A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 2nd week collection
A WordCloud of 2024 Mar 2nd week collection
  1. science.ado4113 Accelerating 2D materials discovery (Science)

  2. science.adk9589 Grid-plainification enables medium-temperature PbSe thermoelectrics to cool better than Bi2Te3 (Science)

  3. science.adj6556 Two-dimensional materials by large-scale computations and chemical exfoliation of layered solids (Science)

  4. how-i-lost-and-found-my-scientific-creativity How I lost and found my scientific creativity (Science)

  5. PhysRevLett.132.116602 Polarization and Weak Topology in Chern Insulators (PRL)

  6. PhysRevLett.132.116504 Electrical Control of Spin and Valley in Spin-Orbit Coupled Graphene Multilayers (PRL)

  7. s41427-024-00534-y Spontaneous Small Biskyrmions in a Centrosymmetric Rare-Earth Kagome Ferrimagnet (NPG Asia Materials)

  8. PhysRevB.109.115417 Topological flat bands in functionalized arsenene monolayers (PRB)

  9. PhysRevB.109.L121403 Second-order topological states in a sixfold symmetric quasicrystal (PRB)

  10. s44306-023-00006-z Anomalous hall and skyrmion topological hall resistivity in magnetic heterostructures for the neuromorphic computing applications (npj Spintronics)

  11. 2403.06085v1 van Hove Singularity-Driven Emergence of Multiple Flat Bands in Kagome Superconductors (arXiv)

  12. 2403.07397 Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels (arXiv)

  13. PhysRevX.14.011048 Exciton Transport in a Germanium Quantum Dot Ladder (PRX)

  14. PhysRevLett.132.116502 Spin-Orbit Excitons in a Correlated Metal: Raman Scattering Study of Sr2RhO4 (PRL)

  15. PhysRevLett.132.116501 Emergent Inductance from Spin Fluctuations in Strongly Correlated Magnets (PRL)

  16. 2403.09395 Discovery of a distinct collective mode in kagome superconductors (arXiv)

  17. 2403.09241 Electronic diffusion in a normal state of high-Tc cuprate YBa2Cu3O6+x (arXiv)

  18. 2403.08889 Weyl superconductivity and quasiperiodic Majorana arcs in quasicrystals (arXiv)

  19. 2403.09602 Parafermions with symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics (arXiv)

  20. 2403.09287 Duality and hidden symmetry breaking in the q-deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model (arXiv)

  21. 2403.09147 Stoner ferromagnetism, correlated metal and thermoelectricity in partially flat-band materials (arXiv)

  22. 2403.09112 Spin-Orbit Coupled Insulators and Metals on the Verge of Kitaev Spin Liquids in Ilmenite Heterostructures (arXiv)

  23. 2403.09019 Unified description of electronic orderings and cross correlations by complete multipole representation (arXiv)

  24. 2403.08908 Electrically Tunable Spin Exchange Splitting in Graphene Hybrid Heterostructure (arXiv)

  25. 2403.09535 Chiral gauge field in fully-spin polarized Weyl semimetal with magnetic domain walls (arXiv)

  26. 2403.09520 Topological responses from gapped Weyl points in 2D altermagnets (arXiv)

  27. 2403.09319 Anomalous quantum scattering and transport of electrons with Mexican-hat dispersion induced by electrical potential (arXiv)

  28. 2403.09269 Direct observation of nanometer-scale orbital angular momentum accumulation (arXiv)

  29. 2403.09150 Detecting the Neel vector of altermagnet by attaching a topological insulator and crystalline valley-edge insulator (arXiv)

  30. 2403.09078 Monte Carlo Spin Simulations of Magnetic Noise – The Search for Pivoting (arXiv)

  31. PhysRevX.14.011047 Spontaneous Gap Opening and Potential Excitonic States in an Ideal Dirac Semimetal Ta2Pd3Te5 (PRX)

  32. s41467-024-46514-2 Tuning of the flat band and its impact on superconductivity in Mo5Si3-xPx (Nature Communications)

  33. PhysRevB.109.L100504 Minimal model for the flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite: Strong diamagnetism from multiorbital physics (PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.109.094418 Chemical potential of magnetic skyrmion quasiparticles in heavy-metal/iron bilayers (PRB)

  35. 2403.08347 1/f frequency fluctuations due to kinetic inductance in CoSi2 microwave cavities (arXiv)

  36. 2403.07999 Nodal d-wave pairing from spin fluctuations in a thermally disordered anti-ferromagnet (arXiv)

  37. 2403.08713 Phase diagram of the J1-J2 quantum Heisenberg model for arbitrary spin (arXiv)

  38. 2403.08478 Thermal Hall effect incorporating magnon damping in localized spin systems (arXiv)

  39. 2403.08456 Layered Kagome Compound Na2Ni3S4 with Topological Flat Band (arXiv)

  40. 2403.08172 RKKY Interactions and Multipole Order in Ab initio Wannier Model of CeCoSi (arXiv)

  41. 2403.08180 Thermal Hall effect in a van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3 (arXiv)

  42. 2403.08686 Evidence of enhanced thermopower from emergent local moments in flatbands of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  43. 2403.08468 Kondo Effect in Micron Size Device Fabricated From Flakes of Mn Doped Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator (arXiv)

  44. 2403.08184 Quantum skyrmion dynamics studied by neural network quantum states (arXiv)

  45. PhysRevLett.132.116601 Photoinduced Electronic and Spin Topological Phase Transitions in Monolayer Bismuth (PRL)

  46. PhysRevLett.132.113802 Localization of Chiral Edge States by the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect (PRL)

  47. PhysRevLett.132.111601 Bootstrapping Deconfined Quantum Tricriticality (PRL)

  48. s30 Testing a New Solar Sandwich (Physics)

  49. 2403.07525 Universal Chemical Formula Dependence of Ab Initio Low-Energy Effective Hamiltonian in Single-Layer Carrier Doped Cuprate Superconductors – Study by Hierarchical Dependence Extraction Algorithm (arXiv)

  50. 2403.07504 Two-dimensional phase diagram of the charge density wave in doped CsV3Sb5 (arXiv)

  51. 2403.07448 Cuprate-like Electronic Structures in Infinite-Layer Nickelates with 3D dispersion (arXiv)

  52. 2403.07117 Spin-polarized Specular Andreev Reflections in Altermagnets (arXiv)

  53. 2403.07580 Electronic and dynamical properties of cobalt monogermanide CoGe phases under pressure (arXiv)

  54. 2403.07873 Stability of Anomalous Hall Crystals in multilayer rhombohedral graphene (arXiv)

  55. 2403.07812 Probing quantum criticality in ferromagnetic CeRh6Ge4 (arXiv)

  56. 2403.07620 Strong Local Bosonic Fluctuation: The Key to Understanding Strongly Correlated Metals (arXiv)

  57. 2403.07443 Magnetic Phase Diagram and Skyrmions of the Hubbard Model on the Beta-Mn Type Lattice (arXiv)

  58. 2403.07054 Minimal Fractional Topological Insulator in half-filled conjugate moire Chern bands (arXiv)

  59. 2403.07551 Isolated nearly flat higher Chern band in monolayer transition metal trihalides (arXiv)

  60. 2403.07397 Skyrmion flow in periodically modulated channels (arXiv)

  61. 2403.07254 Negative orbital Hall effect in Germanium (arXiv)

  62. 2403.07055 Orbital angular momentum of Bloch electrons: equilibrium formulation, magneto-electric phenomena, and the orbital Hall effect (arXiv)

  63. 2403.07846 Antiferromagnetic magnons on a Mobius strip: topology-induced symmetry breaking (arXiv)

  64. PhysRevX.14.011044 Frank-Read Mechanism in Nematic Liquid Crystals (PRX)

  65. PhysRevX.14.011045 Defect-Induced Low-Energy Majorana Excitations in the Kitaev Magnet alpha-RuCl3 (PRX)

  66. 39 Precise Measurement of Hydrogen Energy Levels (Physics)

  67. 2403.06380 First-principles study of two-dimensional transition metal carbide M n+1 C n O 2(M=Nb,Ta) (arXiv)

  68. 2403.06232 Emergence of Surface Superconductivity through Interference in Superconducting-proximity Topological Insulators (arXiv)

  69. 2403.06231 Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the s-wave superconducting kagome Hubbard model: Self-consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes calculations (arXiv)

  70. 2403.06215 Observation of in-gap states in a two-dimensional CrI2/NbSe2 heterostructure (arXiv)

  71. 2403.06157 Superconductivity in the Fibonacci Chain (arXiv)

  72. 2403.06046 Conventional Superconductivity in the Doped Kagome Superconductor Cs(V0.86Ta0.14)3Sb5 from Vortex Lattice Studies (arXiv)

  73. 2403.06778 Topological solitons stabilized by a background gauge field and soliton-anti-soliton asymmetry (arXiv)

  74. 2403.06085 van Hove Singularity-Driven Emergence of Multiple Flat Bands in Kagome Superconductors (arXiv)

  75. 2403.06170 Chiral Spin-Liquid-Like State in Pyrochlore Iridate Thin Films (arXiv)

  76. 2403.06123 Periodically driven three-dimensional Kitaev model (arXiv)

  77. 2403.06118 Dynamical generation of skyrmion and bimeron crystals by a circularly polarized electric field in frustrated magnets (arXiv)

  78. 2403.05633 Multipolar magnetism in 5d2 vacancy-ordered halide double perovskites (arXiv)

  79. 2403.06934 Impact of spin torques and spin pumping phenomena on magnon-plasmon polaritons in antiferromagnetic insulator-semiconductor heterostructures (arXiv)

  80. 2403.06472 What is a proper definition of spin current? – Lessons from the Kane-Mele Model (arXiv)

  81. 2403.06022 Intrinsic magnetism in KTaO3 heterostructures (arXiv)

  82. 2403.06549 Handedness manipulation of propagating antiferromagnetic magnons (arXiv)

  83. 2403.06304 Hybrid-order topology with tunable chiral hinge modes and unpinned Dirac surface states in the altermagnetic insulator Eu3In2As4 (arXiv)

  84. 2403.05769 High-rectification near-field radiative thermal diode using Weyl semimetals (arXiv)

  85. acs.nanolett.3c05112 Spontaneous Atomic-Scale Polar Skyrmions and Merons on a SrTiO3 (001) Surface: Defect Engineering for Emerging Topological Orders (Nano Letters)

  86. 2403.05227 Superconductivity in kagome metal ThRu3Si2 (arXiv)

  87. 2403.05051 Superconductivity in Two-Dimentional Systems with Unconventional Rashba Bands (arXiv)

  88. 2403.04851 Quasiclassical theory of superconducting spin-splitter effects and spin-filtering via altermagnets (arXiv)

  89. 2403.04802 A first-principles study and mesoscopic modeling of two-dimensional spin and orbital fluctuations in FeSe (arXiv)

  90. 2403.05522 Anomalous Hall Crystals in Rhombohedral Multilayer Graphene II: General Mechanism and a Minimal Model (arXiv)

  91. 2403.05238 Spin-1/2 string correlations and singlet-triplet gaps of frustrated ladders with ferromagnetic (F) legs and alternate F and AF rungs (arXiv)

  92. 2403.05084 Trapping Hard-Core Bosons in Flatband Lattices (arXiv)

  93. 2403.05082 Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet (arXiv)

  94. 2403.05058 Intrinsic anomalous Hall effect arising from antiferromagnetic structure revealed by high-quality NbMnP (arXiv)

  95. 2403.05487 Nonlinear Hall effect from long-lived valley-polarizing relaxons (arXiv)

  96. 2403.05405 Experimental set-up for thermal measurements at the nanoscale using an SThM probe with niobium nitride thermometer (arXiv)

  97. 2403.05291 A discrete formulation for three-dimensional winding number (arXiv)

  98. 2403.05052 The role of Rashba spin-orbit induced spin textures in the anomalous Josephson effect (arXiv)

  99. 2403.04773 C.V. Raman as a Science Communicator: A Historical Perspective (arXiv)