weekly picks (May 5 week 2020)
PhysRevB.101.205147 : Emergence of $p+ip$ superconductivity in two-dimensional doped Dirac systems (Baskaran, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.205148 : Thermoelectric power of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands: Probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments (Sachdev, PRB)
2005.14162 : Non-linear soliton confinement in weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chains (SWCheong, arXiv)
2005.14119 : Fantastic flat bands and where to find them: The CoSn-type compounds (flatland, arXiv)
2005.13901 : First-principles study of the electronic and magnetic properties of cubic GdCu compound (Blugel, arXiv)
2005.13836 : Observation of a gapless spin liquid in a diluted Kitaev honeycomb material (KYChoi, arXiv)
2005.13729 : Nonreciprocal Magnon by Symmetric Anisotropic Exchange Interaction in Honeycomb Antiferromagnet (magnon, arXiv)
2005.13545 : Theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect in Weyl semimetals (Burkov, arXiv)
2005.14142 : Dirac-type nodal spin liquid revealed by machine learning (Imada, arXiv)
2005.13963 : Multiple odd-parity superconducting phases in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (Yanase, arXiv)
physicsv13.85 : Entering the Nickel Age of Superconductivity (Norman, physics)
PhysRevB.101.205429 : Collapse of the vacuum in hexagonal graphene quantum dots: A comparative study between tight-binding and mean-field Hubbard models (grapheneQD, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.174443 : Z 2 vortices in the ground states of classical Kitaev-Heisenberg models (Z2vortex, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.180512 : Odd-frequency superconductivity and Meissner effect in the doped topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 (Black-Schaffer, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.184432 : Resistivity minimum in diluted metallic magnets (Batista, PRB)
PhysRevLett.124.217403 : Electrically Tunable Valley Dynamics in Twisted ${\mathrm{WSe}}{2}/{\mathrm{WSe}}{2}$ Bilayers (PKim, PRL)
2005.12972 : Typical skyrmions versus bimerons: a long-distance competition in ferromagnetic racetracks (skyrmion, arXiv)
2005.12961 : Superconductivity in a doped valley coherent insulator in magic angle graphene: Goldstone-mediated pairing and Kohn-Luttinger mechanism (Zaletel, arXiv)
2005.12925 : Electrical detection of spin liquids in double moir'e layers (Vishwanath, arXiv)
2005.13507 : Unconventional Majorana fermions on the surface of topological superconductors protected by rotational symmetry (BJYang, arXiv)
2005.13488 : Vortex bound state of Kondo lattice coupled to compensated metal (vortex, arXiv)
PhysRevB.101.201410 : Linear magnetoresistance induced by intra-scattering semiclassics of Bloch electrons (QNiu, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.195146 : Magnetic structure of Cd-doped ${\mathrm{CeIrIn}}_{5}$ (heavy fermion, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.195145 : Evidence for pseudo–Jahn-Teller distortions in the charge density wave phase of 1T -TiSe2 (JahnTeller, PRB)
2005.12825 : Constructive approach for frustration-free models using Witten’s conjugation (Katsura, scipost)
2005.12399 : Dynamical signatures of quasiparticle interactions in quantum spin chains (LBalents, arXiv)
2005.12307 : Complex magnetic ordering and associated topological Hall effect in a two-dimensional metallic chiral magnet (chiralmagnet, arXiv)
2005.12608 : Systematic construction of square-root topological insulators and superconductors (Ezawa, arXiv)
2005.12285 : Exploring Strongly Interacting Gapless States: Cuprates, Pair Density Waves, and Fluctuating Superconductivity (cuprate, arXiv)
PhysRevLett.124.217201 : Coherent Transfer of Spin Angular Momentum by Evanescent Spin Waves within Antiferromagnetic NiO (AFM spin current, PRL)
physicsv13.83 : Spin Current in an Antiferromagnet is Coherent (spin current, physics)
PhysRevB.101.180408 : Quantum phase transitions in the spin-boson model: Monte Carlo method versus variational approach à la Feynman (QPT, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.174439 : Optical response of ferromagnetic materials induced by a spin gauge field at the second order (GTatara, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.195143 : Orbital corner states on breathing kagome lattices (kagome, PRB)
PhysRevB.101.180510 : Pairing glue in cuprate superconductors from the self-energy revealed via machine learning (Chubukov, PRB)
PhysRevLett.124.217202 : Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction at an Oxide/Ferromagnetic Metal Interface (PMA, PRL)
PhysRevLett.124.217001 : Interplay of the Spin Density Wave and a Possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in CeCoIn 5 in Rotating Magnetic Field (DYKim, PRL)
2005.12179 : Role of orbital selectivity on crystal structures and electronic states in BiMnO$_3$ and LaMnO$_3$ perovskites (Haule, arXiv)
2005.11961 : Charge transfer energy in iridates: a hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study (iridates, arXiv)
2005.11801 : Applying configurational complexity to the 2D Ruddlesden-Popper crystal structure (oxides, arXiv)
2005.11399 : Spin-wave excitations of an emergent skyrmion crystal in manganite-iridate oxide interfaces (iridates, arXiv)
2005.10835 : Non-equilibrium steady state phases of the interacting Aubry-Andre-Harper model (JHLee, arXiv)