A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 3rd week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 3rd week collection

  1. 2403.10347 Quantum Magnetic Skyrmion Operator (arXiv)

  2. s41586-024-07131-7 All-electrical skyrmionic magnetic tunnel junction (Nature)

  3. rs-3984423 Majorana corner modes in unconventional monolayers of 1T-PtSe2 family (researchsquare)

  4. science.ado7069 Debates on the nature of artificial general intelligence (Science)

  5. science.ado8045 Johannes Zaanen (1957-2024) (Science)

  6. science.adh9932 Stable quantum-correlated many-body states through engineered dissipation (Science)

  7. PhysRevX.14.011052 Fundamental Bound on Topological Gap (PRX)

  8. PhysRevX.14.011053 Spontaneous Chirality Flipping in an Orthogonal Spin-Charge Ordered Topological Magnet (PRX)

  9. PhysRevLett.132.126702 Giant Spin-Orbit Induced Magnon Nonreciprocity in Ultrathin Ferromagnets (PRL)

  10. PhysRevLett.132.126402 Efficient Full-Frequency GW Calculations Using a Lanczos Method (PRL)

  11. PhysRevLett.132.126504 Variational Tensor Wave Functions for the Interacting Quantum Spin Hall Phase (PRL)

  12. PhysRevLett.132.126602 Manipulation of Weyl Points in Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Mechanical Lattices (PRL)

  13. PhysRevLett.132.121801 Dark Matter Induced Power in Quantum Devices (PRL)

  14. 2403.14400 Absence of phonon-mediated superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under pressure (arXiv)

  15. 2403.14057 Exploring Fermi Surface Nesting and the Nature of Heavy Quasiparticles in the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Candidate CeRh2As2 (arXiv)

  16. 2403.14620 From Local to Emergent Altermagnetism: Footprints of Free Fermions Band Topology (arXiv)

  17. 2403.14284 Gauge Field Dynamics in a Multilayer Kitaev Spin Liquid (arXiv)

  18. 2403.14560 Moire-modulated band gap and van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer germanene (arXiv)

  19. 2403.14145 Realizing topological quantum magnets with atomic spins on surfaces (arXiv)

  20. PhysRevLett.132.126501 Two-Dimensional Moire Polaronic Electron Crystals (PRL)

  21. PhysRevLett.132.126502 Electron Glass Phase with Resilient Zhang-Rice Singlets in LiCu3O3 (PRL)

  22. PhysRevLett.132.126503 Pressure Driven Fractionalization of Ionic Spins Results in Cupratelike High-Tc Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 (PRL)

  23. s35 Erasure Qubits for Abridged Error Correction (Physics)

  24. 2403.13661 Mean Field Decoupling of Single Impurity Anderson Model through Auxiliary Majorana Fermions (arXiv)

  25. 2403.13306 Thermal Hall effect driven by phonon-magnon hybridization in a honeycomb antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  26. 2403.13239 Exotic magnetism in perovskite KOsO3 (arXiv)

  27. 2403.13154 Vison condensation and spinon confinement in a kagome lattice Z2 spin liquid: A numerical study of a quantum dimer model (arXiv)

  28. 2403.13054 Signatures of metal to insulator crossover in the repulsive Fermi Hubbard model through static correlations (arXiv)

  29. 2403.13516 Quantum Chaos on Edge (arXiv)

  30. 2403.13774 Corner and Edge States in Topological Sierpinski Carpet Systems (arXiv)

  31. 2403.13277 Quantum valley Hall states in low-buckled counterparts of graphene bilayer (arXiv)

  32. 2403.13758 Scale Invariance at the Edge (arXiv)

  33. PhysRevLett.132.126601 Bulk-Edge Correspondence for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems (PRL)

  34. PhysRevLett.132.126401 Topological Flat Bands in Graphene Super-Moire Lattices (PRL)

  35. PhysRevLett.132.126701 Current-Induced Creation of Topological Vortex Rings in a Magnetic Nanocylinder (PRL)

  36. s29 Magnetic Vortex Rings on Demand (Physics)

  37. 2403.12889 P-wave pairing near a spin-split Josephson junction (arXiv)

  38. 2403.12656 ac Hall Effect and Photon Drag of Superconducting Condensate (arXiv)

  39. 2403.12831 Electronic instability, layer selectivity and Fermi arcs in La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)

  40. 2403.12597 Effects of forward disorder on quasi-1D superconductors (arXiv)

  41. 2403.12779 Quantum Fischer information in a strange metal (arXiv)

  42. 2403.12612v1 Large Rashba spin-orbit coupling in metallic SrTaO3 thin films (arXiv)

  43. 2403.12141 Fractionalization Signatures in the Dynamics of Quantum Spin Liquids (arXiv)

  44. 2403.12126 Non-Abelian and Abelian descendants of vortex spin liquid: fractional quantum spin Hall effect in twisted MoTe2 (arXiv)

  45. 2403.12185v1 Halperin States of Particles and Holes in Ideal Time Reversal Invariant Pairs of Chern Bands and The Fractional Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Moire MoTe2 (arXiv)

  46. 2403.12921 Probing the Fermi surface with Quantum Oscillation Measurements in the Dirac semimetal TaNiTe5 (arXiv)

  47. 2403.12701 Unraveling the dynamics of magnetization in topological insulator-ferromagnet heterostructures via spin-orbit torque (arXiv)

  48. 2403.12929 Observation of the anomalous Nernst effect in altermagnetic candidate Mn5Si3 (arXiv)

  49. 2403.12642 Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in synthetic ferrimagnets (arXiv)

  50. 2403.12287 Interfacing Quantum Spin Hall and Quantum Anomalous Hall insulators: Bi bilayer on MnBi2Te4-family materials (arXiv)

  51. PhysRevX.14.011050 Revealing Higher-Order Interactions in High-Dimensional Complex Systems: A Data-Driven Approach (PRX)

  52. PhysRevLett.132.126201 Origin of Interfacial Orbital Reconstruction in Perovskite Superlattices (PRL)

  53. PhysRevB.109.104110 Bulk photovoltaic effect of a hybrid ferroelectric semiconductor (PRB)

  54. PhysRevX.14.011004 Valley-Coherent Quantum Anomalous Hall State in AB-Stacked MoTe2/WSe2 Bilayers (PRX)

  55. 45 Another Twist in the Understanding of Moire Materials (Physics)

  56. PhysRevB.109.094421 Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the star lattice: From chiral Majorana fermions to chiral triplons (PRB)

  57. 2403.11685 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless to BCS-like superconducting transition crossover driven by weak magnetic fields in ultra-thin NbN films (arXiv)

  58. 2403.11126 Observation of diamagnetic strange-metal phase in sulfur-copper codoped lead apatite (arXiv)

  59. 2403.11224 An exact formula for the optical conductivity of the two dimensional Hubbard model and its application to the cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

  60. 2403.11218 Non-Fermi liquid behavior of scattering rate in three-orbital Emery model (arXiv)

  61. 2403.11980 Comparative Raman Scattering Study of Crystal Field Excitations in Co-based Quantum Magnets (arXiv)

  62. 2403.11880 Topological edge modes and phase transition in the critical fermionic chain with long-range interaction (arXiv)

  63. 2403.11705 Coarsening of chiral domains in itinerant electron magnets: A machine learning force field approach (arXiv)

  64. 2403.11655 SU(3) gauge field of magnons in antiferromagnetic skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

  65. 2403.11588 Numerical observation of SU(N) Nagaoka ferromagnetism (arXiv)

  66. 2403.11478 Moore-Read state in Half-filled Moire Chern band from three-body Pseudo-potential (arXiv)

  67. 2403.11382 Exclusive interplay between topological quasiparticles and strongly correlated fermions (arXiv)

  68. 2403.11232 Observation of unconventional charge order during the transition from Mott-insulator to charge-transfer-insulator in \alpha-RuCl3 (arXiv)

  69. 2403.11195 Merons and magnetoelectric switching in centrosymmetric spiral magnets (arXiv)

  70. 2403.10867 Giant exchange splitting in the electronic structure of A-type 2D antiferromagnet CrSBr (arXiv)

  71. 2403.10601 A Classical Chiral Spin-Liquid from Chiral Interactions on the Pyrochlore Lattice (arXiv)

  72. 2403.11912 A C*-algebraic view on the interaction of real- and reciprocal space topology in skyrmion crystals (arXiv)

  73. 2403.11660 Tailoring topological band properties of twisted double bilayer graphene: effects due to spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

  74. 2403.11119 Electrical reversal of the sign for magnon thermal Hall coefficient in van der Waals bilayer antiferromagnet (arXiv)

  75. 2403.11063 Emergent Haldane Model and Photon-Valley Locking in Chiral Cavities (arXiv)

  76. 2403.10818 Orbital magnetic susceptibility of circular graphene nanoribbons studied using tight-binding model (arXiv)

  77. 2403.10769 Machine Learning Exchange Fields for Ab-initio Spin Dynamics (arXiv)

  78. 2403.09765 Perturbative description of high-Tc superconductivity in the Hubbard model via unitary transformation and classical spins (arXiv)

  79. 2403.10509 Tuneable band topology and optical conductivity in altermagnets (arXiv)

  80. 2403.10148 Disordered non-Fermi liquid fixed point for two-dimensional metals at Ising-nematic quantum critical points (arXiv)

  81. 2403.10028 Nonmagnetic Ground State in RuO2 Revealed by Muon Spin Rotation (arXiv)

  82. 2403.09950 Polarized Charge Dynamics of a Novel Charge Density Wave in Kagome FeGe (arXiv)

  83. 2403.09862 Spiral to stripe transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (arXiv)

  84. 2403.09835 Fermi Liquid near a q=0 Charge Quantum Critical Point (arXiv)

  85. 2403.09831 Kitaev physics in the two-dimensional magnet NiPSe3 (arXiv)

  86. 2403.09924 Berry curvature derived negative magnetoconductivity observed in type-II magnetic Weyl semimetal films (arXiv)

  87. 2403.10382 One-dimensional Lieb superlattices: from the discrete to the continuum limit (arXiv)

  88. 2403.10235 Spin and Orbital Magnetism by Light in Rutile Altermagnets (arXiv)

  89. 2403.10218 Structure, control, and dynamics of altermagnetic textures (arXiv)

  90. 2403.10181 Effects of spin-orbit coupling in a valley chiral kagome network (arXiv)

  91. 2403.09890 Role of many phonon modes on the high-temperature linear-in-T electronic resistivity (arXiv)

  92. 2403.09908 Electron screening and strength of long-range Coulomb interactions in phosphorene: From bulk to nanoribbon (arXiv)