weekly picks (Sep 4 week 2020)
PhysRevB.102.125148 : Twofold quadruple Weyl nodes in chiral cubic crystals (Weyl, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104432 : Anomalous helimagnetic domain shrinkage due to the weakening of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CrAs (CrAs, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.094433 : Hidden magnetic order in the triangular-lattice magnet ${\mathrm{Li}}{2}{\mathrm{MnTeO}}{6}$ (triangular spin, PRB)
PhysRevLett.125.137202 : Direct Observation of the Statics and Dynamics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles in a Chiral Magnet (hedgehog, PRL)
2009.10539 : Emergence of spin-active channels at a quantum Hall interface (spin QHI, arXiv)
2009.11833 : Quantum spin torque driven transmutation of antiferromagnetic Mott insulator (AFM Mott insulator, arXiv)
2009.11733 : Incipient antiferromagnetism in the Eu-doped topological insulator Bi$_2$Te$_3$ (TI, arXiv)
2009.11529 : Quantum phase transition in a quantum Ising chain at nonzero temperatures (quantum phase transition, arXiv)
2009.11432 : Fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice induced by anisotropic couplings (AFM skyrmion, Nature AOP)
2009.11301 : TBG I: Matrix Elements, Approximations, Perturbation Theory and a $k\cdot p$ 2-Band Model for Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Bernevig, arXiv)
2009.11419 : Higher-order Weyl superconductors with anisotropic Weyl-point connectivity (Weyl, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.125143 : Combination of tensor network states and Green’s function Monte Carlo (TN, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.125141 : Competing orders at higher-order Van Hove points (van Hove point, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115152 : Charge-magnon conversion at the topological insulator/antiferromagnetic insulator interface (charge-magnon conversion, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115150 : Magnetic and spin-liquid phases in the frustrated $t\ensuremath{-}{t}^{\ensuremath{‘}}$ Hubbard model on the triangular lattice (triangular lattice, PRB)
2009.11246 : Anisotropic superconductivity and Fermi surface reconstruction in the spin-vortex antiferromagnetic superconductor CaK(Fe${0.95}$Ni${0.05}$)$_4$As$_4$ (iron pnictide, arXiv)
2009.10932 : Fluctuating superconductivity in overdoped cuprate with a flat antinodal dispersion (ZXShen, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.125430 : One-dimensional antilocalization of electrons from spin disorder probed by nonlinear Hall effect (antilocalization, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.121304 : Critical behavior at the integer quantum Hall transition in a network model on the kagome lattice (network kagome, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104511 : Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in the doped topological crystalline insulator ${({\mathrm{Pb}}{0.5}{\mathrm{Sn}}{0.5})}{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\mathrm{In}}{x}\mathrm{Te}$ (e-ph coupling, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104429 : Magnetization plateau observed by ultrahigh-field Faraday rotation in the kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (kagome, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104111 : Optical method to detect the relationship between chirality of reciprocal space chiral multifold fermions and real space chiral crystals (chirality, PRB)
2009.10695 : Accurate simulation of q-state clock model (q-state clock, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.115143 : Influence of spin and orbital fluctuations on Mott-Hubbard exciton dynamics in ${\mathrm{LaVO}}_{3}$ thin films (LaVO3, PRB)
2009.10208 : Spin density wave order in interacting type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals (interacting Weyl, arXiv)
2009.10076 : Correlated Insulating Phases in the Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Graphene, arXiv)
2009.10089 : Impurity induced double transitions for accidentally degenerate unconventional pairing states (Sigrist, arXiv)
PhysRevB.102.125139 : Thermoelectric response of nodal-line semimetals: Probing the Fermi surface topology (thermoelectric, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115427 : Se intercalation between $\mathrm{Pt}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ and the Pt surface during synthesis of $\mathrm{Pt}{\mathrm{Se}}{2}$ by direct selenization of Pt(111) (SBlugel, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104427 : Dynamics of ferromagnetic bimerons driven by spin currents and magnetic fields (bimeron, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104303 : Floquet topological phase in a generalized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric lattice (PT symmetric, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.094426 : Extrinsic spin Hall effect in inhomogeneous systems (charge-to-spin conversion, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.104109 : Observation of corner states in second-order topological electric circuits (SOTI, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.121107 : Intrinsic topological phases in ${\mathrm{Mn}}{2}{\mathrm{Bi}}{2}{\mathrm{Te}}_{5}$ tuned by the layer magnetization (Weyl, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115426 : Band structure and inter-tube optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.125427 : Effect of anisotropy on phase transitions in graphene (graphene, PRB)
PhysRevLett.125.137001 : Dynamical Order and Superconductivity in a Frustrated Many-Body System (organic SC, PRL)
2009.09670 : Classification and Distinction of Possible Insulating Phases in Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Impurity Effects (FaWang, arXiv)
2009.09621 : Thermal Hall effect from two-dimensional Schwinger-boson gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction: application to ferromagnets with in-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (BJYang, arXiv)
2009.09261 : Infrared study of the multiband low-energy excitations of the topological antiferromagnet MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ (MnBi2Te4, arXiv)
2009.08993 : Non-diagonal anisotropic quantum Hall states (CKane, arXiv)
2009.09877 : Incoherent transport in a model for the strange metal phase (Pepin, arXiv)
PhysRevB.100.174501 : Effect of dimensionality on the vortex dynamics in a type-II superconductor (NbN, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.125137 : Theory of photon condensation in a spatially varying electromagnetic field (MacDonald, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115142 : Charge transport in the Hubbard model at high temperatures: Triangular versus square lattice (Hubbard model, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.115423 : Wiedemann-Franz law in scattering theory revisited (doubleQD, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.100408 : Skyrmion and tetarton lattices in twisted bilayer graphene (ARosch, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.125424 : Lithium intercalation in ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ bilayers and implications for moir'e flat bands (MoS2, PRB)
PhysRevB.102.117101 : Comment on ``Relevance of Cu-$3d$ multiplet structure in models of high-${T}_{c}$ cuprates’’ (cuprate, PRB)
2009.08475 : Hall coefficient of semimetals (Auerbach, arXiv)
2009.08557 : Ever-present Majorana bound state in a generic one-dimensional superconductor with one Fermi surface (Trauzettel, arXiv)
2009.08597 : Shadowed Triplet Pairings in Hund’s Metals with Spin-Orbit Coupling (Kee, arXiv)
2009.08755 : Multichannel superconductivity of monolayer FeSe on SrTiO$_3$: Interplay of spin fluctuations and electron-phonon interaction (FeSe, arXiv)