A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 2nd week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Aug 2nd week collection

  1. 2408.05139v1 Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral multilayer graphene with a strong displacement field (arXiv)

  2. 2408.05327v1 Realization and Stability of Non-Abelian Chiral Quantum Spin Liquids via Dimensional Reduction (arXiv)

  3. s41567-024-02613-x Circuit quantum electrodynamics detection of induced two-fold anisotropic pairing in a hybrid superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer (Nature Physics)

  4. s41567-024-02611-z Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems (Nature Physics)

  5. d41586-024-02623-y Quantum hacking looms - but ultra-secure encryption is ready to deploy (Nature)

  6. s42005-024-01763-x On the sample complexity of quantum Boltzmann machine learning (Communications Physics)

  7. s42005-024-01708-4 Correlated normal state fermiology and topological superconductivity in UTe2 (Communications Physics)

  8. s42005-024-01767-7 Topological properties of C4zT-symmetric semimetals (Communications Physics)

  9. PhysRevLett.133.076503 Unusual Quasiparticles and Tunneling Conductance in Quantum Point Contacts in nu=2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Systems (PRL)

  10. PhysRevLett.133.076504 Reclaiming the Lost Conformality in a Non-Hermitian Quantum 5-State Potts Model (PRL)

  11. PhysRevLett.133.076601 Topological Thermal Hall Conductance of Even-Denominator Fractional States (PRL)

  12. PhysRevX.14.031029 Eigenstate Correlations, the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, and Quantum Information Dynamics in Chaotic Many-Body Quantum Systems (PRX)

  13. PhysRevResearch.6.033177 Exploring interlayer coupling in the twisted bilayer PtTe2 (PRR)

  14. PhysRevResearch.6.033178 Controllable suppression of the unconventional superconductivity in bulk and thin-film Sr2RuO4 via high-energy electron irradiation (PRR)

  15. PhysRevLett.133.073803 Observation of Topological Transition in Floquet Non-Hermitian Skin Effects in Silicon Photonics (PRL)

  16. PhysRevResearch.6.033175 Decoherence induced by a sparse bath of two-level fluctuators: Peculiar features of 1/f noise in high-quality qubits (PRR)

  17. 2408.07747v1 Perfect superconducting diode effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

  18. 2408.07778v1 Dots and Boxes Algorithm for Peierls Substitution: Application to Multidomain Topological Insulators (arXiv)

  19. 2408.07781v1 Tunable Second-Order Structural Transition in As-Deficient MnAs (arXiv)

  20. 2408.07804v1 High-Temperature Quantum Valley Hall Effect with Quantized Resistance and a Topological Switch (arXiv)

  21. 2408.07882v1 Anomalous thermodiffusion, absolute negative mobility and reverse heat transport in a single quantum dot (arXiv)

  22. 2408.07901v1 Coupling between electrons and charge density wave fluctuation and its possible role in superconductivity (arXiv)

  23. 2408.07968v1 Left-left-right-right magnetic order in spin-1/2 Kitaev-Heisenberg chain (arXiv)

  24. 2408.08017v1 Computation of Biological Conductance with Liouville Quantum Master Equation (arXiv)

  25. 2408.08077v1 Magnetostructural Coupling at the Neel point in YNiO3 Single Crystals (arXiv)

  26. 2408.08117v1 Two-dimensional superconductivity in a thick exfoliated kagome film (arXiv)

  27. 2408.08120v1 Study of non-diffusive thermal behaviors in nanoscale transistors under different heating strategies (arXiv)

  28. 2408.08151v1 Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in spin-orbit coupled noncentrosymmetric superconductor (arXiv)

  29. 2408.07750v1 Quantum Mpemba effects in many-body localization systems (arXiv)

  30. 2408.07920v1 Free Standing Epitaxial Oxides Through Remote Epitaxy: The Role of the Evolving Graphene Microstructure (arXiv)

  31. 2408.07929v1 Efficient algorithms for surface density of states in topological photonic and acoustic systems (arXiv)

  32. 2408.08110v1 Semiclassical analysis of spin dynamics in the non-Hermitian Hubbard model (arXiv)

  33. 2408.08155v1 Integrals of Products of Bessel Functions: An Insight from the Physics of Bloch Electrons (arXiv)

  34. 2408.08194v1 Doublons Bloch oscillations in the mass-imbalanced extended Fermi-Hubbard model (arXiv)

  35. 2408.08275v1 Photon Frequency Conversion in High-Q Superconducting Resonators: Axion Electrodynamics, QED & Nonlinear Meissner Radiation (arXiv)

  36. PhysRevLett.133.073802 Topological Structures of Energy Flow: Poynting Vector Skyrmions (PRL)

  37. PhysRevLett.133.076502 Non-Hermitian Mott Skin Effect (PRL)

  38. PhysRevLett.133.078201 Discontinuous Transition in Electrolyte Flow through Charge-Patterned Nanochannels (PRL)

  39. PhysRevResearch.6.033170 First-principles investigation of near-field energy transfer between localized quantum emitters in solids (PRR)

  40. PhysRevResearch.6.033171 Cooper quartets in interacting hybrid superconducting systems (PRR)

  41. PhysRevResearch.6.033172 Geometric and electronic structures of Cs2BB′X6 double perovskites: The importance of exact exchange (PRR)

  42. 2408.07111v1 Vestigial Gapless Boson Density Wave Emerging between \nu = 1/2 Fractional Chern Insulator and Finite-Momentum Supersolid (arXiv)

  43. 2408.07125v1 Emergent Gauge Fields and the “Choi-Spin Liquids” in Steady States (arXiv)

  44. 2408.07158v1 Dynamical kinetic energy quenching in the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metals (arXiv)

  45. 2408.07216v1 Extreme Enhancement-Mode Operation Accumulation Channel Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond FETs with V_th < -6V and High On-Current (arXiv)

  46. 2408.07289v1 Efficient driving of a spin-qubit using single-atom magnets (arXiv)

  47. 2408.07308v1 Interlayer excitons in double-layer transition metal dichalcogenides quantum dots (arXiv)

  48. 2408.07338v1 Symmetric n-and p-Type Sub-5-nm 1D Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors for Homogeneous CMOS Applications (arXiv)

  49. 2408.07339v1 Bilayer TeO2: The First Oxide Semiconductor with Symmetric Sub-5-nm NMOS and PMOS (arXiv)

  50. 2408.07342v1 Evidence of P-wave Pairing in K2Cr3As3 Superconductors from Phase-sensitive Measurement (arXiv)

  51. 2408.07351v1 Visualizing p-orbital texture in the charge-density-wave state of CeSbTe (arXiv)

  52. 2408.07355v1 Non-Hermitian Quantum Fractals (arXiv)

  53. 2408.07406v1 Skin effect in Non-Hermitian systems with spin (arXiv)

  54. 2408.07412v1 Lateral Mn5Ge3 spin-valve in contact with a high-mobility Ge two-dimensional hole gas (arXiv)

  55. 2408.07477v1 Ternary superhydrides under pressure of Anderson’s theorem: Near-record superconductivity in (La,Sc)H12 (arXiv)

  56. 2408.07635v1 Unveiling Stripe-shaped Charge Modulations in Doped Mott Insulators (arXiv)

  57. 2408.07657v1 Imaging strain-controlled magnetic reversal in thin CrSBr (arXiv)

  58. 2408.07659v1 Enabling two-dimensional electron gas with high room-temperature electron mobility exceeding 100 cm^2/Vs at a perovskite oxide interface (arXiv)

  59. 2408.07690v1 Magnetic Correlations and Pairing Tendencies of the Hybrid Stacking Nickelate Superlattice La7Ni5O17 (La3Ni2O7/La4Ni3O10) under Pressure (arXiv)

  60. 2408.07122v1 Slow approach to adiabaticity in many-body non-Hermitian systems: the Hatano-Nelson Model (arXiv)

  61. 2408.07189v1 The effect of mixed termination composition in Sc, Ti, and V-based MXenes (arXiv)

  62. 2408.07451v1 First-principles exploration of the pressure dependent physical properties of Sn4Au: a superconducting topological semimetal (arXiv)

  63. 2408.07554v1 Cyclic and helical symmetry-informed machine learned force fields: Application to lattice vibrations in carbon nanotubes (arXiv)

  64. 2408.07557v1 Band-selective simulation of photoelectron intensity and converging Berry phase in trilayer graphene (arXiv)

  65. 2408.07649v1 Creating two-qudit maximally entangled quantum link through bulk (arXiv)

  66. PhysRevLett.133.070402 Persistent Ballistic Entanglement Spreading with Optimal Control in Quantum Spin Chains (PRL)

  67. PhysRevLett.133.070404 Work Sum Rule for Open Quantum Systems (PRL)

  68. PhysRevLett.133.070801 Observation of Non-Hermitian Edge Burst in Quantum Dynamics (PRL)

  69. PhysRevLett.133.077301 Data-Driven Learning of the Generalized Langevin Equation with State-Dependent Memory (PRL)

  70. PhysRevX.14.031024 Spin-Degeneracy Breaking and Parity Transitions in Three-Terminal Josephson Junctions (PRX)

  71. PhysRevResearch.6.033158 Three-dimensional theory of superradiant free-electron lasers (PRR)

  72. PhysRevResearch.6.033167 Non-Bloch theory for spatiotemporal photonic crystals assisted by continuum effective medium (PRR)

  73. PhysRevResearch.6.033168 Spin-S Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice: A high-order treatment via the many-body coupled cluster method (PRR)

  74. 2408.06409v1 Coadjoint-orbit effective field theory of a Fermi surface in a weak magnetic field (arXiv)

  75. 2408.06420v1 Cooper-pair splitters as circuit elements for realizing topological superconductors (arXiv)

  76. 2408.06424v1 Multigap superconductivity with non-trivial topology in a Dirac semimetal PdTe (arXiv)

  77. 2408.06462v1 Josephson tunnel junction arrays and Andreev weak links: linked by a single energy-phase relation (arXiv)

  78. 2408.06514v1 Photo-induced charge, spin, and orbital order in the two-orbital extended Hubbard model (arXiv)

  79. 2408.06572v1 Using k-means to sort spectra: electronic order mapping from scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements (arXiv)

  80. 2408.06706v1 Trions Stimulate Electronic Coupling in Colloidal Quantum Dot Molecules (arXiv)

  81. 2408.06749v1 Multiscale Excitations in the Diluted Two-dimensional S = 1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  82. 2408.06754v1 DMRG Analysis of Magnetic Order in the Zigzag Edges of Hexagonal CrN Nanoribbons (arXiv)

  83. 2408.06774v1 Interplay between electronic and lattice superstructures in La2-xCaxCuO4 (arXiv)

  84. 2408.06813v1 Superconductivity in ternary Mg4Pd7As6 (arXiv)

  85. 2408.06866v1 Stable magic angle in twisted Kane-Mele materials (arXiv)

  86. 2408.06953v1 Nonequilibrium control of kagome metals (arXiv)

  87. 2408.06976v1 Optical Control of Ultrafast Photocurrent in Graphene (arXiv)

  88. 2408.07035v1 Impact of evanescent scattering modes and finite dispersion in superconducting junctions (arXiv)

  89. 2408.06386v1 Transport measurements of majorization order for wave coherence (arXiv)

  90. 2408.06590v1 Adaptive variational quantum dynamics simulations with compressed circuits and fewer measurements (arXiv)

  91. 2408.06775v1 Vibrational Squeezing via Spin Inversion Pulses (arXiv)

  92. 2408.06898v1 Topological dynamics of continuum lattice structures (arXiv)

  93. 2408.06936v1 Quantum State Transfer in a Magnetic Atoms Chain Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (arXiv)

  94. 2408.06951v1 Acoustic and Optical Phonon Frequencies and Acoustic Phonon Velocities in Silicon-Doped Aluminum Nitride Thin Films (arXiv)

  95. 2408.07014v1 Exploring the Coexistence of Spin States in [Fe-(tpy-ph)2]^2+ Complexes on Au(111) using DFT (arXiv)

  96. PhysRevLett.133.070401 Power-Law Entanglement and Hilbert Space Fragmentation in Nonreciprocal Quantum Circuits (PRL)

  97. PhysRevLett.133.076401 Neural-network Density Functional Theory Based on Variational Energy Minimization (PRL)

  98. PhysRevLett.133.076501 Many-Body Quantum Interference Route to the Two-Channel Kondo Effect: Inverse Design for Molecular Junctions and Quantum Dot Devices (PRL)

  99. PhysRevResearch.6.033157 Electronic structure of noncentrosymmetric B20 compound HfSn and tuning of multifold band-crossing points (PRR)

  100. PhysRevResearch.6.L032034 Topological order in higher composites (PRR)

  101. 2408.05271v1 Electronic Structure and Kohn-Luttinger Superconductivity of Heavily-Doped Single-Layer Graphene (arXiv)

  102. 2408.05277v1 Non-Fermi liquid to charge-transfer Mott insulator in flat bands of copper-doped lead apatite (arXiv)

  103. 2408.05294v1 Quantum correction to the orbital Hall effect (arXiv)

  104. 2408.05324v1 Moire-mediated phases in synthetic Kondo superlattices (arXiv)

  105. 2408.05335v1 Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions induced via non-linear phononics in bilayer van der Waals materials (arXiv)

  106. 2408.05407v1 Impact of Majorana fermions on the Kondo state in the carbon nanotube quantum dot (arXiv)

  107. 2408.05570v1 Role of additional microwave voltage on phase locking in voltage-controlled parametric oscillator (arXiv)

  108. 2408.05578v1 Order by projection in single-band Hubbard model: a DMRG study (arXiv)

  109. 2408.05583v1 Spin dynamics in itinerant antiferromagnet SrCr2As2 (arXiv)

  110. 2408.05616v1 Emergence of Meron Kekule lattices in twisted Neel antiferromagnets (arXiv)

  111. 2408.05621v1 CMOS-Compatible Ultrathin Superconducting NbN Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Ion Sputtering on 300 mm Si Wafer (arXiv)

  112. 2408.05689v1 Magnetic phase diagram of a two-orbital model for bilayer nickelates varying doping (arXiv)

  113. 2408.05708v1 Tunable atomically enhanced moire Berry curvatures in twisted triple bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  114. 2408.05714v1 Quasiperiodic pairing in graphene quasicrystals (arXiv)

  115. 2408.05726v1 Superconductivity Discovered in Niobium Polyhydride at High Pressures (arXiv)

  116. 2408.05735v1 Interaction- and phonon-induced topological phase transitions in double helical liquids (arXiv)

  117. 2408.05759v1 A seamless graphene spin valve based on proximity to van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 (arXiv)

  118. 2408.05770v1 Terahertz-induced tunnel ionization drives coherent Raman-active phonon in Bismuth (arXiv)

  119. 2408.05801v1 String condensation and topological holography for 2+1D gapless SPT (arXiv)

  120. 2408.05878v1 Drone based superconducting single photon detection system with detection efficiency more than 90% (arXiv)

  121. 2408.05902v1 Observation of single-quantum vortex splitting in the Ba1-xKxFe2As2 superconductor (arXiv)

  122. 2408.05913v1 Doping Dependence of Spin-Momentum Locking in Bismuth-Based High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)

  123. 2408.05925v1 Lifetime of edge modes at rough surfaces of chiral superconductors (arXiv)

  124. 2408.05971v1 Ferromagnetism Mechanism in a Geometrically Frustrated Triangular Lattice (arXiv)

  125. 2408.06116v1 Anomalous Lifetime of Quasiparticles in Fermi Liquids as a Precursor of the Density-Wave Instability (arXiv)

  126. 2408.06119v1 Period-doubling in the phase dynamics of a shunted HgTe quantum well Josephson junction (arXiv)

  127. 2408.06128v1 Effect of low-temperature compression on superconductivity and crystal structure in strontium metal (arXiv)

  128. 2408.06174v1 Emergent superconductivity and pair density wave at antiphase boundaries of charge density wave order in kagome metals (arXiv)

  129. 2408.06178v1 Time-reversal symmetry-breaking phenomena in transport study of kagome superconductivity (arXiv)

  130. 2408.06298v1 Fermi Surface Topology and Magneto-transport Properties of Superconducting Pd3Bi2Se2 (arXiv)

  131. 2408.06319v1 Possible Superconducting Phase in Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenide TiSeS (arXiv)

  132. 2408.06320v1 Dynamics of ballistic photocurrents driven by Coulomb scattering (arXiv)

  133. 2408.05270v1 Topological transitions in quantum jump dynamics: Hidden exceptional points (arXiv)

  134. 2408.05359v1 Many-body Physics of Ultracold Alkaline-Earth atoms with SU(N)-symmetric interactions (arXiv)

  135. 2408.05525v1 Quantum geometry and geometric entanglement entropy of one-dimensional Floquet topological matter (arXiv)

  136. 2408.05594v1 Emission Spectrum of Doped Graphene Quantum Dots: A high-throughput TDDFT Analysis (arXiv)

  137. 2408.05718v1 Coherence, broken symmetry and nondissipative motion of a quantum oscillator (arXiv)

  138. 2408.05790v1 Ringdown in the SYK model (arXiv)

  139. 2408.05946v1 Exciton diffusion in two-dimensional chiral perovskites (arXiv)

  140. 2408.06074v1 Symmetry topological field theory and non-abelian Kramers-Wannier dualities of generalised Ising models (arXiv)

  141. 2408.06160v1 Contextual Subspace Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo: Improved bias with reduced quantum resources (arXiv)

  142. 2408.06334v1 Entanglement and the density matrix renormalisation group in the generalised Landau paradigm (arXiv)

  143. 2408.04669v1 Short wavelength limit of the dynamic Matsubara local field correction (arXiv)

  144. 2408.04731v1 Raman tensor for two-dimensional massive Dirac fermions (arXiv)

  145. 2408.04807v1 A new class of higher-order topological insulators that localize energy at arbitrary multiple sites (arXiv)

  146. 2408.04876v1 Entanglement Witness for Indistinguishable Electrons using Solid-State Spectroscopy (arXiv)

  147. 2408.04956v1 Enhanced superconductivity of hydrogenated \beta_12 borophene (arXiv)

  148. 2408.04970v1 Phase diagram of pressure-induced high temperature superconductor La3Ni2O7+\delta (arXiv)

  149. 2408.04987v1 Instability of the engineered dark state in two-band fermions under number-conserving dissipative dynamics (arXiv)

  150. 2408.05034v1 Easy-axis Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice: from supersolid to gapped solid (arXiv)

  151. 2408.05063v1 Ergotropy, bound energy and entanglement in 1D long range Kitaev model (arXiv)

  152. 2408.05115v1 Nanoscale Control of Quantum States in Radical Molecules on Superconducting Pb(111) (arXiv)

  153. 2408.05153v1 Generation of Ultrafast Magnetic Steps for Coherent Control (arXiv)

  154. 2408.05188v1 Current-induced spin polarisation in Rashba-Dresselhaus systems under different point groups (arXiv)

  155. 2408.05202v1 Twisted nanoporous graphene/graphene bilayers: electronic decoupling and chiral currents (arXiv)

  156. 2408.05132v1 Hidden curved spaces in Bosonic Kitaev model (arXiv)