. PhysRevB.99.041301 : Higher-order topological phases: A general principle of construction (Bitan Roy, PRB(R))

    2. 1901.00500 : A chiral twist on the high-$T_c$ phase diagram in Moir'e heterostructures (Nandkishore, arXiv)

    3. 1901.00445 : Crystal Hall effect in Collinear Antiferromagnets (Sinova, arXiv)

    4. 1901.00012 : Unveiling Hidden Orders: Magnetostriction as a Probe of Multipolar-Ordered States (YB Kim, arXiv)

    5. PhysRevB.99.041101 : Band crossings in honeycomb-layered transition metal compounds (Motome, PRB(R))

    6. 1812.11912 : A gap-protected zero-Hall effect state in the quantum limit of the nonsymmorphic metal KHgSb (Ong, arXiv)

    7. 1812.11125 : Topological Magnons and Edge States in Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Crystals (D. Loss, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2018)

    1. PhysRevB.98.224426 : Localized spin waves in isolated k\pi skyrmions (spin wave, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.98.220412 : Symmetry analysis of current-induced switching of antiferromagnets (AFM spintronics, PRB)

    3. PhysRevB.98.235160 : Higher angular momentum band inversions in two dimensions (C. Kane, PRB)

    4. 1812.10373 : Dissipative spin chain as a non-Hermitian Kitaev ladder (Katsura, arXiv)

    5. 1812.10336 : Polaron mobility in the “beyond quasiparticles” regime (Mishchenko, Nagaosa, arXiv)

    6. 1812.10262 : Electronic and phononic properties of a two dimensional electron gas coupled to dipolar phonons via small-momentum-transfer scattering (DH Lee, arXiv)

    7. PhysRevB.98.220409 : NaYbS 2 : A planar spin- 1 2 triangular-lattice magnet and putative spin liquid (van den Brink, PRB)

    8. 1812.08828 : Valley Hall phases in Kagome lattices (San-Jose, arXiv)

    9. 1812.08792 : Thermal Hall effect in square-lattice spin liquids: a Schwinger boson mean-field study (Sachdev, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 3 week 2018)

    1. 1812.08462 : Giant magneto-elastic effect in d$^2$ pyrochlores and the formation of a spin-lattice liquid (Jackeli, arXiv)

    2. 1812.07949 : Manifestations of spin-orbit coupling in a cuprate superconductor (Galitski, arXiv)

    3. 1812.08054 : Multiscale approach to first-principles electron transport: Seamless integration of DFT and tight-binding (DFT-TB, arXiv)

    4. PhysRevB.98.235137 : Emergent D 6 symmetry in fully relaxed magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (twisted bilayer graphene, PRB)

    5. 1812.07361 : Twists in Ferromagnetic Monolayers With Trigonal Prismatic Symmetry (Everschor-Sitte, DMI, arXiv)

    6. nphys s41567-018-0363-x : Strain-tunable magnetism at oxide domain walls (nphys)

    7. 1812.06006 : Isospin-phonon coupling and Fano-interference in spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 (phonon-pseudospin coupling iridate, arXiv)

    8. Physics v11 134 : Q&A: Standard Bearer (Steven Weinberg)

    S. Weinberg refers Ben Lee. (Physics APS, Dec 21 2018)

    Did having “standard” in the name imply certainty for you?

    I was confident that the theory was right, but my confidence was partly shaken by data from a number of experiments in 1976 and 1977 that were hard to make sense of within the standard model. In the spring of 1977, I ended up canceling a trip I had planned with my wife and daughter to go to Yosemite. Instead, I spent that time working with my friend Ben Lee trying to find an alternative theory that could account for the experiments. I’m proud to say we failed, as it later turned out that the experiments were wrong.

    In the end, the issue was settled by a 1978 experiment at SLAC that confirmed the prediction of parity violation in the interaction of electrons with nuclei. After that, I think everyone was convinced that the standard model was correct.

  • weekly picks (Dec 2 week 2018)

    1. PhysRevB.98.214425 : Comprehensive inelastic neutron scattering study of the multiferroic Mn 1 − x Co x WO 4 (Feng Ye, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.98.245117 : Surfaces of axion insulators (Vanderbilt, PRB)

    3. nature s41586-018-0778-7 : Direct observation of incommensurate magnetism in Hubbard chains (nature)

    4. PhysRevB.98.235126 : Orbital currents in insulating and doped antiferromagnets (Sachdev, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.98.220504 : Mean-field theory for superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (twisted bilayer graphene, PRB)

    6. 1812.02553 : Skyrmion phase and competing magnetic orders on a breathing kagomé lattice (Tokura, Kagome, arXiv)

  • weekly picks (Dec 1 week 2018)

    1. PhysRevB.98.235116 : Nontrivial topology and localization in the double exchange model with possible applications to perovskite manganites (SZ Lin, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.98.235113 : Four-spin ring interaction as a source of unconventional magnetic orders in orthorhombic perovskite manganites (spin model, PRB)

    3. nature s41586-018-0745-3 : Transformation between meron and skyrmion topological spin textures in a chiral magnet (Meron, Nature)

    4. PhysRevMaterials.2.104412 : Negative-pressure-induced helimagnetism in ferromagnetic cubic perovskites Sr 1 − x Ba x CoO 3 (Helimagnetism negative pressure, PRMaterials)

    5. nphys s41567-018-0348-9 : Field-induced phase coexistence in an artificial spin ice (quadrupole lattice, MC, nphys)

    6. 1811.12623 : Reservoir Computing with Random Skyrmion Textures (Reservoir skyrmion, arXiv:1811.12623)

  • weekly picks (Nov 5 week 2018)

    1. PhysRevB.98.201116 : Dirac semimetal in type-IV magnetic space groups (Zhida Song, PRB)

    2. PhysRevB.98.174306 : Lattice dynamics and coupled quadrupole-phonon excitations in CeAuAl3 (Pfleiderer, PRB)

    3. PhysRevLett.121.226601 : Two-Particle Collisional Coordinate Shifts and Hydrodynamic Anomalous Hall Effect in Systems without Lorentz Invariance (D. Pesin, PRL)

    4. PhysRevB.98.201114 : An anomalous higher-order topological insulator (van den Brink, PRB)

    5. PhysRevB.98.180409 : Proposal for dynamic imaging of antiferromagnetic domain wall via quantum-impurity relaxometry (AFM domain wall, Yaroslav, PRB)

    6. PhysRevB.98.195441 : Electronic properties of Pb islands on graphene: Consequences of a weak interface coupling from a combined STM and ab initio study (Pb on graphene, PRB)

    7. PhysRevB.98.195133 : Strain-driven magnetic phase transitions from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic state in perovskite R MnO 3 films (AFM to FM transition, PRB)

    8. 1811.09035 : Mechanism of superconductivity and electron-hole doping asymmetry in $\kappa$-type molecular conductors (S. Yunoki, arXiv:1811.09035)

  • weekly picks (Nov 4 week 2018)

    1. 1811.08523 : Detecting fractional Chern insulators through circular dichroism (CD and Fractional chern insulator, arXiv:1811.08523)

    2. PhysRevB.98.180406 : Quantized excitation spectra by magnon confinement in quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin systems (PRB, spinon confinement)

    3. 1811.08331 : Updated Core Libraries of the ALPS Project (ALPS, arXiv:1811.08331)

    4. nphys s41567-018-0334-2 : Universal T-linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in overdoped cuprates (nphys electron dissipate)

    5. npj QMs s41535-018-0130-3 : Colossal electromagnon excitation in the non-cycloidal phase of TbMnO3 under pressure (npj QMs electromagnon effect, Raman shift calculations)

    6. PhysRevB.98.180101 : Exact results on itinerant ferromagnetism and the 15-puzzle problem (PRB(R))

    7. 1811.06553 : ab-initio Approaches for Low-Energy Spin Hamiltonians (arXiv:1811.06553)

  • weekly picks (Nov 3 week 2018)

    1. 1811.03652 : Spiral Fermi Surfaces in Quasicrystals and Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Signatures in Quantum Oscillations (Cooper, arXiv:1811.03652)

    2. 1811.05054 : Spin and Charge Transport of Multi-Orbital Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (transport numerical, arXiv:1811.05054)

    3. PhysRevX.8.041026 : Topological Crystalline Materials of J = 3 / 2 Electrons: Antiperovskites, Dirac Points, and High Winding Topological Superconductivity (M. Sato PRX)

    4. PhysRevX.8.041028 : Topological Spin Excitations in Honeycomb Ferromagnet CrI 3 (PRX)

    5. 1811.05990 : Majorana lattices from the quantized Hall limit of a proximitized spin-orbit coupled electron gas ( Abrikosov vortex lattice, arXiv:1811.05990)

    6. 1811.06066 : Emergent mode and bound states in single-component one-dimensional lattice fermionic systems (Roger Mong, arXiv:1811.06066)

    7. sciadv.aau3402 : Multiple-q noncollinear magnetism in an itinerant hexagonal magnet (Science Advances, Tokura)]

  • APW 2018

  • APW 2018 workshop http://apw2018.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1 in Beijing.

    Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 2018
    Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 2018