A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2022 Jul 4th week collection
  1. PhysRevX.12.031015 Quasi-Two-Dimensional Anomalous Hall Mott Insulator of Topologically Engineered ${J}_{\mathrm{eff}}=1/2$ Electrons (iridates, PRX)

  2. PhysRevLett.129.047602 Ferroelasticity in Two-Dimensional Tetragonal Materials (PRL)

  3. PhysRevB.106.035420 Magnus spin Hall and spin Nernst effects in gapped two-dimensional Rashba systems (PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.106.L020403 Antichiral order and spin reorientation transitions of triangle-based antiferromagnets (LBalents, PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.106.014415 Quantifying spin Hall topological Hall effect in ultrathin ${\mathrm{Tm}}{3}{\mathrm{Fe}}{5}{\mathrm{O}}_{12}/\mathrm{Pt}$ bilayers (PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.106.014516 Latent superconductivity at parallel interfaces in a superlattice dominated by another collective quantum phase (PRB)

  7. PhysRevB.106.014517 Nonrelativistic axion electrodynamics in $p+is$ superconductors (PRB)

  8. PhysRevB.106.024422 N\‘eel vector driven spin current in a van der Waals antiferromagnetic insulator (${\mathrm{CrCl}}_{3}$)/heavy metal (Pt) bilayer (Cr-based, PRB)

  9. PhysRevB.106.024514 Coupling the Higgs mode and ferromagnetic resonance in spin-split superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (PRB)

  10. PhysRevB.106.035307 Quantum third-order nonlinear Hall effect of a four-terminal device with time-reversal symmetry (PRB)

  11. PhysRevB.106.045132 Electric and chiral response to a pseudoelectric field in Weyl materials (Weyl, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.106.045133 Kondo entanglement in the quasi-two-dimensional heavy fermion compound ${\mathrm{CeSb}}_{2}$ (Ce, PRB)

  13. PhysRevB.106.045206 Valley engineering electron-hole liquids in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (PRB)

  14. PhysRevB.106.045420 Switching performance of optically generated spin current at the graphene edge (PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.106.L020503 Strongly correlated crystalline higher-order topological phases in two-dimensional systems: A coupled-wire study (PRB)

  16. s41586-022-04864-1 Perpendicular full switching of chiral antiferromagnetic order by current (Mn3Sn, Nature)

  17. 2207.10103 Braiding with Supersymmetric Majorana Lattices (braiding, arXiv)

  18. 2207.10113 Higher-Order Topological Lattice Defects in Iron-based Superconductors (higher order defect, arXiv)

  19. 2207.10166 Spin singlet and quasiparticles excitations in cuprate superconductors (arXiv)

  20. 2207.10608 Incommensurate charge-stripe correlations in the kagome superconductor CsV$3$Sb${5-x}$Sn$_x$ (kagome, arXiv)

  21. 2207.10087 An intermediate-scale theory for electrons coupled to frustrated local-moments (RMoessner, arXiv)

  22. 2207.10099 Spin-Resolved Topology and Partial Axion Angles in Three-Dimensional Insulators (arXiv)

  23. 2207.10291 Evidence for electronic signature of magnetic transition in topological magnet HoSbTe (arXiv)

  24. 2207.10535 Competition between magnetic frustration and spin dimensionality in the ground state of the classical antiferromagnetic $n$-vector model with arbitrary $n$ (arXiv)

  25. PhysRevLett.129.046802 Anomalous Crystal Shapes of Topological Crystalline Insulators (PRL)

  26. PhysRevB.106.014107 Carbon and vacancy centers in hexagonal boron nitride (defect, PRB)

  27. PhysRevB.106.035141 Cluster quantum Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional weakly coupled frustrated trimer antiferromagnets (breathing kagome, PRB)

  28. PhysRevB.106.045129 Impact of electron-electron interactions on the thermoelectric efficiency of graphene quantum point contacts (PRB)

  29. PhysRevB.106.024420 Canted antiferromagnetic phases in the candidate layered Weyl material ${\mathrm{EuMnSb}}_{2}$ (magnetic Weyl, PRB)

  30. PhysRevB.106.024421 Electronic chiralization as an indicator of the anomalous Hall effect in unconventional magnetic systems (chirality magnetic system, PRB)

  31. PhysRevB.106.035417 Electronic and spintronic properties of Janus $M{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{P}}{x}{\mathrm{As}}_{y}$ ($M$ = Mo, W) monolayers (Janus, PRB)

  32. 2207.09492 The nature of visons in the perturbed ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Kitaev honeycomb models (arXiv)

  33. 2207.09549 The fate of topological frustration in quantum spin ladders and generalizations (frustration, arXiv)

  34. 2207.09698 Quantum phase transition between hyperuniform density distributions (arXiv)

  35. PhysRevLett.129.046402 Fermi Surface and Mass Renormalization in the Iron-Based Superconductor ${\mathrm{YFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Ge}}{2}$ (PRL)

  36. PhysRevB.106.045126 Generalized fermion doubling theorems: Classification of two-dimensional nodal systems in terms of wallpaper groups (PRB)

  37. PhysRevB.106.035134 Planar magnetic texture on the surface of a topological insulator (magnetic TI, PRB)

  38. PhysRevB.106.035137 Proximity effects in graphene on monolayers of transition-metal phosphorus trichalcogenides $M\mathrm{P}{X}_{3}$ $(M:\mathrm{Mn}, \mathrm{Fe}, \mathrm{Ni}, \mathrm{Co}, \mathrm{and} X: \mathrm{S}, \mathrm{Se})$ (PRB)

  39. PhysRevB.106.035138 Generalized Gibbs ensemble description of real-space entanglement spectra of $(2+1)$-dimensional chiral topological systems with SU(2) symmetry (PRB)

  40. PhysRevB.106.035139 Robust propagating in-gap modes due to spin-orbit domain walls in graphene (spin-orbit domain walls, PRB)

  41. PhysRevB.106.045303 Longitudinal and transverse frictional drag in graphene/${\mathrm{LaAlO}}{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}{3}$ heterostructures (PRB)

  42. PhysRevB.106.014413 Dominant Kitaev interactions in the honeycomb materials ${\mathrm{Na}}{3}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{SbO}}{6}$ and ${\mathrm{Na}}{2}{\mathrm{Co}}{2}{\mathrm{TeO}}{6}$ (PRB)

  43. PhysRevB.106.014514 Enhanced superconductivity in ${\mathrm{CuH}}_{2}$ monolayers (hydride, PRB)

  44. PhysRevB.106.014515 Sensitivity of superconducting states to the impurity location in layered materials (PRB)

  45. PhysRevB.106.035136 First-principles study on the magnetic and electronic properties of the high-pressure orthorhombic phase of MnSe (PRB)

  46. 2207.09017 Interacting Majorana fermion model with spontaneous symmetry breaking and topological order: exact ground state with intertwined spin and pairing orders (majorana, arXiv)

  47. 2207.09443 Topological Superconductivity From Forward Phonon Scatterings (arXiv)

  48. 2207.08840 Chiral spin chain interfaces as event horizons (arXiv)

  49. 2207.08851 Fresnel-Floquet theory of light-induced terahertz reflectivity amplification in Ta2NiSe5 (arXiv)

  50. 2207.08895 Anomalous Hall metal and fractional Chern insulator in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides (LiangFu, arXiv)

  51. 2207.08969 Evidences for magnetic dimers and skyrmion lattice formation in Eu$_2$Pd$_2$Sn (skyrmion, arXiv)

  52. 2207.09297 Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality (Mn3Sn, arXiv)

  53. 2207.09308 Flat optical conductivity in topological kagome magnet TbMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (arXiv)

  54. 2207.09449 Correlated Fractional Dirac Materials (fractional Dirac, rXiv)

  55. PhysRevLett.129.047001 Gapped Collective Charge Excitations and Interlayer Hopping in Cuprate Superconductors (PRL)

  56. PhysRevLett.129.043902 Photonic ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ Topological Anderson Insulators (PRL)

  57. PhysRevLett.129.047601 Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene as a Topological Heavy Fermion Problem (Bernevig, PRL)

  58. PhysRevB.106.024419 Large Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and field-free topological chiral spin states in two-dimensional alkali-based chromium chalcogenides (Cr, PRB)

  59. PhysRevB.106.035132 Small moments without long-range magnetic ordering in the zero-temperature ground state of the double perovskite iridate ${\mathrm{Ba}}{2}{\mathrm{YIrO}}{6}$ (PRB)

  60. PhysRevB.106.L020502 Preformed Cooper pairs in flat-band semimetals (flat SC, PRB)

  61. s98 A Conceptual Cousin for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Physics)

  62. 2207.07962v1 Conservation of the particle-hole symmetry in the pseudogap state in optimally-doped Bi2Sr2CuO6+{\delta} superconductor (cuprate, arxiv)

  63. 2207.08068 Charge-loop current order and Z3 nematicity mediated by bond-order fluctuations in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A=Cs,Rb,K) (kagome Kontani, arXiv)

  64. 2207.08243 Metallicity in the Dissipative Hubbard-Holstein Model: Markovian and Non-Markovian Tensor-Network Methods for Open Quantum Many-Body Systems (arXiv)

  65. 2207.08442 Pressure tuning domain-wall chirality in noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlGe (Ce, arXiv)

  66. 2207.08528 Ginzburg-Landau surface energy of multiband superconductors: Derivation and application to selected systems (arXiv)

  67. 2207.08594 Multifractally-enhanced superconductivity in two-dimensional systems with spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)

  68. 2207.08772 Josephson Diode Effect in High Mobility InSb Nanoflags (arXiv)

  69. 2207.07661 Microscopic theory of multi-stage Fermi surface reconstruction in heavy fermion systems with quartet multipolar local moments (YBKim, arXiv)

  70. 2207.07725v1 Preparing Valence-Bond-Solid states on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (arxiv)

  71. 2207.07926 Estimation of the on-site Coulomb potential 1 and covalent state in La2CuO4 by muon spin rotation 2 and density functional theory calculations (arXiv)

  72. 2207.08008 Mott transition, Widom line, Frenkel line and pseudogap in the half-filled triangular lattice Hubbard model (arXiv)

  73. 2207.08161 Field-linear anomalous Hall effect and Berry curvature induced by spin chirality in the kagome antiferromagnet Mn3Sn (BinghaiYan, arXiv)

  74. 2207.08228 Topological states in double monolayer graphene (arXiv)

  75. 2207.08381 Persistence of correlation-driven surface states in SmB6 under pressure (SBSeo, sarXiv)

  76. 2207.08744v1 Kondo destruction and fixed-point annihilation in a Bose-Fermi Kondo model (arxiv)

  77. 2207.08802v1 Variation of carrier density in semimetals via short-range correlation: a case study with nickelate NdNiO$_2$ (arxiv)

  78. PhysRevB.106.035127 Modeling magnetic multipolar phases in density functional theory (PRB)

  79. PhysRevB.106.014105 Displacement field splitting of defective hexagonal lattices (PRB)

  80. PhysRevB.106.014106 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in classical and quantum long-range systems (PRB)

  81. PhysRevB.106.014412 Field-driven side-by-side magnetic domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetic nanostrips (PRB)

  82. PhysRevB.106.014511 Hot-lines topology and the fate of the spin resonance mode in three-dimensional unconventional superconductors (Trembly, PRB)

  83. PhysRevB.106.024308 Rayleigh waves and cyclotron surface modes of gyroscopic metamaterials (PRB)

  84. PhysRevB.106.024418 A-type antiferromagnetic order in semiconducting ${\mathrm{EuMg}}{2}{\mathrm{Sb}}{2}$ single crystals (PRB)

  85. PhysRevB.106.024511 Interplay of finite-energy and finite-momentum superconducting pairing (PRB)

  86. PhysRevB.106.035125 Electric field and strain-induced band-gap engineering and manipulation of the Rashba spin splitting in Janus van der Waals heterostructures (Janus Rashba, PRB)

  87. PhysRevB.106.035126 Enhanced tunneling magnetoresistance and spin filtering in perovskite magnetic tunnel junctions via oxygen octahedral tilting (PRB)

  88. PhysRevB.106.035129 Persistent exchange splitting in the chiral helimagnet ${\mathrm{Cr}}{1/3}{\mathrm{NbS}}{2}$ (PRB)

  89. PhysRevB.106.045121 Magnetic dilution effect and topological phase transitions in $({\mathrm{Mn}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Pb}}{x}){\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBiTe4, PRB)

  90. PhysRevB.106.045417 Correlated disorder induced anomalous transport in magnetically doped topological insulators (PRB)

  91. PhysRevB.106.L020402 Free energy of twisting spins in ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}\mathrm{Sn}$ (LBalents, PRB)

  92. PhysRevB.106.L041111 Giant nonlinear Hall effect in strained twisted bilayer graphene (PRB)

  93. physics Steps toward Quantum Gravity in a Realistic Cosmos (Physics)

  94. 2207.07191 Soft-phonon and charge-density-wave formation in nematic BaNi$_2$As$_2$ (arXiv)

  95. 2207.07424 Pseudogap Suppression by Competition with Superconductivity in La-Based Cuprates (arXiv)

  96. 2207.07637 High-temperature superconductivity in hydrides (arXiv)

  97. 2207.07127 Quantum Hall valley Ferromagnets as a platform for topologically protected quantum memory (arXiv)

  98. 2207.05276 Non-Abelian topological defects and strain mapping in 2D moire materials (PKim, arXiv)

  99. 2207.07133 Thermodynamic characteristic for correlated flat-band system with quantum anomalous Hall ground state (arXiv)

  100. 2207.07375 Engineering a skyrmion crystal in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers free from the DM interaction (Hayami, arXiv)

  101. 2207.07448 The magnetic dynamics of NiPS$_3$ (spin wave, arXiv)