1. eaaw5798 : Universal quantized thermal conductance in graphene (thermal quantization, sci. adv)

  2. PhysRevB.100.041106 : Bulk thermal transport coefficients in a quantum Hall system and the fundamental difference between thermal and charge response (Vinkler-Aviv, PRB)

  3. 1907.05365 : Nature of the Doping-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Correlated Electron Systems with strong Hund’s Exchange Coupling (S. Biermann, arXiv)

  4. 1907.04992 : Valley-Contrasting Orbital Magnetic Moment Induced Negative Magnetoresistance (Q. Niu, arXiv)

  5. 1907.05196 : Tuning skyrmion Hall effect via engineering of spin-orbit interaction (Tatara, arXiv)

  6. PhysRevLett.123.027002 : Quasiparticle Evidence for the Nematic State above T c in Sr x Bi 2 Se 3 (nematic, PRL)

  7. PhysRevB.100.035413 : Spin-valley density wave in moiré materials (Liang Fu, PRB)

  8. 1907.04437 : Parting the Fermi Sea at the Mott Point: Dynamics of Correlated Electrons Reveals the Mechanism Underpinning Mottness (1st order mott, arXiv)

  9. 1907.04612 : Quantum Hall Skyrmions at $\nu=0,\pm 1$ in monolayer graphene (quantum Hall, arXiv)

  10. 1907.04351 : Orbital pseudospin-momentum locking in two-dimensional chiral borophene (orbital Rashba, arXiv)

  11. 1907.02013 : Topological phases of polaritons in a cavity waveguide (arbitrary chern number, arXiv)

  12. PhysRevX.9.031005 : Spin Liquid State and Topological Structural Defects in Hexagonal TbInO 3 (JW Kim, PRX)

  13. pnas.1908786116 : Linking the pseudogap in the cuprates with local symmetry breaking: A commentary (Kivelson, PNAS)

  14. 1907.03887 : Tunable skyrmion-skyrmion binding on the surface of a topological insulator (attractive interaction, arXiv)

  15. PhysRevB.100.024501 : Superconducting current and low-energy states in a mesa-heterostructure interlayered with a strontium iridate film with strong spin-orbit interaction (iridate, PRB)

  16. 1907.03562 : First-principles calculation of the electronic nematicity in FeSe (Fa Wang, arXiv)

  17. s41567-019-0576-7 : Evidence of anisotropic Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 (QK Xue, nphys)

  18. 1907.02609 : Perpendicular Andreev reflection: Solid state signature of black hole horizon (S. Jafari, arXiv)

  19. 1907.02734 : Theory for shift current of bosons: Photogalvanic spin current in ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulators (M. Sato, arXiv)

  20. 1907.02532 : The Non-linear Hall Acceleration and the Quantum Rectification Sum Rule (Sodemann, arXiv)