weekly picks (Mar 4 week 2019)
PhysRevLett.122.117001 : Proposal for Measuring the Parity Anomaly in a Topological Superconductor Ring (JD Sau, PRL)
PhysRevB.99.121111 : Semiclassical wave packet dynamics in nonuniform electric fields (Lapa, PRB(R))
PhysRevB.99.104427 : Spin-wave stiffness and micromagnetic exchange interactions expressed by means of the KKR Green function approach (spin model, PRB)
s41586-019-1037-2 : Topological chiral crystals with helicoid-arc quantum states (Hasan, nature)
PhysRevB.99.104422 : Twists in ferromagnetic monolayers with trigonal prismatic symmetry (DMI, PRB)
s41586-019-1031-8 : Observation of unconventional chiral fermions with long Fermi arcs in CoSi (chiral fermion, nature)
1903.07052 : Emergence of Tamm states from Thouless pumping (R. Shindou, arXiv)
PhysRevB.99.094307 : Strong pseudospin-lattice coupling in Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7 : Coherent phonon anomaly and negative thermal expansion (Bilayer iridates, PRB)
PhysRevB.99.121301 : Integer quantum Hall transition on a tight-binding lattice (integer Quantum Hall transition, PRB)
1903.07223 : Theory of spin transport through antiferromagnetic insulator (G. Tatara, arXiv)
1903.08081 : Kitaev quantum spin liquid - concept and materialization (G. Khaliullin, arXiv)
1903.08081 : Thermal Hall Effect Induced by Magnon-Phonon Interactions (Di Xiao, arXiv)
PhysRevLett.122.117201 : Spectrum of Itinerant Fractional Excitations in Quantum Spin Ice (R. Moessner, PRL)
s41567-019-0457-0: Symmetry-enforced chiral hinge states and surface quantum anomalous Hall effect in the magnetic axion insulator Bi2–xSmxSe3 (Xi Dai, nature physics)
1903.06532 : A complete description of the magnetic ground state in spinel vanadates (Vanadates ELK, arXiv)
1903.06264 : Magnetically Switchable Light-Matter Interaction in the Two-Dimensional Magnet CrI3 (Nagaosa, Binghai, arXiv)
nphys4117 : Topological triplon modes and bound states in a Shastry–Sutherland magnet (triplon modes, nature physics)