1. 1910.14346 : Reply to Comment on “Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: doped SrTiO_3” (Balatsky, arXiv)

  2. 1910.14597 : Quantum critical nematic fluctuations and spin excitation anisotropy in iron pnictides (nematic fluctuation, arXiv)

  3. 1910.14621 : Ferromagnetic fluctuations in the Rashba-Hubbard model (Schnyder, arXiv)

  4. 1910.14061 : Moir'e quantum chemistry: charge transfer in transition metal dichalcogenide superlattices (Liang Fu, arXiv)

  5. 1910.14304 : Phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Gamma chain and emergent SU(2) symmetry (Affleck, arXiv)

  6. 1910.14036 : A systematic study of stacked square nets: from Dirac fermions to material realizations (Cano, arXiv)

  7. 1910.13510 : Floquet flat-band engineering of twisted bilayer graphene (G. Refael, arXiv)

  8. PhysRevLett.123.186402 : Emergent Geometric Frustration and Flat Band in Moiré Bilayer Graphene (Bilayer Graphene, PRL)

  9. PhysRevB.100.134443 : Spin polaronics: Static and dynamic properties of spin polarons in La-doped CaMnO 3 (spin polaron, PRB)

  10. PhysRevB.100.134113 : Crystal-to-fracton tensor gauge theory dualities (fraction, PRB)

  11. PhysRevB.100.155147 : Many-body corrected tight-binding Hamiltonians for an accurate quasiparticle description of topological insulators of the Bi 2 Se 3 family (S. Blugel, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.100.165429 : Anisotropic Rashba effect and charge and spin currents in monolayer BiTeI by controlling symmetry (Rashba, PRB)

  13. PhysRevLett.123.187201 : Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Magnetic Weyl Semimetals (Weyl, PRL)

  14. PhysRevB.100.161113 : Helical magnetic ordering in Sr ( Co 1 − x Ni x ) 2 As 2 (Helical order, PRB)

  15. 1910.13193 : A 3D Tight-Binding Model for La-Based Cuprate Superconductors (cuprate tight-binding, arXiv)

  16. 1910.13068 : Flat bands in small angle twisted bilayer WSe2 (twisted WSe2, arXiv)

  17. 1910.13390 : Ferromagnetic Kitaev interaction and the origin of large magnetic anisotropy in $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ (YB Kim, arXiv)

  18. 1910.13307 : Guiding Dirac fermions in graphene with a carbon nanotube (P. Kim, arXiv)

  19. PhysRevLett.123.186401 : Higher-Order Topology, Monopole Nodal Lines, and the Origin of Large Fermi Arcs in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides X Te 2 ( X = Mo , W ) (Bernevig, PRL)

  20. PhysRevLett.123.186601 : Anomalous Spin Diffusion in One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets (spin diffusion, PRL)

  21. PhysRevB.100.144440 : Quantum anomalous Hall effect and Anderson-Chern insulating regime in the noncollinear antiferromagnetic 3Q state (Manchon, PRB)

  22. PhysRevB.100.155142 : S = 1 2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet revisited (R. Moessner, PRB)

  23. PhysRevB.100.165141 : Single and bilayer graphene on the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 : Electronic and spin-orbit properties from first principles (J. Fabian, PRB)

  24. PhysRevB.100.165142 : Nematic spin liquid phase in a frustrated spin-1 system on the square lattice (nematic spin liquid, PRB)

  25. PhysRevB.100.165422 : Theory of nonlinear Hall effects: Modified semiclassics from quantum kinetics (Q. Niu, PRB)

  26. 1910.12155 : Transport in one-dimensional integrable quantum systems (Sirker, scipost)

  27. 1910.12650 : Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (Vollhardt, arXiv)

  28. 1910.12856 : Landau ordering phase transitions beyond the Landau paradigm (Senthil, arXiv)

  29. 1910.11444 : Microscopic model for the hidden Rashba effect in YBa$2$Cu$_3$O${6+x}$ (hidden Rashba, arXiv)

  30. 1910.11810 : Existence of a spectral gap in the AKLT model on the hexagonal lattice (Sandvik, arXiv)