weekly picks (Feb 4 week 2025)
===This week’s pick===
Score : 12012
- 2502.16937v1 Quantum dot-based device for high-performance magnetic microscopy and spin filtering in the Kondo regime (arXiv)
s41467-025-57061-9 Coupling of electronic transition to ferroelectric order in a 2D semiconductor (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-56436-2 A tunable entangled photon-pair source based on a Van der Waals insulator (Nature Communications)
s42005-025-01993-7 Dynamical blockade of a reservoir for optimal performances of a quantum battery (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01986-6 Fast adaptive optics for high-dimensional quantum communications in turbulent channels (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01999-1 Observation of non-Hermitian topological synchronization (Communications Physics)
s41467-025-57378-5 Unravelling the structure-stability interplay of O3-type layered sodium cathode materials via precision spacing engineering (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-56172-7 Self-growing protocell models in aqueous two-phase system induced by internal DNA replication reaction (Nature Communications)
s42005-025-02010-7 Achievement of a vacuum-levitated metal mechanical oscillator with ultra-low damping rate at room temperature (Communications Physics)
s41563-025-02149-2 High electrostrain due to a chemopiezoelectric effect (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02092-8 High electrostrain in a lead-free piezoceramic from a chemopiezoelectric effect (Nature Materials)
s41586-025-08820-7 A manufacturable platform for photonic quantum computing (Nature)
s41586-024-08537-z Multiplexed entanglement of multi-emitter quantum network nodes (Nature)
s41586-025-08620-z Orbital hybridization in graphene-based artificial atoms (Nature)
s41586-024-08582-8 Interplay of geometrical and spin chiralities in 3D twisted magnetic ribbons (Nature)
s41586-025-08632-9 Disorder-assisted real-momentum topological photonic crystal (Nature)
s41586-025-08642-7 Hardware-efficient quantum error correction via concatenated bosonic qubits (Nature)
d41586-025-00564-8 Quantum technologies need big investments to deliver on their big promises (Nature)
s41467-025-57311-w Synthesis of high quality two dimensional covalent organic frameworks through a self-sacrificing guest strategy (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-56649-5 Lattice-driven gating in a Cu-based zeolitic imidazolate framework for efficient high-temperature hydrogen isotope separation (Nature Communications)
s41598-025-91884-2 Highly compact dual-band frequency selective surface for path-loss and coverage improvement in millimeter-wave advanced wireless applications (Scientific Reports)
s41467-025-57390-9 Two-photon absorption under few-photon irradiation for optical nanoprinting (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02770-z Unconventional gapping behaviour in a kagome superconductor (Nature Physics)
s42005-025-02008-1 Experimental observation of gapped shear waves and liquid-like to gas-like dynamical crossover in active granular matter (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01981-x Edge states with hidden topology in spinner lattices (Communications Physics)
s41563-025-02128-7 Operando-informed precatalyst programming towards reliable high-current-density electrolysis (Nature Materials)
science.adu4125 Curvature-guided depletion stabilizes Kagome superlattices of nanocrystals (Science)
adfm.202421771 Suppressed Skyrmion Hall Effect of Hybrid Magnetic Skyrmions by Helicity Engineering (Advanced Functional Materials)
PhysRevLett.134.083602 Room-Temperature Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Telecom Single-Photon Emitters in GaN (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.083603 Spin Self-Organization in an Optical Cavity Facilitated by Inhomogeneous Broadening (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086101 Observation of Floppy Flexural Modes in a 3D Polarized Maxwell Beam (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086202 Flat Bands and Temperature-Driven Phase Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Zigzag Chains (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.087105 Interface Dynamics of Wet Active Systems (PRL)
Physics.18.46 Imaging Quantum Waves (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013222 Angle-resolved spin noise spectroscopy in semiconductors: Two-state theory and experiments (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013223 Calculating the spectral response strength of non-Hermitian systems with an exceptional point directly from wave simulations (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013224 Unconventional superconducting phase diagram of monolayer WTe2 (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013226 Diffraction of walking drops by a standing Faraday wave (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013227 Harnessing quantum chaos in spin-boson models for all-purpose quantum-enhanced sensing (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013229 Entropy-driven zero-shot deep learning model selection for viral proteins (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013230 Alpha particle production from novel targets via laser-driven proton-boron fusion (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012048 Long-range translational order and hyperuniformity in two-dimensional chiral active crystal (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012049 Precise quantum control of molecular rotation toward a desired orientation (PRR)
2040-8986/ada6d6 Optical skyrmions: from fundamentals to applications (Journal of Optics)
2502.17320 Fractional topological states in rhombohedral multilayer graphene modulated by kagome superlattice (arXiv)
2501.13367 Read out the fermion parity of a potential artificial Kitaev chain utilizing a transmon qubit (arXiv)
acsami.4c21396 Interfacial Strain-Driven Large Topological Hall Effects in Supermalloy Thin Films with Noncoplanar Spin Textures (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)
2502.16201 Stabilized biskyrmion states in annealed CoFeB bilayer with different interfaces (arXiv)
2502.16340 Skyrmion Crystal in a Microwave Field (arXiv)
2502.19443v1 On nonlinear graphene response on monochromatic electromagnetic wave in the form as generation of harmonics (arXiv)
2502.19474v1 Band Renormalization, Quarter Metals, and Chiral Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Tetralayer Graphene (arXiv)
2502.19479v1 Probing Green’s Function Zeros by Co-tunneling through Mott Insulators (arXiv)
2502.19482v1 Theta electromagnetism in quantum spin ice: Microscopic analysis of improper symmetries (arXiv)
2502.19483v1 Single-band square lattice Hubbard model from twisted bilayer C568 (arXiv)
2502.19490v1 Signatures of collective photon emission and ferroelectric ordering of excitons near their Mott insulating state in a WSe2/WS2 heterobilayer (arXiv)
2502.19501v1 Evidence for strongly correlated superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 from first principles (arXiv)
2502.19560v1 Comment on “InAs-Al hybrid devices passing the topological gap protocol”, Microsoft Quantum, Phys. Rev. B 107, 245423 (2023) (arXiv)
2502.19576v1 An Analysis of First- and Second-Order Optimization Algorithms in Variational Monte Carlo (arXiv)
2502.19588v1 Quantitative description of strongly correlated materials by combining downfolding techniques and tensor networks (arXiv)
2502.19589v1 Anomalous spin-optical helical effect in Ti-based kagome metal (arXiv)
2502.19599v1 In-plane Ising superconductivity revealed by exchange interactions (arXiv)
2502.19664v1 First-principles study on Pr-doped Bilayer Nickelate La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)
2502.19733v1 Extracting intrinsic superconducting properties in intercalated layered superconductors using an extended 2D Tinkham model (arXiv)
2502.19736v1 Gate-Tunable Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Topological Insulator-Magnetic Insulator Heterostructures at Room Temperature (arXiv)
2502.19783v1 Hysteretic responses of nanomechanical resonators based on crumpled few-layer graphene (arXiv)
2502.19815v1 Spontaneous magnon decay in two-dimensional altermagnets (arXiv)
2502.19826v1 Phonon anomalies within the polar charge density wave phase of superconductor Mo3Al2C with structural chirality (arXiv)
2502.19840v1 Robust s_\pm-wave pairing in a bilayer two-orbital model of pressurized La3Ni2O7 without the gamma Fermi surface (arXiv)
2502.19841v1 Detecting Topological Phase Transition in Superconductor-Semiconductor Hybrids by Electronic Raman Spectroscopy (arXiv)
2502.19882v1 Topological phase transitions in superconductors with chiral symmetry (arXiv)
2502.20005v1 Effect of a uniaxial strain on optical spin orientation in cubic semiconductors (arXiv)
2502.20074v1 Transmission through multiple Mott insulator - semiconductor wells (arXiv)
2502.20142v1 Simulating Bulk Gap in Chiral Projected Entangled-Pair States (arXiv)
2502.20146v1 Spontaneous Magnon Decays from Nonrelativistic Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Altermagnets (arXiv)
2502.20194v1 Homogeneous doping of epitaxial graphene by Pb(111) islands: A magnetotransport study (arXiv)
2502.20270v1 Chaotic quantum transport through spatially symmetric microstructures in the symplectic ensemble (arXiv)
2502.20276v1 Search for magnetic field expulsion in optically driven K3C60 (arXiv)
2502.20283v1 Topological altermagnetic Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2502.20365v1 Half-Metallic Fe/MgO Superlattice: An Ideal Candidate for Magnetic Tunnel Junction Electrodes (arXiv)
2502.20394v1 Superconductivity in doped planar Dirac insulators: A renormalization group study (arXiv)
2502.19466v1 Multipartite Entanglement Structure of Fibered Link States (arXiv)
2502.20002v1 Local ergotropy dynamically witnesses many-body localized phases (arXiv)
2502.20093v1 Electric-field control of photon indistinguishability in cascaded decays in quantum dots (arXiv)
2502.20254v1 Digital Simulation of Non-Abelian Parafermions in Superconducting Circuits (arXiv)
2502.20257v1 Symmetry defects and gauging for quantum states with matrix product unitary symmetries (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.080401 Symmetry Induced Enhancement in Finite-Time Thermodynamic Trade-Off Relations (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.080801 Speeding Up Quantum Measurement Using Space-Time Trade-Off (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.083601 Atomic-Scale On-Demand Photon Polarization Manipulation with High-Efficiency for Integrated Photonic Chips (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.085001 Experimental Generation of Extreme Electron Beams for Advanced Accelerator Applications (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086601 Renormalized Classical Spin Liquid on the Ruby Lattice (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086706 Electromagnon Signatures of a Metastable Multiferroic State (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086902 Charge Dynamics of an Unconventional Three-Dimensional Charge Density Wave in Kagome FeGe (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011045 Chern Insulators at Integer and Fractional Filling in Moiré Pentalayer Graphene (PRX)
PhysRevResearch.7.013213 Analog simulation of noisy quantum circuits (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013215 Numerical investigation of quantum phases and phase transitions in a two-leg ladder of Rydberg atoms (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013217 Electrodynamics of vortices in quasi-two-dimensional scalar Bose-Einstein condensates (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013219 Collective oscillations of Bose-Einstein condensates in a synthetic magnetic field (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013221 Enhanced natural parameterized quantum circuit (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012045 Scaling up a sign-ordered Kitaev chain without magnetic flux control (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012046 Role of doping in probe microscopies for the Si(111) 7x7 surface (PRR)
PhysRevLett.134.081801 First Measurement of Missing Energy due to Nuclear Effects in Monoenergetic Neutrino Charged-Current Interactions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.082302 Generalized Thermodynamic Relations for Perfect Spin Hydrodynamics (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.083801 Room Temperature Superfluorescence from an Electron-Hole Liquid (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.083802 Q-Plates: From Optical Vortices to Optical Skyrmions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.083803 Weakly Dispersive Band in Synthetic Moiré Superlattice Inducing Optimal Compact Comb Generation (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086401 Unexpected 18-Fold Overlapped Feathery Fermi Pockets in Typical Thermoelectric Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086502 Orbital Competition in Bilayer Graphene’s Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086503 Gauged Cooling of Topological Excitations and Emergent Fermions on Quantum Simulators (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086703 Magnetic Lyddane-Sachs-Teller Relation (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086704 Real Space Imaging of Field-Driven Decision-Making in Nanomagnetic Galton Boards (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086705 Four-Wave Mixing at peV Energy Scales (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.088201 Mediation of Colloidal Encounter Dynamics by Surface Roughness (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.089901 Erratum: Emergent Sp(3R) Dynamical Symmetry in the Nuclear Many-Body System from an Ab Initio Description [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 102505 (2020)] (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011044 Light-Induced Reorientation Transition in an Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor (PRX)
Physics.18.31 New Fundamental Magnetic Law Uncovered (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013208 Boosting projective methods for quantum process and detector tomography (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013209 Process tensor approaches to modeling two-dimensional spectroscopy (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013210 Hamiltonian formalism of state-dependent diffusion and application to laser-cooling atoms (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013211 Projective purification of correlated reduced density matrices (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013212 Low-energy electron scattering cross sections for nanoscale water clusters (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012043 Extreme wave skewing and dispersion spectra of anisotropic elastic plates (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012044 Anomalous heat transfer in nonequilibrium quantum systems (PRR)
2502.18587v1 Strong Coupling of Nanomechanical Vibrations to Individual Two-Level Systems (arXiv)
2502.18723v1 Growth and characterization of single crystal cubic TaN and hexagonal Ta2N films on c-plane Sapphire (arXiv)
2502.18765v1 Pseudo-Hermitian physics from dynamically coupled macrospins (arXiv)
2502.18811v1 Nested Shadows of Anyons:A Framework for Identifying Topological Phases (arXiv)
2502.18827v1 Symmetry breaking of large-amplitude parametric oscillations in a few-layer graphene nanomechanical resonator (arXiv)
2502.18850v1 Gate-Voltage-Driven Quantum Phase Transition at 0.7 (2e^2/h) in Quantum Point Contacts (arXiv)
2502.18911v1 Experimental Observation of Topological Disclination States in Lossy Electric Circuits (arXiv)
2502.18937v1 Chiral anomaly in the Weyl semimetal TaRhTe4 (arXiv)
2502.18949v1 Unlocking Hidden Potential in Electron Holography of Non-Collinear Spin Textures (arXiv)
2502.19017v1 Emergent fractals in hBN-encapsulated graphene based supermoire structures and their experimental signatures (arXiv)
2502.19040v1 A few-layer graphene nanomechanical resonator driven by digitally modulated video signals (arXiv)
2502.19054v1 Deciphering competing interactions of Kitaev-Heisenberg-Gamma system in clusters: part II – dynamics of Majorana fermions (arXiv)
2502.19162v1 From pure to mixed: Altermagnets as intrinsic symmetry-breaking indicators (arXiv)
2502.19259v1 U(1) Dirac quantum spin liquid candidate in triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CeMgAl11O19 (arXiv)
2502.19267v1 Majorana sweet spots in 3-site Kitaev chains (arXiv)
2502.19270v1 Spin and pair density waves in 2D altermagnetic metals (arXiv)
2502.19365v1 Quantum geometric moment encodes stacking order of moire matter (arXiv)
2502.19371v1 Tunable Josephson diode effect in singlet superconductor-altermagnet-triplet superconductor junctions (arXiv)
2502.18595v1 Gauging the complex SYK model (arXiv)
2502.18622v1 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Renormalization Group Flow at a Quantum Phase Transition (arXiv)
2502.18649v1 Theory of interaction-induced charge order in CrSBr (arXiv)
2502.18732v1 Colossal magnetoresistance in a quasi-two-dimensional cluster glass semiconductor (arXiv)
2502.18747v1 Revisiting MnSe : a Magnetic Semiconductor with Spin-Phonon coupling (arXiv)
2502.18764v1 Observation of Topological Nodal-Ring Phonons in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride (arXiv)
2502.18897v1 Exchange Coupling Modulation in MN4-Embedded Graphene Layers (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Cu) Under Strain (arXiv)
2502.18898v1 Zipping many-body quantum states: a scalable approach to diagonal entropy (arXiv)
2502.18902v1 Scalable Low-overhead Superconducting Non-local Coupler with Exponentially Enhanced Connectivity (arXiv)
2502.18946v1 High-Pressure Tuning of Electrical Transport in Freestanding Oxide Films (arXiv)
2502.18989v1 The Rise of Refractory Transition-Metal Nitride Films for Advanced Electronics and Plasmonics (arXiv)
2502.19152v1 Oddities in the Entanglement Scaling of the Quantum Six-Vertex Model (arXiv)
2502.19185v1 Exact quantum critical states with a superconducting quantum processor (arXiv)
2502.19191v1 Spatial mapping of intrinsic and readout nonlinearities in a strongly-driven micromechanical membrane (arXiv)
2502.19289v1 Dynamical cluster-based optimization of tensor network algorithms for quantum circuit simulations (arXiv)
2502.19370v1 The chiral SYK model in three-dimensional holography (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.084101 Formation of Iron-Helium Compounds under High Pressure (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011042 Dispersive Dark Excitons in van der Waals Ferromagnet CrI3 (PRX)
Physics.18.43 Nonchiral Clusters Self-Assemble into Chiral Films (Physics)
Physics.18.s31 Classical Turbulence Found in Quantum Fluid (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013201 Predicting properties of quantum systems by regression on a quantum computer (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013203 Role of the irreducible mass in repetitive Penrose energy extraction processes in a Kerr black hole (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013204 Successive phase transition in higher-order topological Anderson insulators (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013206 Measurement resolution enhanced coherence for lattice fermions (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012041 Direct visualization of shock front induced nonlinear laser wakefield dynamics (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012042 Terahertz generation via the inverse orbital Rashba-Edelstein effect at the Ni/CuOx interface (PRR)
2502.17554v1 Theory of Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Quantum Magnets (arXiv)
2502.17555v1 Quarter Metal Superconductivity (arXiv)
2502.17569v1 Shining light on collective modes in moire fractional Chern insulators (arXiv)
2502.17574v1 Theory of magnetoroton bands in moire materials (arXiv)
2502.17590v1 On the Electronic Structure of Kagome metals AV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2502.17635v1 Developing fractional quantum Hall states at even-denominator fillings 1/6 and 1/8 (arXiv)
2502.17647v1 Spin relaxation and transport behaviors in altermagnetic systems (arXiv)
2502.17659v1 Hole Spin in Direct Bandgap Germanium-Tin Quantum Dot (arXiv)
2502.17735v1 Microscopic Theory of Chern Polarization (arXiv)
2502.17769v1 Controlling spin currents with magnon interference in a canted antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2502.17783v1 Quantum Transport in Reduced Graphene Oxide Measured by Scanning Probe Microscopy (arXiv)
2502.17831v1 Anomalous energy gap in superconducting La2.85Pr0.15Ni2O7/SrLaAlO4 heterostructures (arXiv)
2502.17833v1 Probing Mixed Valence States by Nuclear Spin-Spin Relaxation Time Measurements (arXiv)
2502.17892v1 Experimental evidence of Tc enhancement above 50 K and diode and paramagnetic-Meissner effects, in Nickelate films on highly reduced SrTiO3 (arXiv)
2502.17931v1 Symplectic-Amoeba formulation of the non-Bloch band theory for one-dimensional two-band systems (arXiv)
2502.17980v1 Multimode operation of a superconducting nanowire switch in the nanosecond regime (arXiv)
2502.17998v1 Revisiting the spin-orbit scattering in small-sized superconducting particles in the magnetic field (arXiv)
2502.18007v1 Surface acoustic wave driven acoustic spin splitter in d-wave altermagnetic thin films (arXiv)
2502.18010v1 Algebraic Exact Solution for Driven Landau Levels in Two-dimensional Electron Gases (arXiv)
2502.18031v1 Continuously tunable anomalous Hall crystals in rhombohedral heptalayer graphene (arXiv)
2502.18058v1 Magneto-Optics of Anisotropic Exciton Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Perovskites (arXiv)
2502.18068v1 Electronic Structures across the Superconductor-Insulator Transition at La2.85Pr0.15Ni2O7/SrLaAlO4 Interfaces (arXiv)
2502.18075v1 Orbital Fulde-Ferrell State versus Orbital Larkin-Ovchinnikov State (arXiv)
2502.18178v1 Quantum entanglement of fermionic gapless symmetry protected topological phases in one dimension (arXiv)
2502.18183v1 Diverse dynamics in interacting vortices systems through tunable conservative and non-conservative coupling strengths (arXiv)
2502.18226v1 Symmetry-driven Intrinsic Nonlinear Pure Spin Hall Effect (arXiv)
2502.18236v1 Phonon thermal Hall as a lattice Aharonov-Bohm effect (arXiv)
2502.18260v1 Electrically Tunable Magnonic Bound States in the Continuum (arXiv)
2502.18281v1 The Maximum Tc of Conventional Superconductors at Ambient Pressure (arXiv)
2502.18299v1 Density functional theory of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in the quasi-one-dimensional dimer iridate Ba3InIr2O9 (arXiv)
2502.18383v1 Interplay of superconducting, metallic, and crystalline states of composite fermions at nu=1/6 in wide quantum wells (arXiv)
2502.17572v1 Detecting emergent 1-form symmetries with quantum error correction (arXiv)
2502.17649v1 Hybridization of Non-Hermitian Topological Interface Modes (arXiv)
2502.17656v1 High-Q, size-independent, and reconfigurable optical antennas via zero-index material dispersion engineering (arXiv)
2502.17662v1 Resonant Energy Transfer and Collectively Driven Emitters in Waveguide QED (arXiv)
2502.17665v1 Effective Field Neural Network (arXiv)
2502.17799v1 Ultralow-temperature ultrafast synthesis of wafer-scale single-crystalline graphene via metal-assisted graphitization of silicon-carbide (arXiv)
2502.17861v1 Scalable, universal and conformal direct electrodes microprinting for high-performance van der Waals-integrated two-dimensional electronics and flexible applications (arXiv)
2502.17958v1 Stacking, Strain-Engineering Induced Altermagnetism, Multipiezo Effect, and Topological State in Two-Dimensional Materials (arXiv)
2502.17970v1 Microwave dynamics of gated Al/InAs superconducting nanowires (arXiv)
2502.18024v1 Multifield Induced Antiferromagnet Transformation into Altermagnet and Realized Anomalous Valley Hall Effect in Two-dimensional Materials (arXiv)
2502.18154v1 Magnetodielectric Properties in Two Dimensional Magnetic Insulators (arXiv)
2502.18190v1 Coexisting Triferroic and Multiple Types of Valley Polarization by Structural Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional Materials (arXiv)
2502.18248v1 Reversible magneto ionics in crystallized W Co20Fe60B20 MgO HfO2 ultra-thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (arXiv)
2502.18304v1 Tuning of Josephson junctions – the effects of depinning physics (arXiv)
2502.18312v1 A novel spectroscopic probe of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range (arXiv)
2502.18375v1 Deployable Nanoelectromechanical Bound States in the Continuum Enabled by GHz Lamb Wave Phononic Crystals on LiNbO3 Thin Films (arXiv)
2502.18385v1 Monolithic On-Chip Phononic Chiral Anomalous Bulk States on LiNbO3 Thin-films (arXiv)
2502.18450v1 Nuclear Spin Engineering for Quantum Information Science (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.080201 Deterministic Photonic Entanglement Arising from Non-Abelian Quantum Holonomy (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.084001 Restoration of Axisymmetric Flow Structure in Turbulent Thermal Convection by Polymer Additives (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086001 Quantum Coulomb Drag Mediated by Cotunneling of Fluxons and Cooper Pairs (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086501 Ground State of the S=1/2 Heisenberg Spin Chain with Random Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Couplings (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086701 Giant Strain-Induced Spin Splitting Effect in MnTe, a g-Wave Altermagnetic Semiconductor (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.086702 Spin-Peierls Transition in the Frustrated Spinels ZnCr2O4 and MgCr2O4 (PRL)
Physics.18.40 A Path to Scalable Quantum Computers (Physics)
Physics.18.41 Quantum Milestones, 1947: Lamb Shift Verifies New Quantum Concept (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013191 Spin coupling is all you need: Encoding strong electron correlation in molecules on quantum computers (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013192 Room-temperature quantum sensing with photoexcited triplet electrons in organic crystals (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013194 Phase diagram of the J1-J2 Heisenberg second-order topological quantum magnet (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013195 Quantum and classical magnetic Bloch points (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013197 Coupling a high-Q resonator to a spin qubit with all-electrical control (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013199 Exploring frustration effects of strongly interacting bosons via the Hall response (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013200 Quantifying carbon site switching dynamics in GaN by electron holography (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012039 Dual origin in the temperature dependence of the coupling parameter for the strange metal state in heavily overdoped cuprate superconductor (PRR)
2502.15909v1 Photo-assisted shot noise probes multiple charge carriers in quantum Hall edges (arXiv)
2502.16006v1 Topological Computation by non-Abelian Braiding in Classical Metamaterials (arXiv)
2502.16013v1 Proximity-Induced Nodal Metal in an Extremely Underdoped CuO2 Plane in Triple-Layer Cuprates (arXiv)
2502.16072v1 Site-selective observation of spin dynamics of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in frustrated Heisenberg chains (arXiv)
2502.16103v1 d-Wave Polarization-Spin Locking in Two-Dimensional Altermagnets (arXiv)
2502.16183v1 Klein Tunneling and Fabry-Perot Resonances in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)
2502.16216v1 Harnessing Nonlinearity to Tame Wave Dynamics in Nonreciprocal Active Systems (arXiv)
2502.16258v1 Geometric origin of supercurrents in Berry phase: Formula for computing currents from wavefunctions with correlation and particle number variation (arXiv)
2502.16306v1 A comprehensive study of out-of-equilibrium Kondo effect and Coulomb blockade (arXiv)
2502.16405v1 Charge-state dependent spin-orbit coupling and quantum phase transitions in Ir-Ru oxides (arXiv)
2502.16415v1 Perfect spin-triplet pairing in two-dimensional Ising superconductors purified by indirect excitons (arXiv)
2502.16417v1 Inversion-asymmetric itinerant antiferromagnets by the space group symmetry (arXiv)
2502.16551v1 Tunable electron-electron interaction and anomalous enhancement of large-momentum scattering in moire superlattices (arXiv)
2502.16558v1 Discovery of High-Temperature Superconducting Ternary Hydrides via Deep Learning (arXiv)
2502.16640v1 Spin-charge Kondo effect for a quantum dot with side coupled Majorana zero mode (arXiv)
2502.16657v1 Loop-current order through the kagome looking glass (arXiv)
2502.16700v1 Modulation of superconductivity across a Lifshitz transition in alternating-angle twisted quadrilayer graphene (arXiv)
2502.16729v1 Callan-Rubakov effects in topological insulators (arXiv)
2502.16784v1 Unraveling Enhanced Superconductivity in Single-layer FeSe through Substrate Surface Terminations (arXiv)
2502.16788v1 Symmetry-breaking effects on spin-orbit torque switching in ferromagnetic semiconductors with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (arXiv)
2502.16978v1 Pinch-line spin liquids as layered Coulomb phases (arXiv)
2502.17005v1 Phase coherence of charge-6e superconductors via a frustrated Kagome XY antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2502.17033v1 Random Transverse Field Effects on Magnetic Noise in Spin Systems (arXiv)
2502.17063v1 Status of Iron Based Superconductors: characteristics and relevant properties for applications (arXiv)
2502.17069v1 Proximity Effects Between the Graphene Quasicrystaland Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)
2502.17080v1 Theory of Nonlocal Transport from Nonlinear Valley Responses (arXiv)
2502.17103v1 Directional propagation of quantum Hall viscous fluid by nano-structural engineering (arXiv)
2502.17127v1 Josephson vortex system in a flux-flow regime in electron doped high-Tc superconductor Nd(2-x)CexCuO4 (arXiv)
2502.17144v1 Leveraging recurrence in neural network wavefunctions for large-scale simulations of Heisenberg antiferromagnets: the square lattice (arXiv)
2502.17153v1 Highly correlated electronic state in a ferrimagnetic quadruple perovskite CuCu3Fe2Re2O12 (arXiv)
2502.17171v1 Universal charge and spin Drude weights in one-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)
2502.17229v1 Importance of ligand on-site interactions for the description of Mott-insulators in DFT+DMFT (arXiv)
2502.17250v1 Stabilization of Fermi-liquid behavior by interactions in disordered metals (arXiv)
2502.17276v1 Spin noise reveals spin dynamics and recharging of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (arXiv)
2502.17291v1 Magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic and magnetocaloric TmFeO3 (arXiv)
2502.17320v1 Fractional topological states in rhombohedral multilayer graphene modulated by kagome superlattice (arXiv)
2502.17430v1 Ancilla theory of twisted bilayer graphene I: topological Mott semimetal and symmetric pseudogap metal (arXiv)
2502.15463v1 Mesons in a quantum Ising ladder (arXiv)
2502.15788v1 Ink-jet printing and drop-casting deposition of 2H-phase SnSe2 and WSe2 nanoflake assemblies for thermoelectric applications (arXiv)
2502.15930v1 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in color superconducting quark matter (arXiv)
2502.16145v1 Valley resolved dynamics of phonon bottleneck in semiconductor molybdenum ditelluride (arXiv)
2502.16251v1 Atomistic Theory of Plasmon-Induced Hot-carriers in Al Nanoparticles (arXiv)
2502.17045v1 Quantum interference of Rydberg excitons in Cu20: quantum beats (arXiv)
2502.17131v1 Electronic and structural properties of atomically thin metallenes (arXiv)
2502.17247v1 High quality superconducting tantalum resonators with beta phase defects (arXiv)
2502.14958v1 Incommensurate gapless ferromagnetism connecting competing symmetry-enriched deconfined quantum phase transitions (arXiv)
2502.15088v1 Soft phonon and the central peak at the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition in SrTiO3 (arXiv)
2502.15113v1 Constructing a variational ground state of matter fermions coupled to a vison pair in Kitaev’s honeycomb model (arXiv)
2502.15154v1 Analytical solution for the relaxed atomic configuration of twisted bilayer graphene including heterostrain (arXiv)
2502.15232v1 Gate tunable Dirac mass and Berry phase in Trilayer graphene (arXiv)
2502.15238v1 Mass enhancement and metal-nonmetal transition driven by d-f hybridization in perovskites La1-xPrxCuO3 (arXiv)
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2502.15373v1 Vertex correction for the linear and nonlinear optical responses in superconductors: multiband effect and topological superconductivity (arXiv)
2502.15400v1 Superconducting phenomena in systems with unconventional magnets (arXiv)
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2502.15449v1 Sign Changes in Heat, Spin, and Orbital Magnon Transport Coefficients in Kitaev Ferromagnets (arXiv)
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2502.15528v1 Lattice dynamics and spin-phonon coupling in the kagome spin ice HoAgGe (arXiv)
2502.15590v1 Structural and superconducting parameters of highly compressed sulfur (arXiv)
2502.14965v1 Boundary Operator Product Expansion Coefficients of the Three-dimensional Ising Universality Class (arXiv)
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2502.15222v1 Single monolayer ferromagnetic perovskite SrRuO3 with high conductivity and strong ferromagnetism (arXiv)
2502.15247v1 Anisotropic Exchange Spin Model to Investigate the Curie Temperature Dispersion of Finite-Size L10-FePt Magnetic Nanoparticles (arXiv)
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2502.15376v1 Learning Chern Numbers of Topological Insulators with Gauge Equivariant Neural Networks (arXiv)
2502.15464v1 A toolbox of spin-adapted generalized Pauli constraints (arXiv)
2502.15531v1 Interaction of dopants with the I3-type basal stacking fault in hexagonal-diamond Si (arXiv)