A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2021 Mar 4th week collection

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  1. 2103.13672 : Perfect flat band and chiral-charge ordering out of strong spin-orbit interaction (flat band, arXiv)

  2. 2103.13668 : Manipulate the Electronic State of Mott Iridate Superlattice through Protonation Induced Electron-Filling (iridates, arXiv)

  3. 2103.13402 : Two-triplon excitations of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Bilayer (Triplon, arXiv)

  4. 2103.13393 : Quantum many-body topology of quasicrystals (quasicrystal, arXiv)

  5. 2103.13595 : A short review of the recent progresses in the study of the cuprate superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)

  6. 2103.13412 : Majorana bound states in topological insulators without a vortex (DLoss, arXiv)

  7. PhysRevB.103.L121116 : Three-phase Majorana zero modes at tiny magnetic fields (majorana, PRB)

  8. PhysRevB.103.104434 : $\ensuremath{\pi}$ Oscillation phase shift between transverse and longitudinal magnetoconductivities in Weyl semimetals (Weyl, PRB)

  9. PhysRevLett.126.126801 : Collapse of the Josephson Emission in a Carbon Nanotube Junction in the Kondo Regime (Kondo, PRL)

  10. 2103.13161 : Fluctuating magnetism of Co- and Cu-doped NaFeAs (Fluctuating M, APL)

  11. 2103.12956 : Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator (SOI insulator, PRR)

  12. 2103.12948 : Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 as a 2D correlated magnetic insulator (NbSe2, arXiv)

  13. 2103.12873 : Magnetic flat band in metallic kagome lattice FeSn (FeSn, arXiv)

  14. 2103.13295 : Loop currents in quantum matter (loop current, arXiv)

  15. 2103.12756 : Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors from topology and strong correlations (SC, arXiv)

  16. PhysRevResearch.3.013275 : Spin and orbital Edelstein effects in a two-dimensional electron gas: Theory and application to ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ interfaces (STO, PRR)

  17. physicsv14/46 : Easing the Squeeze on Superconductors (Hydride, Physics)

  18. PhysRevB.103.125425 : Anisotropic longitudinal optical conductivities of tilted Dirac bands in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Mo}{\mathrm{S}}_{2}$ (MoS2, PRB)

  19. PhysRevB.103.094516 : Field angle dependent vortex lattice phase diagram in ${\mathrm{MgB}}_{2}$ (MgB2, PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.103.094437 : Spin-lattice model for cubic crystals (spin-lattice, PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.103.115143 : Noncollinear ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal with anisotropic anomalous Hall effect (FM Weyl, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.103.125427 : Flat bands, strains, and charge distribution in twisted bilayer $h\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{BN}$ (Guinea, PRB)

  23. PhysRevB.103.125149 : Local optical conductivity of bilayer graphene with kink potential (graphene, PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.103.115147 : Critical anomalous metals near superconductivity in models with random interactions (Sachdev, PRB)

  25. PhysRevB.103.115146 : Longitudinal magnetoconductance and the planar Hall effect in a lattice model of tilted Weyl fermions (magnetoconductance, PRB)

  26. PhysRevB.103.115438 : Search for enhanced magnetism at the interface between ${\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Se}}{3}$ and EuSe (magnetism, PRB)

  27. PhysRevLett.126.127201 : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as a Single Majorana Detector of Kitaev’s Chiral Spin Liquid (majorana, PRL)

  28. PhysRevX.11.011060 : Revealing the Absolute Direction of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Prototypical Weak Ferromagnets by Polarized Neutrons (DMI, PRX)

  29. 2103.12500 : Overscreened Kondo problem with large spin and large number of orbital channels: two distinct semiclassical limits in quantum transport observables (Kondo, arXiv)

  30. 2103.12630 : $s_{+}\oplus s_{-}$ Topological Superconductivity in Coupled Multifold Fermions (SBChung, arXiv)

  31. 2103.12309 : Rare-earth chalcohalides: A family of van der Waals layered Kitaev spin liquid candidates (Kitaev, arXiv)

  32. 2103.12097 : The Hubbard Model (Arovas, arXiv)

  33. 2103.12083 : Large Pauli Limit Violation and Reentrant Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene (Jarillo-Herrero, arXiv)

  34. PhysRevB.103.115436 : Current switching of valley polarization in twisted bilayer graphene (LBalents, PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.103.094513 : Helical superconducting edge modes from pseudo-Landau levels in graphene (graphene, PRB)

  36. PhysRevX.11.011058 : Tracking the Footprints of Spin Fluctuations: A MultiMethod, MultiMessenger Study of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (George, PRX)

  37. 2103.10647 : Topological spin crystals by itinerant frustration (YMotome, arXiv)

  38. 2103.11989 : Artificial heavy fermions in a van der Waals heterostructure (Lado, arXiv)

  39. 2103.11045 : Differentiating Hund from Mott physics in a three-band Hubbard-Hund model: temperature dependence of spectral, transport and thermodynamic properties (SSLee, arXiv)

  40. 1007.1215 : Violation of Onsager Reciprocity in Underdoped Cuprates ? (CMVarma, arXiv)

  41. 2103.12060 : Spin-triplet superconductivity from excitonic effect in doped insulators: Theory and prediction for WTe$_2$ (LiangFu, arXiv)

  42. 2103.12053 : On spin-charge and spin-momentum lockings in the pseudo-gap phase of Bi$2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O${8+\delta}$ (pseudogap, arXiv)

  43. 2103.11410 : UTe$_2$: a nearly insulating half-filled $j=\frac{5}{2}$ $5f^3$ heavy fermion metal (UTe2, PRB)

  44. 2103.11501 : Quantum Phases of a Weakly Disordered Josephson Ladder (Griffith, arXiv)

  45. PhysRevB.103.L121114 : Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in monolayer ${\mathrm{VOI}}_{2}$ (Dagotto, PRB)

  46. PhysRevB.103.115434 : From weak antilocalization to Kondo scattering in a magnetic complex oxide interface (WAL, PRB)

  47. PhysRevB.103.104513 : Interplay between Zhang-Rice singlets and high-spin states in a model for doped ${\mathrm{NiO}}_{2}$ planes (Zhang-Rice singlet, PRB)

  48. PhysRevB.103.094432 : Evidence of itinerant holes for long-range magnetic order in the tungsten diselenide semiconductor with vanadium dopants (YHLee, PRB)

  49. PhysRevB.103.094306 : First-principles prediction of ideal type-II Weyl phonons in wurtzite ZnSe (Weyl phonon, PRB)

  50. PhysRevB.103.104514 : Pairing symmetry of an intermediate valence superconductor ${\mathrm{CeIr}}_{3}$ investigated using $\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{SR}$ measurements (CeIr3, PRB)

  51. PhysRevLett.126.127401 : Optical Properties of the Infinite-Layer ${\mathrm{La}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}{x}{\mathrm{NiO}}_{2}$ and Hidden Hund’s Physics (nickelate, PRL)