A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 3rd week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 Aug 3rd week collection
  1. s41567-023-02175-4 Three-dimensional neutron far-field tomography of a bulk skyrmion lattice (skyrmion, Nature Physics)

  2. s41586-023-06275-2 Magneto-optics in a van der Waals magnet tuned by self-hybridized polaritons (Nature)

  3. s41586-023-06226-x Quantum textures of the many-body wavefunctions in magic-angle graphene (Nature)

  4. science.abq6011 Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions (Sachdev, Science)

  5. PhysRevLett.131.076003 dc Josephson Effect in Altermagnets (altermagnet, PRL)

  6. PhysRevLett.131.076601 Anomalous Skew-Scattering Nonlinear Hall Effect and Chiral Photocurrents in $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetric Antiferromagnets (AHE, PRL)

  7. PhysRevLett.131.076702 Isotropic Spin Hall Effect in an Epitaxial Ferromagnet (PRL)

  8. 2308.08458 Comment on “Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite” (LK99, arXiv)

  9. 2308.08454 Different phase leads to different transport behavior in Pb$_9$Cu(PO$_4$)$_6$O compounds (LK99, arXiv)

  10. 2308.08248 Quantum geometry in superfluidity and superconductivity (Torma, arXiv)

  11. 2308.08526 Ab-initio Insights on the Fermiology of $d^1$ Transition metals in Honeycomb lattice : Hierarchy of hopping pathways and spin-orbit coupling (honeycomb, arXiv)

  12. 2308.08336 Photoemission Evidence of a Novel Charge Order in Kagome Metal FeGe (FeGe, arXiv)

  13. 2308.08246 Orbital-selective charge-density wave in TaTe$_4$ (arXiv)

  14. 2308.08149 Correlated flat bands in the paramagnetic phase of triangular antiferromagnets Na$_2$BaX(PO$_4$)$_2$ (X = Mn, Co, Ni) (flatband, arXiv)

  15. 2308.08116 Dimensional reduction of Kitaev spin liquid at quantum criticality (arXiv)

  16. 2308.08486 Nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm effect and alternating dispersion of magnons in cone-state ferromagnetic rings (magnon, arXiv)

  17. 2308.08447 Accelerating micromagnetic and atomistic simulations using multiple GPUs (arXiv)

  18. 2308.08207 Promoting $p$-based Hall effects by $p$-$d$-$f$ hybridization in Gd-based dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  19. 2308.08091 Deterministic Spin-Orbit Torque Switching of Mn3Sn with the Interplay between Spin Polarization and Kagome Plane (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

  20. 2308.08542 All-optical switching at the two-photon limit with interference-localized states (arXiv)

  21. 2308.08355 Multiple antiferromagnetic phases and magnetic anisotropy in exfoliated CrBr$_3$ multilayers (arXiv)

  22. acs.nanolett.3c02513 Topological Flat Bands in Strained Graphene: Substrate Engineering and Optical Control (flatband, Nano Letters)

  23. PhysRevLett.131.076301 Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations of Helical Edge States (PRL)

  24. PhysRevLett.131.076801 Why Dissolving Salt in Water Decreases Its Dielectric Permittivity (PRL)

  25. 2308.07408v1 Cu-substituted lead phosphate apatite as an inversion-asymmetric Weyl semimetal (LK99 MFranz, arXiv)

  26. 2308.07888v1 Valley-polarized Josephson Junctions as gate-tunable $0$-$\pi$ qubit platforms (KTLaw, arXiv)

  27. 2308.07482v1 Anharmonic Strong-Coupling Effects at the Origin of the Charge Density Wave in CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv)

  28. 2308.07386v1 Trends of electronic structures and $s_{\pm}$-wave pairing for the rare-earth series in bilayer nickelate superconductor $R_ 3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ (arXiv)

  29. 2308.07383v1 Density-functional description of materials for topological qubits and superconducting spintronics (arXiv)

  30. 2308.07345v1 Metallic states in Pb$_{10}$(PO$_4$)$_6$O induced by the Cu/O-insertions and carrier doping (LK99, arXiv)

  31. 2308.07800v1 Phases and magnetism at microscale in compounds containing nominal Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

  32. 2308.07900v1 Thermoelectric response across the semiconductor-semimetal transition in black phosphorus (BP, arXiv)

  33. 2308.07549v1 Topological Phases, Local Magnetic Moments, and Spin Polarization Triggered by C558-Line Defects in Graphene (graphene, arXiv)

  34. 2308.07488v1 Gate-tunable antiferromagnetic Chern insulator in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (arXiv)

  35. PhysRevLett.131.076701 Disorder-Enriched Magnetic Excitations in a Heisenberg-Kitaev Quantum Magnet ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}_{6}$ (PRL)

  36. PhysRevLett.131.076001 Superconducting Proximity Effect and Long-Ranged Triplets in Dirty Metallic Antiferromagnets (PRL)

  37. 2308.07261 No superconductivity in Pb$_9$Cu$_1$(PO$_4$)$_6$O found in orbital and spin fluctuation exchange calculations (LK99, arXiv)

  38. 2308.06875 Doping-dependent superconducting physical quantities of K-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ obtained through infrared spectroscopy (JSHwang, arXiv)

  39. 2308.06684 Entertaining the Possibility of RT Superconductivity in LK-99 (LK99, arXiv)

  40. 2308.06030 Role of higher-order spin interactions in the emergence of chiral magnetic configurations in lithium-decorated monolayer CrTe$_{2}$ (Cr spin model, arXiv)

  41. 2308.06589 On the Experimental Evidence for Possible Superconductivity in LK99 (LK99, arXiv)

  42. 2308.06349 Statistical Material Law Support for Room Temperature Superconductivity in the Lead Apatite System (LK99, arXiv)

  43. 2308.06881 Temperature-dependent $f$-electron evolution in CeCoIn$_5$ via a comparative infrared study with LaCoIn$_5$ (JSHwang, arXiv)

  44. 2308.07295 Cu-doped Pb$_{10}$(PO$_4$)$_6$O, and V doped SrTiO$_3$ – a tutorial on electron-crystal lattice coupling in insulating materials with transition metal dopants (LK99, arXiv)

  45. 2308.06761 Anisotropic Rashba splitting dominated by out-of-plane spin polarization in two-dimensional Janus $XA_{2}Y$ ($A$= Si, Sn, Ge; $X,Y$= Sb, Bi) with surface imperfection (arXiv)

  46. 2308.06716 Novel magnetic topological insulator FeBi$_2$Te$_4$ with controllable topological quantum phase (magnetic TI, arXiv)

  47. 2308.06415 A first-principles study of bilayer 1T’-WTe2/CrI3: A candidate topological spin filter (arXiv)

  48. 2308.06256 Single crystal synthesis, structure, and magnetism of Pb$_{10-x}$Cu$_x$(PO$_4$)$_6$O (LK99, arXiv)

  49. 2308.05919 Piezostrain-induced in-plane anisotropy of superconducting transition temperature for FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films (arXiv)

  50. 2308.05791 Transport anomalies in multiband superconductors near quantum critical point (arXiv)

  51. 2308.05786 Ferromagnetism and insulating behavior with a logarithmic temperature dependence of resistivity in $Pb_{10-x}Cu_x\left( PO_4 \right) _6O$ (LK99 HHWen, arXiv)

  52. 2308.05778 Current percolation model for the special resistivity behavior observed in Cu-doped Apatite (LK99, arXiv)

  53. 2308.06222 High-temperature superconductivity induced by the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger electron-phonon coupling (HYao, arXiv)

  54. 2308.06073 Emergent inductance from spin fluctuations in strongly correlated magnets (TOh Nagaosa, arXiv)

  55. 2308.05803 Nature of the current-induced insulator-to-metal transition in Ca$_2$RuO$_4$ as revealed by transport-ARPES (arXiv)

  56. 2308.05773 Comment on “Identification of the Mott Insulating Charge Density Wave State in $1T$-TaS$_2$” (arXiv)

  57. 2308.06068 Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules in 2D magnet: A chemical trend in MCl2 with M=V, Mn, and Ni (arXiv)

  58. 2308.05796 Crystalline-electromagnetic responses of higher order topological semimetals (Hughes, arXiv)