A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 4th week collection
  1. south Korea science spending cutbacks South Korea, a science spending champion, proposes cutbacks : “Everyone was wondering: ‘Am I part of a cartel?’” (Science)

  2. s41586-023-06363-3 Quantum-metric-induced nonlinear transport in a topological antiferromagnet (Nature)

  3. s41586-023-06408-7 Signatures of superconductivity near 80 K in a nickelate under high pressure (Nature)

  4. d41586-023-02857-2 Nickelates join the club of high-temperature superconductors (Nature)

  5. s41586-023-06404-x Stack growth of wafer-scale van der Waals superconductor heterostructures (Nature)

  6. PhysRevB.108.L121409 General scattering and electronic states in a quantum-wire network of moir\‘e systems (CHHsu JKlinovaja DLoss, PRB)

  7. PhysRevLett.131.126302 Magnetic Stress-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Correlated Antiferromagnetic CrN (PRL)

  8. 162 Crystal Defects Interact to Form Intricate Structures (Physics)

  9. 2303.05700 Phonon-mediated spin dynamics in a two-electron double quantum dot under a phonon temperature gradient (QD, arXiv)

  10. 2309.11541 On the dynamical stability of copper-doped lead apatite (arXiv)

  11. 2309.11786 Pair density wave and superconductivity in a kinetically frustrated doped Emery model on a square lattice (arXiv)

  12. 2309.11607 Superconducting triangular islands as a platform for manipulating Majorana zero modes (arXiv)

  13. 2309.12262 Competition between Neel, Haldane nematic, plaquette valence bond solid, and $(\pi,\pi)$ valence bond solid phases in SU(N) analogs of $S=1$ square-lattice antiferromagnets (arXiv)

  14. 2309.11685 Topological Floquet Flat Bands in Irradiated Alternating Twist Multilayer Graphene (arXiv)

  15. PhysRevLett.131.126901 Isotopic Control of the Boron-Vacancy Spin Defect in Hexagonal Boron Nitride (PRL)

  16. PhysRevLett.131.121401 Two Spinning Black Holes Balanced by Their Synchronized Scalar Hair (PRL)

  17. PhysRevB.108.115307 Majorana fermions on the domain wall of marginally twisted bilayer of transition metal dichalcogenides (PRB)

  18. adfm.202304044 Current-Controlled Skyrmion Number in Confined Ferromagnetic Nanostripes (Advanced Functional Materials)

  19. 2309.11501 Intrinsic superconducting diode effects in tilted Weyl and Dirac semimetals (PHosur, arXiv)

  20. 2309.11440 Flat band superconductivity in a system with a tunable quantum metric : the stub lattice (flatband, arXiv)

  21. 2309.11098v1 Gauge Theories of Josephson Junction Arrays: Why Disorder Is Irrelevant for the Electric Response of Disordered Superconducting Films (arXiv)

  22. 2309.10923v1 Semi-automatic staging area for high-quality structured data extraction from scientific literature (arXiv)

  23. 2309.11339v1 Floquet engineering of black phosphorus upon below-gap pumping (floquet, arXiv)

  24. 2309.11216 Origin of the gap in the surface states of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator (AFM TI, arXiv)

  25. 2309.10985 Giant interfacial spin-Hall angle from Rashba-Edelstein effect revealed by the spin-Hall Hanle processes (arXiv)

  26. 2309.10964 Revealing the conduction band and pseudovector potential in 2D moir\‘e semiconductors (arXiv)

  27. 2309.10840 Anomalous crystalline-electromagnetic responses in semimetals (arXiv)

  28. 2309.11217 Atomic-scale visualization of multiferroicity in monolayer NiI$_2$ (NiI2, arXiv)

  29. PhysRevX.13.031033 Matrix Models for Eigenstate Thermalization (PRX)

  30. PhysRevLett.131.126001 Bilayer Two-Orbital Model of $\mathrm{L}{\mathrm{a}}{3}\mathrm{N}{\mathrm{i}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ under Pressure (PRL)

  31. PhysRevLett.131.126301 Nonequilibrium Fractional Josephson Effect (PRL)

  32. 2309.10637 Revival of superconductivity in a one-dimensional dimerized diamond lattice (1d-SC, arXiv)

  33. 2309.10446 Vortex-core spectroscopy of $d$-wave cuprate high-temperature superconductors (arXiv)

  34. 2309.10208 Anomalous normal state gap in an electron-doped cuprate (DHLee, arXiv)

  35. 2309.10540 A Simple Solvable Model for Heavy Fermion Superconductivity from the Two-Fluid Normal State (YFYang, arXiv)

  36. 2309.10670 Symmetry considerations in exact diagonalization: spin-1/2 pyrochlore magnets (arXiv)

  37. 2309.10763 Thermoelectric response in two-dimensional nodal-point semimetals (arXiv)

  38. 2309.10751 Chirality-inverted Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (skyrmion, arXiv)

  39. 2309.10338 Chiral Skyrmions Interacting with Chiral Flowers (arXiv)

  40. 2309.10246 Impact of strain on the SOT-driven dynamics of thin film Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

  41. s41598-023-42697-8 The ground state of the Kondo insulator (Scientific Reports)

  42. 2309.07260 Self-duality properties and localization centers of the electronic wave functions at high magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv)

  43. 2309.09260 Visualizing the Zhang-Rice singlet, molecular orbitals and pair formation in cuprate (arXiv)

  44. 2309.09255 Charge order above room-temperature in a prototypical kagome superconductor La(Ru${1-x}$Fe${x}$)${3}$Si${2}$ (kagome, arXiv)

  45. 2309.08758 Physics of the Majorana-superconducting qubit hybrids (arXiv)

  46. 2309.09965 Exact Diagonalization of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Fermi-Hubbard Models (arXiv)

  47. 2309.09685 Quantum Computed Green’s Functions using a Cumulant Expansion of the Lanczos Method (arXiv)

  48. 2309.08938 Emergent phases in graphene flat bands (graphene flat, arXiv)

  49. 2309.09860 Topological edge and corner states in Bi fractals on InSb (arXiv)

  50. 2309.08763 Topological spin Hall effect in antiferromagnets (AFM skyrmion, arXiv)

  51. 2309.08671 Designing Moir\‘e Patterns by Strain (graphene strain, arXiv)

  52. 2309.09561 Altermagnetic Tunnel Junctions of RuO$_2$/TiO$_2$/CrO$_2$ (arXiv)

  53. 2309.09091 Anisotropy of Antiferromagnetic Domains in a Spin-orbit Mott Insulator (iridate, PRB)

  54. 2309.08983 Structural origin of the Jeff=1/2 antiferromagnetic phase in Ga-doped Sr2IrO4 (iridate, Physical Review Materials)

  55. 2309.08981 Strain tuned magnetotransport of Jeff=1/2 antiferromagnetic Sr2IrO4 thin films (iridate, Materials Today Physics)

  56. 2309.08308 Topological surface states host superconductivity induced by the bulk condensate in YRuB$_2$ (arXiv)

  57. 2309.08292 Electrically controlled quantum transition to an anomalous metal in 2D (arXiv)

  58. 2309.08246 Superconductivity and vortex structure on Bi${2}$Te${3}$/FeTe${0.55}$Se${0.45}$ heterostructures with different thickness of Bi${2}$Te${3}$ films (arXiv)

  59. 2309.07928 Deciphering the Enigma of Cu-Doped Lead Apatite (LK-99): Structural Insights, Electronic Properties, and Implications for Ambient-Pressure Superconductivity (LK99, arXiv)

  60. 2309.08329 Chern-Simons-Modified-RPA-Eliashberg Theory of the nu=1/2+1/2 Quantum Hall Bilayer (arXiv)

  61. 2309.07997 AFM insulating state and normal state of cuprates from first principle (arXiv)

  62. 2309.08525 Exact solution of one-dimensional Kondo and Anderson lattice models (Kondo, arXiv)

  63. 2309.08176 Emergence of partially disordered antiferromagnetism and isothermal magnetization plateau due to geometrical frustration in a metallic compound, Er2RhSi3 (arXiv)

  64. 2309.08597 Charge pumping with strong spin-orbit coupling: Fermi surface breathing and higher harmonic generation (AManchon, arXiv)

  65. 2309.08392 Ferromagnetic response of thin NiI$_2$ flakes up to room temperatures (NiI2, arXiv)