A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 2nd week collection
A WordCloud of 2023 Apr 2nd week collection
  1. PhysRevB.107.134407 Magnetic skyrmion Walker breakdown in cylindrical nanotubes (PRB)

  2. s41467-023-37337-8 Polar meron-antimeron networks in strained and twisted bilayers (Nature Communications)

  3. RevModPhys.95.021001 Colloquium: Room temperature superconductivity: The roles of theory and materials design (Reviews of Modern Physics)

  4. PhysRevLett.130.143801 Moire Lattice in One-Dimensional Synthetic Frequency Dimension (PRL)

  5. PhysRevLett.130.147001 Generating Coherent Phonon Waves in Narrow-Band Materials: A Twisted Bilayer Graphene Phaser (PRL)

  6. 56 High-Power, Room-Temperature, Coherent Microwave Source (Physics)

  7. science.adi0333 Strengthening the scientific record (Science)

  8. 2304.03100 No evidence of superconductivity in the compressed sample prepared from the lutetium foil and H2/N2 gas mixture (arXiv.org)

  9. 2304.03062 Higher-order Topological and Nodal Superconductors MS (M = Nb and Ta) Transition-metal Sulfides (arXiv.org)

  10. 2304.03111 Electrically-excited Motion of Topological Defects in Multiferroic Materials (arXiv.org)

  11. 2304.02910 Effect of electronic correlation on topological end-states in finite-size graphene nanoribbons (arXiv.org)

  12. 2304.03273 Symmetry and topology of hyperbolic Haldane models (arXiv.org)

  13. 2304.02880 Band engineered bilayer Haldane model: Evidence of multiple topological phase transitions (arXiv.org)

  14. 2304.02850 Topological spin Hall effect in antiferromagnets driven by vector N\‘eel chirality (arXiv.org)

  15. 2304.02751 Observation of charge-to-spin conversion with giant efficiency at Ni${0.8}$Fe${0.2}$/Bi${2}$WO${6}$ interface (arXiv.org)

  16. PhysRevLett.130.143002 Robust Nuclear Spin Entanglement via Dipolar Interactions in Polar Molecules (PRL)

  17. PhysRevLett.130.146201 ${\mathbb{Z}}_{3}$ Parafermion in the Double Charge Kondo Model (PRL)

  18. s41586-023-05800-7 Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice (Nature)

  19. 2304.02635 Intrinsic surface superconducting instability in Type-I Weyl Semimetals (arXiv.org)

  20. 2304.02586 Electronic nematic order in the normal state of strontium ruthenate (arXiv.org)

  21. 2304.02115 Collective nature of orbital excitations in layered cuprates in the absence of apical oxygens (arXiv.org)

  22. 2304.02546 High-energy spin waves in the spin-1 square-lattice antiferromagnet La$_2$NiO$_4$ (arXiv.org)

  23. 2304.02428 Effective model for superconductivity in magic-angle graphene (arXiv.org)

  24. 2304.02382 Density of states of tight-binding models in the hyperbolic plane (arXiv.org)

  25. 2304.02201 Estimating Patterns of Classical and Quantum Skyrmion States (arXiv.org)

  26. 2304.02243 Realizing a Superconducting Square-Lattice Bismuth Monolayer (arXiv.org)

  27. 2304.02071 Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

  28. 2304.02120 Chiral charge as hidden order parameter in URu$_2$Si$_2$ (arXiv.org)

  29. 2304.02071 Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet (arXiv.org)

  30. PhysRevLett.130.146401 Geometry-Induced Spin Filtering in Photoemission Maps from ${\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ Surface States (PRL)

  31. s48 Putting a Spin on Photoemission (Physics)

  32. adma.202210646 Realization and Current-Driven Dynamics of Fractional Hopfions and Their Ensembles in a Helimagnet FeGe (Advanced Materials)

  33. 2304.01740 Evolution of charge density waves from three-dimensional to quasi-two-dimensional in Kagome superconductors Cs(V${1-x}M{x}$)$_3$Sb$_5$ ($M$ = Nb, Ta) (arXiv.org)

  34. 2304.01631 Topological superconductivity in doped magnetic moir\‘e semiconductors (arXiv.org)

  35. 2304.01444 Superconductivity in Ternary Scandium Tellurides with 3d, 4d, and 5d Transition Metals (arXiv.org)

  36. 2304.01427 Interrelationships between nematicity, antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations and superconductivity: Role of hotspots in FeSe${1-x}$S${x}$ revealed by high pressure $^{77}$Se NMR study (arXiv.org)

  37. 2304.01827 Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for topological insulators and superconductors: $E_2$ pages for 1651 magnetic space groups (arXiv.org)

  38. 2304.01934 The effect of off-diagonal density matrix in DFT+DMFT for Li$_2$MnO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

  39. 2304.01892 Distinguishing thermodynamics and spectroscopy for octupolar U(1) spin liquid of Ce-pyrochlores (arXiv.org)

  40. 2304.01604 Enhanced Spin-polarization via Partial Ge1-dimerization as the Driving Force of the 2$\times$2$\times$2 CDW in FeGe (arXiv.org)

  41. 2304.01983 Obstructions in trivial metals as topological insulator zero-modes (arXiv.org)

  42. 2304.01720 Higher-order Bragg gaps in the electronic band structure of bilayer graphene renormalized by recursive supermoir\‘e potential (arXiv.org)

  43. 2304.01251 Ideal Chern bands are Landau levels in curved space (arXiv.org)

  44. 2304.01931 ARPES signatures of few-layer twistronic graphenes (arXiv.org)

  45. 2304.01930 Full quantum theory for magnon transport in two-sublattice magnetic insulators and magnon junctions (arXiv.org)

  46. 2304.01683 Unidirectional Seebeck effect from Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the subsurface of Ge(111) (arXiv.org)

  47. PhysRevLett.130.146801 General Theory for Bilayer Stacking Ferroelectricity (PRL)

  48. PhysRevLett.130.147201 Controlling Displacement Fields in Polar Willis Solids via Gauge Transformations (PRL)

  49. s39 Predicting Ferroelectricity with Group Theory (Physics)

  50. 2304.01122 Charge-density wave fluctuation driven composite order in the layered Kagome Metals (arXiv)

  51. 2304.00972 Correlated order at the tipping point in the kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv)

  52. 2304.00681 Multiple-$q$ dipole-quadrupole instability in spin-1 triangular-lattice systems (arXiv)

  53. 2304.00528 Inter-edge spin resonance in the Kitaev quantum spin liquid (arXiv)

  54. 2304.00425 Charge order in a nonsymmorphic topological crystal TaTe$_4$ (arXiv)

  55. 2304.01001 Observation of spin-wave moir\‘e edge and cavity modes in twisted magnetic lattices (arXiv)

  56. 2304.00904 Flat bands and topological phase transition in entangled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (arXiv)

  57. 2304.00331 All-optical magnetization control in CrI$_3$ monolayers: a microscopic theory (arXiv)

  58. 2304.00030 Current-Induced Spin Accumulation and Magnetoresistance in Chiral Semimetals (arXiv)

  59. 2304.00785 Symmetry-based requirement for the measurement of electrical and thermal Hall conductivity under an in-plane magnetic field (arXiv)

  60. 2304.01127 Possible superconductivity in $d^{n} (n\neq 9)$ platforms ? (arXiv)

  61. 2304.01084 Similarities and Differences in the Fermiology of Kagome Metals AV${3}$Sb${5}$ (A=K, Rb, Cs) Revealed by Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillations (arXiv)

  62. 2304.00558 Percolation-induced resistivity drop in cold-pressed LuH2 (arXiv)

  63. 2304.00190 Enormous variation in homogeneity of room temperature superconductor samples: a Comment on Nature 615, 244 (2023) (arXiv)

  64. 2303.18235 Kondo $s$-$d$ exchange interaction in the CuO$_2$ plane as the long sought mechanism of high temperature superconductivity in cuprates (cuprate, arXiv)

  65. 2303.17953 Superconducting topological Dirac semimetals: $P6/m$-Si$_6$ and $P6/m$-NaSi$_6$ (arXiv)

  66. 2303.17656 Incommensurability-Induced Enhancement of Superconductivity in One Dimensional Critical Systems (arXiv)

  67. 2303.17975 Topological paramagnetic excitons of localized f electrons on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv)

  68. 2303.17850 Singular flat bands in the modified Haldane-Dice model (arXiv)

  69. 2303.17687 Observation of Wigner cusps in a metallic carbon nanotube (CN, arXiv)