A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 2nd week collection
A WordCloud of 2021 Apr 2nd week collection

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  1. 2104.03941v1 : Evidence for magnetic clusters in stoichiometric quantum critical CeRu$_2$Si$_2$ (Ce, arXiv)

  2. 2104.03604v1 : Theory of Thermal Conductivity on Excitonic Insulator (thermal Hall EI, arXiv)

  3. 2104.03600v1 : Anisotropic c-f hybridization in the ferromagnetic quantum critical metal CeRh$_6$Ge$_4$ (anisotropic cf, arXiv)

  4. PhysRevB.103.155116 : Crystal, local atomic, and local electronic structures of ${\mathrm{YbFe}}{2}{\mathrm{Zn}}{20\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Cd}}_{x}\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}(0\ensuremath{\le}x\ensuremath{\le}1.4)$: A multiband system with possible coexistence of light and heavy fermions (heavy fermion, PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.103.134414 : Interplay of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and Kitaev interactions for magnonic properties of Heisenberg-Kitaev honeycomb ferromagnets (kitaev DMI, PRB)

  6. PhysRevLett.119.046401 : Sliced Basis Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Electronic Structure (RWhite, PRL)

  7. PhysRevLett.126.147203 : Transverse Transport in Two-Dimensional Relativistic Systems with Nontrivial Spin Textures (Blugel, PRL)

  8. 2104.03925 : Flux trapping in superconducting hydrides under high pressure (Hirsch, arXiv)

  9. 2104.03872 : Dual Universality and Unconventional Phase Diagram of a Clean 2D Superconductor with Tunable Disorders (quantum Griffiths phase, arXiv)

  10. PhysRevB.103.L140402 : Magnetoelastic coupling and effects of uniaxial strain in $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ from first principles (RuCl3, PRB)

  11. PhysRevB.103.165109 : Filling anomaly for general two- and three-dimensional ${C}_{4}$ symmetric lattices (Cano, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.103.155113 : First-principles identification of topological crystalline insulators with ${C}_{2}$ rotation anomaly (topological crystalline insulator, PRB)

  13. PhysRevLett.126.146401 : Unmasking the Origin of Kinks in the Photoemission Spectra of Cuprate Superconductors (cuprate, PRL)

  14. 372/6538/132 : Limits on superconductivity in flatland (BCS-BEC, Science) 372/6538/190 : Gate-controlled BCS-BEC crossover in a two-dimensional superconductor (BCS-BEC, Science)

  15. 2104.02953 : Mott insulator tuning via structural distortion in monolayer 1T-NbSe2 (NbSe2, arXiv)

  16. 2104.02892 : Theory of the Kitaev model in a [111] magnetic field (CDBatista, arXiv)

  17. 2104.02992 : Quantum phase transitions and superconductivity in the pressurized heavy-fermion compound CeCuP2 (YFYang, arXiv)

  18. 2104.02762 : Slave-boson approach for multiorbital two-particle response functions and superconductivity (Kotliar, arXiv)

  19. PhysRevB.103.165303 : Screening, Friedel oscillations, RKKY interaction, and Drude transport in anisotropic two-dimensional systems (DasSarma, PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.103.134506 : Topological superconductivity in nanowires proximate to a diffusive superconductor–magnetic-insulator bilayer (PLee, PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.103.134408 : Anomalous Hall effect in MnAs: Intrinsic contribution due to Berry curvature (MnAs, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.103.165403 : Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and ordering of magnetic impurities near the boundary of a superconducting nanowire (DLoss, PRB)

  23. 2104.02270 : Phonon helicity induced by electronic Berry curvature in Dirac materials (Dirac, arXiv)

  24. 2104.02217 : Electronic structure and charge-density wave transition in monolayer VS_{2} (VS2, arXiv)

  25. 2104.02182 : Majorana correlations in the Kitaev model with ordered-flux structures (Nasu, arXiv)

  26. 2104.02084 : Charge density wave and finite-temperature transport in minimally twisted bilayer graphene (JDSau, arXiv)

  27. 2104.02353 : Correlation spectra of Fe-pnictides obtained by using an extended Drude mode (YSSeo, arXiv)

  28. PhysRevB.103.134504 : Superconductivity with and without glue and the role of the double-occupancy forbidding constraint in the $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}J\text{\ensuremath{-}}V$ model (tJV, PRB)

  29. 2104.02241 : Direct Observation of an Incommensurate Charge Density Wave in the BiS2-based Superconductor NdO1-xFxBiS2 (CDW, arXiv)

  30. PhysRevB.103.165106 : Topological classification of nodal-line semimetals in square-net materials (ShimJH, PRB)

  31. PhysRevB.103.144410 : Large anomalous Hall effect in the kagome ferromagnet ${\mathrm{LiMn}}{6}{\mathrm{Sn}}{6}$ (MnSn, PRB)

  32. PhysRevB.103.134505 : Nonstandard superconductivity or no superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure (Hirsch, PRB)

  33. PhysRevLett.126.146802 : Experimental Observation of Higher-Order Topological Anderson Insulators (HOTAI, PRL)

  34. 2104.01974 : Effective Model for Rare-earth Kitaev Materials and its Classical Monte Carlo Simulation (kitaev, arXiv)

  35. 2104.01833 : Possible quadrupole order in tetragonal Ba2CdReO6 and chemical trend in the ground states of 5d1 double perovskites (5d1, arXiv)

  36. 2104.01814 : Quantum transport observed in films of magnetic topological semimetal EuSb$_2$ (topological semimetal, arXiv)

  37. 2104.01485 : High Temperature Superconductivity in a Lightly Doped Quantum Spin Liquid (Kivelson, arXiv)

  38. s41567-018-0184-y : Observation of two independent skyrmion phases in a chiral magnetic material (skyrmion, nphys)

  39. 2104.01565 : Field-Induced Superconductivity near the Superconducting Critical Pressure in UTe2 (Jacques, arXiv)

  40. 2104.01479 : Controlled topological charge injection in topological matters (Yaroslav, arXiv)

  41. PhysRevB.103.144502 : Thermal signature of the Majorana fermion in a Josephson junction (majorana, PRB)

  42. PhysRevB.103.144407 : Magnetic and electrical transport study of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator Sn-doped ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}{4}$ (MnBi2Te4, PRB)

  43. PhysRevB.103.134405 : Effect of the spin-orbit interaction at insulator/ferromagnet interfaces on spin-orbit torques (KJLee, PRB)

  44. PhysRevB.103.134502 : Tendencies of enhanced electronic nematicity in the Hubbard model and a comparison with Raman scattering on high-temperature superconductors (pseudogap, PRB)

  45. PhysRevB.103.134406 : Magnetic order of ${\mathrm{Dy}}^{3+}$ and ${\mathrm{Fe}}^{3+}$ moments in antiferromagnetic $\mathrm{Dy}\mathrm{Fe}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ probed by spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin Seebeck effect (Mostovoy, PRB)

  46. PhysRevB.103.165301 : Topological superconductivity in tripartite superconductor-ferromagnet-semiconductor nanowires (majorana, PRB)

  47. PhysRevB.103.144408 : Dynamically stable negative-energy states induced by spin-transfer torques (Duine, PRB)

  48. PhysRevLett.126.147201 : Sign Structure of Thermal Hall Conductivity and Topological Magnons for In-Plane Field Polarized Kitaev Magnets (YBKim, PRL)

  49. 2104.01098 : Quantum Criticality in a Layered Iridate (iridate, arXiv)

  50. 2104.01005 : Studies on Novel Yb-based Candidate Triangular Quantum Antiferromagnets: Ba3YbB3O9 and Ba3YbB9O18 (HBCho, arXiv)

  51. 2104.01145 : Cascades between light and heavy fermions in the normal state of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)

  52. 2104.01031 : Superconductivity and topological behavior in gallenene (Ga-monolayer, arXiv)

  53. 2104.00869 : The hidden competing phase revealed by first-principles calculations of phonon instability in the nearly optimally doped cuprate La${1.875}$Sr${0.125}$CuO$_4$ (cuprate, arXiv)

  54. 2104.01015 : Origin of the Charge Density Wave in the Kagome Metal CsV${3}$Sb${5}$ as Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy (Kagome, arXiv)