A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 Sep 1st week collection
  1. s41586-023-06280-5 Frustration- and doping-induced magnetism in a Fermi-Hubbard simulator (Nature)

  2. s41586-023-06279-y Spin-mediated shear oscillators in a van der Waals antiferromagnet (Nature)

  3. why-do-cats-love-tuna Why do cats love tuna so much? Scientists may finally know (Science)

  4. science.adk0121 The raw material of evolution (Science)

  5. PhysRevB.108.054440 Electrical switchable room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in multiferroic MXene (MXene 맥신, PRB)

  6. 2308.15115 Topological flat band with higher winding number in a superradiance lattice (arXiv)

  7. 5.0160193 Chiral coupling of two orthogonal magnetizations in a single ferrimagnetic GdCo layer (APL Materials)

  8. PhysRevLett.131.096302 Electron Pairing of Interfering Interface-Based Edge Modes (PRL)

  9. PhysRevLett.131.096902 Hyperbolic Polaritons in Topological Nodal Ring Semimetals (PRL)

  10. PhysRevLett.131.097002 Hole-Spin Driving by Strain-Induced Spin-Orbit Interactions (strained SOI, PRL)

  11. 149 Sorting Out Quantum Chaos (Physics)

  12. PhysRevLett.131.096401 Untwisting Moire Physics: Almost Ideal Bands and Fractional Chern Insulators in Periodically Strained Monolayer Graphene (PRL)

  13. 148 The Mystery of a Strange Metals Explained (Physics)

  14. s117 New Physics Magnified in Spinning Black Holes (Physics)

  15. 2308.16908 Quantized thermal and spin transports of dirty planar topological superconductors (arXiv)

  16. 2308.16806 Tunable magnetic domains in ferrimagnetic MnSb$_2$Te$_4$ (arXiv)

  17. 2308.16563 Schwinger boson symmetric spin liquids of Shastry-Sutherland model (arXiv)

  18. 2308.16440 Localizing Transitions via Interaction-Induced Flat Bands (arXiv)

  19. 2308.16407 General Formula for the Green’s Function Approach to the Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model (arXiv)

  20. 2308.16243 Local noise spectroscopy of Wigner crystals in two-dimensional materials (arXiv)

  21. 2308.16662 Supercell Altermagnets (arXiv)

  22. 2308.16101 Stripe charge order driven manipulation of Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 topological superconductor (arXiv)

  23. 2308.15722 Checkerboard order state in superconducting FeSe/SrTiO3(001) monolayer (arXiv)

  24. 2308.15523 RKKY interaction in triplet superconductors: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type interaction mediated by spin-polarized Cooper pairs (arXiv)

  25. 2308.15963 Polariton-Induced Unconventional Superconductivity and Emergent SU(2) Symmetry in Moire flat bands (flatband, arXiv)

  26. 2308.15541 Nematic and stripe orders within the charge density wave state of doped TiSe$_2$ (arXiv)

  27. 2308.15533 Probing quantum spin liquids with a quantum twisting microscope (PALee, arXiv)

  28. 2308.16138 Evolution of highly anisotropic magnetism in the titanium-based kagome metals LnTi$_3$Bi$_4$ (Ln: La…Gd$^{3+}$, Eu$^{2+}$, Yb$^{2+}$) (arXiv)

  29. 2308.15685 Microscopic Green’s function approach for generalized Dirac Hamiltonians (arXiv)

  30. PhysRevLett.131.096702 Abundance of Hard-Hexagon Crystals in the Quantum Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet (RMoisnner, PRL)

  31. PhysRevLett.131.096301 Photocurrent Induced by a Bicircular Light Drive in Centrosymmetric Systems (Morimoto, PRL)

  32. s116 Photovoltaic Effect Goes Symmetric (Physics)

  33. oe-31-19-30020 Dynamic manipulation of graphene plasmonic skyrmions (skyrmion, Optics Express)

  34. 2308.15258 Enhanced chiral edge currents and orbital magnetic moment in chiral $d$-wave superconductors from mesoscopic finite-size effects (arXiv)

  35. 2308.15228v1 Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB$_2$ sensors at 20 K (MgB2, arXiv)

  36. 2308.14890v1 QCMATH: Mathematica modules for electronic structure calculations (mathematica DFT, arXiv)

  37. 2308.14826v1 Large anomalous Hall effect in single crystals of the kagome Weyl ferromagnet Fe$_3$Sn (kagome, arXiv)

  38. 2308.14755v1 On the Renormalisation group, protein folding, and naturalness (RG, arXiv)

  39. 2308.15396v1 Layer-dependent magnetism and spin fluctuations in atomically thin van der Waals magnet CrPS4 (Cr, arXiv)

  40. 2308.15358v1 Spin-orbit insulating phase in SnTe cubic nanowires: consequences on the topological surface states (arXiv)

  41. 2308.15023v1 Intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator and axion state in V2WS4 (AFM TI, arXiv)

  42. 2308.14997v1 Symmetry-protected flatband condition for Hamiltonians with local symmetry (arXiv)

  43. 2308.14878v1 Dominance of extrinsic scattering mechanisms in the orbital Hall effect: graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides and topological antiferromagnets (**extrinsic Hall effect graphene **, arXiv)

  44. 2308.14788v1 Floquet Topology Stabilized with Non-Hermitian Driving (arXiv)

  45. PhysRevLett.131.096001 Tunable Josephson Diode Effect on the Surface of Topological Insulators (Nagaosa, PRL)

  46. PhysRevLett.131.096901 Disentangling the Competing Mechanisms of Light-Induced Anomalous Hall Conductivity in Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal (PRL)

  47. s125 A Toy Model to Probe Career Mobility (Physics)

  48. 2308.14294 Implications of the electron-phonon coupling in CuPb$_9$(PO$_4$)$_6$O for high-temperature superconductivity: an \textit{ab initio} study (LK99, arXiv)

  49. 2308.13885 Exploring Room-Temperature Superconductivity in Narrow Energy Gap Semiconductors through Thermally Excited Electrons (arXiv)

  50. 2308.13831 Topological superconductivity from first-principles II: Effects from manipulation of spin spirals $-$ Topological fragmentation, braiding, and Quasi-Majorana Bound States (arXiv)

  51. 2308.13824 Topological superconductivity from first-principles I: Shiba band structure and topological edge states of artificial spin chains (arXiv)

  52. 2308.13938 Ab initio Investigations on the Electronic Properties and Stability of Cu-Substituted Lead Apatite (LK-99) family with different doping concentrations (x=0, 1, 2) (arXiv)

  53. 2308.13601 Nematic order in topological SYK models (arXiv)

  54. 2308.14534 Topological marker approach to an interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (arXiv)

  55. 2308.14219 Discovery of a Bloch point quadrupole constituting hybrid topological strings (YTokura, arXiv)

  56. 2308.13557 Magnetic fluctuations in Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

  57. 2308.14342 Spin-polarized transport properties in magnetic moire superlattices (arXiv)

  58. s42005-023-01354-2 High-harmonic generation in CdTe with ultra-low pump intensity and high photon flux (Communications Physics)

  59. PhysRevB.108.L060405 Spontaneous square versus hexagonal nanoscale skyrmion lattices in Fe/Ir(111) (PRB)

  60. d3cp02470a Electronic properties, skyrmions and bimerons in Janus CrXY (X, Y = S, Se, Te, Cl, Br, I, and X != Y) monolayers (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)

  61. PhysRevB.108.064430 Large anomalous Nernst effect and topological Nernst effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{NdMn}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ (PRB)

  62. PhysRevLett.131.090201 Complete Characterization of Quantum Correlations by Randomized Measurements (PRL)

  63. 143 Model of Chromosome Replication Gets Upgraded (Physics)

  64. 2308.13400 Geometric and conventional contributions to superfluid weight in the minimal models for superconducting copper-doped lead apatite (LK99, arXiv)

  65. 2308.13275 Effective tight-binding Hamiltonian for the low-energy electronic structure of the Cu-doped lead apatite and the parent compound (LK99, arXiv)

  66. 2308.13199 Robust Luttinger liquid state of 1D Dirac fermions in a van der Waals system Nb9Si4Te18 (HWYeom, arXiv)

  67. 2308.13181 Emergent $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry near a CDW multicritical point (arXiv)

  68. 2308.13109 Magneto-optical anisotropies of 2D antiferromagnetic MPX$_3$ from first principles (arXiv)

  69. 2308.13448 Valley-free silicon fins by shear strain (DLoss, arXiv)

  70. 2308.13440 Disorder-induced phase transitions in double HgTe quantum wells (HgTe, arXiv)

  71. 2308.13408 Coexistence of non-trivial van der Waals magnetic orders enable field-free spin-orbit torque switching at room temperature (arXiv)

  72. 2308.13337 Evidence of the Coulomb gap in the density of states of MoS$_2$ (arXiv)

  73. 2308.13230 Giant atomic swirl in graphene bilayers with biaxial heterostrain (arXiv)

  74. 2308.12986 Comment on “Direct observation of anyonic braiding statistics”, by Nakamura et al, Nature Physics, volume 16, page 931 (2020) (DasSharma, arXiv)

  75. 2308.13465 Ptychographic nanoscale imaging of the magnetoelectric coupling in freestanding BiFeO$_3$ (BFO, arXiv)