A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 3rd week collection
A WordCloud of 2020 Oct 3rd week collection
  1. Roomtemperature : At last, Roomtemperature superconductivity achieved (Room_temperature, science) Roomtemperature : Roomtemperature superconductivity in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride (Roomtemperature, nature)

2021 Physics = Neil Ashcroft(1/2), Mikhail Eremets (1/4), Ranga P. Dias (1/4) ???

  1. PhysRevB.102.155416 : Majorana zero modes and their bosonization (DLoss, PRB)

  2. PhysRevB.102.134419 : Spin wave theory of a one-dimensional generalized Kitaev model (Affleck, PRB)

  3. 2004.10348 : Topological Anderson insulating phases in the long-range Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Hsu, arXiv)

  4. 2010.06450 : Evidence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase in a Frustrated Magnet (BKT, arXiv)

  5. 2010.06446 : Reaching room temperature superconductivity by optimizing doping in LaH$_{10}$? (Arita, arXiv)

  6. 2010.06091 : The superconductor to metal transition in overdoped cuprates (DHLee, arXiv)

  7. PhysRevMaterials.4.104005 : Electrical switching of valley polarization in monolayer semiconductors (Valleytronics, PRM)

  8. Physics.13.s133 : Electrical Control of the “Valley” (Valleytronics, physics)

  9. PhysRevB.102.155113 : Emergent chiral spin ordering and anomalous Hall effect in a kagome lattice at a $\frac{1}{3}$ filling (SBLee, PRB)

  10. PhysRevB.102.165117 : Surface Green’s functions and quasiparticle interference in Weyl semimetals (surface Green ft, PRB)

  11. PhysRevLett.125.165302 : Direct Visualization of Trimerized States in $1{T}^{\ensuremath{‘}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{TaTe}}_{2}$ (trimerized, PRL)

  12. 2010.05786 : Electric field-induced oxygen vacancies in YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO, arXiv)

  13. 2010.05598 : Optical response and nonlinear Hall response of twisted bilayer graphene in the insulating state (Fawang, arXiv)

  14. 2010.05390 : Evidence for a Monolayer Excitonic Insulator (exciton, arXiv)

  15. 2010.05308 : Capping layer influence and isotropic in-plane upper critical field of the superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface (FeSe/STO, arXiv)

  16. 2010.05019 : Band-Selective Third-Harmonic Generation in Superconducting MgB$_2$: Evidence for Higgs Amplitude Mode in the Dirty Limit (MgB2, arXiv)

  17. 2010.04735 : Tunable vortex Majorana zero modes in LiFeAs superconductor (vortex majorana, arXiv)

  18. PhysRevB.102.165118 : Quantum geometry and stability of moir'e flatband ferromagnetism (Sarma, PRB)

  19. PhysRevB.102.155412 : Orbital response of single-layer antimony to external magnetic field (antimony, PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.102.144415 : Fingerprint of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect at heavy-metal/Cu interfaces (Rashba-Edelstein, PRB)

  21. 2010.04544 : Thermal disorder driven magnetic phases in van der Waals magnet CrI3 (CrI3, arXiv)