1. 1911.12214 : Large topological Hall effect in a geometrically frustrated kagome magnet Fe$_3$Sn$_2$ (topological Hall effect, arXiv)

  2. 1911.12248 : Block-Spiral Magnetism: A New Type of Frustrated Order (Bloc-Spiral, arXiv)

  3. PhysRevB.100.195145 : Magnon crystals and magnetic phases in a kagome-stripe antiferromagnet (magnon, PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.100.195146 : Supersymmetry in an interacting Majorana model on the kagome lattice (M. Franz, PRB)

  5. PhysRevB.100.195308 : Diagnosis of topological nodal lines with nontrivial monopole charge in the presence of rotation symmetries (K. Sun, PRB)

  6. 1911.12050 : Abrikosov vortex mass in high-T_c YBaCuO superconductor emerging from observed circular dichroism of far-infrared transmission (vortex mass, arXiv)

  7. 1911.11521 : Late transition-metal oxides with infinite-layer structure: nickelate vs. cuprate (nickelate, arXiv)

  8. 1911.10736 : Skyrmion crystal from RKKY interaction mediated by 2D electron gas (skyrmion lattice, arXiv)

  9. 1911.10816 : Higher-order topological insulators in two-dimensional Aubry-Andr'e-Harper models (Yong Xu, arXiv)

  10. 1911.10857 : Spin and charge transport in topological nodal-line semimetals (spin and charge transport, arXiv)

  11. PhysRevB.100.205139 : Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field distortions for a low-spin 3 d 5 state in BaCoO 3 (BaCoO3, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.100.205138 : Formation of a two-dimensional single-component correlated electron system and band engineering in the nickelate superconductor NdNiO 2 (R. Arita, PRB)

  13. PhysRevLett.123.227202 : Nonsymmorphic-Symmetry-Protected Topological Magnons in Three-Dimensional Kitaev Materials (YB Kim, PRL)

  14. 1911.10238 : First-order magnetic phase-transition of mobile electrons in monolayer MoS$_2$ (D. Loss, arXiv)

  15. 1911.11166 : Edge current and orbital angular momentum of chiral superfluids revisited (Hong Yao, arXiv)

  16. 1911.11367 : Nematicity with a twist: rotational symmetry breaking in a moir'e superlattice (pneumaticity, arXiv)

  17. 1911.10085 : Comprehensive scan for nonmagnetic Weyl semimetals with nonlinear optical response (van den Brink, arXiv)

  18. PhysRevB.100.205135 : ARPES study of orbital character, symmetry breaking, and pseudogaps in doped and pure Sr 2 IrO 4 (Biermann, PRB)

  19. 1911.09786 : Possible quantum paramagnetism in compressed Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ (iridates, arXiv)