weekly picks (Dec 4 week 2020)
2012.13040 : Peierls transition, ferroelectricity, and spin-singlet formation in the monolayer VOI$_2$ (Dagotto, arXiv)
2012.13010 : Chiral properties of the zero-field spiral state and field-induced magnetic phases of the itinerant kagome metal YMn$_6$Sn$_6$ (kagome, arXiv)
2012.12970 : Incommensurate magnetism mediated by Weyl fermions in NdAlSi (incommensurate, arXiv)
2012.12956 : Antiferromagnetism and crystalline-electric field excitations in tetragonal NaCeO2 (AFM, arXiv)
2012.12942 : Four- and twelve-band low-energy symmetric Hamiltonians and Hubbard parameters for twisted bilayer graphene using ab-initio input (twisted, arXiv)
2012.12924 : Topological Weyl magnons and thermal Hall effect in layered honeycomb ferromagnets (Topological Weyl, arXiv)
2012.13054 : Dirac semimetal PdTe2 temperature-dependent quasiparticle dynamics and electron-phonon coupling (Dirac, arXiv)
2012.13007 : Spintronics with a Weyl point in superconducting nanostructures (Nazarov, arXiv)
2012.12947 : Hole-Like Fermi Surface in the Overdoped Non-Superconducting Bi${1.8}$Pb${0.4}$Sr$2$CuO${6+\delta}$ (cuprate, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.245424 : Quantum critical scaling for finite-temperature Mott-like metal-insulator crossover in few-layered ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ (quantum critical scaling, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.245141 : Current response of nonequilibrium steady states in the Landau-Zener problem: Nonequilibrium Green’s function approach (Morimoto, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.235155 : High-field thermal transport properties of the Kitaev quantum magnet $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{Ru}{\mathrm{Cl}}_{3}$: Evidence for low-energy excitations beyond the critical field (phononic, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214432 : Thermal and magnetoelastic properties of $\ensuremath{\alpha}\ensuremath{-}{\mathrm{RuCl}}_{3}$ in the field-induced low-temperature states (honeycomb, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214431 : Magnetic order and fluctuations in the quasi-two-dimensional planar magnet Sr(${\mathrm{Co}}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{Ni}}{x}{)}{2}{\mathrm{As}}{2}$ (2D planar magnet, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.245143 : Coupled dimer and bond-order-wave order in the quarter-filled one-dimensional Kondo lattice model (1D Kondo lattice, PRB)
PhysRevLett.125.266601 : Chiral Magnetic Effect of Hot Electrons (Pesin, PRL)
2008.01776 : Two-step magnetic ordering into a canted state in ferrimagnetic monoclinic Mn$_3$As$_2$ (Mn3As2, arXiv)
2012.12800 : Separated transport relaxation scales and interband scattering in SrRuO$_3$, CaRuO$_3$, and Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin films (Ruthenate, arXiv)
2012.12539 : Resistivity, Hall effect, and anisotropic superconducting coherence lengths of HgBa$2$CaCu$_2$O${6+\delta}$ thin films with different morphology (cuprate, arXiv)
2012.12491 : Superconducting instabilities in a spinful SYK model (MFranz, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.224427 : Semirealistic tight-binding model for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Manchon, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.245140 : Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and topological superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice Hubbard model (LiangFu, PRB)
PhysRevLett.125.267201 : Topological Transport of Deconfined Hedgehogs in Magnets (Yaroslav, PRL)
PhysRevX.10.041059 : Thermal Hall Effects of Spins and Phonons in Kagome Antiferromagnet Cd-Kapellasite (kagome thermal Hall, PRX)
2012.12051 : Pumped Dirac magnons paired state (Zyuzin, arXiv)
2012.11865 : Crystalline symmetry-dependent magnon formation in itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 (WSChoi, arXiv)
2012.11765 : Novel features of Spin Hall and Chern insulator phases realized by triplet excitations (triplet excitation, arXiv)
2012.11604 : Symmetry Analysis of Tensors in the Honeycomb Lattice of Edge-Sharing Octahedra (Nandini, arXiv)
2012.11884 : Enhanced coherence in superconducting circuits via band engineering (JEMoore, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.235145 : Peierls versus Holstein models for describing electron-phonon coupling in perovskites (Peierls Holstein, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214510 : Giant surface Edelstein effect in $d$-wave superconductors (Edelstein effect, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214509 : Theory of $(s+id)$ pairing in mixed-valent correlated metals (s+id, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214425 : Perovskite oxide heterojunction for Rashba-Dresselhaus assisted antiferromagnetic spintronics (Rashba. PRB)
PhysRevB.102.235149 : Thermodynamic approach to electric quadrupole moments (Yanase, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.220409 : Electrically switchable Rashba-type Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmion in two-dimensional magnetoelectric multiferroics (Rashba-type DMI, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.245136 : Hybridization-induced gapped and gapless states on the surface of magnetic topological insulators (magnetic TI, PRB)
PhysRevLett.125.267602 : Signatures of Ultrafast Reversal of Excitonic Order in ${\mathrm{Ta}}{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}{5}$ (EI, PRL)
2012.11548 : Archimedean Screw in Driven Chiral Magnets (ARosch, arXiv)
2012.10647 : Non-orthogonal Spin-Momentum Locking (spin-momentum locking, arXiv)
2012.10457 : Domain wall skew scattering in ferromagnetic Weyl metals (Weyl, arXiv)
2012.11179 : Electronic correlations and magnetic interactions in infinite-layer NdNiO$_2$ (nickelate, arXiv)
2012.10588 : Majorana bound states in vortex lattices on iron-based superconductors (MFranz, arXiv)
2012.10484 : Effect of pressure on the pseudogap and charge-density-wave phases of the cuprate La${1.6-x}$Nd${0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ probed by thermopower measurements (cuprate, arXiv)
2012.10479 : Spin and charge order in doped spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (Akbari, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.245132 : Topological Hall effect in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice (Shastry-Sutherland lattice, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.245131 : Evolution of possible Weyl semimetal states across the Mott transition in pyrochlore iridates induced by hole doping (YTokura, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.235426 : Berry curvature, orbital magnetization, and Nernst effect in biased bilayer $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{Se}}_{2}$ (WSe2, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.235423 : Charge transfer excitations, pair density waves, and superconductivity in moir'e materials (LiangFu, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.224422 : Two-dimensional CoSe structures: Intrinsic magnetism, strain-tunable anisotropic valleys, magnetic Weyl point, and antiferromagnetic metal state (CoSe, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.214307 : Exact solution of the Boltzmann equation for low-temperature transport coefficients in metals. II. Scattering by ferromagnons (Kirkpatrick, PRB) I. Scattering by phonons, antiferromagnons, and helimagnons
PhysRevLett.125.266801 : Spin-Orbit-Enhanced Robustness of Supercurrent in $\mathrm{Graphene}/{\mathrm{WS}}_{2}$ Josephson Junctions (WS2, PRL)
PhysRevLett.125.267601 : Quantum Smectic Gauge Theory (Smectic, PRL)
PhysRevX.10.041057 : Fermi Surface Reconstruction without Symmetry Breaking (Sachdev, PRX)
2012.10442 : Competing magnetic orders and multipolar Weyl fermions in 227 pyrochlore iridates (BRoy, arXiv)
2012.10180 : Spin and charge excitations in the correlated multiband metal Ca3Ru2O7 (Ru327, arXiv)
2012.10014 : Braiding Majorana Zero Mode in An Electrically Controllable Way (majorana, arXiv)
2012.09989 : Fortuitous partners of antiferromagnetic and Mott states in spin-orbit-coupled Sr2IrO4: A study of Sr2Ir1-xMxO4 (M=Fe or Co) (iridates, arXiv)
2012.09937 : Vortex Dynamics, Pinning, and Magic Angles on Moir'e Patterns (Reichhardt, arXiv)
2012.09896 : Superconducting Orbital Magnetoelectric Effect and the Case Study of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (KTLaw, arXiv)
2012.09866 : A microscopic Ginzburg–Landau theory and singlet ordering in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ (SRO, arXiv)