A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 3rd week collection
A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 3rd week collection

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  1. 2104.07583 : Probing a Bose Metal via Electrons: Inescapable non-Fermi liquid scattering and pseudogap physics (non-Fermi Liquid, arXiv)

  2. 2104.07258 : Two-band Conduction and Nesting Instabilities in Superconducting Ba$2$CuO${3+\delta}$: a First Principles Study (cuprate, arXiv)

  3. 2104.07108 : Anomalous Josephson effect of s-wave pairing states in chiral double layers (Josephson, arXiv)

  4. 2104.07087 : Oxygen hole content, charge-transfer gap, covalency, and cuprate superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

  5. PhysRevB.103.L140301 : Derivation of a hydrodynamic heat equation from the phonon Boltzmann equation for general semiconductors (Boltzmann, PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.103.165117 : Breakdown of charge homogeneity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: Slave-boson study of magnetic order (Slave-boson, PRB)

  7. PhysRevB.103.155415 : Theory for linear and nonlinear planar Hall effect in topological insulator thin films (PHE, PRB)

  8. PhysRevB.103.155414 : Thermally assisted Pauli spin blockade in double quantum dots (Pauli Blockade, PRB)

  9. PhysRevB.103.144424 : Columnar antiferromagnetic order of a MBene monolayer (MBene, PRB)

  10. PhysRevB.103.134424 : Antiferromagnetic skyrmions and skyrmion density wave in a Rashba-coupled Hund insulator (AFM skyrmion, PRB)

  11. PhysRevX.11.021015 : Observation of Hydrogen-Induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Reversible Switching of Magnetic Chirality (hydrogen DMI, PRX)

  12. 2104.07459 : Thermoelectric and thermal properties of the weakly disordered non-Fermi liquid phase of Luttinger semimetals (non-Fermi liquid, arXiv)

  13. 2104.07032 : Failed excitonic quantum phase transition in Ta$2$Ni(Se${1-x}$S$_x$)$_5$ (EI, arXiv)

  14. PhysRevB.103.165414 : Directional electron filtering at a superconductor-semiconductor interface (Trauzettel, PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.103.144512 : Boundary effects in two-band superconductors (two-band SC, PRB)

  16. PhysRevB.103.144423 : Unveiling the phase diagram of a bond-alternating spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ $K\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ chain (kee, PRB)

  17. PhysRevB.103.165305 : Inversion domain boundaries in wurtzite GaN (domain, PRB)

  18. 372/6539/276 : Gapped magnetic ground state in quantum spin liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 (organic, science)

  19. 372/6539/271 : Realization of an ideal Weyl semimetal band in a quantum gas with 3D spin-orbit coupling (Weyl, science)

  20. 372/6539/264 : Nematicity and competing orders in superconducting magic-angle graphene (nematicity, science)

  21. 372/6539/259 : Realization of a multinode quantum network of remote solid-state qubits (quantum network, science)

  22. 2104.05718 : Quasiparticle interference and quantum confinement in a correlated Rashba spin-split 2D electron liquid (Rashba, sciadv)

  23. 2104.07015 : Non-abelian bosonization in two and three spatial dimensions and applications (DHLee, arXiv)

  24. 2104.06698 : $s$-wave superconductivity in kagome metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ revealed by $^{121/123}$Sb NQR and $^{51}$V NMR measurements (kagome metal, arXiv)

  25. 2104.06668 : Field induced hysteretic structural phase switching and possible CDW in Re-doped MoTe$_2$ (MoTe2, arXiv)

  26. 2104.06834 : Observation of Topological Superconductivity in a Stoichiometric Transition Metal Dichalcogenide 2M-WS2 (2M-WS2, arXiv)

  27. s41467-021-22516-2 : Incommensurate smectic phase in close proximity to the high- T c superconductor FeSe/SrTiO 3 (Smectic, ncomms)

  28. PhysRevB.103.L161105 : Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in the ferrimagnetic insulator ${\mathrm{Mn}}{3}{\mathrm{Si}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{6}$ (GangCao, PRB)

  29. PhysRevB.103.155125 : Topological nature of the Kondo insulator $\mathrm{Sm}{\mathrm{B}}_{6}$ and its sensitiveness to Sm vacancy (SmB6, PRB)

  30. PhysRevB.103.155124 : Symmetry analysis of tensors in the honeycomb lattice of edge-sharing octahedra (Namdini, PRB)

  31. PhysRevB.103.155123 : Spin diffusion and spin conductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (spin conductivity, PRB)

  32. PhysRevB.103.144510 : Magnon-assisted dynamics of a hole doped in a cuprate superconductor (cuprate, PRB)

  33. PhysRevB.103.165115 : Ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional $t\ensuremath{-}{J}{s}\ensuremath{-}{J}{\ensuremath{\tau}}$ model at quarter filling (1D t-J model, PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.103.L161106 : Light-induced switching of magnetic order in the anisotropic triangular-lattice Hubbard model (triangular lattice, PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.103.144511 : Superconducting dome with extended $s$-wave pairing symmetry in the heavily hole-overdoped copper-oxide planes (cuprate, PRB)

  36. 2104.05552v1 : Designer Magnetism in High Entropy Oxides (high entropy, arXiv)

  37. 2104.05066v1 : Strongly correlated excitonic insulator in atomic double layers (excitonic insulator, arXiv)

  38. 2104.04527v1 : Novel triple-$q$ quadrupole-octupole order scenario for PrV$2$Al${20}$ (triple-q, arXiv)

  39. 2104.04879v1 : Unified approach to electrical and thermal transports in high-$T_c$ superconductors (cuprate, arXiv)

  40. 2104.04873v1 : Anisotropic quasiparticle coherence in nematic BaFe$_2$As$_2$ studied with strain-dependent ARPES (nematic, arXiv)

  41. PhysRevB.103.165409 : Disorder effects in topological insulator thin films (disorder, PRB)

  42. PhysRevB.103.165112 : Topological phases in $N$-layer ABC graphene/boron nitride moir'e superlattices (JeilJung, PRB)

  43. PhysRevB.103.155409 : Gauge invariance of light-matter interactions in first-principle tight-binding models (TBmodel, PRB)

  44. PhysRevB.103.L140406 : Skyrmions in twisted van der Waals magnets (skyrmion, PRB)

  45. PhysRevB.103.134419 : Signatures of finite-temperature mirror symmetry breaking in the $S=\frac{1}{2}$ Shastry-Sutherland model (Shastry-Sutherland, PRB)

  46. PhysRevLett.126.153201 : Disorder-Enhanced and Disorder-Independent Transport with Long-Range Hopping: Application to Molecular Chains in Optical Cavities (disorder transport, PRL)

  47. v14/57 : Driving Transport with High Disorder (disorder transport, physics)

  48. s41586-021-03409-2 : Isospin Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene (nature)

  49. s41586-021-03319-3 : Entropic evidence for a Pomeranchuk effect in magic-angle graphene (nature)

  50. d41586-021-00843-0 : Heating freezes electrons in twisted bilayer graphene (nature)

  51. PhysRevB.103.L140404 : Negative thermal Hall conductance in a two-dimer Shastry-Sutherland model with a $\ensuremath{\pi}$-flux Dirac triplon (thermal Hall effect, PRB)

  52. PhysRevB.103.165408 : Molecular dipoles in designer honeycomb lattices (Paramekanti, PRB)

  53. PhysRevB.103.155410 : Moir'e edge states in twisted bilayer graphene and their topological relation to quantum pumping (Koshino, PRB)

  54. PhysRevB.103.134416 : Antiferromagnets with random vacancies and substitutional spins on the triangular lattice (AFM triangular, PRB)

  55. PhysRevB.103.134108 : Breathing mode of nanoclusters: Definition and comparison to a continuous medium model (Breathing mode, PRB)

  56. PhysRevLett.126.157601 : Dimensionality-Induced Change in Topological Order in Multiferroic Oxide Superlattices (topological order multiferroic, PRL)

  57. PhysRevLett.126.157202 : Generation of Current Vortex by Spin Current in Rashba Systems (Yunoki, PRL)

  58. PhysRevLett.126.156602 : Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Conductivity in a Nonuniform Electric Field (JEMoore, PRL)

  59. 2104.04294 : Non-thermal breaking of magnetic order via photo-generated spin defects (Iridates327, arXiv)

  60. 2104.03971 : Unconventional Superconductivity arising from Multipolar Kondo Interactions (YBKim, arXiv)

  61. 2104.04011 : lattice-symmetries: A package for working with quantum many-body bases (ED, arXiv)