weekly picks (Dec 5 week 2024)
2501.00098v1 Quantum Geometry in Quantum Materials (arXiv)
s41377-024-01708-7 More than just a name? From magnetic to optical skyrmions and the topology of light (Light)
s41586-024-08270-7 Formation of individual stripes in a mixed-dimensional cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard system (Nature)
s42005-024-01932-y Rashba spin-splitting driven inverse spin Hall effect in MnBi2Te4 (Communications Physics)
s42005-024-01926-w Z/2 topological invariants and the half quantized Hall effect (Communications Physics)
science.adq7096 Surface conduction and reduced electrical resistivity in ultrathin noncrystalline NbP semimetal (Science)
s41467-024-55253-3 Double resonance spectroscopy reveals structure and dynamics near transition states (Nature Communications)
s41567-024-02701-y Large quantum fluctuations observed in strongly interacting bosons (Nature Physics)
s41567-024-02713-8 First-order quantum breakdown of superconductivity in an amorphous superconductor (Nature Physics)
s41563-024-02070-0 A weak magnetic field enhances the thermoelectric performance of topological materials (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02066-w Efficient propagation of a chiral magnonic edge state in a strongly correlated oxide (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02065-x Switchable long-distance propagation of chiral magnonic edge states (Nature Materials)
s41563-024-02059-9 A magneto-thermoelectric with a high figure of merit in topological insulator Bi88Sb12 (Nature Materials)
s41598-024-74927-y Effect of Nb/B addition on the flow behavior and mechanical properties of low-carbon steel using compact strip production (Scientific Reports)
s41598-024-82114-2 Investigating skyrmion stability and core polarity reversal in NdMn2Ge2 (Scientific Reports)
2412.20051 Interplay between interfacial Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction and magnetic anisotropy in 4d transition metal multilayers for skyrmion nucleation (arXiv)
pnas.2413326121 Moiré magnetism and moiré excitons in twisted CrSBr bilayers (PNAS)
PhysRevB.110.224420 Hybrid skyrmions in magnetic multilayer thin films are half-integer hopfions (PRB)
skyrmion-skyrmion_interaction Dynamic precursor effect: the influence of temperature on dynamic skyrmion–skyrmion interaction (Acta Mechanica)
2412.19034 Observation of the Exceptional Skin Effect on a Non-Hermitian Flat band (arXiv)
2412.18965 Flat Bands and Compact Localised States: A Carrollian roadmap (arXiv)
2412.19617 Interplay of orbital-selective Mott criticality and flat-band physics in La3Ni2O6 (arXiv)
2412.19056 Disorder-induced delocalization in flat-band systems with quantum geometry (arXiv)
PhysRevB.111.045402 Interband-polarization dominated high harmonic generation from flat-band NbOCl2 materials in strong laser fields (PRB)
smll.202410622 Band Flattening and Strain Field Assists an Excellent Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Bi2Se3 for Room to Mid-Temperature Application (Small)
2412.20855 Cascades in transport and optical conductivity of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)
2412.16815 Observation of Orbital-Selective Band Reconstruction in an Anisotropic Antiferromagnetic Kagome Metal TbTi3Bi4 (arXiv)
2412.15387 Frustrated magnetism in Mn films on Ag(111) surface: from chiral in-plane N ́eel state to row-wise antiferromagnetism (arXiv)
2412.16951 Projected Entangled Pair States for Lattice Gauge Theories with Dynamical Fermions (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.134.010202 Topologically Robust Quantum Network Nonlocality (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.010405 Navier-Stokes Equations for Nearly Integrable Quantum Gases (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.011602 Multitwist Trajectories and Decoupling Zeros in Conformal Field Theory (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.013402 Production and Stabilization of a Spin Mixture of Ultracold Dipolar Bose Gases (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.013601 Nonlinear Optics Using Intense Optical Coherent State Superpositions (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016501 Spin Correlations in the Parent Phase of Li1-xFexODFeSe (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016705 Ultrafast Pseudomagnetic Fields from Electron-Nuclear Quantum Geometry (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016706 Hall Mass and Transverse Noether Spin Currents in Noncollinear Antiferromagnets (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.018301 Evolving Motility of Active Droplets is Captured by a Self-Repelling Random Walk Model (PRL)
PhysRevResearch.7.013004 Geometric model for dynamics of motor-driven centrosomal asters (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013007 Quantum resonant dimensionality reduction (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013008 Dynamical quantum maps for single-qubit gates under universal non-Markovian noise (PRR)
PhysRevLett.134.010201 Simplest Bipartite Perfect Quantum Strategies (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.010402 Measuring the Spectral Form Factor in Many-Body Chaotic and Localized Phases of Quantum Processors (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.010403 Stable Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in Systems with Heralded Noise (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.010404 Universal Correlations in Chaotic Many-Body Quantum States: Fock-Space Formulation of Berry’s Random Wave Model (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.013401 Dirac Points and Shear Instability Induced Crystal Transitions in Honeycomb Supersolids (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016601 Probing Berry Curvature in Magnetic Topological Insulators through Resonant Infrared Magnetic Circular Dichroism (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016701 Light-Induced Torque in Ferromagnetic Metals via Orbital Angular Momentum Generated by Photon Helicity (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016702 Room-Temperature Perovskite Ferromagnetic Insulator via Three-Dimensional Tensile Strain (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016703 Symmetry-Based Phenomenological Model for Magnon Transport in a Multiferroic (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016704 Magnetic X-Ray Imaging Using a Single Polarization and Multimodal Ptychography (PRL)
PhysRevLett.134.016901 Long-Lived Population Inversion in Resonantly Driven Excitonic Antiferromagnet (PRL)
PhysRevX.15.011001 Entanglement Properties of Gauge Theories from Higher-Form Symmetries (PRX)
Physics.18.s2 Spin-Orbit-Coupled Electrons May Form Superconducting Pairs (Physics)
PhysRevResearch.7.013001 Complexity phase transitions in instantaneous quantum polynomial-time circuits (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013002 Experimental realization of tunable Fano resonances in two coupled silicon micromechanical resonators (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.7.013003 Quantum memory assisted entangled state verification with local measurements (PRR)
2501.00088v1 Theory of superconducting proximity effect in hole-based hybrid semiconductor-superconductor devices (arXiv)
2501.00096v1 Evidence for a Z2 Dirac spin liquid in the generalized Shastry-Sutherland model (arXiv)
2501.00100v1 Universal Wilson loop Bound of Quantum Geometry: Z2 Bound and Physical Consequences (arXiv)
2501.00151v1 Effective Lagrangian for the macroscopic motion of Weyl fermions in ^3He-A (arXiv)
2501.00247v1 Spectra of Magnetoroton and Chiral Graviton Modes of Fractional Chern Insulator (arXiv)
2501.00251v1 Pairing correlation of the Kagome-lattice Hubbard model with the nearest-neighbor interaction (arXiv)
2501.00313v1 Two-dimensional moire phonon polaritons (arXiv)
2501.00325v1 Magneto-optical response of Dynes superconductors (arXiv)
2501.00333v1 Spin waves in magnetic nanodisks, nanorings, and 3D nanovolcanoes (arXiv)
2501.00341v1 Density of electronic states in density-wave compounds with imperfect nesting (arXiv)
2501.00388v1 Topic Review: Hatsugai-Kohmoto models: Exactly solvable playground for Mottness and Non-Fermi Liquid (arXiv)
2501.00410v1 Majorana Flat Bands in the Vortex Line of Superconducting Weyl Semimetals (arXiv)
2501.00413v1 Clifford circuits Augmented Matrix Product States for fermion systems (arXiv)
2501.00414v1 Cavity-mediated hybridization of several molecules in the strong coupling regime (arXiv)
2501.00447v1 The Physics of Quantum 2.0: Challenges in understanding Quantum Matter (arXiv)
2501.00490v1 On the Wiedemann-Franz law violation in Graphene and quark-gluon plasma systems (arXiv)
2501.00554v1 Observation of superconductivity in a nontrivial Z2 approximant quasicrystal (arXiv)
2501.00572v1 Intrinsic (Axion) Statistical Topological Insulator (arXiv)
2501.00635v1 Inhomogeneous evolution of a dense ensemble of optically pumped excitons to the excitonic insulator state (arXiv)
2501.00699v1 Unconventional Coherence Peak in Cuprate Superconductors (arXiv)
2501.00749v1 Braiding rule of boundary Majorana-like zero mode (arXiv)
2501.00768v1 Longitudinal Spin Hall Magnetoresistance from Spin Fluctuations (arXiv)
2501.00781v1 Chiral induced Spin Polarized Electron Current: Origin of the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect (arXiv)
2501.00812v1 Sputtering Current Driven Growth & Transport Characteristics of Superconducting Ti40V60 Alloy Thin Films (arXiv)
2501.00835v1 Current-induced re-entrant superconductivity and extreme nonreciprocal superconducting diode effect in valley-polarized systems (arXiv)
2501.00844v1 Extended Landauer-Buttiker Formula for Current through Open Quantum Systems with Gain or Loss (arXiv)
2501.00945v1 Anisotropic Raman scattering and lattice orientation identification of 2M-WS2 (arXiv)
2501.00960v1 Optical signatures of Euler superconductors (arXiv)
2501.01150v1 Terahertz Magnon Excitations and Switching in Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets (arXiv)
2501.01155v1 Revisiting Impurity Induced In-gap Bound States In Unconventional Superconductors (arXiv)
2501.01160v1 Simultaneous Spin and Point-Group Adaptation in Exact Diagonalization of Spin Clusters (arXiv)
2501.01169v1 Formation of Magnonic Waveguides via Surface Anisotropy-Induced Bragg Mirrors (arXiv)
2501.01201v1 A Magnon Band Analysis of GdRu2Si2 in the Field-Polarized State (arXiv)
2501.01254v1 Heitler effect and resonance fluorescence in quantum magnonics (arXiv)
2501.01307v1 Transport Signatures of Inverted Andreev Bands in Topological Josephson Junctions (arXiv)
2501.01337v1 Chiral electronic network within skyrmionic lattice on topological insulator surfaces (arXiv)
2501.01355v1 Magnetic frustration and weak Mn magnetic ordering in EuMn2P2 (arXiv)
2501.01399v1 Three-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (arXiv)
2103.16270v2 Thermodynamic and Real-time Dynamic Properties of Complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (arXiv)
2501.00395v1 Analytical model of metasurfaces comprising meta-atoms with anisotropic polarizabilities (arXiv)
2501.00518v1 Tricritical behavior of a relativistic field theory in one dimension (arXiv)
2501.00552v1 Quantum many-body dynamics for fermionic t-J model simulated with atom arrays (arXiv)
2501.00591v1 Coexistence of Commensurate and Incommensurate Antiferromagnetic Groundstates in CoxNbSe2 Single Crystal (arXiv)
2501.00680v1 BiFeO3 nanoparticles at low-temperature using atomistic simulations – surface charge distribution and terminations (arXiv)
2501.00683v1 Electronic Noise Considerations for Designing Integrated Solid-State Quantum Memories (arXiv)
2501.00706v1 Essentially degenerate hidden nodal lines in two-dimensional magnetic layer groups (arXiv)
2501.00980v1 Strain Mediated Voltage Control of Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetization Reversal in Bismuth Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet Films and Meso-structures (arXiv)
2501.00996v1 Kagome Metal GdNb6Sn6: A 4d Playground for Topological Magnetism and Electron Correlations (arXiv)
2501.01019v1 Breakdown of broken-symmetry approach to exchange interaction (arXiv)
2501.01162v1 Atomic-scale observation of d-pi-d spin coupling in coordination structures (arXiv)
2501.01185v1 Measurable Improvement in Multi-Qubit Readout Using a Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier (arXiv)
2501.01292v1 Integrative Learning of Intensity Fluctuations of Quantum Dots under Excitation via a Tailored Mixture Hidden Markov Model (arXiv)
2501.01309v1 Constructive impact of Wannier-Stark field on environment-boosted quantum batteries (arXiv)
PhysRevLett.133.261601 Effective Field Theory of Conformal Boundaries (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.261602 Relativistic Quantum Fields Are Universal Entanglement Embezzlers (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.263802 Time-Domain Bound States in the Continuum (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266505 Quasi-Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Candidate CeRh2As2 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266705 Exact Quantization of Topological Order Parameter in SU(N) Spin Models, N-ality Transformation and Ingappabilities (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.267302 Response Theory via Generative Score Modeling (PRL)
PhysRevX.14.041072 Unconventional Coherence Peak in Cuprate Superconductors (PRX)
PhysRevResearch.6.043332 Theory of spin and orbital charge conversion at the surface states of Bi1-xSbx topological insulator (PRR)
PhysRevLett.133.260404 Tensor Network Computations That Capture Strict Variationality, Volume Law Behavior, and the Efficient Representation of Neural Network States (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.263601 Molecular Angular Momentum Orientation Using Dressed States Created by Laser Radiation (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266202 Temperature-Dependent Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Behaviors in Porous Materials (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266504 Unified Variational Approach Description of Ground-State Phases of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266604 Non-Hermitian Topology in Hermitian Topological Matter (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266703 Evidence of Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid in YbZn2GaO5 (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.266704 Quantum Analog of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Dynamics (PRL)
PhysRevLett.133.267001 Gigahertz Surface Acoustic Wave Topological Rainbow in Nanoscale Phononic Crystals (PRL)
PhysRevResearch.6.043328 Unveiling van Hove singularity modulation and fluctuated charge order in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 via time-resolved ARPES (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.043329 Optimization of conveyance of quantum particles by moving potential well (PRR)
PhysRevResearch.6.L042072 Kinetic simulations underestimate the effects of waves during magnetic reconnection (PRR)
2412.19741 Physics of 2D magnets and magnetic thin films: Surface structure and surface phase transition, criticality and skyrmions (arXiv)
2412.19886v1 Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Even-Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States (arXiv)
2412.19894v1 Chirality-induced pseudo-magnetic fields, flat bands and enhancement of superconductivity (arXiv)
2412.19919v1 Direct Comparison of Magnetic Penetration Depth in Kagome Superconductors AV3Sb5 (A = Cs, K, Rb) (arXiv)
2412.19969v1 Superconducting Diode Effect in Double Quantum Dot Device (arXiv)
2412.20046v1 Exploring Grassmann manifolds in topological systems via quantum distance (arXiv)
2412.20054v1 Phase-Space Approach to Wannier Pairing and Bogoliubov Orbitals in Square-Octagon Lattices (arXiv)
2412.20055v1 An Addressable and Tunable Module for Donor-based Scalable Silicon Quantum Computing (arXiv)
2412.20129v1 Altermagnetism Induced Topological Phase Transitions in Kane-Mele Model (arXiv)
2412.20274v1 Quantum-inspired design of a tunable broadband high-Q acoustic resonator (arXiv)
2412.20334v1 Magnetic Hofstadter cascade in a twisted semiconductor homobilayer (arXiv)
2412.20336v1 Moduli spaces and breather dynamics of analytic solutions in chiral magnets without Heisenberg exchange interaction (arXiv)
2412.20460v1 On the band topology of the breathing kagome lattice (arXiv)
2412.20465v1 The electronic structure and disorder effect of La3Ni2O7 superconductor (arXiv)
2412.20532v1 Mott and Wiedemann Franz Law for Monolayer Graphene for Different Scattering Mechanisms (arXiv)
2412.20583v1 External field induced metal-to-insulator transition in dissipative Hubbard model (arXiv)
2412.20598v1 Phonon-Induced Effects in Quantum Dot Absorption and Resonance Fluorescence with Hierarchy of Pure States (arXiv)
2412.20618v1 Theory of Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Spin-Qubits: Interplay of Strain, Resonances and Random Alloy Disorder (arXiv)
2412.20647v1 Microscopic theory of pair density waves in spin-orbit coupled Kondo lattice (arXiv)
2412.20706v1 Effect of disorder on the strain-tuned charge density wave multicriticality in PdxErTe3 (arXiv)
2412.20743v1 Magnetic excitations and interactions in the Weyl ferrimagnet NdAlSi (arXiv)
2412.20765v1 Symmetry-enforced minimal entanglement and correlation in quantum spin chains (arXiv)
2412.20837v1 High-pressure growth effects on the superconducting properties of Sm-based oxypnictide superconductors (arXiv)
2412.20843v1 Ising phase transitions and thermodynamics of correlated fermions in a 2D spin-dependent optical lattice (arXiv)
2412.20855v1 Cascades in transport and optical conductivity of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (arXiv)
2412.20882v1 Unsupervised Classification of Non-Hermitian Topological Phases under Symmetries (arXiv)
2412.20889v1 Phase transition of Kitaev spin liquid described by quantum geometric tensor (arXiv)
2412.20896v1 The global critical current effect of superconductivity (arXiv)
2412.20935v1 Effects of alternating interactions and boundary conditions on quantum entanglement of three-leg Heisenberg ladder (arXiv)
2412.20970v1 Charge and spin transport in nanoscopic structures with spin-orbit coupling (arXiv)
2412.21003v1 Signatures of Kitaev interactions in the van der Waals ferromagnet VI3 (arXiv)
2412.21019v1 Orbital-selective electron correlations in high-Tc bilayer nickelates: from a global phase diagram to implications for spectroscopy (arXiv)
2412.21064v1 Fractional quantum Hall states by Feynman’s diagrammatic expansion (arXiv)
2412.21072v1 Enhanced coarsening of charge density waves induced by electron correlation: Machine-learning enabled large-scale dynamical simulations (arXiv)
2412.21112v1 Z2 topological orders in kagome dipolar systems: Feedback from Rydberg quantum simulator (arXiv)
2412.21144v1 1/5 and 1/3 magnetization plateaux in the spin 1/2 chain system YbAlO3 (arXiv)
2412.21150v1 Pressure-tunable structural instabilities in single-layer-trilayer La3Ni2O7 (arXiv)
2412.19885v1 Estimating time in quantum chaotic systems and black holes (arXiv)
2412.20123v1 Ultrasonic-assisted liquid phase exfoliation for high-yield monolayer graphene with enhanced crystallinity (arXiv)
2412.20136v1 An ab-initio study on engineering quantum anomalous Hall effect in compensated antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 (arXiv)
2412.20186v1 The quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism: the role of boundary conditions, endpoints and kink types (arXiv)
2412.20347v1 Designing Spin-driven Multiferroics in Altermagnets (arXiv)
2412.20421v1 Insulator and Electrode Materials Marginally Influence Carbonized Layer Conductivity in Metalized-Film Capacitors (arXiv)
2412.20454v1 Transport coefficients of dense nucleon matter at low temperature (arXiv)
2412.20515v1 Entanglement as a topological marker in harmonically confined attractive Fermi-Hubbard chains (arXiv)
2412.20547v1 Cascading from N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory to Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Adjoint QCD (arXiv)
2412.20686v1 Surface Plasmon Polaritons: Creation Dynamics and Interference of Slow and Fast Propagating SPPs at a Temporal Boundary (arXiv)
2412.20746v1 Spin-orbit torque in a three-fold-symmetric bilayer and its effect on magnetization dynamics (arXiv)
2412.20812v1 The Smearing of Quasi-Particles: Signatures in the Entanglement Entropy of Excited Many-Particle Systems (arXiv)
2412.20905v1 Parametrized topological phases in 1d and T-duality (arXiv)
2412.21100v1 Quantum tunneling and its absence in deep wells and strong magnetic fields (arXiv)
2412.21119v1 Eigenstructure Analysis of Bloch Wave and Multislice Matrix Formulations for Dynamical Scattering in Transmission Electron Microscopy (arXiv)
2412.21153v1 Particle-Soliton Degeneracy in 2D Quantum Chromodynamics (arXiv)
2412.18689v1 Thermal magnetoresistance from magnon scattering from a domain wall in an antiferromagnetic insulator (arXiv)
2412.18754v1 Fractional vortex array realized at twin boundary in a nematic superconductor (arXiv)
2412.18777v1 Information-theoretical analysis of skyrmion dynamics at finite temperature in a box – a simulation study (arXiv)
2412.18787v1 Non-Fermi liquid transport and strong mass enhancement near the nematic quantum critical point in FeSexTe1-x thin films (arXiv)
2412.18796v1 A Discrete Formulation of Second Stiefel-Whitney Class for Band Theory (arXiv)
2412.18824v1 Anisotropic transport properties and topological Hall effect in the annealed kagome antiferromagnet FeGe (arXiv)
2412.18864v1 Strong pair-density-wave fluctuations in an exactly solvable doped Mott insulator (arXiv)
2412.18892v1 Emergent Intermediate Phase in the J1-J2 XY model from Tensor Network Approaches (arXiv)
2412.18896v1 Observation of on- and off-resonant interaction between a solid-state spin qubit and a superconducting resonator (arXiv)
2412.18937v1 Unveiling the nonrelativistic spin current polarization in an altermagnet (arXiv)
2412.19056v1 Disorder-induced delocalization in flat-band systems with quantum geometry (arXiv)
2412.19096v1 Anisotropic and tunable vortex topology in multiband iron-based superconductors (arXiv)
2412.19132v1 Unveiling the Chiral States in Multi-Weyl Semimetals through Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy (arXiv)
2412.19158v1 Nonlinear Piezomagnetic Effects in g-wave Altermagnets (arXiv)
2412.19181v1 Unraveling the magnetic and electronic complexity of intermetallic ErPd2Si2: Anisotropic thermal expansion, phase transitions, and twofold magnetotransport behavior (arXiv)
2412.19205v1 Role of phonon coupling in driving photo-excited Mott insulators towards a transient superconducting steady state (arXiv)
2412.19222v1 The light-matter correlation energy functional of the cavity-coupled two-dimensional electron gas via quantum Monte Carlo simulations (arXiv)
2412.19247v1 Large enhancement of spin-flip scattering efficiency at Y3Fe5O12/Pt interfaces due to vertical confinement (arXiv)
2412.19250v1 Novel magnetic Ni-N-Ni centers in N-substituted NiO (arXiv)
2412.19333v1 DPmoire: A tool for constructing accurate machine learning force fields in moire systems (arXiv)
2412.19381v1 Reconstruction of non-trivial magnetization textures from magnetic field images using neural networks (arXiv)
2412.19407v1 Orbital magnetic susceptibility of type-I, II, and III massless Dirac fermions in two dimensions (arXiv)
2412.19472v1 Quantum Transport through Asymmetrical Molecular channel Azulene: Role of Orbital Interference (arXiv)
2412.19493v1 Two superconducting thin films systems with potential integration of different quantum functionalities (arXiv)
2412.19499v1 Tailoring Robust Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect via Entropy-Engineering (arXiv)
2412.19502v1 Nonlinear valley Hall effect in a bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide (arXiv)
2412.19526v1 Magnon-Phonon Coupling in Layered Antiferromagnet (arXiv)
2412.19568v1 Signatures of the quantum skyrmion Hall effect in the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model (arXiv)
2412.19613v1 Anisotropic Band Flattening in Twisted Bilayer of M-Valley MXenes (arXiv)
2412.19617v1 Interplay of orbital-selective Mott criticality and flat-band physics in La3Ni2O6 (arXiv)
2412.19632v1 Concealed Mott Criticality: Unifying the Kondo Breakdown and Doped Charge-Transfer Insulators (arXiv)
2412.19674v1 Interplay of quantum statistics and self-interference in extended colliders (arXiv)
2412.19691v1 Quantum Many-Body Lattice C-R-T Symmetry: Fractionalization, Anomaly, and Symmetric Mass Generation (arXiv)
2412.19693v1 Wannier states and spin supersolid physics in the triangular antiferromagnet K2Co(SeO3)2 (arXiv)
2412.19795v1 g-factor theory of Si/SiGe quantum dots: spin-valley and giant renormalization effects (arXiv)
2405.04689v2 Signature of Tc above 111 K in Li-doped (Bi, Pb)-2223 superconductors: synergistic nature of hole concentration, coherence length and Josephson interlayer coupling (arXiv)
2412.18652v1 Topological Constraints on Defect Dynamics (arXiv)
2412.18726v1 Opinion: The simplest quantum computer (arXiv)
2412.18795v1 Unveiling the local elemental arrangements across the interfaces inside CdSe/Cd1-xZnxS core-shell and CdSe/CdS/ Cd1-xZnxS core-crown-shell quantum wells (arXiv)
2412.18953v1 Engineering whispering gallery modes in MoSe2/WS2 double heterostructure nanocavities: Towards developing all-TMDC light sources (arXiv)
2412.18965v1 Flat Bands and Compact Localised States: A Carrollian roadmap (arXiv)
2412.19118v1 Discovery of an Ultra-Stable Antiferromagnetic Two-Dimensional CrF3 Phase with Anisotropic Quasi-1D Mechanical, Electronic, and Thermal Properties (arXiv)
2412.19565v1 Effective field theory of the quantum skyrmion Hall effect (arXiv)
2412.19577v1 Gauging or extending bulk and boundary conformal field theories: Application to bulk and domain wall problem in topological matter and their descriptions by (mock) modular covariant (arXiv)
2412.19657v1 Quantum Cluster State Model with Haagerup Fusion Category Symmetry (arXiv)
2412.19687v1 DFT based comparative analysis of physical properties of binary metallic diborides XB2 (X = Cr, Mo and W) (arXiv)
2412.19736v1 Periodically and aperiodically Thue-Morse driven long-range systems: from dynamical localization to slow dynamics (arXiv)
2412.19786v1 Transmon qutrit-based simulation of spin-1 AKLT systems (arXiv)
acs.nanolett.4c04606 Creating and Deleting a Single Dipolar Skyrmion by Surface Spin Twists (Nano Letters)
PhysRevMaterials.8.125404 Pressure driven iso-structural phase transition and its implication on the Néel skyrmion host hexagonal PtMnGa (PRM)
S0375960124008880 Influence of Gated-Potential and Magnetization on the Transport of Dirac Fermions on Topological Insulators (Physics Letters A)
S030488532401045X Quantized static micromagnetic theory and its applications to two-dimensional topological multiferroic materials (JMMM)
Why-is-Dark-Matter-Invisible Why is Dark Matter Invisible? A Topological Explanation within a Majorana Fermion Model
2412.18095 Zee model in a non-holomorphic modular A4 symmetry (arXiv)
PhysRevB.110.L241111 Drude weight of an interacting flat-band metal (PRB)
2412.18088 Origin of the insulating and superconducting phases in molecular solid κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 (arXiv)
2412.18057 Emergence of topological defects and spin liquid in a two-orbital spin-fermion model on the honeycomb lattice (arXiv)
2412.17973 Sliding Luttinger Liquid and Topological Flat Bands in Symmetry Mismatched Moir´e Interfaces (arXiv)
2412.15882 Observation of distorted tilted conical phase at the surface of a bulk chiral magnet with resonant elastic x-ray scattering (arXiv)
2404.10943 Unsupervised machine learning for the detection of exotic phases in skyrmion phase diagrams (arXiv)
2408.09623 Reorientation transition between square and hexagonal skyrmion lattices near the saturation into the homogeneous state in quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets (arXiv)