weekly picks (Oct 2 week 2024)
advs.202407982 Engineering Topological Spin Hall Effect in 2D Multiferroic Material (Advanced Science)
science.adg9774 Variational benchmarks for quantum many-body problems (Science)
science.adp2444 The development and impact of tin selenide on thermoelectrics (Science)
s41586-024-08045-0 Electronic rotons and Wigner crystallites in a two-dimensional dipole liquid (Nature)
s41467-024-53425-9 Circular photocurrents in centrosymmetric semiconductors with hidden spin polarization (Nature communications)
pnas.2410714121 Correlated topological flat bands in rhombohedral graphite (PNAS)
s41467-024-53152-1 Spin waves and orbital contribution to ferromagnetism in a topological metal (Nature communications)
PhysRevB.110.165414 Distinguishing Majorana from Andreev bound states with a Cooper pair transistor (PRB)
10.1088/1367-2630/ada9ab Distinguishing Majorana bound states from Andreev bound states through differential conductance and current noise spectrum (NJP)
PhysRevB.110.155424 Robust Majorana bound state in pseudospin domain wall of a two-dimensional topological insulator (PRB)
2312-7481/10/10/78 Short-Period Skyrmion Crystals in Itinerant Body-Centered Tetragonal Magnets (magnetochemistry)
s41467-024-52272-y Imaging magnetic transition of magnetite to megabar pressures using quantum sensors in diamond anvil cell (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02699-3 Publisher Correction: Propagation of insulator-to-metal transition driven by photoinduced strain waves in a Mott material (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02664-0 Emergent universal quench dynamics in randomly interacting spin models (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02668-w Origin of the chiral charge density wave in transition-metal dichalcogenide (Nature Physics)
s42005-024-01834-z Quantum bit with telecom wave-length emission from a simple defect in Si (Communications Physics)
s42005-024-01829-w Harnessing synergy of spin and orbital currents in heavy metal/ferromagnet multilayers (Communications Physics)
s41467-024-53051-5 Snapshotting quantum dynamics at multiple time points (Nature Communications)
s42005-024-01832-1 Physics informed data-driven near-wall modelling for lattice Boltzmann simulation of high Reynolds number turbulent flows (Communications Physics)
s41467-024-53383-2 Interfering Josephson diode effect in Ta2Pd3Te5 asymmetric edge interferometer (Nature Communications)
s41467-025-55937-4 All-angle unidirectional flat-band acoustic metasurfaces (Nature Communications)
PhysRevLett.133.160201 Information Causality as a Tool for Bounding the Set of Quantum Correlations (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166707 Slow Equilibrium Relaxation in a Chiral Magnet Mediated by Topological Defects (PRL)
PhysRevResearch.6.043047 Control of spin-wave polarity and velocity using a ferrimagnetic domain wall (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042017 Interpretation of dielectric spectroscopy measurements of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals (PRR)
011112/3330522 Structural properties and recrystallization effects in ion beam modified B20-type FeGe films (APL Materials)
2501.06288 Diabatic error and propagation of Majorana zero modes in interacting quantum dots systems (arXiv)
2501.07162 Observation of magnetic skyrmion lattice in Cr0.82Mn0.18Ge by small-angle neutron scattering (arXiv)
2501.06325 Skyrmionium Dynamics and Stability on One Dimensional Anisotropy Patterns (arXiv)
2501.07019 Large Anomalous Hall Effect in a Noncoplanar Magnetic Heterostructure (arXiv)
2501.06852 Flat Band and Many-body Gap in Chirally Twisted Triple Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.160602 Observation of Discrete Charge States of a Coherent Two-Level System in a Superconducting Qubit (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.160801 Experimental Sample-Efficient Quantum State Tomography via Parallel Measurements (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166503 Non-Abelian Fractionalization in Topological Minibands (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166601 Reconstruction of Surface Electron Spectrum and Cyclotron Motion in the Charge Density Wave Phase of Weyl Semimetals (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166704 Quantum Sensing of Spin Dynamics Using Boron-Vacancy Centers in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166705 Electrical Excitation and Detection of Chiral Magnons in a Compensated Ferrimagnetic Insulator (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166706 Visualization of Skyrmion-Superconducting Vortex Pairs in a Chiral-Magnet-Superconductor Heterostructure (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.169601 Comment on “Octahedral Distortion and Displacement-Type Ferroelectricity with Switchable Photovoltaic Effect in a 3d^3-Electron Perovskite System” (PRL)
Physics.17.s129 Quantum Computing with a Twist (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.6.043044 Unsupervised learning of effective quantum impurity models (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043045 Method to discriminate between localized and chaotic quantum systems (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043046 Modeling magnetically levitated superconducting ellipsoids, cylinders, and cuboids for quantum magnetomechanics (PRR)
10.1088/1361-648X Experimental progress in Eu(Al,Ga)4 topological antiferromagnets (Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
978-3-031-70200-6_10 2D Measuring Surface: Hedgehogs, Skyrmions (Topological defects and solitons)
s10051-024-00800-6 Majorana bound states and phase transitions in first- and second-order topological superconductors (The European Physical Journal B)
2410.08383 Dirac-point spectroscopy of flat-band systems with the quantum twisting microscope (arXiv)
153901/3316914 Dynamics of converting skyrmion bags with different topological degrees into skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnetic nanotracks (JAP)
2410.12919v1 Giant Dynamical Paramagnetism in the driven pseudogap phase of YBa2Cu3O6+x (arXiv)
2410.13040v1 Defect liquids in a weakly imbalanced bilayer Wigner Crystal (arXiv)
2410.13062v1 Exploring Quantum Materials with Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (arXiv)
2410.13157v1 Variational Scarring in Graphene Quantum Dots (arXiv)
2410.13162v1 First-principles study of the electronic structure, Z2 invariant and quantum oscillation in the kagome material CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2410.13200v1 Effects of frequency mixing on Shapiro-step formations in sliding charge-density-waves (arXiv)
2410.13202v1 Anatomy of Thermally Interplayed Spin-Orbit Torque Driven Antiferromagnetic Switching (arXiv)
2410.13270v1 Quantum Coulomb drag mediated by cotunneling of fluxons and Cooper pairs (arXiv)
2410.13319v1 Evolution of pairing symmetry in FSS as probed by uniaxial-strain tuning of Tc (arXiv)
2410.13327v1 Cryogenic Digital Image Correlation as a Probe of Strain in Iron-Based Superconductors (arXiv)
2410.13354v1 Emergent spacetime supersymmetry in an interacting Kitaev chain with explicit supersymmetry (arXiv)
2410.13365v1 Zero external magnetic field quantum standard of resistance at the 10-9 level (arXiv)
2410.13372v1 High-temperature ferromagnetism and ferroelasticity in ultraflexible atomically thin square-shaped lattices (arXiv)
2410.13434v1 Phase Separation in the Putative Fractional Quantum Hall A phases (arXiv)
2410.13525v1 Static and Dynamic Electronic Properties of Weyl Semimetal NbP – A Single Crystal 93Nb-NMR Study (arXiv)
2410.13706v1 Phase transitions in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the dimerized diamond lattice (arXiv)
2410.13715v1 Electronic Raman scattering of antiferromagnetic excitonic insulators (arXiv)
2410.13721v1 On-chip cryogenic multiplexing of Si/SiGe quantum devices (arXiv)
2410.13734v1 Strong-to-weak spontaneous symmetry breaking meets average symmetry-protected topological order (arXiv)
2410.13771v1 Conductance in graphene through double laser barriers and magnetic field (arXiv)
2410.13858v1 Monte Carlo Study of Critical Fermi Surface with Spatial Disorder Interactions (arXiv)
2410.12900v1 Instability of steady-state mixed-state symmetry-protected topological order to strong-to-weak spontaneous symmetry breaking (arXiv)
2410.12908v1 Autonomous Stabilization of Floquet States Using Static Dissipation (arXiv)
2410.13241v1 Measuring Non-Hermitian Topological Invariants Directly from Quench Dynamics (arXiv)
2410.13540v1 Interlayer Magnetic Coupling in FePS3 and NiPS3 Stacked Bilayers (arXiv)
2410.13547v1 Topological quantum computing (arXiv)
2410.13550v1 Graphendofullerene: a novel molecular two-dimensional ferromagnet (arXiv)
2410.13768v1 Rapid and Automated Alloy Design with Graph Neural Network-Powered LLM-Driven Multi-Agent Systems (arXiv)
2410.13844v1 Post-measurement Quantum Monte Carlo (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.160601 Counterintuitive Yet Efficient Regimes for Measurement-Based Quantum Computation on Symmetry-Protected Spin Chains (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.163202 Hanle Effect for Lifetime Determinations in the Soft X-Ray Regime (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166301 Nonmonotonic Hall Effect of Weyl Semimetals under a Magnetic Field (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166501 Fermi and Luttinger Arcs: Two Concepts, Realized on One Surface (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166502 Localizing Transitions via Interaction-Induced Flat Bands (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166702 Entanglement Entropy and Deconfined Criticality: Emergent SO(5) Symmetry and Proper Lattice Bipartition (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.167101 Generalized Lotka-Volterra Systems with Time Correlated Stochastic Interactions (PRL)
PhysRevResearch.6.043039 Harmonic flow-field representations of quantum bits and gates (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043042 Engineering impurity Bell states through coupling with a quantum bath (PRR)
2410.12014v1 Energy levels and Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in twisted bilayer graphene quantum dots and rings (arXiv)
2410.12067v1 Emerging chirality and moire dynamics in twisted layered material heterostructures (arXiv)
2410.12125v1 Exchange-enhanced spin-orbit splitting and its density dependence for electrons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)
2410.12129v1 Coherent Driving of a Single Nitrogen Vacancy Center by a Resonant Magnetic Tunnel Junction (arXiv)
2410.12254v1 Quantum metric driven transition between superfluid and incoherent fluid (arXiv)
2410.12276v1 Photoemission Insights to Electronic Orders in Kagome Superconductor AV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2410.12354v1 Intersublattice entanglement entropy of ferrimagnetic spin chains (arXiv)
2410.12357v1 Interedge backscattering in time-reversal symmetric quantum spin Hall Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2410.12429v1 Antiferromagnetic Josephson junction: nonreciprocity and sublattice selective transport of Cooper triplets (arXiv)
2410.12472v1 Approaching the Intrinsic Properties of Moire Structures Using Atomic Force Microscopy Ironing (arXiv)
2410.12518v1 Determination of Magnetic Symmetries by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (arXiv)
2410.12548v1 Satisfaction and violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation in spin ice materials (arXiv)
2410.12580v1 Comment on “Square-well model for superconducting pair-potential” (arXiv)
2410.12587v1 Quantum Phase Transition as a Promising Route to Enhance the Critical Current in Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)
2410.12596v1 Room temperature Planar Hall effect in nanostructures of trigonal-PtBi2 (arXiv)
2410.12624v1 Field-free superconducting diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in FeTe0.7Se0.3 junctions with the inherent asymmetric barrier (arXiv)
2410.12789v1 Altermagnetic Instabilities from Quantum Geometry (arXiv)
2410.11942v1 Operator algebra and algorithmic construction of boundaries and defects in (2+1)D topological Pauli stabilizer codes (arXiv)
2410.12041v1 Tuning Electric Polarization via Exchange Striction Interaction in CaMn7O12 by Sr-Doping (arXiv)
2410.12291v1 Highly anisotropic Drude-weight-reduction and enhanced linear-dichroism in van der Waals Weyl semimetal Td-MoTe2 with coherent interlayer electronic transport (arXiv)
2410.12308v1 Mitigating higher-band heating in Floquet-Hubbard lattices via two-tone driving (arXiv)
2410.12392v1 Pion condensation at rotation in magnetic field, electric and scalar potential wells (arXiv)
2410.12482v1 Electronic glasses from a broken gauge symmetry in disorder-free systems (arXiv)
2410.12611v1 Regularities and features in the behavior of electrical and magnetic properties of Co2FeZ (Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, Sn, Sb) half-metallic ferromagnetic Heusler alloys (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.163401 Three-Dimensional Moire Crystal in Ultracold Atomic Gases (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166701 General Stacking Theory for Altermagnetism in Bilayer Systems (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.166703 Long-Lived Magnetization in an Atomic Spin Chain Tuned to a Diabolic Point (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.168001 Rift Gaps in Chemical-Wave Network Systems (PRL)
PhysRevX.14.041012 Observing Quantum Measurement Collapse as a Learnability Phase Transition (PRX)
PhysRevX.14.041013 Coherent Coupling of a Diamond Tin-Vacancy Center to a Tunable Open Microcavity (PRX)
PhysRevResearch.6.043034 Noise-adapted recovery circuits for quantum error correction (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043037 Ultrafast spectroscopy of coherent phonons across the pressure driven insulator to metal phase transition in V2O3 (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042013 Asymmetrical temporal dynamics of edge modes in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattice with Kerr nonlinearity (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042014 Accurate optimal quantum error correction thresholds from coherent information (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042015 Two-dimensional electronic conductivity in insulating ferroelectrics: Peculiar properties of domain walls (PRR)
2410.10949v1 Fractionalized Altermagnets: from neighboring and altermagnetic spin-liquids to fractionalized spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)
2410.10957v1 Coherent control of photoconductivity in graphene nanoribbons (arXiv)
2410.10959v1 Topological anomalous Floquet photon pump (arXiv)
2410.10961v1 High spatial resolution charge sensing of quantum Hall states (arXiv)
2410.11083v1 Review of honeycomb-based Kitaev materials with zigzag magnetic ordering (arXiv)
2410.11257v1 Pole and zero edge state invariant for 1D non-Hermitian sublattice symmetry (arXiv)
2410.11258v1 Doping-induced evolution of the intrinsic hump and dip energies dependent on the sample fabrication conditions in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+\delta (arXiv)
2410.11280v1 Magnon-Driven Magnetothermal Transport in Magnetic Multilayers (arXiv)
2410.11326v1 Evolution and Instability of Bogoliubov Fermi Surfaces under Zeeman Field (arXiv)
2410.11427v1 Colloquium: Quantum Properties and Functionalities of Magnetic Skyrmions (arXiv)
2410.11556v1 Study of delamination in REBCO coated conductor by transmission electron microscopy (arXiv)
2410.11595v1 Remarks on the Study of Electronic Properties and Photoionization Process in Rotating 2D Quantum Rings (arXiv)
2410.11609v1 Wigner-Yanase skew information, quantum entanglement and spin nematic quantum phase transitions in biquadratic spin-1 and spin-2 XY chains with single-ion anisotropies (arXiv)
2410.11626v1 Quantum Band Structure and Topology in One Dimensional Modulated Plasmonic Crystal (arXiv)
2410.11636v1 Tunable topological transitions in the frustrated magnet HoAgGe (arXiv)
2410.11645v1 The charge gap is greater than the neutral gap in fractional quantum Hall systems (arXiv)
2410.11653v1 Valley-spin polarization at zero magnetic field induced by strong hole-hole interactions in monolayer WSe2 (arXiv)
2410.11721v1 Supercurrent Multiplexing with Solid-State Integrated Hybrid Superconducting Electronics (arXiv)
2410.11734v1 Anomalously Enhanced Diffusivity of Moire Excitons via Manipulating the Interplay with Correlated Electrons (arXiv)
2410.09353v1 Observable Measurement-Induced Transitions (arXiv)
2410.10971v1 Universal Characterization of Quantum Many-Body States through Local Information (arXiv)
2410.11034v1 Lattice Chern-Simons-Maxwell Theory and its Chirality (arXiv)
2410.11158v1 Bosonic Entanglement and Quantum Sensing from Energy Transfer in two-tone Floquet Systems (arXiv)
2410.11314v1 Genuine multipartite entanglement from many-electron systems (arXiv)
2410.11413v1 Truncation-Free Quantum Simulation of Pure-Gauge Compact QED Using Josephson Arrays (arXiv)
2410.11487v1 Quantum Corrections to Holographic Strange Metal at Low Temperature (arXiv)
2410.11602v1 Preparing topological states with finite depth simultaneous commuting gates (arXiv)
2410.11822v1 Entanglement Oscillations from Many-Body Quantum Scars (arXiv)
PhysRevA.110.043312 Proposal for simulating quantum spin models with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using Rydberg atoms and the construction of asymptotic quantum many-body scar states (PRA)
2410.09145v1 The Ultra-critical Floquet Non-Fermi Liquid (arXiv)
2410.09148v1 Unconventional superconductivity mediated by exciton density wave fluctuations (arXiv)
2410.09167v1 Compass-model physics on the hyperhoneycomb lattice in the extreme spin-orbit regime (arXiv)
2410.09171v1 Selective synthesis and crystal chemistry of candidate rare earth Kitaev materials: honeycomb and hyperhoneycomb Na2PrO3 (arXiv)
2410.09197v1 Expression with self-consistent magnetic units for calculation of critical current density using the Bean’s Model (arXiv)
2410.09354v1 Topological magnonic properties of an antiferromagnetic chain (arXiv)
2410.09498v1 Self-consistent pressure-dependent on-site Coulomb correction for zero-temperature equations of state of f-electron metals (arXiv)
2410.09581v1 Optical Orientation of Mn2+ Spins in Bulk (Zn, Mn)Se Induced by Magnetic Field (arXiv)
2410.09677v1 Phonon-Mediated Nonlinear Optical Responses and Quantum Geometry (arXiv)
2410.09793v1 Energy Bands of Incommensurate Systems (arXiv)
2410.09849v1 Non-linear Hall resistivity in overdoped Pr1.82Ce0.18CuO4 + \delta electron-doped cuprate (arXiv)
2410.09851v1 Tunable Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion Dynamics in Co/Pt Nanocontacts for Spintronic Applications (arXiv)
2410.09889v1 Topological phases in twisted Rashba superconductors (arXiv)
2410.09903v1 Charge density wave solutions of the Hubbard model in the composite operator formalism (arXiv)
2410.10019v1 Towards an ab initio theory of high-temperature superconductors: a study of multilayer cuprates (arXiv)
2410.10038v1 Quantum-criticality and superconductivity in twisted transition metal di-chalcogenides (arXiv)
2410.10090v1 Sudden change in entanglement Hamiltonian: Phase diagram of an Ising entanglement Hamiltonian (arXiv)
2410.10173v1 Temperature-Stable Tunneling Current in Serial Double Quantum Dots: Insights from Nonequilibrium Green Functions and Pauli Spin Blockade (arXiv)
2410.10176v1 Asymmetry-induced radiative heat transfer in Floquet systems (arXiv)
2410.10201v1 Experimental progress in Eu(Al,Ga)4 topological antiferromagnets (arXiv)
2410.10275v1 Probing the Meissner effect in pressurized bilayer nickelate superconductors using diamond quantum sensors (arXiv)
2410.10317v1 Gate-tunable nonlocal Josephson effect through magnetic van der Waals bilayers (arXiv)
2410.10355v1 Magnon Nonlinear Hall Effect in 2D Antiferromagnetic Insulators (arXiv)
2410.10385v1 Field-induced spin liquid in the decorated square-kagome antiferromagnet nabokoite KCu7TeO4(SO4)5Cl (arXiv)
2410.10443v1 Interstitial anionic electrons involved superconductivity and T-linear resistivity behavior in electride La3In (arXiv)
2410.10477v1 Emergent topological phases in an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, higher order hopping and domain wall (arXiv)
2410.10484v1 Design and characterization of all two-dimensional fragile topological bands (arXiv)
2410.10640v1 Extreme electron-hole drag and negative mobility in the Dirac plasma of graphene (arXiv)
2410.10666v1 Non-bulk Superconductivity in Pr4Ni3O10 Single Crystals Under Pressure (arXiv)
2410.10764v1 Probing topological phases in a perturbed Kane-Mele model via RKKY interaction: Application to monolayer jacutingaite Pt2HgSe3 (arXiv)
2410.10793v1 Kinetic uncertainty relations for quantum transport (arXiv)
2410.10795v1 New Limits for Existence of Transverse Zero Sound in Fermi Liquid 3He (arXiv)
2310.04291v3 Exploring the topological sector optimization on quantum computers (arXiv)
2410.09238v1 Coupling of Electronic Transitions to Ferroelectric Order in a 2D Semiconductor (arXiv)
2410.09308v1 Goos-Hanchen effect singularities in transdimensional plasmonic films (arXiv)
2410.09327v1 Diagnosing Strong-to-Weak Symmetry Breaking via Wightman Correlators (arXiv)
2410.09603v1 Exploring the Electronic and Mechanical Properties of the Recently Synthesized Nitrogen-Doped Monolayer Amorphous Carbon (arXiv)
2410.09957v1 Large Chiral Orbital Texture and Orbital Edelstein Effect in Co/Al Heterostructure (arXiv)
2410.10031v1 Weak topological phases in the presence of interactions (arXiv)
2410.10232v1 Transparent boundary conditions for the stationary Schroedinger equation via Weyl-Titchmarsh theory (arXiv)
2410.10305v1 Negative piezoelectricity in quasi-two/one-dimensional ferroelectrics (arXiv)
2410.10325v1 Statistics of systemwide correlations in the random-field XXZ chain: Importance of rare events in the many-body localized phase (arXiv)
2410.10362v1 Theory of the Spin Seebeck effect induced by crystal-field excitations in Tb3Fe5O12 (arXiv)
2410.10558v1 Dispersion effects in thermal emission from temporal metamaterials: High-frequency cut-offs (arXiv)
2410.10622v1 High-dimensional counterdiabatic quantum computing (arXiv)
2410.10705v1 High sensitivity pressure and temperature quantum sensing in organic crystals (arXiv)
2410.10730v1 Quantum emitter interacting with a dispersive dielectric object: a model based on the modified Langevin noise formalism (arXiv)
2410.10806v1 Synthetic Mutual Gauge Field in Microwave-Shielded Polar Molecular Gases (arXiv)
acsami.4c12665 Abnormal Relaxation Behavior of Excited Electrons in the Flat Band of Kagome Compound Nb3Cl8 (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)
PhysRevLett.133.156704 Chiral Damping of Magnons (PRL)
2410.07878 Flat-band (de)localization emulated with a superconducting qubit array (arXiv)
2410.07894 Site-selective correlations in interacting “flat-band” quasicrystals (arXiv)
2410.06147 Persistent flat band splitting and strong selective band renormalization in a kagome magnet thin film (arXiv)
2410.07000 Classification of Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Topological Bands (arXiv)
2410.05765 Magnon confinement in a nanomagnonic waveguide by a magnetic Moire superlattice (arXiv)
2410.05418 Macroscopic degeneracy of ground state in the frustrated Heisenberg diamond chain (arXiv)
2410.05957 Unified model for non-Abelian braiding of Majorana and Dirac fermion zero modes (arXiv)
symmetry 2073-8994/16/10/1336 Spin Wave Chiral Scattering by Skyrmion Lattice in Ferromagnetic Nanotubes (Symmetry)
abstract=1744 Current-induced dynamics of magnetic hedgehog lattices (ICM2024)
2410.05485 Slow Equilibrium Relaxation in a Chiral Magnet Mediated by Topological Defects (arXiv)
3315967 Observation of Néel-type magnetic skyrmion in a layered non-centrosymmetric itinerant ferromagnet CrTe1.38 (APL)
PhysRevB.110.144505 Coherence length and quantum geometry in a dilute flat-band superconductor (PRB)
2410.04515 Topological flat bands and higher-order topology in square-octagon lattice (arXiv)
2410.01142 Isolated zero-energy flat-bands and intrinsic magnetism in carbon monolayers (arXiv)
3314953 Skyrmion dynamics in attractive and repulsive local magnetic fields (JAP)
2410.00820 Topological orbital Hall effect caused by skyrmions and antiferromagnetic skyrmions (Mertig, arXiv)
2409.19879 Magnetoelectric imprint of skyrmions in van der Waals bilayers (arXiv)
2409.19086 Majorana edge and end states in planar Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2410.08284v1 Multi wavefunction overlap and multi entropy for topological ground states in (2+1) dimensions (arXiv)
2410.08312v1 Adjoint computation of Berry phase gradients (arXiv)
2410.08383v1 Dirac-point spectroscopy of flat-band systems with the quantum twisting microscope (arXiv)
2410.08398v1 Casimir effect in Josephson junctions (arXiv)
2410.08472v1 Modeling and Simulation of 2D Transducers Based on Suspended Graphene-Based Heterostructures in Nanoelectromechanical Pressure Sensors (arXiv)
2410.08487v1 Higher-Order Band Topology in Twisted Bilayer Kagome Lattice (arXiv)
2410.08489v1 Universality Class Transition Across the Helimagnetic Ordering in Te-doped Cu2OSeO3 (arXiv)
2410.08501v1 High-Throughput Discovery of Kagome Materials in Transition Metal Oxide Monolayers (arXiv)
2410.08505v1 Extensions to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model: Linear chains and their topological properties (arXiv)
2410.08515v1 Ab initio study on heavy-fermion behavior in LiV2O4: Role of Hund’s coupling and stability (arXiv)
2410.08704v1 The spin lifetime of an individual atomic nucleus investigated via local-probe single-shot readout (arXiv)
2410.08730v1 Superconducting memory and trapped magnetic flux in ternary lanthanum polyhydrides (arXiv)
2410.08761v1 Density of states in the heterostructure ferromagnetic insulator-superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator (arXiv)
2410.08836v1 Intrinsic electronic phase separation and competition between G-type, C-type and CE-type charge and orbital ordering modes in Hg1-xNaxMn3Mn4O12 (arXiv)
2410.08865v1 Simulation and measurement of stray fields for the manipulation of spin-qubits in one- and two-dimensional arrays (arXiv)
2410.08878v1 Low-Temperature Heat Transport under Phonon Confinement in Nanostructures (arXiv)
2410.08932v1 High frequency breakdown in quantum dots (arXiv)
2410.08975v1 Quantum Kinetic Theory of the Linear Response for Weakly Disordered Multiband Systems (arXiv)
2410.08264v1 Towards absolutely stable ergodicity breaking in two and three dimensions (arXiv)
2410.08268v1 Disorder-Free Localization for Benchmarking Quantum Computers (arXiv)
2410.08322v1 Extendibility of fermionic states and rigorous ground state approximations of interacting fermionic systems (arXiv)
2410.08358v1 Tailoring the electronic properties of TiO2 monolayers for solar driven catalysis through transition metal doping (arXiv)
2410.08586v1 Optical modeling, solver, and design of wafer-scale single-enantiomer carbon nanotube film and reconfigurable chiral photonic device (arXiv)
2410.08606v1 Anharmonic and Quantum Effects on the Vibrational and Superconducting Properties of Fm-3m and I43d NbH3 Under High Pressure (arXiv)
2410.08882v1 A unified quantum framework for electrons and ions: The self-consistent harmonic approximation on a neural network curved manifold (arXiv)
2410.08891v1 Superradiance of strongly interacting dipolar excitons in moire quantum materials (arXiv)
2410.09028v1 Anomalously extended Floquet prethermal lifetimes and applications to long-time quantum sensing (arXiv)