A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2022 Oct 4th week collection
  1. PhysRevLett.129.185301 Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in a Bosonic Chiral Superfluid (AHE, PRL)

  2. PhysRevLett.129.185902 Electron-Phonon Interaction and Longitudinal-Transverse Phonon Splitting in Doped Semiconductors (PRL)

  3. PhysRevB.106.144437 Twisted bilayer U(1) Dirac spin liquids (LBalents, PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.106.155156 Predicting band gaps and band-edge positions of oxide perovskites using density functional theory and machine learning (PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.106.134515 Two-dimensional multigap superconductivity in bulk $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{TaSeS}$ (TaSeS, PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.106.144111 Large extrinsic phonon thermal Hall effect from resonant scattering (PRB)

  7. PhysRevB.106.155155 Non-Fermi liquid behavior and quantum criticality in cubic heavy fermion systems with non-Kramers multipolar local moments (YBKim, PRB)

  8. PhysRevB.106.165424 Effect of ${C}_{3v}$ symmetry breaking on the noncentrosymmetric quantum spin Hall insulating phase and optical characteristics of monolayer PbBiI (C3v , PRB)

  9. 2210.14953 Bolometric detection of coherent Josephson coupling in a highly dissipative environment (arXiv.org)

  10. 2210.15600 Automatic Extraction of Materials and Properties from Superconductors Scientific Literature (ML, arXiv.org)

  11. 2210.15660 Nodal pair-density-waves from quarter-metal in crystalline graphene multilayers (arXiv.org)

  12. 2210.14918 Multiferroicity and Topology in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (twited TMDC, arXiv.org)

  13. 2210.15026 Anharmonic multiphonon origin of the valence plasmon in SrTi1-xNbxO3 (phonon, arXiv.org)

  14. 2210.15084 Oxygen vacancies at the origin of pinned moments in oxide interfaces: the example of tetragonal CuO/SrTiO$_3$ (arXiv.org)

  15. 2210.15094 Incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in weakly frustrated two-dimensional van der Waals insulator CrPSe$_3$ (YHLee, arXiv.org)

  16. 2210.15168 Magnetism and Quantum Melting in Moir\‘e-Material Wigner Crystals (AHMacDonald, arXiv.org)

  17. 2210.15530 Topological magnons in one-dimensional ferromagnetic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with anisotropic interaction (magnon, arXiv.org)

  18. 2210.15596 Classification and construction of interacting fractonic higher-order topological phases (arXiv.org)

  19. s146 Dirt - Is No Barrier to Flocking (quenched disorder, Physics)

  20. PhysRevB.106.134111 Partial breakdown of translation symmetry at a structural quantum critical point associated with a ferroelectric soft mode (phonon QCP, PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.106.134434 Reciprocal space study of Heisenberg exchange interactions in ferromagnetic metals (FM metal, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.106.134513 Spin-triplet superconducting pairing in doped ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

  23. PhysRevB.106.144434 Krein-unitary Schrieffer-Wolff transformation and band touchings in bosonic Bogoliubov–de Gennes and other Krein-Hermitian Hamiltonians (PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.106.144512 Neel proximity effect at antiferromagnet/superconductor interfaces (PRB)

  25. PhysRevB.106.155151 Metal-insulator transition in ${\mathrm{CuIr}}{2}{\mathrm{S}}{4}$ observed by Cu $K\ensuremath{\alpha}$ resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy (PRB)

  26. PhysRevB.106.155427 Planckian properties of two-dimensional semiconductor systems (Ahn DasSarma, PRB)

  27. PhysRevB.106.165423 Floquet states and optical conductivity of an irradiated two-dimensional topological insulator (Floquet, PRB)

  28. PhysRevB.106.L161113 Observation of superconductivity and its enhancement at the charge density wave critical point in ${\mathrm{LaAgSb}}_{2}$ (PRB)

  29. PhysRevB.106.L161114 Development of long-range phase coherence on the Kondo lattice (YFYang, PRB)

  30. 2210.14236 Bipolaronic superconductivity out of a Coulomb gas (arXiv)

  31. 2210.14591 Patterning of superconducting two-dimensional electron gases based on AlO$_x$/KTaO$_3$(111) interfaces (KTO SC, arXiv)

  32. 2210.14251 Ingredients for Generalized Models of $\kappa$-Phase Organic Charge-Transfer Salts: A Review (organic, arXiv)

  33. 2210.14323 Field-induced spin level crossings within a quasi-XY antiferromagnetic state in Ba${2}$FeSi${2}$O$_{7}$ (arXiv)

  34. 2210.14439 Chemical tuning of a honeycomb magnet through a critical point (arXiv)

  35. 2210.14538 Evolution of the optical response of the magnetic topological insulators Mn(Bi${1-x}$Sb${x}$)$_2$Te$_4$ with Sb content (Sb doping AFM-TI, arXiv)

  36. 2210.14683 Unconventional magneto-resistance, and electronic transition in Mn$_3$Ge Weyl semimetal (Mn3Ge, arXiv)

  37. 2210.14864 Dimensional reduction and incommensurate dynamic correlations in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ca$_3$ReO$_5$Cl$_2$ (frustration, arXiv)

  38. s143 Electrical Conductance Reveals Complex Fractals (Physics)

  39. PhysRevLett.129.186802 Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations in High-Mobility Graphene in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime (PRL)

  40. PhysRevB.106.134310 Possible absence of a Jahn-Teller distortion critical thickness in geometrically designed ${\mathrm{LaMnO}}_{3}$ films (PRB)

  41. PhysRevB.106.155148 $J=0$ nonmagnetic insulating state in ${\mathrm{K}}{2}\mathrm{Os}{X}{6} (X=\mathrm{F},\mathrm{Cl},\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\text{and}\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\mathrm{Br})$ (Dagotto, PRB)

  42. PhysRevB.106.144109 Understanding the size and chirality dependence of bending stiffness of single-layer ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ by a spring-driven method (MoSe2, PRB)

  43. PhysRevB.106.144431 Highly anisotropic geometrical Hall effect via $f\text{\ensuremath{-}}d$ exchange fields in doped pyrochlore molybdates (YTokura, PRB)

  44. PhysRevB.106.144433 Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: Magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality (PRB)

  45. PhysRevB.106.144511 Finite element method for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity (FEM, PRB)

  46. PhysRevB.106.155149 Possible transition between charge density wave and Weyl semimetal phase in ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{Ir}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (PRB)

  47. PhysRevB.106.155426 Valley spin-acoustic resonance in $\mathrm{MoS}{}_{2}$ monolayers (PRB)

  48. PhysRevB.106.165130 Semiclassical treatment of spinor topological effects in driven inhomogeneous insulators under external electromagnetic fields (PRB)

  49. PhysRevB.106.L161302 Single-pair Weyl points with the maximum charge number in acoustic crystals (PRB)

  50. 2210.13478 Absence of a BCS-BEC crossover in the cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

  51. 2210.13551 Chiral superconductivity in the doped triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model in two dimensions (arXiv)

  52. 2210.13896 Two Distinct Charge Density Wave Orders and Emergent Superconductivity in Pressurized CuTe (arXiv)

  53. 2210.13976 Double and Quadruple Flat Bands tuned by Alternative magnetic Fluxes in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)

  54. 2210.14113 First-principles calculation of electron-phonon coupling in doped KTaO$_3$ (arXiv)

  55. 2210.14183 Quantum Critical Metals: Dynamical Planckian Scaling and Loss of Quasiparticles (arXiv)

  56. 2210.14197 Extended Dynamical Mean Field Theory for Correlated Electron Models (arXiv)

  57. 2210.13477 Exact Many-Body Ground States from Decomposition of Ideal Higher Chern Bands: Applications to Chirally Twisted Graphene Multilayers (arXiv)

  58. 2210.13487 Origin of Model Fractional Chern Insulators in All Topological Ideal Flatbands: Explicit Color-entangled Wavefunction and Exact Density Algebra (arXiv)

  59. 2210.13502 Area-law entanglement from quantum geometry (arXiv)

  60. 2210.13548 Amorphous and polycrystalline routes towards a chiral spin liquid (arXiv)

  61. 2210.13616 Experimental and theoretical thermodynamic studies in Ba$_2$MgReO$_6$ – the ground state in the context of Jahn-Teller effect (arXiv)

  62. 2210.13798 Planar Thermal Hall Effects in Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate Na2Co2TeO6 (arXiv)

  63. 2210.13951 Engineered Kondo screening and nonzero Berry phase in SrTiO3/LaTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures (arXiv)

  64. 2210.14109 Hunting for quantum-classical crossover in condensed matter problems (arXiv)

  65. 2210.14207 Observation of the massive Lee-Fukuyama phason in a charge density wave insulator (arXiv)

  66. s147 Atom-Implanted Silicon Waveguides Get an Upgrade (silicon Quantum computer, Physics)

  67. PhysRevX.12.041009 Narrow Optical Transitions in Erbium-Implanted Silicon Waveguides (silicon Quantum computer,PRX)

  68. PhysRevLett.129.185901 First-Principles Phonon Quasiparticle Theory Applied to a Strongly Anharmonic Halide Perovskite (phonon, PRL)

  69. PhysRevLett.129.187002 Nematic-Fluctuation-Mediated Superconductivity Revealed by Anisotropic Strain in $\mathrm{Ba}({\mathrm{Fe}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Co}}{x}{)}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (nematic fluctuation, PRL)

  70. PhysRevLett.129.187201 Reconciling Monolayer and Bilayer ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=1/2$ Square Lattices in Hybrid Oxide Superlattice (iridates, PRL)

  71. PhysRevLett.129.187203 Experimental Evidence of ${t}_{2g}$ Electron-Gas Rashba Interaction Induced by Asymmetric Orbital Hybridization (orbital Rashba, PRL)

  72. PhysRevB.106.L140202 Effect of vacancy defects on geometrically frustrated magnets (PRB)

  73. PhysRevB.106.134430 Topological phase transitions and Berry-phase hysteresis in exchange-coupled nanomagnets (PRB)

  74. PhysRevB.106.134431 Fractalized magnon transport on a quasicrystal with enhanced stability (SKKim, PRB)

  75. PhysRevB.106.144429 Tuning of topological properties in the strongly correlated antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ via Fe doping (PRB)

  76. PhysRevB.106.155147 Ultrafast valley polarization of graphene nanorings (PRB)

  77. PhysRevB.106.165127 Quantum pumping through the surface states of a topological insulator (PRB)

  78. PhysRevB.106.165308 Nonreciprocal charge current in a bulk Rashba semiconductor above the band crossing point (PRB)

  79. PhysRevB.106.L161112 Quasiparticle characteristics of the weakly ferromagnetic Hund metal MnSi (MnSi, PRB)

  80. 2210.12436 Extremely Large Magnetoresistance and Anisotropic Transport in Multipolar Kondo System PrTi${2}$Al${20}$ (Multipolar Kondo, arXiv)

  81. 2210.12799 Tuning Charge Density Wave in TiSe2: TiSeS single crystals growth and characterization (TiSe2, arXiv)

  82. 2210.13090 Evolution of topological end states in the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model with site modulation (YFYang, arXiv)

  83. 2210.13280 Electronic properties and surface states of RbNi$_2$Se$_2$ (arXiv)

  84. 2210.12189 Differences in the Resistive and Thermodynamic Properties of the Single Crystalline Chiral Superconductor Candidate SrPtAs (Eric Bauer, arXiv)

  85. 2210.12439 Hybrid-order topological odd-parity superconductors via Floquet engineering (arXiv)

  86. 2210.12627 The observation of quantum fluctuations in a kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (kagome, arXiv)

  87. 2210.12819 Two-gap superconductivity and decisive role of rare-earth $d$ electrons in infinite-layer nickelates (SLouis, arXiv)

  88. 2210.12934 Orbital hybridization-driven charge density wave transition in CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor (kagome CDW loop current, arXiv)

  89. 2210.13250 Anomalous Hall effect and two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in kagome superconductor RbV${3}$Sb${5}$ (kagome, arXiv)

  90. 2210.13408 Hubbard subbands and superconductivity in the infinite-layer nickelate (nickelate, arXiv)

  91. PhysRevLett.129.183602 Understanding the Quantum Rabi Ring Using Analogies to Quantum Magnetism (PRL)

  92. PhysRevLett.129.186801 Giant Second-Order Nonlinear Hall Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (PRL)

  93. PhysRevLett.129.187001 Pseudospin Paramagnons and the Superconducting Dome in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (AHMacDonald, PRL)

  94. PhysRevLett.129.187601 Dramatic Plasmon Response to the Charge-Density-Wave Gap Development in $1T\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TiSe}}_{2}$ (PRL)

  95. PhysRevLett.129.187602 Zeeman Effect in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors Controlled by an Electric Field (PRL)

  96. PhysRevLett.129.187701 Emergence of Interlayer Coherence in Twist-Controlled Graphene Double Layers (PRL)

  97. PhysRevB.106.134108 Observation of quadruple Weyl point in hybrid-Weyl phononic crystals (PRB)

  98. PhysRevB.106.134428 Gapless triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate ${\mathrm{PrZnAl}}{11}{\mathrm{O}}{19}$ (PRB)

  99. PhysRevB.106.144427 Laser-induced terahertz spin transport in magnetic nanostructures arises from the same force as ultrafast demagnetization (PRB)

  100. PhysRevB.106.155144 Two-dimensional obstructed atomic insulators with fractional corner charge in the ${MA}{2}{Z}{4}$ family (PRB)

  101. PhysRevB.106.155145 Theory of a continuous bandwidth-tuned Wigner-Mott transition (PRB)

  102. PhysRevB.106.155146 Flat bands and band-touching from real-space topology in hyperbolic lattices (Bzdušek, PRB)

  103. PhysRevB.106.155421 Why experiments fail to detect the finite linear Rashba spin-orbit coupling of two-dimensional holes in semiconductor quantum wells: The case of Ge/SiGe quantum wells (PRB)

  104. 2210.11587 Increased localization of Majorana modes in antiferromagnetic chains on superconductors (majorana, arXiv)

  105. 2210.11738 Two-electron photoemission spectroscopy in Topological Superconductors (arXiv)

  106. 2210.11769 Stabilization of superconductivity by metamagnetism in an easy-axis magnetic field on UTe$_2$ (metamagnetism, arXiv)

  107. 2210.11955 New type of helical topological superconducting pairing at finite excitation energies (CTimm, arXiv)

  108. 2210.10866 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition with Rabi coupled bosons (KT, arXiv)

  109. 2210.11486 1/4 is the new 1/2: Interaction-induced Quantum Anomalous and Spin Hall Mott Insulators (Phillips, arXiv)

  110. 2210.11573 Real space representation of topological system: twisted bilayer graphene as an example (arXiv)

  111. 2210.11733 Quantum Monte Carlo sign bounds, topological Mott insulator and thermodynamic transitions in twisted bilayer graphene model (arXiv)

  112. 2210.11765 Emergent many-body composite excitations of interacting spin-1/2 trimers (arXiv)

  113. 2210.11873 Superconductivity induced by the inter-valley Coulomb scattering in few layers of graphene (arXiv)

  114. 2210.12049 Ferromagnetic domains in the large-$U$ Hubbard model with a few holes: an FCIQMC study (arXiv)

  115. 2210.12058 Easy-plane antiferromagnet in tilted field: gap in magnon spectrum and susceptibility (arXiv)

  116. 2210.12087 Tuning bulk topological magnon properties with light-induced magnons (arXiv)

  117. 2210.12117 Triangular Kondo lattice in $\mathrm{YbV_6Sn_6}$ and its quantum critical behaviors in magnetic field (arXiv)

  118. 2210.12132 A perspective on machine learning and data science for strongly correlated electron problems (ML AI, arXiv)