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  2. PhysRevLett.122.016803 : Interaction-Driven Surface Chern Insulator in Nodal Line Semimetals (Lado, PRL)

  3. PhysRevLett.122.016403 : Topological Landscape of Competing Charge Density Waves in 2 H − NbSe 2 (Yeom, PRL)

  4. PhysRevX.9.011005 : Quantum and Classical Phases of the Pyrochlore Heisenberg Model with Competing Interactions (pyrochlore, PRX)

  5. PhysRevB.99.035411 : Valley engineering by strain in Kekulé-distorted graphene (kekule graphene, PRB)

  6. 1901.01208 Hydrodynamics of three-dimensional skyrmions in frustrated magnets (Yaroslav, arXiv)

  7. 1901.01008 Making artificial $\textit{p}_{x,y}$-orbital honeycomb electron lattice on metal surface (pxy-honeycomb, arXiv)