A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 4th week collection
  1. s41586-022-05351-3 Emergent charge order in pressurized kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (kagome, Nature)

  2. 2211.12834 Magnetic-field driven delocalization of in-gap-state BdG quasiparticles in a quasi-two-dimensional Fe-based superconductor (arXiv.org)

  3. 2211.12722 Higher order exchange driven noncoplanar magnetic state and large anomalous Hall effects in electron doped kagome magnet Mn$_3$Sn (Mn3Sn, arXiv.org)

  4. 2211.12882 Itinerant Ferromagnetism in SU(N)-Symmetric Fermi Gases at Finite Temperature: First Order Phase Transitions and Time-Reversal Symmetry (arXiv.org)

  5. 2211.13178 Long-range order in the XY model on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv.org)

  6. 2211.13207 Theory of topological defects and textures in two-dimensional quantum orders with spontaneous symmetry breaking (arXiv.org)

  7. PhysRevLett.129.227002 Quantum Computing with Majorana Kramers Pairs (LiangFu, PRL)

  8. PhysRevLett.129.227203 Frozen Deconfined Quantum Criticality (QPT, PRL)

  9. PhysRevLett.129.227401 Resonant Second-Harmonic Generation as a Probe of Quantum Geometry (PRL)

  10. PhysRevLett.129.227202 Interstitial-Induced Ferromagnetism in a Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal (PRL)

  11. PhysRevB.106.174431 Incommensurate and multiple-$q$ magnetic misfit order in the frustrated quantum spin ladder material antlerite ${\mathrm{Cu}}{3}{\mathrm{SO}}{4}{(\mathrm{OH})}_{4}$ (PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.106.174513 Spin singlet and quasiparticle excitations in cuprate superconductors (PRB)

  13. PhysRevB.106.174514 Superconductivity from repulsive interactions on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

  14. PhysRevB.106.184108 Crystal structure and Raman-active lattice vibrations of magnetic topological insulators $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}n({\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{3})$ ($n=0$, 1,…,6) (PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.106.184422 Ab initio study of spin fluctuations in the itinerant kagome magnet FeSn (kagome, PRB)

  16. PhysRevB.106.184512 Superconductivity in the high-entropy alloy ${(\mathrm{NbTa})}{0.67}{(\mathrm{MoHfW})}{0.33}$ (PRB)

  17. PhysRevB.106.195144 Axion insulators protected by ${C}_{2}\mathbb{T}$ symmetry, their $K$-theory invariants, and material realizations (PRB)

  18. PhysRevB.106.205140 Competing states in the two-dimensional frustrated Kondo-necklace model (PRB)

  19. PhysRevB.106.205415 Response of Raman-active modes in monolayer $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{WTe}}_{2}$ to charge doping (PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.106.L180405 Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point in CeZn (PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.106.L180406 Bell-state generation for spin qubits via dissipative coupling (Yaroslav, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.106.L201407 Topological corner states in graphene by bulk and edge engineering (PRB)

  23. 2211.11778 Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene: II. Topological edge states and Chern numbers (graphene, arXiv.org)

  24. 2211.12015 Sharp Kohn-like phonon anomalies due to charge order can strongly enhance the superconducting $T_c$ (CDW QCP, arXiv.org)

  25. 2211.12264 Superconductivity and orbital-selective nematic order in a new titanium-based kagome metal CsTi3Bi5 (kagome, arXiv.org)

  26. 2211.11911 Melting, Reentrant Ordering and Peak Effect for Wigner Crystals with Quenched and Thermal Disorder (LosAlamos, arXiv.org)

  27. 2211.12387 Magnetic resonance study of rare-earth titanates (arXiv.org)

  28. 2211.12453 Elastocaloric signatures of symmetric and antisymmetric strain-tuning of quadrupolar and magnetic phases in DyB2C2 (arXiv.org)

  29. 2211.12495 Impurity-induced pairing in two-dimensional Fermi gases (arXiv.org)

  30. PhysRevLett.129.226401 Sublattice Ferrimagnetism in Quasifreestanding Graphene (PRL)

  31. PhysRevLett.129.227001 Kibble-Zurek Mechanism for Dynamical Ordering in a Driven Vortex System (topological defect, PRL)

  32. PhysRevLett.129.227201 Spin Excitation Spectra of Anisotropic Spin-$1/2$ Triangular Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnets (PRL)

  33. PhysRevB.106.174430 Magnetic and spin-orbit exciton excitations in the honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{RuBr}}_{3}$ (KYChoi, PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.106.195142 Topological charge-2 Dirac phonons in three dimensions: Theory and realization (charge-2 Dirac phonon, PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.106.L180201 Many-body localization and the area law in two dimensions (PRB)

  36. PhysRevLett.129.223401 Bose-Einstein Condensation of Europium (Dipole-Dipole > spin interaction in BEC, PRL) s157 A Dense, Cold Gas of Europium Atoms (Physics)

  37. 2211.10572 Josephson diode effect on the surface of topological insulators (arXiv.org)

  38. 2211.10947 Dynamical interplay between superconductivity and charge-density-wave: a nonlinear terahertz study of coherently-driven 2H-NbSe2 and La2-xSrxCuO4 (arXiv.org)

  39. 2211.11016 The activated scaling behavior of quantum Griffiths singularity in two-dimensional superconductors (arXiv.org)

  40. 2211.11372 Topological superconductivity and large spin Hall effect in the kagome family Ti6X4 (X = Bi, Sb, Pb, Tl, In) (arXiv.org)

  41. 2211.11537 Diode effect in superconducting Nb$_3$Sn micro-bridges at high frequencies (arXiv.org)

  42. 2211.11547 Spin-orbit coupling controlling the superconducting dome of artificial superlattices of quantum wells (arXiv.org)

  43. 2211.11640 Magic Fermions: Carroll and Flat Bands (arXiv.org)

  44. 2211.10452 Spin density wave, Fermi liquid, and fractionalized phases in a theory of antiferromagnetic metals using paramagnons and bosonic spinons (Sachdev, arXiv.org)

  45. 2211.10453 Fractionalized Prethermalization in a Driven Quantum Spin Liquid (arXiv.org)

  46. 2211.11618 Topological exact flat bands in two dimensional materials under periodic strain (flat, arXiv.org)

  47. 2211.11622 Fractionalization in Fractional Correlated Insulating States at $n\pm 1/3$ filled twisted bilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

  48. 2211.11735 Shot noise as a characterization of strongly correlated metals (arXiv.org)

  49. PhysRevX.12.041020 Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants (PRX)

  50. PhysRevB.106.174423 Room-temperature antiferromagnetic order in monolayer ${\mathrm{Fe}}_{2}\mathrm{C}$ (PRB)

  51. PhysRevB.106.174426 Field-induced spin reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetic ring-shaped spin chains (PRB)

  52. PhysRevB.106.174427 Second-order topological magneto-optical effects in noncoplanar antiferromagnets (PRB)

  53. PhysRevB.106.174428 Thermal spin dynamics of Kitaev magnets: Scattering continua and magnetic field induced phases within a stochastic semiclassical approach (PRB)

  54. PhysRevB.106.174512 Wire construction of class DIII topological crystalline superconductors in two dimensions (PRB)

  55. PhysRevB.106.184106 Observation of Floquet topological phases with large Chern numbers (PRB)

  56. PhysRevB.106.184209 Coexistence of localization and transport in many-body two-dimensional Aubry-Andr\‘e models (PRB)

  57. PhysRevB.106.184417 Green’s function method for the two-dimensional frustrated spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg magnetic lattice (PRB)

  58. PhysRevB.106.184511 Insulating phase in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays investigated by nonlinear transport (PRB)

  59. PhysRevB.106.205134 Electric field tunable layer polarization in graphene/boron-nitride twisted quadrilayer superlattices (PRB)

  60. PhysRevB.106.L180403 Unraveling the origin of the peculiar transition in the magnetically ordered phase of the Weyl semimetal ${\mathrm{Co}}{3}{\mathrm{Sn}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (PRB)

  61. PhysRevB.106.L180404 Spin-neutral tunneling anomalous Hall effect (PRB)

  62. PhysRevB.106.L180506 Superconductivity enhanced by pair fluctuations between wide and narrow bands (flat, PRB)

  63. 2211.09836 Complex phase-fluctuation effects correlated with granularity in superconducting NbN nanofilms (arXiv)

  64. 2211.09846 Pair Density Waves from Local Band Geometry (arXiv)

  65. 2211.09999 Topological Anderson Transitions in Chiral Symmetry Classes (Shindou, arXiv)

  66. 2211.09837 Elastic stripes formation at electronic transitions (arXiv)

  67. 2211.09841 Spectroscopy of the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Cs$_2$CuCl$_4$ (arXiv)

  68. 2211.10180 Skew scattering by magnetic monopoles and anomalous Hall effect in spin-orbit coupled systems (arXiv)

  69. 2211.10404 Orbital-ordered ferromagnetic insulating state in tensile-strained SrCoO$_{3}$ thin films (Co, arXiv)