A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 1st week collection
A WordCloud of 2021 Feb 1st week collection

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  1. PhysRevB.103.064409 : Magnetic dynamics with Weyl fermions (Yaroslav, PRB)

  2. PhysRevB.103.054502 : Temperature dependence of London penetration depth anisotropy in superconductors with anisotropic order parameters (London, PRB)

  3. PhysRevLett.126.056601 : Disentangling Orbital and Valley Hall Effects in Bilayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDC, PRL)

  4. PhysRevX.11.011024 : Emergent Magnetic Phases in Pressure-Tuned van der Waals Antiferromagnet ${\mathrm{FePS}}_{3}$ (JGPark, PRX)

  5. 2102.02740 : Spin-orbit-entangled electronic phases in 4$d$ and 5$d$ transition-metal compounds (Takagi, arXiv)

  6. 2102.02387 : Self-duality of One-dimensional Quasicrystals with Spin-Orbit Interaction (quasicrystal, arXiv)

  7. 2102.02256 : Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (MacDonald, arXiv)

  8. 2102.02226 : A new cubic Hall viscosity in three-dimensional topological semimetals (Bradlyn, arXiv)

  9. 2102.02735 : Electronic and dynamical properties of CeRh${2}$As${2}$: Role of Rh${2}$As${2}$ layers and expected hidden orbital order (CeRh2As2, arXiv)

  10. 2102.02644 : The 2021 Quantum Materials Roadmap (Quantum material, arXiv)

  11. 2102.02500 : Standard behaviour of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d overdoped (Eliashberg, arXiv)

  12. 2102.02380 : Reinforcing increase of {\Delta}TC in MgB2 smart meta-superconductors by adjusting the concentration of inhomogeneous phases (MgB2, arXiv)

  13. 2102.02214 : New tools to determine the topological character of Shiba chains (Shiba chains, arXiv)

  14. PhysRevB.103.085408 : Higher-order topological Anderson insulators (YongXu, PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.103.075113 : Tensor network study of the $m=\frac{1}{2}$ magnetization plateau in the Shastry-Sutherland model at finite temperature (TN S=1/2, PRB)

  16. PhysRevB.103.054410 : Comprehensive study of the global phase diagram of the $J\ensuremath{-}K\ensuremath{-}\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ model on a triangular lattice (JKG triangular, PRB)

  17. PhysRevLett.126.056803 : **Spontaneous Valley Spirals in Magnetically Encapsulated Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Lado, PRL)

  18. PhysRevLett.126.056403 : Fingerprints of the Local Moment Formation and its Kondo Screening in the Generalized Susceptibilities of Many-Electron Problems (Kondo screening, PRL)

  19. 2102.02178 : Charge ordering in Ir dimers in the ground state of Ba$5$AlIr$_2$O${11}$ (iridates, arXiv)

  20. 2102.02150 : Low temperature ferromagnetism in perovskite SrIrO$_3$ films (SrIrO3, arXiv)

  21. 2102.01700 : Critical anomalous metals near superconductivity in models with random interactions (Sachdev, arXiv)

  22. rs-136696/v1 : Observation of fractional spin textures and bulk-boundary correspondence (Parkin, arXiv)

  23. PhysRevB.103.085106 : Tunable chiral symmetry breaking in symmetric Weyl materials (Cano, PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.103.085406 : Effect of Rashba splitting on ultrafast carrier dynamics in BiTeI (Rashba, PRB)

  25. PhysRevLett.126.056401 : Landau Levels as a Probe for Band Topology in Graphene Moir'e Superlattices (BLG, PRL)

  26. 2102.01396 : Low-energy electronic states of oxygen-controlled Mott insulator Ca${2}$RuO${4+\delta}$ (ruthenate, arXiv)

  27. 2102.01400 : Coupled spin-orbital fluctuations in a three orbital model for $4d$ and $5d$ oxides with electron fillings $n=3,4,5$ – Application to $\rm NaOsO_3$, $\rm Ca_2RuO_4$, and $\rm Sr_2IrO_4$ (iridates, arXiv)

  28. PhysRevB.103.064402 : Magnonic crystals with complex geometry (magnon, PRB)

  29. PhysRevB.103.054405 : Chiral phase transition and thermal Hall effect in an anisotropic spin model on the kagome lattice (chiral phase transition, PRB)

  30. PhysRevB.103.054404 : Symmetry-protected topological phases beyond groups: The $q$-deformed bilinear-biquadratic spin chain (spin chain, PRB)

  31. PhysRevB.103.054403 : Laser-induced torques in spin spirals (SBlugel, PRB)

  32. PhysRevLett.126.056801 : Current-Driven Magnetization Reversal in Orbital Chern Insulators (MacDonald, PRL)

  33. PhysRevX.11.011021 : Bond Directional Anapole Order in a Spin-Orbit Coupled Mott Insulator ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}({\mathrm{Ir}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Rh}}{x}){\mathrm{O}}{4}$ (Iridates, PRX)

  34. 2102.01061 : Strong-Magnetic-Field Magnon Transport in Monolayer Graphene (MacDonald, arXiv)

  35. 2102.00607 : Theory of pair density wave on a quasi-one-dimensional lattice in the Hubbard model (PDW, arXiv)

  36. 2102.00585 : Chiral magnetic effect in lattice models of tilted multi-Weyl semimetals (Weyl, arXiv)

  37. 2102.00025 : Multiband charge density wave exposed in a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC, arXiv)

  38. 2102.00014 : Topological magnons for thermal Hall transport in frustrated magnets with bond-dependent interactions (YBKim, arXiv)

  39. PhysRevB.103.075402 : Exciton effect on shift current in single-walled boron-nitride nanotubes (nanotube, PRB)

  40. 2101.12558 : Electronic correlations at paramagnetic $(001)$ and $(110)$ NiO surfaces: Charge-transfer and Mott-Hubbard-type gaps at the surface and subsurface of $(110)$ NiO (Leonov, arxiv)

  41. 2101.12405 : Dynamical signatures of symmetry protected topology following symmetry breaking (Devereaux, arXiv)

  42. 2101.12219 : Spin-orbit coupled time-reversal symmetric Hofstadter model on the Kagome lattice (Kagome, arXiv)

  43. 2101.12538 : Fabrication of topological insulator devices (Ando, arXiv)