weekly picks (Oct 4 week 2024)
2410.19287v1 A mathematical theory of topological invariants of quantum spin systems (arXiv)
s41467-024-53661-z Giant enhancement and quick stabilization of capacitance in antiferroelectrics by phase transition engineering (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02677-9 Fast quantum gas formation via electromagnetically induced transparency cooling (Nature Physics)
s42005-024-01825-0 Long-range phase coherence and tunable second order φ0-Josephson effect in a Dirac semimetal 1T-PtTe2 (Communications Physics)
s42005-024-01842-z Kekulé-modulated topological bulk cavity for intrinsic lateral beam shifting of high-purity linear-polarized light emission (Communications Physics)
d41586-024-03111-z My career path from chemist to spin-off co-founder to chief technology officer (Nature)
d41586-024-03473-4 Why quantum theory is just like magic (and Einstein deserves more credit in this field than he gets) (Nature)
s41467-024-53618-2 Author Correction: Fractional quantum ferroelectricity (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02673-z Absence of heat flow in ν = 0 quantum Hall ferromagnet in bilayer graphene (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02672-0 Vanishing bulk heat flow in the ν = 0 quantum Hall ferromagnet in monolayer graphene (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02686-8 Imprinted atomic displacements drive spin-orbital order in a vanadate perovskite (Nature Physics)
s41535-024-00698-4 Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a “spin meta-cholesteric” phase in Sr3Fe2O7 (npj QMs)
s41567-024-02661-3 A synthetic magnetic vector potential in a 2D superconducting qubit array (Nature Physics)
s41586-024-08118-0 Phonon modes and electron–phonon coupling at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface (Nature)
s41586-024-08116-2 Superconductivity in twisted bilayer WSe2 (Nature)
science.adt0451 Bright excitons in black phosphorus (Science)
science.adq2977 Bright dipolar excitons in twisted black phosphorus homostructures (Science)
s41563-024-02045-1 Author Correction: Pentagonal two-dimensional lattices (Nature Materials)
s41467-024-53907-w Single-crystalline High-κ GdOCl dielectric for two-dimensional field-effect transistors (Nature Communications)
s41467-024-53445-5 Long-distance decay-less spin transport in indirect excitons in a van der Waals heterostructure (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02674-y No heat flow in charge-neutral graphene (Nature Physics)
PhysRevLett.133.186704 Continuum Excitations in a Spin Supersolid on a Triangular Lattice (PRL)
PhysRevX.14.041028 Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid-Based Surface-Electrode Trap (PRX)
Physics.17.159 How to Move Multiple Ions in Two Dimensions (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.6.043080 Unifying finite-temperature dynamical and excited-state quantum phase transitions (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043082 Prediction of chaotic dynamics and extreme events: A recurrence-free quantum reservoir computing approach (PRR)
PhysRevLett.133.186701 Spin Spiral State at a Ferromagnetic Gd Vacuum Interface (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183001 Autodetachment of Diatomic Carbon Anions from Long-Lived High-Rotation Quartet States (PRL)
Physics.17.142 How Earth’s Magnetic Field Influences Flows in the Planet’s Core (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042032 Dominant role of charge ordering on high harmonic generation in Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 (PRR)
PhysRevB.110.165429 Topological insulators and superconductors based on 𝑝-wave magnets: Electrical control and detection of a domain wall (PRB)
2410.21122 Quantum entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in magnon frequency comb (arXiv)
2410.19598 Simulating Thiele’s Equation and Collective Skyrmion Dynamics in Circuit Networks (arXiv)
2410.21389 Microscopic Roadmap to a Yao-Lee Spin-Orbital Liquid (arXiv)
2410.23352v1 Digital logic from high-efficiency superconducting diodes (arXiv)
2410.23367v1 From explicit to spontaneous charge order and the fate of antiferromagnetic quantum Hall state (arXiv)
2410.23421v1 Quantum Sensing of Broadband Spin Dynamics and Magnon Transport in Antiferromagnets (arXiv)
2410.23468v1 Charge density waves and pinning by lattice anisotropy in 214 cuprates (arXiv)
2410.23519v1 Specific heat of Gd^3+- and Eu^2+-based magnetic compounds (arXiv)
2410.23524v1 Influence of Carrier-Carrier Interactions on the Sub-threshold Swing of Band-to-Band Tunnelling Transistors (arXiv)
2410.23543v1 Physics Origin of Universal Unusual Magnetoresistance (arXiv)
2410.23548v1 Nonlinear edge transport in a quantum Hall system (arXiv)
2410.23564v1 Two-dimensional topological Anderson insulator in a HgTe-based semimetal (arXiv)
2410.23596v1 Localization-delocalization transition in non-integer-charged electron wave packets (arXiv)
2410.23755v1 Temperature and Electron Concentration Dependences of 1/f Noise in Hg1-xCdxTe – Evidence for a Mobility Fluctuations Mechanism (arXiv)
2410.23872v1 Pressure-dependent magnetotransport measurement in Kagome metal Yb0.5Co3Ge3 (arXiv)
2410.23983v1 Control of 2D plasmons in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 with highly crystalline C60 overlayers (arXiv)
2410.24025v1 Magnetic proximity effect in biphenylene monolayer from first-principles (arXiv)
2410.24045v1 Injection locking in DC-driven spintronic vortex oscillators via surface acoustic wave modulation (arXiv)
2410.24086v1 Darkness in interlayer and charge density wave states of 2H-TaS2 (arXiv)
2410.24093v1 Superconducting order parameter structure in the nematic phase of iron-based materials (arXiv)
2410.24146v1 Topological phase transition and its stability against an applied magnetic field in a class of low dimensional decorated lattices (arXiv)
2410.24215v1 Diagnosing electronic phases of matter using photonic correlation functions (arXiv)
2410.23354v1 Many-body quantum catalysts for transforming between phases of matter (arXiv)
2410.23397v1 Wormhole-induced effective coupling in SYK chains (arXiv)
2410.23512v1 Efficient Detection of Strong-To-Weak Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking via the Renyi-1 Correlator (arXiv)
2410.23513v1 Orbital-spin Locking and its Optical Signatures in Altermagnets (arXiv)
2410.23544v1 Learning State Preparation Circuits for Quantum Phases of Matter (arXiv)
2410.23591v1 Enhancing light-matter coupling with electric fields in polar semiconductors (arXiv)
2410.23607v1 Observation of chiral domain walls in an octupole-ordered antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2410.23624v1 Entanglement scaling and criticality of quantum many-body systems in canonical quantization picture using tensor network (arXiv)
2410.23697v1 Ab initio analytical model of lasing in plasmonic lattices (arXiv)
2410.23791v1 Electron-mediated anharmonicity and its role in the Raman spectrum of graphene (arXiv)
2410.23845v1 The non-Hermitian skin effect: A perspective (arXiv)
2410.23961v1 Laser-driven cold-field emission source for ultrafast transmission electron microscopy (arXiv)
2410.24004v1 Improving the accuracy of circuit quantization using the electromagnetic properties of superconductors (arXiv)
2410.24176v1 Quantitative measure of topological protection in Floquet systems through the spectral localizer (arXiv)
2410.24225v1 Error Threshold of SYK Codes from Strong-to-Weak Parity Symmetry Breaking (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.186302 Role of Disorder in the Intrinsic Orbital Hall Effect (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186502 Strange Metal and Superconductor in the Two-Dimensional Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186703 Intrinsic Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Induced 3m-Symmetry Dependent Field-Free Switching in Epitaxial Garnet Films (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186901 Discovery of Electromagnetic Surface Waves at the Interface Between Perfect Electric Conductor and Perfect Magnetic Conductor Parallel-Plate Waveguides (PRL)
Physics.17.155 Can Classical Worlds Emerge from Parallel Quantum Universes? (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.6.043078 Kagome Hubbard model from a functional renormalization group perspective (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042030 Entanglement – nonstabilizerness separation in hybrid quantum circuits (PRR)
2410.22399v1 Insulating charge transfer ferromagnetism (arXiv)
2410.22429v1 Design and control of three-dimensional topological magnetic fields using interwoven helical nanostructures (arXiv)
2410.22433v1 Graphene calorimetric single-photon detector (arXiv)
2410.22514v1 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in a topological superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junction (arXiv)
2410.22541v1 Developing fractional quantum Hall states at \nu = 1/7 and 2/11 in the presence of significant Landau level mixing (arXiv)
2410.22565v1 Compact frequency multiplexed readout of silicon quantum dots in monolithic FDSOI 28nm technology (arXiv)
2410.22572v1 Coulomb interactions in systems of generalized semi-Dirac fermions (arXiv)
2410.22593v1 Highly tunable moire superlattice potentials in twisted hexagonal boron nitrides (arXiv)
2410.22604v1 CaCo2TeO6: A topochemically prepared 3d^7 honeycomb Kitaev magnet (arXiv)
2410.22610v1 Bosonization and correlators of the one-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)
2410.22636v1 Universal crossover in surface superconductivity: Impact of varying Debye energy (arXiv)
2410.22704v1 BKT phase transition in nanoporous films of superconducting NbN (arXiv)
2410.22727v1 Colossal magnetoresistance from spin-polarized polarons in an Ising system (arXiv)
2410.22738v1 Absence of edge states at armchair edges in inhomogeneously strained graphene under a pseudomagnetic field (arXiv)
2410.22739v1 Thermal dissipation of the quantum spin Hall edge states in HgTe/CdTe quantum well (arXiv)
2410.22741v1 Magnetic excitations in the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7 (arXiv)
2410.22743v1 Quantum transport in an ambipolar InSb nanowire quantum dot device (arXiv)
2410.22769v1 A Design of Josephson Diode Based on Magnetic Impurity (arXiv)
2410.22773v1 Exact volume-law entangled eigenstates in a large class of spin models (arXiv)
2410.22823v1 Coexistence of superconductivity and sliding polar metal state in HgPSe3 (arXiv)
2410.22929v1 Pomeranchuk instability from electronic correlations in CsTi3Bi5 kagome metal (arXiv)
2410.22953v1 Observation of Anderson localization transitions in a two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic framework (arXiv)
2410.22975v1 Two-particle calculations with quantics tensor trains – solving the parquet equations (arXiv)
2410.23030v1 Magnetic precursor to the structural phase transition in V2O3 (arXiv)
2410.23044v1 Dispersion kinks from electronic correlations in an unconventional iron-based superconductor (arXiv)
2410.23121v1 Superconducting junctions with flat bands (arXiv)
2410.23199v1 Magnetic and electronic inhomogeneity in Sm1-xEuxB6 (arXiv)
2410.23221v1 Phase Diagram of Kane-Mele Hubbard model at small doping (arXiv)
2410.22431v1 Designing Majorana Quasiparticles in InAsP Quantum Dots in InP Nanowires with Variational Quantum Eigenvalue Solver (arXiv)
2410.22447v1 Symmetry controlled single spin cycloid switching in multiferroic BiFeO3 (arXiv)
2410.22463v1 Morphogenesis of Spin Cycloids in a Non-collinear Antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2410.22586v1 Scaling of diffusion constants in perturbed easy-axis Heisenberg spin chains (arXiv)
2410.22621v1 Direct observation of a photoinduced topological phase transition in Bi-doped (Pb,Sn)Se (arXiv)
2410.22696v1 Exact renormalization group flow for matrix product density operators (arXiv)
2410.22834v1 Floquet-induced interactions in many-body systems (arXiv)
2410.22843v1 Manifestations of (2+1)d chiral anomaly in a graphene plate (arXiv)
2410.22868v1 Epitaxial growth and stabilization of perovskite phase EuNiO3 thin films through RF sputtering (arXiv)
2410.22889v1 Variational formulation of dynamical electronic response functions in Bethe-Salpeter, (screened) Hartree-Fock, Hybrid-DFT approaches (arXiv)
2410.22902v1 Polarization boost and ferroelectricity down to one unit cell in layered Carpy-Galy La2Ti2O7 thin films (arXiv)
2410.22958v1 Longitudinal field controls vector vortex beams in anisotropic epsilon-near-zero metamaterials (arXiv)
2410.22968v1 Spin resonance without a spin: A microwave analog (arXiv)
2410.22990v1 Generalized many-body perturbation theory for the electron correlation energy (arXiv)
2410.23062v1 Numerical evaluation of the real-time photon-instanton cross-section in a superconducting circuit (arXiv)
2410.23152v1 When can classical neural networks represent quantum states? (arXiv)
2410.23269v1 A superconducting on-chip microwave cavity for tunable hybrid systems with optically trapped Rydberg atoms (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.180402 Confinement in the Transverse Field Ising Model on the Heavy Hex Lattice (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.182301 Unveiling Baryon Charge Carriers through Charge Stopping in Isobar Collisions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183401 Quantum Nonlinear Optics on the Edge of a Few-Particle Fractional Quantum Hall Fluid in a Small Lattice (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183402 Symmetry Oscillations in Strongly Interacting One-Dimensional Mixtures (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183403 Velocity Scanning Tomography for Room-Temperature Quantum Simulation (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183803 Anomalous Subkelvin Thermal Frequency Shifts of Ultranarrow Linewidth Solid State Emitters (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186501 Respective Roles of Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions in the Transport and Quasiparticle Properties of SrVO3 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.188302 Dispersionless Flat Mode and Vibrational Anomaly in Active Brownian Vibrators Induced by Stringlike Dynamical Defects (PRL)
Physics.17.s133 Probing the Rotational Doppler Effect with a Single Ion (Physics)
2410.20607 Orbital Topology of Chiral Crystals for Orbitronics (arXiv)
2410.21373v1 Tuning magnetic interactions with nonequilibrium optical phonon populations (arXiv)
2410.21380v1 Inverse Faraday effect in disordered two-dimensional electronic systems (arXiv)
2410.21388v1 Low-energy edge signatures of the Kitaev spin liquid (arXiv)
2410.21389v1 Microscopic Roadmap to a Yao-Lee Spin-Orbital Liquid (arXiv)
2410.21408v1 Stability of sub-dimensional localization to electronic interactions (arXiv)
2410.21483v1 Polarization and charge-separation of moire excitons in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)
2410.21515v1 Cavity Spectroscopy for Strongly Correlated Systems (arXiv)
2410.21594v1 Unusual spin dynamics in the van der Waals antiferromagnet FeGa2S4 (arXiv)
2410.21608v1 Anisotropic spin dynamics in antiferromagnets with a nonrelativistic spin splitting (arXiv)
2410.21614v1 Terahertz Spin-Light Coupling in Proximitized Dirac Materials (arXiv)
2410.21672v1 Scaling Law of Quantum Confinement in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (arXiv)
2410.21678v1 Topological electronic structure and electronic nematicity in candidate kagome superconductors, ATi3Bi5 (A = Rb, Cs) (arXiv)
2410.21682v1 Spin Transport in Normal Metal-Ising Superconductor Junction (arXiv)
2410.21684v1 Magnetization-Induced Phase Transitions on the surface of 3D Topological Insulators (arXiv)
2410.21686v1 Quarter-quantized thermal Hall effect with parity anomaly (arXiv)
2410.21689v1 High Field Superconducting Phases of Ultra Clean Single Crystal UTe2 (arXiv)
2410.21692v1 Andreev reflection in normal metal/charge-4e superconductor junctions (arXiv)
2410.21703v1 Charge and spin transport through normal lead coupled to s-wave superconductor and a Majorana zero mode (arXiv)
2410.21710v1 Spin phase regulated spin Josephson supercurrent in topological superconductor (arXiv)
2410.21720v1 Phase diagrams and edge-state transitions in graphene with spin-orbit coupling and magnetic and pseudomagnetic fields (arXiv)
2410.21725v1 Topological phase transition driven by magnetic field in one-dimensional topological superconductor rings (arXiv)
2410.21729v1 Emergent cross-product-type spin-orbit coupling under ferroaxial ordering (arXiv)
2410.21732v1 Second-order topological corner states in zigzag graphene nanoflake with different types of edge magnetic configurations (arXiv)
2410.21744v1 Engineering topologically protected zero-dimensional interface end states in antiferromagnetic heterojunction graphene nanoflakes (arXiv)
2410.21751v1 Neel Spin-Orbit Torque in Antiferromagnetic Quantum Spin and Anomalous Hall Insulators (arXiv)
2410.21754v1 Four-terminal graphene-superconductor thermal switch controlled by the superconducting phase difference (arXiv)
2410.21756v1 Dissipation and dephasing in quantum Hall interferometers (arXiv)
2410.21757v1 Valence Bond Crystal Ground State of the 1/9 Magnetization Plateau in the Spin-1/2 Kagome Lattice (arXiv)
2410.21767v1 Optical pumping controls anisotropic response in semi-Dirac system (arXiv)
2410.21769v1 Superconductivity in Janus IV-B transition metal chalcogenide hydrides (arXiv)
2410.21773v1 Anomalous photon-assisted tunneling in periodically driven Majorana nanowires and BCS Charge Measurement (arXiv)
2410.21783v1 Wavefront dislocations in graphene systems revealed by transport measurement (arXiv)
2410.21814v1 Unifying recent experiments on spin-valley locking in TMDC quantum dots (arXiv)
2410.21854v1 Purely electrical detection of the Neel vector of p-wave magnets based on linear and nonlinear conductivities (arXiv)
2410.21866v1 Phonon Amplification via Magnetoelastic Klein Scattering (arXiv)
2410.21871v1 Self-similar plasmonic nanolenses: mesoscopic ensemble averaging and chiral light-matter interactions (arXiv)
2410.21903v1 Magnetic Order and Long-Range Interactions in Mesoscopic Ising Chains (arXiv)
2410.21921v1 Dispersions and magnetism of strain-induced pseudo Landau levels in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (arXiv)
2410.21995v1 Multi-probe analysis to separate edge currents from bulk currents in quantum spin Hall insulators and to analyze their temperature dependence (arXiv)
2410.22058v1 Numerical Calculation of the Hopf Index for 3D Magnetic Textures (arXiv)
2410.22088v1 Probing chiral symmetry with a topological domain wall sensor (arXiv)
2410.22173v1 The Weyl-Mott point: an isolated topological Green’s function zero (arXiv)
2410.22195v1 Procedures for proper validation of record critical current density claims (arXiv)
2410.22204v1 RingSim- An Agent-based Approach for Modelling Mesoscopic Magnetic Nanowire Networks (arXiv)
2410.22236v1 Boosting Universal Magnetocaloric Effect with Quantum Supercritical Scaling (arXiv)
2410.22251v1 Bloch classification surface for three-band systems (arXiv)
2410.22277v1 Imaging the Sub-Moire Potential Landscape using an Atomic Single Electron Transistor (arXiv)
1804.02094v2 Magnetic exchange fields and domain wall superconductivity at an all-oxide superconductor / ferromagnet insulator interface (arXiv)
2410.21402v1 Stabilizing Non-Abelian Topological Order against Heralded Noise via Local Lindbladian Dynamics (arXiv)
2410.21735v1 Single-domain imaging in topological insulator Bi2Te3 thin films (arXiv)
2410.21775v1 Inherent circular dichroism of phonons in magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (arXiv)
2410.21846v1 Anomalous Non-Hermitian Skin Effects in Coupled Hermitian Chains with Cross-Coupling (arXiv)
2410.21941v1 Quantum simulation of the microscopic to macroscopic crossover using superconducting quantum impurities (arXiv)
2410.21945v1 Rapid cooling of the Cassiopeia A neutron star due to superfluid quantum criticality (arXiv)
2410.21999v1 R-Ising: Effective resistance in random magnetic nanowires networks (arXiv)
2410.22003v1 Harnessing spin-qubit decoherence to probe strongly-interacting quantum systems (arXiv)
2410.22022v1 Shape and Size-Dependent Surface Plasmonic Resonances of Liquid Metal Alloy (EGaIn) Nanoparticles (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.180401 Experimental Investigation of Coherent Ergotropy in a Single Spin System (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.182501 Extraction of Spectra in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method Using Imaginary-Time Correlation Matrices (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.183801 Observation of Two-Dimensional Dam Break Flow and a Gaseous Phase of Solitons in a Photon Fluid (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.185301 Evidence of Different Charging Behavior of Conductive and Dielectric Materials in Low-Temperature Plasmas and a New Diagnostic for Low-Energy Electron Absorption (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186301 Coulomb Drag in Graphene/h−BN/Graphene Moiré Heterostructures (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186601 Quantized Integrated Shift Effect in Multigap Topological Phases (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186602 Fractional Chern Insulators in Twisted Bilayer MoTe2: A Composite Fermion Perspective (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186701 Spin Spiral State at a Ferromagnetic Gd Vacuum Interface (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186702 Strong Enhancement of Magnetic Coercivity Induced by Uniaxial Stress (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.186801 Two-dimensional Topological Ferroelectric Metal with Giant Shift Current (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.188301 Motility-Induced Pinning in Flocking System with Discrete Symmetry (PRL)
Physics.17.154 Quantum Coherence Boosts Quantum Work (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.6.043071 Cooperative Nernst effect of multilayer systems: Parallel circuit model study (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043072 Multicolor wavefront sensing using Talbot effect for high-order harmonic generation (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043073 Time-resolved counterpropagating edge transport in the topological insulating phase (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043074 Stable-to-unstable transition in quantum friction (PRR)
2410.19652 Scattering makes a difference in circular dichroic angle-resolved photoemission (arXiv)
2410.19911v1 Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy to Separately Quantify the Effect of Strain on Nanosheet and Junction Resistance in Printed Nanosheet Networks (arXiv)
2410.19945v1 First Principles Excitons in Periodic Systems with Gaussian Density Fitting and Ewald Potential Functions (arXiv)
2410.19999v1 Ultrabroadband THz Conductivity of Gated Graphene In- and Out-of-equilibrium (arXiv)
2410.20065v1 Dynamic Kohn anomaly in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)
2410.20076v1 Quasi-one-dimensional Spin Dynamics in a Molecular Spin Liquid System (arXiv)
2410.20078v1 A Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Framework for Sample-Specific Simulation of Superconductors for SRF Applications (arXiv)
2410.20114v1 Data-driven design of high-temperature superconductivity among ternary hydrides under pressure (arXiv)
2410.20131v1 Multivalued dispersion equation for plasmon-surface optical phonon coupling in graphene/polar substrate system (arXiv)
2410.20152v1 Radiative Corbino effect in nonreciprocal many-body systems (arXiv)
2410.20177v1 Magnet-superconductor hybrid quantum systems: a materials platform for topological superconductivity (arXiv)
2410.20206v1 Exact theory of edge diffraction and launching of transverse electric plasmons at two-dimensional junctions (arXiv)
2410.20217v1 Parametric longitudinal coupling of a semiconductor charge qubit and a RF resonator (arXiv)
2410.20368v1 Characterization of Spin-Orbit Effects in Superconductors In5Bi3 and In5Sb3 (arXiv)
2410.20373v1 Asymptotically exact formulas for the stripe domains period in ultrathin ferromagnetic films with out-of-plane anisotropy (arXiv)
2410.20394v1 Non-monotonic radiative heat transfer in the transition from far field to near field (arXiv)
2410.20455v1 Role of non-magnetic spacers in the magnetic interactions of antiferromagnetic topological insulators MnBi4Te7 and MnBi2Te4 (arXiv)
2410.20607v1 Orbital Topology of Chiral Crystals for Orbitronics (arXiv)
2410.20655v1 One-Dimensional Ionic-Bonded Structures in NiSe Nanowire (arXiv)
2410.20668v1 Nonconserved Density Accumulations in Orbital Hall Transport: Insights from Linear Response Theory (arXiv)
2410.20702v1 Magnetic Field-Induced Polar Order in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Transistors (arXiv)
2410.20744v1 Superconductivity and strain-enhanced phase stability of Janus tungsten chalcogenide hydride monolayers (arXiv)
2410.20921v1 Polar charge density wave in a superconductor with crystallographic chirality (arXiv)
2410.20948v1 Magnon-phonon interactions in the spinel compound MnSc2Se4 (arXiv)
2410.20987v1 Quantum Hall effect and optical magneto-conductivity of two-dimensional topological nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)
2410.21064v1 Stacking engineering in orthogonally-twisted two-dimensional CrSBr magnets (arXiv)
2410.21075v1 PARPHOM: PARallel PHOnon calculator for Moire systems (arXiv)
2410.20277v1 Terahertz electro-optic effect in Bi2Se3 crystals (arXiv)
2410.20604v1 Dynamics of non-Markovian systems: Markovian embedding vs effective mass approach (arXiv)
2410.20665v1 Photon-mediated dipole-dipole interactions as a resource for quantum science and technology in cold atoms (arXiv)
2410.20748v1 Detecting the Chern number via quench dynamics in two independent chains (arXiv)
2410.20914v1 Observation of the magic angle and flat band physics in dipolar photonic lattices (arXiv)
2410.21128v1 Quantum magic dynamics in random circuits (arXiv)
2410.21135v1 Manipulation of Quantum Strings by Edge Defect in Kagome Rydberg Atom Array (arXiv)
2410.21143v1 Simulation of the 1d XY model on a quantum computer (arXiv)
2410.21168v1 Mixed Atomistic-Implicit Quantum/Classical Approach to Molecular Nanoplasmonics (arXiv)
2410.21171v1 Terahertz chiral photonic-crystal cavities with broken time-reversal symmetry (arXiv)
2410.21268v1 Pseudochaotic Many-Body Dynamics as a Pseudorandom State Generator (arXiv)
PhysRevE.110.L042601 Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels (PRE)
s44287-024-00118-6 Three-dimensional characterization of skyrmions (Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering)
2410.18600 Ab-initio investigation of the topological Hall effect caused by magnetic skyrmions in Pd/Fe/Ir(111) (arXiv)
PhysRevB.110.L161302 Multiple species of Majorana zero modes in reconstructed quantum Hall edges (PRB)
2410.18872 Corner Flat Bands Induced by d-Density Wave and Partial Corner State Modification Due to Competition with d-Wave Superconductivity (arXiv)
JHEP10(2024)178 Solitonic ground state in supersymmetric theory in background (JHEP)
acsnano.4c09413 Lead-Free Hybrid Perovskite: An Efficient Room-Temperature Spin Generator via Large Interfacial Rashba Effect (ACS Nano)
2410.17314 Topological excitations at time vortices in periodically driven systems (arXiv)
2410.17720 Fragile spin liquid in three dimensions (arXiv)
2410.17165 Engineering correlated Dirac fermions and flat bands on SiC with transition-metal adatom lattices (arXiv)
2410.17076 Majorana-metal transition in a disordered superconductor: percolation in a landscape of topological domain walls (arXiv)
2410-3896/9/4/40 Double-Q Checkerboard Bubble Crystal in Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Magnets (condensed matter)
2410.14512 Hidden topology in flat-band topological insulators: strong, weak and square-root topological states (arXiv)
s41467-024-53433-9 Optical moiré bound states in the continuum (Nature communications)
ad861b Fundamental theory of current-induced motion of magnetic skyrmions (Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
PhysRevLett.133.166503 Non-Abelian Fractionalization in Topological Minibands (PRL)
2409.16649 In-situ monitoring the magnetotransport signature of topological transitions in the chiral magnet Mn1.4PtSn (arXiv)
2410.19038v1 Boundary Criticality in the 2d Random Quantum Ising Model (arXiv)
2410.19065v1 Magnetoelectric effect in the helical state of a superconductor/ferromagnet bilayer (arXiv)
2410.19095v1 A generalized framework for straintronics in 2D quantum materials using group theory (arXiv)
2410.19124v1 Magnetic-resonance-induced nonlinear current response in magnetic Weyl semimetals (arXiv)
2410.19126v1 Exactly solvable models for fermionic symmetry-enriched topological phases and fermionic ‘t Hooft anomaly (arXiv)
2410.19209v1 Imaging magnetic switching in orthogonally twisted stacks of a van der Waals antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2410.19255v1 Tunneling current-controlled spin states in few-layer van der Waals magnets (arXiv)
2410.19309v1 Quantum electrometry of non-volatile space charges in diamond (arXiv)
2410.19311v1 Superconductive coupling and Josephson diode effect in selectively-grown topological insulator based three-terminal junctions (arXiv)
2410.19337v1 Intrinsic Nernst effect of the magnon orbital moment in a honeycomb ferromagnet (arXiv)
2410.19433v1 Hot (non-equilibrium) electron relaxation: A review of the ultra-fast phenomena in metals and superconductors (PART I) (arXiv)
2410.19477v1 Microsecond-lived quantum states in a carbon-based circuit driven by cavity photons (arXiv)
2410.19513v1 Approaches to tunnel magnetoresistance effect with antiferromagnets (arXiv)
2410.19537v1 Coherent spectroscopy of a single Mn-doped InGaAs quantum dot (arXiv)
2410.19539v1 Proof of bulk-edge correspondence for band topology by Toeplitz algebra (arXiv)
2410.19577v1 Landau-Level Quantization and Band Splitting of FeSe Monolayers Revealed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (arXiv)
2410.19598v1 Simulating Thiele’s Equation and Collective Skyrmion Dynamics in Circuit Networks (arXiv)
2410.19636v1 Pomeranchuk instability of a topological crystal (arXiv)
2410.19668v1 Observation of Quantum Criticality Class Crossover at the LaAlO3/KTaO3 (111) Interface (arXiv)
2410.19707v1 Solving quantum impurity models in the non-equilibrium steady state with tensor trains (arXiv)
2410.18771v1 Fermion Casimir effect and magnetic Larkin-Ovchinnikov phases (arXiv)
2410.19040v1 A Gapless Phase with Haagerup Symmetry (arXiv)
2410.19052v1 1D Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in thermal equilibrium via Non-Hermitian Construction (arXiv)
2410.19227v1 Bound States in the Continuum in a 2D Metal (arXiv)
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2410.19500v1 Microscopy of bosonic charge carriers in staggered magnetic fields (arXiv)
2410.19554v1 Topological bosonic Bogoliubov excitations with sublattice symmetry (arXiv)
2410.19592v1 High-impedance resonators for strong coupling to an electron on helium (arXiv)
2410.19628v1 Design nearly optimal quantum algorithm for linear differential equations via Lindbladians (arXiv)