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  5. PhysRevB.99.195102 : Incommensurate 2 k F density wave quantum criticality in two-dimensional metals (density wave in 2D, PRB)

  6. PhysRevB.99.180401 : Field-induced instability of the quantum spin liquid ground state in the J eff = 1 2 triangular-lattice compound NaYbO 2 (quantum spin liquid, PRB)

  7. PhysRevB.99.205101 : Heat pumping from braiding Majorana zero modes (heat pumping, PRB)

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  11. PhysRevX.9.021020 : Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Photodoped Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Sr 2 IrO 4 (iridate, PRX)

  12. s41567-019-0501-0 : Metamagnetic texture in a polar antiferromagnet (AFM helical, nphys)

  13. s41535-019-0153-4 : Superconductivity from valley fluctuations and approximate SO(4) symmetry in a weak coupling theory of twisted bilayer graphene (Vishwanath, npj QMs)

  14. PhysRevB.99.165430 : Quasicrystalline electronic states in 30 ∘ rotated twisted bilayer graphene (Son, PRB)

  15. PhysRevB.99.134442 : Magnetoelectric effect in band insulator–ferromagnet heterostructures (Motome, PRB)

  16. PhysRevLett.122.177201 : Nontrivial Triplon Topology and Triplon Liquid in Kitaev-Heisenberg-type Excitonic Magnets (Khaliullin, PRL)

  17. 1904.12176 : Complex magnetism of B20-MnGe: from spin-spirals, hedgehogs to monopoles (Blugel, arXiv)

  18. 1904.11764 : A localization marker from many-body quantum geometry measurements (quantum metric, arXiv)