weekly picks (Jan 4 week 2025)
PhysRevLett.134.046601 Exciton Condensation in Landau Levels of Quantum Spin Hall Insulators (PRL)
s41467-025-56206-0 Sensitive dependence of pairing symmetry on Ni-eg crystal field splitting in the nickelate superconductor La3Ni2O7 (Nature Communications)
s41565-024-01845-5 Dipolar wavevector interference induces a polar skyrmion lattice in strained BiFeO3 films (Nature Nanotechnology)
s41467-025-55874-2 Author Correction: Ultra-broadband all-optical nonlinear activation function enabled by MoTe2/optical waveguide integrated devices (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02773-w The formation of a nuclear-spin dark state in silicon (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02756-x Magnetic fields take the lead in ultracold reactions (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02764-x Quantum thermodynamics for quantum computing (Nature Physics)
s42005-025-01965-x Nonvolatile current-induced topological charge imbalance of magnetic textures (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01954-0 Photophysics of O-band and transition metal color centers in monolithic silicon for quantum communications (Communications Physics)
s41563-025-02152-7 Publisher Correction: Revitalizing interphase in all-solid-state Li metal batteries by electrophile reduction (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02085-7 Correlated spin-wave generation and domain-wall oscillation in a topologically textured magnetic film (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02088-4 Cryogenic in-memory computing using magnetic topological insulators (Nature Materials)
s41467-025-56566-7 Ferromagnetic Fe-TiO2 spin catalysts for enhanced ammonia electrosynthesis (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02773-w The formation of a nuclear-spin dark state in silicon (Nature Physics)
s42005-025-01966-w Author Correction: Optical driving, spin initialization and readout of single SiV− centers in a Fabry-Perot resonator (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01957-x Publisher Correction: 30 years of the quantum cascade laser (Communications Physics)
s41467-025-56593-4 Coalescence of multiple topological orders in quasi-one-dimensional bismuth halide chains (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-56459-9 Author Correction: A simple model for Behavioral Time Scale Synaptic Plasticity (BTSP) provides content addressable memory with binary synapses and one-shot learning (Nature Communications)
s42005-025-01955-z Spectroscopy of two-dimensional interacting lattice electrons using symmetry-aware neural backflow transformations (Communications Physics)
s41563-024-02087-5 Non-fullerene acceptors with high crystallinity and photoluminescence quantum yield enable 20% efficiency organic solar cells (Nature Materials)
s41586-024-08367-z Signatures of longitudinal spin pumping in a magnetic phase transition (Nature)
s41467-025-56453-1 Probing spin-electric transitions in a molecular exchange qubit (Nature Communications)
s42005-025-01955-z Spectroscopy of two-dimensional interacting lattice electrons using symmetry-aware neural backflow transformations (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01967-9 Coherent spin mixing at charge transfer states for spin polaron pair dissociation and energy loss in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01963-z Sampling electronic fock states using determinant quantum Monte Carlo (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01964-y Flat-band ratio and quantum metric in the superconductivity of modified Lieb lattices (Communications Physics)
s42005-025-01956-y Quantum many-body physics calculations with large language models (Communications Physics)
s41563-024-02091-9 Topological linking determines elasticity in limited valence networks (Nature Materials)
science.ado7201 Transforming achiral semiconductors into chiral domains with exceptional circular dichroism (Science)
PhysRevLett.134.040802 Experimental Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Cryptographic Conferencing (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.041002 Enhancing Cosmological Model Selection with Interpretable Machine Learning (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.041603 Defining the Type IIB Matrix Model without Breaking Lorentz Symmetry (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043403 Homogeneous Fermionic Hubbard Gases in a Flattop Optical Lattice (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043602 Observation of Subnatural-Linewidth Biphotons in a Two-Level Atomic Ensemble (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043603 Coherent Control of a Long-Lived Nuclear Memory Spin in a Germanium-Vacancy Multi-Qubit Node (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043802 Smith-Purcell Radiation in Two Dimensions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043803 Maximal Quantum Interaction between Free Electrons and Photons (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043804 Upper Bound for the Quantum Coupling between Free Electrons and Photons (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046303 Real-Time Detection and Control of Correlated Charge Tunneling in a Quantum Dot (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046404 Elastic Screening of Pseudogauge Fields in Graphene (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046502 Developing Fractional Quantum Hall States at Even-Denominator Fillings 1/6 and 1/8 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046503 Solvable Nonunitary Fermionic Long-Range Model with Extended Symmetry (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046504 Doped Mott Phase and Charge Correlations in Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.048101 Electrostatic Correlation Augmented Self-Consistent Field Theory and Its Application to Polyelectrolyte Brushes (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.048203 Connecting Anomalous Elasticity and Sub-Arrhenius Structural Dynamics in a Cell-Based Model (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011018 Flux Fractionalization Transition in Anisotropic S=1 Antiferromagnets and Dimer-Loop Models (PRX)
PhysRevResearch.7.013119 Transient bifurcation induced rocket acceleration leading to a relativistic bulk medium induced by designed high-intensity lasers (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013120 Quantum state engineering and photon statistics at electromagnetic time interfaces (PRR)
022410/3331669 Lowering the skyrmion depinning current in synthetic antiferromagnetic systems (APL)
PhysRevLett.134.043001 Quantum Offset of Velocity Imaging-Based Electron Spectrometry and the Electron Affinity of Arsenic (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046501 Landau-Level Mixing and SU(4) Symmetry Breaking in Graphene (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011017 Positive Oscillating Magnetoresistance in a van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor (PRX)
PhysRevResearch.7.013114 Observation of excitons bound by antiferromagnetic correlations (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013115 Low-density parity-check representation of fault-tolerant quantum circuits (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013117 Memory-corrected quantum repeaters with adaptive syndrome identification (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013118 Probabilistic genotype-phenotype maps reveal mutational robustness of RNA folding, spin glasses, and quantum circuits (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012023 Realization of a spin-1/2 Kondo necklace model with magnetic field-induced coupling switch (PRR)
2501.17919v1 Giant orbital Hall effect due to the bulk states of 3D topological insulators (arXiv)
2501.17924v1 Chiral cavity control of superconducting diode-like nonlinearities (arXiv)
2501.18041v1 Few-Mode and Anisotropic Quantum Transport in InSb Nanoribbons Using an All-van der Waals Material-Based Gate (arXiv)
2501.18168v1 Competition between excitonic insulators and quantum Hall states in correlated electron-hole bilayers (arXiv)
2501.18242v1 Unveiling Topological Hinge States in the Higher-Order Topological Insulator WTe2 Based on the Fractional Josephson Effect (arXiv)
2501.18254v1 Interlayer phase coherence and composite fermions (arXiv)
2501.18255v1 Large frequency nonreciprocity of azimuthal spin wave modes in submicron vortex state disks (arXiv)
2501.18263v1 Tensor network state methods and quantum information theory for strongly correlated molecular systems (arXiv)
2501.18321v1 Ultra-large mutually synchronized networks of 10 nm spin Hall nano-oscillators (arXiv)
2501.18325v1 Disentangling real space fluctuations: the diagnostics of metal-insulator transitions beyond single-particle spectral functions (arXiv)
2501.18384v1 An extensive thermal conductivity measurement method based on atomic force microscopy (arXiv)
2501.18389v1 Interplay of d- and p-States in RbTi3Bi5 and CsTi3Bi5 Flat-Band Kagome Metals (arXiv)
2501.18459v1 Pathways to Bubble and Skyrmion Lattice Formation in Fe/Gd Multilayers (arXiv)
2501.18491v1 Magnetism and hidden quantum geometry in charge neutral twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv)
2501.18547v1 Transverse spin photocurrents in ultrathin topological insulator films (arXiv)
2501.18591v1 Non-Hermitian catalysis of density-wave orders on Euclidean and hyperbolic lattices (arXiv)
2501.17915v1 A strong-driving toolkit for topological Floquet energy pumps with superconducting circuits (arXiv)
2501.17928v1 Measuring decoherence due to quantum vacuum fluctuations (arXiv)
2501.17929v1 String Breaking in a 2+1D Z2 Lattice Gauge Theory (arXiv)
2501.18141v1 On the mean-field antiferromagnetic gap for the half-filled 2D Hubbard model at zero temperature (arXiv)
2501.18206v1 Charge state tuning of spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)
2501.18510v1 Fractonic self-duality and covariant magnetic fractons (arXiv)
2501.18573v1 Symmetries of Weyl Superconductors with Different Pairings (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.041001 Exploring New Physics with PandaX-4T Low Energy Electronic Recoil Data (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046302 Anderson Transition for Light in a Three-Dimensional Random Medium (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046403 Enforced Symmetry Breaking for Anomalous Valley Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Lattices (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046702 Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046801 Electrically Switchable Longitudinal Nonlinear Conductivity in Magnetic Semiconductors (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.047402 Macroscopic Stochastic Model for Economic Cycle Dynamics (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.048201 Void Connectivity and Criticality in the Compression-Induced Gel-to-Glass Transition of Short-Range Attractive Colloids (PRL)
PhysRevResearch.7.013109 Giant high-order nonlinear and nonreciprocal electrical transports induced by valley flipping in Bernal bilayer graphene (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013110 Robust nonlinear isolators based on frozen mode exceptional point degeneracies (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013112 Quantum-inspired fluid simulation of two-dimensional turbulence with GPU acceleration (PRR)
2501.17230v1 Phonon-mediated electron attraction in SrTiO3 via the generalized Frohlich and deformation potential mechanisms (arXiv)
2501.17248v1 A novel Gapless Quantum Spin Liquid in the S = 1 4d4-honeycomb material Cu3LiRu2O6 (arXiv)
2501.17314v1 Phase transition in quasi-flat band superconductors (arXiv)
2501.17316v1 Levy noise effects on Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2501.17340v1 Two-dimensional talc as a natural hyperbolic material (arXiv)
2501.17368v1 Singularity and universality from von Neumann to Renyi entanglement entropy and disorder operator in Motzkin chains (arXiv)
2501.17369v1 Anomalous proximity effect of a spin-singlet superconductor with a spin-orbit interaction (arXiv)
2501.17417v1 Spin-forbidden excitations in the magneto-optical spectra of CrI3 tuned by covalency (arXiv)
2501.17432v1 Diagonal superexchange in a simple square CuO2 lattice (arXiv)
2501.17451v1 Enhancement of superconductivity on thin film of Sn under high pressure (arXiv)
2501.17453v1 Magnetic metastability driven Anomalous Hall Effect in FexTaS2 (arXiv)
2501.17465v1 Direct Observation of Vortices and Antivortices Generation in Phase-Separated Superconductor Sn-Pb Solder (arXiv)
2501.17494v1 Electron trapping via magnetic and laser fields in gapped graphene quantum dots (arXiv)
2501.17525v1 Quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surfaces of the antiferromagnet U2RhIn8 revealed by de Haas-van Alphen measurements (arXiv)
2501.17560v1 Magnetic Phase Diagram of YbRh2Si2: the Influence of Hyperfine Interactions (arXiv)
2501.17565v1 Anomalous Raman scattering in layered AgCrP2Se6: Helical modes and excitation energy-dependent intensities (arXiv)
2501.17616v1 Universal transport at Lifshitz metal-insulator transitions in two dimensions (arXiv)
2501.17623v1 Keldysh field theory approach to direct electric and thermoelectric currents in quantum dots coupled to superconducting leads (arXiv)
2501.17641v1 Supercurrent Diode Effect in Josephson Interferometers with Multiband Superconductors (arXiv)
2501.17671v1 Topological Signatures of the Optical Bound on Maximal Berry Curvature: Applications to Two-Dimensional Time-Reversal-Symmetric Insulators (arXiv)
2501.17687v1 Topological insulator constrictions – Dirac particles in a magneto-chiral box (arXiv)
2501.17709v1 Bulk superconductivity in pressurized trilayer nickelate Pr4Ni3O10 single crystals (arXiv)
2501.17714v1 Single crystal growth and physical characterization to fine tune YbIn1-xTxCu4 (T = Au, Ag) towards the critical endpoint of the valence transition (arXiv)
2501.17724v1 Dynamic Competition between Cooper-Pair and Spin-Density-Wave Condensation (arXiv)
2501.17829v1 Quantum oscillations in a dipolar excitonic insulator (arXiv)
2501.15752v1 Electrically driven resonant magnetization, spin-pumping and charge-to-spin conversion from chiral-spin modes at THz frequencies (arXiv)
2501.17367v1 High-field Breakdown and Thermal Characterization of Indium Tin Oxide Transistors (arXiv)
2501.17481v1 System-environmental entanglement in critical spin systems under ZZ-decoherence and its relation to strong and weak symmetries (arXiv)
2501.17528v1 Unusual temperature dependence of the band structure associated with local atomic distortion in monolayer 1T’-WTe2 (arXiv)
2501.17533v1 Entanglement-informed Construction of Variational Quantum Circuits (arXiv)
2501.17673v1 Mie-resonant silicon waveguide for efficient coupling with excitonic emitters in InSe (arXiv)
2501.17791v1 Thermal Radiation Force and Torque on Moving Nanostructures with Anisotropic Optical Response (arXiv)
2501.17814v1 A trilinear quantum dot architecture for semiconductor spin qubits (arXiv)
2501.17839v1 Unveiling Symmetry Instability induced by Topological Phase Transitions (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.040201 Certifying Quantum Temporal Correlation via Randomized Measurements: Theory and Experiment (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.041602 Ultraviolet-Complete Local Field Theory of Persistent Symmetry Breaking in 2+1 Dimensions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043402 Shell-Shaped Quantum Droplet in a Three-Component Ultracold Bose Gas (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.043801 Control of Chirality and Directionality of Nonlinear Metasurface Light Source via Moiré Engineering (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046101 Importance of Density for Phase-Change Materials Demonstrated by Ab Initio Simulations of Amorphous Antimony (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046201 Constant-Potential Modeling of Electrical Double Layers Accounting for Electron Spillover (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046701 Realizing Quantitative Quasiparticle Modeling of Skyrmion Dynamics in Arbitrary Potentials (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011015 Quantum and Classical Dynamics with Random Permutation Circuits (PRX)
Physics.18.s17 Quantum Learning Made Efficient (Physics)
2501.16415v1 Two Channel Kondo behavior in the quantum XX chain with a boundary defect (arXiv)
2501.16417v1 The foot, the fan, and the cuprate phase diagram: Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions (arXiv)
2501.16428v1 Quantum geometric bounds in spinful systems with trivial band topology (arXiv)
2501.16430v1 Critical gate distance for Wigner crystallization in the two-dimensional electron gas (arXiv)
2501.16512v1 Nanostructured superlattices as a probe of fermiology in Weyl-semimetal NbP (arXiv)
2501.16514v1 Reentrant localization transition in a dimerized quasiperiodic dipolar chain (arXiv)
2501.16567v1 Adhesion and Reconstruction of Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Heterostructures: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study (arXiv)
2501.16622v1 Microscopic Theory of Polaron-Polariton Dispersion and Propagation (arXiv)
2501.16636v1 Pair Wavefunction Symmetry in UTe2 from Zero-Energy Surface State Visualization (arXiv)
2501.16699v1 Unconventional Superconducting Phase Diagram of Monolayer WTe2 (arXiv)
2501.16792v1 Anomalous Landau levels and quantum oscillation in rotation-invariant insulators (arXiv)
2501.16856v1 Two-dimensional spectroscopy of bosonic collective excitations in disordered many-body systems (arXiv)
2501.16869v1 Ultra-strong coupling of two ferromagnets via Meissner currents (arXiv)
2501.16893v1 Machine-learning semi-local exchange-correlation functionals for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of the Hubbard model (arXiv)
2501.16898v1 The spin-orbital Kitaev model: from kagome spin ice to classical fractons (arXiv)
2501.16957v1 A sturdy spin-momentum locking in a chiral organic superconductor (arXiv)
2501.16965v1 The Effect of the Non-Abelian Quantum Metric on Superfluidity (arXiv)
2501.17017v1 Upper critical field and colossal spin valve analogy in normal metal-superconductor-normal metal trilayers (arXiv)
2501.17052v1 Low-temperature magnetic behaviour on the triangular lattice in hexagonal Ba3Tb(BO3)3 (arXiv)
2501.17139v1 New Method for Robust Critical Analysis of Magnetic Systems (arXiv)
2501.16413v1 Separate surface and bulk topological Anderson localization transitions in disordered axion insulators (arXiv)
2501.16426v1 Carroll at Phase Separation (arXiv)
2501.16486v1 Phase-matched electron-photon interactions enabled by 3D-printed helical waveguides (arXiv)
2501.16564v1 Landau-level composition of bound exciton states in magnetic field (arXiv)
2501.16580v1 Vortices and backflow in hydrodynamic heat transport (arXiv)
2501.16705v1 Convection-modulated topological edge mode and extended-localized criticality in thermal metamaterials (arXiv)
2501.16741v1 Quantum Geometric Origin of Strain-Tunable Giant Second-Harmonic Generation in Bi2O2X (X=S, Se, Te) (arXiv)
2501.16801v1 Electron dynamics induced by quantum cat-state light (arXiv)
2501.16806v1 Reversal of Spin-torque Polarity with Inverting Current Vorticity in Composition-graded Layer at the Ti/W Interface (arXiv)
2501.16819v1 Transport approach to two-qubit quantum state tomography (arXiv)
2501.16872v1 Space-Time-Coupled Qubits for Enhanced Superconducting Quantum Computing (arXiv)
2501.16886v1 Unconventional resistive switching in dense Ag-based nanowire networks with brain-inspired perspectives (arXiv)
2501.17069v1 Directly probing work extraction from a single qubit engine fueled by quantum measurements (arXiv)
2501.17140v1 Interlayer Hopping between Surface Mott Insulator and Bulk Band Insulator in layered 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.040801 Engineering One Axis Twisting via a Dissipative Berry Phase Using Strong Symmetries (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.042501 Prominent Bump in the Two-Neutron Separation Energies of Neutron-Rich Lanthanum Isotopes Revealed by High-Precision Mass Spectrometry (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.045201 Role of Nonlinear Landau Damping for Cosmic-Ray Transport (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046401 Magnetic Exciton of EuS Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.046402 Short-Range Excitonic Phenomena in Low-Density Metals (PRL)
Physics.18.18 Quantum Milestones, 1923: Photons Are Real (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.011001 Opportunities for gas-phase science at short-wavelength free-electron lasers with undulator-based polarization control (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013098 Two transitions in complex eigenvalue statistics: Hermiticity and integrability breaking (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013099 SU(N) symmetry with ultracold alkali dimers: Weak dependence of scattering properties on hyperfine state (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013101 Pulse engineering via projection of response functions (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013103 Correlation effects in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: An auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo study (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013104 Quantum volunteer’s dilemma (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013105 Quantum tug of war between randomness and symmetries on homogeneous spaces (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.L012022 Crystalline-symmetry-protected Majorana modes in coupled quantum dots (PRR)
2501.14752v1 Study on the SDW and Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 at ambient pressure (arXiv)
2501.14876v1 Atypical vortex lattice and the magnetic penetration depth in superconducting Sr2RuO4 deduced by muSR (arXiv)
2501.14969v1 Crystalline superconductor-semiconductor Josephson junctions for compact superconducting qubits (arXiv)
2501.15037v1 A structural instability drives the VO2 metal-insulator transition (arXiv)
2501.15049v1 Atomic collapse in gapped graphene: lattice and valley effects (arXiv)
2501.15088v1 Dynamic Modulation of Electronic and Optical Properties in GaN Bilayers by Interlayer Sliding (arXiv)
2501.15097v1 Charge density wave modulated third-order nonlinear Hall effect in 1T-VSe2 nanosheets (arXiv)
2501.15178v1 Spin nematic order and superconductivity in J1-J2 Kondo lattice model on square lattice (arXiv)
2501.15216v1 Nanoscale resolved mapping of the dipole emission of hBN color centers with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (arXiv)
2501.15234v1 A Monte Carlo examination for the numerical values of universal quantities in spatial dimension two (arXiv)
2501.15350v1 Pyrochlore NaYbO2: A potential Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate (arXiv)
2501.15424v1 Giant Anomalous Hall Effect in Kagome Nodal Surface Semimetal Fe3Ge (arXiv)
2501.15428v1 Optimizing the Critical Temperature and Superfluid Density of a Metal-Superconductor Bilayer (arXiv)
2501.15433v1 The Connection between Spin Wave Polarization and Dissipation (arXiv)
2501.15474v1 Spin-imbalance induced buried topological edge currents in Mott & topological insulator heterostructures (arXiv)
2501.15523v1 Gate Tunable Josephson Diode Effect in Josephson Junctions made from InAs Nanosheets (arXiv)
2501.15706v1 Anomalous temperature-dependent magnetization in the nearly collinear antiferromagnet Y2Co3 (arXiv)
2501.15709v1 The significance of “stripes” in the physics of the cuprates, the Hubbard model, and other highly correlated electronic systems (arXiv)
2501.15732v1 The geometric impact of the quantum Hall interface on a cone (arXiv)
2501.15752v1 Electrically driven resonant magnetization, spin-pumping and charge-to-spin conversion from chiral-spin modes at THz frequencies (arXiv)
2501.15771v1 Absence of two-phonon quasi-elastic scattering in the normal state of doped–SrTiO3 by THz pump-probe spectroscopy (arXiv)
2501.15815v1 Investigation of Sub-configurations Reveals Stable Spin-Orbit Torque Switching Polarity in Polycrystalline Mn3Sn (arXiv)
2501.15835v1 Nonlinear valley thermal physics in two dimensional materials (arXiv)
2501.15882v1 Thermoelectric properties of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene-superconductor hetero-junction: effect of valley polarization and trigonal warping (arXiv)
2501.15903v1 Eigenstate solutions of the Fermi-Hubbard model via symmetry-enhanced variational quantum eigensolver (arXiv)
2501.15912v1 A flux-controlled two-site Kitaev chain (arXiv)
2501.15929v1 Low volume fraction of high-Tc superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 at 80 K and ambient pressure (arXiv)
2501.15989v1 Magnetoelastic coupling in the stretched diamond lattice of TbTaO4 (arXiv)
2501.16036v1 Strain-time engineering via exciton interactions (arXiv)
2501.16056v1 Braiding Majoranas in a linear quantum dot-superconductor array: Mitigating the errors from Coulomb repulsion and residual tunneling (arXiv)
2501.16162v1 Quantum Transport with Spin Orbit Coupling: New Developments in TranSIESTA (arXiv)
2501.16189v1 Critical Current Density and AC Magnetic Susceptibility of High-quality FeTe0.5Se0.5 Superconducting Tapes (arXiv)
2501.16213v1 Quantum oscillations of holes in GaN (arXiv)
2501.16280v1 Strongly correlated states of transition metal spin defects: the case of an iron impurity in aluminum nitride (arXiv)
2501.16301v1 Twisted gauging and topological sectors in (2+1)d abelian lattice gauge theories (arXiv)
2501.14965v1 Origin of performance enhancement of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors by He-ion irradiation (arXiv)
2501.15102v1 Thermal Stability and Depinning Currents of Domain Wall-Based Artificial Synapses (arXiv)
2501.15209v1 Optimal spectral transport of non-Hermitian systems (arXiv)
2501.15275v1 A Tale of Two Sides of Wafer: Physical Implementation and Block-Level PPA on Flip FET with Dual-sided Signals (arXiv)
2501.15506v1 Complete classification of integrability and non-integrability of S=1/2 spin chains with symmetric next-nearest-neighbor interaction (arXiv)
2501.15518v1 Simultaneous Superconducting and Topological Properties in Mg-Li Electrides at High Pressures (arXiv)
2501.15626v1 The Impact of Mechanical Strain on Magnetic and Structural Properties of 2D Materials: A Monte Carlo study (arXiv)
2501.15663v1 On-demand storage and retrieval of single photons from a semiconductor quantum dot in a room-temperature atomic vapor memory (arXiv)
2501.15736v1 An ab initio dataset of size-dependent effective thermal conductivity for advanced technology transistors (arXiv)
2501.15871v1 Transient Finite Element Simulation of Accelerator Magnets Using Thermal Thin Shell Approximation (arXiv)
2501.15970v1 Two-Photon Interference from an InAs Quantum Dot emitting in the Telecom C-Band (arXiv)
2501.16034v1 Circular dichroism in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering from birefringence in CuO (arXiv)
2501.16196v1 Expediting quantum state transfer through long-range extended XY model (arXiv)
2501.16242v1 Transition Metal-Driven Variations in Structure, Magnetism, and Photocatalysis of Monoclinic M3Se4 (M = Fe, Co, Ni) Nanoparticles (arXiv)
2501.14024v1 Exact quantum many-body scars tunable from volume to area law (arXiv)
2501.14057v1 Non-Topological Edge-Localized Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States in CrBr_3/NbSe_2 Heterostructures (arXiv)
2501.14059v1 Effects of electron correlation on resonant Edelstein and inverse-Edelstein effects (arXiv)
2501.14093v1 An Approach to Use Depletion Charges for Modifying Band Profiles for Field-Effect Transistors (arXiv)
2501.14128v1 Selective enhancement of Coulomb interactions in planar Weyl fermions (arXiv)
2501.14138v1 Time-reversal symmetry breaking, collective modes, and Raman spectrum in pair-density-wave states (arXiv)
2501.14181v1 Nonlinear optical response in a ferromagnetic insulating manganite: Pr0.8Ca0.2MnO3 (arXiv)
2501.14200v1 Enhancing Unconventional Spin-Orbit Torque Efficiency: First Numerical Study on the Influence of Crystallographic Texture and Polycrystalline Effects on Low-Symmetry Materials (arXiv)
2501.14202v1 Prerequisite of superconductivity: SDW rather than tetragonal structure in double-layer La3Ni2O7-x (arXiv)
2501.14217v1 Probing k-Space Alternating Spin Polarization via the Anomalous Hall Effect (arXiv)
2501.14229v1 On the multi-q characteristics of magnetic ground states of honeycomb cobalt oxides (arXiv)
2501.14254v1 Optical Response of Multi-orbital Superconductors: Role of Fermi Surface Topology and Geometry (arXiv)
2501.14318v1 Natural and Intrinsic Vacancies in two-dimensional g-C3N4 for Trapping Isolated B and C Atoms as Color Centers (arXiv)
2501.14378v1 Conditions for orbital-selective altermagnetism in Sr2RuO4: tight-binding model, similarities with cuprates, and implications for superconductivity (arXiv)
2501.14410v1 Bipartite Current Fluctuations in Quantum Wires through Charge Fractionalization (arXiv)
2501.14420v1 A chemical bonding based descriptor for predicting the impact of quantum nuclear and anharmonic effects on hydrogen-based superconductors (arXiv)
2501.14433v1 Classical and quantum spin liquids (arXiv)
2501.14468v1 Electrically-tunable graphene nanomechanical resonators (arXiv)
2501.14493v1 Chern Vector Protected Three-dimensional Quantized Hall Effect (arXiv)
2501.14504v1 Imaging the Meissner Effect and Flux Trapping of Superconductors under High Pressure using N-V Centers (arXiv)
2501.14562v1 Scanning gate microscopy detection of Majorana bound states (arXiv)
2501.14563v1 Designing edge currents using mesoscopic patterning in chiral d-wave superconductors (arXiv)
2501.14584v1 Ambient pressure growth of bilayer nickelate single crystals with superconductivity over 90 K under high pressure (arXiv)
2501.14597v1 Phase-controlled minimal Kitaev chain in multiterminal Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2501.14656v1 Impact of phonon lifetimes on the single-photon indistinguishability in quantum emitters based on 2D materials (arXiv)
2501.14665v1 Landscape of Correlated Orders in Strained Bilayer Nickelate Thin Films (arXiv)
2501.14722v1 Dualities between 2+1d fusion surface models from braided fusion categories (arXiv)
2501.14141v1 Topological Influence of Sextets on Graphene Oxide Nanostructure (arXiv)
2501.14241v1 A Classifying Space for Phases of Matrix Product States (arXiv)
2501.14244v1 Multi-scale physics of cryogenic liquid helium-4: Inverse coarse-graining properties of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (arXiv)
2501.14529v1 Thermo-Mechanical and Mdchano-Thermal Effects in Liquids Explained by means of the Dual Model of Liquids (arXiv)
2501.14590v1 Magnetic and crystal electric field studies of two Yb^{3+}-based triangular lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)
PhysRevB.111.024412 Element-selective observation of the orbital angular momentum of Fe and Co in the noncentrosymmetric magnets Fe1-xCoxSi (x=0.25 and 0.50) (PRB)
2501.07935 Exotic massive fermionic systems with huge vacuum degeneracy at boundaries (arXiv)
s10948-025-06903-0 Flat Bands in PbBiO: A New Step Towards the Realization of “Flatronics” (Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism)
PhysRevB.111.L020506 Robustness of flat band superconductivity against disorder in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice model (PRB)
acs.nanolett.4c03771 Metallic Electro-optic Effect in Gapped Bilayer Graphene (Nano Letters)
2501.07866 Multifractal-enriched mobility edges and emergent quantum phases in one-dimensional exactly solvable lattice models (arXiv)
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021906/3331505 Ferromagnetism and structural phase transition in monoclinic FeGe film (APL)