A WordCloud of 2021 June 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2021 June 1st week collection
  1. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245303 Protecting quantum information in quantum dot spin chains by driving exchange interactions periodically (PRB)

  2. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224509 Effects of disorder and hydrostatic pressure on charge density wave and superconductivity in $2H\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}$ (PRB)

  3. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224407 Magnetic order in the van der Waals antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{CrPS}}_{4}$: Anisotropic $H\text{\ensuremath{-}}T$ phase diagrams and effects of pressure (AFM vanderWaals, PRB)

  4. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245408 Magnetizations and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in massive Dirac fermions (PRB)

  5. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214413 Magnetic and electronic ordering phenomena in the ${\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}{6}$-layer honeycomb lattice compound ${\mathrm{AgRuO}}_{3}$ (Ruthenates, PRB)

  6. arXiv: 2106.01909 Supercurrent diode effect and finite momentum superconductivity (LiangFu, arXiv:2106.01909 [cond-mat])

  7. arXiv: 2106.01934 Enhancing the effective critical current density in a Nb superconducting thin film by cooling in an inhomogeneous magnetic field (arXiv:2106.01934 [cond-mat])

  8. arXiv: 2106.01944 Fluctuating spin and charge stripes in the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit (cuprate, arXiv:2106.01944 [cond-mat])

  9. arXiv: 2106.01381 Many-body energy invariant for $T$-linear resistivity (arXiv:2106.01381 [cond-mat])

  10. arXiv: 2106.01430 Topological Magnons: A Review (magnon, arXiv:2106.01430 [cond-mat])

  11. arXiv: 2106.01469 Charge order dynamics in underdoped La$\mathbf{{1.6-x}}$Nd$\mathbf{{0.4}}$Sr$\mathbf$CuO$\mathbf{_{4}}$ revealed by electric pulses (arXiv:2106.01469 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

  12. arXiv: 2106.01747 Quaternary-digital data storage based on magnetic bubbles in anisotropic materials (arXiv:2106.01747 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

  13. arXiv: 2106.02025 Relationship between A-site Cation and Magnetic Structure in 3d-5d-4f Double Perovskite Iridates Ln2NiIrO6 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd) (iridates, arXiv:2106.02025 [cond-mat])

  14. 10.1038/s41586-021-03541-z Signatures of moire trions in WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayers (Nature)

  15. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214302 Universal features of canonical phonon angular momentum without time-reversal symmetry (Murakami, PRB)

  16. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214411 Long-range anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets and electrically tunable ordering (PRB)

  17. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224302 Anharmonicity and correlated dynamics of PbTe and PbS studied by single crystal x-ray scattering (PRB)

  18. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224507 Pole structure of the electronic self-energy with coexistence of charge order and superconductivity (PRB)

  19. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224508 Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator (PRB)

  20. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235110 Topology of an anti-parity-time symmetric non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (SSH, PRB)

  21. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235111 Any axion insulator must be a bulk three-dimensional topological insulator (PRB)

  22. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235302 Miniband engineering and topological phase transitions in topological-insulator–normal-insulator superlattices (PRB)

  23. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245407 Multilevel effects in quantum dot based parity-to-charge conversion of Majorana box qubits (PRB)

  24. arXiv: 2106.00731 Charge order at high temperature in cuprate superconductors (arXiv:2106.00731 [cond-mat])

  25. arXiv: 2106.00935 Strain-induced time reversal breaking and half quantum vortices near a putative superconducting tetra-critical point in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (arXiv:2106.00935 [cond-mat])

  26. arXiv: 2106.01007 First order superconducting phase transition in chiralp+ipsystem (arXiv:2106.01007 [cond-mat])

  27. arXiv: 2106.01133 MgPd$_2$Sb – the first Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor (PRB)

  28. arXiv: 2106.01248 Distinct band reconstructions in kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ (arXiv:2106.01248 [cond-mat])

  29. arXiv: 2106.01307 Multiband effects on the upper critical field angular dependence of 122-family iron pnictide superconductors (Scientific Reports)

  30. arXiv: 2106.01361 Mixed parity octupolar pairing and corner Majorana modes in three dimensions (arXiv:2106.01361 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

  31. arXiv: 2106.00690 $s$-wave paired composite-fermion electron-hole trial state for quantum Hall bilayers with $\nu=1$ (arXiv:2106.00690 [cond-mat])

  32. arXiv: 2106.00712 AI-assisted quantum many-body computation beyond Markov-chain Monte Carlo (arXiv:2106.00712 [cond-mat, physics:physics])

  33. arXiv: 2106.01046 Enhanced spin-orbit coupling and orbital moment in ferromagnets by electron correlations (arXiv:2106.01046 [cond-mat])

  34. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.223601 Flat Bands in Magic-Angle Bilayer Photonic Crystals at Small Twists (PRL)

  35. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.226801 Deconfinement of Majorana Vortex Modes Produces a Superconducting Landau Level (Beenakker, PRL)

  36. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235109 Anomalous Hall effect in the distorted kagome magnets (Nd,Sm)${\mathrm{Mn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (PRB)

  37. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235404 Topological and dynamical features of periodically driven spin ladders (PRB)

  38. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245107 Simulating higher-order topological insulators in density wave insulators (PRB)

  39. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245405 Effective narrow ladder model for two quantum wires on a semiconducting substrate (PRB)

  40. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214301 Phonon Hall effect with first-principles calculations (phonon, PRB)

  41. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214407 Geometric magnonics with chiral magnetic domain walls (magnon, PRB)

  42. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224503 Higgs mode mediated enhancement of interlayer transport in high-${T}_{c}$ cuprate superconductors (PRB)

  43. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224504 Majorana multipole response: General theory and application to wallpaper groups (MSato, PRB)

  44. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224505 Disorder effects on Majorana zero modes: Kitaev chain versus semiconductor nanowire (DasSarma, PRB)

  45. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235108 Universal signatures of Dirac fermions in entanglement and charge fluctuations (PRB)

  46. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235403 Transmission phase evolution in fully screened and overscreened Kondo impurities (Kondo, PRB)

  47. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245403 Interlayer ferromagnetism and high-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect in $p$-doped $\mathrm{Mn}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ multilayers (PRB)

  48. arXiv: 2106.00268 Superconducting ground state of nonsymmorphic superconducting compound Zr$_{2}$Ir (arXiv:2106.00268 [cond-mat])

  49. arXiv: 2106.00475 Magnetic field behaviour in $s+is$ and $s+id$ superconductors: twisting of applied and spontaneous fields (arXiv:2106.00475 [cond-mat])

  50. arXiv: 2106.00112 Intrinsic one-dimensional conducting channels in the Kondo insulator SmB6 (1D channel, arXiv:2106.00112 [cond-mat])

  51. arXiv: 2106.00113 Field-Direction Sensitive Skyrmion Crystals in Cubic Chiral Systems: Implication to $4f$-Electron Compound EuPtSi (skyrmion 4f, arXiv:2106.00113 [cond-mat])

  52. arXiv: 2106.00207 Field-induced meron and skyrmion superlattice in chiral magnets on the honeycomb lattice (skyrmion, arXiv:2106.00207 [cond-mat])

  53. arXiv: 2106.00440 Multiple field-induced phases in the frustrated triangular magnet Cs$_3$Fe$_2$Br$_9$ (arXiv:2106.00440 [cond-mat])

  54. arXiv: 2106.00632 Transport properties of the parent LaNiO2 (arXiv:2106.00632 [cond-mat])

  55. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.227201 Amplitude Mode in Quantum Magnets via Dimensional Crossover (PRL)

  56. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214501 $\mathrm{Mg}{\mathrm{Pd}}_{2}\mathrm{Sb}$: A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor (PRB)

  57. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245101 Infrared study of the interplay of charge, spin, and lattice excitations in the magnetic topological insulator $\mathrm{Eu}{\mathrm{In}}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (PRB)

  58. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245104 Electronic structure examination of the topological properties of ${\mathrm{CaMnSb}}_{2}$ by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (PRB)

  59. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L241402 Control of the local magnetic states in graphene with voltage and gating (PRB)

  60. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214502 Quantized and unquantized zero-bias tunneling conductance peaks in Majorana nanowires: Conductance below and above $2{e}^{2}/h$ (PRB)

  61. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224501 Hidden strange metallic state in underdoped electron-doped cuprates (PRB)

  62. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214401 Critical behavior of the magnetic Weyl semimetal PrAlGe (PrAlGe, PRB)

  63. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.214503 Spin waves and high-frequency response in layered superconductors with helical magnetic structure (PRB)

  64. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224402 Spin dynamics of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a kagome bilayer (PRB)

  65. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224404 Insight into interlayer magnetic coupling in $1T$-type transition metal dichalcogenides based on the stacking of nonmagnetic atoms (PRB)

  66. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.235401 Pairing in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene: Role of phonon and plasmon umklapp (PRB)

  67. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.245302 Theory of the nonreciprocal Josephson effect (Nagaosa, PRB)

  68. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220401 Exact surface energy and helical spinons in the XXZ spin chain with arbitrary nondiagonal boundary fields (PRB)

  69. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220402 Zeeman coupling and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction driven by electric current vorticity (PRB)

  70. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L220502 Possible insulator-pseudogap crossover in the attractive Hubbard model on the Lieb lattice (PRB)

  71. 10.1038/s41467-021-23467-4 Three-body correlations in nonlinear response of correlated quantum liquid (Nature Communications)

  72. arXiv: 2105.14034 Signatures of magnetic Weyl fermion annihilation (Hasan, arXiv:2105.14034 [cond-mat])

  73. arXiv: 2105.14290 Magnetic ordering tendencies in hexagonal boron nitride-bilayer graphene moir\‘e structures (arXiv:2105.14290 [cond-mat])

  74. arXiv: 2105.14175 Photoinduced concurrent intralayer and interlayer structural transitions and associated topological transitions in MTe2 (M=Mo, W) (arXiv:2105.14175 [cond-mat])

  75. arXiv: 2105.14384 Directional field-dependence of tunable magnetic domains in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi (Ce, arXiv:2105.14384 [cond-mat])

  76. arXiv: 2105.14562 Vortex creation and control in the Kitaev spin liquid by local bond modulations (arXiv:2105.14562 [cond-mat])

  77. arXiv: 2105.14763 Robustness of Helical Edge States Under Edge Reconstruction (random SOI, arXiv:2105.14763 [cond-mat])

  78. arXiv: 2105.15204 Electron correlations and $T$-breaking density wave order in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ kagome metal (QSi, arXiv:2105.15204 [cond-mat])

  79. arXiv: 2105.15205 Dilute magnetic moments in an exactly solvable interacting host (arXiv:2105.15205 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

  80. arXiv: 2105.14243 Enhanced superconductivity in bilayer PtTe$_2$ by alkali-metal intercalations (arXiv:2105.14243 [cond-mat])

  81. arXiv: 2105.14494 Enhancement of superconductivity by electronic nematicity in cuprate superconductors (arXiv:2105.14494 [cond-mat])

  82. arXiv: 2105.13766 Long-lived $\pi$ edge modes of interacting and disorder-free Floquet spin chains (arXiv:2105.13766 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph])

  83. arXiv: 2105.13422 Gapless Higgs Mode in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State of a Superconductor (SZLin, arXiv:2105.13422 [cond-mat, physics:hep-th])

  84. arXiv: 2105.13494 Nickelate superconductivity without rare-earth magnetism: (La,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ (arXiv:2105.13494 [cond-mat])

  85. arXiv: 2105.13614 S-wave Superconductivity in the Dirac Line-nodal Material CaSb2 (arXiv:2105.13614 [cond-mat])

  86. arXiv: 2105.13956 Intrinsic nature of spontaneous magnetic fields in superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking (arXiv:2105.13956 [cond-mat])