A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2022 Nov 1st week collection
  1. PhysRevLett.129.193604 Two-Photon Excitation Sets Limit to Entangled Photon Pair Generation from Quantum Emitters (PRL)

  2. PhysRevLett.129.196602 Topological Electromagnetic Effects and Higher Second Chern Numbers in Four-Dimensional Gapped Phases (PRL)

  3. PhysRevB.106.174408 Small-angle neutron scattering in the fully polarized phase of noncollinear magnets with interfacial-like Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI, PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.106.184503 In-plane electronic anisotropy revealed by interlayer resistivity measurements on the iron-based superconductor parent compound CaFeAsF (PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.106.195110 Evolution of the cyclotron mass with doping in ${\mathrm{La}}{2\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}$ (cuprate THz, PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.106.174503 Flat-band-induced superconductivity in synthetic bilayer optical lattices (PRB)

  7. 2211.01388 Sublattice Interference promotes Pair Density Wave order in Kagome Metals (kagome, arXiv.org)

  8. 2211.01609 Josephson Effect in NbS$_{2}$ van der Waals Junctions (arXiv.org)

  9. 2211.01707 Electrostatic effects of the MnBi2Te4-superconductor hetero-structures in chiral Majorana search (arXiv.org)

  10. 2211.01733 Gradual emergence of superconductivity in underdoped LSCO (arXiv.org)

  11. 2211.02031 Spectral properties of 1D extended Hubbard model from bosonization and time-dependent variational principle: applications to 1D cuprate (arXiv.org)

  12. 2211.01390 Strange-metal behavior in a Fermi liquid with strange scatterers (arXiv.org)

  13. 2211.01483 Unravelling the origin of the peculiar transition in the magnetically ordered phase of the Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 (Co3Sn2S2, arXiv.org)

  14. 2211.01490 Deep Learning Hamiltonians from Disordered Image Data in Quantum Materials (arXiv.org)

  15. 2211.01501 A light-induced Weyl semiconductor-to-metal transition mediated by Peierls instability (Peierls, arXiv.org)

  16. 2211.01663 Static magnetic and ESR spectroscopic properties of the dimer-chain antiferromagnet BiCoPO$_5$ (arXiv.org)

  17. 2211.01709 Dynamic phase transitions on the kagome Ising ferromagnet (arXiv.org)

  18. 2211.01714 Skyrmion Jellyfish in Driven Chiral Magnets (arXiv.org)

  19. 2211.01780 Controlling charge density order in 2H-TaSe$_{2}$ using a van Hove singularity (arXiv.org)

  20. PhysRevLett.129.196601 Anomalous Transport Signatures in Weyl Semimetals with Point Defects (PRL)

  21. PhysRevLett.129.197201 Predicting Phonon-Induced Spin Decoherence from First Principles: Colossal Spin Renormalization in Condensed Matter (PRL)

  22. PhysRevB.106.L180502 Enhanced superconductivity through virtual tunneling in Bernal bilayer graphene coupled to ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ (PRB)

  23. PhysRevB.106.174406 Universal scaling of specific heat in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ quantum kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.106.174404 Many-body theory of phonon-induced spin relaxation and decoherence (PRB)

  25. PhysRevB.106.184201 Nodal vacancy bound states and resonances in three-dimensional Weyl semimetals (PRB)

  26. PhysRevB.106.195106 Homotopic analysis of quantum states in two-dimensional polymorphs by a herringbone lattice model (PRB)

  27. PhysRevB.106.195107 Quantum oscillations of Kondo screening phases in strong magnetic fields (PRB)

  28. PhysRevB.106.195108 Bulk photospin effect: Calculation of electric spin susceptibility to second order in an electric field (PRB)

  29. PhysRevB.106.205104 Nonlinear Landauer formula: Nonlinear response theory of disordered and topological materials (PRB)

  30. PhysRevB.106.205105 Interaction-driven quantum anomalous Hall insulator in a Dirac semimetal (PRB)

  31. PhysRevB.106.205301 Towards comprehension of the surface state properties in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (PRB)

  32. PhysRevB.106.205402 Valley-controlled transport in graphene ${\mathrm{WSe}}_{2}$ heterostructures under off-resonant polarized light (PRB)

  33. PhysRevB.106.L180501 Why mercury is a superconductor (PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.106.L180503 Enhanced amplitude for superconductivity due to spectrum-wide wave function criticality in quasiperiodic and power-law random hopping models (PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.106.L201103 Tunable electronic and magnetic phases in layered ruthenates: Strained ${\mathrm{SrRuO}}{3}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

  36. s155 Explaining Mercury Superconductivity, 111 Years Later (Physics)

  37. 2211.00663 Asymptotic sign free in interacting fermion models (HYao, arXiv.org)

  38. 2211.00682 Higher-Order Nodal Hinge States in Doped Superconducting Topological Insulator (JCano, arXiv.org)

  39. 2211.00975 Superconductivity beyond the Pauli limit in high-pressure CeSb2 (arXiv.org)

  40. 2211.01024 A brief perspective of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates: Strong correlations combined with superexchange match experiment (arXiv.org)

  41. 2211.01054 Hybrid s-wave superconductivity in CrB$_2$ (arXiv.org)

  42. 2211.01028 Mott Physics in Correlated Nanosystems: Localization-Delocalization Transition of Electrons by Exact Diagonalization Ab Initio Method (폴란드 Spałek, arXiv.org)

  43. 2211.01192 Observation of flat $\Gamma$ moir\‘e bands in twisted bilayer WSe$_2$ (arXiv.org)

  44. 2211.01352 Electronic anisotropy in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (arXiv.org)

  45. PhysRevX.12.041013 General Theory of Josephson Diodes (JHu, PRX)

  46. PhysRevLett.129.198003 Machine Learning of Implicit Combinatorial Rules in Mechanical Metamaterials (PRL)

  47. PhysRevB.106.174403 Partial lifting of degeneracy in the ${J}{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}{2}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}_{3}$ Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice (kagome, PRB)

  48. PhysRevB.106.184402 Single-magnon excited states of a Heisenberg spin chain using a quantum computer (magnon quantum computer, PRB)

  49. PhysRevB.106.184502 Insulator-metal-superconductor transition in the medium-entropy van der Waals compound $M\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{Se}}_{3} (M=\mathrm{Fe},\mathrm{Mn},\mathrm{Cd},\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\text{and}\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{In})$ under high pressure (medium-entropy, PRB)

  50. PhysRevB.106.195103 Emergence of large quantum oscillation frequencies in thin flakes of the kagome superconductor ${\mathrm{CsV}}{3}{\mathrm{Sb}}{5}$ (kagome, PRB)

  51. PhysRevB.106.195105 Finite-temperature tensor network study of the Hubbard model on an infinite square lattice (TN, PRB)

  52. PhysRevB.106.L201102 Many-body correction to the intrinsic anomalous and spin Hall conductivities (PRB)

  53. 2211.00034 Exact solution of the topological symplectic Kondo problem (arXiv)

  54. 2211.00043 Fermionic Isometric Tensor Network States in Two Dimensions (arXiv)

  55. 2211.00051 Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal (arXiv)

  56. 2211.00263 Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moir\‘e Kondo lattice (moire Kondo, arXiv)

  57. 2211.00124 Superconducting properties and gap structure of the topological superconductor candidate Ti_(3)Sb (arXiv)

  58. 2211.00400 Is the problem of Cuprate high-$T_c$ superconductivity a solved problem? (cuprate, arXiv)

  59. 2211.00561 Testing the topological nature of end states in antiferromagnetic atomic chains on superconductors (arXiv)

  60. 2211.00318 Quantum oscillations of Kondo screening phases in strong magnetic fields (Kondo, arXiv)

  61. 2211.00623 Estimating phase transition of perturbed J1-J2 Heisenberg quantum chain in mixtures of ground and first excited states (arXiv)

  62. PhysRevLett.129.193601 Long-Lived Memory for Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum States (OAM qubit, PRL)

  63. PhysRevB.106.L201101 Integer quantum Hall effect and enhanced $g$ factor in quantum-confined ${\mathrm{Cd}}{3}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ films (Cd3As2, PRB)

  64. PhysRevB.106.174501 Disorder suppression in topological semiconductor-superconductor junctions (PRB)

  65. PhysRevB.106.174502 Anomalous supercurrent modulated by interfacial magnetizations in Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic bilayers (PRB)

  66. PhysRevB.106.184101 Design of a higher-order nodal-line semimetal in a spring-shaped acoustic topological crystal (PRB)

  67. PhysRevB.106.184401 Multicritical phase diagram of ${\mathrm{PrMn}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}$ with two interacting magnetic elements (PRB)

  68. PhysRevB.106.184501 Stochastic path-integral approach for predicting the superconducting temperatures of anharmonic solids (anharmonicity, PRB)

    we find that anharmonicity strongly suppresses the predicted superconducting transition temperature.

  69. PhysRevB.106.205102 Unconventional optical selection rules in ${\mathrm{ZrTe}}_{5}$ under an in-plane magnetic field (PRB)

  70. PhysRevB.106.205103 Correlated electronic structure of the kagome metal ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (kagome, PRB)

  71. PhysRevB.106.L180401 Origin of ferromagnetic interactions in ${\mathrm{NaMnCl}}_{3}$: How the response theory reconciles with Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules (PRB)

  72. PhysRevB.106.L180402 Magnetic structure and spin fluctuations in the colossal magnetoresistance ferrimagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (PRB)

  73. 2210.16493 Neural network quantum state with proximal optimization: a ground-state searching scheme based on variational Monte Carlo (ML VMC, arXiv)

  74. 2210.16614 Topological symplectic Kondo effect (Kondo, arXiv)

  75. 2210.17099 Nonlinear spin current of photoexcited magnons in collinear antiferromagnets (Morimoto, arXiv)

  76. 2210.17198 Disorder effects in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model (arXiv)

  77. 2210.17455 Refined magnetic structure of VI$_3$ (VI3,arXiv)

  78. 2210.16321 Resonating valence bond states and other surprises in an electron-phonon system (SKivelson, arXiv.org)

  79. 2210.16324 Triplet Pair-Density Wave Superconductivity on the $\pi$-flux Square Lattice (arXiv.org)

  80. 2210.16890 Linear nonsaturating magnetoresistance in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 thin flakes (kagome, arXiv.org)

  81. 2210.16958 Topological Josephson junction in transverse magnetic field (in-plane magnetic field, arXiv.org)

  82. 2210.17023 Rotational symmetry breaking in superconducting nickelate Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 films (arXiv.org)

  83. 2210.17058 Antiferromagnetism and chiral-d wave superconductivity in a honeycomb lattice close to Mott state (arXiv.org)

  84. 2210.17503 Andreev Reflection and Klein Tunneling in High-Temperature Superconductor/Graphene Junctions (Lado, arXiv.org)

  85. PhysRevX.12.041011 Wigner Formulation of Thermal Transport in Solids (transport, PRX)

  86. PhysRevLett.129.191101 Black Hole Solutions as Topological Thermodynamic Defects (PRL)

  87. PhysRevB.106.134211 Anderson and many-body localization in the presence of spatially correlated classical noise (PRB)

  88. PhysRevB.106.134437 Expressive power of complex-valued restricted Boltzmann machines for solving nonstoquastic Hamiltonians (PRB)

    Boltzmann machines?, Restricted Boltzmann machines in quantum physics, Nature (2019)

    Bernevig, Restricted Boltzmann machines and matrix product states of one-dimensional translationally invariant stabilizer codes, PRB (2019)

  89. S0021364022601749 Critical Temperature of a Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanostructure near a Magnetic Skyrmion (skyrmion SC, JETP Letters)

  90. PhysRevB.106.134438 Band-folding-driven high tunnel magnetoresistance ratios in (111)-oriented junctions with ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ barriers (PRB)

  91. PhysRevB.106.144313 Measurement-induced criticality as a data-structure transition (ML, PRB)

  92. PhysRevB.106.144438 Fermionic interpretation of the quantum phase transition in XXZ magnets (PRB)

  93. PhysRevB.106.144513 Superconductivity out of a non-Fermi liquid: Free energy analysis (PRB)

  94. PhysRevB.106.165131 Ab initio guided minimal model for the Kitaev material ${\mathrm{BaCo}}{2}$(${\mathrm{AsO}}{4}{)}_{2}$: Importance of direct hopping, third-neighbor exchange, and quantum fluctuations (PRB)

  95. PhysRevB.106.165133 Nontrivial quantum geometry of degenerate flat bands (BMera, PRB)

  96. PhysRevB.106.165134 Dual-gated hBN/bilayer-graphene superlattices and the transitions between the insulating phases at the charge neutrality point (PRB)

  97. PhysRevB.106.165428 Signatures of the long-range phase transition in topological Josephson junctions (PRB)

  98. PhysRevB.106.L140408 Enhanced magnon-magnon entanglement in the vicinity of an angular momentum compensation point of a ferrimagnet in a cavity (JCShim, PRB)

  99. PhysRevB.106.L161115 Breakdown of heavy quasiparticles in a honeycomb Kondo lattice: A quantum Monte Carlo study (Kondo, PRB)

  100. 2210.15693 Dynamical phases transitions in periodically driven Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer systems (arXiv)

  101. 2210.15864 Theoretical analysis of anisotropic upper critical field of superconductivity in nodal-line semimetals (arXiv)

  102. 2210.16235 Interplay of Hidden Orbital Order and Superconductivity in CeCoIn5 (CeCoIn5, arXiv)

  103. 2210.16293 Pair-Kondo effect: a mechanism for time-reversal broken superconductivity and finite-momentum pairing in UTe$_2$ (arXiv)

  104. 2210.15816 Hidden Topological Transitions in Emergent Magnetic Monopole Lattices (YMotome, arXiv)

  105. 2210.15867 Stripe order and spin dynamics in triangular-lattice antiferromagnet KErSe$_{2}$: A single-crystal study with a theoretical description (arXiv)

  106. 2210.15974 Systematic study for two-dimensional $Z_2$ topological phase transitions at high-symmetry points in all layer groups (SMurakami, arXiv)

  107. 2210.16108 Spin and charge modulations of a half-filled extended Hubbard model (Schowinger boson, arXiv)