1. PhysRevLett.123.037203 : Microscopic Mechanism for a Higher-Spin Kitaev Model (Kee, PRL)

  2. 1907.07784 : In-plane Magnetic Anisotropy Generated by Quantum Zero-point Fluctuations in a Tetragonal Quantum Antiferromagnet Bi$_2$CuO$_4$ (in-plane Anisotropy, arXiv)

  3. s41586-019-1375-0 : Giant thermal Hall conductivity in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors (Taillefer, Nature)

  4. PhysRevLett.123.036805 : Symmetry and Correlation Effects on Band Structure Explain the Anomalous Transport Properties of (111) LaAlO 3 / SrTiO 3 (LAO/STO, PRL)

  5. PhysRevB.100.035115 : Landau levels in twisted bilayer graphene and semiclassical orbits (L. Balents, PRB)

  6. 1907.07597 : McMillan Formula: long-standing myth and a novel implementation to reveal high $T_c$ in beryllium-based alloys (McMillan Formula, arXiv)

  7. 1907.07299 : Majorana-Magnon Crossover by a Magnetic Field in the Kitaev Model: Continuous-Time Quantum Monte Carlo Study (Motome, arXiv)

  8. 1907.06858 : Self-Organized Bosonic Domain Walls (Scalettar, arXiv)

  9. PhysRevLett.123.036401 : All Magic Angles in Twisted Bilayer Graphene are Topological (Bernevig, PRL)

  10. s42256-019-0070-z : Solving the Rubik’s cube with deep reinforcement learning and search (Rubik, Nature Machine learning)

  11. 1907.06911 : Non-Abelian braiding of Majorana-like edge states and scalable topological quantum computations in electric circuits (Ezawa, arXiv)

  12. s41567-019-0570-0 : Disorder-induced multifractal superconductivity in monolayer niobium dichalcogenides (Nagaosa, nphys)

  13. 1907.06282 : Derivation of Wannier orbitals and minimal-basis tight-binding hamiltonians for twisted bilayer graphene: a first-principles approach (Vishwanath, arXiv)

  14. 1907.06613 : Nature of the magnetic moment of cobalt in ordered FeCo alloy (Elk, arXiv)

  15. 1907.05979 : Ab initio modelling of spin relaxation lengths in disordered graphene nanoribbons{\dag} (spin relaxation, arXiv)

  16. 1907.06497 : Search for non-Abelian Majorana braiding statistics in superconductors (Beenakker, arXiv)