1. PhysRevLett.123.053902 : Nonlinear Second-Order Topological Insulators (SOTI, PRL)

  2. PhysRevB.100.075104 : Dielectric and electronic properties of three-dimensional Luttinger semimetals with a quadratic band touching (William, PRB)
  3. PhysRevB.100.054501 : Symmetry of superconducting pairing in non-pseudospin electron bands (Samokhin, PRB)

  4. PhysRevB.100.085109 : Magic angle hierarchy in twisted graphene multilayers (Vishwanath, PRB)

  5. machine learning Uber Ludwig : Bringing machine learning to the masses (machine learning, Nature)

  6. PhysRevB.100.085101 : Hidden SU(2) symmetries, the symmetry hierarchy, and the emergent eightfold way in spin-1 quantum magnets (Yi Zhou, PRB)

  7. PhysRevB.100.075102 : Unsupervised learning eigenstate phases of matter (S. Chakravarty, PRB)

  8. PhysRevLett.123.055901 : Fluctuation-Induced Torque on a Topological Insulator out of Thermal Equilibrium (JD Sau, PRL)

  9. 1908.00030 : Physics of Superconducting Transition Temperatures (S. Kivelson, arXiv)

  10. 1908.00152 : Theory of current-driven dynamics of spin textures on a surface of topological insulators (Nagaosa, arXiv)

  11. PhysRevB.100.020509 : Second-order Dirac superconductors and magnetic field induced Majorana hinge modes (Hughes, PRB)

  12. PhysRevB.100.041118 : Circumventing the no-go theorem: A single Weyl point without surface Fermi arcs (SA Yang, PRB)

  13. 1907.13633 : Ferromagnetism and its stability from the one-magnon spectrum in twisted bilayer graphene (JD Sau, arXiv)

  14. d41586-019-02285-1 : Spectroscopy with a magic twist (Scheurer, Nautre)

  15. 1907.12568 : Strain engineered higher order topological phases for spin-3/2 Luttinger fermions (B. Roy, arXiv)

  16. PhysRevB.100.035445 : Tuning the doping level of graphene in the vicinity of the Van Hove singularity via ytterbium intercalation (graphene doping, PRB)

  17. 1907.11916 : Quantum Crystal Structure in the 250 K Superconducting Lanthanum Hydride (LaH, arXiv)

  18. 1907.12552 : The Role of Odd-Frequency Pairing in Multiband Superconductors (odd-f SC, arXiv)