A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 4th week collection
A WordCloud of 2020 Jul 4th week collection
  1. PhysRevB.102.035150 : Emergence of Van Hove singularity and topological states in ${\mathrm{Pb}}_{3}\mathrm{Bi}\text{/}\mathrm{Ge}(111)$ Rashba systems (Rashba, PRB)

  2. PhysRevB.102.014444 : Local force method for the ab initio tight-binding model: Effect of spin-dependent hopping on exchange interactions (RArita, PRB)

  3. PhysRevB.102.045141 : Berry flux diagonalization: Application to electric polarization (Vanderbilt, PRB)

  4. PhysRevLett.125.047204 : Majorana-Mediated Spin Transport in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids (kitaev, PRL)

  5. 2007.11791 : Spin-waves in 2D honeycomb lattice $XXZ$-type van der Waals antiferromagnet CoPS$_3$ (JGPark, arXiv)

  6. 2007.11719 : Density Wave Mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (Chakravarty, arXiv)

  7. 2007.11637 : Vacancy-induced low-energy density of states in the Kitaev spin liquid (Moessner, arXiv)

  8. 2007.11585 : Topological Crystalline Phases in a Disordered Inversion-Symmetric Chain (Hughes, arXiv)

  9. acs.nanolett.0c01356 : Type-II Ising Superconductivity and Anomalous Metallic State in Macro-Size Ambient-Stable Ultrathin Crystalline Films (PbTe2, NanoLetters) 369.6502.388.3 : An unusual superconductor (Stajic, Science)

  10. PhysRevB.102.045139 : Topological phase transition on the edge of two-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ topological order (Z2, PRB)

  11. PhysRevB.102.035147 : Local matrix product operators: Canonical form, compression, and control theory (Zaletel, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.102.020408 : Spin Seebeck effect near the antiferromagnetic spin-flop transition (Yaroslav, PRB)

  13. PhysRevB.102.014442 : Competing magnetic orders in quantum critical ${\mathrm{Sr}}{3}{\mathrm{Ru}}{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}$ (ruthenate bilayer, PRB)

  14. PhysRevB.102.014108 : Persistent polar distortions from covalent interactions in doped ${\mathrm{BaTiO}}_{3}$ (BTO, PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.102.045424 : Topological bulk states and their currents (Pachos, PRB)

  16. PhysRevB.102.041123 : Seeing topological edge and bulk currents in time-of-flight images (Pachos, PRB)

  17. s41567-020-0965-y : Chiral phonons in the pseudogap phase of cuprates (phonon thermal Hall, nphys)

  18. 2007.11215 : Interaction Induced Topological Charge Pump (Hatsugai, arXiv)

  19. PhysRevB.102.041120 : Disorder recovers the Wiedemann-Franz law in the metallic phase of ${\mathrm{VO}}_{2}$ (VO2, PRB)

  20. PhysRevB.102.035142 : Topological corner modes in a brick lattice with nonsymmorphic symmetry (nonsymmorphic, PRB)

  21. PhysRevB.102.035145 : Nontrivial topological phase with a zero Chern number (ZSong, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.102.035143 : Surface and bulk electronic structure of aluminium diboride (PDCKing, PRB)

  23. PhysRevLett.125.047203 : Topological Magnons with Nodal-Line and Triple-Point Degeneracies: Implications for Thermal Hall Effect in Pyrochlore Iridates (Hwang, PRL)

  24. PhysRevB.102.014437 : Coherent spin waves driven by optical spin-orbit torque (HWLee, PRB)

  25. PhysRevB.102.014439 : Dynamic spin fluctuations in the frustrated A -site spinel Cu Al 2 O 4 (JGPark, PRB)

  26. PhysRevLett.125.046402 : Engineering Weyl Phases and Nonlinear Hall Effects in ${\mathrm{T}}{d}$-${\mathrm{MoTe}}{2}$ (Vanderbilit, PRL)

  27. PhysRevLett.125.047201 : Kitaev Spin Liquid in $3d$ Transition Metal Compounds (Khaliullin, PRL)

  28. PhysRevX.10.031016 : Absence of Superconductivity in the Pure Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (SWhite, PRX)

  29. 2007.09872 : Controlling anomalous and topological Hall effects in SrRuO$_3$ ultra-thin film by tuning inversion symmetry breaking (CKim, arXiv)

  30. 2007.09749 : Nonlinear spectroscopy of collective modes in excitonic insulator (AJMillis, arXiv)

  31. PhysRevB.102.045130 : Intrinsic axion insulating behavior in antiferromagnetic ${\mathrm{MnBi}}{6}{\mathrm{Te}}{10}$ (MnBiTe, PRB)

  32. PhysRevB.102.035425 : Emergent flat band lattices in spatially periodic magnetic fields (flatband, PRB)

  33. PhysRevB.102.024307 : Fragile phonon topology on the honeycomb lattice with time-reversal symmetry (phonon, PRB)

  34. PhysRevB.102.035427 : Interplay of exchange and superexchange in triple quantum dots (QD, PRB)

  35. PhysRevB.102.035136 : Correlated insulating phases of twisted bilayer graphene at commensurate filling fractions: A Hartree-Fock study (FCZhang, PRB)

  36. PhysRevB.102.035132 : Effect of uniaxial stress on the electronic band structure of NbP (NbP, PRB)

  37. PhysRevB.102.024430 : Helical spin liquid in a triangular XXZ magnet from Chern-Simons theory (RMoessner, PRB)

  38. PhysRevB.102.014509 : Critical temperature ${T}{c}$ and Pauli limited critical field of ${\mathrm{Sr}}{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$: Uniaxial strain dependence (SRaghu, PRB)

  39. PhysRevB.102.014432 : Effect of curvature on the eigenstates of magnetic skyrmions (skyrmion, PRB)

  40. PhysRevLett.125.046601 : Precise Experimental Test of the Luttinger Theorem and Particle-Hole Symmetry for a Strongly Correlated Fermionic System (composite fermions, PRL)

  41. 2007.09110 : Colossal Negative Magnetoresistance Effect in A La${1.37}$Sr${1.63}$Mn$_2$O$_7$ Single Crystal Grown by Laser-Diode-Heated Floating-Zone Technique (bilayerMn, arXiv)

  42. 2007.08887 : Current-induced second harmonic generation in inversion-symmetric Dirac and Weyl semimetals (JMoore, arXiv)

  43. PhysRevB.102.014420 : Large spin to charge conversion in the topological superconductor $\ensuremath{\beta}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{\mathrm{PdBi}}_{2}$ at room temperature (PbBi, PRB)