A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Oct 1st week collection

  1. PhysRevLett.133.156505 Flexomagnetoelectric Effect in Sr2IrO4 Thin Films (PRL)

  2. science.ads4149 Graphene, beyond lab benches (Science)

  3. surprise-ai-pioneers-win-physics-nobel In a surprise, AI pioneers win physics Nobel (Science)

  4. science.adp7099 Polar and quasicrystal vortex observed in twisted-bilayer molybdenum disulfide (Science)

  5. s41467-024-52813-5 Quantum tunneling high-speed nano-excitonic modulator (Nature Communications)

  6. s41567-024-02689-5 Author Correction: Intervalley coherence and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (Nature Physics)

  7. s42005-024-01814-3 Hydride units filled boron-carbon clathrate: a pathway for high-temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure (Communications Physics)

  8. s41563-024-02018-4 Tunable spin-orbit physics in van der Waals heterostructures (Nature Materials)

  9. s41586-024-08005-8 Universal quantum operations and ancilla-based read-out for tweezer clocks (Nature)

  10. d41586-024-03288-3 Google uncovers how quantum computers can beat today’s best supercomputers (Nature)

  11. d41586-024-03254-z Insight into the magnetic properties of atoms from precision spectroscopy on beryllium (Nature)

  12. s41567-024-02653-3 Strain tuning of vestigial three-state Potts nematicity in a correlated antiferromagnet (Nature Physics)

  13. s42005-024-01823-2 Polar domain walls induced by sequential symmetry breaking in frustrated mechanical metamaterials (Communications Physics)

  14. s41467-024-53140-5 Creating and controlling global Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement on quantum processors (Nature Communications)

  15. s41567-024-02663-1 Quantum matter in multifractal patterns (Nature Physics)

  16. PhysRevLett.133.150403 Exciting the Higgs Mode in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas by Interaction Modulation (PRL)

  17. PhysRevLett.133.150603 Optimization of Decoder Priors for Accurate Quantum Error Correction (PRL)

  18. PhysRevLett.133.156301 Ballistic Electron Source with Magnetically Controlled Valley Polarization in Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

  19. PhysRevX.14.041011 Planar Thermal Hall Effect from Phonons in Cuprates (PRX)

  20. PhysRevResearch.6.043029 Long-distance photon-mediated and short-distance entangling gates in three-qubit quantum dot spin systems (PRR)

  21. PhysRevResearch.6.043031 Quantum algorithm for dynamic mode decomposition integrated with a quantum differential equation solver (PRR)

  22. PhysRevResearch.6.043032 Tunneling time in coupled-channel systems (PRR)

  23. PhysRevLett.133.151001 Inflationary Butterfly Effect: Nonperturbative Dynamics from Small-Scale Features (PRL)

  24. PhysRevLett.133.156506 Lifting of Gap Nodes by Disorder in Tetragonal FeSe1-xSx Superconductors (PRL)

  25. PhysRevLett.133.156703 Breaking Surface-Plasmon Excitation Constraint via Surface Spin Waves (PRL)

  26. PhysRevLett.133.157101 Exact Propagators of One-Dimensional Self-Interacting Random Walks (PRL)

  27. PhysRevResearch.6.043028 Enforcing exact permutation and rotational symmetries in the application of quantum neural networks on point cloud datasets (PRR)

  28. PhysRevResearch.6.L042011 Central charge in quantum optics (PRR)

  29. 2410.07308v1 Gate-tunable Bose-Fermi mixture in a strongly correlated moire bilayer electron system (arXiv)

  30. 2410.07319v1 Single-particle spectral function of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states (arXiv)

  31. 2410.07337v1 Gate-tunable sign reversal of dissipationless spin-diode effect reaching 100% (arXiv)

  32. 2410.07344v1 Absence of “fractional ac Josephson effect” in superconducting junctions (arXiv)

  33. 2410.07347v1 RIXS spectra of spinon, doublon, and quarton excitations of a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg trimer chain (arXiv)

  34. 2410.07360v1 Deciphering the origin of spin current in spintronic terahertz emitters and its imprint on their electromagnetic radiation via time-dependent density functional theory (arXiv)

  35. 2410.07373v1 Effect of impurities and disorder on the braiding dynamics of Majorana zero modes (arXiv)

  36. 2410.07445v1 The two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas with symmetric dual-gate screening: exchange-correlation functional and other ground-state properties (arXiv)

  37. 2410.07480v1 Thermal Nanoquakes: Terahertz Frequency Surface Rayleigh Waves in Diamond Nanocrystals (arXiv)

  38. 2410.07653v1 Floquet engineering of effective pairing interactions in a doped band insulator (arXiv)

  39. 2410.07660v1 Thermodynamic relations for the Cooper pair’s momentum in helical superconductors (arXiv)

  40. 2410.07767v1 Two-color laser control of photocurrent and high harmonics in graphene (arXiv)

  41. 2410.07777v1 Structural Manipulation of Spin Excitations in a Molecular Junction (arXiv)

  42. 2410.07784v1 Orbital Hall Effect Accompanying Quantum Hall Effect: Landau Levels Cause Orbital Polarized Edge Currents (arXiv)

  43. 2410.07835v1 Numerical analysis of Josephson junction arrays for multi-order quantum voltage steps (arXiv)

  44. 2410.07853v1 Meissner effect in non-Hermitian superconductors (arXiv)

  45. 2410.07861v1 Signature of Superconductivity in Pressurized Trilayer-nickelate Pr4Ni3O10-delta (arXiv)

  46. 2410.07878v1 Flat-band (de)localization emulated with a superconducting qubit array (arXiv)

  47. 2410.07885v1 Induced quantum magnetism on a triangular lattice of non-Kramers ions in PrMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

  48. 2410.07894v1 Site-selective correlations in interacting “flat-band” quasicrystals (arXiv)

  49. 2410.07902v1 Fidelity of the acoustic control of single photon scattering with semiconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

  50. 2410.07943v1 Current density distribution in the quantum Hall effect (arXiv)

  51. 2410.08013v1 Probing nonlinear spin dynamics in canted easy-plane antiferromagnets using spin-rectification effects (arXiv)

  52. 2410.07310v1 Field-induced antiferromagnetic correlations in a nanopatterned van der Waals ferromagnet: a potential artificial spin ice (arXiv)

  53. 2410.07317v1 Field theory of monitored, interacting fermion dynamics with charge conservation (arXiv)

  54. 2410.07326v1 Emergent Fracton Hydrodynamics in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime of Ultracold Atoms (arXiv)

  55. 2410.07334v1 Measurement-induced transitions for interacting fermions (arXiv)

  56. 2410.07469v1 Understanding and predicting adsorption energetics on monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  57. 2410.07641v1 Certifying the quantumness of a single nuclear spin qudit through its uniform precession (arXiv)

  58. 2410.07665v1 Quantum Hall liquids in high-density QCD (arXiv)

  59. 2410.07712v1 Quantum applications of hexagonal boron nitride (arXiv)

  60. 2410.07726v1 Curved graphene nanoribbons derived from tetrahydropyrene-based polyphenylenes via one-pot K-region oxidation and Scholl cyclization (arXiv)

  61. 2410.07789v1 Simulating the Fermi-Hubbard model with long-range hopping on a quantum computer (arXiv)

  62. 2410.08093v1 Considerations for Electromagnetic Simulations for a Quantitative Correlation of Optical Spectroscopy and Electron Tomography of Plasmonic Nanoparticles (arXiv)

  63. 2410.08205v1 Holographic View of Mixed-State Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in Open Quantum Systems (arXiv)

  64. PhysRevLett.133.156503 Enhanced Pair-Density-Wave Vertices in a Bilayer Hubbard Model at Half Filling (PRL)

  65. PhysRevLett.133.156504 Quantum Geometry and Stabilization of Fractional Chern Insulators far from the Ideal Limit (PRL)

  66. PhysRevResearch.6.043025 Quantum superpositions of current states in Rydberg-atom networks (PRR)

  67. PhysRevResearch.6.043026 Ab initio study of highly tunable charge transfer in β−RuCl3/graphene heterostructures (PRR)

  68. PhysRevResearch.6.L042010 Thouless pumping and trapping of two-component gap solitons (PRR)

  69. 2410.05365v1 Strange metals and planckian transport in a gapless phase from spatially random interactions (arXiv)

  70. 2410.05378v1 Scattering Theory of Chiral Edge Modes in Topological Magnon Insulators (arXiv)

  71. 2410.05381v1 Self-consistent surface superconductivity in time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

  72. 2410.05384v1 Chiral superconductivity from parent Chern band and its non-Abelian generalization (arXiv)

  73. 2410.05387v1 Valley polarization, magnetization, and superconductivity in bilayer graphene near the van Hove singularity (arXiv)

  74. 2410.05418v1 Macroscopic degeneracy of ground state in the frustrated Heisenberg diamond chain (arXiv)

  75. 2410.05427v1 Topological characterization of a non-Hermitian ladder via Floquet non-Bloch theory (arXiv)

  76. 2410.05461v1 Exchange-Only Spin-Orbit Qubits in Silicon and Germanium (arXiv)

  77. 2410.05485v1 Slow Equilibrium Relaxation in a Chiral Magnet Mediated by Topological Defects (arXiv)

  78. 2410.05636v1 Gapped Dirac materials and quantum valley currents in dual-gated hBN/bilayer-graphene heterostructures (arXiv)

  79. 2410.05649v1 Bilayer Graphene on hexagonal Boron Nitride and the Family of quantum MetaMaterial (arXiv)

  80. 2410.05718v1 Tunable high Chern-number quantum anomalous Hall effect through interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in two-dimensional ferromagnet NiSbO3 (arXiv)

  81. 2410.05765v1 Magnon confinement in a nanomagnonic waveguide by a magnetic Moire superlattice (arXiv)

  82. 2410.05818v1 Hot electron lifetime exceeds 300 nanoseconds in quantum dots with high quantum efficiency (arXiv)

  83. 2410.05879v1 Room- and low-temperature magnetic parameters of Y3AlFe4O12 garnets (arXiv)

  84. 2410.05908v1 Interplay of Zeeman field, Rashba spin-orbit interaction, and superconductivity: Transition temperature and quasiparticle excitation (arXiv)

  85. 2410.05950v1 Interplay between superconducting fluctuations and weak localization in disordered TiN thin films (arXiv)

  86. 2410.05957v1 Unified model for non-Abelian braiding of Majorana and Dirac fermion zero modes (arXiv)

  87. 2410.06110v1 Transport properties and Kohler’s rule in RxLu1-xB12 solid solutions with x <= 0.03: do charge stripes really exist in metallic dodecaborides? (arXiv)

  88. 2410.06147v1 Persistent flat band splitting and strong selective band renormalization in a kagome magnet thin film (arXiv)

  89. 2410.06159v1 Praseodymium doping effect on the superconducting properties of FeSe0.5Te0.5 bulks under ambient and high-pressure growth conditions (arXiv)

  90. 2410.06312v1 Persistent versus dissipative Peltier effect in a topological quantum thermocouple (arXiv)

  91. 2410.06344v1 Electric field driven spin textures in heavy fermion van der Waals magnets (arXiv)

  92. 2410.06432v1 Gating graphene with a semiconductor (arXiv)

  93. 2410.06548v1 Investigation of superconducting gap of high-entropy telluride AgInSnPbBiTe5 (arXiv)

  94. 2410.06602v1 Revealing nanoscale structural phase separation in La3Ni2O7-delta single crystal via scanning near-field optical microscopy (arXiv)

  95. 2410.06661v1 Strain-induced two-dimensional topological crystalline insulator (arXiv)

  96. 2410.06679v1 Effect of dynamical electron correlations on the tunnelling magnetoresistance of Fe/MgO/Fe(001) junctions (arXiv)

  97. 2410.06690v1 Spin Quenching and Transport by Hidden Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (arXiv)

  98. 2410.06810v1 Ultrafast momentum-resolved visualization of the interplay between phonon-mediated scattering and plasmons in graphite (arXiv)

  99. 2410.06831v1 Quantum dynamics in symmetry-breaking ordered phases of correlated fermions (arXiv)

  100. 2410.06838v1 phi0-junction and Josephson diode effect in high-temperature superconductor (arXiv)

  101. 2410.06891v1 On the oxygen p states in superconducting nickelates (arXiv)

  102. 2410.06901v1 Interaction-induced phase transitions at topological quantum criticality of an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

  103. 2410.06955v1 Quantum dynamics in a spin-1/2 square lattice J1-J2-delta altermagnet (arXiv)

  104. 2410.07000v1 Classification of Higher-Order Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Topological Bands (arXiv)

  105. 2410.07152v1 Creation of two-dimensional circular motion of charge qubit (arXiv)

  106. 2410.05400v1 Separable ellipsoids around multipartite states (arXiv)

  107. 2410.05906v1 Creation, annihilation and transport of nonmagnetic antiskyrmions within Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire model (arXiv)

  108. 2410.05976v1 Observation of Rydberg excitons in monolayer MoS2 at room temperature by Imbert-Fedorov shift spectroscopy (arXiv)

  109. 2410.06085v1 Epitaxial aluminum layer on antimonide heterostructures for exploring Josephson junction effects (arXiv)

  110. 2410.06099v1 Phase field crystal modelling of deformation assisted precipitation in binary alloys (arXiv)

  111. 2410.06167v1 Broken intrinsic symmetry induced magnon-magnon coupling in synthetic ferrimagnets (arXiv)

  112. 2410.06184v1 Vortex bound states in dimerized pi-flux optical lattices: characterization, state preparation and current measurement (arXiv)

  113. 2410.06218v1 Linear and nonlinear optical response based on many-body GW-Bethe-Salpeter and Kadanoff-Baym approaches for two-dimensional layered semiconductors (arXiv)

  114. 2410.06523v1 Phase Diagram from Nonlinear Interaction between Superconducting Order and Density: Toward Data-Based Holographic Superconductor (arXiv)

  115. 2410.06557v1 Observation of disorder-free localization and efficient disorder averaging on a quantum processor (arXiv)

  116. 2410.06655v1 Ring-exchange physics in a chain of three-level ions (arXiv)

  117. 2410.06669v1 Mpemba Meets Quantum Chaos: Anomalous Relaxation and Mpemba Crossings in Dissipative Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models (arXiv)

  118. 2410.06727v1 Kramers-Wannier self-duality and non-invertible translation symmetry in quantum chains: a wave-function perspective (arXiv)

  119. 2410.06803v1 Universal scaling of quantum caustics in the dynamics of interacting particles (arXiv)

  120. 2410.06830v1 Magnetic coupling through flux branching of adjacent type-I and -II superconductors in a neutron star (arXiv)

  121. 2410.06980v1 Electric Field Driven Domain Wall Dynamics in BaTiO3 Nanoparticles (arXiv)

  122. PhysRevLett.133.150401 Applicability of Mean-Field Theory for Time-Dependent Open Quantum Systems with Infinite-Range Interactions (PRL)

  123. PhysRevLett.133.150602 Quantum Fourier Transform Using Dynamic Circuits (PRL)

  124. PhysRevLett.133.150801 Hyperfine-Enhanced Gyroscope Based on Solid-State Spins (PRL)

  125. PhysRevLett.133.156502 Dualities of Paired Quantum Hall Bilayer States at νT=1/2+1/2 (PRL)

  126. PhysRevLett.133.156702 Chiral Split Magnon in Altermagnetic MnTe (PRL)

  127. PhysRevResearch.6.043023 Braids and higher-order exceptional points from the interplay between lossy defects and topological boundary states (PRR)

  128. PhysRevResearch.6.043024 Fermi surface and Lifshitz transitions of a ferromagnetic superconductor under external magnetic fields (PRR)

  129. PhysRevResearch.6.L042008 Strange-metal behavior without fine tuning in PrV2Al20 (PRR)

  130. PhysRevLett.133.150601 Quantum Cellular Automata for Quantum Error Correction and Density Classification (PRL)

  131. PhysRevLett.133.156501 Quantum Melting of Generalized Wigner Crystals in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moiré Systems (PRL)

  132. PhysRevLett.133.156701 All-Optical Control of Bubble and Skyrmion Breathing (PRL)

  133. PhysRevLett.133.156901 Phonon-Coupled High-Harmonic Generation for Exploring Nonadiabatic Electron-Phonon Interactions (PRL)

  134. PhysRevResearch.6.043021 More quantum chemistry with fewer qubits (PRR)

  135. PhysRevResearch.6.L042006 From orbital to paramagnetic pair breaking in layered superconductor 2H−NbS2 (PRR)

  136. PhysRevResearch.6.L042007 Phase transitions in quantum many-body scars (PRR)

  137. 2410.03821v1 Electric polarization and discrete shift from boundary and corner charge in crystalline Chern insulators (arXiv)

  138. 2410.03840v1 Density functional theory based investigation of heavy fermion band candidates in triplet superconductor UTe2 (arXiv)

  139. 2410.03888v1 Designing (higher) Hall crystals (arXiv)

  140. 2410.03896v1 Half-quantized Hall Plateaus in the Confined Geometry of Graphene (arXiv)

  141. 2410.03944v1 Thickness dependence of the mechanical properties of piezoelectric high-Qm nanomechanical resonators made from aluminium nitride (arXiv)

  142. 2410.03956v1 Charge Density Fluctuations with Enhanced Superconductivity at the Proposed Nematic Quantum Critical Point (arXiv)

  143. 2410.04021v1 Unconventional topological phase transition of the Hopf insulator (arXiv)

  144. 2410.04042v1 Magnetic structure of the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7 through irreducible representation and magnetic space group analyses (arXiv)

  145. 2410.04044v1 Topological magnon zero-modes in dislocations (arXiv)

  146. 2410.04102v1 Three-Dimensional Topological Semimetal/Insulator States in \alpha-Type Organic Conductors with Interlayer Spin-Orbit Interaction (arXiv)

  147. 2410.04104v1 Gapped magnetic ground state in the spin-liquid candidate kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Ag2(CN)3 suggested by magnetic spectroscopy (arXiv)

  148. 2410.04230v1 Distinguishing Electronic Band Structure of Single-layer and Bilayer Ruddlesden-Popper Nickelates Probed by in-situ High Pressure X-ray Absorption Near-edge Spectroscopy (arXiv)

  149. 2410.04321v1 Cascade of phase transitions and large magnetic anisotropy in a triangle-kagome-triangle trilayer antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  150. 2410.04355v1 Anomalous length dependent conductance of quasi-one-dimensional molecular wires assembled from metal superatoms (arXiv)

  151. 2410.04382v1 Inclusion of pairing fluctuations in a semiclassical approach: The case of study of the Josephson effect (arXiv)

  152. 2410.04515v1 Topological flat bands and higher-order topology in square-octagon lattice (arXiv)

  153. 2410.04516v1 In-Situ Manipulation of Superconducting Properties via Ultrasonic Excitation (arXiv)

  154. 2410.04600v1 Thickness-Driven Transitions Between Novel Magnetic States in Ferromagnetic Films (arXiv)

  155. 2410.04610v1 A non-magnetic mechanism of backscattering in helical edge states (arXiv)

  156. 2410.04781v1 Nodeless multigap superconductivity in organic-ion-intercalated (tetrabutyl~ammonium)0.3FeSe (arXiv)

  157. 2410.04877v1 Two dimensional covalent moire superlattice from fluorinating twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  158. 2410.04934v1 Impact of the impurity symmetry on orbital momentum relaxation and orbital Hall effect studied by the quantum Boltzmann equation (arXiv)

  159. 2410.04938v1 Transition between cooperative emission regimes in giant perovskite nanocrystals (arXiv)

  160. 2410.04954v1 Observation of the spiral spin liquid in a triangular-lattice material (arXiv)

  161. 2410.04995v1 Nonlinear transport theory at the order of quantum metric (arXiv)

  162. 2410.05028v1 Anisotropic conductivity for the type-I and type-II phases of Weyl/multi-Weyl semimetals in planar Hall set-ups (arXiv)

  163. 2410.05059v1 Manipulating topology of quantum phase transitions by symmetry enhancement (arXiv)

  164. 2410.05137v1 Field-angle evolution of the superconducting and magnetic phases of UTe2 around the b axis (arXiv)

  165. 2410.05138v1 Magnetocaloric effect for the topological semimetal Co3Sn2S2 due to the antiferromagnetic coupling of the bulk and surface spin-polarized phases (arXiv)

  166. 2410.05158v1 Floquet engineering of topological semimetals with bicircularly polarized light (arXiv)

  167. 2410.05170v1 Anomalous Hall currents from optical excitation of Landau transitions in bulk GaAs (arXiv)

  168. 2410.05179v1 Sarma-Bogomol’nyi equations in superconductivity (arXiv)

  169. 2410.05197v1 Topological Insulator in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterotrilayers (arXiv)

  170. 2410.05216v1 Thermodynamic Theory of Disordered 2D Superconductors (arXiv)

  171. 2410.05268v1 Anomalous continuous symmetries and quantum topology of Goldstone modes (arXiv)

  172. 2410.04040v1 Flatbands from Bound States in the Continuum for Orbital Angular Momentum Localization (arXiv)

  173. 2410.04262v1 Thermal Bootstrap of Matrix Quantum Mechanics (arXiv)

  174. 2410.04396v1 Recipe for observing immediate entanglement death-birth transition through Bell states with environmental Heisenberg exchange (arXiv)

  175. 2410.04569v1 3D printed mesoporous superconductors with periodic order on three length scales and enhanced properties via block copolymer directed self-assembly (arXiv)

  176. 2410.04720v1 Spotting structural defects in crystals from the topology of vibrational modes (arXiv)

  177. 2410.04812v1 Two-dimensional non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model (arXiv)

  178. 2410.04831v1 Observation of converse flexoelectric effect in topological semimetals (arXiv)

  179. ad6421 Polarity-controllable magnetic skyrmion filter (Chinese Physics B)

  180. rs-4652186/v1 Direct observation of layer skyrmions in twisted WSe2 bilayers (researchsquare)

  181. sym16081066 Stable Majorana Zero-Energy Modes in Two-Dimensional Josephson Junctions (Symmetry)

  182. 257-261 Switching of skyrmion states by uniaxial deformations and stability of skyrmions in elastic ferromagnetic film (Letters on Materials)

  183. s41467-024-52616-8 An atomically controlled insulator-to-metal transition in iridate/manganite heterostructures (Nature Communications)

  184. PhysRevB.110.094442 Fractional topological charges in two-dimensional magnets (PRB)

  185. PhysRevB.110.094440 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and nontrivial spin textures in the Janus semiconductor monolayers V X Y (X=Cl, Br , I ; Y=S, Se, Te) (PRB)

  186. 2409.17813 Spin-Dependent Signatures of Majorana Vortex Fusion within Planar Josephson (arXiv)

  187. PhysRevB.110.115156 Effects of Peierls phases in open linear chains (PRB)

  188. 2409.17461 Inertia in skyrmions confined to one-dimensional geometries (arXiv)

  189. PhysRevB.110.115154 Role of the Fermi ring in determining the magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

  190. 2409.16523 Competition between d-wave and d+is-wave superconductivity in the Hubbard model on a checkerboard lattice (arXiv)

  191. pnas.2404009121 Optical conductivity of the Majorana mode at the s- and d-wave topological superconductor edge (PNAS)

  192. 3314197 Skyrmionium creation and annihilation: Experimental and micromagnetic simulation demonstration (APL)

  193. 2409.16649 Exploring the Magnetotransport Signature of antiskyrmions in Mn1.4PtSn (arXiv)

  194. 2409.17761 Excited States Band Mapping and Ultrafast Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Topological Dirac Semimetal 1T-ZrTe2 (arXiv)

  195. PhysRevApplied.22.034055 Spatial modulation strategy for construction of artificial polar skyrmion arrays in ferroelectrics (PRApplied)

  196. PhysRevB.110.115146 Self-consistent theory of fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in rhombohedral graphene (PRB)

  197. 124303/3313769 Inhomogeneous stripe phase and tunable Majorana zero modes in Rashba s-wave superconducting systems in the presence of in-plane Zeeman field (JAP)

  198. 2409.13027 Nonreciprocal Equilibrium 4π-Periodic Josephson Effect from Poor Man’s Majorana Zero Modes (arXiv)

  199. 2409.13078 Catalogue of Phonon Instabilities in Symmetry Group 191 Kagome MT6Z6 Materials (arXiv)

  200. 123902/3313783 Magnetostriction related to skyrmion-lattice formation in chiral magnet FeGe (JAP)

  201. 2409.14843 Creation of independently controllable and long lifetime polar skyrmion textures in ferroelectricmetallic heterostructures (arXiv)

  202. PhysRevB.110.094430 Stability and dynamics of synthetic antiferromagnetic skyrmions in asymmetric multilayers (PRB)

  203. 2409.19332 Classification of Chern Numbers Based on High-Symmetry Points (arXiv)

  204. 2410.02877v1 Diffuse Scattering from Correlated Electron Systems (arXiv)

  205. 2410.02900v1 End superconductivity and three critical temperatures in Fibonacci quasicrystals (arXiv)

  206. 2410.02934v1 Novel electronic state of honeycomb iridate Cu2IrO3 at high pressure (arXiv)

  207. 2410.02947v1 Hanle effect in current induced spin orientation (arXiv)

  208. 2410.02985v1 Global and Local Topological Crystalline Markers for Rotation-Symmetric Insulators (arXiv)

  209. 2410.02993v1 Resolving and routing the magnetic polymorphs in 2D layered antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  210. 2410.03088v1 Exchange striction induced thermal Hall effect in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPS3 (arXiv)

  211. 2410.03128v1 Spontaneously formed phonon frequency combs in van der Waals solid CrXTe3 (X=Ge,Si) (arXiv)

  212. 2410.03142v1 Correlation Effects on Coupled Electronic and Structural Properties of Doped Rare-Earth Trihydrides (arXiv)

  213. 2410.03186v1 Quantifying inhomogeneous magnetic fields at the micron scale using Graphene Hall-Effect sensors (arXiv)

  214. 2410.03196v1 Spacetime symmetry indicators for two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators (arXiv)

  215. 2410.03199v1 High-fidelity spin readout via the double latching mechanism (arXiv)

  216. 2410.03256v1 Reducing disorder in Ge quantum wells by using thick SiGe barriers (arXiv)

  217. 2410.03343v1 Single excitation migration in molecular chain with an attached molecular structure: non-adiabatic polaron model (arXiv)

  218. 2410.03377v1 Theory of a two-dimensional anharmonic piezoelectric crystal resonator (arXiv)

  219. 2410.03433v1 Tunable diode effect in a superconducting tunnel junction with biharmonic drive (arXiv)

  220. 2410.03443v1 Forster valley-orbit coupling and topological lattice of hybrid moire excitons (arXiv)

  221. 2410.03493v1 Characterizing the chemical potential disorder in the topological insulator (Bi$_{1-x}$Sb$_x$)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films (arXiv)

  222. 2410.03508v1 Experimental detection of vortices in magic-angle graphene (arXiv)

  223. 2410.03526v1 The phases of three-dimensional d-wave superconductors with two attractive interactions (arXiv)

  224. 2410.02885v1 Beyond CCSD(T) accuracy at lower scaling with auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo (arXiv)

  225. 2410.02908v1 Magnon spectroscopy in the electron microscope (arXiv)

  226. 2410.02922v1 Subwavelength topological interface modes in a multilayered vibroacoustic metamaterial (arXiv)

  227. 2410.02990v1 Driving the Berry phase anomalous Hall effect in a noncollinear antiferromagnet by domain manipulation (arXiv)

  228. 2410.03121v1 Ordering of Interstitial Iron Atoms and Local Structural Distortion Induced by Iron Polycomplex in Fe1+yTe1-xSex as Seen via Transmission Electron Microscopy (arXiv)

  229. 2410.03220v1 Noncollinear ferrielectricity and hydrogen-induced ferromagnetic polar half-metallicity in MnO3Cl (arXiv)