A WordCloud of 2023 May 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 May 1st week collection
  1. PhysRevB.107.174403 Ab initio statistical mechanics of the N\‘eel transition in hexagonal ${\mathrm{YMnO}}_{3}$: Antiferromagnetic domain walls, vortices, and local magnetoelectric coupling (PRB)

  2. 2305.03035 Iron-based superconductors: teenage, complex, challenging (arXiv)

  3. 2305.02900 Superconducting Arcs (arXiv)

  4. 2305.02340 Nontrivial Quantum Geometry and the Strength of Electron-Phonon Coupling (Bernevig, arXiv)

  5. 2305.03031 Magic-angle helical trilayer graphene (Liang Fu, arXiv)

  6. 2305.02975 High Chern numbers in a perovskite-derived dice lattice (La$X$O$_3$)$_3$/(LaAlO$_3$)$_3$(111) with $X=$ Ti, Mn and Co (arXiv)

  7. 2305.02833 Emergence of curved momentum-spacetime and its effect on the cyclotron motion in the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal (arXiv)

  8. 2305.02751 Pressure evolution of electron dynamics in the superconducting kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

  9. 2305.02454 Correlation Induced Magnetic Topological Phases in Mixed-Valence Compound SmB6 (arXiv)

  10. 2305.02393 Universal sublinear resistivity in vanadium kagome materials hosting charge density waves (arXiv)

  11. 2305.02341 Failure of Topological Invariants in Strongly Correlated Matter (arXiv)

  12. 2305.02336 Theory of shot noise in strange metals (arXiv)

  13. 2305.02409 An overview of the spin dynamics of antiferromagnetic Mn$_5$Si$_3$ (SBlugel, arXiv)

  14. PhysRevLett.130.186001 Current- and Field-Induced Topology in Twisted Nodal Superconductors (PRL)

  15. s41586-023-05853-8 Photo-induced high-temperature ferromagnetism in YTiO3 (Nature)

  16. 52 Light Boosts Magnetism in a Crystal (Physics)

  17. 2305.01926 Superconducting Stiffness and Coherence Length of FeSe${0.5}$Te${0.5}$ Measured in Zero-Applied Field (arXiv)

  18. 2305.01682 Frustration induced Itinerant Ferromagnetism of Fermions in Optical Lattice (arXiv)

  19. 2305.00990 BCS-like disorder-driven instabilities and ultraviolet effects in nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)

  20. 2305.01702 Exciton and light induced ferromagnetism from doping a moir\‘e Mott insulator (arXiv)

  21. 2305.01172 Direct observations of spin fluctuations in spin-hedgehog-anti-hedgehog lattice states in MnSi$_{1-x}$Ge$_x$ ($x=0.6$ and $0.8$) at zero magnetic field (hedgehog, arXiv)

  22. 2305.01086 Origin and stability of the charge density wave in ScV$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

  23. 2305.01033 Heavy-fermion strange metal and quantum spin liquid in a 4d-electron trimer lattice (arXiv)

  24. 2305.01001 Quantum statistical mechanics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and strange metals (arXiv)

  25. 2305.02181 Impacts of the half-skyrmion spin topology, spin-orbit torque, and dynamic symmetry breaking on the growth of magnetic stripe domains (arXiv)

  26. 2305.02025 Topological phase detection through high-harmonic spectroscopy in extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (arXiv)

  27. 2305.01404 Theory of polarization textures in crystal supercells (arXiv)

  28. 2305.01640 Orbital Hall effect in mesoscopic devices (arXiv)

  29. 2305.01318 Curvature-enhanced localised emission from dark states in wrinkled monolayer WSe2 at room temperature (arXiv)

  30. 2305.01105 Creating a three dimensional intrinsic electric dipole on rotated CrI$_3$ bilayers (arXiv)

  31. 2305.01006 Interaction-driven topological phase diagram of twisted bilayer MoTe$_2$ (arXiv)

  32. PhysRevLett.130.186404 Resonating Valence Bond States in an Electron-Phonon System (SKivelson, PRL)

  33. PhysRevLett.130.186204 High-Order Fractal Quantum Oscillations in Graphene/BN Superlattices in the Extreme Doping Limit (PRL)

  34. PhysRevLett.130.186302 Composite Fermion Pairing Induced by Landau Level Mixing (PRL)

  35. PhysRevLett.130.186801 Sublattice-Dependent Antiferromagnetic Transitions in Rare Earth Nickelates (PRL)

  36. PhysRevLett.130.186702 Amorphous and Polycrystalline Routes toward a Chiral Spin Liquid (CSL, PRL)

  37. PhysRevLett.130.187101 Universal Subdiffusive Behavior at Band Edges from Transfer Matrix Exceptional Points (PRL)

  38. PhysRevLett.130.186403 Spontaneous Formation of Exceptional Points at the Onset of Magnetism (PRL)

  39. PhysRevLett.130.186202 Punctured-Chern Topological Invariants for Semimetallic Band structures (PRL)

  40. PhysRevX.13.021017 Consistent Quantization of Nearly Singular Superconducting Circuits (PRX)

  41. PhysRevLett.130.186201 Controlling the Zero Hall Plateau in a Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator by In-Plane Magnetic Field (PRL)

  42. PhysRevLett.130.186401 Excitonic Condensate in Flat Valence and Conduction Bands of Opposite Chirality (PRL)

  43. PhysRevLett.130.186701 SU(2)-Symmetric Spin-Boson Model: Quantum Criticality, Fixed-Point Annihilation, and Duality (PRL)

  44. 2305.00958v1 Josephson coupling driven magnetoresistance in superconducting NiBi3 nanowires (arXiv)

  45. 2305.00589v1 The fate of time-reversal symmetry breaking in UTe2 (arXiv)

  46. 2305.00444v1 Superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds with sodium (arXiv)

  47. 2305.00802v1 Theoretical analysis of multi-magnon excitations in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of two-dimensional antiferromagnets (arXiv)

  48. 2305.00751v1 Theory of magnetic vortex crystals induced by electric dipole interactions (arXiv)

  49. 2305.00448v1 General construction scheme for geometrically nontrivial flat band models (arXiv)

  50. 2305.00376v1 Itinerant to relocalized transition of f electrons in the Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6 (arXiv)

  51. 2305.00295v1 Weyl metallic state induced by helical magnetic order (arXiv)

  52. 2305.00215v1 Observation of linear magnetoelectric effect in a Dirac magnon antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6 (arXiv)

  53. 2305.00155v1 Classification of Classical Spin Liquids: Typology and Resulting Landscape (arXiv)

  54. 2305.00973v1 Integer and fractional Chern insulators in twisted bilayer MoTe2 (arXiv)

  55. 2305.00870v1 Microscopic superexchange model for moir\‘e bilayer in chromium trihalides (arXiv)

  56. 2305.00824v1 Atomically-precise engineering of spin-orbit polarons in a kagome magnetic Weyl semimetal (arXiv)

  57. 2305.00775v1 Ultrafast electron-phonon scattering in antiferromagnetic Dirac-semimetals (arXiv)

  58. 2305.00826v1 Discovery and construction of surface kagome electronic states induced by p-d electronic hybridization (arXiv)

  59. 2304.14822 Superconductivity from Orbital-Selective Electron-Phonon Coupling in $A\mathrm{V}_3\mathrm{Sb}_5$ (arXiv)

  60. 2304.14453 Evidence for Unconventional Superconductivity and Nontrivial Topology in PdTe (arXiv)

  61. 2304.14991 A numerical study of bounds in the correlations of fractional quantum Hall states (arXiv)

  62. 2304.14896 The Double-$Q$ Ground State with Topological Charge Stripes in the Skyrmion Candidate $\text{GdRu}{\text{2}}\text{Si}{\text{2}}$ (arXiv)

  63. 2304.14683 Two-dimensional extended Hubbard model: doping, next-nearest neighbor hopping and phase diagrams (arXiv)

  64. 2304.14640 Partial molecular orbitals in face-sharing 3$d$ manganese trimer: Comparative studies on Ba${4}$TaMn${3}$O${12}$ and Ba${4}$NbMn${3}$O${12}$ (arXiv)

  65. 2304.15009 Emergent metallicity at the grain boundaries of higher-order topological insulators (arXiv)

  66. 2304.14978 Interplay of electron-magnon scattering and spin-orbit induced electronic spin-flip fcattering in a two-band Stoner model (arXiv)

  67. 2304.14718 Investigation and field effect tuning of thermoelectric properties of SnSe2 flakes (arXiv)

  68. 2304.14435 Classical Chaos in Quantum Computers (arXiv)