weekly picks (Mar 1 week 2025)
===This week’s pick===
Score : 13545
- 2503.00484v1 Magnetic order and spin dynamics across the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in Ni_1-xMo_x (arXiv)
rs.3.rs-3898676 Incipient nematicity from electron flat bands in a kagome metal (Research Square)
2502.06360 Flat-Band Driven Kondo Breakdown and Reentrant Effects in Heavy-Fermion Moiré Superlattices (arXiv)
2502.04785 Probing the flat-band limit of the superconducting proximity effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2502.04624 Pure momentum-shift bulk photovoltaic effect in ferroelectric flat-band Mott insulators (arXiv)
PhysRevApplied.23.024023 Flat band structure in chiral magnonic crystals with tunable indirect band gaps (PRApplied)
s41565-024-01839-3 Electron correlation strengthened in multilayer rhombohedral graphite (Nature Nanotechnology)
s41467-025-57262-2 Interplay between multipolar order and multipole-induced superconductivity in PrTi2Al20 (Nature Communications)
s41563-025-02135-8 Frozen non-equilibrium dynamics of exciton Mott insulators in moiré superlattices (Nature Materials)
s41467-025-56263-5 Light-driven dancing of nematic colloids in fractional skyrmions and bimerons (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-57322-7 Experimental consequences of disorder at an antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition (Nature Communications)
s41563-025-02163-4 Non-fullerene electron-transporting materials for high-performance and stable perovskite solar cells (Nature Materials)
s41467-025-57486-2 Author Correction: Evidence for large thermodynamic signatures of in-gap fermionic quasiparticle states in a Kondo insulator (Nature Communications)
s41563-025-02123-y Surfactant-induced hole concentration enhancement for highly efficient perovskite light-emitting diodes (Nature Materials)
s41586-025-08621-y Superconductivity and quantized anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral graphene (Nature)
s41586-025-08645-4 Homogeneous ZnSeTeS quantum dots for efficient and stable pure-blue LEDs (Nature)
d41586-025-00640-z It’s time to shine for LEDs made using ecofriendly quantum dots (Nature)
s41467-025-57657-1 The dynamics of plasmon-induced hot carrier creation in colloidal gold (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-57516-z Frequency transfer and inverse design for metasurface under multi-physics coupling by Euler latent dynamic and data-analytical regularizations (Nature Communications)
s41567-025-02790-3 A central spin coordinates a nuclear crowd (Nature Physics)
s42005-025-02011-6 Dynamic thermalization on noisy quantum hardware (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-02005-4 Efficiency of neural quantum states in light of the quantum geometric tensor (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01989-3 Dynamical topology of chiral and nonreciprocal state transfers in a non-Hermitian quantum system (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01977-7 Coherence of a non-equilibrium polariton condensate across the interaction-mediated phase transition (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01991-9 Frequency shift caused by nonuniform field and boundary relaxation in magnetic resonance and comagnetometers (Communications Physics)
s41563-025-02165-2 A non-layered two-dimensional semiconductor for p-type transistors (Nature Materials)
s41563-025-02141-w Vapour-liquid-solid-solid growth of two-dimensional non-layered β-Bi2O3 crystals with high hole mobility (Nature Materials)
d41586-025-00683-2 Microsoft quantum computing ‘breakthrough’ faces fresh challenge (Nature)
PhysRevLett.134.090402 Engineering Nonequilibrium Steady States through Floquet Liouvillians (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.090802 Semidefinite Relaxations for High-Dimensional Entanglement in the Steering Scenario (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.091603 Dissipation and Decay of Three-Dimensional Holographic Quantum Turbulence (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.093202 Spin-Polarized Photoelectrons in the Vicinity of Spectral Features (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.093401 Dynamical Formation of Multiple Quantum Droplets in a Bose-Bose Mixture (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.094001 Direct Measurement of the Viscocapillary Lift Force near a Liquid Interface (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096002 Thermodynamic Evidence for Density Wave Order in a Two Dimensional 4He Supersolid (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096204 Independently Tunable Flat Bands and Correlations in a Graphene Double Moiré System (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096302 Domain-Wall Ferroelectric Polarons in a Two-Dimensional Rotor Lattice Model (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096504 Many-Body Effects on High-Harmonic Generation in Hubbard Ladders (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096903 Raman Forbidden Layer-Breathing Modes in Layered Semiconductor Materials Activated by Phonon and Optical Cavity Effects (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.098202 Crack Propagation by Activated Avalanches during Creep and Fatigue from Elastic Interface Theory (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.098203 Mechanistic Picture for the Slow Arrhenius Process in Glass Forming Systems: The Collective Small Displacements Model (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.098301 Activity-Driven Emulsification of Phase-Separating Binary Mixtures (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011051 Exploring Atom-Ion Feshbach Resonances below the $s$-Wave Limit (PRX)
Physics.18.51 Lab-Created Aurora Highlights New Polymer Physics (Physics)
Physics.18.53 Quantum Milestones, 1964: John Stewart Bell Quietly Rings in New Era of Quantum Theory (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013250 Off-equilibrium kinetic Ising model: The metric case (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013254 Quantum many-body simulation of finite-temperature systems with sampling a series expansion of a quantum imaginary-time evolution (PRR)
PhysRevLett.134.095102 Group Conductivity and Nonadiabatic Born Effective Charges of Disordered Metals, Warm Dense Matter, and Hot Dense Plasma (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096202 Intrinsic High-Fidelity Spin Polarization of Charged Vacancies in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096301 Coherent Detection of the Oscillating Acoustoelectric Effect in Graphene (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096401 Chirality in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096601 Characterizing Dynamic Hybridization of Majorana Zero Modes for Universal Quantum Computing (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.097001 Eliminating Surface Oxides of Superconducting Circuits with Noble Metal Encapsulation (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.097104 Partial Yet Definite Emergence of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Class in Isotropic Spin Chains (PRL)
Physics.18.s23 Encapsulation with Noble Metal Improves Superconducting Qubit Performance (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013244 Force-current structure in Markovian open quantum systems and its applications: Geometric housekeeping-excess decomposition and thermodynamic trade-off relations (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013246 Universal gate set for optical lattice based atom interferometry (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013248 Microwave Andreev bound state spectroscopy in a semiconductor-based Planar Josephson junction (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013249 Fault-tolerant quantum architectures based on erasure qubits (PRR)
2503.03815v1 Anomalous Thickness Dependence of the Vortex Pearl Length in Few-Layer NbSe2 (arXiv)
2503.03869v1 Intervalley-Coupled Twisted Bilayer Graphene from Substrate Commensuration (arXiv)
2503.03937v1 A universal scaling of condensation temperature in quantum fluids (arXiv)
2503.03958v1 Enhanced superconducting correlations in the Emery model and its connections to strange metallic transport and normal state coherence (arXiv)
2503.04017v1 Resistive Anomaly near a Ferromagnetic Phase Transition: A Classical Memory Effect (arXiv)
2503.04029v1 Principal component analysis for 5/2 fractional quantum Hall states (arXiv)
2503.04083v1 Spectral signature of periodic modulation and sliding of pseudogap state in moire system (arXiv)
2503.04115v1 Chiral currents at zero magnetic field in some two-dimensional superconductors (arXiv)
2503.04161v1 Square lattice model with staggered magnetic fluxes: zero Chern number topological states and topological flat bands (arXiv)
2503.04172v1 Spin-lattice relaxation of NV centers in nanodiamonds adsorbed on conducting and non-conducting surfaces (arXiv)
2503.04179v1 Engineering nonequilibrium superconducting phases in a voltage-driven superconductor under an external magnetic field (arXiv)
2503.04186v1 Thermoelectric fluctuations of interfering Majorana bound states (arXiv)
2503.04237v1 Co-existing magnetization reversal mechanisms in shakti spin ice systems (arXiv)
2503.04327v1 Casimir-like effect driven self-assembly of graphene on molten metals (arXiv)
2503.04334v1 Observation of collective charge excitations in a cuprate superconductor (arXiv)
2503.04336v1 Emergence of Robust High-Temperature Superconductivity in Li3IrH9 at Moderate Pressures (arXiv)
2503.04367v1 Concurrent Multifractality and Anomalous Hall Response in the Nodal Line Semimetal Fe3GeTe2 Near Localization (arXiv)
2503.04373v1 Self-consistent tensor network method for correlated super-moire matter beyond one billion sites (arXiv)
2503.04400v1 Identical Suppression of Spin and Charge Density Wave Transitions in La4Ni3O10 by Pressure (arXiv)
2503.04410v1 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pulsed magnetic fields (arXiv)
2503.04431v1 Observation of non-adiabatic Landau-Zener tunneling among Floquet states (arXiv)
2503.04560v1 Nonlinear electron-phonon interactions in Migdal-Eliashberg theory (arXiv)
2503.04584v1 Obstacle-Induced Gurzhi Effect and Hydrodynamic Electron Flow in Two-Dimensional Systems (arXiv)
2503.04614v1 Currernt Flow Mapping in Conducting Ferroelectric Domain Walls using Scanning NV-Magnetometry (arXiv)
2503.04621v1 Surface-dominant transport in Weyl semimetal NbAs nanowires for next-generation interconnects (arXiv)
2503.04631v1 Quantum spin liquid ground state in a rare-earth triangular antiferromagnet SmTa7O19 (arXiv)
2503.04656v1 Spin-strain interactions under hydrostatic pressure in alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)
2503.04658v1 Quench of the electronic order in a strongly-coupled charge-density-wave system by enhanced lattice fluctuations (arXiv)
2503.03827v1 Generalized toric codes on twisted tori for quantum error correction (arXiv)
2503.03833v1 The Large-Scale Structure of Entanglement in Quantum Many-body Systems (arXiv)
2503.03847v1 Mesostructural origins of the anisotropic compressive properties of low-density closed-cell foams: A deeper understanding (arXiv)
2503.04185v1 Investigations of Metal-Organic structures for applications in Organic Spin Valve devices (arXiv)
2503.04195v1 Anomalous Hall effect in Dirac semimetal probed by in-plane magnetic field (arXiv)
2503.04309v1 Identifying high-energy electronic states of NV^-s centers in diamond (arXiv)
2503.04312v1 Quantum metric induced magneto-optical effects in PT-symmetric antiferromagnets (arXiv)
2503.04366v1 Twisted heterobilayer photonic crystal based on stacking and selective etching of 2D materials (arXiv)
2503.04533v1 Synthetic and cosmological axion hybridization: entangled photons, (HBT) and quantum beats (arXiv)
2503.04699v1 Anyon Theory and Topological Frustration of High-Efficiency Quantum LDPC Codes (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.090401 Frustration Elimination and Excited State Search in Coherent Ising Machines (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096902 Bound States in the Continuum in Cylindrical All-Dielectric Metasurface Cavities (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011048 Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Probes Water Wire and Its Ordering in a Hydrogen-Bond Network (PRX)
PhysRevX.15.011049 Confined Trions and Mott-Wigner States in a Purely Electrostatic Moiré Potential (PRX)
PhysRevX.15.011050 Spin Seebeck Effect as a Probe for Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Spin Liquids (PRX)
2503.02925v1 Gauging non-invertible symmetries on the lattice (arXiv)
2503.02928v1 Finite-temperature quantum topological order in three dimensions (arXiv)
2503.02929v1 Vestigial Order from an Excitonic Mother State in Kagome Superconductors AV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2503.02994v1 Transmissions and group delay time in graphene with proximity exchange field and double barriers (arXiv)
2503.03006v1 Laser-assisted tunneling and Hartman effect in graphene under scalar potential and exchange fields (arXiv)
2503.03052v1 Collective neutral excitations as sensitive probe for the quality of 2D charge carrier systems in ultra-pure GaAs quantum wells (arXiv)
2503.03143v1 Quantum Geometric Engineering of Dual Hall Effects in 2D Antiferromagnetic Bilayers via Interlayer Magnetic Coupling (arXiv)
2503.03147v1 Observation of giant nonlinear valley Hall effect (arXiv)
2503.03168v1 Vortex Motion Induced Losses in Tantalum Resonators (arXiv)
2503.03281v1 Pressure-driven superconductivity in the topological insulator GeBi4Te7 (arXiv)
2503.03292v1 Interfacial spin-orbit-coupling-induced strong spin-to-charge conversion at an all-oxide ferromagnetic /quasi-two-dimensional electron gas interface (arXiv)
2503.03314v1 Unconventional topological edge states in one-dimensional gapless systems stemming from nonisolated hypersurface singularities (arXiv)
2503.03371v1 Gate-tunable band-edge in few-layer MoS2 (arXiv)
2503.03376v1 Magneto-rotation coupling for ferromagnetic nanoelement embedded in elastic substrate (arXiv)
2503.03407v1 Engineering excitonic metal-insulator transitions in ultra-thin doped copper sulfides (arXiv)
2503.03409v1 Anti Kibble-Zurek behavior in the quantum XY spin-1/2 chain driven by correlated noisy magnetic field and anisotropy (arXiv)
2503.03416v1 Back-action effects in charge detection (arXiv)
2503.03419v1 Spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking induced by electronic instability in the normal state of La1-xSrxNiO2 (arXiv)
2503.03441v1 Geometric Asymmetry-Enhanced Nonreciprocal Supercurrent Transport Revealed by Second-Harmonic Response (arXiv)
2503.03447v1 Kondo-like behavior in a mixed valent oxypnictide La3Cu4P4O2 (arXiv)
2503.03473v1 Revealing the electron-spin fluctuation coupling by photoemission in CaKFe4As4 (arXiv)
2503.03564v1 Beginner’s Lecture Notes on Quantum Spin Chains, Exact Diagonalization and Tensor Networks (arXiv)
2503.03597v1 Orbital textures and evolution of correlated insulating state in monolayer 1T phase transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)
2503.03674v1 Intermediate band analysis in Green’s functions calculations of quasiparticle interference (arXiv)
2503.03700v1 Quantum geometry and local moment swapover in correlated graphene heterostructures (arXiv)
2503.03716v1 Discovery of intertwined spin and charge density waves in a layered altermagnet (arXiv)
2503.03749v1 Quantum effects on pyrochlore higher-rank U(1) spin liquids: pinch-line singularities, spin nematics, and connections to oxide materials (arXiv)
1905.12438v2 Liquid metal intercalation of epitaxial graphene: large-area gallenene layer fabrication through gallium self-propagation at ambient conditions (arXiv)
2503.02964v1 Quantum oscillation studies of the nodal line semimetal Ni3In2S2-xSex (arXiv)
2503.03099v1 Twisting in h-BN bilayers and their angle-dependent properties (arXiv)
2503.03218v1 Large Spin Hall Effect in High-Entropy Alloy/CoFeB Bilayers (arXiv)
2503.03268v1 Temporal CW polarization-tomography of photon pairs from the biexciton radiative cascade: theory and experiment (arXiv)
2503.03363v1 Momentum-Resolved Signatures of Carrier Screening Effects on Electron-Phonon Coupling in MoS2 (arXiv)
2503.03375v1 Interaction induced reentrance of Bose glass and quench dynamics of Bose gases in twisted bilayer and quasicrystal optical lattices (arXiv)
2503.03477v1 Dual spectroscopy of quantum simulated Fermi-Hubbard systems (arXiv)
2503.03584v1 Entanglement generation and scaling from noisy quenches across a quantum critical point (arXiv)
2503.03608v1 Compact Superconducting Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers with On-chip rf Components (arXiv)
2503.03624v1 Spin Models and Cluster Multipole Method: Application to Kagome Magnets (arXiv)
2503.03639v1 Atomistic modeling of functionalized magnetite surfaces with oxidation states (arXiv)
2503.03665v1 Lithographically-controlled liquid metal diffusion in graphene: Fabrication and magneto-transport signatures of superconductivity (arXiv)
2503.03712v1 Many-Body Localization and Particle Statistics in Disordered Bose-Hubbard Model (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.090801 Stability of Classical Shadows under Gate-Dependent Noise (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096001 Universal Phenomenology of Charge-Spin Interconversion and Dynamics in Diffusive Systems with Spin-Orbit Coupling (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096201 Automatic Process Exploration through Machine Learning Assisted Transition State Searches (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096501 Connecting High-Field and High-Pressure Superconductivity in UTe2 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096702 Satisfaction and Violation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation in Spin Ice Materials (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096703 Mirror Chern Bands and Weyl Nodal Loops in Altermagnets (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.097102 Effective Grand Canonical Description of Condensation in Negative-Temperature Regimes (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.098001 Mesoscopic Dynamics in Molecular Liquids: Universality of Nondispersive Structural Mode and Its Reflection in Self-Atomic Motions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.099301 Comment on “Absence of Topological Protection of the Interface States in Z2 Photonic Crystals” (PRL)
Physics.18.s29 Ultracold Dynamics of Spin Ices (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013238 Two-photon decay enhanced even photon bundle emission (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013240 High-repetition rate ion acceleration driven by a two-plasmon decay instability (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012050 Coherent three-photon excitation of the strontium clock transition (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012052 Classical Z2 spin liquid on the generalized four-color Kitaev model (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012053 Magnon spectra of cuprates beyond spin wave theory (PRR)
2503.01955v1 Nonreciprocity of hydrodynamic electron transport in noncentrosymmetric conductors (arXiv)
2503.01977v1 Enforced Gaplessness from States with Exponentially Decaying Correlations (arXiv)
2503.01978v1 Superconducting qubit based on a single molecule: the carbon nanotube gatemon (arXiv)
2503.02070v1 Tunable Non-Equilibrium Magic and Minimum Twist Angles in AA-Stacked Twisted Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)
2503.02145v1 Sliding-induced topological transitions in bilayer biphenylene (arXiv)
2503.02216v1 Hunting for Room Temperature Superconductors (arXiv)
2503.02278v1 Phase diagram of a coupled trimer system at half filling using the Hubbard model (arXiv)
2503.02294v1 Light Control of Triplet Pairing in Correlated Electrons with Mixed-Sign Interactions (arXiv)
2503.02471v1 Spin injection and detection in all-van der Waals 2D devices (arXiv)
2503.02564v1 Controlling the microscopic quantum pathways for ultrafast charge transfer in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)
2503.02633v1 Visualizing the breakdown of the quantum anomalous Hall effect (arXiv)
2503.02679v1 Identifying two-dimensional topological phase transition by entanglement spectrum : A fermion Monte Carlo study (arXiv)
2503.02728v1 Flat band driven itinerant magnetism in the Co-pnictides (La,Ca)Co2(As,P)2 (arXiv)
2503.02734v1 Melting of devil’s staircases in the long-range Dicke-Ising model (arXiv)
2503.02754v1 Topological Phases in Fractals: Local Spin Chern Marker in the Sierpinski carpet Kane-Mele-Rashba Model (arXiv)
2503.02779v1 Selective electron-phonon coupling strength from nonequilibrium optical spectroscopy: The case of MgB2 (arXiv)
2503.02805v1 Ground State of SU(3) spin model on the checkerboard lattice (arXiv)
2503.02810v1 Magnetoelectric Control of Helical Light Emission in a Moir'e Chern Magnet (arXiv)
2503.02811v1 Microwave Microscope Studies of Trapped Vortex Dynamics in Superconductors (arXiv)
2503.02848v1 Steady-state dynamical mean field theory based on influence functional matrix product states (arXiv)
2503.02226v1 Variety of Superradiant Phase Transition in Bose-Fermi System with Tight-Binding Model in the weak-coupling regime (arXiv)
2503.02462v1 Spin valve effect in junctions with a single ferromagnet (arXiv)
2503.02489v1 An rf-SQUID-based traveling-wave parametric amplifier with -84 dBm input saturation power across more than one octave bandwidth (arXiv)
2503.02561v1 Tunable Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Metastable Silicon by Phase Engineering (arXiv)
2503.02562v1 Extreme Terahertz Nonlinearity of AlGaN/GaN-based Grating-Gate Plasmonic Crystals (arXiv)
2503.02576v1 Two-component nonlinear wave solutions of the sixth-order generalised Boussinesq-type equations (arXiv)
2503.02739v1 Generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs from two interacting quantum emitters (arXiv)
2503.02843v1 Atomistic tight-binding Hartree-Fock calculations of multielectron configurations in P-doped silicon devices: wavefunction reshaping (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.090201 Randomness versus Nonlocality in Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Quantum Scenario (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.090601 Establishing a New Benchmark in Quantum Computational Advantage with 105-qubit Zuchongzhi 3.0 Processor (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.091001 Fundamental Physics with the Lyman-Alpha Forest: Constraints on the Growth of Structure and Neutrino Masses from SDSS with Effective Field Theory (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.093201 Exploring the Dynamical Interplay between Mass-Energy Equivalence, Interactions, and Entanglement in an Optical Lattice Clock (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.093601 Test of Nonlocal Energy Alteration between Two Quantum Memories (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.095101 First Measurement of Z Opacity Sample Evolution near Solar Interior Conditions Using Time-Resolved Spectroscopy (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.096701 Unconventional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Noncollinear Antiferromagnet/Heavy Metal Stacks (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011046 Impact of Andreev Bound States within the Leads of a Quantum Dot Josephson Junction (PRX)
PhysRevX.15.011047 Spin-1/2 Kagome Heisenberg Antiferromagnet: Machine Learning Discovery of the Spinon Pair-Density-Wave Ground State (PRX)
Physics.18.45 Superconducting Quantum Computing Beyond 100 Qubits (Physics)
Physics.18.48 Quantum Milestones, 1959: Ghostly Influence of Magnetic Field (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013231 Quantum-enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo for systems larger than a quantum computer (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013232 Measurement of Casimir-Polder interaction for slow atoms through a material grating (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013234 Phase coexistence in nonreciprocal quorum-sensing active matter (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013235 Renormalization of human mobility based on a revised electric circuit model and a new gravity relation (PRR)
2503.00041v1 Comment on arXiv:2501.17230 and arXiv:2502.00103 “Phonon-mediated electron attraction in SrTiO3 via the generalized Frohlich and deformation potential mechanisms” and “Theory of ab initio downfolding with arbitrary range electron-phonon coupling” (arXiv)
2503.00161v1 Exploring Three-Atom-Thick Gold Structures as a Benchmark for Atomic-Scale Calibration of Break-Junction Systems (arXiv)
2503.00233v1 A Study of Superconducting Behavior in Ruthenium Thin Films (arXiv)
2503.00460v1 Cryogen-free low-temperature photoemission electron microscopy for high-resolution nondestructive imaging of electronic phases (arXiv)
2503.00462v1 Zeeman split Kramers doublets in spin-supersolid candidate Na2BaCo(PO4)2 (arXiv)
2503.00473v1 Condensation energy of superconducting BEC of non-interacting Cooper pairs in multilayers (arXiv)
2503.00475v1 Field-driven band asymmetry and non-reciprocal transport in a helimagnet (arXiv)
2503.00635v1 Topological phenomena in artificial quantum materials revealed by local Chern markers (arXiv)
2503.00652v1 Relativistic Spin-Lattice Interaction Compatible with Discrete Translation Symmetry in Solids (arXiv)
2503.00752v1 Possible quantum spin liquid state of CeTa7O19 (arXiv)
2503.00777v1 A two-dimensional semiconductor-semimetal drag hybrid (arXiv)
2503.00837v1 Electrical switching of Chern insulators in moire rhombohedral heptalayer graphene (arXiv)
2503.00969v1 Extended Haldane model – a modern gateway to topological insulators (arXiv)
2503.01091v1 Synthesized Kuramoto potential via optomechanical Floquet engineering (arXiv)
2503.01171v1 Interfacial strong coupling and negative dispersion of propagating polaritons in freestanding oxide membranes (arXiv)
2503.01198v1 Deconfined criticality as intrinsically gapless topological state in one dimension (arXiv)
2503.01204v1 Insight into interplay between bandstructure and Coulomb interaction via quasiparticle interference (arXiv)
2503.01244v1 Non-trivial phonon dynamics and significant electron-phonon coupling of the high frequency modes in a Dirac semimetal (arXiv)
2503.01258v1 Effects of the three-dimensional interplanar coupling on the centrosymmetric skyrmion crystal formation in the frustrated stacked-triangular Heisenberg model (arXiv)
2503.01277v1 Magnon damping and mode softening in quantum double-exchange ferromagnets without Jahn-Teller phonons (arXiv)
2503.01337v1 Coexistence of topological surface states and superconductivity in Dirac semimetal NiTe2 (arXiv)
2503.01356v1 Haldane Fractional Statistics for 1D Heisenberg Spin XXX Chain (arXiv)
2503.01377v1 Conductance, continuity, and ferromagnetic percolation thresholds in thin films (arXiv)
2503.01512v1 Dynamical exponents as an emergent property at interacting topological quantum critical points (arXiv)
2503.01517v1 Universal whirling magnetic orders in non-Heisenberg Tsai-type quasicrystal approximants (arXiv)
2503.01519v1 “Half-Bogoliubons” as the intermediate states for the phase coherence in underdoped cuprates (arXiv)
2503.01535v1 Flat bands and temperature-driven phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional zigzag chains (arXiv)
2503.01673v1 Nonuniform superconducting states caused by odd-frequency Cooper pairs (arXiv)
2503.01678v1 Exchange-phase erasure in anyonic Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry (arXiv)
2503.01689v1 Mesoscopic scale study of lateral dynamics of Sn-intercalation of the buffer layer on SiC (arXiv)
2503.01797v1 Negative exchange interaction in Si quantum dot arrays via valley-phase induced Z2 gauge field (arXiv)
2503.01831v1 Z2-gauging and self-dualities of the XX model and its cousins (arXiv)
2503.01833v1 Impact of charge transfer excitons on unidirectional exciton transport in lateral TMD heterostructures (arXiv)
2503.00169v1 Determination of Mid-Infrared Refractive Indices of Superconducting Thin Films Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (arXiv)
2503.00190v1 Observation and mitigation of microwave echoes from dielectric defects in Josephson traveling wave amplifiers (arXiv)
2503.00217v1 Robust and tunable oxide nanoscrolls for solar-driven H2 generation and storage (arXiv)
2503.00497v1 Generating Generalised Ground-State Ansatzes from Few-Body Examples (arXiv)
2503.00562v1 Quantum Lamb model (arXiv)
2503.01381v1 Longitudinal conductivity at integer quantum Hall transitions (arXiv)
2503.01401v1 Ballistic electron transport described by a fourth order Schr"odinger equation (arXiv)
2503.01757v1 Growth dynamics of graphene buffer layer formation on ultra-smooth SiC(0001) surfaces (arXiv)
2503.01847v1 Surface Morphology Assisted Trapping of Strongly Coupled Electron-on-Neon Charge States (arXiv)
2502.03646 Coexistence of 3D and quasi-2D Fermi surfaces driven by orbital selective Kondo scattering in UTe2 (arXiv)
frontphys.2025.034202 Prediction of flat bands in a ternary intermetallic electride LaCoSi (Frontiers of Physics)
PhysRevB.111.075114 Higher-order Van Hove singularities in kagome topological bands (PRB)
2502.03972 Triple-Q state in magnetic breathing kagome lattice (arXiv)
1674-1056/adb38a/meta Quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene (Chinese Physics B)
2502.04127 An inelastic neutron scattering study of the magnetic field dependence of the quantum dipolar garnet: Yb3Ga5O12 (arXiv)
2502.03751 Symmetry-breaking induced surface magnetization in non-magnetic RuO2 (arXiv)
PhysRevB.111.054402 Skyrmion molecular crystals and superlattices on triangular substrates (PRB)
2502.03739 Stacking effects on magnetic, vibrational, and optical properties of CrSBr bilayers (arXiv)
science.adt2495 Four-dimensional conserved topological charge vectors in plasmonic quasicrystals (Science)
PhysRevLett.134.056701 Observation of Coherent Gapless Magnons in an Antiferromagnet (PRL)
2502.03832 Correlated helimagnetic configuration in a nonsymmorphic magnetic nodal semimetal (arXiv)
PhysRevB.111.054105 Strain-induced metal to polar-metal transition and impact of metallicity on lattice vibrations in NbO2-doped PbTiO3 (PRB)
042401/3332369 Room-temperature topological spin textures and magnetic-field-induced skyrmion-bimeron switching in FeSnN3 monolayer (APL)
JPSJ.94.024705 Triangular Lattice Magnet GdGa2 with Short-Period Spin Cycloids and Possible Skyrmion Phases (JPSJ)
JPSJNC.22.01 Discovery of First Néel-type Magnetic Skyrmion Lattice in f-Electron Systems (JPSJ)
s42005-025-01965-x Nonvolatile current-induced topological charge imbalance of magnetic textures (Communications Physics)
PhysRevLett.134.046701 Realizing Quantitative Quasiparticle Modeling of Skyrmion Dynamics in Arbitrary Potentials (PRL)
2502.20435v1 Duality viewpoint of noninvertible symmetry protected topological phases (arXiv)
2502.20450v1 Universal electronic structure of layered nickelates via oxygen-centered planar orbitals (arXiv)
2502.20456v1 Axion electrodynamics and giant magnetic birefringence in Weyl excitonic insulators (arXiv)
2502.20512v1 Plasmonic waveguides in two-dimensional materials: a quantum mechanical description using semiclassical techniques (arXiv)
2502.20551v1 Universal Anyon Tunneling in a Chiral Luttinger Liquid (arXiv)
2502.20593v1 Formation of Frustrated Charge Density Waves in Kagome Metal LuNb6Sn6 (arXiv)
2502.20617v1 Orbital-excitation-dominated magnetization dissipation and quantum oscillation of Gilbert damping in Fe films (arXiv)
2502.20624v1 Order parameter fluctuation effects on current-induced magnetization (arXiv)
2502.20675v1 Polar Vortex Superstructure and Its Coupling with Correlated Electrons in Quasiperiodic Moire Crystal (arXiv)
2502.20733v1 Symmetry-Broken Kondo Screening and Zero-Energy Mode in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2502.20735v1 Spatially anisotropic Kondo resonance intertwined with superconducting gap in kagome metal CsV3-xCrxSb5 (arXiv)
2502.20796v1 Unraveling the origin of Kondo-like behavior in the 3d-electron heavy-fermion compound YFe2Ge2 (arXiv)
2502.20797v1 Spin waves in the bilayer van der Waals magnet CrSBr (arXiv)
2502.20888v1 Thermoelectric effects in two-dimensional topological insulators (arXiv)
2502.20911v1 Superconductivity and pair density waves from nearest-neighbor interactions in frustrated lattice geometries (arXiv)
2502.20918v1 Dynamics of transport by helical edge states (arXiv)
2502.20921v1 Noise-to-current ratio divergence as a fingerprint of dispersing Majorana edge modes (arXiv)
2502.20951v1 Linear magnetoresistance, anomalous Hall effect and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in antiferromagnetic SmAg2Ge2 single crystals (arXiv)
2502.21002v1 Photon-drag photovoltaic effects and quantum geometric nature (arXiv)
2502.21016v1 The s_\pm pairing symmetry in the pressured La3Ni2O7 from electron-phonon coupling (arXiv)
2502.21153v1 Hidden States and Dynamics of Fractional Fillings in tMoTe2 Moire Superlattices (arXiv)
2502.21173v1 Holes in silicon are heavier than expected: transport properties of extremely high mobility electrons and holes in silicon MOSFETs (arXiv)
2502.21225v1 Large Seebeck coefficient driven by “pudding mold” flat band in hole-doped CuRhO2 (arXiv)
2502.21230v1 Bulk-edge correspondence at the spin-to-integer quantum Hall effect crossover in topological superconductors (arXiv)
2502.21316v1 Doping dependence of 2-spinon excitations in the doped 1D cuprate Ba2CuO3+\delta (arXiv)
2502.20454v1 Direct Observation of Massless Excitons and Linear Exciton Dispersion (arXiv)
2502.20721v1 Melting Points and Formation Free Energies of Carbon Compounds with Sodalite Structure (arXiv)
2502.20723v1 Variational Transformer Ansatz for the Density Operator of Steady States in Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Systems (arXiv)
2502.20738v1 Twisted oxide membrane interface by local atomic registry design (arXiv)
2502.20815v1 Is chiral supersymmetry emanant or emergent? (arXiv)
2502.20832v1 Theory of Slidetronics in Ferroelectric van der Waals Layers (arXiv)
2502.20955v1 Digital-Controlled Method of Conveyor-Belt Spin Shuttling in Silicon for Large-Scale Quantum Computation (arXiv)
2502.21095v1 Spontaneous Anomalous Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Altermagnets (arXiv)
2502.21113v1 Single-crystalline CrSb(0001) thin films grown by dc magnetron co-sputtering (arXiv)
2502.21135v1 Multiple magnetic states, valley electronics, and topological phase transitions in two-dimensional Janus XYZH (X = Sc, Y, La, Y = Cl, Br, I, and Z = S, Se, Te): From monolayers to bilayers (arXiv)
2502.21139v1 Self-Assembly of Delta-Formamidinium Lead Iodide Nanoparticles to Nanorods: Study of Memristor Properties and Resistive Switching Mechanism (arXiv)
2502.21169v1 Atomically Modulating Competing Exchange Interactions in Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Hosts GdRu2X2 (X = Si, Ge) (arXiv)