A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 3rd week collection
A WordCloud of 2020 Sep 3rd week collection
  1. s41567-019-0649-7 : Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices (Z2, nphys)

  2. PhysRevB.102.104302 : Many-body localization from dynamical gauge fields (HZhai, PRB)

  3. PhysRevB.102.121406 : Experimental evidence for orbital magnetic moments generated by moir'e-scale current loops in twisted bilayer graphene (Graphene, PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.102.094422 : Ferrimagnetic 120${}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$ magnetic structure in ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}{\mathrm{OSO}}{4}$ (Rønnow, PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.102.104424 : Anisotropy-induced depinning in the Zn-substituted skyrmion host ${\mathrm{Cu}}{2}\mathrm{O}\mathrm{Se}{\mathrm{O}}{3}$ (skyrmion, PRB)

  6. PhysRevLett.125.126801 : Demonstration of Dissipative Quasihelical Edge Transport in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators (dopingTI, PRL)

  7. s41567-020-0999-1 : Direct observation of two-dimensional magnons in atomically thin CrI 3 (magnon, nphys)

  8. 2009.07862 : Schwinger boson study of superconductivity mediated by antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations (Sudbo, arXiv)

  9. 2009.08398 : Restoring the Planckian regime via suppression of charge density waves in an underdoped cuprate superconductor (cuprate, arXiv)

  10. 2009.08201 : Peculiar magnetic dynamics across the in-field transition in Ca3Co2O6 (Ronnow, arXiv)

  11. 2009.07942 : Thermal Properties of Rung Disordered Two-leg Quantum Spin Ladders: Quantum Monte Carlo Study (spin QMC, arXiv)

  12. 2009.07871 : Numerical study of a dual representation of the integer quantum Hall transition (SRaghu, arXiv)

  13. 2009.07865 : Anomalous exciton transport in response to a uniform, in-plane electric field (GRefael, arXiv)

  14. 2009.07864 : Unlocking of time reversal, space-time inversion and rotation invariants in magnetic materials (FChen, arXiv)

  15. 2009.07849 : Dimensionality of superconductivity in the transition metal pnictide WP (Marra, arXiv)

  16. 2009.07577 : Structure analysis of high-pressure phase for skyrmion-hosting multiferroic Cu2OSeO3 (Seki, arXiv)

  17. 2009.07541 : Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate OsxCl3 Comprised of Honeycomb Nano-Domains (kitaev, arXiv)

  18. 2009.07379 : Imaging spinon density modulations in a 2D quantum spin liquid (TaSe2, arXiv)

  19. PhysRevB.102.125125 : Superconducting pairing symmetries of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with inhomogeneous hopping strength (Hubbard, PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.102.121405 : Edge-corner correspondence: Boundary-obstructed topological phases with chiral symmetry (Ezawa, PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.102.115134 : Block orbital-selective Mott insulators: A spin excitation analysis (orbital selective, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.102.104420 : Weak ferromagnetism in perovskite oxides (weakFM, PRB)

  23. PhysRevB.102.125127 : Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes (majorana, PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.102.094419 : Asymmetric melting of a one-third plateau in kagome quantum antiferromagnets (Yamaji, PRB)

  25. Physics.13.s122 : A Twist in Topological Wisdom (Physics)

  26. PhysRevLett.125.126403 : Boundary Criticality of $\mathcal{PT}$-Invariant Topology and Second-Order Nodal-Line Semimetals (PTsemimetal, PRL)

  27. 2009.07267 : Lattice dynamics in the double-helix antiferromagnet FeP (FeP, arXiv)

  28. JPSJ.89.103702 : Degeneracy Lifting of Néel, Bloch, and Anti-Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Systems (skyrmion, JPSJ)

  29. 2009.07263 : $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Topologically Obstructed Superconducting Order (Z2SC, arXiv)

  30. 2009.06949 : Nodeless $s$-Wave Superconducting Phases in Cuprates with Ba$_2$CuO$_3$-Type Structure (FaWang, arXiv)**

  31. 2009.06661 : Robustness of vortex-bound Majorana zero modes against correlated disorder (vortex-bound Majorana, arXiv)

  32. 2009.06644 : Competing nodal d-wave superconductivity and antiferromagnetism: a Quantum Monte Carlo study (QMC, arXiv)

  33. PhysRevB.102.125123 : Dirac fermions in the antiferromagnetic spintronics material CuMnAs (Dirac semimetal, PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.102.115133 : Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model: A dynamical Schwinger-boson large-$N$ approach (Kondo-Heisenberg, PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.102.094514 : Pair density waves in spinless media (PDW, PRB)

  36. PhysRevB.102.115130 : Parity of Chern numbers in the Kitaev honeycomb model and the sixteenfold way (honeycomb, PRB)

  37. PhysRevLett.125.126402 : Correspondence between Winding Numbers and Skin Modes in Non-Hermitian Systems (non-Hermitian, PRL)

  38. PhysRevLett.125.126401 : Large Polarons as Key Quasiparticles in SrTiO3 and SrTiO3-Based Heterostructures (STO, PRL)

  39. 2009.05988 : Exotic dynamics of excitation in open Aubry-Andr'{e}-Harper model: Effect of the localization, the dimensionality of the environment and the initial condition (AAH, arXiv)

  40. 2009.05984 : Topologically-Driven Linear Magnetoresistance in Helimagnetic FeP (helimagnet, arXiv)

  41. 2009.05795 : Photocurrent of exciton polaritons (nagaosa, arXiv)

  42. 2009.05586 : Magnetism and charge order in the honeycomb lattice (honeycomb, arXiv)

  43. 2009.05917 : A weak topological insulator state in quasi-one-dimensional superconductor TaSe$_3$ (YKKim, arXiv)

  44. 2009.06230 : BaCuS2: a superconductor with moderate electron-electron correlation (JPHu, arXiv)

  45. 2009.05816 : $f$-electron and magnetic ordering effects in nickelates LaNiO$2$ and NdNiO$_2$: remarkable role of the cuprate-like $3d{x^2-y^2}$ band (nickelate, arXiv)

  46. 2009.05896 : Electric field control of disorder-tunable superconductivity and the emergence of quantum metal at an oxide interface (LAO/KTO, arXiv)

  47. 2009.05585 : Majorana modes in emergent-wire phases of helical and cycloidal magnet-superconductor hybrids (majorana Helical, arXiv)

  48. PhysRevB.102.100406 : Vortex lattice in two-dimensional chiral $XY$ ferromagnets and the inverse Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition (chiral XY, PRB)

  49. PhysRevB.102.115129 : de Haas–van Alphen quantum oscillations and electronic structure in the large-Chern-number topological chiral semimetal CoSi (CoSi, PRB)

  50. PhysRevB.102.104416 : Topological energy barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi (skyrmion, PRB)

  51. PhysRevB.102.125121 : Random-bond disorder in two-dimensional noncollinear $XY$ antiferromagnets: From quasi-long-range order to spin glass (AFM XY, PRB)

  52. PhysRevB.102.115126 : Lattice dynamics effects on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy: Application to MnBi (MnBi, PRB)

  53. PhysRevB.102.125119 : Antiferromagnetism and spin density waves in three-dimensional Dirac metals (3D dirac metal, PRB)

  54. PhysRevB.102.115127 : Quantum Hall spin liquids and their possible realization in moir'e systems (Senthil, PRB)

  55. PhysRevB.102.115125 : Superlattice structure in the antiferromagnetically ordered state in the Hubbard model on the Ammann-Beenker tiling (quasicrystal, PRB)

  56. PhysRevX.10.031058 : Ground-State Properties of the Hydrogen Chain: Dimerization, Insulator-to-Metal Transition, and Magnetic Phases (H-chain, PRX) Physics.13.142 : The Rich Inner Life of the Hydrogen Chain (H-chain, Physics)

  57. 2009.05055 : Emergent chiral symmetry in a three-dimensional interacting Dirac liquid (BitanRoy, arXiv)

  58. PhysRevLett.125.117206 : Signatures of a Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Cooperative Paramagnet in the Diluted Triangular Lattice of ${\mathrm{Y}}{2}{\mathrm{CuTiO}}{6}$ (cuprate, PRL)

  59. 2009.05051 : Fractionalized fermionic quantum criticality in spin-orbital Mott insulators (Fractionalized fermion, arXiv)