A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 2nd week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Jul 2nd week collection

  1. s41586-024-07647-y The quantum transition of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass (Nature)

  2. s41467-024-49942-2 Observation of stacking engineered magnetic phase transitions within moiré supercells of twisted van der Waals magnets (Nature Communications)

  3. s41586-024-07764-8 Two-dimensional Perovskitoids Enhance Stability in Perovskite Solar Cells (Nature)

  4. s41567-024-02567-0 Efficient optimization of deep neural quantum states (Nature Physics)

  5. d41586-024-02263-2 Chiral perovskites deliver spin control to a conventional semiconductor (Nature)

  6. s41567-024-02574-1 Induced superconducting correlations in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator (Nature Physics)

  7. s41567-024-02542-9 Dissipative time crystal in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas (Nature Physics)

  8. s42005-024-01699-2 Engineering phase competition between stripe order and superconductivity in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 (Communications Physics)

  9. s41586-024-07689-2 Antiferromagnetic phase transition in a 3D fermionic Hubbard model (Nature)

  10. s41586-024-07635-2 Magnetic field expulsion in optically driven YBa2Cu3O6.48 (Nature)

  11. s42005-024-01701-x Strain-tuned incompatible magnetic exchange-interaction in La2NiO4 (Communications Physics)

  12. PhysRevB.110.024413 Flat-band ferromagnetism in the quasi-one-dimensional electride Y2Cl3 induced by hole doping (PRB)

  13. advs.202401370 Acoustic Skyrmionic Mode Coupling and Transferring in a Chain of Subwavelength Metastructures (Advanced Science)

  14. advs.202403852 Tailoring Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Spin-Hall Topological Hall Effect in Insulating Magnetic Oxides by Interface Engineering (Advanced Science)

  15. PhysRevX.14.031007 Nature of Excitons and Their Ligand-Mediated Delocalization in Nickel Dihalide Charge-Transfer Insulators (PRX)

  16. 2407.03959 Skyrmion Hall effect in altermagnets (arXiv)

  17. PhysRevB.110.024504 Tuning the flat band with in-plane biaxial strain and the emergence of superconductivity in Ni3Sn (PRB)

  18. 2407.01924 Majorana multipole response with magnetic point group symmetry (arXiv)

  19. 2407.01689 Localization beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions (arXiv)

  20. 2407.01978 Mean field theory and holographic Kondo lattice (arXiv)

  21. rs-4650266 Imaging semiconductor-to-metal transition and topological flat bands of twisted bilayer MoTe2 (ResearchSquare)

  22. 2407.00628 Chirality-Induced Majorana Polarization (arXiv)

  23. 2407.00539 The role of magnetic dipolar interactions in skyrmion lattices (arXiv)

  24. acsnano.4c04496 Chiral Honeycomb Lattices of Nonplanar pi-Conjugated Supramolecules with Protected Dirac and Flat Bands (Acsnano)

  25. thir24_public Machine Learning for Unconventional Superconductivity (Lado’s student Thesis)

  26. s42254-024-00729-w Topological magnetic and ferroelectric systems for reservoir computing (Nature reviews physics)

  27. s41467-024-49674-3 Emergence of flat bands and ferromagnetic fluctuations via orbital-selective electron correlations in Mn-based kagome metal (Nature communications)

  28. s41467-024-49321-x Twist piezoelectricity: giant electromechanical coupling in magic-angle twisted bilayer LiNbO3 (Nature communications)

  29. rs-4547588 Curved Nanomagnets: An Experimental Archetype for Skyrmion Stabilization (ResearchSquare)

  30. 2406.06104 Correlated electrons of the flat band in charge density wave state of 4Hb-TaSexS2-x (arXiv)

  31. acsnano.4c02154 Rashba-like Spin Textures in Graphene Promoted by Ferromagnet-Mediated Electronic Hybridization with a Heavy Metal (Acs Nano)

  32. ad557f Anomalous Hall effect sensitive to magnetic monopoles and skyrmion helicity in spin-orbit coupled systems (NJP)

  33. PhysRevB.109.245408 Flat bands and extreme pseudomagnetic fields in monolayer graphene by topography strain engineering (PRB)

  34. s41467-024-49288-9 Bending skyrmion strings under two-dimensional thermal gradients (Nature communications)

  35. PhysRevB.109.L220402 Evidence for giant surface Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the chiral magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 (PRB)

  36. PhysRevB.109.224502 Realizing tunable higher-order topological superconductors with altermagnets (PRB)

  37. s44306-024-00024-5 High-temperature Neel skyrmions in Fe3GaTe2 stabilized by Fe intercalation into the van der Waals gap (npj Spintronics)

  38. PhysRevLett.133.026002 Enhanced Quantum Metric due to Vacancies in Graphene (PRL)

  39. PhysRevLett.133.026503 Algebraic Hastatic Order in One-Dimensional Two-Channel Kondo Lattice (PRL)

  40. PhysRevLett.133.026801 Multiferroicity and Topology in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (PRL)

  41. PhysRevX.14.031006 Certifying Ground-State Properties of Many-Body Systems (PRX)

  42. PhysRevResearch.6.L032010 Sharp quantum phase transition in the frustrated spin-1/2 Ising chain antiferromagnet CaCoV2O7 (PRR)

  43. 2407.07938v1 Successive electron-vortex binding in quantum Hall bilayers at nu=1/4+3/4 (arXiv)

  44. 2407.07941v1 Analytic framework for self-dual criticality in Zk gauge theory with matter (arXiv)

  45. 2407.07957v1 Topology of ultra-localized insulators and superconductors (arXiv)

  46. 2407.07990v1 Phonon Dynamics in the Chiral Kitaev Spin Liquid (arXiv)

  47. 2407.08110v1 General Electronic Structure Calculation Method for Twisted Systems (arXiv)

  48. 2407.08115v1 Dirac Electrons in AC-Magnetic Fields: \pi-Landau Levels and Chiral Anomaly-Induced Homodyne Effect (arXiv)

  49. 2407.08118v1 Renormalization of the valley Hall conductivity due to interparticle interaction (arXiv)

  50. 2407.08168v1 Berry phases in Coulomb drag of double-layer graphene system (arXiv)

  51. 2407.08170v1 Peculiarities of measured dependencies of strength of spin-orbit interaction and anisotropy field on current density in FeCoB nanomagnet (arXiv)

  52. 2407.08288v1 Spatially-extended nonlinear generation of short-wavelength spin waves in YIG nanowaveguides (arXiv)

  53. 2407.08310v1 Robust quantum engineering of current flow in carbon nanostructures at room temperature (arXiv)

  54. 2407.08357v1 Mirror-induced effects in cavity polaritonics: influence on edge states (arXiv)

  55. 2407.08426v1 Raman study of the structural transition in LiVO2 (arXiv)

  56. 2407.08449v1 Coherence length in a dilute flat-band superconductor (arXiv)

  57. 2407.08467v1 Exotic edge states of C3 high-fold fermions in honeycomb lattices (arXiv)

  58. 2407.08469v1 A Comprehensive Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Design using Magnetic Skyrmion and Domain Wall (arXiv)

  59. 2407.08499v1 Spin-valley-locked Electroluminescence for High-Performance Circularly-Polarized Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (arXiv)

  60. 2407.08547v1 Necklace-like pattern of vortex bound states (arXiv)

  61. 2407.08568v1 Three-component fractional quantum Hall effect in topological flat bands (arXiv)

  62. 2407.08600v1 Influence of flat bands on RKKY interaction: perspective of Fano defects (arXiv)

  63. 2407.08601v1 DFT+DMFT study of correlated electronic structure in the monolayer-trilayer phase of La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

  64. 2407.08603v1 Magnetic, thermodynamic and dynamical properties of the three-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model: a comprehensive Monte Carlo study (arXiv)

  65. 2407.08606v1 Magnetic properties of RE2O2CO3 (RE = Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb) with a rare earth-bilayer of triangular lattice (arXiv)

  66. 2407.08613v1 Breaking of Lorentz invariance caused by the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and transverse phonon modes in quantum wires (arXiv)

  67. 2407.08661v1 Self-consistent theory for the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral pentalayer graphene (arXiv)

  68. 2407.08677v1 Inherently dissipative normal currents during thermodynamic changes of state in superconductors: Joule heating vs. magnetocaloric cooling (arXiv)

  69. 2407.08736v1 Superconductivity in three-dimensional interacting doped topological insulators (arXiv)

  70. PhysRevResearch.6.L032008 Direct evidence from high-field magnetotransport for a dramatic change of quasiparticle character in van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3-xGeTe2 (PRR)

  71. 2407.07112v1 Doping dependence and multichannel mediators of superconductivity: Calculations for a cuprate model (arXiv)

  72. 2407.07136v1 Non-Hermitian Z4 skin effect protected by glide symmetry (arXiv)

  73. 2407.07144v1 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin-spin interaction from mixed-parity superconductivity (arXiv)

  74. 2407.07145v1 Bathing in a sea of candidate quantum spin liquids: From the gapless ruby to the gapped maple-leaf lattice (arXiv)

  75. 2407.07178v1 Uniaxial plasmon polaritons via charge transfer at the graphene/CrSBr interface (arXiv)

  76. 2407.07188v1 Efficient Electron Spin Relaxation by Chiral Phonons in WSe2 Monolayers (arXiv)

  77. 2407.07208v1 A Toy Model for the 2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall edge channel (arXiv)

  78. 2407.07209v1 Electrical switching of spin-polarized light-emitting diodes based on a 2D CrI3/hBN/WSe2 heterostructure (arXiv)

  79. 2407.07255v1 Real-space d-wave superconductivity from weak attraction (arXiv)

  80. 2407.07303v1 Bimerons create bimerons: proliferation and aggregation induced by currents and magnetic fields (arXiv)

  81. 2407.07305v1 Quantum circuit refrigerator based on normal-superconductor quantum dots (arXiv)

  82. 2407.07334v1 First-order Neel-VBS transition in S=3/2 antiferromagnets (arXiv)

  83. 2407.07470v1 Observation of Klein bottle quadrupole topological insulators in electric circuits (arXiv)

  84. 2407.07501v1 Electronic Correlation and Pseudogap-like Behavior of High-Temperature Superconductor La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

  85. 2407.07569v1 Decomposition of multilayer superconductivity with interlayer pairing (arXiv)

  86. 2407.07578v1 Universal nonlinear responses of quantum Hall systems with Galilean invariance (arXiv)

  87. 2407.07602v1 Ferromagnetic CrBr3-Induced Graphene Spintronics (arXiv)

  88. 2407.07640v1 Single Crystal Diffuse Neutron Scattering Study of the Dipole-Octupole Quantum Spin Ice Candidate Ce2Zr2O7: No Apparent Octupolar Correlations Above T = 0.05 K (arXiv)

  89. 2407.07696v1 Layer Resolved Magnetotransport Properties in Antiferromagnetic/Paramagnetic Superlattices (arXiv)

  90. 2407.07894v1 Quantum metric induced quantum Hall conductance inversion and reentrant transition in fractional Chern insulators (SZLin, arXiv)

  91. 2407.07157v1 Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation (arXiv)

  92. 2407.07731v1 Large spin-orbit torque in a-plane alpha-Fe2O3/Pt bilayers (arXiv)

  93. 2407.07838v1 In-plane staging in lithium-ion intercalation of bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  94. 2407.06308v1 Spin-3/2 nuclear magnetic resonance: Exact solutions for aligned systems and implications for probing Fe-based superconductors (arXiv)

  95. 2407.06330v1 Absence of Majorana oscillations in finite-length full-shell hybrid nanowires (arXiv)

  96. 2407.06402v1 Quantum interference assisted to entanglement in a system of three micropillars within artificial magnetic field (arXiv)

  97. 2407.06457v1 Packing fraction related transport in disordered quantum dot arrays (arXiv)

  98. 2407.06574v1 Dependence of strength of spin-orbit interaction on polarity of interface (arXiv)

  99. 2407.06659v1 The quantum metric of electrons with spin-momentum locking (arXiv)

  100. 2407.06713v1 Luttinger liquid tensor network: sine versus tangent dispersion of massless Dirac fermions (arXiv)

  101. 2407.06925v1 Emerging Majorana bound states in superconducting Haldane nanoribbons (arXiv)

  102. 2407.06959v1 Manipulation and trapping of magnetic skyrmions with domain walls in chiral magnetic thin films (arXiv)

  103. 2407.06993v1 Superconducting states in metals with toroidal ordering (arXiv)

  104. 2407.07022v1 Treatment of the strongly correlated topological superconductors through the su(2/1) path-integral technique (arXiv)

  105. 2407.07027v1 Coulomb drag by motion of a monolayer polar crystal through graphene nano-constriction (arXiv)

  106. 2407.07049v1 Quasiperiodicity protects quantized transport in disordered systems without gaps (arXiv)

  107. 2407.07050v1 Interplay between Majorana and Shiba states in a minimal Kitaev chain coupled to a superconductor (arXiv)

  108. 2407.03928v1 Quantum dynamics of frustrated Josephson junction arrays embedded in a transmission line: an effective XX spin chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

  109. 2407.05457v1 Superluminal Propagation of Composite Collective Modes in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Heterostructures (arXiv)

  110. 2407.06208v1 Josephson oscillations of two weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (arXiv)

  111. 2407.06487v1 Unconventional Spin-Orbit Torques from Sputtered MoTe2 Films (arXiv)

  112. 2407.06634v1 Finite size analysis for interacting bosons at the 2D-1D Dimensional Crossover (arXiv)

  113. 2407.06832v1 Perturbative approach to time-dependent quantum systems and applications to one-crossing multistate Landau-Zener models (arXiv)

  114. 2407.06850v1 Lattice-tunable substituted iron garnets for low-temperature magnonics (arXiv)

  115. PhysRevResearch.6.033027 SrCuOH3Cl, an isolated equilateral triangle spin S=1/2 model system (PRR)

  116. PhysRevResearch.6.033031 Quantum spin supersolid as a precursory Dirac spin liquid in a triangular lattice antiferromagnet (PRR)

  117. PhysRevResearch.6.033032 Magnetotransport of fluxoids in intermediate-phase type-II superconducting NbN thin films around ${T}_{c}$ (PRR)

  118. PhysRevResearch.6.033034 Efficient factored gradient descent algorithm for quantum state tomography (PRR)

  119. PhysRevResearch.6.033035 Exponentially improved efficient machine learning for quantum many-body states with provable guarantees (PRR)

  120. 2407.04957v1 Mechanism of magnetic phase transition in correlated magnetic metal: insight into itinerant ferromagnet Fe(3-delta)GeTe2 (arXiv)

  121. 2407.05018v1 Wrinkle formation during uniaxial compression of a graphene sheet lying on a soft (polymer) substrate (arXiv)

  122. 2407.05026v1 Quantitative measurement of viscosity in two-dimensional electron fluids (arXiv)

  123. 2407.05091v1 Theory of Rashba splitting in quantum-well states (arXiv)

  124. 2407.05195v1 Subgap-state-mediated transport in superconductor–semiconductor hybrid islands: Weak and strong coupling regimes (arXiv)

  125. 2407.05243v1 Precise correspondence between the p-wave chiral superfluid and the spinless bosonic superfluid on the lowest Landau level (arXiv)

  126. 2407.05245v1 Electrical magnetochiral anisotropy and quantum metric in chiral conductors (arXiv)

  127. 2407.05350v1 Multiple boundary states in bilayer and decorated Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like models (arXiv)

  128. 2407.05439v1 Stabilizing an individual charge fluctuator in a Si/SiGe quantum dot (arXiv)

  129. 2407.05455v1 Quantum Supercriticality in the Ising Model and Rydberg Atom Array (arXiv)

  130. 2407.05481v1 Quantum criticality in coupled hybrid metal-semiconductor islands (arXiv)

  131. 2407.05493v1 Conventional s-wave superconductivity and hidden peak effect in single crystals of Mo8Ga41 superconductor (arXiv)

  132. 2407.05535v1 Emergence of a Fermi-surface in the current-driven Hidden state of 1T-TaS2 (arXiv)

  133. 2407.05548v1 Ferromagnetic inter-layer coupling in FeSe1-xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering (arXiv)

  134. 2407.05565v1 Exploring the role of nonlocal Coulomb interactions in perovskite transition metal oxides (arXiv)

  135. 2407.05670v1 Influence of capacitance and thermal fluctuations on the Josephson diode effect in asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUIDs (arXiv)

  136. 2407.05681v1 Bulk high-temperature superconductivity in the high-pressure tetragonal phase of bilayer La2PrNi2O7 (arXiv)

  137. 2407.05711v1 Light-Induced Mirror Symmetry Breaking and Charge Transport (arXiv)

  138. 2407.05731v1 Topological Hall effect of Skyrmions from First Principles (arXiv)

  139. 2407.05798v1 Visualization of Unconventional Rashba Band and Vortex Zero Mode in Topopogical Superconductor Candidate AuSn4 (arXiv)

  140. 2407.05867v1 Spin liquid state in an emergent honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  141. 2407.05877v1 Effect of nonmagnetic Ti substitution on the structural, magnetic and transport properties in pyrochlore iridate Eu2(Ir1-xTix)2O7 (arXiv)

  142. 2407.05888v1 Unconventional edge states in a two-leg ladder (arXiv)

  143. 2407.05903v1 Quantized heat flow in graphene quantum Hall phases: Probing the topological order (arXiv)

  144. 2407.05907v1 Five-stage ordering to a topological-defect-mediated ground state in a buckyball artificial spin ice (arXiv)

  145. 2407.05917v1 Unveiling nonmagnetic phase and many-body entanglement in two-dimensional random quantum magnets Sr2CuTe1-xWxO6 (arXiv)

  146. 2407.06061v1 Superconductivity up to 14.2 K in MnB4 under pressure (arXiv)

  147. 2407.06185v1 Magnetoresistance and Anisotropic Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor Eu5Sn2As6 (arXiv)

  148. 2407.04779v1 Interaction-induced topological phase transition at finite temperature (arXiv)

  149. 2407.04984v1 Prolonged Phase Segregation of Mixed-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in the Dark (arXiv)

  150. 2407.05044v1 Imaging magnetic spiral phases, skyrmion clusters, and skyrmion displacements at the surface of bulk Cu2OSeO3 (arXiv)

  151. 2407.05556v1 Ground-state phase diagram of the SU(4) Heisenberg model on a plaquette lattice (arXiv)

  152. 2407.05908v1 Realization of Z2 topological photonic insulators made from multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  153. 2407.05958v1 Leveraging collective effects for thermometry in waveguide quantum electrodynamics (arXiv)

  154. 2407.06105v1 Colloquium: Synthetic quantum matter in non-standard geometries (arXiv)

  155. 2407.03364v1 Comment on “Charge pumping with strong spin-orbit coupling: Fermi surface breathing, Berry curvature, and higher harmonic generation” (arXiv)

  156. 2407.03390v1 Observation of Co-propagating Chiral Zero Modes in Magnetic Photonic Crystals (arXiv)

  157. 2407.03396v1 Network model for magnetic higher-order topological phases (arXiv)

  158. 2407.03401v1 Cheshire qudits from fractional quantum spin Hall states in twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

  159. 2407.03404v1 Nonlinear optical responses and quantum geometry in rhombohedral trilayer graphene (arXiv)

  160. 2407.03407v1 Geometry fluctuations in chiral superfluids (arXiv)

  161. 2407.03415v1 Theory of quasiparticle interference in Kitaev quantum spin liquids (arXiv)

  162. 2407.03455v1 Stability of correlated insulating states in molecular conductors from first-principles calculation (arXiv)

  163. 2407.03556v1 High-temperature Superconductivity in Perovskite Hydride below 10 GPa (arXiv)

  164. 2407.03581v1 Topologically nontrivial 1/3-magnetization plateau state in a spin-1/2 trimer chain (arXiv)

  165. 2407.03587v1 Single-gap Isotropic s-wave Superconductivity in Single Crystals AuSn4 (arXiv)

  166. 2407.03602v1 Upper limit for superconducting transition temperature in Eliashberg-McMillan theory (arXiv)

  167. 2407.03691v1 Triplons, triplon pairs and dynamical symmetries in laser-driven Shastry-Sutherland magnets (arXiv)

  168. 2407.03947v1 Landau levels for massive disclinated graphene-based topological insulator (arXiv)

  169. 2407.04007v1 Domain Wall Networks as Skyrmion Crystals in Chiral Magnets (arXiv)

  170. 2407.04073v1 Deconfined quantum critical points in fermionic systems with spin-charge separation (arXiv)

  171. 2407.04299v1 Oscillatory Bias Dependence of Visible Height of Monatomic Pb(111) Steps: Consequence of Quantum-Size Effect for Thin Metallic Films (arXiv)

  172. 2407.04450v1 Massive Dirac-Pauli physics in lead-halide perovskites (arXiv)

  173. 2407.04468v1 Unifying principle for Hall coefficient in systems near magnetic instability (arXiv)

  174. 2407.04469v1 Muon spectroscopy investigation of anomalous dynamic magnetism in NiI2 (arXiv)

  175. 2407.04508v1 Layer-Dependent Charge State Lifetime of Single Se Vacancies in WSe2 (arXiv)

  176. 2407.04527v1 Superballistic conduction in hydrodynamic antidot graphene superlattices (arXiv)

  177. 2407.04532v1 Quantum effects and temperature dependence of the free energy barrier and shear frequency in bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  178. 2407.04630v1 Protocol for scaling up a sign-ordered Kitaev chain without magnetic flux control (arXiv)

  179. 2407.04668v1 Edge-state transport in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  180. 2407.04695v1 Gapped Low Energy Excitations Across an Entanglement Percolation Transition in the Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate NaYbSe2 (arXiv)

  181. 2406.18779v1 Flat and tunable moire phonons in twisted transition-metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  182. 2407.03459v1 Quantum decoherence by magnetic fluctuations in a candidate axion insulator (arXiv)

  183. 2407.03928v1 Quantum dynamics of frustrated Josephson junction arrays embedded in a transmission line: an effective XX spin chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

  184. 2407.04114v1 Quantum Convolutional Neural Network for Phase Recognition in Two Dimensions (arXiv)

  185. 2407.04132v1 The integer quantum Hall transition: an S-matrix approach to random networks (arXiv)

  186. 2407.04205v1 Quantum subspace expansion approach for simulating dynamical response functions of Kitaev spin liquids (arXiv)

  187. 2407.04639v1 Quantized circular dichroism on the edge of quantum Hall systems: The many-body Chern number as seen from the edge (arXiv)

  188. 2407.04673v1 Discovering Local Hidden-Variable Models for Arbitrary Multipartite Entangled States and Arbitrary Measurements (arXiv)