A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 Jun 1st week collection
  1. v1 Deterministic switching of antiferromagnetic spin textures by chaotic magnons (arXiv)

  2. PhysRevLett.130.220603 Model-Independent Learning of Quantum Phases of Matter with Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (PRL)

  3. s77 Another Way for Black Holes to Evaporate (Physics)

  4. acsnano.3c02481 Ultrasmall Polar Skyrmions and Merons in SrTiO3 Heterostructures by Polaron Engineering (ACS Nano)

  5. PhysRevB.107.174430 Exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Rh/Co/Fe/Ir multilayers: Towards skyrmions in exchange-frustrated multilayers (PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.105.214415 Non-Hermitian adiabatic perturbation theory of topological quantization of the average velocity of a magnetic skyrmion under thermal fluctuations (PRB)

  7. 2306.00803 Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in $\alpha$-MoB$_2$ as a function of pressure (MoB2, arXiv.org)

  8. 2306.00556 High transport spin polarization in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe$_4$GeTe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

  9. 2306.00072 On the detection of collective modes in unconventional superconductors using tunneling spectroscopy (arXiv.org)

  10. 2306.00593 Distinct switching of chiral transport in the kagome metals KV$_3$Sb$_5$ and CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (kagome, arXiv.org)

  11. 2306.00081 Pressure evolution of electronic structure and magnetism in the layered van der Waals ferromagnet CrGeTe$_3$ (arXiv.org)

  12. 2306.00078 Quantum geometry, optical absorption and topological gap bound (LiangFu, arXiv.org)

  13. 2306.00123 Optical creation and annihilation of skyrmion patches in a bulk chiral magnet (arXiv.org)

  14. 2306.00955 Remembrances of Michael E. Fisher (arXiv.org)

  15. 2306.00448 CrTe$_2$ as a two-dimensional material for topological magnetism in complex heterobilayers (arXiv.org)

  16. PhysRevLett.130.223403 Floquet Gauge Anomaly Inflow and Arbitrary Fractional Charge in Periodically Driven Topological-Normal Insulator Heterostructures (PRL)

  17. PhysRevLett.130.226302 Gate-Tunable Phonon Magnetic Moment in Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

  18. s81 A Textbook Dirac Semimetal (Physics)

  19. PhysRevB.107.L241101 Evidence for three-dimensional Dirac conical bands in TlBiSSe by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy (PRB)

  20. 2305.19967 Dark Matter Detection with Strongly Correlated Topological Materials: Flatband Effect (JXZhu flat, arXiv.org)

  21. 2305.19927 Twistronics of Kekul\‘e Graphene: Honeycomb and Kagome Flat Bands (flat, arXiv.org)

  22. 2305.19970 Zero-bias conductance peaks at zero applied magnetic field due to stray fields from integrated micromagnets in hybrid nanowire quantum dots (arXiv.org)

  23. 2305.19805 Axion Topology in Photonic Crystal Domain Walls (arXiv.org)

  24. 2305.19456 Photonic Flatband Resonances in Multiple Light Scattering (flat, arXiv.org)

  25. PhysRevX.13.021032 Why Are There Six Degrees of Separation in a Social Network? (PRX)

  26. PhysRevLett.130.226001 Superconductivity, Charge Density Wave, and Supersolidity in Flat Bands with a Tunable Quantum Metric (flat, PRL)

  27. PhysRevLett.130.226401 Carrier-Density Control of the Quantum-Confined $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ Charge Density Wave (TiSe2, PRL)

  28. PhysRevLett.130.226501 Ultrafast Switching from the Charge Density Wave Phase to a Metastable Metallic State in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (TiSe2, PRL)

  29. PhysRevLett.130.226801 Hexagonal Close-Packed Polar-Skyrmion Lattice in Ultrathin Ferroelectric ${\mathrm{PbTiO}}_{3}$ Films (skyrmion, PRL)

  30. PhysRevLett.130.220001 Essay: Overcoming the Obstacles to a Magnetic Fusion Power Plant (PRL)

  31. 2305.17880 Ultra-small topological spin textures with size of 1.3nm at above room temperature in Fe78Si9B13 amorphous alloy (arXiv)

  32. PhysRevX.13.021031 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment with Two Bose-Einstein Condensates (PRX) 92 Realizing the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox for Atomic Clouds (Physics)

  33. PhysRevLett.130.220401 Construction of Non-Hermitian Parent Hamiltonian from Matrix Product States (PRL)

  34. PhysRevLett.130.226002 Magnetic Response of Nematic Superconductors: Skyrmion Stripes and Their Signatures in Muon Spin Relaxation Experiments (PRL) s73 Superconductor Vortices Visible as Stripes (Physics)

  35. 91 Squeezable Metal Offers a Greener Approach to Refrigeration (Physics)

  36. 2305.19189v1 Classification of Classical Spin Liquids: Detailed Formalism and Suite of Examples (arXiv)

  37. 2305.18643v1 Pyqcm: An open-source Python library for quantum cluster methods (arXiv)

  38. 2305.18626v1 Quantum skyrmion Hall effect (skyrmion, arXiv)

  39. 2305.18759v1 Non-perturbative dynamics of correlated disordered flat-band system (arXiv)

  40. 2305.19009v1 Perpendicular in-plane negative magnetoresistance in ZrTe5 (MR, arXiv)

  41. 2305.18369v1 Influence of higher order electron-phonon interaction terms on the thermal properties of 2D Dirac crystals (arXiv)

  42. 2305.18560v1 Point Defects in Two-Dimensional RuCl3 (arXiv)

  43. 2305.16230v1 Topological gap protocol based machine learning optimization of Majorana hybrid wires (arXiv.org)

  44. 2305.17991v1 Intertwined charge and pair density orders in a monolayer high-Tc iron-based superconductor (arXiv.org)

  45. 2305.17669v1 Emergence of flat bands and their impact on superconductivity of Mo$5$Si${3-x}$P$_x$ (flat, arXiv.org)

  46. 2305.18196v1 Novel Electronic Structure of Nitrogen-Doped Lutetium Hydrides (LuH HWPark, arXiv.org)

  47. 2305.18087v1 Low temperature phase transitions under CDW state in kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=Cs,Rb,K): Significance of mix-type Fermi surface electron correlations (arXiv.org)

  48. 2305.18080v1 Extended magic phase in twisted graphene multilayers (arXiv.org)

  49. 2305.17450v1 Anomalous conductivity of $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Fermi liquids (arXiv.org)

  50. 2305.17329 Ultrafast Control of Crystal Structure in a Topological Charge-Density-Wave Material (arXiv)

  51. 2305.17189 Ubiquitous nematic Dirac semimetal emerging from interacting quadratic band touching system (arXiv)

  52. 2305.18103 50 years of quantum spin liquids (Kivelson, arXiv)

  53. 2305.18127 Intrinsic nonlinear thermal Hall transport of magnons: A Quantum kinetic theory approach (arXiv)

  54. 2305.17606 Nonhermitian adiabatic perturbation theory of topological quantization of the average velocity of a magnetic skyrmion under thermal fluctuations (arXiv)

  55. 2305.18257 Transversality-Enforced Tight-Binding Model for 3D Photonic Crystals aided by Topological Quantum Chemistry (arXiv)

  56. 2305.17736 Short review of interaction effects in graphene (arXiv)

  57. PhysRevB.107.184439 Quantized movement of magnetic skyrmions in moir\‘e multiferroic heterostructures (Quantized movement skyrmion, PRB)

  58. LMAG.2023.3280120 Analysis of Skyrmion Shuffling Chamber Stochasticity for Neuromorphic Computing Applications (IEEE Magnetics Letters)

  59. find-career-satisfaction-i-learned-i-didn-t-have-choose-just-one-job To find career satisfaction, I learned I didn’t have to choose just one job (science)

  60. acs.nanolett.3c00428 Correlation of Interface Interdiffusion and Skyrmionic Phases (nanolett)

  61. 2305.17035 Shift photoconductivity in the Haldane model (arXiv)

  62. 2305.16813 Strong magnetic proximity effect in Van der Waals heterostructures driven by direct hybridization (arXiv)

  63. 2305.16419 Type-II Dirac points and Dirac nodal loops on the magnons of square-hexagon-octagon lattice (arXiv)