A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 4th week collection

  1. PhysRevX.14.031037 Spin Space Groups: Full Classification and Applications (PRX)

  2. PhysRevX.14.031038 Enumeration and Representation Theory of Spin Space Groups (PRX)

  3. PhysRevX.14.031039 Enumeration of Spin-Space Groups: Toward a Complete Description of Symmetries of Magnetic Orders (PRX)

  4. s41467-024-50115-4 Observation of nonlinear thermoelectric effect in MoGe/Y3Fe5O12 (Nature Communications)

  5. s41567-024-02618-6 Dimensionality crossover to a two-dimensional vestigial nematic state from a three-dimensional antiferromagnet in a honeycomb van der Waals magnet (Nature Physics)

  6. s41598-024-71021-1 Temperature tunability of topological phase transitions and edge states in two-dimensional acoustic topological insulators (Scientific Reports)

  7. s41563-024-01985-y Twist-angle-tunable spin texture in WSe2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures (Nature Materials)

  8. s41467-024-51436-0 Publisher Correction: Kagomerization of transition metal monolayers induced by two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (Nature Communications)

  9. s41563-024-01995-w Evidence for time-reversal symmetry-breaking kagome superconductivity (Nature Materials)

  10. s41586-024-07880-5 Long-lived isospin excitations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Nature)

  11. s41586-024-07761-x Superconductivity under pressure in a chromium-based kagome metal (Nature)

  12. s41586-024-07872-5 Photoredox phase engineering of transition metal dichalcogenides (Nature)

  13. PhysRevLett.133.090802 Fast Photon-Mediated Entanglement of Continuously Cooled Trapped Ions for Quantum Networking (PRL)

  14. PhysRevLett.133.091604 Universal Bound on Effective Central Charge and Its Saturation (PRL)

  15. PhysRevLett.133.093405 Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms (PRL)

  16. PhysRevLett.133.093602 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons in a Four-Site Quantum Ring (PRL)

  17. PhysRevLett.133.096002 Quenched Pair Breaking by Interlayer Correlations as a Key to Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

  18. PhysRevLett.133.096501 Variational Monte Carlo Study of the $1/9$-Magnetization Plateau in Kagome Antiferromagnets (PRL)

  19. PhysRevLett.133.096803 Layer Hall Detection of the Neel Vector in Centrosymmetric Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnets (PRL)

  20. PhysRevLett.133.093404 Interferometry of Non-Abelian Band Singularities and Euler Class Topology (PRL)

  21. PhysRevLett.133.096702 Sliding Dynamics of Current-Driven Skyrmion Crystal and Helix in Chiral Magnets (PRL)

  22. PhysRevLett.133.096703 Quantum Spin Dynamics Due to Strong Kitaev Interactions in the Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsCeSe2 (PRL)

  23. PhysRevLett.133.096802 General Theory for Longitudinal Nonreciprocal Charge Transport (PRL)

  24. PhysRevResearch.6.033227 Weyl nodes in Ce3Bi4Pd3 revealed by dynamical mean-field theory (PRR)

  25. 2408.16057v1 Corner Charge Fluctuations and Many-Body Quantum Geometry (arXiv)

  26. 2408.16075v1 Topological superconductivity from repulsive interactions in twisted WSe2 (arXiv)

  27. 2408.16082v1 Influence of Nonequilibrium Vibrational Dynamics on Spin Selectivity in Chiral Molecular Junctions (arXiv)

  28. 2408.16103v1 Orbital magnetoelectric coupling of three dimensional Chern insulators (arXiv)

  29. 2408.16146v1 Signatures of a Spin-Active Interface and Locally Enhanced Zeeman field in a Superconductor-Chiral Material Heterostructure (arXiv)

  30. 2408.16192v1 Molecular-Scale Insights into the Heterogeneous Interactions Between an m-Terphenyl Isocyanide Ligand and Noble Metal Nanoparticles (arXiv)

  31. 2408.16217v1 Anomalous Induced Density of Supercritical Coulomb Impurities in Graphene Under Strong Magnetic Fields (arXiv)

  32. 2408.16222v1 Modeling magnetization reversal in multilayers with interlayer exchange coupling (arXiv)

  33. 2408.16275v1 Non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall states at filling factor 3/4 (arXiv)

  34. 2408.16294v1 Exchange kernel f^h_x(q, omega) of electron liquid from the variational principle of McLachlan (arXiv)

  35. 2408.16301v1 Influence of anti-ferromagnetic ordering and electron correlation on the electronic structure of MnTiO3 (arXiv)

  36. 2408.16359v1 Topologically Driven Spin-Orbit Torque in Dirac Matter (arXiv)

  37. 2408.16362v1 Oscillatory dependence of tunneling magnetoresistance on barrier thickness in magnetic tunnel junctions (arXiv)

  38. 2408.16453v1 Phase diagram of the J1-J2 Heisenberg second-order topological quantum magnet (arXiv)

  39. 2408.16490v1 Chiral-Split Magnon in Altermagnetic MnTe (arXiv)

  40. 2408.16499v1 Predicting topological invariants and unconventional superconducting pairing from density of states and machine learning (arXiv)

  41. 2408.16510v1 Anomalous amplitude mode dynamics below the expected charge-density-wave transition in 1$T$-VSe$_2$ (arXiv)

  42. 2408.16519v1 Nanorobotic actuator based on interlayer sliding ferroelectricity and field-tunable friction (arXiv)

  43. 2408.16526v1 Evolution of two-magnon bound states in a higher-spin ferromagnetic chain with single-ion anisotropy: A complete solution (arXiv)

  44. 2408.16598v1 Signatures of Amorphous Shiba State in FeTe0.55Se0.45 (arXiv)

  45. 2408.16600v1 Electric field control of moire skyrmion phases in twisted multiferroic NiI2 bilayers (arXiv)

  46. 2408.16611v1 Reconciling Kubo and Keldysh Approaches to Fermi-Sea-Dependent Nonequilibrium Observables: Application to Spin Hall Current and Spin-Orbit Torque in Spintronics (arXiv)

  47. 2408.16615v1 Topological flat bands in hyperbolic lattices (arXiv)

  48. 2408.16628v1 Sliding Wigner crystals in bilayer graphene at zero and finite magnetic fields (arXiv)

  49. 2408.16658v1 Symmetry constraints on topological invariants and irreducible band representations (arXiv)

  50. 2408.16665v1 Canonical strong coupling spin wave expansion of Kondo lattice magnets. I. Effective Hamiltonian via canonical transformation (arXiv)

  51. 2408.16752v1 Kondo-Heisenberg toy models: Comparison of exact results and spin wave expansion (arXiv)

  52. 2408.16761v1 Nonlocal Moments in the Chern Bands of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

  53. 2408.06011v2 Universal bound states and resonances with Coulomb plus short-range potentials (arXiv)

  54. 2408.14990v1 Beltrami fields, dispersive electromagnetic waves and gravitational spheromaks from chiral anomaly (arXiv)

  55. 2408.16306v1 High-temperature observation of intralayer, interlayer, and Rydberg excitons in bulk van der Waals alloy single crystals (arXiv)

  56. 2408.16369v1 Two-dimensional metalorganic ferromagnets (arXiv)

  57. 2408.16449v1 A Non-Isothermal Phase-Field Crystal Model with Lattice Expansion: Analysis and Benchmarks (arXiv)

  58. 2408.16466v1 Topological zero modes and bounded modes at smooth domain walls: exact solutions and dualities (arXiv)

  59. 2408.16644v1 Thermoelectric Properties of Type-I and Type-II Nodal Line Semimetals: A Comparative Study (arXiv)

  60. 2408.16660v1 In-situ scanning gate imaging of individual two-level material defects in live superconducting quantum circuits (arXiv)

  61. 2408.16676v1 Pseudogap regime of the unitary Fermi gas with lattice auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in the continuum limit (arXiv)

  62. PhysRevLett.133.096601 Probing the Shape of the Weyl Fermi Surface of NbP Using Transverse Electron Focusing (PRL)

  63. PhysRevResearch.6.L032045 Interacting local topological markers: A one-particle density matrix approach for characterizing the topology of interacting and disordered states (PRR)

  64. 2408.15319v1 Models of interacting bosons with exact ground states: a unified approach (arXiv)

  65. 2408.15341v1 Fermi-liquid corrections to the intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity of topological metals (arXiv)

  66. 2408.15351v1 Charge pumps, boundary modes, and the necessity of unnecessary criticality (arXiv)

  67. 2408.15380v1 Single-shot latched readout of a quantum dot qubit using barrier gate pulsing (arXiv)

  68. 2408.15463v1 Evidence of controlling vortex matter via a superconducting Nanobridge (arXiv)

  69. 2408.15464v1 Ultrafast symmetry control in photoexcited quantum dots (arXiv)

  70. 2408.15477v1 Tuning the superconducting dome in granular aluminum thin films (arXiv)

  71. 2408.15500v1 Electronic states in superconducting type-II Dirac semimetal: 1T-PdSeTe (arXiv)

  72. 2408.15540v1 Identifying the phases of Kane-Mele Hubbard Hamiltonian in momentum space: A many-body configuration interaction study (arXiv)

  73. 2408.15564v1 Nonreciprocal heat transport in the Kitaev chiral spin liquid (arXiv)

  74. 2408.15594v1 Theory of tensorial magnetic inertia in terahertz spin dynamics (arXiv)

  75. 2408.15661v1 Theoretical study of superconducting diode effect in planar Td-MoTe2 Josephson junctions (arXiv)

  76. 2408.15672v1 Understanding Field-Free Single-Shot Laser-Induced Reversal of Exchange Bias (arXiv)

  77. 2408.15733v1 Correlation functions of the Kitaev model with a spatially modulated phase in the superconducting order parameter (arXiv)

  78. 2408.15748v1 Manifestation of incoherent-coherent crossover and non-Stoner magnetism in the electronic structure of Fe3GeTe2 (arXiv)

  79. 2408.15754v1 Emergent scalar-chirality & colossal transverse-magnetoresponse in strongly correlated nodal-line half-metal (arXiv)

  80. 2408.15764v1 Electronic band evolution between Lieb and kagome nanoribbons (arXiv)

  81. 2408.15794v1 Adiabatic and diabatic responses in a Duffing resonator driven by two detuned tones (arXiv)

  82. 2408.15820v1 Possibilities for enhanced electron-phonon interactions and high-Tc superconductivity in engineered bimetallic nano-structured superlattices (arXiv)

  83. 2408.15826v1 Topological inverse Anderson insulator (arXiv)

  84. 2408.15840v1 Electric field induced second-order anomalous Hall transport in unconventional Rashba system (arXiv)

  85. 2408.15884v1 Magnetism in the Dilute Electron Gas of Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

  86. 2408.15933v1 A microscopic approach to the problem of enhancement and suppression of superconductivity on twinning planes (arXiv)

  87. 2408.15957v1 Spin Excitation Continuum in the Exactly Solvable Triangular-Lattice Spin Liquid CeMgAl11O19 (arXiv)

  88. 2408.15960v1 1+1d SPT phases with fusion category symmetry: interface modes and non-abelian Thouless pump (arXiv)

  89. 2408.15323v1 Review: Quantum Metrology and Sensing with Many-Body Systems (arXiv)

  90. 2408.15328v1 Artificially intelligent Maxwell’s demon for optimal control of open quantum systems (arXiv)

  91. 2408.15469v1 Biaxial strain tuning of excitons in monolayer MoSe2 by high-temperature physical vapor deposition (arXiv)

  92. 2408.15529v1 Quasi-Lindblad pseudomode theory for open quantum systems (arXiv)

  93. 2408.15684v1 A quasi-ohmic back contact achieved by inserting single-crystal graphene in flexible Kesterite solar cells (arXiv)

  94. 2408.15850v1 Classifying topological floppy modes in the continuum (arXiv)

  95. 2408.15959v1 Mid-infrared characterization of NbTiN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors on silicon-on-insulator (arXiv)

  96. 2408.15974v1 Stability and localization of nanoscale skyrmions and bimerons in an all-magnetic van der Waals heterostructure (arXiv)

  97. PhysRevLett.133.090801 Enhanced Quantum Metrology with Non-Phase-Covariant Noise (PRL)

  98. PhysRevLett.133.093001 Self-Heterodyne Diffractive Imaging of Ultrafast Electron Dynamics Monitored by Single-Electron Pulses (PRL)

  99. PhysRevLett.133.094201 Statistics of Stochastic Entropy for Recorded Transitions between ENSO States (PRL)

  100. PhysRevLett.133.096101 Unexpected Observation of Disorder and Multiple Phase-Transition Pathways in Shock-Compressed Zr (PRL)

  101. PhysRevLett.133.096301 Pseudospin Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism Probed by Electron Spin Resonance (PRL)

  102. PhysRevLett.133.096401 Reformulation of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Nonperturbative Dynamics: The Rabi Oscillation Problem Resolved (PRL)

  103. PhysRevLett.133.096701 Avoided Quantum Tricritical Point and Emergence of a Canted Magnetic Phase in LaCr1−xFexSb3 (PRL)

  104. PhysRevX.14.031036 Microwave Control of the Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit in Diamond with a Superconducting Waveguide (PRX)

  105. PhysRevResearch.6.033222 Unconventional charge density wave in a kagome lattice antiferromagnet FeGe (PRR)

  106. PhysRevResearch.6.033223 Low depth virtual distillation of quantum circuits by deterministic circuit decomposition (PRR)

  107. PhysRevResearch.6.033224 Analytic evolution for complex coupled tight-binding models: Applications to quantum light manipulation (PRR)

  108. 2408.14533v1 Obstruction to Broken Symmetries in Topological Flat Bands (arXiv)

  109. 2408.14540v1 Semiclassical scattering by edge imperfections in topological insulators under magnetic field (arXiv)

  110. 2408.14549v1 Engineering a Josephson junction chain for the simulation of the clock model (arXiv)

  111. 2408.14619v1 Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2 (arXiv)

  112. 2408.14655v1 Superconducting flip-chip devices using indium microspheres on Au-passivated Nb or NbN as under-bump metallization layer (arXiv)

  113. 2408.14793v1 Floating Edge Bands in the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model with Altermagnetism (arXiv)

  114. 2408.14798v1 Nonlinear thermoplasmonics in graphene nanostructures (arXiv)

  115. 2408.14818v1 Irrelevance of 1H composition to the superconductivity in the infinite-layer nickelates: judging from the MeV energy scale (arXiv)

  116. 2408.14822v1 Phonon effects, impact ionization and power conversion in Mott photovoltaic systems (arXiv)

  117. 2408.14824v1 Nonvolatile magneto-thermal switching driven by vortex trapping in commercial In-Sn solder (arXiv)

  118. 2408.14844v1 Impact of biased cooling on the operation of undoped silicon quantum well field-effect devices for quantum circuit applications (arXiv)

  119. 2408.14857v1 Single-mode spin-wave laser driven by spin-orbit torque (arXiv)

  120. 2408.14858v1 Non-Fermi liquid over extended range at zero temperature without quantum criticality (arXiv)

  121. 2408.14966v1 High fidelity TiN processing modes for multi-gate Ge-based quantum devices (arXiv)

  122. 2408.14985v1 Fragile-to-strong glass transition in two-dimensional vortex liquids (arXiv)

  123. 2408.15007v1 Exact Polaron-Polaron interactions in a Quantum Hall Fluid (arXiv)

  124. 2408.15080v1 Squeezed state protection of fine structure in “Poor Man’s Majorana” via quantum spin coupling (arXiv)

  125. 2408.15092v1 A Field Guide to non-Onsager Quantum Oscillations in Metals (arXiv)

  126. 2408.15160v1 Flavor Nernst effects in quantum paramagnets (arXiv)

  127. 2408.15195v1 Bounds and anomalies of inhomogeneous anomalous Hall effects (arXiv)

  128. 2408.15216v1 Theoretical investigation of quantum oscillations of specific heat in Kondo insulators (arXiv)

  129. 2408.15233v1 Signatures of Chiral Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Graphene (arXiv)

  130. 2408.14543v1 A recipe for local simulation of strongly-correlated fermionic matter on quantum computers: the 2D Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

  131. 2408.14571v1 Universal MJ Spintronic Model: Navigating a Serendipitous Expedition in the Quantum World (arXiv)

  132. 2408.14663v1 Optically Resolved Exchange Splittings in the Doped Van der Waals Ferromagnet CrBr3:Yb3+ (arXiv)

  133. 2408.14839v1 Electronic Structure and Topology in Gulf-edged Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons (arXiv)

  134. 2408.14848v1 Practical quantum advantage on partially fault-tolerant quantum computer (arXiv)

  135. 2408.14912v1 Numerical modelling of a vortex-based superconducting memory cell: dynamics and geometrical optimization of a fluxonic quantum dot (arXiv)

  136. 2408.14929v1 Compilation of Trotter-Based Time Evolution for Partially Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Architecture (arXiv)

  137. 2408.15105v1 Resolving the pressure induced ‘self-insertion’ in skutterudite CoSb3 (arXiv)

  138. 2408.15169v1 Theory of High-Temperature Superfluorescence in Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films (arXiv)

  139. PhysRevLett.133.091602 Sparsity-Independent Lyapunov Exponent in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (PRL)

  140. PhysRevLett.133.093801 Geometric Phase-Driven Scattering Evolutions (PRL)

  141. PhysRevLett.133.096302 Conformity Experiment on Inelastic Scattering Exponent of Electrons in Two Dimensions (PRL)

  142. PhysRevLett.133.096901 Ex Situ Production and Storage of Exciton-Polariton Vortices in Higher-Order Topological Corner Modes (PRL)

  143. PhysRevX.14.031034 Decomposing Imaginary-Time Feynman Diagrams Using Separable Basis Functions: Anderson Impurity Model Strong-Coupling Expansion (PRX)

  144. PhysRevResearch.6.033217 Tensor network noise characterization for near-term quantum computers (PRR)

  145. PhysRevResearch.6.033218 Investigating the superconducting state of 2H−NbS2 as seen by the vortex lattice (PRR)

  146. PhysRevResearch.6.033219 Phases and dynamics of few fermionic impurities immersed in two-dimensional boson droplets (PRR)

  147. PhysRevResearch.6.033220 Measurement-induced phase transitions by matrix product states scaling (PRR)

  148. PhysRevResearch.6.033221 Maximal Anderson localization and suppression of surface plasmons in two-dimensional random Au networks (PRR)

  149. 2408.13368v1 Phonon-assisted Casimir interactions between piezoelectric materials (arXiv)

  150. 2408.13371v1 Collective bistability of pyridine-furan nanosprings coupled by a graphene plate (arXiv)

  151. 2408.13551v1 Superconductor to metal quantum phase transition with magnetic field in Josephson coupled lead islands on Graphene (arXiv)

  152. 2408.13563v1 I-centered vs F-centered orthorhombic symmetry and negative thermal expansion of the charge density wave of EuAl2Ga2 (arXiv)

  153. 2408.13576v1 The Streda Formula for Floquet Systems: Topological Invariants and Quantized Anomalies from Ces`aro Summation (arXiv)

  154. 2408.13584v1 Stability limits in two-band superconductor rings (arXiv)

  155. 2408.13604v1 Thermoelectric signature of quantum criticality in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeRhIn5 (arXiv)

  156. 2408.13616v1 Unusual energy spectra of matrix product states (arXiv)

  157. 2408.13663v1 A toy model for 2-dimensional spin-fluctuation-induced unconventional superconductivity (arXiv)

  158. 2408.13665v1 Relationship between spinons and magnetic fields in a fractionalized state (arXiv)

  159. 2408.13671v1 Ultrafast Charge Transfer Dynamics at the MoS2/Au Interface Observed via Optical Spectroscopy under Ambient Conditions (arXiv)

  160. 2408.13703v1 Revisiting the Analytical Solution of Spin-Orbit Torque Switched Nanoscale Perpendicular Ferromagnet (arXiv)

  161. 2408.13707v1 The origins of noise in the Zeeman splitting of spin qubits in natural-silicon devices (arXiv)

  162. 2408.13715v1 Near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene-covered Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

  163. 2408.13725v1 Magnetization oscillations in a periodically driven transverse field Ising chain (arXiv)

  164. 2408.13857v1 Pressure weakens coupling strength in In and Sn elemental superconductors (arXiv)

  165. 2408.13882v1 Phonon-induced modification of polaritonic Rabi oscillations in the presence of the dark excitonic condensate (arXiv)

  166. 2408.13883v1 Grain boundary grooving in thin film under the influence of an external magnetic field: A phase-field study (arXiv)

  167. 2408.13886v1 Spin-triplet pair density wave superconductors (arXiv)

  168. 2408.13937v1 Electronic correlations and long-range magnetic ordering in NiO tuned by pressure (arXiv)

  169. 2408.14162v1 Visualizing Standing Light Waves in Continuous-Beam Transmission Electron Microscopy (arXiv)

  170. 2408.14288v1 Dirac points and topological phases in correlated altermagnets (arXiv)

  171. 2408.14294v1 Possible Fano effect and suppression of Andreev reflection in La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

  172. 2408.14295v1 Dynamic Structure Factors in Two Dimensional Z2 Lattice Gauge Theory (arXiv)

  173. 2408.14334v2 Unconventional superconductivity emerging along with the strange-metal behavior in UAs2 under pressure (arXiv)

  174. 2408.14367v1 Holstein polaron in a pseudospin-1 quantum spin Hall system: first and second order topological phase transitions (arXiv)

  175. 2408.14409v1 Interplay between topology and interactions in superconducting chains (arXiv)

  176. 2408.14422v1 Using a high-fidelity numerical model to infer the shape of a few-hole Ge quantum dot (arXiv)

  177. 2408.14474v1 Phases and phase transitions in a dimerized spin-1/2 XXZ chain (arXiv)

  178. 2408.13405v1 Ultracoherent GHz Diamond Spin-Mechanical Lamb Wave Resonators (arXiv)

  179. 2408.13419v1 Diffusion Driven Transient Hydrogenation in Metal Superhydrides at Extreme Conditions (arXiv)

  180. 2408.13570v1 Quantized Embedding Approaches for Collective Strong Coupling – Connecting ab initio and macroscopic QED to Simple Models in Polaritonics (arXiv)

  181. 2408.14006v1 Ultra-thin Carbon Biphenylene Network as an Anisotropic Thermoelectric Material with High Temperature Stability Under Mechanical Strain (arXiv)

  182. 2408.14172v1 Ptychographic Imaging of Magnetic Domain Wall Dynamics (arXiv)

  183. 2408.14285v1 Kagome bands and magnetism in MoTe2-x kagome monolayers (arXiv)

  184. 2408.14360v1 Element-selective probing of ultrafast ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic order dynamics in Fe/CoO bilayers (arXiv)

  185. 2408.14372v1 Exact Diagonalization Study on Avalanches in Many-Body Localized Constrained Spin Chains (arXiv)

  186. 2408.14399v1 Transport in open quantum systems in presence of lossy channels (arXiv)

  187. 2408.14451v1 Multiscale Design of Au-Based Alloys for Improved Plasmon Delivery and Nanoheating in Near-Field Transducers (arXiv)

  188. 2408.12626v1 Fingerprints of supersymmetric spin and charge dynamics observed by inelastic neutron scattering (arXiv)

  189. 2408.12650v1 The Kondo impurity in the large spin limit (arXiv)

  190. 2408.12652v1 Layer skyrmions for ideal Chern bands and twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  191. 2408.12656v1 Bond disorder in extended Heisenberg-Kitaev models: Spin textures and in-gap states in the high-field regime (arXiv)

  192. 2408.12675v1 Revaluation of the lower critical field in superconducting H3S and LaH10 (Nature Comm. 13, 3194, 2022) (arXiv)

  193. 2408.12701v1 Magnetism of the Bilayer Wigner Crystal (arXiv)

  194. 2408.12707v1 Investigating the role of anion polarizability in Fe-based superconductors via light-matter interaction (arXiv)

  195. 2408.12749v1 Progress in superconductor-semiconductor topological Josephson junctions (arXiv)

  196. 2408.12903v1 Time-resolved sensing of electromagnetic fields with single-electron interferometry (arXiv)

  197. 2408.12911v1 Ground state of the S = 1/2 Heisenberg spin chain with random ferro- and antiferromagnetic couplings (arXiv)

  198. 2408.12912v1 Real-time control of non-Abelian anyons in Kitaev spin liquid under energy dissipation (arXiv)

  199. 2408.12985v1 Closing in on possible scenarios for infinite-layer nickelates: comparison of dynamical mean-field theory with angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (arXiv)

  200. 2408.13051v1 Eliminating Surface Oxides of Superconducting Circuits with Noble Metal Encapsulation (arXiv)

  201. 2408.13081v1 Magnetic correlations and Griffith-like phase in Co2TiSi0.5Al0.5 Heusler alloy (arXiv)

  202. 2408.13095v1 Energy-efficient field-free unconventional spin-orbit torque magnetization switching dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures (arXiv)

  203. 2408.13099v1 Theory of ac magnetoelectric transport in normal-metal - magnetic-insulator heterostructures (arXiv)

  204. 2408.13145v1 Quantum-critical and dynamical properties of the XXZ bilayer with long-range interactions (arXiv)

  205. 2408.12704v1 A General Framework for Gradient-Based Optimization of Superconducting Quantum Circuits using Qubit Discovery as a Case Study (arXiv)

  206. 2408.12758v1 Month-long-lifetime microwave spectral holes in an erbium-doped scheelite crystal at millikelvin temperature (arXiv)

  207. 2408.12776v1 Surface plasmon-mediated photoluminescence boost in graphene-covered CsPbBr3 quantum dots (arXiv)

  208. 2408.12868v1 Effective field theories of dissipative fluids with one-form symmetries (arXiv)

  209. 2408.12896v1 Identifying band structure changes of FePS3 across the antiferromagnetic phase transition (arXiv)

  210. 2408.12993v1 Assessing the nature of nanoscale ferroelectric domain walls in lead titanate multilayers (arXiv)

  211. 2408.13033v1 Emergence of global receptive fields capturing multipartite quantum correlations (arXiv)

  212. 2408.13042v1 Anisotropic sub-band splitting mechanisms in strained HgTe: a first principles study (arXiv)

  213. 2408.13090v1 Direct observation of structural phase transformations during continuous phosphorus deposition on Cu(111) (arXiv)